=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [01:24] funkyHat: I could not withhold myself from fixing it ;d version 0.2.15pa1 should fix the problem. Night! === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === JUMPA is now known as jumpa [08:17] morning! === mandel_ is now known as mandel [08:46] good morning [08:55] hello [08:55] does ubuntu one keep a log file of what it's doing === jumpa is now known as JUMPA [08:55] I noticed it started marking one folder as .u1conflict [08:55] I have no idea why that is happening [08:56] or what can I do to resolve the problem [08:56] if I just rename it back u1 will rename it to .u1conflict [09:16] I've filed this as https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/611601 [09:16] Launchpad bug 611601 in ubuntuone-client "Folder keeps changing to .u1conflict (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [09:16] zyga: hello [09:17] duanedesign, hell [09:17] hello :-) [09:17] :) [09:17] heat 6? that's odd [09:17] anyway [09:18] zyga: trying to open the bug now [09:21] zyga: what type of file is it? [09:21] having trouble opening the bug [09:21] duanedesign, it's a directory [09:21] with several files inside [09:21] it's my .vim directory actually (a copy in ~/Ubuntu One/ [09:23] duanedesign, what kind of trouble do you have? [09:24] ok got it :) [09:32] zyga: are running Lucid or Karmic? [09:32] duanedesign, lucid, i386 [09:37] zyga: have you had another user account on that machine? [09:37] duanedesign, no [09:37] duanedesign, I had to reinstall this machine after HDD accident [09:37] duanedesign, so it's really quite new, under three weeks [09:38] duanedesign, how can I help you debug this issue? [09:40] zyga: mightbe some clues to the issue in your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log [09:41] if you could attach it to the bug report [09:41] okay [09:41] I'll redo the operation to make sure the log will have a chance to include it [09:43] zyga: you might add debug to the syncdaemon.conf [09:43] duanedesign, how exactly? [09:44] duanedesign, I added syncdaemon.log to the bug report just now [09:44] echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c [09:45] reconfiguring... [09:45] that command will add the lines [logging] Debug to your conf file and restart the syncdaemon [09:45] loots of things :-) [09:46] yeah I understand what it does [09:46] ;) [09:47] I'll wait syncdaemon to settle down and redo the conflicting operation [09:49] zyga: is this your working .vim folder [09:49] no, to be exact it's a copy I keep in ~/Ubuntu One/DotFiles/dot-vim [09:49] zyga: not a copy of your .vim but the one vim uses while in operation [09:49] I have a symlink to ~/.vim [09:49] yes [09:49] vim is using this [09:50] is the symlink in the Ubuntu One folder? or is the symlink ~/.vim [09:50] I had this setup for months [09:50] the latter [09:50] ok [09:50] it's in ~/ and points to ~/Ubuntu One [09:51] zyga: ok. trying to duplicate it locally [09:51] ok, my client is still working on metadata [09:51] I wonder if it's okay to redo the operation now or should I wait till it finishes [09:52] idle, recreating the incident now [09:52] i am thinking the file is changing between writing the metadata and uploading the file [09:53] got it [09:54] I don't think that's possible, who would modify it [09:54] vim? [09:54] aquarius: ping [09:55] vim is not running now [09:55] duanedesign, pong [09:55] zyga: ok. [09:55] new log file uploaded to the bug report [09:55] aquarius: hello. I am helping zyga [09:55] bug 611601 [09:56] Launchpad bug 611601 in ubuntuone-client "Folder keeps changing to .u1conflict (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/611601 [09:56] * aquarius reads the bug report [09:56] hm, internal error :( [09:56] yeah :( [09:56] is that server side kaboom that got reported to the client? [09:56] yes. [09:57] mmm [09:57] I don't know how to debug an internal error; that's a file sync team thing. [09:57] can you look up the exception on your side? [09:57] zyga, try copying your vim folder to somewhere else in ~/Ubuntu One (this is a temporary fix) [09:57] yeah :-) [09:57] so to ~/Ubuntu One/Dotfiles/dot-vim-new [09:57] let that sync [09:57] and then symlink .vim to that [09:58] mmm okay [09:58] it is a symlink at ~/.vim that points to the Ubuntu One folder [09:58] something internally has obviously got confused. [09:59] just for the record, I work at canonical so if you need any help with this I'm cool with spending time on this [09:59] BTW, just looking at the log file, when it says "got %r ... " isn't it a typo in the python code somewhere? [09:59] it should have used something there, not %r ;-) [10:00] zyga: thanks zyga. that makes my explanation of the simple commands funny :) [10:00] :D [10:01] morning rye [10:02] duanedesign, morning! [10:03] * duanedesign just watched a couple good sessions on Tracker streaming from guadec [10:13] rye: have you ever heard of such a thing? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1540716 [10:14] i was just going to recommend they file a bug. Easier to get logs and such that way. [10:15] duanedesign, let me check [10:15] hm, my syncdaemon stopped autoconnecting [10:21] 2010-07-29 23:35:03,277 - twisted - ERROR - Unhandled Error [10:21] Traceback (most recent call last): [10:21] Failure: exceptions.StandardError: The server doesn't have the requested capabilities [10:23] no, that's not it [10:23] * rye needs to wake up [10:25] duanedesign, just uploaded 23Mb [10:27] i thought i remember someone saying the maximum file size was rather large [10:28] rye: also i wanted to confirm, because it has been so long since i set up my Ubuntu ONe setup. [10:28] Tomboy requires seperate authorization? [10:28] that is correct? [10:29] duanedesign, yes, tomboy uses separate oauth tokens [10:30] rye: kk, thanks [10:47] is there a working way to run the ubuntuone client on debian lenny? [11:05] sorry if this is in the wrong channel, but: [11:05] on this page https://login.ubuntu.com/+new_account [11:05] is there a way to pre-populate the email address field [11:05] ie. https://login.ubuntu.com/+new_account?email=joe@bloggs.com [11:07] and471, https://login.ubuntu.com/+new_account?email=1234 seems to be working [11:07] rye, oh .. well that is embarassing... [11:07] rye, thanks :D [11:08] :) [11:08] and471, you are very welcome [11:18] * mandel needs coffee to be normal again === mandel is now known as mandel_afk === JUMPA is now known as jumpa === teknico is now known as teknico_away === yofel_ is now known as yofel === zyga is now known as zyga-coffee === teknico_away is now known as teknico === zyga-coffee is now known as zyga [14:12] Chipaca, which num? [14:26] aquarius: hey aq, please have a look at mail response I sent you [14:29] mkarnicki, hey [14:29] aquarius: hi :) [14:29] aquarius: I'm sorry for the jerky list :< some ideas awaiting in the mail. [14:29] the jerkiness was option (1) -- the list appeared, and I tried scrolling it and it was jerky (or ignored my attempts to scroll it at all). Once it had completely loaded, scrolling was not jerky [14:30] right. was that list really long? [14:30] my list's pretty long. I have a lot of stuff in U1 :) [14:30] no wonder you have :D [14:31] well.. it's a combination of Client filling content provider, and Cursor fetching that data from the content provider into the list [14:31] completely understand your argument about two-clicks to load. Can I suggest, instead of a "X is downloading" toast, putting "downloading" on the actual item itself? and then replacing "downloading" with the download time once it's done? [14:31] the list itself is implemented well, along suggested Android optimizations [14:31] (better, maybe: "downloaded 2 days ago" or similar, rather than a time?) [14:32] aha, on the item [14:32] yea, there was an idea to put such stuff on items themselves [14:32] * mkarnicki thinks about complexity [14:32] I figured it'd be easy because you're already putting the last-downloaded-time on the item once it's downloaded, no? [14:32] for sure, it's doable. but I wonder if I should fix that now, or work on uploading. I think the latter, shouldn't I? [14:33] depends how long it'll take [14:33] aquarius: yea! the time is customizable, it's a timestamp [14:33] having a really, really nice download/browse experience would be cool :) [14:33] because then you could do a release and say: this is a working program [14:33] (it's only for browsing and downloading, though) [14:33] perfectly understood [14:33] and then do uploads next [14:34] I shall look into the source and say how long it will take, ok :)? [14:34] so you can take the "omg it is pre-alpha beware!!" sticker off it for a bit ;) [14:34] hahahh [14:34] I see, that would make sense ;) [14:34] * mkarnicki loved the pre-alpha phase hahah [14:34] it was an excuse for any possible bugs ;> but you're right [14:34] * mkarnicki laughs [14:35] I'll let you know in a while. [14:35] aquarius: if it's necessary, we can upload the schedule on the proposal (that's a legit action), we'll see. [14:35] aquarius: gimme 20 min [14:37] aquarius: oh man, I misunderstood you. I was already thinking about some kind of emblems etc. this should be trivial [14:38] aquarius: I'm on it [14:39] :) === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === JUMPA is now known as jumpa === nessita1 is now known as nessita [17:47] We have an issue on sso which may be preventing some of your users from logging in to the u1 web interface [17:48] Workaround: Ask an affected user to log in to https://launchpad.net/ with the same credentials as they use for u1 === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch [18:27] beuno-lunch: bon apetit :) hit me up when you've finished :) === alecu is now known as alecu-lunch [18:38] * mandel_ is going to the park to run after the squirrels === mandel_ is now known as mandel_afk === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === nessita1 is now known as