
bobbyWhy do I get this when trying to go to different sites in FF4.0b3pre?00:58
bobbyYour browser sent a request that this server could not understand.00:58
bobbySize of a request header field exceeds server limit.00:58
* gnomefreak never seen that before01:00
gnomefreakor heard of it for that matter01:00
gnomefreakbobby: do you have a link01:00
bobbyOf the siite? It happens when I try to go to YouTube or CNET01:01
bobbyI have a Cookie if you want01:01
gnomefreakbobby: im gonna guess and say its the server not you, but i would like to test it first01:01
bobbyIt happens when going to multiple sites01:01
bobbyThey work in Chrome01:01
gnomefreaki dont have an issue in youtube01:01
bobbyHere is the cookie I get:01:02
bobbyCookie: tempSessionId=Cg+ND0xKAmtGtRK1kIY; arrowLat=1280446397983; arrowSpc=20; mad_rsi_segs=ASK05540_10274&ASK05540_10018&ASK05540_10019&ASK05540_10066&ASK05540_10161&ASK05540_10166&ASK05540_10195&ASK05540_10205&ASK05540_10206&ASK05540_10207&ASK05540_10208&ASK05540_10214&ASK05540_10219&ASK05540_10221&ASK05540_10225&ASK05540_10236&ASK05540_10241&ASK05540_10242&ASK05540_10258&ASK05540_10264&ASK05540_10267&ASK05540_10268&ASK05540_10201:02
bobby83&ASK05540_10288&ASK05540_10289&ASK05540_10290&ASK05540_10314&ASK05540_10322&ASK05540_10333&ASK05540_10339&ASK05540_10342&ASK05540_10343&ASK05540_10349&ASK05540_10389&ASK05540_10432&ASK05540_10483&ASK05540_10521; XCLGFbrowser=Cg+IKExKAmxOAQAAXgA; MADUCAT=1&0729&EX; cnet_joinCallout=true; purs_1=12333b15569cc78cce36ca1b76af9e564c4a027923154810881174864815860519346955!e00!01lWfGxQM1VCryQZeE!wQhb43tUc5EtJ58r8oRvrdtOenwgf2wDLSefK%2FKE01:02
bobbyb60hh39R66BioA%3D%3D; MADCAPP=0a3klD=4&3klE=5&3jlu&3hlt=3; arrowFdCounter=-1; globid=1.lWfGxQM1VCryQZeE; cnet_rvpCallout=3; ZZFLSH=29; nemo=mvt:8:14:1; s_vsn_diggcomsyndication_1=9563975783937; arrowLat=1280502295879; arrowSpc=8; mad_rsi_segs=ASK05540_10274&ASK05540_10018&ASK05540_10019&ASK05540_10066&ASK05540_10161&ASK05540_10166&ASK05540_10195&ASK05540_10205&ASK05540_10206&ASK05540_10207&ASK05540_10208&ASK05540_10214&ASK05540_10201:02
bobby19&ASK05540_10221&ASK05540_10225&ASK05540_10236&ASK05540_10241&ASK05540_10242&ASK05540_10258&ASK05540_10264&ASK05540_10267&ASK05540_10268&ASK05540_10283&ASK05540_10288&ASK05540_10289&ASK05540_10290&ASK05540_10314&ASK05540_10322&ASK05540_10333&ASK05540_10339&ASK05540_10342&ASK05540_10343&ASK05540_10349&ASK05540_10389&ASK05540_10432&ASK05540_10483&ASK05540_10521; MADUCAT=1&0730&EX; arrowLat=1280516712752; arrowSpc=1; mad_rsi_segs=ASK01:02
gnomefreaki could have done without that in here01:02
bobbyoh... sorry :P01:02
bobbyLet's see...01:03
bobbyCENT doesn't work... YouTube01:03
bobbyFacebook works fine though...01:03
bobbySo does Google01:03
bobbyApache server at www.youtube.com Port 80...01:04
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
bobbyAny suggestions?01:05
gnomefreakbobby: any place in Cnet or any of it?01:05
bobbyNope, none of it works01:05
bobbySame with YouTube01:05
gnomefreakdeolete your cookies work?01:05
gnomefreakdelete even01:05
gnomefreak64bit was the next question01:06
bobbyOkay, that worked...01:06
bobbyFunny, as I cleaned my cache/cookies about 10 minutes ago...01:06
bobbyThat was strange, I've never had that happen before01:07
bobbyAny idea why?01:07
gnomefreakbobby: nope01:08
bobbyWell, still waiting for Jager engine to be completed01:08
gnomefreaksize of cookie maybe01:08
bobbyI haven't been anywhere with epic cookies?01:08
bobbyJust Facebook...01:08
gnomefreakim seeing that every site you are mentioning is flash releated01:09
gnomefreakill be back need to reboot and hope it works01:09
bobbykk cya01:09
bobbyHey does anybody know a date for the UI update?01:14
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhey folks11:16
ta_bu_shi_da_yuis Micah about?11:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yumicahg, hey, you about?11:17
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: hi15:56
ta_bu_shi_da_yumicahg, hey!15:56
ta_bu_shi_da_yuyou sent me an email...15:57
ta_bu_shi_da_yubug 61003915:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 610039 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in sqlite3VdbeExec() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61003915:57
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: yes, so we use mostly in source libraries for Firefox to match the upstream build as close as possible, sqlite is one of those15:58
