
Jason1ok I think I've fixed the issues.  I got it to restart now.  But it would help to know how I can get an original sshd_config file without doing a reinstall00:03
thebwthmm, you could download the .deb and extract it from that00:07
pmatulisJason1: the file obtained from downloading the source package is the same as /usr/share/doc/openssh-client/examples/sshd_config01:59
ivo_guys do you think this will make a good swap devise: OCZ Vertex2 2,5" SSD 40 GB ??01:59
pmatulisJason1: but i can't say whether this file is what you get when you install openssh-server01:59
pmatulisJason1: it seems rather different from the one on my system02:00
qman__ivo_, I don't have personal experience, but what I've read and heard suggests that SSDs aren't great for constant writing/rewriting, in that they wear out quickly02:14
qman__I'd go for something like a raptor or 10/15k SCSI disk instead02:14
qman__higher RPM disks will get access times down, which is the main advantage of SSD02:17
qman__performance wise02:17
=== rmk_ is now known as rmk
uvirtbotNew bug: #612180 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61218003:11
mike1Setting up a server/transparent proxy/web filter.  Can't get the relationship Modem-> Server ->Router ->  Network  working.   I think the PPPOE on the router is a major problem.  Can't get it to work from server.  Should I have PPPOE left on modem serving an address to server and server serving on ita 2nd NIC?03:56
mike1The modem only assigns 1 address.03:57
diffra_homehey all -- i've set the console resolution on my ubuntu server laptop (yeah...) and the resolution is correct, but it's only using the upper let 1/4 of the screen.  How do I configure this?04:48
giovanidiffra_home: how did you set the resolution?05:39
giovanidiffra_home: also, when you open your BIOS does it use up the whole screen?05:39
frithis it possible to loopback mount a cow2 file?10:48
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
waheedii have a 10.0 4 server running on 8 GIG of ram and two cpus12:03
waheedia large ec2 instance from amazon12:03
waheediand the average load is always above 3/012:04
waheedisomtimes its 4.412:04
cloakableThen you're loading it up too much12:05
waheedibut i cant see any process using cpu12:05
cloakableload isn't just cpu...12:05
cloakableIt's all the system resources12:05
waheedinop cloakable12:06
waheediaverage load, is the load for the processes waiting their turn to be processed on cpu12:06
waheediso apparently you need to know what is average load before answering me12:07
cloakableWell, thank you for your highly diplomatic answer12:08
waheediyou most welcome, mate12:09
waheedistill i need someone help12:09
waheedii need to know what is the normal average load for a busy server12:10
cloakableLinux includes processes in uninterruptible sleep states, typically waiting for some I/O activity to complete. This can markedly increase the load average on Linux systems.12:11
cloakableAccording to a little basic googling12:12
cloakableIn that case, I'd look at your I/O12:14
TuxSaxwaheedi: the best is that no process is waiting in queue for it's CPU turn, so the recommended load average should be always below 112:20
TuxSaxbut I have a server that is most of the time on 2 and it's working fine, mysql queries are loading it up, I'm running around 2700 queries every minute and that's what loads my server up12:21
waheediTuxSax: cloakable  according to this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-on-ec2/+bug/574910  i think i have the same bug12:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress]12:21
TuxSaxwaheedi: well, I can't help with solving those bugs... I only know I never like to see my servers going higher than 1 second in their load avg12:22
TuxSax1 second in CPU time terms is an eternity!12:22
waheediit 2-4 on my server12:23
waheediim gonna switch bakc to a previous release12:23
TuxSaxbut as I said, 2 sec on one of the servers and still responding well12:23
TuxSaxso it all depends on the platform I guess12:24
waheediyeah true TuxSax12:28
waheedinow if i want to upgrade my server kernel12:29
waheediis it safe to do it on production12:29
waheediwhile its serving some users12:29
TuxSaxwaheedi: preferably not as it may have to be reloaded, but I'm not an EC2 expert, you may better contact Amazon support for that12:30
waheediim running ubuntu12:31
TuxSaxCan't you better temporarily load another instance with an upgraded kernel and then move the service to there, then stop the "older" instance?12:31
