
pcwI have a boot problem; normal users have no access to soundcards and devices random daemons not starting up. can any1 help?00:13
seidospcw, the only thing I can think of, as a starting point, is maybe check the logs in /var/log00:23
pcwseidos:where and what should i look for? I hav plowed through messages dmesg found nothing00:41
seidospcw, you can search syslog for the word "error".  Wait, you said that random daemons are not starting up?  Which daemons?00:42
seidosnever heard of it00:44
pcwsome software that does caching of downloads from apt servers00:44
seidosyeah, I don't have that process running currently.  What version of ubuntu are you running?00:44
pcwstock kernel and 35-12 doesnot work00:45
seidosI'm running Jaunty with an updated kernel.00:45
seidos2.6.30, the newer kernels don't work for me either.00:46
pcwat least 35-12 is finally giving me stable error00:46
seidosdid your system ever work?00:46
pcwolder kernels dont work for me sadly00:46
pcwyes with stock worked 80% of the time00:46
Jason1how do i find out all the packages that are currently installed?00:47
pcw<Jason1>:dpkg-query -l00:48
seidospcw, I don't know.  I'm already out of ideas.00:49
pcwseidos: 'amd64_edac: probe of 0000:00:18.2 failed with error -22'00:50
pcwseen this?00:50
seidospcw, never00:50
seidospcw, I'm running 32 bit on 64 bit hardware.00:50
pcwthink i m gonna just give up on the ubu00:51
seidospcw, I don't know, maybe you can try running the daemons manually00:51
pcwlucid just plain suck00:51
pcwi can but i just dont want to00:51
pcwi can fix every prob i have manually00:52
seidosperhaps a script will fix the problem then00:52
pcwyes it can00:52
pcwproblem is that there seems to be other deeper problems which i do not understand and wishes to figure out00:53
seidosubuntu isn't perfect.  lots of different hardware out there.00:53
pcwsadly intrepid was working very well00:53
pcwlucid is just a big fail00:53
seidosor maybe ubuntu is perfect, but all the proprietary hardware isn't :|00:53
pcwi hav got 3 mach00:54
pcwall got various prob with ubu00:54
pcwlucid to b exact00:54
pcwall went well with intrepid00:54
pcwubu 9.1000:54
seidosmaybe lucid isn't the right distro for you.00:54
seidosI don't use it00:55
pcwkilling now00:55
pcwfalling back00:55
pcwthank you very much seidos00:55
seidosgood luck pcw00:55
Jason1how can i find out what users are logged in ssh or otherwise to my server?01:09
seidosJason1, I think the command "users" might be what you're looking for.01:14
geirhaor w or who01:15
seidosah, who, I had forgotten about that01:16
seidosw is nicest, haven't heard that before, thanks geirha01:16
stlsaint9.10 is NOT intrepid!01:18
phillw9.10 was Krazy Koala :p01:19
phillwKarmic :-)01:19
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: hello01:21
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, hello! morning! (it's morning here!) =D01:21
Jason1seidos:  thanks thats why Im in the beginners room!01:22
Jason1Can someone explain to me what the purpose is of each user when they are created having their own group?01:22
=== uRock is now known as chlorinator
chlorinatorJason1, permissions01:25
chlorinatorso you can share files with people in a group without sharing them with others o a system or network01:25
stlsaintchlorinator: why the name change?01:27
=== stlsaint is now known as hobgoblin2
chlorinatorJust got out of the pool and now I smell of chlorine01:28
=== hobgoblin2 is now known as stlsaint
Jason1i've just corrupted my passwd file by changing the numbers around.  Is there anyway I can tell from the prompt (wiuthout going to the passwd file) what my current userid # is?01:29
chlorinatorI shocked it this morning so the chlorine level is very high, but still in the safe zone01:29
chlorinatorif you are the admin, then you need to have 70001:30
geirhaecho $UID01:30
stlsaintJason1: enter id01:30
stlsaintJason1: command: id01:30
stlsaintgeirha: aye, your just a command library01:31
chlorinatorI just aced my Intro to UNIX/Linux class, yet I am lost with some of the permission stuff as far as administering it.01:32
=== chlorinator is now known as uRock
stlsaintuRock: where are you from and what class is this?01:33
uRockLas Vegas, it was the basic Intro to UNIX/Linux class01:34
stlsaintuRock: college?01:34
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, you keep asking the questions i wanted to ask! =D01:34
uRockIt isn't for my degree, but I felt I could use it01:34
* JoeMaverickSett is too slow in typing compared to these IRC Pros.01:35
uRock4 people dropped the class because they couldn't handle it01:35
uRockthey said they were too used to windows01:35
JoeMaverickSettuRock, you should have a student like me! ;)01:36
uRocklol, I am still a student01:36
JoeMaverickSetthehe =D01:36
uRockthe teacher is trying to get me into Linux+, but I have taken a disliking to COMPTIA01:37
Jason1ok so i have seriously messed things up.  I can't save my passwd fie01:38
uRockstarting the first of 2011 new certificates have to be renewed every three years01:38
aveilleuxJason1: What do you mean? Does sudo passwd fail?01:38
JoeMaverickSettoh! i am planning to take COMPITA Linux+01:39
uRockJoeMaverickSett, get certified before the end of the year, so you don't have to retake01:39
uRockI could be wrong, it may be for A+ and Network+ only01:40
JoeMaverickSettuRock, hhmm, alright, thanks for the info.01:41
uRockJoeMaverickSett, http://www.comptia.org/certifications/listed/renewal.aspx01:42
uRockI think they are only doing it for the money, not because technology is changing01:43
Jason1aveillux: sudo passwd doesn't fail but I can't save01:44
aveilleuxJason1: I guess I don't understand your problem, since you don't use a "save" command to exit passwd01:45
Jason1ok...  ctrl O doesn't work in nano01:45
JoeMaverickSettuRock, alright. taking a look at those.01:45
aveilleuxJason1: Um no.01:45
aveilleuxJason1: passwd is its own utility.01:45
Jason1ive been editing the /etc/passwd file01:46
Jason1i've messed up all the groups and passwords because I thought I could just delete the groups I didn't want to use.01:47
aveilleuxJason1: Why?01:47
aveilleuxJason1: That explains a lot.01:47
Jason1because im a dumb newbie!01:47
paultagDon't say that in here Jason101:47
aveilleuxJason1: Putting yourself down won't get you anywhere01:47
paultagJason1: no one is dumb. Newbie, perhaps, but this is how you learn.01:47
paultagAt least you are learning what /etc/passwd does01:47
JoeMaverickSettJason1, chill! people will help. as paultag said newbie,yes, but not dumb!01:48
stlsaintuRock: yes that is why i am getting my certs this year ;)01:48
stlsaintuRock: also it pertains to sec+ also :D01:49
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, for which one would you be getting for?01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: all of them! :D01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: sec+, n+, A+ then continuing on...01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: $250 bucks per test :D01:50
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, wohoho! i think you are *The Geek* =D go on mate!01:50
paultagstlsaint: dude that's a lot of cash01:50
stlsaintfirst i will get sec+ as it is the hardest, then n+01:50
paultagstlsaint: is the US paying for it?01:50
stlsaintpaultag: im a baller! =D01:50
Jason1ok so whats the solution  now... I can't get in as root because I turned off root login in ssh01:50
paultagstlsaint: haha01:50
stlsaintpaultag: i make it rain on my education!! :D01:51
paultagJason1: haha, awesome. Try rebooting, and going in through single user mode ( recovery mode )01:51
uRockI am geting the Cisco CCNA and I think they now have a cert for PC troubleshooting and repair01:51
paultagstlsaint: hahaha01:51
paultagJason1: that or ctrl + alt + f1 if it gets that far01:51
* JoeMaverickSett salutes stlsaint!01:51
aveilleuxJason1: You don't need root in Ubuntu... sudo does it for you01:51
paultag+1 aveilleux01:51
stlsaintuRock: yep, when its all said and done i will have mcsa,mcse,then some VoIP, Cisco switch expert, amongst others01:51
JoeMaverickSettmake that +2, i never knew that! =D01:52
paultagstlsaint: spend some of that on LDAP learnings01:52
stlsaintpaultag: i have you for that! :D01:52
paultagstlsaint: stlsaint did I show you my new URL / Blog?01:52
stlsaintpaultag: i have a vps with openldap ramping up for kerberos! :D01:52
paultagstlsaint: no way!!!01:52
paultagstlsaint: is it working yet?01:52
stlsaintpaultag: yea i sent it in whub channel01:52
JoeMaverickSettare you guys like trying to get all the certs for computer related things? =D01:52
stlsaintpaultag: i was reading your resume :D01:53
aveilleuxI wish I could afford that many certs01:53
paultagstlsaint: whatcha think?01:53
Jason1single user mode?  Im on 10.04 LTS server01:53
stlsaintpaultag: simple, niffty01:53
paultagstlsaint: thanks :)01:53
uRockThe more you pay, the more you can earn01:53
paultagJason1: Oh shoot. Well that explains it01:53
