=== satellit__ is now known as satellit__afk === satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk [03:26] * dipankar says hello to all [03:26] lfaraone, around? [03:30] dipankar: yessir. [03:30] lfaraone, I got something in flipsticks activity [03:30] dipankar: oh? [03:30] lfaraone, alsroot told that the toolkit dependency is missing [03:31] lfaraone, he mentioned the following: [03:31] " [03:31] Looks like package does not contain toolkit dependency. [03:31] Anyway toolkit is out-dated and will be replaced by polyol. For now, you [03:31] can use "fully-bundled" brnach on [03:31] " [03:32] alsroot: do you mean python-sugar-toolkit? [03:42] lfaraone, meanwhile can you help me with this last lintian warning? [03:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/470501/ [03:42] The package is Sugar Log Activity [03:43] dipankar: okay. did you declare DEB_SUGAR_BRANCHES in debian/rules and regen control? [03:44] lfaraone, yup. here is the rules file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470502/ [04:00] dipankar: you changed the name of the package in rules to sugar-log-activity-0.86 but didn't make the change to the control or changelog files. [04:02] lfaraone, actually I had confusion over that. [04:03] lfaraone, in the changelog: the first entry is of some other name [04:05] lfaraone, shall I keep this too in the changelog: [04:05] " [04:05] sugar-log-activity (6-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low [04:05] * Initial upload to Ubuntu [04:05] -- Jani Monoses Sat, 08 Dec 2007 21:51:00 +0200 [04:05] " [04:06] I had the doubt that we are uploading the package to Debian, but this entry is for Ubuntu [04:11] lfaraone, now I am having these warnings: [04:11] " [04:11] Now running lintian... [04:11] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86 source: package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper 5 [04:11] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code mvo [04:11] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code pis [04:11] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code tzo [04:11] Finished running lintian. [04:11] " [04:12] dipankar: wellm, the package is based off the Ubuntu version, right? [04:12] dipankar: so it's probably okay to leave the ubuntu changes in there. [04:12] ok [04:12] dipankar: I think both those warnings have been discussed on the mailing list. [04:13] ok, I will go through the mails [04:14] .dipankar: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.laptop.olpc.debian.devel/22 [04:14] dipankar: * rather, you want to read http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.laptop.olpc.debian.devel/226 [04:15] thanks, I was looking for ankur's query only. [05:18] lfaraone, Thanks for the link [05:19] dipankar: happy to help. [05:19] lfaraone, I also found the mail in which you discussed about the first warning with Jonas [05:19] lfaraone, i guess you would be going to bed now [05:20] dipankar: yep, let me know if you have any questions and I'll get to them in the morning. [05:20] I will make changes in the package and add it for review then but evening (IST) [05:20] See you soon [05:20] :) [05:20] Goodnight [12:01] Manusheel, good morning [12:02] dfarning: Good morning. [13:26] dipankar: Hi Dipankar. [13:26] Around? [13:27] Manusheel, Hello Sir [13:27] dipankar: Hello. Thanks for the e-mail to Luke. [13:28] Where do we have a confusion? [13:28] Manusheel, Initially Luke told me to ask Neeraj what he did for the 0.86 & 0.88 compatibility [13:29] dipankar: Ok. [13:29] when I asked him, he told me to change the .orig tar ball names [13:29] in pristine tar branch [13:29] dipankar: Yes. [13:29] That needs to be renamed. [13:29] I have done that [13:30] dipankar: Let me send you some documentation that Kandarp and Neeraj prepared. [13:30] I hope that helps. [13:30] ok. That will be helpful. That might answer to my my question "Why we need to rename it there?" [13:32] afternoon. [13:33] lfaraone: Good afternoon. [13:33] dipankar: well, dpkg expects that there is a source tarball which matches the pattern _.orig.tar.