
stefandebackerdoes anyone has experience with fat clients on edubuntu?13:46
alkisgstefandebacker: yes, any problems?15:33
stefandebackernot yet, i was just wondering if it works ok. Now I use self made thin clients (pentium 1 an 2 with 16 - 32 mb ram and no hard disk) with ubuntu15:33
alkisgWell, for LTSP thin client you'll need at least 64MB ram15:34
stefandebackerbut because i read that multimedia works on fat clients, i was wondering15:34
alkisgAnd for fat clients, probably more than 500 MB15:34
alkisg(how are you even booting those thin clients? with windows 95?!)15:34
stefandebackernog linux15:35
stefandebackerwith a floppy :-D15:35
stefandebackerI really works quiet well15:35
alkisgwhich linux?15:35
stefandebackerhum, i have to check, its something i downloaded specially for turning a old pc into a thin client15:36
alkisgplease do, I wonder what can still be used with 16mb except for deli linux15:36
stefandebackerwell this works for sure, I use it at a school15:37
stefandebackerI have a quad core with 4 GB RAM and 500 GB hard disk as server15:37
alkisgok, if it's easy, please check and tell me which distro that is15:37
stefandebackerand then the thin clients are all old pc's with only a videocard, floppy and network15:38
stefandebackerbooting from this diskette15:38
stefandebackerwe tested it with 40 clients, and it still works quiet well15:38
stefandebackerof course not for youtube, but firefox and openoffice are much better than with windows 98se on these machines15:39
stefandebackerbut do you have experience with fat clients?15:40
alkisgThey work fine, like if they had local ubuntu15:41
alkisgAnd with gigabit network they're even faster15:41
alkisgE.g. a lab of mine boots in 13 secs as fat clients, and in 50 normally15:41
stefandebackerso you install a local ubuntu on it15:41
alkisgNo, I had that from before installing fat clients, and I'm just doing a comparison15:42
alkisgThey don't need to have local disks15:43
stefandebackerthat's what i want15:43
stefandebackerand does youtube work?15:43
alkisgYoutube , google earth, games etc everything runs localy15:44
alkisgSo, like if they were running locally (because that's what they do) :)15:44
stefandebackerbut without hard disk15:44
alkisgFat clients == a networked disk and also authentication on the ltsp server, nothing more15:45
stefandebackerwich version of edubuntu do you use?15:45
alkisgubuntu 10.04 on the server, and usually edubuntu 10.04 on the client disk15:45
alkisg(the virtual disk, the chroot, one for all clients)15:45
stefandebackertried that, but that wouldn't work with old hardware15:45
alkisgYes, fat clients == new hardware15:46
alkisgOtherwise it's not so fat :)15:46
stefandebackerit did with new hardware, but not with old thin clients15:46
alkisgI'm using mixed labs15:46
stefandebacker2 servers?15:46
alkisgEverything with < 300 mb ram boots as thin, and with > 300 mb ram as fat15:46
alkisgNo, on the same server, with the same chroot15:46
stefandebackerthat's my plan to15:46
alkisgThat should get you started, and ask whatever you can't get to work there15:47
stefandebackerwhat is your oldest thin client?15:47
alkisgAMD K6 300 MHz15:50
stefandebackeri found the diskette. Its http://www.rom-o-matic.net15:50
alkisgstefandebacker: that isn't a linux version15:50
stefandebackerthere you can download the image for your network card15:50
alkisgNo. I already use that.15:50
alkisgYou can't boot 16 MB clients with current ubuntu versions15:50
alkisgNot even 32MB clients15:51
stefandebackernot with current15:51
alkisggpxe (that in rom-o-matic) is just a network boot loader15:51
stefandebackerI had to use 7.1015:51
alkisgIt's not an OS15:51
alkisgI don't think 7.10 works with 16 RAM either15:51
stefandebackerit does15:51
alkisgIf I remember correctly, 64MB were needed back then too.15:51
stefandebackerit works here15:51
alkisgMaybe your clients have 64MB RAM?15:51
stefandebackerclients 16 - 32 mb15:52
alkisgAre you using LTSP with 7.10?15:52
stefandebackerserver 4 GB15:52
alkisgWhat ltsp version is that? dpkg -l ltsp-server15:52
stefandebackerbut it doesn't support new hardware15:53
alkisgI tried booting clients with < 64MB RAM with Ubuntu 7.10, and it wasn't possible, so I wonder why it works for you...15:54
alkisg(actually, the kernel needs at least 48MB)15:54
alkisgSo you must be using something else, but I can't imaging what15:54
stefandebackerthe booting is rather slow (2 - 3 minutes) but after that it works good enough15:54
stefandebackeri started from the edubuntu 7.1015:55
alkisgWith 48MB I was getting kernel panic, they wouldn't boot15:55