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: so we build a copy of sqlite in Firefox, which is why I said that Mozilla needs to patch their copy15:58
ta_bu_shi_da_yuah! sorry, didn't realise15:58
ta_bu_shi_da_yudoesn't Michael Terry work for Canonical?16:00
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: if there's a bug in the Ubuntu sqlite3 package, we add a task for it16:00
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: yes, I think he does16:00
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI was wondering if he could verify that is indeed the same issue... there's an easy test case16:01
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: but in this case, the bug doesn't actually affect the Ubuntu package (well, it might, but no one's reported it)16:01
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwell... sqlite3 is definitely affected16:01
ta_bu_shi_da_yuif the index corrupts, then it segfaults16:01
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: right, but sqlite3 is used by a lot of apps, so an SRU is higher risk16:02
ta_bu_shi_da_yusorry, I'm kind of new to this... SRU?16:02
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: my guess is Firefox corrupted the index somehow, which is why it's more visible16:02
micahg!sru | ta_bu_shi_da_yu16:02
ubot2ta_bu_shi_da_yu: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:02
ta_bu_shi_da_yuah... thanks :-)16:02
ta_bu_shi_da_yuyeah, not sure how Firefox did this!16:03
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: Firefox gets regular updates though, so we can easily get the fix in if they take the patch in their source16:03
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: well, if it crashed at the wrong time, it might have corrupted the index16:03
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwell... I'm not sure that an SRU is necessary then... the issue is fixable by a reindex16:04
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhowever... the problem is that when the index corrupts it means you can never run certain queries till you do a reindex16:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yuand it's fairly tough to work out what's causing the issue...16:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyway... not a huge issue :-) all those apps that will be affected should really patch their sqlite3.c file16:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI do have a question though... it's about PPAs16:06
ta_bu_shi_da_yuam I allowed to upload deb files where I've recompiled Firefox but have turned off compiler optimizations?16:06
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: well, the other apps in teh archive should be using the sqlite3 package16:06
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: if you disable the official branding, Mozilla is very specific about who can use their branding16:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuno branding changes16:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yujust rebuilt the firefox package with noopt16:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit helps with getting to the bottom of segfaults16:07
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: yeah, I think you'd have to disable the branding since that could affect performance16:08
ta_bu_shi_da_yuer... what branding?16:08
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthe package I'm running right now has the same branding... and I've turned off the optimization flags16:09
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: in debian/rules, I think you have to comment out the BUILD_OFFICIAL line16:09
ta_bu_shi_da_yudidn't seem to need to...16:10
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: it's not needed to compile, it's needed to upload16:10
ta_bu_shi_da_yuah... sorry, I'm following :-)16:11
ta_bu_shi_da_yuso if I do this, then I can upload?16:11
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit might help others with segfaults16:12
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI couldn't make any headway on that bug till I change the compilation option because for some reason the p variable was optimized out...16:12