{gz, bz2, lzma} in the directory immediately above the unpacked package source. [13:33] hey lfaraone, good morning [13:33] dipankar: and pristine-tar is happy to oblidge by generating such a tarball using the stored tarball information it carrys in the git pristine-tar branch. [13:33] dipankar: thanks. [13:34] dipankar: so when it notices that it can't find such a file, either because you haven't imported the tarball or becasue the tarball name does not match the package name, it errors out. [13:34] lfaraone, if you could pull in my pristine branch of log activity: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-log-activity.git;a=shortlog [13:35] There are two different names in the pristine branch [13:36] lfaraone, I am getting these in listing: [13:36] " [13:36] dipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/sugar-log-activity$ ls [13:36] debian [13:36] locale [13:36] sugar-logviewer-activity_23.orig.tar.bz2.delta [13:36] sugar-logviewer-activity_23.orig.tar.bz2.id [13:36] sugar-logviewer-activity_6.orig.tar.gz.delta [13:36] sugar-logviewer-activity_6.orig.tar.gz.id [13:36] " [13:37] dipankar: right. why do you think there are two files each with each listed version? [13:38] or even two versions at all. [13:38] lfaraone: Will it be possible for you to review record, jigsaw puzzle and irc? [13:38] Manusheel: Yes. [13:38] lfaraone: Thank you. Appreciate your support. [13:40] lfaraone, is it due to different extension? I am not sure though [13:40] But that doesn't make sense [13:40] :( [13:40] lfaraone, is it due to the fact that I imported v23 in the existing v6 of the activity? [13:41] dipankar: yeah. [13:42] lfaraone, Then I made some mistake in importing :( [13:42] dipankar: there's no real reason to remove the old versions, since they take up almost zero disk space as is. [13:42] dipankar: no, that's not a problem to have more than one. [13:42] lfaraone, then they are supposed to be coming like this only? [13:43] I mean when I further upgrade, they will keep on adding the tar balls? [13:43] dipankar: take a look at the pristine-tar branch of sugar-0.88 [13:44] dipankar: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/pristine-tar;hb=pristine-tar [13:44] * ohk I get it. [13:44] HUGE list [13:45] dipankar: yeah. the reason you're getting an error is because there's no sugar-logviewer-activity-0.86_23.orig.tar.bz2.{delta,id}. [13:45] lfaraone, shall I rename it then? [13:46] dipankar: so the easiest way is to git mv the files (only of the latest version, mind you, no real need to touch the other two) to the "proper" name. [13:46] *I remember changing it though [13:46] dipankar: yes. I think there's a post by me that covers that on one of the lists. [13:47] lfaraone: Did you get a chance to look at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-sugarteam/2010-July/002015.html? Is there a tutorial on syncing Debian packages to Ubuntu 10.10? [13:47] lfaraone: We would like to get started on it. [13:47] lfaraone, Now I remember. I was having a confusion whether to put version number in the name! [13:48] Manusheel: I have not looked at it yet, but looking at it now, it's a very good example of a sync request. Granted, the explanation could be a bit more... explanaining, but c'est la vie. [13:49] lfaraone: Yes, it is indeed a good example of sync request. Some more explanation would be hellpful. [13:50] Manusheel: I talked to kandarpk about it yesterday, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/28/%23ubuntu-sugarteam.html#t17:05 [13:51] Manusheel: but, in all honesty, 'requestsync' makes it so dead simple that there's not much space to mess up :) [13:51] lfaraone: Thank you. This is a very good starting point. [13:52] lfaraone: yes :-) Completely agree. [13:53] lfaraone, just a question: The activity name was changed to Log from Logviewer. So, shouldn't I change it to : sugar-log-activity-0.86_23.orig.tar.bz2.