[16:58] http://twitter.com/undacuvabrutha/status/19835388234 [16:58] UDS-N has been annonced [17:04] :( Not in a country I can visit [17:05] I can, though ☺ [17:05] wrong side of the country, but still [17:05] time zone will make it a lot easier for me to participate remotely [17:06] wait! maybe if I fly to Cuba and get citizenship, then swim my butt to Florida... [17:07] I will be granted asylum [17:07] The plan is perfect. [17:07] NOTHING CAN GO WRONG! [17:09] IdleOne: wait the US isnt a country you can visit as a canadian? [17:09] IdleOne: didnt you used to live here? [17:10] maco: long story, but yes [17:10] did you get deported back to canuckistan? [17:10] I did [17:11] well not exactly [17:11] in essence [17:11] like I said, long story [17:12] czajkowski: where'd that person get the info? [17:12] jono hasnt blogged it yet [17:13] undacovabrutha /is/ the info. Robbie the release manager [17:13] maco: and it is right :-) [17:13] AlanBell: i know its right. someone else at canonical told me it an hour ago [17:13] oh that's robbie's? [17:14] I thought Steve Langasek was the release manager :\ [17:14] someone else let it slip last week [17:14] twitter's a funny place to announce something like that [17:14] rww: oops, he is the platform lead [17:15] * IdleOne waits for an official announcement [17:17] rww: From your statement I assume you plan on going to UDS? [17:20] rww: robbie sets the dates http://old.nabble.com/UDS-11.04,-11.10-and-12.04-dates-td28811471.html [17:20] I mean IdleOne: [17:22] IdleOne: I'm hoping to, yeah [17:23] it isn't in hurricane season or anything is it? [17:23] no hurricane season will be over by then [17:28] * maco finds it odd that itd be announced on a proprietary platform like twitter instead of an open one [17:29] well, twitter reaches more people [17:30] hmm, orlando, that's better than rumored miami [17:30] I have family there, might actually be possible to do family+uds trip [17:30] then cross-post! [17:30] I wonder if it will be at the home of the mouse [17:31] but twitter certainly doesnt reach a decent portion of the free software community, as a decent portion of us refuse to use it [17:31] AlanBell: haha, I'd totally go then, quit my job [17:31] I have been to a conference in the Swan and Dolphin resort [17:31] maco: it's really a hassle to maintain two accounts and keep nicks straight on both, for me it's not a matter of "refusing" it's "I can't be bothered" [17:32] * AlanBell can't be bothered with Identi.ca either [17:32] but really, it should be announced on planet ubuntu [17:32] I can't be bothered with twitter, so I guess I balance one of you out ;P [17:32] not spread through the twitter rumour mill [17:33] reallly... on the Fridg [17:33] *Fridge [17:33] I would have thought they would turn this on as the announcement http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/ [17:33] as opposed to the usual "oh well jono said it on his blog" ... cuz i think uds announcements are the main reason i /havent/ setup a filter that strips jono's posts from planet ubuntu before reaching my RSS reader [17:36] yeah, it should be announced all over the place [17:38] aloha [17:38] hi czajkowski [17:38] greeting from ubuntu hour limerick [17:39] http://twitgoo.com/1evwpf [17:39] I should have sent the family over to join you there! [17:39] heh, I think we have the same netbook [17:39] mini 9 [17:39] munster red [17:40] ah, mini 10v in i think purple [17:40] * rww didn't know the mini 9 came in different colors too [17:41] yup [17:42] pink <3 [17:42] munster red for rugy [17:42] and they dont do yellow/orange in the smaller ons:( [17:43] my mini9 came to our ubuntu hour on tuesday :) http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/072010/mini9olpcatjulhour.jpg [17:44] lots of fun computers at that hour, it was fun [17:51] yup [17:51] what i found works is a demo [17:51] so i have demod the LD for 10-15 mins [17:51] and then we do a q&a [17:52] czajkowski: any sign of that reviveyourpc.ie person? [17:54] i'm early [17:55] doesnt start till 6 [18:05] maco: http://identi.ca/notice/44349180 [18:06] james_w: oooh thank you :)