stlsaintaveilleux: well im in the army so i pay for it myself then they reimburse me ;)01:53
paultagJason1: Can you ssh as yourself?01:53
* JoeMaverickSett wished he was stlsaint! =P01:53
aveilleuxstlsaint: Thhhbt01:53
stlsaintJason1: are you using passwords or keys?01:53
Jason1when I ssh as myself a different username actually appears01:53
stlsaintaveilleux: aawww i love you too! :D01:54
uRockcan Jason1 use vi to alter the passwd file?01:54
paultagJason1: try using -l01:54
aveilleuxuRock: He was using nano01:54
paultagJason1: ssh server -l jason01:54
stlsaintuRock: thats not the issue01:54
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: ;)01:54
stlsaintJason1: what command are you using to ssh in?01:55
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, how do you even study for all those? you must have lot's of space in your head! 500GB @7200RPM? =P01:56
uRockstlsaint, for the ms certs, did you take classes or just read, practice, then test?01:56
Jason1im using putty on a windows desktop to ssh in01:56
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: hehe, naw i have the entire mcsa course that i took in college a few months back on my ipod01:56
uRockwith reititon everything starts to sink in01:57
stlsaintuRock: ^^01:57
Jason1vi is way to intense for me01:57
stlsaintJason1: what user?01:57
Jason1right now Im in as myself01:57
* JoeMaverickSett got nothing to say about stlsaint!01:57
Jason1id # 100201:57
stlsaintthe army also paid for me to take the mcsa course :D01:57
uRockgotta love VA01:58
stlsaintuRock: YEP01:58
uRockpays my bills when I am in school01:58
uRockdarn summer break01:58
stlsaintJason1: what does your prompt say for the user?01:58
Jason1i get this error if I try to make changes HELP : loglevel(0-9) reBoot Crash terminate-all-tasks(E) memory-full-oom-kill(F) kill-all-t asks(I) thaw-filesystems(J) saK show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(L) show-memory-usage(M) nice-all-RT-t asks(N) show-registers(P) show-all-timers(Q) unRaw Sync show-task-states(T) Unmount show-blocked-tas01:58
paultagdude hell yes01:58
stlsaintJason1: does sudo -i command work?01:59
paultagJason1: do you have physical access to the machine?01:59
stlsaintif anybody needs mcsa/sec+ notes let me know...i love to share from what the intructors gave me01:59
Jason1not exactly physical access but I can get into it.02:00
paultagstlsaint: thanks, I might :)02:00
stlsaintJason1: sudo -i02:00
stlsaintJason1: does that work?02:00
paultagJason1: is it a virtual machine?02:00
Jason1sudo: unknown uid: 100202:00
paultaghaha w00t, called it02:00
stlsaintpaultag: genious showoff :P02:01
paultagJason1: OK. So, let's hack into this biznatch, as the kids today like to say02:01
stlsaintJason1: does su work?02:01
paultagJason1: so that HELP error is if you try and ssh in?02:01
paultagJason1: or are you already on the box02:01
paultagJason1: do you know the root password?02:01
Jason1im already nano on passwd02:01
* stlsaint fades to background.....02:01
paultagJason1: well that file is fucked anyway, I'm guessing02:01
paultagstlsaint: naw, take point02:01
Jason1I do know the root passwd but don't i need to enable it in the sshd_config?02:02
stlsaintpaultag: fsck() no02:02
paultagstlsaint: I'll watch, I need to clean the kitch :)02:02
paultagJason1: try ctrl + x, n, sudo -02:02
aveilleuxJason1: SSH is something else. No02:02
stlsaintpaultag: NO...i dont know what you were going to do02:02
paultagstlsaint: >:)02:02
paultagJason1: su -02:02
aveilleuxJason1: You /can/ enable root in Ubuntu, but there's really no need02:02
paultagJason1: not sudo, sudo won't work because of the passwords02:02
paultagJason1: that will be the root pw, not user local pw02:02
paultagJason1: you should be able to gainroot if you know it02:03
aveilleuxpaultag, Jason1: to get root in Ubuntu (if sudo -i is unsuccessful) you can sudo su02:03
paultagaveilleux: sudo will fail, the sudo'ers group is blasted if it failed02:03
aveilleuxpaultag, Jason1: That way you don't actually enable the root account02:03
paultagaveilleux: I think he already has it enabled02:03
aveilleuxpaultag: D802:03
Jason1im at my prompt.  What do I need to do again?  Im not following02:03
paultagJason1: su -02:03
paultagJason1: that will be your root password02:03
Jason1su: Cannot determine your user name.02:04
paultagJason1: if you did not enable the root account, you might be fscked.02:04
paultagOh shucks02:04
paultagJason1: su -m root02:04
stlsaintoh noes02:04
Jason1same: su: Cannot determine your user name.02:04
paultagJason1: do you have gcc installed?02:04
Jason1don't know what it is so probbaly not02:04
paultagJason1: OK, I'd use this time to get all data off that machine and re-install02:05
Jason1I can get in as another user who has sudo.  I can try that.02:05
stlsaintit maybe on a default server install02:05
paultagJason1: It's OK. It might be blasted as well, if you lost sudoers group it should not work02:05
stlsaintJason1: oh heck yea get in that way02:05
stlsaintthats true02:05
paultagbut try02:05
paultagstlsaint: could be spot on02:05
Jason1im in as root as another user!  whewww!02:05
paultagJason1: congrats :)02:05
paultagstlsaint: you rock :)02:05
Jason1(didn't like the reinstall option)02:06
paultagstlsaint: +1 paultag point02:06
paultagJason1: why is that?02:06
paultagJason1: I've reinstalled more times then I can count :)02:06
Jason1i already have clients running on the system02:06
stlsaintpfft, i just reinstalled yesterday :D02:06
paultagJason1: oh shucks02:06
stlsaintJason1: aye, fix that sudoers group man02:06
paultagJason1: are they getting to it by IP or CNAME ?02:06
Jason1im way out ahead of myself at the moment trying to catch up!02:06
* stlsaint loves conky02:07
Jason1dns manager points them to their folder with virtual host02:07
paultagJason1: you could bring up another Vitural Server, install it, then rysnc the data on the two02:07
stlsaintJason1: can you fix your groups with this root user?02:07
paultagJason1: then switch the CNAME for the domain, and then bring down the first after two hours or so02:07
paultagbecause that login file is fscked up from the looks of it02:08
stlsaintpaultag: they are logged on as root right now02:08
stlsaintJason1: right?? ^02:08
aveilleuxFor the room: http://www.zazzle.com/root_access_tshirt-235683678517126274  (I know the syntax is a little off, but I had to dumb it down a little)02:08
drubinMoral of the story *never* *ever* edit /etc/passwd manually.02:08
paultag_+1 aveilleux02:09
paultag+10000000 drubin02:09
Jason1i can probably fix the users im not sure.  Im using a virtual terminal at the moment, rather than actually ssh into the system02:09
Jason1lesson learned02:09
paultagJason1: yup. That's all that counts02:09
paultagJason1: consider a re-wipe02:09
paultagJason1: you might have lost a lot of groups etc02:09
stlsaintaveilleux: 35 bucks for that!?!? ROBBERY!! :P02:09
Jason1well there were 3 uers I edited and 3 groups i deleted.  Can I put them back in from the prompt?02:10
aveilleuxstlsaint: It's the lowest price I could set D:02:10
drubinJason1: Learning is more important then any thing else :)02:10
stlsaintaveilleux: oh02:10
paultagdrubin: did you see my new domain?02:10
paultagJason1: not without knowing what they were02:10
paultagJason1: you don't take notes, perchance?02:10
aveilleuxstlsaint: Inverted colors is something in the range of $2002:10
drubinpaultag: I even viewed it. you mades me enables javascripts ;)02:10
Jason1well I do know what they were.  They were friends login ids.02:10
paultagdrubin: hahahaha02:10
* uRock The best way to learn is the hard way.02:10
paultagdrubin: suck it up, it's 201002:11
aveilleuxpaultag +102:11
drubinpaultag: Hey never been rickrolled or any thing with my anti javascript policies :)02:11
aveilleuxdrubin: None of the rickrolls work on Opera ;)02:11
* drubin views page source before enabling javascripts02:11
Jason1i know all the id numbers and the reality is I can do without all of them if we can just get mine working.  my id # is 200202:11
paultagdrubin: haha02:12
drubinomw 3:30am and next doors alarm is going off ;/02:12
Jason1so is it possible to repair the passwd file using command prompts instead of editing the file?02:13
drubinJason1: Repair possibly not.02:13
uRocklol, I just watched my neighbor's kids kill a bouncing room and it was only up for 30 minutes02:13
drubinJason1: If you have broken your passwd file I would suggest a reinstall.02:14
stlsaintJason1: aye02:14
aveilleuxI concur with drubin and stlsaint02:14
Jason1even though Im root at the moment?02:14
drubinJason1: unless you know *excatly* what changed02:14
Jason1I believe I do.02:15
drubinJason1: Next leasson is backup and restores ;-p02:15
uRockJason1, back it up before making changes in the future02:15
aveilleuxJason1: *.old will save your life02:15
Jason1if I can delete the two users and edit me from id 1003 to 1002 that should be all i need02:16
