
frogonwheelsomg, I can't believe that _finally_ linux dual-screen behaves nicer than windows again.00:09
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glaucousHow do I turn off startup and shutdown sounds?01:00
avihayglaucous: system settings->notifications   event source: kde system notifications01:04
glaucousavihay: Thanks01:05
glaucousI'm having problems getting Adobe Flash with Firefox to work with sound. I'm using JACK, although I don't know if Firefox is actually using it at all. Flash 10.1 and firefox 3.601:14
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sobczykhi, is there a kde4 SIP phone (or qt4 based)01:42
anditoI have no sound on my sony vaio, I need help tracking down the problem01:55
frogonwheelssobczyk: twinkle is, I believe.  It's pretty good.02:01
progre55hi people!02:01
progre55I want to add a script in /etc/init.d/ to startup, but only after networking is up. so how do I update-rc.d it?02:01
frogonwheelsandito: There are a bunch of sound trouble-shooters on the web - worth finding one and going through it - and then if you've still got problems, come back and reference what you've tried02:01
frogonwheelsandito: Presumably you've run alsamixer and made sure all the levels are correct (note there could be multiple soundcards)02:02
anditothat's the reason why I am here, because I have been through those already02:02
frogonwheelsandito: Ok. When you ask a question, you need to say .. I've tried this, that, &c, and ask a question.02:02
anditook, can you help me track the problem?02:03
frogonwheelsandito: This helps people with the correct experience to answer your qq :) (ie.. don't ask to ask, just ask)02:03
frogonwheelsandito: I don't have the time at the moment - but leave your question at the beep, and I, or somebody else, may be able to answer it :)02:04
anditook, then if you're not going to helo then don't answer, isn't that something that IRC says?02:04
frogonwheelswas I being rude? I thought I was being fair.02:05
progre55anyone? I'm starting a deamon using "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $SCRIPT_PID --startas $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS", but it doesnt record the pid in the specified file, so the "stop" option doesnt work. Any suggestions, please?02:29
well_laid_lawnprogre55: what does $SCRIPT_PID do to find the pid?02:31
progre55well_laid_lawn: it's just a path to a file02:32
progre55well_laid_lawn: SCRIPT_PID="/var/run/myscript.pid"02:32
well_laid_lawnprogre55: you said it didn't record the pid in the file - how are you getting the pid into that file?02:34
yao_ziyuanwhat is the latest kubuntu's default gtk+ theme?02:35
progre55well_laid_lawn: I dont know.. doesnt it automatically write the pid into the file specified? I mean, the start-stop-daemon function from /lib/lsb/init-functions02:37
well_laid_lawnprogre55: the daemons are in /var/run/daemons/ here02:39
progre55ah, got disconnected02:40
progre55did I miss anything? )02:40
well_laid_lawnprogre55: is the daemon listed in /var/run/daemons/ ?02:42
progre55well_laid_lawn: there is no such dir02:45
well_laid_lawnprogre55: I am on archlinux atm :]02:46
progre55well_laid_lawn: ubuntu server =)02:47
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ErtheDoes anyone know of a way to reset the system sound configuration to installed defaults?03:34
ViperisthebestIs this the page that tells me how to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04?04:08
Viperisthebestanyone here04:10
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moetunesViperisthebest: yep that's the right page for that04:12
Viperisthebesti have another question04:13
ViperisthebestHow do i remove/uninstall my NVIDIA driver before i upgrade04:14
moetunes!nvidia | Viperisthebest04:16
ubottuViperisthebest: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:16
Viperisthebestyes moetunes04:17
PeterDrophello, iam looking  some p2p programa, any suggest?04:23
Viperisthebestso the NVIDIA manual tells how to uninstall the drivers ?04:32
ViperisthebestWhat do you do if it wont show the login screen after uninstalling your NVIDIA driver?04:39
ViperisthebestAnyone know?04:41
well_laid_lawnViperisthebest: is there a xorg.conf file still there?04:42
CrellI haven't used nVidia in years.04:42
well_laid_lawnme neither04:42
Viperisthebestyes it still uses xorg.conf04:42
Viperisthebesti havent uninstalled em yet04:43
Viperisthebestim just afraid that when i uninstall them and restart the x server wont start04:44
ViperisthebestLinux should be able to use the x server without any NVIDIA driver right?04:45
ViperisthebestDoesn't it come with no graphics driver and just a default?04:46
ViperisthebestAnyone know the answer to my questions?04:48
Viperisthebest!uninstalling nvidia | Viperisthebest04:49
Viperisthebestcmon bot answer04:50
Viperisthebest!uninstalling nvidia04:51
Viperisthebest!uninstalling nvidia drivers04:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:51
Viperisthebest!nvidia drivers04:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:52
Viperisthebest!fixing xserver04:52
Viperisthebest! x server04:52
Viperisthebest!nvidia xserver04:53
