
gnoobHi guys, Im a admin at a school tired of windoze in the computerlab and Im considering switching to edubuntu.   Wine will have problems running in edubuntu on a thin client I guess? We use autocad and photoshop there (sadly).. I love gimp so Ill try to convince the principal and the teachers that gimp is just as good.. but autocad?02:32
gnoobRunning autocad from wine ist a good idea I guess??  I better look for gpl alternatives I guess?  anyone knows?02:33
pleia2I don't actually know of any good open source CAD software for linux02:36
pleia2might try running it in wine, whether it'll run ok over a thin client depends on your server, network and the clients themselves02:36
gnoobok, I wonder how wine handle multiuser system though, if it loads the whole program x numer of times, or only once + users.  But Ill give it a try I think  in a test environment ofcourse :)03:18
gnoobhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall   To follow this howto I need to install from lucid lynx's alternate cd? Said anything about Hardy there.. but thats only for knowing the history I guess? :)03:19
ballhello alkisg06:41
alkisg!info tuxpaint16:32
ubottutuxpaint (source: tuxpaint): A paint program for young children. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.21-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 172 kB, installed size 408 kB16:32
alkisghighvoltage, the "missing translations" problem of tuxpaint (due to the universe demotion, LP #503919) also affects tuxtype, can we somehow reupload them? Is an SRU needed?17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503919 in Baltix "Translations missing in tuxpaint-data Ubuntu 10.04 package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50391917:09
alkisgIf I remember correctly, you told me not to upload them to the edubuntu stable ppa, because we'd solve it with a more proper method..17:09
highvoltagealkisg: hey!22:39
highvoltagealkisg: opening that bug report and taking a look...22:40
alkisgHey man, what's up?22:40
* alkisg uploaded tuxtype to his ppa, but needs 3 days to build :)22:40
highvoltageyeah, ppa building has been terribly slow this week22:41
highvoltageI guess a good start would be to copy it to the edubuntu ppa once it's tested, I haven't looked into it yet so I don't know exactly what has to be done yet, at a guess so far it sounds like something that could perhaps be sru'd22:42
alkisgJust a reuploading, nothing more22:42
highvoltageah, I see22:42
alkisgIt was first build while it was in main, so translations were stripped22:43
alkisg(supposedly put in the langpacks)22:43
alkisgBut then it was demoted to universe, so it ended up without the .mo files anywhere22:43
alkisgSo a dummy version bump or something like that would suffice22:43
alkisgBut I don't know who needs to sponsor this, if it can go to lucid-updates, if it needs an SRU etc etc22:44
alkisgIt's been on my ppa for months, it's tested, it's fine22:45
alkisg(I didn't test tuxtyping yet, but I believe it has the same problem)22:45
highvoltagewe have to follow the procedure that's listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:45
highvoltageit may be seen as not quite serious enough, but it is quite low risk so I would think that the SRU request will probably be approved22:46
alkisg"Upload the fixed package to release-proposed with the patch in the bug report" ==> who has rights to upload there?22:47
highvoltageI do22:51
highvoltageyou do too :)22:51
highvoltageyou're part of the Edubuntu Council, which is a member of Edubuntu Developers, and Edubuntu Developers can upload the Edubuntu packages22:51
alkisgUgh, seems like I need to read up on all that :)22:51
highvoltagewon't take you long to figure out, uploading to -proposed is the same as uploading to a PPA, but you need to file that SRU bug first and get it acked by someone in the release team22:52
alkisgSo a new bug needs to be filed? Or should we reuse the existing bug report?22:53
highvoltagenew bug22:57
stgrabermhall119: yep, I should be there.22:57
mhall119it'll be an hour from my house22:57
highvoltagealkisg: and then subscribe ubuntu-release when it's ready22:58
highvoltageohi stgraber22:58
alkisghighvoltage: hmm ok, after that meeting I got the impression you would be doing that, but I guess I can try it as soon as I get some free time to read all that stuff :)22:59
highvoltagealkisg: ouch, if I said I would, I will. I just seemed to have lost track of that to-do list item then23:00
alkisgnp - I already have that on the greek schools ppa so I don't actually have need for it - so it may be a good chance for me to learn how to apply for an SRU23:01
alkisg(i'll be visiting NY for 2 weeks, so probably when i get back...)23:02
highvoltagealkisg: I'll upload it to maverick so long, that will at least take care of the first step as listed in the procedure23:10
alkisghighvoltage: the maverick package is ok23:11
alkisgIt was uploaded while tuxpaint was already in universe23:11
alkisgIt's not a packaging problem, launchpad did this...23:11
highvoltageok, in that case the bug should be marked as fixed23:12
alkisg...unless we file a bug on launchpad instead23:12
alkisgThat one isn't fixed, it still messes translations up, when demotions from main to universe happen :)23:13
highvoltagealkisg: yep, certainly sounds like a bug needs to be filed against LP there23:14

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