mrvn_ | moin. | 11:26 |
mrvn_ | How do I tell upstart to stop foo before rc is stopped but only for runlevels 0 and 6? | 11:27 |
mrvn_ | With "stop on ((starting rc and runlevel [!2345]) or runlevel [2345])" in foo why does rc no longer start? | 12:46 |
mbiebl | mrvn_: is that starting rc or stopping rc? | 13:02 |
mrvn_ | starting. | 13:14 |
mrvn_ | The system comes up, starts foo and rc stays stuck in "starting" and getties don't appear. | 13:15 |
mbiebl | mrvn_: you said: " before rc is stopped" | 13:15 |
mrvn_ | rc is started on every runlevel change. | 13:16 |
mrvn_ | The background is that we start a kvm instance on boot and stop it on reboot. But while the kvm instance is shutting down the rc job kills all processes. | 13:16 |
mrvn_ | The rc job has to be delayed until the kvm job has finished stoping. | 13:17 |
mrvn_ | It looks like the above statement makes the rc job wait for a "stoped foo" event but for runlevel=2 that never comes. | 13:24 |
mbiebl | mrvn_: right stop on starting foo, will block foo until the job is stopped | 13:30 |
mrvn_ | But "stop on ((starting rc and runlevel [!2345]) or runlevel [2345])" in foo makes rc block. | 13:31 |
mrvn_ | Is there a way to emit an event and wait till all jobs waiting for that event have finished processing it? | 13:36 |
mrvn_ | Is there a command to simulate what upstart would do for an event? | 14:09 |
mbiebl | mrvn_: haven't tested, if that works: stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[06] | 14:27 |
mrvn_ | will do later. Need to finish something with higher priority currently. | 14:29 |
mrvn_ | mbiebl: Thanks, works. | 14:58 |
=== ev_ is now known as ev |
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