Viperisthebest!nvidia x-server04:53
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:54
wastrelchange the Driver option in "Device" section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:54
wastrelvesa is the generic driver04:54
Viperisthebestso if i do that it will start up after uninstalling nvidia driver04:55
Viperisthebest!nvidia xorg.conf04:55
wastrelthat will tell X to start with the vesa driver04:55
wastrelwhether or not nvidia is installed it will use vesa04:55
Viperisthebestso vesa is the default driver that comes with kubuntu when u 1st download and install it04:56
wastreli dunno. there's magic detection stuff04:56
wastrelthe vesa driver is the generic fallback driver it should work for any card but doesn't perform well necessarily.04:57
Viperisthebestif i dont tell it to use that driver will my x server start back up04:57
wastreli dunno nowadays it may be smart enough to figure something out04:58
Viperisthebestif i remove the nvidia driver and the x server doesnt start up on Linux does it still load grub05:02
wastrelyes linux will still boot, the x server is a userland program, not kernel05:03
Viperisthebestdid u remove your driver before upgrading05:05
Viperisthebestwastrel did u?05:11
Viperisthebestif u dont change the driver to vesa before u uninstall it05:14
Viperisthebestwill it start back up and let u use linux after uninstall05:14
wastrelif you uninstall your nvidia driver X won't start05:17
Viperisthebestcan u even upgrade if x doesnt start05:18
wastrelupgrade happens before reboot05:19
wastrelwhy are you asking all these questions05:19
Viperisthebestso vesa is the default driver that originally comes with new copies of linux05:20
wastrelno vesa is the generic driver05:20
wastreli don't know what the default driver is05:20
wastrelif any05:20
Viperisthebestis it possible to uninstall the nvidia driver and then start upgrading05:22
Viperisthebestmy brother said i should uininstall the nvidia driver and then start upgrading05:23
wastrelthere's no reason to do that but if you want to here is what to do.05:23
wastrel1. change to the vesa driver05:24
wastrel2. reboot05:24
wastrel3. uninstall nvidia driver05:24
wastrel4. upgrade05:24
Viperisthebestbut what if i wanted to uninstall the nvidia driver and rebbot and then upgrade05:25
wastrelsee above. 1. change to vesa.  2. reboot. 3. uninstall nvidia 4. upgrade05:25
ViperisthebestHow would i fix x then and get it to use the default driver so it would work?05:26
wastrelsudo cp -i /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia05:27
Viperisthebestwhat does that do05:27
wastrelsudo sed -i s/nvidia/vesa/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:28
wastrelthe first makes a backup copy (cp = copy) of your xorg.conf05:28
wastrelthe second changes "nvidia" to "vesa" in your existing xorg.conf05:28
wastrelthen reboot and you should be running vesa05:28
Viperisthebestcant you just go into the file and change it to vesa05:28
ViperisthebestDoes anyone know what the Kubuntu default video/x/graphics driver is called?05:29
wastrelthere's no one default, it depends on the card05:30
Viperisthebestwhat card05:30
wastrelthe video card you use05:30
Viperisthebesti use 2 nvidia geforce 8800GS05:30
Viperisthebestso the default for me would be?05:31
wastrelmaybe some open source 2d nvidia driver i dunno05:32
wastrelvesa will work for anything as i said05:32
wastreli just don't want to comment on defaults since that is something i know nothing about05:33
Viperisthebestif i didnt make it use the vesa driver before uninstalling the other05:34
Viperisthebestsince my x server wouldnt work05:34
wastrelyour linux system would boot to the command line05:35
Viperisthebestwould reseting my x config to its default installed state make it work05:35
Viperisthebestinstead of using the vesa05:35
Viperisthebestwould that make it use the default05:36
wastreli wouldn't know how to do that05:38
wastrelvesa works fine to set your system up05:39
wastrelthen when you reinstall the nvidia driver it'll fix your xorg.conf to use that05:39
wastrelreally there's nothing to worry about05:39
Viperisthebestk thankf for the info05:40
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wastrelwhat you don't want vesa for is gaming or graphics intensive applications05:41
wastreleven maybe flash video or scrolling long documents05:41
wastreldepending on your video card05:41
wastrelbut it will function fine05:42
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Guest15579is there anyway to solve this? Whenever i use any application using webkit, Arora, Konqueror(with the webkit, i think KPart), and rekonq, it crashes when loading some sites. Whenever i load acid3 test, it crashes. and other heavy sites, i guess with heavy javascript, they all crash05:42
ThiagoMedeirosThe are anyone user that's realized the UCP certification?05:43
Viperisthebestdid u see my pm05:45
Guest15579oh i didnt notice it05:45
Viperisthebestread the question05:46
Guest15579anybody know?05:46