{delta,id}. [13:53] dipankar: yes. [13:53] ok [13:55] lfaraone, how do I commit these changes? -- Return back to master branch and run " git commit -a"? [13:56] dipankar: no, you'll commit them in the pristine-tar branch. [13:56] ok [13:56] dipankar: since it's a git mv command, the changes area automatically staged, so you don't need to use -a [13:56] oops I missed git in git mv :( [13:57] then I think I need to run git commit -a [14:00] lfaraone, I have pushed the changes to git repo [14:00] dipankar: does the package build? [14:01] just a sec [14:01] oh no. It didnot work === satellit__afk is now known as satellit__ [14:03] lfaraone, here is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470692/ [14:04] I tried running "clean command" [14:04] but also didn't work [14:09] dipankar: what does "git rm debian/sugar-log-activity -r" do for you? [14:09] lfaraone, the o/p: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470695/ [14:11] dipankar: cool, somehow those files got added. git commit that and try building again. [14:12] lfaraone, how come they were there? I ran "fakeroot debian/rules clean" :( [14:12] before building package [14:13] dipankar: because those files are from an interrupted pacakage build, they should have been automatically removed. [14:14] lfaraone, still the same: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470696/ [14:14] dipankar: no, it's different. [14:14] dipankar: in this case, the only real error is line 5. [14:14] ok :) [14:14] dipankar: it's saying you have a binary file which shouldn't be there. [14:15] lfaraone, there are two files in the tree source though [14:16] http://paste.ubuntu.com/470699/ [14:16] lfaraone, ^^ the {delta,id} files shouldn't be here I guess [14:16] the were originally not there [14:17] dipankar: right. they're supposed to be in the pristine-tar only [14:17] yeah [14:17] lfaraone, shall I remove them then? [14:18] dipankar: yes. [14:20] lfaraone, great! now it is running [14:21] lfaraone, btw did you get a chance to check the e-mail I sent today? It was regarding the lintian warnings only [14:22] i am still getting these: [14:22] " [14:22] Now running lintian... [14:22] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86 source: package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper 5 [14:22] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code mvo [14:22] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code pis [14:22] W: sugar-log-activity-0.86: unknown-locale-code tzo [14:22] Finished running lintian. [14:22] " [14:22] lfaraone, From the mails and links, I think I can safely ignore them. [14:22] dipankar: yes. [14:24] lfaraone, shall I assume, the Log-activity is now properly packaged? [14:24] :P [14:25] dipankar: you know what they say about when you assume... [14:25] :) [14:26] lfaraone, ohk :) I have marked it for review on Sugar/tasks [14:30] lfaraone, Now I should move to Flipsticks-activity [14:30] alsroot, hi, you around? [14:31] dipankar: yup [14:32] alsroot, it would be great if you could explain you reply a bit more to the flipsticks startup problem query... [14:32] " [14:32] Looks like package does not contain toolkit dependency. [14:32] Anyway toolkit is out-dated and will be replaced by polyol. For now, you [14:32] can use "fully-bundled" brnach on [14:32] " [14:33] alsroot, lfaraone was asking about whether it is python-sugar-toolkit. [14:34] dipankar: the thing is, I was experimenting w/ 0sugar e.g. tried to create "smart" bundles (they contained 0isntall implementations per arch etc.) and toolkit (not python-sugar-toolkit) dependency was bundled in such way [14:37] ..for now, you can just use fully-bundled branch or tarball to follow regular packaging procedures (w/o any 0sugar) [14:37] alsroot, I actually used the tarball, debianized the folder and then tried building the package [14:38] the package builds properly [14:38] but the activity after installation doesn't work [14:39] dipankar: right, because it depends on something that isn't packaged yet. [14:39] dipankar: so alsroot is suggesting to instead source your work from a branch which contains