
satellit__dfarning: added tests for USR http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo_Activity_Test_Table#Activity_Test_Results01:19
* satellit__ OK=Works X=will not run01:21
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satellit__dfarning: I tested surf 115.xo in USR  seems to work fine Is there a place to do Download I can link for it.(Do you want me to list it on Activity Test Results?)01:58
mattva01hello, I'm the packager for the gnome fork of turtleart, what are the procedures you guys use to get your packages into universe ?03:52
lfaraonemattva01: show it to me, I review and send it to a sponsor.05:15
lfaraonemattva01: btw, you're missing mad fun at debconf.05:15
mattva01i'm sure :p05:19
mattva01I have to get to get up early tomorrow, so I'm going to head to bed, I'll send a cleaned up package to you tomorrow afternoon05:20
lfaraonemattva01: excellent. if you have questions with making it also a sugar package, let me know the CDBS / sugar maintainer is within arms reach right now.05:21
lfaraone*know, the05:21
mattva01I think I've got the hang of it, I was having issues yesterday, but solved them05:23
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manusheellfaraone: Good morning Luke.14:14
satellit__dfarning: is there a place to download surf 115? works fine in USR. (do you want it listed on Actiity Test Results?14:32
dfarningsatellit_ I am not sure if it is available yet.  I don't know how far along lucian and Raul are with the project.14:39
dfarningsatellit_please add it to the activity test results... it is a good data point.14:40
satellit__ok: I did get a DL of .xo a while ago.  Seems to work fine  has opening html like browse  surf 08 does not...both weem to work :) USR ...0628 on 8 GB USB14:41
satellit__It is listed now http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo_Activity_Test_Table#Activity_Test_Table_214:42
satellit__dfarning: I have tested a number of activities on that page with USR (in BOLD)14:44
lfaraonemanusheel: I'm at debconf at the moment.15:20
lfaraoneand will be here all week15:21
manusheellfaraone: Great.15:23
manusheelDid you meet Jonas?15:23
manusheellfaraone: How are you finding the event?15:26
lfaraonemanusheel: yes. it's engaging.15:40
manusheellfaraone: Glad to hear.15:41
kandarpklfaraone: around ?15:47
lfaraonekandarpk: not for anything important, I'm in a session at a conference, and wil be here all week.15:47
kandarpklfaraone: Ok. np.15:48
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I've set up a temporary repo for read at:15:48
kandarpkmanusheel sir: all the changes listed as commits were made after merging from upstream.15:49
manusheelkandarpk: Great.15:50
manusheelkandarpk: Have we submitted the Read for review to Luke?15:51
kandarpklfaraone: sir, that would require merging it with already existing repo.15:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir ^^15:51
kandarpklfaraone sorry, not for you.15:52
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I thought it would help if Luke first checked the steps followed were ok.15:52
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.15:53
manusheelkandarpk: Kindly send me the e-mail.15:55
manusheelWill check it, and send to ubuntu sugar team for validation.15:56
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok.15:56
dfarninglfaraone, anything we need to do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-datastore-0.86/+bug/608760 to move it forward15:59
lfaraonedfarning: we wait.16:01
dfarninglfaraone, ok16:01
dfarningkandarpk, do you remember the IP of the USR build machine?  I am going to update it to 10.1016:08
kandarpkdfarning: I'll check.16:09
kandarpkjust 2 min16:09
dfarningkandarpk, thanks -- I loaned my laptop to bernie while his is being repaired and am working from a netbook.16:11
manusheeldfarning: Which netbook are you using?16:12
dfarninga zareason teo  http://zareason.com/shop/product.php?productid=16250&cat=250&page=116:13
dfarningkandarpk, ready for some sysadmin:)16:19
kandarpkdfarning: thats your domain, right ?16:19
dfarningkandarpk, well, I am stuck because I can't log into the usr build machine:(16:19
kandarpkdfarning: for what reason ?16:20
dfarningkandarpk, the netbook I am working from does not have the correct key to log into the SL infrastructure.16:21
manusheeldfarning: Sure.16:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning: is it safe to share private ssh keys ?16:21
dfarningfor security reasons I just keep the key on my desk top and main laptop16:22
manusheeldfarning: Could you please let me know where you are stuck up.16:22
manusheelWe'll help.16:22
dfarningkandarpk, no!!16:22
kandarpkdfarning: Ok, was expecting that.16:22