giovaUnable to get connection to AP. From new Linksys Cisco AE1000 Ralink usb on KUbuntu 10.4, ushing wicd and also dhclient ra0 at commad line.  wicd can see the various APs available. Note known KUbuntu 10.4 problems with the GNOME NetworkManager won't be solved in 10.4.  I read someplace maybe have to remove KNetworkManager to get wicd to work properly.  Recommendations?06:28
giovaNote: Driver source downloaded from ralink, & after adding the usb product id, compiled on the system, make make install.  Thoughts about why it might be failing to connect to the AP?  could this be new faulty IPV6 code in KUbuntu, talllking to IPV4 AP, causing a timeout failure?06:29
wastrelsudo update-rc.d -f network-manager remove # will stop network manager from starting on boot06:30
wastrelsudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop06:30
wastrelthen sudo /etc/init.d/wicd start06:31
wastrelsudo update-rc.d wicd defaults # adds wicd to startup06:31
wastrelother than that dunno :]06:32
giovawastrel: yes, but is that know a fix, or merely a suggestion?06:32
wastrelwell if network manager daemon is running it can't be a good thing06:32
wastrelotherwise, i dunno06:32
giovaum, why?06:33
giovawhy can't be a good thing?06:33
wastreliono, breaky wifi.  my wifi didn't work with nm so i switched to wicd06:33
wastrelwhile nm was running , wifi wouldn't connect06:33
wastreli'm not super conversant with wifi stuff but that's what worked for me06:33
giovawastrel: thanks :)06:34
giovaAnyone here know if network manger in KU will be fixed & working properly in KU 10.10?06:34
DarthFroggiova: I think the only way to answer that question is to follow the development of network manager and see if your bug is being worked upon.06:36
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giovaDarthFrog: thx, but , how about an irc channel for the KUbuntu devs? that's a real time way to find out, yes?06:38
DarthFrog Try #kubuntu-devel06:39
giovaDarthFrog: thx :)06:40
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nisha_newbiei want 2 convert flv to divx avi...can anyone help me on that?08:18
giova" Desktop Compositing" - how turn it on after it auto shut itself off?08:43
James147_giova: alt+crtl+f12 should toggle it  otherwise system settings > desktop > desktop effects (if I remember right)08:45
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giova James147_ thx09:00
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pupnikneed a plasma widget to show output of cat  /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature   (temp widget in kubuntu only displays FAHRENHEIT)09:21
pupnikhow about a plasma widget that can run an arbitrary shell command (like xfce has)09:22
cjaewhy sometimes when I click my esata external hdd does dolphin ask for my password?09:23
James147pupnik: theres a widget called "File watcher" that will watch a file for changes09:23
James147cjae: ntfs format?09:24
cjaeno security on that fs right?09:24
James147cjae: not really that... you need to be root to mount drives where kubuntu wants to, but normally it dose somehting so a normal user can (I think kdm might handel it)... although it seems to have a problem with ntfs drives  (not sure about vfat)  you can add an entry to /etc/fstab  to let users mount the drive09:26
cjaeW95 FAT3209:26
cjaebut it doesnt ask sometimes and let me do things to the drive09:27
cjaeand it*09:27
pupnikty James147 interesting09:28
James147cjae: if you add a line for the drive to /etc/fstab with "users" under the options it should let anymore mount it with out a password09:28
ita_hi all, I cant use my hawaui e1550 to connect to Internet anymore after I tried betavine (betavine.com). Now I uninstalled it but  still I can't connect to internet. I am using before nm-applet. How can I restore my old settings?10:02
James147ita_: settings are stored in hidden folders in your home direcory (kde ones are in ~/.kde) I dont know exactly where the nm-applet ones are stored10:06
ita_James147: I know that but the system doesn't detect 1550 modem anymore.10:08
James147ita_: try it with a new user... that should tell you if its a config problem or a system problem10:09
ita_James147: ok I will do it now.10:10
giovaWhat is the fix for this:  GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 35DA01C261E4622710:13
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ubuntuhey guys, i need help backing up files from a windows HDD on Kubuntu LiveCD.12:14
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dCtzhey guys, i need help backing up files from a windows HDD on Kubuntu LiveCD.12:16
James147dCtz: : Anything specific? otherwise you just mount the hdd, the media you want to backup onto and copy the files....12:17
dCtzi just need to know how I can access the HDD12:17
dCtzand backup my stuff for aremovable usb device12:17
James147dCtz: dolphin should beable to mount the hdd, it should be listed under the "places" dock12:18
James147dCtz: you can also mount it via the "device norifier" widget12:18
dCtzsorry for the dumbness12:18
dCtzi love your boobies,boobies12:19
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LuGaLbAnGahi everyone13:11
