[00:00] ryan_555, there should be a tab called codecs [00:00] or proprietary codecs [00:00] hm don't have that tab listed [00:01] odd [00:01] The last ones is Themes, the button is slightly cutoff... [00:01] maybe something to do with my DPI setting [00:01] maybe further down? [00:01] but I can't expand the window either. [00:01] no scroll? [00:02] nope [00:02] hmm [00:02] sec [00:02] heh, I can tab through them [00:02] I hit tab, and see the JAMU section [00:02] ok, keep going [00:03] I actually don't think they are in any particular order [00:03] It's in a tab called 'Proprietary Codec Support' [00:04] yup, got it. [00:04] I knew something was odd about that. I thought there was a scroll bar or you could expand the window in older versions of MCC. [00:05] that's strange, I checked it off. hit apply. it seemed to install the package sucessfully but it leaves it unchecked. [00:06] doh, had synaptic open. that would make sense [00:09] ryan_555, yea that would cause problems [00:09] mythfrontend crashes on me when I try to play dvd. libdvdnav: ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed [00:09] mythfrontend.real: dvdnav/vm/vm.c:1540: process_command: Assertion `0' failed. [00:09] Aborted [00:09] ryan_555, what version of mythfrontend? [00:12] http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/9awaEYLt [00:12] that has version info at the top and error at the bottom [00:13] odd, what dvd? [00:14] Fellowship of the Ring Part Two Special Extended Edition [00:14] Only one I tried so far. [00:14] I'll try another [00:14] ok, try another [00:14] i'm at work right now and about to head home. = [00:15] Sherlock Holmes worked [00:15] hmm [00:15] somesort of drm on the DVD then? [00:15] try googling the error [00:16] The dvdnav/vm/vm.c:1540: process_command: Assertion '0' failed part or the line before that? [00:17] ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed [00:17] try both [00:17] and throw in mythtv in there [00:17] also, try playing the dvd in vl [00:17] vlc [00:17] or some other one, see if it plays there [00:18] I popped it in again. worked this time [00:19] strange [00:19] thanks for the help with getting libdvdcss2 installed. couldn't remember the package name [00:22] np [00:24] Is there some sort of bug related to MythWeb or the integrated browser in Mythtv? I can open a bookmark such as Google.com but I can't even type into the search field. and if I navigate to a page with flash, mythfrontend crashes [00:24] So MythNetVision crashes for me when it tries to load anything [00:24] well the frontend crashes, but it pulls up the lists of videos and everything [00:26] http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/z4eUtN8B [00:32] So I've got a MythTV box, and for some reason it gets to where it doesn't delete anything. The drive fills up, and it won't boot. It's happened 2 or three times, with different versions of ubuntu/mythtv. Anyone know why this would happen? Most of my shows are set to auto-expire. [00:48] Hi, Can someone point me to where the Page up / page down 10 min default setting is stored to change, I can't find it anywhere...or alterntively and perhaps even better a URL to add new jump / skip keys during playing a recording to a non-microsoft MCE remote to the coloured button keys? === zuixro__ is now known as zuixro_ === bogus- is now known as bogus === bogus is now known as Guest55762 === Guest55762 is now known as bogus- === bogus is now known as Guest25777 [13:58] what would start a root instnce of irexec in mythbuntu === bogus is now known as Guest86701 === flappie is now known as bogus- === bogus is now known as Guest18569 === Guest18569 is now known as bogus- [19:02] How do you change the time zone settings so the master backend and a stand-alone frontend are the same? [19:12] Solved. Thanks. [19:41] trying to connect standalone frontend. getting "no upnp found" upon start up. Now what?