dfarningkandarpk, manusheel I just sent a newly created public key to kandarp via email.16:22
manusheeldfarning: Ok. Could you please let me know where could we help.16:23
dfarningkandarpk, will you log into the build machine as root and add it to the end of my authorized keys file.16:23
manusheeldfarning: Sure, David. We'll work on it.16:24
dfarningkandarpk, you can 'sudo su' to once you are logged on as kandarpk to get root.16:25
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.16:25
manusheeldfarning: Sure. Thanks for the pointer.16:25
dfarningmanusheel, I don't think you have root on the machine... I never though you would need it.16:25
manusheeldfarning: Does Kandarp have the root access?16:26
manusheelI don't think it is required.16:26
manusheeldfarning: Kandarp can changed to root. But, he'll need its password.16:27
dfarningmanusheel, yes I am pretty sure it is set up so he can 'sudo su' with out a password once he has logged on.16:28
manusheeldfarning: Excellent.16:28
manusheelThat is great.16:28
dfarningmanusheel, in general we never use passwords on the infrastructure.16:29
dfarningmanusheel, instead we depend on ssh keys.  no key -- no access.16:30
manusheeldfarning: Ok. That is why Bernie finds it so easy to get into any machine.16:30
dfarningmanusheel, correct.  There are a couple of us that have access to all machines by default using our primary ssh key.16:31
manusheeldfarning: That is good to hear.16:31
dfarningmanusheel, since I don't have access to that key. I created a tempory key just to log on to the build machine.16:32
manusheeldfarning: Sure.16:33
manusheelWe just need to replace your existing key with the key you provided to Kandarp, right/16:33
dfarningmanusheel, if that key is added to the end of /home/dfarning/.ssh/authorized_keys I can log into the build machine.16:34
dfarningmanusheel, please append the key I sent after the existing keys in the file.16:34
manusheeldfarning: Ok, sure.16:35
dfarningmanusheel, then when I get back home I can still log in from my desktop.16:35
dfarningmanusheel, ok I am going to get lunch.... good luck16:38
manusheeldfarning: We have done it.16:39
manusheelCan you please check.16:39
manusheelWhether you are able to login.16:39
dfarningmanusheel, kandarpk nice I am in. I expected that to take you guy a while to figure out.16:40
manusheeldfarning: We just need basic set of pointers, which you provided.16:41
dfarningmanusheel, are you guys in the same room?16:41
manusheeldfarning: No. It is past 9:10 pm in India now.16:43
manusheeldfarning: I am at office. Kandarp is at home.16:43
manusheeldfarning: Around?16:52
satellit__dfarning: I just installed USR from CD to 500GB USBexternal HD. It completed sucessfully. on reboot it could not find HD by uiid and dropped into a shell. I had to hit exit and return then HD booted. Very confusing behavior -USR 20100628. Works fine now????17:59
* satellit__ if I add Education/sugar-add launcher to desktop and then hit properties of sugar icon and edit command to "/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f "I get full screen sugar-emulator...nice trick18:03
* satellit__ drag-drop install of surf 115 worked well (Sharing it on f1 neighborhood) icon appears-join works for me. Bookmarks Resume works from Journal with 3 bookmarks at bottom....NICE18:13
satellitUSR-dc63USR works Very well...18:16
dfarningsatellit_ cool, I am in the process of updated the build machine to base USR on 10.10.  Then we can report all bugs to the bug track!18:18
satellit__let me know...http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo  I uploaded it here18:33
manusheelsatellit__: Thank you for sharing the link on surf-115.xo18:35
dfarningsatellit_ thanks I have not tested surf yet.  Can you also follow up with lucian18:35
lucianmanusheel: satellit__: dfarning: http://people.sugarlabs.org/lucian/Surf-115.xo18:35
satellit__dfarning: firefox runs fine but does not close correctly (activity failed to start msg) and Icon remains on frame when shut down...It is not ready yet18:36
satellit__surf 115 works fine.18:36
luciansatellit__: mind you, it lacks many features18:36
luciansatellit__: they're mostly subtle features, but still18:37
satellit__I saves bookmarks on restart...cannot test collaboration : )18:37
luciansatellit__: collaboration wasn't touched during the port, it should work18:38
dfarninglucian, a browser which lacks features is better then no browser:)18:38
satellit__Open Office 4 Kids works fine as does Gcompris 15 collection18:38
luciandfarning: Browse-hulahop 115 lacks no features at all18:38
satellit__and administraion for gcompris as .xo's18:39
luciananyway, the main feature that's missing is proper profile support18:39