aveilleuxJason1: sudo cp corg.conf xorg.conf.old has saved my butt so many times02:16
Jason1(this is called denial phase)02:16
Jason1but seriously, your saying its not possible even though I know the users and groups i edited?02:17
aveilleuxJason1: It's possible, but very difficult02:17
drubinJason1: the way linux internally stores UIDs might be different02:17
Jason1or if I delete all the applicable users and just create a new one for myself02:18
Jason1(from root)02:18
drubinJason1: You could try that but you might have issues later on.02:18
drubinJason1: So like we all said make backups.02:18
drubinJason1: but yes you can try it only after you have backups :) if it doesn't work reinstall with backups02:19
drubinany how I need to get going.02:19
Jason1ok.. im ready for the lesson on backups now!02:19
aveilleuxJason1: Before doing anything to a system file, sudo cp XX XX.old02:20
aveilleuxJason1: Where XX is the name of the file02:20
paultaghey drubin, got a few secs?02:21
paultagdrubin: I need some py help :)02:23
Jason1ok so how do I get the backups to put back later.  FTP?02:25
Jason1i can't get on02:26
paultagJason1: use rsync with a failover server if it's production02:26
aveilleuxJason1: What? Just sudo mv XX.old XX02:26
aveilleuxThat'll overwite the broken copy with the backup02:26
aveilleuxJust leave it in the same dir02:26
Jason1what is rsync?02:27
paultagJason1: it will let you sync two directories over the network02:27
paultagJason1: so sync mirror two installs, and then switch over the DNS entry02:27
paultagJason1: I do this all the time in the datacenter I manage02:28
paultagold hardware upgrades etc02:28
Jason1ah..  ok..  RIght now I only have the one server and it is taking up everything on the virtual host02:29
paultagJason1: but it's virtual02:29
paultagadd another vmachine02:29
paultagor do you not have ownership of the server?02:29
Jason1im using linnode02:30
Jason1I can reduce the size of the current install and then create a second if thats what your getting at, since right now it fills up all of my alloted space02:31
paultagAh, no, can't do that with linode02:31
paultagJason1: might be able to do that02:32
pleia2can only have one running at a time, so you'd have to sync via an intermediary02:32
paultag+1 pleia202:33
paultagand that also entails downtime02:33
Jason1so i need to setup 3?02:34
Jason1my brain is fried at this point!02:35
stlsaintJason1: do you have another machine you can use?02:36
stlsaintJason1: to maybe use for syncing?02:36
Jason1when you say machine what do you mean?02:38
Jason1im sitting at my desktop. Its a windows platform.  there is the server itself which is on linnode02:38
Jason1linnode will allow me to reduce the size of the current install.  I could cut it in half.02:39
Jason1then I would be able to setup a second install.  I just don't know how to get the files back and forth between the two.02:39
stlsaintJason1: can you ssh into that server using a form of gui?02:40
Jason1the second (to be the newly created one)???02:41
stlsaintJason1: like in linux you can connect to the server using nautilus02:41
stlsaintJason1: is there something in windows that you have to do that?02:42
Jason1yes its called puTTY.  I use that to SSH into the server02:42
Jason1that opens up my shell02:42
paultagtry WinSCP02:42
Jason1i have winSCP as well for ftp02:42
paultagJason1: that's SFTP02:43
paultagJason1: it's FTP over SSH02:43
paultag( a.k.a. scp )02:43
paultagstlsaint: he can get data thru the pipe :)02:43
Jason1winSCP doesn't work because I can't login02:43
stlsaintJason1: pull that data from your sever to your windows system02:43
stlsaintJason1: reformat then put back02:44
paultagJason1: if you can putty you should be able to login02:44
paultagJason1: it uses ssh to xfer, so if you can ssh in, you can scp over02:44
Jason1i can't get into the server right now with winSCP02:44
paultagJason1: how do you get in via PuTTY ?02:44
stlsaintJason1: you can winscp but you can ssh??02:44
Jason1i can ssh but not winscp02:45
paultagJason1: just *try* for me, I know how this works on a low level02:45
Jason1oh wait..  actually..  Ive nbever closed my session because I didn't want that to be gameover02:45
stlsaintJason1: yes please try it02:45
Jason1server refuses key02:45
stlsaintJason1: your going through same port correct?02:46
paultagJason1: does it not fall back on pw auth?02:46
Jason1i have it turned off in sshd_config02:46
paultagJason1: swap that over while you are root02:46
stlsaintJason1: +1 on paultag's suggestion since you are having issues with keys atm02:46
JoeMaverickSettQUESTION: "if i want to apply for Seeking Mentor in here:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuYouth/Structure. i just go edit the page, right?"02:49
paultagJason1: I don't know why you are asking in here :)02:50
paultagnot you Jason102:50
paultagJason1: you have a real issue02:50
paultagyou JoeMaverickSett :)02:50
paultagdarn tab complete02:50
JoeMaverickSettpaultag, failed! =D02:50
JoeMaverickSettit seems to be the only way anyways! :)02:51
paultagJoeMaverickSett: I'd ask in #Ubuntu-youth02:51
paultagJoeMaverickSett: no one in here is qualified to answer that besides zkriesse02:51
paultagJoeMaverickSett: so I'd ask him in that team's channel02:51
JoeMaverickSettalright paultag. won't disturb you no more.02:52
paultagJoeMaverickSett: you're not disturbing, just trying to route you somewhere to get an answer02:52
* JoeMaverickSett goes off to #ubuntu-youth02:52
JoeMaverickSettpaultag, hehe! i've re-routed! ;)02:52
Jason1what comnand will let me read a file without editing?02:53
stlsaintJason1: cat02:53
paultagJason1: cat02:53
paultag<3 stlsaint02:53
stlsaintpaultag: cat <file>02:53
paultagJason1: if it's long, less02:53
paultagstlsaint: less <file>02:53
paultagstlsaint: boom. headshot02:53
uRockor more02:53
paultaguRock: less is more02:53
paultaguRock: :P02:53
paultaguRock: if it's long you can't go back up with more, so that always gives me sadsies02:54
Jason1whatd the modifier to view it page by page?02:54
uRockdoes less do the same thing?02:54
paultagJason1: | less, or less <file>02:54
* uRock Going where I have never gone before. Installing Arch in VBox.02:59
paultaguRock: those arch guys are amazing03:00
paultaguRock: They have my utmost respect03:00
Jason1permit root login is YES password authentication is yes03:00
paultaguRock: they've done some really cool stuff with the distro, and it's cool seeing what they come up with03:00
Jason1I can't get in though via winSCP with my password03:00
Jason1(for root)03:00
paultagJason1: do you know the root password?03:00
paultagJason1: did you set it manually?03:01
uRockI am sure to break it, lol03:01
paultagJason1: try PuTTY with root03:01
paultagJason1: does that work?03:01
paultagJason1: avoid using a PK03:01
paultaguRock: we all do at one point or another03:01
Jason1im in without the password because of the key..03:01
paultaguRock: as my 7th grade english teacher told me "Fail with dignity"03:02
paultagJason1: Try removing the key03:02
paultagJason1: Just try a raw ssh login03:02
paultagJason1: if that does not work that needs to be addressed03:02
paultaguRock: I tried installing arch the other day03:03
paultaguRock: the kernel is the same as 10.04's, bad news for paultag :(03:03
Jason1access denied even though im entering the correct passwrod03:03
paultagJason1: then you have a bigger issue to address ;)03:03
uRockthat bites03:04
uRockI haven't had any problems with it, yet03:04
paultagJason1: can you still login as you?03:04
paultagJason1: if so, either the root pw is wrong or remote logins are disabled03:04
Jason1where is the setting for remote login?03:05
paultagJason1: in the global ssh config03:06
paultag /etc/ssh/ssh_config I think03:06
paultagor something03:06
paultagmight be PAM03:06
paultagI've never had to enable root ( for good reason )03:06
IdleOnewhy would anyone want to enable root03:07
IdleOneroot is over rated03:07
paultagIdleOne: +103:07
paultagIdleOne: I'm with you, friend03:07
paultagIdleOne: also, how are ya?03:07
IdleOneDoing ok here and you ?03:08
paultagIdleOne: I'm well. Got my new blog and domain all set :D03:08
* IdleOne is watching Rocky03:10
paultaghaha wich one IdleOne ?03:11
IdleOnethe first one03:11
Jason1looked and didn't see anything I can winSCP with a key at the moment into root03:11
paultagJason1: make a tarball with the stuff you need to backup03:11
IdleOnepaultag: I have seen it a gazabaillionmillion times03:12
paultagJason1: then chown it to the user you can scp with03:12
paultagJason1: then send dump the archive back03:12
paultagIdleOne: haha aye03:12
IdleOneyou know what I haven't seen in a long time, Scarface!03:12
paultagHahaha, aye!!!! Me neither!03:12
paultagGod, I used to love that movie03:13
paultagsame with Top Gun03:13
IdleOnelol such a stupid movie but I love it too lol03:13
paultaghell yeah IdleOne03:13
seidosI recently watched Devil's Advocate and Dark Knight Returns.03:13
