[01:07] bratsche: what do I need to do for murrine+rgba? === wgrant_ is now known as wgrnat === wgrnat is now known as wgrant === DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit [08:40] bratsche: ping [09:04] davidbarth: ping === Cimi_ is now known as Cimi [09:27] Cimi: png [09:27] Cimi: hey, what is creating issues in the PPA? gtk itself or the connman or zeitgeist packages? [09:33] gtk [09:33] my maverick installation is totally destroyed [09:33] I have just a terminal :) [09:36] argh I hate that [09:40] safuck [09:41] let me check [09:42] I guess I'll need to reinstall everything [09:48] davidbarth: help me :( [09:53] Cimi: you may have to [09:54] Cimi: do you have a lucid machine somewhere for the other changes [09:54] Cimi: i can work with you on the dbusmenu changes for example [09:54] davidbarth: I have a lucid installation [09:54] while you re-install your maverick system [09:54] ok cool [09:54] no [09:54] it's in my netbook :( [09:55] maverick or lucid [09:55] for the dbusmenu change, I've tried patching genericmenuitem_Set_icon [09:55] oh dual boot [09:55] ok [09:55] with gtk_menu_item_set_image ... [09:55] (something like that) [09:56] * davidbarth looks into the code [09:56] but it doesn't display anythink [09:57] hmm [09:58] it should be similar to the one ted added for the messaging menu [09:58] restarting to lucid [09:59] there is this get_hpadding helper [09:59] Cimi: ok, see you in a minute [10:01] in lucid ;) [10:42] Cimi: ok, checked the package; the dependencies are broken or something [10:43] Cimi: let's put that argb on hold until bratsche and kenvandine are back [10:43] Cimi: on dbusmenu, did you see the get_hpadding funciton? [10:44] davidbarth: it's not padding the main issue [10:44] if we don't have the icons [11:04] Cimi: so what's the thing to fix to match the mockups? icon positioning [11:04] Cimi: or the hbox container itself? [11:05] (looking at your msg-menu patch in the meantime) [11:10] Cimi: i don't have the part of the patch where you adjusted the layout, just the triangle [11:11] Cimi: but actually the triangle could go directly into the genericmenuitem part [11:17] davidbarth: sorry I detached the irc sreen session :) [11:17] so [11:17] davidbarth: can you make sure you assign the gsd bug to me asap [11:17] klattimer: hi [11:17] davidbarth: basically, the previous layour in the indicator-mexxage was [11:17] klattimer: gsd bug? you mean the porting task? [11:17] yeah [11:18] | triangle (in the space assigned to the menuitem icon) | HBOX with icon and label [11:18] with my patch is [11:18] | icon | label | [11:19] and triangle is drawn in the meuitem expose event [11:19] I thought that if we wanted to align dbusmenuitem on the left we need to move set the menuitem icon to the application icon [11:19] and remove the hbox [11:21] klattimer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/599844 is all yours now [11:21] Launchpad bug 599844 in Ayatana Ubuntu "Port the keyboard indicator in gsd to use the app. indicator protocol (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Medium,Incomplete] [11:22] cool [11:22] :) [11:24] Cimi: ok [11:27] Cimi: so. in genericmenuitem terms [11:27] yes [11:27] the hbox would be suppressed [11:28] but that sounds wrong to me [11:28] not suppressed [11:28] just remove the icon from the hbox [11:28] if you remove the icon from the hbox, the hbox will continue to work and be available [11:30] Cimi: can you send me back the msg-menu mockup btw? it is still not clear whether we cover all cases in this case [11:31] Cimi: because the left column is only supposed to contain checkboxes or radioboxes, but not generic menuitem icons [11:32] in fact [11:32] Cimi: but still, the msg menu design calls for having a small triangle very close to the Broadcast icon for example, and that would take the place of the checkboxes for axample [11:32] that's why I thought to overriding dbusmenu in indicator-messages [11:33] davidbarth: email sent [11:35] Cimi: ok, thanks [11:35] Cimi: so the mockup is wrong, or doesn't match mpt's definition [11:36] Cimi: let's try to secure the rounded counter then, because that can go independently of the rest [11:36] Cimi: can you make a branch with just this change first [11:37] Cimi: upload the branch, and propose it for merging into indicator-messages [11:37] ok [11:37] so [11:37] triangle on the left [11:37] Cimi: i'm calling otto to try to re-clarify that with him [11:37] plus rounded counter? [11:37] Cimi: not even the triangle, just the nice rounded corner you added [11:37] will do but just reading the code [11:37] Cimi: the rounded counter is on an expose handler, right? [11:38] I can't test it because of no maverick installation working [11:38] so to land the triangle rendering, it's just a question of adding more to the handler that will already be in trunk [11:38] I'll do in lucid [11:38] Cimi: i'll test it when doing the code review anyway [11:38] cool [11:39] Cimi: do you have mpt's wireframe paper with you btw? could you make a snapshot with your phone and send that to me as well? [11:39] it's in the haydn room I guess :D [11:57] davidbarth: done [12:04] davidbarth: another idea [12:04] instead using cairo to draw the triangle [12:04] I could use cairo+expose event to place the icon on the left [12:05] so that the icon can be fully themed with the icon theme [12:22] Cimi: can you ping me to test the menu rendering please? [12:23] davidbarth: ? [12:24] i didn't get your name rendered next to the rounded counter [12:25] mmm [12:25] did you restarted the panel? [12:25] davidbarth: [12:26] Cimi: i did [12:27] something may be wrong in my patch then [12:27] Cimi: and that new ping was rendered without your name on the line, just the counter, left aligned btw [12:27] sshot? [12:27] Cimi: doing that now [12:29] looks like I removed the label :) [12:30] Cimi: yeah, gtk_label_new [12:31] davidbarth: pushed :) [12:31] Cimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/indicator-messages/right-rounded-numbers/+merge/31262 [12:31] see comments on argument checks to add too [12:32] it's the first time I write callbacks so I'm completely new on them [12:33] Cimi: great, now it works [12:33] davidbarth: if you could patch and push the right version I can learn ;) [12:34] well, they will be evaled at run time only, so don't use g_return_if_fail, but rather simple checks like if (x == NULL) return [12:34] or better, do some typechecking on gobjects, so that even a dirty pointer can be controled a bit more thoroughly [12:34] Cimi: ok, i'll give that a try [12:37] Cimi: ok, i commented on the code review page with a patch you can add and push [12:38] Cimi: i can't push to this branch directly [12:39] ok [12:41] davidbarth: pushed [12:41] Cimi: great [12:55] * Cimi eating [13:24] * Cimi food finished :D [13:52] Cimi: i should have a call with otto at 3pm (CET) to clarify what we can already land for a3 [13:53] nice [13:53] davidbarth: do you want to setup a conference? [13:57] Cimi: once the time is set, yes, to have you on the call as well [13:58] davidbarth: 3pm is in 2 minutes? [14:01] Cimi: it's postponed for a bit, i'll ping you back on that in particular [14:16] Cimi: hey can you take a look at the updated drawing (on the right)? [14:17] Cimi: the triangle code you have should already do exactly that [14:17] davidbarth: what do you mean? [14:17] kind of [14:17] Cimi: maybe the triangle should be enlarged a bit [14:17] but mostly, that would work [14:18] as I said, we could have two different solutions [14:18] and not require further re-alignment of either the msg-menu items or dbusmenu at the same time [14:18] 1) drawing with cairo [14:18] 2) using cairo to place the icon on the left [14:18] with icon I mean the current triangle icon [14:19] how would option 2) work? [14:19] you move the current "cursor" [14:19] and let the icon drawing code render from here? [14:20] I draw using cairo [14:20] but [14:20] instead drawing with the vectorial api [14:20] I will get the pixbuf and place it on a surface [14:21] the advantage is that it is themeable [14:21] the downside is that you might have problems with different colors in themes [14:22] another downside is that it won't scale maybe with different font dimensions (or yes, it could scale but not like a pure vectorial code) [14:22] Cimi: the version you have implements option #1 right? [14:23] y [14:23] Cimi: to make it more themeable, you could also retrieve some properties (if you don't already) to at least use some theme colors [14:24] for the rest i'm not sure i see which benefits option #2 would bring wrt to themability [14:24] davidbarth: I'm already checking he colors [14:24] Cimi: then that sounds fine to me [14:24] ok I'll open a new branch [14:24] just for the triangle [14:24] Cimi: i think the last step is to get some signoff from design on that rendering [14:24] Cimi: right [14:25] Cimi: maybe that'll require some adjustment for the size of the triangle, but apart from that, that should be fine for landing today too [14:32] Cimi: one note: there should be a way to have the triangle have either a normal (gray) color, or an active/highlighted color (green, to go with the green envelope) [14:32] Cimi: are there style properties you'd recommend to use to have that stylable in a way consistent with the rest of the style property hiearchy? [14:35] mmm [14:35] (davidbarth pushed anyway the first version) [14:35] davidbarth: maybe not, I don't know [14:36] we can't use selected color [14:36] because it is already used for the selected menuitem [14:36] please test the branch, can't test here [14:36] and tell me if the dimension is ok [14:36] otto liked it [14:43] Cimi: ok, doing that now [14:51] Cimi: ok it renders the triangle [14:51] Cimi: the returns must return a FALSE or the compiler cries [14:52] Cimi: the other icon is still thre [14:52] Cimi: and so utlimately it means we need to de-construct what ted did with the hboxes and so on [14:52] Cimi: because they would not be needed anymore, as the triangle is an overlay [14:53] Cimi: let me try the removal of the hbox code, that is tied to the specific menu item [15:00] davidbarth: yeah that's true [15:00] I forgot it [15:03] davidbarth: which return must return fals? [15:12] davidbarth: and what about the conference call [15:12] ? [15:17] Cimi: no ping yet on the call [15:17] Cimi: i