
apacheloggermaco: 01:21
danttiRiddell: I'm not sure there will be a packagekit release tomorow (since Richard seems to be on holydays) do you want a diff file of the changes?01:22
danttiI'm also finishing some kpackagekit stuff which would also be nice to be in the next alpha01:23
apacheloggermaco: also a tutorial regarding qtdom: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/QtDOM_Tutorial01:24
ScottKNCommander: Please give us a fix then.  It'd be nice to be able to (at least once this cycle) get KDE to build on armel.01:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: Congratulations: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2010/08/in-case-you-missed-it.html03:06
macoapachelogger: thank you!03:09
shadeslayerneversfelde: because we wanted to sync03:35
giovawill KNetworkManager be wroking properly in KU 10.4?  10.10?06:41
giovawin 406:50
=== James147_ is now known as James147
apacheloggerstalcup: can you send me a merge directive for kdeartwork plz09:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: ping09:41
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802084300-qnorsyi45yr1tkv1 * debian/ (7 files) packaging++09:43
Riddellhmm, guess we won't be uploading 4.5.0 before freeze https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/61245710:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612457 in dpkg (Ubuntu Maverick) " regression: dpkg-deb segfaults" [Critical,Triaged]10:02
\shRiddell: I thought pitti is fixing it right now...10:04
Riddelldantti: patch against packagekit is good10:04
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802092911-h9mqi94n6ffdirhz * debian/ (ubuntu-sso-qt.install control rules) packaging++10:29
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802094232-8ul1ol0qbkezuaqm * debian/control conflict && replace the python thing10:42
Riddellmessage indicator enabled in kubuntu-default-settings for kopete and konversation, patched directory into quassel10:44
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, what do you think about turning off backup-file-saving in kate?10:44
apacheloggerjon and I find it rather annoying and useless most of the time10:44
Riddellapachelogger: on what rationale?10:44
apacheloggerleaves files all over the place10:45
apachelogger... milian suggested that something more vim-like is in the works though10:45
Riddellas an emacs user I've got used to those little twiddle files around the place and I do find them occationally useful10:45
Riddellwhat is more vim like?10:45
apacheloggerRiddell: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/recover.html10:47
apacheloggervim creates "swap" files which are a lot like the runtime backups openoffice maintains10:47
apacheloggerso in case your editor goes down you can recover your work10:47
apacheloggerwhich for me used to be more useful than the random backup kate leaves around10:48
Riddellyes that is nicer10:49
Riddellwell I'd prefer to keep it on until kate gets support for that10:49
Riddellbut I'm not too fussed10:49
RiddellI'd worry that someone would expect it to be on then get grumpy when it isn't and they've lost their work10:49
apacheloggerhm, I wonder if more people turn it off ^^10:50
apacheloggerstalcup: lol @ skeletor 10:51
* apachelogger leaves a cookie on stalcup's desk10:51
apacheloggerRiddell: I am going to repoke the desktopcouch/u1 people again today and if they don't get to merge my stuff I will upload a patched version to the archives10:52
Riddellapachelogger: or should I try poking someone?10:52
Riddell"libqt4-dev: Conflicts: libqtwebkit-dev but 2.0~week27-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is to be installed10:53
Riddellhmm, I had a feeling qt was going to get messy in lucid PPA backports10:53
apacheloggerRiddell: well you could try vertok for u1 and CardinalFang for desktopcouch10:54
Riddellapachelogger: what are the merge request URLs?10:54
apacheloggerbut from what I gather they are just busy and not really sure if they should not use some generic implementation such as python-keyring10:54
apacheloggerwhere python-keyring apparently does not provide the functionallity they need10:54
apacheloggerRiddell: ^10:55
Riddellthey'd be better waiting for the actual freedesktop cross desktop password manager I'd think10:55
Riddell(than use python-keyring)10:55
apacheloggerI do think so too10:56
apacheloggerOTOH we could just make ubuntu-sso an abstraction between keyrings and apps10:56
apachelogger(well, not for desktopcouch, but otherwise ;))10:56
apacheloggermehh....  ubuntuone-client depends on ubuntu-sso-client.10:57
apacheloggerguess which package contains the syncdaemon  ;)10:57
* apachelogger wonders if that client thingy should be virtual10:58
* apachelogger is quite the sneaky bunny today11:00
apacheloggerdpkg: considering removing ubuntu-sso-client in favour of ubuntu-sso-qt ...11:00
apacheloggerdpkg: yes, will remove ubuntu-sso-client in favour of ubuntu-sso-qt.11:00
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802100413-uqsv850bfxfkslmo * debian/control provide ubuntu-sso-client so it will be removed without breaking ubuntuone-client11:04
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802101104-m2lwztc74dttz9o8 * src/AccessToken.h fromat++11:11
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802101257-75b9okpuyzih5drx * src/api/CMakeLists.txt fix build11:13
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802101503-wtd06lx5sgso8lkv * src/statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp comment out share action as I prepare for kcm awesomeness11:15
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802101834-3vhucq7mnqo35o3k * (6 files in 2 dirs) revise kcm structure to: Ubuntu One (section) |-> General |-> Shares |-> Folders |-> Web11:19
apacheloggerhm, making multiple kcmodules into one kcm plugin is a bit of a tricky thing I see11:32
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802111023-j9tcyw8k1yqj5gfz * src/kcmodule/ (6 files) Folders is sort of working again :D12:10
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802111047-v2add8oad3vzq5zr * src/kcmodule/ (Folders.cpp Folders.h) ...if one does not forget to add them...12:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802113634-qdp5e8a9x9d4vimq * src/kcmodule/ (9 files) Add Web12:36
apacheloggergtk-recordmydesktop is the broken12:39
apacheloggerany guesses as to what language the app is written in? :P12:39
Quintasanapachelogger: pong12:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: is maverick done?12:52
apacheloggeri.e. are you done with your QA ^^12:52
QuintasanWell, I think everything is working fine12:53
QuintasanWe should make a wiki page with QA test cases12:53
RiddellI'm still QAing12:54
QuintasanRiddell: What's the result so far?12:54
Riddelleverything installed12:54
Riddellonly issue I see is when installing kde-full it removes plasma-widget-networkmanagement12:55
Riddellthink I'll change meta-kde to Recommend plasma-widget-networkmanagement not network-manager-kde12:55
apacheloggerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/u1-kcm.ogv what do you think?12:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: I agree12:56
apacheloggerNightrose: pingy, are you at work?12:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: could you please get cracking on lucid backports? :)12:56
* apachelogger is gsocing12:56
Quintasanoh, it's monday12:57
Riddellapachelogger: what's the web module for?  why is that better than using a web browser?12:58
apacheloggerit isn't it is just built in and looks neat ;)12:58
Quintasanlibqt4-dev: Conflicts: libqtwebkit-dev but 2.0~week27-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is to be installed12:59
apacheloggerparticular rationale is that initially you will not be able to remove devices (i.e. remove access permission) via the KCM, so you can easily jump to the web module and do it there12:59
Quintasanapachelogger: we do not have that package in lucid, do we?12:59
apacheloggeralso I must repeat that it looks neat ^^12:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: there are now two sources in the PPA .. the old qtwebkit and the new qtwebkit-source ... supposedly there is some conflicting going on between those two13:00
apacheloggerthat is just a guess though13:00
Quintasanand which one should we use?13:00
apacheloggerthe new one ;)13:01
apacheloggerRiddell: also, I was thinking to somehow make the general kcm also come in a info-only favor which then can embedd into kinfocenter13:02