alkisgI started with edubuntu 7.04...15:55
alkisgI could get them to boot with other methods, e.g. deli linux, thinclientos etc, but not with LTSP 5 (that in edubuntu 7.04)15:56
stefandebackerI also seem to remember getting a kernel pannick15:56
stefandebackeri changed something in the ltsp.conf i think15:56
alkisgNBD_SWAP=true, but that's not enough15:56
alkisgThey still wouldn't boot for me with anything less than 64MB RAM15:57
alkisg(both in 7.04, 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10 and 10.04)15:57
stefandebackeredubuntu server 7.10 i368 is the oldest i have, so it had to have been this one16:00
stefandebackerah i know16:00
stefandebackeri compiled it with "old hardware" setting16:00
alkisgCompiled what? The chroot kernel?16:01
stefandebackerno the image of the thin client16:01
alkisgThere's no such option in LTSP 516:02
alkisgMaybe you somehow used LTSP 4?16:02
stefandebackerit's a long time ago,16:02
alkisgIf it really works with LTSP 5, it's a major success16:02
alkisgI've never heard anyone doing that16:02
stefandebackerit must have been something16:02
alkisg64MB RAM is the lowest client limit - nowadays people even suggest 256 MB16:03
alkisg*as the lower limit16:03
stefandebackerbut I am sorry i don't rember what16:03
highvoltageheh, last night stgraber complained that his thin client only has 512 MB :)16:03
alkisgSo if you were able to do it with LTSP 5, we should put your method upstream, for others to benefit from it :)16:03
stefandebackermaybe I started with 6.06 and upgraded it to 7.10 (I found my installation log of 2007)16:04
alkisgstefandebacker: is it possible to upload your /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp directory somewhere?16:04
alkisgThe kernels there are the most important thing to manage booting with 16 RAM16:04
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1696312 2007-10-15 03:35 vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  803541 2007-10-15 03:35 System.map-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   75391 2007-10-15 03:35 config-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  420774 2007-10-15 03:35 abi-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1904248 2008-04-10 18:51 vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  899892 2008-04-10 18:51 System.map-2.6.24-16-generic16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   79964 2008-04-10 18:51 config-2.6.24-16-generic16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  422607 2008-04-10 18:51 abi-2.6.24-16-generic16:07
stefandebacker-r--r--r-- 1 root root 6132278 2010-01-29 19:59 nbi.img-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4438038 2010-01-29 19:59 initrd.img-2.6.22-14-386.bak16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4438033 2010-01-29 20:00 initrd.img-2.6.22-14-38616:07
stefandebackerdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root    4096 2010-01-29 20:00 ../16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     369 2010-01-30 16:44 lts.conf16:07
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4518675 2010-03-04 18:17 initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic.bak16:07
stefandebacker-r--r--r-- 1 root root 6417787 2010-03-04 18:17 nbi.img-2.6.24-16-generic16:08
stefandebackerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      25 2010-03-04 18:17 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic16:08
stefandebackerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      25 2010-03-04 18:17 nbi.img -> nbi.img-2.6.24-16-generic16:08
stefandebacker-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4518671 2010-03-04 18:17 initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic16:08
stefandebackerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      28 2010-03-04 18:17 initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic16:08
stefandebackercan this help?16:08
highvoltagea kernel is also a dangerous thing to have chmod 777'd :)16:09
stefandebackerI will change it16:09
alkisgHmm, no, it doesn't really help (we'd need to boot it to see), it just says it's a recent kernel which shouldn't be able to boot with anything less than 64 mb :-/16:12
alkisgSo I've no idea how it's possible to boot that with 16mb..16:12
alkisghighvoltage: 777 are the symlinks only16:12
highvoltagealkisg: ah16:14
alkisgstefandebacker: maybe that "16 MB" that you see is the VideoRAM number?16:15
stefandebackersure not16:15
stefandebackeri put in the rams myself16:16
stefandebackerthe videocard has 2 mb ram16:16