have fiddled a bit with the icon size to bring that closer to otto's design [15:17] davidbarth: ok [15:17] Cimi: no ping yet on the call [15:17] Cimi: i have fiddled a bit with the icon size to bring that closer to otto's design [15:17] i received it [15:18] (in case that didn't pass, ah good) [15:18] Cimi: the horizontal-padding property that is used for the icon + label layout [15:18] Cimi: is that something that can be adjusted as well? [15:19] Cimi: ie, if we were to not add padding to the left side of the icon, that would bring it closer to the left border (and the triangle) [15:19] and still align with entries with only text or? [15:20] one sec [15:20] I'm tired, need to re-read it :) [15:21] I did not understand [15:21] mainly because I don't have the app running so I can't know what's wrong [15:22] Cimi: hmm, sory, not that's not a good idea [15:22] Cimi: we need to add the same padding to both text or icon + text entries, or that won't align of course [15:23] davidbarth: sshot? [15:25] * Cimi needs to sleep 10 mins or his mind will blow up [15:29] Cimi: hang on, coming back in ~20min after an internal meeting [15:29] Cimi: (not on design) [16:08] davidbarth: updates? [16:13] davidbarth: received [16:29] Cimi: kenvandine updated the gtk package if you want to try again [16:29] Cimi: see the steps with ken if you want to recover from the past change maybe [16:30] i think just install ubuntu-desktop should do it [16:30] Cimi: chaotic is saying the changes are ok to go in, i'm adjusting a variable with him and will push the changes bakc for you to resubmit [16:30] but i think njpatel found installing fresh was easier [16:37] will do tomorrow [16:37] davidbarth: ok, i'm here [16:37] what about the conference call? [16:38] not needed anymore? [16:43] davidbarth: lol, you don't read me just because you need the nice rounded counter on the right :P [16:43] Cimi: ok sweet, chaotic is happy with the triangle, we adjusted that a bit to accomodate for the gap between them and the icon [16:43] Cimi: sort of yes ;) [16:43] lol [16:43] Cimi: on the rounded counters [16:44] yep [16:44] Cimi: could you try to have the font 1 or 2 points smaller? [16:44] i guess it takes a few gtk calls to adjust that [16:44] it should [16:44] but i did not reach it [16:44] would you know where to hit in the right spot? [16:45] davidbarth: read lines 567-569 [16:45] Cimi: i'm there [16:45] sorry 567-568 [16:45] it didn't work [16:45] just trying to find out where to attack [16:45] oh, sorry the pango calls [16:50] Cimi: what about something like gtk_widget_modify_style? [16:50] for what? [16:50] the only idea I have in my mind is using cairo_scale [16:51] and try to see if it will work [16:53] Cimi: can you ping me again, please? [16:55] davidbarth: no :P [16:57] thanks [16:58] davidbarth: does cairo_scale work? [16:58] Cimi: dunno, where? [16:58] in numbers_draw_cb [16:59] before drawing everything [16:59] you should try a transformation [16:59] Cimi: oh i see [17:00] davidbarth: like cairo_scale (cr, 0.8, 0.8); [17:01] not sure if we need 1.2 or 0.8 :) [17:01] Cimi: well, i'd rather stabilize the code for the release today and note the optimizations for later next week [17:01] Cimi: during your sprint in London [17:02] Cimi: atm i'm just trying to see if there is an easy way to get the font size different, but that may take a while, so i'll just push back my branch and please re-submit it once received [17:02] Cimi: then i'll roll a few tarballs for the desktop folks to get something better into A3 for now [17:02] ok [17:05] Cimi: lp:~dbarth/indicator-messages/style-rehash-for-cimi [17:06] Cimi: just merge back in your existing branch and i'll finish validating the merge proposal [17:10] davidbarth: pushed [17:21] Cimi: merged in, thanks [17:31] chaotic: did you take the latest theme? [17:31] I have seen you removed the snapshot of the 28 from the shared folder [17:35] I've been looking at it today - it's getting there :) [17:36] chaotic: why you removed it? [17:36] hmmm weird - didn't mean to remove it - one second [17:38] it's back - I thought I'd copied it, but I had moved it by accident, sorry [17:41] chaotic: is the theme ok? [17:42] cimi: it's looking good and I'm looking forward to refining it further next week [17:44] chaotic: will it go in alpha3? [17:44] Cimi: no [17:44] Cimi: we need to do a bit more to it plus we still need to create the radiance equivalent [17:44] ok [17:44] Cimi: shouldn't take long though [17:45] no [17:45] we must refine the window borders for example [17:45] for me they look out of place [17:46] Cimi: they may change slightly but not much [17:46] Cimi: not sure if we should go more with the newer idea I had [17:48] Cimi: have to go to a team meeting and I am on holiday tomorrow but I look forward to seeing you next week [18:01] chaotic: see you on monday for lunch [18:01] chaotic: get food for me :) [18:01] I will arrive at 12:30-13 of monday [18:54] Cimi: going out, but let me know if you managed to get the argb package running, we'll continue tomorrow [18:54] cheers === DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit === DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit