
KE1HAteamcoltra, I think that's the directory encyption app. I was having that issue too, I disabled it as it's really annoying. Im not sure of it's a bug or not, but seems to be, you should report the bug and your issue.00:00
mikeruwhiteknight: I personally use EPSON and it works great, but I've heard HP has better linux support00:00
^^Earth^^I keep loosing the frame around my program boxes, someone got a clue whats going on :-)00:00
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the_eshould I just try to install xboxdrv from their PPA?00:01
KE1HAwhiteknight, HP fer sure, as for models, look at which ones support Linux to save yourself further frustration.00:01
UbuntusWhen i try to open chromium tells me this: Your profile could not be opened correctly.00:02
UbuntusSome features may be unavailable.  Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents.00:02
linguinimikeru, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3dxb4Fje00:02
whiteknightThanx  bunch, I have a brothers printer. not sure if it is still working...is is a possibility?00:02
UbuntusAnd why do i have so much LAG?00:02
mikerulinguini: Wut? Intel?00:02
Mr_Sonomawhiteknight, brother for me has been hit and miss00:02
linguinimikeru, The monitor is a sony, the desktop is an old dell dimension 240000:03
BGL-[a]well that was cute, i just did a fresh install then shutdown the machine and attached it to a kvm switch & diff monitor00:03
mikerui'm sorry, I know not of Intel's GAs. however, many people do, so just ask for help with Intel graphics card00:03
BGL-[a]booted it up and i couldn't login anymore cuz of a graphics problem00:03
BGL-[a]it kept kicking me back out to the login screen until i went into recovery mode and reset the resolution00:03
the_ewell, I got one error done00:04
patholioon the ubuntu forums, is there anyway to reset your password if you cant remember your email you set it up with?00:04
KE1HAwhiteknight, No idea about Brothers Printers. GO to their site and lookup the model, and see if it supports Linux, else, google Linux Support for the model you have.00:04
whiteknightKeiha Thank you00:04
the_ebut I still dont know why I get script.sh: line 11 :/dir is a directory00:04
the_eI know it is!00:04
BGL-[a]if i'd never guessed it was a gfx/res problem there'd been no hope of knowing what the cause was00:04
BGL-[a]i just happened to have a hunch00:04
the_ebut the script I downloaded said to use it00:04
rewatihi how to remove libamd2.2.000:04
mikeruthe_e: It's just telling you it is ;)00:04
the_eso then it worked?00:05
mikeruthe_e: what does the script say00:05
* whiteknight is away: Gotta to get ready for work..Thanks to all00:05
the_ethats all it says00:05
mikeruthe_e: most probably it didn't00:05
mikeruthe_e: pastebin it00:05
linguiniHow can I get better display support (resolution higher than 800x600)?  I'm using an intel graphics card?00:05
cablophad somebody used rabbitvcs?00:06
the_eugh, its pastebin.com00:06
KE1HAlinguini, install the right driver >> Chage the desktop res >> edit xorg.conf or upgrade the Graphics card.00:06
the_enot pastbin00:07
linguiniAlso, when I open "Display Properties" my monitor is listed as "Unknown" and I see a pink tag with "Unknown" on the upper left hand corner of my screen.  I'm not sure if this is because my graphics card or monitor itself.00:07
mikerulinguini: a most stupid solution but still could fix the problem, go to System -> Preferences -> Display00:07
mikeruchange the resolution00:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:07
mikerusokka: adios00:07
mikerusokka: habla en ingles o hasle caso a ubottu00:08
cablopmikeru, this is not polite00:08
mikerucablop: sorry00:08
KE1HAthe_e, is Line 7 Correct ?00:08
linguinimikeru, The monitor is listed as unknown, and it won't let me change to a resolution higher than 800x600.00:08
linguiniKE1HA, Thanks, Any idea how I get the right driver..?00:08
the_eI dont know why its like that but it is00:09
cablopand sokka, you can go to #ubuntu-es for help, puedes ir a #ubuntu-es por ayuda00:09
thune3^^Earth^^: it is likely a compiz related issue, you could disalbe compiz or see this thread for all the possible suggestions (post #19 is what worked for the OP): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1112214  "titlebar compiz ubuntu" are the keywords for your issue.00:09
linguiniI apparently have 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE00:09
sokkai dont need help i just was bored and i joined to see what is going on here :P00:09
leechevasomeone can help me please?00:09
cabloplinguini: i think it is more a video driver issue than a monitor isue, my monitor is listed as unknown and gives me 1440x90000:09
mikeruleecheva: HI?00:09
leechevamikeru: hi00:10
mikerucablop: but it is Nvidia, right?00:10
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UkeKunmikeru: it sounds to me like the monitor has a bad EDID more than anything00:10
mikerunvidia drivers will always report unknown, even if they know, and a wrong Hz. you can "Option DisableTwinView True" and it will then fix that, but nvidia's x util won't work anymore00:11
the_ethe script is supposed to start the xboxdrv driver00:11
KE1HAthe_e, seem it's not fiding the source ..._.VL file to me, why I dont know, are you in the right dir when you execute it?00:11
^^Earth^^thune3: Thanks.... :-)00:11
mikerunow, moving on to the real problem00:11
mikerulinguini: look at UkeKun00:11
linguinicablop, Ah, thanks.  That helps some...00:11
UbuntusIs it Ubuntu about to crash!?00:11
mikeruUbuntus: CAN YOU NOT HAZ CAPSLOCK PLZ00:11
leechevacan help me please?00:11
Ubuntusmikeru: Well, i need to take out my stress somehow00:12
teamcoltraKE1HA, yes I am using the directory encryption app too... honestly I feel that privacy outweighs convenience so I will keep it... but there should be a bug report for it00:12
Ubuntusi need to express myself00:12
KE1HAthe_e, it looks like the is the file yes? : boxdrv_for_XBMC_live.v1  the [ optins ] etc etc00:12
mikeruleecheva: well, if you told us what's your problem...00:12
UbuntusSome features may be unavailable.  Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents.00:12
neil_dI am trying to limit the speed of scp (so it doesn't use all the bandwidth) I am using the command .... scp -l 2 ndugan@office:/tmp/wholesale.sql.gz /tmp/wholesale.sql.gz ... but the speed is still 10 - 16 KB/s :( ... what is going on?00:12
mikeruleecheva: asking for help is not going to help00:12
cabloplinguini: yes i have an Nvidia card00:12
the_eKE1HA: ?00:12
KE1HAteamcoltra, yes, I agree, I think it's a bug too.00:13
the_eI c/ped the file and then pasted what I got from terminal00:13
linguiniUkeKun, is there a way to confirm a bad EDID without freezing my system?00:13
leechevaim trying to install kubuntu but when i put isntall my monitor turn off and it say out of range i dont know what to do00:13
mikerucablop: ...00:13
the_e1-11 is the script, 14-19 is the terminal00:13
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KE1HAthe_e, sri, to many irons in the fire here. Ok, it's looking for a file to run, but somehow it's only getting to the dir level.00:13
cablopsorry, i just moved and maybe i lost th thread00:13
the_ebecause there is no file to run, lol00:13
KE1HAI suspect it has to do with the EXPORT=.00:13
mikerudoesn't matter00:13
the_ethe folder contains everything needed for xboxdrv00:14
the_eif there is an easier way to install it, by all means tell me00:14
the_eapparently all I need to do is install xboxdrv00:14
the_ethis is just *an easy* way to do it00:14
the_ewith a half-written guide00:14
cablopmikeru, yup, an nvidia one, but the nvidia driver is not an isue :P00:14
UkeKunlinguini if you have a windows install you can use MonitorInfoView GUI from Nirsoft00:14
the_eI added the PPAs but can't find the package in software center00:14
Mr_Sonomawhat driver do i need to get my via technologies vga card working? display is fine really just no ability to run desktop effects00:14
mikerucablop: of course it isn't. after all, nouveau is still quite behind00:15
djusticequestion: "KERNEL=="loop*", ENV{DKD_PRESENTATION_HIDE}=1" doesnt seem to work.. any hints00:15
cablopi'm using the propietary driver anyway :P00:15
=== Vespero is now known as Nanashi
mikerucablop: I just commented however that adding that specific line in xorg.conf will fix the reporting of the refresh rate and the monitor's name00:16
cablopMr_Sonoma: i think you need to try with the VIA provider... but i barely believe a VIA will support desftop effects, not beyong metacity00:16
=== Nanashi is now known as Vespero
Mr_Sonomacablop, thanks00:17
mikeruWUT WAS THAT?00:17
cablopwhat thing?00:17
raymondtan85hey there00:17
KE1HAlol irc mombo jumbo :-)00:17
raymondtan85testing testing00:17
mikeruDIRTY TRICKS00:17
neil_dI am trying to limit the speed of scp (so it doesn't use all the bandwidth) I am using the command .... scp -l 2 ndugan@office:/tmp/wholesale.sql.gz /tmp/wholesale.sql.gz ... but the speed is still 10 - 16 KB/s :( ... what is going on?00:17
mikeruSCAREZ ME00:17
FloodBot4mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:18
cablopthey made a change in the matrix, i guess00:18
mikeruooh, that explains the deja vu00:18
the_ehow is it that I added a repository but can't find any of it's packages anywhere?00:18
linguiniUkeKun, I do have windows; I'll make a note of that...00:18
leechevaim trying to install kubuntu but when i put isntall my monitor turn off and it say out of range i dont know what to do?00:18
KE1HAneil_d, http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=s/scp00:19
linguiniAlso, I think I may be hitting http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/the-dreaded-82845g-intel-integrated-graphics-does-any-linux-work-with-it-802465/00:19
UkeKunlinguini I had a similar problem with a HDTV except it was windows which didn't like the EDID, linux was fine with it00:19
KE1HAneil_d, use the -l flag to:  Limit bandwidth used, specified in kilobits/second.00:19
bobo123the_e: have you reloaded the packageinformation, and you verified what packages that should appear by going there to that repository with a webbrowser?00:20
nwidgerif the 'post-start script' in an upstart job fails, will that kill the 'main process' (the process started by the 'exec' stanza)?00:20
neil_dKE1HA: yes I read the manpage ... but the -l didn't seem to limit the speed.00:20
the_eno, because im working between 2 computers00:20
KE1HAhow big of file are you transferring / ho long does it take? Small files will just blast through, even with limit.00:21
the_ei just did though and no dice00:21
neil_dKE1HA: 6.1MB00:21
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the_ehow do I check a PPA from a webbrowser?\00:22
KE1HAneil_d, so what are you seeing on your bandwidth monitor? Is it maxing out your available BW ?00:22
uRockIf you have a really big file, you can use the split command to break it up, then reassemble it after moving it. Run "man split" in a terminal to find out more.00:23
bobo123to have flash-cookies deleted each time I run firefox I changed the command for the firefox-command in the Program menu to     bash -c 'rm -rf ~/.adobe; rm -rf ~/.macromedia; firefox %u'    instead of just    firefox %u      are there any bad side effects by doing this, or are there a better way to do this?00:23
neil_dKE1HA: found the problem... the rate display of scp needs time to settle... leave it run for a while and the rate comes down.00:23
binniMy ubuntu machine is connected to the internet using a wireless card, can I give a windows machine internet access by connecting the two computers together with a ethernet cable and then do what?00:23
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KE1HAneil_d, rr. good, glad you got it sorted.00:24
nwidgeranyone else been having problems with mysql not starting on boot?00:25
the_eim really starting to lose faith in Ubuntu, between driver madness, GNOME wonkiness...its just not worth it00:25
cablopnwidger: which problem specifically, are there multiple reasons for something like that00:25
macokde is the solution to gnome wonkiness00:26
the_eKDE is even uglier00:26
mikerumaco: BLASPHEMY00:26
KE1HAnwidger, yes, i was workign with a fell a little while ago, but he left the channel before he posted his final results.00:26
the_eI don't know why they just dont work on one00:26
crypt-0im moving my installation from one drive to anther, but grub is failing to install00:26
macomikeru: im a kubuntu user :P00:26
macothe_e: ask the gnome people. kde was around first00:26
mikerumaco: /join #kubuntu : )00:26
bobo123the_e: I think you should normally be able to just enter the ppa-address in the webbrowser, for example http://ppa.launchpad.net/durmieu/ppa/ubuntu and ther follow the links to dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/00:26
macomikeru: im in there00:26
macomikeru: im an op in both channels00:27
nwidgerKE1HA: ok, well my problem is that mysql does not start on boot, even though its upstart config file /etc/init/mysql.conf is untouched00:27
mikerumaco: oh, you're an op ? interesting!00:27
nwidgerKE1HA: i dont see any errors in log files00:27
cablopanyway, KDE is weird00:27
macocablop: operator...like a moderator...i can remove people who misbehave00:27
KE1HAthe_e, the divers issues are generic to Ubuntu I can assure you on that one.00:27
nwidgerKE1HA: nothing in /var/log/messages, syslog or daemon.log00:27
the_ebut GNOME issues aren't :-P00:27
crypt-0i have sda1 as boot and sda5 as encrypted root ...all files are intact, i just need to reninstall the MBR grub-install fails00:27
the_elike duplicating items00:27
the_ethe PPA wants me to register00:28
nwidgerKE1HA: and i can start it manually with 'sudo start mysql' post-boot and that works fine.  it just doesnt seem to start on bootup.00:28
cablopif i had to compare gnome and KDE i'll say that gnome is anorexic a kde is bullimic00:28
Blackwood_Livehello, my grub slipped up...I'm dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu and after i leave windows to boot into Ubuntu the GRUB messes up...can somebody help me fix frub00:28
KE1HAnwidger, can you manually start / stop it with init.d ?00:28
mikeruI like both KDE and GNOME... but I prefere GNOME. they have their goods and downsides00:28
mikerucablop: indeed00:28
mikeruXFCE IS WUT?00:28
nwidgerKE1HA: it's been ported over to an upstart job, so the init.d scripts are gone.  it should be started by init from /etc/init/mysql.conf00:28
cablopxfce is a wannabe00:28
the_eXFCE is a sad state of affairs00:28
mikeruwannabe anorexic? that's sad xd00:29
KE1HALOL .. sri you beat me too it. Check that the service is installed properly with update-rc.d00:29
cablopnah, yup00:29
the_eno way to disable double tap clicking?00:29
the_ethat was the one thing that made me switch back to Ubuntu00:29
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:29
cablopxfce is just the pure bones witha  little skin on them00:29
nwidgerKE1HA: why would i need scripts to be installed in /etc/init.d if it's supposed to be an upstart job.00:29
mikeruthe_e: like in trackpad?00:29
cablopgnome has more flesh, but no enough organs00:29
macomikeru: anorexic jokes not appreciated...00:29
KE1HAAh, upstart, yuo dont sri. was jsut reading that.00:29
cablopkde is very very cmplex, full of options here and there00:29
mikeruthe_e: why, that's easy enough00:30
the_eand of course, the Internet is not reliable for answers00:30
mikeruSystem -> Preferences -> Mouse00:30
* uRock KDE is crap00:30
the_enot in XFCE00:30
cablopbut, my perfect combination was to run  some KDE apps on top of gnome00:30
the_ethere was no option00:30
cablopthis is the best solution ever00:30
earthling_I'm trying to run ubuntu off a usb drive, it boots up I hear jungle music, but the screen is black, the monitor goes to sleep, how do I fix this?00:30
mikeruthen touchpad, uncheck Enable mouse clicks blahblah00:30
KE1HAnwidger, I dont know why then the upstartjob is not running it.00:30
mikeruthe_e:  you think so, huh?00:30
the_ethat wasn't the double tap though00:30
the_eI mean, I tried it and it didnt work00:30
nwidgerKE1HA: ah okay... well thanks for your help00:30
cablopdo compiz work well with de in 10.04?00:31
KE1HAthe other fella was using rc.d to start on boot.00:31
mikeruthe_e: double tap?00:31
the_eI dont know what else to say :-P00:31
cablopi saw it not enabled by default00:31
the_eyeah I wanted that disabled00:31
the_enot the mouse buttons00:31
KE1HAhowever, was still have the same symptoms your describing.00:31
the_ebut clicking from the pad00:31
the_eon a touch pad00:31
mikeruthe_e: you mean, like double click? well, that disables any click that comes from the pad but keeps your mouse buttons00:31
cablopand i was very scaried about installing KDE and getting a lot of things i won't use00:31
the_eit didn't for me :-X00:31
nwidgerKE1HA: come to any conclusions with him?00:31
mikeruthe_e: trust me, I'm using a macbook, found the tap annoying as hell, disabled it and I'm so happy forevermore00:31
ridinkde is weird00:32
mikeruridin: it is00:32
the_eI jist want my freakin xboxdrv to start!00:32
KE1HAwell, we got to the point of reinstalling MySQL, and updingting rc.,d and he was gone, so it may have fixed it, not sure.00:32
mikeruthe_e: go to the xboxdrv page!00:32
the_eI cant get to the PPA cause Launchpad wants an account00:32
the_eI dont know how to make things00:32
the_eI was NEVER able to do it00:32
mikeruthe_e: you. are. joking.00:32
the_enot once00:32
the_ecause it always says something cant be found00:33
mikeruPPAs do NOT need an account00:33
uRockjust start an account00:33
the_ethen what is the address!?!?00:33
mikeruyou are just looking in the wrong place mr.00:33
KE1HAIt may be worth a troll trough the Ubuntu Bug List, as this is too canny to be a one off.00:33
the_ethe link frmo the site brings me there00:33
mikeruLINK PLZ00:33
mikeruCAN I HAZ IT?00:33
FloodBot4mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
earthling_Hi, I'm trying to run ubuntu off a usb drive, it boots up I hear jungle music, but the screen is black, the monitor goes to sleep, how do I fix this?00:34
ridinkde can't have sound without gnome here00:34
mikeruthe_e: oh my. why are you going to the launchpad page? it even tells you to add it with: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:grumbel/ppa00:34
cablopstart it in safe or vesa mode00:34
the_eI DID!00:34
the_ewhere do I go from there!?00:34
the_eits not anywhere not synaptic noe the software center00:34
mikeruthe_e: ag!00:35
mikeruthe_e: you forgot sudo apt-get update00:35
campeei have a question about top and virtual memory. i run 'swapoff -a' as root to disable swap memory. i then launch firefox and open top. top reports that i have 0k total of swap, 0k in use, and 0k free. top reports that firefox is using 248m of VIRT and 85m of RES. according to the man page, VIRT = SWAP + RES. so where is that swap usage coming from?00:35
the_eI reloaded in synaptic though00:35
mikeruthe_e: try again00:35
magicianlordcampee: top is incorrect00:35
cablopcampee or system is emulating some virt on the real ram00:36
mikeruthe_e: I, however, have a launchpad account, and it seems he/she/it locked the ppa00:36
uRockfor RAM usage run the "free" command00:36
the_egood, cause im stuck downloading the depency packages for the source00:36
mikeruto get moar ram do malloc00:36
the_eI just don't know where to extract the tarball00:36
KE1HAearthling_, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/00:36
mikeruoh wait00:36
mikeruthat's plain wrong...00:36
campeecablop: really?00:37
earthling_KE1HA, ok looking at it00:37
jpbouzaguys I've installed 246.53 drivers in ubuntu lucid, jokey says the drivers is active but not in use00:37
jpbouzais there a way to override this and make it use it too?00:37
KE1HAit says for CD, but doesnt' matter.00:37
mikerujpbouza: so did I.00:37
the_emikeru: http://drop.io/xboxdrv_for_XBMC_live <-- the readme is where I got all my files from00:37
cablopi think it would00:37
mikerujust ignore it00:37
binnihow do I share my internet with a windows computer who can't connect through the router directly?00:37
the_ethe jaunty.sh is what isnt working00:37
the_eit worked previously for me00:37
mikerujpbouza: ignore jockey. who cares about it?00:37
the_emaybe this would help more00:37
cgchi everyone00:37
mikerubinni: I read about it once. wait a min00:37
jpbouzammm well, but I have no composite effects mikeru00:38
cablopthey're not going to change the way aq wholw system and applications works just cause the swap is off, and maybe if you launched firefox  before  disabling the swap, the firefox need to see it as existing00:38
mikerujpbouza: ah! but that's not jockey's problem00:38
cgcdoes anyone know if theres a way to use an i386 apt source on an amd64 version of ubuntu?00:38
cablopbut that's just a guess, but a feasible one00:38
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mikerucgc: IMPOSSIBLE00:38
jpbouzamikeru, how did you go back to the official repo drivers??00:38
mikerujpbouza: I HAZ NOT.00:39
cgcmikeru: ok thanks00:39
KE1HAbinni, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137000:39
letalisCgc: short of a chroot jail, no00:39
mikeruthey work perfectly00:39
mikerucgc: sorrie00:39
xdpirate_Does Ubuntu Live USB creator work with 10.04?00:39
jpbouzamikeru, hehe but then, how did you install 256??00:39
Mr_Sonomaxdpirate_, yes00:40
mikeruI can't help but wonder why has nobody increased compatibility with i386 in amd64. I mean, it is ridiculous to --force-architecture for every single .deb.00:40
xdpirate_Mr_Sonoma: thanks00:40
the_eim gonna cry, I can't even do the readme right00:40
mikerujpbouza: lemme check00:40
the_eI have scons package installed00:40
the_eso why cant I compile with it>00:40
the_eNo SConstruct file found00:40
the_ethis is why I can never make packages because the readmes are wrong00:41
mikerujpbouza: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html00:41
the_eyou don't tell me where to extract things, you give me the wrong commands00:41
the_eim not a linux expert00:41
jpbouzathanks mikeru I'll check it out now00:41
mikeruthe_e: scons?00:41
the_eyeah, xboxdrv wants scons00:41
the_eat least the newest one00:41
arrrghhhanyone use rtorrent here?  i'm having issues with the watch directory feature and pausing/stopping torrents...00:41
k0shhow to list all my current ip addresses?00:41
mikeruyou just 'cd' to the dir that has a SConstruct file00:41
the_ewhich is?00:42
arrrghhhk0sh, ifconfig00:42
A-NonAny time I enable compiz, the window borders and title bar disappear, and none of the effects work. Any help?00:42
arrrghhhA-Non, are you running xfce?00:42
letalisMikeru: I think it has more to do with the fact that it could cause instability in the package management system.00:42
mikeruthe_e: º-º00:42
k0sharrrghhh: umm but id like to hve them in readymade list00:42
the_eits not like it says go to the extracted folder00:42
A-Nonaarghhh: I am not aware of what XFCE is, so I don't know00:42
arrrghhhk0sh, define readymade... because that's pretty readymade if you ask me.00:42
mikeruletalis: wat r u talking bout?00:42
the_ethe problem with a lot of stuff with Linux is that RTFM doesn't work!00:43
arrrghhhA-Non, are you just running ubuntu from a regular downoad?  did you download any special versions?00:43
the_e(also the internet's information is like 4 years old at this point)00:43
letalisI386 and amd64 together00:43
k0sharrrghhh: like in string ""00:43
mikeruthe_e: OH MY. that is common sense!00:43
Vesperothe_e: With linux it's RTFMP.00:43
mikeruafter all, what do you do when you extract a file?00:43
A-Nonarrrghhh: I installed using the netboot installer, which only installed command line, then I apt-get'd ubuntu-desktop to finish up00:43
mikerulook at its contents.00:43
the_ewith Ubuntu it's RTFM from 8.1000:43
the_ecause no one has any newer information on Google00:43
jpbouzamikeru, unluckily that's the same tutorial I followed...00:43
mikeruletalis: ah... still, it should just warn against it00:44
arrrghhhA-Non, huh.  never done it that way.  i also don't use compiz... what kind of video card?  did you install the "restricted drivers" if they apply?00:44
mikerunot prevent you00:44
mikerujpbouza: it worked fine with me00:44
mikerujpbouza: unluckily you're just unlucky00:44
A-Nonarrrghhh: The disks gave me errors and they wouldn't boot from USB so it was the only way ;) Nvidia FX 5500 card, restricted drivers are installed.00:44
the_eok, another n00b question00:45
the_e./install.sh means /user/install.sh right?00:45
arrrghhhA-Non, how are you enabling compiz?00:45
* mikeru is distracted by too many arrrghhhs00:45
A-Nonarrrghhh: terminal, compiz --replace00:45
k0sharrrghhh: k, i got it with some grepping :)00:45
KE1HAthe_e, no, it means run if from where you PWD says your at.00:45
the_ethen why didn't it come with the file it tells me to run?00:46
the_ethere is no install.sh!00:46
arrrghhhk0sh, ha i was trying to figure out how to grep just for that.  couldn't figure it out...00:46
* linguini installing read-edid00:46
arrrghhhA-Non, have you tried metacity --replace and activating it thru the gui?00:46
PeterDropi know iam gonna make a repeated question, but the last time i install ubuntu take 1 week configure the sound, somebody can help me please00:46
arrrghhhmikeru, you love it.00:46
KE1HAthe_e, thats a question for those that packaged the application.00:46
A-Nonarrrghh, nope, I'll try it out00:46
PeterDropi have not sound at all00:46
the_eI know but I'm still gonna flip s words00:46
nimbioticshello. i recently upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and after typing my password to login i get a window telling me there's a program still runung (power manager) any ideas why am i seeing this? TIA!00:46
the_ecause if I was using Windows or OSX, I'd have a nice little executable for it00:47
the_eI don't even know why I stuck with Ubuntu so long...00:47
the_e(I like the customization I suppose)00:47
magicianlordnimbiotics: try seeing startup applications, and see if power manager was saved to start up twice00:47
A-Nonarrrghhh: doing metacity --replace gives me this little error... is it normal? "Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Humanoid-OSX-Black": Failed to find a valid file for theme Humanoid-OSX-Black"00:47
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arrrghhhA-Non, huh.  did gnome go do something different other than metacity?00:48
KE1HAthe_e, the problems you decribing are not Ubuntu Problems, there applicaiton buld problems.00:48
mikeruNoob`s: I'd recommend you not to use `00:48
nimbioticsmagicianlord: no, thats not the case :/00:48
magicianlordnimbiotics: ok00:48
A-Nonarrrghhh: I'm not sure what it was supposed to do to compare? I'm pretty new to linux =\00:48
mikeruthe_e: hey... this is a support channel, not a why-ubuntu-sucks channel00:49
mikeruafter all00:49
mikeruwindows sucks moar00:49
FloodBot4mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
arrrghhhA-Non, hrm.  perhaps what i was trying was not correct.  can you perhaps just reboot and try to enable compiz thru the gui?00:49
cablophow can i sewt a variable ermanently in the system?00:49
KE1HAmikeru, Ditto on WinDoze !!!00:49
arrrghhhcablop, uh... what are you trying to set?00:49
A-Nonarrrghhh: How would I enable it through the GUI?00:49
magicianlordso, i'm running a headless system right now. thinking about installin X, but not sure. i like this clean setup00:50
arrrghhhA-Non, it's in the display prefs... sorry i'm not running ubuntu on this lappy right now.00:50
tweakhello. this may be offtopic dunno where to ask but : i got a new pc and its sata only, and i have an ide drive containing my info. do i get an ide controller or some kind of adapter? any ideas?00:50
cabloparrrghhh: the JAVA_HOME env var00:50
mikeruquite stupid how many complain. OH its so difficult and blahblah, yet on windows they can't even do whatever they were trying so they just don't go through the effort.00:50
arrrghhhA-Non, it's called compositing effects or some such thing.00:50
arrrghhhcablop, in your ~.bashrc00:50
KE1HAA-Non, Cpmpiz How To: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion00:50
A-Nonarrrghhh: Desktop effects?00:50
crypt-0i just re-installed grub, but on boot it drops to agrub> prompt ....what should i do?00:51
Oertweak ide > usb 2.000:51
flatoutcan anyone point me in the direction of finding help to view a shared folder on ubuntu 10 server from ubuntu 9 client00:51
cabloparrrghhh: it's not for me, it's for the whole system, cause a service will need it00:51
mikeruNO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES IN ~/.bashrc plz00:51
mikeruwill cause grief00:51
tweakoer : i dont want to use usb. i want to connect an ide drive to my pc that is sata only00:51
arrrghhhmikeru, where do they go?00:51
arrrghhhanswer the man's question then!00:51
mikeruarrrghhh: ~/.pam_environment00:52
mikeruit is _awesome_00:52
mikeruarrrghhh: bcos ~/.bashrc sucks00:52
mikeruand ubuntu says so00:52
mikeru: - )00:52
arrrghhhyour reasoning skills are astounding.  link please?00:52
FloodBot4mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
Gneamikeru: more headaches if I don't00:52
getpwnamwould the following be a sensible order for a beginner to learn things: unix utilites --> shell scripting --> sed & awk --> perl ?00:53
KE1HAflatout, SSH or samba00:53
KE1HAcrypt-0, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:53
nm5tfanyone know if Zio SM card reader will work under Lucid 10.04 LTS???00:53
mikeruGnea: wut ?00:53
Gneagetpwnam: well, sed and awk are unix utilities, so yeah00:53
mikeruarrrghhh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables00:53
Gneamikeru: env vars have historically gone in ~/.bashrc, nothing wrong with that.00:53
nimbioticshello. i recently upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and after typing my password to login i get a window telling me there's a program still runung (power manager) any ideas why am i seeing this? TIA!00:53
KE1HAnm5tf, is is USB 2.0 compliant/. if so, the yse the car reader will work.00:54
mikeruGnea: sure haha I don't really care00:54
the_eI got it00:54
Gneamikeru: :)00:54
KE1HAops if so, yes, the card reader will work.00:54
the_esorry for the ulcer mikeru00:54
the_ebut I offer you 17 internets00:54
mikeruhowever for some reason some didn't work there, and .pam_environment fixed all my woes00:54
mikeruthe_e: wut?00:54
cablopi need to export a variable to the whole system, how can i do that? i need to set the JAVA_HOME not for me, but the system itself!00:54
the_ethe reason the script didnt work was because everything i needde was in the live folder00:55
mikerucablop: /etc/profile00:55
datacrusherhello everyone, my ubuntu notebook wont boot, i got a initramfs message, what can i do?00:55
arrrghhhmikeru, he's looking for global.  so the correct answer is /etc/environment.  but you are correct, evidently .bashrc is a bad place to put environment variables.00:55
the_ethe readme wouldnt tell you that00:55
the_ebut I figured it out...00:55
mikerucablop: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables00:55
arrrghhhmikeru, the readme said /etc/profile is NOT recommended.00:55
nm5tfKE1HA: yes according to the info..of course my Olympys MAUSB-10 was also supposed to be supported by ALAUDA, but it has never worked with*NIX, but works great under Windoze00:55
cablopthanls mikeru!!00:55
mikeruarrrghhh: ah! you're completely right! I forgot about it, so I suggested profile since e00:55
mikeruI couldn't remember the path to it00:55
datacrusheri got the following message - BusyBoy v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash)00:55
arrrghhhmikeru, hopefully he reads the doc :D00:55
thune3getpwnam: i would suggest skipping the the sed&awk step. perl can do everyting sed&awk can do.00:56
Gneamikeru: I was just curious what ubuntu doc says that ~/.pam_environment should be used in place of ~/.bashrc00:56
MasamuneJust wondering if anyone could tell me what to do whejn I get Error: File Not Found and Grub Rescu>?00:56
magicianlordhow do you configure nouveau driver after installing it?00:56
akiosomething awful happened to freenode....00:57
xdpirate_How can the usb-creator tool let me use the whole disk for persistent storage? It'll only let me use up to 4 GB yet the usb drive i'm using is 40 gb.. the whole point is to use this to breathe new life to a computer with a botched hdd by running a persistent linux install from an usb drive00:57
mikerunow cablop, if you plan on using pam_environment (I think /etc/environment follows same syntax), it's not JAVA_HOME="path", it's JAVA_HOME DEFAULT="path"00:57
cablopwell mikeru, it's on /etc/environment, the system bashrc and the profile one are not recommended00:57
mikeruweird it is00:57
mikerucablop: indeed it's there00:57
KE1HAMasamune, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:57
mikeruignore that. it's just BLAH=BLAH00:58
MasamuneKE1HA, that requires booting from livecd which I can't do.00:58
horkhorkhorkhow do i fix this - http://pastebin.com/h418ZF8j00:58
mikerupam is BLAH DEFAULT=BLAH and some OVERRIDE= weirdness I dunno how that works but it's not needed00:58
thune3xdpirate_: you can access the underlying usb filesystem through /cdrom to bypass the persistencefile. you could make a directory in cdrom with permissions for your user and put the big file there.00:59
mikeruhorkhorkhork: well, that does not help at all. what was above that?00:59
KE1HAMasamune, if you can't boot the computer from a Live-CD or USB Stick / HDD, then you've got little to no chance of being able to edit yout Grub files.00:59
horkhorkhork"setting up firefox"00:59
crypt-0i just re-installed grub, but on boot it drops to agrub> prompt ....what should i do? its grub201:00
linguiniIt looks like I might be hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xresprobe/+bug/94994 , but I don't understand how that was resolved exactly.01:00
mikeruCOLORS :)01:00
crypt-0KE1HA, u using grub2.01:00
mikeruCOLORS :)01:00
horkhorkhorki had to uninstall/re-install firefox01:00
KE1HAcrypt-0, yes and no. Several boxes yes, several severs and workstations, no.01:00
MasamuneKE1HA, not sure if i can boot from usb, I will have to try that at some point, would I be able to do anything over network? I have an option for something like that01:00
mikeruhorkhorkhork: ah. then there's sumthin messed up with dpkg. make sure you're not using one of those lovely tdpkg that use databases, it screwed my update and i don't know why it also screwed anything related to firefox that was updated or installed. damn firefox's debs!01:01
crypt-0KE1HA, sorry *I* am using grub2.01:01
crypt-0that lin is for grub101:01
KE1HAMasamune, not without an operating system on the target computer. If not CD-Rom, then, a USB stick is your best shot I'd think.01:01
appamajigshould I use ext3 or ext4 for my root and home partitions?01:01
mikerudoesn't everybody use grub2 nowadays,  anyway?01:01
cablopso... how can i know the real java path?01:02
mikeruhorkhorkhork: ...were you?01:02
MasamuneKEIAH, will have to check tomorrow, I think it's actually the bootloader or something/01:02
mikerucablop: did you use environment?01:02
horkhorkhorkall i did was "apt-get install firefox"01:02
mikeruthen logout or reboot01:02
crypt-0appamajig, what are you using the for?01:02
KE1HAcrypt-0, Ahh, good point, TNX, need a Grub2 Link also.01:02
horkhorkhorki shall do that later, thanks01:03
arrrghhhappamajig, depends on the application of your rig.  a production server, i'd say ext3.  home use, ext4 is fine.  ext3 is more stable, ext4 is faster in several different ways.01:03
mikeruhorkhorkhork: sorry I can't help you there. that's what happened in my case, and it was a rather weird one01:03
sundokogood morning all01:03
appamajigcrypt-0: hmm... general programming, media server and normal, personal comp01:03
mikeruext4? FASTER?!01:03
cablopmikeru i'm going for environment, but... i think i'll need to find the correct java i need... there's the openjdk, but...01:03
appamajigarrrghhh: k thanks01:03
cablopbut i think it's not as complete as the sun java is... and cause i need to run a sort of tomcat... then...01:03
crypt-0ext4 is getting stable enough for production01:03
mikeruarrrghhh: ext4 was so unbearably slow that I choose instead ext3 for my macbook. specially with dpkg01:04
appamajigI read about it in some forums and whatnot, but I thought I'd just ask in here and see what the general consensus was... :)01:04
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cablopext4 is faster but not by itself01:04
arrrghhhmikeru, don't care 'bout your macbook.  ext4 is blazing fast on my server.01:04
the_esorry for the complaining before dudes01:04
mikerucablop: I highly recommend sun's java even if not open src.01:04
the_egot it all to work01:04
appamajigcablop: not by itself?01:04
KE1HAcrypt-0, Is for after windows blasted Grub, but shoud do the trick: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html01:04
arrrghhhi've just seen people run into bugs with ext4 and nfs.01:04
the_eI'm a XBMC guru at this point, so if anyone needs help01:04
mikeruarrrghhh: don't care about your server, cause my server is slowwwww with ext401:04
arrrghhhwhich, i run nfs... but haven't run into issues haha.01:04
cablopit's faster cause it buffer the writings to disk until the system is idle to write them01:04
cablopor something like that01:04
arrrghhhmikeru, who puts a server on a macbook?  lol.01:04
mikerudo too, nfs + afp01:04
appamajigso ext4 and nfs have problems?01:04
arrrghhhappamajig, i saw a bug on the forums about it, but i run nfs with ext4 no prob.01:05
cablopthe downside is sometimes ext4 writes to the disk that the file is in the disk, but the data is NOT in the disk01:05
mikeruarrrghhh: on my server. after learning from the mistake, I instead choose ext3 for my mb01:05
cablopthat was fixed in the kernel.... but seems like a workaround, not a real fix01:05
arrrghhhmikeru, huh.  dunno.01:05
arrrghhhworks for me01:05
sundokoubuntu weaknesses in the system a long hibernation01:05
crypt-0KE1HA, ive lready dont that01:05
appamajigmikeru: sorry for the newb question... mb? (main boot?)01:05
johntronwhat's the best way to do packet prioritization on ubuntu? i've used PF on freebsd, but can't find something similar for ubuntu. tc seems difficult01:05
KE1HAappamajig, all of them have problems, EXT3 is porbable the most widly used still, wiuth risersf being the most stable, and fastest, however olke boy that came up with is is in hot water.01:05
jason_wthello, i asked a question here yesturday regarding using sudo from a non sudoer account by requesting the password of a sudoer account01:06
cablopanyway i was hearing oracle is going to release a file system that used b+ trees and will provide a tool to go from ext3 to btrfs and back01:06
cablopso i'll stick to ext3 until that day :P01:06
KE1HAcrypt-0, so your Grub is still dumping you to the grup prompt ?01:06
arrrghhhappamajig, if you have any questions on stability, stick with ext3.01:06
jason_wti have solved my problem most of the way, by using runas in te sudoers file, however i get one problem01:06
mikeruappamajig: mb = macbook01:06
crypt-0KE1HA, Yes.01:06
appamajigmikeru: aaah, lol gotcha01:07
arrrghhhor motherboard more generally haha01:07
appamajigok, thanks everyone for the general info01:07
magicianlordshould i install a gui or run headless?01:07
cablopanyway a mac is nowadays just an expensive version of a PC, wrapped up in cute plastic and aluminium and some colors (very few)01:07
KE1HAcrypt-0, and you installed : grub-install /dev/sda [sda being your target partition] after the chroot ?01:08
appamajigI'm gonna go with ext4 for both (I do nightly backups, so if something terrible happens, I'll survive)01:08
jason_wtwhen i run a command in the terminal prefixed wih sudo, it asks for the password of the runas_default user that i specifed; however when i launch something like synaptic from the menu, it prompts for the current user password, not the one of runas user01:08
mikeruKE1HA: I wonder why reiserfs fell into despair. just bcos its creater killed his wife & is in jail doesn't mean the project should've been abandoned. after all, it's open source01:08
sundokomy ubuntu hibernate to long, how to fix this?01:08
jason_wtany way to fix this?01:08
NeverCastDoes anyone know what will change when I hit the Upgrade button01:08
NeverCastto go from Karmic01:08
NeverCastTo Lucid01:08
arrrghhhmagicianlord, i run headless, but it's really dependent on what you're doing with the machine.  are you going to be accessing it physically, or can you manage it remotely?  how powerful is the hardware?  are you concerned about overhead?01:08
KE1HAmikeru, and he sole the technology :-) ...01:08
NeverCastI mean settings wise, no data loss or anything?01:08
appamajigNeverCast: your teeth will be generally whiter (but the edges will be darker)01:09
Myth`Is there a way for me to make a permanent 'alias' command with a couple of switches? I'm trying to mount / unmount a remote disk with sshfs and manually typing the command every time is getting annoying.01:09
magicianlordarrrghhh: i like it for simplicity. the hardware is powerful enough. dual core amd64, 2gb01:09
KE1HAMyth`, edit your bash prodile and add the one you want to it.01:09
arrrghhhmagicianlord, then keep it headless.  i have a powerful *enough* server for a gui, but i have no need for one.   less packages to update :D01:10
NeverCastappamajig, That was very metaphorical.01:10
blendmaster1024_quick quiz! what's the best raw processor for linux?01:10
magicianlordarrrghhh: my point exactly. fewer pkgs to update01:10
arrrghhhwhat about ZFS?01:10
KB1JWQ|Birfdaymikeru: Please troll less.01:10
tensorpuddingZFS won't be coming to the Linux kernel anytime soon, for sure01:10
appamajigNeverCast: I'm sorry, I couldnt help myself... it was lame, I know...01:10
KE1HAMyth`, Here's a noe little How-Too: http://www.mediacollege.com/linux/command/alias.html01:10
mikerudishonor on me! :(01:10
KB1JWQ|Birfdaytensorpudding: Yeah, that's a licensing morass.01:10
tensorpuddingYou can use it with FUSE though.01:11
arrrghhhtensorpudding, well... it's kinda supported.  but definitely not in the kernel, correct.01:11
NeverCastappamajig, Nawh It was alright, Just didn't help with the question :P01:11
Myth`KE1HA: Thanks, I'll have a look now.01:11
NeverCastappamajig, It actually got me thinking before realising it was just off-topic :P01:11
tensorpuddingOr consider switching to FreeBSD, their ZFS support is almost great.01:11
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KB1JWQ|Birfdaytensorpudding: Yeah, it's slightly old, but 8.1 just came out with a newer version IIRC.01:11
hiexpoi had an issue this am that when i tried to open a specfic folder on my thumb drive it would set all permissions to read only , but i could remove it and reload the drive and as long as i did not open the folder causing that was causing this everything was fine has anyone ever had this happen before ? i believe it was a corrupt file ?01:11
blendmaster1024_mikeru, yes, dishonour on you. see /msg ubottu offtopic and /msg ubottu caps.01:11
appamajigNeverCast in my defense, I did do a little research, and some people said that it worked great, and other people just said they do clean installs, and other people said to do a backup first... *shrug* so who knows :)01:12
mikerudamn Sun! ZFS' license issue was all planned!01:12
KB1JWQ|Birfdayhiexpo: What filesystem was on the thumbdrive?01:12
arrrghhhtensorpudding, i'm trying to actually.  just started tho, still working out all the idiosyncrasies.01:12
tensorpuddingThe only problem is that sysinstall doesn't support it01:12
Sia-any one use ipod shuffle 2 GB silver under ubuntu? if yes wich apps? because gtkpod worked and added music, but i can just hear "please use itunes to sync music to this ipod" any idea?01:12
tensorpuddingI use FreeBSD on my servers.01:12
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mikerublendmaster1024_: "quick quiz! what's the best raw processor for linux?" seems soo offtopic...01:12
datacrusheranyone? i got a 10.04 install, worked fine till today i got a blank screen with a initramfs, busybox message01:12
KE1HAMyth`, Just google Linux Alias Command, Bash Profile and there's loads of thigns you cna do.01:12
arrrghhhnot for ZFS, but that's definitely a nice addition.01:12
datacrusherlike this http://img258.imageshack.us/i/sunp0165ns4.jpg/01:12
hiexpoKB1JWQ|Birfday,  i formated it hee on ubuntu fat01:12
NeverCastappamajig, I hear a backup is easy these days, Dump everything into a tar ball :P01:12
blendmaster1024_mikeru, should I have said ubuntu? I was asking what the best app was.01:12
mikerublendmaster1024_: you should ;)01:13
cablopappamajig: what by itself?01:13
Scunizimikeru: if you want raw processing check out "darktable".. they have a repo for ubuntu and is very similar to Lightroom by Adobe.. what camera do you have?01:13
Myth`KE1HA: Got it. Is there a way to pass a flag to the alias? IE sshfsm -mount / -unmount?01:13
appamajigNeverCast: yeah, I do a nightly backup like that of my terrabyte drive to my two 320s01:14
Sia-nobody :)01:14
mikerublendmaster1024_: there's your answer @Scunizi01:14
KE1HAI woudn't do that, I would right a small script to do that. But I think you could do it in the Alais, I've not tried it.01:14
appamajigNeverCast: it creates an incredible amount of confidence :) I'm safe, no matter what :)01:14
cablopi think i'm going to delete the openjdk... it's open, but not for production, not yet01:14
blendmaster1024_Scunizi, that was me, I have the pentax K-x, it uses DNG raw.01:14
NeverCastappamajig, Yeah that's sweet :D01:15
cablopor is there a way to say ubuntu WHICH java i want by default?01:15
NeverCastappamajig, My HDD is the size of my backup drive01:15
Random832I'm trying to set up my brother's system - on kubuntu; wireless isn't working ("b43" module)01:15
hiexpoKB1JWQ|Birfday,  but when i right click on it and properties is says file sys msdos01:15
Scuniziblendmaster1024_: mikeru .. ah wrong nick.. blendmaster1024_ check out darktable.. no repo but they do have a PPA that is updated nightly.  check it out01:15
Random832anyone know how to fix it?01:15
arrrghhhso any rtorrent users in here?01:15
NeverCastappamajig, I can fit the entire contents of my backup, on my laptop01:15
mikerucablop: alternatives01:15
NeverCastappamajig, lol.01:15
Random832it just says the network is down whatever i try to do01:15
gewtI prefer transmission-cli01:15
mikerucablop: aptitude and synaptic take care of that.01:15
cablopalternatives... clic cli, something is moving on my brain01:15
Scuniziblendmaster1024_: I think they use ufraw but am not really sure.. good support for my nikon and canon's though.01:15
arrrghhhgewt, thanks?01:15
cablopalternatives in synaptic?01:15
dahudon-screen notifications sometimes enter a loop where they re-appear as soon as they fade.  How can I fix this?01:16
arrrghhhthere was some seriously lacking issue that i had with transmission.01:16
Scuniziblendmaster1024_: they are also on #darktable but are in England and typically only active in the mornings (Pacific Standard Time)01:16
appamajigNeverCast: I would like to do that... but it would drive me crazy to waste that much space... I thought about getting another terabyte and doing a raid 0, but in the end, I didn't want to spend the money, so I just tar onto the spare drives that were sitting around from an old system :) I'm happy with it01:16
actionparsniphey guys, what file do I need to edit to set modprobe options of a module please01:16
arrrghhhcan't remember it now.  drove me mad after using it for 30 seconds tho.01:16
NeverCastappamajig, It's better than no backup, Which I currently have.01:16
PeterDropanybody wanna help this poor mans, with his sound card :D have no sound :::(01:16
actionparsnipthe module is psmouse01:17
tweakdoes anyone know where in ubuntu i can find which pci or pci-e controllers i have01:17
hporsehi. i'm trying to change my video card driver to radeonhd. the ubuntu help says i have to open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. the file does not exist on my system. what shall i do in that case?01:17
hporsehere is the site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD#Configuration01:17
biharii have question but its not related to ubuntu problem01:17
Scunizitweak: sudo lshw will give you more than what you need information wise....01:17
thune3hiexpo: you would likely see a message in dmesg or /var/log/syslog about drive being switched to read only because of errors encountered. Though you might loose some data on an errored filesystem, i would recommend fsck-ing the unmounted partition.01:17
arrrghhhtweak, lspci and lshw i believe.01:17
NeverCastAnyone know of a method in encrypting my entire HDD? With a distro already installed...01:17
appamajigNeverCast: that's how I've done it most of my life, but I've had a couple of crashes that left me in tears01:17
biharii am not able to join #c01:17
NeverCastappamajig, Been there man, Seriously been there01:18
appamajigNeverCast: it hurts to lose about a year's worth of work01:18
arrrghhhNeverCast, truecrypt...01:18
biharii have register my nick also but i cant able to have acess01:18
actionparsniptweak: lspci01:18
NeverCastappamajig, Plus 20gigs of music, 5 years of photos01:18
actionparsnipbihari: you must be registered to join it01:18
KE1HAMyth`, jsut onre final thought, dont name tha alais "mount or umount" .. LOL01:18
ejvgetting this, how do I punch through?: The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic01:18
NeverCastappamajig, Everyone suggests truecrypt so guess it's the only option lol.01:18
bihariYes i have register01:18
bjegovichow can i play counter stike on linux ? when i try with wine, grafic is too bad, i have 128 mb grafic card01:18
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kowjust make a turecrypt "partition"01:18
actionparsnipbihari: try: /join ##csharp01:19
ejvNeverCast: no it's not the only option, dm_crypt is IMO better.01:19
arrrghhhNeverCast, no, just the best IMHO.01:19
biharibut i wants to learn C01:19
KE1HAejv,  what are your trying to do when you get that message ?>01:19
ejvKE1HA: trying to update01:19
biharinot cSHARP01:19
thune3ejv: apt-get dist-upgrade01:19
ejvdist-upgrade for a kernel update ?01:19
bjegovichow can i play counter stike on linux ? when i try with wine, grafic is too bad, i have 128 mb grafic card01:19
actionparsnipbihari: /join ##c    then01:19
mikeruis pure bull--01:19
bihariI DID01:20
NeverCastejv, arrrghhh, What's the pros/cons of dm_crypt vs truecrypt01:20
KE1HAejv, then keep them, and afterwards clean up old Kernels and Headers01:20
kowbjegovic, get a better gfx card?01:20
actionparsnipbihari: failing that, ask in #freenode01:20
arrrghhhNeverCast, haven't used either.  i'd google it my friend.01:20
bihariCannot join #c (Channel is invite only) << its says01:20
mikerutry ##c01:20
arrrghhhbihari, ##c01:20
bjegovicwhen i am on windows cs work perfect01:20
kowtruecrypt is kinda fishy, ever been to the site?01:20
actionparsnipbjegovic: drop graphical settings lower to suit your hardware01:20
arrrghhhkow, yea, why/01:20
actionparsnipbjegovic: windows has different support so will act differently01:20
ejvNeverCast: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems#Current Ubuntu Release <---read01:21
bihari* Cannot join ##c (You are banned). coz i have pasted some of my programme there in main channel01:21
bjegovici wanna play it :(01:21
kowit is just, there is no info about who makes/maintains it01:21
KE1HAbjegovic, hence the diffrence between WinDoze & Linux01:21
kowand the source code is always released like a release late01:21
biharii dont know how long they will baned me :(01:21
bjegovicwhat xD01:21
ejvgames suck on linux bjegovic, stick with windows for gaming01:21
NeverCastejv, thanks I'll look over that01:21
kowand people get banned in the forum for asking questions01:21
actionparsnipbjegovic: moan at your video chip brand, if they support linux better then it will run better, also native steam is on the way which should make it run nicer01:21
kowcant wait for steam on linux01:22
tensorpuddingthere a few native games for linux, though i think the better ones have been ported also01:22
bjegovici am going to delete linux and install windows, byee01:22
appamajigbihari: I'm asking them to unban you...01:22
thune3ejv: you can run apt-get in simulate mode first if you are worried about what it is going to do. sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade01:22
arrrghhhbjegovic, basically what everyone has said.  use windows to play games, unless the game specifically supports linux (which is improving)01:22
ejvbjegovic: or do a dual install... lol01:22
biharithanks you sir appamajig01:22
KE1HAbjegovic, that's an option, but not one worth going after in my opinion.01:22
biharinow i wil use codepad01:22
kowarrrghhh, i agree01:22
arrrghhhwait... he's banned?  why did you get banned bihari01:22
appamajigbihari: they may not do it... but you never know01:22
ejvthans thune301:22
bjegovici just wanna play cs01:23
kowwindows is only useful for games01:23
appamajigbihari: btw I told them that you promise not to spam again...01:23
kowthen use it in windows01:23
biharii have not used codepad.org01:23
arrrghhhbjegovic, so boot windows.01:23
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bjegovicok byee01:23
biharii pasted my problem in main room01:23
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sanderIs asound used by default in ubuntu 10.04 ?01:23
sundokohibernate ubuntu to long01:23
arrrghhhbihari, you didn't use pastebin?  well there's your problem right there.01:23
KE1HAkow, Ditto, what he said, but Linux is getting there, Playonlinux has come a long way for games.01:23
cablophibernate is failing in my ubuntu :(01:23
sundokohibernate ubuntu to long01:23
bihariYah coz i am new user arrrghhh01:23
kowi have yet to use playonlinux01:24
hiexpothune3,  it was weird it only did this on that one folder  > but if i opened that folder all files on the usb would be switched to read only file system01:24
bihariso i dont know about the codepad01:24
kowis it worth checking out?01:24
appamajigbihari: they asked if you learned the lesson of reading error messages...01:24
arrrghhhbihari, or pastebin?  you're a programmer!?!?!?01:24
bihariNops i am just a student arrrghhh01:24
arrrghhhkow, basically customized WINE stuff.  just like cedega or any of the others.01:24
appamajigbihari: bah, leave him alone, we're all newbs at some point :P01:24
sundokohibernate ubuntu to long, fix please01:24
psilo2Why does aptitude want to remove mysql-server when I ask it to remove libdspam-drv-mysql?  Obviously mysql does not depend on dspam.01:24
biharibut i want to be a programmer01:24
thune3hiexpo: my guess is in line with your initial suspicion, that the filesystem error is with that directory or its contents01:25
appamajigwhoops that wasn't supposed to be directed at you bihari01:25
arrrghhhbihari, you need to do some reading before you jump in chat rooms my friend.01:25
arrrghhhLOTS of reading.01:25
kowarrrghhh, i havent messed around with wine tbh01:25
kowive used it to run a couple .exe's but that is it01:25
arrrghhhkow, really?  i haven't much either, i don't see the point.  it's cool, but buggy.01:25
kowhavent installed anything in it01:25
bihariwell i have some problem with my programe01:25
bihariso i just go there to learn C and rectify my problem01:25
cablopi'm willing to cry/..... there are tooo many things not ready in my ubuntu box!01:26
arrrghhhbihari, well that program didn't just materialize, did it?01:26
webchatwhy does cat /proc/cpuinfo report 2.6ghz under load even though my cpu is overclocked to 3.2ghz?01:26
KE1HAWine has its uses, but I find in most things that I really "Need", I can find an equal and most oftern better native Linux Application.01:26
neil_dI am having trouble with a script... it uses the scp command... with run via a desktop icon using 'sudo <script>' I get the output from scp.... when I run using 'gksudo <script>' (preferred) I get no output from scp... but the file is copied... I would like to see the output... how can I do this?01:26
tensorpuddingThere's some exe's running my system right now, but not in wine01:26
bihariarrrghhh,  dont know sir :-s01:26
carlos_eduardoj #ubuntu-br01:26
arrrghhhwebchat, how are you oc'ing it?01:26
biharilook i have question why its says time out  in 2 line01:27
webchatarrrghhh: fsb increase, it shows 3.2ghz under both bios and cpu-z under windows01:27
webchatso, the value is simply incorrect?01:27
KE1HAneil_d, have the script output its action to a logfile.tst or somethign.01:27
kowis it worth it to upgrade to 10.10, or should i just stay at 10.04?01:27
hiexpothune3, scared me lol it's what i have all my apps and stuff backed up on   > so i went and gotta another one today for a second backup     ppppppppppfffffff01:27
SubCoolhey- im setting up a VPN, Does that make the IP of my box perminate to that IP, or do i have a LAN Ip and a VPN Ip?01:27
webchati guess the os can only change the stepping for power saving, so not an issue01:27
arrrghhhwebchat, perhaps.  i'm not sure what that value reads tbh.01:27
LantiziaAnyone know what the max length a unix username can be?01:27
psilo2SubCool: both.  boxes don't have IPs, interfaces have IPs.01:27
kowLantizia, is it 12?01:27
SubCoolpsilo2, right, but i only have one eth on it01:27
webchatarrrghhh: well, my cpu can't even be set to 2.6ghz under the current fsb01:27
KE1HAkow, if you dont mind testing and bug hunting 10.10 will be ok, but with anythign, if stability and performance are key factors, upgrades are always a risk.01:28
psilo2SubCool: virtual interfaces included01:28
Lantiziakow, I don't know - is it?01:28
arrrghhhwebchat, what is the chip clocked at from the factory?01:28
k0shLantizia: i think pam defines it somwhere01:28
psilo2SubCool: you'll have eth0 (probably LAN) and some vpn interface as well, even if both use the same physical NIC.01:28
SubCoolworks- ok. thanks. thats what i thought, but... alot of what i have learned with networking dosnt work the right way.01:28
webchatarrrghhh: 2.6ghz, so I guess it's reading hardware strings rather than actual clock speed01:28
SubCoolgreat- thanks. just needed a reminder01:28
kowKE1HA, well, im always using alphas, but i really have my desktop configured the way i like it, and im starting school soon, and dont want to mess with ti really01:29
bihariarrrghhh,   i cant see the output on my gcc01:29
webchatarrrghhh: dmesg says [    0.000000] Detected 3218.389 MHz processor.01:29
Lantiziak0sh, where do I look for that?01:29
neil_dKE1HA: but I still won't see the output of scp then.01:29
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KE1HAkow, that's the beauty of Virtual Desktops, have the best of both worlds.01:29
arrrghhhwebchat, there you go.01:29
kowKE1HA, true01:29
webchatarrrghhh: then [    1.195928] powernow-k8:    0 : pstate 0 (2600 MHz)01:29
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kowi think im just gonna stay on 10.0401:29
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kowis there a release date for 10.10?01:30
arrrghhhbihari, first that page isn't loading.  second, this is not a c discussion room.01:30
arrrghhhkow, it's every 6 months, so october.01:30
kowarrrghhh, k01:30
biharii am just 18 yer old . so plz  help me in learning :((01:30
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:30
arrrghhhi think they bumped this one back a couple of weeks from normal from the plan.01:30
arrrghhhbihari, quit making excuses.01:30
biharii am noob :((01:30
kowi was just wondering if there was a date yet, but i doubt it01:31
KE1HAneil_d, it will be in the log file, but not displaied on the screen unless you do something like: tail -f scplogfile.txt  or somethign similar whuile it's happening.01:31
arrrghhhbihari, i started programming at 6 years old.  why are you still making excuses?01:31
arrrghhhkow, there's always a date :D01:31
biharii am not making a excuses sir but :(01:31
webchatbihari: go learn python..01:32
bihari i have curosity to lean c01:32
* kow glares at arrrghhh01:32
psilo2Please, I'm stuck: why does aptitude want to remove mysql-server when I ask it to remove libdspam-drv-mysql?  Obviously mysql does not depend on dspam.  I need to reinstall the dspam package to get default config files.01:32
biharino 1st c then after any programe01:32
KE1HAits a good thing Im not a programmer, my typing is terrible, talk about a Bug Hunt exercise :-)01:32
arrrghhhkow, lol gimmie a sec.01:32
thune3webchat: are you looking at "cpu MHz" entry in /proc/cpuinfo or the "model name"?01:32
nixboxmy sound works with all apps except with firefox on youtube, i have the flash plugin installed, what could be the problem?01:32
arrrghhhbihari, then buy some books, read documentation online, don't go bugging people in a chat room that has nothing to do with C!01:32
webchatcpu MHz01:33
brianlI am running ubuntu, is there a way to install another os on a different partition from an .iso i have, without burning it to a cd?01:33
bihariYes i have book01:33
biharibut i got problem when i run it on GCC01:33
KE1HAbrianl, Safest way is a virtual desktop.01:33
bihariThats why i am here to clearify my problem01:33
arrrghhhbihari, i don't see how that applies to this room....01:33
webchatthune3: I see other people have this issue, the module always assumes fsb of 200mhz apparently01:34
uRockkow, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-release-schedule.html01:34
mneptokbihari: "run it on GCC?"01:34
brianlKE1HA: there is no way to install from iso without the cd?01:34
kowthanks uRock01:34
* mneptok had no idea you could use a C compiler as an OS01:34
psilo2He is either trolling or completely dense, either way that program's not going to compile anytime soon.  Let's all focus on my issue :)01:34
Lantiziak0sh, well I just tried to make a user called a23456789012345678901234567890123 and it failed01:34
Craig_DemYes. Put it on a USB.01:34
Craig_DemOr use a network boot.01:35
Lantiziak0sh, but a2345678901234567890123456789012 worked - so it must be 3201:35
arrrghhhkow, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-release-schedule.html01:35
KE1HAbrianl, yes, but you risk your primnary installation, if you willing to take that risk, and are comfortable with doing so, no problem.01:35
arrrghhhkow, i told you it has a date!01:35
kowarrrghhh, looks like uRock beat you to it01:35
little-boy /msg nickserv register password email01:35
arrrghhhoct 28.01:35
arrrghhhkow, der, i was so busy lookin for it i didn't notice.  bwhahaha01:35
brianlKE1HA: okay, so how do i go about installing it from the iso file?01:35
kowso expect it around halloween...01:35
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kowanyone else have massive issues with flash in 64 bit?01:36
nixboxbihari: lol, you never increment i, so of course the while loop will run endlessly :P01:36
arrrghhhkow, they're pretty good about releasing on that day for better or worse... which can cause issues, but it usually doesn't cause show-stopping ones.01:36
arrrghhhkow, 64-bit flash was a very, very recent development from adobe.  you used to have to run 32-bit libraries of your browser to get flash to work...01:37
psilo2nixbox: everyone is (rightly) telling him he's in the wrong channel, don't encourage the guy01:37
KE1HAbrianl, You use the live-CD and setup partitions for multiple distos.01:37
webchatarrrghhh: but it has no gpu acceleration?01:37
webchatat least in my experience01:37
uRocklittle-boy, do that on freenode01:37
little-boy /msg nickserv register 460021  an0nym0us.g33k@yahoo.com01:37
webchatfull-screen 720p flash video stutters..01:37
arrrghhhwebchat, what.01:37
nixboxpsilo2: sorry for that, just gave him a hint, won't do more :P01:37
kowwell i have flash working, its just i cant use the mouse half the time in youtube and other stuff01:37
arrrghhhyea, flash sucks on linux in general, imho.  sorry, it just _does_01:37
little-boyops !01:38
kowi have to use the keyboard shortcuts01:38
KE1HAbrianl, here's setup for doing the pre-partitioning: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/non-debian-partitioning.html01:38
nixboxbihari: join ##c01:38
actionparsniplittle-boy: you may want to register outside any channel to avoid that01:38
kowbut i installed opera today, and it works completely awesome01:38
webchatyep, death to adobe...01:38
webchatbut opera isn't foss!01:38
macolittle-boy: also probably not use an all-numeric password...01:38
webchatit's corporate proprietary evilness!01:38
KE1HAbrianl, if you've already used the entier Hard-Disk, then you'll need to re-partition a portion of the drive to allow for the additional distro's01:38
psilo2opera mini goes through opera proxy servers, no option to bypass them.  That's when I decided Opera is evil.01:39
psilo2I will never use it.01:39
arrrghhhchrome on linux is pretty sweet too :D01:39
brianlKE1HA: Okay, thanks.01:39
actionparsnipwebchat: if it performs the job it is intended to do and better than other tested options, then why not use it?01:39
webchatactionparsnip: what does?01:39
kowchrome doesnt have perfect flash though01:39
arrrghhhpsilo2, yea... but that's why the mobile browsing experience is so good.  sad.01:39
arrrghhhkow, not chrome's problem... again, goes back to flash!01:40
kowim only using opera for youtube and flash things01:40
kowi know01:40
actionparsnipwebchat: if the user sees opera as the ideal choice for their situation s/he should use it as it suits their needs01:40
arrrghhhopera works well for you with flash?  huh.  damn presto engine.01:40
infomomoHey guys, is the search in nautilus still broken. i am having a lot of trouble searching for files using nautilus search01:40
webchatactionparsnip: of course, it was a tongue-in-cheek remark01:40
actionparsnipkow: opera is fine, the fact that it is devloped to run native on linux is a step in the right direction01:40
kowi use chromuim quite often, but i need to find out how to use userscripts01:40
actionparsnipwebchat: i see :)01:40
Craig_DemSince when did any linux anything have perfect flash.01:40
KE1HAarrrghhh, no mater which Browser you pick, there's issues, it's a compromise on what matters most to the user.01:41
arrrghhhCraig_Dem, evidently opera haha.01:41
arrrghhhKE1HA, agreed... did i say something racist?  or browerist?01:41
Craig_DemI use chrome for linux and on my mac.01:41
KE1HAand that's not a Linux Issue, it's a Browser issue.01:41
arrrghhhKE1HA, what, flash?01:41
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actionparsnipkow: arora is decent too, and fast. although chrome/ium's pre dns thing is niiice01:41
kowCraig_Dem, flash is running perfectly in opera, for me anyways01:42
lucenutSo I have my ubuntu machine on the local network. I can ping it's IP from the other machines. But I can't access the shared drive on the ubuntu from windows machines.01:42
webchathrm, does anybody else hate when /overly/-insideous foss-endorsing corporations ban you from creating derivatives of their trademark/logo?01:42
KE1HAarrrghhh, No, not at all, just no matter which one I've used in the past, Ive hit problems somwhere, so I pick the one I like best and live with the compromise.01:42
lucenutI went into sharing options on a folder on ubuntu. And it told me it had to install some windows pack...01:42
actionparsniplucenut: have you shared folders? You can't share drives01:42
Mr_Sonomalucenut, have samba installed?01:42
rwwwebchat: Feel free to ask #ubuntu-offtopic ;P01:42
arrrghhhKE1HA, i just end up using them all, sometimes in the same session.  same goes for windoes.01:42
lucenutSo I did that, then it let me check "Share this folder"01:43
ZandreBranHi guys. please, I'm using pbbuilder, it compiles, but the deb just go to the documentation. Please could you help me?01:43
Craig_DemI've never liked opera, I used it for a short time when it was the fastest browser. Bunk just prefer chrome's minimalism.01:43
arrrghhhlucenut, samba?01:43
lucenutI didn't install Samba.01:43
Craig_DemBut I*01:43
KE1HAarrrghhh, rogetr that, same here.01:43
actionparsniplucenut: ok, is the windows machine windows 7?01:43
hiexpodeb file will tell you the problem dependencies01:43
actionparsniplucenut: guess how I knew :)01:43
KE1HAEvening actionparsnip01:43
webchatrww: sorry, I just hate "we love user freedom", "but you're not free to use our brand!"01:43
kowCraig_Dem, opera is way faster for me then chromium, but userscripts are slow to load01:44
lucenutWhen I try to hit \\\ it asks for username/pw.01:44
rwwwebchat: I'm not overly fond of it either, but it's offtopic for this channel.01:44
kowbut that may be my hdd01:44
psilo2arrrghhh: I'm not 100% convinced their proxy servers help THAT much -- and it should still be configurable.  I mean, if the proxies are that great, I could just run my own.01:44
actionparsniplucenut: you must run: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER    set the password to the same as the login password of $USER01:44
lucenutHow did you know?01:44
webchatrww: ok, sorry01:44
lucenutSet what password?01:44
actionparsniplucenut: Win7 operates samba differently for some reason so you must use samba authentication.01:44
arrrghhhpsilo2, i agree it should be configurable.  but on my phone, nothing even comes close to opera.  skyfire is OK, but still not as good (and I think they use the same proxy method as well...)01:44
infomomoAny of you guys experiencing problems with Nautilus SEARCH ???01:44
actionparsniplucenut: the command will make a samba user under the same accountname as your current user01:44
jguzikowskihey guys, this may seem like a silly question..but does ubuntu support yahoo games? like is ther anything ill need to install to play it01:45
psilo2arrrghhh: I only have a blackberry and opera is awful on it (like every other browser) so I can't speak for sure.01:45
actionparsnipjguzikowski: if you have java installed, sure01:45
kowjguzikowski, java01:45
arrrghhhjguzikowski, probably not.  try it out on a live cd.01:45
KE1HAWith Samba, you always have to have at least one User/PW combination to enact shares of any kind.01:45
arrrghhhpsilo2, ah.  i have a winmo phone that i run android on as well, and opera is still the best of all of 'em.01:45
actionparsnipKE1HA: hey dude01:45
kunjiHey everyone, does anyone know how well, if at all, the Mimo 720-F works with linux?  Info here, http://www.mimomonitors.com/products/mimo-720-f-flex-screen-mountable-touchscreen-usb-monitor  There are no official linux drivers for it, so if anyone knows if it works anyways or what needs to be done to make it work, that would be pretty awesome.01:45
jguzikowskiactionparsnip: is java a bitch to install? i think i may have it but not sure01:45
psilo2arrrghhh: I think the bottleneck on mobile is still very much the wireless connection, and not internet latencies, so I must conclude that a caching proxy isn't going to help much at all.01:46
psilo2arrrghhh: I really think they're just after some data mining.01:46
actionparsnipinfomomo: not used it, I use find ni terminal01:46
IdleOne!language | jguzikowski01:46
ubottujguzikowski: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:46
hiexpojava easy01:46
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actionparsnipjguzikowski: I'll assume lucid: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html01:46
arrrghhhpsilo2, PIE (pocket internet exploder) is just absolutely abysmal, and fennec doesn't run on it yet.01:46
jguzikowskiIdleOne, sorry about that01:46
arrrghhhpsilo2, so i really don't have a good comparison.01:46
lucenutWoohoo! That did it. Thanks guys!01:46
infomomoactionparsnip: thx bro01:46
kowjguzikowski, just install restricted extas01:46
KE1HAjguzikowski, online command, or use the package manager, its a snap.01:47
KE1HAoops one line command .. .. ..01:47
jguzikowskiah, package manager <301:47
infomomoactionparsnip: i like using the search option in nautilus01:47
infomomoactionparsnip: but it does not work01:47
psilo2arrrghhh: I guess I will get an android phone soon.  The way the manufacturers are locking them down is really discouraging though.01:47
jguzikowskiThanks for the quick answers guys! :)01:48
arrrghhhpsilo2, yea, XDA always seems to find ways around it tho.  the "unhackable" droid X took about a week to get an SPL for.01:48
KE1HAAndroid Rocks!! much better that the Evil I  .. but that's way off topic :-)  sri01:48
actionparsnipinfomomo: i've heard if you select 'computer' as the search start place, it borks. Try choosing a folder and searching. You can always install beagle or somesuch01:48
zakin i need help to how to se wine01:48
arrrghhhyea.. sorry for the off topic01:48
psilo2arrrghhh: they're pulling an apple: "hey thanks foss movement for the internet and the operating systems! good stuff! now we're going to not learn ANYTHING from them and lock everything down, enjoy!" uigh01:48
infomomoactionparsnip: i will install beagle01:48
actionparsnipKE1HA: +1 for android01:48
arrrghhhi still want some help with rtorrent :D01:48
IdleOne!ot | psilo201:48
ubottupsilo2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:48
kowyou know, this is my first time in this channel, and everyone seems pretty cool guys, just letting you know01:48
actionparsnipjguzikowski: can always use apt-get in cli if you know the package names01:48
webchatKE1HA: but does it have Qt?01:48
arrrghhhpsilo2, it's the manufacturers, not google/android...01:48
arrrghhhbut i will stop with that.01:49
psilo2arrrghhh: right01:49
macoarrrghhh, psilo2: um a bit offtopic folks01:49
arrrghhhi'll join the off-topic room.01:49
IdleOnearrrghhh psilo2 I bet you could find a few people in #ubuntu-offtopic who would be interested in that convo01:49
psilo2I hate to repeat, but I am entirely confused about why aptitude's dependencies are all screwed up.01:49
ikhiderAnyone know how to get Ubuntu to recognize a wifi card? Damn Small Linux can list it on lspci, but not Ubuntu--any ideas?01:49
arrrghhhand still pander for rtorrent help here :D01:49
arrrghhhIdleOne, i get the point, it's done.01:49
psilo2IdleOne: yes we got the message after the first three people said it01:49
psilo2hi5 arrrghhh01:50
KE1HAwebchat, does what have Qt ?01:50
webchatis there a reason systeam tray balloon notifications in qt applications aren't redirected to notify-osd?01:51
webchatare the balloons Qt-specific, or a feature of gnome?01:51
KE1HAwebchat, pass, dont know that one.01:51
IdleOnearrrghhh psilo2 sorry I should of added a smile to the last sentence. I didn't mean it to sound like I was complaining L)01:52
psilo2why would `aptitude purge libdspam-drv-mysql` want to remove mysql-server?01:52
psilo2It's killing me, stopped my progress dead in tracks.01:52
MBG1987I wont to connect to my work pc  in the company from my home pc using VPN the, both using ubuntu, both behind NAT, How to do it?01:52
arrrghhhwebchat, qt and gnome have never really played well together.  just like kde and gtk+.  they work, but not perfectly.01:52
Dr_Willis!virtualbox > Dr_Willis01:52
ubottuDr_Willis, please see my private message01:52
KE1HAMBG1987, you need your work's VPN client config on your remote machine.01:53
arrrghhhMBG1987, the "easiest" would be something like... crap what is it.  starts with an H.01:53
webchatis there a reason systeam tray balloon notifications in qt applications aren't redirected to notify-osd?01:53
ikhiderHow to get a wifi card detected on ubuntu?01:53
webchatikhider: install the correct proprietary firmware01:54
NeverCastikhider, It should just work01:54
NeverCastikhider, what model?01:54
ikhiderwebchat, PLease explain01:54
NeverCastarrrghhh, Hamachi is win01:54
doctorZeusI've been screwing around with Brasero and having various issues, would like to try a new program to see if I have better luck.  Can anyone recommend their preferred cd/dvd burning software other than brasero that comes stock with ubuntu?01:54
arrrghhhMBG1987, hamachi was the word i was lookin for.01:54
KE1HAikhider, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo01:54
ikhiderNeverCast, HP6515b01:54
arrrghhhNeverCast, lol couldn't think of it there for a min.01:54
IdleOnedoctorZeus: gnomebaker01:54
ikhiderKE1HA, webchat :You see, LSPCI does not list it01:54
NeverCastikhider, That's the Laptop make01:54
arrrghhhwebchat, i explained it but you rudely "closed the page"01:54
NeverCastikhider, What's the wifi card01:54
psilo2doctorZeus: they're all just wrappers around cdrecord.  Try to get that working.01:54
NeverCastarrrghhh, Hamachi is awesome if you can get tun working01:55
webchatarrrghhh: apologies, freenode webchat + firefox doesn't seem to be reliable01:55
psilo2doctorZeus: that's likely where the real issue is.01:55
NeverCastarrrghhh, It's been pretty good for me though01:55
arrrghhhwebchat, qt and gnome have never really played well together.  just like kde and gtk+.  they work, but not perfectly.  and no worries.01:55
KE1HAikhider, then that's a problem. Are you sure the WIFI card is operable?01:55
earthling_I have a Nvidia graphics card and am getting the blank screen, how do I enter the "nomodeset" option at the boot menu?01:55
kowdoctorZeus, make sure you dont have burn virtual disc before actual disk turned on01:55
arrrghhhNeverCast, yea i haven't messed with it in a year or so.01:55
ikhiderKE1HA, yes01:55
MBG1987KE1HA Can you please tell me how to configure that or guise me to the same issue links?01:55
webchatarrrghhh: ic, so gtk apps wouldn't use those balloons?01:55
kowthat is what got me all messed up01:55
NeverCastarrrghhh, I would say join my network01:55
NeverCastarrrghhh, but then you will rape my laptop :P01:56
arrrghhhNeverCast, lol wasn't planning on it!01:56
arrrghhheither of those things... yikes!01:56
KE1HAMBG1987,  what issue do you need links for ?01:56
webchatarrrghhh: is there any planned "fix" for better integration?01:56
UbuntusI saw in the Linux web page that there is the Kernel 2.6.35, i have the 2.6.34, how do i update?01:56
doctorZeuspsilo2- I'm on autopilot for the path of least resistance at the moment.. I'd like to try a new program to get me to a vanilla state and if the issue(s) remain I will take a closer look at cdrecord; thanks01:56
KE1HAikhider, if the Card is not being recognized at all, I'd have to research that particular card.01:56
arrrghhhwebchat, uhm... sure?  i'm not sure.  i just know they've never historically played well together.  they're always getting better...01:56
ikhiderKE1HA, Damn Small Linux recognizes it, not ubuntu01:57
arrrghhhUbuntus, it's best to stick with what ubuntu runs.  10.10 will feature that kernel.01:57
Ubuntushm... bummer01:57
macowebchat, arrrghhh: um actually thats changed lately01:57
KE1HAikhider, what card is it?01:57
ikhiderKE1HA, It is a broadcom01:57
webchatarrrghhh: it looks like tray balloon notifications are a Qt creation, gtk apps directly call libnotify01:57
KE1HAModel ?01:57
