
lifelessthis search stuff is so frustratsing00:08
wgrantHm. Is loggerhead running?00:15
thumper\o/ my conflict resolution branch just landed00:35
james_wthere's a lot of confusion between tests in lp.archiveuploader and some of those in soyuz00:52
wgrantI moved a whole lot a couple of days ag.00:53
wgrantBut yes.00:53
wgrantIt's pretty bad.00:53
james_wwhich way did you move them?00:53
wgrantI moved doctests from soyuz to archiveuploader.00:53
spmwgrant: seems to be working for me? no alerts, and a test looked good. ??00:53
wgrantI left soyuz-upload.txt alone, though, since it's not clear where it should live.00:53
wgrantspm: Odd, was 502ing for me almost immediately.00:54
james_wwgrant: can you see http://ec2-75-101-196-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com/summary.log?00:54
wgrantjames_w: No.00:54
lifelessjames_w: you need to open the firewall more, manually.00:55
james_wwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472006/00:55
james_wthat confused me for a while, the second isn't actually at the path that it says it is00:55
james_wit's in soyuz, and it appears to test exactly the same thing00:55
wgrantThat's one I just moved.00:56
wgrantSure you're up to date?00:56
james_wplus I just wrote a bunch of tests for checkUpload, and it now turns out that it is tested in archiveuploader00:56
james_wah, that's probably why, I'm probably based of an older devel00:56
wgrantRight. It used to live in archiveuploader.00:56
wgrantThen it was factored out.00:56
james_wthe tests were changed but not moved I guess00:57
james_whow frustrating00:57
wgrantHave you seen some of those doctests?00:58
james_wthese were unit tests though00:59
jelmerjames_w: Sorry, that must be my fault.01:05
jelmerThe way that code worked was a bit messy, where an Archive method called out to a plain function and then function then called out to the Archive's methods again. I cleaned that up (by merging the logic into Archive) but never got around to moving the tests along.01:07
james_wjelmer: I think I can move all of lp.archiveuploader.tests.test_permission in to lp.soyuz.tests.test_archive?01:07
* jelmer looks01:08
jelmerjames_w: yep01:09
lifelessI have renewed my hate relationship with doctests01:43
lifelessalso with layering, fragile tests and DB's.01:43
lifelesswgrant: so, on this private librarian issue04:17
lifelesswgrant: I think we are, today, completely insecure.04:17
lifelesswgrant: by which I mean many things that are on private objects are on the public librarian04:17
wgrantlifeless: Right. Only P3As really use the restricted librarian.04:18
wgrantOh, and MP diffs.04:18
lifelessI'm wondering how risky it is, to do it without C-D, and add C-D in later04:19
lifelessoh, other angle04:19
lifelessall restricted librarian content can attack all othe restricted librarian content at the moment too04:19
lifelessin that it can get project names, urls, do same-site scripting.04:19
lifelessthumper: ping (private librarian usage)04:20
lifelessthumper: can we make the stuff we put in the librarian for private MP's be totally preformatted ? then the client could access it directly.04:21
wgrantlifeless: Restricted librarian is purely proxied.04:22
wgrantAnd the proxied stuff is always C-D'd if dangerous.04:22
wgrantIn fact, it may always be.04:23
wgrantI forget.04:23
lifelesswgrant: I'm pretty sure that that is a porky04:23
wgrantThe restricted librarian is not accessible from the outside.04:23
wgrantOnly via the webapp.04:23
lifelessthats rather my point04:23
lifelessits in the LP domain04:23
lifelesslike 14104:24
lifelesswe set C-E04:24
lifelessand C-T04:24
lifelessand thats it.04:24
wgrantYes, I just found that.04:24
wgrantThat's broken.04:24
lifelessI'm saying:04:25
lifeless - do we add C-D:attachment now04:25
lifeless - or get direct access now and add it later04:25
lifelessI'd rather not do both direct access *and* add C-D, because of the potential for interactions and confusion.04:25
lifelessthough clearly, we want to end up doing both (or doing something crazy like uuid DNS names to isolate content more.04:26
wgrantI guess that it's no worse than now as long as it's served separate from the public librarian.04:26
lifelesswgrant: yes, we'll want a new hostname for sure.04:26
lifelessis private.launchpadlibrarian.net going to be good enough ?04:26
lifelessor will it need to be yet-another-sibling ?04:27
wgrantlaunchpadlibrarian.net is full of untrusted content.04:27
wgrantThat might be safe, then.04:27
thumperlifeless: re private librarian, we use the same diff for both email and web usage04:33
thumperlifeless: so, no, not easily04:33
lifelessthumper: so to fix your timeout you have two choices.04:34
lifelessfix the librarian client bug that it doesn't set/use a timeout04:34