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: well, what happens, you get less segfaults with the compiler optimizations off?16:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yunope... when I get a stacktrace I can see more relevant variables16:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yuso for instance, the sql that was causing the crash got optimized out16:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwhen I found the sql statement that caused the problem, I loaded places.sqlite into the sqlite3 shell, ran the query and reproduced the segfault16:14
micahgweird, but maybe I don't understand compiler optimizations well enough16:14
micahgchrisccoulson: around?  do you see the above as a bug in Firefox?16:14
ta_bu_shi_da_yunot a bug....16:14
ta_bu_shi_da_yua way of tracking down the bug more easily :-)16:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwhen you are developing/debugging it's standard practice to compile without optimizations16:15
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: right, but maybe we can do something more official to help...16:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwhen you do a final release, you turn on the compiler optimizer16:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yu:-) well, we provide debug symbols, which is quite cool16:16
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit would be nice to have packages without optimization, of course only those actively tracking down segfaults where the optimization gets in the way would need it16:16
ta_bu_shi_da_yubut for firefox, it's a huge package (takes up lots of disk space to compile!) so it would be handy to have a non-stripped, non-optimized version for this sort of thing16:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit was also a pain having to force an uninstall for firefox, then reinstall it again...16:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwell... not that much of a pain :-)16:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyhow, I gotta get going - thanks for your time micahg :-)16:23
micahgta_bu_shi_da_yu: no problem, feel free to come back with any questions, and I'll see what we can do about debug builds16:24
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthanks :-) It's rare I get crashes in Firefox... but I've been looking through the Mozilla bug database seeing if I can repro a few now that I've got a debugging version installed :-)16:25
ta_bu_shi_da_yunight all!16:25
BUGabundothat nick scared me16:30
vishhmm , is there a way for me to assign a shortcut for search in FF ?  like if i highlight a word in say xchat , and do a "alt+s" , it will open a search in FF?17:19
micahgvish: I would guess jsut append to a goole query17:20
* vish tires..17:20
ftamicahg, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html :(19:33
micahgfta: I gave up after the first 2 rescores, sorry19:34
micahgfta: I don't know if we'll get them back before alpha 3 is released19:47
micahgfta: BTW, I just pushed tb3.119:47
micahgbzr update19:47
ftamicahg, i'm not blaming you, it's just sad. they claim they want dailies, yet they don't have the resources20:05
micahgright, and now they have soruce recipies to generate more builds20:06
micahgat least amd64 is buildign this time20:06
=== fta_ is now known as fta
chrisccoulsongrrrrrr, ubuntuzilla20:55
* chrisccoulson rages20:55
micahgchrisccoulson: I think the .la file issue is a regression by virtual of gdk-pixbuf being repackages20:58
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the la files have been deliberately removed due to a policy change, i think20:58
micahgchrisccoulson: right, but packages that ship them are supposed to continue to ship them until they are remvoed20:59
micahgchrisccoulson: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-libraries, near footnote 7121:00
* micahg needs to read the whole manual one day21:01
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ah, ok. i'll try and have  a look at that in a bit. it's g-c-u that is failing isn't it?21:02
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah21:03
micahgchrisccoulson: actually, I think I should just build against libgdk-pixbuf, that might fix it, let me test21:04
micahgor rather libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev21:07
micahgnm, that was silly, it's a depends already :(21:12
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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