
jeremiahehlo localhost02:40
jeremiahI want to ascertain the delta between debian's ARM v5 toolchain and Ubuntu's ARM v702:40
jeremiahI'd like to build ARM v7 debs for the BeagleBoard02:41
looljeremiah: Create an Ubuntu chroot and build a package?02:58
looljeremiah: or use a wrapper to pass -march=armv7 to gcc02:58
jeremiahlool: Wow. Sounds pretty easy. :-)03:00
jeremiahlool: heh. I'm here with you at DebConf. :)03:02
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cooloneyamitk: i just got our .35 master kernel working on my panda08:25
amitkcooloney: cool! I see that SMP does not work?08:25
cooloneyamitk: yeah, SMP got some build error.08:25
cooloneyamitk: i already got a patch to fix that.08:25
cooloneyamitk: but got another building error08:26
amitkcooloney: nice!08:26
amitkcooloney: no patches in tony's tree for these?08:26
cooloneybut if you wanna single core Ubuntu kernel for omap2/3/4, it is ok now08:26
cooloneyamitk: i don't find that. i guess smp was never enabled in single kernel for omap2/3/408:27
amitkcooloney: it is a good first step I think08:27
cooloneyamitk: yeah, works fine with console=ttyS2 and the maverick rootfs built from rootstock08:28
cooloneyamitk: but i plan to spend sometime to take a look at the smp things.08:28
amitkcooloney: you should probably check if this has been discussed on linux-omap08:29
cooloneyamitk: since i turned off smp config in our master omap flavor08:29
amitkcooloney: understook08:29
cooloneyamitk: no problem.08:30
cooloneyamitk: i saw an email from Tony in linux-omap mail list.08:46
cooloneyCONFIG_SMP we can't enable as that requires various ARM changes08:47
cooloneyto work on unicore systems. But hopefully we can enable that too08:47
cooloneyat some point with select SMP if ARCH_OMAP4.08:47
lagcooloney: Have you tried to boot the latest daily build on the Panda yet?10:01
lagCome to think of it, has anyone?10:01
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lagogra: ? --^10:03
cooloneylag: not yet. any issue?10:20
cooloneyi just tried kernel.10:20
lagYou tell me :)10:27
lagcooloney: --^10:39
cooloneylag: no idea about that. that's from daily image?10:40
cooloneylag: there was no much chage recently10:41
lagI'm waiting to hear back from ogra_cmpc - ogra10:42
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dcordes_while creating a maverick ubuntu-netbook rootfs rootstock freezed on11:22
dcordes_* Installing 2 assemblies from libappindicator0.1-cil into Mono11:22
dcordes_now I would just start over but it is like the 5th failed rootstock image in a sequence and I really don't want to11:22
dcordes_is there a way to manually intervene w/o losing the entire progress again ?11:23
dcordes_I am running ubuntu lucid and the rootstock version used is rootstock
ogralag, still rsyncing here, i havent tested the image yet, is that with the default boot.scr ?11:39
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lagogra: No11:48
lagogra: It's with console=ttyUSB<blar> and console=tty2 set11:49
ogralag, but no hdmi options ?11:52
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ograi'll try here soon, rsync just finished11:57
dcordes_ogra: can you please comment on the rootstock problem ?11:58
ogradcordes_, build ubuntu-minimal and install the rest under real hw (or in the vm you will use the rootfs)11:59
dcordes_ogra: I did this before. iirc I had the same error installing netbook manually then12:00
ograwell, it works for others this way12:03
dcordes_ogra: if I see the same error during ubuntu-netbook install, do you recommned a workaround ?12:06
ograthere is no workaround12:06
dcordes_ogra: I know it is possible to remove mono. I did this on my current ubuntu-desktop rootfs12:06
ograif it also fails for you on real hardware thats a different issue to failing on rootstock12:07
dcordes_ogra: do you think it might be related to using lucid on the host machine ?12:07
ograthat mono installation fails in cross arch chroots is a known issue thats not fixable unless mono changes12:07
ograif it fails on real hardware, thats not known to me so likely a new bug but completely unrelated to mono being uninstallable in rootstock12:08
dcordes_ogra: ok then possibily what I have seen before was just coincidence - or rather related to the fact that mono is such a huge mess that it is not really coincidental it has tons of bugs12:09