lifelessor make the content you store immediately deliverable04:34
thumperbzr is lying04:45
lifelessspm: hey04:46
lifelessspm: nevermind04:46
thumperor should I say ec2 test is lying04:46
* thumper wonders how...04:46
wgrantI have a success mail from EC2 from two hours ago.04:48
wgrantNo sign of it in PQM yet, though...04:48
thumperwgrant: I have a branch that it "merged" into devel04:48
thumperwgrant: but failed the build step04:48
thumperwgrant: on a line that isn't in the resulting branch04:48
* thumper tries again04:49
lifelesspoolie: ping04:56
lifelessspm: how is rt 39643 ?04:58
pooliehi lifeless04:58
pooliewhat's up?04:58
lifelesspoolie: how is the featureflags stuff ? Can I encourage folk to use it, or is there more needed before it can be adopted ?04:58
thumperbuildbot all read04:58
lifelesspoolie: I realise its not-all-finished04:58
pooliethey can use it now04:59
pooliei don't expect to pull anything out04:59
poolieit will be easier when i land the thing currently rated tweak04:59
poolieoh, i think it's only in db-devel at the moment04:59
poolieso that may limit things a bit04:59
poolie(this would incidentally have been a pretty safe change to apply onto the live db04:59
pooliesince it's just creating a new empty table04:59
lifelessI think the table exists05:00
lifelessif it doesn't, you can ask stub to do it, and then merge your code to devel05:00
poolieso next up is:05:01
poolieadd some scope detection for beta users etc05:01
poolieweb api to tweak it05:01
pooliebetter way to test things tat depend on features05:02
thumperlifeless: how to I merge in the reverse of the last revision?05:02
pooliebut none of these should block use now05:02
thumperlifeless: to back out a change05:02
lifelessthumper: merge -r X..X-1 .05:02
thumperlifeless: ta05:04
spmlifeless: a place of suffering and pain is where it's at, unf. am hoping to grab Mr K shortly for some thoughts and guidance on reducing the pain05:05
lifelessspm: cause, I'm told that getting that done is blocking my two fav lp rt's05:06
lifeless40477 and 4048005:06
lifelesswhich in turn are blocking making *everyone* a lot happier.05:06
spmthat happens05:06
StevenKspm: Moi?05:07
spmindeedily; but shoo - lunch. grab you after.05:07
lifelessspm: when you get back, I would like 5-10 minutes to talk roadmap of deployments etc05:16
lifelessnot to change anything, just to get me on the same page05:16
spmlifeless: sure. I'm back, it was SK heading lunchwardly.05:17
* lifeless checks the clock :)05:17
lifelessspm: so, whats in the losa pipeline for lp05:17
spmpain, misery suffereing. the usual.05:17
lifelessspm: have you seen - https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone05:18
spmnot in a final form like that; but was aware of the broad outline05:19
lifelessthis is going to be a pretty big shift, I want to tie it in nicely with your workload05:20
lifelessAIUI the main thing on your plates is the lucid migration, which involves pg8.4 too05:20
spmfor LP, yeah pretty much05:21
lifelesshow deep is that pipeline, realistically ?05:22
spmin terms of?05:22
spmjust LP or everything?05:22
lifelessare we there yet :)05:23
lifelessI'm trying to assess the following:05:23
spmheh, I wish. we haven't even done staging as a trial run05:23
lifeless - are we blocked on manpower on the operations side to effect the changes desired05:24
spmtho we have done LS successfully; some gotchas in that; and at least one issue that may (I stress may in the unknown sense) be a blocker for LP/U1 et al05:24
lifeless - is there *anything* the developers need to do that isn't yet done, for the pg8.4, lucid, and RFWTAD changes05:24
spmRFWTAD ?05:24
spmoh right, of course.05:25
lifeless - if there is nothing developers can do, and we're not blocked on manpower, then I can start asking folk to use the new process; otherwise I need to rally something on one side or the other.05:25
lifelessor if we're blocked on decisions, technical input, etc05:26
spmfor pg8.4/lucid - no idea. I have no visibility into what has been done/tested there. so NFI if it'll work or not. ??05:26
spmthat we don't have a working test setup for lucid doesn't bode well in the first instance05:26
lifelessI think there is a certain swings-and-roundabouts aspect there05:26
lifelessit's been made critical though, AIUI05:26
lifelessok, so thats 10 minutes - thanks, we're cooked for now :)05:27
spmyeah, so's everythingelse (critical) tho. :-(05:27
lifelesscritical on the dev side05:27
* poolie off to lunch05:28
poolielifeless: happy to talk about flags later if you like05:28
pooliei wasn't planning to work on it for the next couple of days other than to tweak & land what's already there05:28
lifelesswe're about to enter freeze, I think05:29
pooliei wanted to work out how to make  the docs visible05:29
