
shadeslayerapachelogger: please advise on how to merge changelog of kdegames00:04
shadeslayerill then upload it to ppa00:04
shadeslayerapart from that kdegames is doen00:05
MIH1406Hi, I want to get pot (po template) files for KDE 4.5 and KDE 4.601:38
MIH1406Hi, I want to get pot (po template) files for KDE 4.5 and KDE 4.601:52
JontheEchidnablah, new libapt-pkg breaks ABI and makes libqapt throw deprecation errors :(03:07
JontheEchidnanew beta for the ubuntu font looks nice03:07
JontheEchidnaless blurry, more sharp03:07
JontheEchidnamaco: seen http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.com/2010/07/plasma-nm-modem-sony-md300-and-more.html ?03:19
=== stalcup is now known as v
=== v is now known as they
apacheloggershadeslayer: I was talking about akonadi 1.4 which is not yet uploaded from what I have seen03:38
apacheloggercrimsun: something about the pluseaudio-start-kde script things for which a report exists that is fixed in maverick but urgently needs SRUing in lucid because it essentially renders the phonon configuration module useless if used on a pulse setup03:39
apacheloggerNightrose: we'll see about stuttgart :S03:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: for merging 2 unreleased changlogs, just add the old changes to the new entry and remove the old entry (if necessary add changer identification such as [ Harald Sitter ]\n  * Did break things)03:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: gotta love libapt :S03:41
apacheloggerQuintasan, shadeslayer: please make sure the states in the wiki are correct03:56
* apachelogger goes off to bed o/03:56
crimsunapachelogger: ugh, may as well roll in fixes for a few others, too.  sigh.04:14
=== they is now known as stalcup
ScottKWhat's the release day for 4.5.0?04:59
ScottKWe need to decide if we're going to try and get it in before Alpha 3?04:59
jussiScottK: according to kde.org, its set for the 19th.06:44
ScottKjussi: That seems pretty far off.  Thanks.06:44
jussicripes I cant type06:44
jussio read: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.5_Release_Schedule06:44
* jussi cries06:45
jussiScottK: so 4th. 06:46
apacheloggercrimsun: :)10:58
* apachelogger leaves a cookie on crimsun's desk10:58
apacheloggerScottK: we can upload a bit before to make it more suited for our freezes11:07
apacheloggerwe did that a couple of times already11:07
apacheloggernot the best thing to do with a final release though (from a drumm roll POV)11:07
apacheloggerQuintasan: kdelibs got a wrong version no11:12
ubottuKDE KSSL in kdelibs 3.5.4, 4.2.4, and 4.3 does not properly handle a '\0' character in a domain name in the Subject Alternative Name field of an X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof arbitrary SSL servers via a crafted certificate issued by a legitimate Certification Authority, a related issue to CVE-2009-2408. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-2702)11:16
apacheloggerfrom the description I gather that the patch is pointless now11:17
apacheloggeryet it remains11:17
apacheloggeryet it applies11:17
apacheloggerso either KDE did other stuff to fix the issue or there is something very wrong11:17
apacheloggerQuintasan: kdepimlibs also needs to be merged11:25
CIA-98[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100801105641-zm3vn9hk56p4ljqf * debian/changelog New upstream release.11:56
shadeslayerhmmm so weird12:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: ssup?12:09
apacheloggeris Qt 4.7 really still on beta2?12:09
shadeslayerapparently my quassel core account disconnected :S12:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude.. how do i merge kdegames changelog12:10
apacheloggeryou make it one12:10
apachelogger[04:41:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: for merging 2 unreleased changlogs, just add the old changes to the new entry and remove the old entry (if necessary add changer identification such as [ Harald Sitter ]\n  * Did break things)12:10
shadeslayerhmm ok...12:11
* apachelogger is wondering if we should publish 4.5.0 to lucid and claim it stable even though Qt 4.7b2 is used 12:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you see a quit message from me? ( in the logs )12:14
shadeslayerbecause i cant.....12:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping timeout12:15
shadeslayerhmm... jefferai ^12:15
apacheloggeralthough a lot of people had a ping timeout around the same time12:15
shadeslayerbut how come it didnt re connect :P12:15
apacheloggeryeah, all people on jefferai's core went into timeout ^^12:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: so changelog looks like http://pastebin.com/UnfYw5nY12:18