* apachelogger finds it a bit silly that the general module lists stuff such as name and email and subscription (especially since currently you cannot even upgrade via the KCM/API)13:03
apacheloggerthe subscription that is ^^13:03
Quintasanapachelogger: Conflicts: qt3-dev-tools (<= 3:3.3.4-7), libqtwebkit-dev13:03
Quintasanin qt4-xqq13:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: for what pkg?13:04
Quintasanapachelogger: qt4-x11 in ninjas ppa13:04
Quintasanno version specified, just conflicts13:04
Quintasanand kdelibs lucid backport fails due to that13:04
apacheloggerQuintasan: what binary package13:05
apacheloggerqt4-x11 is no binary package :P13:05
Riddellapachelogger: does anyone use kinfocenter?13:05
Quintasanapachelogger: libqt4-dev13:05
apacheloggerRiddell: dunno, but it is little effort since kinfocenter also uses KCMs13:05
apacheloggerit is also neat ^^13:05
* apachelogger thinks about selling points here13:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think you will have to look into qt4-x11 then :S13:06
apacheloggerme@osiris:~$ apt-cache show libqt4-dev|grep Conflicts13:06
apacheloggerConflicts: qt3-dev-tools (<= 3:3.3.4-7)13:06
apacheloggerno confict there13:06
apacheloggerbut a breaks I have seen13:06
Quintasanapachelogger: download the debian.tar.gz for lucid backport ^_^13:07
QuintasanI will change it and reupload13:07
apacheloggerI am just saying that mav does not have no conflict so obviously lucid needs to be fix0red ^^13:07
Quintasanapachelogger: anyways to get a new dsc without source tarball?13:08
* Quintasan is too lazy to download13:08
apacheloggerwell, technically, but you really do not want to go there13:09
Quintasanit's really really bad/13:09
* apachelogger is wondering how to build the shares kcm13:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: well you need to do everything dpkg-source would be doing (calculating checksums and whatnot)13:09
QuintasanI'm too lazy to do that13:10
QuintasanMeanwhile I will get some tea and find my vaacum cleaner13:11
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802121147-ed2spnmjm8gd3l9x * src/statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp when trying to connect change the statusnotifier to indicate this13:12
* apachelogger ponders lunching13:12
* apachelogger patches a syncd again13:13
* Riddell uploads the new kdebase-workspace tar to ninjas13:16
QuintasanI do not have a lucid pbuilder13:20
Quintasansome reading for me13:27
RiddellSput: is it possible to override quassel settings?13:27
Riddellin the way we do for kde apps in our kubuntu-default-settings package13:27
Quintasanapachelogger: I belive that libqt4-dev should depend on libqtwebkit-dev13:28
Quintasanot at least recomment it 13:29
apacheloggerhow so?13:29
apacheloggerholy cheese 13:30
apacheloggerImportError: No module named ubuntu_sso13:30
debfxQuintasan: it already recommends libqtwebkit-dev13:31
QuintasanYou are not using Python, are you?13:31
Quintasanwhat the heck13:32
Quintasandebfx: no it doesn't13:32
apacheloggeryou know13:32
apacheloggerI didnt like python13:32
apacheloggernow I truely hate it13:32
Riddelldebfx: he's talking about lucid PPA13:32
apachelogger<3 ubuntuone13:32
Quintasanapachelogger: Replaces: libqtwebkit-dev13:33
QuintasanI think I should also get rid of that13:33
apacheloggeroh great13:33
Quintasanand, qtwebkit or qtwebkit-source?13:33
apacheloggersomething is leaking into plasma again13:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: latter13:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: and yes supposedly you should13:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: just hold on to maverick for reference13:34
RiddellQuintasan: is there a reason kdeaccessibility isn't in bzr?13:34
QuintasanRiddell: I probably didn't push13:34
QuintasanRiddell: pushed13:37
SputRiddell: depends on what you plan to do13:37
Quintasanapachelogger: so no recommends on libqtwebkit? :<13:37
RiddellSput: turn off systray icon, turn on message indicator13:37
* Quintasan thinks that would solve tons of problems with that13:38
SputRiddell: mmmh, can your way of doing that drop config files in users' $HOME? or does it need to be a systemwide file in /etc?13:38
RiddellQuintasan: libqt4-dev does recommend libqtwebkit-dev in maverick so that's fine to add, but packages shouldn't expect that (it's a circular dependency)13:38
RiddellSput: needs to be system wide13:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: not if it is not in mav13:39
RiddellSput: at the moment I've patched it which is ok but not very elegant13:39
Sputhokay, I'd need to write something for that, I guess... we don't have a global settings file atm13:39
QuintasanI see13:39
RiddellSput: that's what I thought13:39
RiddellSput: here the patch incase you want to check I'm not breaking anything :)  http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_02_enable_message_indicator.diff13:40
SputRiddell: that looks straightforward enough :)13:41
yofelRiddell: do you know someone from the sru team that can take a look at bug 573785? 13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573785 in qtm (Ubuntu) "QTM crashes when a window is launched" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57378513:42
QuintasanRiddell: what about that Kopete patch, did you look into it or I should make a hell on earth in #kopete? ^_^13:42
apachelogger KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::LocalWallet(), 0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous); yields 013:43
Quintasantwo hours of spare time while qt is rebuilding13:43
apacheloggertoday is super strange13:44
apacheloggerand wth does kwallet source not obey kdelibs coding standard13:44
RiddellQuintasan: go ahead and put it in bzr13:44
RiddellQuintasan: do you still need lichts?13:47
Riddellyofel: I can upload to unapproved queue, then jdong or devfil are probably good to ping13:47
yofelok, that would help, thanks13:48
* apachelogger is wondering why xdg-open launches chrome13:48
QuintasanRiddell: yes, I will be working on it in a while13:49
Quintasannot today13:49
Quintasanunless kdelibs import is fixed I can't do anything13:49
Quintasanand shadeslayer reported it will be fixed in few days13:49
yofelthe bug is set to 'In Progress' for the vcs-imports so that should be fixed soon I hope13:50
Riddellyofel: uploaded13:51
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802125041-sbkrs9gdnhnsc21r * src/AccessToken.cpp do not call realmKey() multiple times in one function13:51
Riddellso, ninjas, who's in favour of uploading 4.5.0 now to maverick for alpha 3?13:51
Riddellthe random number generator on https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ says "i3863 250 jobs (14 minutes)" so I guess we have buildds to use13:52
Riddellpoor old PPA buildds "i3864 999 jobs (four days)" what is that all about13:52
apacheloggerI think that is indeed very random ^^13:52
* apachelogger is also wondering how that gets calcd to begin wiht13:52
QuintasanRiddell: Well, I'm pretty sure it works. So I'd vote in favour13:53
apacheloggerI am in favor of asking the universal decision maker13:53
Quintasaneight ball?13:53
apacheloggerunfrotunately it is dead13:53
apacheloggerso lets use an 8ball plz13:53
apacheloggerunfortunately we do not have an rbot so we cannot do it in here13:54
apacheloggerwhat a chain of fail13:54
apacheloggerRiddell: lets just upload13:54
Riddellit's a decision!13:54
RiddellI'll start preparing the upload, probably about half an hour for objections :)13:54
apacheloggerfrom ubuntu_sso import DBUS_IFACE_AUTH_NAME, DBUS_PATH_AUTH13:55
apacheloggersupposedly they plan on renaming the dbus iface name13:55
* apachelogger should have gone on lunch break when he pondered13:56
* Riddell pushes apachelogger to lunchpad13:58
* apachelogger giggles14:00
* yofel notes that it might take a while as the vending machines on lunchpad like to time out usually14:01
QuintasanRiddell: speak about the devil14:03
Quintasankdelibs import is fixed14:03
RiddellQuintasan: goodness14:04
RiddellQuintasan: if you're onto kdelibs does this mean qt daily builds are available and working?14:04
shadeslayerRiddell: we pwn all builders for alpha 314:04
shadeslayerRiddell: yep14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: where?14:05
shadeslayerRiddell: at ~neon?14:05
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa14:06