lifelessgo have tood05:29
poolieperhaps putting them in a module docstring would be best05:29
lifelesswe can talk when you return05:29
poolielate food05:29
lifelessspm: also, is there an RT for daily-staging ? I think that that may have slipped through the cracks.05:37
spmlifeless: ? we already update staging every day; several times a day infact05:38
lifelessyeah, names are terrible.05:38
lifelessthis is staging-with-production-schema05:38
spmthere's no difference. ??05:38
lifelessyes there is05:38
lifelessrt 4048205:39
spmas in; if we just rollout code to staging without coresponding DB schema changes; staging simply won't start.05:39
wgrantIsn't staging with production schema just edge?05:39
lifelesswgrant: can't do destructive testing on edg.e05:40
wgrantOh, right.05:40
lifelesswgrant: there is /no/ place that you can QA edge properly.05:40
lifelesswgrant: and thus, edge does not get QA'd.05:40
spmoh! right. sorry - my bad. Prod schema. not prod+1 schema.05:40
spmlifeless: given how little used staging is atm; is there any value in having another QA env? edge has the advantage of at least being used by lots?05:41
lifelessspm: QA != users using it.05:51
lifelessspm: see the RT - same hardware.05:51
lifelessand we do, until we delete db-devel, require two environments because we have two revisions that can be deployed: db-stable:tip and stable:tip05:52
spmlifeless: one minor ~ish nitpick. the staging db only restores once a week. it takes something like 20+ hours to happen.05:53
lifelesswell, $same-schedule-please05:53
spmyup :-)05:53
wgrantBut you can surely upgrade the schema without restoring it fully.05:53
lifelesswgrant: we don't want to upgrade the schema05:54
wgrantUm, yes, ignore me.05:54
lifelessthumper:  File "/var/launchpad/test/lib/canonical/shipit/browser/shipit.py", line 73,06:13
lifeless                                                       ^^^06:13
lifeless                                                                     ^^^06:13
lifelessthumper: shipit is out of tree now, so you probably need to import the errors from the old location, fix shipit, and then do a three-branch landing dance.06:14
* lifeless takes a break06:14
wgrantCan't we just stop rolling out LP to shipit?06:14
wgrantI don't see why we still do it.06:16
lifelessdoes it have any data in common now ?06:19
wgrantIt doesn't use Person any more.06:19
wgrantSo I don't think so.06:19
wgrantExcept for Account, which is what we want to destroy.06:19
wgrantOh, no.06:22
wgrantLooks like it does still use Person: for checking shipit-admins membership, and confirming karma.06:23
poolielifeless: oh i meant to ask, is there going to be an architectural overview, and if so where?06:35
poolieare yougonig to build on the one bjorn started?06:35
lifelesspoolie: no06:36
poolie(i'm not assuming it needs to be all your work)06:36
lifelessI think we want to improve the docs06:36
poolieso things people should/might want to know before hacking on launchpad will go where?06:36
lifelessfor now, where they go at the moment - the launchpad.dev wiki06:37
lifelesshaving many different places to look would add confusion, not reduce it.06:37
lifelessI rather like what bzr has, and a low-pri task would be to start working towards that06:37
lifelessright now its sufficiently far down the problem-scale that its unprioritised, at least from my perspective.06:38
pooliewiki is fine with me06:40
pooliei think it's just good to have a centre of gravity06:41
lifelessfor your flags stuff, I would like the following written up somewhere.06:41
lifelesswhat should LOSA's know06:41
poolieso you can say "that should go in X" and gradually get the habit06:41
lifelesswhat should developers writing code know/think of06:41
lifelesswhat should maintainers-of-the-module know/think of06:41
lifelessand possibly, what should users know (we might want users to see their active flags?)06:42
poolieadvanced users perhaps06:42
lifelessI think having a good module docstring is really nice.06:42
poolieright, especially if that's built onto the web somewhere06:42
pooliethen the wiki can point to that06:42
lifelessI think it is on the apidocs06:42
lifelessbut not https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html - thats different again.06:43
lifelessthere is a zope thing06:43
lifelessanyhow, if someone can do 'pydoc lp.services.flags', I think thats pretty cool, but it doesn't really help with discoverability.06:43
lifelesshttps://dev.launchpad.net/Hacking is the centre of gravity for 'getting started doing something in LP'06:44
pooliei'll put something on the wiki and link to the api docs06:46
pooliei'm glad someone built them to html06:46
pooliewe just need to make that public to non-canonical people06:46
wgrantpoolie: You mean pydoctor output?06:47
