
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
tenachIs xfce able to remember window locations like GNOME?  It seems to not by default, and it's getting rather frustrating to have every window start aligned to the bottom left corner of my screen.02:48
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paultag_Morning, all12:48
JoeMaverickSettyo! morning paultag_12:49
paultag_morning JoeMaverickSett, sup12:52
JoeMaverickSettpaultag_, i'm cool! how do you do?12:52
paultag_JoeMaverickSett: sheeeeet, pimp'n ain't shitt today my brotha12:54
JoeMaverickSettpaultag_, =D12:54
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
drubinpaultag: getto?13:29
paultagdrubin: ghetto13:31
paultagdrubin: and fsck() yes13:31
drubinwhat ever floats your boat13:31
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DarkNemesisanyone seen bodhi?15:03
DarkNemesis!seen bodhi15:04
ubot2I have no seen command15:04
DarkNemesisparty pooper15:06
DarkNemesisanyone here?15:08
shpongleDarkNemesis, hey there15:09
shpongleDarkNemesis, what's bodhi?15:09
DarkNemesisie they used t be here i think15:09
uRockI haven't seen him logged in lately, you may want to try PMing on ubuntuforums.org15:10
DarkNemesisi need to get a bit of help15:11
DarkNemesison the forums ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67160415:12
DarkNemesisit gives a guide to secure ff15:12
DarkNemesisi am doing this15:12
DarkNemesisi have issues15:14
DarkNemesisnot me personally15:15
DarkNemesisthe DansGaurdian thing15:15
DarkNemesisthats the error shpongle15:16
uRockIf you post in the thread, then he may respond to it. Or one of the other security brainiacs.15:21
DarkNemesisi need to make it ULTRA secure as there are folk who want to hem me15:22
DarkNemesiswhere is this server based?15:23
* uRock scratches head, "I don't know."15:27
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== phillw_away is now known as phillw
=== DarkNemesis is now known as switchgirl
=== switchgirl is now known as boobz
=== boobz is now known as DarkNemesis
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
paultaghey drubin16:40
paultaghey Silver_Fox_16:45
paultagSilver_Fox_: just updated more on my site16:45
Silver_Fox_Which version paultag  ?16:46
Silver_Fox_Mobile or Normal ?16:46
Silver_Fox_paultag,  Pretty good read -http://tinyurl.com/34s9kes16:47
paultagSilver_Fox_: pault.ag16:47
Silver_Fox_Though I still prefer smashing mag for news16:47
paultagSilver_Fox_: yup, good stuff16:48
paultagSilver_Fox_: http://pault.ag/ <-- added "feed"16:48
Silver_Fox_*sigh.. so reliant on javascript....16:48
paultagsuck it :P16:48
Silver_Fox_Apparently I need to allow it to navigate16:48
paultagJS is still the only way to go  right now16:48
Silver_Fox_ ;)16:49
paultagYeah, you do16:49
Silver_Fox_I know I do16:49
paultagit's 201016:49
paultaglet's just use it already16:49
Silver_Fox_I shall allow some of it16:49
Silver_Fox_Oh right,  jquery16:50
Silver_Fox_Nice work16:50
Silver_Fox_I like it, very clean16:50
Silver_Fox_Form and function perfectly married16:50
paultagthanks :316:51
paultagAnd, on that note, I shall go to starbucks for lunch16:51
paultagI'll bbl16:51
paultagalways said that in my head as bibbel16:52
paultagI'll bibbel16:52
* paultag whoosh16:52
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: howdy.17:01
Silver_Fox_Hello duanedesign17:02
duanedesignanything exciting going on with you?17:02
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
drubinpaultag: I agree with Silver_Fox_ there17:38
Silver_Fox_I love it when people agree with me ;)17:38
Silver_Fox_And hey drubin17:38
hobgoblindrubin :)17:39
drubinSilver_Fox_: Happens so rarely>?17:39
* drubin is bouncing around before he needs to goout17:39
Silver_Fox_Most of the time infact, I tend to look at things differently i guess17:39
drubinadds paul.ag to his javascript allow list17:39
Silver_Fox_Which can be useful for starting discussions17:39
Silver_Fox_drubin,  Are you like me , in that js is blocked everywhere by default?17:40
drubindamn straight.17:41
drubinand flash, and java17:41
Silver_Fox_Well flash is going anyway so one less thing to block17:41
abhijitanyone can help in this issue?17:42
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239117:42
IAmNotThatGuyabhijit: you can swith among KDE and GNOME. you know that?17:44
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, yes. you first visit my issue on forum so you can know more.17:44
abhijitbin1010, can you help me?17:47
abhijitnot its 3rd day. and nu one helps me! :'(17:48
IAmNotThatGuyabhijit: I cant really find a solution as I had never done anything like that before.17:48
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, :(17:49
IAmNotThatGuyI have KDE too but I use the switcher during the login session17:49
IAmNotThatGuyInever tried removing it17:49
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, ok17:49
IAmNotThatGuyI never*17:49
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, but no one helps me! :'(17:49
bihariwell i wants to connect my SAMSUNG set with my ubuntu17:50
IAmNotThatGuyyou googled about this problem?17:50
IAmNotThatGuybihari: your samsung mobile?17:50
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, yes. no success.17:51
bihariThe set name is SAMSUNG SGH-B52017:51
IAmNotThatGuybihari: try wammu17:51
IAmNotThatGuyabhijit: I think you have to recover it17:52
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, how?17:52
abhijithello duanedesign17:53
IAmNotThatGuyidk whether you can do it or not. Is there anything you backed up?17:54
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, yah i can take backup.17:55
