
doctormopaultag: wifi on the bus, if I were on a dataplan I wouldn't have to share with the youtube yokels.00:09
paultagdoctormo: it can't be worse then 3G00:11
* pleia2 chuckles at "youtube yokels"00:11
doctormopaultag: Never had it so can't tell, it waivers between 16 and 3kbs though.00:11
paultagdoctormo: still doing better then dialup over cell00:12
pleia2there is a guy who comes to one of the lugs around here and doesn't have internet at home, he: 1) complains that all public wifi is slow 2) admits to torrenting the whole time he's on public wifi because he doesn't have a tv either00:12
* pleia2 headdesk00:12
paultagpleia2: PA or out west?00:12
pleia2out west00:12
pleia2you know berkeley people, buncha nutters :)00:12
paultagaye aye00:13
paultagdoctormo: fight back! Listen to youtube yourself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHBoOb2WafM00:16
paultagdoctormo: more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA000:17
paultagfirst one is awesome, second is great too00:20
doctormopleia2: Your friend sounds like he should set of a media anarchist collective.01:05
doctormopaultag: Arrived, just in case I disappear before I arrive tomorrow :-)03:11
paultagdoctormo: yuppers :)03:12
paultagdoctormo: say hi to my buddies, will ya?03:12
doctormopaultag, czajkowski: I've hacked out a basic blog entry linker for the loco website while I was on the bus. The idea is to give a space for people who run events to do one of two things. Link to the blog or wiki page where their event's report is, or write a short amount in the entry it's self.03:13
paultagdoctormo: is this a long-winded plot to not do team reports?03:14
doctormoIt's not pushed or committed yet, I'm playing with how to make it smooth to use and easy to tie to what ever people are using. I guess it would appear sort of like a simple planet but tied to event entries in the loco directory.03:14
paultagdoctormo: I think it's a good idea, but it's duplicate work, the team reports do that :/03:15
doctormopaultag: How can it be? I'm not my loco's contact any more. Actually it's what I said I would do.03:15
paultagdoctormo: and the team reports are Ubuntu std, so we can't change on the LoCo level, we'd have to change on the Ubuntu community level03:15
paultagdoctormo: Aye, I know03:15
paultagdoctormo: just beware spending time on something that will be outside the workflow :(03:16
doctormoWell we can discuss the ins and outs of the politics if you want. I was thinking more of technical thought right now.03:16
pleia2paultag: people really do hate writing team reports :\03:16
pleia2nhandler has been the champion of it for quite some time, it's gotten better but as soon as you stop nudging people they stop doing it03:17
paultagpleia2: yeah I know03:17
paultagpleia2: I am baddddd-d at doing them03:17
pleia2I think any solution to facilitate them is worth trying03:17
doctormopaultag, czajkowski: what is currently the data flow for reports?03:22
paultagdoctormo: it's outlined on the wiki03:22
doctormoI mean all of it, from loco contact to mark's report book. you seemed to be saying that we couldn't change any part of it because it's a chain of things.03:23
paultagdoctormo: check the wiki, or ask nhandler. I don't know the setup well03:23
paultagand that's why it's nice :)03:23
doctormopaultag: what is?03:23
paultagwhat is what?03:24
paultagmy last sentince? the object of my last sentince, the setup, witch is a reference to my last sentince about reports03:24
paultagwhich *03:24
paultagdarn, I need sleep03:25
* nigelb yawns03:42
nigelbpleia2: people are lazy or forget about team reports03:42
nigelbduanedesign: thanks.  It was risky and I just gave it a shot03:42
nigelbdoctormo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports03:43
paultagAnyone know autotools?03:44
paultagI've got quite frustrated with it. Considered writting my own build system out of spite03:44
nigelblol @ 'out of spite'03:45
doctormopaultag: The best thing to do is have a week of sleep with the autotools manual under your pillow.03:45
paultagdoctormo: learning by osmosis I guess03:45
duanedesignnigelb: heh, i know that feeling. Glad it turned out well03:56
duanedesignnigelb: we have combined the OKlahoma LoCo and Tulsa LUG monthly meetings. There started to be months were no one showed up. The Tulsa lUG has a solid group that shows up every month so it works out nice.03:58
paultagduanedesign: I miss Old_Solder03:58
duanedesignpaultag: heh, i am suprised he has not resurfaced03:59
paultagduanedesign: I called his house and got in touch with him03:59
duanedesigni remember that03:59
paultagduanedesign: this was for the UBT Reunion nhandler and I had planned03:59