pooliei thought it was on chinstrap or similar06:47
pooliethat's great06:49
pooliehttp://people.canonical.com/~mwh/canonicalapi/lp.services.features.html ! :-)06:50
pooliewgrant: has that always been there?06:50
lifelesspoolie: since mwh put it together 3-4 years back :)06:50
poolieok so salgado said about gary's06:51
poolie> Unlike the other docs we have, these ones know about interfaces and the classes06:51
pooliewhich implement them, adapters, views, global utilities, zcml directives06:51
poolieand a few other things, so go check it out.06:51
wgrantOh, Zope apidoc?06:52
poolieit would still be nice to move that06:52
wgrantThat's on devpad.06:52
wgrantBut accessible easily from a local instance.06:52
pooliewhich is private?06:52
wgrantdevpad's private, yes.06:52
thumperlifeless: ah... I've been fixing something in a symlink :(06:57
* wgrant wonders what lp.soyuz.xmlrpc is about.07:19
wgrantIt's empty, and Soyuz has never done XML-RPC.07:19
lifelessthumper: is your git-test fixing fix landed ?07:19
thumperlifeless: yes07:19
* lifeless tries to land his malone patch AGAIN07:20
* wgrant ponders a massive c.l.i extermination branch.07:22
StevenKI wonder if apidoc.launchpad.net is on the cards07:27
wgrantUnlikely. It provides source access.07:27
StevenKSo does launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/devel ?07:28
wgrantThey like to pretend that we don't have access to shipit.07:28
wgrantApparently giving away free CDs is a risk?07:29
* thumper EODs07:30
lifelesswgrant: huh ?07:33
wgrantlifeless: Well, it's somewhat irritating that I have to revert to devel r8967 to see if I can safely delete something. That's when shipit was removed -- which I really don't see the benefit of.07:35
wgrant"Oh no, we can't have them giving away free CDs."07:35
lifelesswgrant: was it perhaps back in the 'not all will be open sourced' period ?07:36
wgrantlifeless: It was at the same time SSO was (somewhat less inexplicably) removed.07:38
wgrantAnd around the time they were considering omitting most of Soyuz.07:38
lifelessyou could propose a merge back in :P07:38
wgrantWell, I'd prefer that the split was finished.07:38
wgrantThe only benefit at the moment is that it can see karma.07:39
lifelesssadly the split is along fairly nuts lines07:39
lifelessif you wanted to make it use the API to do what it does, that would be great.07:39
wgrantApart from that, it could live in an entirely separate DB with a static copy of LP.07:39
wgrantlifeless: How is the split 'along fairly nuts lines'?07:41
lifelessvertically rather than front/back end07:41
wgrantWell, ShipIt could sanely be a separate application.07:41
wgrantSSO not so much.07:41
lifelessok, -> awol for a while07:42
adeuringgood morning08:29
jkakarlifeless: Hi!08:40
jkakarlifeless: If I remember correctly __nonzero__ was explicitly not added to ResultSet because it can cause performance problems (though, right now I can't remember what those exact reasons are).08:41
lifelessit is equivalent to try: memo = self.any() except IsEmpty: return False, isn't it ?08:42
lifeless(mumble details)08:42
wgrantlifeless, stub: Thanks for the reviews.08:45
wgrantbigjools: Hi. Should I get the last ddeb DB change landed this cycle (the checkbox on Archive:+admin to enable ddeb building)? Although it works OK for PPAs, it won't really be safe to turn it on anywhere until 10.09, I suspect, since the primary archive handling isn't done yet.09:32
bigjoolswgrant: yes that's fine as long as the feature is turned off09:33
bigjoolswgrant: we should consider moving that checkbox to +edit though?09:33
wgrantOTOH I could make the copier reject DDEB copies to primary, then it would be fine for PPAs.09:34
bigjoolsthere's only one team that can copy from a PPA to primary09:34
wgrantbigjools: Probably, yes. But we might need to work out expiration policies and the like before we make it widely available.09:34
wgrantMoving the checkbox can be done at any time; adding the DB column can't.09:34
wgrantAlthough PPA binaries are expired really quickly anyway.09:37
bigjoolsyes, it should not be enabled until everything works :)09:37
* bigjools -> OTP09:37
wgrantlifeless: I've seen .count() == 0 around. But that's probably far less efficient than .any().09:39
bigjoolsResultSet needs __nonzero__ then we can use bool(blah)09:40
wgrantBut it's possible that it's omitted for the same reason __len__ is.09:43
wgrantCallers assume it's cheap.09:43
bigjools__nonzero__ lives on SQLObjectResult though09:52
bigjoolsI've learned not to assume anything when dealing with Storm code now :)09:53
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 2 of 10.08 | PQM will be closing 22:00 UTC Friday | firefighting: - | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.08 | PQM will be closing 22:00 UTC Friday | firefighting: - | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