ikhiderKE1HA, BCM 4312 a/b/g01:57
macowebchat, arrrghhh: ubuntu adopted kde's systray protocol and kde adopted gnome's notification protocol01:57
KE1HAok, hold on.01:58
MBG1987KE1HA did you answer my question above or was somebody else ? :)01:58
arrrghhhmaco, but you can't hardly call it perfect...01:58
webchatmaco: so it's fixed? =-o01:58
KE1HAMBG1987, what was the links you needed, sri I miised it01:58
arrrghhhUbuntus, do you have a need to go to that new kernel?!?01:58
macoarrrghhh, webchat: when you use gnome apps in kde, they get bubbles exactly the same as kde ones. when you use kde i apps in gnome, i believe the same thing happens. throughout 10.04 and 10.10 devel cycles apps' tray stuff has been being converted over to make menus on tray items work the same too01:58
Ubuntuswhen i upgrade to 10.10 do all my problems gonna resolve? like, no sound icon in Gnom panel, dummy sound  output, no eth0 detected...01:58
dooglushi guys.  I recently installed linux on my granny's laptop because she kept getting spyware in windows.  now she has somehow managed to get 'mywebsearch' as her default firefox search01:58
MBG1987KE1HA I want to connect to my work pc  in the company from my home pc using VPN the, both using ubuntu, both behind NAT, How to do it?01:59
dooglushow did that happen?  she won't have meant to do it01:59
laurusdooglus, do you mean you installed the Linux kernel, or the GNU/Linux OS?01:59
doogluslaurus: I installed ubuntu 10.0401:59
dooglusthat's what I mean01:59
laurusAh okay01:59
ikhiderI tried so many distributions--to get Linux working all the way is such a rarity01:59
arrrghhhUbuntus, no, do you think all those things will magically be solved with this new kernel tho?!?01:59
KE1HAMBG1987, yes I answered, you need the clint you comapny uses normally, and get Linux equalevent (if possible), else, no joy Im affraid.02:00
webchatmaco: when I call http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qsystemtrayicon.html#showMessage in lucid, I get a balloon like http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/images/system-tray.png :(02:00
dooglusmy question is, how does the mywebsearch malware trick my granny into installing itself on ubuntu?02:00
ikhiderThere is *always* an issue with Linux--if it is not wifi, it is audio or the graphics card or whatever02:00
laurusDoes anyone here know how to view .idx and .sub files?02:00
macodooglus: if you right click the search thingy on firefox you can change the default02:00
doogluslaurus: I use mplayer-nogui02:00
arrrghhhMBG1987, i also answered, use hamachi unless you want to use the company vpn.02:00
Ubuntusarrrghhh: well, that would be cool02:00
laurusdooglus, no, I mean like, view them as a list or a document02:00
laurusNot inside the movie itself02:00
arrrghhhUbuntus, i'm sure it would.  get to coding, all the source is there!02:00
dooglusmaco: I know how to fix it.  what I don't know is how it sneaked onto the computer.  I'd like to stop it happening again02:00
katoendooglus: perhaps its a firefox 'addon'02:01
KE1HAikhider, you need to use the ndiswrapper approach like I do for my Linksys Wirelss Nics.02:01
macowebchat: ive never seen anything like that in kde... the bubbles attach to the panel in kde 4.4 and 4.5 (earlier versions they could go in the middle of the screen too i think)02:01
doogluslaurus: .sub files are plain text.  you can use any text editor02:01
Ubuntusarrrghhh: i follow some advice from a guy here, about reseting the Gnome panel, and nothing happened02:01
doogluskatoen: there's no addon02:01
laurusdooglus, no, they're images, not plain text02:01
ikhiderKE1HA, If the card is not detected at all by LSPCI, how does one do an ndiswrapper approach?02:01
KE1HAikhider, See if this Helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step%201:%20All%20BCM43xx%20-%20Install%20NDISWrapper%20and%20Blacklist%20Native%20Driver02:01
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  you mean the following?02:01
laurus.idx/.sub is vobsub, i.e. ripped from DVD02:01
Dr_Willis!resetpanel  | Ubuntus02:01
webchatmaco: ic, I guess that requires calling kde libs directly.. not cross-platform with windows etc02:01
ubottuUbuntus: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:01
katoendooglus: are you sure its because of malware? couldn't she simply have accidentally changed teh homepage02:01
MBG1987arrrghhh What's hamachi ? can i use openVPN02:01
arrrghhhUbuntus, uh.  ok?02:01
KE1HAI know it's for Fiesty, but the process is the same.02:01
macodooglus: when you visit a site that has its own search engine available, the search menu offers to add it to the list (click on the icon for the current search and see the drop down... there'll be one at the bottom of the list if youre on certain sites... ilke youtube does it i think).  she probably hit it not knowing what it was02:02
macowebchat: yes probably02:02
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  clarify what its not doing. that command does work fine for me and most people02:02
arrrghhhMBG1987, you can use whatever you want.  really depends on what your company allows.  my company, that would not fly.02:02
webchatmaco: so i'm stuck with fugly balloons  if I want to support kde/gnome/windows :(02:02
doogluskatoen: the home page didn't change.  what changed is the 'about:config' setting that tells it where to go when you type random words (not a URL) into the address bar02:02
macowebchat: quassel supports pure-qt and kde02:02
KE1HAYou install ndiswrapper-common and utils, then install the driver.sys / .ini file, then modprobe the driver to the kernel.02:02
doogluskatoen: she didn't change that manaully02:02
macowebchat: its a compile-time option in quassel02:02
webchatmaco: ic, I guess i could do that02:02
arrrghhhwebchat, or just run kde haha :P02:02
macowebchat: also, there IS kde for windows02:02
UbuntusDr_Willis: restoring the sound icon in thnome desktop02:03
arrrghhhmaco, they're doing a native port right?  how's the progress on that?02:03
macoarrrghhh: i dont know. i dont use windows except at work where im not admin02:03
UbuntusBut, whatever, who needs sound anyway.....?02:03
arrrghhhUbuntus, i don't.  ubuntu is a server for me.  everyone has their own needs.02:03
KE1HALOL  sound and video drivers are always testy in Linux. Once that's smoothed out, look out WinDoze.02:04
dooglusmaco: the default search in the search box is still google.  it's the "when you type a bad URL" search that was damaged02:04
macoUbuntus: um if you dont have a sound applet but you do have a notification area, that sounds like pulseaudio's not running. ditto the "dummy sound output" part...02:04
macodooglus: oh. mm dunno then02:04
webchatthe ati catalyst drivers suck, no vsync for desktop :(02:04
arrrghhhdooglus, ah, i had that happen previously with one of my ubuntu systems, and i was baffled as well.  1 sec.02:04
webchatcompiz effects look horrid without vsync..02:04
arrrghhh(my gf managed to get it bungled...)02:04
Ubuntuss there n the terminal too see whats wrong with the system? I am having some LAG.02:05
dooglusarrrghhh: I fixed it.  I just want to stop it happening again02:05
dooglusarrrghhh: I'm surprised that ubuntu lets 'clueless' users mess up their firefox so badly without trying02:05
Ubuntusmaco: yes, i puge the alsa and pulse audio, and then re installed, and still02:05
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arrrghhhdooglus, not ubuntu's fault.  it's a loophole in firefox dude.  install chrome for her, perhaps that's the "fix"...02:06
dooglusarrrghhh: not a bad idea02:06
hiexpoto get bcm4312 working look at this  :) http://dimitar.me/broadcom-wireless-chipset-bcm4311-bcm4312-bcm4321-and-bcm4322-on-ubuntu-karmic/02:06
Jef91What would I need to purchase to use my Ubuntu system as a high def DVR02:06
abhijitGood Morning all :)02:06
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dooglusI liked it when I could tell people "switch to ubuntu to avoid all this malware".  seems that's no longer 100% true02:06
abhijitits 6:45 AM here :) First time this much earlier I am online :)02:07
psilo2ikhider: hw manufacturers don't always target linux.  The easiest path is, if you want to run linux, shop for parts that already have good support.  This is good for you, and encourages manufacturers to provide good linux drivers at the same time.02:07
arrrghhhi have all the "major" browsers installed, because every rendering engine produces slightly different results depending on the page.02:07
Ubuntuswhat causes lag?02:07
Ubuntusin the whole system?02:07
arrrghhhdooglus, well you still can.  it just took over a search feature in firefox, much better than a BSOD don't you agree?02:07
Jef91Ubuntus Slow system?02:07
arrrghhhUbuntus, several factors.  unoptimized drivers.  bad hardware.  misbehaving software.02:07
arrrghhhsooo many other things.02:08
j-fishI'm installing ubuntu for the first time,and i think it stuck,the progress bar reached 100% dissappered and now i just see the background picture.shall i keep waiting(its like this for at least 10 minutes)02:08
UbuntusJust ihe drivers, whats a good command in the terminal to update?02:08
macoUbuntus: drivers are part of the kernel02:08
UbuntusYou see, not even the words02:08
arrrghhhj-fish, do you have a hdd light or a CD activity light?02:08
macoUbuntus: some CPUs automatically slow down if they are overheating. check there's no dust in your heatsink/fan?02:08
actionparsnipj-fish: did you MD5 test the iso you downloaded? Did you check the CD for defects?02:08
KE1HAUbuntus, I had a "slow system" after a 10.04 install, was actually the setu CPU speed.02:08
Mr_Sonomaj-fish, i'd wait a bit and see what it does.02:09
UbuntusThats why i want the most recent kernel02:09
arrrghhhUbuntus, that's not going to solve your problems.  likely to just create a ton more.02:09
UbuntusKEIHA: how did you fix it?02:09
j-fishomg,i think i disconnected the disk on key:/02:09
actionparsniparrrghhh: it'll solve some but create different ones02:09
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bjegoviccan i play cs 1.6 via virtualbox ?????02:10
arrrghhhactionparsnip, either way.  it'll probably wreak more havoc being my point.02:10
kowbjegovic, prolly not02:10
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  for games. one normally uses 'wine'02:10
UbuntusWhy distros so unstable?02:10
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  i find it very stable.02:10
j-fishis there anyway to resume the installation or just restarting?02:10
KE1HATook three steps, havce to remove two packages, install utils and set the performance level. Changeds the CPU speed from 800MHZ back to 1.8Ghz wehre is should have been.02:10
arrrghhhbjegovic, please just run windows for games...02:10
katoenbjegovic is a troll02:10
bjegovicok, too bad grafic is when i use wine02:10
arrrghhhUbuntus, i do as well.02:10
Ubuntuswell, you must only use Wordstar02:10
hiexpowhat distro unstable  ?02:10
bjegovici dont have windows02:10
UbuntusI use 3d modeling02:10
macoUbuntus: constantly changing kernel versions is rather opposite of "stable"...02:10
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  if you want a newer kernel . try the next release thats in testing.02:10
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  please lose the attitude.02:11
doctorZeusIdleOne: gnomebaker is awesome.. much, much, much more intuitive and easy to use than brasero that ships with Ubuntu.  thanks02:11
bjegovici dont have windows02:11
arrrghhhbjegovic, then play games that are native to linux.02:11
UbuntusExcusme, i am a little....mad, Ubuntu issues02:11
bjegovici wanna play cs 1,602:11
KE1HAI ahve the three / four steps on my other laptop. WIll be on it tomorrow.02:11
kgillesany one know how to get microsoft media server protocol on latest ubuntu or any other substitute to play media on ubuntu02:11
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  steam is suipposed to be getting released for linux. some time :)02:11
arrrghhhbjegovic, then you must have windows, because that's what it is designed for.02:11
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  you did check the wine appdatabase for that game?02:12
actionparsniparrrghhh: totally, every OS sucks. Just differently :)02:12
arrrghhhDr_Willis, the steam client, or all the games as well?02:12
bjegovicyes i checked02:12
neutralrobotboyi get an error message on ubuntu 10.04 when i try to hibernate. it tells me that there's a bad swap header? is anyone able to help me with this issue?02:12
Dr_Willisarrrghhh:  i doubt if it will be ALL the games..02:12
actionparsnipbjegovic: also ask in #winehq02:12
rewatihi i need to uninstall these gostwares but i am getting error . I am not able to install and uninstall any app on my system these are the errors : http://pastebin.com/R0XkbY2A02:12
arrrghhhDr_Willis, lol well some of the cool ones at least like L4D?02:12
bjegovici asked and thatr is all i have02:12
Dr_Willisarrrghhh:  not ALL the games are released for OS-X yet either.02:12
Dr_Willisarrrghhh:  no idea.  I imagine eventually  many of them will get ported.02:12
katoenbjegovic: you must stop shouting02:12
bjegovicsry for caps02:12
arrrghhhbjegovic, please use windows.02:13
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  we cant really help if the game dosetn work in wine.. we cant make it work.02:13
bjegovici dont have win02:13
arrrghhhDr_Willis, sorry, it's off topic.  no worries, i'll research it.02:13
bjegovicoh my god02:13
hiexpogames maybe this  http://news.softpedia.com/news/CrossOver-9-1-0-and-CrossOver-Games-9-1-0-Available-Now-149589.shtml02:13
kgillesany substitute  for microsoft media server plugi for ubuntu to play media , please help02:13
Dr_Willisarrrghhh:  I would be happy if the major games by valve got ported, that would be a big boost for linux02:13
bjegoviccs is my drog02:13
bjegovicplease help me i cant without it02:13
arrrghhhit would indeed sir.02:13
katoenbjegovic: stop trolling02:13
twobitspriteCan someone list any guides for setting up ubuntu to use a broadcom BCM4311 wireless card... google only gives me forum posts from 200802:13
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  time to grow up? or move to #ubuntu-offtopic then.02:13
xanguakgilles: have you already installed restrcited-extras¿02:14
arrrghhhkgilles, what do you need to do?  play some music?  there's a ton of programs.02:14
katoenbjegovic: stop it02:14
kgillesyes i did02:14
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hiexpotwobitsprite,  one sec02:14
twobitspritehiexpo: thanks :)02:14
bjegovici am craizy without cs 1.602:14
kgillesi need to listen to national radio02:14
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neutralrobotboyis there perhaps some script or utility that can help me debug this issue? or is there some standard procedure for figuring this out? i'm no linux guru and may be missing something obvious.02:14
Dr_Williskgilles:  tjheres a neat program (an adobe air app) called Antenna that works very good as  a world-wide radio. :)02:15
bjegovici wanna play cs... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa02:15
kgillesok Dr_willies. let me try that, cheers02:15
actionparsniprewati: you can move the .postrm file for each package in /var/lib/dpkg/info/  then  run: sudo apt-get auto-remove02:15
bjegovici dont have itt02:15
arrrghhhugh i wish i could kick him.02:15
bjegovickick me in my face02:16
kowwell then it looks like you are sol02:16
arrrghhhbjegovic, well this is #ubuntu, so unless you have something to talk about related to that then please leave!02:16
actionparsniprewati: or run: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq packagename02:16
KE1HAisnt' there an ops bot call for that?02:16
* arrrghhh kicks bjegovic in the face.02:16
* twobitsprite loves /ignore02:16
actionparsnipbjegovic: the guys ni #winehq will help you02:16
katoenapt-get remove --purge bjegovic02:16
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arrrghhhjust doesn't have the same effect.  if only i could punch someone over standard tcp/ip i'd be loaded.  and twobitsprite is a GENIUS!02:16
rewatiactionparsnip: in above two method which one shud i use02:16
rokyhello everyone02:17
macoarrrghhh: oy, no violence02:17
maco!patience | bjegovic02:17
maco!wine | bjegovic02:17
ubottubjegovic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:17
ubottubjegovic: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:17
neutralrobotboyhmm... so i guess nobody can point me in the right direction? is more information needed?02:17
wakko10warnerMy XWindows in the latest version of Ubuntu freezes after a few minutes of use forcing me to do a hard reboot. How do I fix this?02:17
wakko10warnerIt was fine about a week ago ...02:17
twobitspritehiexpo: any luck?02:17
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, have you tried rebooting?   this happens every time you try to hibernate?02:17
wakko10warnerThe screen just locks in place , and the keybord stops working.02:18
maconeutralrobotboy: swap is the partition where the overflow from memory goes and where you hibernate. if its not large enough to hold everything thats currently in there + everything thats in ram, hibernate will fail02:18
katoenwakko10warner: did you check logs? can you log on to your system from another computer (install / enable sshd)02:18
arrrghhhwakko10warner, get any kernel updates or anything big \recently?02:18
zahow do i change ownership of a whole directory02:18
wakko10warneryes I always update arrrghhh02:18
KE1HAarrrghhh, I found some info on preceved hibernate bugs today, not yet validated.02:18
arrrghhhwakko10warner, sorry katoen probably had a better suggestion :D  check your logs, pastebin them.02:19
hiexpotwobitsprite,  - http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=broadcom02:19
wakko10warnerwhere would by logs be.02:19
macoza: chown -R user dir/02:19
KE1HAza, with chown02:19
wakko10warnerI will do it.02:19
macowakko10warner: /var/log/02:19
macowakko10warner: you'll want /var/log/apt/term.log i think02:19
katoenwakko10warner: /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:19
actionparsniprewati: i'd use the second one, you need to use the package names which are having issues, in the commands02:20
Mr_Sonoma!hi | BlueJae02:20
ubottuBlueJae: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:20
macowakko10warner: oh... my suggestion was for finding out about your updates....02:20
=== cylence|away is now known as cylence
BlueJaeanyone in here know how i may be able to re-adjust the partition sizes on a dual boot?02:20
nerdy_kidhey im looking for a way to change the extension of all the files inside a folder. (they are all .JPGs and i need them to be lower case .jpg to workaround a bug in a program)02:20
hiexpokatoen,  this is no yo > channel this is ubuntu channel02:20
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: i have tried rebooting. i think i screwed up somewhere in the install. basically, i installed without a swap partition because i have plenty of ram. i didn't realize at the time that hibernate required a swap partition to work (silly me). i think i then mounted a swap file, which enabled hibernate, but caused the error+crash when i tried to use it. i then repartitioned, putting a swap partition an the end of the drive02:20
neutralrobotboy, but the same error occurs.02:20
arrrghhhBlueJae, i'm assuming you don't have any free space?02:20
abhijit!gparted | BlueJae02:20
ubottuBlueJae: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:20
wakko10warnerhttp://pastebin.ca/1910585 <-- my x0rg.o log02:20
BlueJaei do have space02:21
katoenhiexpo: oh02:21
BlueJaebut i want to give linux more02:21
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, how big is the swap?02:21
BlueJaei was able to minimize the windows partition but not the linux one02:21
arrrghhhBlueJae, raw free space.02:21
twobitspritehiexpo: thanks02:21
BlueJaei used gparted02:21
hiexpo^ yep02:21
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: the partition is about 6 gigs.02:21
arrrghhhBlueJae, then you should be able to allocate that remaining raw free space to your ubuntu partition.02:21
BlueJaenow the space left from shrinking down the windows partition is just sitting there02:22
Mr_SonomaBlueJae, you can't resize a partition that's mounted. reboot into a livecd session to do it02:22
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, your swap is 6gb?  how much RAM do you have?02:22
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: about 3gb02:22
BlueJaei'm pretty new with linux02:22
arrrghhhMr_Sonoma, d'oh forgot that critical step lol.02:22
Mr_Sonomaarrrghhh, K.I.S.S.02:22
KE1HAAll yu need to do is shrik of of the larger partitions, freeing up space, then reallocate it to swap or whatever you want / need it ti be.02:22
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, that should be more than enough....02:22
katoenwakko10warner: seems ok to me02:22
BlueJaeso there is no way to do it without a live cd since it's mounted02:22
arrrghhhMr_Sonoma, yea, sometimes i forget the little things that make a big difference.  ah well.02:23
abhijitBlueJae, in gparted right click the partition you want to edit and click on unmount and then you can do some actions on it02:23
wakko10warnerhttp://pastebin.ca/1910587 <-- my user.log02:23
Mr_Sonomaarrrghhh,  your not the only one trust me02:23
wakko10warneranyother log you need. My X windows screen seems to freeze02:23
BlueJaei think when i tried that it said it would erase all the data02:23
KE1HAe.g. swap should = RAM size, or in the case of like 512M, I go with 1GB02:23
picard1421i just did apt-get install dwm.. what do i do to start it? is there a config i have to do or is the apt-get do it al lfor me?02:23
arrrghhhBlueJae, basically yes.  if the OS is running the drive has to be mounted.  if you're expanding a drive that the OS is not running on then you can.02:23
BlueJaei think i'll just have to wait till i get home and can run the live cd02:23
wakko10warnercould it be my video driver, it happened when I updated it.02:23
BlueJaei see02:23
Mr_Sonomaabhijit, wont be able to do that on the partition that housing the OS BlueJae is currently using i don't think.02:23
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: it's giving me some weird error message about a bad swap header. is there a way to pull up that error message from the console?02:23
katoenwakko10warner: my guess is there's something wrong with the driver (nvidia) try the 'nv' driver instead for the time being02:24
hiexpotry sudo dwm02:24
BlueJaei tried earlier on the plane02:24
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, check your logs.  /var/log/messages or syslog.02:24
neutralrobotboyok. one sec02:24
BlueJaeit'll just have to wait02:24
wakko10warnerI will switch.02:24
BlueJaethanks for the help though02:24
rewatiactionparsnip: thanks it worked02:24
KE1HABlueJae, is you can SSH to the machine, fdisk or cfdisk are simple to use tools.02:24
rewatiactionparsnip: thanks a lot cya02:24
arrrghhhMr_Sonoma, that's why you're here tho, to check mah work :D02:25
actionparsniprewati: that sort of thing is one of the MASSIVE weaknesses in package based systems02:25
hiexpoactionparsnip,  ^ :)02:25
arrrghhhhahaha jk02:25
BlueJaer those shell programs?02:25
thomas_Is there an IRC for LIRC?02:25
BlueJaeor commands?02:25
actionparsniprewati: I suggest you run: sudo apt-get -f install     to make sure all is square02:25
Mr_SonomaBlueJae, be sure you back up anything critical. not saying anything bad will happen but there's always a risk of data loss when resizing partitions02:25
rewatiactionparsnip: ok sure02:25
actionparsniprewati: if you get two 0s then its all good02:25
picard1421how do i add DWM to my xinit thing?02:25
KE1HABlueJae, yes, both command line apps.02:25
rewatiactionparsnip: where can i read all this about package management02:26
arrrghhhthomas_ yes, #lirc... but it doesn't look very active.02:26
actionparsniprewati: online02:26
BlueJaeyeah...for now i think i'll still with the gui.02:26
actionparsniprewati: it happens a lot with flash so I just copied the commands but made it smell right for yours02:26
BlueJaemy external and cd rom is at the house.  i'm on the road right now so i'll just wait02:26
KE1HA:-) ... no worries, if your more comfortable with the GUI's especially hen partitioning, best stick with them.02:26
BlueJaefor use02:27
thomas_Yeah, they're quiet in there. I'm having trouble installing a remote... HP TSGI-IR0102:27
thomas_Well, that's the receiver.02:27
thomas_The remote itself is TSGH-IR01.02:27
BlueJaei've been reading about the terminal commands and all the cool stuff you can do but i'm just not quite there yet02:27
BlueJaeshoot...i only keep windows so i can use netflix02:28
arrrghhhthomas_ you may be able to get help here or in #ubuntu-server... but i don't have any experience with it.  i'd like to play with it tho haha02:28
Mr_SonomaBlueJae, don't be scared. cli is where its at :D02:28
BlueJaethats what i keep reading02:28
KE1HALOL... not really needed now, NetFlix and MegaVid are all onle too :-)02:28
abhijit!enter | BlueJae02:28
ubottuBlueJae: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:28
picard1421ok i have a question about DWM.. i just did a basic install and installed xinit... my question is now i have the DWM windows up.. how do i do commands..02:28
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: one example is from syslog.1: http://pastebin.com/C1GPdysK02:28
KE1HAoops online ..02:28
picard1421i have not configed anything i just used the defaults with apt-get install dwm?????02:28
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, can you give me more before & after?02:29
AvonGenesisAnyone know how to increase the resolution? Ubuntu only allows me to go up to 1280x1024 but i want to go to my monitor's max at 1440x900.02:29
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: sure. sorry.02:29
neutralrobotboyone sec.02:29
hiexpopicard1421,  man dwm02:30
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, forget it.  quick google turned up this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104294602:30
hiexpoopen terminal type man dwm02:30
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh:  aha! looking.02:30
picard1421currently on my screen i have the DWM pane at hte top of the screen with the 1 selected..??? and a black screen?02:30
thomas_Shall I repeat my question?02:30
katoenthomas_: do that02:30
BlueJaethanks again guys.  later02:31
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, that was the first link on google when i searched "swap header not found"02:31
rodolfohi, do you know how can i use mi ipod touch on linux??02:31
arrrghhhno offense, just sayin!02:31
thomas_I'm having trouble installing a remote... HP TSGI-IR01 (the receiver) The remote itself is TSGH-IR01.02:31
hiexporodolfo,  google is your friend02:31
katoenthomas_: ok, that doesn't ring any bell02:32
picard1421shift alt q wortks just fine...and shift alt P but nothing else?? where is the config file to change stuff?02:32
nerdy_kidhey im looking for a way to change the extension of all the files inside a folder. (they are all .JPGs and i need them to be lower case .jpg to workaround a bug in a program)02:32
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: no offense taken. if i've been boneheaded, it's my own fault.02:33
KE1HApicard1421, You may find this useful: http://openmindlifestyle.wordpress.com/2009/11/28/howto-compile-and-configure-dwm-tiling-window-manager-on-ubuntu/02:33
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, lol no worries.   we all have our moments.02:33
rodolfoit says that i can install itunes 7.3 on wine02:33
rodolfobut it don't detects the ipod02:33
arrrghhhrodolfo, yea... but it won't be a very good experience.  have you used songbird, rhythmbox or amarok?02:33
arrrghhhrodolfo, ok?02:34
rodolfobut i cannot acces my songs02:34
katoennerdy_kid: for i in *.JPG; do mv -v "$i" $(basename "$i" .JPG).jpg; done02:34
picard1421KE1HA: dont you need xinit installed before that guide?02:34
arrrghhhrodolfo, you need to be more specific.02:34
nUboon2Agerodolfo: isn't itunes 7.3 way old?  Aren't they up to 9.something now?02:34
rodolfoi cannot access my ipod02:34
picard1421where is the config.h stored???02:34
arrrghhhrodolfo, really?  even on songbird?02:34
nUboon2Agerodolfo: which ipod do you have?02:35
arrrghhhrodolfo, did you try songbird...?02:35
nerdy_kidkatoen ah thanks keep forgeting about basename :-|02:35
rodolfolet me see02:35
arrrghhhso... anyone use rtorrent?02:35
katoenarrrghhh: yes02:36
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i've had to work through issues w/ my ipod nano 5Gen, and i've worked with an iphone, but unfortunately i haven't tried an ipod touch yet.02:36
KE1HApicard1421, Oh, yes I would say so, but Im not a DWM expert, just had tht one bookmarked.02:36
picard1421where is the DWM program stored so i can edit that config file?02:36
arrrghhhkatoen, i'm either retarded or confused or both.  i use a watch directory, but now i can't pause/stop torrents.  i understand that's because i'm binding the file, but how else can i use a watch dir and be able to pause/stop torrents temporarily?02:36
abhijitpgadmin gives this error: pgadmin3: relocation error: pgadmin3: symbol _ZN21wxMemoryFSHandlerBase19AddFileWithMimeTypeERK8wxStringPKvmS2_, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 with link time reference02:36
BrandyHi Guys02:36
picard1421i just did02:37
picard1421apt-get install dw02:37
BrandyHow Can I Back Up my Ubuntu 10.4 so i can restore if anything02:37
arrrghhh!hi | Brandy02:37
jhamboOkular renders many greek characters incorrectly.  For example, the greek lowercase mu shows up instead as a "proportional to" symbol.  Acrobat reader does not have this problem.  Any idea how to fix this??02:37
ubottuBrandy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:37
picard1421i had to config nothing etc..?02:37
neutralrobotboyarrrghhh: hmm... this details how to make hibernate work with swapfiles. what's probably happening is that i still have an active swapfile somewhere. since i have a swap partition, i don't need that anymore. is there a simple way to just turn off the swapfile altogether?02:37
katoenarrrghhh: hm never used the watch-dir functionality in rtorrent, so i guess i can't hep you there02:37
arrrghhhBrandy, what are you backing up to?02:37
katoenarrrghhh: hopefully someone else can comment on that02:37
arrrghhhkatoen, damnit jim!  :P02:37
katoenarrrghhh: also i'm very lazy :-)02:37
Brandyi just installed ubuntu and have put a few apps and a virtual XP for oficce purposes02:38
arrrghhhneutralrobotboy, i'd follow that guide.02:38
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i've also heard good things about Songbird, but i haven't tried it yet (got things working w/ rhythmbox, so I didn't go on to try Songbird yet)02:38
Brandyand need to back up now the way it is now02:38
arrrghhhkatoen, i am as well, which is why i love the watch-dir feature...02:38
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neutralrobotboyarrrghhh:  okie dokey. thanks!02:38
arrrghhhBrandy, yes but what are you backing up to...?  external hdd?  do you have a server you backup to?02:38
BrandyAn Ipod 80 G02:39
KE1HABrandy, is the VIrtual Box on a windows machine, or Linux ?02:39
Brandya winodws i have to use office02:39
Brandyis a requirement at work02:39
arrrghhhBrandy, that's not a suitable backup device... you can use it, but i wouldn't recommend it.02:39
Brandywhy ?02:39
Brandyit wont fit02:39
w1n5tonI have a problem02:39
KE1HAWell, you can use Office on Linux with Playonlinux & Wine, but I would jsut copy the Virtual Directory to a backup location.02:40
nUboon2Agerodolfo: Amarok looked pretty good also if Songbird doesn't work out.  There are so many to choose from its kinda nice.02:40
Mr_Sonomawhat's your problem w1n5ton ?02:40
arrrghhhKE1HA, i think she wants a complete backup of everything... host & guest OS.02:40
Brandyi did but few apps dont work02:40
random314Brandy: An iPod is not meant for general file-storage, something like a flash drive or a USB hard-drive would be ideal.02:40
Brandyneed full usage of office02:40
w1n5tonI just ran the ubuntu updater and now my whole interface looks wierd02:40
xanguaBrandy: there are also openoffice, lotus office, softmaker office (this is of pay)02:40
katoenw1n5ton: weird how?02:40
picard1421anybody.. how do i / what would i do to config DWM02:41
w1n5tonlike the panels are grey instead of black02:41
KE1HAWell, in that case, need a big drive, but at least fer the Virtual Machine, copy the Virtual DIR to a safe location.02:41
Brandyu dont undesrant is a job obligation02:41
rodolfook thanks02:41
nUboon2Agerandom314: Some people really like Banshee too. so that might be a third choice.02:41
Brandyit is wat runs at my work02:41
actionparsnipBrandy: theres also googledocs and zoho02:41
Mr_SonomaBrandy, usb hard drives are excellent.02:41
Brandytrust me i can use any other at home02:41
arrrghhhBrandy, don't worry about the office tips, ignore them.02:41
Brandybut official at work had to be that one02:41
nUboon2Agerodolfo:  Some people really like Banshee too. so that might be a third choice.02:41
KE1HAsri, didnt mean to confuse the issue :-)02:41
arrrghhhlet's focus on your backups... do you want everything backed up... guest OS and host as well, or just your windows vm?02:41
actionparsniprandom314: and waaay cheaper02:42
Brandyu think i like windows02:42
hiexpoBrandy,  Google  use ipod (type) in Ubuntu  (sys 10.04 etc )02:42
xanguaw1n5ton: have you tried to restart your session or use another theme¿¿02:42
Brandyhad no clue how many times i crash02:42
mrconnertonI have been trying to install 10.04 64-bit on my computer and the installation went well, however when I try and reboot, there is just a blank screen with a blinking underscore. Doesn't get past it.02:42
Brandyloose a lot data02:42
epinky!example | w1n5ton02:42
ubottuw1n5ton: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:42
actionparsnipBrandy: google docs has full docx support02:42
katoenpicard1421: how did you install dwm? source?02:42
rodolfodo you know if it can save songs in the ipod??02:42
w1n5tonIt's not a problem with a program02:42
picard1421katoen: i installed it from apt-get install dwm02:42
Brandywell how to back up02:42
w1n5tonand yeah I rebooted02:42
KE1HAmrconnerton, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/02:42
Brandyan i worried about save it02:42
arrrghhhrodolfo, all of the programs we mentioned have some ipod integration...02:42
w1n5tonIt's not the theme either02:42
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:42
random314Brandy: If you are running a Windows virtual machine inside of a Linux host then that is fine.  Something to also consider is http://www.codeweavers.com/ Crossover which makes Microsoft Office almost like a native Linux program as far as you use it within Linux.  Crossover is a paid program.02:42
w1n5tonRunning Lucid02:42
epinky!enter | w1n5ton02:43
ubottuw1n5ton: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:43
arrrghhhBrandy, answer my question please.02:43
mrconnertonKE1HA: Thanks a ton! will read!02:43
mrconnertonKE1HA: I promised I googled first ;-)02:43
Brandywhat question pal02:43
Brandysorry this goes so fast02:43
katoenpicard1421: ok, so how does it not work exactly?02:43
K-RichHello all.02:43
KE1HAmrconnerton, no worries, hope it works.02:43
arrrghhhBrandy, that's why i put your name before everything i say :D  do you want to backup your windows vm (the guest os) or everything, the linux host and the win guest?02:44
K-Richi need a cross-platform lan focused im/client, (voice/vid not required but nice) soulution for linux/mac/windows network. any suggestions?02:44
arrrghhhK-Rich, gtalk.02:44
picard1421katoen: any commands i do (alt+ shift+ enter) does nothing.. sswitching betwenn pane 1, 2, 3, 4, impossible without mouse.. etc... no commands work except the quit command02:44
Brandyi can make a machine again02:44
picard1421i guess i need to "redo" the config file02:44
Brandythats no issue02:44
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i think all of them can save songs on the ipod but not all of them can do a sync (such as people are used to doing with iTunes.)  Rythmbox you can drag songs over, but can't do sync, yet (coming in Maverick i understand)02:44
katoenK-Rich: jabber02:44
Brandybut ubuntu is my main concern02:44
arrrghhhBrandy, that's a little trickier.  bit-for-bit copies are not easy.02:44
picard1421where is it located and i will copy in the deault config02:44
w1n5tonWould it help if I gave a screenshot?02:44
Brandyi know02:44
arrrghhhBrandy, unless you have a server to backup to...?02:44
katoenpicard1421: ok02:45
hiexposometimes some searches are weak i use different  search engines there is google there is google ubuntu there is google linux etc02:45
Brandyand i havent finad a  software that does neighter02:45
nUboon2Agerodolfo: can you see your ipod on the places menu?02:45
Brandywhat is a server ?02:45
Brandyforgive my ignorance02:45
arrrghhhBrandy, really?  is english not your first language?  i'm not trying to be rude, i'm being serious.02:45
hiexpoBrandy,  a server is the host02:45
katoenpicard1421: sounds like some package is missing, i don't know. I can't really try to replicate the problem atm02:46
arrrghhhBrandy, there is #ubuntu-es02:46
jeeves_Mosshow can I force a 6.4LTS server to do a dist upgrade?  I've tried "apt-get dist-update" and it claims there is no updates02:46
abhijit!es | Brandy02:46
ubottuBrandy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:46
epinky!ask | w1n5ton02:46
ubottuw1n5ton: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:46
picard1421katoen: is it somehint i can change the config file??02:46
Brandyok im at the channel02:46
Brandyi try there02:46
katoenpicard1421: possibly, have you checked any documentation that came with dwm? (dpkg -L dwm)02:46
=== coffee is now known as Guest44248
random314Brandy: Confirm this information -> Your host operating system is Linux.  Your guest operating system is Windows.  You want to do a full image backup of the Linux drive?02:47
hiexpoBrandy,  kool02:47
arrrghhhBrandy, i just think you'll have an easier time there.02:47
nUboon2Agerodolfo: if you can't see your ipod on the 'places' menu after you plug it in then that will be the first hurdle to overcome.02:47
Brandylinux is tha master OS02:47
Brandywindows is just a virtual machine02:47
sander__I want to change from the ppa:team-xbmc-svn apt repository to ppa:team-xbmc .. how do I do that?..02:47
picard1421that just lists the /usr/share folders that are in use02:47
w1n5tonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=160516&d=1276602779 how do I make it look like this again?02:47
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
katoenpicard1421: yes, and any documenation that came with it, along with man pages02:48
rodolfoi see it02:48
rodolfobut as a camera02:48
sander__I tried removing the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/team-xbmc-svn-ppa-lucid.list file.. and do: add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc02:48
picard1421there is nothing .. );02:48
random314You will need a large drive to do a full backup.  Better way: enable folder sharing from the guest Windows into the host Linux by installing VirtualBox guest additions.  Then save the files directly into your Linux filesystem and just back up the data from there.  Only the files you create and work with are the ideal to backup.  They would be tiny compared to a whole disk image and much easier to work with.02:48
sander__But now I can't download anything from the xbmc mirror anymore.02:48
nUboon2Agerodolfo: so when you plug it in, does a dialog box pop up and ask if you want to work with your photos?02:49
Brandya full image02:49
Brandyso i can have what i have now installed02:49
Brandyincluding all i have so far02:50
random314Brandy: Also do consider Codeweavers Crossover Office.  It is tailored especially to get Microsoft Office working almost-native in Linux.  With Crossover you would not need neither Virtual Box or the guest Windows.02:50
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
Brandybut it will work completley ??02:50
Brandyi need all apps to work02:50
actionparsnipBrandy: crossover does cost though02:50
Guest44248hello. I just installed ubuntu and everything works well, except for the fullscreen mode of youtube and other videos on the internet. Can anybody help me? I have a graphics card (nvidia) and it's supported and drivers are installed. The little mode works perfect. Fullscreen of downloaded videos works well.02:50
actionparsnipBrandy: check the crossover compatibility sheet02:51
nUboon2Agerodolfo: exact words: "You have just inserted a medium with digital photos.  Choose what application to launch"02:51
sander__Anyone know how I can make sure I'm using an apt repository right?02:51
random314Brandy: In my experience using Crossover Office it has worked perfectly.  The only thing about Crossover is that it is a paid program.02:51
xanguaGuest44248: that's a common issue with adobe flash plugin, not ubuntu02:51
rodolfobut only when i open the folder02:51
Guest44248xangua: is there some workaround or anything I can do?02:51
Brandyabout how mutch02:51
KE1HAsander__, comment out all but the PPA repo that you want in your source list.02:51
w1n5tonI think it's screwed up because the battery died in the middle of an upgrade02:52
actionparsnipGuest44248: may help: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/fixing-fullscreen-flash-in-ubuntu-1004.html02:52
KE1HAmake sure you add the Ley in System->Administration->Software Sources02:52
rodolfoand it says if i want to open f-spot02:52
KE1HAopps the Key02:52
KE1HAOn the Auth TAB02:52
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay and in nautilus (on the desktop that is) can you go to and 'open' the iPod as though it were a drive?02:52
Brandyi love linus so far,,i have no problem until now that i want to back up02:52
Brandywhy is that so hard to do ?02:52
hiexpokey is important02:52
Guest44248thanks a lot for this very fast answer. I'll try this out :)02:52
actionparsnipw1n5ton: boot to livecd, chroot to the installed system and run: sudo apt-get -f install02:52
random314Brandy: Crossover Linux: $39.95 Standardm $69.95 Pro. $USD Go to: http://www.codeweavers.com02:53
KE1HABrandy, Just copy the VM directory to a new location. Problem solved, then Burn A DVD or somethign if you really want security02:53
sander__KE1HA, Found http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages02:53
w1n5tonIt boots02:53
sander__KE1HA, Found http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Packages02:53
w1n5tonIt it's just acting funny02:53
nUboon2Agerodolfo: for me i can see the iPod by its name under the 'Places' menu.  Can you?02:53
actionparsnipGuest44248: basically you want OverrideGPUValidation = 1   in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg02:53
Brandyjajaja thas funny02:53
sander__KE1HA, I also got: Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-nb02:53
Brandycan i boot a live vertion of linux02:54
etraskHello, I need to find out the brand and model of mouse embedded in my laptop using Ubuntu02:54
Brandyand create a iso from my hard  disk02:54
arrrghhhBrandy, it's not very simple.02:54
actionparsnipBrandy: you can use partimage to make a disk image02:54
KE1HAsander__, ad the one you want, comment out those your dont, add the Auth Key's as stated earlier.02:54
nUboon2Agerodolfo: Great!  Thats means you're past some of the most difficult challenges already.  So what happens when you open Rythmbox?02:54
arrrghhhBrandy, or clonezilla.  or even better spool up an amahi server - but you need another rig for that!02:54
Brandyis a 160GB drive02:54
Brandyi have no place to put that02:55
Brandyi need a system image02:55
arrrghhhBrandy, exactly.02:55
rodolfolet me see02:55
sander__KE1HA, I've done that.. And the add-apt-repository already added the auto key's02:55
Brandynow is about 20 GB im using02:55
arrrghhhBrandy, we gave some suggestions.02:55
KE1HAIs it causing you issues then ?02:55
random314Brandy: A full disc image backup would take a long time to do and you would have to do it everytime you changed your files.  If you just want a base image then fine but if your looking to back-up your files as you go then a full disk image is not suitable.02:55
arrrghhhBrandy, clonezilla, partimage02:55
anthony_hi guys i have a problem i can mount my external drive can any one help me. i don't know what to do. pls help me. im new to linux.02:55
actionparsnipanthony_: you dont mount drives, you mount partitions02:56
arrrghhhanthony_, soooo it's usb?  you plug it in, what happens?02:56
KE1HAsander__, Here's a simple How-To for repos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine02:56
Brandyi have clonezilla in a multy boot pendrive02:56
arrrghhhactionparsnip, c'mon guy :P02:56
nUboon2Agerodolfo: When i open rhythmbox, on the lefthand side down the page listed under 'Devices' is my ipod.  How about you?02:56
Brandyi try02:56
rodolfono i opened songbird02:56
Brandybut need more time to understand02:56
Brandyim so desparete do do this02:56
rodolfoi have to install rithmbox02:56
Brandyi came for help02:56
actionparsnipanthony_: can you use http://pastie.org   to give the output of:  sudo fdisk -l; mount    thanks02:56
arrrghhhBrandy, it's not very easy.02:56
actionparsniparrrghhh: its a fact02:56
nUboon2Agerodolfo: its on 10.04 by default02:56
arrrghhhactionparsnip, i know, but he's a newb.  go a little easy on him will ya?02:57
nUboon2Agerodolfo: are you on 10.04?02:57
Brandywell i guess i cant back up linux02:57
actionparsniparrrghhh: i was easy, i simply informed of the facts02:57
anthony_i can't mount any of my external partition. can any one help me.02:57
Brandyjust what the system brings02:57
arrrghhhBrandy, that's right.  you just _can't_.02:57
hiexpoanything in life is worth time  !linux02:57
Brandyno good about linux02:57
nUboon2Agerodolfo: which version of Ubuntu are you running?02:57
rodolfoon 9.1402:57
arrrghhhactionparsnip, alrighty, i'll drop it...02:58
Brandyit will be a nice suggestion fot the developers02:58
nUboon2Agerodolfo: you mean 9.04 or 9.10?02:58
epinkyw1n5ton: how does it look now?02:58
random314Brandy: All your files on Linux (the ones not in the Windows guest) are in your /home/USERNAME folder.  That is ideally all you should be backing up.  Everything else is easy to just reinstall if you have to!02:58
|enigma|hi guys I have csv log file but I need to look at those logs, but it is more than 100MB so cat is best but I need to filter from starting number such as 1 or 2, or 3 etc..02:58
actionparsnipanthony_: if you give teh paste, we can advise. run the command, copy the text, paste to the pastebin and hit the paste button. When the page changes, copy the new address in the address bar and paste in here02:58
|enigma|how can I do that02:58
hiexpoRudemeister,  9.1402:58
rkirmiziis there anyway 2 disable services from startup (like apache mysql-server)02:58
Brandyi personally think is the bes suggestion ever for linus systems02:58
arrrghhhBrandy, what make bit-for-bit copies easier?  no body really uses them.02:58
Brandynop inside the machine02:58
hiexpomean oops 9.1002:58
w1n5tonRunning partial upgrade trying to clean it up first02:58
arrrghhhBrandy, that wasn't a complete sentence.02:59
katoen|enigma|: those lines start with numbers?02:59
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay, that should work.  9.10 has a lot of similarity to 10.04 (not everything, but many things similar)02:59
random314Brandy: Again with Crossover (or WINE for free and more complicated) all your files would be in your /home folder so would be simple to just back up those files.02:59
epinkyw1n5ton: screenshot of phpmyadmin?02:59
Brandywell the files in the windows side are insede the windows side02:59
|enigma|some start with 1,02:59
|enigma|then 2, 3, 4 up to 1002:59
KE1HAarrrghhh, rsync the folder offsite, then do incremental backups, keeping the inital a ful backup.02:59
Brandyi dont know how to see my files from linux side02:59
arrrghhhrodolfo, i may be pokin the fire, but why aren't you running 10.04?  they just releaed .1 :D02:59
actionparsnip!boot | rkirmizi02:59
ubotturkirmizi: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:59
nUboon2Agerodolfo: if you go under 'Sound and Video' is Rhythmbox there?02:59
Brandyfrom windows02:59
arrrghhhKE1HA, but that's not bit-for-bit.  what about my MBR?02:59
random314Brandy: Because you're using a virtual machine, all your little files to back up and hidden inside one big file of the virtual machine.  That complicates backing them up.03:00
arrrghhhBrandy, you have you share them.03:00
KE1HAOn the VM it would be, not the Host OS, no.03:00
nUboon2AgeI'm asking about Rhythmbox just because i'm familiar with it and its a default program. rodolfo03:00
arrrghhhKE1HA, oh i thought we were still talking about host&guest.03:00
epinkyw1n5ton: that was the link about? wasn't it?03:00
Brandythats ok i keep working like that VM is just foe work03:00
jguzikowskiIf I want to completely skin gnome, what am I looking for? a gtk+ theme?03:01
rodolfoim installing it03:01
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KE1HAThe Host needs a diffrent solution, Ghost, Raid, SAN, Etc.03:01
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay well when you start Songbird do you find your iPod listed?  (i'm not familiar with it so i'm in the dark here)03:01
|enigma|<katoen> any idea03:01
w1n5tonit was just a screenshot of what I want the tabs to look like03:01
Brandyand i save them somewhere else too just in case03:01
arrrghhhKE1HA, agreed :D03:01
w1n5tongonna reboot03:01
linguiniHow can I force a certain Mode/ModeLine to be used when starting X?03:01
nUboon2Agerodolfo: oh, you're installing Rhythmbox now?03:01
linguiniIn particular, X is choosing 1600x1200, which is invalid for my monitor.03:01
actionparsniplinguini: if you set an xorg.conf you can set the leftmost value in xorg.conf03:02
random314Brandy: You can email the critical files to back up to yourself (get a gmail account for lots of storage) AND IF you have the Virtual Box, NOT Virtual Box OSE installed then you can backup your work files to a flash drive too.  Virtual Box OSE doesn't have USB support for flash drives.03:02
arrrghhhBrandy, you can also share files between linux host and windows guest.03:02
actionparsniprandom314: you can share the mounted folder as a folder in vbox to get round though :)03:02
arrrghhhobviously that doesn't secure you againt a hdd failure.03:02
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay and i'm also installing Songbird...03:02
linguiniactionparsnip, Set the leftmost value?03:02
random314Brandy: Yes, to share files install the "Guest Additions" inside of your Windows guest.03:02
Brandyi manage to use my pendrives in virtualbox03:02
Brandyi have the 3.2.603:03
linguiniactionparsnip, I am trying to write an xorg.conf file because my monitor has a bad EDID (apparently).03:03
anthony_about my problem this is the error  "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'Elements'" pls help me fix this error.03:03
jguzikowskiIf I want to completely skin gnome, what am I looking for? a gtk+ theme? metacity? gnome-look is confusing the hell out of me03:03
rodolfoi finished03:03
arrrghhhBrandy, it's the OSE (open source ed.) is the one that doesn't have usb drivers, or RDP.03:03
random314Brandy: If you can use a pendrive then I'm certain you have the full Virtual Box installed and not Virtual Box OpenSourceEdition03:03
actionparsniplinguini: yes, you will define resolutions in xorg.conf, the leftmost is the default. alternatively you can set an xrandr command to set the res at logon03:03
Brandyand also installed a guest that alloud me to use with out capturing the mouse03:03
actionparsniplinguini: yeah some do03:03
linguiniactionparsnip, leftmost of what?03:03
random314Brandy: Ok, I thought OSE didn't have USB - You know better since your using it!03:03
Brandyit is the opensource one03:03
linguiniactionparsnip, I will paste my current xorg.conf...03:03
actionparsniplinguini: the modes in the display section03:03
actionparsniplinguini: if you wanna03:04
arrrghhhBrandy, not if USB is working on the guest...03:04
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay when you open RB do you see your iPod listed under 'Devices' on the left?03:04
BrandyOracle VM virtualbox03:04
Brandyif u have that i can tell u how to use pendrives03:04
arrrghhhBrandy, yes, and there's 2 versions.  closed & open source - the closed source ed has additional features like usb and rdp.03:04
Brandyin ur vm03:04
arrrghhhoy ve.03:04
random314Brandy: If a pendrive is working for you, that is a good solution!  Seriously, backing up to a pendrive is a decent way to go about it!03:05
Brandyi manage to use USB on the opensource one,just doing researchs online03:05
actionparsnipBrandy: just use a dropbox, makes life easier03:05
Brandyi know,,thats daily bases for me03:05
anthony_actionparsnip:  about my problem this is the error  "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'Elements'" pls help me fix this error.03:05
itsToddI'm going to be running a stable version of Ubuntu Server on Rackspace Cloud to host a web application of mine. What is the best way to keep up with security patches etc..? Is that something to worry about?03:05
w1n5tonthe partial updater fixed it03:05
Brandydont trust computers no more03:05
random314Brandy: But JUST backing up your work files, not the complete disc image.03:05
nUboon2AgeOn top is Library with several items, then Stores with several items, then Devices, then Playlists03:05
etraskhello how can I get hardware device information in Ubuntu?03:05
sander__KE1HA, I know that stuff about repos.. Here i've done the exact same thing on both my ubuntu desktop 64bit systems: http://pastebin.com/7zkRLKCG03:06
actionparsnipanthony_: can you give a pastebin of the output of the command I gave please03:06
nUboon2AgeOn top is Library with several items, then Stores with several items, then Devices, then Playlists rodolfo03:06
Brandyhow about backup my softwares03:06
sander__KE1HA, still diffrent result.03:06
Brandysi if any i can have them back up03:06
Brandyi have almost all linux distros here live cds03:06
linguiniactionparsnip, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UYpcWHVh03:06
actionparsnipBrandy: i doubt that very highly03:06
Brandybut softwares not a single one03:06
rkirmiziactionparsnip, thx :D03:06
anthony_i already paste it.03:06
arrrghhhBrandy, we gave you solutions for that!  rsync if you don't want bit-for-bit, partimage, clonezilla etc for if you do!03:06
nUboon2Agerodolfo: are you seeing all that in the upper lefthand side?03:07
rodolfois device menu03:07
KE1HAsander__, what do you mean, diffrent results, what is tha ACTUALLY FAULT OR PROBLEM UR TRYING TO SOLVE THEN ?03:07
random314Brandy: Software is better to just reinstall.  It can be time consuming if you have to install the host OS first THEN install a guest OS BUT your system shouldn't need that very often at all.  Once it's set up you're usually good to just use it indefinitely.03:07
nUboon2Agerodolfo: please go on...03:07
actionparsniplinguini: in the subsections in the screen section you define modes there too03:07
rwwitsTodd: subscribe to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce03:07
linguiniactionparsnip, I created the xorg.conf file by doing: Xorg :1 -configure03:07
rodolfooh, no sorry there is not device menu03:07
Brandywell what about a list that runs on terminal with all my softwares03:07
linguiniactionparsnip, (and then editing...)03:07
sander__KE1HA, I'm trying to reinstall the xbmc packages.. since I had an svn apt mirror.. I want to install the packages from the stable mirror03:07
rafiyrwhere does one set global search domains without having to add them to each connection in nm?03:07
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etraskhello how can I get hardware device information in Ubuntu?03:07
itsToddrww: thank you03:08
Brandyso they can be installed03:08
macoetrask: sudo lshw03:08
nUboon2Agerodolfo: so you see the Library, Stores, Playlists? but no Devices?03:08
anthony_ actionparsnip: this is what popup 'You are not privileged to mount the volume 'Elements'03:08
rodolfothere are other 3 menus03:08
Brandyvia terminal03:08
sander__KE1HA, means.. "downgrading" a package version.03:08
arrrghhhBrandy, listen to random314 he speaks wisdom.  most people don't need bit-for-bit copies because complete hard drive failures are rare, and bit-for-bit copies are freaking annoying.03:08
etraskmaco that didn't give me what I needed, I need to know the brand and model of embedded mousepad on my laptop :(03:08
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay03:08
KE1HAYeah, that's a whoel diffrent kettle of fish.03:08
sander__KE1HA, from 1:10.08~svn32246-lucid1 to 1:9.11-lucid203:08
actionparsnipanthony_: I can't advise til you give me the output of the commands: sudo fdisk -l; mount    use http://pastie.org to give the output03:08
sander__KE1HA, if thats possible..03:08
nUboon2Agerodolfo: okay, that's interesting/annoying. :/03:09
Brandyi need security on linux03:09
KE1HAAll things are "Possible" thing is, whats required to achieve it.03:09
Brandyso i can feel good about it03:09
actionparsniplinguini: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/BbREXYb003:09
Brandyi dont want to worried03:09
arrrghhhKE1HA, can i make my nissan maxima all wheel drive twin turbo rb26?  sure.  $$$ will get you there.  sorry i had to.03:09
nUboon2Agerodolfo: I'm starting Songbird now to see where it is in there...03:09
actionparsniplinguini: obviously change the resolutions to ones you want to use03:10
arrrghhhBrandy, then backup your essential files, the ones you can't recreate.  software is easily reinstalled.03:10
VS-I uhh... need some help installing :(03:10
KE1HAsander__, I must say, Im not the best expert on downgrading, but will have a nose around and see what I can find.03:10
Brandyok i do that03:10
actionparsnipBrandy: then use sudo as little as possible, default settings are ok03:10
Brandymabe i need a Terrabite03:10
arrrghhhBrandy, then there's nothing to worry about!03:10
jguzikowskianyone know any good gnome themes that have very 'thin' window headers? the defaults of ubuntu are so damn huge it covers up so much of my netbooks screen03:10
anthony_this is the output "Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes03:10
anthony_255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders03:10
anthony_Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:10
anthony_Disk identifier: 0x638edad003:10
anthony_   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:10
FloodBot3anthony_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:10
anthony_/dev/sda1               1        3824    30716248+   7  HPFS/NTFS03:10
KwikkSilvaCan anyone heklp me with an Ubuntu Remote Desktop resolution problem? Can't get more than 800x600 on 10.0403:11
actionparsnipanthony_: use http://pastie.org to give the output, is what I said twice...03:11
sander__KE1HA, kinda strange that it says: #03:11
sander__Reinstallation of xbmc is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.03:11
Brandyi have full screen on remote desktop03:11
epinkyKwikkSilva: "from" or "to" ?03:11
Brandyon a Acer 5315 Piece of @#$%^ computer03:12
Brandyim sure u can pal03:12
rodolfoit says library, downloads, playlists and favorites03:12
arrrghhhBrandy, that's quite an attitude!03:12
actionparsnipBrandy: bet its better than anything i have03:12
Brandyare u using the sotware the machine brings to do that03:12
KwikkSilvaepinky, I'm trying to get from 800x600 to something higher - monitor can take 1920x108003:12
arrrghhhKwikkSilva, you're using vino... or what?03:13
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i'm checking it out now but i haven't found the 'devices' part yet.03:13
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga03:13
KwikkSilvatightvnc viewer03:13
anthony_actionparsnip: i cannot access that website http://pastie.org03:13
epinkyKwikkSilva: I meant the RDP is from or to?03:13
actionparsnipanthony_: try: http://pastebin.ca/03:13
KwikkSilvaactionparsnip, 00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)03:14
etraskis there a simple command to list the brand/model of hardware on my machine?03:14
Brandytry using remote desktop viewer03:14
sander__KE1HA, This did it :-): apt-get --reinstall install xbmc=1:9.11-lucid2 xbmc-bin=1:9.11-lucid2 xbmc-data=1:9.11-lucid2 xbmc-skin-confluence=1:9.11-lucid203:14
etrasklspci and lshw don't help me :-/03:14
Brandythe one the Ubuntu Brings03:14
kosharietrask lspci03:14
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actionparsnipKwikkSilva: ok then use that to find guides. search for: ubuntu VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)03:15
kosharietrask what particuly are oyu looking for03:15
KwikkSilvaBrandy - i'm coming from Win XP03:15
jguzikowskianyone know any good gnome themes that have very 'thin' window headers? the defaults of ubuntu are so damn huge it covers up so much of my netbooks screen03:15
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i think i figured out what's going on...03:15
KE1HAsander__, what was the result ?03:15
actionparsnipjguzikowski: are you using compiz?03:15
etraskkoshari I need to know the brand/model of the crappy little mousepad embedded in my laptop03:15
jguzikowskiactionparsnip, not really sure..whatever is default on gnome03:15
Taevhey Im having a problem getting a TCL script to work its saying " [Discogs] Failed to load: version conflict for package "http": have 2.5.3, need 2.7.1"03:16
actionparsnipjguzikowski: do you have 3d accelleration enabled?03:16
Brandyin a virtual machine insede linux03:16
arrrghhhKwikkSilva, excuse my ignorance, but does mstsc work with it?03:16
Brandyor just XP03:16
Taevwhat is package http? when i search for http under synaptics it doesn't show anything03:16
VS-I have an operating system-less drive, and when I boot the Ubuntu CD, I get to a prompt... What can I do?03:16
jguzikowskiactionparsnip, i don't think so03:16
kosharietrask try lsusb, it may be a usb device03:16
arrrghhhTaev, there is no http package, what do you need??  apache?03:16
Aliasanybody tried android development>03:16
lexmarkhelphas anyone gotten LEXMARK X5470 Printer to work?03:16
Taevthats what it says03:16
VS-Also, I encounter an "unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon" error.03:17
TaevHTTP Package
sander__KE1HA, obs.. seems like an install error.. I'll try to --purge the package and install it.03:17
actionparsnipjguzikowski: you can install emerald and get a thinner window decorator, if you dont use 3D accelleration you can install openbox and it will be thinner03:17
arrrghhhVS-, sounds lik your bios isn't booting from the cd03:17
arrrghhhTaev, uhm... why?03:17
KE1HAyes, autoclean, purege, clean would be wise.03:17
Taevi have no idea, heres what i get when i try and add the TCL script03:17
Taev" [Discogs] Failed to load: version conflict for package "http": have 2.5.3, need 2.7.1"03:17
jguzikowskiactionparsnip, okay thanks..im not so good with mixing windows managers03:17
KwikkSilvaarrrghhh, nope03:18
abhijit!ptinter | lexmarkhelp03:18
etraskkoshari it lists my normal USB mouse but everything else says Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub03:18
abhijit!ptint | lexmarkhelp03:18
arrrghhhKwikkSilva, ah, it was worth a shot :P  are you sure it's not a limitation in tight or anything like that?03:18
KwikkSilvaBrandy, Ubuntu is running on a Dell 650 Server, XP is running on my laptop03:18
abhijit!print | lexmarkhelp03:18
ubottulexmarkhelp: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:18
arrrghhhTaev, what are you doing?   TCL script?03:18
kosharietrask googling the model may be an alternative,03:18
KwikkSilvaarrrghhh, pretty sure i think its server side - i've read alot of posts03:18
arrrghhhKwikkSilva, well maybe it's a limitation of the server.03:19
nUboon2Agerodolfo: here's something on songbird/ipod compatibility: http://getsatisfaction.com/songbird/topics/sync_songs_to_ipod?utm_medium=widget&utm_source=widget_songbird03:19
mkquist10.4 reinstall, no sound, worked fine before, still works in windows... machine 'sees' the soundcard, but in sound preferences there is no hardware, lspci -v shows the card, but capabilites 'denied access'... any ideas?03:19
Brandy ok03:19
etraskkoshari ... that was simpler than it had to be. Thanks a bunch :P03:19
Taevok i think its talking about a http package for the source tcl program03:19
Taevthanks anyways guys03:19
actionparsnip!sound | mkquist03:19
ubottumkquist: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:19
KwikkSilvaarrrghhh, i'd be surprised - surely it can do better than 800x60003:19
lexmarkhelpI have tried using CUPS, but that doesn't work. When I got to printing, ubuntu detects the printer but deosnt print.03:19
VS-I'm pretty sure it may be related to the "Error: unexpectedly disconected from boot status daemon".03:19
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: it can, it just needs some config03:20
arrrghhhKwikkSilva, lol you never know.  what's the host set to?03:20
mkquistactionparsnip: yeah, already been there, just looking for other thoughts03:20
KwikkSilvaactionparsnip, yeah i had a look around and there was mention of xconf03:20
sander__KE1HA, worked.. after I did apt-get remove --purge03:20
actionparsnipmkquist: run alsamixer in terminal, make sure all is cranked. Just because the chip is seen doesnt mean its configured03:20
KwikkSilvabut people reckoned it screwed their settings03:20
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: then you will need to form an xorg.conf then03:20
KE1HAlexmarkhelp, Lexmark is not well suppirted on any linux distribution, I've found very few sucess cases using their printers on Linux.03:20
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nUboon2Agerodolfo: on Rhythmbox i think there's a library that needs to be installed for RB to work with it.  I'm not sure if it works on 9.10/Karmic... let me check...03:21
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Brandytri using ImInTouc to view ur destops on XP03:21
lexmarkhelpIt worked when I used opensuse03:21
sander__KE1HA, thansk for the help tho.. to clearify the problem.03:21
KE1HAsander__, you should write upa "How-Too" for others wanting to do the same things.03:21
BrandyIm In Touch ups03:21
Brandyit is free03:21
arrrghhhlexmarkhelp, unfortunately KE1HA isn't joking.  i always buy hp printers for that reason.  and if that's the case then why not use opensuse?03:21
rodolfoit says songbird is not compatible since last year03:21
[ZoD]Phantomi have the "mount of root file system failed" how can i restore it?03:21
linguiniactionparsnip, Thanks, seems to work!03:21
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: then their files were bad03:21
mrconnertonHow can I run update-grub from a live cd, with the harddrive of the ubuntu installation I want to modify mounted03:22
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i'm not sure but the library might be the one listed under 'ipod' in Synaptic.  Do you have that?03:22
Brandyok guys thenks for all03:22
Brandyi preciate all ur hel03:23
lexmarkhelpOh, I see. I will buy an HP one next.03:23
KE1HAarrrghhh, cuz its an Ugly "Green" .. LOL03:23
[ZoD]Phantomi have the "mount of root file system failed" how can i fix this?03:23
KwikkSilvaactionparsnip, is there a default xorg.conf i can use?03:23
KwikkSilvai found one - but i have no idea idf its going to hose the system03:23
nUboon2Agerodolfo: try installling it and then restart RB and see if that shows your iPod then...03:23
arrrghhhKE1HA, yea but if it works with your printer... haha03:24
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: you can generate one in root recovery mode by running: Xorg --configure    you can then pad it from there03:24
KE1HANot Mine, there all HP's, "Always" .. :-)03:24
Dist`is there a way I can 'restart' the ubuntu desktop without effecting the firefox downloasd I have running?03:24
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: you will need to reboot to get back to desktop03:24
arrrghhhKE1HA, ditto.03:24
actionparsnipDist`: no, cant think of any way03:24
Dist`bah :(03:24
arrrghhhwe use all HP at work, they are fantastic printers.03:24
Dist`my desktop is 'frozen', I can't even open folders through the panel at the top of my screen03:25
inktriis it possible to download packages that exist on my laptop onto my desktop (which does not have internet access)?03:25
rodolfoi restart the computer?03:25
rodolfoor rithmbox?03:25
KE1HADist`, I dont think so, if you kill-X, it's going to gill any apps running onit, however, your download manager should pickup where it left off on resume.03:25
AliasAnyone good with Inkscape?03:25
VS-Also, arrrghhhm, it does boot, it just gets to this prompt with sudo, etc.03:26
KwikkSilvaactionparsnip, i have no way of getting a monitor to thsi machine tonight so maybe i should hold off messing with it03:26
KwikkSilvaneed monitor for recoevery mode right?03:26
Dist`KE1HA unfortunately some of my downloads I have running are from websites that implement a 'queue'ing system where by if the download stops, you have to queue again and are given a new download link, which screws up resuming03:26
Dist`i guess my only option is to wait untill downloads finish and do a restart03:26
guille1983hey I tried to load the installer and it failed, it says it will load a default desktop session but it asks for a user and password. What is the default user/password ?03:26
KE1HABummer, know how that is, ya gotta get back in line, that sux.03:27
Dist`bit of a shame, in windows you can just kill explorer and start it again03:27
arrrghhhinktri, get debs?  i think there's a way.  can't remember.  google.03:27
actionparsnipKwikkSilva: no worries dude, smoe cards dont pick up automagicaqlly and canonical seem to thing udev can find all but it doesnt, an xorg.conf file is often needed but lucid doesn't ship with one by default03:27
Dist`oh well, thanks anyway03:27
nUboon2Agerodolfo: install the ipod package and then restart Rhythmbox.  i don't think you'll need to restart computer, but if it doesn't work immediately try rebooting.03:27
nUboon2Agerodolfo: then if that doesn't work i found an alternative method:    http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/easy-way-to-sync-your-iphone-with.html03:28
KE1HAAlias, dont know about Inkscape, but another good Vector Graphics package in Blender :-)03:28
perlsyntaxHow do i check to see what sound baster sound card i have?03:28
RandyRKellyHello help03:28
[ZoD]Phantomhow do i start x from a shell?03:28
arrrghhhor /etc/init.d/gdm start03:29
RandyRKellyHow do I connect to.wireless03:29
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know how to look up my sound card i got??03:29
KE1HAperlsyntax, yank the chip and look on the package :-) ... kjust kidding, LSPCI should say.03:29
arrrghhhRandyRKelly, depends on your card, can you pastebin lsusb and lspci?03:29
perlsyntaxyou mean lspci03:29
arrrghhhsorry that's startx03:29
RandyRKellyNew to Ubuntu03:29
KE1HArrr yes, sri03:29
arrrghhhisn't that what i said?03:29
[ZoD]Phantomarrrghhh im at root@user-desktop03:29
arrrghhhdid you try either of those?03:30
actionparsnipperlsyntax: sudo lshw -C sound03:30
KE1HAI put mine in CAPS as Im not to smart that way :-)03:30
[ZoD]Phantomarrrghhh and i tried xstart and nothing no command found03:30
arrrghhh[ZoD]Phantom, sorry startx03:30
nUboon2Agerodolfo: and that way says they tested with Karmic/9.10 so that should work.  There are many programs to work w/ music and ipod, but of  course its challenging to work with iPod because Apple keeps changing things with their firmware, etc. that makes it hard to keep compatibility working (as the post re: Songbird said.  Finally Songbird stopped trying it looks like).  But i'm sure there'll be several different programs that will03:30
actionparsnipRandyRKelly: run: sudo lshw -C network     what is the product line in your wireless device03:30
actionparsniprodolfo: nUboon2Age http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html03:31
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, have a go at: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:31
KE1HAthen startx03:31
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA im having a main problem first:03:31
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA i have the "mount of root file system failed" how can i fix this?03:32
KE1HAbut save your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak or somethign first.03:32
picard1421hey guys is there a good guide on setting up an openVPN connection to tunnel ALLL data through a VPN?03:32
picard1421basically if its not going through the VPN then no data goes through at all? what would be the procedure for setting that up03:32
Guest98392What is the best IRC chat program for linux?03:32
RandyRKellyWell give me a min03:32
arrrghhhGuest98392, i like xchat.03:32
actionparsnipGuest98392: there is no best IRC app.03:32
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KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Hmm, what happened that caused that ?03:32
Corsairsor Konversation03:32
actionparsnipGuest98392: there is no best anything in life03:32
actionparsnip!irc | Guest9839203:33
ubottuGuest98392: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:33
uRockchatzilla works decently03:33
Guest21090is dsl based on ubuntu03:33
arrrghhhactionparsnip, lol your comments are awesome.03:33
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA no idea, my cousin uses the pc03:33
actionparsniparrrghhh: it just really baffles me how people can even concieve a universal "best" of anything03:33
abhijit_!openvpn | picard142103:33
ubottupicard1421: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!03:33
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, have you looked at your FSTAB  .. ?03:33
arrrghhhactionparsnip, i know.  but i'm constantly googling "best of ..." to see what people *think* is the best.  then i make my own conclusion based on my needs/wants.03:34
KE1HAfixing X-org is secondary at this point.03:34
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA tahts what im looking at but i have no idea what all that means03:34
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uRockit is better to be fed many options as opposed to none03:34
arrrghhhactionparsnip, but that link you gave him/her was very helpful so i'm not dogging on you at all.03:34
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know if X-FI Xtreme audio is support by ubuntu?03:34
actionparsniparrrghhh: exactly, for some, even living isn't best03:34
KE1HAwhat is the "exact" error yoru getting?03:34
arrrghhhactionparsnip, ouch!  but true enough.03:34
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: thank you i'll check that out...03:34
actionparsniparrrghhh: didnt detect any dogging dude, its all good03:34
perlsyntaxor is there a howto for it03:35
VS-I'm trying to newly install, and I get to a prompt with "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$"03:35
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1343744 that msg03:35
arrrghhhVS-, that's after you've installed ubuntu?03:35
arrrghhhbooting livecd?03:36
uRockThat is the LiveCD's prompt03:36
actionparsnipperlsyntax: cretaive cards are quite tricky to get going. personally i aviod them like paris hilton avoids talent03:36
VS-I get to it anytime I try to install though.03:36
actionparsnipperlsyntax: not worth the hassle03:36
uRockOnce you install it will be screenname@PCname03:36
perlsyntaxis there a howto03:36
arrrghhhVS-, wait, do you get a prompt to "try or install" basically when the disc boots?03:36
VS-I don't.03:37
tensorpuddingVS-: are you not using the graphical install?03:37
arrrghhhit'll have more options, like test memory03:37
nUboon2AgeGuest98392: I like Konversation for irc.03:37
VS-I can't, it doesn't give me an option to.03:37
arrrghhhVS-, yes, which disc did you download.  server edition or alternate installer perhaps?03:37
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, so was that your problem, or one similar?03:37
tensorpuddingWhich install disk are you using?03:37
VS-Desktop Edition :/03:37
[ZoD]Phantomke1 the very same one, and im not sure how to fix it.03:37
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA the very same one, and im not sure how to fix it.03:37
uRockSounds like a bad image?03:37
tensorpuddingVS-: any errors on boot?03:38
tensorpuddingis this for 10.04?03:38
arrrghhhVS-, could be a bad image like uRock said.  do you get any other errors?  it just drops a prompt?03:38
allgurui know that this is in-relevant a bit , but it's URGENT :( , the site www.noobsnetwork.com is going to be a site for educating 3D and Engineering and Web Design in Video Tutorials , i want to use my old domain www.open-class.org for the site , but this dark theme isn't suitable , what about this light one http://noobsnetwork.com/portal.php?style=1 , you can talk to me to proof that i'm not a spam bot , lol ..03:38
VS-Unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon.03:38
arrrghhhhaha gang troubleshooting.03:38
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, follow that check-disk section and see where that gets you.03:38
VS-Yes, 10.0403:38
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA i got that and i think its fine.03:38
uRock!spam | allguru03:38
arrrghhhVS-, did you do a MD5 checksum before you burned?03:38
arrrghhhVS-, does the disc work in any other computers?03:38
tensorpuddingit seems like it could be possible that the xorg autoconfiguration got botched, i suppose03:38
VS-It does.03:39
mkquistactionparsnip: thanx for that, turns out i hadnt been to all of those pages, sounds up now... =)03:39
KE1HAand did you re-mount the partition and fix the fstab afterwards ?03:39
allguruuRock , no dude :(03:39
allguruuRock: i need help03:39
arrrghhhVS-, there's something it doesn't like about the hardware.  you can try the alternate install disc, but no promises.03:39
allguruuRock: the other rooms are dead .03:39
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA what you mean, how i remount?03:39
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA was it the sudo mount -o etc etc?03:40
allguruok , Bye :( .03:40
KE1HAudo mount -o remount,rw /03:40
VS-So there's nothing I can do with this prompt?03:40
KE1HAsudo .. .. ..03:40
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA just did that, after that what else?03:40
arrrghhhVS-, i mean you can try some things, but if the disc boots on other computers then there's probably some hardware that isn't playing nice.03:40