dcordes_ogra: anyway I will try it that way and let you know.12:10
dcordes_66M     armel-rootfs-201008021300.tgz12:10
dcordes_is that expected maverick ubuntu-minimal size ?12:10
ogralikely bigger12:11
dcordes_ogra: likely ? how big ?12:23
ograno idea, 120M ?12:24
ogralag, todays image works fine with my monitor12:24
dcordes_ogra: its 160 uncompressed...12:32
ograresizing became really fast with the new inode structure on the image12:35
ogralike under 2min12:36
ografor a 4G Sd12:36
dcordes_ogra: you guys should add the mono problem in the manpage12:37
dcordes_ogra: so people don't waste hours and hours like me.12:37
ograthere are open bugs about it12:38
dcordes_ogra: about documenting it or fixing it ?12:38
ograabout the brokeness12:38
dcordes_ogra: I can not see it. Do you have a link ?12:41
ograBug 61071912:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 610719 in mono (Ubuntu) "Mono hangs while running with qemu ARM user emulation (chroot) (dup-of: 530000)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61071912:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 530000 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "mono assembly installation under qemu-arm-static hangs (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 30)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53000012:42
dcordes_ogra: what is 'user emulation' ?12:42
dcordes_Bug 61250412:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 612504 in project-rootstock "documentation: add a note on mono problem (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61250412:51
rsalvetilet me read the log12:59
dcordes_rsalveti: morning. now the rootstock team is complete :D13:00
rsalvetidcordes_: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootStock/KnownIssues13:01
rsalvetithis mono issue is already there13:01
rsalvetithis sucks in so many ways hehe13:01
dcordes_rsalveti: yes in the wiki... yeah truly sucks13:02
rsalvetimono tries to read many files from /proc13:03
rsalvetiwill try to map the memory and so on, giving lots of seg faults13:03
rsalvetiwith qemu vanilla you'll just get a seg fault instead of a hang13:04
rsalvetiI'd recommend you to not install this package, or try rootstock in a real arm hardware, avoiding qemu13:04
rsalvetiif you want to generate a bigger image13:05
rsalvetior, fix the mono bug :-)13:05
rsalvetiogra: you mean, by just changing the image to add more inodes the resizes now takes less minutes?13:06
lagmythripk: Ping13:08
dcordes_rsalveti: I was advised to do this already13:09
dcordes_rsalveti: thanks13:09
dcordes_rsalveti: I think it must be added in the direct documentation of the program until it is fixed upstream.13:09
dcordes_or in rootstock13:09
rsalvetidcordes_: ok, we could just add this link into rootstock's man page, would that be enough?13:10
rsalvetithe known issues link13:10
dcordes_rsalveti: yes13:10
dcordes_rsalveti: additionally one could edit the wiki to draw more attention on the mono thing, i.e. moving it top and stating clearly it makes every rootstock seed fail that contains mono.13:13
dcordes_rsalveti: isn't that pretty much everything but ubuntu-minimal ?13:13
dcordes_I tried to login with my ID but wiki gives me error.13:13
ograrsalveti, yeah, it finishes after the first pass instead of doing four and has no write time at the end as we had it before13:14
rsalvetidcordes_: yep, at least when related with the big ubuntu meta packages13:14
rsalvetidcordes_: sure, we can change that in the wiki too13:15
dcordes_rsalveti: ok. I think that should be mentioned in the wiki then. could you add it ?13:15
rsalvetiogra: haha, that's nice :-) as a side effect of your problem we solved another one13:15
ograi first thought it was crashed since it was so breezing fast13:16
dcordes_with all the bug reporting I would like to thank you for the program. it is a really good approach13:16
ograbut it properly resized to 4G13:16
* ogra tries on the XM next13:16
rsalvetiogra: cool, will also try on my beagle13:17
ograwell, the C4 will likely see OOM13:17
rsalvetidcordes_: nice, thanks13:17
ograat least after the installation13:17
rsalvetiogra: plymouth always gives an OOM13:18
rsalvetieven if you get a very basic image with rootstock13:18
ograthat should be gone since a while13:18
rsalvetiwell, I tested 3 days ago13:18