wgranthttp://blog.ganneff.de/blog/2010/08/02/removalstxt---removals822.html might make it easy enough to implement relibale deletion support in gina.10:12
=== stub1 is now known as stub
lifelessStevenK: hi10:21
lifelessStevenK: why do you propose things then move them to WIP immediately ?10:21
wgrantbigjools: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/multi-arch-builders will let us switch amd64 builders to i386 through the LP UI, letting admins easily alleviate situations like the current crisis... it removes the master's arch check, sends the build architecture to the slave, and the slave respects that.10:23
wgrantAny objections?10:24
wgrant(also handy for when LP learns about processor compatibility...)10:24
bigjoolswgrant: yes I object - until lamont looks at it, because I know it needs work on the slave.10:26
wgrantbigjools: Well, of course.10:26
bigjoolsbut yes I'm sure he'll enjoy any branch that makes his life easier10:27
wgrantAlthough the i386 builders have been gone for nearly four days now.10:28
wgrantIs something up with them?10:28
wgrantUnless alpha 3 is, uh, reallllly slow...10:28
lifelessthumper: I still see <ImportError: No module named shamap> from ec210:37
thumperlifeless: which revision of devel did your testrun use?10:37
wgrantjelmer: Hi. Do you have a PQM email for that branch you ec2'd for me earlier? I got an ec2 success email, but it never made it through PQM...10:38
lifelessbzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/, revision 1127210:40
lifelessthumper: ^10:40
thumperlifeless: hmm... that should have the reverted sourcecode change10:40
thumperlifeless: not sure what is going on there10:40
lifelessme neither10:41
lifelessI see, my bad, I had some overlapping stuff going on10:42
lifelessthumper: sorry for the noise.10:42
StevenKlifeless: Because bigjools is lazy and wants to look at my branch10:48
StevenKlifeless: So rather than pulling down my branch, he likes me to use a WIP MP10:48
lifelessStevenK: you can tell lp-propose to start it in WIP10:49
bigjoolscan you create them as WIP, I think he means10:49
StevenKOh, right10:49
lifelessyou *will* get reviews from me otherwise10:49
StevenKI use the web UI to create them10:49
lifelessand from anyone else tracking the feed10:49
lifelessStevenK: try clicking on advanced10:49
StevenKlifeless: Yes, so noted10:50
wgrantIt'd be nice if everything had a WIP MP.10:50
lifelesswgrant: its call 'a branch'10:51
wgrantlifeless: Yes, but I can't get a diff unless I grab it or sacrifice some goats to loggerhead.10:52
wgrantIt never works the first time.10:52
wgrantI don't know why.10:53
wgrantIt sometimes works on the second refresh. And normally on the third.10:53
StevenKlifeless: Actually, you should look at that MP10:58
StevenKlifeless: *Why* is dsilvers effectively running SQL by hand, and surely there is a better way?10:59
lifelessstorm :)10:59
lifelessand collections10:59
StevenKlifeless: Mind looking at the code before you say so? ;-)11:00
lifelesssure, I'll look tomorrow am11:00
bigjoolslifeless: this was before Storm days, I'm not sure if the same methods are needed any more11:01
wgrantI don't know a way of doing such mass inserts in Storm, though.11:01
bigjoolsthere isn't - store.execute() FTW :)11:02
wgrantWell, except for just doing a direct SQL -> Storm conversion.11:02
* lifeless hates on the testfix glue11:18
jmllifeless, yeah, we should do something about that :)11:19
thumperjml: hi11:19
jmlthumper, hello11:19
thumperjml: big branch today moving errors11:19
thumperrunning through ec2 now11:20
lifelessjml: check my kanban11:20
jmlthumper, yay11:20
lifelesswhy is PQM rejecting non-testfix when its also building ?11:20
thumperjml: most of the bigness however was changing imports :-|11:20
lifelesslosa ^ ?11:20
jmllifeless, https://dev.launchpad.net/Trunk/Glue might have a hint11:21
mthaddonlifeless: I think there needs to be a successful build again to get it out of testfix11:21
jmlthumper, why's that bad?11:21
thumperjml: not bad, just a lot of boring changes11:21
lifelessmthaddon: I thought it was 'branch started' was all that was needed.11:21
lifelessthumper: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/db_lp/builds/977/steps/shell_7/logs/summary11:21
jmlthumper, *nod*11:21
mthaddonlifeless: I don't think so - I'm not sure how it would be aware of that11:22
lifelessmthaddon: its what the wiki page said11:22
jmlthumper, I've been meaning to challenge someone to write an emacs equivalent to that neat vim import statement thing EdwinGrubbs showed at the epic11:22
jmlthumper, that'd make it less boring.11:22
jml(or, you know, write it myself).11:22