TaevIm trying to install the http module for TCL, im specifying where its at and I keep getting "checking for Tcl configuration... configure: error: /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/tclConfig.sh directory doesn't contain tclConfig.sh"03:40
actionparsnipmkquist: nice03:40
VS-What can I do?03:41
rodolfoit still dont say devices03:41
KE1HAdo a quick ls -al on the fstab and see who the owner & group is03:41
arrrghhhTaev, what is tcl?03:41
Dev_hmm XChat 2 keeps crashing03:41
Taevhow can ./tcl8.4/tclConfig.sh NOT contain tclConfig.sh03:41
Taevits a scripting language03:41
nUboon2Agerodolfo: you're back.  okay, so i guess its time to try the second method.03:41
lfaraoneIf you don't have plymouth installed, say, on a server, does "splash" in the kernel parameter do antyhing?03:41
nUboon2Agerodolfo: here's something on songbird/ipod compatibility: http://getsatisfaction.com/songbird/topics/sync_songs_to_ipod?utm_medium=widget&utm_source=widget_songbird03:42
nUboon2Agerodolfo: oops, wrong one03:42
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA i did the "ls -al" and i got a list, what am i looking for?03:42
arrrghhhTaev, sounds awful.  probalby outside of the scope of this room, no offense.03:42
nUboon2Agerodolfo: then if that doesn't work i found an alternative method:    http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/easy-way-to-sync-your-iphone-with.html03:42
Dev_actionparsnip, crap - crashed the xorg server03:42
uRockallguru, sorry, my kid wanted ice cream and she is my boss03:42
nUboon2Agerodolfo: which looks like its really the same as the one actionparsnip posted03:43
KE1HAThr Group and Owner., The problem is more than likely a curruption error and will take fdisk to fix it.03:43
bjegovicWHAT DO COMMAND sudo rm -rf /*03:43
nUboon2Agerodolfo: here's actionparsnip's version: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html03:43
arrrghhhKE1HA, [ZoD]Phantom have you fsck'd it?03:43
[ZoD]Phantomarrrghhh how do i do that?03:43
arrrghhhbjegovic, remove everything.  you trolled around until someone told you to do it huh03:43
Melodisthello guys, I need help03:43
PeterDrop4 hours trying to get sound on flash, any help here please03:44
abhijit!danger | bjegovic03:44
ubottubjegovic: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:44
KE1HAYeah, in a ternimal window, you need to do a few things.03:44
xangua!ops | bjegovic03:44
ubottubjegovic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!03:44
nUboon2Agebjegovic: i hope you're kidding.  Don't do that.03:44
bjegovicWilliam told me to type that03:44
arrrghhh[ZoD]Phantom, i believe it's just "fsck /dev/disk"03:44
macobjegovic: it deletes everything03:44
DasEi!danger | bjegovic03:44
ubottubjegovic: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:44
KE1HAin a terminla sudo fdisk -l  what your looking for is the root partition.03:44
[ZoD]Phantomarrrghhh it says clean etc etc etc03:44
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA is sda103:45
bjegovici didnt typed that xD03:45
KE1HAok, is it ext3 or 4?03:45
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA ext303:45
nUboon2Agebjegovic: glad to hear that!03:45
KE1HAok, then: sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda103:45
KE1HAopps sri, ext 303:45
Melodistmy boyfriend is trying to install twin terminal window manager, but he seems to be missing GNU bash03:45
KE1HANot 403:45
Melodisthow can he install it?03:45
[ZoD]Phantomlet me see03:45
bjegovicfor me too :P03:45
Melodistwhat package does it belong to or whatever?03:46
bjegovicsome person from here told me that03:46
rodolfowhen i try to add the repository it says command not found03:46
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, do:  sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sda103:46
bjegovicWilliam_Shaftner told me on private to do that03:46
lfaraoneMelodist: if you're using Ubuntu, you have to have bash installed. It won't boot without it, I'm pretty sure.03:46
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA i did, and it said clean etc etc03:46
abhijitbjegovic, thats why no pm.03:46
macobjegovic: this is why you should get all support *in channel* not through PMs, that way you can be warned as soon as something bad is said03:46
lfaraoneMelodist: does "which bash" tell you anything if you run it in the terminal?03:47
uRockyou'd think that the Intro to unix/linux book would say not to try that command03:47
arrrghhhbjegovic, and perhaps quit trolling about CS 1.6...03:47
DasEiMelodist: i tried terminator before, that did well for me, see :03:47
Melodistso then what other dependencies could he be missing? he already installed build essential, which installs gnu-make, right?03:47
KE1HAOk, so its saying it's a clean partition, puzzling, only think I can think then is fstab is messed abotu somehow.03:47
DasEi!info terminator03:47
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.93-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 185 kB, installed size 1668 kB03:47
nUboon2Agerodolfo: when you try to add which repository?03:48
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA this is one thing i saw when i did this command: "cat /etc/fstab":03:48
macoMelodist: im also a fan of terminator03:48
KwikkSilva_stupid xchat03:48
KE1HApost the fstab output in pastbin03:48
Melodistim not sure what terminator is03:48
rodolfosudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa03:48
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA uuid ext3 errors=remount-ro03:48
DasEi!info terminator > Melodist03:48
macoMelodist: its a terminal emulator (can replace gnome-terminal) that does tiling stuff too03:49
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA how can i do that if i cant even get into ubuntu? im doing this through a diff pc.03:49
MelodistI see03:49
KwikkSilva_k - forget the xserver - this ones more important anyway03:49
KE1HAdo you have any fstab lines that start with dvpts ?03:49
Melodistso it does the same thing twin does?03:49
macoMelodist: i think so03:49
KwikkSilva_does this post make any sense to snayone - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153501503:49
KwikkSilva_I can;t get my server to be seen on the network03:49
uRockI tried the killer command in a vbox and it denied the command permission03:49
nUboon2Agerodolfo: when i try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa it works for me03:49
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Ok, sri, you need to Live-CD Boot and be on the PC to do all this stuff.03:50
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA is there a comand to know what version of ubuntu is on the pc?03:50
macouRock: youd need sudo, and youd have to read the rm manpage to see that the syntax for the killer command has changed a bit to keep people who dont know it changed from destroying others' systems03:50
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, with the Live-CD you should be able to gain Net Acess and IRC from it.03:50
uRocknevermind, the vbox install is now ruined03:50
nUboon2Agerodolfo: looks like we both used the exact same command.03:50
DasEi[ZoD]Phantom: lsb_release -a03:50
macouRock: oh wait, the * was in there. yep just plain with sudo would work there03:51
[ZoD]Phantomok its 9.10 ty03:51
A-NonAny time I enable compiz, the window borders and title bar disappear, and none of the effects work. Any help?03:51
uRockrm does its job well03:51
nUboon2Agerodolfo: just to be sure i tried your command and it worked for me.03:51
rodolfobut why it dont works?03:52
DasEiA-Non: graphics capable and drivers well set ?03:52
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, cat/etc/lsb-release03:52
KE1HAI think :-)03:52
A-NonDasEi: ./compiz-check tells me it should work, drivers installed through hardware drivers menu03:53
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: need some help here.  rodolfo is trying to add a repository and is getting 'command not found'  for sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa03:53
uRockhow do I move a home made command into one of the $PATH directories?03:53
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Additnally, I had all sorts of FS issues on 9.xx releases, I have (0) system with that distro on it, all 8.x or 10.x03:54
Benny_132Hey guys i have this 200mb text file, and there is a problem on like line 800,000 what is the best way to open the file at that location to check the line for errors03:54
DasEiA-Non: so maybe a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log could help, apart from03:54
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: rodolfo is on Karmic.  any ideas what could be going on?03:54
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, but clearly, there's a probple with the partition or fstab one or the other.03:54
DasEi!ccsm | A-Non03:54
ubottuA-Non: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz03:54
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA wel i want to get my stuff from that pc and save it, and then install a new version03:54
actionparsnipnUboon2Age: check the release, add-apt-repository isn't in Hardy and may not be in Jaunty03:54
A-NonDasEi: I'll take a look in that I guess... I have CCSM installed03:54
uRockBenny_132, cat <name of file>03:54
actionparsnip!info add-apt-repository03:55
ubottuPackage add-apt-repository does not exist in lucid03:55
mnainesI found out how to get Ubuntu to run entirely on a flash drive with persistence and zero hardware dependency, but it requires a flash drive with a minimum of 16GB capacity03:55
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, you can do that from the Live CD.03:55
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: thing is those instructions were specifically for Karmic (which rodolfo has)03:55
[ZoD]Phantomdoes it matter if i access it with livecd with a diff version?03:55
abhijit!usb | mnaines03:55
ubottumnaines: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:55
KE1HAprovided you have like a USB key or / HDD or somethign.03:55
DasEiactionparsnip: works since ibex03:55
uRockor you can use more <nameoffile>03:55
actionparsniprodolfo: nUboon2Age can you use a pastebin to give the output of: lsb_release -a03:56
mnainesabhijit, I'm not talking about installing Ubuntu from a flash drive, I am talking about installing it TO and running it on a flash drive.03:56
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: i tried it on Lucid and it worked for me.03:56
actionparsnipDasEi: well it ain working there :)03:56
abhijitmnaines, min requirement is about 4gb space only (apprx)03:56
abhijitmnaines, not of 16 gb03:56
uRockBenny_132, "vi <name of file> then scroll down to that line03:56
guille1983hey I tried to load the installer and it failed, it says it will load a default desktop session but it asks for a user and password. What is the default user/password ?03:57
nUboon2Agerodolfo: do you understand what actionparsnip is asking for?03:57
Ca5âû åáëàíû03:57
mnainesabhijit, yes, but I say minimum 16GB flash drive capacity because you need room for swap space plus updates, customizations, and whatnot03:57
Benny_132uRock:  this file has over 1 million lines could take a while03:57
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: what is that program that automatically handles pastebin for you?03:57
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA i appreciate your help, ty.03:57
uRockthere is a way to name the line, but I'll have to search my Unix/Linux book03:57
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA livecd is loading03:57
abhijit!en | Ca503:58
ubottuCa5: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:58
test34nubooontuL search for pastebin in Synaptic?03:58
mnainesabhijit, you can run Ubuntu entirely on a flash drive with persistence and no hardware dependency, but you need a 16GB flash drive or bigger03:58
abhijitmnaines, okk03:58
Ca5èäè íàõóé ãîâíî03:58
actionparsnipnUboon2Age: try:   sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lsb_release -a | pastebinit03:58
nUboon2Ageactionparsnip: test34 i found it03:58
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, got through the check-disk again when your Live-CD is loaded.03:58
littlebearmnaines: o.o, i ran puppylinux on a 8gb, it only needs 100mb03:58
abhijitso that want a language at all? :(03:58
nUboon2Agerodolfo: try sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lsb_release -a | pastebinit03:59
mnaineslittlebear, I say 16GB because you need room for the swap space, all the updates, whatever customizations you decide to use03:59
littlebearmnaines: true03:59
arrrghhhlittlebear, i've run ubuntu on 10gb but it was NOT easy.03:59
littlebeararrrghhh: 10gb flash drive? woah, that's painful04:00
actionparsniplittlebear: its enough for an ubuntu install dude04:00
littlebeararrrghhh: i noe that archlinux uses 300mb with their netinstall,04:00
arrrghhhlittlebear, lol i was talking about a recovery portion converted into an ubuntu install but ok.04:00
uRockBenny_132, man grep look at the -c arguement04:00
rodolfoit worked04:00
arrrghhhlittlebear, there's a netinstall of ubuntu that uses about the same.04:00
Benny_132uRock: ok thanks man04:00
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Here's the FS Wont Mount BUG on 9.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/468450   .. Probably a like or similar issue on your distro.04:00
mnainesarrrghhh, the problem with running Ubuntu entirely on a flash drive is it is painfully slow, you don't have much room for storing your files and stuff, but if you can tolerate that, you can actually be rest assured that you can use your full ubuntu setup on any machine that can boot from USB04:00
arrrghhhlittlebear, but you don't get gnome or OOO do ya?  ;)04:00
littlebearof course not04:01
neskapow_hey whats up #04:01
littlebeararrrghhh: those are heavy space eaters lol04:01
A-NonNothing in the Xorg.0.log jumps out at me aside from a missing "libwfb.so", could that cause title bars and window borders to disappear while running compiz?04:01
littlebearooo by it self is something like 300 mb i recall04:01
arrrghhhmnaines, woah i didn't realize i was jumping into a case for using a flash drive to run ubuntu off of.04:01
uRockBenny_132, man grep look at the -n04:01
arrrghhhlittlebear, that's my point.  ubuntu-desktop comes with A LOT and needs room to breathe.04:01
arrrghhhyou could run ubuntu off a flash key for a server OS with hdd's for storage, but i've heard of ppl running into issues long-term.04:02
littlebeararrrghhh: yeah, i was stupid enough to think 10 gb was enough, now i only have 2 gb left04:02
arrrghhhha, ouch.04:02
DasEiA-Non: might be, I just located it on my sys, it's : /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so04:02
arrrghhhlittlebear, i think it recommends 20gb...?04:02
actionparsniplittlebear: install lubuntu, its a very small ubuntu based system, vying for official status too04:03
arrrghhhlittlebear, correction, 15gb.04:03
DasEiA-Non: looks like a missing module of xorg in first glance04:03
rodolfosorry for the problems, im on my cousin laptop04:03
actionparsniplittlebear: or you could use puppy or damnsmall to make the system super faster04:03
littlebearactionparsnip: yeah, busy with life04:03
nUboon2Agerodolfo: ok what is the URL it gave?04:03
A-NonDasEi: How would I fix that?04:03
mnainesarrrghhh, do you run Ubuntu entirely on a flash drive?04:03
littlebearactionparsnip: that's ram though04:03
arrrghhhmnaines, no.04:03
rodolfobut what i do next??04:03
actionparsniplittlebear: plus lighter in cpu too as well as smaller in HDD usage04:04
littlebearactionparsnip: unless you have your hdd entirely made up of ram, you're speed isn't going anywhere04:04
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Look at Post #19 on the link I sent you, this may be the smoking-gun for your issue.04:04
arrrghhhmnaines, but i know guys that run ubuntu-server on a usb key.04:04
nUboon2Agerodolfo: tell us what the URL is that pastebinit produced.04:04
mnainesarrrghhh, I tried it once...Painfully slow and no room for any of my files, but I could use it on any machine that could boot from USB04:04
DasEiA-Non: try to backup xorg.conf, reconfigure the server, run a full update/grade, and set up xorg back, case lack of functionality04:04
rodolfoit gave me this04:04
littlebearmnaines: the puppylinux works great from usb, though corruption after awhile04:04
arrrghhhand i run the liveusb key edition or whatever, but i don't use it frequently.  just when i need it.  most guys get flash cards on the mobo - much faster bus that way.04:04
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nUboon2Agerodolfo: yes?  Gave which URL?04:05
mnainesarrrghhh, yes, but my intent is portability, being able to use my full-featured copy of Ubuntu on almost any newer machine I come to04:05
DasEiA-Non: need the commands for tthat ?04:05
A-NonDasEi: I know how to back up xorg.conf but I don't know what you mean by the rest of those steps, could you explain that in detail?04:05
rodolfoDistributor ID:Jolicloud  Description:Jolicloud robby (Final Release)  Release:1.0  Codename:robby04:05
A-NonDasEi: Yeah the commands would be helpful04:05
rodolfowhat does it mean?04:06
DasEiA-Non: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup04:06
nUboon2Agerodolfo: actionparsnip oh rodolfo's got Jolicloud!04:06
arrrghhhmnaines, yea you can do that.  but like you said it's slow... i do the same thing, but again slow.  if the machine has a TON of ram it does make a difference tho.04:06
rodolfowhats that?04:06
A-NonDasEi: Alright, then what?04:07
actionparsnipnUboon2Age: its not supported here then04:07
DasEiA-Non: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade (maybe note it and run it from init 1, as with x in use, things might be kept back)04:07
mnainesarrrghhh, yes.  As you said, its more useful on servers, and at this time, flash memory is not fast enough to use it for anything more than portable server operating systems04:07
nUboon2Agerodolfo: actionparsnip: Jolicloud is based on Ubuntu, but is a derivative of Ubuntu.  Let's see where to get support for it...04:07
arrrghhhwait, rodolfo isn't running ubuntu?04:07
actionparsnipnUboon2Age: true but many are based on ubuntu but still equally unsupported here04:07
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA ty, well im going to save the documents and reinstall using 10.0404:08
arrrghhhrodolfo, mind if i ask why you even came into this room then?04:08
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, Oh, Ok, well you can get your docs off easily, then jsut start over, but there's a problem with 9.04 & 9.10 with both fstab and sudo-user auth files.04:09
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA ty!04:09
rodolfomy uncle told me to ask here04:09
DasEiA-Non: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:09
actionparsniprodolfo: the official channel for ubuntu is only for support for oficially released ubuntu from canonicals, not its spin offs04:09
nUboon2Agerodolfo: actionparsnip: yes i understand.  I'll try and point rodolfo in the right support direction...04:09
[ZoD]PhantomKE1HA good night and to all.04:09
actionparsniprodolfo: hopefully nUboon2Age can steer you04:09
KE1HA[ZoD]Phantom, After researin and listeing to your feedback, I suspect your /etcsusoers file is missing or currut, which is the liekly reason for the issue if it's not the fstab.04:10
actionparsniprodolfo: if you install the netbook edition which looks pretty much the same you will be supported here04:10
A-NonDasEi: the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't seem to do anything, is that normal?04:10
KE1HAA-Non, no that's not normal.04:11
DasEiA-Non: sudo service gdm restart (will LOG you OFF!),  the last two commands might be run after doing an sudo init 1, which will bring you to single user mode ( and also drops you off the desk,,     the cmd did, even with no feedback04:11
nUboon2Agerodolfo: it looks like its Karmic based (i'm guessing).  Here's the web site: http://www.jolicloud.com/support04:11
Snake_EaterE ai algum braisileiro aki04:11
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i'm looking over there for support resources...04:11
rwwubottu: br | Snake_Eater04:11
ubottuSnake_Eater: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:11
DasEi!br | Snake_Eater04:11
A-NonDasEi: okay I'll need to load up IRC on the other machine before I do that04:11
DasEicaps, ups04:12
rublindgentlemen (a bold assumption, I know). I'm seeking some assistance. Whenever I leave my eth0 to dhcp, I can't ssh to this machine. If I set it to a static IP it works. Does anyone have any idea of things I could try?04:13
nUboon2Agerodolfo: I found they have an irc channel at #jolicloud .  Also04:13
macorublind: a not-100%-correct one too!04:14
rodolfook tnx04:14
nUboon2Agerodolfo: more community resources listed at http://www.jolicloud.com/community04:14
* maco swishes skirt 04:14
rublindalso, my monitor cuts off the first few letters (I hate this thing), so I don't really know who to reply to. sorry. :x04:14
rublind__co: I took a risk. =p04:15
DasEiA-Non: sudo init 1, then dpkg from gui-choice (same as update/grade) then reconfigure from netroot or root, exit back to init 1 gui, resume boot, start gdm manually04:15
nUboon2Agerodolfo: i'm glad we checked and figured out what we're working with so you can get help from folks who are familar with Jolicloud, Robby edition.  We could have knocked that one around a long time without being able to make progress.04:15
A-NonDasEi: I'm going to switch IRC to the other machine, be right back04:16
rodolfook thanks04:16
nUboon2Agerodolfo: I've heard good things about Jolicloud so hopefully you'll be able to get your ipod working quickly.04:17
rublindsecond question: does anyone know how to make 2wire routers not suck?04:17
FirstgearOnewhich is faster kde or gnome?04:17
Sedatedrublind, i suggest a large heavy hammer04:17
stanley_robertsohi all04:17
arrrghhhrodolfo, slap your uncle for me :D04:17
rublindagreed. but I don't think AT&T will appreciate that.04:17
KE1HArublind, yeah, replace it with Cisco Routers :-)04:17
A-NonDasEi: I was running IRC on the machine I was trying to fix before, so this will be easier04:17
rublinddo you know if the cisco routers are compatible with AT&T's garbage service?04:18
mnainesDoes anyone know of a program for Linux that takes all your settings, custom themes, files and programs, and whatever else and turn it into an ISO so you can reinstall or move to another machine without losing any data?04:18
KE1HArublind, yes.04:18
DasEiA-Non: sudo init 1, then dpkg from gui-choice (same as update/grade) then reconfigure from netroot or root, exit back to init 1 gui, resume boot, start gdm manually04:18
rodolfoyes XD tnx for your help04:18
rublindI need to look into this then... thank you. would you happen to know a model number by any chance?04:18
actionparsnipmnaines: backup the hidden files in $HOME, you can restore them later to restore settings04:18
KE1HArublind, our main fibre channel was on an AT&T link, was pretty stable for acess.04:19
KE1HArublind, Which Cisco Routers ?04:19
rublindthe service isn't that bad (usually, it did go down for no reason once or twice), but I hate this 2wire thing they give me. makes me want to stab myself.04:19
mnainesactionparsnip, I mean like, when someone customizes Ubuntu to their liking then wants to get a new machine but does not want to have to reinstall everything to get their customizations back, is there something that can compile their custom Ubuntu setup into an ISO?04:20
econdudeawesomeAAH! I meant to delete a partition and created a new partition table. It said that it will be implemented on reboot. Can I fix it?04:20
A-NonDasEi: Just did init 1 now04:20
rublindyeah, if you knew off the top of your head. would save me some googling, but no worries either way. :)04:20
KE1HArublind, sri mate, but 2wire is garbage if you need real performace.04:20
DasEiA-Non: get a small gui.. > dpkg...04:20
Sedatedrublind, the 2wire routers i have here in .au have an advanced management page you can get it by browsing to http://<ip>/mdc04:20
KE1HArublind, one moment, need ot SSH to my Workstation.04:20
A-NonDasEi: I get an Ubuntu splash screen with the little dots04:20
actionparsnipmnaines: yep, that'll do it. You can burn them to a CD or USB stick etc for storage. Don't get tied up with ISO files04:20
rodolfoi have a problem with jolicloud IRC04:20
rublindII've tried the mdc things before, but still not the level of control I want...04:21
DasEiA-Non: might take a second04:21
rodolfono one answers04:21
A-NonDasEi: I think it's frozen, the dots aren't moving anymore :(04:21
actionparsniprodolfo: then ask in #freenode04:21
tpadshould i buy an nvidia or ati gpu if i plan on running ubuntu?04:21
econdudeawesomeSo if I use gparted to create a new partition table for a currently mounted drive, is there any way to fix that???04:21
DasEiA-Non: give it a little. else ctrl-alt-delete, when grub is loading, press left shift04:21
actionparsniptpad: nvidia04:22
econdudeawesomeas in, restore the partition table of the drive, or will it be wiped on the next reboot?04:22
tpadshould i buy an nvidia or ati gpu if i plan on running ubuntu?04:22
rodolfook thanks04:22
tensorpuddingnvidia has good binary blob drivers04:22
tpadactionparsnip: would ati work? someone told me there isnt very good support for ati..04:22
arrrghhhrodolfo, is there any reason you can't run ubuntu?04:22
tensorpuddingati has a free driver, but i don't know what the state of it is04:22
tpadim looking at the ati radeon hd 565004:22
DasEiecondudeawesome: very bad idea, and gparted wouldn't even allow on a mounted drive04:22
KE1HArublind, border routers were 3800's04:22
rublindcool, thank you for checking. :)04:23
actionparsniptpad: sure, you can check the ati site for compatible devices, nvidia have supported linux waaay longer than ati04:23
econdudeawesomeDasEi now when I reopen gparted it doesn't bring up the drive04:23
A-NonDasEi: I rebooted tapping left shift pretty much constantly and it just got me to the GDM screen04:23
DasEiA-Non: got the grub menue ?04:23
econdudeawesomeDasEi it was mounted into three partitions and I was trying to delete the middle one... and thought I needed a new partition table. What can I do??04:24
tpadactionparsnip: i know.. and i know ati has drivers.. im just wondering if anyone has experience with the stability of them.04:24
ZykoticK9A-Non, if you are using Grub2 then just hold shift down while booting to get the menu (don't tap)04:24
KE1HArublind, local routers were 2600's with a few 7100 fer the main WAN stuff.04:24
econdudeawesomeDasEi not mounted: divided. Two are currently mounteded04:24
A-NonDasEi: I don't think so, I saw no menus until GDM04:24
A-NonZykoticK9: Alright I'll try holding it down then04:24
actionparsniptpad: i only buy nvidia due to support, millions will agree, millions will disagree04:24
rublindcool, cool. time to go shopping I guess. =p04:24
KE1HArublind, 2600's are Solid bargins, 3800's are over the top even for most small to medium companys.04:24
macotpad: i last used ati 2 years ago and at the time i could get dual screen at high res on 32bit working fine, but on 64bit. i imagine progress has been made, particularly since they opened up all their specs04:24
macotpad: er, but not on 64bit04:25
DasEiecondudeawesome: oo, you set a new partitable on a drive where you still would have needed the other two partis ?04:25
ZykoticK9tpad, if you want 3d on linux (or other open source OSs)  i would go nivida myself04:25
rublind2600's it is then. :)04:25
tpadwell damn.04:25
tpadsee im looking at the envy 14.. and i cant get nvidia in it.04:25
tpadbut i realllly want this laptop. :)04:25
A-NonDasEi: Okay now I've got "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu7" menu04:25
DasEiA-Non: it's lucid ?04:25
rublindokay, I need to go futz with my router/networking setup for a bit to figure this out. I'll be back later. Thanks for all the info. :)04:25
A-NonDasEi: Yeah, lucid04:25
macotpad: can i sugget a couple companies that make linux laptops?04:25
DasEifine > 2nd kernel, recovery-mode04:25
DasEiA-Non: ^04:26
coz_tpad,  which intel chipsets for video do they hav?04:26
ZykoticK9tpad, if your shopping for a laptop then nvidia usually costs about 2x as much :|  You get what you pay for though.04:26
KE1HArublind, look for certified Used 2600's, with the fibre module options, lots of ggod deals around. We're way off-topic, so back to Ubuntu Support.04:26
tensorpuddingif you're getting a laptop, go for intel04:26
A-NonDasei: running recovery-mode...04:26
tensorpuddinggraphics, that is04:26
ZykoticK9tpad, i agree with tensorpudding intel over ati.04:26
macotpad: http://zareason.com and http://system76.com  both make fully linux compatible laptops.  i have two laptops from za04:26
tpadtensorpudding: lol now thats incorrect.04:26
econdudeawesomeDasEi yes, that was the plan. But I wasn't thinking and made a new partition table for the whole drive. The computer seems to be working find, but I got the following in the terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470510/04:27
DasEiecondudeawesome: so, what you need is another sys, and then use testdisk to recover it, that'll be a bit of a hassle then04:27
tpadnvidia may have better support.. but ati is def better than intel.04:27
macotensorpudding: actually... intel has the best support of all04:27
tensorpuddingIntel's free drivers work great.04:27
macotensorpudding: fully open drivers, and yeah, it does work for 3d actually... its long been the easiest way to get 3d on linux04:27
macotensorpudding: erk not you sorry04:27
ZykoticK9maco, if "best support" = "Open source" then yes ;)04:27
econdudeawesomeDasEi that actually won't be a problem to boot up another system on the same rig, coincidentally enough. But can I do it before I shut the computer down with gpart?04:27
macotpad: what i just said to tensorpudding was for you04:27
tonsofpcsso I just tried burning a cd with k3b, k3b hung with 0% and was successfully killed, wodim is still stuck running and the drive is spinning.  Any ideas?04:27
tpadthey may work good. but i am also going for performance. i will be running windows 7 dual boot for gaming as well.04:28
macoZykoticK9: thats what i meant yeah.04:28
DasEiecondudeawesome: wellwell, I told you gparted won't do, if anything is mounted there.. gparteed still open ?04:28
tensorpuddingIf you're going for gaming it's different.04:28
DasEiA-Non: dpgk....04:28
macoZykoticK9: but like... out of the box, you have 3d. none of this fussing around with extra drivers then finding out it breaks on plymouth crap04:28
tpadtensorpudding: i am going for gaming as well.04:29
econdudeawesomeDasEi not gparted, gpart04:29
actionparsnipmaco: the plymouth thing is easy to workaround with fb driver but OOTB yes04:29
A-NonDasEi: the recovery-mode thing seems to hang at "Setting sensors limits, Skip stopping firewall: ufw (not enabled)"04:29
econdudeawesomeDasEi I've closed it and opened it--same options are availabel taht were there immediately following my stupid stupid action04:29
DasEiecondudeawesome: hm , I don't what command you issued actually, so first a reboot and then see what really happened will be way to go then04:29
KE1HAtensorpudding, Browse the Ubuntu Certified Hardware lists for hardware before purchase, saved on allot of frustration.04:30
DasEiA-Non: hmm.. should run through to a simple gui04:30
econdudeawesomeI was running gparted, and used the "create new partition table" on the drive...04:30
DasEiA-Non: try to ctrl-c, if it won't move on04:30
A-NonDasEi: This machine never does what it should D: ... Ctrl+C seems to have no effect04:31
courtnican anyone tell me( in the most undestandable nderstandable terms please) how to run/ get the "desktop-switcher"04:31
VS-arrrghhh, alternate cd works, thanks a lot :D04:31
DasEiecondudeawesome: which, if any of the partis was mounted, shouldn't be possible, again: gparted-gui or parted from terminal ?04:31
econdudeawesomeDasEi gparted-gui04:31
arrrghhhVS-, np.04:32
econdudeawesomeDasEi I invoke it from the terminal04:32
DasEiecondudeawesome: so you might be lucky, just reboot and check the disk again04:32
econdudeawesomeDasEi fair enough I guess, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime I'm running gpart04:32
A-NonDasEi: I rebooted and tried again and now it's got the simple GUI04:33
econdudeawesomeseems straightforward enough: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=221043604:33
econdudeawesomecourtni what do you mean04:33
DasEiA-Non: fine, so dpkgrepair...04:33
econdudeawesomecourtni are you switching between desktop windows, desktop session managers (GNOME, KDE), or login windows, or what?04:33
raghavendranhow to embed kernal in cc04:33
A-NonDasEi: What was the dpkgrepair command exactly?04:34
KE1HAraghavendran, in CC ??04:34
econdudeawesomec0ourtni are you there?04:35
raghavendrancan any one tell me04:35
DasEiA-Non: first we want to run the dpkg-choice from the small menue04:35
raghavendranto do a project04:35
ZykoticK9raghavendran, and what is cc?04:35
KE1HAraghavendran, I dont know what you mean by "cc"04:35
A-NonDasEi: Okay I did that, it finished04:35
raghavendraninterested in foss04:35
econdudeawesomeraghavendran ask your question in one line, be specific04:35
DasEiA-Non: I assume it had inet , and didn't just spill error contacting url ?!04:36
raghavendranfoss projects04:36
A-NonDasEi: It ran completely, no error contacting url :)04:36
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DasEiA-Non: next choice root or netroot04:36
courtniecondudeawesome: on the latest version of ubuntu, the "desktop-switcher" was added back after being taken off in the previous version due to instabilaty, it is supposed to allow ubuntu netbook remix to look like the desktop versoin04:37
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A-NonDasEi: Okay, I've got the terminal prompt now04:37
DasEiA-Non: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:37
Flannelraghavendran: Your question seems like it might be better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic04:37
jorenhey, has anyone had experience with 10.04 booting sporadically? most of the time, there's just a blinking cursor, no grub or anything, but every once in a while it will boot04:37
DasEiA-Non: will do no output04:37
DasEiA-Non: service gdm stop04:37
econdudeawesomecourtni I could never get that to work exactly right. I followed a script in the ubuntu forums to set up GNOME exactly like the Netbook Remix session04:37
DasEiA-Non: service gdm start04:37
ZykoticK9courtni, i'm under the impression that UNE is actually almost entirely locked down UI wise.  Best of luck.  (i don't think the switcher is an available feature - i could be wrong)04:38
A-NonDasEi: I'm not supposed to get any output from dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg right?04:38
tonsofpcsis there a way to send an eof to an open stream? (I have wodim stuck waiting for data, spinning my cd drive -- 21:43:07  * tonsofpcs tries sfc04:38
econdudeawesomecourtni if you want to switch between desktop, you need to run with GNOME session instead of netboook remix or netbook remix 2d04:38
tonsofpcsis there a way to send an eof to an open stream? (I have wodim stuck waiting for data, spinning my cd drive -- usr/bin/wodim -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/sr0 speed=48 -dao driveropts=burnfree -eject -data -tsize=318784s - )04:38
econdudeawesomecourtni you can do this at the log in window--when you click on your account the option the change sessions is at the bottom04:38
econdudeawesomecourtni however, you could also use the GNOME session script and then just kill or reinvoke the programs you want to switch between--I think the primary one is called maximus04:39
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, i don't believe that is an option in UNE, in Gnome yes.04:39
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9 spot on. That's wht I was saying04:40
courtniecondudeawesome: thnx a LOT!c: I can manage that.04:40
A-NonDasEi: service gdm start loaded GDM (obviously) so now I'm logged in, how do I make sure the missing file is there now?04:40
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, sorry it was just the way you broke your statement up there, i wasn't sure ;)04:40
DasEiA-Non: cd /usr/lib/xorg/modules/04:40
DasEiA-Non: ls libwf*04:41
A-NonDasEi: It's there :)04:41
Mr_Sonomaanyone know a way to set ubuntu to give a shell login option from the log in screen?04:41
econdudeawesomeDasEi--I'm off! Wish me luck!04:42
DasEiA-Non: I assume it's an nvidia card then04:42
DasEiecondudeawesome: yupp04:42
VS-Only WEP is supported?04:42
ZykoticK9Mr_Sonoma, that would be an option to exit from GDM and drop to console mode, that option doesn't exist.  You can disable GDM if you want, but not as a selection in GDM.04:42
A-NonDasEi: Nvidia FX 550004:43
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, you mean drop to a terminal v.s. starting X ?04:43
DasEiA-Non: ic, not the biggest, but enough for small compiz-effects04:43
IzinucsA-Non: DasEi you might have to use the newest binary driver that was just released that is compatible with X.org 1.8 ..04:44
ZykoticK9Mr_Sonoma, if you're actually interested in disabling GDM you can see the two methods i know of at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/notes/gdm04:44
Mr_SonomaZykoticK9, KE1HA yes, at the log in screen instead of logging into graphical have the option to go cli. hitting cntrl alt f1 just gives a blank screen unless i've already logged into the gui04:44
A-NonDasEi: It gets the job done, and it's PCI, my mobo only has PCI slots, no AGP or PCI-E :(04:44
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, Easiest way ot to log in normally, then do an Init-304:44
DasEiA-Non: saw that ? and also you ran the nvidia-settings , nor ?04:44
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, doing the init-3 will do a quick re-boot without stating X.04:45
A-NonDasEi: I don't understand what you mean there04:45
ZykoticK9!runlevels > KE1HA04:45
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message04:45
ZykoticK9KE1HA, are you sure about that init3 thing?04:45
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.04:46
KE1HAI just got busted by Ubuttu :-) ... let me look at this a min :-)04:46
Mr_Sonomablah, i had forgotten about the runlevels but that looks to have killed the idea i had forgotten about LOL04:47
ZykoticK9Mr_Sonoma, KE1HA to stop GDM you can use the command "sudo service gdm stop" and you should be left with only console modes.04:48
A-NonDasEi: Compiz still kills my title bars and window borders though :(04:48
DasEiA-Non: is it 32 or 64 ?04:48
ZykoticK9A-Non, that mean compiz is failing!04:48
A-NonDasEi: My system is 32bit04:48
c1rcuiti changed the name of my home directory04:48
c1rcuitand now its all failing04:48
A-NonZykoticK9: How would I stop it from failling?04:49
KE1HAZykoticK9, rr, yes, I know you can start / stop GDM, but I was certian I could do an INIT, but maybe Im crossing wires with another distro here.04:49
c1rcuithow do i reset it back to normal?04:49
actionparsnipc1rcuit: rename it back in root recovery mode04:49
ZykoticK9A-Non, i don't know what the problem is.04:49
c1rcuitso say in the /home directory04:49
c1rcuitthere was /c1rcuit04:49
c1rcuitand i changed it to lets say04:49
ZykoticK9KE1HA, pretty much ANY other distro probably ;)04:49
A-NonZykoticK9: By that do you mean, you wouldn't be able to figure out the problem, or that I need to give you more information?04:49
c1rcuitid just have to change matt back to c1rcuit?04:50
Izinucsc1rcuit: change it back to c1rcuit04:50
DasEiA-Non: http://i8t.de/a9hg0ttb04:50
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, Ok, in the interest of speed here, start / stop GDM is the best options  at the moment.04:50
c1rcuitok ill try04:50
mr_4slk4can i ask a question04:50
Izinucs!ask | mr_4slk404:50
ubottumr_4slk4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:50
DasEiA-Non: latest driver, d/l it04:50
ZykoticK9A-Non, i have no idea what your issue is, but unless you are using nvidia i can't really be much help04:50
Mr_SonomaZykoticK9, thats a thought, and thanks for the link. let me think about how i wanna do this. I don't always want graphical i spend a lot of time on command line doing my stuff. Woulda been nice to have a way to add the option at the bottom of the log in screen where you can select recovery or what ever04:50
mr_4slk4i'm a newbie in irc04:50
A-NonZykoticK9: I am using nvidia04:50
mr_4slk4what is script04:50
A-NonDasEi: Okay04:50
IzinucsDasEi: A-Non the right driver may be the 96.xx driver not the 195.xx04:51
cntrationalwhen will you guys stop calling "ctrl" "cntrl"04:51
ZykoticK9A-Non, use whatever driver is "Recommended" in hardware drivers would be my recommendation.04:51
Izinucscntrational: tomato - tomato :)04:51
DasEiIzinucs: I just see that, that's xorg 1.704:51
cntrationalIzinucs: hilights04:51
A-NonKykoticK9, Izinucs, DasEi, which driver then?? :P04:52
IzinucsDasEi: what's 10.04 running 1.7 or 1.8?  I think Maverick is 1.804:52
* Mr_Sonoma points out that it used to be cntrl on the old keyboards back in the day04:52
cntrationalwe aren't that old04:52
Random832Izinucs: back in what day?04:52
ZykoticK9A-Non, you also might want to move your current xorg and let nvidia generate a new one.  Move with "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig" then "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to generate a new one.  Just a suggestion.04:52
IzinucsA-Non: looking04:52
Random832i'm pretty sure it went straight from "Control" to "Ctrl"04:52
KE1HAZykoticK9, You are indeed correct, Run-Levels, 3 to 5 are the same for Debian system, 2 is a single level user mode, similar to WIndows safemode.: http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html04:53
Mr_Sonomathanks fellas04:53
abhijitcan i use yasm to program (virtual) 8086?04:53
A-NonZykoticK9: I'll give that a go, see what happens04:53
macoKE1HA: youre wrong04:53
cntrationalRandom832: well it's cntrl if you remove only the vowels04:53
macoKE1HA: 2-5 are the same. 1 is single user04:53
DasEiIzinucs: Version: 1:7.5+5ubuntu1, so not as 1.8 as said above, for lucid04:53
Random832which isn't really the answer to the question04:53
macoKE1HA: the default runlevel in ubuntu (and i think debian as well) is 204:53
KE1HAmaco, was quoting from Debian Admin, so if it's wrong, I too and mistaken.04:53
Random832actually. the XT had "Ctrl", the VT100 had "Ctrl"04:54
ZykoticK9KE1HA, i'd trust maco if i where you ;)04:54
DatzHi, could someone guide me to a page that explains requirements for repo packages, and how to submit such things.04:54
macoKE1HA: check it out. type "runlevel" in a shell. you should be on 204:54
Random832it's pretty well established, from pretty early on - i know some old mac keyboards had "control"04:54
actionparsnipabhijit: sure, its opensource04:54
DasEiA-Non: which driver is currently shown under recommended ( as in Version), same ?04:54
IzinucsDasEi: A-Non this is what I found http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.25.html04:54
abhijitactionparsnip, ok04:54
rwwEntertainingly, the top of that debianadmin.com article is wrong and the text is right.04:54
A-NonZykoticK9: Compiz still fails to load04:55
KE1HAmaco, not disputing it, jsut wanted to read about it, is this doc incorrect then? : http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html04:55
DasEiIzinucs: same here04:55
A-NonDasEi: Version 173 is recommended,96 is also supported04:55
rwwoh wait no, it's all right and KE1HA just can't read04:55
IzinucsDasEi: and 10.04 is 1.7?04:55
DasEiIzinucs: as apt says, yes04:55
ZykoticK9A-Non, run from terminal "compiz --replace" and see if you get any noticeable error04:55
KE1HAExcuse me, yeah, my comprehension level isn't to high these days.04:55
A-NonZykoticK9: No error, just a lack of title bars and window borders :(04:56
bastidrazorubottu: tell KE1HA about runlevels04:56
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message04:56
ZykoticK9A-Non, do you have fusion-icon installed?04:56
IzinucsDasEi: don't forget that the stock nvidia drivers that come with ubuntu have to be uninstalled prior to installing the binary..04:56
IzinucsDasEi: also the headers need installing04:56
abhijitanyone yasm user here?04:56
A-NonZykoticK9: Yes I do04:56
actionparsnip!ppa | abhijit04:57
ubottuabhijit: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.04:57
ZykoticK9A-Non, try the reload wm option in there04:57
DasEiA-Non: down ?04:57
actionparsnipabhijit: may have a ppa for you, otherwise you will be sniffing for a deb, failing that you wil be compiling04:57
abhijitactionparsnip, i installed it. but i need someone to talk about how to use it. becuase i have only experience with tasm on xp.04:57
A-NonZykoticK9: It reloads with the same error04:57
abhijitactionparsnip, yasm is there in repo04:57
actionparsnipabhijit: read the man page04:57
A-NonDasEi: I'll give it a download04:57
actionparsnip!info yasm04:57
ubottuyasm (source: yasm): modular assembler with multiple syntaxes support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (lucid), package size 561 kB, installed size 1560 kB04:57
abhijitactionparsnip, reading04:57
ZykoticK9A-Non, what error?  or do you just mean the missing titlebars.04:58
DatzHi, could someone guide me to a page that explains requirements for repo packages, and how to submit something to the repo.04:58
DasEiA-Non: say when ready04:58
actionparsnipabhijit: glad its in the repo for you :)04:58
abhijitactionparsnip, :)04:58
A-NonZykoticK9: I meant the missing title bars sorry :P04:58
DasEiA-Non: can open another window and issue:04:58
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages04:58
rwwubottu: packaging | Datz04:58
ubottuDatz: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports04:58
DasEiA-Non:  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential04:59
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:59
Izinucssudo apt-get remove nvidia*04:59
A-NonDasEi: I'm doing that command now while the drivers download04:59
Datzubottu = quick04:59
j_ayen_greenrunning lucid. all of a sudden gedit won't let me save anything...says 'the text file is busy'04:59
BentFrankNew 10.4 installation.  Manual internet setup.  Edited /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf.  Now what?  What goes in /etc/network/interfaces?04:59
ZykoticK9A-Non, what driver does Hardware Drivers show as in use?  does nvidia-settings work properly?04:59
A-NonDasEi: Apparently I had that already04:59
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports05:00
DasEilzinucs: or just by by jockey05:00
A-NonZykoticK9: Nvidia-settings works correctly, version 173 is in use05:00
KwikkSilvacould anyone help me with a bridging problem05:00
KwikkSilvabetween my wireless and wired network05:00
IzinucsDasEi: I'm not even sure what jockey is.. :/05:00
develhello peeps05:01
IzinucsKwikkSilva: you trying to use your machine to provide internet to others?05:01
ZykoticK9A-Non, is your system up-to-date?  have you rebooted (in event of kernel updates)?  other then that i'm affriad, i have no idea man.  Good luck man.05:01
Izinucs!ics | KwikkSilva05:01
ubottuKwikkSilva: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php05:01
KwikkSilvaIzinucs, thats right - i did manage to get that oart working05:01
KwikkSilvabut the "others" are now not pingable05:01
A-NonZykoticK9: I'm pretty sure I'm updated, I just rebooted a few minutes ago too05:02
DasEilzinucs: jockey-gtk is the gui for hardwaredrivers05:02
IzinucsKwikkSilva: the link ubottu provided might help05:02
IzinucsDasEi: but does removing that eliminate the other nvidia bits provided by ubuntu?05:02
ZykoticK9KwikkSilva, you might want to see this as well (it for 9.10 but most should still apply) http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-share-your-wireless-connection-in-ubuntu-9-10/05:03
KwikkSilvaYes - actually have been thru that part - but i' mleft with a lingering problem that the server which now has access to the network is inacessible05:03
DasEilzinucs: takes them out of x, just the drivers being still on won't harm , got to restart x (which goes by cmdline for the binary itself)05:03
IzinucsDasEi: I've had a horrible time installing the binary on 10.04 but from 6.06 through 9.1 it was pretty simple.. maybe something to do with the new opensource driver being the default.05:03
KwikkSilvaWhen i bridged the server it got a different IP address, like
KwikkSilvaand my netowkr is
bthorntonHey, just did an 'apt-get update' on my Lucid install (which I do regularly) and noticed that version number changed (10.04 --> 10.04.1). Just curious: what specific update constitutes the .1 version change?05:04
IzinucsDasEi: by the way.. You're not highlighting me with my nick.. it's izinucs not lzinucs :)05:04
bthorntondon't think I've ever seen that happen before05:04
DasEiIzinucs: aharr :) was about to plaster my tab, hehe05:05
IzinucsDasEi: it's actually my normal nick backwards.. different machine .. different nick05:05
ZykoticK9What's up with the version number? "lsb_release -d" in terminal is showing "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS" currently.  But according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule 10.04.1 is suppose to be released on August 12th? bthornton05:07
DanaGHmm, I tried using gnome-appearance-properties on an HD 5570 with 3 heads, and it only showed 2 monitors.  xrandr shows all 3.05:08
FreshPrincewhy is ubuntu 64-bit Not recommended for daily desktop usage ?05:08
mikeruZykotick9: It's LYING05:08
DanaGThis is with open-source driver.05:08
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, i agree with this "bug" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594005:09
=== wzk is now known as wzkOFF
Adman65what do i need to install to have a postgres client only?05:10
A-NonDasEi: Sorry my connection is terrible, drivers finished05:11
DasEiIzinucs: I just wonder about if the 185 would also support an fx 550005:11
mikeruanyone know a cpuz for linbux?05:11
DasEiA-Non: sudo apt-get install pastebintit05:11
abhijitAdman65, sudo apt-get install pgadmin305:12
DasEimikeru: benchmark/stresstest ?05:12
DasEiA-Non: sudo apt-get install pastebinit           **05:12
mikeruDasEi: wut?05:13
Adman65cool ty05:13
DasEiA-Non: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup05:13
KwikkSilvaSo - i bridged my Solaris Server onto the Internet using my Dell Server, but the Solaris server got an ip of via DHCP from the Dell Server (i think), whilst the rest of the network is on
A-NonDasEi: Yeah I figured there was a typo there, it's installed now05:13
mikeruI'm just trying to get info about two computers05:13
mikeruSysInfo is not that helpful though05:13
KwikkSilvaSo now no one else can ping the Solaris server - which is 'behind' the Dell, on anogther network05:13
A-NonDasEi: http://pastebin.com/0ncgMxAL05:13
KwikkSilvaI'm trying to find out can i make the Saolaris server accessible somehow05:14
DasEimikeru: I know cpuz, but that info will be collected from different corners, as a stresstest there is cpubutn (no parameters there, though)05:14
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, so what u think? should i get the 64-bit iso or not?, thats a joke, why it wouldn't be a good idea to use 64-bit for daily usage?05:14
DasEimikeru: ah, try gnome-device-manager05:14
DasEiA-Non: and your current hardwaredrivers also sho same version as the download being in use ?05:15
mikeruDasEi: what I want to know is about motherboard memory - e.g. CPU-Z tells me its DDR 512MB Single channel frequency etc, while stupid SysInfo tells me Total: 1001 Swap total and thats all05:15
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, i use 64bit for my desktop.  i don't use 64bit on my htpc though, there are some emulators that are still 32bit only.  basically it's possible to use 64bit as well, or better then 32bit BUT it's more difficult to setup, thus "not recommended" or so the argument goes.05:15
A-NonDasEi: I think so yeah.05:15
macoFreshPrince: it says that mostly just to warn off people who dont know what 64bit is, because you can install 32bit on a 32 or 64 bit computer but not vice versa05:16
DasEimikeru: free05:16
macoFreshPrince: other than that... proprietary software can be slightly more annoying on 64bit, but theres 64bit java now, and skype and flash both work, so...05:16
mikeruDasEi: I don't want to know how much memory I have. I want to know which type of memory it is.05:17
mikeruWHICH TYPE05:17
macoFreshPrince: ive used 64bit as my daily for 2 years now05:17
mikerunot how much I have05:17
DasEimikeru: and under /proc you can find detailed infos05:17
FloodBot3mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, for 32bit libraries on 64bit Ubuntu check out the script getlibs it almost essential for 32bit compatibility05:17
DanaGhmm, anyone know how to get gnome's display-properties thing to acknowledge the presence of 3 monitors (instead of just two)?05:17
mikeruDasEi: that's exactly what I wanted to know. but is there not any tool for it?05:17
DasEimikeru : also hwinfo --vv05:17
mikeruI mean, raw proc is ugly05:17
DasEimikeru: as said, different corners05:18
mikeruDasEi: I think hwinfo will be enough. thanks05:18
DanaGThis is on a card that CAN do 3 monitors.05:19
mikeruDasEi: nevermind, hwinfo will not help.05:19
FreshPrincemaco, ZykoticK9 , well i think, if u have a 64-bit computer, then u should use ubuntu 64-bit and not the 32-bit05:20
FreshPrincea bit flash problems etc thats solved05:20
FreshPrinceso why not to use it :>05:20
DanaGFlash is not solved for me!05:20
DanaGI can't click on anything in Flash.  Adobe fail.05:20
FreshPrincenot for u05:20
FreshPrincebut for most other users in here05:20
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, i agree - but honestly, if you have less then 4G of memory you're probably best not to bother (unless you're planning on upgrading later ;)05:20
DanaG64-bit does make some number-crunching faster, even given 2 gigs -- more registers to use.05:21
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, i have only 1gb memory, and i think i'm not going to upgrade for the next 5 years :D05:21
ZykoticK9DanaG, you can see if this applies/helps http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working  good luck05:21
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, so, i should use 32-bit if i have less than 4gb?05:21
zfxpHow do i edit my motd file without going back to default?05:21
DanaG Bad Request Error 40005:21
StupendoussteveI would not use 64 bit with 1gb, 64 bit apps tend to use more memory05:21
FreshPrinceStupendoussteve, thats true05:22
A-NonDasEi: Did you look at that pastebin link?05:22
FreshPrincehm ok05:22
FreshPrincethen i'm gonna dowenload the 32-bit05:22
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, it might speed up a couple of things (like encoding) but it's probably not worth the extra effort with only 1GB, 64bit requires more memory to run the same app as 32bit does!05:22
DanaGah yeah, forgot that bit.05:22
=== root is now known as Guest82193
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, ok05:22
DanaGThe only "more memory" would come from pointers being 64-bit instead of 32-bit.05:23
FreshPrincethe reason why i'm back to ubuntu is because i dont want to configure my whole system always on other distros :>05:23
DanaGThe lack of 64-bit Firefox stuff is the bigger issue.05:23
DasEiA-Non: the xorg ? I did05:23
FreshPrincei think ubuntu should be "just working"05:23
FreshPrincewithout any problems05:23
A-NonDasEi: Okay, I didn't notice you say anything past that so I was just making sure it didn't get lost in the channel or something05:23
Guest82193i want go to ubuntu-tw05:23
Mr_SonomaGuest82193, /join #ubuntu-tw05:24
Guest82193thank you05:24
dbergI'm trying to change sessions but the screen goes blank. It's probably related to nvidia drivers. I had to add an edid file in xorg.conf for it work properly. any tips?05:25
DasEiA-Non: sry, was digging launchpad for 185 or higher in view of fx 5500, no, just newer gforces there05:25
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, the "just working" factor or Ubuntu is what brought ME from 5+ years of Gentoo.  Never been happier</ot>05:26
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, did you get what you were looing for earlier? maco was correct abotu the runlevels on UB/DEB.05:26
A-NonDasEi: So driver 173 is as high as it goes for the FX 5500 then?05:26
macoFreshPrince: ive found memory consumption on 64bit to be quite a bit higher than on 32bit. it sorta forced me to upgrade from 2gb to 405:27
DasEiA-Non: as far as I can see yes, next in apt is 185, that' wont do no  more05:27
Mr_SonomaKE1HA, yes. sorta. i've got your work around and that'll work and that'll work for me. but it wasn't really what i was hoping for kinda thing.05:27
A-NonDasEi: Well if the drivers can't be helped, any other ideas why compiz won't load?05:27
DasEiA-Non: so as the 173 seems to be installed and other binary arethere , too, do : ctar-altF105:27
DasEiA-Non: so as the 173 seems to be installed and other binary arethere , too, do : ctrl-alt-F105:28
jguzikowski_how does one change your screen resolution in ubuntu?05:28
ZykoticK9FYI the update in Lucid to 10.04.1 is real, and not as suggested a lie.  The release was moved up.05:28
mikeruDasEi: lshw-gtk is the answer. and it's in the repos (and apparently the cli version is installed by default)05:28
A-NonDasEi: Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't seem to do anything05:28
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, understand, Im not used to that either, but it is what it is I suppose.05:28
DasEiA-Non: should bring you out of x05:28
mikeruA-Non: black screen? or stays the same?05:29
DasEiA-Non: sudo nvidia-settings (for the first run)05:29
A-Nonmikeru: stays exactly the same05:29
jguzikowski_can anyone just tell me how to change your resolution in gnome?05:29
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
DasEimikeru : lspci is most common, nice gui, too05:29
A-NonDasEi: I'm in nvidia settings05:29
ZykoticK9jguzikowski, System / Preferences / Monitors05:29
Mr_SonomaKE1HA, yea maybe we should make a suggestion that they give that option on the log on screen. seems like it used to be there (atleast on kde) or am i wrong about that?05:29
jguzikowski_ZykoticK9, thank you05:30
mikeruDasEi: iknow, but as I said, I need to know which type of RAM. not which devices are there05:30
mikeruType of RAM05:30
DasEiA-Non: check settings, see if monitor is correctely found, save to xorg05:30
A-NonDasEi: My driver version is 173.14.22, and the downloaded is 173.14.25m I guess the download IS newer, at least by a bit05:30
BentFrankDoes gateway go in /etc/network/interfaces under eth0?05:30
mikeruCOLORS I HAZ DEM05:30
A-NonDasEi: Monitor is correctly found05:30
DasEiA-Non: hm, want to install ? np..05:30
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, i'm also an ex gentoo user, i just want a distro that just works, without to configure things all the time like u said -> gentoo -.- thats because ubuntu is great!05:31
ispothow to redirect the tty to console , on boot time?05:31
A-NonDasEi: How do I install it?05:31
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, not sure. I dont do allot of desktop work, most of my installs are without X, so I use the basics on desktops, and that's about it.05:31
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, ubuntu runs i386? would that run slower then my archlinux which is i686?05:31
mikeruis DIMM SDRAM the same as DDR?05:32
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, the i386 is a lie!  it's i686 really.05:32
IdleOnemikeru: ##hardware05:32
tensorpuddingnot necessarily05:32
tensorpudding^ mikeru05:32
mikerutensorpudding: ohshi05:32
Mr_SonomaKE1HA, i've got a few that have no x but this want was for my home desktop and there i use the GUI 50% of the time. I'm gonna keep googling i can't be the only one that wants that option at log in05:32
DasEia-non: I'm getting tired  (it's 6.30 am here), go back to hardwaredrivers, disable current one(s), back to this cmd-line, stop gdm, then on the d/l : sudo sh nvidiaBlah.run05:32
BentFrankDoes "gateway" go in /etc/network/interfaces under eth0 (typically for home net)?05:32
mikeruI think it is DDR05:32
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, a lie? i'm downlaoding ubuntu.10.04-i386.iso :p05:32
mikerubut it only says DIMM SDRAM05:33
tensorpuddingmikeru: count the notches05:33
ispothello, who knows how to redirect the tty to console , on boot time?05:33
tensorpuddingmikeru: if it has two notches, it is regular SDRAM05:33
DrewsephHello. Don't know if anyone in here would be able to help me with this one or not as its to do with XAMPP, but maybe someone knows xD. As stated, I am running XAMPP to host a web server off my Ubuntu box. Everything is running great, except for the fact that no matter what I do, port 80 cannot seem to be accessed. Forwarded, listen is set to 80, ISP does not block it. Anyone know anything about that? Sorry if I shouldn't of asked that her05:33
A-NonDasEi: That is pretty late/early... I'll run that05:33
FreshPrincemaco, i have 1gb memory about 8 years now on my machine.. and i think i'm not going to upgrade for the next 5 years :D05:33
DasEia-non: then again nvidia-settings as root, then start gdm again05:33
KE1HAMr_Sonoma, Would ne a nice feature fer sure.05:33
mikerutensorpudding: I'm noobish noobish in that stuff. what are the notches :P ?05:33
FreshPrincemaco, to lazy :p05:33
macoFreshPrince: yeah i dont think you want the bigger pointers that 64bit involves then05:33
mikerutensorpudding: you mean, the separations?05:33
FreshPrincemaco, nope :>05:34
tensorpuddingmikeru: in the interface where the pins are, there should be some separations, yeah05:34
mikerutensorpudding: Oh. and DDR is how many notches?05:34
IdleOnemikeru: How is different types of RAM Ubuntu related?05:34
Guest82193Mr_Sonoma,I am not np05:35
mikeruIdleOne: well, I'm trying to change two computers RAM for moar ram in ubuntu05:35
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, check your "uname -a" did u see i686 there?05:35
DasEimikeru: more #hardware , ddr is one , sd-ram has two nothes05:36
IdleOnemikeru: still has nothing to do with Ubuntu support05:36
Sedatedmikeru, ddr is 1 notch, sdram is 2 notches05:36
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, no because i'm running 64 so i see x86_6405:36
mikeru@Sedated @DasEi @tensorpudding thank you.05:36
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, pretty sure it will show up as x86 which will actually be i686, i386 is totally outdated at this point!05:37
mikeru@IdleOne: oh, but I'm asking how to know by software and apparently there's no way, at least in ubuntu05:37
ZykoticK9mikeru, FYI i've tried to find the type of memory info previously... and failed.  I was hoping someone was going to have an answer for ya.05:38
mikeruIdleOne: scroll back up, and see that I was trying to see which type of RAM it was from ubuntu05:38
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macomikeru: sudo lshw -c memory05:39
macomikeru: thats not enough detail?05:39
mikeruhmm... lshw-gtk does say SODIMM DDR2for my mac05:39
mikerumaco: it says DIMM SDRAM, which apparently is not DDr05:39
DasEimikeru: so you got it then, ask on in #hardware05:40
ZykoticK9maco, you da man!  (yes i see the irony ;)05:40
macomikeru: mine gets as specific as:  description: SODIMM DDR2 Synchronous 667 MHz (1.5 ns)05:40
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, ok :), u know i like my current distro, but its terrible if nothing works correctly and u have to manually config all the things, and i didnt have the time to do that05:40
mib_mibhi can someone help me debug a cron job problem? I have a current job that i am just testing, added line * *  * * * /usr/bin/ruby /path/to/myjob.rb -- but it doens't seem to run, what am i doing wrong?05:40
mikerumaco:          description: SODIMM DDR2 Synchronous 800 MHz (1.2 ns)05:40
mikerubut that's my mac, the PC (quite ironically considering support for macs) says not much.05:41
macomacs arent pcs? news to me05:41
ZykoticK9FreshPrince, sorry man chatting about this is really offtopic for this channel.  but i certainly agree with your statment.05:41
john38can you hook up SATA and SATA 3.0gb/s to SATA 6gb/s05:41
FreshPrinceZykoticK9, life is to short to compile hours (gentoo) that because i left gentoo and went to archlinux05:42
tensorpuddingPC is an obnoxious term that no longer has any meaning except "a computer which Windows runs on"05:42
FreshPrinceyes offtopic05:42
john38its backward compatible isnt it05:42
mikerumaco: OH I'm so sorry to use wrong terminology. Shame on me. I meant Macs are abnormal PCs that do not use BIOS05:42
DanaGA mac IS a PC made by Apple.05:42
DanaGEFI is a type of BIOS, actually -- at least that's my impression.05:42
DanaGMy EliteBook has UEFI support, though it's broken -- so I have to boot with the "CSM" (Compatibility something-or-other) in old-fashioned BIOS mode.05:43
macotensorpudding: more general than that. a computer thats .. basically not a mainframe, dedicated server, or embedded05:43
SubCoolOk- here is a question. If i were to install VNC, how would i install it so that the services are running before login- or is that not possible, and id have to setup the box to auto log in05:43
john38can you hook up SATA and SATA 3.0gb/s to SATA 6gb/s05:43
john38its backward compatible isnt it05:43
tensorpuddingEFI is not a type of BIOS in the same way that a motorcycle is not a type of bicycle05:43
mikerusorry, lemme change again words. I meant PCs made by Apple have weird issues that other brands of PCs seem not to exhibit05:44
macomikeru: apples are oddly popular among linux folks, so they tend to have pretty darned good linux support05:44
maco(buy hardware from the most proprietary company, then put a free os on it....O_o)05:44
tensorpuddingNow that they use Intel processors they're easy to support05:45
mikerumaco: some do, yet some have horrid. I had to literally compile my own grub-efi to get mine to work05:45
crkapple=expensive for no good reason05:45
john38<<waiting for Imacs with six-core05:45
DanaGGood luck on that.05:45
DanaGYou're better off going with other brands.05:45
mikerumaco: and EFI is not well supported AFAIK. since mine won't run in BIOS mode, I have to use EFI boot.05:46
DanaGtensorpudding: that's a good analogy, that motorcycle one.05:46
john38can you hook up SATA and SATA 3.0gb/s to SATA 6gb/s05:46
john38its backward compatible isnt it05:46
DanaGUEFI support is a goal for Maverick.05:46
mikeruI'd love that05:46
macomikeru: i think grub2 is supposed to work with efi, and refit is the usual thing for making stuff go, but last week i watched someone install ubuntu on his macbook without using refit first, just a normal ubuntu livecd install. uncertain as to whether dual boots can be done this way though05:46
ZykoticK9john38, try asking in ##hardware for a more decisive answer, but i "believe" SATA is forward/backwards compatible (but not the speeds obviously).05:47
mikeruparticularly, I dislike that after starting X all ttys are toast05:47
john38ZykoticK9, ok05:48
john38cant join hardware05:48
ZykoticK9!register | john3805:48
ubottujohn38: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:48
DanaGYeah, should be compatible on SATA.05:48
mikerumaco: the normal procedure for macs is refit with normal ubuntu install. refit will show grub2 in MBR to boot ubuntu.05:48
greezmunkey!register > greezmunkey05:48
ubottugreezmunkey, please see my private message05:48
macomikeru: refit wasnt needed for this person though.  he didnt dual boot though, did a full-disk install for ubuntu. so maybe its only needed for dual boots? this was with 10.0405:49
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, if you want to send yourself a bot message you can use "/msg ubottu WHATYOURLOOKINGFOR" and it won't show up in the channel ;)05:49
mikeruhowever, this macbook in specific (5,2) has a weird bug that will not let it boot that way, unless you disable a core or ACPI, or boot from grub-efi (which is another binary not in the mbr)05:49
mikerumaco: that's why. refit is for ease of dual booting05:49
greezmunkeysorry about that, my bad.05:49
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, no reason to be sorry.  i was just sharing a tip.05:50
picard1421anybody have a good guide for setting up openVPN that changes RSA keyts every 20 mins.. if im using a service do they set that up the changing keys???05:50
mib_mibhow do i enable the cron logs in ubuntu?05:50
greezmunkeyZykoticK9: it's all good! Thank you.05:50
picard1421basically i want to use the VPN to connect to a service.. what do i need to setup on my end.. and also how can i make it so that the computer will not connect to the internet unless its on the VPN?05:50
picard1421(of course make all data also tunnel through taht place too?05:50
mikerumaco: I'm telling you, however, this mac can't use the grub included with ubuntu (grub-pc) because it runs in BIOS mode. it needs grub-efi which (obviously) runs in EFI mode.05:51
thefinn931help! I can't burn an ISO. There just *isn't an option* to do it. Everywhere i look it says to right click and pick write to disk or something but there is no such option. what should i do?05:51
mikerustupid me typed shitdown on a terminal :P05:52
macomikeru: okie doo05:52
mikeruhey, what's the difference between halt and poweroff?05:52
ZykoticK9thefinn931, applications / sound & video / Brasero - does it have an option to burn ISOs?  (i don't currently have it installed to check)05:52
dbergwhen I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 the screen is blank. How can I start it with the option "nomodeset"?05:53
thefinn931it's not there. Maybe i should install it?05:53
jorenmikeru, looks like no difference to me.. judging by the --help05:53
* joren didn't know there was such a thing as poweroff05:53
ZykoticK9thefinn931, what ubuntu version ubuntu/kubuntu/etc are you using?05:54
thefinn931Ubuntu 10.0405:54
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ZykoticK9thefinn931, personally i use k3b (which requires ALL the KDE libraries) for burning, but gnome-burner or something, is a popular Gnome based burner.05:54
thefinn931thanks ZykoticK905:55
ZykoticK9IdleOne, thanks05:55
mikerujoren: and it's one of those weird commands that are symlinks - both point to reboot05:55
thefinn931i'll try those05:55
[thor]brasero should come with the stock 10.0405:55
ZykoticK9thefinn931, i would recommend against k3b, unless you understand that installing kde libs is a lot do download/update all the time ;)05:56
thefinn931yeah i'm not gonna do that05:56
mikerubut pidof is the weirdest. pidof is a symlink to killall5. if it detects it was invoked as pidof it tells the pid by its process name, yet if invoked as killall5 it kills all programs and logs you out05:56
[thor]thefinn931:  try popping in a blank DVD/CD05:56
manolocomo escuchar Radio en UBUNTU05:56
thefinn931[thor] doing so now...05:56
jorenmikeru, nope, they are all different binaries, which is the really weird thing05:57
thefinn931@[thor]: this came up05:57
ZykoticK9thefinn931, OR try typing "brasero" in terminal or alt+f2, it has an ISO burn option.05:57
homunculusHi there, I'm hoping someone can help me with my issue: I have a DLink PCI wireless adapter (the result of 'lspci' returns: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54mbps Wireless Adapter) As you can see, it is listed and recognized, but in my network options/ network manager there is no wireless interface to be seen, just my loopback and eth0. I am running 10.04, fresh install; I have browsed the forums, but a good portion of what the t05:57
homunculushreads are asking me to do is a little over my head right now. Does anyone know how to get this card to work?05:57
mikerujoren: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-05-21 21:35 /bin/pidof -> /sbin/killall5*05:57
jorenmikeru, at least as far as poweroff, halt, reboot goes05:58
mikerujoren: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2010-05-21 21:35 /sbin/poweroff -> reboot*05:58
mikerujoren: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2010-05-21 21:35 /sbin/halt -> reboot*05:58
picard1421can anyone help?05:58
[thor]thefinn931: does that dropdown include "Burn with Brasero" ?05:58
ZykoticK9homunculus, you have tried right clicking on the network icon and seeing if "enable wireless" changes anything.05:58
thefinn931i dont think so. i just closed it but im checking again05:58
Crowhunterhow do I register my nick05:59
jorenmikeru oh heh, ya, sorry. I'm talking out of my ass.. I just saw them each with a different man page, and different heading on the --help. really strange indeed05:59
homunculusZykoticK9 yes, i've tried clicking and perusing everything network-related. I have even downloaded additional wireless utilites to see if they recognized it, and they do not.05:59
ZykoticK9!register | Crowhunter05:59
ubottuCrowhunter: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:59
ZykoticK9homunculus, ok, i have nothing.  i was just checking the obvious, sorry you're having a tough time.06:00
mikeruAGH. I hate it. everyone's computer is acceptable: it has 1GB DDR2, Nvidia 9400GT 512MB - but stupid celeron 32bits 1.50Ghz06:00
homunculusheh, no worries, thanks for trying anyways :)06:00
mikeruthis other computer: DDR1 512MB, Intel GMA, but Pentium D 64-bit 2-cores 2.66Ghz06:01
mikeruwhat shall I do?06:01
picard1421is there a way to lock a computer in ubuntu unless you "swipe" a magnetic strip card or biometric reader06:01
[thor]mikeru: MAME console :D06:01
macomikeru: upgrade the latter's ram and be happy to have graphics with very good open drivers?06:01
SubCooldid anyone answer me?06:02
macopicard1421: and disable password? not sure. you can definitely use a fingerprint reader with the screen lock though06:02
mikeru[thor] / maco: cannut. I have to give one to my grandma xd06:02
mikeruSubCool: what did you ask?06:02
picard1421maco: im talking without GNome06:02
macopicard1421: yes...?06:02
macopicard1421: the screenlock on gnome screensaver can use a fingerprint reader. ive seen it done06:03
picard1421mac: with no "GUI" its just like the server edition but before it says password.. please put on finger.. or swipe card06:03
SubCoolOk- here is a question. If i were to install VNC, how would i install it so that the services are running before login- or is that not possible, and id have to setup the box to auto log in06:03
macopicard1421: oh. dont know about that. not sure how you have gnome with gui either, but....06:03
macoSubCool: /etc/rc.local might help06:03
=== greezmunkey is now known as josearpillo96
SubCoolwell, i was just wondering if it was possible,06:04
SubCoolmaco, because of security...06:04
jorenpicard1421, I had thinkfinger working a while back06:04
ZykoticK9SubCool, what do you mean "before" login?  I think there is something you can install that will allow VNC to connect to the GDM login screen (but not 100% on that).  If you mean before X starts - not possible.06:04
mib_mibcan someone help me debug a cron problem? I have a cron job running, and i have enabled cron logs, but nothing seems to be happening06:04
mib_mibI see the jobs in /var/log/cron.log06:05
mib_miband i dn't see any errors or anything06:05
macoZykoticK9: are you thinking of xrdcp? thats very insecure and i dont think the new gdm supports it06:05
SubCoolZykoticK9, not necessarily before xstarts, just so that if the box gets rebooted, i can still log in remotely06:05
ZykoticK9maco, no not xrdcp, it's some vnc/gdm package of some sort.06:05
SubCooli made a service from the instruction that will initialize the server after login, but i dont believe before login.06:06
ZykoticK9maco, perhaps i'm wrong, do you know what x11vnc does?06:06
macoZykoticK9: nope06:06
SubCoolx11? wow- they are going everywhere06:06
SubCooli remember them being those stupid crapy video cams06:06
Crowhunternow that my nick is registerd do I have to use password everytime I use irc ?  how do I use password on my nick?06:06
ZykoticK9SubCool, if i where you i'd research x11vnc and find out what it does.  good luck.06:06
picard1421how about with Magnetic swipe?06:07
SubCoolZykoticK9, ty!06:07
macoSubCool: huh? wat about x11 and cams?06:07
xanguaCrowhunter: your irc client should have an option to set your password06:07
picard1421like a Credit Card Reader but obviously not for credit cards.. is there any drivers for that?06:07
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greezmunkeyCrowhunter: check this link out: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - I was just looking into the same thing!06:07
macopicard1421: itd depend on the exact one i think, but plenty of hackers use linux to hack things with magstripes, rfid, etc. so im sure such devices exist that are linux compatible06:08
ZykoticK9maco, i think SubCool is combining x11 (xorg) with x11 (remote audio/video/control thing)06:08
macoZykoticK9: oh. didnt know the latter existed06:09
SubCoolMaco lol- ya06:09
SubCoolthey came out like 13 years ago. They were sold in 5 -10 peice sets..06:10
greezmunkeymaco: heh, x11 I think hoped their stuff would catch on, wifi and bluetooth kind of buried them.06:10
SubCoolkinda expensive-06:10
SubCoolgreezmunkey, welll it did help get cams out there. but that system was crap. and the cameras were HUGE.06:10
picard1421just looking for a program that works with any mag reader (ill buy one thats compatible).. buy some mag cards.. and then basically for login Swip your card..06:10
zenlunaticCrowhunter, /msg nickserv help06:10
picard1421program the card for login?06:10
macopicard1421: you might have better luck on ubuntuforums.org ... clearly nobody who's ever needed to do what you're doing is on irc right now06:11
greezmunkeySubCool: yup :) I almost (almost) carried their line in my business. Dodged that bullet though!06:11
SubCoolpicard1421,  lol- nice idea. y not step up to facial recog, or smartcard?06:11
FullFlannelJackeanyone here use daily Chromium PPA builds?  if so, are you having problems with page rendering (especially on forums)?06:11
zenlunaticpicard1421, biometrics are easier06:11
picard1421wel facial recognition would be INSANE06:11
albertolempirai'm trying to listen US radio stations online outside american territory with no success, anybody know a way to get this done? thanks in advance06:11
picard1421is there such tools out there that are reasonably priced?06:11
SubCoolgreezmunkey, i started trying to sell their product until my father bough a 7 piece package for like 600$, found out it was cheaper and easier just to goto the store adn buy web cams06:12