shadeslayerour ppa size was bumped14:06
QuintasanBazaar Subversion Plugin Edit  Fix Released14:06
Riddell"project-neon-qt   12 days ago "  not very daily :)14:07
Riddellshadeslayer: is that from qt git head?14:07
shadeslayerah Quintasan update that :P14:07
shadeslayerRiddell: kde-qt i believe14:07
Quintasanthis is kde-qt14:07
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude.. put the recipe online then i can trigger builds as well14:07
Quintasanthere were no further commits I belive14:07
shadeslayerusing the web ui14:07
Riddellweb ui?14:08
Riddellhmm, no yuiry to fix bug 60212914:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602129 in userconfig (Ubuntu Maverick) "userconfig fails to build from source in maverick" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60212914:08
Riddellwee task for anyone not already busy with 5 other tasks ^^14:09
QuintasanPending build on 2010-08-05 (estimated) Maverick Project Neon14:11
Quintasanshadeslayer: Import started 2 hours ago on russkaya and finished 2 hours ago taking a minute — see the log14:11
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802131116-4n4kdu0ogtnzws8r * src/ (__init__.py AuthHandler.cpp CMakeLists.txt) mess with the python foo to make the syncdaemon work again ... what a mess ...14:11
Quintasanno newer imports on kde-qt14:11
RiddellI wonder who maintains the kde-qt git branch14:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: awesome :)14:14
shadeslayerbut small problem14:14
shadeslayerwe need custom kdmrc14:14
shadeslayerbecause we need to launch kde neon or kde normal from kdm14:15
Quintasanare we building kde yet?14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^14:15
shadeslayernot yet ^_^14:15
Quintasanso, chill out14:15
QuintasanStart 2010-08-0514:16
Quintasanin three days14:16
Quintasannothing to laugh at14:17
Quintasanwe are stalled at best14:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: btw you initiated build of kdelibs?14:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: wah?14:20
apacheloggerwhat yo uneed is an xsession desktop file14:20
apacheloggersee /usr/share/xsession(s)14:20
shadeslayeryeah that too14:20
shadeslayerand we need to put that as a custom entry in kdmrc14:21
shadeslayeror thats what i think....14:21
apacheloggeryou would not be running neon kdm anyway14:21
apacheloggeronly a mad man would14:21
apacheloggerbesides, maintaining that sort of thing is quite the effort14:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude where is the fricking kdelibs import?14:22
* apachelogger has loads of ideas today14:22
shadeslayeri cant find it :P14:22
yofelhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/kdelibs/kde4 ?14:22
shadeslayerthanks yofel14:22
apacheloggerRiddell: we could take over ubuntu-sso-client and support gnome-keyring too ... I sort of feel like looking more into Qt plugin creation, so our ubuntu-sso would then have a kwallet and keyring plugin14:22
* apachelogger also notes that this would eliminate the need to link against kwallet which is a bit odd because the thing itsel fis called ubuntu-sso-qt ;)14:23
shadeslayerapart from that .. its still pulling in stuff14:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: fail!14:31
debfxRiddell: attached a debdiff to bug #60212914:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602129 in userconfig (Ubuntu Maverick) "userconfig fails to build from source in maverick" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60212914:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: were still stuck :)14:33
shadeslayerbecause it wont happen till lp releases new stuff14:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: we get to work next week14:38
Riddelldebfx: have I ever said you rock?14:39
Riddelldebfx: uploaded thanks14:40
Quintasanthey should learn to release stuff like that immediately14:42
shadeslayerdebian dev says we dont co operate much ^_^14:47
shadeslayerRiddell: err.. why was the nm widget removed?14:48
Riddellask him what he'd like to see14:48
Riddellshadeslayer: because I installed kde-full which recommends network-manager-kde which conflicts with the plasma widget14:49
shadeslayeroh i see14:49
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/eQ1xSqb514:49
shadeslayerline 20 onwards :P14:49
Riddellshadeslayer: curious, our webkitkde package was uploaded 18 months ago, Debian's was uploaded 12 months ago, seems like he should be contacting us14:52
Riddelland since you did contact him, not sure what the issue is14:53
shadeslayerRiddell: maybe because we didnt send him the fix for a packaging bug? :)14:54
sheytanhi guys14:55
sheytani have a question14:56
sheytan will someone fix that 'lost and found' section in system settings for kde 4.5 and packages for lucid?14:56
sheytani mean, they should go to related categories14:56
Riddellsheytan: yes that needs to be fixed14:57
Riddellvolunteers welcome14:57
sheytanRiddell i woul help, but im not a dev :(14:58
shadeslayersheytan: you dont need to be... :P14:58
* Riddell puts the "I'm a dev" hat on sheytan 14:58
sheytanshadeslayer, then what shoul i do to fix?14:58
shadeslayerim pressed for time myself :P14:58
shadeslayerhmm.. 14:58
shadeslayersheytan: first test if you still have the problem14:59
sheytanshadeslayer yep14:59
sheytani'm on kde 4.5 right now14:59
shadeslayersheytan: with new 4.5 release ;)14:59
QuintasanRiddell: Do you think if I could apply for kubuntu-dev now?14:59
Riddellsheytan: look at the Categories= line in the .desktop files in /usr/share/kde4/services/14:59
Riddelland work out what it should be based on other .desktop files that aren't broken15:00
shadeslayersheytan: you have the RC right?15:00
sheytanshadeslayer yes15:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: is lucid backporting done?15:00
RiddellQuintasan: maybe, I'd need to review your packaging skills, can't hurt to update your wiki page in preparation though15:00
shadeslayersheytan: actually there was a final release :)15:01
shadeslayerwhich is being worked on :P15:01
sheytanshadeslayer but no packages :D15:01
shadeslayeryoud think so :P15:01
RiddellQuintasan: does amarok crash for you on startup?15:01
sheytanshadeslayer i know that someone is working on them, to propably release packages with kde release :D15:01
shadeslayersheytan: yep.. ok so now, in maverick i have this under lost and found : http://imgur.com/i1UnA15:02
RiddellQuintasan: kdepimlibs not pushed?15:03
sheytanshadeslayer i have some more, but im working on this. I'll try to put things where they should be ;)15:03
Riddellsheytan: we have maverick packages if you want to help test15:03
sheytani think i know how :D15:03
shadeslayersure :D15:03
sheytanRiddell i need to upgrade to maveric, righty?15:04
shadeslayersheytan: yep15:04
sheytanshadeslayer: font: where from? :D15:04
shadeslayersheytan: ubuntu private ppa ;)15:04
shadeslayerits the ubuntu font15:04
sheytanshadeslayer link?15:04
shadeslayersheytan: only ubuntu members get access :p15:04
shadeslayerits pretty good looking right?15:05
Riddellsheytan: yes, if you're on lucid hang around and we'll get you to test the lucid packages when they're done15:05
sheytanRiddell sure :)15:05
sheytanshadeslayer it looks awesome :D15:05
shadeslayerhmm.. ok .. so im upgrading kde to 4.5 from ninja ppa :P15:05
sheytanwill be included in mm?15:05
shadeslayeryet to be decided15:05
Riddellshadeslayer: kdegames not pushed?15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: ubuntu fonts had a new release15:05
sheytanshadeslayer vote for it :D15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: pushed to bzr about 15 mins ago15:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: did you fix kde4libs?15:06
shadeslayeror should i15:06
shadeslayerok err15:07
shadeslayerneeds changelog merge15:07
RiddellI did that15:09
Riddellno I didn't15:09
RiddellI did something else15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: ok so i should fix in bzr right?15:09
sheytani know how to fix it :D15:10
sheytanbut who's that one who's resposible for that? :D15:10
sheytani mean, someone needs to make those changes15:10
sheytanto put to packages15:10
shadeslayerwell you can send in patches to use15:11
shadeslayer*us 15:11
debfxRiddell: I have another fix for some virtuoso upgrade issues: #60887815:11
shadeslayerand then kde upstream i guess15:11