LuGaLbAnGaI've just installed kubuntu 10.04 and everything is right except for the fact that my wireless lan doesn't work (knetwork-manager applet doesn't show available wireless connections even if I activate the "activate wireless connections" checkbox). How can I address this?13:13
James147LuGaLbAnGa: try nm-applet (the gnome frontend, install: network-manager-gnome)13:17
LuGaLbAnGaJames147, thanks, I've already did it. Guess there's been some trouble getting the driver to work (atheros chip)13:19
James147LuGaLbAnGa: yeah, they are known to be... anoying :S13:20
LuGaLbAnGayeah, but I've had no issues with latter versions of (k)ubuntu... any hints on where to start?13:21
James147LuGaLbAnGa: they don't normally do that :S you could try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1469799    or   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper13:25
LuGaLbAnGathanks James147, I'll read a little about it to try to tackle the problem13:26
Chicanohi asic13:27
asicanyone havin problems with connecting to wpa2-enterprise-wifis on kubuntu 10.04?13:27
asic(e.g. eduroam, for those who might know it...)13:28
ChicanoI use eduroam at my university, but haven't had any problems13:28
Chicanoare you having trouble connecting?13:28
asicwell i enter the parameters given by the admin team13:29
asicand it says sth like configurating interface13:29
asicand then asks the passphrase, which i recently set and which is known to be correct13:30
Chicanothen what happens?13:31
asicno error, no msg, nothing13:32
James147asic: try nm-applet (the gnome frontend, install: network-manager-gnome) :)13:32
Chicanodo you know what wifi card and driver you're using?13:32
Chicanojames147: also worth a try13:33
asicthx, ill give it a try13:33
asicits some intel wifi module13:33
asiciwlagn driver13:34
asicJames147: ill give it a try as soon as ill be able to est a connection13:35
asicprobably i need to do that at home :/13:35
asicChicano, James147 thx13:35
Chicanoasic: if it's an intel module then it's probably nm doing some weird stuff, the driver usually works ok in my experience13:37
asicmkay. maybe id connect by cmd-line13:38
Chicanoif it isn't the driver that should work13:40
asicChicano: okay, ill try that other applet and connecting via shell13:41
asicthx for your help13:41
Chicanoyou're welcome13:44
ErtheGood morning.14:04
ErtheDoes anyone know how I can reinitialize the audio configuration of my desktop?  I'm running 10.0414:04
BluesKajErthe,  alsamixer in the terminal,14:09
BluesKajmake sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'14:09
BluesKajthen turn those controls up to the max.14:09
ErtheI'll give that a shot, brb.14:10
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ahtidoes anyone knows how i could fing MTG channel?14:17
troopperiahti: what is MTG?14:21
Piciahti: Likely not on freenode.14:22
ahtiMAgic the gathering14:23
troopperiahti: you need add EFnet to your list and connect it, there you can found channel #MTG14:31
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unclemikeruning ubuntu 10.04...going to install kubuntu-desktop....can i remove all sines of ubuntu  ??15:36
nobarkingdoes anyone know how to disable transparency on the panel when Desktop Effects is enabled?15:37
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James147!purekde | nobarking15:39
ubottunobarking: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:39
James147!purekde | unclemike15:39
ubottuunclemike: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:39
James147^^ sorry15:39
nobarkingnp :)15:39
James147nobarking: I think the transparency is linked in with the theme, either change that or disable transpaency altogether (system settings > desktop > desktop effects)15:40
nobarkingJames147: thanks, I will look into the themes then.15:41
unclemikeJames147, thanks15:41
omkar_Hey Guys I have installed apache2 on kubuntu 10.04 n i just need to configure it such a way that it allows me to run a cgi-script15:54
omkar_anyone who can help me abit15:57
omkar_I followed one webpage which mentioned abt configuring apache2 on ubuntu but now the script opens an dialog box15:58
omkar_which shows an option to save or open the perl script15:58
Piciomkar_: Can you pastebin the contents of your site configuration?15:59
omkar_one sec16:02
omkar_u mean the default file from /etc/apache2/sites-available/default16:04
omkar_u there pici16:07
Piciomkar_: I am, did you modify that file to set a cgi-bin directory?16:07
omkar_no i didn't16:08
Piciomkar_: Did you modify any of the apache2 configuration yet?16:09
omkar_I followed theis link16:09
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omkar_only mentioned ServerName and my ip add in apache2.conf16:10
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omkar_didn't modify anything else in the apache2.conf file other than that16:10
omkar_I guess ur asking abt the script alias thingy16:10
Piciomkar_: I'm talking about the section titled 'Enable CGI and perl support for apache2 server'16:11
omkar_let me check16:13
phoenix__the vlc website says that the vlc in kubuntu lucid lynx v. 1.0.6 is out of date, it recommends t upgrade to v.1.1.x manually but, they have not specified the procedure. can anyone help me with this16:13
