[00:09] hello [00:45] hello, what is the best php editor on xubuntu (bluefish and jedit - not for me)? [03:09] can someone help me with a pcmcia card? [03:10] rather a pcmcia card reader. I want to know how I can view it using the command line [03:11] hi, how can I view a pcmcia card reader using the command line? [04:23] is this the question room? [08:13] hm, how about having OO.org templates in thunar, again? [08:14] like, right lick, new doument and not opening first writer and then painfully navigate to save to the dir. [08:18] you can add that in ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml if you want [08:19] nikolam: ^^ [08:19] adds an option to the right click menu [08:20] hm. [08:21] packages with uca.xml are thunar-data and xubuntu-default settings. In /etc/xdg/Thunar/uca.xml and /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml [08:23] you don't already have a ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml file? [08:24] Nope. [08:24] lucid/10.04 lts 64bit here [08:24] xubuntu with Thunar though? [08:25] aha. yes [08:25] I would copy /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml to ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml [08:26] and hack away :] [08:27] there must be something about that on xfce.org or something [08:28] By the way.. every time I start command from command line (starting some gtk app) I get some crazy warning about murrina storm cloud theme etc. [08:28] /usr/share/themes/MurrinaStormCloud/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:53: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored. [08:28] not critical [08:29] I know. but looks annoying. suppose it might be fixed by editing that theme [08:29] just an older theme is all - there must have been a gtk update that removed that as an option [08:31] nikolam, just remove any lines containing scrollbar_color in the gtkrc file [08:31] nikolam, = fix [08:31] ok knome thanks :P [08:32] np [09:43] i got an odd issue, out of the box i lose All video display once the 10.04 boots to live or install i have an Nvidia Geforce fx 5200 and an LG W2361V-PF monitor its native resolution is 1920x1080 but yet it still goes out of range. Any idea Why and how i can Actually install an functional version of xubuntu 10.04 ? [09:44] you can use alternate install disc [09:45] Cael: all I can suggest is an xorg.conf file with the right ranges in it [09:45] thing is i have Yet to install. [09:45] happens when i select "Try Ubuntu" or Install. [09:46] Cael: and the burnt cd passed the md5 check? [09:46] yes [09:47] its been an issue since the beta. [09:49] Cael: using a hdmi cable ? [09:50] vga. the FX5200 is too old to have hdmi [09:50] k [09:50] this pc is connected via hdmi (i'm just too lazy to get the servers old monitor out.) [09:51] Cael: can the 5200 do that res? [09:51] not super sure but this monitor does go as low as 800x600 [09:51] k - it should show something then [09:52] when i tried the beta no matter the monitor it happened [09:52] (out of range) [09:53] hell our Multi-input tv does the same. (TV, AV x2 componet x2 VGAx1 HDMI x2) [09:53] and its a 50inch. [09:53] pretty new monitors then Cael [09:54] sounds like the driver might not have been updated for a while then - how you check that i don't know [09:55] idk how nouveau works with older cards [09:55] i think it (the card) needs the legacy 175 drivers [09:55] those should be on the nvidia site afaik [09:56] unless i edit the iso i'm still SOL [09:56] (and the alternate cd iso is still downloadin) [09:59] heh :] - time for a coffee then... [09:59] you read my mind :P [09:59] <3 French vanilla w/ irsh cream Creamer. [10:00] * well_laid_lawn <-- jealous then :[ [10:00] i think there's boot option to force using vesa-driver [10:01] too bad the Legacy drivers dont offer accelerated OpenGL [10:02] instead of using the 2nd pc as a server, i would use it as an XBMC PC (based on ubuntu 9.04) [10:05] (though i love my xbox 1 w/ xbmc :3 next best thing to a pc connected to a tv or the AppleTV) [10:40] grrrr. [10:41] UltraISO refuses to do the checksum verify [10:41] dont know why it did before.. [11:01] im using the open source ati drivers on a radeon 200M [11:01] 3d runs smoothly [11:01] but I get bad artifacts [11:01] xubuntu 10.04 === nikolam_ is now known as nikolam [12:17] ok i got it installed but a new prob arose. [12:18] i have a 320GB SATA hd din it via an SATA to IDE adapter. [12:18] aftre reboot Grup reporte d"Out of disk" and is in the grub rescuse prompt [12:19] thru installation i Did opt for the /home being encrypted [12:21] it should boot even without /home/you [12:22] any reason its gioving me out of disk? [12:22] it sounds like it needs a boot option like noapic but what I don't know [12:23] an option for the sata to pata converter [12:24] its a simple one that connects to the pin port wher ethe Ribbon would normally go. [12:26] like this one here http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.706 [13:17] there's no way to change the icon of a symbolic link on the desktop, is there? [13:19] you can create your own icon theme [13:19] but I'd just use a .desktop file instead of a symbolic link [13:19] then you can use any icon you like === gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak === fran is now