
bazhangSary was banned in #ubuntu IdleOne ?00:27
Flannelbazhang: doesn't look like it00:30
bazhangnot seeing him in the bantracker. talking to him in PM about incursions into -women and posting offtopic nonsense in #ubuntu00:30
bazhangFlannel, thanks.00:30
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
bazhang<GladosS> And I was wondering how to compile IE8?07:21
elkyIs he serious?07:42
bazhanghe also wondered why he had to pay for Firefox07:43
bazhangI PM'd him and suggested he stop and join -ot07:43
elkyWell, trolling isn't really on topic there either07:58
elkyUm. #f.16:04
knomejuxindawoods @#x, please watch him16:56
knomei'm ircing w/ phone atm16:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from bullgard4)17:13
oCean_Hi, please see <Guest1057> in #u19:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu, c3l said: ubottu: no, noob is not an acronym19:33
jpds 19:35
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Sleepwlker)21:56

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