shadeslayerdid we release 4.4.95 kdegames?12:18
apacheloggeroh dear qwebkit needs a backport -.-12:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, that is why the entry said UNRELEASED12:19
apacheloggerand it is also the reason the should be merged12:19
shadeslayerok then.. i think that is all good12:19
shadeslayerheh.. while uploading via SFTP to ninja ppa, i dont get the amount of data uploaded12:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude... how can you do this :P12:23
shadeslayer/usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk:7: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk: No such file or directory12:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: what?12:28
shadeslayermissing build dep on quilt for akonadi lucid12:29
shadeslayeror thats what i think it is12:29
apacheloggerlooks like it12:29
apacheloggera bit creepy though12:29
shadeslayeryeah ... 12:29
* apachelogger hates the cdbs12:30
apacheloggerclearly I should have testbuilt12:30
apacheloggeris that a general remark with lucid backports though?12:31
apacheloggerwe should mention that if so...12:31
apacheloggeron the wiki page12:31
apacheloggerso, should I conduct real live upgrade testing ^^12:32
Quintasangod damn12:37
QuintasanPlease. how do I block WoW from my network T_T12:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: is everything done?12:38
apacheloggerkdelibs got state ppa-bzr(not yet)12:39
apacheloggerwhatever that means12:39
Quintasanthat means shadeslayer is to push the chages12:39
apacheloggerplasma-addons got state ppa-bzr (w8 on edu)12:39
Quintasanwithout aspell12:39
shadeslayeryeah ill do that after i upload kdegames12:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: I will do that12:39
Quintasanapachelogger: I have retried the build yesterday12:39
* apachelogger still needs to resync pkg-kde-tools with KDE12:39
apacheloggerwhat is with kdeartwork?12:40
Quintasanapachelogger: do we keep a different branch for lucid packaging?12:40
shadeslayerbtw all of the stuff is built on older qt, we need rebuild with Qt lex uploaded12:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: nope12:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: no, but we really should12:40
Quintasanapachelogger: kdelibs failed12:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: supposedly I need to come up with a new set of batscripts12:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: what's the status of import?12:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: I noticed, needs more recent backpor to qtwebkit12:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: lemme poke jelmer.. although i really shouldnt12:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: you poke him12:41
Quintasanso don't do it12:41
apacheloggeranyone wanan do the honors of backporting qtwebkit? :P12:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: ? :P12:41
Quintasanapachelogger: I want the honor of doing pimlibs12:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah its currently ftbfs.. working on it12:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: do you have any informatin on kdeartwork12:41
shadeslayerright now i need to get my noodles fixed first :P12:41
Quintasanand I imagine it is too big for me to upload12:42
Quintasannot to mention downloading12:42
apacheloggeryou cannot even download it Oo12:42
shadeslayerkdegames uploaded12:42
apacheloggerstalcup: kdeartwork?12:42
shadeslayernow to work on webkit12:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: im working on webkitkde12:43
Quintasanapachelogger: that's what you get when you sister is a) older b) shouts all the time c) is nearer to cable d) is still playing WoW12:43
Quintasanweekends are nightmare when trying to use internet12:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is webkitkde? Oo12:43
apacheloggerQuintasan: ehm12:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: dude12:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are an IT geek12:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude.. they had a new release12:44
shadeslayerabout a week back12:44
apacheloggerthe least you should be able is to reroute all your NW traffic through your machine and induce QoS12:44
shadeslayerand i didnt touch it since12:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: well I would appreciate if we could get the job at hand done first before we wonder off to do other things?12:45