omkar_nope i didn't change it16:13
omkar_waht should I mention apache2.conf now16:14
phoenix__the vlc website says that the vlc in kubuntu lucid lynx v. 1.0.6 is out of date, it recommends t upgrade to v.1.1.x manually but, they have not specified the procedure. can anyone help me with this16:14
cablopi need the kade core base or whatever it is called to be able to sun some kde apps, i don't want to install kubuntu-desktop, cause i don't need things like koffice and related, just the basics, what can i do?16:15
Piciomkar_: Modify apache2.conf (or preferably /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default) and add the ScriptAlias and directory directives for whatever path you want to handle your cgi-bin scripts.16:17
phoenix__the vlc website says that the vlc in kubuntu lucid lynx v. 1.0.6 is out of date, it recommends t upgrade to v.1.1.x manually but, they have not specified the procedure. can anyone help me with this16:17
Piciphoenix__: Please stop repeating so quickly.16:17
phoenix__steps to install vlc manually?16:17
phoenix__sorry oici16:17
phoenix__sorry pici16:17
Piciphoenix__: I suppose you could download the .deb file that vlc has on their website, but be aware that we cannot provide support for 3rd party packages.16:18
phoenix__i couldn't find the .deb file on thier website16:19
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BluesKajphoenix__, there is a website that has a deb beta 1.1 vlc version16:28
phoenix__you mean get deb?16:28
Guest23707is this thing on?16:29
omkar_now if i have pointed the script alias to my /home/omkar/ how would i load the same in the firefox16:29
BluesKajphoenix__, no sourceforge I think16:33
nobarkingdoes anyone know where the configurations for a Customized Plasma theme is stored?16:33
phoenix__just now i downloaded the source from the sourceforge, i have to compile it. is there a deb for this. if so can you paste the link here16:34
James147nobarking: desktop themes are stored at /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/  ... but customized ones should eb where you placed them...16:38
nobarkingJames147: thanks again you're pointing me to the right direction!16:39
James147nobarking: or if you dled them they might end up in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/16:39
nobarkingi think when Desktop Effects is enabled the plasma themes look at the "opaque" folder for the transparent panel image.16:45
nobarkinggoing to try it out16:45
omkar_u there pici16:52
omkar_if i have given script alias to my home directory will it work16:52
omkar_n also after restarting apache2 it gives me this message16:52
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rousingi'm using karmic on my laptop, and i'd like to benifit from my external minitor "big" size17:28
rousingwhen i connect the externam monitor i can go only up to 1280x1024 while under windiws i can reach 1680x102517:28
rousinghow can i change to resolution please ?17:29
DarthFrogrousing: That's a good question.  I'd try System Settings/Hardware/Display and Monitor.  See if you can set it there.17:35
glaucousWhat's the command for copying, mirror, backup files, and so on?17:35
glaucousI do not mean "cp", but there's another for suitable command for backup17:36
DarthFrogglaucous: cp to copy.  I'd use rsync for backup.17:36
glaucousPici: DarthFrog: Yes that's it, thanks.17:36
DarthFrogrsync rawks!17:36
rousingDarthFrog: playing with xrandr which doesnt show the resolution im looking for17:36
DarthFrogrousing: In System Settings, you can choose which monitor (if detected) to individually set rez.17:37
glaucousDarthFrog or Pici, do anyone of you know a good tutorial/documentation of rsync?17:37
DarthFrogglaucous: man rsync.17:37
glaucousDarthFrog: Somehow I did not think of that.. thanks =p17:38
DarthFrogGee, aren't I helpful?17:38
rousingDarthFrog: i dont have any Display/monitor section i'm using karmic17:42
rousingDarthFrog: xrandr doesnt recognize the resolution i'm asking for17:42
DarthFrogrousing: is xrandr detecting the second monitor?17:43
rousingDarthFrog: indeed17:43
rousingDarthFrog: it detects it, detects plenty of resolutions but they're low17:43
rousingDarthFrog: need to add 1680x105017:44
DarthFrogDid you boot with the external monitor attached or did you plug it in after booting?17:45
DarthFrogDisplay and Monitor might be only in the new KDE 4.5 - I'm running RC2 on Lucid.17:46
glaucousDarthFrog: Perhaps you could help me with this rsync problem. It says that my file (9.2 GB) is too large, although the destination drive's got more than 30 GB left.17:47
glaucousDarthFrog: Although it seems to be working now when I specifically copied the ISO file instead of the directory.. hm17:50
glaucousNo nevermind, it failed.17:50
glaucousDarthFrog: Damn I'm stupid, I'm copying to a fat32 partition. Nevermind. >.<17:54
cannonfodderhey youguys, i installed compiz manager on ubuntu 10.04 and i noticed it doesnt have as much animations as i seen it on previous versions...for example, the burn animation is gone....is there a way to get more animation? or install the full compiz...seems like i got a half assed version17:59