paultagOh noesss03:13
paultagNever seen Devil's Advocate, but the Dark Knight Returns rocks my socks03:13
IdleOneDevil's advocate is ehh03:13
Jason1im root in winSCP at the moment so I don't think I need to chown03:13
IdleOnenot a classic03:13
seidosI was in my car the other day, and came up with an answer to why Joker's question "Why so serious?"03:14
paultagJason1: oh, then you can copy over. Get to backing up!03:14
paultagseidos: hahaha, oh?03:14
paultagIdleOne: Too bad :(03:14
Jason1already started03:14
IdleOneseidos has me curious to this answer03:14
seidosanswer: because life can suck.03:14
seidosbut that just made me ask "why so happy?"03:15
seidosthat one was a little trickier.  Especially for the Joker.  You can't say because life is good.  I think the answer is because "boy's don't cry"03:15
Jason1id like to make my srv file a tarball.  whats the best way to do that?03:15
IdleOneIf someone with a face like the Joker asks you "Why so serious?" the answer should be "Wouldn't you be serious if someone like you asked you that?"03:15
seidosJason1,  ermmm tar -xvvf file.tar file.srv03:16
paultagJason1: tar -zcvf03:16
paultag+1 seidos03:16
seidosah, dang it, I'm wrong03:16
seidosI did x, that's extract03:16
seidosJason1, don't listen to me, listen to paultag,  or better yet, man tar03:17
seidosI always have to type man tar because i forget the syntax03:17
seidos+2 paultag03:17
seidosIdleOne, good point.  Especially if he's carrying that full auto glock or whatever it was.03:17
duanedesignseidos: i have a function you can add to your bashrc where you just type ex to extract archives03:18
seidosduanedesign, do you use it?03:19
stlsaintduanedesign: of course you would! pffty03:19
stlsaintduanedesign: whats the difference between your function and a alias?03:19
duanedesignjust add that to your .bashrc03:20
IdleOnealias ex='tar -xvvf'03:21
IdleOnethen ex file.tar in terminal03:21
stlsaintIdleOne: your gonna need a bit more than that my friend :D03:21
stlsainthehe, its cool03:22
duanedesignIdleOne: yes that would work. But the function determines the extension then uses the appropriatte command03:22
Jason1im at the top level.  I want to tar the whole srv file03:22
duanedesignpretty neat03:22
Jason1  tar -zcvf /srv03:22
Jason1isn't working03:22
stlsaintJason1: cause your trying to tar a dirctory03:22
IdleOneJason1: full path03:22
IdleOnenever mind me03:22
IdleOneI know nothing about all this computer stuffs03:22
seidosdon't you also need to specify the name of the tar file?03:23
stlsaintJason1: the syntax is: tar -zcvf file.tar file.<whatever>03:24
Jason1but it can only be a file, not a directory?03:24
stlsaintJason1: as suggested earlier you should read the tar manual03:24
IdleOneduanedesign: thanks for the ex function03:26
Jason1yes I have been looking at it.  Im still trying to process them as they have been difficult for me to follow.03:28
stlsaintIdleOne: where you from?03:28
IdleOneMontreal Canada03:28
stlsaintoh ok03:28
seidosJason1, there are some syntax examples near the end of the file.03:28
paultagIdleOne: I've been there once03:29
duanedesignIdleOne: it is one of my favorites.03:29
IdleOnefor UDS03:29
IdleOnepaultag: ^^03:29
paultagIdleOne: nope :) -- tourist03:29
IdleOneahh cool03:29
paultagIdleOne: wish it was for UDS :)03:29
Jason1there are.  but  it doesn't actually say anywhere that you can't use it on a folder03:29
stlsaintJason1: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-compress-a-whole-linux-or-unix-directory/03:30
IdleOnepaultag: 11.10 is going to be in Belgium right?03:30
stlsaintJason1: that help?03:30
Jason1well that was easy  i had the folder and name swapped!03:30
paultagIdleOne: this past one 10.04 was belgium, I thought03:31
stlsaintWhat average user can afford to just up and go way the hell to belgium!!?!!?!?03:31
stlsaintmakes me mad!!03:31
paultagIdleOne: yeah -- brussels03:31
IdleOneI am going to try to go to that one03:31
paultagIdleOne: Hurm, might need a time machine03:31
paultagIdleOne: 11.10 I don't think is planned yet, but I could be wrong03:32
paultagIdleOne: 10.10 is in FL03:32
paultag( USA )03:32
IdleOneoh so 11.04 is Belgium03:32
IdleOneI can't go to Florida03:32
paultagIdleOne: is it?03:33
paultagIdleOne: why not?03:33
stlsaintIdleOne: and i cant go to belgium so hhmmm! :P03:33
IdleOnelast time I was there I beat up Mickey and now I am not welcome03:33
paultagIdleOne: I can tell I already like you03:33
IdleOneactually it's because of immigration reasons03:34
IdleOnewhich I am working on getting fixed03:34
stlsaintIdleOne: can you go to arizona?03:34
IdleOnebut yeah FLA is out03:34
stlsaintpaultag: ;)03:34
IdleOnestlsaint: I know a few ppl who can get me into Arizona03:34
paultagstlsaint: darn rednecks03:34
IdleOneyou got 10G?03:34
paultagstlsaint: I feel bad you have to live with 'em03:34
stlsaintLOL...nope your on your own buddy!03:35
stlsaintpaultag: hehe03:35
IdleOneWell in any case, Florida is out for now03:35
IdleOneBelgium I think would be a blast. I speak French fluently03:36
paultagOh wow03:36
paultagI want one in Germany03:36
paultagIdleOne: of course, Canada, duh03:36
* paultag dur03:36
IdleOneMajority of Canadians don't speak French03:36
paultagThat shocks me03:36
paultagFrench-Canadian, it's what I think of when I think Canada03:37
paultagthat and "Eh?"03:37
IdleOneQuebec and a few small towns near Winnipeg, New Brunswick there are pockets of French speakers also03:37
paultagAnywho, I wana go to Germany for a UDS03:38
paultagI'd love to sharpen up on my German03:38
IdleOnenever liked the German language03:39
IdleOneto rough03:40
* IdleOne speaks French, Italian and Spanish03:40
paultagEnglish is a Germanic language03:40
* IdleOne is a lover :P03:40
paultagGerman is a romantic language03:40
IdleOneremember the CoC!03:41
paultagHahaha, That means "I love you"03:41
paultagspelled how it sounds03:41
paultagIdleOne: ^03:42
IdleOneGerman is not known for it's romance03:42
paultagyou've clearly never seen a picture of a German chick03:42
paultag*cough* anyway03:43
IdleOneI didn't say nothing about the people in germany03:43
IdleOnejust the language03:43
IdleOneRocky and Apollo are about to beat each other up03:44
* IdleOne will be back :P03:44
paultagHells yes03:44
stlsainthey any of you smart people know why when a broswer window is opened it also opens up 4 TCP connections?03:48
zkriessewhat browser?03:49
paultagyeah stlsaint03:49
paultagstlsaint: it's called pipelining03:49
zkriessepaultag: What's that?03:49
paultagstlsaint: it does more then one request on more then one session to load things in parralell03:49
stlsaintim not following ya03:50
* stlsaint is gonna take b12 injections to lower my headaches! :D03:50
paultagzkriesse: OK, so network transmission protocols cap how much you can throw down one pipe. Since you can't send more through the pipe, get more pipes03:50
paultagstlsaint: :)03:50
zkriesseSo it'll open more pipes03:50
paultagzkriesse: so when you load page.html, and it has img1, img2 and img303:51
seidosso pipelining is done to increase bandwidth?03:51
paultagzkriesse: it will load page.html, and load images on different pipes03:51
paultagseidos: through-put03:51
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
* seidos looks up through-put03:51
paultagseidos: throughput is how it's usually spelled03:51
stlsaintyea when i load google it opens 4 connections03:51
paultagseidos: but it looks scarry, so I break it apart03:52
paultagseidos: makes sense :)03:52
paultagseidos: it also keeps them active via a persistant HTML protocol03:52
paultagyou stlsaint03:52
paultagnot you seidos sorry03:52
paultagstlsaint: so that it does not have to establish every time it does an AJAX call03:52
paultag( which is most of the time with google )03:52
seidosah, essentially synonymous to digital bandwidth consumption03:52
paultagseidos: yeah, it's how well you can use the bandwidth03:53
stlsaintpaultag: crap, facebook opens 15 connections03:53
paultagstlsaint: yup, sounds right03:53
stlsaintpaultag: i gotcha, thanks for that quick lesson, i can stop bugging out now :D03:53
paultagstlsaint: sure thing03:53
stlsaintl8er folks03:53
paultagl8r sk8r03:53
robbmunsonfacebook opens up 15 connections? that doesnt sound right......03:54
robbmunsonoh well....03:54
seidosdoes firefox use pipelining?03:55
paultagrobbmunson: yeah it does :)03:55
paultagseidos: yeah03:55
paultagseidos: check in about:config for under the hood03:55
paultagrobbmunson: it has to do about that much activly for AJAX03:55
paultagrobbmunson: and one pipe per persistant ajax wait03:55
paultagsounds good to me03:55
seidosit looks like pipelining is set to false03:56
paultagseidos: humm, it might just enable pipes for JS only and not do that with image loading03:56
paultagseidos: set it to true and cap it at 15 or so03:56
seidosall right, done03:57
seidosman, I should've majored in computer science, there is no way I'm going to learn all this stuff03:58
zkriessehello nomnex03:58
