
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
highvoltageakgraner: howdy! How is news looking this week so far?16:45
* highvoltage opens https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204 and notices it needs some work and dives in16:46
nhandlerTeam Reports will get added today.17:00
highvoltagenhandler: the newspaper logo still has the old Ubuntu logo on it, can I update id to include the new logo?17:10
highvoltageso it would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=newspaper-icon3.jpg vs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=newspaper-icon4.jpg17:13
highvoltage(I'll just do another upload just now without the stupid black line17:13
highvoltage(ok already done)17:13
akgranerhighvoltage, please send me the new graphic when you get it so I can replace it in multiple areas17:13
highvoltageakgraner: here it is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=newspaper-icon4.jpg17:14
akgranerhighvoltage, thanks  I need to change the template on with wiki, the forums and the fridge :-)  appreciate you taking time to add the new logo17:17
highvoltageyou're welcome, I'm a gimpoholic anyway17:18
* akgraner makes notes so I know who to bug about things :-P17:20
nhandlerhighvoltage: Looks great!17:28
akgranernhandler, thanks for all your hardwork with the team reports I really appreciate it17:33
nhandlerYou are welcome akgraner17:33
nhandlerI was thinking, do you think it would be useful to actually either a) publish the team reports in full on the fridge b) send them to some ML or c) Do a combination of a and b? That way, more people would actually see them (possibly encouraging more teams to publish them)17:34
akgranerI have to go get my daughter but is someone wants to add the Podcast reports that would be great!  Not sure if there is any this week - check UUPC, Jono's Ustream cast and Full Circle PC,17:34
akgranercombination  :-)17:35
akgranerI would like to add a section for team reports17:35
akgranerand just pop them in there on the Fridge17:35
highvoltageshould I go ahead with Upcoming meetings and events or is that scripted already?17:44
nhandlerhighvoltage: It isn't scripted. The recurring events mess it up17:46
akgranerscott_ev, are you working on Upcoming meetings18:29
akgranerhighvoltage, scott_ev usually does it - check with him18:29
akgranerhighvoltage, nope it's not scripted yet - mdz also asked what things he could help automate to make the process easier18:30
akgranerscott_ev, ^^^^18:32
highvoltageakgraner, scott_ev: ok, I did it, I hope it's ok18:51
akgranerhighvoltage, check the meeting places18:52
akgraneras some of those meetings aren't held in -meeting18:52
akgranerie desktop is one that isn't18:53
akgraneralso pull the LoCo team information off of the newsletter18:53
akgranerright now they can stay on the Fridge but we aren't including those in the newsletter b/c every LoCo team will want theirs included and I can't say yes to some and no to others18:54
akgranerwe have the LoCo calendar now ready to be populated but I need to get the instructions on how loco teams can add to it ready18:55
akgranerthen announce it18:55
akgranerI'll try to get that done next week18:55
akgranersomeone remind me on Wednesday if I haven't completed that yet :-/18:55
highvoltageoops, yes I see where I messed up with meeting places18:56
highvoltageakgraner: I'm going to get distracted by lunch for a bit, but if there's something you'd like me to do later (like summaries, etc) just give me a poke19:01
nhandlerakgraner: I can get that done. We want it done the same way as the fridge cal?19:01
nhandlerakgraner: Links/URLs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/LoCoCalendar are now updated. I still need to make a few changes to the page (the core of it was copied from the fridge calendar page)19:10
akgranernhandler, yep19:16
akgranersame as Fridge but where is says fridge it's LoCo Cal19:16
akgranerand where is has the link to the Fridge Cal it needs to be loco Cal19:17
akgranerI can't change the way the Front page of the Fridge looks but if you could add a header in the side bar that says "Calendars"19:17
akgranerthen under that links  to   - the Fridge Calendar, The Classroom Calendar as well as the LoCo Calendar that would be awesome19:18
nhandlerI thought I was able to do that, but I couldn't find it last time I looked.19:18
nhandlerI poked newz about it the last time I looked19:18
nhandler(no response)19:18
akgranernhandler, ahh ok - I'll email him :-)19:19
akgranerI'll poke joey as well as see if he can still do it :-/  (worth asking)19:19
nhandlerLast time something like this happened, newz changed the permissions so that editors were able to make the necessary change (he wanted the editor group to basically have full control)19:25
nhandlerTeam Reports are up19:27
zkriesseHeya newsies19:27
akgranernhandler, thanks!19:30
akgranernhandler, can you review the upcoming meetings please19:30
akgranerand make corrections as necessary19:30
nhandlerakgraner: I can, but it will need to wait until after lunch19:30
akgranernhandler, that's fine :-)19:30
akgranerI'm shoot for a 6pm EDT publish time19:30
akgranerDaviey, ping20:02
akgranerare you around and have 10 mins?20:03
Davieyakgraner: o/20:03
Davieycurrently in the car.. wassup?20:03
akgranerDaviey, if you are driving no worries just had some more technical articles I wanted you to look at for me20:04
nhandlerakgraner: Is the 'Bug Jam' a LoCo bug jam event?20:41
nhandlerakgraner: Alright, then I'll remove it from the UWN20:43
nhandlerakgraner: Is there a certain place holder text that is used for days with no events?20:43
nhandlerOther than that, the Upcoming Meetings is good to go20:47
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse

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