debfxbug #60887815:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608878 in virtuoso-opensource (Ubuntu) "package libvirtodbc0 6.1.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/odbc/virtodbc_r.so', which is also in package virtuoso-nepomuk 6.1.0-0ubuntu4" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60887815:11
sheytanshadeslayer i don't know how to create them :D15:11
shadeslayerRiddell: im pushing the commit to bzr if thats ok15:11
shadeslayersheytan: ah simple : diff -Nru old.file new.file15:12
shadeslayerdiff -Nru old.file new.file >name.patch15:12
Riddell~kubuntu-users added to beta font ppa group15:13
sheytanshadeslayer see you in few minutes then :D15:13
Riddellfirst time that team has had any purpose15:13
shadeslayerRiddell: saw that on lp ;)15:13
shadeslayersheytan: ciao15:13
shadeslayeri meant #launchpad15:13
shadeslayerRiddell: im pushing to bzr branch then 15:16
Riddellhttp://twitter.com/undacuvabrutha  "UDS N (11.04) will be in Orlando, Florida (Oct 25-29). With Disney AND Ubuntu there, it will now truly be the happiest place on earth :P" <--  date for your diary folks 15:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/20junXnV < hahahaha15:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: what is wrong with kde4libs?15:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: the bzr branch :P15:17
shadeslayeri fixed it now15:18
shadeslayerwaiting for Riddell's nod15:18
Quintasanapachelogger - ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED - Write the longest changelog entry ever seen15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: is there a blong entry about the next UDS? :)15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: blogs?  everything is on twitter now don't you know15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: nod15:20
shadeslayerRiddell: i still like the blogz15:20
* Quintasan wants to go but he is still minor15:21
Quintasanjust few months15:22
* Quintasan gets in queue each UDS15:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: uh.. how old are you? :)15:22
shadeslayer18 :P15:22
QuintasanI belive I'm the youngest one here15:22
sheytandooone ;D15:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: i could have come earlier...15:23
shadeslayerbut i was unsure i could do it15:23
Quintasanshadeslayer: are you patching desktop files?15:23
Quintasansheytan: ^15:23
sheytanshadeslayer i replaced the oryginal files :D15:24
shadeslayerok im off to get my broken phone back from repairs15:24
sheytancan i still make a patch from?15:24
Quintasansheytan: well, I would go and poke upstream first, if they are too lazy to do that then we are going to patch it15:24
shadeslayeroriginal files ? 0_o15:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: well15:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: i dont think even his patch will get in before 4.5.1 :P15:24
sheytanyep  :D15:24
Quintasancp desktop.files desktopfile.orgin15:24
Quintasanedit desktop.file15:24
shadeslayeroh i see15:25
Quintasandiff -Nru desktop.file destkopfile.orgin15:25
Quintasandiff -Nru desktop.file destkopfile.orgin > desktopfile.diff15:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: i did that mistake too :P15:25
shadeslayersheytan: awesome15:25
Quintasansheytan: do the steps and you will have ready patches for us15:25
sheytanQuintasan can i send you those fixed files, you'll make paatches?15:25
Quintasanor upstream15:25
Quintasansheytan: I'm busy with controlling meat on mah grill15:26
sheytanoh :D15:26
shadeslayerRiddell: kdelibs fix0red in bzr have fun :D15:26
shadeslayershadeslayer out15:26
sheytanthen i need the original files15:26
Quintasanjust get those diffs around and I (or someone else) will upload them15:26
sheytani have rc2 on my vbox 15:27
sheytanwill get the oryginal files from there :D15:27
Riddellsheytan: which modules needed fixing?15:27
sheytanRiddell k3b, usermanagement, touchpad, gtk appearence, other notifications15:28
Quintasansheytan: The best thing would be to read those desktop files to find out the author15:28
sheytanRiddell ive got fixed desktop files, maybe i can send them to you, then you create paches?15:28
Quintasanand go to #kde-devel and make sure they know that15:29
Riddellsheytan: dpkg -S <nameof.desktop>  will show you the source package15:29
sheytanQuintasan, but only k3b is the default for KDE :)15:29
* Quintasan loves pushing work on upstream15:29
Riddellthen   apt-get source <source-package>15:29
Riddellthen make a diff and put it in debian/patches/<appropriate name>15:29
Riddellthen dch -i  to add a changelog entry15:29
Riddelldebuild -S  to build a source package15:30
Riddelldebdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc    and you're done!15:30
Riddellsheytan: want to try following that?15:30
sheytanRiddell i think it would be easier when i send them to you :)15:31
sheytanth fixed files15:31
Riddellsheytan: send them to kubuntu-devel mailing list then15:32
sheytanRiddell how to ;d15:32
shadeslayersheytan: send mail with patches to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com15:33
shadeslayerpatches as attachments :P15:33
shadeslayerRiddell: sent in a suggestion regarding fonts15:33
Riddellshadeslayer: what is autohinting?15:34
shadeslayerRiddell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Font_hinting15:34
shadeslayerit makes your desktop look *way* better15:35
Quintasanqt built!15:35
Quintasankdelibs 4 lucid fixxxoring15:35
shadeslayerapparently i dont need to go :D15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: did you enable the autohinting ?15:37
shadeslayerdantti: question regarding kpk15:38
shadeslayerwill you fix the bug where kpk keeps checking for updates even when i disabled it?15:39
danttishadeslayer: how did you disable it?15:39
Riddellshadeslayer: not yet, don't want to restart X just now15:40
stalcupapachelogger: merge directive?15:40
shadeslayerdantti: http://imgur.com/XpQQM15:40
shadeslayerRiddell: ah ok :)15:40
sheytando you think we can move printer to hardware from system admin.?15:40
danttishadeslayer: that's not kpk15:40
Riddellsheytan: yes I think that would be sensible15:41
shadeslayeri thought that was... :P15:41
sheytanRiddell ok ;)15:41
shadeslayerdantti: whuz it then?15:41
Riddellshadeslayer: that's a kubuntu patch to kpackagekit to launch software-properties15:42
Riddellwhich is a standalone app15:42
danttishadeslayer: yup, the actuall configuration is hidden15:42
shadeslayernow why would that be :p15:42
Riddellbecause software-properties gives much more control over the setup than packagekit can15:43
danttikind of an integration problem, imo it's nicer for kpk to check for updates (since you see an icon on systray that you can easily cancel)15:43
danttibut about setting sources Riddell is right15:44
shadeslayerdidnt know ..15:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://imgur.com/gallery/OBTHR >> WOW15:46
yofelshadeslayer: the 2009 variant even has shock-resistance built-in :P15:53
shadeslayeryofel: lol15:53
sheytanRiddell i send the desktop files. Can you check if they're there? :D15:54
sheytanRiddell i can't post to this mailing list :(15:58
Riddellsheytan: you should subscribe then15:58
sheytanRiddell how can i15:58
shadeslayerwe should have that link in the topi15:59
Riddellour topic is long enough15:59
Quintasanoh god16:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: how is that thing even running :p16:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: we have a issue :)16:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://pastebin.com/JmgLE2U716:06
shadeslayerand subscribe to the kde-packager list :P16:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: I did that16:08
Quintasanbut they won't approve16:08
shadeslayerQuintasan: poke Riddell then :P16:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: and you are pastebining me some mail without any info about the "problem"16:09
Quintasando we even know how to reproduce it?16:09
QuintasanRiddell: poke16:09
shadeslayerdude.. repackage kdebase-workspace :P16:09
Quintasanrepackage with what?16:09
QuintasanI'll look into it myself16:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude.. new tarball16:10
Quintasankdebase-workspace 2 hours 20 minutes ago16:10
Quintasanshadeslayer: nice timing ^16:10
QuintasanRiddell did that16:11
shadeslayerhehe :)16:11
sheytanhahaha, i made a mouse KCM from the touchpad :D16:14
sheytanneed to fix :D16:14
ScottKRiddell: I see you decided "before Alpha 3" for
shadeslayerRiddell: any ideas when we can apply for UDS?16:19