ograwith what image ?13:18
ograwe didnt build any since mid of the sprint13:19
rsalvetia very basic image, created with rootstock, but using the latest kernel package, after generating the uInitrd13:19
ograhmm, k13:19
ograthats bad13:19
ograthere were plenty kernel changes and one fix to ureadahead that should prevent the crash13:19
rsalvetiwill try again today, it's easy to test13:20
rsalvetido we have bugs for this issue already?13:21
ograyep, i think so13:21
ograBug 60035913:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 600359 in ureadahead (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "ureadahead generating oom messages during boot. (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60035913:22
dyfetNCommander: ping13:58
lagmythripk: ping14:00
ograhrm, resizinmg on the XM fails14:38
ograseems it detects the SD as readonly media14:39
dyfetr/o? yea that is rather odd14:42
hrwr/o or write protected?14:46
ograit says it cant access mmcblk0 in readwrite mode14:46
ograit being sfdisk14:46
hrwchecked what kernel log said?14:47
ograoopses all over14:47
ograand OOM all over14:47
ograwhich is weird14:47
hrwI mean what kernel said about sd card14:48
ukleineknpitre: you're still nico at marvell.com?14:49
ograno idea, it hardlocked after oem-config was done and now it doesnt boot anymore14:49
ograso no access to dmesg14:50
ukleineknpitre: if not, http://ksummit2010.kernel.org/nominated-list should be updated14:50
amitkukleinek: npitre is with canonical now and he is currently on vacation14:51
rsalvetiogra: did you have time to review and push the rootstock debdiff?15:18
ukleinekamitk: thanks15:19
NCommanderdyfet: pong?15:21
dyfethey, where are you this week?15:21
NCommanderdyfet: NYC, and DebConf 10 (partially)15:22
dyfetah, okay, excellent15:22
NCommanderdyfet: where are you?15:22
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ograrsalveti, uploaded15:42
rsalvetiogra: nice, thanks15:42
mythripklag: u pinged ?16:13
lagmythripk: I did16:14
lagmythripk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472128/16:14
GrueMasterogra: Anything I should know about today's images?  I'm currently flashing SD cards and getting ready to boot.16:15
lagGrueMaster: Check out my paste above16:16
mythripklag:do you have all the patch set ? I guess you missed a patch from dispc16:16
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mythripkoops .. :*do16:17
mythripki guess you have missed one dispc patch16:17
lagThis is nothing to do with me16:18
lagThis is our live daily builds16:18
lagI don't think your patches have gone in yet16:18
lagUnless cooloney ...16:18
lagWait one16:18
mythripklag: I guess this patch is missed http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=axelcx/kernel-display.git;a=commit;h=2cf64e365a7ca4d7c16ab5a2858f8b0397afcf8216:19
mythripklag:From the log it is crashing at the wait_for completion16:20
mythripkcan you check that /16:20
mythripkand this is patch from the tree im talking about , not the one's that had EDID change16:21
lagmythripk: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=commit;h=56d2530e9a9b99188daf71855518672d80e795b016:28
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mythripklag:If im not wrong isnt this 11days old tree and the one's you were all using ? Also was this a one off event or is this always seen ? . I had seen this without the above mentioned patch16:32
lagI believe this is the one we are using16:34
lagThis is the first time I've seen this error16:34
mythripkk , Im at home now , let me try out tomorrow to see if i can in anyway reproduce this , because i have not seen this before(with the HPD irq handler patch.16:36
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lagmythripk: Okay. Well our branch is here if you want to take a look to see what's applied and what isn't16:38
lagmythripk: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap416:38
lagI have only seen this happen with my monitor - others are okay still16:38
mythripksure i have link to your tree, It doesnt have to do with the monitor.. I guess you would not see this again if you reboot do u?16:40
ogralag, we're definitely missing the patches from robclark16:45
ograGrueMaster, i see some weird behavior on my XM, the panda image is awesome, thw new changes speed up resizing significantly16:48
