
imgarysmithlooking for help with themes20:03
thorwilimgarysmith: if you explain your problem, someone might be able and willing to help you20:14
imgarysmithi want to find a way to get the standard ubuntu 10.04 theme and make slight edits to it. i found forum posts to start from scratch but i only want to make one based on the standard theme. thanks20:15
thorwilimgarysmith: you are on 10.04?20:17
imgarysmiththorwil ye20:17
thorwilimgarysmith: installed themes can be found in /usr/share/themes20:18
thorwilimgarysmith: you might want to copy /usr/share/themes/Ambiance to a folder with a different name among your documents (in your home directoy, if you use it)20:20
imgarysmithhow can i edit the login screen, splash screen, etc20:20
darkmatteroh phooey. someone already implemented my idea as a third-party mac addon. damn them all to hell :(20:20
thorwilimgarysmith: what i just said refers to the metacity/gtk theme. i have no clue about the current situation with login/splash20:21
imgarysmiththanks for your time20:21
thorwilyeah, because i'm the only person here20:22
darkmatteroh wait.it's an iphone adon. but they still time travelled to the future, stole my idea, and shipped it back xD20:23
thorwildarkmatter: pah, just wait until you learn about the other dimensions20:24
darkmatterthorwil: I've been to a few of those already. I try to keep the memories blocked. thanks :P20:24
thorwilfunny, that's what some of the dimensions said, too, with reversed roles ^^20:25
* darkmatter is still gonna do his status notification idea, but is just disappointed that others are doing similar. the originality factor just plummeted into the abyss *sighs* 20:27
darkmatterhmmmm... I should file a request for dropbox to have an additional icon for an update state20:30
vishdarkmatter: nothing can ever be original ;p20:36
darkmattervish: true, but still :P20:44
darkmattermeh. I'm bored, I should build the latest murrine21:02

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