shadeslayersheytan: id rather have a patch than the whole file :D16:21
sheytanshadeslayer, it's too much work for me for the first time. :D I have never done it before16:21
sheytanand i have to go now, but i think you  guys can make it :)16:22
sheytanok, guys. I hope i helped a little :)16:23
sheytanSee you soon, bye :)16:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: lol @ https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/1899415/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.kde4libs_4:4.5.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:23
shadeslayersheytan: thanks !16:23
sheytanwelcome :)16:23
ScottKRiddell: I can help out with sponsoring in a couple of hours.  I'll just need to know where to start.16:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: btw if you fix that FTBFS do tell me how you did it16:31
debfxfix for gtk kcm category: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/kcm-gtk_0.5.3-0ubuntu6.debdiff16:33
shadeslayerdebfx: can you help with https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/1899415/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.kde4libs_4:4.5.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:34
debfxshadeslayer: does it also ftbfs in a local pbuilder?16:39
shadeslayeridk ill have to check :P16:39
shadeslayerbut i have no lucid pbuilder16:39
shadeslayeri think its a error on part of the builder16:40
debfxthat error message is very mysterious16:41
shadeslayerpoor i386 ppa builders16:41
shadeslayerdebfx: yep16:42
debfxany reason why the latest qt4-x11 version isn't backported?16:42
yofelshadeslayer: is that an dpkg-deb fail? (I don't have access to the log so I'm guessing)16:42
debfxit contains all the fixes and transitional packages that are necessary16:42
yofeloh wait, that's lucid16:43
debfxis it because we want to keep libqt4-multimedia on lucid?16:43
shadeslayeryofel: it was a dpkg-deb fail tho.. exit error 1 16:43
yofelthere was a dpkg-deb segfault on maverick, but that's fixed I think16:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: lol, qt4-x11 was borken16:44
Quintasanconflicting with libqtwebkit-dev16:44
RiddellScottK: I think my bandwidth should be sufficient16:44
QuintasanI uploaded fix and now retrying16:44
shadeslayeralready retried kde4libs ;)16:45
Quintasanbbl playing HoN16:45
debfxQuintasan: what's the reason for not updating the backport to ubuntu3?16:47
Riddelldebfx: probably only that python-qt4 would need changes16:49
Riddellrekonq hasn't crashed since updating to 4.5 final16:50
Riddellon the other hand amarok has several times16:50
shadeslayerhehe :p16:51
shadeslayerreplace amarok with clementine :D16:51
shadeslayerdebfx: i think its a problem with  /var/cache/apt/archives/libqtwebkit-dev_2.0~week27-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_amd64.deb16:53
shadeslayerdebfx:  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/modules/qt_webkit_version.pri', which is also in package qt4-qmake 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa217:00
debfxshadeslayer: there's still the old qtwebkit source package in the ppa17:00
shadeslayerbah... :S17:00
debfxi'll remove it and backport qt4-x11 -ubuntu317:01
shadeslayerawesome 17:01
shadeslayerdebfx: can you ping me when its done? so i can upload kdepimlibs?17:03
debfxhm, do we really want to backport the qtwebkit split?17:07
shadeslayerapparently yes17:08
Riddelllots of people joining ~kubuntu-user today17:12
shadeslayerhaha :P17:13
shadeslayerRiddell: testing testing :P17:13
debfxthat will break the build-dependencies of some packages (all the ones we fixed in maverick)17:16
debfxunless we add a circular dependency17:16
shadeslayerdebfx: if we dont.. we break kdelibs17:16
shadeslayerso choose :)17:16
RiddellI don't mind breaking build-dependencies much17:17
Riddellso long as people can install all packages ok17:17
Quintasanlibs failed?17:23
Quintasanand epic timeouts on LP as usual17:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: qtwebkit is broke17:23
shadeslayerdebfx is fix0ring17:23
Quintasandebfx: will you retry kdelibs then?17:24
debfxQuintasan: yes, can do that17:24
shadeslayerand then i can upload pimlibs17:24
debfxRiddell: could you please retry https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konq-plugins/4:4.4.0-2ubuntu217:26
Riddelldebfx: done17:28
shadeslayerRiddell: uploaded kdegames but not kdelibs? :P17:28
shadeslayerand sparc fails right away17:28
shadeslayerwhich was pretty quick17:29
Riddellshadeslayer: ScottK likes them uploaded in reverse17:29
shadeslayerwhut? why ? :D17:29
danttiRiddell: if you push packagekit today can we change it later for the beta?17:32
shadeslayerRiddell: do you manually download all sources and upload one by one? :P17:33
Riddelldantti: yes17:34
shadeslayerand kdeedu goes down as well17:34
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, I get the tar from ktown and the packaging from bzr17:34
shadeslayerquite the effort aint it :P17:34
Riddellshadeslayer: uploading in reverse alledgedly puts arm builds into build wait rather than fail so they start again when the dependencies are done17:35
* shadeslayer points out that kde is still updating tarballs on ktown17:35
apacheloggerbzr help send17:41
apacheloggerstalcup: ^17:41
apacheloggermerge directive17:41
* shadeslayer gets spammed by the LP17:43
* shadeslayer dances with apachelogger in the rains17:43
shadeslayerits raining pythons and rubies :P17:43
apacheloggerno rains here :P17:43
shadeslayerno kubotu ... :P17:43
shadeslayerelse we could have made it rain there too 17:44
* shadeslayer looks at karma shoot up17:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: we now ownz the official builders18:08
* Riddell gets spammed by people joining ~kubuntu-users18:08
shadeslayerill save this screenshot forever http://imgur.com/gTKdB18:09
shadeslayerRiddell: how did so many people come to know?18:09
RiddellI e-mailed kubuntu-users mailing list18:09
shadeslayeroh great :P18:10
shadeslayerhow many did we have before the email?18:10
Riddellno idea18:10
* shadeslayer guesses 550 or something18:10
shadeslayeri think ^18:10
shadeslayernow we have 660 :P18:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: we had releases where we litterally owned the whole build farm18:10
apacheloggerwell, almost18:10
apacheloggerPPA builds && archive builds18:11
apacheloggerthat was madness, I tell you ^^18:11
shadeslayerdebfx: is qt fixed?18:11
apacheloggerRiddell: should I upload l10n? ... it is not getting imported in time anyway I suppose18:11
shadeslayeror make that qtwebkit18:11
debfxshadeslayer: qt is building18:12
shadeslayerso we shall know in 1 hour18:12
Riddellapachelogger: yes if you have the time and bandwidth18:15
Riddelldebfx: this is in lucid?18:16
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802171649-37wt5gj5pfe67ctq * src/kcmodule/Module.ui revise element order18:16
debfxRiddell: yes, lucid18:17
Riddelldebfx: what's the plan for qt in lucid?18:17
debfxRiddell: the plan is to keep qtmultimedia for now18:19
debfxand backport qtwebkit as it is in maverick18:19
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802171954-9v1nvkq38ljqpfox * src/kcmodule/ (InfoWidget.cpp InfoWidget.h InfoWidget.ui CMakeLists.txt) Fork-off information junk from KCM18:20
ScottKRiddell: I'm around now.  Is there still stuff that needs uploading?18:32
RiddellScottK: it's all uploaded18:33
Riddellexcept kde-l10n which is eating up apachelogger's bandwidth18:33
ScottKOK.  Cool.18:33
Riddelland we can't do lucid packaging until qt compiles18:33
apacheloggerhow very true18:33
Riddellso it's all eerily quiet18:33
* ScottK urges NCommander to peddle faster on kdebindings for armel.18:33
apacheloggerRiddell: do you happen to know if I can embedd a KCM inside a KCM?18:35
apacheloggerlike KCM A has a layout and that layout counts a KCM B and some other stuff18:36
Riddellapachelogger: that sounds unwise18:36
apacheloggerRiddell: how so?18:36
Riddellwouldn't the signals get all confused?18:36
apacheloggerno, B would be a child of A18:37
nigelbapachelogger: I just talked to somone about fluffy18:37
nigelband he hadn't heard of it.  this is how it was introduced.18:38
nigelb < rww> AlanBell: see http://apachelog.wordpress.com/ . The relevant entries are the ones containing large quantities of pink.18:38
apacheloggerRiddell: well, maybe it is not a good idea at all ... but I was thinking since a widget containing the ubuntuone infos such as username and email would need to be hooked up with the API and permit resets to defaults etc. 18:39