macoalbertolempira: you're looking for a proxy. google can help you find a billion of them06:12
greezmunkeySubCool: nice.06:12
SubCoolgreezmunkey, i wanted to create a video survaience for my car- but the cameras were too big.06:12
SubCoolwasnt each camera the size of a tennis ball or something?06:13
albertolempirawell, i've tried with no success, is it possible to do this with free proxies?06:13
albertolempiramaco well, i've tried with no success, is it possible to do this with free proxies?06:13
BLWcan anyone help me with getting my eyetoy installed in ubuntu 9.04, whenever i go into to cheese it says no camera found, i have had it working on my other computer just fine. i tried also installing the ov51x drivers and when i would get to where you have to sudo modprobe i2c_core and onward it gives me a not found error. also i checked in gnome-device-manger to see if it shows up and it is. thanks06:13
zenlunaticSubCool, maybe learn how to spell first06:14
SubCoolzenlunatic, never06:14
macoalbertolempira: itd all depend on how the software youre using works. if its web based then a web proxy'd be fine. if not, then you need some other proxy06:14
DanaGPentium D: because one P4 didn't heat up the room enough.06:14
macozenlunatic: hey hey be nice06:15
albertolempiramaco any recommended proxy list site or something like that?06:15
DanaGmikeru: you still around? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/MaverickUefiSupport06:15
zenlunaticmaco, just saying if you cant spell how the you gonna setup mobile video surveillance06:15
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macoalbertolempira: nope. what you want to do is questionable in its legality06:15
macozenlunatic: spelling, believe it or not, is not correlated to overall intelligence06:16
greezmunkeyzeltak: g-o-o-g-l-e-s-t-r-e-e-t-s06:16
SubCoolZykoticK9, not to ask a stupid question, but since im good at it. What would i google? x11vnc pre bootscreen?06:16
SubCoolMaco just laziness06:16
ZykoticK9zenlunatic, please drop the spelling rant.  I can't spell either.  should i just leave the channel then?06:16
SubCoolor a crappy keyboard06:16
=== liz is now known as Guest23970
zenlunaticZykoticK9, yes06:17
DanaGgoog le streets?06:17
BentFrankNew 10.4 install.  Need to mount cifs and nfs.  What do I need to apt-get?06:17
zenlunaticmaco, o really where did you read that usa today?06:17
DanaGI'll goog your streets!06:17
macozenlunatic: heck, some people cant spell english words because english is their second or third or fourth language. are they low-intelligence too?06:17
albertolempiramaco wow, i didn't know that. Why is it wrong?06:17
orangeglo how can i format my HDD to ntfs??06:17
zenlunaticmaco good point06:17
ZykoticK9zenlunatic, fine.  CYA everyone.06:17
mikeruDanaG: that would be nice06:17
mikerui hope they really do06:17
DanaGToo bad my EFI is broken... framebuffer claims to be at 0x0.06:18
Crowhunteris there a way to make a shortcut for my wow.exe to my desktop from the world of warcraft folder?  did not install wow in wine it was copied from windows pc to this ubuntu pc06:18
macoalbertolempira: if its only licensed for broadcast in one region, you may be breaching copyright laws06:18
=== root is now known as Guest27148
DanaGHere's what I mean by "broken": http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/fefe7c7b-8c9d-472f-9589-327d32f30b0606:18
Guest27148hi guys06:18
Guest27148please help me getting xen installed on lucid06:19
klb3713hi, everyone!06:19
macozenlunatic: please have a read of the CoC and channel guidelines, linked in the topic06:19
BentFrankNew 10.4 install.  Need to mount cifs and nfs.  What do I need to apt-get?06:19
zenlunaticmaco please dont play wannabe op06:20
albertolempiramaco it's good to know that. I didn't know it. thanks06:20
macozenlunatic: what do you mean "wannabe"?06:20
JustMozzygood morning everyone06:21
zenlunaticmaco okay :D06:21
* maco ^5 IdleOne06:21
mikerumaco is indeed op.06:21
IdleOnezenlunatic: I strongly suggest you adjust your attitude and response to a more Ubuntu one.06:21
macoits just bad form for me +o to be threatening, so i didnt06:21
=== Guest7353 is now known as Cobi
mikeruzenlunatic for human beings06:22
zenlunatichm forgot where i was06:22
greezmunkeyzenlunatic: a bright corner in an otherwise dark and scary Internet...06:22
JustMozzyI am having two issues. the first one is that I am connecting a 2nd monitor to my laptop, however I would like to have 2 desktops rather than an extended one. is that possible?06:22
BLWcan anyone help me with getting my eyetoy installed in ubuntu 9.04, whenever i go into to cheese it says no camera found, i have had it working on my other computer just fine. i tried also installing the ov51x drivers and when i would get to where you have to sudo modprobe i2c_core and onward it gives me a not found error. also i checked in gnome-device-manger to see if it shows up and it is. thanks06:22
ActionParsnipBLW: if you run: lsusb  you will see the 8 character hex id, you can websearch that to find guides06:23
BLWthank you06:23
Swishw/w, sorry :)06:23
picard1421i saw the APP pam face authentication.. is there anyway to get this to work without a GUI?06:23
picard1421is there like anyway to possibly have a GUI login that kills to terminal after login?06:24
dfrankdear All! Hello. I've got a question. There's utility NetworkManager in Ubuntu. I have set up wifi WPA connection, works fine. But i can't find, where's result config? For example, in Slackware i have set up wifi WPA by editing configs in /etc/wpa_supplicant . In ubuntu this directory also exists, but there's no configs in it. Tell me please, where is NetworkManager configs?06:24
So_ConfusedHi... am I in the ubuntu help channel?06:24
macoSo_Confused: yes06:25
SubCoolnope- hell06:25
ActionParsnipdfrank: i think its in gconf someplace, just let gnome do its thing and you'll be fine06:25
SubCoolsorry, please try again06:25
* SubCool "Insert Coin"06:25
dfrankActionParsnip: i don't like gnome, i want to install fluxbox.06:25
BentFrankNew 10.4 install.  Need to mount cifs and nfs.  What do I need to apt-get?06:26
SubCooldfrank,  i fell for inlighenment06:26
pie_how can i set up a logitec quickcam 4k on ubuntu?06:26
macodfrank: gnome keyring06:26
ActionParsnipdfrank: fluxbox stil uses gtk afair06:26
So_ConfusedHoping to find a solution.... I've a HP mini 110-3030 nr with a Atheros AR9285 wireless card. Trying to install drivers or madwifi. I seem to need to make sure no other drivers are accessing the card, but I don't (can't find) any info on how to do this.06:26
macodfrank: i know slack uses wicd, not nm though. you can install wicd on ubuntu if you wish06:27
ActionParsnipSo_Confused: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128650306:27
So_ConfusedRunning 10.04 Lucid Lynx Netbook.06:27
macodfrank: then itd work the same as you're used to on slack. there's also /etc/network/interfaces as a way to configure connections. for that, man 5 interfaces06:27
So_ConfusedAction Parsnip... thanks. Checking that now.06:27
aaron_i have a 3.7g iso that mounting gives me a 135kb txt file...me thinks that is not all thats in there06:28
picard1421is there anyway to only have a GUI login? nothing else GUI?06:28
ActionParsnipSo_Confused: change release names to lucid if you see any06:28
aaron_trying to put contents on flashdrive06:28
dfrankmaco: ok, thanks. i don't want to use any GUI, because i want to know what to do if there's no X on machine :)06:28
ActionParsnippicard1421: why not just use cli login to then stay at cli. it'd be a smoother ride06:29
dfrankmaco: any GUI utility for set up wifi, i mean06:29
So_ConfusedActionParsnip: change release names? As in just change the name of the file? or make sure I download for 10.04?06:29
blackasaurusI just installed 10.04 and xchat-gnome on a $298 acer laptop from walmart with amd 2.2ghz 2gb memory, 250 gb hdd dvd burner, 15.6" hd lcd and windows 7 and everything works flawlessly. :)06:29
macodfrank: i imagine you're used to wpa supplicant's usual commands then. in interfaces you can just prefix them with wpa-06:29
macodfrank: like "wpa-ssid linksys" and "wpa-psk mypassw0rdishere" as two lines in your wireless's stanza06:30
ActionParsnipSo_Confused: no, as you read the guide they mention jaunty. You aren't using jaunty, you are using lucid. so when you see the word jaunty, change it in your head to lucid. do the same with any other release name words you see06:30
macodfrank: then just commen/uncomment as you chane APs and use "ifup $interface"06:30
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benoitcÙÙ/WIN 2306:30
unrealThello there i updated my wubi 12 hours ago now the x window is not working Please help06:31
So_ConfusedActionParsnip: you are refering to the linix-backport-module section?06:32
aaron_if i have the windows7 iso and i mount it i just get a 135 kb text file saying "this is an OS" trying to get contents on a flashdrive.  if i just drop the iso on the FB can i still boot off it?06:32
ActionParsnipSo_Confused: as well as others, yes06:32
So_ConfusedActionParsnip: Ok. Thank you06:33
ActionParsnipaaron_: no you need special softwares06:33
unrealTI am not able to start x-window for my ubuntu06:33
unrealTPLease help06:34
ActionParsnipaaron_: you can use unetbootin or usb-cretor-gtk   not sure about Win7 ISO though. I'd ask in ##windows about that06:34
XuMuKhi there!06:34
ActionParsnipunrealT: run: startx     if/when it fails run:   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log    and read06:34
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thune3So_Confused: there are wireless specific backports package, if you are going that route. see "Getting compat-wireless on Ubuntu" section of http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download06:36
VS-Can anyone help me? I:m still suffering a06:36
XuMuKwhat was a command options for apt-get for make a list of installed applications, if I want the same after clean re-installing? anybody knows?06:36
VS-unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon error, even after reinstalling.06:36
macoXuMuK: its for dpkg actually06:36
So_Confusedthune3: Thank you. More tutorials the better06:36
VS-Er, installing.06:36
macoXuMuK: dpkg --get-selections > packages.list06:36
macoXuMuK: then on new system, dpkg --set-selections < packages.list06:37
macoXuMuK: then sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade06:37
XuMuKmaco, yeah, sorry, that's it!06:37
bzaks1424After a kernel update from a fresh install of Ubuntu - my boot time extends about 20-30 seconds while the HD is very busy... what's going on and how can I alleviate the issue?06:37
ActionParsnipbzaks1424: reboot, get logged in and stuff then run:  dmesg | less    observer the times on the left, when you get a large gap, that is where your issue is06:38
bzaks1424cool - what's that caused by?06:38
JustMozzymy second problem is that frequently when I am listening to music or playing a game the machine just freezes and draws either a grey, black or striped screen. anyone any ideas on that?06:39
bzaks1424I totally get what you just said - sorry06:39
picard1421would there be a way to setup an install with KDE... and basically have KDE only for login.. once it logs in it kills KDE goes straight to ... command line (like server edition)>???06:39
bzaks1424So would this be the cause: [    3.805604] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode06:40
bzaks1424[   12.357027] udev: starting version 15106:40
bzaks1424picard: sudo aptitude install kde-desktop I believe06:41
bzaks1424or hit ctrl+alt+f706:41
TohuwI am unable to get PulseAudio to detect digital (HDMI or Optic) surround sound. I have tried modifying the pulseaudio conf, but speaker-test -c 6 reveals it is still using a 2 channel output. In pavucontrol's configuration tab, I get only stereo configuration options. Any ideas?06:41
macobzaks1424: picard1421 just wants a dm with no graphical sessions06:43
bzaks1424Ah my bad06:43
picard1421ok basically06:43
picard1421i dont mind having06:43
macopicard1421: kdm DOES give an option where the session is a plain tty06:43
FloodBot3picard1421: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
ActionParsnipbzaks1424: thats a good 9 second gap, i'd check your drive is healthy06:43
mikeruI sense KDE > GNOME blasphemy...06:44
macopicard1421: youd need to edit some stuff in /etc to get the graphical sessions out of the list though06:44
picard1421ok this is what i want ....06:44
ActionParsnippicard1421: ease up on the enter key dude, you are scrolling the channel06:44
macomikeru: i dont knowwhethr ubuntu offers that or not.i havent used it in years. im a kubuntu user06:44
bzaks1424ActionParsnip - SmartStatus says healthy06:44
o2oowho could tell me what's the best java source code editor in ubuntu?06:45
ActionParsnipbzaks1424: grab the ultimate boot cd and test the HDD with manufacturers tools06:45
bzaks1424ActionParsnip - is there a better way to check?06:45
mikerumaco: GNOME was just not for you, and KDE was. both have their stuff.06:45
ActionParsnipo2oo: theres no best app for anything06:45
Tohuw!best > o2oo06:45
ubottuo2oo, please see my private message06:45
picard1421i want to have a KDE login... so that it pops up with a KDE based LOGIn a GUI thing that i can customize.. Once I "login" then i want it to basically drop EVERYThing and go back to just ubuntu server edition?06:45
ActionParsnipo2oo: there is no best anything in life06:45
macomikeru: yep, but im saying i know kdm comes configured out of the box with an option to do what picard1421 wants06:45
ActionParsnip!ide | o2oo06:45
ubottuo2oo: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator06:45
macomikeru: last time i used gdm, it didnt06:45
mikeruActionParsnip: I'd say eclipse is.06:45
mikeruo2oo: try eclipse. It's very good, and since it's primary focus is java you'll feel right at home06:46
ActionParsnipmikeru: yes, thats an opinion. or best to you. a universal outright best of anything doesn't exist. Even living isn't best to some people06:46
o2ooyes, I am using it06:46
* mikeru feels suicidal thoughts stem from ActionParsnip06:47
o2ooI am using eclipse. but it seems couldn't edit the source code outside the project06:47
ActionParsnipo2oo: use what you like. You are using an OS which promotes choice then you wander in here so a group of strangers can tell you what to use.... doesn't make sense06:47
tensorpuddingyeah, that's part of the issue of using an IDE06:47
mikeruo2oo: just drop the source file by the open files tabs. it will open it06:47
tensorpuddingyou can still edit the .java files outside of Eclipse though06:48
mikeruand you need no project06:48
picard1421i think you get what im Saying..06:48
mikerui.e. you have foo.java open, and you want to open not-in-project bar.java, you just drag it from nautilus beside the foo.java tab in eclise06:48
picard1421basically just have  KDE login screen and then just DROP KDE all together06:49
mikerupicard1421: you can set it to log to gnome, but it still requires every single KDE library installed, even if you won't use it.06:49
picard1421basically i saw i wanted to use PAM for facical recognition login.. unless you can find a way to do facial recognition without a GUI...??? i mean i would prefer to have no GUI installed but im not sure the best way to get facial recognition without a GUI.. will DWM or X11 be enough not even full KDE?06:49
mikerupicard1421: facial recognition is blasphemous06:50
picard1421wht do u mean?06:50
mikerupicard1421: I've yet to see it :P06:50
ActionParsnippicard1421: why do you want gui login if you are just going to use cli??06:50
picard1421ActionParsnip: well im trying to do facial recognition login.. i dont want a GUI.. at all.. but i cant figure out a way to do facial recognition login without it??06:51
VS-So, no one can help?06:51
mikerupicard1421: ActionParsnip says words of wisdom, listen to him/her06:51
picard1421if there is anyway or any program to use to do it through CLI i would soooooo happy06:51
ActionParsnipmikeru: him ;)06:51
ActionParsnippicard1421: weird stuff, i see you point06:51
picard1421yea lol its somewhat interesting..06:52
ActionParsnippicard1421: i'd just have the user log in to an x session then06:52
picard1421well how about this at least: is there a way to have static images as the login screen..? not a GUI but basically static Image with type username type password06:52
ActionParsnippicard1421: i believe maco knows a thing or 306:53
SubCooldid i miss anything?06:53
picard1421if the username works you get another static image for 5 seconds then goes right to CLI normall and then if it doesnt work then goes to another Static image for 5 weconds... back to login... It does even have to "login" to the terminal... like almost a security barrier before logging in (as stupid as this may sound)06:53
picard1421actionParsnip: what about the X session?06:54
macopicard1421: kdm is still graphical, but it has a way to login so that you just get a tty.  its a default option.  if you just remove the graphical options, the users cant screw around and pick non-tty06:54
So_ConfusedAbout the backports... Am I to install ALL the Lucid backports modules, or just the ones that say 'wireless'?06:55
SubCoolpicard1421, be sure to test it- , i did that once, and it somehow crashed my X-06:55
picard1421tty ?06:55
VS-Argh, how do I fix the "Unexpectedly disconnected from boot system daemon" error?06:55
picard1421i assume that means like CLI?06:55
macopicard1421: yes the thing you get when you ctrl+alt+f106:56
macopicard1421: thats tty1 and the f2 one is tty2 etc06:56
SubCoolbut then u have to manually startx06:56
macoSubCool: picard1421 wants X not to be there at all06:56
SubCoolor have they changed that06:56
SubCoolya- i know06:56
macoSubCool: or at least not after you login06:56
SubCoolya- thats what we r talking about06:56
picard1421what about.... use KDE as a barrier before that..06:56
SubCooluh- ...06:57
picard1421tso like..06:57
mikeruRAINBOW, I HAZ IT06:57
SubCooli cant imaging logging into a gui, and then being pushed back to CLI06:57
picard1421=i know its frustrating06:57
SubCoolsounds like one of my bad days actually06:57
macopicard1421: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader#kdm_support06:57
picard1421i wish there was no problems like this.. if there were a facial recognition that worked with CLI i would be golden06:57
SubCooli hate mandriva06:57
SubCoolim sure there is- but ... it would be a hassle06:58
picard1421whats KDM?06:58
macopicard1421: the login screen used in kde06:58
macopicard1421: as opposed to gdm, the login screen used in gnome06:58
macopicard1421: dm = display manager06:58
SubCoolacronyms are silly like that06:58
picard1421there is no graphical setup for obviously just server lol06:58
tensorpuddinghooray, force-killed banshee, and now banshee won't start up again06:59
ActionParsnipSubCool: just select text mode as the session after selecting your username06:59
o2oomikeru,  oh yes!! thank you!06:59
ActionParsniptensorpudding: make sure no other banshee processes are running06:59
SubCoolActionParsnip, - that goes to picard142106:59
So_Confusedrunning 10.04 netbook. Trying to get Atheros AR9285 working. Installing the lucid backports, do I install ALL backports for lucid, or just those that say 'wireless'? Should this be the solution or just part 1 of it?06:59
tensorpuddingi just checked, there are a lot of them06:59
macopicard1421: right but if you just install kdm, you can make it work with fingerprint readers and whatnots, and set it up so that it ONLY allows login to CLI/TTY, and then youve got what ou want06:59
SubCoolActionParsnip, i have run across it before when my graphics cards fail- its a nightmare.. i have always dreaded CLI- but im giving in,.06:59
picard1421so i dont need KDE to install KDM??07:00
* mikeru thanks o2oo07:00
ActionParsniptensorpudding: if its really dead then kill pulseaudio  then run: rm -r ~/.pulse*    then press alt+f2 and run: pulseaudio07:00
SubCoolpicard1421, ????07:00
macopicard1421: some of the base libraries, yes, but the apps, no07:00
mikeruhaha, o2oo you're welcome07:00
picard1421ok now we are getting somehwere07:00
tensorpuddingbanshee works now07:00
pie_how can i set up a logitec quickcam 4k on ubuntu?07:00
picard1421so if i run apt-get install kdm07:00
SubCoolvery good :)07:00
macopicard1421: i'd add --no-install-recommends to that07:00
SubCoolsounds like ur piecing a car together. lol-07:01
xanguapie_: have you installed cheese¿07:01
macopicard1421: so it only pulls actual dependencies not the nice-to-have stuff too07:01
ActionParsnippie_: run: lsusb    you will see the 8 character hex id, websearch that for guides07:01
pie_ActionParsnip: thanks07:01
SubCoolpicard1421, just do what me and ActionParsnip were talking about07:01
picard1421apt-get install --no-install-recommends07:01
picard1421apt-get install kdm --no-install-recommends07:01
macopicard1421: yeah should work. but im going to bed now. others can take it from here07:01
SubCoolswim away- swim away!!07:02
picard1421so 240 MB is the lightest package i can have?07:03
Loshkipicard1421: note some apps are fussy about the order so it might be: apt-get install --no-install-recommends kdm07:05
hasenis the dock in unity available as a stand alone07:06
hasenthat can be used in other desktops?07:06
hasenlike xfce, etc?07:06
picard1421with X sessions like in dwm... do i need to install a Gnome or anything.. or will it work?07:07
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joeyyyyhow do i make dhcpd not list any ports
Loshkipicard1421: well, you need *something*. It doesn't have to be Gnome, but Gnome is a good choice...07:08
Doctehisn't that the regular port for dhcp?07:09
picard1421is there anything lighter than Gnome???07:09
red2kicpicard1421: LXDE. XFCE?07:09
red2kicpicard1421: No DE! Make your own!07:09
red2kicpicard1421: Server edition! No need for those pesky X11 stuffs.07:10
ActionParsnipjoeyyyy: use iptables or firestarter to configure iptables07:10
ActionParsnippicard1421: flwm is probably lightest, Fluxbox, openbox are light too07:10
picard1421do thery have GUI login's07:10
ActionParsnippicard1421: the login system is seperate to the DE and WM07:10
Loshkipicard1421: yes, and some are specially designed to be extra light. One of the lightest is said to be fluxbox per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27887207:11
ActionParsnippicard1421: you can use KDM to log into any desktop environmnt you like, a desktop environment doesn't have a dedicated login system07:11
picard1421but for example will programs that work on KDE no work on this.. like for example PAM.. if i wanted to to just like i said literallly run just a login with GUI and thats it?07:12
picard1421but why did KDM take 212 MB to DL?07:12
picard1421seems very heafty.. becuase it needs all the dependencies of good ol KDE?07:12
shawnboyanyone know how to add an album to CDDB?07:12
picard1421evenouthg they are not running07:12
ActionParsnippicard1421: deps and libs07:12
well_laid_lawnall the kde libs come with kdm afaik07:12
ActionParsnippicard1421: its also why servers dont have x servers, its less to run and smaller footprint, leaving greater resources for the stuff it i serving07:13
picard1421but for example if i just login with KDM07:14
Doctehheh be careful if you install two display managers at once, its hard to fix kdm and gdm fighting over an X display07:14
picard1421and set it to go to tty107:14
picard1421or tty in general will all the KDE dependencies not be used.. resource non intensive.. ?07:14
Doctehpicard1421: its a question of "is the thing running" not "is it visible"07:15
Doctehpicard1421: you could just get people to learn to type startx if they want a gui ;)07:15
mariosi want to install ubuntu and then backtrack 4 tools , do you think is possible ?07:15
picard1421its not the fact they need a gui.. doctech, its the fact for face authentication.. and i cant figure out a awy to have like face autentication login then goes directly to CLI..07:16
picard1421like if there was only a face auth tool that worked exclusively in CLI..07:17
Doctehchvt or run a terminal app maximized instead of a wm07:17
ShurathingHello, trying to get wireless working, install lucid backports. Got an error from Synaptic. E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.17_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware_24.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic-pae 007:18
picard1421docteh what do you mean07:18
Doctehhave it go from login -> running gnome-terminal or whatever you like in fullscreen07:19
picard1421how do you do that?07:19
princeof179any one knows where i can find the next ubuntu07:20
xanguaprinceof179: the next¿07:20
Loshkipicard1421: face authentication?07:20
xanguamarios: anything is possible07:20
picard1421does DWM have its own GUI login?07:21
Doctehpicard1421: you'd have to read the kdm/gdm docs07:21
princeof179any RC for ubuntu07:21
Loshkipicard1421: using e.g. qt-facetrainer?07:22
picard1421can you do that from CLI???07:22
well_laid_lawn!meercat | princeof17907:22
xangua!ubuntu+1 | princeof17907:22
ubottuprinceof179: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+107:22
well_laid_lawnI spelt it wrong...07:23
Doctehheh i wonder if !isitout will ban me07:23
ubottuYes! Its out!07:23
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mm2000Hi there. For some reason some websites doesnt load for me, the browser never completes the request, often when x% of the page has been loaded. Anyone knows what the problem can be? Its the same for ff and chrome and i have disabled ipv6. ubuntu 10.0407:23
Loshkipicard1421: well, this guy seems to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOZ8ifKjCIw07:23
picard1421yes that is in KDM07:23
picard1421or KDE07:24
picard1421not even KDM07:24
FloodBot3picard1421: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
Guest88931is there a way to keep alive PPPoE over DSL link alive automatically?07:24
Loshkipicard1421: don't hit enter so much so the Floodbot doesn't get you...07:24
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HAlyis there a way to keep alive PPPoE over DSL link automatically?07:24
Barrelsofp00installed kde, removed kde, and now my cursor is stuck with the kde cursor, how do i get rid of this thing?07:26
Barrelsofp00I've tried changing the theme, with no avail07:27
no--nameBarrelsofp00: right click desktop > change desktop background > theme > customize > pointer07:28
jana_hello there! in gnome at 10.04 i´ve got the following problem: when i pull of the mains plug the power management always tells me that the battery is empty even if it is not! after that the system goes into hiernate state. Does anyone know about that? (this appears only in gnome not in kde)07:28
Barrelsofp00no--name: I've tried, changing it there does nothing, the cursor remains07:29
Barrelsofp00no--name: any other ideas?07:29
no--nameno idea sorry07:30
hstefanhello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 in my laptop, but I'm stuck with my ethernet controller (SIS191 gigabit), that doesn't work (it even notice that there's an network avaiable). Please help me!07:31
KB1JWQhstefan: There a restricted driver available for it?07:32
KB1JWQI'm not familiar with the hardware offhand. :-)07:32
ActionParsniphstefan: is that what is output in: sudo lshw -C network07:32
hstefanActionParsnip: for checking this, I should be connect to any network?07:33
hstefanKB1JWQ: I dunno... sorry07:33
ActionParsniphstefan: not necessary. The command merely scans the hardware07:33
hstefanproduct: 191 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter07:34
hstefanvender Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]07:34
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ActionParsniphstefan: http://www.howtoforge.com/creating-the-sis191-gigabit-ethernet-driver-on-linux-2.607:34
Shurathingsorry for all the questions. Trying to install lucid backports. I get errors all over the place. eg. dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.17_i386.deb (--unpack):07:35
Shurathing trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware_24.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic-pae 0:2.6.32-24.1707:35
ngirardHi all. One such "ktikz" package is in conflict with others and prevents apt to perform the rest of its operations; but when I try to apt-get remove ktiks, it's reported as non installed. How can I solve this ?07:35
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hstefanActionParsnip: oh, looks complicated. But thanks, I'll do my best.07:38
ActionParsnipShurathing: sudo dpkg --force-all -I /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.17_i386.deb07:38
ActionParsnipShurathing: also log a bug for the package07:38
ActionParsniphstefan: you'll need to do it everytime you get a new kernel too so keep the source handy07:39
marioscan i install the ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso on my hp laptop 64 bits ?07:39
ActionParsnipmarios: yes07:39
hstefanalso: if you even wondered about buy any sis hardware part FORGET THE IDEA07:39
mikeruhstefan talks with wisdom. Sis plain sucks07:39
ActionParsnipmarios: 64bit cpus have 32bit emulation in them (except crappy itaniums)07:39
ShurathingActionParsnip: Thank you. Trying that now.07:40
mariosoky thanks i will do it via unetbootin07:40
ActionParsniphstefan: +1 their video cards are fun to setup too and need xorg.conf files07:40
mikeruitaniums are dead07:40
ActionParsnipShurathing: the -I I put is lowercase07:40
tensorpuddingdoesn't hp still make machines with itaniums?07:40
rxdplease point me to a frugal install of ubuntu07:40
ActionParsnipmikeru: you can get them on ebay. They only run 64bit though07:40
hstefanmikeru: the problem is that I can't sell that stupid laptop because  it was a present and I'm not confortable to 'give a shit' for a present... so...07:41
mikeru ActionParsnip: but nobody uses them, because it sucks.07:41
ActionParsnipShurathing: but you get the idea. After that, run: sudo apt-get -f install07:41
mikeru: )07:41
invisibleprisonI got an error saying I was out of drive space. It turned out my .xsession log was in excess of 500G. I deleted it, but now I am out of space again and I can't figure out why. The numbers don't add up.07:41
collabrarxd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:41
hstefanActionParsnip: yeah, I have a SIS671 too. It was a pain to work in better resolution.07:41
hstefanto make it work*07:41
mikeruhstefan: you could say smoke came off  and so you threw it away07:41
ActionParsnipmikeru: I use a lot of cpus which suck (albeit not itaniums)07:41
GetDownHi all, i have a problem with "Java" chat's, i'm using Firefox but i cannot open the chat... it loads the webpage but it ends without joining chat.... is there a problem with FireFox and Java ?07:41
mikeru ActionParsnip: so do I. they are called Celerons.07:42
mikeruugly things07:42
mikeruwonder why did they spread like fire...07:42
hstefanmikeru: nah, it would be dirty.07:42
ActionParsnipGetDown: if you test java on www.java.com do you have java installed07:42
xanguado you use java or openjdk¿ do you have the browser plugin installed¿ GetDown07:42
ShurathingRestarting... wish me luck07:42
ActionParsnipmikeru: try pentium 200mhz mmx07:42
hstefanbut it's not a fully bad idea...07:42
mikeruhstefan: sometimes you have to get your hands dirty..07:42
mikeruActionParsnip: there's a difference between ugly and old07:43
mikeruActionParsnip: when it was released, I bet it wasn't ugly07:43
ActionParsniphstefan: if you check the hcl before purchasing it makes life easier07:43
rxdIts MinimalCD can this be installed using frugal07:43
ActionParsnipmikeru: true but its a decent enough chip for torrents + file server + backup, a celeron would be lovely07:44
invisibleprisonThis is what df reports for that partition: /dev/sda8  747G  709G  4.0K 100% /home. How does that make sense? There's ~40G unaccounted for there, nevermind the fact that only about 50-60G should be used, not 709G07:44
GetDownActionParsnip, xangua  i'm checking sec....07:44
hstefanActionParsnip: yeah, but as I said before, it was a present (from my mother) and she knows shit about hardware.07:44
mikeruActionParsnip: then, use a celeron :-)07:44
collabrarxd: It's a standalone install,... when you said frugal i thought you meant a minimal install,...07:44
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: that would be the journal07:44
collabrarxd: what is frugal?07:45
ActionParsnipmikeru: don't have one and don't have a celeron board07:45
ActionParsnipcollabra: its like a minimal install07:45
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, Do you know why my drive would be showing up as full when it's not?07:45
mikeruactionparsnip: mmm07:45
mikeru: (07:45
rxdcollabra: frugal is when you install ubuntu on an ntfs partition without using the device say /dev/sda1 as your root07:45
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: it is, the space is occupied by the ext3 or ext4 journal07:45
hstefanActionParsnip: ooh, waait. I dunno if that howto you sent me will work. I don't get any error when execute 'modprobe sis190'07:46
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, 650G?07:46
ActionParsniphstefan: oooh exciting. Try: ifconfig07:46
hstefanhumm, what am I searching there?07:46
rxdcollabra: like u have a readonly system...same like running from the CD but instead your initrd.gz filesystem.squashfs on the drive say c:\ubuntu07:47
collabrarxd: oh,... well,... you can download ubuntu 10.04 LTS,... I think it has what's called an install using wubi.exe if you want to put it within windows.07:47
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: 747gb - 709gb = 36gb which is about right for a journal on a partition that size07:47
red2kicAbe: :P07:47
red2kic!hi | Abe07:47
ubottuAbe: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:47
collabrarxd: I'm not sure... maybe someone else could help you.07:48
hstefanActionParsnip: dunno if you saw the last message but: what should I search on ifconfig's output?07:48
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, `sudo du --summarize -h /home 2> /dev/null` reports 56G/home07:48
GetDownok i just installed FireFox Java plugin but it still sux :(07:48
ActionParsniphstefan: if you have a new interface name07:48
rxdcollabra: k thank you07:49
pradeephi everyone07:49
xanguaGetDown: did you restart firefox¿07:49
hstefanwell... you mean 'eth0' stuff or something like that?07:49
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: what does --summarize do?07:49
ActionParsniphstefan: indeed07:49
collabrarxd: np07:49
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: can you pastebin the output of: df -h ,please07:49
hstefanActionParsnip: well, it always been there, so nothing changed...07:49
GetDownyes xangua07:49
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, summarize displays only a total for each argument07:50
GetDownwhen i restart i got a error message "Java console is not supported and will be disable"07:50
ActionParsniphstefan: ok then try: sudo dhclient eth007:50
hstefanActionParsnip: now I need internet connection, right?07:51
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/470569/07:51
hstefanor even a network ;P07:51
ActionParsniphstefan: i'd also run: dmesg | tail ,to check the kernel messages07:51
GetDowni'm trying other java console versions...07:51
GetDownand it's the same :(07:52
hstefanwell... brb.07:52
rxdcollabra: MinimalCD looks good07:52
Shurathingback. ActionParsnip: after restart all errors in tray are gone. Still not seeing any wireless networks. Do I have to uninstall or reinstall any of the backports for Lucid?07:52
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, accidentally left off the headers, do you need those?07:52
LinuxFetushey I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  I'm new to Linux.  When I first installed Ubuntu, it would display an Ubuntu Splash/Loader with the word Ubuntu, the logo, and about five dots that would be lighting up underneath... I did something and now it just shows a black screen with a blinking underscore in the upper-left hand corner.  What do I have to do to restore the original boot splash screen?  Thanks in advance!07:53
collabrarxd: right on,... glad to help.07:53
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: yep, the partition is full. If you install bleachbit you can clear temp stuff out nicely. Watch browser settings as it'll clean settings you wanna keep. Also avoid settings that say they will take a long time. Also before running close as many apps as you can to unlock files07:53
ShurathingLike the name LinuxFetus07:53
roved2101oh yes07:54
LinuxFetusShurathing, thank you :)07:54
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, The problem isn't temp files. I only have 56G that SHOULD be showing. I deleted a 500GB .xsession file this morning and I'm wondering if somehow whichever process it was is still writing to the partition, but not to an actual file?07:55
rxdcollabra: Can MinimalCD be installed on the usb stick07:56
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/07:56
hstefanhi. I'm back. ActionParsnip, 'sudo dhclint eth0' gaves me 'DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval [7,9,15,8,14]' and 'dmesg | tail' gave me lots of '[x, y] eth0: autho-negotiating'.07:56
pie_ok so i have my webcams drivers installed and it looks like its working but flash wont recognize th e webcam, any ideas?07:56
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: use that guide until the embedded video. It will force the framebuffer driver until you get to login then your nvidia/ati card will kick in07:57
collabrarxd: not sure,... just a sec.07:57
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, I'm not sure what that means, yet, but I will read and get back to you if I have questions/problems.  Thank you :)07:57
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: could fsck the partition in livecd. May help07:57
ActionParsniphstefan: did the lights on the interface flash?07:58
picard1421how do i install C++ is it apt-get install G++ or is it apt-get install gcc?? what is it ?07:58
picard1421i just want a C+ compiler07:58
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, it probably will, but this isn't the first time this has happened and it's very frustrating.07:58
hstefanActionParsnip: what do you mean?07:58
pie_ActionParsnip: sorry im bithering you so much :P , ok so i have my webcams drivers installed and it looks like its working but flash wont recognize th e webcam, any ideas?07:58
hstefanpicard1421: if you want a compiler you can use g++. sudo apt-get install g++07:59
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, if I kill all of the programs that had a handle on the .xsession file, do you think that could help?07:59
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: it walks you through it. The proprietary driver isn't loaded right away so the display stinks. The frmebuffer driver is quicker and will give a display for the duration of the boot07:59
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: worth a shot07:59
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, only 78 processes07:59
collabrarxd: i found this... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick ..... I'm sure it'll work as long as you know what you're doing... I'm not sure what operating system you are using,... but i'm sure there's a way.07:59
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: there are scripts online to show the largest folders and files on a partition too07:59
rxdcollabra: ok thanks08:00
invisibleprisonActionParsnip, there IS no file. that's the problem. df says /home has 709GB used. du says /home has 56G used.08:00
collabrarxd: np08:01
ActionParsnipinvisibleprison: then fsck the partition is all I can suggest duder08:01
adalalquick question, i have a radeon HD 3200 graphic card, which video driver should i use?08:02
AdvoWorki deleted loads of files yesterday off my deskop, but when i use uploading websites, and browser, on the desktop theres loads of ~files that have been deleted. these arent hidden or visible, but i cant see them on the desktop?08:02
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, It appears that this is making me change my proprietary driver to a generic one (I have a GeForce 6800)... That's going to fix this?08:02
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Prankymount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed08:03
adalalAdvoWork: aren't those temporary files anyways?08:03
Prankymount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed, mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed08:03
Prankyno such file or directory08:03
adalalbump, i have a radeon HD 3200 graphic card, which video driver should i use?08:04
hstefanI'd explode all sis factories with a smile in my face.08:05
xerox1after ubdating firefox i have a problem with starting it; problem comes from the profile directory; now i would like to determine, which file / plugin etc causes the problem; starting firefox from console does not give any output; how to do that?08:06
ilovefairuzxerox1: firefox -safe-mode08:06
well_laid_lawnPranky: did you edit something/rebuild something ?08:07
xerox1ilovefairuz: thx man!08:08
Prankywell_laid_lawn: No, actually it was shutdown by powercut and then when power comes it showing this message.08:08
well_laid_lawnPranky: checked in the bios that all hdds etc are fine?08:09
afiefWhat can I do when the ubuntu keyserver is down?08:10
ShurathingMaybe all my half-sighted tinkering botched something. I'd like to re-install 10.04. After that I'll install the backports for Lucid. But do I install ALL backports? Or a specific module? I'm on a HP netbook with a dang Atheros AR9285 Wireless card.08:10
presafief; wait for it to come back online again.08:10
Prankywell_laid_lawn: Yes, I checked. There is only one HDD and it is showing up.08:10
afiefpres, no way to obtain the keys somewhere else and install them manually?08:11
transhello everyone, i want to change login, spalsh screen, plz help08:12
presafief; dunno. I don't use Linux for my pgp keys.08:12
well_laid_lawnShurathing: if you are only using the backports for a driver for the wifi just  install the driver module - search for atheros08:12
afiefpres, thanks08:12
ilovefairuzShurathing: linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic08:12
presafief; I do know it's always down though. People are always whining about it being down.08:12
well_laid_lawnPranky: I would suggest booting into the recovery option and checking the errors there08:12
EgyParadoxwhich is the best calendar application?08:12
presEgyParadox; what's wrong with Evolution's built in cal?08:13
ilovefairuz!best | EgyParadox08:13
ubottuEgyParadox: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:13
Shurathingwell-laid-lawn: Search for Atheros in PackageManager didn't result in anything about driver modules.08:13
afiefpres, it's rather funny isn't it? after all ubuntu is one of the largest linux distros out there08:13
presafief; pgp management is not one of the things I like in Linux. Sorry.08:13
presafief; but yes, funny.08:13
Shurathingilovefairuz: Thank you. I'll try that.. btw, how do I reply correctly in chat? As to highlight the users name?08:14
well_laid_lawnShurathing: see what a search for wireless turns up08:14
well_laid_lawn!tab | Shurathing08:14
ubottuShurathing: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:14
ilovefairuzShurathing: you just did (by prefixing username to your reply)08:14
ActionParsnipShurathing: did you get your packages installed ok?08:15
mikeruFloodBot1 is taking over!08:15
ActionParsnipFloodbot war!08:16
ShurathingActionParsnip: No. I installed all backports. I'm going to do a fresh install and just install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic08:16
ActionParsnipShurathing: ok, can you please log the bug though. It will help others :)08:16
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, I did what the site said and it didn't work; instead of loading a black screen with a blinking underscore in the upper left hand corner, it now is just completely black.08:16
ShurathingFYI, there are 2 back ports.. one ending _generic, other ending _generic-pae08:17
ShurathingActionParsnip: Will log the bug08:17
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: here's the one I used. Had to scan my favourites: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml08:19
Shurathingso I don't use the backport ending in -pae?08:20
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: little more involved but worked like a champ here08:20
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, should I undo what I did earlier?08:20
ActionParsnipShurathing: if you run: uname -a ,and see pae then yes08:20
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, before moving onward with this?08:20
transhow to change login screen08:20
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: most of it is identical, just a few extra steps08:21
ActionParsnipTrans: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1308:21
LinuxFetusAhhh I think I may have done it incorrectly -- the "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024" step requires uncommenting that line... I missed that before.08:23
ShurathingActionParsnip: Awesome... no pae it is then. Thanks08:23
LinuxFetusActionParsnip,  Ahhh I think I may have done it incorrectly -- the "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024" step requires uncommenting that line... I missed that before.08:23
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: d'oh. Keep going with the guide though08:24
transActionParsnip it changes the wallpaper, i want to change the complete login window08:24
arvind_khadrihi, yesterday there was a person here, who was complaining something about eclipse. Except helios all other versions of eclipse are broken as of now.08:24
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: I have to do it with my lappy with its crappy intel vga08:24
shorttechare there any experts here with kvpnc??\08:25
ActionParsniptrans: afaik its not supported yet, there's an app named epidermis which may help. That's all I know dude. Its on the screen for about 2 seconds so I've not put much effort into studying it08:25
arvind_khadrishorttech, just ask, an expert isn't needed always :)08:25
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transi'll try that08:26
ShurathingRe-installing. bbiab08:26
afiefpres, ended up downloading the key from another keyserver(there are quite a few it turns out) and adding it through apt-key add key.pub08:27
red2kicActionParsnip: They should take that off. :)08:28
leonordtrying to add printer to cups through the localhost interface. after selecting 'HP', a list of only 9 HP printers are listed but without my model which is F380. how to get a more comprehensive list?08:28
ActionParsnipred2kic: take what off?08:28
red2kicActionParsnip: Splash screen.08:28
presafief; fair enough. I did know there were a few different key servers but had no idea what they were.08:28
ActionParsnipleonord: install the hplip package or get the latest script from the hplip site08:29
ActionParsnipred2kic: you mean plymouth?08:29
afiefpres, I used http://keys.gnupg.net/08:29
presafief; that's what I use. But mine is all managed through Windows.08:30
leonordActionParsnip: hplip has been installed. if i get the script from the site, how to get it into hplip?08:30
ActionParsnipred2kic: true but users like pretty pointless splash screens as boot text seems to have been branded as offensive08:30
afiefpres, aha08:30
ActionParsnipleonord: grab the script, mark it as executable then launch it in a terminal as user (not with sudo)08:30
leonordActionParsnip: ok, thks.08:31
ActionParsnipleonord: websearch hplip, you'll find it. Hp loves linux08:31
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grendal_primeok i have a headless machine that i need to have full access to.  I would like to just log into the desktop on that machine.  I dont want to use vnc.  It works but i would really like to just run a remote session basicall.08:31
presafief; sorry I didn't mentioned this server to you. :-(08:32
afiefpres, NP :-) google did mention them08:32
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: why do you need a fullblown desktop? What activities are you doing?08:32
shorttechI'm wondering if there is a way for me to test my kvpnc connection08:32
grendal_primethe main reason is that this box is for virutalmachines primarily.08:32
ilovefairuzgrendal_prime: ssh08:32
shorttechI dont think its working 100% - I just switched from Mandriva and I had working in Mandria 10 just fine, but cant seem to find the problem with ubuntu08:33
grendal_primei use ssh every day. most of the work i do is on remote nix systems.  this is why i know very little about remote desktops in general08:33
shorttechmaybe its something with my firewall08:33
grendal_primefree nx seems to be pretty reliable and fast.08:33
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: the vms can be handled on the vm. You can x forward the management x based app if you need it or if the server has a web interface, even better08:34
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, Well it's getting better but there are a couple of problems - it changed the resolution of Grub 2 -- now everything's tiny... I don't like that.  Secondly, the Ubuntu font/logo isn't there.  It's now just "Ubuntu 10.04" with serifs on the font and not the standard logo, if that makes sense.  My Grub is configured slightly differently.  Inside of /etc/grub.d, I have changed 40_custom to have options for the OS's I08:34
LinuxFetus want to select on startup (I don't like the fact that there's a memtest, etc., and that I can't rename them).  I have two choices: "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" and "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS" (that's what I've called them).  I chmod'ed the permissions on "10_linux," "30_os-prober", and "20_memtest86+" to no longer be executable by anyone (chmod ugo-x).  Then I run update-grub and then my boot/grub/grub.lst file or whatever only08:34
LinuxFetushas two menu options -- the two specified in 40_custom.  I don't know if that's pertinent, or not, but I thought I'd let you know just in case.08:34
FloodBot1LinuxFetus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
grendal_primeis there a web interface for virtualbox?08:34
ilovefairuzgrendal_prime: you can use ssh X forwarding: ssh -YC user@host08:34
shorttechLinuxFetus, are writing a book?08:34
grendal_primeim not using vmware.08:34
vssunhi how to install https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable?field.series_filter=lucid this package on a standalone machine?08:35
grendal_primeilovefairuz, ya i do that alot but umm this is on the same network..i dont need to encrypt it..08:35
LinuxFetusshorttech, No... sorry :X  I just wanted to be very specific.08:35
icerootgrendal_prime: #vbox08:35
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: you could have just commented the entries in tehe various files you editted. Memtest is handy but is removable just like any other package08:35
grendal_primeim finding that ssh is a bit slow in this situation.08:35
grendal_primei guess i could use rsh08:36
ilovefairuzgrendal_prime: and so? it's just a proven method of painlessly running remote X applications. -C will compress the data back and forth08:36
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: what virtualisation technology are you using?08:36
JustMozzyhi guys. I am having a critical issue. I can't install anything anymore :S :S when I run apt-get install I get these errors: http://www.pastebin.ca/1910771 need help urgently08:36
grendal_primeActionParsnip, virtualbox08:36
grendal_primeim currently a vcp but i dont have the money for vmware.08:36
hariomHi, I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 machine. My PC processor is 64 bit so I want to use Ubuntu 64 bit version. Unfortunately, the DVD drive is not working. How can I install 64bit version on old 32 bit Ubuntu?08:37
grendal_primepersonally ive found it does not perform as well as virtualbox anyway.08:37
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: ask in #vbox ,there may be a web gui which is slick08:37
arvind_khadriJustMozzy, your tmp directory has run out of space08:37
LinuxFetusI'm not sure what you mean... As far as I understand, the other files don't explicitly make mention of all of the OS's -- they search the drive for partitions with OS's loaded and display them.  Furthermore, the grub.lst file or whatever says at the top that it isn't to be modified directly.08:37
ilovefairuzgrendal_prime: http://code.google.com/p/vboxweb/08:37
hariomI have internet and local Lan access where I have 64bit iso file08:37
apt415JustMozzy: how do you have your system partitioned?08:38
ActionParsnipJustMozzy: reading. Its taking an age due to the graphical crap around the text08:38
JustMozzyapt415, I have the whole HD automatically partitioned by the ubuntu installation08:38
ilovefairuzhariom: you can't install a 64bit ISO on a 32bit machine08:39
hariomHow to do Ubuntu network install? I want to install ubuntu 64bit on my existing 32 bit ubuntu version.08:39
hariomMachine is 64bit.08:39
hariomI earlier installed 32 bit OS on 64bit machine. But now I want to go with 64bit OS08:39
well_laid_lawn!minimal | hariom08:39
ubottuhariom: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:39
ilovefairuzhariom: then download the 64bit ISO and install as usual08:39
ActionParsnipJustMozzy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128109608:40
hariomilovefairuz: DVD drive is broken. Looking for network install option. How to do that08:40
ActionParsniphariom: if you want to change architecture you must reinstall08:40
ilovefairuz!install | hariom08:40
ubottuhariom: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:40
hariomActionParsnip: Yea, I want to do fresh install08:40
ActionParsniphariom: use a usb stick or sd card etc08:40
frag4nowhi all. I'm going to install wxWidgets compiling it but pkg-config can't find GKT libraries. I looked for in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ directory but there isn't a gtk+.pc file...any ideas?08:41
hariomUSB stick? how? Should I extract ISO and put that in USB stick and make USB as first boot device?08:41
ActionParsniphariom: if you have a 1gb stick you can put the desktop iso on it and install it all offline08:41
Adminio\j #ubuntu-it08:41
ActionParsniphariom: no, it needs software like usb-creator-gtk or the tool on pendrivelinux which is for windows08:42
ilovefairuz!unetbootin | hariom08:42
ubottuhariom: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:42
ActionParsniphariom: or you can use unetbootin in either08:42
JustMozzyActionParsnip, that forum post is of little help actually :S08:42
apt415quick question ( maybe ) I just registered a domain name. To associate it with my system do I use bind9?08:43
ActionParsnipJustMozzy: my connection is dog slow. I saw that it was solved and had text from your paste08:43
JustMozzyActionParsnip, no problem ;)08:43
ActionParsnipJustMozzy: you needs guides regarding the cache being small etc08:43
ilovefairuzapt415: you first have to tell the registrar DNS servers to point to your static IP address08:43
pie_anyone experienced with webcamstudio?08:43
ecolitanhow can i test a machine for rustock spam bot?08:43
apt415ah ok thanks08:44
ilovefairuz!anyone | pie_08:44
ubottupie_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:44
leonordmy hp f380 is not on the list of drivers of hplip. where to get the driver?08:44
ActionParsnipJustMozzy: and use the apt::cache-whatever text to help gwet accurate results08:44
mm2000Hi there. For some reason some websites doesnt load for me, the browser never completes the request, often when x% of the page has been loaded. Anyone knows what the problem can be? Its the same for ff and chrome and i have disabled ipv6. ubuntu 10.0408:44
pie_ilovefairuz: hehehe08:44
ActionParsnipleonord: oh boy, look around. There may be a similar model you can tell your system to use the settings of08:45
pie_ilovefairuz: i usually dont do that, late night, i forgot08:45
well_laid_lawnmm2000: allowed java in preferences for firefox?08:45
frag4nowthis is the error: http://dpaste.com/223038/08:45
pie_how do you set the output of webcamstudio? im trying to use it as the input device for flash08:45
pie_*webcam input device08:45
mm2000well_laid_lawn, Nope08:45
well_laid_lawnmm2000: it might be hanging on the adds then08:46
ilovefairuzpie_: right click on the flash element and select "settings" go to last tab and select it as source08:46
picard1421is there a way to setup the password lock on CLI so that after 3 failed attempts..08:46
picard1421the computer wipes itself.. automatically?08:47
mm2000well_laid_lawn, I doubt that, its only for certain pages and the only addons i have are developer kit, firebug, yslow and flashblocker.08:47
picard1421is this possible?08:47
frag4nowsomeone could be so kind to explain me why there is no gtk+.2.0.pc file in pkgconfig dir even if libgtk is installed? thanks08:47
pie_ilovefairuz: i have that set, its that flash isnt getting any video input08:48
ilovefairuzpicard1421: you can wrap the 'login' binary with another that does so08:48
picard1421how would that be done?08:48
DezineIs it possible to have different panel setups for each workspace?08:49
picard1421ok i will try and set that up later.. Thanks!08:50
DezineGuess I could just have them autohide but I was thinking of having a more minimalistic view for one space and regular on another kinda thing08:50
blunderhey is there a 64 bit version of acrobat for lucid?08:50
frag4nowmaybe my question is dumb or wrong?08:50
|DURAN|what antivirus do you recommend for ubuntu? and some firewall?08:50
frag4now|DURAN|: clamav,iptables08:51
ilovefairuzfrag4now: install the -devel equivalent08:51
|DURAN|frag4now, av clamav and firewall iptables?08:51
ilovefairuz|DURAN|: ubunu does not need an antivirus, unless you run an internet-accessible mail server08:52
frag4nowilovefairuz: hmm are you sure i miss that? because to install gkt*-dev i need to install a lot of stuff08:52
DezineGuess it's not possible, guess I could make a feature request. Thanks.08:52
frag4now|DURAN|: google knows08:52
|DURAN|frag4now,  can I call it from synaptic pack manager?08:52
ilovefairuz|DURAN|: and ubuntu ships with a firewall, try sudo apt-get install gufw08:52
|DURAN|ilovefairuz, thanks a lot08:53
mohanohihi ..08:53
|DURAN|frag4now, ok, thanks08:53
mohanohigetting an error!!08:53
mohanohiE:Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf),08:53
ilovefairuzfrag4now: install only the -devel packages of the libs you need08:53
mohanohiin package manager.08:54
ilovefairuzmohanohi: do you have little RAM and/or swap ?08:54
pie_ilovefairuz: in the bottom left corner of webcamstudio it also says no output...08:54
mohanohiswap 3 gb08:54
mohanohiram 2 gb08:54
mohanohihow to increase the cache-limit?08:54
mohanohiis it necessary to increase?08:54
frag4nowilovefairuz: http://dpaste.com/223043/08:55
RemmazeHi guys, im running ubuntu 10.04 on Lenovo x100e, as we all know, there no dvd drive on lenovo x100e, so my question is, is there and applications for me to run a DVD ISO, so that i can the thumbnail while giving out presentation...08:55
LinuxFetusHey did ActionParsnip say when (s)he'll be back?08:55
tanasuk_humm... I added the APT-CacheLimit to my /etv/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf and set it to 50MB but it when I run apt-get autoclean it still shows me the old value08:55
RemmazeHi guys, im running ubuntu 10.04 on Lenovo x100e, as we all know, there no dvd drive on lenovo x100e, so my question is, is there and applications for me to run a DVD ISO, so that i can play the thumbnail while giving out presentation...08:55
ilovefairuzmohanohi:  edit /etc/apt/apt.conf to modify this option08:56
pie_gah...stupid flash08:56
mohanohiilovefairuz: nothing in the file08:56
LinuxFetusHey this is what my Ubuntu splash screens look like (start up and shutdown, respectively) -- can someone help me ?  http://pastebin.com/JBwi87Zu08:57
ilovefairuzmohanohi: then create new one08:57
tanasuk_ilovefairuz, still no change :S08:57
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ilovefairuzJustMozzy: mohanohi: try apt-cache clean08:58
R3D_DR6G0Nhello everyone!08:58
ilovefairuzafter editing the file08:58
JustMozzydone that :s08:58
finemannhow does one edit the grub kernel parameters (10.04)?08:58
R3D_DR6G0Nwhy do you want to edit the grub kernel?08:59
SwedeMike!grub2 | finemann08:59
ilovefairuz JustMozzy: mohanohi: sorry, sudo apt-get clean08:59
ubottufinemann: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:59
mohanohiilovefairuz: still erro08:59
Mohan_chmlmohanohi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1258124 that might help you I think08:59
finemannR3D_DR6G0N, http://linux4tw.wordpress.com/2010/05/10/tips-acer-5740-laptop/08:59
finemannSwedeMike, okay09:00
ilovefairuzMohan_chml: well using debian repositories on ubuntu would be a rather ... bad idea09:01
Hypnus9Hi...I need to know how to change ownership of a file in a terminal09:01
mohanohiilovefairuz: yes.. thats what i did09:01
tuxboxi have usb HD , and it's read sd 5:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk  any help09:01
presHypnus9; chown09:01
mohanohicause i needed a new version of jack software09:01
ilovefairuzHypnus9: chown user:group09:01
red2kicHypnus9: chown $USER:$USER09:01
mohanohiwhere ubuntu is still using old versions09:01
presHypnus9; or sudo chown filename09:01
ilovefairuzmohanohi: you can NOT use standard debian repositories on ubuntu, don't ask for help if you still do this09:02
mohanohiilovefairuz: ok.. i removed debian repository. Problem resolved.. :)09:03
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JustMozzyok, apt-get update finally fixed it09:03
user1_whats a good program for configering my  beliking wireless usb deivce09:03
tuxboxi have usb HD , and it's read sd 5:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk  any help ??09:03
user1_tuxbox what you mean09:04
user1_so you have a usb harddrive at sda09:04
tuxboxubuntu read it as SCSI and it's  USB09:05
tuxboxdo u know what is SCSI  ?09:05
user1_yes a scsi09:05
l1nux_mastersmall computer systems interface09:05
tuxboxit's old hard disks type09:05
tuxboxmy usb hard is tooo slow09:06
tuxboxany one have a good way ?09:06
l1nux_masterswitch to esata09:06
user1_Small Computer System Interface09:06
l1nux_masterbuy an enclosure like $20 on ebay09:07
tuxbox:( there is no driver for usb209:07
ilovefairuztuxbox: USB *is* slow09:07
l1nux_masteranyone know a way for cde on ubuntu?09:07
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DASPRiDfor external hard drives, either use esata or sas09:08
tuxboxi need USB2 Driver09:08
SevithI know this is a simple questions but. instead of when i boot my computer up i wanna see what is going on in my system i dont want to see the ubuntu logo how can i do this?09:08
ilovefairuztuxbox: i'm saying that this is how USB devices are, by their nature09:08
Sevithusing grub just remove the quiet line from the boot loader menu list?09:08
JustMozzythanks to all :)09:08
ilovefairuztuxbox: slower than normal internal hard disks, you don't need a driver09:08
MaRk-ISevith: remove "quiet splash" from grub09:09
JustMozzybtw, how can I find out why my machine is often just freezing up while playing games or watching a movie? I think iut might be because of the graphic card driver. my graphic card is ATI Radeon HD09:09
SevithAlso do you people reccomend disabling IPv6?09:09
ilovefairuzSevith: remove quiet splash09:09
l1nux_masteralways disable ip609:09
Zelahow do I delete a direc?09:09
tuxboxhow come guyz it's work  good under windoz  and it's read as partition09:09
user1_how can i set up my wireless deivce09:09
l1nux_masterdelete directory with rm -r09:10
Sevithok Thought so :D09:10
SevithThanks guys :D09:10
user1_whats a good tool to setup wireless09:10
ilovefairuzl1nux_master: what are you talking about?09:10
SevithWhat does the ro mean on the bootloader line?09:11
tuxboxmy usb harddisk is too slow and it's not in USB2 any help ?09:11
Sevithwhat is the ro option?09:11
ilovefairuzl1nux_master: whom are you telling to delete a directory ?09:11
l1nux_masterrm -r remove09:11
l1nux_masterterminal command09:11
Sevithrm -rf / ? ? ?09:11
ilovefairuzl1nux_master: in reponse to who ?09:11
user1_<Zela> how do I delete a direc?09:11
user1_wireless how?09:12
Sevithrmdir <DIR NAME>09:12
MaRk-Ituxbox: that depends on your usb connector09:12
user1_whats thats09:12
troopperiuser1_: whats your wireless card/device?09:12
SevithThats how you delete a dir09:12
user1_usb stick09:12
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user1_a fd750 a belive09:13
tuxboxMaRk-I  IT'S OKIE IN WINDOZ09:13
tuxboxit's something wrong in my system09:13
hrhrhr_when i sudo -s09:13
hrhrhr_i lose my aliases09:13
ilovefairuz!who | l1nux_master09:13
ubottul1nux_master: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:13
user1_tuxbox use windows then for larger files09:13
hrhrhr_wut is goan on09:13
tuxboxi have larger files here and i can't backup it on my HD09:14
tuxboxam facing problem guyz09:14
tuxboxplus i don't have windoz installed here09:14
user1_save it to disk?09:14
user1_install it?09:14
l1nux_masterhow to unarchive 7z from command line?09:14
user1_tar -xzvf pkg09:15
ilovefairuzl1nux_master: p7zip09:15
siewriorekStrange question: ssh failed to access to ubuntu host , ping works, I can access to the ubuntu host from another host, any help?09:16
tuxboxiptables -F09:16
ilovefairuzsiewriorek: what error message do you get?09:16
ilovefairuz!who | tuxbox09:16
ubottutuxbox: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:16
siewriorekI use putty to test the ssh access, it hang09:16
siewriorekiptables has shutdown09:17
l1nux_masteriptables ruins everything09:17
ilovefairuzl1nux_master: iptables is very useful when used properly and please stay on topic09:17
troopperiuser1_: whats says lsusb? Type to console09:18
siewriorekall my hosts are in a local network09:18
l1nux_masterfirewalls are not necessary unless not protected by a firewall09:18
ilovefairuz!ot | l1nux_master09:18
ubottul1nux_master: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:18
l1nux_masterin other words you need a firewall if you are straight facing the internet09:18
well_laid_lawnsiewriorek: using an ip adress or hostname to connect to?09:19
user1_is there a paste bin here09:19
l1nux_masterwhat window manager does everyone use?09:19
siewriorekI've connect to ssh service correctly using another host, strange09:20
user1_but troopperi its not pluged in now09:20
ilovefairuz!paste | user1_09:20
ubottuuser1_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:20
user1_its in a nother box be sheared here coz it would'nt work09:20
troopperiuser1_: thats important to get more information your belkin09:20
chepodo anybody knows how to make this faster when i click on a progwine or anything else y do it take like 5mins to pop up ?anybody09:20
user1_what you need09:20
user1_i know its working  coz i can scan with some command lwfs or somthing thats list all the wireless AP in range09:21
user1_but not connect09:21
well_laid_lawnchepo: slow computer?09:21
ilovefairuzsiewriorek: ipv6 enabled ?09:21
troopperiuser1_: ok09:22
siewriorekjust ipv4 statistic IP setted09:22
chepona it was running nice for the past year09:22
siewriorekno gateway and DNS09:22
l1nux_masterdoes anyone use fluxbox?09:22
ilovefairuzsiewriorek: sudo service ssh reload09:22
skramer_hi, anybody knows if Epson DX scanners conected to USB can be used in network via saned?09:22
ilovefairuz!poll | l1nux_master09:22
ubottul1nux_master: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:22
user1_troopperi its the scerity i think is the truble cant seem to cennect09:22
chepothis just happen like 4 days ago and am not even using alot of memory too09:22
siewriorekI've try several times to restart my network and sshd, it doesn't work09:23
troopperiuser1_: do you use server or desktop version?09:23
ilovefairuzsiewriorek: don't 'restart' ssh, reload it09:23
well_laid_lawnl1nux_master: yep fluxbox ftw!09:23
siewriorekreload? ok, I'll try09:23
well_laid_lawnchepo: must have got an update that cahanged something - the folks in #winehq might know09:24
chepoits not onlu wine do09:25
siewriorekThanks ilovefairuz and other guys09:25
Sevithwell SOB..09:25
chepois this xchat too took along time09:26
SevithWhats the off topic chan ubuntu-offtopic ?09:26
erUSULSevith: yes09:26
ilovefairuz!language | Sevith09:26
ubottuSevith: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:26
troopperiuser1_: http://www.linux-usb.org/usbnet/09:26
icerootSevith: #ubuntu-offtopic09:26
=== shura is now known as shurasomething
=== shurasomething is now known as shurathing
tembaHello, anyone can help me maybe. i try to install some things via cpan. but i need to tell cpan to use the proxy in our lan, how can i do that ?09:27
well_laid_lawnchepo: open a terminal and start an app from there to get any errors09:27
erUSULtemba: maybe it onours http_proxy env variable? see the cpan man page09:27
shurathingBack. Fresh install of 10.04 on HP netbook with Atheros AR9285 wireless card. Installed lucid backport. I can see the wireless networks, but I cannot connect.09:28
skramer_the device is an EPSON Stylus DX-5050, printing works (local & LAN), scanner works local. But so far, no other client in the LAN can see the scanner :-(  Any hints?09:29
chepoa give me something to open09:29
thj都是哪里的人 ?09:29
blunderyou can say that again09:29
well_laid_lawnchepo:    nautilus09:29
chepoit works good09:30
well_laid_lawnchepo: try   xchat   in a terminal09:30
user1_troopperi my net is week cant get on web sites09:30
tembaerUSUL, i cant find man page, man cpan says no entry09:30
cheposee it open fast09:31
erUSULtemba: try « http_proxy=whatever cpan [rest of options] »09:31
well_laid_lawnchepo: sounds like it might just be wine apps09:31
troopperiuser1_: how about ifconfig command09:32
user1_thats works :P09:32
chepoi cant open wine apps on terminal09:32
chepoor run them from there09:32
well_laid_lawnchepo: you can but I don't know how09:32
user1_i dunnno whats happed to my network applet on the desktop its seems to have stop running09:33
icerootchepo: error of   wine foobar.exe?09:33
shurathingDon't mean to repeat myFresh install of 10.04 on HP netbook with Atheros AR9285 wireless card. Installed lucid backport. I can see the wireless networks, but I cannot connect.self, just don't wanna get lost in the chat... a recap.09:33
user1_and now never runs09:33
erUSULtemba: see the answer here http://bytes.com/topic/perl/answers/690367-cpan-through-proxy-needs-authentication09:33
shurathingthat didn't paste right.09:33
chepowhat u mean iceroot09:33
icerootchepo | i cant open wine apps on terminal09:33
icerootchepo: what is the error?09:33
troopperiuser1_:  pastebin,  what its says?09:33
user1_shurathing i have the same truble are useing server or desktop verison09:34
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shurathinguser1: Netbook09:34
erUSULtemba: or here http://www.mail-archive.com/cpan-discuss@perl.org/msg00409.html09:34
user1_troopperi it had my eth0 and lo connects09:34
chepoi wanna open programs like of wine on terminals09:34
flohackHi! I can't get the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa to work in ubuntu 10.04. I always get09:34
flohackIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_GB09:34
flohackand the packages from the ppa are not displayed in 'apt-cache policy kdebase' for example09:35
chepocan i install programs on terminal09:35
ilovefairuzshurathing: pastebin lshw -C network09:35
shurathingAfter installing the backports for wireless issues, am I to install something else?09:35
edakiriSevith: no.09:36
erUSUL!software | chepo09:36
ubottuchepo: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents09:36
shurathingilovefairuz: I'll try that, but what's it do?09:36
edakiriSevith: i do not recommend it unconditionally.09:36
ilovefairuzshurathing: you need to reboot after installing it09:36
edakiriSevith: I use mainly IP609:36
chepoyell but if its from windows u cant can u09:36
user1_any one use #webmin09:37
tembaerUSUL, tahnks, i will try out the tipps. thanks for help09:37
ilovefairuzshurathing: it displays your hardware configuration09:37
ngirard__Hi all. After upgrading to 10.04 I guess something when wrong with my policykit configuration. I can do nothing. polkit-auth --show-obtainable only lists: org.freedesktop·policykit.read , org.freedesktop·policykit.revoke, org.freedesktop·policykit.grant and org.freedesktop·policykit.modify-defaults. Hon can I fix this ?09:37
erUSULtemba: no problem09:37
edakiriI use IP6 on my local network and IP4 to the Internet.  You can go into IP6 networks or VPNs on the Internet if you wish.09:37
chepoi dont like wine very much its not working 4 me09:37
Sevithedakiri, The reason i asked is im behind an unaware gateway if i use ipv6 id have to implement tunneling. If there a performance hit/boost with disabling or enabling ipV6?09:37
GreenMeanieHey, Does anyone use Scribes text editor?09:37
Sevithwt*. When i close firestarter and its running in the tray it stops running?09:38
chepodo anybody knows a different program like wine09:38
edakirithere is a slight, perhaps negligible performance boost where pure IP6 is used.  main advantage of IP6 is larger address space09:38
ilovefairuzngirard__: you can purge the packages and install again09:38
shurathingilovefairuz: I did restart after installing backports. I can see networks, but can't connect. pastebin lshw -C network gives error... pastebin: command not found09:39
edakiriUDP might be more reliable in IP6 because it is never fragmented en-route09:39
ilovefairuzshurathing: sudo apt-get install lshw09:39
ngirard__ilovefairuz, Hi ! okay, let's do this. Could you please give me a hint for this ?09:39
tuxboxE: Package hotplug has no installation candidate09:39
user1_how do you setup udp09:40
shurathingI'm a noob09:40
Sevithedakiri, Isnt IPv6 implementations full of holes and security issues...?09:40
tuxboxapt-get install hotplug  help ?09:40
chepois there another wine program out there09:40
ilovefairuzngirard__: determine the package names you need to restore the config files of, apt-get purge them, and apt-get install them09:40
i_am_devianthi there09:40
thune3shurathing: you installed pastebinit? sudo apt-get install pastebinit    And the using for that case would be "lshw -C network | pastebinit -"09:41
i_am_devianti'll very appreciate if someone would show me output from "dpkg --listfiles $(dpkg -L `which tunctl`)"09:41
i_am_deviantsorry, i do not have deb-based system, so i'm not 100% sure of dpkg switches because of my memory holes09:41
tuxboxapt-get install hotplug  gives error !!! is only available from another source09:41
edakiriSevith: Mainly it is good if you use IP6 so you can find flaws and report them.  Before lucid 10.04, IP6 lagged behind Debian Testing.  Now it is usable.09:41
ngirard__ilovefairuz, I seem to have 2 different versions of polkit installed: policykit and policykit-1. Is it the same situation on your machine ? It seems weird to me09:41
ilovefairuzi_am_deviant: use http://packages.ubuntu.com09:41
shurathingthune3: kk... got ya.09:41
chepowats hotplug09:41
ilovefairuzngirard__: what file did you edit before the configuration got messed up ?09:42
iceroot!who | chepo09:42
ubottuchepo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:42
Sevithedakiri, I am on 9.10..Dont have the bandwidth nor speeds on this systems im on to update my OS. :(09:42
chepoiceroot is there any other program like wine09:43
ilovefairuzchepo: no09:43
ngirard__ilovefairuz, I just performed a dist-upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, which got interrupted because my system froze. I had to get it to recover afterwards09:43
icerootchepo: for what?09:43
edakiriSevith: If you can not use at least Lucid, it is of little worth to try to use IP609:44
ilovefairuzngirard__: ah well, bad news09:44
cannonballDuring install I get " (initramfs)Unable to find a medium containing a live file system09:44
chepoilove thats suck wine dont work well for me09:44
ilovefairuz!tab | chepo09:44
ubottuchepo: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:44
sander__How can I have two diffrent versions of the same program installed in ubuntu 10.04 ?09:44
chepoiceroot 4 anything to be install correctly09:44
ngirard__ilovefairuz, it's okay... from http://www.pubbs.net/200911/ubuntu/41553-karmic-policykit-1-grant-access-to-user.html i can read : PolicyKit has been replaced09:45
ngirard__>> with PolicyKit-1, but there is now no gui to configure any of the policies.09:45
ngirard__Do you have any opinion on this assertion ilovefairuz ?09:45
icerootchepo: anything what? deb files?09:45
FloodBot1ngirard__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
Sevithedakiri, Alright until I can update I will leave it disabled then. Can you tell me though...Does lucid use a different stacks for IPv6 and v4 or are they still integrated?09:45
chepoi see09:45
sander__Instead of upgrading a program, I want to be able to access both the old and new version at the same time..09:45
chepothanks ubottu09:45
jasonwryansander__: virtualbox?09:46
SwedeMikeSevith: I have a hard time thinking ipv4 and ipv6 stacks will be separated, so yes, it's "still".09:46
edakiriSevith: as far as I know, they are integrated in linux, except perhaps for iptables09:46
sander__jasonwryan, I don't want to install the os another time.09:46
cannonballafter I get the install comeplete, using the asci workaround, I get this error "Gave Up waiting on root device".. anyone able to help?09:46
SevithSwedeMike,  I was more or less wondering if they implement tunneling in lucid or they have a separate stack for it09:46
JustMozzyhi guys, I'm back. I ran now an update etc etc but now I have a warning: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5. I tried to run: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 but it says that the key is unchanged... :S09:47
sander__jasonwryan, is that the only way?.. or installing everything needed inside a chroot jail ?09:47
SwedeMikeSevith: afaik nothing has really changed regarding tunneling, no.09:47
ilovefairuzngirard__: it's true09:47
chepoicerootjust for my games09:48
ngirard__thanks, ilovefairuz09:48
jasonwryansander__: it's the simplest way, afaict...09:48
SevithSwedeMike, alright. I was just wondering..too lazy to google. My system is to slow to surf then net right now haha09:48
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shurathingtunneling as in ssh tunnel?09:48
