
thumperlifeless: want to eyeball a boring as crap branch which just moves errors from canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces into lp.app.errors?03:25
lifelessyou break it you bought it03:26
thumperlifeless: 2542 lines (+256/-235) 147 files modified :-)03:32
lifelessnot that app.errors is really any better, but I get the psych value of it ;)03:32
thumperlifeless: well, lp.app is where much of canonical.launchpad.webapp is going03:37
lifelessyeah, I know03:37
lifelessjust saying that A.bigbag == B.bigbag :)03:37
thumperwe are breaking up a general interfaces big bag into two03:37
thumpererrors and interfaces03:37
thumperso in a way, it is being a lot broken up03:37
lifelessthats an incremental patch on my make-search-faster branch03:38
lifelessanyone care to ok it ?03:38
thumperlifeless: where is the merge proposal?03:39
lifelessthe proposal is approved03:39
lifelessbut ec2land told me I was foolishly hopeful03:39
thumperlifeless: why tweak sample data instead of adding a bug with the factory03:42
thumperit raises my ick factor03:42
lifelessthumper: minimal change to work in with the existing test03:43
lifelessthumper: adding a new bug causes the rest of the entire doctest to go boom03:43
thumperlifeless: commented.03:44
wgrantlifeless: Nice easy DB review for you: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/per-archive-build-debug-symbols/+merge/2967105:59
lifelessis archive really the right scope for this ?06:03
lifelessits a bit of a shame all our config knobs are spread all over06:04
* lifeless tries not to use flags for everything06:04
wgrantlifeless: What would be a better scope?06:06
lifelesspackageset-in-archive ?06:07
lifelessI dunno, it just seems rather coarse, or something.06:07
wgrantIt is coarse, yes.06:07
wgrantPackagesets are an interesting idea, but they're not workable yet.06:07
lifelesswgrant: dbgsyms is an unnecessary abbreviation in at least one place in the patch06:09
lifelessits also a redundant comment in that place too06:10
lifelessgiven the variable name is pretty clear06:10
wgrantThis branch is a year old, and the terminology throughout the rest of the branches has changed since then.06:10
wgrantIt is probably removable indeed.06:10
lifelessplease don't use the string literal there06:11
lifelessfor commercial-admins06:11
lifelessrather use the sampledata module06:11
wgrantHm. Does it really only have one value at the moment?06:12
wgrantOr is there another one I'm missing somewhere?06:12
lifelessits pretty small right now06:12
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jmlI'm reviewing james_w's sampledata-0 branch btw,12:30
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jmlbigjools, getting to your branch now. sorry about the delay.13:32
jmlbigjools, done.14:14
bigjoolsjml: you rock, thanks14:14
jmlbigjools, my pleasure.14:15
bigjoolsjml: the next branch will clean up these damn tests I hope14:15
bigjoolsthe "if in doubt return a Deferred" approach is a good one14:16
bigjoolsjml: BTW there's nowhere in the guidelines that says we use US spelling in code14:18
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bigjoolsyou mean: :)14:18
jmlbigjools, no, I don't.14:18
jmlI hate having to think unnecessarily when reading code14:19
bigjoolsI prefer "international English"14:19
bigjoolsme too14:19
bigjoolsthat's why I go out of my way to make the English agnostic14:19
jmlcolor, never ever ever colour14:19
bigjoolsthe mighty British Empire says otherwise14:19
jmlwhat a pity they didn't invent C14:20
bigjoolsFWIW "dialog" to me means a popup.14:20
bigjoolsa dialogue is a conversation14:20
jmlif you spell it slaveDialogueEnded in the code it's going to look weird to lots of people and eventually someone is going to change it to be slaveDialogEnded14:21
* bigjools sighs heavily14:22
jmlfeel sorry for the French14:23
jmlI bet they have discussions about whether it should be self.ordinateur or self.la_ordinateur14:24
bigjoolsjml: ok, so slavePowowEnded it is14:27
james_wthanks jml. Just a couple of questions in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/no-more-sampledata-0/+merge/3147014:29
james_wjml: plus there's a nice juicy Collection branch sitting there :-)14:29
jmlbigjools, "prefer the standard to the offbeat", also, the OED spells it powwow or pow-wow :P14:40
bigjoolsjml: grumble...smartarse :)14:43
bigjoolsdoes the OED carry US spelling?14:44
benjiI need a review of a small patch to lazr.restful: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/lazr.restful/nail-versions/+merge/3142114:44
benjiit just nails some versions so the tests pass again14:44
jmlbigjools, yes. main articles are in real English, but it is always explicit when there are regional spelling variations.14:45
bigjoolsjml: so if I use slaveConversationEnded will that satisfy your reviewing juices?14:46
jmlbigjools, yes.14:46
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jmljames_w: replied. I might look at the archive-collection thing.14:56
james_wjml: no rush14:57
bigjoolsjml: reply incoming15:26
bigjoolsjml: btw thanks for the collections explanation.  I think I get it, but since I'm more of a JFDI than a theoretical kind of man I think more concrete examples will help.  In due course.15:27
jmlbigjools, np.15:30
james_wbigjools: have you seen https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/archive-collection/+merge/31499 ?15:30
james_wI did it because I wanted something very similar to getArchivesForDistribution in the deletion branch, but with one more collection. While you can continue to add more methods to ArchiveSet with the requirements of every caller, letting them construct their query is more flexible.15:32
bigjoolsjames_w: yes, right.  Does it build up the same query or issue multiple queries?15:43
james_wone query15:43
james_wthe shape of that query may not be optimal, but that's the case with any new or modified queries15:44
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bigjoolsjml: I don't understand why you want IBuilder.getActiveBuild16:15
bigjoolsoh scratch that16:16
bigjoolsI can't fucking read16:16
jmlbigjools, np. otp right now :)16:16
bigjoolsjml: FWIW it also returns a proxied object and that is force of habit for me :)  anyway ...16:20
james_wjml: just to clarify, when you say "test_returnsAll... style rather than testReturnsAll style" do you mean "test_returnsAll_does_something" or "test_returnsAllDoesSomething" ?16:38
jmljames_w, test_properName_does_a_thing16:39
james_wjml: ok16:39
jmljames_w, archivecollection reviewed.17:01
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benjiI need a review of a small patch to lazr.restful: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/lazr.restful/nail-versions/+merge/3142117:20
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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