James147cannonfodder: you might want to ask in #ubuntu18:00
glaucousThis might be an odd question. But did anyone see my messages above about problems with rsync, copying to fat32 and so on? And did anyone answer them? In that case I have some problems with Quassel IRC.18:05
DarthFrogglaucous: I saw the questions (when I got back to the keyboard).  Nobody answered them as you answered yourself by the fat32 comment. :-)18:07
glaucousDarthFrog, Okay good. previously today I had some connection problems with Quassel, okay nice.18:08
DarthFrogglaucous: You said never mind.  So I never minded.18:08
glaucousDarthFrog, no worries, you did the right thing18:08
zweirdhey all, just installed 10.04 and most things were a breeze, but i'm having trouble setting up my asus xonar essence stx18:45
zweirdwhen i open up kmix i don't get this display http://techgage.com/articles/asus/xonar_linux/asus_xonar_stx_linux_101909_thumb.png18:46
zweirdthe xonar essence tab only has the "master" channel, nothing else is displayed18:46
zweirdany ideas?18:47
James147zweird: settings > configure channels18:48
superbobanybody know of an IRC to discuss Linux C Code?18:56
zweirdjames147: thanks, that was easy!19:11
zweirdi now have  audio, just not in amarok or firefox19:11
zweirdany further ideas?19:11
zweirdscratch that, amarok only needed a restart19:12
Klaus_Dieterhello world19:19
Klaus_Dieterat times I get a pop-up that there are security fixes available however there is no tray icon to click such that these fixes are installed. What should be started to make this work?19:20
Klaus_DieterSo far I have only found references to "how to turn off update-notifier-kde" however that binary does not exist on this system19:20
DarthFrogKlaus_Dieter: there's an app in the System menu called Software Management.19:22
DarthFrogAKA kpackagekit.19:22
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: yeah and I know how to start kpackagemanager, however I want a little tray Icon to show up whenever I get this popup about the availability of security patches19:22
DarthFrogWhat about the systray notification icon?19:23
Klaus_DieterI do not want to open a shell, run kpackagemanager, select all patches and hit install. I only want to say "allright, install them all. And while you are at it, download them without locking the package database because while you fetch the upgrades I might want to install some software of my own"19:23
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: it is not there19:23
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: My question is: how to get it19:23
Klaus_DieterI only see the knotify message but no icon19:24
DarthFrogWell, the package database is going to be locked.19:24
Klaus_Dieteryeah it is a bug in package management of most binary distros. Fetching is dumb19:24
Klaus_Dieterhowever the icon issue might be fixable by me :)19:24
DarthFrogA bug?  Hmm, I don't think I'd agree with that.19:25
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: it is a bug because the database is locked because a file is fetched from the web. this should not happen. locking should be finer grained19:25
Klaus_Dieteranyways. How do I get this icon?19:26
DarthFrogLocking the database tends to make the whole operation somewhat atomic.19:26
Klaus_Dieterfetching a file via http was never meant to be atomic.19:26
Klaus_Dieterit works as designed but the design is flawed19:26
Klaus_Dieterwhy can I not fetch multiple packages in parallel? or even fetch something large while installing something else?19:27
Klaus_Dietershould be possible19:27
DarthFrogI can see your point but I think it's a matter of opinion. :-)  The devs obviously have a differing opinion to yours.19:27
Klaus_Dieterwell I think nobody bothered enough to look into it because there are so many other interesting problems to work at19:28
Klaus_Dieterfor non-linux systems and for meta distributions like gentoo this is possible and also implemented19:28
Klaus_Dieterbut that is not what I came here to discuss ;)19:28
DarthFrogHave you suggested it as a feature request?  I think the GUI behaviour reflects the underlying apt-get behaviour.19:28
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: do you happen to know how I can turn on this tray notifier?19:29
DarthFrogHave you looked into the "Add Widgets" utility?19:29
DarthFrogI don't know that there's anything there but that's where I'd start.19:29
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: yes, however it is not in the list19:29
DarthFrogAre you sure it exists?  I don't know one way or the other.19:30
Klaus_DieterI am not sure but I cannot imagine the ubuntu devs thinking about every aspect of power management but leaving that one out ;)19:31
Klaus_Dieteralso I do not have a volume control - somehow kmix seems to be broken such that it always shows its main window19:31
Klaus_Dieterand closing that also closes the tray icon19:32
rousing(karmic) i need to create a correct xorg.conf, so after Ctr+Alt+F1 i call sudo service kdm stop then sudo X -configure19:33
rousingIt fails all the time saying that a X session is already running19:33