shadeslayerim on for another 45 mins, then have to go out12:45
apacheloggerme too12:45
apacheloggerjust I am here 30 mins longer ;)12:46
shadeslayerLaunchpad failed to process the upload path '~rohangarg/kubuntu-ninjas/ubuntu': << wth12:47
shadeslayerthat needs to be ~kubuntu-ninjas12:47
Quintasanapachelogger: the problem is12:49
Quintasanmy router is pretty damn limited12:49
apacheloggerreroute through your machine!12:52
Quintasanapachelogger: upgrade on maverick is smooth12:53
Quintasanjust pleasure hitting "g" in aptitude12:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: upgade testing should be conducted using apt and/or kpackagekit12:53
shadeslayerRiddell: around?12:57
* apachelogger loves when kate decides to crash12:58
shadeslayerRiddell: did you upload kdevplatform from my PPA ? 12:58
apachelogger  Uploading pkg-kde-tools_0.9.2ubuntu10_source.changes: done.13:06
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages13:06
* apachelogger notes that now kde qml files are processed properly \\o/13:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw are you backporting qtwebkit?13:07
shadeslayeror should i 13:07
shadeslayerok ill do it then13:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw webkitkde is done :P13:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: you need https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source backported right?13:20
shadeslayeri have 10 mins to do it :P13:20
stalcupapachelogger: almost13:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: qtwebkit uploaded13:38
apacheloggerstalcup: cool13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: please update the wiki13:44
apacheloggerif you didnt already13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer, Quintasan: if you get a second, please check that everything requires akonadistuff >= 1.413:47
ximionJontheEchidna: Hi!13:59
JontheEchidnaximion: hello13:59
ximiondo you have time to look at the oxygen-molecule package agein?13:59
ximion( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/oxygen-molecule )13:59
JontheEchidnaximion: I'm actually at a hotel now and will have to get ready to go again in a few minutes, but I'll  try to look at it tonight14:01
ximionJontheEchidna: I finally reached upstream over his e-mail adress (I first only tried it via OpenDesktop), and he clearified the license stuff and gave me some background information about the theme.14:01
JontheEchidnaI'm sure that some of the other kubuntu guys would be happy to revu :)14:01
JontheEchidnathanks for your work on the package14:01
ximionJontheEchidna: I'll be on holiday for two weeks starting on wednesday, so I can't look at the package then.14:01
ximionpackaging themes is really easy :-P14:02
ximionBtw: Is someone of working on a Qt implementation of the Ubuntu Software center?14:03
shadeslayerximion: id like to.. but i dont see any point...14:04
JontheEchidnaI plan to start on one for 11.04 after Muon gets a stable release, but I've not started yet14:04
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: USC based on Muon?14:04
shadeslayeror from scratch14:05
ximionI started a project like this a long time ago, but then stopped working on it after Richard Hughes announced a cross-distro way of building a software-center like app.14:05
mueslilove the new homepage14:05
ximionmuesly: agree! it's beautiful! (kudos to the designer)14:06
ximionnow since QApt has been created, it should be easy to create a Qt Software-Center.14:07
ximion...if there are any plans, I'd like to help.14:07
shadeslayerximion: idle here and you will get to know all our plans :P14:08
shadeslayeranyways.. im off14:08
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: I'll probably use the MuonMainWindow base class and write a custom GUI off of that14:09
ximionshadeslayer: I'll wait of courese :-P - bye.14:09
JontheEchidnaximion: I'll keep you in the loop. (But I have to go now too, bye)14:09
debfxcould someone please sync gtk2-engines-qtcurve and kde-style-qtcurve from debian?14:14
stalcupdebfx: did you file a sync-request?14:20
stalcuponce approved, only archive admins can do those syncs14:20
debfxstalcup: no, but there is a syncpackage script in ubuntu-dev-tools14:21
debfxwhich allows anyone with upload privileges to sync14:22
stalcuphrm, must be a newer addition then14:22
stalcupor i've been away far too long :)14:23
debfxyeah it's only in maverick14:25
stalcupso I take it you are looking at 59.5-1 then?14:26
debfxstalcup: 59.5-1?14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: retried kde4libs for lucid15:11
