
vishsense: hmm , you got some weird indentations going on in that debugging wiki..08:41
sensevish: Really? In what way?08:41
* vish fixing some08:42
vishsense: oddly some words are italic and some are bold.. its wiki's fault though..08:42
sensevish: Ah, do you know how to fix that?08:42
sensemorning seb12808:43
vishsense: yeah , on it.. i'm changing the layout there.. it seems to have problems when dots are present or something..08:43
sensevish: Weird. Thanks for looking into it!08:44
thorwilvish: isn't both bold and italic done with a certain number of '08:44
seb128hey sense08:44
thorwilvish: meaning that forgetting one throws off the markup of the entire page?08:45
vishthorwil: yeah , but when you look here [ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingAyatana ] , you'll notice that the lines not meant to be italic are italic too08:45
vishthorwil: there are some forgotten markups too :)08:46
thorwilvish: having to write markup without any editor support, especially syntax highlighting is bad. tempted to say unacceptable, but as it seems to be wiki standard ...08:51
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vishsense: i think i fixed most of the markups , had to change a few lines. Just check if everything is right : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingAyatana09:23
sensevish: Am looking at it right now. Thank you!09:24
senseLooks good to me.09:24
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bratschevish around?14:43
LaserJockis the UNE PPA scheduled to get updated packages sometime soonish?14:48
jcastrodidrocks: ^^^14:51
didrocksLaserJock: either this evening or tomorrow morning14:51
didrocksLaserJock: didn't have the time with the sprint and GUADEC last two weeks14:52
LaserJockdidrocks: right, makes sense14:59
sensebratsche: There was this patch for GTK+2.0 that added the 'child-added' and 'child-removed' signals to GtkContainers. It is used by libappindicator to detect whether a submenu was added or not.15:15
sensebratsche: However, it seems the signal 'child-added' is raised too little (only once), and 'child-removed' never.15:15
sensebratsche: Is that correct and could that be the cause of libappindicator not adding submenus to AppInd menus when they are added later?15:16
bratschesense: Yeah, I'm aware of that.  It's something I'd like to fix, but it's quite an investment of time to figure out everywhere that they could be emitted from.  I think I only did the signal emission in the one point that really mattered for that particular bug, for now.15:16
bratscheIf you know of any other places where it would be a useful emission then we should emit in those places as well.15:17
sensebratsche: I think it was not at exactly the right point, since I'm facing that bug right now. Shall I take a closer look at that bug and see where else it can be emitted?15:17
sensebratsche: I'll submit a new patch and subscribe you.15:17
bratscheYeah, that would be great.15:17
senseYou're welcome. Thank you for your answer!15:17
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vishbratsche: oh hi, havent poked mpt yet , didnt wanna poke him the first thing on a Mon morn , will poke him now.. :D15:47
bratschevish: It's okay, I've already done so.15:48
vishbratsche: oh, you already merged the branch , neat thanks!  :)15:48
bratscheWe'll see what happens, maybe it will need to be backed out later but for now it's merged in.15:49
vishsense: same concern was raised for "Home" too , every language is not the same , translator needs to use best judgment16:22
sensevish: True, but Home is of a completely different kind that Restart I think, because it is a difference in word type. Verb vs noun.16:23
mptI haven't had my daily poke16:23
senseWe should give mpt some attention? Vish, anything he can look at?16:24
vishmpt: Bug 586928 today's initial dose ;)16:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 586928 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Change "Restart Required..." to "Restart To Complete Update..." (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58692816:24
vishmore to come.. ;p16:25
sensempt: There was a suggestion for a translation paper cuts project reported as a paper cut. Not sure if technically speaking that bug report would be a valid paper cut, but it is an interesting suggestion. ;)16:25
sensempt: Previously we also had an idea from Siegel to accept paper cuts for screenshots of applications shown in the Software Centre, next to the descriptions we're already accepting.16:26