known as Guest13882 [16:28] hi [17:47] charlie-tca: ping [17:47] yes? [17:48] is it needed to make affectedd projects invalid when marking that a bug is dublicate of other bug? [17:48] no [18:26] hello [18:26] What the defference of Ubuntu Kubuntu and Xubuntu is? [18:27] !xfce [18:27] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [18:27] Ubuntu uses gnome desktop environment, Kubuntu uses KDE, and Xubuntu uses Xfce [18:28] Xfce is Teh Awesomenessest!!1! [18:29] and it works, too [18:29] which one do you like? [18:29] I've been tinkering a bit and now my Quit icon (on the panel) just logs me out rather than giving me any options... HALP? [18:30] xubuntu286: you are in #xubuntu, most of the people in here will like Xubuntu [18:31] People in #kubuntu will prefer Kubuntu, too [18:33] likemindead: do you have a guest logged in? [19:09] No, charlie-tca, I have no other users created, it's just me. [19:10] Not ssh'd into anything, no tty logins? [19:10] I think the problem arose after I did a "sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove" ... [19:10] No & no. [19:10] I [19:10] I'm a fairly non-technical end user. ;-] [19:10] weird... it should not remove that. [19:11] It's not too big of a deal, just a minor annoyance. Any idea what I need to reinstall? [19:11] but you know if you go to ctrl+alt+f?? and login. that will cause that to happen [19:12] xfce4-session-logout [19:12] I didn't know that, but I haven't done a Ctrl+Alt+Fx in a long time. Not since I ditched GNOME for Xfce. In GNOME, I'd have freezes somewhat regularly. ;-) [19:12] heh [19:13] E: Couldn't find package xfce4-session-logout [19:13] Hmm... [19:16] let me go looking again [19:18] ooops it is part of xfce4-session [19:19] or you could add "Action buttons" to the panel, and remove the button that is there [19:21] That's what I was thinking too. Thanks. [19:21] good luck [19:34] When I start my bluetooth my xubuntu 10.04 returns this "Connection to Bluez failed: Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue. How can I start Bluez daemon? (asus 1000h) Thanks in advance! [21:36] hi! for some reason the shortcut for changing the keyboard layout in xfce4 does not work after xorg is restarted; could someone please help? [21:41] xh: known bug [21:42] charlie-tca: is there a way around it? [21:42] nope [21:45] Maybe this is the bug? http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5205 [21:47] I see you are asking in Xfce. I will let them answer then [21:48] Hello, anyone on? [21:48] no [21:48] charlie-tca: yes, it looks like this is the bug; tho i don't have an xorg.conf - everything is handled by hal [21:49] i need help connecting xubuntu 10.04 to the internet [21:49] no, Bashhead. Everybody here is offline today [21:49] well, yesterday it took a while for someone to answer back [21:50] Yes, we are all volunteers and sometimes no one knows the answer and sometimes it takes a while to get time to give the answer if you do know it. [21:50] yeah, we're actually all offline since we have problems with xubuntu and internet [21:51] Almost no one is just sitting waiting for a question and has all the answers available to them [21:51] give the guy a break :P [21:51] cody-somerville, give US a break :P [21:51] Bashhead, How are you attempting to connect to the internet? [21:51] KICKBAN! [21:51] :P [21:52] did that yesterday, cody-somerville [21:52] /kb Sysi [21:52] oops [21:52] Bashhead, What's happened? [21:52] cody-somerville, charlie-tca: seems like our plan worked and unexpected support liners came up. including you, cody :P [21:53] through a wireless connection from my router [21:54] Bashhead, xubuntu connect to any kind of network throug NetworkManager [21:54] may be you set wrong options to that? [21:55] i can't find NetworkManger... [21:55] unless its the icon with two computers [21:55] Bashhead, that's it. [21:56] so, i add a wireless connection? [21:56] Bashhead, NM should detect your WiFi [21:57] but it didnt.... [21:57] if it works of cource [21:57] the only thing that is filled in NM is wired which is "Auto eth0" [21:58] yes that is [21:58] You can rename that [21:58] later [21:58] but You should know options for your Wifi [21:58] e.g. password [21:59] i do [21:59] if no wireless networks show up even some should, it's probably something with the wireless driver. [22:00] is there a way to update or get a new driver? [22:01] Bashhead, try "iwlist scanning' in console [22:02] What model of the Wifi-card do you ave? [22:03] make sure the wifi is turned on; and that the RFKill flag is enabled [22:04] yes [22:05] If you use wifi-card both for Windows and Linux then Windows can turn it off and linux can't use it. So you should boot in windows and turn the Wifi-card on before you shut down [22:06] `rfkill list` will show if wifi is enabled both in hardware and software; often it is just a matter of pressing Fn key + so that wireless led lights up [22:11] i installed xubuntu over windows [22:11] when i rfkill list [22:11] soft blocked:no and Hard blocked:yes [22:11] hard block:no* [22:12] so you see your problem [22:12] ..? [22:13] Hard blocked:yes [22:13] press the blue Fn key and find the right (usually in blue text) among the Fxx keys - it should have some kind of antenna [22:14] e.g. on my netbook it is Fn + F11 - on your machine will probably be something different [22:14] Besogon, that was a mistype [22:15] xh, ive got an actual button for wireless, but when i press it, it doesnt do anything [22:15] it stays the same color(orange) [22:16] Bashhead: and when it works (ie. in windows) it is green? [22:16] blue [22:16] Bashhead: try pressing it several times - the number might matter :) [22:16] so you have problems with driver [22:17] possibly... how would i go about fixing that [22:18] First of all you should know the Wifi-hardware [22:18] type 'sudo lshw' [22:18] And find your vendor and all you can get for Wifi-vard [22:19] Hi all [22:19] How do I change my set time? [22:20] may be command 'date' will help [22:20] am i looking for the network controller? [22:20] Bashhead: i'd try booting some other live distro like the latest gnome- or kde-based ubuntu or mint, just to see if any of them detects your card; or just google the exact model for compatibility with linux [22:21] *-network DISABLED [22:21] I meant to modify what time it is [22:21] on my computer, of course. [22:21] date - print or set the system date and time [22:21] i found the vendor and product info [22:21] look man page [22:22] Pudabudigada: try right-click the clock, left-click properties [22:23] Bashhead, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported [22:23] : the best way is e.g. `sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com` [22:24] That just brings up appearence settings for the applet, I want to know how to modify the system clock (temporal clock, not any busses or proc) [22:24] BCM4312 doesnt show up [22:26] xh: I want to modify it manually, for example, if I don't have web access for some reason. [22:27] Bashhead, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=633971 [22:28] Bashhead, look carefuly it should help [22:32] alot of these help pages and tutorails say to type sudo apt................ [22:33] Don't be scared by a command line, they are better than gui for some things [22:35] do you think i should use a different version of ubuntu? [22:35] ie 9.10? [22:45] how about Wicd [22:45] n8 [22:47] Bashhead: a newer version will have a newer kernel which would have more drivers in it but who knows if yours'll be in it [22:47] how would i go about installing Wicd [22:47] because i read to install Wicd i need to uninstall Network Manager [22:49] when ever i try to type, sudo apt-get install.... it says E: Couldn't find package.... [22:51] try apt-cache search network and case is important in the terminal [22:51] Networkmanager is diff then networkmanager [22:54] why is it so difficult to connect to the internet [22:57] What do you mean by 'difficult' [23:00] shouldn't it be straight forward...? [23:01] fresh install and connecting to the internet shouldnt be hard...yet it is for ubuntu [23:01] Bashhead, i'm sorry, but you seem to have a wireless card that has problems with ubuntu. [23:01] it is more likely that the manufacturer of the wifi card hasn't released a linux driver or much detail on the cards specs [23:04] maybe im not look correctly...? [23:04] what can i tell you about my card so you could try looking? [23:05] How do you add a shortcut icon to the top panel? [23:05] sudo lshw -c Network Bashhead [23:06] mmfb: right click the panel [23:07] Ethernet interface, Network controller and Wireless interface [23:07] !paste | Bashhead [23:07] Bashhead: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:07] can you paste what that command returned Bashhead ? [23:08] i installed ubuntu on my laptop and right now im on my desktop [23:08] well_laid_lawn: That's apparently just TOO obvious. There isn't a way to add a shortcut to a program from there. The only option is to add shortcuts to things like the "Battery Monitor" or the "CPU Graph". [23:08] mmfb: there's no add to panel option? [23:09] mmfb: add launcher [23:09] well_laid_lawn: No, just "Add New Items...". [23:10] mmfb: one of the new items should be a launcher [23:10] I know it's possible because I put Thunderbird up there a long time ago, but for some reason nothing I try works. I've even tried creating a new launcher and then dragging it up there, but nothing. [23:10] well_laid_lawn: Haha... Damn. Now I feel pretty stupid. [23:10] product: BCM4312 802.11b/g [23:11] well_laid_lawn: Thanks! [23:11] vendor: Broadcom Corporation [23:11] np :] mmfb [23:11] Bashhead: k - I'll have a google :] [23:12] thanks [23:15] Bashhead: seems that broadcom has given very little linux support - best solution I found was to buy a usb wifi dongle... [23:18] im in luck i have a wifi dongle :P [23:19] now i have one more problem [23:19] lets say i want to install conky [23:19] im supposed to type sudo apt-get install conky into terminal [23:20] everything is fine till the end of the terminal message [23:20] E: Couldn't find package conky [23:20] for that matter, it cant find any package [23:20] Bashhead: most wifi usb dogles work. before install use sudo apt-get update [23:20] Is it in your repo? [23:21] kanagroo, its downloading the packages, thanks [23:22] then install conky Bashhead after lists are updated [23:24] everything seems fine sofar. [23:26] woot! [23:31] how do i run conky after installing? [23:31] alt+f2 and type conky [23:32] you'll need a conkyrc file to change it tho