Sevithshurathing, no as in teredo tunneling for ipv609:49
sander__jasonwryan, so it's not possible to "repackage" the .deb so it gets another name.. or something ?09:49
ilovefairuz!who | shurathing09:49
ubottushurathing: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:49
Sevithor something similiar09:49
icerootchepo: please use detailed questions. so you mean windows-programs, you can use wine and also other projects based on wine (which costs money)09:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:49
baggu_arainhello everyone09:49
jasonwryansander__: not that I am aware of: it would introduce a level of complexity you may regret...09:49
ilovefairuz!hi | baggu_arain09:49
ubottubaggu_arain: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:49
chepoicerootwhat other projects09:49
hiubuntuhi everyone, i'm configure msmtp with my gmail, but i can't find the file(/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt) in ubuntu 10.04, how to solve it or why?09:50
iceroot!cedega | chepo09:50
ubottuchepo: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega09:50
rifterI am using FireStarter to control iptables, and have no policy blocking outbound connections.  With the firewall enabled I cannot access www.cartalk.com or bitbucket.org.  With it disabled I can.  Events show the firewall blocking *inbound* connections from the sites but whitelisting them for inbound does not change anything.  any ideas?09:50
=== jordan is now known as Guest87903
JustMozzysolved it with http://www.khattam.info/2010/03/21/badsig-40976eaf437d05b-lucid-lynx/09:50
cannonballafter I get the install comeplete, using the asci workaround, I get this error "Gave Up waiting on root device".. anyone able to help?09:51
chepoiceroot  thanks man i go check it out09:51
baggu_araini want to download various episodes of a show from youtube, each episode is divided in parts, so i want to combine, convert and make a dvd09:52
shurathingilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/4DpVRZms   Just making sure it didn't get lost in the chat09:52
augustinhi all09:52
ravi87hey ppl09:52
ravi87has any1 tried out gnome shell here09:52
augustinI have a question regarding installing Ubuntu to an external HD drive from a running Ubuntu system, could someone point me in the right direction to look for an answer?09:53
StaRetjifolks, I have tablet pc, asus r2h, and crazy thinks that headphones are plugged in. Can someone help me out please09:53
shurathingall: using the tab key doesn't auto complete any names... just gives a huge list of matches09:53
erUSULaugustin: i would help if you actually make said question ...09:53
augustinall I can find requires you to boot on a CD or stick09:53
baggu_arainsomebody know how can i do this09:53
ngirard__ilovefairuz, could you please tell me what's the result for    find /etc/polkit-1/localauthority -type f ?09:53
ngirard__ilovefairuz, on your machine ^ ?09:53
augustinerUSUL, well, that's the question : how do you install Ubuntu on an external HD drive from a running system?09:54
gaza1Hi. I have removed (by mistake) sound volume changer. How can I get it back?09:54
gaza1on panel.09:54
thune3shurathing: a connection attempt is made and fails, or you aren't given option to conntect. For a failing connection, it would be nice to see the tail of dmesg output after a connection failure. "tail -n 100 | pastebinit -"09:54
ilovefairuzngirard__: no such file09:54
erUSULaugustin: why not use the installer cd ? ( just make sure you install grub in the right drive )09:54
erUSUL!install | augustin09:54
ubottuaugustin: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:54
trijntjegaza1, place the idicator-applet on the panel again09:54
shurathingthune3: kk... I'll start on that09:55
Sevith!info scapy09:55
ubottuPackage scapy does not exist in lucid09:55
thune3shurathing: sorry: dmesg | tail -n 100 | pastebinit -09:55
erUSULaugustin: the first link has manyguides09:55
ngirard__aha, thanks ilovefairuz09:55
ravi87gnome shell any1?09:55
Sevith!info python-scapy09:55
ubottupython-scapy (source: scapy): Packet generator/sniffer and network scanner/discovery. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-1 (lucid), package size 184 kB, installed size 1048 kB09:55
bloodysuicidesim soo confused09:55
bloodysuicidesyou people sound all smart and junk09:55
augustinerUSUL, I have looked there before coming here and it doesn't give a way to install from a running installation onto an external drive09:55
ilovefairuz!language |  bloodysuicides09:56
ubottubloodysuicides: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:56
StaRetji folks, I have tablet pc, asus r2h with ubuntu lucid  and crazy thing thinks that headphones are plugged in. Can someone help me out please. Is there a config where I can tell him they are not plugged in. Thx.09:56
rifterbaggu_arain, yes you can use youtube-dl to download the episodes as mp4 files, then you probably can use a video editor to combine them together09:56
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
shurathingthune3: http://pastebin.com/uR6qzEX3     Hope that's what yer asking for, I can't read any of that.09:56
Sevithbloodysuicides, What do ya need?09:57
rifterbaggu_arain, bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/09:57
bloodysuicideshow do u change what u are known by?09:57
rifterbaggu_arain, if you don't want to use that there are a few web sites that do the same thing as youtube-dl script09:57
baggu_araindownloading is not an issue09:57
baggu_arainany software for creating dvd09:57
Sevithbloodysuicides, if you want to change your name type /nick <name>09:57
magicianlordbrasero burns dvds09:58
erUSULaugustin: well i would use the livecd with manual partitioning or the guide about installing from knopix ( dbootstrap ) but that is way outdated09:58
rifterbaggu_arain, ok then what you need is video editing softwarethat can understand mp4 or flv files, or something that will convert them to something like jpeg or avi that the editing software can handle09:58
erUSUL!info devede  | baggu_arain09:58
ubottubaggu_arain: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.8-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1976 kB, installed size 4024 kB09:58
ilovefairuzshurathing:  something crashes inside the kernel09:58
rifterbaggu_arain, oh dvd authoring?09:58
rifterbaggu_arain, there is.. I don't have it off the top of my head09:58
trijntjeaugustin, cant you use the 'install to usb-disk' option?09:59
ilovefairuzshurathing: go to #ubuntu-bugs and ask them for help how to file a bug report09:59
shurathingilovefairuz: kk09:59
augustinerUSUL, the thing is: I am using this laptop to work. I want to install Lucid on an external HD while I keep working.09:59
baggu_araini try this one09:59
rifterbaggu_arain, this should help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVDAuthoring09:59
augustintrijntje, I'll double check, thanks for the suggestion09:59
rifterso does anyone have an idea about my iptables problem?10:00
augustintrijntje, as far as i can tell, it requires a LiveCD. Unless I'm missing something, which is why I came here =)10:00
Sevithrifter,  whats the problem with your iptables?10:00
rifterI am using FireStarter to control iptables, and have no policy blocking outbound connections.  With the firewall enabled I cannot access www.cartalk.com or bitbucket.org.  With it disabled I can.  Events show the firewall blocking *inbound* connections from the sites but whitelisting them for inbound does not change anything.  any ideas?10:01
ilovefairuzrifter: firestarter is SO old and probably broken, use (g)ufw10:01
trijntjeaugustin: that is not the case, it only requires the .iso. The program to do this is located in system -> Administration -> create startup disk or something like that10:01
rifterilovefairuz, ok I will switch to that right quick, but I think the problem is still with iptables not the gui10:01
Sevithrifter, You should be able to look at the events log and allow from that source?10:01
rifterSevith, I did and it did not change anything10:02
rifterSevith, plus the events log is only showing that it is blocking inbound connections from those sites, not outbound10:02
Sevithrifter, maybe gowith ilovefairuz's idea then...Try using (g)ufw10:02
Sevithilovefairuz, Do you use ufw?10:03
rifterSevith, I am switching to that now.. gotta install it right quick10:03
ilovefairuzSevith: yes10:03
i_am_deviantwell, got it10:03
augustintrijntje, thanks a bunch, i'll go look there10:03
augustinand thank you, erUSUL10:03
i_am_deviantwould anyone pastebin for me output from: dpkg --listfiles $(dpkg -S `which tunctl` | sed 's/:.*//')10:03
erUSULaugustin: np10:03
KwpolskaAnyonee there using pentagram cerberus P 6331-42?10:03
i_am_deviant^^ you must have installed tunctl providing package10:03
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ilovefairuzrifter: purge firestarter to make sure all config files are gone10:04
trijntjeaugustin, if you do choose to install it using the live CD, be SURE to modify where grub is installed in the 'details' section of the installation. If you do not set this it will overwrite the grub on your system10:04
Sevithilovefairuz, Where is the ufw log located?10:04
shurathingilovefairuz: KK... Thanks for your help.10:04
rifterilovefairuz, okey doing that also10:04
augustintrijntje, yes, thank you =)10:04
trijntjeaugustin, ok, good luck!10:04
ilovefairuzSevith: it logs to kern.log10:04
Sevithilovefairuz, ok thxy :D10:05
* erUSUL that's why i do not use ufw ...10:05
KwpolskaerUSUL: don't use /me without real action.10:06
Sevithilovefairuz, I cant drop silentlywith ufw ? :(10:06
* erUSUL thinks "that's why i do not use ufw ..."10:06
ilovefairuzerUSUL: all iptable-based stuff uses standard logs unless you write your own syslog.conf10:06
erUSULilovefairuz: ulog10:06
SevitherUSUL, Which firewall do you use?10:07
ilovefairuzSevith: ufw logging off10:07
rifterilovefairuz, okay I installed gufw and purged firestarter .. gufw didn't show up in the menu, or I can't find it, but I can add it later.  I have it started and it is pretty sparse10:07
erUSULSevith: firehol10:07
erUSULSevith: it has no gui though10:07
StaRetjimy tablet, he thinks earphones are plugged in and wont output sound on internal speaker :/10:07
rifterilovefairuz, and I still can't get to either site10:07
SevitherUSUL, I like no GUIs  :D10:07
rifterilovefairuz, isn't there a file somewhere where iptables keeps its blacklists? maybe I have these ips in that file10:08
ilovefairuzrifter: sudo iptables -L10:08
MaRk-I!sound | StaRetji10:08
ubottuStaRetji: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.10:08
Kwpolskaa network crashed?10:08
SevithNetsplit perhaps?10:08
KwpolskaSevith: nope10:09
Kwpolskanetsplit has another message10:09
SevithProbably says netsplit lol10:09
Kwpolskaand all splitters are listed at once in my client10:09
ilovefairuzrifter: run it using alt + f2?10:09
KwpolskaSevith: yes, twice.10:09
Kwpolska*.net *.split - that's the quit message for netsplits.10:10
magicianlorddoes anyone recommend gnupod for cli ipod management?10:10
rifterilovefairuz, ok I am doingthat now.  the reason I suggest that is that I remember that awhile back I tried to take a list of a bunch of ips that seems to be continually scanning and throw them into that blacklist10:10
=== N-S[X1] is now known as Guest11765
ilovefairuzrifter: you probably need to restart networking10:10
Tricksalright guys, I have tried to change the default ssh port from 22. I have edited /etc/ssh/ssh_config and reloaded sshd but the changes didn't seem to take effect. I then rebooted but still nothing10:11
Tricksany ideas?10:11
stanley_robertsohi all10:11
Kwpolskaanyone knows how to configure pentagram cerberus for port fw10:11
rifterilovefairuz, maybe... I am getting a long list of block rules.  when I added them I did not add them through firestarter I added them through iptables.  I am pretty sure I added them to some config file for iptables10:11
ilovefairuztraviscline: sshd_config10:11
ilovefairuzTricks: ^10:11
soreauTricks: Why are you trying to change it?10:11
Trickssoreau, because I have two servers within the internal network and I need to access both10:12
Trickssoreau, so one will be on port 22 and the other will need to be different10:12
fariadanteshi - on Ubuntu, is it possible to create a systemwide macro which would allow me to type certain chracters with key combinations?10:12
soreauTricks: ok then what ilovefairuz said ;)10:12
Kwpolskafariadantes: do you want something like alt+numpad on The Wrong OS?10:13
ngirard__I'm trying to fix my policykit-related problems on 10.04. As ngirard (belinging to admin group) I tried to execute: pkexec echo ok ; this triggers the authentication dialog box ; when i enter the password & click the damn button it just hangs. What's the problem ?10:13
rifterilovefairuz, aha  /etc/sysconfig/iptables10:13
fariadantesKwpolska: I think so10:13
Kwpolskafariadantes: gnome and kde provide good replacement10:13
=== N-S is now known as N-S[X1]
fariadantesKwpolska: which are?10:13
rifterilovefairuz, no that's not the right file :(10:13
ilovefairuzrifter: firestarter probably auto-generated this10:13
Kwpolskactrl+shift+u+numbers above qwertyuiop10:13
Kwpolskathey're different that on The Wrong OS10:14
rifterilovefairuz, well like I said I did not add those blocks through firestarter10:14
fariadantesKwpolska: Let me try10:14
wiehanHi folks, please tell me how to quickly check what version graphics driver I have installed. My netbook has a intel 945GSE chipset..10:14
magicianlordWhat is a working iPod shuffle CLI-only music manager?10:14
ilovefairuzrifter: it generates a shell file that invokes iptables, not sure where does it save it10:14
Kwpolskaঙ #999 - example.10:14
rifterilovefairuz, I did it from the terminal, and i think I did it by editing a file10:14
=== gui_ is now known as kryl
N-S[X1]Good morning. What does it mean, when doing an 'apt-get upgrade', it barfs this: "The following packages has been held back: linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae"10:14
N-S[X1]What can I do about that?10:14
Kwpolskafariadantes: can also work from DISABLED numpad.10:14
rifterilovefairuz, that iptables -L is still going.. I guess I added a lot of ip addresses to it10:15
Tricksah I used the wrong config file :S I feel dumb10:15
KwpolskaN-S[X1]: sudo aptitude update10:15
KwpolskaN-S[X1]: sudo aptitude upgrade10:15
Tricksthanks soreau ilovefairuz10:15
erUSULN-S[X1]: maybe the mirror sync process is still going and a package is still missing10:15
ilovefairuzrifter: you can use -n to show numerical IP addresses10:15
wiehanKwpolska: I get the same thing, why is that, and why should I use aptitude over apt-get?10:15
magicianlordN-S[X1]: do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" instead. it will bring in the newer kernel too10:15
krylI have a problem with last nvidia driver and 10.04 I can't use FN keys for luminosity of my laptop (t510i thinkpad)10:15
erUSULN-S[X1]: wait and if the problem persist. ask again10:15
fariadantesKwpolska: can you give me an example combination?10:16
geirhafariadantes: ctrl+shift+u 00fe <space>10:16
Kwpolskawiehan: aptitude handles deps better10:16
geirhafariadantes: You only need to hold down ctrl and shift when you hit the u10:16
wiehanHow do I check what graphics driver I have installed on my system?10:16
Kwpolskafariadantes: you can find lots of combinations over the inet10:16
jasonwryanwiehan: lshw10:16
geirhafariadantes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters10:16
N-S[X1]Kwpolska: ok, will try10:17
fariadantesgeirha: thanks10:17
N-S[X1]erUSUL: I've encountered this several times.10:17
Kwpolska— 201410:17
erUSULN-S[X1]: i was already mentioned. if the issue persist you can try a dist-upgrade10:17
schnuxI installed plymouth-themes, but how can I configure which theme I want?10:17
N-S[X1]magicianlord: That sounds a bit drastic. I did that already a long time ago, so I'm already at 10.4.10:17
erUSULN-S[X1]: dist-upgrade is not change distribution. it differs from safe-upgrade and upgrade in the way it handles dependency resolving10:18
ilovefairuzschultmc: sudo plymouth-set-default-theme THEMENAME --rebuild-initrd10:18
schnuxahh i try, thank you :)10:19
N-S[X1]erUSUL: ok, thank you. Using aptitude pulled them in.10:19
magicianlordN-S[X1]: it will just stop the message and keep you at 10.04's current kernel10:19
wiehanI get this error when running freeorion (game): There is no solution on the net and seems to be a graphics driver issue:10:21
wiehan"do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.10:21
wiehanTry adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.10:21
wiehanSegmentation fault"10:21
FloodBot1wiehan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:21
=== BrendenB is now known as Guest62091
erUSULwiehan: what graphic driver?10:22
N-S[X1]Thank you everyone.10:22
wiehanintel 945GSE10:22
rifterilovefairuz, okay I still haven't figured out what file I edited before to update iptables.  what I did never showed up in firestarter and it certainly isn't showing up in gufw .. but this rule seems to be relevant to the network in question: LSI        all  --          cpe-70-114-208-0.austin.res.rr.com/2010:22
rifterilovefairuz, I can put the whole iptables -L in pastebin if you want it10:23
erUSULwiehan: there is #intel-gfx here in freenode. tried "Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.10:23
erUSULwiehan: yet ?10:23
wiehanerUSUL: I want to update from the website: http://edc.intel.com/Software/Downloads/IEGD/#archive-content=archive-toggle~~visible-content but there is not "ubuntu" specific driver, can you check I there is one I can try10:23
ilovefairuzrifter: so you address these rules yourself not firestarter ?10:24
wiehanerUSUL: Yes, I did try doing that with a program called driconf and to no avail...10:24
ilovefairuzrifter: well use grep on etc to search by ip or hostname10:24
ilovefairuz!jp | root10:25
ubotturoot: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:25
=== root is now known as Guest97007
ilovefairuz!hi | Guest9700710:25
ubottuGuest97007: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:25
rifterilovefairuz, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470613/10:25
Guest97007i lov hedgehog10:26
rifterilovefairuz, yes I entered them somewhere myself because I was trying to block a whole lot of ip addresses at the time10:26
Guest97007hacked by hedgehog10:26
ilovefairuzrifter: did you grep ?10:26
tuxpengu1nhi all - I have a bunch of installed kernels in my grub.cfg and I wanted to know how i can remove older installed kernels from my Lucid box? Also, whenever I start up my ubuntu laptop I never see the grub menu presenting a list of kernels i can boot into ... can this be changed?10:28
erUSULtuxpengu1n: use synaptic to remove older kernels. is good practice to have at least two kernels ( in case something goes wrong with one of them)10:30
ilovefairuzrifter: if you would like to remove the block for now, use iptables --line-numbers -L and then use iptables -D NR ((use-line-number-of-host-here))10:30
ilovefairuzrifter: but next time you reboot, the block will be reinstated10:30
rifterilovefairuz, well, I tried grepping for drop and for one of the ip addresses .. I found config files but not necessarily with the rules in question.. I wonder if the file got wiped when I did the purge10:30
rifterilovefairuz, how do I restart the iptables?10:31
tuxpengu1nerUSUL: makes perfect sense, synaptic it is then at least until I understand how to use apt-get or dpkg to query a list of installed kernels so I can then do something like dpkg -r kernel.example in the future. Thank you :)10:31
ilovefairuzrifter: sudo service iptables restart10:31
magicianlordtuxpengu1n: use synaptic to search for linux-image. also, in terminal type 'uname -a' to list your currrent kernel. remove the older ones prior to it with synaptic (complete removal)10:31
ilovefairuzrifter: grep just for the hostname, no 'drop'10:32
rifterilovefairuz, I get "iptables: unrecognized service"10:32
wiehanCan someone check here: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/2010Q2.html - how should I know whether I should install the 2d or 3d driver for intel 945GSE on ubuntu 10.04 netbook10:32
ke1hatuxpengu1n, as erUSUL saihttp://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need10:33
rifterilovefairuz, I grepped for the ip address separately and then when that revealed nothing I did a grep for drop to see if I could find a file with the rules in it10:33
erUSULwiehan: if you want to try with newer drivers it is better option to use the xorg-updates ppa10:33
erUSUL!ppa | wiehan10:33
ubottuwiehan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.10:33
rifterilovefairuz, what does LSI mean in that output anyway?10:34
tuxpengu1nke1ha: great resource. bookmarked. cheers :)10:34
ilovefairuzrifter: it's a custom chain10:35
shurathingthune3: Ok... I found what the issue is. Security is fine, but I had mac address filtering enabled on the router. I have filtering disabled and security on and I'm now wireless!10:35
shurathingthune3: but the mac address matched this computer, so I don't know what would have gotten in the way10:36
mallchinhi, anyone using bind9 in a chroot and not using apparmor? I am having problems with rndc10:37
mallchinrndc: connect failed: connection refused10:37
thune3shurathing: i'm glad it's mostly working10:37
=== picard1421_ is now known as picard1421
erUSULwiehan: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates10:38
rifterilovefairuz, if I could restart iptables I would know if it's a phantom or not10:38
shurathingthune3: thank you for your help... I never would have thought a security feature would get in the way like that. I'm off to see if there's a solution to this now. You have a good night.10:39
ilovefairuzrifter: did you use fwbuilder?10:40
ilovefairuzat some point of time10:40
shurathingilovefairuz: Have wireless working, it was the mac address filtering on the router (but the mac addy matched). So I'm going to find a way around this. Have a great night and thanks for your help and patience!10:40
rifterilovefairuz, I believe I did try using fwbuilder at some point and I still have it installed.  I didn't use it to add these rules though10:40
ilovefairuzrifter: why have it installed?10:41
ilovefairuz!hi | frey4u10:41
ubottufrey4u: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:41
ilovefairuzrifter: it's not about restarting iptables (iptables -F will clean everything) it's about where these rules are coming from10:42
ilovefairuz!hi | j_a_v_i_e_r10:42
ubottuj_a_v_i_e_r: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:42
j_a_v_i_e_rthis chat is in english or spanish?10:42
rifterilovefairuz, well to be honest I was trying to find a gui interface to iptables that would work, and I installed that because it was one of the things that was listed somewhere.  that's when I ended up settling on firestarter10:42
ilovefairuz!es | j_a_v_i_e_r10:42
ubottuj_a_v_i_e_r: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:42
rifterilovefairuz, I know that but we may have wiped the file the rules are coming from10:42
balthustuxpengu1n: why would you like to see the grub menu each time you boot your computer?10:43
rifterilovefairuz, and if I could restart iptables I would know that10:43
shurathingthune3: by the bye... This was a fresh install with backports. There are a lot of updates available in Update Manager. Will updating destroy my drivers? If I update and can't see networks do I download the backport again?10:43
rifterilovefairuz, but service command doesn't seem to know about iptables so that did not work, and it's not in /etc/init.d10:43
j_a_v_i_e_rno it doesnt10:43
ilovefairuzrifter: try restarting networking10:43
ilovefairuzrifter: restarting the machine would be the only way to be sure that these rules don't get reinstated10:44
rifterilovefairuz, okey I will do that and see what happens as soon as this latest -L finishes10:44
j_a_v_i_e_rit wont destroy your drivers the update manager10:44
=== anubi is now known as Anubi
drcodehi all10:44
drcodewhat up10:45
thune3shurathing: i'm not 100% sure. Upgrade should not cause any problems. If it does then reinstall the backports package.10:45
ilovefairuz!ot | drcode10:45
ubottudrcode: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:45
drcodeis there free linux ubuntu hosting?10:45
drcodeany idea?10:45
j_a_v_i_e_rbelieve me it doesnt10:45
rifterilovefairuz, yeah good point.  if I restart the machine and the rules are still there, we would know there was a file somewhere we need to find10:45
brorjonasBy disabling the fglrx driver, am I using the open source drivers automagically?10:45
drcodeI am looking for online server hosting10:45
balthustuxpengu1n: the grub menu doesn't show up because your computer probably has only one operating system10:45
shurathingthune3: Awesome. will do. And I'm naming a couple of kids after you for this! :)10:45
rifterilovefairuz, I will let that command finish, save the results, and try it10:45
frey4ui am using ubuntu 10.04. I am having two user set up one is normal user login and another is domain user login. normal user is loging in good. but domain user asks for password several times by throwing the error Authentication failure. Then i get into my local user login and started /etc/init.d/lassad start and now when i come to my domain users login it went correct. How to solve it without starting the "lassad " every time.10:45
ilovefairuzrifter: purge  fwbuilder10:46
shurathingNight all!!10:46
ilovefairuz!who | j_a_v_i_e_r10:47
ubottuj_a_v_i_e_r: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:47
j_a_v_i_e_rmy problem is with the dolphin-emu10:47
j_a_v_i_e_raaa ok10:47
rifterilovefairuz, ok doing that now.  btw the line numbers on that -L restart for each block .. I will reboot and see what the rules say then10:47
rifterilovefairuz, thank you for your help I will be back10:47
ilovefairuzrifter: good luck10:48
frey4ui am using ubuntu 10.04. I am having two user set up one is normal user login and another is domain user login. normal user is loging in good. but domain user asks for password several times by throwing the error Authentication failure. Then i get into my local user login and started /etc/init.d/lsassd start and now when i come to my domain users login it went correct. How to solve it without starting the "lsassd " every time.10:48
ilovefairuz!patience | frey4u10:48
ubottufrey4u: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:48
frey4usorry everybody10:49
balthustuxpengu1n: one way to see the grub menu once, is to press the SHIFT key during boot10:49
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D3bianhey all10:49
D3biananyone know how the hell to install ssl support for bitchx?10:50
dzioniuxHello, what tools to use to connect to a nokia E72 phone10:50
balthustuxpengu1n: (if you are still using grub legacy, the key is ESC instead)10:50
j_a_v_i_e_rubottu, sorry by the question, but how i manage to send a message to a concrete person?10:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:51
frey4ui  spent 4 hours to fix it. and that too am not happy10:52
ilovefairuzj_a_v_i_e_r: what's your problem ?10:52
tuxpengu1nbalthus: noted - oddly enough I used startup-manager to set the 'Timeout' to 10 seconds which only shows a blank black screen for 10 seconds instead of a selectable list of 2 kernels I have installed. I will try Shift though, thanks!10:52
j_a_v_i_e_rfor example, if i would want to send a message to you, i have to click in your name or how?10:53
ka__Hi. I have a server I want to update files to. But I can't install rsync to it. I am wondering how I can use the cp command with ssh to update my files on the server. something like: ssh username@server | cp -uvr /localfolder /serverfolder/10:53
ilovefairuzD3bian: the package doesn't seem to be available after dapper but its name is bitchx-ssl10:53
ilovefairuzka__: scp10:54
msadmnka__ scp?10:54
D3bianyeah, I've been looking for it10:54
D3bianthanks ilovefairuz, I'm gonna see if I can do it another way10:54
ka__SCP doesn't allow me to only upload the files that are missing or have changed...10:54
ilovefairuzD3bian: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/bitchx-ssl10:54
icerootD3bian: bitchx is no longer supported, stopped long time ago10:55
icerootD3bian: use irssi instead10:55
D3bianI am still using it10:55
D3bianwanted to add ssl to it10:55
ilovefairuzka__: you can use git or mercurial to sync stuff over ssh10:55
D3bianWill have to learn to use irssi then :(10:55
balthustuxpengu1n: hmm, I didn't know that startupmanager package, i usally simply edit the conf file10:55
tuxpengu1nbalthus: well it looks to be related specifically to Grub2 according to the documentation this is normal grub2 behaviour unless /etc/default/grub is modified10:55
ilovefairuzD3bian: try weechat10:55
D3bianalso textbased?10:56
icerootD3bian: there are no security fixes anymore for bitchx, so have a look at irssi, which is still supported and THE client for the cli10:56
ilovefairuzD3bian: yes10:56
ke1haka__, can you not use rsync ?10:57
balthustuxpengu1n: the file /etc/default/grub is indeed the one that needs to be looked into10:57
ka__ke1ha, No I cant install it on the server as I don't have root access...10:58
rifterilovefairuz, well that did it.. apparently when we purged firestarter it blew away the file with those rules in it, which is why I coudl not find them10:58
balthustuxpengu1n: my guess is that startupmanager changes in that file the variable GRUB_TIMEOUT10:59
ke1haka__, ah, that's a bummer, as rsync rocks for that.10:59
ka__can rsync run from a folder on the server?10:59
ilovefairuzrifter: aha10:59
ka__ke1ha, yeah it's really what I would want to use...11:00
ke1haka__, you can get rsync to run in a jail-shell yes, where only rsync is allowed, no straight SSH, but normally, if SSH is allowed, rsync is already there.11:00
rifterilovefairuz, so now I have a clean slate.  I will have to add the ports I had allowed before, but i will puzzle that out.  I should have noted them before purging firestarter, but no big deal there11:00
rifterilovefairuz, and I will have to add gufw to the menu.. too bad it did not do that on its own11:01
balthustuxpengu1n: is the variable GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT commented out in /etc/default/grub?11:01
ke1haka__, it's odd that the server would have SCP & SSH and not rsync.11:01
ka__It's a godaddy server. typing rsync in the shell after ssh ing into the sever yields: no such command...11:01
ke1haka__, you could ask then to install it, would certainly save them BW and it's secure.11:02
brian98Morning all11:02
brian98Quick question, I am using software raid5 on 10.04 - updated recently and got an error about grub. Should it be installed on all disks?11:02
rifterilovefairuz, but now I know what firewall software is supported and am using it.. so that is a great help thank you very much11:02
brian98Afraid to reboot now :) Server is in a datacentre11:03
ilovefairuzka__: http://oreilly.com/pub/h/3811:03
ka__yeah I have asked. But it's requires an upsell...11:03
ke1haka__, ah, mo-money :-)11:03
ilovefairuzka__: you can compile an instance to your home directory11:03
nogrillwho here might help with a windowmanager problem?11:03
msadmnbrian98 : did you mirror the boot disks?11:04
ilovefairuzrifter: you're welcome and it's a bad idea to mix firewalls, use only one at a time11:04
msadmnoh raid5, ignore.11:04
ke1hailovefairuz, I'd be interested in that one.11:04
An_Ony_MooseI just installed a new graphics card and gdm won't start, giving the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470629/11:04
ilovefairuz!details | nogrill11:04
ubottunogrill: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:04
brian98msadmn /boot is /dev/md111:05
msadmnbrian98: i know grub an complain in raid1 when linux doesnt mirror the boot disks, but that wouldnt make sense in raid5. you can run gru from the cli though11:06
rifterilovefairuz, yeah I did not realize I was doing  that .. but even just mixing frontends would be inadvisable11:06
ke1hailovefairuz, do you have a How-Too for compiling rsync in the remote /home dir ?11:07
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sanduz2how do i stop apache (or other things) from starting automatically?11:08
nogrillI have the problem that i wanted to switch from Metacity to Mutter and may now no longer boot up to ubuntu 10.04 I do get a startup but when I try to log in, the screen goes black and I end up on the start screen again.11:08
ilovefairuzke1ha: i haven't tried it (i'm a DSCM man) but why would it be different than any other source? just use a custom --prefix11:08
An_Ony_MooseI just installed a new graphics card and gdm won't start, giving the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470629/ - can anyone explain this? Does it mean that the X server isn't working correctly?11:08
brian98msadmn: I will paste the error into the pastebin that I got when I apt-get upgrade ..d11:08
msadmncheck out update-rc.d11:08
nfzambranoDoes anyone here could help me change an encrypted home directory user password in Ubuntu 10.04? I have tried in "About me" but does not work. Neither seemed to work in Ubuntu 9.1011:09
brian98msadmn: This is what came up when updating http://paste.ubuntu.com/470633/11:09
ke1hailovefairuz, I'd think he'd not have access to the compiler on a remote hosted web server, unless its a VPS or something.11:09
ilovefairuzke1ha: then compile locally and (and use static linking if needed)11:11
ilovefairuz^ and upload it11:11
ke1haThat's an interesting Idea.11:11
motzmoazh xchat gluchit11:11
ilovefairuzke1ha: it's what I do with ffmpeg on lousy web hots11:11
QuasicCan anyone tell me if you can ssh from a ubuntu clien to a windows client?11:12
motzmossh from client to client, nice11:12
ilovefairuzQuasic: to a windows machine? it should be running an ssh server not a client11:12
msadmnbrian98: did you use a disk?11:12
msadmns/use/lose. so not with it today11:12
ke1haIm going tolok into that further.11:12
QuasicAh so I need to set up a ssh server on the windows machine11:13
DASPRiDssh on windows?11:13
DASPRiDnow that sounds kinky11:13
balthusQuasic: you need a ssh server on at least on side, easiest way should be to install the server on the linux side11:13
ilovefairuzQuasic: yes, there are SSH servers for windows11:13
wild_oscarI upgraded to lucid and I've got an odd issue: on login, the volume control doesn't work very well. scroll wheel will make  "indicator applet has quit unexpectedly - reload". right clicking (before mouse-wheel) will display a small empty box and not the volume11:14
wild_oscarany idea why?11:14
brian98msadmn: No, all disks are still accessible, the arrays are all still working. I'm just concerned that if I need to reboot this box it ain't gonna boot. I can't find any definitive info on where grub2 should be installed when using RAID5 software array11:14
ke1hasudo apt-get install openssh-server...job done fer Linux, Windows, not sure about.11:14
Quasicthing is i want to be able access my box from home and the one from work .. the one from work uses windows and at home i use ubuntu11:14
Quasicso to go 2 ways i need server on both?11:14
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An_Ony_Mooseyes Quasic11:15
ilovefairuzQuasic: yes11:15
QuasicI see11:15
Quasicthanks for the info11:15
msadmnbrian98: yeah youve lostgrub from your disks. youll need to set it back up again. use grom from the cli11:15
brian98msadmn: grub you mean :) ? And what disks do I install it on? Does it go on the /boot which is part of the array and on the physical disks also?11:16
balthusQuasic: or you could a reverse SSH tunnel, see http://www.marksanborn.net/howto/bypass-firewall-and-nat-with-reverse-ssh-tunnel/11:17
ilovefairuz!grub2 | brian9811:17
ubottubrian98: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:17
balthusQuasic: btw it might be the only solution if your computer at work is behing NAT/firewall which is probably the case11:18
wiehanHi people, how can I change which graphics driver Ubuntu uses for my graphics chipset, I have installed a letr version, but I still see with lshw that ubuntu is using the old driver.. please help me11:18
QuasicWill give that a try also balthus, thanks11:19
rifterQuasic, the easiest way to get ssh server on windows is to use cygwin11:19
msadmnbrian98: im not drunk, i promise ;) just distracted. you need to install grum to your primary disk. you can do this via the cmd line, using 'grub' command. you need to iirc, specify device, setup etc - if you dont kknow which it is, put it on all of them.11:19
balthusQuasic: you're welcome11:19
rifterQuasic, you can install just openssh with cygwin or you can install whatever else11:19
brian98msadmn: so I will do them all, thats what I was unsure of.11:19
brian98msadmn: And no worries on the drunkenness :)11:20
brian98msadmn: Thanks for your time11:20
nogrillproblem about the console-mode is that there is no network because i get no access to wlan so an apt-get is no option11:20
Quasiccygwin is a winblows emulator?11:21
wiehanhow can I change which graphics driver ubuntu uses11:21
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:21
Quasiclinux i mean*11:21
quiescenscygwin is a posix environment for windows11:21
ilovefairuzbalthus: reverse tunneling requires  3 machines11:22
ke1haI tried that Cygwin install, both Client and Server at home, and it's a bit tested to get running properly.11:22
ilovefairuzQuasic: just google "windows ssh server"11:22
ke1haoops a bit testy ..11:22
ilovefairuzyou'll find a few11:23
rifterilovefairuz, sorry to bug you again, but I am looking at screenshots for gufw and what I have seems to be missing stuff .. I have gufw 9.10.4-0ubuntu1  on this page they show a dropdown for default outgoing policy but I don't have that http://gufw.tuxfamily.org/  and this page has even more stuff that I seem to be missing but the other is the gufw page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gufw-simple-gui-for-ufw-uncomplicated-firewall.html11:23
schnuxwiehan, jockey-gtk ? backup of xorg.conf with other settings ?11:23
rifterilovefairuz, I uninstalled and reinstalled gufw but it is the same, and it did not add the menu item either but I can do that manually once I figure out an icon for it11:23
jribQuasic: try ##windows11:23
ilovefairuzrifter: i'll brb11:24
sepidevWhy everything (GUI Apps) in ubuntu 10.10 works 30% to 50% slower than the normal situation. Is is a X11 bug?11:24
jrib!10.10 | sepidev11:25
ubottusepidev: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:25
rifterilovefairuz, aha I found the menu they moved it11:26
ke1haI don't know about 10.10, but 10.04 is working sweet after a few tweaks.11:26
sepidevi know, and i wanted to play with the beta release, but it seems there are some serious bugs in it...11:26
jribsepidev: especially read the last thing ubottu said11:27
* D3bian smacks irssi11:27
D3biandamn it11:27
balthusilovefairuz: well reverse tunneling does not actually require a third computer. The middlle computer can simply be the same as the target one contrary to what is written in the link i have given previouly.11:27
D3bianset use_ssl does not exist :(11:27
MisterioD3bian: Can we help you?11:27
D3bianreinstalled it, reinstalled OpenSSL11:27
pozicHow can I restart my network configuration using the command line? Via the GUI it is done via NetworkManager, which is easy.11:27
ke1hasepidev, there are bound to be bugs until release, and certainly some after as well.11:28
MisterioD3bian: you want to enable ssl in irssi?11:28
D3bianI can't for the love of god get SSL active in IRSSI11:28
D3bianyeah Misterio11:28
pozic/etc/init.d/networking restart, or restart networking has _no_ effect.11:28
D3bianwould be great if i'd get it to work11:28
D3bianthanks for wanting to help Misterio :)11:28
MisterioD3bian: Go to config, search freenode network, and in 'use_ssl = "no"', change it and put yes11:28
MisterioD3bian: First close irssi, then save file and reopen it11:29
=== WhiteKIBA is now known as zz_WhiteKIBA
D3bianI'm on xchat at the moment11:29
D3bianI want to use ssl on another network11:29
sheepzcan anyone tell me why this doesn't work?11:29
MisterioD3bian: Do the same in all networks you have configured11:29
D3bianbut use_ssl does not exist according to my irssi11:30
MisterioThere is not that option11:30
sheepzxmodmap:  unable to open display ''11:30
D3bianah, kay, stupid me11:30
bzrkhi, anyone familiar with preseeding here?11:30
geirhasheepz: How are you running it?11:30
sheepzit's in my .bashrc11:31
schnuxsheepz,  shouldn't there be a condition ?11:31
geirhasheepz: And you get that error when you open a gnome-terminal?11:32
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sheepzgeirha: yes11:32
sheepzit's taken from here11:32
FloodBot1sheepz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
GreenMeaniehey im using Scribes text editor but how do i run my python code now11:33
wiehanschnux: Hi. sorry for the delay, I tried gtk-jocky but it doesn't show my graphics hardware or drivers. I saw in lshw that ubuntu is using driver=agpgart-intel driver but I have installed the latest intel drivers from a PPA repository (intel-somethin 2.12) How do I select that do be the driver ubuntu should use11:33
geirhasheepz: That's odd. For some reason, bash doesn't inherit the DISPLAY environment variable from gnome-terminal, but it should.11:33
soreauGreenMeanie: python /path/to/script.py ?11:33
blacki am writing my data to cd.I have copied to the disc using open cd dvd  creator.If i click burn.It doesnt seem to take any action.I have also logged in other system11:33
blackcan you help me out11:34
soreaublack: Try wodim -v /path/to/image.iso11:34
sheepzgeirha: ok, thanks for the explanation11:34
GreenMeanieits just a basic "hello world"11:34
blackwhat does this do11:34
sheepzbut i bet now wouldn't be the best time to test this11:34
sheepzas i'm using ssh now11:34
blacksoreau: ?11:34
balthusQuasic: you might also consider setting up OpenVPN in multi-client mode on your home computer11:35
An_Ony_Mooseis there a command-line tool to autoconfigure the X server?11:35
geirhasheepz: Ah, that would explain it.11:35
wiehan I tried gtk-jocky but it doesn't show my graphics hardware or drivers. I saw in lshw that ubuntu is using driver=agpgart-intel driver but I have installed the latest intel drivers from a PPA repository (intel-somethin 2.12) How do I select that do be the driver ubuntu should use.11:35
blackSoreau:wodim: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/path/to/image.iso'.11:35
geirhasheepz: You could change it to: if [[ $PS1 && $DISPLAY ]]; then xmodmap ...11:35
soreaublack: You're not supposed to use that command, you're supposed to read it then apply it to your own situation11:36
pozicHow can I restart my network configuration using the command line? Via the GUI it is done via NetworkManager, which is easy.11:36
blackim sorry i m new to linux.could you tell me how to do that11:36
trijntjepozic, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:36
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soreaublack: What are you trying to burn exactly?11:37
blacksome code files and html files11:37
=== antivirtel` is now known as antivirtel
blacksoreau: i have logged in other systems also with the same account.Would that be a problem?11:38
soreaublack: I really don't know though I'd like to think not. Could introduce a permissions issue possibly11:38
gwernso I'm working on my crontab, and I wonder - is there any way to easily find whether my laptop's lid is closed or not?11:38
nfzambranoDoes anyone here could help me change an encrypted home directory user password in Ubuntu 10.04? I have tried in "About me" but does not work. Neither seemed to work in Ubuntu 9.1011:39
pozicnfzambrano: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57987611:40
pozicnfzambrano: have you seen that?11:40
gwernI would think there's some way to ask ACPI whether the lid is closed, since it must know in order to suspend or not11:40
D3bian12:40 -!- Irssi: warning SSL handshake failed: unknown protocol11:40
* D3bian sighs11:40
* D3bian kicks machine11:41
* D3bian kicks irssi11:41
antivirtelhello all, Is there any OCR scan GUI? I've used ABBY Fine Reader in win, what is avaible here?(to gnome)11:41
soreaublack: Maybe try with only one user, if it doesn't work try a completely different app like k3b11:41
thune3wiehan: maybe check lshw -C display   or  lsmod | grep i91511:41
ilovefairuzrifter: so you found it?11:41
nfzambranopoziz no not yet...thanks11:41
gwernantivirtel: gscan2pdf works more or less11:41
D3bianMisterio, still not working man11:41
D3bianI'm about to throw in the towell11:42
D3bianbeen on it for days11:42
ilovefairuzbalthus: if there's no middle machine than reversing running is useless since you'd have to run a server on both machines11:42
pozicantivirtel: you can also use that application probably via wine.11:42
gwernhm. acpi_listen will print out lid-close when it happens, but only if the lid close happens when it's running11:42
rifterilovefairuz, I found where it put itself in the menu, yes, but I still haven't figured out why my version looks like it is missing interfaces ,,, what version do you have11:42
antivirtelpozic I dont want to "hack" :D11:42
nfzambranopozic: no, not yet... thanks11:42
pozicantivirtel: hack?11:42
antivirtelwith wine is slow, and I doesnt want to use these windows soft11:43
pozicantivirtel: wine is not slow11:43
rifterilovefairuz, it may be that  they changed the interface and notthe docs11:43
pozicantivirtel: there are benchmarks showing this.11:43
balthusilovefairuz: this is not the way i understand reverse ssh, but i may be mistaken11:43
antivirtelgwern tx, I try it11:44
gwerncat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state11:44
ilovefairuzrifter: i don't use the gui but what's the version listed in the about dialog?11:44
gwernthanks for nothing google11:44
rifterilovefairuz, this is what I said earlier, with links: sorry to bug you again, but I am looking at screenshots for gufw and what I have seems to be missing stuff .. I have gufw 9.10.4-0ubuntu1  on this page they show a dropdown for default outgoing policy but I don't have that http://gufw.tuxfamily.org/  and this page has even more stuff that I seem to be missing but the other is the gufw page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gufw-simple-gui-for-ufw-uncomplicated-11:44
FloodBot1rifter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
sepidevIs there any problem in Gtk RGBA mode? How can I disable RGBA mode in Gnome Desktop?11:44
jsimmonshaving trouble with psb driver, installation described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo but getting module not found when trying to modprobe psb11:44
jsimmonson 10.0411:44
rifterilovefairuz, 9.10.411:44
gwernantivirtel: be careful if scanning books - gscan2pdf has some nasty cornercases that can lose or damage your work11:44
ilovefairuzrifter: running karmic ? these shots seem to be for lucid11:45
antivirtelgwern here is only 2 pages to scan it :) (now)11:45
Aeon_Dragonis there a dutch room where i cant ask questions?11:45
ilovefairuzrifter: check third shot11:46
gwernantivirtel: then you should be fine. gscan2pdf is a nice GUI shell, imo. best I've found on gnome/linux11:46
ilovefairuz!dutch | Aeon_Dragon11:46
ubottuAeon_Dragon: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:46
rifterilovefairuz, okay11:46
_Elninoneed a tool to convert a media file to another11:47
antivirtelgwern and yeah, it "speaks" my language :D11:47
Aeon_Dragonthx for the muthc needed info :)11:47
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pozicSomething that would scan a book to LaTeX would be nicer.11:47
rifterilovefairuz, ah okay I just wanted to make sure I didn't have the wrong version installed because of some softwaresources thing11:47
pozic(and with a robot to automatically do the page flipping)11:47
ilovefairuz_Elnino: ffmpeg11:47
pozicAll of which already basically exists in some form.11:47
rifterilovefairuz, seems to be working so far though.. I am looking up how to deal with port ranges but so far so good11:48
_Elninoi will try that11:48
D3bianMisterio, found it11:48
gwernet voila: if [ -n `grep open /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state` ]; then fswebcam --resolution 1280x1024 -S 2 -F 3 ~/photos/webcam/`date \+\%\s`.jpg; fi11:49
D3bianlol, wrong port11:49
gwerngood old unix shell scripting11:49
* D3bian smacks self11:49
MisterioD3bian: You need to use port 700011:49
gwernpozic: how could a book be scanned to latex? that sounds AI-complete - just basic OCR is hard enough11:49
D3bianOn that network I need to use 700111:49
D3bianThats why it didn't work11:49
MisterioD3bian: 7001 or 7000 (what I am using)11:49
D3biantypical case of RTFM11:49
pozicgwern: I don't expect it to do picture mode or advanced stuff, but mathematical formulas and text should be possible.11:50
gwerntext, yes, mathematical formula? nah11:50
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pozicgwern: what would be particularly hard?11:51
pozicgwern: I think I even would know how to program it without machine learning techniques.11:51
gwernpozic: all of it. tex shows how hard it is to go from the explicit notation to abstract art (ie. formulas); reversing the process is even worse11:52
balthusnfzambrano: i don't get what your problem actually is. Is your problem that you don't have the possibility to change your password from the "about me" window? Can't you see the "change password" button?11:52
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KrisDouglasHello everyone, quick question, I hope. I have an ubuntu machine on a windows network, and I find I am unable to access machines though their hostnames (netbios). I can see them through their IP and windows machines can see others though IP and NetBIOS(hostname)11:55
nfzambranobalthus: yes, I can see it... but after introduce the new password and click the button, the mouse become a clock and after a long time anything happen (sorry for my bad English)11:55
=== mlc is now known as JediMaster
kishon1i goofed up my /etc folder... and i'm not able to use "sudo".. is there a way to restore it12:00
antivirtelgwern it isnt good... it must know this: áéőúóüöűí (hung. lang) but it knows only english chars12:00
nfzambranobalthus: I did a test. It seems that if you use a very similar password the system rejected it (in a terminal, as if it were the same password), but if you use "about me" you do not get any message!!!!!12:00
JediMasterhey all, for some reason Xorg/KDM won't start up, been using the machine running Lucid/Kubuntu for months and only had this issue a few times and rebooting normally fixes it, but this time I just can't get Xorg/kdm to start12:00
ubottuOCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.12:00
JediMasterXorg.0.log shows a fatal error: xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call12:00
kishon i goofed up my /etc folder... and i'm not able to use "sudo".. is there a way to restore it12:01
KrisDouglaskishon, your install is quite probably destroyed if the /etc/folder is dead12:01
jribkishon: what did you do exactly?12:01
JediMasterdepends what you did to the etc folder and if you have a backup =D12:01
TheEskimokishon: You could probably recover it from the ubuntu live cd or the ubuntu alternate install disk, but I am by no means sure or know how.12:02
kishonI tried to modify /etc/sudoers which the system din't allow. Then i used chmod to change the permissions to 440 after which my sudo command is not working..12:02
bzrkkishon: boot from rescue cd and undo the changes12:03
jribkishon: what exactly did you execute?12:03
|ns|nR8kishon, recovery mode12:03
kishonok.. will try recovery mode and let you know..12:04
m_tadeuhi...I'm having a bit of a trouble connecting my mobile internet. it is detected as a gsm modem(check in dmesg) but it doesn't show up in ifconfig12:04
jribkishon: whether or not you can just use recovery mode depends on what you ran...12:04
JediMasteranyone good with X? just can't get it to start as of half an hour ago12:06
JediMasterI think it's bug #44165312:06
* JediMaster was expecting a bot to nicely give the bug url =P12:07
neurochromehere there folks, how do you put a blank line in a notification message with notify-send? \n doesn't work12:09
kishonThanks a lot.. booting in recovery mode helped..12:11
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brian98msadmn: If anyone ever asks you again, grub-install to all physical drives.12:14
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rifterJediMaster, I am reading your bug12:18
rifterJediMaster, have you tried some of the workarounds they list in there?12:18
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JediMasterrifter, not this time, switching to gdm worked last time, but I switched back to kdm recently12:19
virrus_всем хай=))12:20
bazhang!ru | virrus_12:20
ubottuvirrus_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:20
TuxSaxneurochrome: I'm not sure why would you want that12:20
rifterJediMaster, someone also indicates that this bug helped them https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/54459012:20
neurochromedoh, it's a simple case of using a return character whilst in quotation marks12:20
rifterJediMaster, well for kdm they suggest making a change to a config file...12:20
TuxSaxbut a easy way to overcome it is to write a little text file and then use notify-send test "`cat test.txt`"12:20
neurochromeTuxSax, to make it more readable12:21
neurochromeTuxSax, there is no break between the header and main body text12:21
rifterJediMaster, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/441653/comments/34 he altered /etc/init/kdm.conf and added the sleep command "sleep 1" before the "exec kdm" line.12:21
neurochromeTuxSax, you don't even need to do that by the looks of things12:22
virrus_Кто-нить подскажать может почему при перехзагрузки в убунте 10.04 слетают виджеты и гажеты с р.стола?12:22
neurochromeTuxSax, weird that it doesn't let you use escape characters12:22
rifterJediMaster, if that fixes it it would seem to me that something isn't getting initialized soon enough in the process12:22
bazhangvirrus_, /join #ubuntu-ru  this is english only12:22
TuxSaxnotify-send is quite simple, perhaps too simple, not for writing long text info12:22
karlhuntWhen i try to share my internet connection using an ad hoc network in netowrk manager the client machine connecting does not recieve an ip address12:22
TuxSaxyou can use zenity for that12:22
TuxSaxbut if all you need is to break between first and second line you can just do something like notify-send test first line \second line12:23
neurochromeTuxSax, Invalid number of options.12:24
TuxSaxneurochrome: my bad, sorry12:24
_Elninodoes anybody know how i can download books from google12:24
rifterJediMaster, this guy suggests that there is an update to xorg for this problem which makes sense since it would have something to do with driver initialization from the look of it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/441653/comments/42  but meanwhile try the workaround12:24
bazhang!ot | _Elnino12:24
ubottu_Elnino: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:24
_Elninoor any command that i can use12:24
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TniffocWhat is the best usenet client for GNOME?12:25
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bazhang_Elnino, that has nothing to do with ubuntu12:25
neurochromeTuxSax, np12:25
neurochromeTniffoc, pan12:25
neurochromeTniffoc, or sabnzb actually, but it's browser based, still  awesome though12:25
_Elninook, may be i should put it like this, is there any ubuntu tool that can enable me get books from google12:26
lbsconceptbjr la room12:26
rifterJediMaster, the other mentioned bug suggests there is a patch to the kernel with package 2.6.32-23.3712:26
rifterJediMaster, beyond that I am not sure what to suggest12:26
bazhang_Elnino, that has to do with google; rephrasing wont change it to ubuntu issue.12:26
JediMasterrifter, I have 2.6.32-2412:26
TuxSaxneurochrome: you can use HTML formatting for that too, and there are some other nice tricks in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141162012:27
JediMasterso I guess the kernel patch didn't fix it12:27
neurochromeTuxSax, cheers!12:27
rifterJediMaster, yeah .. I would try the sleep workaround then12:27
neurochromegotta go, peace12:27
rifterJediMaster, and hope that fixes to xorg and the kernel come down to help this12:28
lilium_My ssh server isn't loggin. i have the auth.log file but it's empty. What's the reason for that? it worked in the past and i also have the old logs like auth.log.012:28
frey4ui am using ubuntu 10.04. I am having two user set up one is normal user login and another is domain user login. normal user is loging in good. but domain user asks for password several times by throwing the error Authentication failure. Then i get into my local user login and started /etc/init.d/lsassd start and now when i come to my domain users login it went correct. How to solve it without starting the "lsassd " every time.12:29
=== mint is now known as niglop
rifterlilium_, well you want to check your rsyslog config under /etc/rsyslog.conf and in /etc/rsyslog.d .. /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf sets up auth events to the auth.log but you may have something else in there that is undoing that12:31
niglophey i am helping my friend install his first distro, he has wireless but he cant connect to the internet to use aptitude to upgrade his drivers, how can he update his wireless driver manually (or just be able to connect to the internet for that matter)?12:32
bazhangniglop, which distro12:32
rifterlilium_, in your sshd_conf you want to check SyslogFacility and LogLevel12:32
bazhangniglop, ie which version12:32
niglopthe newest one bazhang  10 or whatever12:32
rifterlilium_, er /etc/ssh/sshd_config12:32
bazhangniglop, what wireless nic12:33
niglopwhat is nic?12:33
lilium_rifter: i have logLevel INFO SyslogFacility AUTH12:33
bazhangniglop, what wireless card12:33
rifterlilium_,  SyslogFacility determines what facility sshd tells rsyslog it is using12:33
KhannzHello, community. I just finished (I hope) configuring proFTPd to use virtual users, but it still won't log me in. I got prepared AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile and changed AuthOrder, but 1 thing I can't understand - how I can define permissions for homedirs of my virtual users.12:33
niglopbazhang:  netgear12:33
rifterlilium_, ok that should be correct12:33
devilchaosnic is your wireless card or ethernet card12:33
lilium_rifter yea but im loggin in with sshd but my auth.log is still empty12:34
bazhangniglop, lspci in terminal, or if usb then lsusb (and pastebin)12:34
niglopbazhang:  how can he pastebin it if he has no internet :p?12:34
monkey_dusttesting irssi, folx12:34
bazhangniglop, put it on usb stick and put on computer with internet12:34
bazhangmonkey_dust, try #test12:35
rifterlilium_, well it is probably a problem with rsyslogd then12:35
rifterlilium_, for instance, do a tail -f /var/log/auth.log in a terminal window12:35
rifterlilium_, then alt-f2 and login with the wrong password12:35
devilchaostrying to set up samba and am running through the how-to geek page and it says to add user to /etc/samba/smbusers file but there isnt one any ideas?12:36
rifterlilium_, if rsyslog is working right you shoudl see something like Jul 29 06:34:53 leviathan login[1596]: FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty2' FOR 'teddy', Authentication failure12:36
KrisDouglasJediMaster, have you recently updated to a new kernel12:36
niglopok one sec bazhang  i will hl you when im done12:36
KrisDouglasJediMaster, have you recently updated to a new kernel?12:36
KhannzHello, community. I just finished (I hope) configuring proFTPd to use virtual users, but it still won't log me in. I got prepared AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile and changed AuthOrder, but 1 thing I can't understand - how I can define permissions for homedirs of my virtual users.12:36
lilium_i executed it with sudo and it just shows that i successfully becam sudo and the time12:37
JediMasterKrisDouglas, don't think so, I do do the normal security updates daily though, don't remember seeing a kernel in the last few days though12:37
rifterJediMaster, you might check for regular updates to see what pops up there12:37
rifterJediMaster, the security updates only give you patches for security issues, not for other bugs12:38
korisnikuseri have a problem, i burned ubuntu notebook on cd, started the install, partitioned disc (i can see that i have less space on second partition when i go in windows) but instalation after 37% reported error on cd. i burned the cd on another computer and now when i try to install after running cd screen messes up12:38
lilium_rifter for me it looks like my syslog works12:38
korisnikuserrandom colors, and i cant do anything. i tried to do usb install, everything went well, and when it loads and i click run from usb screen messes up again12:39
JediMasterrifter, well yeah been doing those too =)12:39
korisnikuserplease, just gimme links where to read coz i m lost12:39
gnomefreakkorisnikuser: try the alternate installer12:39
JediMasterrifter, the sleep 1 fix didn't work straight away, that is when it stopped working, sshing in, killing off any trace of kdm and X then doing the /etc/init/kdm.conf update and start kdm, however I've done 5 reboots in a row now and it's worked each time12:39
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KrisDouglasJediMaster, do you have an nvidia or ati card using proprietary drivers?12:40
korisnikuseris that also install with gui?12:40
gnomefreakkorisnikuser: make sure the MD5SUM matches and you are burning the image on the slowest speed you can12:40
JediMasterKrisDouglas, Nvidia and yes, using the nvidia drivers12:40
rifterJediMaster, well that is good.  it's a hack but hopefully when they kill the bug it won't be necessary12:40
gnomefreakkorisnikuser: not the alternate is a text based installer12:40
korisnikuseri need the gui, it is for my friend laptop12:41
KrisDouglasJediMaster, have you tried re-running the nvidia card installer since your display stopped working?12:41
lilium_rifter i restarted sysklog and now it seems to be loggin ty12:41
collabrakorisnikuser: are you using the netbook installer for a laptop?12:42
korisnikuseri can check md5sum but i doubt it is because of that. i did the usb install too12:42
rifterlilium_, awesome12:42
gnomefreakkorisnikuser: check the MD5SUM on the image you already have nad re-burn it on lowest speed you can.12:42
JediMasterKrisDouglas, no, but the workaround in the bug report with "sleep 1" in /etc/init/kdm.conf fixed it12:42
JediMasterbut only after a reboot12:42
korisnikuserthing is, when i first inserted cd, i loaded ubuntu from cd12:42
korisnikuserand everything worked well12:42
KrisDouglasJediMaster, aha, I missed that, good to know it is working properlyish12:42
korisnikuserso drivers and cd should not be the problem12:42
korisnikuseri think first cd was faulty somehow and because of it didnt copied all the stuff12:43
collabrakorisnikuser: you shouldn't use the netbook installer for a laptop12:43
JediMasterkorisnikuser, there's normally a menu option when you boot from the cd to check that it's intact12:43
E_MANdoes anyone know why my computer will not go to the grub menu, or boot from usb?12:44
E_MANdoes anyone know why my computer will not go to the grub menu, or boot from usb?12:44
E_MANdoes anyone know why my computer will not go to the grub menu, or boot from usb?12:44
FloodBot1E_MAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:44
Dr_WillisE_MAN:  check the bios settings and/or tell it to boot from usb. test the usb flash drive on other pc's to be sure it is a bootable flash drive.12:44
korisnikuseri have also original ubuntu disk that i used to install it on my desktop12:45
korisnikuseri have a6r asus notebook12:45
KrisDouglasE_MAN, try looking at the bios splash screen, usually you will see something like "press f8 to select boot device" or similar, if your machine can boot from USB, the option will be there12:45
collabrakorisnikuser: that's what you ought to use for your friend's laptop12:45
korisnikuserit doesnt load that first screen12:45
collabrakorisnikuser: you sure it's not a 64bit machine12:46
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collabraor a 32 bit12:47
korisnikuserim sure. strange is tha on first load it loads good and every time after it doesnt12:47
KrisDouglascollabra, as long as the cd is 32 bit, it will work on either.12:47
korisnikuserit should not be affected even if some files are copied to a disk12:47
korisnikuseri also cant load gparted12:48
timgluztry start it on console12:48
korisnikuserit does all the textual part, and when it comes to gui screen freezes12:48
timgluzthen you will get some reasons12:48
korisnikuserim too much of a newb to use console :(12:49
Quasichow do i mount a volume that is passworded with the terminal?12:49
timgluzjust type gparted on console line12:49
korisnikuserits a decent laptop, it runs winxp average12:49
tukadafoondayHey there guys, anyone able to help me.. I have a Ubuntu server that i want to get setup to learn a little about servers etc... How the hell to i delegate my domain name to my ip address of my router so i can port forward?12:49
collabrakorisnikuser: you could try the alternate installer or the minimal installer if you have an internet connection...12:49
korisnikuserminimal installer?12:50
korisnikuseri have internet connection12:50
collabrayeah,... hold on.12:50
E_MANdoes anyone know why my computer cant show the grub menu, or boot from usb?12:51
Dr_WillisE_MAN:  booting from HD is bios, or badly made bootable flash drive settings..   GRUB menu not showing - is perhaops due to grub not installed properluy.12:51
timgluzE_MAN: does yout machine boot on usb?12:52
E_MANtabris, no12:52
timgluzyeah, and alsi Dr_Willis reason12:52
collabraThe minimal install is a network installer.... it's a text installer... no gui.... you might have better luck12:53
E_MANi accidentily ran chmod 777 on my entire partition while trying to fix a permisssion error in my home folder12:53
Dr_WillisE_MAN:  i suggewt backing up imporntant stuff. and reinstalling then.12:53
|ns|nR8did you say oops E_MAN12:53
bazhangraimondo, wrong channel12:54
korisnikusertnx for help. thing is, it is strange that on first start it can start gui, and second time cant. and also as i am installing it for my friend, textual instalation is not an option12:54
gosHi , Lxde "ubuntu supports desktop effects compiz fusion?12:54
korisnikuseri will see my options from here, maybe even register at forum, tnx for your time12:54
raimondoi'm not practic!12:54
bazhang!it | raimondo12:54
ubotturaimondo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:54
E_MANthanks Dr_Willis, i just hope my computer will boot to cd12:54
collabrakorisnikuser: np12:54
Dr_Willisgos:  lxde does not include compiz by default..12:54
soreaugos: Yes you can use compiz in lxde. Just install compiz12:55
tukadafoondayDoes anyone know where i might even get some help?12:55
realoptywhats the best way to run a machine with no harddrive?12:55
Dr_Willisrealopty:  usb flash drive or cd... or clarify some more...12:56
aeon-ltdrealopty: usb stick, if no other alternative12:56
gosdrwillis but lxde ubuntu can use all the desktop effects?12:56
collabratukadafoonday: go ahead and ask your question... if someone can help, they usually will.12:57
realoptyanyone know how to use nomachine ?12:57
gossoreau i have install compiz and dont work12:57
tukadafoondayHey there guys, anyone able to help me.. I have a Ubuntu server that i want to get setup to learn a little about servers etc... How the hell to i delegate my domain name to my ip address of my router so i can port forward?12:57
Dr_Willisgos:  you did start compiz instead of your normal window manager?12:57
tukadafoondaySorry collabra - didn;t want to repeat it again.12:57
soreau! work | gos12:57
ubottugos: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:57
niks1608my all-in-one printer psc-1350 will not print on my network, right driver, normal selected, file is send but no result12:58
JoeMaverickSettcan i install Ubuntu Server on top of my Ubuntu Desktop version?12:58
soreaugos: Pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace' from your terminal to pastebin.com12:58
gosi have istalled the compiz with ubuntu-tweak12:58
bazhangJoeMaverickSett, install lamp12:58
bazhang!lamp > JoeMaverickSett12:58
ubottuJoeMaverickSett, please see my private message12:58
Monkey_Dust!hi| ocx3212:59
ubottuocx32: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:59
ocx32i have a linux server and would like to make it a centralized authentication server for windows XP and windows 7 clients12:59
aeon-ltdJoeMaverickSett: server edition is no different from desktop except it has no X, gtk apps and has more cli apps12:59
ocx32any products?12:59
JoeMaverickSettalright, thanks. i had LAMP installed coz of a session that went on in #ubuntu-classroom12:59
goswell with gnome no problem with compiz but with lxde is impossible13:01
ocx32any ideas?13:01
soreaugos: Pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace' from your terminal to pastebin.com13:01
aeon-ltdgos: if you were gonna use lxde with compiz, you may aswell just use compiz standalone13:02
soreauyea really :P13:02
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c3lhow do i mount a cdrom? how do I know what filetype it is?13:03
niks1608hallo all13:04
realoptyis it possible to use a hard drive that has bad blocks?13:04
_UsUrPeR_realopty: yes. I would never do that though13:05
realoptyyeah i know its a bad idea.13:05
_UsUrPeR_realopty: once a bad block  appears, there's inevitably more to follow13:05
realoptysad to say my best machines hdd has died :(13:05
schnuxocx32, openldap?13:06
gosthis is the reporte: http://pastebin.com/13:06
ocx32i have a linux server and would like to make it a centralized authentication server for windows XP and windows 7 clients13:06
ocx32any ideas?13:06
realopty_UsUrPeR_, do you have any suggestions on how i can use the machine? I want to compile code on it using a NFS share.13:06
schnuxocx32, ldap will do it13:06
=== Amway\A is now known as Amway
gosthis is the reporte: laptop:~$ compiz --replace13:07
gosEl programa «compiz» no está instalado actualmente.  Puede instalarlo escribiendo:13:07
gossudo apt-get install compiz-core13:07
gosbash: compiz: orden no encontrada13:07
gosgos@gos-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install compiz-core13:07
FloodBot1gos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
Dr_Willisrealopty: as a 'cheat' ive partuituioned hard drives so all the bad parts are on one partition that i then dont use.13:07
gos[sudo] password for gos:13:07
_UsUrPeR_realopty: sure. just use LTSP with it :)13:07
_UsUrPeR_no hard drive required13:07
realoptyLTSP :O ????13:07
c3lhow do i mount a cdrom? how do I know what fs type it is?13:07
realoptyDr_Willis, hmm. how is that possible?13:08
Dr_Willisgos:  why are you even wanting to use compiz on lubuntu? You are basically defeating  the reasons to use lubuntu. (ie a litht desktop)13:08
schnuxc3l, mount -o loop /file/to/iso /mnt/cdrom13:08
_UsUrPeR_realopty: http://ltsp.org/13:08
indomitic3l i usualy do "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt"13:08
realopty_UsUrPeR_, thanks.13:08
schnuxc3l, fstype iso9660 but automatically recognized13:08
Dr_Willisrealopty:  if the bat parts are at the front half of the hd. I make a 2 partitions. (yes its dirty and is not a good idea)13:08
niks1608my all-in-one printer psc-1350 will not print on my network, right driver, normal selected, file is send but no result, anyone?13:08
_UsUrPeR_let me know if you have any ltsp questions. (it's what I "do")13:08
Picigos: Please use http://paste.ubuntu.com , don't message your paste to the floodbot.13:08
_UsUrPeR_realopty: ^^13:09
c3lschnux: indomiti: that returns mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only13:09
realopty_UsUrPeR_, for sure. i already have one.13:09
amateurhelp: what "regular file" 's mean?13:09
c3lmount: you must specify the filesystem type13:09
schnuxc3l, thats ok13:09
indomitiI use logical volumes to mount some stuff, its encrypted... after reboot today it no longer mounts, when i try to mount it i get this error: mount: /dev/mapper/data-warez already mounted or /glftpd/site busy13:09
realopty_UsUrPeR_, is LTSP related to nomachine?13:09
schnuxc3l, why sr0 ?13:09
_UsUrPeR_realopty: lets take this chat private13:09
Quasicbash: unmount: command not foud - How am I supposed to unload the volume?13:09
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to setup the X-FI Xtreme sound card i install the driver for it?13:10
indomitiuse umount13:10
amateur wooo ~  it's too many people13:10
PiciQuasic: its 'umount' not 'unmount'13:10
timgluzumount , i suppose13:10
Quasicahh my bad13:10
niglopbazhang:  his usb isnt showing up?13:10
schnuxamateur, write slash before cmds :D13:10
Quasicthanks for pointing out the obvious hehe13:10
c3lschnux: idk, I entered sudo mount /dev/cdrom cdrom, and it also returns mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only13:10
timgluzperlsyntax: what anyone?13:11
schnuxc3l, thats wrong, you asked to mount iso, what do you want now?13:11
schnuxc3l, sr0 is a physically device13:11
perlsyntaxi was asking if anyone know how to setup the X-FI Xtreme sound card.13:11
Picic3l: Is not not to be expected? cdroms are read only.13:11
schnuxc3l, sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/mountpoint13:12
c3lschnux: I want to mount a cdrom. a physical round disk that I insert to my comp ;)13:12
niglopbazhang:  his usb isnt showing up?13:12
neekersi hope this is the right place to ask this question. i have 2 websites, site1.com and site2.com and i found a security script that can go in .htaccess or httpd.conf. if i put this script in httpd.conf, will it protect *both* of my websites? here is the script, http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/03/16/the-perishable-press-4g-blacklist/13:12
indomitii installed my whole ubuntu system except for /boot in encrypted lvm. It mounts the root filesystem and swap fine but it does not mount /dev/mapper/data-warez, i get this error when trying to mount it manualy "mount: /dev/mapper/data-warez already mounted or /glftpd/site busy"13:12
ocx32schnux: : what product exactly? openldap? is it hard to implement?13:12
perlsyntaxok timegluz13:12
niglopdoes anybody know why my usb isnt showing up when i hook it in?? please help13:12
bazhangniglop, then lspci? is it a usb wireless? lsusb should have some output certainly13:12
schnuxc3l, ok i understood iso ... then sr0 will be ok and read-only is of course too13:12
gosdr willis ok I give up using compiz fusion effects in lxde, but the flash player with firefox does not work with opera no problem13:12
jooflCan't believe so many people are having issues with ubuntu, it worked near enough out of the box with me13:12
neekersi love ubuntu, works great for me13:13
tensorpuddingcomputers and software are too buggy for everything to work for everyone all the time13:13
schnuxocx32, openldap. you have to learn some things, yes. but once you know the basics, its easy13:13
c3lschnux: yeah, but it also returns mount: you must specify the filesystem type, and nothing gets mounted13:13
jooflI understand it's not that they did something wrong and i'm therefore superior :P13:13
tensorpuddingespecially with ubuntu, which tries to be reasonably cutting edge13:13
jooflI just got lucky13:13
schnuxc3l, sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom13:13
schnuxc3l, maybe add -o ro13:14
timgluzperlsyntax: i got it, i dont know, thats to specific question, did you try search that question on search engines?13:14
perlsyntaxTimgluz, i have13:15
niglopbazhang:  it is: 'prolasic technology .inc pl2507 high speed USB 2ide bridge controller'13:15
indomitii installed my whole ubuntu system except for /boot in encrypted lvm. its been working fine for year. But now when rebooting it mounts the root filesystem and swap fine but it does not mount /dev/mapper/data-warez, i get this error when trying to mount it manualy "mount: /dev/mapper/data-warez already mounted or /glftpd/site busy"13:15
bazhangniglop, entire output please13:15
perlsyntaxhis room is not very help13:15
c3lschnux: it gives mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?) In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so13:15
AloneaI made a script to enable two finger scroll but I am not sure how to get it to run at startup?13:16
mihahello guys, i have this problem long time (3 ubuntu versions) and it's always the same: if wireless connection fails (wpa+tkip, linksys + tomato firmware).. network manager just keeps connecting forever, never connects back. reboot always. helps. cmon, this bug sucks.13:16
schnuxc3l, then try /dev/cdrom13:16
niglopbazhang:  it is: 'Bus 001 Device 004: ID 067b:2507 prolasic technology .inc pl2507 high speed USB 2ide bridge controller'13:16
c3lschnux: exactly the same erroe13:16
bazhangniglop, that is the entire output of lsusb?13:16
niglopno bazhang  but thats the usb, the truth is im helping a friend over the phone13:17
Aloneamiha: I get this kinda stuff a lot too...generally related to drivers usually. I compile mine from source now and it works better, but just recently broke again this week13:17
schnuxc3l, ubuntu?nautilus mounts it automatically, is it a multi-fs cd? audio with data?13:17
niglopand it would take a long time to read it all bazhang13:17
aronaliagaq tal como estais?13:17
Pici!es | aronaliaga13:17
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:17
aronaliagasabeis cual es la pagina en español?13:17
perlsyntaxlook like noone going to help again /13:17
gosI need instructions to parameters of the console to install flash player in firefox lxde13:17
neekersyo quiero taco bell. :)13:17
bazhangniglop, he/she presumably has a computer with wired; why not just connect the ubuntu box and install the drivers that way.13:17
niglopbazhang:  he doesnt have wired, only wireless13:18
phanindrai am trying to install scim through apt-get install, its giving the error to download "jdk-6u19-docs.zip", i have downloaded "jdk-6u21-docs.zip" but its not workin. Waht sahll ido?13:18
schnuxindomiti, crypted lvm ?13:18
niglopoh wait bazhang  his USB showed up, now for the previous errors ( HE CAN NOW UPLOAD TO PASTEBINIT! ;p)13:18
mihaAlonea it's pretty standard centrino2 wlan thing13:18
bazhangniglop, never heard of prolasic as a wireless nic13:18