lagAre the new XMs out yet?16:48
lagMine still has a memory issue16:48
ograthere is a uboot patch that might fix it16:48
ograi wont be able to update uboot before A3 though16:49
lagI thought it was hardware?16:49
ograboth i guess16:49
ograthere is surely also a _HW issue16:49
ograi dont see any memory issues though, what i see is that sfdisk fails with a weird error that seems to indicate the SD is locked16:50
lagWith the latest image?16:53
ograwhile the omap4 image works like a breeze, the omap3 one on the XM is failing badly16:54
lagmythripk: I'll test it and let you know16:55
lagmythripk: Ping me tomorrow morning16:55
lagmythripk: Enjoy your evening16:55
GrueMasterogra: Thanks.  I don't have an XM yet.  I will be getting JamieBennett's in a couple of weeks while I'm in Oxford.16:56
ograjamies is pre-production16:56
ograthat should be replaced first16:56
hrwogra: XMs are pre-production anyway16:57
GrueMasterI have the panda image up and sitting at oem-config already.16:57
ograhrw, well, but there are some that are closer to the final product than others16:57
ograhrw, the ones i'm talking about dont even boot with the same uboot16:57
GrueMasterWell, any way we look at it it is easier for me to hand-carry it back & get a replacement from Tx.16:57
ograGrueMaster, awesome, please check the rootfs size etc (assuming the resizing was as fast for you as it was for me)16:58
ografdisk -l and df output :)16:58
GrueMasterIt looked pretty fast.  What changes did you make?16:59
ograi changed the inode allocation on the original image16:59
ograby default the gap between two inodes is 4096 bytes ... i doubled that16:59
GrueMasterNot seeing it in livecd.sh bzr branch.  Need to check my copy.17:00
ograit was uploaded17:00
ograelse you wouldnt see it in the image17:00
GrueMasterah, there it is.17:01
GrueMasterI had a glitch at the same time I did a pull.17:02
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GrueMasterFunny how easy it is to lose track of what is going on when you have 5 systems running on 4 monitors.17:02
ograheh, yeah17:02
ograadd 3 keyboards and mice you shuffle between these :)17:03
GrueMasterMy office looks like the control desk from the matrix.17:03
GrueMasterOnly 3?17:03
ograhow did your monitor behave with the panda image btw ?17:03
GrueMasterDidn't.  Had to reboot with the dvi settings as before.17:04
GrueMasterI don't have an HDMI monitor.17:04
ograoh, right17:04
ograi was just wondering if you saw the same issue as lag17:04
ograhe apparently hits an oops from the display code17:05
GrueMasterNope.  I didn't see anything.  :P17:05
hrwGrueMaster: brunets, blonds etc?17:05
GrueMasterI boot once.  If no vid, then I add the cmdline parameters for video & serial console.17:05
ograbe careful that you dont shut down in the middle of the resize :)17:06
GrueMasterhrw: I'm partial to redheads.17:06
GrueMasterNo, I still have enough serial console to see when a reboot takes place.17:06
ograah, k17:06
GrueMasterAnd besides, if I do for some reason, I usually reflash before moding the cmdline.17:07
ograbtw ... https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings/0.217:08
ograif you see any issues with panels or applets in the efl session, its likely that the settings arent right yet, please file against the above package17:08
ografor now its just a copy of the unity settings with very few mods.17:08
ograi will fix that during A3 prep17:09
ograbut need to know whats missing ...17:09
GrueMasterA3 is this week.17:09
ograthe next build will have it in it17:09
ograthu, yes17:09
ografreeze starts tomorrow morning, but the package is arch specific anyway so i'll get exceptions as needed17:10
ograand after all its all bugfixes :)17:10
ograGrueMaster, oh, and also please watch the launcher closely, asac is just preparing an upgrade to latest upstream, tomorrows image will have it17:11
ograi'm a bit worried we get some untested code in17:12
ogra(though i'm happy asac does it, striked off one TODO from my list :) )17:12
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prpplaguersalveti: ping17:38
rsalvetiprpplague: pong17:39
prpplaguersalveti: zippy and zippy2 support, you planning to have that in 10.10 , correct?17:39
rsalvetiprpplague: that's the idea, but we still need to upload the patches for review, and wait to see if it gets approved for 10.1017:40