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=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
shadeslayerQuintasan: kde4libs for lucid needs fix0ring15:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: also can you upload webkitkde from https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental15:20
stalcupErr http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main pkg-kde-tools 0.9.2ubuntu8 404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:56
shadeslayerstalcup: superseeded16:02
shadeslayerbu ubuntu1016:02
shadeslayerso refresh sources ;)16:02
Quintasanshadeslayer: I belive I told you that my uploading powers are limited to 0 today16:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^16:07
shadeslayerQuintasan-- for not uploading my packages to universe16:10
Quintasanshadeslayer: WoW Player inhouse16:12
shadeslayeruniverse >>>> WoW16:12
QuintasanShe is near my ethernet cable16:12
shadeslayeranyways.. ive got freeflying to sponsor the upload then :P16:12
* Quintasan always wanted to do something about it but never got to16:13
QuintasanI'll buy a wireless card for my pc16:13
shadeslayerfreeflying: its built.. can you sponsor it?16:15
shadeslayerwell then... ill see you guys tmmrw16:19
txwikingerAny suggestions for a package for bugday?16:31
DarkwingDuckAnyone seen nixternal?16:33
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: nope.. but i do see him tweeting17:21
shadeslayertxwikinger: hmm.. ill try to come up with something... :)17:22
Quintasanping him then17:22
Quintasantxwikinger: KNetworkManager17:22
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: yeah, me too.. I'll get this move out of the way then sucker him in for some drinks17:26
stalcupah! apt-transport-https19:22
Riddellshadeslayer: no I don't think I uploaded kdevplatform from your PPA, I think I synced from Debian19:24
Riddellapachelogger: if translations only get mangled on i386 won't that mean amd64 and whatnot have different .desktop files than i386 and might do things differently?19:29
Riddellah it's not the mangling, it's the .pot generation only, that's fine19:29
stalcupHow did I ever manage to package more than one source during a release before19:33
stalcupI am really out of shape packaging wise19:33
Riddelldual core processor is the secret :)19:35
macoRiddell: ive seen your laptop. i dont think dual core existed when you got that thing19:37
* stalcup throws out his quad core19:37
stalcupso artwork will be ready in two shakes19:38
stalcupand I can start backporting19:38
Riddellquad core might sound useful but can you really work efficiently on four things at once?  I'm not convinced I want my computer to do more than I can hold in my head19:38
crimsunI keep chuckling at people who have these quad-core laptops who attempt to use them unplugged from AC.19:39
stalcupthis is a desktop tyvm19:39
stalcupmy macbook is a dualcore19:39
stalcupi really like my desktop though, made it myself19:40
crimsunI have six cores in /var/crash. I have six cores!19:40
stalcupAH!!!!! holy19:40
* stalcup bows19:40
stalcupI'll have to dump the core to get us out of the grips of this black hole19:41
crimsunyeah, I was trying to avoid the blatant ST reference :P19:41
stalcupwell, someone had to do it19:42
stalcupi do love dolphin19:42
sheytanhey guys19:54
sheytanhow do you like this: http://a.imageshack.us/img687/1636/whatiskubuntu.jpg19:54
shadeslayersheytan: frickin awesome19:59
shadeslayerRiddell: well.. its FTBFS :P19:59
sheytanshadeslayer thank you :)20:00
sheytanwhat is FTBFS? :D20:00
shadeslayerFailed to build from source :)20:01
shadeslayerbasically when a package fails to build20:01
sheytanoh, ok :D20:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: i might do a NMU for webkitkde to debian20:01
shadeslayerso we can sync/merge that.. although i do believe that it will fail with the dh_install --missing foo20:02
Tscheesysheytan: very nice - although i would use english language and username like "kubuntu" in screenshot, also standard theme and background.. my2cents20:02
shadeslayermake that --fail-missing20:02
macoanyone think writing a wizard for mobile broadband in python and just having a button that launches it from knetworkmanager's config tool would be a bad way to do things? parsing xml in c++ seems ... unfriendly20:03
shadeslayersheytan: yeah try to keep it as generic as possible :)20:03
sheytanTscheesy it's still just a mockup, and replacing screenshots is just few minutes. I just put them these couse i had them done :)20:04
sheytanshadeslayer ^^ :D20:04
shadeslayersheytan: btw the part in "Ready out of the box" needs some love20:04