IdleOnepaultag: turns out Rocky lost the fight03:58
paultagIdleOne: haha, oh noes03:58
paultagseidos: :P03:58
IdleOneRocky 2 is next, will see what happens :)03:59
paultagReport back!03:59
IdleOnewill do. I might have to blog about this04:00
Jason1paultag: thanks for all your help!04:12
paultagJason1: sure :)04:12
paultagJason1: best of luck restoring!04:12
Jason1Im uploading back to a clean server now04:12
Jason1does this look correct??   tar -xvf /srv srv.tar.gz04:19
Jason1that will unpack the file into the /srv directory?04:19
bodhizazenJason1, you need -C to specify a directory to unpack04:19
Jason1tar -xvfC /srv srv.tar.gz  ?04:20
bodhizazentar xvf -C /srv srv.tar.gz04:20
paultagJason1: tar -zxvf -C /srv ..04:20
paultaghey bodhizazen04:20
bodhizazenyes, see man tar04:20
bodhizazenpaultag, you are too slow04:20
bodhizazenJust finished dinner - Thai food - Pumpkin and coconut curry w/ tofu - yum yum04:21
paultagbodhizazen: woo! :)04:21
bodhizazenTomorrow - Skiing04:21
Jason1what part of the world?04:21
bodhizazenMt Hood - Oregon04:22
bodhizazenThis internet connection sucks04:22
bodhizazenwb pedro300504:23
pedro3005hello bodhizazen04:23
robbmunsonwellllll hellooooooooooo there bodhi =D04:23
Jason1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now  ???04:25
paultagJason1: tar -zxvf -C /srv/ /path/to/archive.tar.gz04:25
paultagJason1: what's the error?04:26
seidosJason1, are you trying to extract a file or create one?04:26
paultagseidos: his old file from the broked server04:26
seidospaultag, so -C /srv/ extracts it to that directory?04:27
paultagseidos: yessir04:27
bodhizazenseidos, yes, but ...04:27
paultagJason1: might need a sudo or change order04:27
bodhizazenyou may need to use sudo04:27
paultagJason1: or mk the dir04:27
paultagbodhizazen: too slow :)04:27
bodhizazenyou could extract it in $HOME and move it04:27
paultagthat's what i'd do04:27
Jason1tar: -C: Cannot open: No such file or directory04:31
Jason1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now04:31
Jason1tar: Child returned status 204:31
Jason1tar: srvfile.tar.gz: Not found in archive04:31
Jason1tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors04:31
paultagJason1: sudo mkdir /srv04:32
paultagJason1: and re-run04:32
Jason1the folder /srv already exists04:32
paultagJason1: sudo tar -zxvf .....04:33
paultagJason1: try that. run sudo !!04:33
Jason1im logged in as root04:34
paultagJason1: what command did you run?04:35
seidoswhen I was logged in as a root, back in the day, my friends here on irc told me that was a bad idea.04:35
paultagseidos: +104:35
paultagstill is04:35
Jason1funny..  let me logout and turn off root...  brb04:35
bodhizazenJason1, cd into the directory that has the tar ball or use the full path04:36
bodhizazenseidos, logging into X as root is not good, su - , sudo -i , or logging in to a console or ssh is "OK"04:36
Jason1user add jason04:37
Jason1(no space)04:37
bodhizazenSo I have been on a health kick - lost 30 Lbs , hiked 6 miles + 1,000 ft elevation in 2 hours04:38
seidosbodhizazen, that's what I hear.  I never really got into why, figured it was just easier to take everyone's word for it.04:38
paultagfsck() darn bodhizazen. I need to work out04:38
paultagbodhizazen: I just hit 220 @ 6'. I'm pissed.04:38
paultagThis is the worst i've been in a long time04:38
seidosI've been doing jumping jacks, push ups, hindu squats.  I walked a bunch for the jog I briefly had, but not 6 miles, that's crazy.  I probably walked two, but I'm not sure, I wasn't counting.04:38
bodhizazenMy blood pressure is way down and my resting pulse is 5504:39
robbmunsonill be back later, gotta go straighten out the crooked boards that are my kids.....04:39
seidosrobbmunson, good luck04:39
robbmunsonseidos: thanks, I will need it....LOL04:39
seidosmy resting pulse is 80.  I've never seen it less than that.04:40
seidosI'm not sure how exercise reduces resting pulse, but I hear that it does.04:41
seidosI heard Lance Armstrong's resting pulse was like 40 or something04:41
paultagYeah and Michal Jackson's is 004:42
paultagseems like lower could cause issues04:42
seidosmay he rest in peace04:42
bodhizazenLOL paultag04:43
seidospaultag, yeah, I think you have a point.  There is probably an optimal range.04:43
* seidos didn't think of that04:43
robbmunson.......back.......(when I said later, i didnt mean like hours, lol.)04:43
seidosrobbmunson, wb04:43
seidosheh, maybe the optimal range is 0, I hate to be overly realistic but that's where everyone seems to be headed04:44
robbmunsonthe sudden shock factor of a door flinging open and daddy sayin "you kids better shut up and get to bed" does the trick.....they were in the next room over.04:44
robbmunsonseidos: I agree....thats got to be it.04:45
paultagseidos: hum hahaha04:45
Jason1where do I put my public key I just generated?04:45
paultagJason1: upload to a keyserver04:45
robbmunsonJason1: upload it to a.....^04:45
bodhizazenJason1, public key goes on server04:45
paultagrobbmunson: continue :)04:45
Jason1i know.. which folder?04:45
paultagI need to do some work right quick04:45
paultag /bbl04:45
TJ__Hi all04:46
bodhizazenJason1, ssh-copy-id04:46
bodhizazen'lo tdn04:46
* bodhizazen tab_fail04:46
Jason1im on a windows machine using putty to get to my server04:47
bodhizazen'lo TJ__04:47
bodhizazenOh, copy the key to ~/.ssh04:47
bodhizazencat key_name > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys04:47
TJ__I have a problem. My main ubuntu partition is locked and I'm unable to log into it, because I'm getting an error - The configuration defaults for Gnome Power Manager have not been installed correctly04:47
TJ__I've figured out that the partition is likely full04:48
TJ__but I'm unable to remove anything or access the home folder to recover the files I need before I can wipe/reinstall or fix anything04:48
bodhizazenTake out the trash TJ__04:48
bodhizazenBoot to recovery mode04:48
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
TJ__It still wouldn't let me log in04:48
bodhizazenWhen you boot to recovery mode, you are logged in as root04:49
TJ__I'll go try that again04:49
bodhizazenIf that fails, you will need to boot a live CD, mount your Ubuntu partition, and clean it up04:49
TJ__Well I had some success mounting the partition, in an attempt to unlock the encrypted home folder, but am unable to clear any space to login that way either...is there a command I'm missing to remove a file/directory to clear up a bit of space?04:50
TJ__Or should I just try recover mode again first?04:50
bodhizazenIf home is encrypted you are in for some hurt =)04:51
IdleOnepaultag: Rocky just got fired from the meat plant :(04:51
IdleOnevery sad situation04:52
paultagIdleOne: oh noe04:52
paultagIdleOne: how will he ever recover?!04:52
IdleOnelooks like he is going against his doctors advice04:53
IdleOnehe's going to fight!04:54
paultagOh shoot!04:54
robbmunsonMy ubuntu server cd just came in the mail =D04:55
IdleOneyay for free cd's04:55
robbmunsonyay for being lazy.  Good thing it wasnt something I absolutely needed right now.04:56
IdleOneSo i need to make a hackergotchi04:57
IdleOneFirst I need a picture of myself04:57
robbmunsonGood luck, its tedious....04:57
IdleOneonly tedious if you try to do it perfect04:57
IdleOneI have a plan04:58
robbmunsonim a perfectionist IdleOne...04:58
IdleOneI intend on purposely make it bad04:58
bodhizazenJason1, poke04:59
bodhizazentar xvf archive.tar -C /var04:59
* zkriesse hugs bodhizazen 04:59
bodhizazenput the -C last04:59
JoeMaverickSetthow do i join the beginners team?05:01
IdleOneand send me $505:02
IdleOnejoining the team is free05:02
IdleOnethe 5 bucks is a loan05:02
JoeMaverickSetti would go to court for charging me $5. =P05:02
bodhizazen'lo JoeMaverickSett =)05:03
bodhizazenYou are in the right place05:03
* bodhizazen wonders if we have a policy re: membership05:04
IdleOneJoeMaverickSett: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-beginners05:04
JoeMaverickSettIdleOne, okie.05:05
IdleOneteam seems to be restricted05:06
IdleOneI don't see a join link05:07
JoeMaverickSettnvm then.05:07
IdleOneyou gave up quick05:08
IdleOnepoke zkriesse ^^^05:08
JoeMaverickSettlol! this channel is enough atm.05:08
bodhizazenJoeMaverickSett, ask paultag05:08
JoeMaverickSettbodhizazen, alrighty.05:09
paultagdarn kids pinging me05:09
* JoeMaverickSett hides under his laptop! =P05:10
Jason1i just did useradd -g sudo jason but I don't have a home folder05:10
Jason1am i supposed to make that mysefl?05:10
paultagJason1: sudo adduser05:10
IdleOneJoeMaverickSett: don't be scared of paultag, his bark is way worse then his bite05:10
Jason1i was root when I made it05:11
IdleOneJason1: you enabled a root account in Ubuntu?05:11
paultagIdleOne: way to ruin my fun05:11
IdleOnepaultag: I didn't tell him that you actually do bite lol05:11
JoeMaverickSettpaultag, IdleOne was telling me about the ubuntu-beginners-team on launchpad. says it's restricted.05:12