senseSo there are quite some potential extra paper cuts candidates, that's for sure.16:26
vishsense: i'm thinking of what to do with that translations bug.. me dont have enough help for the main bug , are we gonna split it for every language.. ;p16:26
vishsense: seems like dpm is on it :)16:26
sensevish: Yeah, that's good. But I don't think those paper cuts should be added to the 'hundredpapercuts' project as well.16:27
sensevish: s/me/I/16:27
senseAlthough there were some other triagers active as well.16:27
sensevish: I should have some more time now GUADEC is over, but Friday we depart to England for a two week holiday, and no, that does not include a visit to Millbank. ;)16:28
vishsense: you better start fixing some bugs, else the next time i see you , i'm gonna whip you ;)16:29
senseDon't make me avoid you!16:30
senseI am learning the bzr bd-do stuff from the desktop team right now, that could help with making fixing easier for me,t hough.16:31
vishsense: cool!16:31
vishsense: there , marked it as "Opinion"16:33
vishmy first "opinion" \o/16:33
sensebratsche: I think I've found out why the 'child-added' signal didn't work: it was only triggered when you insert a menu item into a GtkMenuShell, but I think gtk_menu_item_set_submenu() is a separate function. However, I am now a bit in doubt. Should we use the "child-added" signal for both adding childs to a GtkMenuShell, and for adding a submenu to a GtkMenuItem, or should we create a new signal? The latter would be more consistent, but would defaut16:38
sensethe whole purpose of the former signal.16:38
bratscheYeah, makes sense.16:39
sensebratsche: So I could remove the child-added and child-removed signals and create a submenu-added and submenu-removed signal instead. What do you say?16:40
bratscheWell, I think the child-added may still be useful though.16:40
senseI'll keep it around.16:41
Cimibratsche: I'm in london :)17:41
Cimibratsche: do you have some patches for me? :)18:24
sensebratsche: You were right, we actually need the 'child-added' signal elsewhere in the AppInd code.18:34
bratschesense: Yeah I thought we would.  But thanks for noticing the need for the submenu-added signal.18:39
sensebratsche: You're welcome. :) That discovery made my life easier, since I need it for the Deluge AppInd.18:41
bratschesense: Nice work dude!18:41
senseDang, I broke GTK+. :P18:48
senseWait, that is not funny.18:51
davidbarthCimi: hey, how's London?19:05
sensevish: What to do with bug #602680? It is the description of a non-default package that looks a lot like a default system package. Packages like these have always bothered me because they show up in the Software Centre like any other package, but they are non-default, might replace default system parts and therefore are confusing.20:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 602680 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Description: About Myself (affected: 1, heat: 23)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60268020:40
vishsense: we should hide some of them , my VM is not booting right now , so cant really check if it is hidden or not20:42
sensevish: Last time I checked it wasn't.20:42
sensevish: There are things in place already to do so?20:42
sensevish: I'm running Maverick, I can be your VM if you want. ;)20:43
vishsense: yeah , in Maverick , we have a section called "Technical items" and a lot of items can be hidden , but not sure how they are hidden right now yet..20:43
vishsense: search , something , it will show only a few items , and the rest are hidden20:44
gambsIt provides a link to show technical items at the bottom of the search results field.20:44
senseYes, but it seems usermode isn't properly hidden by it.20:45
senseGood such a system is in place, though.20:45
sensevish: Do we forward package description bugs?20:47
vishsense: i'm sending them to debian too , but not sure everything will get accepted , thats why i attach debdiff on lp as well20:48
sensevish: And it has been you who has been generating those debdiffs?20:48
vishsense: hmm, not sure i understand your question?20:49
vishsense: hehe , you mean am I writing those debdiffs?20:49
vishsense: yup :D20:50
senseGreat work! :)20:50
vishsense: well , if I'm asking others to fix , I should fix them as well :)20:50
senseI'll try to live up to your example, although this mere mortal will probably never achieve more than the mere ghost of your greatness20:50
senseLeading by example is a good thing to do.20:51
senseIt makes other people do more easily what you tell them to do.20:51
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