apacheloggernow doing that indivdually for every application that might or might not use the widget is a bit ugly, so I was thinking that I do that in a parenting KCM as sort of convenience layer18:40
apacheloggerthat way I can have the General KCM contain the info KCM, where I just need to hook up those two with their load, save, defaults functions and do not need to worry about the API foo18:41
apacheloggerand at the same time that also allows usage in kinfocenter of course ;)18:42
apacheloggernigelb: ha! terrific :D18:42
nigelbapachelogger: :)18:42
debfxScottK: do you want to sponsor some bug fixes? :)18:45
ScottKdebfx: Maybe.18:45
debfxScottK: bug #60887818:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608878 in virtuoso-opensource (Ubuntu) "package libvirtodbc0 6.1.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/odbc/virtodbc_r.so', which is also in package virtuoso-nepomuk 6.1.0-0ubuntu4" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60887818:46
ScottKRiddell: The way we are using breaks in meta-kde now makes it so stuff starts to fail rather than depwait once it's updated.  That's the one that should wait until last in the future.18:47
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802174926-q1d635nh2ya17dbp * src/kcmodule/ (InfoWidget.cpp InfoWidget.h InfoWidget.ui) infowidget complete (looks like it anyway)18:49
shadeslayerim yet to figure a way on how to use http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/oxygen-transparent?content=12775218:50
shadeslayeroh wait18:50
shadeslayeraha! :D18:51
ScottKdebfx: Why do we need virtuoso-opensource-6.0 as a transitional package?  Won't it just get pulled in by the newer virtuoso-foo package?18:51
debfxScottK: the prerm script of the old virtuoso-opensource-6.0 fails because it wants to create a symlink that already exists18:52
debfxso the prerm script of the transitional package needs to take care of the cleanup18:52
sheytanRiddell packages ready? :D18:53
ScottKWhat's the conffile and why is it moved?18:53
debfxScottK: the init script, it's removed18:54
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802175412-ijnoopvbm1fn1zpx * src/kcmodule/ (InfoWidget.cpp InfoWidget.h) Ok, it was not complete :P18:54
debfxScottK: it just checks if virtuoso is installed so it starts even if 6.1 is installed18:55
ScottKI see.18:55
ScottKDoes 6.1 have it's own initscript?18:56
debfxbut don't ask me why the package needs to have versioned names in the first place18:57
ScottKThat's normal for shared libraries, but those don't generally have initscripts.18:57
debfxit seems to only have private shared libraries18:59
shadeslayerRiddell: will the whole of KDE be done in 12 hours?19:00
shadeslayerthen i can upgrade from my college wifi @ 300 KBps19:01
ScottKshadeslayer: Which architecture?19:03
stalcupthere's always the ppa19:04
shadeslayerthen i have to upgrade at 70 KBps :P19:04
shadeslayerstalcup: then i have to upgrade again when the release is fully build19:04
apacheloggeroh oh oh19:04
ScottKdebfx: Why does the old package fail to upgrade?19:04
stalcupbut then again, with the speed in which apachelogger makes fixes - you'll be updating all the time :o19:05
apacheloggerRiddell: this actually seems to be working just fine19:05
* apachelogger doesnt follow19:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: hows koo boon too one coming along?19:06
debfxScottK: it tries to create a symlink that already exists: ln -s /etc/init.d/$VOS_SERVER /etc/init.d/virtuoso19:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: broken19:11
* apachelogger was just refactoring when suddenly he found himself in a rewrite19:12
ScottKdebfx: OK.19:13
apacheloggerthis is scary19:14
NCommanderScottK: its on my TODO list. When I get to it, I don't know19:15
apacheloggerGeneralModule(KCM) has a layout which contains a InfoModule(KCM) which has a layout which contains a InfoWidget(QWidget) which has loads of stuff19:16
* ScottK writes Kubuntu on armel off for Alpha 3.19:16
apacheloggermadness prevails again19:16
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802181653-6to6zdf6jbssd68x * src/kcmodule/ (5 files) Hello InfoModule19:17
Quintasandebfx: did you fix the things you had to?19:18
Quintasandebfx: thanjs19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: hehe :P19:19
shadeslayerwill it be finished in time for pencils down19:19
debfxQuintasan: i'm not really sure if it fixes the problem as the error message doesn't contain any useful information19:20
apacheloggerall your kinfocenter are belong to us!19:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: I shall hope so19:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: 'looks' good :)19:20
shadeslayerwhy is your composting off?19:21
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802182106-gizs5hc2lb95vfb4 * src/kcmodule/ (ubuntuone-info.desktop CMakeLists.txt) add service desktop file to bring u1 love to kinfocenter :D19:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: dunno19:21
apacheloggerI turned it off because at times my system gets sluggish from it19:22
apacheloggernow I cant turn it on anymore19:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: tried alt+shift+F12 ?19:22
apacheloggerthat is one cruel cat owner19:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: does not do the help19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: your cat?19:24
apacheloggermine is locked away19:26
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/2010-01-06 23.19.54.jpg19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: i like http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/26751_1382647654862_1492093627_31029533_7507863_n.jpg19:27
Quintasanapachelogger: Hey /b/?19:28
QuintasanWhat were you expecting from /b/ lurker?19:28
apacheloggerwell ... darth vader likes to shop in vienna19:28
shadeslayerhehe :P19:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: you haz own cloud on kollide? :O19:30
apacheloggerI does obviously :P19:31
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802183230-v9b961qt5zkv3sfw * src/api/ (Api.cpp Api.h) do not typedef stuff publicly as to prevent header includes!19:33
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802183303-3od0olk2a2imozx4 * src/kcmodule/ (6 files) And Folders became FolderModule19:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: heh kollide.net says "Coming Soon" for the past ... how many years?19:34
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802183446-4z8ia2bi4zmo8ft9 * src/kcmodule/ (WebModule.cpp WebModule.h CMakeLists.txt Module.cpp) And Web became WebModule19:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: well it is not particularly important stuff is it 19:36
shadeslayernah :P19:37
shadeslayerwho gets a account on kollide btw>19:37
apacheloggerthose who ask and have reason to get one19:38
* apachelogger loves where this kcm stuff is going19:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: this changelog pwns apachelogger http://pastebin.com/aiP7CTJc19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is just a long list of things that wer applied over time :P19:44
shadeslayerstill ... bigger changelog entry than yours 19:45
Riddell"thesoul-reaper joined kubuntu-users" oh my, we're in trouble now19:59
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
stalcupoh bother, did something cause build failures in amd64?20:01
Riddellkde4libs not being done yet probably20:02
stalcupah, crap20:02
shadeslayerstalcup: yeah wait for like.. 2-3 hours :P20:02
shadeslayerim getting a mail from all the buildd's complaining about FTBFS20:03
stalcupthe whole one package I was able to do is failing, the logs verify a stack failure20:03
Riddelljust have patience, we'll retry them as the build-deps get done20:04
stalcupit's fine, I was just worried that it was something I missed20:04
shadeslayerim off to sleep anyways20:06
shadeslayernight all! :D20:06
stalcuplol, i'm getting ready to go to work!  20:06
shadeslayermay the KDE be with you :P20:06
Riddellnight shadeslayer, happy work stalcup 20:07
shadeslayerhappy work? :D20:08
Riddellqt4 build in kubuntu-ninjas for lucid, just needs to be published20:09
shadeslayeri might as well upload kdepimlibs then20:10
ScottKshadeslayer: Don't worry about the Maverick FTBFS.  I'm tracking them and will do retries as needed.20:11