Jason1im logged in as root so I can create the user accounts05:13
JoeMaverickSettcould i join that?05:13
paultagJoeMaverickSett: You need to become a member05:14
paultagJoeMaverickSett: There is a membership process outlined on the wiki05:14
JoeMaverickSettpaultag, okie. taking a look at it now.05:14
IdleOneJason1: Ubuntu does not have a root account to log into, that means you enabled the root account. WHY?05:15
bodhizazenpaultag, you like my new avatar ?05:16
paultagbodhizazen: that's awesome as hell05:16
paultagbodhizazen: kick some ass :)05:16
bodhizazenJason1, did you see my last message ?05:17
Jason1ok im logged in as me now but sudo su to root05:18
bodhizazenre: tar ?05:18
bodhizazenJason1, sudo -i05:18
IdleOneThe thing is, being in the beginners channel asking about adding a user account and then stating you are logged in as root. IS exactly why root is locked by default.05:18
Jason1im running 10.04 lts server05:18
bodhizazentar xvf archive.tar -C /var05:18
Jason1root is disabled05:20
Jason1im in here  to learn.  If Im doing something that isn't smart let me know.05:25
Jason1just typing in commands doesn't mean I actually understand what it is doing.,05:26
bodhizazenJason1, were you able to extract the archive to /var ?05:30
bodhizazenand sudo -i is preferred to sudo su05:30
Jason1I was not because I caught flack for being logged in as root.  So I've been trying to "properly" setup a sudo user and then do it.05:34
Jason1i did useradd -g sudo jason05:34
Jason1there is no home directory though05:34
Jason1(for jason)05:34
DextralusHa! :D I got the wireless working on my samsung n22005:35
Jason1i turned off root from the sshd_config file and am now on "jason" with sudo su05:35
bodhizazenhow did you add your user ?05:36
Jason1useradd jason05:38
bodhizazenJason1, use adduser next time05:43
bodhizazenadduser Jason05:43
bodhizazenthat will make a /home for you05:43
bodhizazenmy internet connection sucks05:47
JoeMaverickSetteven if i have a mentor in Ubuntu Youth, i still need to find a mentor in Ubuntu Beginners Team, is that right?05:55
slidinghornJoeMaverickSett, I believe that's the case06:18
JoeMaverickSettslidinghorn, alright. thanks.06:19
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homeerohi.. i used to have wubi installed for ubuntu 10.04, but i deleted it and installed in a new partition.. however i did "dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt"07:05
homeerothat gave me a text file with all the packages i had installed07:05
homeeroso i ran another command to make apt-get to install all of them.. but the terminal says it is going to uninstall "grub-pc" so can i uninstall it and then reinstall it.. or is it unnecesary07:06
homeero... did i explained myself?07:07
hobgoblinhomeero: yes you did explain yourself, I'd not be letting it remove grub-pc07:21
hobgoblinbut you could as you say reinstall it afterwards - or just remove it from the text file07:22
homeeroso.. i tried removing the "grub-pc      uninstall" part from the text file but it will want to remove it anyways07:22
homeeroi guess ill just reinstall it afterwards07:22
homeeroThanks hobgoblin07:23
hobgoblinpersonally I prefer to just install what I need - a large proportion of anything on the list will be installed anyway and it's easy to miss something07:24
homeeroi would do that but i messed around with the packages and stuff and i liked the apps i had installed.. and im sure ill end up forgetting something so ill just mass install everything i had earlier07:26
hobgoblinlol - well I have a list of the things I need to install - so it is a oneliner anyway - the most important thing to have in my opinion are any configs you have edited and if you have a copy of /home then you have user specific confs for apps that need them07:27
homeeroactually i tried backing up /home.. but i couldnt.. but anyways i can re-configure all the apps07:30
hobgoblinhomeero: all you need to do is copy /home/user/whatever - needs to be in the same name though I suspect07:32
homeerook.. so ill install about 2 Gb of packages.. wish me luck..07:32
homeerocya and thak you07:32
homeeroohh nvm i already trashed the wubi instalation..07:33
zkriesseHell yeah bodhi...kick ass08:31
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Fanshawehow do I edit the default program a file is opened with? 'Preferred applications' is no help here.11:06
JoeMaverickSettFanshawe, right click >> Properties >> Open With, how about that? or is it the same as what you are saying?11:09
suprengrFanshawe: right click on file concerned, choose: open with other application, and ensure you tick the check box is always wanted11:09
* JoeMaverickSett also agrees with suprengr!11:09
FanshaweThank you. That worked for individual files, but I'm trying to do this for a folder where there is no 'properties' tab.11:10
FanshaweI sometimes open entire folders (albums) in a media player that's no longer installed.11:10
FanshaweNautilus is still the default program, but the uninstalled one is stuck in the context menu,11:11
suprengrFanshawe: thought about creating a playlist in the media player concerned?11:12
Fanshawethat's what I normally would do, yeah11:13
FanshaweBut I just used that as another way of opening albums11:14
suprengrFanshawe: what about open folder, selecting all files and ~THEN~ choosing open with...11:15
Fanshawethat would've worked too, yes, but then I didn't think my media player would be irreversibly listed in Nautilus' context menu11:18
suprengrFanshawe: why not?11:19
suprengrFanshawe: is the real problem that you have an uninstalled app still showing in context menu?11:20
suprengrFanshawe: reinstall it ,then do what you need to, then uninstall it. perhaps ;)11:24
suprengrFanshawe: if still a no-go after that... maybe try #ubuntu ??11:26
suprengrFanshawe: tried Configuration Editor?11:47
geirhaFanshawe: Do you get any output when you run this in a terminal?  grep x-directory ~/.local/share/applications/mime*11:56
stlsaintman that sucks14:47
Jason3Can someone help me figure out in the /etc/hosts file, when I am trying to setup a FQDN the third coloumn is what the machine thinks it is called?    For localhost its pretty opbvious.  but if I have just set my machine name to "gatorade" does it go X.X.X.X www.mymachine.com gatorade?15:24
paultagJason3: Seraphiel.Whube.com  Seraphiel15:24
paultagJason3: that's a line from one of my servers15:24
paultagJason3: caps kinda suck, but you can ignore that15:25
paultagI set it up a while ago15:25
geirhaThe format is explained in ''man hosts''15:33
paultag+1 geirha15:33
Jason3still getting a problem "sudo: unable to resolve host gatorade" after I do sudo -i16:14
hobgoblinJason3: check this thread out - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72336116:17
Jason3still getting the error.  Im sure though it has to do with the config file16:22
Jason3err..  hosts16:22
Jason3127.0.0.1 localhost.localdomain localhost16:23
Jason3x.x.x.x mywebsite.com gatorade16:23
aveilleuxJason3: Is x.x.x.x actually in your hosts file?16:24
Jason3hahah  no..  i removed the numbers16:26
aveilleuxJason3: Just checking16:26
Jason3no prob16:27
Jason3argh!   fixed it!  didn't type in the #s correctly16:30
hobgoblinso it was the file then ;)16:31
Jason3it was user error!  =)16:49
aveilleuxJason3: There's a term for that... PEBKAC16:50
aveilleuxJason3: Though addmitedly that's a term usually reserved for plebs16:51
hobgoblinor anyone else :)16:51
hobgoblindon't try and tell me you never succumbed to pebkac aveilleux :)16:52
aveilleuxhobgoblin: NUH UH I'M A COMPYOOTER GOD16:52
isiahI need a copy of starcraft 2, but dont want to pay 60 bucks for it16:52
aveilleuxisiah: Wait a few months for it to go down in price16:52
isiahdo you think they will trade me for a pint of blood?16:52
isiahslightly used16:53
isiahall those koreans are getting good at the game as we speak16:54
isiahby the time I get a copy they will be much more powerful16:55
hobgoblinnever ceases to amaze me you lot sell blood :)16:55
isiahI actually heard they dont pay for blood anymore16:56
isiahor organs16:56
hobgoblinsupposed to be giving a pint of mine next week I think16:56
isiahI cant do that16:58
isiahhonestly I am terrified of needles16:59
aveilleuxisiah: The koreans have been good at SC2 since the alpha release16:59
isiaheveryday they get better16:59
isiahand I become more of a newb17:00
hobgoblinisiah: you would not have liked the last blood test I ahd then - 4 goes trying to get blood from a wrist artery - in the end I fainted - it hurt ...17:00
isiahI got into a car accident a few years back, and they had to run a line of pain killers into me. The guy took a look at my arm before he started and screamed "quick get the intern". According to him I have like the best possible veins for this and could be a great drug addict, so they wanted the intern to practice on me17:02
isiahI think that was the moment I became terrified of needles17:04