lifelessmthaddon: 'PQM is put in testfix mode if either branch is unclean, where "unclean" means "the last test run failed and we haven't had a testfix revision or a forced build yet".'11:23
lifelessthumper: do those failures look related to the merge conflict you fixed ?11:23
thumperlifeless: could be11:23
thumperlifeless: but I don't think so11:23
lifelessso, could be spurious11:23
* lifeless kicks it11:23
thumperlifeless: the conflict I fixed was source package recipe build related11:23
mthaddonlifeless: so has someone sent in a testfix branch?11:23
lifelessthumper: the only change in the blamelist is yours though11:24
lifelessmthaddon: yes11:24
lifelessmthaddon: I think the machinery is probably working11:24
thumperlifeless: there may have been other db commits before mine11:24
thumperlifeless: that would have been skipped in blaming11:24
lifelesswill be -so- glad when db-stable is no longer used.11:24
thumperlifeless: like https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/db_lp/builds/977/steps/shell_7/logs/summary11:25
thumperthat failure is from before my merge11:25
jmllifeless, I'm still hanging out for mandatory pre-merge testing, like in the good ol' days11:25
lifelessjml: thats planned too11:25
lifelessjml: I was very happy when gary suggested it11:26
lifelessIn fact, now that my search branch passes all tests11:26
lifelessif I can just get the damn thing landed, I'll be hacking towards premerge testing11:26
lifelessthumper: so, what does this mean ?11:27
thumperlp.buildmaster.tests.test_buildqueue.TestBuildQueueDuration.test_current_build_duration is almost certainly soyuz commit related11:28
thumpernothing in the sprb related to that11:29
thumperlp.code.browser.tests.test_sourcepackagerecipe.TestSourcePackageRecipeBuildView.test_eta is probably related, but missed due to changes in both branches11:29
thumperlib/lp/buildmaster/tests/../doc/builder.txt, no idea, but I'd look at soyuz11:29
lifelessthumper: so, is it worth kicking it, or does it definitely need a further patch ?11:30
thumperlifeless: it'll need fixing11:30
thumperthey aren't spurious11:30
lifelessbigjools: ^11:30
lifelessbigjools: can you, or your nominee, fix db-devel :)11:30
lifelessit appears to be fallout from some soyuz changes11:31
bigjoolshave you got a buildbot log?11:31
lifelessyes, up above11:31
bigjoolsthis smells of abentley11:32
bigjoolsdid it pass devel and fail on db-devel?11:33
lifelessthere was a merge conflict on db-devel, which thumper fixed this morning11:33
lifelesswhen it finished chewing on it, we got the above.11:34
lifelessthumper reckons it wasn't the merge made it go boom11:35
thumperboom happened before conflict resolution11:35
thumperbut I didn't notice11:35
thumperotherwise I would have fixorated it too11:35
thumperand now I'm not working11:35
thumpertrying to get a proposal in for kiwipycon11:35
lifelessand I have a call tomorrow morning11:36
lifelessthumper: when is the deadline11:36
thumper1.5 hours11:36
thumper1 hour 24 minutes11:36
thumperto be precise11:36
bigjoolswgrant: the failing code is yours11:36
lifelesswell, you can tell them 'sorry but I need to sleep'11:36
wgrantbigjools: Icanhaslog?11:36
lifelessthumper: ^ :P - I can try to put something together tomorrow am if they are interested.11:37
bigjoolsshit, even11:37
bigjoolshang on11:37
lifelessgnight y'all11:37
bigjoolsnn lifeless11:38
wgrantbigjools: Um.11:38
bigjoolsrecipe_bq.processor = i386_family.processors[0]11:38
bigjoolsprocessor is not in set_attributes11:39
bigjoolsso either the layer is wrong or the zcml is wrong11:39
wgrantOr somebody started proxying them recently.11:39
bigjoolsthat's it11:39
wgrantI haven't touched that code lately.11:40
bigjoolsit should be in the set_attributes11:40
wgrantIt's immutable.11:40
bigjoolshmmm good point11:40
wgrantrSP ftw.11:40
bigjoolsthat stuff should not be proxied in that test11:41
bigjoolsit runs zopeless ffs11:41
wgrantZopeless is not Zopeless :(11:42
bigjoolswell, you know what I mean11:42
* bigjools fixx0ors11:43
bigjoolsI'd like to know how it passed tests to get in there like this11:43
wgrantI don't know what the incompatible db-devel change could be.11:44
bigjoolsme neither11:45
bigjoolsfactory returning proxied objects but why only on db-devel11:46
wgrant-        return bq11:51
wgrant+        return ProxyFactory(bq)11:51
wgrant(it was the merge)11:53
bigjoolswhich merge?11:55
wgrantthumper's conflict resolution.11:55
wgrantdb-devel r9603.1.2, in particular.11:55
bigjoolspresumably that came from devel11:56
wgrant9603.1.1 was the merge and conflict resolution11:56
wgrant.2 was "Fix the failing tests"11:56
wgrantSo it suggests not, but I haven't looked closely.11:56
thumperthat was just to shut the warnings up12:00
bigjoolsyour fix is ok, it's exposed a bug in the test12:02