the something, embedded. [14:39] alsroot: is it infeasable to package the toolkit separately, not worth doing, or what? [14:40] lfaraone: toolkit dependecy is obsolete and will be replaced by the same polyol [14:40] lfaraone, dfarning: Good morning [14:40] dipankar: hi [14:40] kandarpk: so, for now, it will be easier to use just bundled version [14:40] lfaraone: ^ [14:40] kandarpk, hi :) [14:41] alsroot: right, makes sense. should we hold off on flipsticks until then, rather than embed a bundled version? [14:41] hey kandarpk . [14:41] alsroot: hi [14:41] * lfaraone thinks that might be the best route. [14:42] lfaraone: have you updated the initial-debianization tarball ? [14:42] kandarpk: no, I haven't. [14:42] kandarpk: personally, although the tarball is a good start, I usually like to begin from the debian/ of an existing package that does what I want already. [14:43] lfaraone: Ok, but weren't you planning to update it ? [14:43] lfaraone: the thing is, polyol, itself, is not yet released, and its python API is different, I was planing to support current API only in polyol-2 (i.e. not right tomorrow :) [14:44] lfaraone: I've to document the steps involved in packaging [14:44] alsroot: okay, well, no rush. [14:44] dfarning: rather than bundling toolkit, I think it might be a good idea just to hold off on flipsticvks. [14:45] lfaraone, I guess that was for me ^^ [14:45] :P [14:46] dfarning: thoughts? [14:46] dfarning: well, I'm asking dfarning whether he's okay with taht. [14:46] ok [14:59] * dipankar is away: Be Right Back [14:59] good morning [14:59] was someone looking for me? [15:02] * ankur_ says net connectivity is not good due to rains and might get disconnected [15:02] hi lfaraone [15:03] around>? [15:03] alsroot: yes. [15:04] lfaraone, well i needed to do some changes to irc activity [15:04] ankur_: okay. [15:05] what i need to do is now to undo the change made [15:05] to [15:05] git [15:05] package [15:05] uh? [15:05] actually i did some changes to source code by changing execute bits of four file [15:07] ankur_: right, that's not terrible. you can undo it easily. [15:09] * dipankar is back (gone 00:10:51) [15:10] * dipankar suggests ankur_ to get some other isp [15:10] lfaraone, so we have to halt on flipsticks? [15:12] dipankar: I guess so, for now. [15:12] lfaraone, any other activity that needs attention? I can help in that. [15:17] lfaraone, plus one to flipsticks [15:17] lfaraone, plus one to flipsticks [15:20] dfarning: mk. [15:20] dipankar: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I don't have anything for you at the moment :) [15:20] ohk :) [15:32] * lfaraone is taking a 15 minute brunch. [15:38] * lfaraone returned. [15:39] dipankar, are you out of things to work on? [15:39] dipankar, are you out of things to work on? [15:40] dfarning, I am helping ankur with paint-activity and also starting with documentation on packaging activities [15:40] very weird I am using ubuntu 10.10 and xchat sometime douple posts things:) [15:40] I thought ankur could use a helping hand [15:40] :) [15:41] dfarning, yeah, i was also observing that. Pretty weird [15:41] dipankar, very nice as soon as possiable we should move the documentaion on packaging activities to the wiki [15:42] sure [15:42] dfarning: re surf, surf depends on python-gi, but when python-gi is installed sugar-emulator crashes. [15:43] dipankar, thanks we want every one to benifit from the documentation you guys are writing. [15:43] lfaraone, what looks like the best way forward? [15:44] dfarning: file a bug against sugar and hope there's someone smart enough to know the solution :) [15:45] lfaraone, +1 and can you ask rgs_ to look at it. he is on a hacker retreat so can dig into hard problems like this:) [15:46] will do. [15:46] lfaraone, thanks [15:49] dfarning: bug reported, should be arriving in mailboxes soonish. [15:49] rgs_: poke. [15:49] lfaraone, dfarning : Ankur's internet is giving trouble due to the heavy rains that took place here [15:49] dipankar: yeah, he told me. [15:49] * He told