satellit__http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo_Activity_Test_Table#Activity_Test_Results  for USR18:39
lucianas in cookies, web databases, etc being saved in the instance/ folder18:39
satellit__ok: progress so far is nice18:40
satellit__defarning: as it is sugar emulator  logout clears firefox problem on reboot18:42
* satellit__ I mean just restart sugar from Icon on Ubuntu desktop to clear it....18:43
satellit__Update brought in 16 applications18:44
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dfarningneeraj, ping21:01
neerajdfarning: yes21:01
dfarningdo you have a minute to rebuild ubuntu-sugar-remix-default-settings and ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta in the ppa for maverick?21:03
dfarningneeraj, ^^ I am rebasing the build machine on maverick.21:04
neerajdfarning: ok21:07
neeraj*doing that21:07
dfarningneeraj, thanks, I think settings should be straight forward.21:07
dfarningneeraj, -meta might take some work because it refers to the seed files, which might need to be regenerated.21:09
neerajdfarning: Ok. I will ping u in case if I of ny problem :)21:10
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj
dfarningok, thanks.21:10
manusheeldfarning: Ok, so we are rebasing the machine on Maverick?21:14
dfarningmanusheel, yes I have update the machine and the USR process to build from Maverick.  This will eliminate the need for the ppa except for -setting and -meta21:15
dfarningmanusheel, everything else will be in universe.21:16
dfarningmanusheel, this is a big step forward.21:16
dfarningmanusheel, I think the only package with value left in the ppa is matt's turtle art work.21:18
neerajdfarning, I am unable to sign .changes file21:27
neerajneeraj@neeraj:~/documents/aug2/usr-defaul-settings$ debsign -k 3FD149A5 /home/neeraj/documents/aug2/usr-defaul-settings/ubuntu-sugar-remix-default-settings_0.0.1ubuntu3_source.changes21:27
neerajdebsign: Only a .changes, .dsc or .commands file is allowed as argument!21:27
dfarningneeraj, I am not sure what that means:(21:28
neerajdfarning, :(. I am not sure where I am making a mistake..21:29
neerajdfarning, I downloaded the package, updated the changelog and added maverick in series,21:29
neerajRan debuild -S and command.21:29
dfarningneeraj, is there a typo at -defaul-s21:29
manusheeldfarning: This is indeed a big step forward.21:31
manusheelneeraj: Don't worry. Let us examine things step by step. We'll arrive at a good conclusion.21:31
neerajdfarning, I don't think so http://paste.ubuntu.com/471952/21:31
manusheelneeraj: shouldn't it be default21:33
manusheelin first line?21:33
manusheelneeraj: /documents/aug2/usr-defaul-settings$ ls21:33
neerajmanusheel sir, thats just a folder name, I don't think so it will create problem21:33
manusheelThat is your folder.21:33
manusheelneeraj: Yes.21:34
manusheelneeraj: Please try to name your folders correctly.21:34
neerajalso I used tab to autocomplete, so I am sure that the path is correct.21:34
neerajmanusheel sir, Ok.21:35
dfarningneeraj, I have no idea how signing works..... you will have to ask one of the new packaging experts at SEETA:)21:36
manusheelneeraj: So, you are unable to sign the file, right?21:36
neerajmanusheel, dfarning I am pushing my changes and lets see what happens.21:38
manusheelneeraj: Let us try to debug it, first.21:40
neerajmanusheel, Ok. I am trying another package for testing21:40
manusheelneeraj: Sure.21:41
manusheelLet us see if we face the same issue there.21:41
neeraj_guptamanusheel, dfarning got my mistake :)22:02
dfarningneeraj_gupta, what was wrong?22:03
neeraj_guptaa really silly one... I forgot one thing..22:03
neeraj_guptadfarning, thanks :) ^^22:03
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj
manusheelneeraj: Good hacking.22:04
neeraja space between -k and id22:04
neerajit should be  "-k3FD149A5" not "-k 3FD149A5"22:05
dfarningneeraj, yah that is frustrating.  It is not all ways clear when to a space before an argument.22:06
neerajdfarning, +1 ^^22:07
manusheelneeraj: Great. Thanks for figuring this out.22:07
manusheelKeep it up.22:07
neerajdfarning, there seems to be a problem with Lp again. :(22:18
neerajI am unable to download the usr-meta package22:18
neerajCan u try it at ur end?22:18
manusheelneeraj: Send me the link.22:21
neerajmanusheel, topmost package uploaded by kandarpk https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=22:22
dfarningneeraj, argg.22:25
neerajdfarning, luckily I have source of ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta - 0.1ubuntu8-622:30
neerajwhile latest is ubuntu8-822:30
neerajas I can see the diff while, in the above two revisions only dependency on sucrose and activities were dropped.22:31