isiahhas someone written a tutorial on running starcraft2 through wine yet?17:05
hobgoblinno idea - it's a game so I ignore it17:09
aveilleuxisiah: I don't think it's been done yet17:09
hobgoblinI would say hi st33med - but I don't think I will17:09
* st33med sits in a corner and cries17:09
hobgoblinhi st3 :)17:09
st33medHi :)17:10
hobgoblintab fail17:10
isiahthe only two reasons I keep windows around is netflix and video games17:10
hobgoblinthe only windows I have now is an old win2k install disc and some glassy things in the walls17:11
isiahI would like to mess around with apple stuff17:11
hobgoblinisiah: I'd like an orchard and a house to go with it17:13
JoeMaverickSetthow do i get back my OpenPGP key, if i reinstalled my pc?17:13
isiahI have that already17:13
isiahbut only two apple trees so far17:14
isiahJoeMaverickSett: you lost your public or private key?17:17
JoeMaverickSettisiah, no i was thinking what if i had to reinstall the whole pc. how would i recover then?17:17
JoeMaverickSettno keys lost yet.17:17
isiahbasically you should export your public key to one of those databases17:18
isiahand your private key can be exported locally to say your desktop, where you can copy it to like a memory stick17:18
JoeMaverickSettif i had signed the CoC, that means that my public key is on the server, right?17:19
isiahcheck the server17:19
isiahjust go there and search fro yourself17:19
JoeMaverickSetti've signed it. =D17:19
isiahI did that once and found that over the years I have made like 50 keys17:19
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: No, that's just the public key. Your private key is not on the server.17:19
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: I'm not on Linux right now, but I think it should be on file in ~/.ssh somewhere17:20
isiahhonestly, I know a lot of people who just include there public key in there email signature17:20
JoeMaverickSettthe private key? aveilleux.17:20
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Yes, I think it's in there. I'd have to reboot to Ubuntu to check, though.17:21
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Let me do that now.17:21
isiahhehee, you really should encrypt your private key17:21
JoeMaverickSettaveilleux, don't do it just for me.17:22
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Don't worry, I've got three computers :317:22
JoeMaverickSettaveilleux, wow! =D17:22
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Just gotta boot up one of my other ones17:22
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Well, seven if you count the server and the three computers in my closet17:23
* JoeMaverickSett salutes aveilleux.17:23
isiahI only got 3 comps17:23
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Wait nooo that's RSA, not PGP17:24
JoeMaverickSetti just did install xubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu, then when i wanted to convert back to Ubuntu, i think i sort of first removed xubuntu-desktop first. so, i'm thinking i might need a re-installation.17:24
isiahI wonder what encryption algorithms Batman uses?17:24
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: No, you just need to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:25
JoeMaverickSettthen? next step? aveilleux.17:25
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: That's all you need to do, assuming you have a functioning command-line system17:25
JoeMaverickSettnow i'm kinda like on xubuntu, i just did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, it says "ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version"17:26
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: At the login screen, look at the bottom (after selecting your username). In the "Sessions" dropdown menu, select "GNOME".17:27
JoeMaverickSetteh, that is possible. but then the splash screen?17:27
JoeMaverickSettit's still Xubuntu. =D17:27
JoeMaverickSetti tried sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-artwork-usplash. but no go.17:28
JoeMaverickSettor my command is wrong?17:28
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't use usplash anymore, it uses ssssssomething else I don't remember the name of.17:28
aveilleuxIdleOne +117:29
JoeMaverickSettaveilleux, oh! i'm such a newbie.17:29
JoeMaverickSettso, how do i remove that?17:29
JoeMaverickSettsudo apt-get remove xubuntu-artwork-plymouth? =P17:30
IdleOneJoeMaverickSett: look for something like xubuntu artwork plymouth or some such17:30
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-do-you-change-the-boot-splash-screen-image-for-10-04-lucid-lynx.html Maybe?17:30
ubot2Factoid 'puregnome' not found17:30
JoeMaverickSetthehe! "sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-artwork-plymouth" is no go. =)17:30
paultagyou can't ever really remove plymouth17:31
paultagit's built into the kernel, dawg17:31
paultagyou can remove splash from grub17:31
paultagbut it's still "there"17:31
aveilleuxJoeMaverickSett: http://ubuntuguide.net/howto-change-plymouth-themes-initial-splash-screen-in-ubuntu-10-04  This might be more like what you're looking for17:31
IdleOnehe is not removing plymouth but the artwork file that plymouth uses17:31
JoeMaverickSetthehe! i don't quite understand it yet. still learning.17:31
ubot2If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »17:32
hobgoblinlast time I used on of aysiu's puredesktop things it went wrong17:32
aveilleuxIdleOne, he doesn't want XFCE. He wants to revert back to GNOME.17:32
JoeMaverickSettah! nope, i want to remove all Xfce. and have back all Gnome.17:32
JoeMaverickSettyeah. that's the case.17:32
hobgoblinthen there is a pure gnome one too17:32
IdleOneaveilleux: yeah I am trying to find the correct package name17:33
aveilleuxIdleOne, JoeMaverickSett: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome17:33
IdleOnethat's the one17:33
hobgoblinJoeMaverickSett:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ is a good resource to bookmark fullstop17:33
JoeMaverickSetttrying that now. yeah i'm going to "Read It Later" bookmark. hobgoblin.17:34
IdleOneremove that and log out then back in and should see the ubuntu splash17:34
hobgoblinthe only thing missing from there now is a dualboot page - he changed it to wubi17:34
IdleOneor run the entire command just to make sure17:35
JoeMaverickSettafter that should i do sudo /etc/init.d/dmg restart ?17:35
JoeMaverickSettor is it the right command?17:35
IdleOneor ctrl-alt-del if you enabled it17:35
ubot2To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap17:35
JoeMaverickSetti think the former one will work.17:36
IdleOneerr ctrl-alt-backspace17:36
shahanHappy Friendship Day to all17:44
hobgoblinhi shahan17:44
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shahanhobgoblin: hello... happy friendship day17:44
hobgoblinIdleOne: someone copied it over then :)17:44
JoeMaverickSetti'm back and alive! =D17:44
IdleOnehobgoblin: I did17:45
hobgoblinor a ghost in the ether JoeMaverickSett :)17:45
IdleOneJoeMaverickSett: so everything is good now?17:45
IAmNotThatGuyheya shahan. Long time no see17:45
hobgoblinIdleOne: good one17:45
JoeMaverickSettyeah, except that i lost my pidgin, xchat and virtualbox. =D17:45
JoeMaverickSetthad to reinstall.17:45
shahanIAmNotThatGuy: ya... I was out of internet... And was doing for a website design17:45
IdleOnenot to bad17:45
IAmNotThatGuycool shahan17:46
JoeMaverickSettbtw, thanks for helping this MOTU-wannabe-noob! =D17:46
shahanIAmNotThatGuy: nice to meet you17:46
shahanJust 5 mins ago, while I was starting the PC, a message appeared in a BLACK screen and its hang17:46
IAmNotThatGuyshahan: IAmNotThatGuy17:47
shahan(Process:325): GLib-warning ** : getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id(0)17:47
shahanThen I restart the PC (ctrl+alt+delete), I have backed the Desktop. Why this has been appeared? Is my PC going to be crashed?17:47
IAmNotThatGuyHmm..graphics library file is showing an error......17:48
jagan185HI everyone.17:48
JoeMaverickSettYo! wad up? jagan185.17:49
hobgoblingood whatever time it is there to you jagan18517:49
jagan185If I wanted to migrate from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 with a new installation, can save my settings, applications etc....17:49
hobgoblinyou should be able to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 - backup, I'd also make sure to remove all 3rd party repos and do an install of ubuntu-desktop17:51
IAmNotThatGuyshahan: It seems It is a bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1443231&page=317:52
ubot2Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:52
IAmNotThatGuythats the thread where people discussed about that17:52
IdleOneanother useful link from them crazy kittehs17:52
hobgoblinIdleOne: another one I've used :)17:54
IdleOneme too17:54
IdleOnehaven't looked back since lol17:54
IdleOne/home is a beautiful thing17:54
hobgoblinI think I had that site as a home page when I started :)17:55
IdleOnemy home page is #ubuntu17:55