bigjoolsbut I think we should revert that fix and file a bug about the bug12:02
bigjoolsthumper: sound ok?12:02
deryckMorning, all.12:03
bigjoolswotcha deryck12:03
* bigjools can't fathom why someone would run builder.txt in LaunchpadFunctionalLayer12:06
* bigjools submits testfix12:08
bigjoolsthanks for spotting that wgrant12:08
bigjoolserrm, why am I getting a warning about converting from 2a to KnitPack5 when pushing a branch...12:10
wgrantCan someone please land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/refactor-nuf-creation/+merge/30851? I believe it was rejected in the testfix this morning.12:10
jelmerwgrant: Sure12:11
jelmerwgrant, it was indeed12:11
wgrantjelmer: Thanks.12:11
bigjoolsUsing saved push location: lp:~julian-edwards/launchpad/db-devel-testfix12:13
bigjoolsDoing on-the-fly conversion from RepositoryFormat2a() to RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack5 (bzr 1.6)\n').12:13
wgrantbigjools: You had an old branch sitting around.12:13
wgrantYeah, it's private, so it's nice and old.12:14
bigjoolsnot any more it's nto12:15
wgrantThat's one way to fix it.12:15
* bigjools would really love it if we could have an alias for the submit-branch value12:16
jmlbigjools, thumper has a db-submit bzr alias12:19
bigjoolsaliases are great, until you don't have them on a different machine12:20
maxbThis is why your home directory should be in version control :-)12:21
jmlor, you know, Ubuntu One12:21
wgrantMaybe OneConf will happen at some point.12:24
jelmera gconf backend for ubuntu one would be awesome12:25
bigjoolswhen there's a U! client for KDE, I'll use it12:26
bigjoolsU1, even12:26
wgrantIt'd need to be an overlay or something equivalent, but yes.12:26
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sinzuihi jcsackett13:55
jcsacketthi sinzui.13:55
jcsackettand hello bac and hello EdwinGrubbs13:56
bachi jcsackett!13:56
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
daniloslosa ping: I don't see any emails explaining the status of our buildbots, can someone please clarify why's db-lp offline14:21
danilosand does anyone else know why's xvfb failing to start on lucid builder: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_db_lp/builds/57/steps/shell_7/logs/summary14:22
mthaddondanilos: I've been reconfiguring things in preparation for lucid switch (we now have a lucid-devel builder) - I suspect it just needs a restart14:22
mthaddondanilos: if a "force" fails, that is14:22
danilosmthaddon, I've already tried a force on the lucid-db-lp builder14:23
danilosmthaddon, the previous one failed in the same way: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_db_lp/builds/56/steps/shell_7/logs/summary14:23
maxbIf you have a moment, mthaddon, could you append the missing letter 'l' to https://edge.launchpad.net/squirrelmai ? :-)14:23
mthaddondanilos: ok, can we wait til lucid-devel and lp are finished, then we'll do a restart14:23
danilosmthaddon, certainly14:24
mthaddonmaxb: done14:24
maxbthanks :-)14:24
james_wbigjools: the bug in checkUpload would be that it would never tell you that you had no permissions for the archive, just that you didn't have enough permissions. (No-one would ever see the "Did you mean to upload to a PPA?" error)14:37
bigjoolsjames_w: ah!!!14:44
bigjoolsthat's, errr, interesting14:44
james_wcould have been a lot, lot worse14:44
bigjoolsand explains a lot14:44
jmlI guess poolie's DKIM thing hasn't landed yet?15:46
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james_wwhat layer should I use for tests that don't need anything at all really?19:43
james_wno database, just running python code19:43
salgadojames_w, no layer. :)19:44
james_wperfect :-)19:44
maxbi386  3   1139 jobs (five days)20:06
beunomaxb, the rumour is that there are a few more build slaves on their way20:12
maxbWe can only hope rumours materialize soon :-/20:13
jamUrsinha: didn't you want to submit something to bzr-pqm a while back? I haven't seen any merge proposals20:23
jammorning lifeless20:23
lifelesshi jam20:28
Ursinhajam, I'm working on it today, just busy with other lp duties20:29
jamUrsinha: no problem. I just thought you already had something and I just didn't see the submission20:30
Ursinhajam, ah, you can be sure I'll poke you when that happens :)20:30
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lifelessflacoste: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone21:04
deryckLater on, all...21:12
lifelessflacoste: lpnet - 1177927, edge - 9478721:27
jelmersinzui, hi21:51
sinzuihi jelmer21:51
jelmersinzui: It looks like python-pocket-lint still isn't installable on hardy - in its current form it needs python2.6 and a recent version of python-support21:52
jelmersinzui: I'd like to fix the package and reupload - do you have the source for the previous revision in a branch somewhere?21:53