DarthFrogKlaus_Dieter: I think that Ubuntu GNOME has the tray utility you seek.  But that doesn't mean that Kubuntu has one.  Although I love KDE, the Kubuntu implementation tends to lack many of the Ubuntu specific GUI utilities/enhancements.19:36
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: hmm too bad19:37
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: well there is no way in hell I am switching to gnome because of this ;)19:38
DarthFrogKlaus_Dieter: Good choice. :-)   No doubt things will be improved in the future.  You can add your feature request to the "Paper Cuts" list, I should imagine.19:39
Klaus_Dieterpaper cuts list?19:41
Klaus_Dieterthank you19:45
DarthFrogThe "100 Paper Cuts" project is an excellent idea to improve the new user experience out of the box with Ubuntu.19:47
zweirdspeaking of paper cuts... anyone know how to get flash audio on a fresh install of 10.04?19:54
DarthFrogDid you install the flash player?19:54
zweirdyes, and flash-aid as well19:55
zweirdvideo is fine, just no audio19:55
zweirdand the audio isn't present in chromium OR ff19:55
zweirdbut works fine everywhere else that i've tried19:55
Klaus_Dieterwell chromium and ff are both awkward browsers.... :-)19:57
* Klaus_Dieter gets out a blow torch19:57
caroline_Hello every body19:58
zweirdawkward my ass19:58
zweirdkonqueror is fast, but that's about it19:58
zweirdis it possible i need to install pulseaudio in order for flash to work properly? it seems there are plenty of pulse packages already installed, but not the sound server19:59
caroline_I have just installed Kubuntu on my new laptop and I got some trouble with the sound20:00
caroline_is it the rigth place to find some help?20:00
caroline_or is there a dedicated channel to ask a question?20:01
DarthFrogcaroline_: No guarantees, but yes it is.  You may or may not get the help you need.20:01
caroline_ok thanks DarthFrog20:01
caroline_the sound is working fine and then just turn down20:01
caroline_if I go to system configuration > multimedia20:02
caroline_if I test the pereipherique20:02
caroline_it say20:02
DarthFrog <caroline_> the sound is working fine and then just turn down  <- I don't understand what you mean.20:02
caroline_sorry for my english20:03
caroline_when I loggin to the computer the sound is working20:03
DarthFrogYour english is better than my french. :-)20:03
caroline_and after a while it just stop working20:03
caroline_DarthFrog: how do you know I am french?20:04
DarthFrog <caroline_> if I test the pereipherique20:04
caroline_so your french is not so bad!20:04
DarthFrogje pense vous etes francais.20:05
caroline_oui je suis francaise :)20:05
caroline_so when I test using the test button the audio it say:20:06
DarthFrogThere is a French speaking channel, you know, if you'd feel more comfortable.20:06
caroline_no I did not know20:06
DarthFrog!fr | caroline_20:06
ubottucaroline_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:06
caroline_it migth be easier for me (and less anoying for you)20:06
DarthFrogNot annoying at all.20:06
zweirdDo not kick the french ladies out!20:07
caroline_ok I go see there and if they cannot help me I come back :)20:07
zweirdThis is a very bad idea.20:07
DarthFrogzweird: I'm not kicking her out.  She's very welcome here.  I'm just saying she might be better off in her native language, if she prefers.20:07
zweirdi know, i know20:08
jimmy51_any recommended ftp clients for kubuntu?20:09
DarthFrogjimmy51_: I use ncftp from the command line.20:09
jimmy51_DarthFrog: eh... anything with a UI?20:09
DarthFrogOr konqueror for a GUI client.20:09
cjaeI need a  newer version of k3b than the one on my system, it there a single repo that has it, cant quite remember how  to do it20:32
cjaewithout getting the entire repo20:32
cjaewill enabling backports give me a newer version of k3b? 10.0420:46
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
cjaehttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45-rc-2     ok so if I try to do this21:07
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cjaeit says many blocked updates are in it and last time I tried it my system broke21:08
cjaebut I think I forgot to uninstall nvidia driver or something first21:09
* cjae wishes you could ask kde question in #ubuntu21:11
slinker1cjae you will have to do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to pull in all the kde rc stuff21:12
cjaeslinker1: are you using it? I mean I got a working system last time I tried it but I used sudo aptitude full-upgrade, I just has no X21:13
cjaenew mobo now and ati onboard21:13
cjaethink it using opensource ati driver too since kwin (compiz) works21:14
cjaeso I should use dist-upgrade?21:15
cjaeI mean it not hard for me to get system back up without losing anything but would like to try to avoid it21:16
cjaeactually just need a newer version of k3b so I burn bluray discs, send a bug report about it few months ago and seems it be repaired21:18
slinker1yes i have been using it since the first rc21:19
cjaecool is dist-upgrade availiable for aptitude?21:19
* cjae has terrible memory21:20
slinker1sure should be aptitude dist-upgrade i think21:20
cjaeok will try21:21
