
ScottLcrimsun, when you get a chance can we talk about the patch you uploaded for ardour to lucid-proposed?20:01
ScottLcrimsun, the build for lucid-proposed failed to build: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ardour/1:2.8.6-1ubuntu0.1/+build/1891377/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.ardour_1:2.8.6-1ubuntu0.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:02
ScottLhowever, i was able to build it with the patch attached to the bug report both in pbuilder and my ppa: https://launchpad.net/~slavender/+archive/build/+build/189663420:02
ScottLeven if we don't get this for 10.04.01 i would like to resolve it for 10.04.02 if possible20:02
crimsunScottL: it built in a local pbuilder here, too, but I'll try an sbuild20:31
crimsunScottL: 10.04.1 seems unlikely20:31
* crimsun grumbles at his slow rotary disk22:01
crimsunfinally got the sbuild running22:23
stochasticHey All22:35
ScottLhi stochastic , how are you doing?23:23
stochasticScottL, fairly good these days, yourself?23:31
ScottLstochastic, pretty good, been really busy, but also talking a bit to troy23:33
ScottLstochastic, he's also got me playing with blender, as soon as i finish this next song i'm going to make a video for it using blender23:33
ScottLstochastic, i'll be using the node editor and compositing multiple of me's into the video23:34
stochasticScottL, isn't that a little egotistical?23:34
stochasticScottL, that was a joke by the way (sarcasm doesn't translte in text)23:35
ScottLstochastic, well yeah, i suppose it is :P  but it's more of a down and dirty showcase to show what blender can do23:35
ScottLstochastic, naw, i realized it was sarcasm LOL23:36
stochasticI've been doing much more offline work - including tearing apart a piano to make a stand for my electric piano, building some diffuser panels, and other fun projects23:37
holsteinstochastic: you got some pics of your diffuser panels?23:37
* holstein is about to do some of that23:38
stochasticBut now I've got some DJ gigs knocking at my door so I need to get my Xwax system cleaned up and organized23:38
stochasticholstein, they're still in the construction process but I will share when I'm done.  If you want some construction advice I could share.23:38
holsteinim still a ways off23:39
holsteini'll ask before i buy anything though23:39
* stochastic came across a bunch of cedar 2x2 sections so I thought it would be the perfect project23:39
holsteini was thinking about something 2x2 size23:40
holsteini got access to a bunch of plywood23:40
holsteinbut im hoping something better comes along for not much $$23:40
ScottLstochastic, dholbach was asking about xwax and if anyone was having trouble with it losing sync or something23:40
stochasticScottL, hmm, I didn't have any troubles before.  I know dholbach was just getting into xwax before I went awol.23:42
stochasticScottL, holstein, I'd love to catch up more, but I need to get ready for work.  I'll try to keep xchat open more often and get back into the swing of things 'round here.23:44
holsteingood to see you stochastic :)23:44
ScottLyeah, good to hear from you again stochastic :)23:50
ScottLholstein, thanks again for getting those amd64 ISO tests done...that right there should allow us to have the next alpha image to test :)23:52
holsteinsweet :)23:54
holsteinScottL: i still dont have a good live disc yet23:54
holsteinim using ubuntu customization kit23:55
holsteinand when i add the live user to the audio group23:55
holsteinthe build fails for some reason23:55
holsteini'll have to learn the hard way... chroot or whatever23:55
holsteini got a guy here in town that does it that way, and he said he would show me23:56

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