prpplaguersalveti: 10.10 is going to be based on 2.6.35 kernel?17:40
rsalvetiI just got a few patches and will start looking what can be sent to our upstream kernel17:40
rsalvetiprpplague: yep, that's the idea17:40
prpplaguersalveti: dandy thanks17:41
rsalvetiprpplague: but I can only test zippy2, as I don't have a zippy 1 board17:41
hrwrsalveti: prpplague for sure can test z1 ;d17:42
prpplaguersalveti: did you already send me your contact info?17:42
rsalvetiI think dyfet also has a zippy one17:42
rsalvetiprpplague: nops17:43
prpplaguersalveti: please send me your shipping and contact info to danders@tincantools.com17:44
rsalvetiprpplague: sure, will do it now, thanks17:44
dyfetI do have it17:45
dyfetThe ethernet works on it17:46
hrwserial and sd too?17:46
rsalvetiprobably needs additional patches17:47
dyfetI had not tested those...I could do so quickly.  I was surprised when the ethernet worked on the latest kernel ;)17:47
rsalvetidyfet: yep, at least the ethernet port should work, as this is the default in the kernel17:48
rsalvetifor zippy 2 we have to change it and find out the argument from u-boot17:48
prpplaguedyfet: yea the enc28j60 support has been there for awhile and is pretty decent17:49
* prpplague wrote the first enc28j60 driver for 2.4 kernel17:49
dyfetwell, I do have a device node for ttyS3....no device node for the other mmcblk device, though17:50
prpplaguedyfet: the additional uart should be on ttyS1 iirc17:51
dyfetI have S0-S317:52
prpplaguedyfet: we generally test the uart with a serial loop back connector and a uart loop back app17:53
dyfetI used to have a serial loopback plug...17:53
prpplaguersalveti: i'll include a loopback connector when we send the zippy17:53
rsalvetiprpplague: nice17:54
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dyfetthe zippy serial works17:57
dyfetI started a getty to login on it, and it came up...ttyS117:57
rsalvetiprpplague: sent17:59
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:59
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prpplaguedyfet: dandy17:59
prpplaguersalveti: got it17:59
rsalvetidyfet: nice to know, can you check the sd?17:59
dyfetIt works too!  at least as far as dmesg tells me when I stick a sd in...18:02
dyfetand it gave me the dev nodes for the partitions on that sd...so it seems to read it18:02
rsalvetidyfet: great18:03
rsalvetiso you can basically test if I'm breaking zippy 1 instead of making it work :-)18:03
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dcordesbad news19:39
dcordesI did what you told me19:41
JamesWstubbs91Hello, I'm working on iPhone port of Ubuntu, I'm using the evdev driver for the touchscreen. This works perfecly when the screen is in a portrait orientation.19:42
JamesWstubbs91I'm now working on a landscape orientation, I have the framebuffer landscape and have used swapaxes and invertY in xorg.conf19:43
dcordesI know how to solve the prob for tslib19:43
JamesWstubbs91The touchscreen works fine and is acting correctly, but the top section of the screen is now "untouchable" I also cant "drag" the mouse up there.19:43
dcordesyou need to add a rotate option in the input section for the tslib.19:44
JamesWstubbs91Is there a touchscreen calibration tool for evdev19:44
dcordesoh ok19:44
dcordesthat is something different then19:44
dcordesnever seen untouchable area19:44
dcordeshow about trying tslib19:45
JamesWstubbs91dcordes: I have to use evdev, I've tried installing tslib evtouch and mutouch from .deb and the latest from source, non pick up the touchscreen automatically or configured manually using xorg.conf,19:45
dcordesdo you set the correct env variab.le. ?19:46
JamesWstubbs91Hm, what/where is that?19:46
dcordesit is in the manpage19:47
JamesWstubbs91Yes I've done that then have tried using the tslib calibrator19:47
dcordesogra ping19:47
JamesWstubbs91Simply said It could find the touchscreen device19:47
JamesWstubbs91it couldn't sorry19:47
dcordesare you 100% you set right fevice?19:48
JamesWstubbs91It's /dev/input/event119:48
JamesWstubbs91Confirmed using the evdev driver19:48
JamesWstubbs91And also by using cat /dev/input/event119:48
JamesWstubbs91Nope, worked on trying to get tslib working for a few days, I won't have typo'd the entire time19:50
dcordesaight then19:51
JamesWstubbs91The touchscreen works fine in portrait19:52
