
dutchiegodbyk-sagan: i'm failing at latex again, can you help?00:36
jenkinsdutchie: I will have ago if you like00:40
godbyk-sagandutchie: sure. what's up?00:41
dutchiegodbyk-sagan: http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/invoice/ # Why can't I do "sudo tlmgr install invoice"?00:42
dutchiegodbyk-sagan: any ideas?01:00
dutchiegodbyk-sagan: i'm going to bed now, but if you work out what's going on, highlight/pm me01:04
jenkinsnight all01:15
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
godbyk-sagandutchie: it looks like it may not be packaged for TexLive.06:22
godbyk-sagandutchie: if you want to just try it out, download the zip file from http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/invoice/, unzip it, and copy the invoice.def and invoice.sty files to the same directory as your .tex file.06:23
godbyk-sagandutchie: Then you should be able to use \usepackage[whatever-options]{invoice}.06:23
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: hey06:24
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: got a minute?06:24
godbyk-sagannisshh: Sure. What's up?06:24
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: there are some code formatting issues with the dev manual06:24
nisshheither that or i dont know about a line-break command06:25
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: basically if i want to display some multi-line code, regardless of what i do, it displays it as one line06:25
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: do i have to use a line-break command or something??06:26
godbyk-sagannisshh: If you use the terminal environment, it should put the line breaks in the same place that they've been included in the source code.06:26
godbyk-saganSo \begin{terminal} My code on multiple lines \end{terminal}06:27
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: i was using the /code command06:27
godbyk-saganah, the \code command will only work for in-line code (which should be wrapped).06:27
nisshhno wonder it was not working06:27
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: thanks dude, ill fix it06:28
godbyk-sagannisshh: no problem!06:28
godbyk-saganI'm not sure if those commands are explained well (or at all) in the style guide.06:28
godbyk-saganWe should start a list of things to fix / add to the style guide.06:28
godbyk-sagan(I think I started a list before. I'll have to find it.)06:28
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: yea, it would be great, then people will know EXACTLY what each command is appropriate for06:29
nisshhrather than guessing like i just did:)06:30
godbyk-sagannisshh: remind me sometime this week and I'll check the style guide and add something if necessary.06:30
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: sure06:30
godbyk-saganIf there's nothing else, I think I'll go read a book for a while.06:31
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: even if you just give me the relevant info and i can update the style guide for you, if you busy doing other stuff?06:31
godbyk-sagansure thing.06:31
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: sure, thanks again :)06:31
godbyk-saganI should set up a repository for the style guide itself.06:31
godbyk-saganRemind me to do that, too. :-)06:31
godbyk-saganWe have some other tools (mostly Python and shell scripts) that could go into a repository, as well.06:32
nisshhthat would be good06:32
nisshhthat way people could just grab the latest revision06:32
godbyk-saganYeah, especially because they're otherwise just sitting on my hard drive where no one else can use them, modify them (fix them), etc.06:33
godbyk-saganAll right, I'm off to read some fiction.06:33
nisshhgodbyk-sagan: ok, gnight :)06:33
dutchiegodbyk-sagan: thanks; now I just have to work out how to install realcalc11:24
nisshhjenkins: hey dude, do you mind supporting me at my Ubuntu Membership meeting?12:00
jenkinsnisshh: when is it?12:01
jenkinsI don't mind :)12:01
nisshhjenkins: tuesday coming up12:01
jenkinswhat time?12:01
nisshh10am UTC12:01
nisshhthought id give it a crack12:01
nisshhsee what happens :)12:02
jenkinsyea worth a go I will add something to your wiki page if you like but I can't be 100% that i can make it then. The family is at home and I have no clue what they plan to do. I will try an make the meeting as well12:03
nisshhjenkins: yea, thats cool, if you cant make it just add to my wiki page12:03
nisshhjenkins: ^^^12:05
jenkinscheers I will make sure I add something by tuesday12:06
nisshhcool thanks12:06
jenkinsno problem12:06
=== d0od is now known as humphreybc_
vishhmm , where is hbc!16:59
vishwth !  " you avatar/floating face too, looks like shit "  is that hbc commenting on his own blog ;p16:59
vishthorwil: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/i-too-am-tired/17:00
vishjust today he was impersonating ivanka.. , so just was confused17:00
dutchieasleep, i think17:01
dutchieas it's 4:01 in the morning17:01
thorwilvish: did he say something interesting as ivanka? did he maybe get in touch with his feminine side, the inner woman?17:07
dutchiehe was investigating impersonation on irc17:08
vishthorwil: yeah , folks try to *be* the person they admire ;p17:08
vishdutchie: there were a couple of others trying that out! someone tried to /nick to sabdfl17:08
vishbut ended up with sabdfl_17:09
thorwilvish: does that mean ivanka isn't registered but sabdfl is?17:10
nisshhlame hacker noobs17:10
vishthorwil: yup17:10
nisshhsomeone was impersonating humphreybc huh?17:10
thorwilnisshh: hacker noobs? curious kids :)17:11
nisshhthorwil: same thing, i just have an name for them17:11
vishhmm , i'm writing a description for a game in SC: Abuse , how does this sound? > http://paste.ubuntu.com/471898/18:07
dutchie"fighting enemies and defence systems" or "fighting defence systems"18:11
dutchieand "start off", not "start-off"18:11
dutchieotherwise, provided that's what the game's actually like, great ;)18:11
* vish makes changes..18:12
vishdutchie: thanks! :)18:12
vishended up with.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/471903/18:22
dutchiewho is it that is ludicrously efficient at moderating the ML?19:36
dutchieevery time i get a "needs review" email, i check within ~20 minutes, and it's always done!19:36
nisshhdutchie: sometimes, i do it, but sometimes i check and its already done! :)19:44
nisshhits rediculous!19:44
godbyk-sagandutchie: I just handled the most recent one.19:57
godbyk-saganBut it's the first I've done.19:57
dutchiewahey, lucid works on my laptop20:13
jenkinsdutchie: people are very fast at moderating at the moment, every time i check its done. :)20:14
nisshhjenkins: it is only two clicks :)20:14
nisshhjenkins: also, dont forget about adding a testimonial to my wiki page yea?20:15
jenkinsI have not forgotten20:15
* nisshh needs more testimonials20:16
jenkinsnight o/22:23
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
jenkinsflan: I have just relised that the user interface freeze for maverick is August 26th, we both need to finish our parts of quickshot23:02
* jenkins panics23:02
dutchieyou have 11 days to get it in before Feature Freeze23:11
jenkinswe never aimed to get in this release thank goodness23:13
dutchiewhy not?23:14
jenkinswe just had not really thought about it, also it gives us time to fix bugs as this release is rather a rewrite23:15

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