slinker1np and remember if you break it you get to keep both halves :)21:22
cjaeusing irssi so bear with me21:48
cjaebroke system while actually just x21:49
cjaewho was talking to me before? about 4.5 rc221:50
cjaeso now I have tried rc2 on an i386 and 64 bit system with ati and nvidia21:52
cjaeand all still no x server21:52
gnomefreakirssi is easy and fun :)21:52
cjaejust used to cli, the cli crossover from gui is taking longer than expected21:53
cjae-cli + gui21:53
cjaeis there a way to do commands without having to switch ttys21:55
BluesKajwhat is your graphics card, cjae ?21:55
cjaeBluesKaj: not sure about specifics but it is ati onboard can do a lshw if  you like21:57
BluesKajlspci | grep VGA will be fine22:00
cjaeok wow almost had no tty22:02
cjaewas wondering would some of my kde modifications naybe be holding me up? should I clear out .kde?22:03
cjaelike themes and such22:03
cjaeor should I check a xorg.log like I get a kdm screen but it freezes right after you put in password22:04
BluesKajdo you have a failsafe option at login?22:06
cjaeBluesKaj: never tried that but a check of xorg log says something about aiglx suspends clients for VT switch22:08
cjaeand dmesg tail doesnt look like its waiting on anything22:09
cjaeI will try the failsafe22:10
cjaeforgot about it :022:10
BluesKajit would be good to know the ati card model so we can determine the proper driver , stop kdm and  install the right one22:11
BluesKajalso removr the existing driver first22:12
cjaeBluesKaj: ok so failsafe showed me a terminal I had open then crashed back to kdm login22:14
cjaeBluesKaj: but I did upgrade the workspace package that was blocked22:14
cjaecause I thiught it was the problem and the bug page looked like it just drew small white box in corner22:15
cjaewill do a lshw22:15
BluesKajcjae, we need to know the kernel source driver22:15
cjaeok how22:15
BluesKajlspci | grep VGA22:16
cjaeone sec22:16
cjaehow do I copy a line from another tty to here22:18
BluesKajfrom one tty to another ? dunno...using just one tty should suffice22:21
cjaewell I have irrsi on tty1 and doing commands on tty322:21
cjaetried typing it and crt c and crtv here but did not work22:22
BluesKajlspci | grep VGA shouldn't be hard to remember22:22
BluesKajctrl c , ctrl v22:23
cjaesays vga compatible controller ATI Tech INC rs 880 [radeon hd 4200]22:23
cjaeBluesKaj: did you catch that?22:27
BluesKajyeah cjae22:32
cjaeusing links2 to look around so might not respond too quickly22:34
Klaus_Dieterhmm what is a good way to search for an application on console? apt-get does not seem to provide this functionality22:35
DarthFrogAn installed app or one to install?22:36
Klaus_Dieterone to install by package name - case insensitive22:36
Klaus_Dieterand also by binary to be installed22:36
DarthFrogapt-cache search22:36
Klaus_Dieterthat is case sensitive however :/22:37
cjaehow so I get the search bar with links2 tab, crtl tab, home nothing seems to work stuck in top corner22:37
BluesKajsudo service kdm stop , then ,sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd22:37
DarthFrogeg. "apt-cache search | grep flash" will give you all apps that deal with flash.22:37
brimestonehey guys... i just upgrade to Server 10.x and im getting some issue with sshd... "Connection reset by peer" then a "port 22: Connection refused" then trying to reconnect...22:38
brimestoneif i let a good 5 mins goes by.. then i can connect to it just fine22:38
cjaeBluesKaj: k22:38
BluesKajcjae, then sudo service kdm restart , then startx22:38
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: apt-cache search .* just burns loads of cpu time22:42
Klaus_Dieterand does not output anything22:42
Klaus_Dieterand without the .* I get an error that I have to specify a parameter22:42
Klaus_Dieterwell it should have been apt-cache search '.*'22:44
DarthFrogBut it'll also search the description.   So you can grep the output.22:44
cjaedidnt work22:45
Klaus_Dieterso what about if I am looking for a specific binary?22:45
DarthFrogKlaus_Dieter: Which one?22:45
cjaehow do I remove and update I installed? rollback?22:46
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: well recently I was looking for the mp4box binary - now I am looking for epeg22:47
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: but I'd like a way to find this22:47
DarthFrogapt-cache search epeg22:47
Klaus_Dieterinstead of being told the package22:47
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: tried that22:47
Klaus_Dieterit is unknown22:47
DarthFrogKlaus_Dieter: OK, I think I'm not clear on what you want.22:48
Klaus_DieterDarthFrog: I am looking for the package containing the epeg binary22:48
Klaus_Dieterbetter yet: I am looking for a generic way of answering the question "I have the name of a binary, what package does it belong to - be it installed or uninstalled"22:51
BluesKajKlaus_Dieter, aptitude show nameofapplication | grep State will trll if an app is installed22:53
cjaeso back up with gui had to reinstall23:47
cjaeso I ask is there anyne here with ati onboard and kde 4.5 installed?23:48

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