JamesWstubbs91It's also quite accurate19:53
dcordesevdev mailing list ?19:53
JamesWstubbs91It's almost as if the the resolution is wrong, but I've tried switching the MaxX and MaxY values19:53
JamesWstubbs91The touchscreen behaved the same19:53
JamesWstubbs91dcordes: I've tried googling the hell out of it, I have a feeling that using xinput might do the trick, I just can't get my head around the syntax19:54
dcordesnot google19:54
dcordeswrite email to evdev mailing list19:55
JamesWstubbs91Ok, I'll see what they say19:55
dcordesor tslib.....19:55
GrueMasterDoesn't evdev have an option to change orientation?19:55
GrueMasterSeems to me I remember something like that.19:56
dcordeshow can I get in touch w/you james19:56
dcordesI want to help your project19:56
JamesWstubbs91dcordes: I'm available in irc.osx86.hu in #ix , my projects blog is ixproject.org19:56
JamesWstubbs91GrueMaster: I've managed to change the orientation, I now have a section at the top of the screen I can't move the mouse to19:57
dcordeswhere is the rootstock crew when you need them :p19:57
GrueMasterdcordes: Ping rsalveti.  He's been fixing it up recently.19:58
dcordesjames are you using the ma maverick?19:58
JamesWstubbs91Nope, I can apperently only use Karmic19:58
JamesWstubbs91Armv6 support was dropped with Luci19:59
rsalvetidcordes: yep, need anything?19:59
* dcordes slaps WinCE on screen keyboard for stuttering19:59
* JamesWstubbs91 slaps his keyboard, for the hell of it20:00
dcordesrsalveti hi20:00
dcordescross installed ubuntu-minimal20:01
dcordesnatively installed ubuntu-netbook in it20:02
dcordeslikr 2GB of it20:02
dcordeserrored on mono20:02
rsalvetiwhile running it on a native environment?20:02
dcordesbut at a different point than the known qemu one20:03
JamesWstubbs91Anyone got anymore ideas on my evdev issue before I dissapear into repeated trial and error insomnia ?20:03
rsalvetidcordes: argh, mono does sucks20:03
dcordeslol dont20:04
JamesWstubbs91Ok, thanks anyway20:04
dcordeswrite tslib than evdev ml and wait.20:04
rsalvetidcordes: what distro version are you using? lucid?20:04
rsalvetidcordes: I can test it here, but please try to see if there are any bugs reported already at launchpad20:04
dcordeshost or target?20:05
rsalvetidcordes: target20:05
dcordestarget maverick20:05
dcordeshost lucid20:05
rsalvetiok, mono on maverick may be broken, never tested20:05
dcordesrootstock latest20:05
rsalvetiI'm just creating a new maverick rootfs, will try to install ubuntu-netbook on it20:06
dcordesI did same thing before and think err was same20:06
rsalvetidcordes: what error are you getting?20:06
dcordesso its not me20:07
dcordesfreeze on20:07
dcordesinstalling two foo of bar into mono20:07
dcordesI noted it20:08
dcordesbut can't loop mount ext2 in wince :>20:09
dyfetogra, meant to be here...20:24
dcordesrsalveti, do you know how to work around such error?20:34
rsalvetinot yet, it's supposed to work when installing it in a native environment, that's why I'm testing it20:35
rsalvetibut the repo just got out of sync, will try again in some minutes20:36
dcordescool thanks a bunch my friend20:41
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dcordes_rsalveti, got past mono in your test install yet ?21:37
rsalvetiGrueMaster: what arguments are you using on panda to get the serial output from kernel?21:46
rsalvetiit seems mine is freezing during boot, and I want to get the kernel log to check it21:46
rsalvetialso using an lg monitor, seems the one that lag was also using21:46
GrueMasterrsalveti: console=ttyO2,115200 console=tty0 for serial console.21:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster: that explains why ttys2 doesn't work :-)21:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster: thanks man21:47
GrueMasterIs your monitor HDMI?21:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yep, hdmi and dvi21:48
GrueMasterOk.  I don't have an HDMI monitor, so I have to force the mode.21:48
rsalvetiGrueMaster: the monitor detects the signal only when I'm using the hdmi port with a hdmi->dvi adapter21:48
rsalvetiGrueMaster: oh, ok, so to use the dvi what argument should I use?21:49
GrueMasteromapdss.debug=1 omapdss.hdmimode=0 omapdss.hdmicode=3521:49
rsalvetidcordes_: doing it right now, waiting lots of packages to get installed :-)21:49