paultagduanedesign: Yeah, I'm bummed. I even had CK willing to send him a new computer04:00
paultagduanedesign: because his broked04:00
duanedesignpaultag: i cant imagine contributing as much as he did and not ever wanting to get involved again when things got better04:00
paultag+1 duanedesign. I think it was a planned exit04:00
paultagduanedesign: I don't think he expected my call. It's OK, live and let live, but I think he is trying to stay out04:01
duanedesignpaultag: yeah, i am sure he has his reasons04:06
paultagduanedesign: Aye. Best not pry.04:07
duanedesign  paultag: no excuses! only one way out of the community! Blood in blood out! :D04:08
paultagduanedesign: seeing as how there is a gang that calls them self the locos, we should be careful with that04:10
paultagduanedesign: they are big in OK too IIRC04:10
PendulumI'm at a wedding this weekend and 2 different people have come into my hotel room and gone "you have Tux!" and then I've had to pry them away from my Tux04:21
PendulumI thought it was going to get more love than i did, but then I caught the bouquet which made my evening far more amusing than planned04:24
vishooh! tabs in gedit are detachable! never noticed that one!08:12
=== sense_ is now known as sense
nigelbvish: what are your plans for global jam?08:23
vishnigelb: hmm , plans?08:32
vishnigelb: whats yours ? maybe i can copy :D08:32
nigelbvish: we're planning for a meetup that day08:37
nigelbwanna join us?08:37
nigelbsaturday 28th08:37
vishnigelb: havent been to B'lore in a while.. will think about it.. not sure though :)08:39
nigelbvish: ok, think of it.  we have a location that can accomodate at least 30 people08:46
senseGUADEC 2010 Hate/Love Wall pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/qense/tags/hatelovewall/14:05
nigelbsense: whats swith the love for vincent untz?14:34
sensenigelb: I guess he's the dholbach of GNOME. :P14:35
nigelbI particularly like the "people who post +1s" and the +1 immediately after it.14:35
nigelblol @ KDE in hate14:37
nigelbalso "LP bug watch for love/hate board is missing"14:38
senseyeah :)14:38
senseWe need to add a way to watch a bug's status on the Hate/Love Wall in Launchpad.14:39
senseakgraner: What was the link to the "Ubuntu News Team is looking for you!" thing?14:52
senseI would like to mail it to someone who helped with 'content creation' on the website during GUADEC, I hope he might be interested.14:53
nigelbsense: http://akgraner.com/?p=62714:54
sensenigelb: thanks!14:54
doctormoMorning paultag, feeling better?15:42
paultagdoctormo: just tired15:42
paultagdoctormo: have not been able to sleep lately15:42
doctormopaultag: The heat? I didn't get a tremendous amount of sleep last night either.15:43
paultagdoctormo: spending my morning on latfh.com15:43
doctormospent the morning talking to some debian guys and jcastro15:44
akgranerGood Morning :-)17:14
akgranerafternoon or whatever time of day it is where you all may be :-)17:14
nigelbNight :D17:19
AlanBellafternoon akgraner17:20
akgranerhey!  working Issue 204 of UWN this one is fun! :-)17:21
akgranernigelb, have you pulled any LoCo news from this week?17:21
akgranernigelb, sorry I should have asked in -news17:22
nigelbakgraner: I made news.   I'll help pull it now ;)17:24
akgranernigelb, see pm :-)17:25
nhandlerAnyone from the Community Council working on a Team Report for July?17:55
nhandlerOr the Technical Board?17:56
pleia2much of what the CC does is private dispute resolution and answering questions from the community, it'll be pretty rare for us to have something to report18:16
nhandlerpleia2: True, but they do hold meetings (when enough people show up). Even a "Held regular monthly meeting on XXX-XX-XX: No items to discuss" would be nice.18:17
pleia2perhaps, I'll talk to other CC folks about it for next month18:17
nhandlerThanks pleia218:18
akgranerpleia2, thanks!18:30
doctormopaultag: Another quiet day21:56
paultagSure is21:56
paultagI'm fixing my netbook... again.21:56
paultagDecided to try Arch21:59
paultagditched it. pacman has some odd syntax. Trying Mint now21:59
paultagI also have a cool new tactic. I'm keeping an SD card flashed with an OS image and leaving it in22:02
paultagso if I need to do anything I can just F9 boot off SD22:02
paultagditching mint. Grrr.22:10
paultagsame kernel issue as Ubuntu22:11
doctormopaultag: That's not a surprise though, it's exactly the same kernel.22:21
paultagdoctormo: they have a lot of diversions, so I thought the kernel would be modified as well22:29
paultagI forgot about the apt "Yes, do as I say!"22:44
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag

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