waheedisounds better actually but it needs so many work12:31
TuxSaxI don't recommend this kind of upgrades on "live" serving systems... what if it went wrong?12:32
waheedimany new installations, moving DB12:32
waheediyeah that would be a killer :)12:32
TuxSaxwaheedi: there is always two ways, the short way and the right way, you choose... ;-)12:33
waheedihahaha 1000% true12:33
waheedibtw i would love to share my new service with you check it out, http://dakwak.com12:33
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
Jason3Im deploying linux on my server and I have just set the hostname for my machine "blah"  When I am setting up the FQDN should it be:15:15
Jason3myip  www.mysite.com (hostname here)15:16
bogeyd6probably not15:27
bogeyd6Jason3, www should be an a record for the machines ip address15:27
bogeyd6the fqdn for the machine should be blah.domain.com15:28
bogeyd6then www as an A record15:28
bogeyd6or cname, your choice15:29
Jason3so the hostname i have set for my machine is NOT equal to the alias of the machine?15:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #612184 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package xplico 0:0.5.6-bt1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61218415:46
Jason3still having a slight problem.  i get this error sudo: unable to resolve host "gatorade" after I do sudo -i16:13
TuxSaxJason3: paste the output of <<hostname -f>> please16:18
TuxSaxJason3: and also the relevant line on your /etc/hosts16:19
AndyGraybealdoes anyone have a guide or website handy that explaines how to setup a seperate home partition during install with ubuntu 10.04?16:32
AndyGraybealsomething that is step by step16:34
klaasmnaual partitioning during installation16:37
klaasor you just do it by hand later:)16:37
AndyGraybealklaas: i've tried to manually do it during the installation.  for some reason, it doesn't automatically mount it.16:38
AndyGraybealor maybe there is something i'm not understanding.16:39
klaasuse fstab16:39
AndyGraybealokay then that's what i'll try; i thought the installer would handle that for me16:40
rdw200169during the manual partitioning step you have to specify the mount points for all the drives you want in fstab.  if you specify a particular partition to be for /home, for example, then you're done17:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #612284 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: el paquete mysql-server-5.1 ya está instalado y configurado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61228417:26
jeremyndoes anyone have any tips for this ssh error? "debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0"17:26
jeremynreceived using ssh -vvv <hostname> while attempting to ssh to a server17:27
jeremynit's just from one system, i can ssh to the server from another server no problem17:35
Jason3just installed apache, mysql, and php on my server.  i have a test index.php file but when I enter it in the URL it tries to download the file rather than opening it.  ?????17:35
jeremynalso, other communication between the "bad" client and the server works fine, it's just ssh with the problem17:35
Jason3normal html files are fine.  PHP files don't want to open17:36
jeremynJason3: be sure to enable php for apache, like "sudo a2enmod php5" or whatever else17:39
Jason3says its already enabled17:44
jeremynJason3: not sure man, sounds like the problem is that apache doesn't think php files are something that can be executed17:46
Jason3can root own the index.php file and it run in the webbrowser?17:48
jeremynJason3: that's not how it works. apache runs the php file on the server and sends you output17:50
jeremynJason3: php files do not run in your browser17:50
jeremyni figured out my ssh problem btw if anyone is interested, i was trying to ssh <hostname> but hostname wasn't identified in /etc/hosts17:51
funkyHatjeremyn: you need to install libapache2-mod-php517:51
jeremynfunkyHat: i think you meant that for Jason317:51
funkyHatjeremyn: sorry, yeah17:52
Jason3i understand.  i think it might be permissions.  root owns the file17:52
funkyHatjeremyn: if it's just something you want to define for ssh you could use ~/.ssh/config instead17:52
jeremynfunkyHat: nah, i want it generally known but thanks for the tip17:52
funkyHatthat's also quite good if you want to define a username so you don't have to type it each time (of course if you have the same username as on the client that's irrelevant)17:53
