
benediktthesheff17: it creates the guest in the pwd00:16
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papertigersanyone here using vmbuilder besides thesheff1703:12
papertigersunless your around03:12
newz2000hi, using ubuntu server 8.04 when I can't seem to disable php5 on certain virtualhosts03:44
newz2000using LoadModule php5_module ... even without the accompanied AddType ...php stuff automatically enables it for all my sites03:44
newz2000Can anyone suggest a way to stop this? It's messing up my webdav configuration03:45
kimi__I have problems getting freeradius running in Ubuntu in order to authenticate wireless users , can anybody help me?04:04
* newz2000 got his prob resolved. php_admin_value engine off04:33
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ExpertOfBustanyone tell me if there's a webhosting control panel for ubuntu LTS05:26
EvilPhoenixquestion about iptables and how it processes the rules and references to user defined chains05:28
EvilPhoenixif anyone is experienced with iptables please highlight me because the question is too long to post here without getting smacked by flood limits05:28
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Psi-JackIs anyone here familiar with Ubuntu 10.04 server and openldap? I'm having issues I'm trying to resolve with not being able to get anonymous access to the ldap server after basic configuration from https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html07:11
Psi-JackWhen I try as a regular user (not as root), I just get No such object (32), for anything.07:12
cshongI hope someone can help me with pure-ftpd on Ubuntu Server.09:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #611974 in mailman (main) "Sync mailman 1:2.1.13-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61197409:16
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thesheff17benedikt: thanks for letting me know13:57
thesheff17papertigers, benedikt, I updated my vmbuilder script to reflect creating the directories when creating the vm.  I haven't tested it yet but I'm pretty sure it works. http://pastebin.com/XqZf4nKU  I will test it later today when I have time.13:58
matt_keysfor some reason pork doesn't want to connect to irc.freenode.net. I install ircii, then run the /server irc.freenode.net and it works... wtf?14:31
benediktthesheff17: the script looks good15:08
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ChmEarlnothing here today: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/17:10
ChmEarlCD daily build17:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #612124 in tomcat6 (main) "Sync tomcat6 6.0.28-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61212421:07
incorrect_hi, i am looking at freenas, openfiler and then i thought ubuntu-server must do a nas setup with a pretty ui?21:58
chilicuilincorrect_: I've found openfiler to be the best option, easy to manage and with support for custom cifs conf, obviosly that's just my opinion22:35
incorrect_i noticed openfiler doesn't do ext422:35
incorrect_i think i am just going to use ubuntu-server 10.04 in a kvm guest22:36
Jason1Where can I get the default sshd_config file for 10.04?23:36
thebwtJason1: /etc/default/ssh ?23:42
thebwtor /etc/init.d/ssh ?23:43
Jason1no default config file in those directories.  just an ssh file23:45
thebwtah then I am not sure23:45
thebwtis it /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?23:46
Jason1yes.  somehow i've done something to it.  when I do a restart I get this23:48
Jason1Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key23:48
Jason1Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key23:48
Jason1 * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                                         start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 29796: Operation not permitted23:48
Jason1Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key23:48
Jason1Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key23:48
thebwtah gotcha, they key mande when yuo install openssh server23:48
thebwtwould `dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server` fix that?23:49
thebwt(sudo of course)23:49
thebwtall your prior connection will complain about key mismatch23:49
Jason1(not sudo, but same error anyway I just failed to put sudo just now to get the error message)23:50
Jason1I don't want to knock out any of my users keys either.23:50
thebwthmm well if you don't have the ssh_host_rsa/dsa_key files you may be SOL?23:51
Jason1the files are actually in the ssh folder though23:54

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