phanindrawhere can i get "jdk-6u19-docs.zip" or "jdk-6u18-docs.zip"13:19
niglopits okay bazhang  what was the command before you told me?13:19
c3lschnux: I was mainly wondering how to do it manually, and the DE tools doesnt really work as im running xmonad and not the standard DE13:19
aronaliagahola q tal?13:19
mihaAlonea if anyone in charge of this wanted me to run some debug code, i'm all ready13:19
aronaliagahay canal en español?13:19
Piciaronaliaga: #ubuntu-es13:19
mihaAlonea i'm sure it works *for them*13:19
timgluzperlsyntax: did you look this page: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/31519 ?13:19
bazhangaronaliaga, this is english only /join #ubuntu-es13:19
c3lschnux: nautilus doesnt say anything when I pop in the cd13:19
phanindrawhere can i get "jdk-6u19-docs.zip" or "jdk-6u18-docs.zip"13:20
Aloneamiha: yeah, I know how that is. I don't anything about that card so I am not much help.13:20
bazhangphanindra, why would you want to get it in that format, or even use scim? ibus is what is used now13:20
Aloneaanyone know how to put custom scripts into startup?13:20
=== Guest11165 is now known as karthee
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stu_guys how do i change my bootup runlevel from graphical to CLI?13:22
stu_i just wanna boot to text13:22
stu_there's no /etc/inittab on my system, (ubuntu 10.04)13:22
c3lstu_: config files in /etc/init is used instead13:23
phanindrabazhang: the same problem occured when i tred to execute istallation of bus13:23
aeon-ltdstu_: if you can set gdm not to start at boot, easy as that13:23
bazhangphanindra, how did you try to install ibus13:24
mihaAlonea until now i was just too lazy to attach utp.. but now i did13:24
niglopbazhang:  http://pastebin.com/gjtFNQGJ13:24
Aloneawhat file would I edit to add commands to start up??13:24
phanindrabazhang: sudo apt-get install ibus13:24
mihaAlonea i even try to upgrade firmware of router now and then.. no difference :)13:25
aronaliagahola, es posible que en el chat en español no haya nadie conectado?13:25
mihaxp works, vista works... ubuntu works when it wants...13:25
bazhangphanindra, and what was the problem with that? pastebin.com if more than one line of error13:25
tensorpudding!es | aronaliaga13:25
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:25
Aloneatensorpudding: I think they said they couldn't connect13:26
bazhang03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) is it niglop13:26
bazhang!broadcom > niglop13:26
ubottuniglop, please see my private message13:26
niglopyes bazhang  :D13:26
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?13:26
A-KOQuestion: What's the method to view a hard drive's raw sectors? Trying to verify that a data wipe did indeed wipe out data13:26
A-KOvia ubuntu livecd13:26
bastidrazorubottu: tell Alonea about boot13:27
ubottuAlonea, please see my private message13:27
niglopbazhang:  ive tried it bazhang  i get stuck at the hardware driver programs bit, it gives me an error message13:27
Aloneamiha: its probably driver related somewhere on ubuntu. Its usually the weak link.13:27
karthee hi .. i have list ..  a 1013:27
karthee a 2013:27
karthee a 3013:27
karthee b 4013:27
karthee c 5013:27
FloodBot1karthee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
karthee c 9013:27
subzero2000A-KO: Not sure of the syntax, but you can use dd on the command line to point at a partition with -if, and a file with -of as options, then you could inspect the file and see what's in it.13:28
subzero2000A-KO: "man dd" might be of some help.13:28
schnuxc3l, is it already mounted? $ mount13:28
niglopAlonea:  what do you mean?13:28
bastidrazorstu_: you could rename /etc/init.d/gdm to /etc/init.d/gdm.disable   and that will boot you to a prompt.13:29
ManDaykarthee: is that all the list or do you have some more entries13:29
schnuxc3l, or $ df13:29
Aloneabastidrazor: so I would do something like ./home/alonea/myscript and then the exit 0 on the next line?13:29
bastidrazor!upstart > stu_13:29
ubottustu_, please see my private message13:29
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?13:29
kartheeManDay: I have a very big list .. I ve used this as a sample ..13:29
bastidrazorAlonea: no need for the . and make sure the script is executable. that should do it.13:29
A-KOthanks subzero2000, I've got a utility to do it from Windows PE but for some retarded reason it wants actual partitioning and volumes to be in place.....which kind of skews the results a bit :P13:29
mihaAlonea lspci says: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection13:30
Aloneaniglop: I'm sorry?13:30
Aloneabastidrazor: ok thanks13:30
adnchello does someone know if there is a tool that can convert empathy-logs to readable html?13:30
bazhang!cn | xue372713:30
ubottuxue3727: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:30
subzero2000A-KO: dd might have a similar restriction. I've use it to copy partitions before, but while I've never used it to inspect one, you should be able to do it that way.13:30
subzero2000A-KO:  Then again, since it only wants a device, the following MIGHT work: dd -if /dev/sda -of /dev/stdout | hexdump -C | less13:31
bazhangxue3727, /join #ubuntu-cn13:32
mihaAlonea seems to be this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57549213:32
subzero2000A-KO: Substitute the actual device name for /dev/sda if that's not your drive's device name.13:32
niglopbazhang:  cant i just send him the driver and he moves it onto his system and installs it?13:32
subzero2000A-KO: /dev/sda1 would allow you to look at the first partition, /dev/sda2 the second, etc.13:33
bazhangniglop, you did read that broadcom link, correct?13:33
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Aloneamiha: are you using native drivers or no?13:33
niglopyes bazhang13:33
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?13:34
niglopbazhang:  cant i just send him the driver and he moves it onto his system and installs it?13:34
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43/STA%20-%20No%20Internet%20access niglop take another look then13:34
=== willy is now known as Guest89677
=== _NG is now known as _ng
TriMeanyone here use neotrace? and if so do u know a good similar program for ubuntu / linux13:41
PiciTriMe: What does neotrace do?13:41
Aloneanow why is it that my touchpad in linux is always squirly? I will be typing and then suddenly a flood of text will be pasted, or suddenly everything I typed will be gone, or sometimes the cursor will be moved?13:41
TriMeneo trace performs traceroutes etc in a really nice program'13:42
TriMeand its on windows only.13:42
kartheeManDay: I have a very big list .. I ve used this as a sample ..13:43
bazhangkarthee, ubuntu support question?13:43
philinuxMy Problem: Router resets after one minute from cold switch on. After that it's ok13:43
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?13:44
Aloneaand its always a flood of text that I hadn't copied before, but usually something from a page I was just looking at.13:44
PiciTriMe: I remember using something years ago that looked similar.  I use mtr nowadays though, I don't have a need for location or map plotting.  Let me see if I can find the other package I used though.13:44
TriMeok cools thanks Pici13:44
TriMeim just doing a small assignment on all my cisco courses and they make u use this programs and just would like to have a little bit more of a play.13:45
AloneaTriMe: yeah, I had to do some stuff like that in my CS courses, but we only really used wireshark and a some others13:46
AloneaTriMe: but then my CS department is heavily into unix systems for their homework. We got labs of Solaris machines13:47
appamajigAlonea: what school are you attending?13:47
TriMeYeah we are using wireshark also.. but i use ubuntu on my laptop and things i do at home are just windows based..13:47
Aloneaappamajig: RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology)13:48
appamajigAlonea: cool, just curious :)13:48
TriMeI have installed Visual Traceroute ViTE but its not loading on my lappy..13:48
TriMegive me 2 secs i might reboot and see if it'll load then.13:48
Aloneaappamajig: here is the kicker. I am a female CS student. I get looked at very strangely13:48
TraintopHi folks!13:49
TraintopI have a thinkpad t60 with built-in-umts and it works out-of-the-box under ubuntu! -thx!13:50
=== Amway\A is now known as Amway
TriMeNope still wont load...13:50
Traintopbut I have trouble configuring it under the preinstalled winxp... :-( -any ideas or hints?13:51
PiciTriMe: You could either a) try to run neotrace in Wine, b) Try http://geotrace.sourceforge.net/ c) use something like this http://www.cucy.net/map/georoute.html13:51
bazhangTraintop, ##windows for xp support13:52
Aloneawell. I got a phone interview soon. be back some other time!13:53
Traintopbazhang: I know, but they don't respond and as it works under ubuntu I thought there could be someone with the same dual-boot-setup like me, and give a quick hint :-)13:53
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
bazhangTraintop, no. offtopic here. please be patient there and dont ask here13:53
Traintopbazhang: one last question: is there a channel dedicated to thinkpads?13:54
bazhangTraintop, doubtful try /msg alis list *thinkpad* but ##hardware is more likely suited13:55
Traintopbazhang: thx! cu13:55
philinuxtraintop /join #thinkpads13:56
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=== ericm-afk is now known as ericm
_polto_Hi guys, seems like MOTU PPA have FFMPEG  package compiled with  --enable- libx264  (extra space).14:01
appamajigwow creating an ext4 filesystem takes a while, eh?14:02
tensorpuddingnot significantly more than ext314:02
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?14:03
appamajigI don't have much experience with either :) it's been going for at least 10 minutes or so... it's a 500gb partition14:03
bazhangappamajig, thats normal14:03
=== RRKMDW is now known as RandyRKelly
appamajigbazhang: thanks :) I was a little worried14:04
fedorovHi. Is this normal: http://pastebin.com/GxxaAxwC ? (this shows almost 100% usage of my 4GB RAM)14:04
Pici_polto_: have you filed a bug?14:04
slinker1fedorov: yep this aint windows linux will use all available ram to cache speeds up subsequent loads of apps14:05
A-KOWindows does the same14:05
A-KOjust an FYI14:05
slinker1well sort of14:05
A-KOnot to get into that debate :P14:05
A-KOjust saying14:05
rwwfedorov: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/14:06
philinux My Problem: ROUTER resets after one minute from cold switch on. After that it's ok14:06
Picifedorov: If you look at the -/+ buffers/cache line, you'll see that you actually have 3gb free when not concidering buffers or cached memory.14:06
slinker1ah ty rww was hunting that link14:06
bazhangphilinux, router is running ubuntu?14:06
rwwslinker1: !memory has it too, brw14:06
rwwbtw **14:06
philinuxbazhang: does same thin if pc not switched on. Reset fully really annoying14:07
A-KOoh that's awesome....14:07
fedorovthanks mates :)14:07
Beaufordi would like to do spoken work with video recordings on ubuntu thru my netbook and upload onto Youtube, can anyone recommend an application or an addon to the standard linux application suite?14:08
SCDAnyone here decent with CSS and cares to do some charity work for a struggling student? :P I will repay you with internet love and virtual cookies 8D14:08
PiciSCD: Thats not really on-topic for this channel.  Try #css or maybe #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
_polto_Pici, not yet, I am deeply in my tests14:08
Beaufordi would like to do spoken word with video recordings on ubuntu thru my netbook and upload onto Youtube, can anyone recommend an application or an addon to the standard linux application suite?14:08
SCDThankya Pici14:08
_polto_Pici, trying to make OpenCV work with GStreamer as video source14:09
shiftingcontroli having this problem while install package "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)"pls help14:10
RandyRKellylink to latest ubuntu?14:11
niglopRandyRKelly:  www.google.com14:12
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com RandyRKelly14:12
bazhang!google > niglop14:12
ubottuniglop, please see my private message14:12
=== emc_ is now known as emc
kryptykRandyRKelly: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download14:12
daniel_tphello everybody, i'm trying to set up a pxe server for my company. i want to be able to get access to the ubuntu desktop live cd via pxe. is it possible to serve the files via ftp? (tftp is working fine, i get the pxe menu)14:12
shiftingcontrolcan any one know how to reinstall dpkg ?14:12
fiddle2I've been looking for an simple keylogger for ubuntu both online and in the ubuntu software center but couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?14:15
bazhangfiddle2, apt-cache search keylogger bring any results?14:15
philinuxbazhang: No ideas then14:16
bazhangphilinux, router issues in ##hardware14:16
shiftingcontrolE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2),i m getting following error can anyone suggest wot can i do ?14:16
abhijitdaniel_tp, look if this has any info for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Desktop/PXE14:16
philinuxI'll give it a go14:17
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
fiddle2Does anyone know of a simple keylogger for ubuntu?14:18
bazhangfiddle2, my suggestion didnt pan out?14:19
fiddle2bazhang:  I missed it14:19
bazhangfiddle2, apt-cache search keylogger14:19
fiddle2bazhang:  thanks i'll try14:20
fiddle2shiftingcontrol:  where do i find it14:20
=== SCD is now known as Sam101
=== Sam101 is now known as SCD[Eire]
fiddle2shiftingcontrol:  where can I download ykeylogger14:22
=== roughgear is now known as knappe
neekersin ubuntu, should new directives be put un apache2.conf or httpd.conf?14:25
da_Wheb I forward emails with pictures folksdon't get those pictures. What can I do?14:25
hacked_kernelis it possible to show HDMI from video camera to computer?14:26
rwwneekers: apache2.conf for per-server directives, /etc/apache2/sites-available/nameofsitefile for per-site directives14:26
rwwneekers: httpd.conf only exists for compatibility reasons14:27
capiirada_, maybe your provider have a attachement size limitation ?14:27
philinuxhacked_kernel: Have you got a grraphics card with a HDMI output14:27
neekersrww: would apache2.conf be a good place to put this script? http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/03/16/the-perishable-press-4g-blacklist/14:28
Lord_Rahlanyone know a way to make empathy to popup messages?14:28
hacked_kernelphilinux, i want to let the input to the computer so show whats on the camera on computer14:29
hacked_kernelphilinux, yes i have graphics card with HDMI support but is it two ways?14:29
abhijitLord_Rahl, edit=>preferences=>notifications14:29
rwwneekers: yes14:29
Lord_Rahlabhijit, thanks i will take a look14:30
philinuxhacked_kernel: is your monitor HD capable and have you got a hdmi cable connecting pc and monitor14:30
neekersrww: thanks, do you think that script is worth-while?14:30
hacked_kernelphilinux, its a laptop and i connected the camera already with HDMI cable to that port on my laptop14:30
philinuxhacked_kernel: should be good to go then14:31
hacked_kernelphilinux, when i connected it nothing appeared so how can i detect that its recognized and what software do i need to play videos from the camera14:31
amobiusgood morning from Colorado Ubuntu Channel14:32
rwwneekers: depends. It's not going to actually stop any exploits, because I can't see any on there that aren't already patched in applications. It would stop attempts from cluttering your logfiles, though.14:32
rww(i.e., if that list stops you from getting exploited, you need to do a better job with updates)14:32
philinuxhacked_kernel: Ah no that method is for showing stuff on TV. You need to connect camera via usb  for laptop to read movies14:32
aoupianyone know an RSS aggregator that loads the flash plugin?14:32
neekersrww: ahh, i see. i do run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade monthly. are there other things you might suggest?14:34
amobiusI just installed vmware to my HP G70-460 ( US ) Laptop.  Does anyone know if I MUST use an .iso file to install the guest operating system? When I used a standard Windows XP install cd, the virtual machine's boot order does not see my laptop's cd rom drive. And so cannot boot to the installer cd14:34
ZeekHeyas, is there a package which will do an intense reformat of a disk, something which will insure the data is purged?  I am giving an old disk to a friend and want to make sure it is cleaned before I install a new OS.14:34
philinuxhacked_kernel: the hdmi on the laptop is OUTPUT not input.14:35
gnubieZeek; http://www.killdisk.com/14:35
Dr_Willisamobius:  you should be able to set the viortul machines boot order.  at least in virtualbox it even has a 'bios' settings page.14:35
Dr_Willisamobius:  you could just make a iso file from the cd - shouldent take too long.14:36
rwwneekers: If you're using any web applications (Wordpress, Mediawiki, etc.) that you didn't install through the package manager, you need to keep them up-to-date yourself. The documentation for those applications usually says how to do that. Apart from that, you should be fine; Ubuntu's Apache2 configuration covers most of the security recommendations out there.14:36
RandyRKellyhow do i install firefox from ubunt14:36
Dr_WillisRandyRKelly:  firefox is in  the repositories.. and is installed by default on ubuntu .14:36
gnubieZeek; http://www.dban.org/   also14:36
compromisedapt-get install firefox14:36
amobiusDr_Willis,  I noticed that inside the bios of the virtual machine,  the boot order is not changeable14:37
RandyRKellyok so it is already podated14:37
amobiusit's as if the virtual machine cannot see the rom drive14:37
bazhangRandyRKelly, yes14:37
neekersrww: yes, i run a number of wordpress sites and have them updated to 3.0, i try to keep on top of updates14:37
Dr_Willisamobius:  i dont use vmware. only virtualbox. It is changeable in vbox. Im suprised the cd first is not the default for vmware14:37
Zeekgnubie, cool...any that work under linux on an attached disk?  I have it USB connected up to my running ubuntu desktop14:37
amobiusDr_Willis,  I was surprised to see it too14:38
RandyRKellynew to this14:38
Dr_Willisamobius:  i dont see much reason to use vmware over virtualbox these days14:38
amobiusDr_Willis,  who makes a virtual machine and boots to the hard drive of the local hardware?14:38
amobiusvirtualbox is better yes?14:38
bazhang!manual | RandyRKelly this is worth reading14:38
ubottuRandyRKelly this is worth reading: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:38
Dr_Willisamobius:  i dont use vmware any more. No need to.14:38
gnubieZeek; not sure, but probably not, usyally does internal drive14:38
amobiusDr_Willis,  I wish to use a magic jack in linux14:39
amobiussupposedly with virtual box it is possibl;e14:39
thune3Zeek: the "shred" command can be used effectivlely on whole disks and paritions.14:39
Dr_Willisamobius:  ive heard that works in virtualbox.  - You said you are using Vmware...14:39
amobiusDr_Willis,  sorry i am using vmware....just now thinking of virtualbox :P14:39
RandyRKellythanks ubottu14:39
bazhangRandyRKelly, ubottu is a bot14:39
gnubieZeek; boot into it and see if you can select the drive you want.14:40
amobiusyou can still thank him though!14:40
yusha72ni hao14:40
Zeekgnubie,  blech, rebooting to do tasks is for windows users :P14:40
amobiusthat settles it,  Verona is the best* Starbucks flavor14:41
amobiusit even hurts less when you spill it in your crotch in the morning14:41
amobiuswell thanks for the tip14:41
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amobiusDr_Willis,  I will look into virtualbox and see if things are easier14:41
shiftingcontrolcan anybody sugget hw to reinstall dpkg14:41
Bisu[Shield]how do I allow another user to gain access to my files?14:42
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  access how? You set the modes on them and they can access them - is one way14:42
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: what kind of access? read, write...14:42
Bisu[Shield]read write yes14:42
neekersrww: thanks for your help14:42
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: execute?14:42
Bisu[Shield]i was thinking chown *:other_usr ./* -R14:43
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: no14:43
Dr_Willisdirectiries need to be 'executable' if you want others to be able to access stuff inside them14:43
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: no, that wouldn't work14:44
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ectospasmYou'd need to make sure you're both part of the same group Bisu[Shield], then do this:14:44
philinuxBisu[Shield]: Just use folder sharing14:44
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: chgrp -R <group> <dir/file>14:44
Bisu[Shield]so I have a user /home/A and /home/me and I wand A to have access to all me files14:44
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shiftingcontrolas sson i ping fb.me i receive unknownhost in 9.10 ,can anyone say wot might be wrong'14:45
ectospasmBisu[Shield]: then chmod g+rw -R <dir/file>14:45
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  you want JUST A to have access?14:45
Bisu[Shield]read write access14:45
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  how about other users? D E F and G? :)14:45
amobiusi just figured it out14:46
amobiusin case your curious14:46
amobiusDr_Willis,  the fix was that i needed to select  "use legacy emulation on physical devices"  in the advanced settings for tha tvirtual machine14:46
Dr_Willisamobius:  i never plan on using vmware any time soon. :)14:46
amobiusI could tell :P14:47
amobiusDr_Willis,  Im still gonna look into virtualbox14:47
amobiusthanks alot14:47
amobiushave a great day from colorado!14:47
ManDayHow can I make EVINCE document viewer display docs in NON CONTINOUS mode by default?14:47
shiftingcontrolcan anyone tel how to reinstall dpkg.pls14:47
ManDay^ is this question impossible to answer?14:47
Bisu[Shield]no not def and g :)14:48
ManDayshiftingcontrol: what is "reinstall"?14:48
ManDayshiftingcontrol: as in "fix"?14:48
ManDaybecause if reinstall = uninstall and install that could be problematic14:48
shiftingcontrolManDay:yea fixing the problem in dpkg ,exactly14:48
ManDayshiftingcontrol: id simply replace the broken files14:49
ManDayshiftingcontrol: what is the problme?14:49
shiftingcontrolManDay:E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2),i m getting following error can anyone suggest wot can i do ?14:49
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ManDayshiftingcontrol: say WHAT?14:50
ManDaydpkg ?14:50
shiftingcontrolManday:exactly,unable to install any poackage14:50
shiftingcontrolvia terminal as well as synaptic14:50
ManDaydid you look at man 5 apt.conf?14:50
shiftingcontrolit is a conf file for apt14:51
ManDaywell, man apt.conf is not a conf file but a manual14:51
ManDaymaybe it gives you some help with fixing the problem14:51
ManDayid try that hint first ;)14:51
shiftingcontrolwot is id try ?14:52
BadganakaStoil89 BG?14:52
ManDayis it gibberish time?14:52
Bisu[Shield]how is linux setup, files can only belong to 1 group?14:52
ManDayBisu[Shield]: yes.14:52
ManDaythats not just linux, thats unix in general14:53
PiciBisu[Shield]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions might be a good overview if you're not familiar with Linux permissions.14:53
schnuxBisu[Shield], you can create metagroups to solve that14:53
ManDayguys my left mousbutton stopped working!14:55
ManDaythats awful!14:55
offtuhi @all, i have a backup drive and i don't want it to appear in the places menu. how can i manage that?14:56
ikoniait's most likley hardware14:56
antivirtelhello, is there any tool that can check an SD card? I've now bought on ebay, and I want to make it sure, that is works well!14:56
schnuxManDay, on apple that's default :D14:56
ManDayschmux, its not an apple :_/14:57
ManDaysome other things go weird too14:57
brendan-what does it matter antivirtel, there's probably a no-return policy14:57
ikoniaantivirtel: put a file system on it and use it14:57
ManDaywhat /dev/ are the mouse buttons?14:57
ikoniathey are not14:57
ikonia/dev/input is where the mouse normally is14:57
antivirtelikonia it has a file system14:57
ikoniaantivirtel: ok, so use it14:57
ManDayikonia, its not in /mice is it14:58
antivirtelikonia and how can I make it sure, that it is error free?14:58
antivirtelbrendan- 7d return14:58
brendan-granted that's windows14:58
ManDaygotta reboot14:58
schnuxManDay, why? does "xev" maybe help you ?14:58
ManDayschmux why would it14:59
ManDayxinput reports that my bottuns still work14:59
ikoniaManDay: if it's just stopped working, it's probably hardware14:59
ManDaybut only the right one has any effect in X14:59
antivirtel<brendan-> chkdsk? <-- I dont use windows for work... :D14:59
ManDayikonia: no xinput (and xxd if I found the right dev) still report in14:59
ikoniaManDay: can you left click on the places menu14:59
schnuxManDay, xev recognizes lmb too ?14:59
ManDayikonia: no, nothing, even windows wont receive focuns15:00
UbuntusGood morning/evening everyboy15:00
ManDayschnux: to xev sees only the right mb15:01
ManDayweird huh15:01
UbuntusI have Blender 2.49 in Aplications/Graphics, but I downloaded the 2.53b version from the original site, now i want to delelete the 2.4915:01
ManDayxinput sees all but xev only right15:01
Ubuntusand have the 2.53 there, on the Aplications/Graphics site15:01
schnuxManDay, indeed. xev must recon it since it's not physically defective15:01
Ubuntusnot on "my documents"15:02
UbuntusHow do i move the folder there?15:02
shiftingcontrolcan anyone pls paste the apt.conf file code?15:02
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  how did you install the older one?  was it a .deb or .tar.gz that you downloaded?15:02
schnuxshiftingcontrol, which? /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* ?15:03
UbuntusDr_Willis: it was a .deb file, but there is still no .deb file in the Blender webpage15:03
shiftingcontrolschnux:i need configuration file source code of apt,apt.conf15:03
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  uninstall the old via the package manager. install the new..15:03
ManDayXorg is like a card house goddamit, you just have to sneeze and ahlf of that things stops working15:04
schnuxshiftingcontrol, where is it located15:04
* ManDay is back with a working LMB15:04
nlkohi guys, ive follwoed this tutorial here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman, when i send an email to the new list i get the following error "pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router" in exim4 mainlog...any ideas please?15:04
UbuntusDr_Willis: I already downloaded the new one, but i wanted that folder to be where the old one is, in the Aplication/Graphics site. Where is exactly that in my system?15:05
UbuntusDr_Willis: Maybe i could just drag and drop the folder there15:05
shiftingcontrolschnux:whereis yielded lots of results but none was useful15:05
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Sandking1is there a torrent download of netbook remix?15:06
ManDayapropos whereis, is there some comprehensive list on the subtly differences between   whereis, apropos, locate, info, man, which   and so forth?15:06
Bisu[Shield]can i use scp to delete or move a file?15:07
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  learn to use the package manager system15:07
ManDayBisu[Shield]: yes15:07
ManDayBisu[Shield]: not delete tho, if im not mistaken15:07
nlkohi guys, ive follwoed this tutorial here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman, when i send an email to the new list i get the following error "pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router" in exim4 mainlog...any ideas please? also before i set the aliases and used new aliases command i was getting a unrouteable address error, but that tutorial suggested i wouldnt need to do this15:07
UbuntusDr_Willis: So drag and drop wont work , eh?15:07
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  if its not in .deb  format, then put it in /opt/ or somewhere that it wont posiboally break things15:07
ManDayand not move Bisu[Shield] erm... so no...15:07
schnuxnlko, thats exim related15:07
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  you proberly dont even need to install it 'ssytem wide' at all. You could keep it in the users home dir15:07
shiftingcontrolManday:can yu paste apt.conf source code ?15:08
ritztechgot an awk question if i have a line that starts with ---- but i want to end with a line that ends with word quit  OR 15 lines down from the line that first matched --  i have now   awk '/--/15:08
nlkoschnux: ok, any ideas on how i can solve it?15:08
ManDayshiftingcontrol: ok15:08
schnuxnlko, better ask in exim or debian channel15:08
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nlkook cool15:08
Piciritztech: #awk would be the best place to ask that.15:08
ritztechthey actually have a awk room15:08
Picinlko: #ubuntu-server would also be a good place to ask.  #debian really doesn't handle Ubuntu questions.15:08
UbuntusDr_Willis: Well, it was because i had my folder in "my documents", and when i meved the Blender icon to my desktop, i could not acces the program15:09
ManDayshiftingcontrol: check /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf15:09
Bisu[Shield]so how do I move via scp ??15:09
harviSandking1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/15:09
ManDayshiftingcontrol: ive got no native apt.conf file, only apt.conf.d/15:09
Dr_WillisUbuntus:  mand a new icon if its just the icon thats the issue15:09
UbuntusDr_Willis: Sp i thought maybe needs to be in the Aplications/Graphics site15:09
Dr_WillisUbuntus:   make a new launcher pointing to wever its at15:09
Bisu[Shield]sorry how do I use scp to move a remote file15:10
Ubuntusok, thak you15:10
shiftingcontrolManDay:i copied apt.conf example stil i m struggling with same prob,15:10
ritztechseems like everyone is sleeping in there15:10
PiciBisu[Shield]: You don't.  You could use sftp to download and then remove the file though.15:10
ManDayshiftingcontrol: maybe you should read the whole manpage on apt.conf and check out what that immediat could refer to. i can not be of great help to you,15:11
UbuntusDr_Willis:it worked, thx15:11
shiftingcontrolManDay:ok,anyways thank yu,will try forum. . . .15:12
ManDayshiftingcontrol: i wouldnt bother :P15:12
ManDayshiftingcontrol: forum is mostly useless (at least thats my experience)15:12
UbuntusDr_Willis: Still, i wanted that to be in my aplication/graphics, so it looks more organized, but, meh, if Ubuntu can't do that...15:12
ManDayshiftingcontrol: i recomment the man page and check #debian or some other places15:12
shiftingcontrolManDay:yea will keep trying15:13
docmurI installed a printer a c350 and it has access to 2 trays, 1 is 8.5 x 11 and other is 11 x 17, Ubuntu will never let me print on the 11 x 17, any ideas15:17
cgrozaHello everyone, i wonder if someone knows a solution for my problem. Every time when i type a keyword in Firefox address bar i get some error saying " Jar: File Not Found". I already tried reinstalling Firefox, Deleting the cache, cookies, and unistalling all my ad-dons. But so no luck.15:17
docmurKonika Minolta c35015:17
ghostlineswhy aren't bins found that i put into folders within my path?15:18
ghostlineswhy do i have to specify the absolute path to every folder in my path?15:18
s3r3n1t7cgroza, did you just run the updates?15:18
ghostlinesor can this be done another way?15:18
tensorpuddingghostlines: are you sure they're in your PATH?15:18
cgroza<s3r3n1t7> FF is up to date15:19
tensorpuddingi.e. you see them when you do echo $PATH15:19
s3r3n1t7cgroza, i did not ask if it was up to date. I asked if you had just run the updates.15:19
cgroza<s3r3n1t7> yes, i run them all15:19
ghostlinestensorpudding, I'll give it one more test now15:19
tensorpuddingPATH needs to be a colon-separated list, make sure it is formatted correctly15:19
da-baymanhello, is there any way i can find out what kernels i have on my wubi installation, by using a livecd?15:19
s3r3n1t7cgroza, kill every instance of firefox and run it from the command line. Do what you did before that gave you the error and watch for the ouput.15:20
ghostlinestensorpudding, say for instance my path has /usr/local/bin in it. And then i make a folder called test in the bin folder, the files that are in test aren't found15:22
ghostlinestensorpudding, i have to then add the test folder to my path again like this /usr/local/bin/test15:22
s3r3n1t7ghostlines, because the test folder is not in your PATH.15:22
tensorpuddingah, yeah, that's normal15:22
cgrozas3r3n1t7, i typed firefox in the terminal, entered a key word in firefox but the terminal windows shows no output15:22
ghostlinesahh k15:22
tensorpuddingit looks for files in that folder, but doesn't recurse into subfolders15:22
ghostlinesyeahh my bad15:22
ghostlinesi had to ask that question15:23
ghostlinescan't it recurse into directories15:23
ghostlinesi guess that would slow it down15:23
Dr_Willisghostlines:  PATh and system vbariables dont work that way15:23
FjorgynnHi, can I use compiz with ubuntu live-cd?15:23
Dr_Willisghostlines:  do 'echo $PATH' to see your current PATH15:23
soreauFjorgynn: yes15:24
ghostlinesyep I follow you it isn't listed there unless i manually add the absolute path15:24
s3r3n1t7ghostlines, it'd cause a security issue.15:24
Dr_WillisFjorgynn:  it can be used.. but it will depend on your video card.15:24
ghostlinesgood point15:24
Pici!enter | ghostlines15:24
ubottughostlines: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:24
FjorgynnDr_Willis: where do I activate it?15:24
Dr_WillisFjorgynn:  depends on yoru video card...15:24
s3r3n1t7cgroza, Can you explain, preferably into detail (and on 1 line) what you're doing that gives you that error message?15:25
Dr_WillisFjorgynn:  if your card can do compuiz with the normal drivers.. it should allready be activated15:25
ghostlinesthanks for the help, and info dudes15:25
cgrozai type a word in the address bar and after i hit enter it gives me the error.15:25
cgrozas3r3n1t7,i type a word in the address bar and after i hit enter it gives me the error.15:26
s3r3n1t7cgroza, and what version of firefox do you currently use?15:26
cgrozathe latest stable one, 3.615:26
s3r3n1t7cgroza, third digit? And what keyword do you use to test this?15:26
cgrozas3r3n1t7, its 3.6.815:27
s3r3n1t7cgroza, and what keyword?15:27
Fjorgynnhow do I use it?15:27
cgrozas3r3n1t7, any keyword, normally it should search google and take to the first result15:28
jsnikerishow do I change power management settings from the command line?15:28
s3r3n1t7cgroza, which keyword did you use to get the error? I'm trying to replicate the error to see if it's just you or more then just you.15:28
cgrozas3r3n1t7,  try rambo.15:29
ActionParsnipcgroza: no way, an app called rambo!?15:29
ActionParsnip!info rambo15:29
ubottuPackage rambo does not exist in lucid15:29
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, read up please ;-)15:30
s3r3n1t7cgroza, hmm that goes fine for me. The message states that it can't find a jar? Does it say which jar? And it sounds like a problem with perhaps java.15:30
cgrozaActionParsnip, its not an app, its just a keyword used to troubleshoot my firefox15:30
ActionParsnipi see, funnky15:30
ccmonsteranyone able to help me with NMAKE on windows. I know this is a ubuntu room, but no responses in other rooms and figure this room has plenty of people that might be able to help.15:30
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cgrozas3r3n1t7, i should give you the full message, where can i put it without flooding the channel?15:31
s3r3n1t7cgroza, pastebin.com15:31
Piciccmonster: If you feel the need to ask ubuntu people this, #ubuntu-offtopic is the best place.  It is definitely not on-topic for #ubuntu15:31
ccmonsterthank you Pici15:32
fleurtherockciao ho installato ubuntu10.04 per i 38615:33
Pici!it | fleurtherock15:33
ubottufleurtherock: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:33
edakiricgroza: Load this in firefox jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.6.8/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/15:35
edakiriyou see there is a file.  This "rambo" text is strange.  do you have some strange "rambo" language set in preferences?15:35
edakirior about:config15:35
s3r3n1t7edakiri, could you please scroll up?15:35
edakiris3r3n1t7: why?15:35
edakiris3r3n1t7: i did read earlier text already15:36
s3r3n1t7edakiri, as he just stated, this messages is generated by using the keyword "rambo". Therefor, the "rambo" in the error message has nothing to do with language settings or preferences.15:36
Piciedakiri: 'rambo' was just a test keyword, this error happens with any keyword search.15:36
cgrozas3r3n1t7,i see a file called region.properties15:36
thune3jsnikeris: if you want to go 100% gui free, i think you need to use gconftool "gconftool --all-dirs /apps/gnome-power-manager" then "gconftool -a /apps/gnome-power-manager/notify" to show keys. look at man-page for how to set keys.15:37
edakiricgroza: does the problem persist if you create a new profile?15:37
cgrozaPici, thats right, i get the error with any word15:37
s3r3n1t7cgroza, edakiri asked that question to you. It would appear he knows more about this issue then I do.15:37
cgrozaedakiri, how do i create one.15:37
cgrozas3r3n1t7,ok thank you very much.15:38
edakiricgroza: firefox -h  tells you15:38
cgrozaedakiri, ok15:38
labratquestion: I need to run a VB6 .exe on my machine, what is the best way to do this ?15:39
edakirilabrat: crossover office15:39
edakirilabrat: alternatively, wine15:39
labratcrossover office ?15:39
labratgotcha.. i have explored wine's alternative..15:40
edakirilabrat: http://www.codeweavers.com/15:40
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labratlooking at it right now, thanks.15:41
cgrozaedakiri, thank you very much, it works now!15:41
cgrozathank you very much everybody15:41
edakiricgroza, s3r3n1t7. you can look into any zip file, including jar, by using jar: protocol15:42
thune3jsnikeris: actually -R is a better option for seeing all the keys "gconftool -R /apps/gnome-power-manager" "gconftool -R /apps/gnome-screensaver"15:42
kartheeHI .. any suggestions for a log analysing tools please ? I saw sawmill .. looks good .. I have my own pythong applications .. I need a good tool to parse and analyse them .. Any suggestions please ?15:42
ActionParsnipkarthee: cat the log file into grep15:43
KL-7Hi. I have some problems with alsa after ubuntu restart. It seems like alsa is not loaded on startup. To make it work I have to run 'alsa-utils start' manually after system restart. How can I fix this?15:45
=== ^DEMOSS is now known as ^DEMOSS^
KL-7Wiki says I should have /etc/init.d/alsa file, but I don't. This file didn't appear after reinstalling alsa package.15:47
embryonalnicould you help me pls? I am doing cat *.html | grep -H blabla but I always get (standard input): instead of the file names :/15:47
edakiriKL-7: check lsmod when alsa is not working15:47
rwwembryonalni: grep -H blahblah *.html15:47
embryonalnirww: ah tnx!!15:48
edakiriKL-7: i also have no /etc/init.d/alsa , but alsa works15:48
willy_hi all. i tried to extract xampp.1.7.3a.tar.gz to /opt/ but i got this error15:49
willy_gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error15:49
willy_tar: Child returned status 115:49
willy_tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors15:49
FloodBot1willy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
willy_any clue?15:49
dajhornwilly_: Corrupt file.  Download it again.15:49
dajhornwilly_: gzip -tv xampp.1.7.3a.tar.gz  might return a better error message.15:49
SevithBOOM! :D15:50
ActionParsnipSevith: headshot!15:50
willy_i have redownloaded the file for 3 times but the result was always the seme15:50
dajhornwilly_: Then try to get it from a mirror.15:50
s3r3n1t7willy_, they also give out signature messages with the file you just downloaded. Try and verify it.15:50
Sevithusing iptables how can i set specific packet flags -.- (Stupid Q? I know..)15:51
SevithGoogle's not working :(15:51
Userx7can anyone help me submit a bug on launchpad? not sure where to put details...15:51
s3r3n1t7Sevith, packet flag? which packet flag?15:51
Monkey_Dustthen tell it to get back to work15:51
Seviths3r3n1t7, Lets say SYN,ACK?15:52
Seviths3r3n1t7, Just wanna add some rules to drop some nmap scans..15:52
s3r3n1t7Sevith, and you want to SET this flag? or match on it?15:52
ActionParsnip!bug | Userx715:52
ubottuUserx7: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:52
Seviths3r3n1t7, Drop the packet if the packet has these flags set..15:52
s3r3n1t7Sevith, this'll be interesting for you then: http://netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO/packet-filtering-HOWTO-7.html15:52
Seviths3r3n1t7, If it loads :D15:53
s3r3n1t7Sevith, and scroll down to TCP Extensions15:53
KL-7edakiri, what exactly should I check in lsmod output?15:53
Seviths3r3n1t7, Alright thanks :D15:53
s3r3n1t7Sevith, you're welcome.15:53
Seviths3r3n1t7, Will probably take me like...10 minutes for this page to load haha :D  ... :|15:54
s3r3n1t7Sevith, why is that?15:54
Seviths3r3n1t7, Running on a sattellite system and its crappy weather out...Not to mention..The system sucks lol... (Its been down the past like..4 days? Due to bad weather..)15:54
s3r3n1t7Sevith, does pastebin load faster for you?15:54
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Seviths3r3n1t7, Probably not i will get it to load eventually thank god I have a little patience left lol :D15:55
^DEMOSS^penis ?15:55
^DEMOSS^what about penis ?15:55
s3r3n1t7Sevith, here is the part I was referring you to, with just the text and nothing else. Should be faster: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6PpQUwMP15:55
LjL^DEMOSS^: please don't.15:55
Seviths3r3n1t7, Thanks I appreciate it. But I got em both to load now :D    Thx.15:56
galen_Hello people that don't know anything about or why any of you are here or have in intention actually having a personal converstation with......15:56
s3r3n1t7Sevith, good! Good luck setting it up. I've got to run, got fight class in half an hour15:56
uRock!language | ^DEMOSS^15:56
ubottu^DEMOSS^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:56
Seviths3r3n1t7, Alright! Take care man :D15:56
s3r3n1t7Sevith, likewise!15:56
Seviths3r3n1t7, Thx again:D15:56
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^DEMOSS^uRock my language is EN now ?15:57
delacAny Audacious users out there? Could anyone of you tell me if you are affected by bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/58448315:58
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Userx7what is the package name for the gnome screensaver and how do i find the version?15:58
PiciUserx7: apt-cache policy gnome-screensaver15:59
delacSo basically just open Audacious in GTK UI mode and select Playback->Repeat. Then close and restart Audacious. And check if the mark is there or not.15:59
icerootUserx7: apt-cache search gnome screensaver  there you get the packagename, so you can search the repos with strings15:59
dirty_americanhey all..  is there a bug open on the x64 jabber libs?  its failing to connect in both pidgin and empathy16:00
delacIf the mark is gone, you are affected by this bug.16:00
Userx7There will be no where in which I am using something OTHER than gnome-screensaver/16:00
dirty_americanor perhaps some libs i'm not aware of16:00
spreadsheetHello all16:00
spreadsheetI'm having problems with a USB WiFi adapter. It worked before,but now it doesn't.16:00
spreadsheetIt's an ASUS USB n1316:00
spreadsheetI installed the module, and it appears in lsmod16:00
^DEMOSS^spreadsheet is that working on ubuntu 9/04 ?16:01
Curly_QHas anyone use uvnc here? If so, when using the Ip address e.g.,   do you add the port :5900  along with the ip address such as      ?16:01
spreadsheetI do: ifconfig ra0 up; iwconfig ra0 essid networkname16:01
spreadsheetBut I still can't connect. IIRC, that was what I did last time when it worked16:01
spreadsheet^DEMOSS^: I'm using 10.0416:01
tom_anyone here running ubuntu mini only?16:03
^DEMOSS^spreadsheet hmm16:03
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galenHow do I connect to a wireless network?16:04
Xanatoshello all i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on a MSI netbook and am having webcam issues any ideas?16:04
spreadsheetgalen: does your card work?16:04
econdudeawesomegalen you should have nm-applet open--it looks like a signal and probably has a red exclamation point, if you haven't made any theme changes16:04
galenNo clue16:04
spreadsheetThere should be an icon on your upper right16:04
econdudeawesomegalen in that icon, you can select which network, or if yours isn't there, check "other networks"16:05
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przemek_good morning ;)16:06
Xanatoshello all i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on a MSI netbook and am having webcam issues any ideas?16:06
transhello everyone, i want to install custom sound theme, i have downloaded the theme file, where to copy it16:06
spreadsheetSo... how do I get a wireless card working?16:06
transalso when I log in I dont hear log in sound, how to enable it16:07
spreadsheetBecause the thing is that it doesn't show up on NW manager. But it does show up on iwconfig16:07
XanatosSpred by not showing up do you mean networds arent or the card itself16:07
docmurI installed a printer a c350 and it has access to 2 trays, 1 is 8.5 x 11 and other is 11 x 17, Ubuntu will never let me print on the 11 x 17, any ideas, it's a konica minota c35016:10
jamesAnelayHi, I want to set 664 for files and 775 for folders within a folder whats the command for this??16:10
ActionParsnipjamesAnelay: you can use find with the option -f for file and -d for directories16:11
ActionParsnip-type f   and -type d16:12
jamesAnelayactionParsnip - like chmod -f 664 /directory?16:12
zagabarhttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Latest-ATI-Video-Driver-Has-Support-for-Ubuntu-10-04-149158.shtml  Does this mean that ATI mobility radeon x600 is supported again? Before I couldn't install the proprietary driver because there was none16:12
Picizagabar: Likely not.16:13
XanatosHi guys, I recently installed 10.04 on an MSI Netbook. I'm having trouble getting the webcam working... there are no drivers on the MSI page for any OS. It says works off of drivers built in to the OS. So if a windows OS picks it up that easy why isnt ubuntu?16:14
ActionParsnipjamesAnelay: find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;16:14
philinuxXanatos: Open a terminal, does it show up with lspci16:15
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ActionParsnipjamesAnelay: create sample data to test16:15
ActionParsnipjamesAnelay: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?find16:16
DJIndyHey, I am using Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 on an Eee PC 1005HA, when typing in most text fields I get a problem where it will randomly paste a small block of text copied randomly from somewhere else (a previous web page for example). Apparently others have had a similar issue but I haven't been able to find a solution.16:16
ActionParsnipjamesAnelay: bash and especially the find command gives linux a tonne of power16:16
PiciDJIndy: The middle mouse button is used for pasting things from the xorg clipboard.16:16
jamesAnelayill read up on them, cheers actionparsnip16:17
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PiciDJIndy: Its likely that you are pressing some part of the trackpad that sends the middle mouse button accidentally.16:17
XanatosPhilinux not showing up any ideas?16:17
squiggieGood morning everyone. I just wanted to double check something before I did it. I need to consolidate my snapshots into 1 vdi. I do that be deleting (right click and delete snapshot) on the base snapshot and it will merge everyting into the base image. Is that correct?16:17
john_47what is the best way to manage daemon?16:17
DJIndyThis occurs while I am not touching the touchpad though, just while typing. And I have checked it, sometimes it will happen when not even touching the keyboard or anything at all.16:18
ActionParsnipjohn_47: there is no sigle best way to do anything, even in life16:18
Picisquiggie: Virtualbox snapshots? That would be better answered in #vbox16:18
squiggiePici: I asked it in there, and didn't get a response. I was just hoping someone in here might know since it is a larger population.16:19
philinuxxanatos what model is the msi16:19
DJIndyIs there something I should change in the middle mouse pad button settings anyway to see if it fixes the problem?16:19
Picisquiggie: Well you may want to mention that it is for virtuabox next time ;)16:19
saravanhi every body16:19
Xanatosuh u10016:19
squiggiePici:  sorry16:20
saravani have installed vlc player still im unable to play the movie in ubuntu9.1016:20
saravanplease any one suggest me how to rectify it16:21
Xanatosphilinux msi u100-n01116:21
xangua'the movie'¿¿ what omvie saravan¿16:21
JenniferBIs there a way to make windows ( my console really ) transparent... but without using compiz ? ( compiz has an annoying bug, making it useless )16:22
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XanatosSaravan what type of movie file?16:22
ActionParsnipsaravan: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras16:22
ssureshotI'm using an script to run mailq on my servers and email me the output.. when the script tries to attach to 2 of my servers using the same command line I get the following.. ssh-askpass[9450]: Could not grab keyboard (someone else already has it),,, This only happens when I run the job through cron,,, if I run it manually the script works fine..16:22
ActionParsnipsaravan: vlc dosnt install a great deal of codecs16:22
ssureshotanyone seen that?16:22
philinuxXanatos: Is this lucid or karmic16:22
saravan@xanatos: videos16:23
Xanatoslucid netbook remix16:23
saravanxangua, videos16:23
xanguasaravan: what kind of videos¿ ......... do we have to guess¿16:23
philinuxsaravan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:23
Monkey_DustJenniferB: have you tried compositor?16:23
ActionParsnipsaravan: run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:24
schnuxJenniferB, use terminator, it has transparent feature, if you just want terminal transparent16:25
philinuxXanatos: Should work according this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#MSI%20Wind%20U10016:25
schnuxJenniferB, or without borders eterm would be the best choice16:25
sepidevhow to get back default gnome desktop configuration, i've lost it, nothing works now.16:25
drew212is anyone familiar with the synCE program?16:25
ActionParsnipsepidev: rename ~/.gnome216:26
saravanxangua, how many kinds of videos are thier16:26
ActionParsnip!anyone | drew21216:26
ubottudrew212: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:26
schnuxsepidev, ./gnome2 and ./gconf16:26
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drew212ActionParsnip: thanks =P...16:26
EliripsAny ideas when eclipse 3.6 will come to ubuntu?16:26
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JenniferBeterm.. I've heard about it.. but never succefully been able to run it... changing editor is however far fetched.. i kind of like konsole :) .. ( although it sucks )16:27
sepidevI've deleted them, but no response in re-login16:27
xanguaElirips: when a new version of ubuntu is released i supose, ubuntu is not a rolling release distro16:27
sepidevalmost nothing works on my desktop16:27
schnuxJenniferB, ok I dont use KDE , dont know Konsole very much but should be able to be transparent16:27
JenniferBschnux: I don't either.. but using it anyway :)16:28
Eliripsxangua, thanks16:28
drew212I'm having trouble getting synCE to sync with my windows mobile 6.5 professional device, it keeps telling me it has failed to create a parthership16:28
ActionParsnipsaravan: can you give me some feedback on the command I gave or am I shouting at the wind?16:28
JenniferBI am on gnome16:28
xanguaElirips: you could try the eclipse team ppa https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/%2Barchive/ppa16:28
schnuxsepidev, try recovery mode, rename your user folder, create a new user folder for you (set permissions) and login , everything should be default now, then restore what you like16:28
kerebrusslow-motion hello16:29
Xanatosits odd that no drivers are found everywhere but it still doesnt work16:29
xangualooks like there are no packages for lucid16:29
Xanatosfor any OS16:29
slow-motionhi kerebrus16:29
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Eliripsxangua, think i'll just download it and manually install to usr/local16:29
sepidevschnux:ok, thanx, i'll try now16:29
schnuxJenniferB, whats your window decorator?16:29
FabParmai lost a fstab that i made with custom setting. it mounted a ntfs hd at startup. i tried to rewrite it but don't work i missing something. please can you check what wrong? thanks  http://paste.ubuntu.com/470729/16:30
schnuxFabParma, <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>16:31
JenniferBdefault ubuntu16:31
JenniferB@ schnux16:32
schnuxFabParma, /dev/sdc1 /media/HD1TB_1 ntfs-3g   defaults   0  016:32
saravanActionParnip, its stil under download dude,,,,,16:32
delacAny Audacious users out there? Could anyone of you tell me if you are affected by bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/58448316:32
FabParmaschnux: thanks16:32
delacSo basically just open Audacious in GTK UI mode and select Playback->Repeat. Then close and restart Audacious. And check if the mark is there or not.16:32
delacIf the mark is gone, you are affected by this bug.16:33
schnuxJenniferB, I dont know whats default on KDE :D KWin and compiz I guess, and when you dont like compiz , you could try emerald or simply xcompmgr but compiz is best choice I think16:33
JenniferBschnux: I am using gnome.. but using the kde editor konsole.. :)16:33
PiciJenniferB: What is your 'bug' with compiz that makes it unusable?16:33
sepidevschnux: how can i enter recovery mode at boottime? f8?16:34
FabParmaschnux: ntfs-3g allows to write?16:34
JenniferBPici: Windows in window panel dissapears randomly, but can be brought back by minimizing everything and back.. is very annoying though if you are unsure if they are open or not16:35
vivek243good night everybody..16:35
sepidev how can i enter recovery mode at boottime? f8?16:35
vivek243can anyone tell me how to download videos from youtube??16:35
slinker1sepidev: shift i believe16:36
xray7224vivek243, do you use firefox ?16:36
PiciJenniferB: Is this a known bug?16:36
philinuxvivek243: thats against their terms and condition16:36
voyager640Is 10.04.1 available for UNR?16:36
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voyager640vivek243: lmgtfy.com has instructions: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=how+do+i+download+youtube+videos%3F16:38
JenniferBPici: I googled it once alot and finally found some forums talking about it, but few people have successfully resolved it16:38
ActionParsnipFabParma: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows16:38
JenniferBI am not sure why I am experiencing it.. It's happening on my home computer as well16:38
xray7224vivek243, get a extension called downloadhelper, it will allow you to download the youtube video16:38
xray7224vivek243, please ask before you PM16:38
voyager640Has anyone tried 10.04.1 ?  I'm trying to figure out if there's a version for UNR...16:38
Tussertehi i'm a complete beginner to ubuntu. i am trying to install ubuntu on a 64bit comp with a blank hard drive. i downloaded the iso and burned it to a cd and put it in, but it's stuck on a loading screen. what's wrong?16:38
Picivoyager640: Please do not suggest google or lmgtfy as a response here. We provide support here, not links to google.16:38
ActionParsnipvoyager640: its UNE now16:39
xray7224vivek243, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006/16:39
JenniferBbut I used the same ubuntu cd on both but the one at home has been updated to 10.04 and at work I am still on 9.10 and both still behaving like this16:39
xray7224vivek243, this isn't really ubuntu support ether.16:39
ActionParsnipvoyager640: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook16:39
Pici!info youtube-dl | vivek24316:39
ubottuvivek243: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.04.04-1 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB16:39
voyager640Pici: that actually is where i found the instructions to do it... the first or second link worked successfully.16:39
sinurge@tusserte what was see before u got to the blank screen16:39
voyager640But you're right, I should ignore off-topic questions that aren't about ubuntu :)16:40
drew212is there an easy way to transfer your contacts from a wm 5 phone to a wm 6.5 that includes a sim card?16:40
FabParmaschnux: thanks, but i dont use frontends. ill have to study again fstab16:40
Tusserteit's not blank, it's a black screen that reads ubuntu and a 5 white/red dots that are supposedly loading16:40
ActionParsnip!ot | drew21216:40
ubottudrew212: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:40
Tusserteand i get no options before this16:40
vivek243i have installed something clivo...how to use it?16:40
adacIs it possible to install ubuntu on a external usb disk with the normal installation cd?16:40
voyager640how do you find out your current ubuntu version?16:41
sinurgetusserte: have you changed ur boot options to load cd first16:41
ActionParsnipTusserte: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html16:41
voyager640uname -a seems to only give the kernel, not the ubuntu version.16:41
ActionParsnipvoyager640: lsb_release -a16:41
Tusserteactionparsnip:i don't get that far, i don't even get to see any menus/options16:42
voyager640*types lsb_release -a*  aha.  i already have 10.04.1 LTS installed!  Score!  Guess I don't have to worry about installing it! :)16:42
m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to connect a usb broadband modem, but I failed :) it's a huaway e1550...dmesg says it found it but network manager doesn't detect it16:43
ActionParsnipTusserte: you hold shift at boot, you will get the grub option which is before any plymouth nonesense16:43
philinuxvoyager640: sys>admin >system monitor >system tab16:43
ActionParsnipm_tadeu: run: lsusb ,search for the 8 character hex ID for guides16:43
xray7224vivek243, please don't PM without asking16:43
m_tadeuActionParsnip: I did...I followed the guides....no luck16:43
vivek243xray7224: what is PM?16:43
xray7224personal message16:44
ActionParsnipm_tadeu: what is the lsusb line which identifys the device?16:44
ubuntuHey guys16:44
ActionParsnip!hi | ubuntu16:44
ubottuubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:44
sjmvoyager640, you can generally also "cat /etc/issue"16:44
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m_tadeuActionParsnip: 12d1:144616:45
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voyager640sjm: awesome.  that one has a \n at the end of the string ;)16:45
ubuntuGuys, I am trying to install 10.04 by booting from my USB stick, the install is going well until I press the "Forward" button after selecting my keyboard-language16:45
ubuntuit keeps loading and never goes to the screen where I can select my hard drive16:46
Tusserteactionparsnip: that seemed to work, i'm going to play around some more i guess. thanks!16:46
pushdownhi there i have a question about non-free software in ubuntu16:46
vivek243xray7224: sorry i am new here...i just asked how to use that sw?16:46
pushdownhow can i display all software that is not completely free16:46
pushdowneven firefox, thunderbird16:46
kerebrusvivek243 sw?16:46
kohlershi, got no sound output though checkbox detects the device correctly and alsa is installed.16:46
pushdowni want to get rid of all software like that16:47
alketIs there any theme which is White & Red ?16:47
ActionParsnippushdown: firefox is completely free16:47
vivek243kerebrus, software16:47
pushdownfirefox is not completely free16:47
voyager640pushdown: are you saying anything that's not under the GPL?16:47
kerebrusvivek243 sorry just logged in what software are you needing help with?16:47
xanguawith vrms pushdown (virtual richard stallman)16:47
ActionParsnippushdown: it is, its open source and free in cost16:47
ActionParsnippushdown: how is firefox not free?16:47
sjmpushdown, in synaptic, you can filter what is installed from which source, I believe and see what has been installed from the "non-free" repo.16:47
xanguaActionParsnip: he means the logo i supose16:47
pushdowni mean free as in iceweasel and icedove16:48
alketpushdown, I think that only Icons and Names are in trademark, code is free as in freedom16:48
ActionParsnippushdown: that doesnt answer the question16:48
pushdowni dont like this issue16:48
vivek243kerebrus, software which can download videos from youtube..16:48
voyager640pushdown: http://vrms.alioth.debian.org/  ... type: sudo apt-get install vrms16:48
pushdownanyway freedom discussion is off topic16:48
kerebrusvivek243 just install a plugin for firefox16:48
vivek243kerebrus, which?16:49
voyager640xangua: i thought you were joking until i saw the package in the repository16:49
Xanatosphilinux i got it working tyvm16:49
daedaluzvivek243: just go to /tmp and copy the fully loaded Flash* file from there16:49
ActionParsnippushdown: then I cant personally advise as your definition of free and mine are completely different16:49
philinuxXanatos: How16:49
Utrinqueparatushow can i set the startup order of applications?16:49
TEEDEVhi all16:49
kohlers;D "we are borg, freedom of choice is irrelevant"16:50
kerebrusvivek243 just go to the addons and find one that you think works for what your wanting to do. other than that its just a matter of opinion.16:50
ActionParsnippushdown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Firefox states: Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation16:50
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vivek243daedaluz, what will we do with that file?16:50
pushdowni agree with you about being definitions are different16:50
daedaluzvivek243: watch it16:50
ActionParsnippushdown: so i'm going to go out on a limb and say your idea of free is skewed16:50
Xanatosits was retardedly simple the MSI has a keybinding to turn on the webcam16:50
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spreadsheetIs there a channel specifically for wireless?16:50
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pushdownfreedom is my main point16:50
voyager640ActionParsnip, pushdown: vrms doesn't seem to mind firefox.  So i guess it is free, I mean, if the virtual richard stallman package says so, right?16:51
Xanatosonce the camera was enabled it worked xD16:51
ActionParsnippushdown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition16:51
ActionParsnippushdown: states: The word "free" in our name does not refer to price; it refers to freedom. First, the freedom to copy a program and redistribute it to your neighbors, so that they can use it as well as you. Second, the freedom to change a program, so that you can control it instead of it controlling you; for this, the source code must be made available to you.[2]16:51
JonRobhi, i'm trying to diagnose interference that's coming through when i use my cd/dvd drive16:51
pushdownall modifications must be approved by a commite16:51
ActionParsnippushdown: so youor ida of free is in fact flat out wrong16:51
JonRobon audio it's a crackling, on dvds it's green blocks in the picture16:51
JonRobsometimes cds skip to new tracks16:51
JonRobi don't know how to diagnose any further though16:52
pushdownaccording to you16:52
sjmpushdown, you could just use debian16:52
vivek243daedaluz, there is no file with name flash16:52
xanguapushdown: if you want 100% free ubuntu try gnewsence16:52
ActionParsnippushdown: no, thats the defnition by the FSF in February 198616:52
pushdowni think i'm going to16:52
Xanatosoff topic much?16:53
ActionParsnipXanatos: just educationg :)16:53
kohlers@JonRob they're having a discussion here... i find it fascinating...16:53
ubuntuDoes anyone know why my ubuntu 10.04 installation gets stuck on loading after I selected my keyboard-language and press the "Forward" button??16:53
xanguathere are also a ppa for iceweasel/icecat and icedove pushdown and in the repositories you will find abrowser (firefox without branded icon)16:54
ActionParsnipubuntu: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you check the CD for defects?16:54
Xanatosubuntu: install it from a flashdrive cds suck =)16:54
JonRobkohlers: re: software freedom? i missed the start so i've no idea what's happening!16:54
ubuntuActionParsnip, I install it from my USB stick, just bought it and used the Universal installation tool16:54
ActionParsnipXanatos: not all systems can boot usb16:55
kerebrusXanatos that is what hes doing16:55
ActionParsnipubuntu: did you MD5 test the ISO you udownloaded?16:55
perlsyntaxHow do you setup a X-FI Xtreme sound baster sound card in ubuntu with the alsa driver?16:55
ubuntuhmm, isn't MD5 some kind of encryption? not sure what that would do tbh16:55
ActionParsnipubuntu: then how do you know it was error free or complete16:55
Xanatosmd5 makes sure you copy is the original16:55
ActionParsnipubuntu: you didnt check the data so you have no way of knowing it is good16:55
ActionParsnip!md5 | ubuntu16:56
ubottuubuntu: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:56
Xanatosand not some fake or corrupted version16:56
perlsyntaxAnyone have a X-FI Xtreme soune card by sound baster?16:56
prodcutnewshowz to the extact datetime when i installed ubuntu on my system ?16:56
ActionParsnipMD5 simply makes sure the file you have hasnt been changed in transit by transmission errors16:56
ubuntuActionParsnip, Ahh that'sgreat, thanks!16:56
prodcutnewshowz to know the extact datetime when i installed ubuntu on my system ?16:56
ActionParsnipubuntu: didnt it occur to you to check such a sensitive pieve of data?16:57
ActionParsnipprodcutnews: look at the creation date of your home folder maybe16:57
Xanatoshey well i'm off ty all and i hope all you ?'s get answered =)16:57
ubuntuActionParsnip, Well, I downloaded it from the official site and used a tool they provided as well, figured it'd work ;)16:57
[J|F]Hello, I recently installed Ubuntu 10 over my previous Ubuntu 8 and now the "Windows Wireless Drivers" for my wireless card aren't working.  The WWD interface says "Invalid Driver!".16:57
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: no and I will never buy a creative card, not worth the hassle16:58
ActionParsnip[J|F]: remove the windows driver then re-add it16:58
prodcutnewsoh ... i got last accessed date 2010-07-29 21:1416:58
prodcutnewson ls -lrt16:58
perlsyntaxSO no one know !16:58
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Like, reinstall ndiswrapper?16:58
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prodcutnewsshould i need to check directory or folder properties by right-click16:59
Naznazperlsyntax, I only got X-FI Fatality and that was set up from start on and worked perfectly16:59
perlsyntaxNaznaz,it pick up but i get no sound.16:59
ActionParsnip[J|F]: no, just remove the windows driver in ndisgtk17:00
perlsyntaxI am new to this sound card.17:00
ActionParsnipprodcutnews: apparently ext4 has creation timstamping17:00
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Nope, still says "Invalid Driver!".17:00
prodcutnewshow to check whatz fs it is using 9.0417:00
Naznazperlsyntax, hum, maybe set the correct values (5.1 / 2.1 / optical) in the device options?17:00
k0shprodcutnews: mount17:00
perlsyntaxNaznaz,i never try that17:00
sjmprodcutnews, try the -c switch on ls (it checks creation time rather than modification time)17:01
perlsyntaxnaznaz,how do i do that?17:01
Naznazperlsyntax, you click on the volume icon -> sound preferences -> output17:01
SolarisBoyubuntu just updated _all_ of my applications, removing all the custom values from all \.* files,, that was bad.. im officially upset17:01
Naznazthere you should be able to select the appropriate output17:01
perlsyntaxnaznaz,All i see is dummy out in there.17:02
prodcutnews-c didnt help17:02
Naznazperlsyntax, okay, then your driver's didn't get installed properly17:02
spreadsheetOk, this is very surprising and good17:02
[J|F]Actually, my wireless troubles are small now, on my "fresh" install, Synaptic does not recognize the CD-ROM that I used to install it as a software source.17:02
spreadsheetI bought the USB WiFi adapter because my laptop one did not work17:03
spreadsheetI thought it was a hardware failure17:03
perlsyntaxNaznaz,i see17:03
Trashihi @ pureftpd- user ;) is it possible to change the owner of a file directly after it was uploaded?17:03
ubuntuActionParsnip, The MD5 seems valid17:03
spreadsheetHowever now the laptop is downloading the broadcom driver (the one in the lappy)17:03
Naznazperlsyntax, I'm only at my laptop here, I got the Fatality in my main system :-/, tried the official website?17:03
spreadsheetBut the thing is that it is taking forever17:03
perlsyntaxwhat the web site17:03
prodcutnewsactually i thought of appreciating my stable ubuntu 9.04 version, by knowing when i last installed it , as didnt felt any error from longtime ...and at the same time i did17:03
spreadsheetI don't think it should take this long.. it's been many minutes already17:03
picard1421i just did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:03
NaznazI remember compiling the drivers myself @ 9.0417:03
picard1421why is it not booting in the KDE ... it still boots into CLI???17:03
Naznazone moment17:03
prodcutnewsvirualbox --> ubuntu 10.04, but there are all links on the desktop, how i could get plain and simple desktop for 10.4 ubuntu17:04
xanguadid you install KDM picard1421¿17:04
perlsyntaxNaznaz,When your at boot how can you add more thing when it boot up?17:05
picard1421i also asked this question last night.. but since its a fresh set of eyes ill ask again.. Is there anyway to do facial authentication from CLI... no GUI17:05
picard1421for logging in17:05
xanguai don't think so picard142117:05
Naznazperlsyntax, http://support.creative.com/welcome.aspx should have your drivers if you're lucky17:06
picard1421whats the lightest desktop i can use for facial authentication.. so basically that login screen bootup and then kill the entire desktop and respo's after bootup17:06
Doctehpicard1421: the lightest desktop would be you figuring out what does the actual facial stuff and going from there17:06
ActionParsnipubuntu: then when plymouth show up press ESC and you can watch the boot17:06
ActionParsnipubuntu: or try some boot options17:07
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | ubuntu17:07
ubottuubuntu: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions17:07
picard1421is pam the only known one?17:07
picard1421im having problems compiling it anyway17:07
[J|F]Since installing Ubuntu 10.04, my windows wireless drivers don't work anymore.  The GUI says "Invalid Driver!".  I tried reinstalling the driver, no change.  It worked fine under 8.04.17:07
ActionParsnippicard1421: the desktop is moot, you can use any gui login screen to then load into any desktop. You can use GDM to boot into KDE if you want17:08
Doctehyou could probably also use gdm to log into a fullscreen gnome-terminal17:08
ActionParsnip[J|F]: could try removing ndiswrapper with the --purge option, then reinstalling it17:08
kerebrusgalen hello17:08
picard1421is there a lightweight login screen that allows you to customize the login stuff17:08
picard1421like background pictures after authenticaiton picture.. background colors etc.. fonts... ?17:09
ActionParsnippicard1421: slim is pretty light17:09
perlsyntaxnaznaz,Where are the linux drivers?17:09
picard1421ActionParsnip: is that customizeable17:09
Doctehpicard1421: they're all open source :)17:09
ActionParsnippicard1421: very17:09
picard1421"slim" ok.. thanks17:09
Doctehif it doesn't do a small thing you want, just add it ;-/17:09
Doctehfor xorg is "intel" a restricted driver or a regular driver?17:10
ubuntuActionParsnip, alright, will do, thanks17:11
galenI am still unable to connect with a wireless connection. When ever I click the Network manager it says disconnected.17:11
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Synaptic was not recognizing my installation CD as a software source, so I had installed ndiswrapper and ndisgtk using gdebi and the .deb files directly from the CD.  Synaptic still isn't recognizing the CD.  Perhaps that's the root of a bigger problem?17:11
ActionParsnip[J|F]: does the cd mount?17:12
detrituxhi, I'd like to do a recursive ls in a folder, but to stop at a given level (e.g. : do "ls -R", but stop at first recursive level)17:12
detrituxany idea?17:12
Picidetritux: find /some/path -maxdepth 3    or similar17:13
Doctehdetritux: that sounds like a job for "ls *"17:13
Naznazperlsyntax,  oh sorry i just saw it, the linux drivers are here: http://connect.creativelabs.com/opensource/default.aspx this site mentions that they also have an IRC-channel here, #creative that might be able to help you more than I can17:13
Picidetritux: sorry, maxdepth 217:14
detrituxDocteh, I meant maxdepth 217:14
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Yes, I can access it in /media/, but when I try in Synaptic to "Add CD-Rom", then it says "Unable to Mount".  And apt-get update just says "Ign" when it tries to read the CD.17:14
detrituxPixi I'll try that17:14
[J|F]ActionParsnip: When I try to apt-get install ndisgtk, it says: Err cdrom://<somepath> File not found17:15
detritux@Pici ok, thanks that did the job17:15
jqgc1using samba 3, "unix charset=utf8; dos charset=CP850", locale: en_CA.UTF-8, when a user writes a file to a samba share, sometimes the resulting filename isn't in utf8 on the linux machine... ideas why?17:16
Doctehis samba 3 commonly in use yet?17:17
ActionParsnipdetritux: for i in `ls`; do echo "Folder: $i"; ls ./"$i"; done17:17
jqgc1docteh: yes, on 10.04 it's 3.4.717:17
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ActionParsnipDocteh: yes, its default in lucid17:18
Doctehhah i didn't even notice17:18
detrituxActionParsnip: it worked with the find . -maxdepth but thanks anyway17:18
ActionParsnipdetritux: will output the folder name, then its contents17:18
ActionParsnipmine outputs neater :)17:19
ActionParsnipfor even nicer: for i in `ls`; do echo "Folder: $i"; ls ./"$i"; echo; done17:19
galenI am still unable to connect with a wireless connection. When ever I click the Network manager it says disconnected. Can someone help?17:19
econdudeawesomegalen--right click, is wireless enabled?17:19
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ilovefairuzActionParsnip: 'tree'?17:20
ActionParsnipgalen: run: sudo lshw -C network    what is the product line of the wifi17:20
econdudeawesomegalen as it connects it will say taht it is disconnected for a moment as it connects17:20
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Any ideas about my CD-ROM?17:20
ilovefairuzgalen: pastebin its output17:20
ActionParsnipilovefairuz: user only wants the contents of the one level subfolders of th pwd17:20
econdudeawesomegalen do you have enough signal strength to connect? Do you have MAC filtering on the wireless access point?17:20
ActionParsnip[J|F]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu17:20
ilovefairuzActionParsnip: -L17:21
mrandrzejakhi all! can anyone recommend a password removing tool for PDFs? I have an ebook I bought from Amazon back in 2002 (a book called riptide) and it uses a 3rd party encryption tool that I cannot crack. Ive tried most everything. Amazon says it has no way to unlock the file unless I know the password. none of mine work so i am guessing it was an Amazon generated code. Any tips? Thanks!17:21
econdudeawesome!#ubuntu mrabdrzejak17:21
econdudeawesome!ubuntu | mrabdrzejak17:21
ubottumrabdrzejak: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:21
galenusually my connection (until i installed ubuntu) signal strength was excellent17:21
econdudeawesome!#ubuntu | mrabdrzejak17:22
ActionParsnip!illegal | mrandrzejak17:22
ubottumrandrzejak: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:22
oCean_econdudeawesome: ?17:22
econdudeawesomethere we go17:22
mrandrzejak? i have ubuntu17:22
econdudeawesome!illegal |mrandrzejak17:22
ubottumrandrzejak: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:22
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: passwords are to keep those unwanteds out, so removing the password would violate this17:22
econdudeawesomethats what I meant to do17:22
ilovefairuzecondudeawesome: password cracking is not illegal per se17:23
mrandrzejakmy file is not pirated. i purchased it, i have proof of purchase in my purchase history17:23
xanguaecondudeawesome: illegal¿ did you read the part:  I bought17:23
llutzilovefairuz: but offtopic here17:23
oCean_ilovefairuz: mrandrzejak we have no way of knowing if it's legally his or not. So it's offtopic17:23
mrandrzejakthen why would ubuntu have "pdfcrack" in the reps??17:23
ilovefairuzecondudeawesome: recovering your ubuntu password is illegal and/or offtopic ?17:23
mrandrzejakdo you want a link to my purchase?17:23
ilovefairuzoCean_: so is using live cds to chroot and passwd17:24
webPragmatistanyone here use mod wsgi17:24
econdudeawesomeilovefairuz I got the same treatment when I asked how to crack an excel password I put in place and promptly forgot, so I am returning the favor17:24
webPragmatistthere's an error that has been fixed but it hasn't been patched in ubuntu … that producing a crapton of errors in apache… Exception KeyError: KeyError(140375698208576,)17:24
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: then contact whom you purchased from for the password17:24
econdudeawesomeilovefairuz the question is how to crack a pdf password, not an ubuntu password17:24
ilovefairuzmrandrzejak: there are a few tools around have you tried searching ?17:24
sahilmhow do I fix the overbold default fonts on lucid? Setting full hinting doesn't help.17:24
mrandrzejaki purchased it from amazon. they cant give me the code17:24
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: if you purcased it then you are not getting wat you purchased and you should persue them17:24
mrandrzejakive tried almost everything, even some windows programs17:25
oCean_econdudeawesome: ilovefairuz mrandrzejak Would you please drop the discussion?17:25
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mrandrzejakwhy? i purchased this item17:25
mrandrzejakthere is absolutely nothing i am doing wrong here17:25
