
kermitJason1: back yours up, remove and install the package00:18
kermityour sshd connection wont die if yuo're remote00:19
Jason1nothing will change until I do a restart right?00:24
Jason1What about everyone's keys already in place?00:24
kermiti think changes take effect immediately00:25
kermitkeys are stored in home dirs00:25
kermitpackage management doest mess with home dirs00:25
Jason1sudo apt-get remove openssh-server ??00:26
kermityeah, or aptitude00:27
kermitno comment on the 'sudo' stuff00:27
Jason1uninstall and reinstall left the sshd_config file intact00:29
kermitohh i think thats an option, to remove config files00:30
kermittry purge instead of remove00:30
kermitbut that might kill your ssh connectio00:31
kermiti'll try00:31
kermitit doestn, so yeah try purge00:32
Jason1that worked!  Thanks!00:35
Jason1anyone in here?06:37
kermitJason1: it seems so07:04
_diablolol, seems like he didn't think you two were interesting ;)12:06
_diabloserver going down, be back later17:18

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