me to convey this msg :) [15:51] dipankar, thanks it will take a while to work out the kinks as people move and go mack to school. [15:51] dfarning: don't worry, you'll have me for another month [15:51] lfaraone, thanks [15:51] dfarning, yeah . lfaraone is here to handle the things :P [15:51] just kidding [15:52] We just need sometime to work things out [15:52] :) [15:52] Then we will back in full [15:54] lfaraone, you mentioned shell.log attached in the mail in mailing list. But I didn't find any. [15:54] do I need to open any link to get that shell.log? [15:54] dipankar: oops, thanks for the catch. [15:55] np, glad I went through the mail [15:57] * lfaraone is off, talk to you in the PM. [16:08] kandarpk: Hi kandarp. [16:08] Around [16:08] ? [16:08] manusheel sir: yes sir. [16:09] kandarpk: Did you get a chance to talk to Dipankar and Neeraj on figuring out how to request for review at tasks page? [16:11] manusheel sir: Sir, I got it myself, just had to add some comment after making changes. [16:11] manusheel sir: I've added info. regarding speak there [16:13] kandarpk: Great. [16:13] That is neat. [16:47] lfaraone: Hi Luke. [16:47] Around? [16:48] neeraj: Hi Neeraj. [16:48] Around? [16:53] manusheel sir: yes [16:53] neeraj: Did we test hello mesh package? [16:53] What were the results? [16:55] manusheel: I asked kandarp sir whether he knew how to connect our sugar and test the package.. [16:55] dipankar: Do u have ny idea how can we do that? [16:57] dipankar: around? [17:02] neeraj: Send an e-mail to Tomeu about it. [17:02] Copy Dipankar, me and Kandarp on it. [17:04] neeraj: I would like you to get familiar with two things today - [17:04] Ubuntu bug tracker. [17:05] 2. v [17:05] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess [17:05] manusheel, please cc the sugar team mailing list. Tomeu would prefer to answer questions on public lists rather than private mails. [17:06] manusheel sir: Ok.. I will leave for dinner now and look at the above two things.. [17:06] brb in 10-15 min === neeraj is now known as neeraj_afk [17:08] dfarning: +1 [17:08] Thank you for the pointer. [17:11] Please let me know. [17:11] lfaraone: Did you get a chance to review Record, jigsaw puzzle and IRC today? [17:13] lfaraone: interesting. will look into it later. === neeraj_afk_ is now known as neeraj_afk [17:34] * dipankar is back from dinner [17:34] manusheel, Sir, I was off to have dinner === neeraj_afk is now known as neeraj [17:35] neeraj, you around [17:35] ? [17:35] dipankar: yes [17:36] neeraj, what were you asking? [17:36] regarding connecting the activity.. [17:37] dipankar: I was saying that do u know how we can share activity online? [17:37] activities running in our sugar-emulator [17:37] neeraj, its the same with every activity [17:37] : [17:37] there will be a circle with one dot in it [17:37] on the top menu [17:37] in the activity [17:38] dipankar: yes but if u share an activity [17:38] click on it and check the neighbourhood option [17:38] ok [17:38] then how can I see it?.. we need to be connected to same server.. no? [17:39] yup [17:40] dipankar: lets try using this http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Community_Jabber_Servers [17:40] for that we need to be on same server [17:41] neeraj_, use the first one: [17:41] jabber.laptop.org [17:42] I am on the ^^ server through emulator. [17:44] dipankar, I have also added this server [17:45] but I see nobody! [17:45] neeraj_, are you finding anybody online? [17:45] manusheel, lets package exelearning for debain and ubutu it should be pretty straight forward. [17:46] manusheel, the source is at http://exelearning.org/wiki [17:59] dipankar, no.. [18:00] neeraj_, I need to head to bed [18:00] * dipankar says good night and great day to all [22:44] manusheel: I didn't review IRC because no review was requested. [22:53] lfaraone can you take a look at EXE learning and see if it would be possiable to package? http://exelearning.org/wiki [22:54] * lfaraone looks. [22:54] * lfaraone will be back, going on the rocks.