nessita === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno [19:16] mkarnicki, finished, but on a call [19:16] will ping you after [19:30] beuno: ok === jumpa is now known as JUMPA [19:50] mkarnicki, hi [19:50] hi beuno , let's priv [20:16] verterok, ping [20:16] can you go to wiki.ubuntu.com from your G1 real quick [20:16] beuno: pong [20:16] beuno: in case it matters: my G1 is now @ Froyo \o/ [20:16] verterok: \o/ [20:17] * verterok hugs his rooted G1 [20:17] verterok, wooooo [20:17] congrats! [20:18] beuno: using default browser? [20:18] beuno: I'm in [20:18] yes [20:18] ok [20:18] :/ [20:18] so it 2.2 is fine [20:18] that means 2.1 problem [20:18] anyone around with an android 2.1 phone? [20:19] thanks verterok [20:19] mkarnicki: np :) [20:19] verterok: we're trying to pinpoint a 'certificate' issue (2.1 phones can't access wiki.ubuntu.com) [20:19] or 2.1 issue (Certificate is probably legit ;d ) [20:19] mkarnicki, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1456655.html [20:20] mkarnicki, beuno: what about using the emulator? [20:20] mkarnicki, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/566728 [20:20] Launchpad bug 566728 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Official Ubuntu Documentation wiki pages Inaccessible from Android (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] [20:20] beuno: /me reading the read [20:21] verterok, someone else with a phone with 2.1 has this problem [20:21] argh :< [20:21] thanks beuno [20:21] I'll subscribe [20:21] beuno, mkarnicki: ok, but what about using a 2.1 emulator to test :) [20:22] I can try that in a sec [20:22] verterok, ah, good point [20:23] beuno: looks like somebody found the problem, see bottom of the bug report you pasted. [20:23] yeah, I wonder if I can report that [20:23] * mkarnicki launches 2.1 emulator [20:24] * mkarnicki changes network connection [20:28] Hey... anyone know anything about bug 568453 ?? [20:28] Launchpad bug 568453 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "[lucid beta2] Ubuntuone-syncdaemon using enormous amounts of ram (affects: 2) (heat: 44)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/568453 [20:28] I opened that back during the Lucid beta and started seeing it again in the last couple of weeks... I finally got a run with some debug logs, but the debug log itself is almost 500MB... [20:29] that was created by starting syncdaemon with --debug and pointing the output to a file... [20:29] I also have a tarball of the .cache/ubuntuone/log directory, and THAT one is 42MB in size. [20:30] so what do I need to do with this? I am going to have to just kill U1 for good as I can't just keep restarting it every few hours when it decides to eat up 80% of my RAM [20:30] hello bladernr_ [20:31] oops, was I offline for long? [20:31] hey duanedesign ... been a while (I think we've chatted before) [20:31] * mkarnicki resends last msg [20:31] beuno: wiki.ubuntu.com not accessible from 2.0.1 on the emulator [20:35] bladernr_: did you get the 0 value for write_limit changed in ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf === alecu-lunch is now known as alecu [20:58] beuno: you know Ubuntu design team irc channel? [20:59] mkarnicki, they don't have a public one [20:59] oh :< [20:59] I'll check out lp, they must have a group or something. I need to contact them. [21:01] found, canonical-ux team [21:15] duanedesign: sorry, didn't catch your reply till just now... my writelimit is set to -1 (maybe rye set that when he was looking at it during UDS??) [21:15] duanedesign: or perhaps that was changed in an update... not sure which [21:18] bladernr_: that is a bug [21:19] bladernr_: set it to 2048 [21:19] duanedesign: gotcha... I'll do that and see what happens. [21:20] hrmmm... but if on=false is set, does it really matter what writelimit is set to? [21:20] yes [21:20] ahhh... ok. [21:21] bladernr_: you can quit the syncdaemon with u1sdtool -q [21:21] bladernr_: fix the number, or better yet just throw the file away. When you launch Ubuntu One it will be rec reated [21:22] it's running and logging. [21:22] it has to run 4 or 5 hours before any real trouble starts though, so I'll get back to ya when I can (or if I don't, assume that fixed it) [21:22] heh [21:35] bladernr_: can you check the file to see if saved the right settings [21:35] cat ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf [21:35] yeah, gimme a sec [21:35] [bandwidth_throttling] [21:35] read_limit = 2097152 [21:35] write_limit = 2048 [21:35] on = False [21:36] bladernr_: looks good [21:37] duanedesign: cool :) It's doing a local recan now, so like I said earlier, I won't know if this happens for several hours (usually about 4 - 5) but I'll keep monitoring it [21:37] bladernr_: ok look forward to hearing how it goes [21:38] bladernr_: if i am not in just leave me a message and i will se it when i get back to my computer [21:38] duanedesign: will do! thanks for the help === mkarnicki_ is now known as mkarnicki