GrueMasterThe debug part just adds more messages to the log.21:49
rsalvetiGrueMaster: nice21:49
rsalvetiGrueMaster: is there a wiki listing these arguments or something like that? or the source code is the only documentation? :-)21:50
GrueMasterYes.  Let me find the link.21:50
dcordes_rsalveti, I think it took around 3 hours until I arrived tat the mono error starting from ubuntu-minimal21:50
rsalvetidcordes_: ouch21:50
dcordes_rsalveti, with 1000MHz cpu clock and ~390MB ram21:50
rsalvetiok, so ping me in a few hours :-)21:51
dcordes_rsalveti, my rootfs lives on a class4 uSD it might be the bottleneck21:51
rsalvetiI have one class 6 that GrueMaster gave me, but I always get some weird errors on beagle21:51
rsalvetiso I'm basically using the old c4 too21:52
GrueMasterrsalveti: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Bootargs_for_enabling_display21:54
rsalvetiGrueMaster: nice, thanks again21:54
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dcordes_GrueMaster, do I also get a GrueMaster class6 uSD ?22:07
dcordes_it would certainly be useful investment22:13
dcordes_some 4 or 8G with class 622:13
GrueMasterdcordes_: Sure.  Log in to amazon.com...22:20
GrueMasterrsalveti: What issues are you seeing with the class 6 I gave you?22:21
dcordes_GrueMaster, maybe it's 2fast for the beagle so it gets hick ups22:22
dcordes_rsalveti, how much space does your maverick take up so far ? (I kept typing 'df -h' during the install)22:22
* dcordes_ is an impatient person22:22
dcordes_sorry :)22:23
GrueMasterdcordes_: There is a known issue being worked on in the current kernel for beagle.  Bug 591941.22:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 591941 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "SDHC card not recognized (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 80)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59194122:23
rsalvetiGrueMaster: I got some i/o errors with it, at least on beagle22:24
rsalvetibut don't remember if it was lucid or maverick22:24
GrueMasterI found that class 4 cards are the only ones that work reliably on beagle at the moment.22:24
rsalvetiI need to test it again22:24
dcordes_GrueMaster, hmm don't get this wrong but don't you think that's something to discuss upstream with rwhitby and friends ?22:24
dcordes_GrueMaster, to me it looks malplaced in ubuntu bugtracking system22:24
GrueMasterdcordes_: Kernel team is already on it.22:24
dcordes_well ok if you have some mechanisms to pass it upstream..22:25
rsalvetiargh, forgot to watch for the reboot and now my console arguments are gone22:25
dcordes_then I didn't say it :)22:25
GrueMasterI report the bugs, others fix them.  :P22:25
dcordes_GrueMaster, forgot you guys are actually no small community but massive company :)22:25
GrueMasterOther way around.  Small company, massive community.22:26
dcordes_GrueMaster, are you also canonical employee ?22:27
rsalvetidcordes_: I'm using just one serial, so let's just wait some more :-)22:27
GrueMasterI'd tell you, but then I'd have to pkill you.   :P22:27
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dcordes_somebody knows how to extract a single filesystem (as file) from a raw device image ?23:07
dcordes_that has bootstectore multiple partitions etc23:07
dcordes_the beagle sd images use such raw file23:07
dcordes_I would just write it to some SD device node but don't have such as I work in remote vm23:12
GrueMasterAre you talking about mounting a partition from maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img?23:17
GrueMasterdcordes_: ^^^23:22
dcordes_GrueMaster, no. meego :D23:22
dcordes_GrueMaster, but it's same23:22
dcordes_GrueMaster, some raw image supposed to be copied to sd23:22
GrueMasterNot familiar with that image, but you should be able to get the start sector with "file <img>23:22
dcordes_ x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, startsector 32, 3320288 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 3, startsector 3320320, 499968 sectors23:23
GrueMasterOk.  Now, say you want to mount partition 2.  sudo mount <img> ./mnt -o loop,offset=$((512*3320320))23:25
GrueMasterThe starting byte offset is what is needed.23:25
GrueMasterAnd each sector should be 512 bytes.23:25
GrueMasterdcordes_: did that work for you?23:37

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