paultagI just wrote a hello world app in c17:55
IdleOneI don't need to bookmark, the bot does it for me17:55
paultaganyone wana see?17:55
paultaghttp://pastebin.com/K6A6ANqi <-- just done17:55
paultagWhat? Don't believe me? Compile it!17:56
hobgoblinIdleOne: I only go there to see how much better the grass is on the other side17:56
hobgoblinIdleOne: my home page is http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=8717:56
jagan185Thanks ubot2.17:57
hobgoblinpaultag: I always believe you ...17:57
paultagBecause it's flippen sweet17:57
hobgoblinand did you look that band up?17:57
IAmNotThatGuyOMG paultag. Is that needed to write that much biggy?? ?_?17:57
jagan185What about the customisations, panels, docks?17:57
paultaghobgoblin: yes, and I loved them for sure17:57
paultaghobgoblin: I forgot their name though17:57
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: I'm never one to take the easy route17:57
IdleOneI was never big on the forums17:57
paultaghobgoblin: what was their name again?17:58
hobgoblinstars of the lid17:58
paultagIdleOne: let me know if it compiles :317:58
paultagAH YES!17:58
paultagthanks hobgoblin :D17:58
IdleOnewhy would I want to compile that lol17:58
drubinpaultag: wtf17:58
paultagIdleOne: because I wrote it lovingly17:58
paultagdrubin: it works!17:58
IAmNotThatGuypaultag: do one thing, swim back to USA,then start walking towards Boston17:58
paultaga few -Wall errors17:58
paultagbut totally worth  it17:58
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: :)17:58
drubinpaultag: what does it do?17:59
paultagtag@wintermute:~/TrashFolder/bfc$ ./test17:59
paultagHello World!17:59
IAmNotThatGuypaultag: c'mon man you said "I'm never one to take the easy route" then take that17:59
paultagdrubin: the most kickassists hello world in C ever17:59
drubinpaultag: Ok it was worth it17:59
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: Pfft17:59
paultagdrubin: It's pretty rad :)17:59
paultagdrubin: I'm saving that for the next time I see a "How do I do hello world in c?"18:00
drubingeirha: How do you compile it?18:00
IdleOnepaultag: can you script me a coffee cup that auto refills?18:00
drubinpaultag: ^ gcc or soemthing else18:00
paultagIdleOne: I wish :/18:00
paultagdrubin: gcc works18:00
paultagdrubin: a few -Wall warnings, but nothing to worry about18:01
paultagdrubin: it's whining about how I use pointers. Pfft.18:01
paultagI could fix the return warning18:01
paultagbut I don't really care18:01
recognizerhi, anybody have problem with the  mouse cursor? It doesnt appear in the session start18:01
IAmNotThatGuypaultag: tweeted your program :D18:02
paultagthanks IAmNotThatGuy :D18:02
drubinwtf why does it compile to a.out18:02
paultagdrubin: gcc -o test test.c18:02
IdleOneok teach me18:03
IdleOnehow do I compile that?18:03
drubinpaultag: over it it works and is awezosme18:03
paultagIdleOne: that command I just posted to drubin18:03
paultagdrubin: thanks :D18:03
paultagIdleOne: where test.c is the text in that pastebin18:03
IdleOnehmm all that did was put a new icon on my Desktop18:04
paultagIdleOne: hurm?18:04
IAmNotThatGuyin your home folder IdleOne18:05
paultagIdleOne: cd ~18:05
paultagIdleOne: wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=K6A6ANqi18:05
paultagIdleOne: mv raw.php?i=K6A6ANqi test.c18:05
IdleOneyeah I got the file, renamed to .c18:05
paultagIdleOne: gcc -o test test.c18:05
paultagIdleOne: ./test18:05
drubinpaultag: wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=K6A6ANqi -O test.c18:06
paultag<3 drubin18:06
paultagthat's the one18:06
drubinI have had to wget some pretty DODGY urls and bash doesn't like renaming them P:)18:06
IdleOneDude seriously! I was expecting to see fireworks or some cool stuff happen, like maybe it could pretend to delete /home or something lol18:06
drubinwhen you have & and ? and = in file names18:06
drubinIdleOne: that is the most verbose hello world ever18:07
paultagIdleOne: not with that code. That's the biggest crapfest I've ever done18:07
drubinit is awesome18:07
paultagit rocks18:07
paultagit uses an array + a single pointer to do it18:07
paultagit's kinda like a turing machine18:07
paultagthe "tape" has a max size but meh18:08
paultagit's just hello worl18:08
IdleOnepaultag: In case you were wondering, Rocky went on to fight Mr. T and also some big Russian dude and won18:09
IdleOneApollo is now dead :(18:09
drubinOMG I met Mr T on thursday night18:09
Jason3I'm getting a pop-up to download the index.php file after installing php rather than it opening the page in my webbrowser.18:09
IdleOnedrubin: did he pity you?18:09
drubinnah it was a friend, but his credit card had Mr T on it18:10
drubinit was awesome18:10
paultagIdleOne:  Ohnoes!!18:11
paultagdrubin: haha no frak18:11
paultagIdleOne: dude I lol'd so hard last night18:11
paultagIdleOne: I got the memo on my phone and just loved it18:11
Jason3nvmd it was the browsers cache not getting updated18:21
isiahnerd music break!!!!18:33
IdleOnepaultag: ")18:41
Jason3anyone know of a good post on the best way to backup my server (10.04)?18:54
hobgoblinJason3: a start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC a search engine http://crunchbang.org/ubuntu-search-engine/19:01
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isiahhey anyone around with skype?19:34
zkriesseI am isiah19:34
zkriesseWhat is the issue19:34
isiahI just got it and would like to test it19:34
isiahwould you mind?19:34
zkriesseSure not a problem19:34
isiahok what is your skype number?19:34
Jason3what does this mean for tar -v verbosely list files processed ?19:40
isiahyou want to know what happens when you type in "tar -v"?19:41
Jason3well i want to know what verbosely list files processed means.  So kind of.19:41
isiahwhat did man say?19:42
Jason3verbosely list files processed19:42
isiahmy guess would be to show you every file as it upacks19:42
isiahI might have a tar ball around to test it19:42
Jason3I have a medium sized file but it has a TON of files in it to unpack.19:43
isiahok it seems to do whatever else it was going to do, plus it lists all the files in the terminal19:47
Jason3ok thanks!19:47
isiahso, I guess that could have some use19:47
isiahnot sure what exactly19:48
Jason3sudo tar -xf -C /srv srv.tar.gz19:48
Jason3what did i do wrong here?19:48
isiahwhat are you trying to do?19:48
Jason3unpack the srv.tar.gz file into the /srv directory19:48
isiahsudo mv srv.tar.gz && tar zxf srv.tar.gz19:49
isiahtry that19:49
isiahlet me know if it works19:50
Jason3i don't get it.  move the file, but not to anywhere?19:51
isiahsudo mv srv.tar.gz /srv && tar zxf srv.tar.gz19:52
Jason3Cannot open: No such file or directory19:54
Jason3tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now19:54
Jason3tar: Child returned status 219:54
Jason3tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors19:54
isiahok move the file19:54
isiahthen do the tar thing19:54
Jason3into /srv?19:54
isiahsudo tar zxf srv.tar.gz19:55
isiahinternet blow up?19:56
Jason3ok that worked.  it is one dirctory off.  are there any options i need to mv the whole folder and all the files into another or will sudo mv work?19:56
isiahso now you got a /srv/srv directory?19:57
isiahfull of files?19:57
Jason3heheh yeah19:57
Jason3actually I only really need to move one of the folders and have it overwrite if there are files with the same names19:58
isiahI dont remember19:58
Jason3dir -all19:58
Jason3errr.  wrong window sorrt!19:58
isiahtry this19:59
isiahsudo mv -r /srv/srv /srv19:59
Jason3mv: invalid option -- 'r'20:00
isiahI dont know20:00
Jason3man page -f?20:01
isiahcan you move it manually?20:01
Jason3umm... how do you undo a rm -r?20:05
isiahyou dont20:05
pedro3005you don't20:05
isiahits gone forever20:05
Jason3funny!  thank goodness for backups!20:05
pedro3005Well, technically, a file recovery program *could* be able to recover it20:05
pedro3005but it's never certain20:05
isiahcast into the 7th circle of digital hell20:05
Jason3be back in 4 minutes!  ;(20:07
Jason3how do I turn it off so that browsers don't list the files in a folder if it goes there and there is no index file?20:16
geirhaJason3: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_autoindex.html20:32
isiahthat is not dead which can eternal lie yet with strange aeons even death may die21:51
uRockand then?21:52
paultagonly then can you start living21:53
isiahi write that when the room gets boring21:54
alt1231anyone give help installing linux side by side with vista on raid0?22:19
alt1231which linux dist best to sue for it and setup details22:19
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
isiahi start my new job tomorrow23:15
lukjadisiah Very nice, what is it?23:38
isiahelectrical engineer in-charge of electrical safety23:38
lukjadCongrats isiah !23:38
isiahthank you23:39
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
zkriesseHello Dextralus23:58

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