shadeslayerawesome ^20:11
ScottKThe trick (for next time) is to wait until everything depwaits before uploading meta-kde.20:11
shadeslayerScottK: can you retry kdepimlibs in ninja ppa ( the lucid one ) as well?20:12
shadeslayeri just uploaded it and it needs kdelibs first20:13
ScottKI'll see if I can figure it out.20:13
ScottKshadeslayer: The only pimlibs I see in ninjas is for Maverick.20:15
ScottKAlso, if you can upload to the PPA, you can do retries there.20:15
shadeslayerScottK: i just uploaded them for lucid20:15
shadeslayerim going to sleep :P20:15
shadeslayerif i could control builds etc from my dreams i would ^_^20:16
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802191945-okjwlnhkcchyvqkq * src/kcmodule/ (8 files) Here come the fashion widgets...20:20
shadeslayerwow.. lp seems under heavy pressure20:20
shadeslayermy upload hasnt been processed yet20:21
shadeslayerah there it is20:21
shadeslayerbye then20:21
apacheloggergood news everyone20:21
apacheloggerkde-l10n is up20:22
apacheloggerRiddell: ^^20:22
Riddellthat'll block the buildds for a bit then20:22
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802192342-t0kno07fu5gp3p18 * src/kcmodule/ubuntuone-info.desktop one day bad copy and paste will launch a nuklear missile20:24
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802192614-8exfb4ctjm9e7ek9 * src/statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp the return of the configure option20:26
debfxScottK: so what do you think about the virtuoso fix?20:26
ScottKdebfx: I think it takes a long time to download virtuoso-opensource.  Looks reasonable to me.  I'll test it a bit and upload if no suprises appear.20:27
apacheloggerRiddell: did you upload the google-gadget engine?20:27
debfxScottK: ok, thanks20:29
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I also made the statusnotifier strings a bit less apachelogger ^^20:29
debfxanyone up to some more sponsoring?20:31
Riddellapachelogger: no, I don't know where to find google-gadget engine to upload it20:33
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802193256-93ags1ungsi9thk2 * src/kcmodule/ (GeneralModule.cpp GeneralModule.h CMakeLists.txt) Module -> GeneralModule20:33
Riddellapachelogger: oh good, those strings were very apachelogger :)20:33
* apachelogger goes looking for the ggadget branch20:34
apacheloggerRiddell: any news on getting the kwallet patches applied?20:34
apacheloggerRiddell: FTR lp:~kubuntu-members/plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets/ubuntu20:35
apacheloggertest building20:38
Riddellapachelogger: sorry haven't got round to poking them yet20:38
* apachelogger tries a ubuntu-sso recipe meanwhile20:42
apacheloggeroh oh20:45
apacheloggerRiddell: review requests have been reviewed20:45
apacheloggernot merged though ^^20:45
apacheloggerggadgets engine builds fine20:46
CIA-98[plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802194703-cssz9638940any7k * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release.20:47
apacheloggerRiddell: uploaded20:47
Riddellgrump, can't recreate the kdevelop compile problem20:50
ScottKRiddell: It looks like the switch to using breaks and meta-kde has made it so the reverse upload thing doesn't work anymore.  So nevermind about it in the future.21:03
ScottKWhoever retried pimlibs in Maverick, it's too soon.21:17
ScottK(on amd64)21:18
* Riddell looks innocent21:20
RiddellScottK: do you have a secret clever way of tracking?21:20
ScottKRiddell: Not an easy one.21:21
Riddellthe ./kde-sc-build-status script in kubuntu-dev-tools is handy, although won't tell you about publishing status21:21
ScottKPublisher run generally starts at :03 and ends at :45 so you need to wait until after :45 to retry.21:21
* Riddell worries about talk of binary incompatibility in libkonq21:21
ScottKThe way I do it is open a tab for each package and then track each arch as it works its way up the dependency chart.21:22
ScottKWhen the reverse upload thing was working, it was all automatic due to things going depwait and staying there.21:23
* Riddell also worried about talk that kde-l10n might be all wrong21:24
* Riddell worries further about talk of compositing breaking with intel21:24
* apachelogger does not worry and hides while writing sekrit release scripts21:30
Nightroseapachelogger: pong (was traveling)21:30
apacheloggerNightrose: dearest supreme semantics lady, do you know of any software that would allow collecting QA test cases in sensible manner with the possiblity to add semantics of any sort?21:31
Nightroseapachelogger: uffff - i'm so not into testing but i can ask a collegue what we use at work tomorrow if you want21:32
apacheloggerNightrose: pretty please :)21:32
alvinLaunchpad is very unstable in Konqueror lately (submit will yield errors and your carefully prepared bug report vanishes into thin air). Is this known?21:35
yofelthat's not konq but launchpad, it shouldn't time out though (if you're using edge timeouts are common though, at least for me)21:37
alvinI always have to press the subscribe button several times until it doesn't return an error. I forgot about that and prepared a bug report. *poof*21:39
* alvin will try in rekonq21:39
alvinActually, shouldn't there be a bug against Launchpad somewhere then?21:39
yofel-> #launchpad21:40
yofeloh, rejoice, the ppa builders are back :D21:40
danttiRiddell: I tried to git diff -u 0.6.6 and when I try to patch it fails do you know if some kind of git export would do it too?21:41
Riddelldantti: I'm afraid I know nothing about git21:41
Riddellyou could just apt-get source packagekit and do a manual diff21:42
danttiRiddell: I don't have the last one that you have packaged, is it in lp?21:43
apacheloggerdantti: install ubuntu-dev-tools ... then you can use pull-lp-source $SRCPACKAGE21:43
ScottKdebfx: virtuoso-opensource uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.21:44
Riddelldantti: yes launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit21:45
apacheloggerNightrose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472359/ ^^21:46
Nightroseapachelogger: sweeeeeeeeeet :)21:48
apacheloggerNightrose: do you even know what that is ^^21:48
apacheloggerbecause it is not terribly obvious :S21:48
Nightroseapachelogger: release script doing magic of course :D21:49
apacheloggerlol, yes21:49
apacheloggerNightrose: the new one ;)21:49
Nightrosenew one?!21:49
apacheloggerNightrose: I am working on one using OOP with kick-ass git support that I will then ditch in kdesdk to replace that old plunder they have lying around21:51
apacheloggerit shall become the one release script to bind them all...21:51
ScottKapachelogger and Riddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.5.0-0ubuntu1/+build/1900965/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.kdebase-runtime_4:4.5.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz smells of pkg-kde-tools trouble.  Any ideas?21:56
apacheloggerthe packaging is just wrong21:57
* apachelogger thought he removed helpindex21:58
apacheloggerScottK: it would appear to me that I did not push21:58
apacheloggerScottK: please have a look at what is in bzr now21:59
ScottKapachelogger: I don't really have time to grok the details.  If you have the fix, please just upload it.21:59
CIA-98[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802210220-vffsq7mwccp9wxxl * debian/changelog Fix build by not trying to instal files that are not there.22:02
* maxwellian just *knows* that he will be the sap who has to take apachelogger's release script to Mount Doom22:04
danttiRiddell: if I send to you a tar with the current code is it ok? cause on lp i can only donwload 0.6.5 and seems to be some commits by mvo after that..22:14
Riddelldantti: yes that's fine22:14
ScottKapachelogger: Are you fixing the -runtime problem?22:15
apacheloggerScottK: upped already22:15
ScottKapachelogger: Cool.  Thanks.22:15
apacheloggermaxwellian: first you will have to get past Nightrose :P22:15
* apachelogger hides behind Nightrose22:15
* Nightrose eyes maxwellian22:16
* apachelogger hands Nightrose a sonic screwdriver ... just in case22:16
Nightroseno harming the apachelogger°22:16
* ScottK heard apachelogger liked that kind of thing.22:18
ScottKTm_T: Do you have a maverick chroot in your ppc box?22:24
Tm_TScottK: not currently, no22:26
ScottKTm_T: Would you be willing to make one?22:26
ScottKpbuilder-dist create maverick is all it takes.22:26
ScottKerr, strike that, reverse it.22:26
