
=== SpyderZNC is now known as SpyderBite
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
kermiac_is there a way to upload files with a "#" at the start of the filename? e.g. "#my-test.log"05:04
duanedesignae you finding they are ignored?05:11
duanedesignprobably, or you would not be asking right :)05:12
kermiac_hey duanedesign05:13
kermiac_yes, I'm trying to sync my irssi files directory. the .log files without "#" at the beginning of the filename sync but the ones with #" at the beginning of the filenmae are ignored05:14
duanedesignkermiac_: aha i think you can05:14
kermiac_i sort of remember a list of ignored filetypes somewhere, but cant find it atm05:15
duanedesignkermiac_: gedit /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf05:16
duanedesignline 7305:16
kermiac_thanks duanedesign, looking now05:17
duanedesigni am not a reg expression preo but i think it is that one:05:17
duanedesignwell i am not a preo either :P05:18
kermiac_haha, yeah... that looks like the one. I'll try it & let you know how it goes. Thanks mate :)05:18
duanedesignwell if it doesnt work ii pasted the line so you can replace it05:19
kermiac_duanedesign: it's looking good, magicicada is showing those files with "#" in the queue :)05:20
duanedesignkermiac_: i closed bug 61143905:21
kermiac_I knew there was an ignore list somewhere, but couldn't remember where it was, thanks mate05:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 611439 in clicompanion "trying to exit clicompanion like you do a terminal does not work (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61143905:21
kermiac_duanedesign: I just got the email about 611439 a few mins ago, that's awesome! wanna take this to #ubt-dev?05:22
kermiac_yes! those "#" files are no longer being ignored... happy days :)05:23
=== JUMPA is now known as jumpa
GeorgGood Morning, just started to use Ubuntu One..but I can't add my computer to it, I can't find the link "Add this computer"..sb can help?09:22
kermiacGeorg: http://bit.ly/caHbOf should help09:25
Georgit's working, thanks dude09:27
Georgfast & good like ubuntu is :)09:27
KartiHi, not sure how many people are active at the moment but here goes :)09:49
KartiCan I partition a hard disk into two drives - create Ubuntu on the main partition and then image that basic install onto teh second partition for recovery?09:50
Kartioops wrong chat!! Sorry09:50
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=== k is now known as kermiac
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=== JUMPA is now known as jumpa
dAnjouhey, i just synced my contact from a nokia phone to ubuntu one, but no contacts appear on the website. what could have gone wrong?20:04
dAnjoueverything seemed to go well on the phone20:04
dAnjouhmm, seems to be a paid service ... then i won't use it anyway in the next time20:27
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