oCean_mrandrzejak: we have no way of knowing. Drop it17:25
mrandrzejakso let me make a pdf of my pruchase history. will that work for you?17:26
ilovefairuzoCean_: and we have no way of knowing wether people are trying to other others' ubuntu machines17:26
mrandrzejakpdfcrack doesnt work17:26
sahilmnobody else thinks the fonts on lucid are overbold and fuzzy?17:26
chinga2madrelucid looks and works perfect17:26
chinga2madrehow dare you diss it!17:26
sahilmchinga2madre: the fonts are too bold. Full hinting doesn't help.17:27
ActionParsnipchinga2madre: its quite bloated compared to other distros17:27
blendmaster1024_what is the maximum file size in ubuntu one? and what is the maximum bandwidth per month for a free account?17:27
oCean_sahilm: this channel is for technical support only, it's not a discussion channel. Feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic though17:27
ActionParsnip!ot | blendmaster1024_17:27
ubottublendmaster1024_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:27
econdudeawesomesahilm they look that way for my monitor before I install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:28
blendmaster1024_ActionParsnip, that is not offtopic! not even kind of!17:28
econdudeawesomesahilm that makes it a ton better17:28
ubottuecondudeawesome, please see my private message17:28
sahilmecondudeawesome: ubuntu-restricted-extras just installs ms fonts. That doesn't help.17:28
blendmaster1024_!msgthebot > econdudeawesome17:28
ActionParsnipblendmaster1024_: this is for people with issues with ubuntu, ubuntuone is working on your system you just have a casual query about it service which is offtopic17:28
econdudeawesomesahilm have you tried using a different font? serif works for my monitor17:29
webPragmatistis it possible to make dig show all the a records for a domain?17:29
ActionParsnipblendmaster1024_: if your ubuntuone client is not connecting etc then this is the right channel for you, otherise offtopic is where you should ask17:29
sahilmecondudeawesome: I'm talking about font rendering in general.17:29
sahilmecondudeawesome: They're just too bold.17:29
macomrandrzejak: from Planet Ubuntu: http://9w2pju.blogspot.com/2010/07/recover-your-pdf-password.html17:29
blendmaster1024_ActionParsnip, except this is the support channel for ubuntu, hence the place to ask. stop redirecting me to offtopic for a real question! they'll redirect me back in here because I have a question!17:29
econdudeawesomedunno. I use LXDE/Lubuntu and it's freaking sweet. Never ahve a problem with the fonts17:29
macosahilm: are you sure your screen is at its native resolution? is the dpi set properly?17:30
sahilmecondudeawesome: I'm using Gnome. With LXDE th rendering is different.17:30
ActionParsnipblendmaster1024_: yes, if the software is having issues or you cannot connect to something, its a question for offtopic17:30
sahilmmaco: yes.17:30
econdudeawesomeActionParsnip is there no Ubuntuone channel? Would you be willing to field his question in a pm?17:30
econdudeawesomesahilm is your screen refresh rate set appropriately>17:30
blendmaster1024_ActionParsnip, I have two files, both of which have not uploaded. they're both >200m. hence "what is the max filesize".17:30
ActionParsnipecondudeawesome: i dont use itpersonally. I use dropbox17:30
sahilmecondudeawesome: yes.17:31
ActionParsnipblendmaster1024_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9647351#post964735117:31
ActionParsnipblendmaster1024_: your auto away message says bed too, may want to change that :)17:31
econdudeawesomeActionParsnip nor do I. Does anyone here use UbuntuOne and would be willing to field blendmaster1024_ 's question?17:31
sahilmecondudeawesome: I guess I'll have to try something besides Gnome.17:31
mrandrzejakOK, here is my Amazon.com receipt for purchasing my PDF... http://tinyurl.com/2bbs6tr17:31
sahilmecondudeawesome: I'll give LXDE a whirl.17:32
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: its still to be chased with the supplier17:32
econdudeawesomesahilm you probably won't be disappointed17:32
econdudeawesomesahilm the Lubuntu desktop is a little buggy tho--be sure to backup before you install17:32
mrandrzejakwhats the point of john, pdfcrack, etc?17:32
Spyder1The average nick length for channel ubuntu is 7.19 characters.17:33
sahilmecondudeawesome: I'll just install LXDE and leave gnome as it was.17:33
ActionParsnipSpyder1: how is that useful?17:33
sahilmecondudeawesome: rather than installing lubuntu.17:33
Spyder1The percentage of channel operators on channel ubuntu is 0.1 percent.17:33
econdudeawesomesahilm good plan17:33
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: i'm sure they are cracking apps, however possible illegal activities are not condoned here17:33
mrandrzejakhow is it illegal when ive posted my receipt for all to see17:34
rwwActionParsnip, blendmaster1024_: #ubuntuone is a better location for Ubuntu One questions than #ubuntu-offtopic17:34
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: i can make a receipt too, i have graphics packages17:34
blendmaster1024_rww, ah, thanks17:34
ActionParsniprww: certainly not here thought right...17:34
rwwActionParsnip: here is fine too, if it's a question about using the client (which ships with Ubuntu, after all)17:36
ActionParsnipthats cool, sorry blendmaster1024_17:36
draperon12Hello every one! I want to know why Ardour will not start up and behave like a good boy. It gives an error message saying It could not start jack. So i install jack control thingie and it says it cannot connect to the server. This is so tiering, its late in the night and I wana make some quiet tunes (for the night). Thanks for the help, im using Ubuntu 10.04 and i cant wait till the meerkat is out17:36
ilovefairuzActionParsnip: that's very inappropriate, to accuse someone trying to get genuine help of document forging17:37
ActionParsnipilovefairuz: made sense to me17:37
[J|F]ActionParsnip: Ok I managed to get apt to recognize the CD, it always expects it to mount at /cdrom, not /media/something.  Anyways I reinstalled all of ndisgtk and it still says "17:37
[J|F]Invalid Driver!".17:37
mrandrzejakdraperon12 ... you probably need JACK for Ardour to run properly17:37
draperon12mrandrzejak: I got jack controll17:38
erUSULdraperon12: you installed ardour an qjackctl but; did you actually installed jack itself ?17:38
ActionParsnip[J|F]: gah, yeah you can create a symlink if you wish: sudo ln -s /media/cdrom0 /cdrom17:38
mrandrzejakdo you initialize JACK before going into Ardour?17:38
blendmaster1024_draperon12, jackd, the commandline server. run 'sudo jackd -d alsa'17:38
galenI went to preferences and found that it says Wireless connection is disabled. But when I right clicked the signal icon Enable wireless was checked. What does that mean?17:38
mrandrzejakdo you want my password for Amazon? How did I make this doc in one minute?17:39
draperon12blendmaster1024_: Nothing seems to go wron17:39
blendmaster1024_draperon12, then you should be good! just open your app with that running.17:39
blendmaster1024_draperon12, btw you don't need the sudo if you didn't install with realtime priority.17:40
draperon12blendmaster1024_: Jack says it cant start jack again17:40
Picimrandrzejak: While it may be legal, cracking is still not something that we discuss in this channel.17:41
Ganymedehow would i go about viewing the default version of the file /etc/init/mysql.conf from mysql-server package 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 from the repositories without installing it?17:41
mrandrzejakam i allowed to talk about "pdfcrack"?17:41
blendmaster1024_mrandrzejak, try ##linux or so, they're a bit more lenient.17:42
NaznazI got a question about bash (?) and my PS1: I'm currently using: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4Ne5Eu7A (yes I copied it :)) and want to know if there's a possibility to prefix the path with ... if it's deeper than three paths and prefixed with nothing if it isn't deeper. Thanks for your help17:42
draperon12erUSUL: JACKEQ?17:43
PiciNaznaz: #bash is the best resource for bash programming questions.17:43
Tussertehi i'm a beginner and i just installed linux. i did it from a screen that had a few text options, one of which was just install linux.  when i did that it went into a loading screen for a while and then took me to a login screen.  since i didn't know the login i tried restarting. now the computer is stuck in a loading screen. what's wrong?17:43
shawn146is lubuntu the same as ubuntu?17:43
erUSUL!info jackd | draperon1217:43
ubottudraperon12: jackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.118+svn3796-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 101 kB, installed size 536 kB17:43
erUSULdraperon12: more help probably in #ubuntustudio17:44
ZykoticK9shawn146, lubuntu uses a different user interface then ubuntu which uses Gnome.17:44
xanguashawn146: lubuntu is ubuntu wih lxde desktop17:44
galenI went to preferences and found that it says Wireless connection is disabled. But when I right clicked the signal icon Enable wireless was checked. What does that mean? Or did Just ask a stupid question?17:44
shawn146the folks in the linux channel told me it was the same thing17:45
shawn146how do i setup a video driver?17:45
ZykoticK9shawn146, are you currently using lubuntu?  and what graphics card?17:46
shawn146ATI Rage Pro17:46
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oCean_Ganymede: 'sudo apt-get install mysql-server --download-only' will download the appropriate .deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives17:46
shawn146thats nothing17:48
oCean_Ganymede: after that, dpkg-deb -x <packagename> /tmp/mydir will extract all of the .deb files17:48
airtonixwhat is the new convention for run your own custom scripts on startup (prior to login) ? is it this ? >>>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto17:49
kochiihi all, planning to get rid of xp from my lenovo sl400 laptop and replace it by ubuntu on it...I couldn't find drivers for my hotkeys on lenovo site, anybody had similar problem ? or know a solution to this ? thanks17:49
m15khi, is there any chance for gpu encoding on ubuntu with nvidia chipset?17:50
ZykoticK9oCean_, it seems to work both ways, isn't it unusual that a switch comes after the package name - and how can it work both before and after?17:50
Tussertehi i'm a beginner and i just installed linux. i did it from a screen that had a few text options, one of which was just install linux. when i did that it went into a loading screen for a while and then took me to a login screen. since i didn't know the login i tried restarting. now the computer is stuck in a loading screen. what's wrong?17:50
ZykoticK9oCean_, referring to the --download-only17:50
oCean_ZykoticK9: ah :)17:51
shawn146good bye then17:51
shawn146i will attmept linux another time17:51
wildc4rdevenin' all17:51
oCean_ZykoticK9: the program just reads ALL arguments, and then parses them to see if it fits, so the position of the argument doesn't matter17:51
maconimrod10: thats unrelated to support17:52
pradeephi everyone17:52
steviemanWhenever I try to run a game (frozen-bubble, colem) in fullscreen mode I end up with a problem. First the window is the same size as the original non fullscreen window. Second the window is shifted up and to the left and third the contents of the window (the game itself) breaks out of the window up slightly (about 20 pixels or so). Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?17:52
nimrod10sorry maco , thought it will be useful for everyone to read that17:52
uRock'evening wildc4rd17:52
maconimrod10: its still offtopic flamebait17:52
ZykoticK9oCean_, that makes sence, but i'm still a little surprised - i though ordering was typically important with switches (i guess not).  Thanks.17:52
nimrod10maco sorry again but it is just an idea worth sharing17:53
oCean_ZykoticK9: in shell scripting more so than in programming!17:53
maconimrod10: share it elsewhere then17:54
kochiianybody installed ubuntu on lenovo sl400 before ?17:55
uRockkochii, I have it on a 3000J series17:56
uRockruns great17:56
uRockare you having issues?17:56
kochiiuRock: where did you get the device drivers ? from lenovo site ?17:56
m15kAnyone get VLC + GPU Dec working?17:57
uRockI used the ones in Hardware Drivers in the System> Administration menu17:57
b0otI currently have a device that does ip over usb, but the device isn't picked up by ubuntu. Is there something I can install that would enable ip over usb17:57
b0otor do i need device specific drivers17:57
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kochiiuRock: interesting. and your hotkeys and everything work fine right ?17:59
b0otor is there any type of generic driver that enables ip over usb?17:59
uRockMine is a desktop without hotkeys17:59
zettercan anyone help me with playing an .asx files under ubuntu 10? i tried vlc, gstreamer plugins and all sorts of codec packages and the ubuntu extra restricted...18:00
Sevithzetter, Try VLC18:00
Sevithzetter, Nvm.lol18:00
kochiiuRock: oh I see. I use hotkeys very often and couldnt find drivers for it on lenovo site which kinda sucks...18:01
=== Sam_Fisher is now known as Guest94808
Ubuntusis there a way to make my cpu's 2 cores work? Because in the Gnome applet the lets you see the performane of the CPU says is 100%, but in the system monitor only 1 is at 100%18:01
DaekdroomUbuntus, it's your GNOME applet configuration that is messed up.18:02
Dr_Willisi thought you can set what cpu the gnome applet monitors.. add 2 applets and set one for each cpu18:02
slinker1you can set it for multiples also18:03
uRockUbuntus, It is normal for the system to fluctuate between both cpus18:03
RfooTfooanyone familiar with mod_ssl and apache2?18:03
bluebaronanyone  know how to mount a windows vm drive in linux?18:03
UbuntusDr_Willis: That is what i did, i choose i CPU core to work 100%, and then the other one at 100% too, but the system monitor only shows 1 working 100%18:03
oCean_RfooTfoo: there is #httpd where more users might know18:03
RfooTfoothanks oCean_18:04
Dr_Willisbluebaron:  if its a widnows 'share' you can access it as you would any other share on the network.18:04
Guest94808sometimes after leaving my computer running over night it is in screen saver mode and when awaken it won't come out fully. The cursor jumps between the 2 monitors and the panels are gone. Reboot is only solution.18:04
Tussertehi, i just installed ubuntu and i don't know the username/password for my first login. i wasn't prompted to set anything up when i installed the os18:04
uRockbluebaron, have you installed guest additions?18:04
bluebaronuRock: Dr_Willis: i don't want to boot the machine i just want to mount the drive ... i've done it before18:04
Dr_WillisTusserte:  that seems very odd. its one of the first thing it asks you18:04
Dr_Willisbluebaron:  You mean access teh vm  hard drive file ?18:04
uRockbluebaron, that is beyond me, sorry18:05
bluebaronDr_Willis: yes18:05
UbuntusIts like nobody cares18:05
Dr_Willisbluebaron:  i would have to check the virtualbox docs. Ive seen it done.. but not done it myself in ages.18:05
Tussertewhen i installed there was a little list of options. i pressed enter on install ubuntu and that was it18:05
bluebaronDr_Willis: k18:05
Dr_Willisnice of Ubuntus to ask a question then leave.. oh well.18:06
slinker1Dr_Willis: he's not paying to sit around waiting for an answer :)18:08
Jon80Hi all18:08
Guest94808Are many people having problems coming out of screen saver mode?18:08
atx_hey guys, so I am looking for an ftp that I can use on the cli. any suggestions?18:08
Dr_Willisatx_:  first suggestiojn.. why are you using ftp in this day in age... why not ssh/scp/sftp ?18:09
Dr_Willisatx_:  theres tools that can do ftp in the cli. one is 'ftp' :) another is 'mc' (midnight commander)18:09
Sasquatch7How would I look at the incoming connections coming into my pc?18:09
Jon80Stupid question, but Is there an FTPServer for Ubuntu that is X-based (is that correct described?, So you don't need to enter Terminal)?18:09
=== Daekdroom is now known as Guest49534
atx_ftp is already installed on ubuntu, right?18:10
Jon80Mmm.... It is? :-P18:10
SevithWhats the object name for individual cores in conky?18:10
philinuxGuest94808: how about disabling screensaver and turn monitors off. Save power18:11
Jon80Do i need to use the Terminal to use it?18:11
Dr_Willisatx_:  thers no ftp server installed by default.18:11
Dr_WillisJon80:  no it is not.18:11
Jon80Ok, so do you recommend one for me?18:11
Dr_WillisJon80:  a ftp SERVER has no real gui at all. You can config/administer it via several gui tools.18:11
Dr_WillisJon80:  why do you need a ftp server at all? Theres numerous ftp clients with a gui.18:12
Dr_WillisJon80:  most file managers these days can do FTP. the gnome file manager can18:12
Jon80I need to easaly send files to a friend18:12
* slinker1 wonders if jon80 mens ftp client?18:12
Dr_WillisJon80:  is he running a ftp server?18:12
SevithWhats the object name for individual cores in conky?18:12
Jon80No, that's why i need to run one ;-)18:12
slinker1proftpd vsftpd are two in the repos18:13
Dr_WillisJon80:  you got it backwards.. if you are 'sending' it to him..  he needs a server.. OR he needs to connect to your server.. to 'get' a file18:13
Sevithnvm got it18:13
Dr_WillisJon80:  i would suggest not using FTP for this. use some site like drop.io or dropbox, or ubuntuone.  or use ssh/scp18:13
Jon80Dr_Willis, i know how the server / client works over the FTP protocol, I18:14
Jon80I'm just completley new to Linux :-S18:14
slinker1your friend on windows?18:14
Jon80Actualy i Think he have a Ubuntu installation as well18:14
kerebrusAnyone know how I can edit grub to allow me to boot from ubuntu or windowsxp?18:15
delacAny Audacious users out there? Could anyone of you tell me if you are affected by bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/58448318:15
delacSo basically just open Audacious in GTK UI mode and select Playback->Repeat. Then close and restart Audacious. And check if the mark is there or not.18:15
delacIf the mark is gone, you are affected by this bug.18:15
Dr_Williskerebrus:  clarify what you are doing?  grub lets you boot up 'windows' or 'ubuntu.'18:16
kerebrusDr_Willis im trying to boot from 2 seperate harddrives, my main drive is running ubuntu my secondary is running Windows xp. I want to be able to select which os to boot to at startup.18:17
Dr_Williskerebrus:  grub2 auto set that up  - i got 2 hard drives.. one os on each hard drive. i dident have to do anything to it.18:18
Dr_Williskerebrus:  'sudo update-grub' from ubuntu saw and set up windows on the 2nd hd.18:18
Dr_Williskerebrus:  update-grub will even see the OS's i got installed on my usb hard drives. (which confsed me at first)18:19
kerebrusDr_Willis brb rebooting to see if that worked.18:20
Dr_WillisJon80:  if your friend is using windows. and you want hem to connect to your machine and retrieve files.  ssh and winscp will be much easier to get going.18:20
Jon80SSh or WinSCP, i need to google that ;-)18:20
Jon80Thanks Dr_Willis! This Ubuntu Channel is awsome for Newbies like me :-)18:21
slinker1putty is probably the easiest jon8018:21
ZykoticK9delac, :)  I know what the issue is.  It's only Audacious-GTKui that suffers from your bug!  Audacious works fine!18:21
delacZykoticK9: yes, I know. But does this affect anyone else than me?18:22
ZykoticK9delac, it affects me18:22
SubCoolhey, how do i figure out my graphics card from my laptop? whats the cli command?18:22
Dr_WillisJon80:  ssh AND winscp... :)18:22
brummbaerSubCool: lspci | grep vga18:22
Dr_WillisJon80:  if you dont know what SSH is.. :) definatly learn it.. with it you basiclly will see why no one wants to use ftp any more.18:22
SubCoolawesome- ty18:22
delacZykoticK9: Nice! or not... could you make a comment to that bug?18:23
slinker1jon80 try http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:23
ZykoticK9SubCool, actually i think you need "lspci | grep -i vga" or "lspci | grep VGA"18:23
SubCoolya, didnt work18:23
ZykoticK9delac, in process...18:23
kerebrusDr_Willis I didnt log into windows to make 100% positive but it brung up a os selection screen so thank you, been trying to do that under windows using boot.ini and your way is much much simpler18:23
SubCoolya, VGA- ty...18:23
delacZykoticK9: Thanks!18:23
Dr_Williskerebrus:  you could keep windows alone with its own bootloader. and linux on its own hd with the grub on that hd.. and just use the BIOS menus/features to boot what os you wanted18:24
Dr_WillisBye all.18:24
kerebrusDr_Willis yea I was trying that but couldnt find that option under my bios18:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as uppp
uppphi, does a livecd (from usb) need a hard disk to run?  when i start it in 'live' mode, it just prints errors for hours .. (because my harddrive is corrupt)18:26
=== Maw is now known as heyguys
=== tyler is now known as Guest42628
=== Guest42628 is now known as tyler82
PureSinehi, I'm very new to linux, I have downloaded thunderbird but have no idea how to install it, I installed some other application using synaptic but what I should do with the folder that I have  downloaded from mozilla ??? I double clicked ona file named thunderbird-bin but nothing happened! there is no setup or install file !18:28
upppPureSine:  go to a terminal and write thunderbird&18:29
upppif you did apt-get install thunderbird, it is already installed18:29
upppyou can also try 'whereis thunderbird' to see if it is installed18:30
PureSineno I just clicked on download link of mozilla18:30
PureSineshould I do it with sudo  as an admin ?18:30
xanguaPureSine: you can install thunderbird from repositories18:30
upppdo 'sudo apt-get install thunderbird' in a terminal18:31
mcrawforhey guys, anyone know a nice little utility to keep my kerberos tickets up to date, and bug me to re-enter my password when they expire?18:31
PureSineI've already have thunderbird folder on my machine , I don't want to get it again18:31
PureSineI presume apt-get will download it again, isn't it  ?18:32
xanguaPureSine: no, it will install it from repositories18:32
PureSinehmm, so it is registered in repositories or I have to do it by hand ?18:33
upppYou can update the repositories if you havent in a while with: 'sudo apt-get update18:34
PiciPureSine: You should always install software from the repositories if you can, that way you are guaranteed security updates.18:34
PureSineaha so I should delete the downloaded file and do it again ?18:35
PiciPureSine: Delete the downloading file and use synaptic or your favorite package management tool to install it from the repositories.18:36
=== lux_ is now known as Guest6517
pushdownhow do i show software came from restricted repo in synaptic or in another tool18:36
PureSineI missed windows !18:36
PureSineok thanks18:36
xanguapushdown: you can see it in synaptic18:38
pushdownhow can i18:38
pushdowni can figure out18:38
Guest40049Hi, i have a pc with ubuntu server 10.04, it ran for month (before 10.04 with 8.04) but now the pc halt at the boot start. If i boot with a liveusb it just halt after selecting language and starting the installation. I'm sure the cpu temperature is right and the rams are ok. what can be the problem?18:39
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
xanguathere is a side bar when you open it and there is a button called 'Origins' pushdown18:39
pushdownoh thanks18:39
pushdowni missed it thanks18:39
delacZykoticK9: What kind of change did you expect in the Playback settings when you enabled the "Continue playback on startup"?18:40
ZykoticK9delac, well i was hoping it would just revert all settings on restart.  i'm super surprised!  i tried to apport-collect on your bug and it tells me NOT to and file a new bug?  i'm currently asking in bugs.18:41
sam92hi, i'm trying to configure squid in ubuntu 10.04. the problem i have is that it doesn't work when i boot. i always have to restart squid so that it can be used. any ideas where the problem could be?18:43
[J|F]Holy crap!  So it turns out that to get your Windows Wireless Driver to work, you need not only the ".inf" file but also the ".sys" file that comes with it.  Why is this VITAL detail not mentioned anywhere in the Ubuntu help documents?18:43
yuvilioMy 9.10 ubuntu-server amd64 install on a RAID machine is stalling on the grub2 installation. It tries to do it and just bounces back ton the install menu. anyone have any ideas? (using 9.10 because 10.04's installer has RAID issues)18:44
aeon-ltd[J|F]: because thats not always the case18:44
delacZykoticK9: Don't know whats whit the apport. But I don't think the setting should revert anything, but just automatically continue playing the song after restart.18:44
ZykoticK9delac, the playback settings seem to be the only thing affected.18:45
delacZykoticK9: And it kinda does that. EXCEPT that it seems to pick the song it starts to play at RANDOM.18:45
SubCoolOk- i have a good question this time. i am trying to setup a dual monitor setup, but the directions im following indicate to simply backup xorg.conf. the file doesnt exist there.18:45
[J|F]aeon-ltd: But the files didn't even mention that .sys files might be needed.  It's included in the instructions on the web, but that's not much use if you can't connect to the internet.18:45
SubCoolsudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup18:45
n0a1iashey how do i edit partitions?18:46
ZykoticK9SubCool, how i create an xorg.conf at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file18:46
delacZykoticK9: I'm starting to wonder if we are speaking about the same problem here?18:46
glickcan anyone recommend a good hd camcorder that works with ubuntu?18:46
ZykoticK9delac, suffle random doesn't stay after restarting.18:46
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest14605
SubCooli have to create it? i thought that was done during setup.18:47
ZykoticK9SubCool, xorg.conf isn't used by default18:47
SubCoolman things change..18:47
melengoken you help my ebout hacking18:47
n0a1iashow do i create a partion with disk utility18:47
jguzikowskiBattery 0: Charging, 74%, 00:18:46 until charged18:48
jguzikowskiBattery 0: design capacity 2200 mAh, last full capacity 1128 mAh = 51%18:48
jguzikowskiis that bad?18:48
vcabbaHow to get text path of directory in Nautilus? (It shows it with buttons now, but I want text)?18:50
erUSULvcabba: crtl + l18:50
delacZykoticK9: For me it does work. Playback->Shuffle does have effect even after restart. The tickmark however is not visible.18:50
vcabba-erUSUL- thankyou.18:51
NaznazI got a question about the gnome terminal, what are the escape sequences for colors in it, and is there any website containing a list? And is this even the right place to ask or should I go to the gnome IRC?18:51
jguzikowskican anyone decipher that acpi output?18:51
ZykoticK9delac, hmmm, perhaps the invisible checkmark is the problem then, i wasn't actually testing the features, i was just going on the missing checkmarks.18:52
fishcookerwhat package to installed for making internal speaker works seamlessly.. on windows work but ubuntu not?!18:52
n0a1iashow do i create a partition?18:52
=== Tina12 is now known as Kasjopaja
SubCoolZykoticK9, hey- i followed those directions, but it says that there is still a graphicaly interface on. which i would assume was this one. Should i follow the directions it says to manually force this closed? i think it just deleted the locked file though.18:52
macofishcooker: try linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic18:53
ZykoticK9SubCool, you can't do everything from inside Xorg!  the directions explain some of that...18:53
delacZykoticK9: yes, all the (repeat, shuffle, no playlist advance and stop after current song) do work even after restart, but the tickmark doesnt show. Thats the core of my bugreport.18:53
fishcookerthanks for the quick response maco18:53
SubCoolZykoticK9, i just said that-18:53
aeon-ltdn0a1ias: if your in gparted, shrink one, via right clicking on it, then in the free space right click create new18:53
macofishcooker: thatll pull in newer sound drivers18:53
fishcookeri'll try18:54
macofishcooker: if it doesnt help, then either its a configuration issue (more than one sound card? might be sending to wrong one) or a kernel bug18:54
fishcookernope just one18:54
ZykoticK9SubCool, see the warning about logging you out!18:54
SubCoolit said that it would auto log me out of this session although it didnt. I dont wanna delete the lock file and Mess things up. Do i just log out of here and switch over the C A F1? - wouldnt there still be an xsession due to the login?18:54
SubCoolZykoticK9, Ya- i saw the damn line.18:54
SubCoolThere are only 6 of them18:55
macofishcooker: the thing for debugging is the script at http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh  ... if you download and run it, itll put data about your audio system into a link and then someone here can read that data and maybe make sense of it18:55
ubottujoomla information can be had here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla18:55
fishcookeri've sent it with the link18:56
macofishcooker: and it sounds stupid but... ya know...check your volume settings in alsamixer ... lots of bugs get filed where the answer is "unmute pcm"18:56
fishcookeryip2 i know that..18:56
crackguyhow do i make the file browser to show the location address (/home/dir/etc/) instead of (Home Dir Etc) in the address bar...?18:56
macocrackguy: ctrl+L18:56
crackguymaco, can I make it permanent rather than pressing ctrl+l all the time?18:57
macocrackguy: in gconf-editor, i think so, but i dont use gnome, so i havent actually checked what the key is18:57
crackguymaco, thank you..18:58
=== travis is now known as Guest87141
Guest87141hiya anyone know how to edit video with pitivi and render uncompressed, what i want to do is just cut a part of it18:58
=== Guest87141 is now known as travis____
fishcookermaco... should i restart mybox after install the package?!18:58
macofishcooker: yse18:58
MarioGHi, i have a pc with ubuntu server 10.04, it ran for month (before 10.04 with 8.04) but now the pc halt at the boot start. If i boot with a liveusb it just halt after selecting language and starting the installation. I'm sure the cpu temperature is right and the rams are ok. what can be the problem?18:59
* travis____ repeats question: Anyone know how to render uncompressed video with pitivi, what i want it to do is just cut a part of it19:00
datacrusherim having some issues with locking up a gnome desktop. i need it to enter a slideshow with pictures, but the pictures are remotely on a dimanic samba share19:00
profxavierhi, I would like to change the email address from my crontab [as a user] to a different address, I was told this is done by adjusting the MAILTO, but I am unsure of where to change this.. can someone point me in the right direction ?19:00
millerdHi Ubuntu, I have a question19:00
datacrusherso i can add more pictures, or remove and the screensaver is updated19:00
abhijittravis____, meanwhile check pitivi help docs wiki etc19:01
datacrusherany clues?19:01
ilovefairuzMarioG: could be a faulty hard disk or a card19:01
abhijit!ask | millerd19:01
ubottumillerd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:01
travis____abhijit, i did already nothing usefull whats why i came here19:01
chilicuilis there a way to list all upstart/init.d daemons running at 1 momment?19:01
ilovefairuzdatacrusher: mount with fuse?19:01
millerdI have multiple computers installed via image in our educational computer lab, how can I manage them all from one computer? Someone suggested pssh but that seems a little complicated. What can I do?19:01
crazyjdI have a bug in my ubuntu19:02
llutzprofxavier: crontab -e   , add/adjust MAILTO="you@somewhere.com"19:02
profxavierllutz, where, @ the top of the file ?19:02
crazyjdI try to switch off my touchpad19:02
MarioGilovefairuz, i do not think so, if i place the hd in another pc it run well19:02
llutzprofxavier: yes19:02
ZykoticK9travis____, if it's a simple video cut edit, you might want to check out avidemux if pitivi gives to issue.  just a suggestion ;)19:02
profxavierllutz, thank you19:02
crazyjdand switch it on again... my touchpad and my mouse both fail19:02
travis____ZykoticK9, tried avidemux, however it seems not to be able to render the video in question19:03
erUSUL!info puppet | millerd19:03
ubottumillerd: puppet (source: puppet): centralised configuration management for networks. In component main, is optional. Version 0.25.4-2ubuntu6 (lucid), package size 189 kB, installed size 536 kB19:03
ZykoticK9travis____, are you able to play the video?19:03
crackguyhow can i change icon of a location launcher on desktop19:03
travis____ZykoticK9, yes, flawlessly, it has been recorded with xvidcap19:03
crazyjdwhenever I Sswitch off and on my touchpad with the button probided on my laptop19:03
crazyjdmy ubuntu crashes19:03
ZykoticK9travis____, good luck.  i got nothin' ;)19:03
=== Claudinux__ is now known as Claudinux_
crazyjd what should I do19:04
travis____ZykoticK9, lmao thanks anyway19:04
ilovefairuzcrackguy: right-click and select properties, click the icon19:04
abhijittravis____, kdenlive is good choice19:04
testi_MarioG, sometimes it helps disabling usb-related legacy and workaround settings in USB when trying to boot from USB. e.g. once i had to disable a OS/2 related USB workaround in BIOS settings and once i had to disable USB 1.119:04
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Guest41503
testi_*replace USB with BIOS once19:04
ritztechanyone heard of a way/ application to Run from a webpage to run commands on a Linux terminal19:04
travis____abhijit, i will try that19:04
abhijittravis____, you really give it a try. its work of it.19:05
=== Guest41503 is now known as Claudinux__
MarioGtesti_, ok i'll try thank you for your time19:05
abhijittravis____, worth*19:05
delacZykoticK9: do you happend to use Crossfade plugin with the Audacious?19:05
travis____abhijit, can run it even under gnome?19:05
ritztechbut not have direct access to the Bash just push buttons/and such19:05
abhijittravis____, yes sure19:05
ZykoticK9delac, i don't actually use audacious.19:06
delacZykoticK9: ok, nevermind then. but thanks for you help this far!19:06
ilovefairuzritztech: http://phpshell.sourceforge.net/19:06
crackguyis there a chat room for empathy support?19:06
aeon-ltdcrackguy: i suppose #empathy ?19:08
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crackguyaeon-ltd, no one!19:08
ZykoticK9crackguy, "Visit #empathy on GIMPnet for Empathy-specific discussion" i have no idea what Gimpnet is though :(19:08
crazyjdI want support in relation with my touchpad19:08
profxavierirc.gimp.net ?19:08
crazyjdcrackguy what issues do you have with empathy19:08
crackguyzykes-, lol, i will find it out..19:08
crackguycrazyjd, i can't see invitation of file send from other users using msn messenger on windows19:09
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: irc.gimp.org19:09
accrobyteMsg/ NickServ REGISTER Amethist25 accrobyte@gmail.com19:09
profxavieraccrobyte, ops :D19:09
ZykoticK9crackguy, see ilovefairuz above19:09
abhijitaccrobyte, not msg/ its /msg19:09
profxavierand you should always register in a status window19:09
profxavierNEVER in a channel/PM window19:09
profxaviercrackguy, irc.gimp.net exists as well19:10
accrobyteok thanks just thangfed pasword so all fine now19:11
accrobytewas going a bit too fast19:11
crackguywow 49 people there19:11
crazyjdHmm... then probably you'll have to run to empathy support crackguy19:11
crazyjdI have a problem with my touchpad when I press the button on the laptop to switch it off19:12
crazyjdit hangs19:12
crazyjdwhat should I do19:12
erUSUL!fishing | erkan^19:12
ubottuerkan^: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:12
philinuxerkan^: ubottu says no19:12
crazyjdsome one help me19:12
BromaxSuxhaving troubles logging on to yahoo in pidgin 2.6.619:12
millerdIt looks like puppet is an excellent tool for enterprise / server management but if I just have a dozen or so computers in a lab how can I SSH into all of them or manage them in some other way?19:12
erUSULmillerd: into all of them at once ?19:13
llutzmillerd: clusterssh19:13
erkan^i know19:13
talcitehey guys. I'm trying to resize an ocfs2 partition from 2.5tb to 6tb. Is there any tool I can use to modify a GPT partition table? parted doesn't seem to work because it complains about an unknown FS type.19:13
ilovefairuz!info clusterssh |  millerd19:14
ubottumillerd: clusterssh (source: clusterssh): administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.00.01-1 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 232 kB19:14
erUSULmillerd: if you use key based autentification it should be easy to script the ssh acceses ...19:14
millerdWould it be hard to get on every single machine if I've already imaged them all?19:14
erUSULmillerd: but llutz found the right tool so ;)19:14
zagabarhttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Latest-ATI-Video-Driver-Has-Support-for-Ubuntu-10-04-149158.shtml  Does this mean that ATI mobility radeon x600 is supported again? Before I couldn't install the proprietary driver because there was none19:14
travis____Awesome video editor but seems to hang with the file format, however file says its mprg 4 encoded19:15
Mark89Hi all. On this channel speak in Russian?19:16
yuvilioanyone bump into this error when installing 10.04 on a mirror raid: "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 oof serial ATA RAID sil_aibhaiceebdi (mirror) failed" (guessing sil_aibhaiceebdi is just the name of the raid setup)19:16
ilovefairuz!ru | Mark8919:16
ubottuMark89: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:16
BelseruskHi. With distros such as Ubuntu using Deb as its packet manager and distros such as Fedora using RPM; does anyone think that someday there will just be a single packet manager? Also do you reckon the many different packet managers is a good or bad thing.19:16
abhijit!bot > Mark8919:16
ubottuMark89, please see my private message19:16
ilovefairuzMark89: write: /join #ubuntu-ru19:17
andersom_cruzboa tarde á todos19:17
mcrawforkrb5-auth-dialog, btw is a good tool for graphically keeping your kerberos tickets up to date19:17
ilovefairuzBelserusk: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, but the answwer is no19:17
StuckMojowhen you restart gdm, it kicks you off your x session...anyone know if that will happen when gdm is updated by apt?19:17
andersom_cruzalgum de vcs já testou a nova versão do ubuntu a 10.0419:17
dimaкто нибудь самбу настраивал?19:17
mcrawforStuckMojo: it won't restart X19:18
abhijit!en | dima andersom_cruz19:18
ubottudima andersom_cruz: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:18
ilovefairuzdima: write: /join #ubuntu-ru19:18
StuckMojomcrawfor: ok, taking your word for it...19:18
andersom_cruzhello everybody?19:18
abhijit!welcome | andersom_cruz19:18
ubottuandersom_cruz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:18
andersom_cruzanything test the new version of ubuntu?19:18
kerebrusandersom_cruz which new version?19:19
abhijitmeans what?19:19
philinuxandersom_cruz: you want the #ubuntu+1 forum I think19:19
andersom_cruzthe 10.0419:19
StuckMojomcrawfor: you were right, which is what i had expected also, but wasn't sure19:19
abhijitwhat about it?, andersom_cruz ?19:19
philinuxandersom_cruz: It's been out since april19:19
andersom_cruzi thin what is a latest version,19:19
ilovefairuzandersom_cruz: yes it is19:20
andersom_cruzi don't speak english very well...19:20
ilovefairuzandersom_cruz: what's your native language?19:20
philinuxandersom_cruz: what is it you need to know19:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:20
andersom_cruzi'm from brasil19:20
abhijit!br | andersom_cruz19:20
ubottuandersom_cruz: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:21
LaggieHi, how do I check the status on my discs in my Raid1? I think one is broken since the red light on the chassie is lit and it beeps.19:21
ilovefairuz!portuguese| andersom_cruz19:21
ubottuandersom_cruz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:21
DeathSkullI had a question19:21
abhijitDeathSkull, ask.19:21
DeathSkullIf I get this http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer19:21
DeathSkullI can run it alongside my current WIndows install?19:21
philinuxandersom_cruz: you need /join first19:22
ilovefairuzandersom_cruz: write: /join #ubuntu-br19:22
=== millerd_ is now known as millerd
abhijit!wubi | DeathSkull19:22
ubottuDeathSkull: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:22
andersom_cruzmy first irc on the my life19:22
andersom_cruzi am lost19:23
DeathSkullmmkay, just wanted to make sure19:23
abhijitandersom_cruz, ilovefairuz and philinux just told you what you need to do.19:23
=== alerpiz is now known as alper
DeathSkullI've never used anything besies OS X and Windows, so I was curious :)19:23
philinuxandersom_cruz: just type this in  /join #ubuntu-br19:24
DeathSkulllets see how this goes19:24
abhijitDeathSkull, I ddnt answerd yes or no to your ..............ahhhhhhhhhh he left19:24
=== levon is now known as Guest40763
philinuxDeathSkull I would burn the livecd and run it to test your hardware19:24
philinuxDang I got part and join turned off19:25
ilovefairuzphilinux: make it use a time window (10 minutes or so)19:25
ilovefairuzcuts out most of the noise19:25
philinuxI forgot that tab dont work if they left19:26
stephenspI have a question on Monitor Size - ubuntu is telling me I have 13" seiko when I have a 19" Dell. How to fix? Google search not helping. thanks,19:26
abhijithi om26er19:27
ilovefairuzstephensp: you should probably file a bug (ask in #ubuntu-bugs) but you can set a custom resolution if you want19:27
ilovefairuz!resolution | stephensp19:28
bidaboyhi all, im searching for a hex editor, any one know a good one( that alow comparision) ?19:28
ubottustephensp: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:28
om26erhello abhijeet19:28
nishttal2what are the pros and cons of changing the block size on linux19:28
nishttal2block size of file19:28
abhijit!tab | om26er  :P ;)19:28
ubottuom26er  :P ;): You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:28
Piciabhijit: There is some else with that nick here...19:29
abhijitbidaboy, try searching in software center there is this hex editor.19:29
abhijitPici, om26er ohhh sorry :(19:29
abhijeethi om26er19:29
abhijeetom26er, do u know me19:29
ilovefairuznishttal2: in what part?19:29
abhijitabhijeet, that was for me not for you19:29
andersom_cruzanybody speak portuguêse?19:29
bidaboyabhijit, i can use vim as hex editor?19:29
Pici!pt | andersom_cruz19:29
ubottuandersom_cruz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:29
abhijeetabhijit, :)19:30
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
* om26er hides19:30
abhijitbidaboy, dunno. i searched in USC and i got lots of result. 'Hex Editor' is just one of them. first result.19:30
abhijeetabhijeet, btw how are u doing19:30
gadeandersom_cruz, type /join #ubuntu-br to got a brazilian forum19:30
abhijitabhijeet, fine. :)19:30
bidaboyabhijit, ok thanks19:30
* abhijit goes searching for om26er 19:31
=== fishman_ is now known as centaur5
ilovefairuzbidaboy: i use ghex but has no diff features19:31
ilovefairuzdon't think most hex editors do19:31
nurvwhats the easiest way to open a port??19:32
ilovefairuznurv: through the firewall? sudo ufw allow from19:33
ilovefairuzand then use the IP19:33
ilovefairuzor allow to19:33
ilovefairuzand specify the port19:33
nurvand thats from the terminal?19:33
ilovefairuznurv: there's a gui, gufw19:34
LaggieHi, does anyone know how I can check the status on my discs in my Raid1?19:34
LaggieI think one is broken but I do not know19:34
* ilovefairuz uses smartctl 19:35
nurvk ty, installing it now19:35
mowe1i installed ubuntu from sd card, which was mounted as /dev/sda -> i can only boot with sd card inserted19:36
nurvhow do i access it after it downloads?19:37
dakirahi. I just upgraded a machine from 9.10 to 10.04 and have problems with GDM. The theme is a strange mixture of the old and the new theme. How can I change the GDM-theme to the new default theme?19:37
ilovefairuzmowe1: reinstall grub19:37
ilovefairuz!grub2 | mowe119:37
ubottumowe1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:37
kerebrusIs there a way to set what program opens a specific file extension?19:38
mowe1ilovefairuz: but how if i can only boot with sd card inserted? it always is mounted as sda19:38
abhijitkerebrus, yes. right click on them=>propeties=>open with19:38
cylex /sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md019:38
ilovefairuzmowe1: and the hard disk is not mounted? pastebin sudo fdisk -l19:38
kerebrusabhijit I did and I told it to remember choice but it doesnt.19:38
nurvilovefairuz: how do i access the program after it downloaded?19:39
mowe1ilovefairuz: it is mounted, as sdb19:39
abhijitkerebrus, dunno then19:39
mowe1it boots from sdb19:39
cylexLaggie: try http://www.gagme.com/greg/linux/raid-lvm.php#overview19:39
ilovefairuzkerebrus: right click > properties > open with tab19:39
mowe1ilovefairuz: but it is only sdb, if sd card is inserted19:39
ToxicsgWhat is the usual boot process for a machine with Floppy, CD, HD?19:39
SevithI booted my computer changed a few things with conky logged out...logged in and then checked dmesg and this is what it says http://pastebin.com/VzFZufJN19:39
ilovefairuzmowe1: so install to sdb!19:40
kerebrusilovefairuz i have, it doesnt save my choice19:40
SevithThose are microsoft IPS19:40
cylexToxicsg: it depends on the bios settings not linux19:40
SevithWhy would i eVEN TALK to microsh....19:40
dima /join #ubuntu-ru19:40
mowe1ilovefairuz: it is installed on sdb, but it isn't configured to boot from sda! with no card insterted, it doesn't boot19:40
Toxicsgcylex I know it is of topic, it is the bios boot process I am talking about.19:40
abhijitdima, witought any space before '19:40
abhijitdima, witought any space before '/'19:41
ilovefairuzmowe1: are you on this machine now?19:41
mowe1ilovefairuz: i need to know how to change prefix and root to sda19:41
ToxicsgI am guessing Floppy - HD - CD19:41
sdoginstallation has been stalling for about 30 minutes on 30% and I don't see filesystem usage growing  what can be the issue ?19:41
mowe1ilovefairuz: sure, it boots with the card inserted19:41
ilovefairuzmowe1: do you have it booted now?19:41
cylexcheck ur bios settings :>19:41
cylexusually it boots to cd rom then hdd19:41
SevithI booted my computer changed a few things with conky logged out...logged in and then checked dmesg and this is what it says http://pastebin.com/VzFZufJN19:41
kerebrusToxicsg whatever you set it at?19:41
kerebrusI have mine to boot from hd1, hd2, cd19:42
cylexif u don't want to want mess with the setting and install  linux just use F12 and select cdrom to install from the boot cd19:42
ToxicsgOK thaks cylex and kerbus, thought if I set to boot fromm HD first boot time would decrease.19:42
mowe1ilovefairuz: i just need to know how to change the root and prefix thingy of the grub entries19:42
ilovefairuzmowe1: ok, please pastebin fdisk -l and 'mount'19:42
abhijitbye all. :)19:42
ToxicsgI know floppys rare these days.19:43
SevithIts really upsetting knowing when i log into my computer that its talking to microsoft.19:43
SevithVery upsetting19:43
cylexanyone know where I can get ubuntu shell for free19:43
PiciSevith: Excuse me?19:43
tensorpuddingcylex: that's not on topic19:43
Damn3dcylence, on localhost19:44
cylenceDamn3d: hmm?19:44
SevithPici, Yeah. Look at this. I changed some settings in conky. Logged out and back in. Checked dmesg to make sure all was smooth and i get this http://pastebin.com/VzFZufJN19:44
Damn3dcylence uhm, wrong nick, sorry ;P19:44
cylenceDamn3d: hehe, np19:44
tensorpuddingthere's tons of linux shells out there, and you probably won't be able to tell the difference between an ubuntu one and any other19:44
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
SevithPici, I dont know where they came from or why :(19:44
ecolitanhow can i set sgid bit recursivly without the find command?19:44
millerdIf I have multiple ubuntu machines pointed to a Windows Server 2003 DNS is there anyway I can see all the computers that are currently on and their ip addresses?19:45
cylenceDamn3d: perhaps I'll apply your advice to what I was working on anyway and see if it works! ;)19:45
ilovefairuzSevith: run wireshark19:45
PiciSevith: Okay, so? Why do you this has something to do with microsoft?19:45
SevithPici, They are microsoft IPS?19:45
yaeêàê ïðàâèëüíî íàñòðîèòü ðåïîçèòîðèé â óáóíòó?19:45
xanguayae: stop that please19:46
ilovefairuzmillerd: nmap19:46
tensorpuddingsomeone discovered the compose key?19:46
ilovefairuzyae: what's your native language?19:46
ilovefairuz!ru | yae19:47
ubottuyae: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:47
cylexIs there way to set a null password for root19:47
cylexI mean sudo user19:47
millerdHow do you use nmap? And how do you reply in IRC?19:47
SevithDoes ubuntu communicate with ARIN on boot or anything?19:47
sanjoyhow to install google setchup19:47
ilovefairuz!tab | millerd19:47
ubottumillerd: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:47
Sevithmillerd, Go user NMAP tuts nmaps is complex..19:47
Sevithmillerd, Use*19:47
ilovefairuz!pm | Laggie19:48
ubottuLaggie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:48
sanjoyhoe to install GOOGLE setch  up19:49
ilovefairuzmillerd: nmap -sP 10.0.0.* (or whatever your network sub is)19:49
millerdAnd do I do this from an ubuntu machine to the windows server to see all the computers pointed at it for DNS?19:49
cylexsanjoy: No, there's no Linux version of sketchup and there doesn't look like there'll be one for a little bit.19:50
ilovefairuzmillerd: ah, no, that will show you all the machines up on your network (well if they response to ping)19:50
LaggieI tried to use smartctl to check my discs but I get a message I do not know how to overcome - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YdqHue5X19:51
cylexIs there a channel for ubuntu programming19:51
Sevithilovefairuz, we could use -sX instead of -sP ;D lol..19:51
PiciSevith: Do you use msn messenger?19:51
tensorpuddingcylex: there's tons of channels for different languages on freenode19:51
cylexlike learning to program linux19:51
ilovefairuzmillerd: it's theoretically implausible to enumerate all machines using a certain DNS server (unless you mean DHCP) but you'd have to ask a windows channel for that19:51
SevithPici, i did BUT when i was messing with conky I had it shut down..Still even at the moment im dropping packets and i have no instance of amsn running just IRC and that is it..no firefox...just IRC19:52
ni1scylex, you need to be more specific19:52
=== bullgard5 is now known as bullgard4
saganbyteIs it a regular problem that Facebook doesnt work easily with Gwibber?19:52
ilovefairuzcylex: depends on the language19:52
tensorpuddingcylex: most of them don't really operate on the "tutorial for newbies level"19:52
SevithPici, Im going to reboot and see if its still happening or not...19:53
PiciSevith: You may want to check the output of 'sudo netstat -tanp', to see if anything is trying to go outbound on ports 1863 and 347819:53
cylexI prefer C or C++19:53
Picicylex: Try ##C or #C++ then19:53
xanguasaganbyte: you could try the gwibber daily ppa to see if the latest version works better19:53
kerebrusPici lol he logged out before your msg19:53
Picikerebrus: oh well.19:54
ilovefairuzcylex: if by ubuntu programming you mean unix/linux specific stuff, then google "linux programming"19:54
saganbytexangua, thanks, i ll try that19:54
cylexok, thx, ilovefairuz19:55
ilovefairuzLaggie: add sudo19:55
Hellmark[S10e]Hey, i've got a couple servers running the ubuntu server edition, and I have a problem where tftp-hpa is not logging anything.19:56
Hellmark[S10e]any idea?19:56
yaeWhere are  russian ubuntu channel?19:57
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:57
kkirki've upgraded a box from 8.x to 10.x, since the upgrade i faced a problem with suexec, but i think the reason for it's problem is the same as why su stopped working (root pw is set)19:57
xae8kooI am trying to log on to a cabeled network using  EAP (PEAP) and MSCHAPv2, but it won't let me connect. It tries for a while then disconnects, what can be the cause?19:57
ilovefairuzyae: write: .join #ubuntu-ru19:58
ilovefairuz  /join19:58
squircle|iphone!hi | ShapeShifter49919:58
ubottuShapeShifter499: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:58
ShapeShifter499seems I cannot get my ethernet port workin, how good is using wifi for a laptop server19:58
lalonhey im back19:59
lalonto ur heart19:59
ecolitanhow can i set sgid bit recursivly without the find command?19:59
squircle|iphoneShapeShifter499: Not preferable for a server, but if its the only method of connectivity, it'll have to do.19:59
ilovefairuzShapeShifter499: depends on proximity, driver stability, authentication type, ..20:00
kerebrusShapeShifter499 I wouldnt recommend it, if your expecting decent trafic to the box20:00
ShapeShifter499the server will be RIGHT next to the wifi box20:00
cylexgood bye20:00
xae8kooShapeShifter499: A networkcard is cheap...20:00
ShapeShifter499I plan to make this laptop a media, irc, and print server20:01
squircle|iphoneShapeShifter499: Even so, its not preferable20:01
ShapeShifter499for now20:01
LaggieI've added sudo but I am stuck again, i've tried with 0 - 6 but no luck http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dxyvpJJF20:01
kerebrusShapeShifter499 Why cant you get the ethernet port working?20:01
ShapeShifter499xae8koo: someone told me it would be 60 for a pcimia(?) ethernet card20:02
dakirahi. I just upgraded a machine from 9.10 to 10.04 and have problems with GDM. The theme is a strange mixture of the old and the new theme. How can I change the GDM-theme to the new default theme?20:02
ke1haShapeShifter499, severs need two main things to work well, Network Bandwidth and RAM, depending of course on i's intended purpose. WiFI is certainly not the preferred choice for Network I/O on servers.20:02
erUSULecolitan: use globs ? ( but why not use find ? )20:02
ShapeShifter499xae8koo: 60 bucks20:02
ecolitanfin command not avaliable20:02
ShapeShifter499kerebrus: my computer is a dell inspiron 250020:02
erUSULecolitan: all ubuntu install have find20:03
frajollahtem algum brasuka ai20:03
ShapeShifter499kerebrus: for some reason, my comp doesn't "see" the port20:03
ilovefairuzLaggie: pastebin lshw20:03
erUSUL!br | frajollah20:03
ubottufrajollah: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:03
laloncan u guys make shell from ubuntu ?20:03
frajollahnao entendi20:03
ShapeShifter499maybe I'm doing something wong20:03
kkirksomebody knows why on unbuntu10 a setuid-root binary get back EPERM on a setgid32(...) call20:03
rwwlalon: hmm?20:03
lalonrww,  shell20:04
ilovefairuzfrajollah: what's your native language ?20:04
erUSULlalon: ?? what is "make shell from"20:04
ShapeShifter499I'm currently reinstalling ubuntu20:04
lalonmy frnds told me that they make shell i mean irc channel from linux20:04
erUSULkkirk: apparmor ?20:04
ilovefairuzlalon: a shell and irc channel (more like a server) are completely different things20:05
ShapeShifter499anyone know how to tell the alt ubuntu install cd to use/install a certain driver?20:05
Hellmark[S10e]anyone familiar with tftp-hpa?20:05
frajollahagora sim20:05
lalonilovefairuz,  ohh20:05
ilovefairuzShapeShifter499: i think there's an option like "use additional components"20:05
frajollahsou noob ainda20:05
kkirkerUSUL: it's installed, thanks for the tip - i check it's config ;)20:05
frajollahprimeira vez20:05
rwwubottu: en | frajollah20:06
ubottufrajollah: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:06
ke1haShapeShifter499, on a couple of HP servers In built, I had to build them without NIC support first, then ndiswrapper / modprobe the drivers afterwards.20:06
ilovefairuzfrajollah: write: /join #ubuntu-br20:06
Pici!br | frajollah20:06
ubottufrajollah: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:06
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: well once installed the needed driver is all ready there, I just can't get the computer to use it20:07
STILLSTORMhi guys20:08
ke1haI also do the same for a set of cheap LinkSys WiFI cards on workstations. ALl you need is the SYS & INI files for the 32 or 64 bit drivers, for that particular NIC.20:08
ActionParsnipke1ha: is there no native driver?20:08
ilovefairuz!hi | STILLSTORM20:09
ubottuSTILLSTORM: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:09
ke1haWhen you lspci the box, does it show the cards listed?20:09
LaggieWhen I use lshw I get a long list but I can only see the last part, I cannot scroll to the beginning (using putty), how can I access the beginning?20:09
STILLSTORMi'm just here for speak20:09
STILLSTORMnot technical support20:09
ActionParsnipLaggie: sudo lshw | less20:09
erUSULLaggie: use a pager. « lshw | less »20:09
erUSUL kids this days20:09
kkirkerUSUL: apparmor disabled - and the problem persists20:09
erUSULkkirk: then i dunno. strace the command? maybe it drops privileges to soon ?20:10
dcr226Pici, ping20:10
ke1haShapeShifter499, one thing I do, before install, is "disable" all network cards, internal nics as well as internal wifi so it wont laod a similar, but non functional driver by mistake.20:10
kkirkerUSUL: i've done strace - the program fails because it gets back EPERM on setgid3220:11
ke1haSo at install, its nothing but the required server apps, then I manuall add NIC support with ndis / modprobe20:11
ActionParsnipke1ha: I buy wifi which works out of the box. No issues then :)20:11
kkirkerUSUL: the suid executable is the apache suexec wrapper20:11
ke1haActionParsnip, good plan, but not always possible when ya pick up deal on the cheap.20:12
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, are you there?20:12
ActionParsnipke1ha: true but I only buy what I know works, rather than cheap20:12
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: nar :)20:12
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: make it quick20:13
erUSULkkirk: well i'm not really aprogramer so my knowledge is ending here ...20:13
ActionParsnipOff the bus soon, sup20:13
LinuxFetusActionParsnip, hey here's what my startup/shutdown screens look like, now.  http://pastebin.com/JBwi87Zu20:13
kowActionParsnip, unless the reviews on newegg says it works perfectly fine in ubuntu out of the box, then you get it and it doesnt work20:13
ke1haActionParsnip, fer sure.If I were build from scratch, it would all be certified stuff.20:13
ActionParsnipKow: check the hcl20:13
ke1haAnd certainly would "not@ be WIFI :-)20:13
=== james0 is now known as james02
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: what if I can't find a windows driver for my dell?20:14
millerdIf I"m looking for ubuntu computers on nmap20:14
millerdwhat setting do I use?20:14
ActionParsnipkow: or buy from retails who sell linux so you can ask :)20:14
kowActionParsnip, yeah, but i was just thinking, hey 10$ for an asus wifi card, YES!20:14
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: I'll have to check later dude, maybe someone else can help20:14
picard1421im getting an error cmake:372 (messsage) could not find X11??20:14
LinuxFetusAlright, I understand.20:15
kowand people says it works in reviews20:15
picard1421is that a problem with my enviornment or code?>??20:15
ActionParsnipKow: yeah then a good few hours making it fly. No deal20:15
LinuxFetusSo, can anyone help me with this?? Here's what my Ubuntu startup/shutdown screens look like.  It used to look normal: http://pastebin.com/JBwi87Zu20:15
ke1haShapeShifter499, They are there, you just have to dig fer them. Especially with Dell, as its their own Chipset Drivers. Dell is a tougher one, as you can't go to the chipset mfg to get them.20:15
kowit works now though, that was in like 9.04 i think20:15
kowit works now in 10.0420:15
ilovefairuzmillerd: -O will try to detect operating systems20:15
millerdHow do I get nmap to list what it found?20:15
ke1haShapeShifter499, what's the NIC model, yousaid Insp. 2500 Laptop ?20:16
LaggieHere is the list http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wSTCdygb20:16
frag4nowhow can I see available package versions?20:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:16
bastidrazormillerd: have you read the manpage for nmap? man nmap20:16
frag4nowerUSUL: no, package not distro20:16
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: ya20:16
ilovefairuzmillerd: use the same command as before but add -O with -sP20:16
erUSULfrag4now: you read the factoid to the end ?20:16
xae8kooI have Ubuntu 10.0420:16
xae8kooThougth I had 10.920:17
ke1haneed the NIC model to help you dig fer the driver20:17
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: not sure what the NIC is inside20:17
kowxae8koo, there is no 10.920:17
frag4nowerUSUL: you're right, sorry. anyway i already did that command20:17
frag4nowbut i can get only installed package info20:17
ke1haLive-CDbot it and lspci the box, should tell us what it is.20:17
kowits 10.04 and there is an alpha of 10.1020:17
ke1haoops boot .. ..20:17
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: I have the alt ubuntu disk only20:18
frag4nowerUSUL: http://dpaste.com/223252/20:18
Picidcr226: Yes?20:18
ke1haThere's also a Dell Service Number you can use to track down the build as well, assuming it's not been modified.20:18
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: I can use that command from the shell I dropped to right?20:18
erUSULfrag4now: Installato: 1.2.14-4ubuntu1.120:18
erUSULfrag4now: so version 1.2.14-420:18
frag4nowyes, but i don't need to know what i already have20:18
frag4nowi need to know what i can install, downloading it20:19
frag4nowand then install it20:19
jiffeanyone running filesystem level quotas and having problems with it staying in sync?20:19
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: brb I'll try the command (is currently on another comp)20:19
picard1421where can i find libx11.so its not in my usr/bin/x11 folder???20:19
erUSULfrag4now: see tabella versione: that's what is aviable to you20:19
erUSUL!find libx1120:19
ubottuFound: libx11-6, libx11-6-dbg, libx11-data, libx11-dev, libx11-xcb-dev (and 4 others)20:19
picard1421wehn i tried to complie it says im missing this file.. why is it not installed. with my KDE enviornment?? is htere a place i have to intsall this?20:19
ke1haYes, if you have the server installed already, just lspci from the command line20:20
picard1421it says its installed20:20
frag4nowerUSUL: sorry i can't understand you. Have I to follow the link in "tabella versione"?20:20
picard1421but its not showing up in the usr/bin/x11 directory??20:20
Picipicard1421: I don't that exact filename in any package in the Ubuntu repository.20:20
webPragmatistcan conf.d files for php.ini override whats in php.ini ?20:20
webPragmatistthey don't seem to20:20
ilovefairuzpicard1421: you need to install the -devel package20:20
LorgonJortleI've a file that I accidentally named '.ps' with nothing before the dot. I've tried 'sudo rename .ps Something.ps' but it gives me an error.20:21
dcr226Pici, I've a patch for Supytube, to read url's containing #! , I didn't know if you wanted it20:21
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: yes it can, it's included at the bottom20:21
picard1421look at 0:3820:22
erUSULLorgonJortle: mv -- \.ps newname20:22
picard1421it has it looking for libx11.so in usr/lib/X11 and there is no file there??? and that is the error im reciving on compile?20:22
Picidcr226: Cool, pm me a link.20:22
ke1haShapeShifter499, just do a: lspci | grep Networ20:22
dewmanI have a nvidia driver question, I have a older pci nvidia card 5700le and I think I made a mistake of installing the "latest" drivers, from what I can find, I think that I should be using 176.14.25. If thats the case do I just want to purge all the nvidia drivers and then re-install with the correct version?20:23
ke1halspci | grep Network  ... wiht a "K" :-)20:23
webPragmatistilovefairuz: what includes it apache?20:23
cameldrvHi, I'm a bit of a newbie to ubuntu, and I'm trying to install a newer version of exim than comes with 10.04.  I see the new version on launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/amd64/exim4/4.71-3ubuntu1 but I'm not sure how to install it with apt.20:23
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webPragmatistilovefairuz: just curious if they have to be .ini inside of conf.d20:23
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erUSUL!info exim420:24
picard1421found it lol nm...20:24
ubottuexim4 (source: exim4): metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.71-3ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB20:24
dr3mrohello please I want to participate to ubuntu ... where do I start.. I want to be a developer with python please any one guide me the way thnx20:24
picard1421itw as hte dev package.. now im getting an error needs iCE?20:24
Picipicard1421: What are you trying to compile?20:25
webPragmatistilovefairuz: ah they do20:25
Picipicard1421: pam is in the ubuntu repositories.20:25
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: that comnmand shows nothing, btw I'm using the shell you can access on the alt ubuntu disk20:25
picard1421apt-get install pam?20:25
erUSULcameldrv: lucid comes with that exim version.... are you ina previous ubuntu release ?20:25
[J|F]So I'm trying to install the updates from Synaptic after a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04  After downloading all the packages, a window pops up called "Debconf on <hostname>" about "Configuring Kerberos Authentication" and asking for my Default Kerberos Version 5 realm.  What is this?20:25
picard1421i tried sudo apt-get install pam did not work??20:25
ke1haOk, I guess you dont hace grep at that point, just lspci then20:26
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Picipicard1421: Because thats only the name of the source package, it creates the following packages: libpam0g, libpam-modules, libpam-runtime, libpam0g-dev, libpam-cracklib, libpam-doc20:26
erUSULpicard1421: is a library --> libpam20:26
picard1421whats the apt-get command for pam? and the login package too?20:26
* kow is back (gone 00:00:09)20:26
cameldrverusul: I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, which is Lucid to my understanding20:26
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: php.ini has a directive to include it20:26
picard1421apt-get install libpam20:26
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: it shows a 56k modem in using just lspci20:27
erUSULcameldrv: correct. then just doing « sudo aptitude install exim4 » will install that package20:27
picard1421does that contain all the dependenceis in the library needed to install20:27
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: its not showing any network card20:27
cameldrverusul: but I have exim4 4.69, and apt-get says there is no newer version20:27
erUSUL|software | cameldrv20:27
ke1haNo Network card listed at all ?20:27
Picipicard1421: This should be already installed.20:27
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: *ethernet card20:27
Picipicard1421: yes.20:27
picard1421is it under programs??20:27
Picipicard1421: Its not a program, its a library.20:27
ShapeShifter499ke1ha: no ethernet20:27
ke1haShapeShifter499, lets goto PM20:27
Picipicard1421: What do you expect 'pam' to do?20:27
erUSULcameldrv: you are sure you are in lucid ? what does « lsb-release -a » says ?20:28
picard1421the face authentication software20:28
webPragmatistilovefairuz: right for some reason i didn't think they had to have .ini at the end (similar to httpd's conf.d)20:28
picard1421whats the package for IceConnectionNumber iCE?20:28
picard1421i tried apt-get ice that was not it?20:28
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: i don't think they need to, it just includes all files20:28
Picipicard1421: I think we are talking about different packages, pam is Pluggable Authentication Modules.20:29
dewmanI have a nvidia driver question, I have a older pci nvidia card 5700le and I think I made a mistake of installing the "latest" drivers, from what I can find, I think that I should be using 176.14.25. If thats the case do I just want to purge all the nvidia drivers and then re-install with the correct version?20:29
webPragmatistilovefairuz: afaict it doesn't work without .ini20:29
cameldrvI don't have a command "lsb-release", but /etc/lsb-release says "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS""20:29
* erUSUL temped to coing « cargo cult apt-ing »20:29
[J|F]Why is Synaptic asking for my Default Kerberos version 5 realm?  It asks this after trying to install updates after a fresh install.  What do I enter there?20:29
picard1421pici: like face authrization20:29
* erUSUL temped to coin the term « cargo cult apt-ing »20:29
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: man, read the file and you'll find the include directive20:29
acalbazacurious... have updated ubuntu fonts been released?20:29
slinker1erUSUL: hehe20:29
cameldrverusul: this is the linode installation of ubuntu so it's possible that they've made changes to it.  I'm thinking perhaps my apt sources are wrong somehow20:30
erUSULcameldrv: could be. better ask them ?20:30
millerdI'm trying to use nmap -sT 0.0.0.* (where there 0s are my ip range) but can't get it to output the active ips that it has found? I know there are multiple windows and ubuntu machines in this range? Why isn't it reporting anything?20:30
cameldrverusul: my first source is: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted, which seems like it is right to me20:31
PolKHi guys20:31
cameldrverusul: if I manually specify a version number on the apt-get line though, it can't find the package20:32
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ilovefairuzmillerd: ommit -sT and just sudo nmap sub20:32
Guest43571i'm running latest ubuntu under vmware fusion. i'd like to make my screen DPI/PPI match that of the host osx environment, how can I set it? (I know the value is 117)20:32
picard1421at 0:43 see it says looking for ICEConnectionNUmber in ICE ... i dont hae tghe package.. where is it / what is it?20:32
erUSULcameldrv: well my system policy reports --> Candidate: 4.71-3ubuntu1 500 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages20:32
webPragmatistilovefairuz: what "directive" i searched for include and found nothing20:32
cameldrverusul:  As I said, I'm a bit of a newbie -- I'm not sure what that means.  How can I get my system policy?20:33
erUSULcameldrv: apt-cache policy packagename20:33
joesinmillard: works for me...20:33
erUSULcameldrv: apt-cache policy exim420:33
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: search "conf"20:34
joesintype the nmap then whatever change you want to it then > output.txt20:34
picard1421or sorry it says qt qmake not found.. is there something i have to install for qmake?20:34
webPragmatistilovefairuz: did that friend… this is the end of my php.ini http://cl.ly/e709643f123023b1f00a20:34
combinephotoshow do i combine several jpg images into one jpg image in Ubuntu 10.04?20:34
ratcheercombinephotos: I would use the GIMP20:35
webPragmatisthttp://cl.ly/57dc60b4f867a794bf19 rather20:35
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: pastebin the whole thing20:35
webPragmatistilovefairuz: i think it's compiled20:35
combinephotosratcheer: is there an easy program or command in gimp that will do this?20:35
webPragmatistto look in conf.d20:35
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: umm no i don't think so20:35
brummbaercombinephotos: if you need it in CLI form for scripting, imagemagick is probably worth looking into20:36
ratcheercombinephotos: I'm not really sure, I have never done it before.20:36
webPragmatistwell… the phrase "conf" is not in /var/php5/apache2/php.ini20:36
LaggieI cannot find one of my discs in my lshw list, it is located on a 3ware controller, does it mean that the disc is broken? (it worked before of course) I cannot do smartctl controls on it either since I cannot find it. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wSTCdygb20:36
webPragmatistrather /etc20:37
combinephotosbrummbaer: ok, i'll try imagemagick; it seems there is no easy way to do it in any program available to ubuntu/linux, only windows?20:37
brummbaercombinephotos: based on your description of your task, i don't know of any automated way to join photos in windows either20:38
picard1421whats the command to install all qt4 dependencies20:38
combinephotosbrummbaer: i must have already tried imagemagick as its already installed20:38
erUSULLaggie: check boot messages « dmesg | less »20:38
midarapt-get build-dep20:39
krash812rm -fr /20:39
krash812got solution ?20:39
erUSULcombinephotos: how do you want to "combine" them ?20:39
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:39
KaiForceif you create a share through the GUI, but need to delete from the command line, how do you do that?20:39
combinephotoserUSUL: doesn't matter the format, just as long as they don't overlap, into one image file20:39
erUSULkrash812: that does not work in ubuntu. read the man page of rm.20:39
brummbaercombinephotos: two seconds in google tells me that the -adjoin falg w/ imagemagick is what you're looking for20:40
IdleOnekrash812: do NOT post that command again20:40
cameldrverusul: Thanks, it seems I have 4.71 after all20:40
erUSULcameldrv: no problem20:40
combinephotosbrummbaer: glad you knew google, i'll try that20:40
krash812i m sorry .. i do that in a centos server .. and know im cryng ...20:40
picard1421whats openCV im getting now an error "openCV required but some headers or libs not found"20:41
brummbaerhey combinephotos: looks like a great resource here: http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/adjoin/index.php20:41
kerebruserusul what does that comman do?20:41
* erUSUL hands krash812 a paper towel20:42
picard1421im compiling in c++ and im getting that error20:42
ratcheerkerebrus: If it did work, it would delete everything.20:42
picard1421is that a package i need to install?20:42
kerebrusratcheer rofl interesting20:42
LaggieI am not really sure what to look for in the boot list, errors?20:42
erUSULkerebrus: which one? the one krash812 typed here? in ubuntu (or any modern distro) it will error out. in other linux or unix systems and with root privs it will delete everything in your system20:43
barfsterI have now a friend over with a Windows machine, how can I make an ubuntu desktop memory stick? Is there one ready to download? Or can I just run that GUI app on a regular image?20:43
kerebruserUSUL ah okay20:43
combinephotosbrummbaer: when i use convert *.jpg --adjoin output.jpg, it outputs several images and does not combine them into one image20:44
krash812i have deleted all the / with a command that i cannot post .. is there a solution for it ?20:44
x29aheya. im having problems with my mysql server on a 10.04 install. ive seen that many people seem to have this problem (start loop or something) but i dont get it fixed. any hints/help/links?20:44
bastidrazorbarfster: look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:44
dfrankdear All. I've installed ubuntu 10.4, gnome works fine, but at text console there's garbage instead of text. should i change GRUB config? where can i find it?20:44
ilovefairuzwebPragmatist: aaaah could be: has a ./configure option: --with-config-file-scan-dir20:45
ilovefairuzkrash812: no solution, reinstall server and restore any backups20:45
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freak2hello. i am trying to record a video from my vcr using xawtv. i can get the picture to work, but not the sound. when i use the record option xawtv just creats 9 files with the given filename and outputs 'oops not able to create more filenames' all files are some size like 338784. any one any ideas?20:45
trismcombinephotos: the linux version of picasa has a collage button that may do what you want (closed source though)20:45
x29afreak2: harddrive full?20:46
webPragmatistilovefairuz: well… moral of the story… end it with .ini :)20:46
ahappydeathhow can i get the java to work in firefox?20:46
freak2@x29a no 40 gig space left20:46
barfsterbastidrazor: Thanks20:46
combinephotostrism: i'd rather use opensource, i am close to getting it to work, i just need more help from brummbaer20:46
barfsterIs there a way to use debootstrap to install an installer?20:46
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bastidrazorbarfster: you're welcome20:46
erUSULcombinephotos: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/montage.php20:46
barfsterIs there a way to use debootstrap to install an installer? Opposed to a complete system, i e20:47
ilovefairuzahappydeath: do you have java installed?20:47
erUSULcombinephotos: i did try « montage *.jpeg my_collage.jpeg » in a dir full of pictures and it worked as spected20:47
picard1421ok any help .. i think this should be what you guys need ? http://pastebin.com/60WHAUPp20:47
freak2i ami am also not sure if xawtv is still state of the art. it was the only tv program i found besides tvtime that seems not to have a recording option20:47
ritztechin scp when transfering is their automatically a way to put like user:password without prompting ya20:47
erUSULahappydeath: install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:48
ilovefairuzahappydeath: open new tab and type 'about:plugins' in firefox, do you see java?20:48
mandayffs Xorg is driving me crazy! It constantly hangs up and malfunctions!! Is this an ubuntu feature?20:48
combinephotoserUSUL: ok i'll try that20:48
vothCan anyone rec. a thumbnail generator like the one MPC generators?20:48
ilovefairuzritztech: use key-based authentication20:48
ahappydeathilovefairuz, no20:48
mandayIs there a way to make Alt + F1 ALWAYS work? Just seconds ago Xorg hung up again (but I could still move the mouse pointer) but there was no way getting to the TTY because Alt + F1 relies on X1120:49
ilovefairuzahappydeath: then use the command you were given20:49
ritztechhmmmm keybased auth ?20:49
mandayis there a way to make the kernel switch to TTY1 upon Alt + F1 ?20:49
ilovefairuzritztech: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys20:49
erUSULmanday: is crtl + alñt + f1 if you are in X20:49
erUSULmanday: is crtl + alt + f1 if you are in X20:49
ritztechis that same with radius access20:49
mandayerUSUL: but this depends on X itsself, doesnt it!20:49
mandayor was that alt + F1 only..20:49
erUSULmanday: to some estent yes20:49
mandayno i think both, no?20:49
barfsterWhat are the different sources for debootstrap?20:50
mandayerUSUL: iirc you can even disable that in xorg.conf20:50