funkyHatJason3: if apache was trying to serve the php file as text then it can read the file, so that's not the issue17:53
Jason3i've seen others in some foroumns that have the same problem but their solutions aren't working for me.18:11
Hilikusi'm trying to configure bind9 to solve loopback problems with clients in the LAN, but my dns is dynip.com. if i define a zone dynip.com will it try to resolve X.dynip.com? i want to limit my dns server to a specific subdomain18:17
Hilikusand have everything else forwarded18:17
Jason3it was the browsers cache that was the problem.  I cleared the cache and all is ok18:21
Jason3I've got my server running great at the moment.  What is the best way to do a full backup of it?18:49
thebwtJason3: what specifically? many people keep /etc under version controll18:55
Jason3I'm running a server remotely, I dont have access to the physical box.   I've just setup ubuntu and have it working smoothly.  Im not very familiar with any type of linux and I want to backup everything so that rather than doing a fresh install and then going through and apt-get etc all the packages, and installing apache, mysql and php all over again is there a way to just copy files18:57
thebwtI guess you could clone drives.. but thats inneffecient. installing thsoe things is easy, it's conmfiguring them thats the pain right?18:58
Jason3yes that would be true18:59
thebwtoff on a hike bbl18:59
Jason3thebwt: so the best thing to do is be prepared to do the full install and just keep my config files backed up?19:00
Jason3(and mysql databases? websites, etc?19:00
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
Jason3how do I turn it off so that browsers don't list the files in a folder if it goes there and there is no index file?20:14
Adri2000Jason3: depends on the web server20:20
alex_joniany folder or just one?20:27
Jason3for a specific site in the www folder20:27
alex_jonifirst google hit: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/apache-httpd-how-to-turn-off-index-listing-in-directory-protect-wordpress-wp-content/20:28
alex_joniOptions -Indexes20:29
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
kinygoshi all...apologies for the n00b question.  i'm running ubuntu server 10.04 lts, and changing the keyboard layout to uk qwerty using console-data.  when i reboot, the layout is back to us.  how do i get it to default to uk?22:06
kinygosif it's a lengthy answer, can anyone give me a hint as to where to look for an answer?22:08
sherrkinygos: I have the following in /etc/default/console-setup :22:08
sherrMaybe relevant to your problem.22:09
kinygosthank you :) i'll have a look22:09
MTecknologySo.. I added a PPA but apt-get update then apt-cache policy won't show the new version.. Any ideas why?22:28
kinygossherr: i made that change, but it hasn't made a difference...i've been hunting round for hints online but failing miserably...any other ideas?22:29
kinygosdoes anyone know how to change the default keyboard layout and mappings in ubuntu server 10.04 lts?22:32
kinygosdifferent question, how do i get the following command to run at startup >sudo loadkeys --default22:38
kinygosi'm going for a brute force solution to my problem...22:38
kinygosi've copied /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gz to /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/defkeymap.kmap.gz22:39
ChmEarlkinygos, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales22:40
kinygosChmEarl: that sounds promising..thanks, brb :)22:40
kinygosChmEarl: that generated a bunch of locales...saying they were up to date...22:42
kinygosChmEarl: unfortunately, it's back to US again :(22:43
kinygosat risk of spamming my question: how do i get ubuntu server 10.04 to remember the keyboard layout i specify with dkpg-reconfigure console-setup?22:47
kinygos(clearly i meant dpkg-reconfigure console-setup)22:48
zhobbsI'm trying to install an ubuntu-server KVM guest via SSH, how can I disable framebuffer support in the installer?22:54
MTecknologyzul: you around?23:13
MTecknology!info passenger23:16
ubottuPackage passenger does not exist in lucid23:16
kinygosapologies for repeating my question...does anyone know how to configure ubuntu server 10.04 to remember the keyboard layout/mapping/locale that i specify using console-data?23:45
kinygosit reverts to US when i reboot the server :(23:45

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