sinzuiI think I can make some quick changes to make it python 2.5 compatible21:53
sinzuijelmer, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/pocket-lint21:53
sinzuijelmer, the packaging branch has the debian dir21:54
jelmersinzui: ah, thanks21:54
sinzuiThere is a 5.1 release expected to build in the next 9 hours21:55
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jelmersinzui: Is there a particular reason gnulog is shipped with pocket-lint, or just because it's convenient?22:03
sinzuiI like gnulog for generating logs. It is a habit from by gnome22:04
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Performance day! | Week 3 of 10.08 | PQM will be closing 22:00 UTC Friday | firefighting: - | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
lifelesslosa ping22:13
lifelesslosa unping22:16
jelmersinzui: I've pushed a branch with a few packaging improvements and a fix to support installation for all system-provided pythons that are 2.5 or newer.22:28
sinzuiI see22:28
jelmersinzui: Would it be ok if I pushed a build of this to the Launchpad PPA with a version number lower than what you're building at the moment? That way I can still attempt to build a new EC2 image but my build will be gone once you copy the packages in from your PPA.22:30
sinzuijelmer, your mp just disappeared22:31
sinzuiI was going to approve it. Yes you can change the version to keep working22:32
jelmersinzui: Sorry - https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/pocket-lint/packaging/+merge/3158722:32
pooliehi sinzui, jelmer22:32
jelmer'morning Martin22:32
sinzuihi poolie22:33
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
wgrantOMG BUILDERS!22:38
sinzuijelmer, your branch is now tip22:40
jelmersinzui: Thanks!22:42
jelmerwgrant: 'morning!22:47
wgrantMorning jelmer. Thanks for landing that.22:49
jelmerYou're welcome. I see you have more branches in store for us though.22:50
wgrantYeah, a few.22:50
jelmerthumper: 'morning22:50
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumperjelmer: hey, your branch yesterday had failing git import tests22:51
jelmerthumper: Hmm, that's odd :-/ I'll see if I can fix that here.22:52
wgrantDid Bugs really just start streaming arbitrary user files through the webapp?23:05
wgrantYes, yes they did.23:05
elmowgrant: err, what?23:06
wgrantelmo: Around an hour ago, a rev landed on db-devel to stream private bug attachments through the webapp.23:06
wgrantWith no C-D.23:06
elmoonly private bugs?23:06
elmonot that it helps much23:07
wgrantIt's reusing existing code which should probably be sending C-D anyway, but it's previously only really been used for LP-generated files or .debs.23:07
wgrantOnly private bugs at the moment, it seems, yes.23:07
lifelessC-D should be added23:11
lifelesswgrant: care to put up a trivial branch? rs=me23:11
wgrantIt's going to change some Soyuz behaviour (no more inline build log viewing for private archives).23:11
lifelessI've run my crazy dns idea past flacoste and he didn't cry23:12
lifelessso we might head towards that23:12
lifelesswgrant: you could add a variant class that does C-D23:12
lifelesswgrant: ^ hi?23:22
wgrantlifeless: Hi.23:25
wgrantHmm, maybe.23:25
jelmerthumper: Hmm, I can reproduce the git import test failure. I'm at a loss as to what's happening though and what my changes could have to do with it. Do you have any clues?23:50
thumperjelmer: was it the import failure?23:51
jelmerthumper: yeah, I'm getting two test failures in the git import tests23:51
jelmerthumper: LINE 1: ...ccount = Account.id AND LOWER(EmailAddress.email) = E'no-pri...23:51
jelmerProgrammingError: operator does not exist: text = bytea23:52
jelmeris that the same error you saw?23:52
* thumper is looking for the errors23:52
lifelessjelmer: I saw 'shamap' import errors23:53
thumperjelmer: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp/builds/1119/steps/shell_7/logs/summary23:53
thumperjelmer: the 6 errors are all shamap import failures23:53
thumperFile "/srv/buildbot/slaves/launchpad/devel/build/lib/lp/codehosting/codeimport/tests/test_worker.py", line 1018, in tearDown23:54
thumper    from bzrlib.plugins.git.shamap import mapdbs23:54
thumperjelmer: did you remove that module?23:54
jelmerthumper: yeah, I renamed it.23:55
thumperjelmer: so fix the tear down and it should be good23:55
thumperjelmer: I'm not sure what your other failures are from23:55
jelmerI might see if I can reproduce that one on my work laptop.23:56
jelmerAnyway, I'll have a look at the tearDown failure first and get that fix through ec2.23:56
thumperjelmer: I did a reverse merge of your change to devel23:57
thumperjelmer: so you'll need to reverse my reverse :)23:57

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