mandayerUSUL: it will not work then if X hangs up (as it was the case for me)20:50
mandayhence my question:20:50
ilovefairuzritztech: no it's no the same20:50
blitzoi am having no end of problems with cairo-dock.  i have been using their forum to report them but now they have turned on an anti-spam filter that stops ALL posts.  how can i get an email address?  no one is paying attention to their irc channel20:50
erUSULmanday: you used an incorrect key combo.20:50
ilovefairuzmanday: you need magic sysreq keys20:51
mandayerUSUL: you sure? Well, ILl try next time but I was pretty sure I pressed Ctrl Alt F120:51
ritztechhmm have 100 users trying to gain access and instead of everyone also SSHing to a deving then WINSCP to it and then pulling it im trying to automate it via TCL / bash20:51
combinephotoserUSUL: thank you, that worked, btw, is there a way to stop montage from shrinking the images in the collage?20:51
mandayilovefairuz those only work while booting or single user, no?!20:51
ilovefairuzmanday: nope20:51
picard1421im using everyting non GUI except for my login screen. I do not want to install a FULL KDM enviornemnt just to log in... my question is... is there a REALLY lightweight login program that is very customizeable.. Just to log in and you can then customize the background picture etc...???20:51
erUSULmanday: i only know what you told me « 21:48 < manday> Is there a way to make Alt + F1 ALWAYS work? ...» you only mention alt there20:52
mandayilovefairuz: what was it again ctrl+alt+scroll lock + Key?20:52
bastidrazorblitzo: patience.. many of those in #cairo-dock are french and have a difference schedule.20:52
KaiForceanyone know where ubuntu (Lucid) stores the share config for SMB shares created through the GUI?  I turned off my GUI and need to remove a share....20:52
mandayerUSUL: I m not 100% sure what I pressed20:52
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ilovefairuzmanday: it's the print screen button20:52
combinephotospicard1421: openbox maybe?20:52
picard1421is that just a login screen?20:52
combinephotospicard1421: no entire lightweight desktop environment20:53
erUSULmanday: then why you assume is a bug or maltfunction ? it could be you pressing the wrong keys for all we know20:53
ilovefairuzmanday: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Magic_commands this is the key list20:53
picard1421im looking literally for someting literally not even a GUI./.. Static Picture... with login screen.. if accepted flash another picture for 5 seconds take to root consol... if not accetped flash another picture to login screen?20:54
mandayilovefairuz: yes thanks. but iirc the kernel even displays the possible keystrokes20:54
mandayerUSUL: could be, will make sure next time20:54
combinephotoserUSUL: thank you, that worked, btw, is there a way to stop montage from shrinking the images in the collage?20:54
picard1421nyone figure this out yet??20:54
manday(if that ever happens, but judging from how stable xorg has proved to be for me it wont take long)20:54
vothCan anyone rec. a linux variant of VirtualDub that cut a variety of video formats (MKV not required)?20:54
ilovefairuzmanday: you need to enable it in sysctl.conf20:54
ilovefairuzmanday: for it to be permanently enabled20:55
jasonwryanpicard1421: you could look at entrance for your display manager...20:55
picard1421is that a program "entrance"20:55
ilovefairuzmanday: because well if X hangs, you won't be able to enable them before you can use them20:55
jasonwryanpicard1421: yes http://xcomputerman.com/pages/entrance.html20:56
shivwhere is aptoncd. I canot find the files on its website. Whtas wrong?20:56
picard1421what does it do??20:56
combinephotoserUSUL: is there a way to stop montage from shrinking the images in the collage?20:56
ilovefairuzshiv: it's a package20:56
bastidrazor!info aptoncd | shiv20:56
ubottushiv: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr115-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 261 kB, installed size 1960 kB20:56
shivilovefairuz, I know but I am trying to install and I cannot find the deb or the package20:56
mandayilovefairuz: works fine for me without editing anything20:56
ilovefairuzshiv: sudo apt-get install aptoncd20:57
shivilovefairuz, let me see20:57
ilovefairuzmanday: hm alright then20:57
mandayilovefairuz: i wonder tho when i press it within X (say sysreq h for help) nothing happens - on the TTYs neither20:57
ahappydeaththanks everyone20:57
shivilovefairuz, that worked. Sorry about this. I was trying to download directly form the website20:57
barfsterI am on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without%20CD is there a way to change step 4 under debootstrap method? Step 4. Create the new install.20:58
barfstersudo debootstrap lucid /mnt/installer20:58
barfstersudo debootstrap >>> What are my choices here? <<< /mnt/installer20:58
ilovefairuzmanday: alt + sysreq + key20:58
barfsterIs there a MiniCDinstaller option?20:58
mandayilovefairuz: i know20:58
mandaythats what i meant20:58
ilovefairuzmanday: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq20:59
ilovefairuzif 0, echo 1 to it20:59
asdahi everybody today i bought a PC (amd phenom 2 X6 1055T, 4GB RAM ) have to insall 64bit ? , i want to install ubuntu what is the first step for usb install option20:59
combinephotosanyone know if there is a way to stop montage from shrinking the images in the collage?20:59
mandayilovefairuz: 121:00
ilovefairuz!install | barfster21:00
ubottubarfster: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:00
mandayilovefairuz: so what?21:00
jendaIs there a way to restore text entered into a text box in a Firefox tab? It was an email message sent through a website interface (proz.com) and I didn't make a copy. I re-opened the closed tab, but the text itself didn't reappear. I vaguely recall trying something similar earlier and I believe I found the solution in the end - I just don't rememember how. Any ideas?21:00
redscrewed you are, my padawan21:01
ilovefairuzmanday: are you pressing in sequence or simultaneously ?21:01
barfsterilovefairuz: My question is what are the options for debootstrap, are there any alternatives to lucid?21:01
mandayilovefairuz: simultaneously. ilovefairuz it works fine if within a TTY21:01
barfsterIn this command that is: sudo debootstrap lucid /mnt/installer21:01
mandayjust saying that in X x appears to take everything over21:01
mandayselfish thing of... argh.21:01
blitzodoes anyone have an email address for cairo-dock21:02
ilovefairuzmanday: i don't expect 'h' to work inside X21:03
bastidrazorblitzo: glx-dock.org21:03
mandayilovefairuz: where would the output from the kernel go then tho?!21:03
blitzobastid_raZor, i cannot access their website21:04
Piciblitzo: Try #cairo-dock perhaps21:05
ilovefairuzmanday: actually just found only that only the right alt key works!!21:05
asdaUbuntu 10.04 Desktop amd64?is it true for phenom2 X6 1055T21:05
ritztechis there a way to automate a file transfer Without Scp and try something else21:06
ritztechlike wput21:06
DeistHi! I'm having kind of a major problem with my Ubuntu 10.04. My Touchpad is "gone". Not showing up in mouse settings and not giving any kind of respons. I'm on a Macbook Pro 6.2.21:06
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DeistAnyone heard of it? I tried googeling but no respons.21:06
ilovefairuzritztech: why not scp?21:06
ritztechtrying to automate21:06
ritztechand im building a TCL script21:06
trismcombinephotos: use the -geometry option, documented here http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/montage/: -geometry +2+2 might work, supposed to be a 2 pixel gap using the largest image as the size, you can also specify a size: -geometry 100x100+2+2 to shrink them all to 100 by 100...more options in that link21:07
manday1ilovefairuz: you replied?21:07
ilovefairuzritztech: what's wrong with automating scp?21:07
ilovefairuzmanday1: to what?21:07
gayumbai am tryign to configure ldap authentication, this nice ncurses based guideded configuration came up but i cancelled it by mistake, how do i get it back21:07
ritztechit requests a password i might be able to set it up though on the TCL end21:08
ilovefairuzgayumba: sudo dpkg --configure packagename21:08
brummbaergayumba, usually dpkg --reconfigure <packagename>21:08
ilovefairuzritztech: i linked you to key based authentication, you won't have to use password21:08
ritztechis that for every user21:09
ilovefairuzritztech: yes21:09
mowe1i installed ubuntu from a sd card-- it was mounted automatically as sda at boot, so the hd was sdb, which led to lots of problems (grub). how can i prevent the sd card from being sda?21:09
ritztechits only one then hmmmm do i have to do it on the DEST box or SRC21:09
ilovefairuzritztech: no ssh bindings for tcl ?21:09
manday1ilovefairuz: nevermind21:09
PutrI need to compear multiple folders for same filenames ... does ubuntu have a built in function for that? do you know of a program?21:09
barfsterIs there an apt source for Ubuntu 10.04 MiniCD?21:09
gayumbabut i forgot which packge name it is21:10
karlocan I make animation in gimp ?21:10
barfsterkarlo: Try pencil21:10
ritztechi have to do alot of research on the Tcl and the shell script to run it21:10
barfsterkarlo: http://pencil-animation.org/21:10
karlobarfster: I was using pencil, but I was thinking to make animation in gimp...21:11
ilovefairuzPutr: 'comm'21:11
Poul|RaiderI have a ubuntu server box, setup with a pptp connection for incoming connections. I also have sub1.domain.xx and sub2.domain.xx - is it posible to setup somekind of forwarding on the linux box so incoming packages from sub1 will be forwarded to xx.xx.xx.xx:port and from sub2 forwarded to yy.yy.yy.yy:port( where xx... yy... are local ips on the network which the  linux box is on)21:11
barfsterkarlo: My kids use pencil, it it very nice, gimp I do not know that much, I believe it’s just a Photoshop comptetitor.21:12
ilovefairuzDeist: check /var/log/Xorg.log.0 for any relevant messages21:12
abc_How can I kill a process runnung at a pecific port in ubuntu ?21:12
Putrthanks ilovefairuz21:13
abc_How can I kill a process running at a specific port in ubuntu ?21:13
froschiabc_: find the pid with netstat, kill it21:13
bt4abc_ install htop21:13
ilovefairuzabc_: netstat -tupln to find it21:13
gayumbai dont know what the name of the packge is i need to dkpg --reconfigure (its the ldap client package)21:13
karlobarfster: one problem in pencil for me is becouse you can not save animation as a gif...21:13
ilovefairuzand then killall processname21:13
profxavierhi, on my router, I can setup alerts [email alerts], when I configure it, with an SMTP server, can I use one, similar to yahoo/hotmail/gmail ?21:13
barfsterkarlo: so you want to make gifmation?21:14
barfsterMaybe ffmpeg can convert pencil output to gifmation?21:14
picard1421is it possible to start entrance without a GUI.. i have no KDE< or GNOME.. its just a server.. but i want a GUI login screen>>>???21:14
abc_ilovefairuz: froschi: it doesn't show up in netstat21:14
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karlobarfster: I gonna try that, ty21:14
ilovefairuzpicard1421: xdm and a custom session file?21:14
c3lhow do I update these: The following packages have been kept back:21:14
c3llinux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic21:14
bastidrazorabc_: use sudo to get the application name21:15
froschiabc_: then it's not there. or try as root (with 'sudo netstat')21:15
barfsterkarlo: ffmpeg -i original_movie.avi output_file.gif21:15
ilovefairuzc3l: leave them they will be updated when ready21:15
mandayerUSUL: no, it just happend again, X hung up mouse pointer could still be moved, music was still playing and I pressed Alt Ctrl F1 and nothing happend21:15
ilovefairuzabc_: sudo before it21:15
Deistilovefairuz: Thanks for responding. I have no file with that name...21:15
TecnaAfter installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, Totem crashes when I try to play video.21:15
=== manday is now known as ManDay
ManDayilovefairuz: what sysreq would you recommend in that case?21:15
c3lilovefairuz: oh, but its strange that the kde update notifier recommends me to update them, marked as "bugfixes"21:15
c3lilovefairuz: no, security updates, strange that security updates are held back by aptitude21:16
froschiabc_: (or do you have a 'crashed' program blocking the port for some time? this would be an entirely different problem)21:17
asdasomeone pls help me i have 4gb ram so i have to install 64 bit ubuntu?21:17
froschiasda: nope21:17
ilovefairuzManDay: 'r' or perhaps 'g'21:17
picard1421can you download files with w3m??21:17
Bisu[Shield]is theer a linux tool that is as good as winscp?21:17
froschiBisu[Shield]: gftp i think21:18
nicolindalciuciocome andare ubuntu21:18
asdafroschi so i need to download 32 bit desktop ubuntu 10.0421:18
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abc_froschi: I ran gpsd at a port and then closed the terminal . Now when i run it again, it says gpsd already running at port 1947121:18
c3lBisu[Shield]: how funny :D well ssh and scp is the tools :)21:18
Rosbuntudo u think this nick is nice?21:18
ilovefairuzDeist: pastebin: sudo ls -R /var/log21:18
froschiasda: your choice. it depends on the processor, which 64bit version you could use. but you don't have to21:18
Deistilovefairuz: Ah! Found something in the log with similar name. "Failed to load module "multitouch" (module requirement missmatch -0)21:19
abc_froschi: so would it follow the same procedure, it doesn21:19
barfsterHow can I make my own repo for making an installer?21:19
abc_froschi: it doesn't list in sudo netstat21:19
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c3lbarfster: what do you mean 'making an installer'?21:19
Deistilovefairuz: "No input driver matching 'multitouch'.21:19
mandayFFS !!!21:19
zekaihello guys need help with my wireless connection (ubuntu 10.04 fujitsu amilo pa 1510)21:19
mandayilovefairuz: what did you just say?21:20
mandayWhat R or what?21:20
asdafroschi 4gb ram and amd phenom2 x6 1055T precessor21:20
ke1haBisu[Shield], Have a look here, under other Networking: http://www.libervis.com/wiki/index.php?title=Table_of_Equivalent_Software21:20
barfsterc3l: If I debootstrap lucid I will make an install21:20
barfsterc3l: I would like to make an installer21:20
ilovefairuzmanday: use 'r' or perhaps 'g'21:20
picard1421ok how about this since i cant really get my question accross: all i want is so when i press power on my computer it boots up.. once it loads up i want it to go to a screen that just has a password line with a astatic JPEG image behind it.. if hte password works.. it goes to another static JPEG image for 5 seconds.. then just regular old terminal.. no KDE.. no enviornemnt.. no anthing.....21:20
picard1421...literall static jpeg image password.. if works.. another jpeg image..  goes to termainl (where i have to physically log in again). this program would not log into the actual terminal.. but almost like a first barrier before the terminal?21:20
froschiabc_: is this a tcp port? i don't know gpsd. have you changed the port? from the docs: making all data on the location and movements of the sensors available to be queried on TCP port 294721:20
mandayany idea why everything is killed when I go Alt + F7 from a TTY?21:20
mandaythen i am back at GDM21:20
mandayjeez i hate x21:20
c3lbarfster: an installer for what? you want a custom ubuntu installing tool?21:21
abc_froschi: yes a TCP port, I provided port no 1947121:21
ilovefairuzDeist: pastebin the whole file21:21
TecnaAfter installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, Totem crashes when I try to play video.21:21
barfsterc3l: In particular I would like to debootstrap lucid as MiniCD21:21
barfsterc3l: affirmative21:21
abc_froschi: how to stop it then ?21:21
Deist[    24.654]21:22
DeistX.Org X Server 1.8.221:22
DeistRelease Date: 2010-07-0121:22
Deist[    24.654] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 021:22
FloodBot1Deist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
Deist[    24.654] Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-27-xen x86_64 Ubuntu21:22
Deist[    24.654] Current Operating System: Linux christopher-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 5 09:20:59 UTC 2010 x86_6421:22
ritztech scp *.tgz root@   am i not doing this right ? its just pausing there21:22
mandayilovefairuz: are you sure that G exists?21:22
mandayi cant find it in sysreq H21:22
Johnfso this is like a massive chat or what ?21:22
mandayJohnf: massive, yes21:22
ilovefairuzmanday: yes and try 'r' first21:22
picard1421illl brb if anyone can help me please leave me a PM ill post it again in 5 minutes21:22
c3lbarfster: sorry im not familiar with debootstrap21:22
mandayilovefairuz: any hint on what unrawing is?21:22
mandayilovefairuz: what is G? I cant find it21:23
ilovefairuzDeist: use a pastebin website and post link here21:23
ilovefairuzmanday: unrawing will take control back from X21:23
ghostpadxahey pple do anyone hw to install wine in terminal21:23
froschiabc_: please try again 'sudo netstat -n | grep -w 19471' ... it *should* be there21:23
Deistilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470819/ Thanks!21:23
c3lghostpadxa: sudo apt-get install wine21:23
mandayilovefairuz: sounds lovely! on a more basic level: what does it mean? I assume the kernel has no special X related sysreq so what is unrawing in general?21:23
ilovefairuzmanday: 'g' is "When using Kernel Mode Setting, provides emergency support for switching back to the kernel's framebuffer console"21:23
Tecnaghostpadxa: sudo apt-get install wine21:23
mandayilovefairuz: awesome, thats exactly what i need21:24
froschiabc_: if not, what *exactly* is the 'error ourput'?21:24
Johnfi'm running 10.04 netbook edition on an hp mini 110 and it will run perfect about 1/5 of the time. the other 4/5 it wont boot up and just flashes "_" on a balck screen21:24
froschiabc_: *output*21:24
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abc_froschi: it doesn't shows up any the error, and nothing happens as well21:24
c3lJohnf: check logs21:25
mandayilovefairuz: im a 100% certain sysreq G is not listed in sysreq H, any idea why that is ?21:25
abc_froschi: running the same process on the same port again, it says "can't bind to port 19471"21:25
ilovefairuzmanday: no idea21:25
Johnfc31: thanks how might i do that ?21:25
froschiabc_: yeah. that's an error message :) ...21:25
zekaineed help with wireless connection (ath5k module) there are lost packages and corrupted packages21:25
TecnaWhat package provides the program that automatically searches the repo for a/v codecs?21:25
karloany program that convert images ?21:26
ke1haJohnf, Black Screen Workaround: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/21:26
ilovefairuzDeist: your touchpad device is 'bcm5974' that will help with googling21:26
froschiabc_: did you wait 5 minutes and try again then? if the process crashed, the port maybe blocked for some time21:26
Deistilovefairuz: Thanks for your help!21:27
abc_froschi: I ran it yesterday and it is still there. I used "-G -S 19471"21:27
Johnfthanks kelha21:27
ilovefairuzDeist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-4/Lucid#Touchpad%20(bcm5974)21:27
Tecnakarlo: Try nautilus-image-converter21:27
froschiabc_: but you can check on the machine, if you have installed the 'netcat' package: 'netstat -v 19471'21:27
Deistilovefairuz: Cool! Will check it out.21:27
mandaythanks ilovefairuz21:27
froschiabc_: this should give some output to tell if there is a live process listening on that port21:27
ilovefairuzmanday: you're welcome21:28
profxavieri would like someone to talk with me, for a few mins and a few questions, about what a syslog server is and how I could use it.  I would like to PM, and it -will- be very short, anyone ?21:28
froschiabc_: oops21:28
froschiabc_:  'nc -v 19471' <- this is right21:28
ghostpadxasomeone just hacked into system because someone is controlling my mouse and play funny sounds ,hw can i stop this21:29
abc_froschi: nc: connect to port 19471 (tcp) failed: Connection refused21:29
ActionParsnipprofxavier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syslog21:29
ilovefairuzprofxavier: a syslog server is a program that other programs communicate to and send various kinds of useful messages to help with setup and configuration21:29
profxavierghostpadxa, restart you system21:29
profxavierActionParsnip, thanks :P21:29
jglaunerHi!  I'm trying to figure out how to get jabber to work with jabber-muc on my intranet.  I've searched online and can't find anything that resolves my problem.  Where would be a good place to ask here?  Thanks!21:29
zekaineed help with wireless connection (ath5k module) there are lost packages and corrupted packages. but there is no problem with eth con21:29
profxaviercan I just bother you in pm for 2 mins Action?21:30
ilovefairuzghostpadxa: are you using ubuntu ?21:30
zekaineed help with wireless connection (ath5k module ubuntu 10.04) there are lost packages and corrupted packages. but there is no problem with eth con21:30
Tecnaghostpadxa: unplug your network, change your password, and stop giving out your password and installing malware21:30
ghostpadxaprofxavier: ok21:30
ilovefairuzzekai: pastebin the exact error messages you get21:30
bt4im click alt +crtl +F1 next alt+crtl + F1 F2 ... F9 / a dont say my pulpit icon ??21:30
zekaiilovefairuz no error21:30
zekaijust lost packages and corrupted packages21:31
ilovefairuzzekai: how do you the packages are 'lost' or 'corrupt' ?21:31
zekailooking with wireshark21:31
zekaiif i ping my route there are lost packages21:31
zekairouter **21:31
ActionParsnipzekai: can you give the output of: sudo lshw -C network     you may also benefit from using a wired connection and getting fully updated21:31
opijcould anyone tell me how to ssh into serverA on port 30 ?21:31
ilovefairuzzekai: these are PACKETS not packages21:31
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froschiabc_: hm :/ maybe it the daemon wants to bind to or the real_ip of the machine... dunno... or the error message 'cannot bind' is bogus... still something should show up with netstat... i usually don't suggest this, but maybe you should restart the machine? gps is a strange thing i read...21:32
profxavieropij, on serverA, you configure sshd_config to use that port, rather than the standard [but I have to ask, why port 30?]21:32
Tecnazekai, ilovefairuz: *facepalm*21:32
tucemiuxopij, ssh -p 30 username@hostname21:32
abc_froschi: restarting doesn't help at all. the problem sustains21:32
opijthanks tucemiux21:32
StrangeCharmwhat directory should i put my shell scipts in?21:32
profxavieropij: sshd_config is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:32
ilovefairuzzekai: if you have no trouble downloading stuff, then you shouldn't worry about them21:33
karlohow to play flash video (from youtube or some web like that) in my video player (like VLC and else) ?21:33
ilovefairuzStrangeCharm: ~/bin ?21:33
tucemiuxStrangeCharm, generally you make a "bin" directory in your home folder, like ilovefairuz sayz21:33
ilovefairuzkarlo: you'd have to download the video first21:33
zekaidamm i cant even open pastebin21:33
zekaito show output21:33
ilovefairuzzekai: are you far from the router ?21:34
froschiabc_: sorry then, i'm clueless then via remote diagnostics :/ have you tried 'ps aux | grep gpsd'?21:34
StrangeCharmtucemiux, ilovefairuz thanks21:34
karloilovefairuz: but I can play music from internet in terminal...21:34
Tecnakarlo: install VideoDownloadHelper from firefox's add-on repo21:34
zekaiilovefairuz im near the router21:34
ilovefairuzkarlo: youtube doesn't over streaming urls21:34
zekaiilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/GXQm9WUu21:34
ilovefairuz!info youtube-dl | karlo21:35
ubottukarlo: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.04.04-1 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB21:35
profxavieropij, I think tucemiux more accurately answered your question, I hope we helped21:35
ilovefairuzkarlo: or use something like minitube21:35
GoblinzHi there, is it possible to get some linux help here?21:35
opijthanks for your input nonetheless profxavier21:35
abc_froschi:  1000     16580  0.0  0.0   3124   780 pts/1    S+   02:05   0:00 grep --color=auto gpsd21:35
froschiGoblinz: no, this is for linux only :)21:35
ilovefairuz!details | Goblinz21:35
ubottuGoblinz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:35
oCean_Goblinz: just ask the channel your question (try to keep the description in one single line)21:36
froschiabc_: well, i don't understand why you don't see it with netstat, but 'killall gpsd' or 'sudo killall gpsd' or 'sudo killall -9 gpsd' you should try :)21:36
GoblinzI've screwed up my install.... I need to reinstall my desktop server. I'm running ubuntu21:37
zekaiilovefairuz : i had this problem before with another linux distro but i solved that with changing routers enc method aes to aes+tkip21:37
TecnaGoblinz: Welcome to Earth.  On this planet, people can get Linux help in Linux support IRC channels.21:37
zekaiilovefairuz: but with ubuntu i couldnt21:37
abc_froschi: ah, the gpsd shown in that is the one I am running normally and not on 19471. sudo killall -9 gpsd works for normal one but not for the one on 1947121:38
Goblinzi've booted off a cd and can see my old home directory. a quick fix would be to just back that up and re-install, is this possible21:38
froschiabc_: ? maybe the gpsd by 'cannot bind to port' means the hardware port the gps is connected to? *not* the tcp? that's why i asked...21:39
ilovefairuzzekai: try install backports21:39
ghostpadxaabc:just get into your system21:39
froschiabc_: oh noes, you said 'bind to port 19471' :/21:39
abc_froschi: yes21:40
abc_froschi: gpsd: Can't bind to port 19471 gpsd: Maybe gpsd is already running!21:40
ilovefairuzabc_: what do 'sudo netstat -tupln | grep 19471' gives ?21:40
pauloposso deletar meus bookmarks que estao no ubuntu one?21:41
froschiabc_: well, as i said, i'm clueless now. try pressing enter harder or so :/21:41
pauloI can delete bookmarks that are available on my ubuntu one?21:41
abc_ilovefairuz: gives nothing21:41
profxavierwhen I install packagename-doc, this isnt a man file, How do I access this document?21:41
abc_froschi: ok,thanks for your help so  far21:41
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Goblinzany ideas?21:42
oCean_profxavier: probably /var/lib/doc-base. Also, try dpkg -l package-doc, this will list all contents of deb21:43
profxavieroCean_: you are correct sir21:43
abc_ilovefairuz: any idea ?21:43
profxavierthank you21:43
oCean_profxavier: no prob. You made up your mind about syslog yet?21:44
profxavieri have rsyslog installed21:44
profxaviermy router is set to log to it, so just about to try and get the server running the way I want21:44
froschiGoblinz: shure... from the live cd copy the data to i.e. an usb stick you trust or whatever... why not? if this is 'quick' enough for you...21:44
Goblinzhi, thanks froschi. When i try copying it says i do not have permission21:45
Bob_Dole2how...do I set a static IP from the command line?21:45
{g}Hey Ubuntu! On my VM, when I use top, i see crazy values for %CPU. Like 4999 ord 3814 or 9999. How can a task take up 9999% of the CPU time?21:45
oCean_profxavier: ok. I've used syslogd (-r), never used rsyslog.. has to be similar I guess21:46
profxaviercli web browser ?21:46
ilovefairuzabc_: does this work? sudo nc -l  1947121:46
oCean_!info lynx | profxavier21:46
ubottuprofxavier: lynx (source: lynx-cur): Text-mode WWW Browser (transitional package). In component main, is extra. Version 2.8.8dev.2-1 (lucid), package size 210 kB, installed size 248 kB21:46
jglaunerI'm trying to configure jabber to use jabber-muc (for chat rooms on my intranet) on Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and I'm having trouble.   Where would be a good place to ask about config file options, etc.?  (I've searched and found nothing that talks about linking up these two packages as gotten through apt-get jabber jabber-muc.)21:47
ilovefairuzBob_Dole2: ifconfig eth0 ip_address_here21:47
ke1haBob_Dole2, Overview: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html21:47
ilovefairuzBob_Dole2: edit /etc/network/interfaces if you want it permanent21:47
froschiGoblinz: hm, how do you try to copy? you can get an 'root browser' with *all* permissions (be careful then!) with alt-f2 and entering 'gksudo nautilus' i think21:48
profxavieroCean_: how would I start using it ? man syslog ?21:48
BeastilationHi need to find network staffer, unsure about wat channel to go to21:48
Beastilation(ps: ubuntu is great)21:48
ke1haBob_Dole2, DHCP to Static: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html21:48
profxavierBeastilation try /list ?21:48
JoshuaLBeastilation, #freenode21:48
Beastilationnice one cheers21:48
profxavieralso, /list keyword21:49
gosHi i wanted install compiz-fusion in ubuntu lxde with ubuntu-tweak and this is the error reporte:   Traceback (most recent call last):21:49
gos  File "/usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/mainwindow.py", line 567, in setup_notebook21:49
gos    page = page()21:49
gos  File "/usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/compiz.py", line 225, in __init__21:49
gos    self.create_interface()21:49
midaractually: /stats p21:49
gos  File "/usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/compiz.py", line 247, in create_interface21:49
gos    self.snap = SnapWindow(_("Enable snapping windows"), self)21:49
gos  File "/usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/compiz.py", line 198, in __init__21:49
gos    self.plugin = self.context.Plugins['snap']21:49
midar(as documented on opn website)21:49
gosKeyError: 'snap'21:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:49
gos 21:49
ilovefairuzgos: stop!21:49
oCean_profxavier: The syslogd server has to be configured to listen to remote incoming. All other servers have to have a line in syslog.conf that forwards messages from certain facility.priority to that syslogd server21:50
tucemiuxgos, use paste bin21:50
profxavieroCean_, where is the .conf ?21:50
profxavierah, in /etc21:50
oCean_profxavier: on the "clients" you have to modify /etc/syslog.conf21:50
profxavieroh wait21:51
profxaviermine just has rsyslog.conf in /etc21:51
StrangeCharmhow do i alias a shell script to a shorter name?21:51
Goblinzfroschi, you absolute star :) Do you know where in my bookmarks (opera + firefox) woudl reside in my home directory?21:51
oCean_profxavier: the syslogd server config is in eh.. in eh.. /etc/default/syslogd I think21:51
oCean_profxavier: yeah, rsyslog and syslogd do differ..21:52
profxavieri just see rsyslog everywhere I look21:52
profxavierill just play around with it a bit21:52
ke1haprofxavier, it's notmally /etc/syslog.conf21:52
gosIs there a solution for my error?21:52
ke1haprofxavier, Have a looky here: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-remote-syslog-logging-debian-and-ubuntu21:53
jglaunerStrangeCharm: alias short_name='long_command_here'  You can add an alias to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc files.21:53
StrangeCharmthanks jglauner21:54
Putrhey how can i find of the name (ex. eth1) of my wireless device21:54
ilovefairuzPutr: ifconfig21:54
froschiGoblinz: make sure edit->preferences->view->show_hidden_files is checked, firefox is somewher in .mozilla/firefox, opera i dunno, maybe .opera? ... or just copy everthing visible and hidden in your homedir...21:55
blockheadhello, need a bit of help21:55
blockheadAre there audio converters for ubuntu, similar to21:55
oCean_blockhead: go right ahead. Try to keep the description in one single line21:55
ilovefairuzblockhead: ffmpeg21:56
Putrilovefairuz: thanks21:56
oCean_!info devede21:56
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.8-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1976 kB, installed size 4024 kB21:56
kc8pxycan someone help me understand why i can't connect to my openvpn with the network-manager openvpn plugin??   i can connect manually from CLI, but iwanted to try out the network manager vpn settings. it's complaining that i don't have a secret for my key. (which i don't) and that's "correct".21:58
sixofourso ive been using the package manager to install some programs...am i supposed to run all of these with terminal? most of them are games21:58
blockheadSimilar to Devede but for AUDIO only.21:58
sixofourthere are no menu shortcvuts for them21:58
erUSULsixofour: they did not appeared in games menu ?21:58
blockheadAudio Converter, tht converts Mp4 to Mp3 or WMV21:58
sixofouri installed about 10 games too, all part of ubuntu games package21:59
erUSULsixofour: winff? soundconverter?21:59
shurathingGreetings. Having issues with ibus. It's not switching languages and seems to freeze the program I'm in when trying to switch languages. 10.04 netbook w/lucid backports21:59
erUSULsixofour: sorry; tab completion error ;P21:59
erUSULblockhead: winff? soundconverter?22:00
SubCoolanyone use KRDC? - has it ever logged into its remote computer, and then never refresh the screen? Although all actions do take effect? I am REmoting into another ubuntu box- as of now.22:00
blockheadThe file is 1.3GB of Audio22:00
blockheadTrying to convert it from mp4 to mp3 or WMV22:00
sixofouraudiacity might work, but i don't think they have a linux version22:01
Putrhey i installed xmbc live .. but was unable to connect to my wireless network while under install. Is there a way to still connect to the wireless network?22:01
erUSUL!info audacity22:01
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.12-2 (lucid), package size 2588 kB, installed size 6952 kB22:01
erUSULblockhead: ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -ab 256k file.mp322:02
erUSULblockhead: you have to install lame22:02
SubCoolNevermind- its the server.22:02
blockheadlame? don't know what that is22:02
TakatoriHiya, I have a version of Ubuntu Server installed, I was wondering how I would setup my own IRC server22:02
erUSUL!info lame22:02
ubottulame (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library (frontend). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 161 kB, installed size 264 kB22:02
opijwhat is the command to exit telnet?22:02
sixofourerUSUL:  any idea bout my issue?22:02
frag4nowHow can I install amule and amule-adunanza on the same machine. I get a lock that remove one of them when i try to install the other...22:03
Takatoriopij, try the Ctrl+C escape.22:03
blockheadinstalling now erUSUL22:03
SubCoolbbl- i give up lol.22:03
Takatoriopij, why Telnet?  Why not SSH?22:03
erUSULsixofour: the few games i installed from repos appeared in Aplications>Games menu22:03
blockheadthank you22:03
froschiTakatori: why a duck?22:03
TakatoriA... what? Froschi...22:03
froschiopij: ctrl-] ENTER 'quit' ENTER22:04
picard1421does anyone have the binaries for PAM face authentication i would greatly appreciate it.. i cant compile it for some rsaon???22:04
TakatoriHiya, I have a version of Ubuntu Server installed, I was wondering how I would setup my own IRC server22:04
froschiTakatori: obviously you do not know the classic marx brothers line...22:04
Takatorifroschi:  Obviously not :)22:04
frag4nowerUSUL: How can I install amule and amule-adunanza on the same machine. I get a lock that remove one of them when i try to install the other...22:05
TakatoriDoes anyone know how I can start my own IRC server?  I have Ubuntu Server atm22:05
froschiTakatori: google it, get the movie, laugh. repeat until done22:05
Takatorifroschi: Will do :)22:05
ilovefairuzpicard1421: pastebin compile errors22:05
dagon666hello. In Karmic, when I choose for example a gnome-session where is the file located that contains the commands which are eecuted to run this particular one ?22:05
Poul|Raideranyone good with iptables here, i have my linux box connected to the internet with seth0 and ppp0 (incoming requests are coming from ppp0 and seth0 is another connection which the local computers are accesable on aswell. I would like to add so if a incoming request come on ppp0 port 3386 it forward it to
GoblinzThanks froschi, all sorted. just out of interest what's the difference between gksudo and sudo?22:07
Takatori!info gksudo22:07
ubottuPackage gksudo does not exist in lucid22:07
TakatoriWorth a shot22:07
FloodBot1Takatori: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
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brummbaerGoblinz: gksudo is gui, sudo is cli22:08
xsaiddxhello guys22:09
xsaiddxim on lubuntu i have removed plymouth and evrythin is gone : (22:09
Goblinzah, nice one. Thanks muchly for help, i'm off to delete windows and install :)22:09
TakatoriIRCD works as my own IRC server, correct?22:10
picard1421anyone??? http://pastebin.com/60WHAUPp22:10
krosonhi ppl22:11
PudabudigadaI'm to guess that doesn't work here?22:12
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krosonive just installed ubuntu, it made my windows hour advance +1 hour. How could i fix my windows time? Just change it in the taskbar, or disable something in ubuntu?22:12
krosontks in advance22:12
ke1hapicard1421, see if you have libcvaux-dev22:12
ke1hapicard1421, you should ahve libcv, libcvaux and libhighgui and assiciated pkg's22:13
brummbaerkroson: i imagine you probably reset system time in the bios somehow, just adjusting the time in windows should work. or better yet have both windows and linux get the time from ntp22:14
diogo_79how can i enable power management under the kernel?22:14
PudabudigadaOn the subject of clocks, how do I set the time in 10.4?22:14
krosonbrummbaer: nothing in bios, really, just went back to windows and verified that22:14
krosonin bios its set to windows time too, i mean, +1 hour than before22:15
krosonbut didnt change anything in bios, really22:15
sdahi all!22:15
benjamin_some body speak spanish?22:16
krosonbrummbaer: has it something to do with UTC? ive heard something on that matter but dont know what it is22:16
rwwubottu: es | benjamin_22:16
ubottubenjamin_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:16
rwwkroson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime , see the section "Multiple Boot Systems Time Conflicts"22:16
brummbaerkroson: normally the bios is set to UTC, and the OS reads system time as a +/- hours based on timezone you're in22:17
krosonbrummbaer: i think windows gets the time normally from bios22:17
krosonbut i think i know whats happening22:17
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krosoni still didnt connect ubuntu to internet so it still isnt sync as it should22:18
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RamanHey, something weird is happening with Xchat, every time I click on WyldRyde on my servers bar to the left it crashes Xchat completely, does anyone know why it would do that?22:19
PudabudigadaRaman: Doe it do it when other programs are running?22:20
mxe5Hi - Just booted up a 10.04 on a Panasonic Toughbook notebook with 2gb's ram - Would like to install Lucid on it but it's asking for a Username instead of coming up to a desktop Any idea's ? ?22:20
duckwarswhy does the command fdisk /dev/sda not work?22:21
mxe5Was trying a Live CD to see if all the harware works 1st.22:21
diogo_79here do i found menu.lst in ubuntu 10.0422:21
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brummbaer!grub2 | diogo_7922:22
ubottudiogo_79: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:22
Pudabudigadamxe5: Are you using a live cd?22:22
RamanPadu: sorry it crashed again, all I have running is the terminal and firefox22:22
mxe5Pudabudigada: Yup sure am.22:22
mxe5Pudabudigada: I'm on my other desktop in IRC now.22:24
Pudabudigadamxe5: You should just be able to hit a 'login' button, that's what I did.22:25
arikadiuszjo jo22:25
duckwarswhat is the most universal drive format, so linux os x and windows can read?22:27
mxe5Pudabudigada: I tried that but it wants a username - won't go past say's Authentication Failed22:27
niks1608hi all22:28
masomHi, my cups client is always attempting to send print job as pdf instead of PS (the driver used is generic postscript driver). Anybody knows why?22:28
icerootduckwars: vfat and ntfs (ask mac os people if mac os can read them)22:28
mikeruiceroot: it can22:28
mxe5Pudabudigada: You know a root or Admin username and password I could use ?22:28
duckwarswhat does ntfs stand for?22:28
duckwarstryin gto find it in fdisk list22:29
masomNew Technology File System22:29
icerootduckwars: new technology file system22:29
Pudabudigadamxe5: Unless you want to try it first you could just hit the 'install' button on the first menu you get upon booting the cd.22:29
duckwarsthis is crazy22:30
duckwarsI just want to format my USB... i have a headless server =(22:30
netbookHi is there a way to install a gui browser on a server w/o X and just display the browser through xforwarding?22:30
brummbaernetbook: your question answered itself, xforwarding would require x22:31
mxe5Pudabudigada, ; It did not even stop and ask it just booted right up might need to check my download or download it again and try a new burn.22:31
icerootnetbook: what about w3m, lynx? and you eed x on the server to do what you want (x doesnt mean gnome)22:31
mxe5duckwars: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/NTFS22:32
netbookiceroot i need javascript22:32
Pudabudigadamxe5: Is it just a standard livs cd? Did you make it yourself or did someone give it to you?22:32
icerootnetbook: no problem for w3m22:32
netbookiceroot i am trying to change router settings on box at home22:32
brummbaernetbook: if you just want the network connection to go through that specific server you could proxy the browser on localhost to the server22:32
netbookhmnmm good call brummbaer22:33
mxe5Pudabudigada: It's a standard i86 live boot cd - should be the latest one.22:33
brummbaernetbook, i do this as 'ssh -D 8080 user@host' then set my browser to connect to localhost port 808022:33
icerootnetbook: what about ssh user@server-adress -L 9999:router-adress:80  and then use localhost:9999 on your client-browser, so the server is forwarding to the router22:34
Pudabudigadamxe5: You don't have a stuck enter key, do you?22:34
Putrhi i just installed XBMC Live ... i need to setup a wireless connection... does anyone know how to do that?22:35
sepidevwhy most of the themes in meerkat work so slowly?22:35
icerootsepidev: #ubuntu+122:35
Guest43571i'm running latest ubuntu under vmware fusion. i'd like to make my screen DPI/PPI match that of the host osx environment, how can I set it? (I know the value is 117)22:36
* kow is away: I'm busy22:36
mxe5Pudabudigada: I just downloaded on this desktop machine and burned it with Brasero - I've done it many many times before - 1st time I've seen this actually. I run Lucid and an older version of Karmic Koala22:37
Pudabudigadamxe5: On that laptop?22:38
c3lto check if a file exists, is -e or -a the correct option for test/[ ?22:38
Pudabudigadamxe5: 'Cause as I said, it could be a stuck enter key or similar hardware issue.22:39
zenixWhat are the default login username / password for root-login in Ubuntu? (Have searched, but have not found this).22:39
icerootc3l: man test, its -e22:39
brummbaerzenix, there is no root22:39
iceroot!root | zenix22:40
ubottuzenix: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:40
shivall my index.theme files are blank when I open with gedit. What am I missing. I am trying to configure cursors22:40
smvon the server's eth0 i have a cable that is used to make a PPPoE connection to the ISP. on the server's eth1 i have binded a DHCP server to allow other machines to connect to the internet. on eth1 i have a clabe that goes into a router on the wan port. would've used a switch but don't have one atm. the router seems to get IP from the DHCP server, and it seems to give IP on it's own subnetwork. the problem is that altough the DHCP seems to be working, as i can ping22:40
smv and ssh from a machine into de the server throug the router, but i can't connect to the internet from those machines. am i missing something? (sorry for the verry long line)22:40
c3liceroot: ah thanks, maybe -a is old, its refered to alot on the web22:41
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icerootc3l: never heard of -a22:41
zenixThanks for your help!22:41
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alpharesearchI have a issue on a kids netbook (intel classmate pc) - it runs edubuntu 10.04 with netbook remix - if I don't move the mouse the package download slows or stops???22:44
picard1421whats going wrong??22:45
alpharesearchis there some energy saver setting that disables the wired network card?22:45
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch: Is this with gui or cli?22:46
alpharesearchPudabudigada: both as far as I can tell22:47
alpharesearchthe download goes from 250 kb/s to 12kb/s22:48
Pudabudigada<alpharesearch>:Can you disable mouse?22:49
mxe5Pudabudigada: Sorry was on the phone abit - Yea I'll try that - Actually will boot a windows cd or Hirens Boot and make sure the cd is actually ok or not Thanks22:49
UnderscoreHi everyone. I'm new to Ubuntu, and I was wondering what the best way to install it would be for me - I want a persistent install which runs speedily (IE not in something like virtualbox) and without installing it too deeply in my system to begin with - I run Windows 7 at the moment. Thanks.22:50
shivall my index.theme files are blank when I open with gedit. What am I missing. I am trying to configure cursors22:50
alpharesearchPudabudigada: it is a mouse pad on the laptop to be precise - i don't use an external mouse22:50
barfsterAnyone got a good how to on making a custom repo?22:50
alpharesearchPudabudigada: and it looks like it not just down to 12 kb/s it just stops22:51
ke1haUnderscore, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot22:51
icerootUnderscore: what does "not to deeply means" in this context?22:51
alpharesearchPudabudigada: but as soon as i put my finger on the pad it start again22:51
ZeekMy Ubuntu...she is sad....  I went in and disabled my onboard audio.  Next I went into Ubuntu it rammed me into 640x480 resolution (nvidia).  Nvidia seems to think that is all it can do, but it all is still ok in my Windows mode.  Even re-enabling the onboard audio did not help.  Lotsa errors in /var/log/messages....any ideas what I can do to start troubleshooting this?22:51
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch:Is there a button on the laptop to disable the pad? The one I'm using has one.22:51
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travisgi'm running latest ubuntu under vmware fusion. i'd like to make my screen DPI/PPI match that of the host osx environment, how can I set it? (I know the value is 117)22:52
alpharesearchPudabudigada: no22:52
Underscoreiceroot: Basically I want to be able to easily remove it if I need to - it seems a lot of installs require formatting of drives and allocating permanent space on a drive22:52
mmfbHow do you add icons on the panel at the top?22:53
mmfbLike shortcuts, I mean.22:53
alpharesearchPudabudigada: it's a m&a companion pc22:53
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch:What environment are you using?22:53
icerootUnderscore: hm, maybe wubi is an option for you, which you can later transform into a stand-alone system22:53
cresusoHow do i uninstall perl on Ubuntu ?22:53
alpharesearchPudabudigada: edubuntu 10.4 with netbook remix22:53
iceroot!wubi | Underscore22:53
ubottuUnderscore: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.22:53
icerootcresuso: dont do that22:54
cresusoiceroot: I must do it22:54
icerootcresuso: breaks the system22:54
Seveascresuso, no, if you do it you break your system.22:54
cresusoiceroot: I want to do it on an ubuntu server22:54
Seveasso, to uninstall perl, overwrite ubuntu with windows22:54
icerootcresuso: breaks the system22:54
alpharesearchPudabudigada: I think the download stops if I don't move my finger22:54
cresusoBecause i got an erorr while running a script22:54
cresusoit says22:54
cresusoCan't locate io/socket.pm in @INC22:54
Seveascresuso, are you at all listening?22:54
cresusoAnd with some search in google, it says i have to reinstall perl22:55
icerootcresuso: then install that modul but dont remove perl22:55
cresusoI do Seveas22:55
cresusoI installed the module22:55
cresusoStill same error22:55
frag4nowwhere are downloaded ubuntu packages?22:55
Seveasuninstalling perl breaks your system. Don't do it. Your google-fu is weak, find a better solution22:55
iceroot!enter | cresuso22:55
ubottucresuso: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:55
cresusoOn a topic, they say reinstall perl22:55
icerootfrag4now: /var/cache/apt/22:55
frag4nowiceroot: thanks22:55
Alan502Hi, is it possible to run rsync whenever a computer with a certain ip is found on my local network?22:55
Seveascresuso, also, learn to spell. Case matters on ubuntu. It's IO::Socket22:56
icerootcresuso: reinstall on ubuntu has nothing to do with reinstall on windows. reinstall doesnt change any problems22:56
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch: Sorry, I really can't think of anything, I'll poke around my system to see if there is anything but I'm using  xfce so I probably won't find anything.22:56
cresusoOk iceroot22:56
cresusoHere is the full error btw : Can't locate io/socket.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .) at ch.pl line 2.22:56
Seveascresuso, also, learn to spell. Case matters on ubuntu. It's IO::Socket22:56
icerootcresuso: and again, dont remove perl, its breaking the system very very bad22:56
ke1haAlan502, http://everythinglinux.org/rsync/22:56
iceroot!find socket.pm22:57
cresusoWhat i should do then iceroot ?22:57
ubottuFile socket.pm found in parrot-devel22:57
Seveascresuso, also, learn to spell. Case matters on ubuntu. It's IO::Socket22:57
cresusoI installed that module already.......:s22:57
icerootcresuso: sudo apt-get install parrot-devel22:57
Seveasiceroot, no22:57
Seveashe just needs to spell properly22:57
icerootSeveas: no?22:57
SeveasThe module is IO::Socket, not io::socket22:57
Underscore_ke1ha: Thanks, just a question - how risky is resizing a windows install? Like, is there a chance that my data could be corrupted? And in addition, is data easily accessible from the windows partition from within Ubuntu?22:57
cresusoOk wait Seveas.22:57
icerootSeveas: ah ok22:57
Seveasbut cresuso seems blind or doesn't want to follow clear instructions22:57
alpharesearchPudabudigada: thanks for your thoughts22:58
=== Underscore_ is now known as Underscore
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch: Such as they were :-)22:58
alpharesearchPudabudigada: i found a workaround, i connected a external usb mouse and now the download works22:59
ke1haAlan502, rsync examples: http://www.samba.org/rsync/documentation.html22:59
bastidrazorUnderscore: defrag from inside windows your windows partition before resizing. any time you resize a partition you risk corruption, so make backups of important files. yes windows files are easily visible22:59
Underscorebastidrazor: Great, thanks :)22:59
alpharesearchPudabudigada: i think the kernel musst go into some sleep mode22:59
cresusoOk i did this23:00
cresusoIn Cpan i typed : install IO::Socket, it said its ok23:00
cresusoBut when i launch the script.....same error23:00
Seveascresuso, IO::Socket is part of perl-base, which comes with ubuntu23:00
Seveasdid you change io::socket to IO::Socket in your script?23:01
cresusoHmm, let me check please.23:01
struhevolhow do i get a login menu23:01
icerootstruhevol: the gdm-login?23:01
Seveascresuso, also, this isn't a programming help channel. try #perl or perlmonks.org23:01
UnderscoreAlso, is it possible to install ubuntu without using a CD? Or is it really convoluted to do that23:02
alpharesearchPudabudigada: there is a chance that after the upgrade this bug is gone23:02
icerootUnderscore: you can use a usb-drive23:02
alpharesearchPudabudigada: do don't worry about it23:02
struhevolkde login23:02
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch: Sorry I can't be of more help.23:02
struhevolhoe do i get a kde login manager23:03
icerootstruhevol: and at the moment you are on the shell?23:03
Underscoreiceroot: Oh, indeed, I just read that - how much space does it take?23:03
icerootUnderscore: 700mb23:03
struhevoli did startx23:03
Underscoreiceroot: Oh, that's good23:03
cresusoEven with IO::Socket, i get the erorr23:03
icerootcresuso: #perl23:03
struhevoland i got kde gui23:03
Underscoreiceroot: Also, I see it recommends the 32-bit edition. Why is that? Wouldn't the 64 be faster?23:03
Seveascresuso, type this command and give me the output: perl -mIO::Socket -e123:04
icerootUnderscore: 64bit doesnt mean faster23:04
icerootUnderscore: and i dont know why 32bit should be recommend? who said that?23:04
linxehUnderscore: compatibility is still better with 32bit, especially with closed source packages23:04
cresusoNothing Seveas23:04
icerootstruhevol: i guess you want sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start23:04
Underscoreiceroot: The website - 32-bit - Recommended for most users 64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage23:04
Seveascresuso, that means IO::Socket exists and can be loaded. You're doing something else wrong.23:05
mohadib_is it possible to have my window manager never start windows in a maximized state?23:05
Seveascresuso, so now is the time to move to a perl help channel :)23:05
Underscoreiceroot: But wouldn't 64-bit utilize more memory?23:05
linxehUnderscore: fwiw, I'm running the 64bit desktop version just fine23:05
icerootUnderscore: dont know why, sorry23:05
travisgi'm running latest ubuntu under vmware fusion. i'd like to make my screen DPI/PPI match that of the host osx environment, how can I set it? (I know the value is 117)23:05
linxehUnderscore: how much RAM do you have ?23:05
Underscorelinxeh: 4gb23:05
icerootUnderscore: yes 64bit is using more then 4gb ram ad working fine here on my lucid-installation23:05
icerootUnderscore: with 4gb ram you need 64bit version23:05
travisgi don't seem to have an xorg.conf file anywhere to set it....23:05
pradeepUnderscore,  4gb ram for wat23:05
Underscoreiceroot: That's what I was thinking, I have 64 bit on windows. Was just curious as to why the website advises 32 bit.23:06
linxehpradeep: I've got 4GB, my system at work has 16GB23:06
struhevolbash: /etc/init.d/kdm: No such file or directory23:06
pradeepi got a core 2 quad, 8gb ram and 1tb hdd23:06
pradeepfor my uncle23:06
theoctagoniceroot: > 4gb you need 64bit23:06
linxehtheoctagon: or PAE in 32bit23:06
picard1421is there an easy platform to make a custom login screen23:06
UnderscoreBut it might be what linxeh said about compatibility23:06
picard1421for CLI23:07
iceroottheoctagon: wrong23:07
pradeepUnderscore, do u mean 16gb ram size23:07
travisghow can X be running without an xorg.conf file?23:07
iceroottheoctagon: 4gb ram needs 64bit, not only >4gb23:07
picard1421is there anyway to have a password authentication program before it reaches CLI..23:07
Underscorepradeep: I'm not sure, sorry23:07
Underscorepradeep: I have 4gb ram myself23:07
linxehpradeep: where I used to work, we had machines with 2TB of RAM (in a single addressible environment)23:07
brummbaer!luks | picard142123:08
picard1421i wanted to setup something like before it gets to the user and login: have a screen that just says password.. if 3 times password failes (not same password as CLI  just a random pass for that program.. then AUTODESLETE everything23:08
cresusoSeveas: Fixed, it was IO::Socket, i just forgot to change it in the second place in my script23:08
brummbaerah fail23:08
brummbaerpicard1421, you should look into luks23:08
frag4now"dpkg -x" extracts file in current directory?23:08
struhevolbash: /etc/init.d/kdm: No such file or directory23:08
struhevolhow do i get kdm23:09
picard1421is that like a password before getting into user login?23:09
Seveasstruhevol, sudo apt-get install kdm23:09
Johnfwhats the best tool to edit GRUB ?23:09
Underscore_(sorry, disconnected) So it's essential I pick up the 64-bit version if I have 4gb of RAM? Or just preferred? I'm surprised it doesn't mention this on the website.23:10
pradeeplinxeh,  do you mean 2tb of hdd or ram size huh?23:10
linxehpradeep: RAM...23:10
pradeepnever heard or seen a ram chip of 2tb23:10
SeveasJohnf, generally you don't edit grub but files in /etc/grub.d/ -- any text editor will do23:10
linxehpradeep: you can get intel servers with 512GB of RAM these days23:10
pradeeplinxeh, so what would be the clock speed of the processor23:10
theoctagonlinxeh: if you have the money - that's true :P23:11
jpdslinxeh: You can get HP ones with 2TB of RAM.23:11
alpharesearchPudabudigada: FYI system log viewer shows rtkit-deamon doing something... some canary thread is starving ???23:12
linxehpradeep: the processors were clocked at 1.73ghz, itaniums. they had 32 of them, 4 cores each (ie 128 cores total)23:12
pradeeplinxeh, do they come in chips23:12
linxehjpds: these were HP :)23:12
linxehpradeep: eh ?23:12
linxehpradeep: these things take up a small room23:12
agminnoob question-- I just used the package manager to install the sun java jdk, and now I want to point /usr/bin/java to the sun java install. How do I find out where the sun-java-jdk is actually installed to create the symlink?23:13
Pudabudigadaalpharesearch: I think it's gone beyond me now, sorry.23:13
=== Underscore_ is now known as Underscore
Johnfsorry i'm new to this .. so what program should i use ? any suggestions (editing the grub text)23:13
mikeruI accidentaly overwrote a file23:13
harrumph_im root.  there's a directory. can't rmdir it.  says it doesnt exist.  here's the ls output http://pastebin.com/WbJsfQdD23:13
mikeruhow can I get the old file  back?23:13
harrumph_htdocs is the dir23:13
Seveasagmin, sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun23:14
Seveasmikeru, you can't, unless you pay a datarecovery company a hefy amount of money23:14
theoctagonharrumph_: rm -r htdocs23:14
UnderscoreDoes installing from a USB completely mimic installing from a CD? Or are there some cons to doing it this way?23:15
theoctagonmikeru: on extX fs you can try the tool foremost and hope :P23:15
harrumph_theoctagon: rm: cannot remove `htdocs': No such file or directory23:15
linxehUnderscore: yes, the same23:15
harrumph_already fsckd at reboot23:15
linxehUnderscore: assuming your machine can usb boot23:16
Underscorelinxeh: Great, thanks. I believe it can - how would I be able to check?23:16
theoctagonlharrumph_: find . -name htdocs -exec rm -r {} \;23:16
iceroot!usb | Underscore23:16
ubottuUnderscore: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:16
pradeepUnderscore, sure you can23:16
linxehUnderscore: try it :)23:16
theoctagonmaybe find will do the trick?23:16
pradeephave you heard of unetbottin23:17
Underscorelinxeh: Hehe, good idea23:17
harrumph_theoctagon: ran the find, ran silently, ls -l still has the dir23:17
theoctagonis there a whitespace behind htdocs maybe?23:17
linxehrm  -rf htdocs*23:17
theoctagonlharrumph_: find . -name "htdocs*" -exec rm -r {} \;23:17
underdevhi!  i was wondering where i can set the $PATH before my personal .bash stuff?  I am shelling out of emacs and it doesn't run my .bash files.23:18
harrumph_YOU GUYS RULE23:18
harrumph_thank you23:18
linxehharrumph_: the * (or ? for a single char) is a good way to change into / remove directories with bad characters in the filenames23:18
UnderscoreStill not sure whether I should grab the 32-bit or 64-bit version - I've got 4gb of RAM.23:19
harrumph_linxeh: thanks!23:19
linxehharrumph_: or just save typing - eg instead of " cd some\ very\ long\ directory\ name" you could do just "cd so*me"23:19
icerootUnderscore: 64bit23:19
theoctagonlinxeh: yeah - but to have that idea is simply experience :)23:19
linxehtheoctagon: yeah23:19
icerootUnderscore: dont use 32bit and dont use pae23:19
pradeephow many people has got ccna here23:19
linxehUnderscore: get 64bit23:19
Underscoreiceroot: pae?23:19
iceroot!pae | Underscore23:19
ubottuUnderscore: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info23:19
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
Underscoreiceroot: linxeh: Ok, thanks, I'll go for 64-bit :)23:20
linxehPAE is a bit of a hack though, and a potential performance killer23:20
icerootlinxeh: -potential :)23:20
underdevis there a place to set the system's $PATH so that each user and every shell includes that $PATH ?23:20
juan_alguien qe hable español???23:20
linxehiceroot: :)23:21
mikeru!esp > juan_23:21
mikeru!es > juan_23:21
ubottujuan_, please see my private message23:21
opij!es | juan_23:21
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:21
theoctagonmv theoctagon /dev/bed #it is late in germany :)23:21
theoctagoncu folks23:21
picard1421i need some help with LUks.. is anyone good with this ???23:22
delbyhello, i just installed ubuntu 10.4. everything is running fine but when i shut down it gets stuck mid way and i have hard shutdown. any ideas?23:22
mikerutheoctagon: ext323:22
mikeruwhich tool?23:22
theoctagonmikeru: give foremost a try - its in the repos or available on sourceforge23:22
mikerudoes it work on a mounted harddrive?23:23
bidaboyhow can i migrate a sqlserver database to mysql?23:23
shurathingHello. 10.04 HP mini... Seems I have no sound system wide. I've tried some tutorials, but I'm at a loss.23:23
icerootbidaboy: #mysql23:23
theoctagontheoctagon: but don't put too much hope in it - its a forensic tool - developed by US department whos name is far too long to type23:24
theoctagontalking to myself already23:24
diogo_79it is possible to enable intel speedstep on ubuntu23:24
diogo_79how can this be accomplish23:24
bidaboyiceroot, yes, from sqlserver23:24
=== Zeek is now known as ZeekL
theoctagonmikeru:  but don't put too much hope in it - its a forensic tool - developed by US department whos name is far too long to type23:24
icerootbidaboy: /join #mysql   i mean23:24
bidaboyiceroot, ok23:25
* theoctagon disappears in the fogs of time23:25
bastidrazordiogo_79: you mean cpu frequency scaling?  the cpufrequtils package can handle this.23:25
Oerdiogo_79, speedstep is automatic enabled, no need to control this23:25
fluvvellDoes anyone know why a 10.04 live cd should come up with a login prompt wanting username and password on a pc, when on a different pc it works as normal ? Ive even used the same CD player swapped across!23:25
aeon-ltddiogo_79: it happens anyway, it dynamically scales, although you can force it23:25
pastysojournerI'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but something's wrong - GRUB doesn't show up, and I just get put into Windows automatically.Can someone advise?23:26
spaceghost_how do you cd to a wine folder with a space? cd program files won't work23:26
aeon-ltdfluvvell: maybe the liveCD is booting the full os on one but not the other?23:26
diogo_79i have a little troube23:26
picard1421anybody have any info on LUKS?23:26
yggdrasilhow do i reset my top and bottom panels / bars23:26
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:27
indyfanI Need some help23:27
Johnfi am in the /grub folder and gedit is not letting me change anything. is there a setting i have to change ?23:27
diogo_79because the motherboard bios doest have any option to enable speedstep but the processor has te flag23:27
aeon-ltd!ask | indyfan23:27
ubottuindyfan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
shurathingHello. 10.04 HP mini... Seems I have no sound system wide. I've tried some tutorials, but I'm at a loss.23:27
aeon-ltdJohnf: you need run gedit as root23:27
aeon-ltdshurathing: has the sound ever worked?23:28
diogo_79i dont kno if is possible to enable this feature on the processor only23:28
Johnfhow do i run gedit as root?23:28
fluvvellaeon-ltd, not so sure when the built in operating systems are both windows. Its the 10.04 live cd menu I get first, then I check the Try Ubuntu button.. then the black screen and followed by the login prompt for pc named ubuntu23:28
diogo_79sudo gedit23:28
icerootJohnf: gksudo gedit23:28
Pudabudigadashurathing: can you check it's not hardware?23:28
icerootdiogo_79: no23:28
well_laid_lawnshurathing: see if this link helps - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:28
aeon-ltdJohnf: sudo gedit (in at terminal) or gksudo gedit in alt-f223:28
BalSakhi guys. is there a way of monitoring what another user on a system is doing? what commands are issued & what files are accessed/modified & how? I have root23:28
shurathingaeon-ltd: I did hear the startup sound when I first installed. But after the backports I havent heard it.. and now nothing23:29
icerootaeon-ltd: no sudo!23:29
jayanthii... i cant find the "wireless" connection in under my network connection icon in the panel... any ideas?23:29
iceroot!gksudo | aeon-ltd diogo_7923:29
ubottuaeon-ltd diogo_79: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:29
aeon-ltdshurathing: can you use terminal?23:29
diogo_79without board support it is not possible to run inel speedstep23:30
shurathingaeon-ltd: I can a bit. usually just copy paste23:30
aeon-ltdshurathing: go to a terminal, type 'alsamixer' press enter23:30
indyfanOkay :)   I use UCK to edit my iso and it asks me if i want to edit the Packages on the New livecd, i choose Yes but then it says it will now make the cd and I can't edit the packages :(  when I click on "close" the terminal makes the new cd23:30
jayanthhiii... is there a manual way to start up the wireless?? i cant find the wireless connections....23:31
shurathingaeon-ltd: done... nice interface23:31
aeon-ltdshurathing: go on everything and press up on the arrow keys until all are maxed out23:32
delbyhello, i just installed ubuntu 10.4. everything is running fine but when i shut down it gets stuck mid way and i have hard shutdown. any ideas?23:32
jasonwryanjayant: Is wireless enabled? Is the interface up?23:32
shurathingaeon-ltd: done23:32
pastysojournerI'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but I get "warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.." How do I install to the MBR?23:33
aeon-ltdshurathing: then make sure they all show 00 instead of MM, if they show MM press m on the keyboard to change it23:33
jayantyeah.. its enabled.. it was working alright for a while.. and then i download the netbook edition and lots of of the other stuff....23:33
jayantbut now all of a sudden it fails to even show any wireless interface either23:33
slidinghornDannyboy, didn't know you came in...wasn't paying attn -- so -- have you tried to resize the window?  looks like it was cut off at the bottom maybe23:33
=== BalSak is now known as etter
jasonwryanjayant: Is the interface up? ifconfig shows... what?23:33
etterhi guys. is there a way of monitoring what another user on a system is doing? what commands are issued & what files are accessed/modified & how? I have root23:34
aeon-ltdjasonwryan: ot, but are you the same jasonwryan on archlinux forums?, if so nice desktops :)23:34
aeon-ltdshurathing: now test sound23:34
NwallinsHi, I tried to use the alternate install disc for meerkat, to get a minimal install23:34
slidinghorn!hi | etter razi23:34
ubottuetter razi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:34
Nwallinsbut instead, i am getting the kitchen sink23:34
jasonwryanaeon-ltd: indeed - good to see you here!23:34
jayantifconfig shows only the ethernet and lan0 interfeaces... theres supposed to be wlan0 interface right?? its not there23:34
razii have a question about ubuntu23:34
etterslidinghorn: uh. ok23:34
aeon-ltd!ask | razi23:35
ubotturazi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:35
Nwallinsis that the way the alternate install disc is supposed to work?23:35
jasonwryanjayant: make sure that you haven't accidentally turned it off...23:35
slidinghornetter, sorry shouldn't have included you23:35
icerootNwallins: #ubuntu+123:35
razii use ubuntu 64 bits23:35
Nwallinsiceroot: thx23:35
aeon-ltdNwallins: the alternate cd installs full ubuntu just without gui installers23:35
etter slidinghorn: that's OK23:35
raziandi when i watch a video on the internet23:35
aeon-ltdshurathing: did it work?23:35
razimy computer gets hot23:35
jayantno..theres a hardware switch on my keyboard.. its turned on..and the wireless worked when i tried it on windows...23:36
shurathingaeon-ltd: center doesn't have mm or 00, but the others are now 0023:36
raziflashplayer uses 70% of the cpu23:36
aeon-ltdshurathing: thats fine just test sound23:36
shurathingaeon-ltd: changing audio with keys... still no feedback23:36
aeon-ltdrazi: sorry to say but 64bit development has been halted23:36
raziis it the sme for you ?*23:36
pastysojournerI'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but I get "warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.." How do I install to the MBR?23:36
aeon-ltdshurathing: do you have a music player to test with?23:37
shurathingaeon-ltd: if it was installed with the 10.04 cd... but I've no media23:37
aeon-ltdshurathing: youtube?23:37
shurathingaeon-ltd: kk....one minute23:37
jasonwryanjayant: what interfaces does ifconfig show? eth0 and loopback?23:37
jayantyeah... eth0 and lo23:38
jayantno wlan0 :(23:38
shurathingaeon-ltd: no audio ... but flash video is good23:38
jasonwryanjayant: bring up eth0 and try a scan with it (some laptops use eth0 for wireless, oddly)23:38
fluvvellhas anyone seen the live 10.04 cd ever ask for a login username and password (in a gui) ?23:38
aeon-ltdshurathing: what were the backports btw?23:39
chrismsnzhey guys, does anybody here use awesomewm?23:39
jayanthmmmm.... ok... let me try that..... do you know what command to use? am pretty new to this....23:39
chrismsnz(with ubuntu)23:39
aeon-ltdchrismsnz: have done. but not recently23:40
shurathingaeon-ltd: linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic23:40
jasonwryanjayant: ifconfig eth0 up then iwlist eth0 scan23:40
chrismsnzaeon-ltd: cool - just wondering, did you have any problems with the meta4 key when trying to use it?23:40
jayantok....thanks.. let me try it out23:40
chrismsnzseems to fail for me under ubuntu, but works under arch23:40
aeon-ltdchrismsnz: don't you mean Mod4?23:40
alketI want to try Firefox 4 , does it affect the default Firefox that comes with ubuntu ?23:40
chrismsnzyes, i mean mod423:41
geirhaunderdev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables23:41
chrismsnzmod4 = meta :P23:41
aeon-ltdchrismsnz: no it worked fine, it might just be your keyboard language layout23:41
jayantit says "interface doesn't support scanning"23:41
indyfanCan someone help me with the UCK?23:41
=== cylence is now known as cylence|away
chrismsnzaeon-ltd: right... same machine tho, will keep hacking on it23:41
=== cylence|away is now known as cylence
jasonwryanjayant: OK - rule that out. You are using sudo for these commands?23:42
aeon-ltdshurathing: i'll be back in a bit need to kill X. plus switch pc23:42
sixofourubuntu won't let me launch a desktop icon...it says if you don't know the source of this file it may be unsafe, the only option is to cancel....what?23:42
fluvvellshurathing, I seem to recall some tricks to get audio going again when mine stopped. something about killing and restarting pulseaudio?23:42
sixofouri'm not trying to see if its safe, i am trying to leaunch it23:42
=== Underscore_ is now known as Underscore
jasonwryanjayant: hardware? What are you using?23:43
shurathingfluvvell: I'll try anything. I need this netbook up and running by tomorrow late23:43
jayantbroadcom 802.11 b/g23:43
fluvvellshurathing, or maybe reinstalling the pulseaudio programs. They need to re-find the right hardware23:43
C-Ottohi there23:43
Venkerhi there23:43
alkisgsixofour: you need to make it executable, right click on it and make it executable from the properties menu23:43
indyfansixofour: you have to open the properties and set it to executable23:43
fluvvellshurathing, google the forums about pulseaudio and 10.04, I'll troll back through my logs to see if its still there23:44
indyfanHuh too late :D23:44
alkisgHeh :)23:44
C-Ottoi am an administrator of an ubuntu mirror, providing files with up to 10 GBit/sec - I'd like to know if there is some geoip based (or something other) automated download distribution when you use 'apt-get install'?23:44
shurathingfluvvell: awesome Thanks23:44
C-Ottoor, if not, do users have to pick their mirror by hand?23:44
jayantit was working alright for a while.... when i first connected it downloaded the linux broadcom drivers.. and then i removed the ndiswrapper packages cause i thought i wouldn't need them again23:44
jasonwryanjayant: lsmod | grep wl23:45
linxehC-Otto: it does pick a source, but I dont know the algorithm - I guess based on the location you give for time settings, might be geoip though23:45
alkisgC-Otto: I think that the sources.list is generated by the installer based on the users language selection, e.g. I have gr.archive.ubuntu.com which maps to some greek server23:45
prakritiDoes anybody know the difference between "Eject" and "Safely remove drive" ?23:45
VenkerI have created manually a Download directory in my $HOME, the main problem is how to configure Gnome to make this directory used as default download such as bluetooth file transfer... how could I do it? thanks in advance23:45
VenkerI'm using Ubuntu 10.423:46
jasonwryanjayant: you need the broadcom drivers, is my guess...23:46
jayanthmmm...ok... can i find them again in the package manager?23:46
jasonwryanjayant: System > Admin > Hardware drivers - see what you get23:46
C-Ottook, thanks23:47
froschiprakriti: is this a window question? 'eject' is for removable media.... 'remove drive' is for pluggable devices, like harddrives.... usb memory sticks may be both or nothin...23:47
neekersi'm trying to see what apache modules are installed, i tried httpd -l but got command not found...23:47
jayantit says i already have installed broadcom STA linux driver source23:48
aeon-ltdshurathing: this might help (3rd post down) http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-ubuntu-10-04-hp-mini-110-a-798751/23:48
jasonwryanjayant: is it active (green light)?23:48
Seveasneekers, ls /etc/apache2/mods.available23:49
froschiprakriti: (where 'removable media' originally meant floppy disk, zip drive.... nowadays, as i said, usb sticks may be one or the other)23:49
jayantyeah.. i just removed it.. and it activating it again now...23:49
rwwVenker: There may be an easier way to do it, but I generally just edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs23:49
jasonwryanjayant: you may need to reboot after that23:49
Seveasneekers, als, ls /usr/lib/apache2/modules23:49
Venkerok, thanks rww, I'll check that23:50
jayantok... let me do it after installing it23:50
jasonwryanjayant: good luck!23:50
jayantthanks.. :)23:50
jayantjust one more thing23:50
daishadarcan someone explain to me- if i install a mainline kernel, what will be different?  what exactly does ubuntu change in their kernels?23:50
jayantthers also broadcom b43 wireless driver23:50
jayantdo i need to activate that as well?23:51
Venkerrww: edit file and restart nautilus?23:51
underdevgeirha: thank you!23:51
shurathingfluvvell: reinstalled pulseaudio... no good23:51
jasonwryanjayant: depends on your card (I don't use broadcom): just google to check...23:51
shurathingaeon-ltd: Got to that post before I came here, that file is read only and I don't know how to change permissions.23:51
indyfanHow can I see if apache is running?23:51
jayantok.. sure.. thanks again..23:51
Seveasdaishadar, grab the source pacakge and look in the debian/patches/ directory :)23:51
Seveasindyfan, /etc/init.d/apache2 status23:52
aeon-ltdshurathing:  you need to edit it with sudo/gksudo23:52
jayantok.. now it says wireless in the connection but "device not ready"23:52
indyfanThanks :)23:52
fluvvellshurathing, in my logs i remove my .pulse folder in my home directory.23:52
shurathingaeon-ltd: ty.. will try that23:52
fluvvellshurathing, and .pulsecookie23:52
shurathingfluvvell: I'll try that next... ty23:52
jasonwryanjayant: and ifconfig shows?23:52
fluvvellshurathing, glad if it helps, its a pain when sound stops working23:53
MuscovyDoes anyone know how to install GNOME3 (gnome-shell)?23:53
rwwVenker: I usually log out and back in, but I imagine restarting nautilus would work too23:53
jayantno wlan0......only eth0 and lo23:53
rwwMuscovy: install the package "gnome-shell" and then run "gnome-shell --replace"23:53
jayantshould i restart once?23:53
shurathingaeon-ltd: sorry... is it sudo/gksudo and the path to the file?23:53
indyfanWhere can I get my phpMyAdmin username and password?23:53
neekersok, i've looked at /etc/apache2/mods.available and /usr/lib/apache2/modules and also /etc/apache2/mods.enabled now. the third one is the one that tells me what's actually running?23:54
jasonwryanjayant: yes - you'll need to reboot23:54
DezineHi, is there a branch of Ubuntu based on enlightenment?23:54
Venkerok, thanks again rww  :))23:54
jayantok... gimme a sec...thanks.. :)23:54
SeveasDezine, not an official spinoff but you can simply install e17 on ubuntu23:54
rwwneekers: it's mods-enabled and mods-available, but yes23:54
rwwneekers: you can enable and disable mods with a2enmod and a2dismod23:55
DezineOk, that's what I did Seveas, just looks kinda rough. Will just have to tweak stuff.23:55
Seveasneekers, correct.23:55
aeon-ltdshurathing: yes but only one of them23:55
neekerscool, thanks guys23:55
rwwGrayArea: something we can help you with?23:56
GrayAreaim trying to find a person i talked to23:56
GrayAreahis name is an anagram of the word "linuxe"23:56
GrayAreaand it starts with "xu"23:56
GrayAreaim doing /whois to try and find the rest23:56
GrayAreaof the word23:56
aeon-ltdGrayArea:  you might wanna try tab completion23:56
GrayAreathat wont work23:56
FloodBot1GrayArea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:57
GrayAreahe's not in this channel23:57
GrayAreaum ok bye23:57
SeveasGrayArea, then go play elsewhere instead of spamming23:57
KwikkSilvaey up23:57
KwikkSilvaanyway i can get a decent resolution in VNC on 10.04 - Tried putting in a new XOrg.conf - but it hosed the server23:57
jayantheyy.. it works... thanks a lot! :D23:58
Shibahmmm.  it works, eh?23:58
jasonwryanjayant: great to hear! Happy to help...23:59
ShibaIt works!  I finally build something that works!23:59
shurathingaeon-ltd: sorry, I just don't know the command to change that file... is it sudo /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf23:59
jayantthanks again... :) take care...see ya23:59
Shiba1.21 jigawatts?!23:59
aeon-ltdshurathing:  its sudo (you editor of choice) /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf23:59
etterhi guys. is there a way of monitoring what another user on a system is doing? what commands are issued & what files are accessed/modified & how? I have root23:59

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