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happyaronpitti: ping05:05
happyaronpitti: could you please have a look at bug #611224 ?05:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611224 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Please merge ibus (1.3.6-1) from Debian Squeeze" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61122405:13
bilalakhtarI don't know why, but a rebuild of current maverick empathy results in FTBFS08:13
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bilalakhtarFTBFS REPORT! package empathy fails to build09:11
bilalakhtarlatest maverick version09:11
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rsavoyeI don't see an import of icedtea into bzr on launchpad ?16:03
DktrKranzslangasek, james_w (or any other archive-admin): I'm implementing rfc822 format for removals in dak, and I guess you parse removals.txt to automatically delete removed packages. Want to have a preview of the new format?16:59
james_wDktrKranz: that would be useful. Are you rewriting the old files too?17:00
DktrKranzI created a parser for that17:00
DktrKranzjames_w: this is removal.txt "translated": http://ftp-master.debian.org/users/dktrkranz/removals.82217:01
james_wDktrKranz: our parser is in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools in the process-removals.py script. I imagine it can be made significantly simpler now17:04
james_wDktrKranz: have you tried parsing it with python-debian?17:04
DktrKranzjames_w: it was the reason I started to implement it, someone would be interested providing such a feature17:05
DktrKranzthey just needed a cleaner file17:06
DktrKranzand I hope they'll have soonish17:06
DktrKranzold format will be still around, so no breakages right now17:07
DktrKranzI'll get back to you as soon as patch is merged17:07
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luboszhi. i'm trying to compile a custom kernel with make-kpkg. i get following errors, because i have a custom name. how do i solve this? http://paste.pocoo.org/raw/244302/20:31
luboszplease don't sent me to #ubuntu20:31
micahglubosz: you need an entry in debian/control for your custom package20:34
pittiapw: can you guys please do an lbm ABI bump for maverick?20:44
micahgpitti: is it a regression for gtk+2.0 not to ship .la files in the dev package since other packages still rely on them20:52
luboszmicahg: it did not help. how can i get rid of the "+" in my kernel name?20:56
micahglubosz: take it out?20:57
luboszerror: package linux-image-2.6.35-rc6+ not in control info20:57
luboszit is not in my kernel config, afaik20:57
micahglubosz: rules file?20:57
luboszand i don't set --append-to-version=20:57
micahglubosz: the first line of the pastebin has a -p flag with the package name20:57
luboszhm, dpkg-gencontrol is called by make-kpkg20:59
micahglubosz: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-kernel21:00
luboszah thx21:00
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