neerajdfarning, I can drop these dependencies and upload this package to maverick. :)22:31
dfarningneeraj, +1. We want at add back the sucrose-0.88 dependancy and remove the activities dependancy.22:32
neerajdfarning, Ok. So I will just drop activities from it :)22:33
dfarningneeraj, also isn't there a script that you run to rebuild the core package list.22:33
neerajdfarning, err.. please explain ^^?22:34
dfarningneeraj, can you zip the source dir and send it to me?  I can't download it either... and I forgot the file names22:35
neerajdfarning, sent22:38
dfarningneeraj, got it.22:43
dfarningneeraj, please look at update.cfg.22:44
neerajdfarning, opened22:45
dfarningneeraj, it looks like we will need to make a new section for maverick22:47
dfarningneeraj, and update the default to maverick22:48
neerajdfarning, http://typewith.me/RxBVidXL9522:49
dfarningneeraj, that was easy:)22:51
neerajdfarning, :)22:52
manusheelneeraj, dfarning :-)22:53
dfarningneeraj,  now one more step, we need to look at http://people.sugarlabs.org/dfarning/seeds/22:55
neerajdfarning, ok22:57
dfarningneeraj, the seed files is where we tell the distro what packages to include -- such as do we want openoffice or a particular video player.22:58
neerajdfarning, ok22:59
dfarningnow we need to make seed for maverick22:59
manusheeldfarning: Nice explanation of seed files.23:00
dfarningneeraj, but I need to wait until bernie gets back with my laptop before I can access sunjammer:)23:01
neerajdfarning, ok. Thanks for telling this :)23:02
manusheeldfarning: Can't we do the same thing for sunjammer too? Get you the access through the new key.23:03
dfarningneeraj, manusheel there is a good reference on seed management at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement23:03
manusheeldfarning: Kindly append the key at the end of /home/dfarning/.ssh/authorized_keys23:04
manusheeldfarning: Thanks.23:04
dfarningmanusheel, it take someone with root access to add a new key to some one else's authorizied_keys file.23:04
dfarningmanusheel, Only a few people have root on sunjammer and can do that.23:05
manusheeldfarning: Yes, that is correct.23:06
manusheeldfarning: Right. Sunjammer is not that open.23:06
manusheelIn reference to root access.23:06
dfarningmanusheel, yes.23:06
dfarningneeraj, so my mistake.... we have to wait until I get access to sunjammer.  Then we can create a new set of seed files for maverick.23:09
manusheeldfarning: Ok. And, when do we think Bernie would be back?23:09
neerajdfarning, np.. We will wait till u get access to it.23:10
dfarningneeraj, basically we will just copy the maverick seed files from the ubuntu seed machine and adopt it to our needs.23:10
dfarningmanusheel, he should be back in about 12 hours.23:10
manusheeldfarning: Ok.23:10
neerajdfarning, Ok. Like dropping some packages we don't need and adding all sugar-activities, usr-meta and usr-default packages23:11
dfarningneeraj, exactly.  There is not much need for openoffice in USR.... and it is huge.23:13
manusheeldfarning: But, we can also include it for special needs case.23:14
dfarningneeraj, can you take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement and http://people.sugarlabs.org/dfarning/seeds/23:14
neerajdfarning, ok.23:14
dfarningmanusheel, yes we can manually add it into in the build script or add in back into the seed file.23:15
dfarningmanusheel, yes we can manually add it into in the build script or add in back into the seed file.23:16
manusheeldfarning: Adding it back to the seed file would be better. We can also understand the tree structure.23:17
dfarningneeraj, after looking at those resources the -meta package and the update script in the -meta package will make more sense.23:17
dfarningmanusheel, +1 and we should really move the seed files from my home dir on sunjammer to somewhere on the build machine.23:18
manusheeldfarning: Sure. We should do that. Germinate was modified so that we could have a structure.dot file through we can understand the seed structure through graph and trees.23:20
dfarningneeraj, manusheel I need to go get dinner be back in a bit.23:20
manusheeldfarning: It is around 4:00 am here.23:21
dfarningmanusheel, yes.  it is really a a clever idea!23:21
manusheeldfarning: We might take some rest after sometime.23:21
dfarningmanusheel,  ok so I will see you in your morning")23:21
manusheeldfarning: I'll be here for sometime. Sure, we can meet in the morning too.23:21
dfarningok I be back in a bit.23:22
manusheeldfarning: Ok.23:22
neerajdfarning, I will be also around for sometime.. I m  going out to get something to eat :)23:22
neerajmanusheel sir, brb..23:22
dfarningneeraj, ttyl23:23
manusheelneeraj: Sure, Neeraj.23:23
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