ScottKmaverick create22:27
danttiRiddell: mail sent22:27
Tm_TScottK: will try to do now (:22:27
ScottKTm_T: Thans.22:27
apacheloggerNightrose: what do you say http://paste.ubuntu.com/472374/ ... of course that stuff would usually be queried or read from config22:32
apacheloggermore interesting is the hooking approach ^^22:33
apacheloggeralthough the deriving from a Hook super class is only there for astetic reasons since ruby does not know abtract classes 22:33
Nightroseapachelogger: this looks very rubyish22:33
apacheloggerNightrose: the idea is that you have a set of $preSomeStuff and $postSomeStuff variables of global scope that allow those who wish to to ditch in at a given point in the execution cycle and do their own magic via the run interface22:35
Nightroseah nice22:35
apacheloggerthe pasted example will output "I am a Daemon muhahahaha!!!!!" whenever an archiver's create() function is called for example22:36
apacheloggerthat said22:36
apacheloggerNightrose: we can support an indefinite amount of archiving ways22:36
apacheloggersay xz and bz2 and gzip and zip22:37
apacheloggerall on the same source too22:37
ScottKapachelogger: Is this one you forgetting to push something too: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52935750/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-powerpc.kdegraphics_4:4.5.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:40
apacheloggerdid I dod graphics ^^22:40
ScottKYou're name is one of the ones in debian/changelog.22:41
apacheloggerthen indeed I did22:41
* apachelogger is wondering how that went22:41
* apachelogger is rusty and must excuse himself for being so silly22:42
apacheloggerScottK: yeah22:42
apacheloggerdidnt push22:42
* Riddell uploads new kdepimlibs tar22:42
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.22:43
apacheloggerRiddell: did you not push the UNRELEASED->maverick changes22:43
CIA-98[kdegraphics] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100802214424-87wmqw8ynrq5kv8n * debian/ (changelog libokularcore1.install) Fix build by transiting libocularcore from 1.4 to 1.5 in the .install22:44
* apachelogger wrote debvommit ^^22:44
Riddellapachelogger: maybe I didn't22:45
apacheloggerkdegraphics upped22:45
ScottKThanks apachelogger.22:49
* Riddell fixes libakonadi-dev in kubuntu-ninjas for lucid22:50
RiddellQuintasan: you didn't add your patch to kdenetwork?22:55
debfxRiddell: could you please sponsor two ftbfs fixes: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qtscriptgenerator_0.1.0-3ubuntu2.debdiff and http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qtmobility_1.0.1-2ubuntu2.debdiff22:58
Riddelldebfx: ok23:00
Riddelldebfx: uploaded, thanks23:05
* ScottK looks over at rbelem and wonders how the plasma-mobile update is coming?23:07
rbelemScottK, i'm finishing to update the debian/copyright23:08
rbelemi got the cool features that were added today :-)23:08
* ScottK notes the current builds are less than two thirds Kubuntu, so people should get to work.23:16
Riddelland kdelibs is compiled in lucid so we can get cracking with lucid23:22
JontheEchidnayay, finally made it \o/23:26
JontheEchidnaseems that my grandad had to go to the hospital on the way over though :(23:26
Riddellwelcome back JontheEchidna 23:26
Riddellway over where?23:26
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the hospital had a shop, though :D23:26
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ah, I'm on vacation visiting family in Kentucky23:27
JontheEchidnawe just drove a couple thousand miles in 3 days or so23:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: now that hit me totally unprepared23:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you americans drive too much BTW, you really should use the wonders of aviation as long as it is still possible ;)23:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: you drove two thousand miles for some fried chicken?23:28
Riddellapachelogger: ssh, don't encourage them23:29
apacheloggerNightrose: did I ever mention that the l10n foo I wrote is of the rather hardcore sort23:30
apacheloggerlooks like C23:30
apacheloggerwith bad var naming23:30
apacheloggerpd vs. ld23:30
apachelogger+ pos (ok that is sort of obvious from context)23:30
Riddellapachelogger: do you know what the yellow on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging means?23:30
apacheloggerRiddell: parenting package (see description above the table)23:31
* apachelogger complained that the important packages are not visible enough23:31
Nightroseapachelogger: :D23:31
apacheloggerQuintasan made them yellow though :P23:31
Nightroseyou didn't23:31
apacheloggerNightrose: it is madness .... looks like apachelogger, no, worse, makes me wanna go cry silently and then do nakkid jogging23:32
Riddellooh er23:32
apacheloggerthat said, the other night we (study collegues and me) were playing games until 4am or so and on my way home I really met a group of 5 nakkid joggers23:33
apacheloggersuffice to say I stopped for a bit of chit chat ^^23:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: see, that is way too far ... if I had parents that far away I would swiftly forget about that relation and maybe send an occasional holiday card23:35
JontheEchidnaboth my mom's parents and my dad's parents live in the same town23:36
* apachelogger is running out of awakeness23:36
JontheEchidnathey lived on the same street until my mom's dad's house burned down :(23:36
JontheEchidnaso what happened while I was on the road?23:37
apacheloggercome to think of it23:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you could visit nixternal ^^23:37
ScottKHe's a bit north from there.23:37
ScottKQuite a bit.23:38
apacheloggerin relation it does not seem that far :P23:38
jjesse-netbookJontheEchidna:  where bouts in KY23:38
JontheEchidnajjesse-netbook: near hopkinsville23:38
JontheEchidnaand/or madisonville23:39
jjesse-netbookbout a 9 hour drive for me23:39
JontheEchidnaactually that route is wrong, we went down 81 into tenessee, and then west to nashville23:40
JontheEchidnathen north to point c23:40
JontheEchidnabecause west VA is like a wasteland23:40
* apachelogger ponders doing a bit of C#23:40
jjesse-netbookouch thats a long drive23:40
JontheEchidnatook 3 days, but you really need a car because there's not really any public transportation out there23:41
jjesse-netbookfly into fraknfort?23:41
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, krake refuses to do a proper release party and put me off with the LUG meeting on wed...23:43
JontheEchidnajjesse-netbook: we also stopped to visit some friends in northern VA, so I don't think we could have afforded the plane tickets23:43
Nightroseapachelogger: he needs ass-kicking then!23:43
jjesse-netbooki understand and feel your pain23:43
ScottKOnce again JontheEchidna drives past my house and doesn't stop for a visit.23:43
jjesse-netbookwhat a jerk23:43
jjesse-netbookmaybe he will do that on his way home :)23:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: btw, do you plan on getting u-1-kde in maverick? Feature freeze is in 10 days23:45
apacheloggerConsole.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World");23:45
JontheEchidnaspeaking of, I need to get libdebconf-kde and muon packages in revu....23:45
JontheEchidnaalso, I need to re-revu oxygen-molecule for ximion23:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that was our plan.... but my, our, the upstream does not hurry along23:46
jjesse-netbookJontheEchidna:  i23:46
jjesse-netbookJontheEchidna: i've started some hacking on a help file for muon for you23:46
apacheloggerand time is progressing really fast23:46
JontheEchidnajjesse-netbook: neat, thanks23:46
apacheloggeralmost 1am :/23:46
apacheloggerNightrose: I could port the script to C#...23:47
danttiJontheEchidna: btw I'm probably going to rename it to -qt23:48
* apachelogger just remembered his supreme .net skills23:48
apacheloggerwell, asp.net I never looked into TBH23:48
apacheloggerthat was really too scary ^^23:48
* apachelogger did too much cpp and forgot all about ruby23:50
apacheloggerI am constantly writing #require <foo> -.-23:50
JontheEchidnadantti: how will translations be handled w/o kde?23:52
danttiJontheEchidna: that's what I'm "worried" and the icons :P but tr() should do it23:52
apacheloggerts \o/23:53
* apachelogger thinks it is about time that Qt grows gettext support -.-23:53

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