alkisgReally, really strange. I wish I could see for myself how you managed to do it.16:16
stefandebackeri know that i started from an old edubuntu server, because the new ones didn't work on the old software16:17
stefandebackerbut i wasn't able to make one that would support old and new hardware16:18
stefandebackeri tried it. And the old server wouldn't boot new thin clients16:18
stefandebackerand the new edubuntu wouldn't boot the old ones16:19
stefandebackeri did change the /etc/apt/sources.lst16:21
stefandebackerand added this:16:23
stefandebackerdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy  main restricted multiverse universe16:23
stefandebackerdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-security  main restricted multiverse universe16:23
stefandebackerdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates  main restricted multiverse universe16:23
stefandebackerbefore update and upgrade16:23
stefandebackeraccording to my personal log: this is the cd I downloaded http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/edubuntu/gutsy/16:24
alkisgOK, all that sounds right, I can't tell you how to fix something that wasn't supposed to be working on the first place :D16:25
alkisgI.e. I don't know of *any* (ed)ubuntu version that would boot with 16 RAM16:25
alkisg...and yes, older kernels don't see new hardware16:25
alkisgSo if I were you I wouldn't even try to upgrade anything, ever :D Those clients won't boot with anything recent16:26
alkisgFor new clients, with > 300 MB RAM etc, ok, you can boot them as fat clients16:26
stefandebackerthink I know what happened16:27
stefandebackerit was the network card16:27
stefandebackerthat gave me the kernel pannick16:27
stefandebackerand I also got it with a sertain video card16:28
stefandebackera SiS card I think it was16:32
alkisgSure, network and graphics cards can cause kernel panics, but that wasn't my problem, I tried with a very big number of clients. Booting with any less than 64 MB just wasn't possible for me.16:44
stefandebackerdon't worry about it, I think I am the only one in belgium anyway, that uses these old computers till the bitter end,16:51
stefandebackerthere should be a low against people who run a computer on less than 64mb anyway16:52
* alkisg has 2-3 labs here with 32mb, that's why he was interested..16:52
alkisgThey work with win95 currently16:52
stefandebackerthat's really old16:53
alkisgWell, with 32mb you can't boot windows 2000...16:53
stefandebackeri rather have linux16:53
alkisg(don't tell me you also booted XP with 16mb?! :D)16:53
alkisgSure, me too, but no linux works with such low ram16:54
stefandebackerwell i am surely glad it does here16:54
alkisg(that's why I was asking so many questions, to see if it was something I could replicate)16:55
stefandebackermaybe you can try starting from edubuntu 616:56
alkisgI don't think so, ogra straggled to lower the LTSP 5 RAM limit to 64MB16:56
alkisgSo it was *higher* before gutsy16:56
alkisgI've heard LTSP 4.2 working with 32MB RAM, but noone installs this anymore, it's been unmaintained for ages16:57
stefandebackercan i see my version of ltsp somewhere?16:57
alkisgdpkg -l ltsp-server, the one above16:58
alkisgSo you have 5.0.4016:58
stefandebackerBasic LTSP server environment16:59
alkisgThe only thing that would help is a zip of your /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386 directory, to try to see if actually that kernels boots with 16 mb16:59
alkisg(or if you are not even using that kernel, and are booting with some other method)16:59
stefandebackerdoes this hold any passwords?16:59
stefandebackeryoure 100% sure its absolutely safe?16:59
alkisgYou can skip lts.conf if you don't want to share it (or check yourself if you wrote something there)16:59
alkisgYes, the kernel and the initramfs don't have anything from the user17:00
alkisgOnly lts.conf may contain passwords, if you put them there17:00
stefandebackerone moment17:02
stefandebackerwhere do you want it?17:04
Utrinqueparatusdoes anyone have any experience with using edubuntu with a touchscreen?17:18
alkisgstefandebacker: anywhere would do, e.g. rapidshare, and PM me with the link17:26
Utrinqueparatusi didnt realise anyone used rapidshare since their crazy rapidpoints scheme17:29
alkisgFeel free to use whatever you want17:58
alkisgAh sorry I thought that was stefandebacker, ignore the answer17:59
Utrinqueparatusits ok was just sticking my oar in anyway18:00
Utrinqueparatuswhat packages in edubuntu are best aimed at pre-school users?18:24

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