macoalternatively, is it possible to have a single c++ program where a chunk of it is in python?20:05
sheytanshadeslayer, yep ;)20:06
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
crimsunmaco: eh, not really unfriendly but not as nice as using Python, probably20:08
crimsunmaco: and yes, it's possible20:09
macocrimsun: well knm is *already* c++20:09
mueslihttp://www.kubuntu.org/community <- links to a german support page which doesn't exist20:09
macobut writing a thing that reads xml to do the wizard in c++ is going to suck, so i want to know if i can do the logic for that piece in python20:09
muesliactually, none of the language support sites seem to work20:10
macomuesli: that was reported yesterday on the mailing list20:11
macocrimsun: do you have any links i could read on how to do that?20:14
macooh nvm. Riddell just told me about qtxml. so im going to go learn about that and do my first patch with C++ 20:16
* maco looks at knm's current code and whimpers20:16
shadeslayermuesli: can you post that to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com?20:17
mueslishadeslayer: maco just mentioned it was reported there already20:19
shadeslayerah ok.. i didnt see that20:19
shadeslayeryeah seems neversfelde reported it 20:20
neversfeldeah, the loco pages20:21
stalcupshadeslayer: neversfelde: could one of you two please pastebin me a copy of the ninja ppa dput info?20:32
stalcuppm of course :)20:33
neversfeldestalcup: done20:34
stalcupappreciated much!20:34
stalcupwell, hmm20:35
stalcupi tried that already20:35
neversfeldeworks for me20:36
stalcupI've been trying to unborkify my system20:36
neversfeldemhh, someone wanted to talk to Debian and upstream about minitube, I cannot remember who it was? :)20:43
neversfeldeand we still have with plasma-widget-cwp and plasma-widget-customizable-weather cwp twice in the archive, I forgot again to work on it20:46
neversfeldesomeone else wants to do it, I am not available till End of August20:46
stalcupoh noes!20:47
ScottKRiddell: 4.5.0 before or after Alpha 3 freeze?20:49
stalcupafter artwork is done, it will be ready20:49
ScottKRiddell: At the release team meeting on Friday, I said we hadn't decided.20:50
ScottKAlso got dyfet to start looking at kdebindings on armel.20:50
ScottKAFAIK, no patches yet though.20:50
debfxthe battery applet is gone from default settings :(20:52
debfxtaking brightness osd with it20:52
stalcupyay!  finally uploading the last package Riddell 20:54
RiddellScottK: that is the question20:54
Riddellmostly depends if upstream would mind20:54
RiddellScottK: is Sime aware of the kdebindings failure on ARM?  it's in his territory20:56
Riddellwhat does yellow mean on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging ?20:58
stalcupI would assume "the stack"20:59
stalcupor not20:59
stalcup /me spies kdeedu20:59
Riddelldebfx: probably needs something fixed in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js21:00
debfxoh, it's because I removed the battery from the laptop21:01
Riddelldebfx: ah that would be it :)21:05
ScottKRiddell: I don't know about Sime and kdebindings.  dyfet indicated it looked more like a sip problem that was blowing up in kdebindings to him.21:09
ScottKI understand NC|Alaska will be NCommander again on Monday, so maybe he'll have suggestions.21:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
neversfeldeI send a mail to Debian  and upstream about Minitube, so whoever wanted to do it, it is not necessary anymore22:59
debfxyay, ppa build on i386: Start 2010-08-0423:05
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
Riddelldebfx: :(23:08
neversfeldeshadeslayer: is there a reason, why we dropped source format 3.0 for choqok?23:11
neversfeldeand other changes23:12
=== NC|Alaska is now known as NCommander
NCommanderScottK: I'm back23:20
NCommanderScottK: its NOT a sip problem, its someone broke the special rules handling calling sip on ARM.23:21
Riddellwelcome back NCommander, how was Alaska?23:22
NCommanderRiddell: lovely. I even got an opportunity to up to the Arctic Circle and jump into the Arctic Ocean23:23
Riddellsee, it's not just me that's gets you cold and wet23:26
ari-tczewRiddell: could you check package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice-l10n is it a merge or sync?23:33
NCommanderRiddell: yes, but it has a higher statistical probability of happening while your around23:34
Riddellari-tczew: probably a synz23:41
Riddellari-tczew: probably a sync23:41
Riddellyes should be a sync23:41
ari-tczewok thanks23:41

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