IAmNotThatGuyabhijit: you read this?? "It's possible that the commands might remove some other packages you have since added to the default and want to keep. If that's the case, keep track of which packages those are and reinstall them. Your settings should still be there. "17:55
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, i installed all pacackages. i reversed that command. but no success.17:55
IAmNotThatGuyaww :(17:55
IAmNotThatGuyphillw: you are there??17:56
paultagdrubin: thanks :)17:58
drubinYou owe me17:59
paultagdrubin: What for this time?17:59
paultagfixin my crap software?17:59
drubinEvening you have to enable Javascript on a website a Fairy looses its wings17:59
IAmNotThatGuypaultag: you read what abhijit told?17:59
paultagdrubin: haha awww17:59
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: where?17:59
IAmNotThatGuyabove your head :/18:00
paultagdrubin: Well HTML5 is not around just yet18:00
IAmNotThatGuyin this channel paultag18:00
abhijitpaultag, after removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239118:00
paultagdrubin: and I love AJAX so much18:00
IAmNotThatGuyabhijit: he can scroll up :P18:00
abhijitIAmNotThatGuy, :D18:01
DarkNemesishi, i am tryig to crack the password for the wikileaks file "insurance .aes256" are there tools avaiabe to pool all the words from wikileaks.org to use those  words as brute force attacks?18:02
paultagDarkNemesis: thought about that, and there are 2 problems18:03
paultagDarkNemesis: 1) That's technically not legal, and you won't get help here18:03
paultagDarkNemesis: 2) It's very secure. You won't brute force that without MASSIVE computing power18:03
paultagDarkNemesis: People have clusters that can hardly decrypt that level of security18:03
paultagabhijit: sec. I'm still thinking18:04
paultagDarkNemesis: it's out there so if the head of wikileaks is killed or something they give out the password18:04
paultagDarkNemesis: keep the file around, the password will get released soon, I think18:04
abhijitpaultag, okki18:04
paultagDarkNemesis: plus, if you decrypt it, the US goverment would most likely shoot you18:05
DarkNemesispaultag wel. i'm safe18:05
DarkNemesisi'm not in emeria18:05
paultagDarkNemesis: Neither was Che18:05
DarkNemesis[so called cus eminem lives there]18:05
DarkNemesisor should that be ob-erica as obama is dictaror there18:06
DarkNemesispaultag i stand no chance breaking it18:06
DarkNemesisi just want to try18:06
DarkNemesissomeone said it was impossible so i have to try18:07
paultagDarkNemesis: I mean, you can try, but you won't get help here. The UK is as bad as the USA18:07
DarkNemesispaultag, do you not not have any idea where i might ask?18:08
paultagDarkNemesis: I know you are on a Telewst ISP, and they are UK18:08
paultagIt's not actually18:09
DarkNemesislol ahh i love my distributed netwrk18:09
paultagDarkNemesis: Ah, so you're proxy'ing?18:09
paultagUsing a proxy is against network guidelines DarkNemesis18:09
DarkNemesisnope not if you have sasl18:09
paultagthat's not true18:10
* abhijit is watching and waiting....................18:10
paultagthe only exception is the EFF's Tor18:10
drubinpaultag: you would love rails.18:10
DarkNemesisyup... i have vpn to a server18:10
drubinjust putting it out there18:10
paultagdrubin: I do love rails18:10
drubinpaultag: \o/18:10
DarkNemesisand on the server i have tor18:10
drubingot a cool project I want to work on.18:11
paultagDarkNemesis: neither here nore there18:11
DarkNemesisclever huh?18:11
paultagDarkNemesis: not really18:11
DarkNemesisi'm pulling your leg18:11
paultagDarkNemesis: now i'm going to have to ask you try and get help cracking elsewhere18:12
paultagDarkNemesis: try a blackhat fourms. Won't get much help around here18:12
paultagabhijit: I'm not sure, this is quite the odd issue18:12
paultagabhijit: sec.18:12
abhijitpaultag, ok18:13
paultagabhijit: I'm at a lost. That's a very odd error, and I'm not sure. It looks like you removed one of the libs that another lib depended on, and it did not figure it out ( not in the dependecies )18:14
paultagabhijit: You might have to go through and install / remove each one of the things you removed before, and report it to Debian18:14
abhijitpaultag, omg! then i prefer fresh reinstall!!! :D18:14
paultagabhijit: haha yes, but we need the bug report :)18:21
abhijitpaultag, i submitted bug on luanchpad18:22
morrihi .18:50
morrijust now before i restarted thelaptop something stranghe happened#18:51
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
morrijust one minute to another it happened and after reboot it was fine again..18:54
psychicist__I'll have a look at it now18:59
psychicist__this looks like a very serious kernel bug19:00
psychicist__related to the usb subsystem19:01
abhijitpaultag, after removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:01
abhijitpaultag, sorry it was not for you19:02
paultagno worries19:02
psychicist__morri, maybe you can file a bug for it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu19:06
morriok I'll do that19:11
RealEyesi have security questions19:52
RealEyesis there any easy way to secure ubuntu?19:53
pedro3005secure in what way?19:54
RealEyesfrom hackers/crackers?19:55
pedro3005a server or desktop?19:56
RealEyesThe program 'root' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:19:57
RealEyessudo apt-get install root-system-bin19:57
RealEyesIs this good or bad?19:57
pedro3005how did you get that message?19:57
RealEyesi typed in 'root' lol19:57
zkriesseRealEyes: where19:57
zkriesseIn terminal?19:57
RealEyesi want to learn learn learn19:58
ubot2We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.19:58
ubot2Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:58
RealEyesso ... having no root is a good thing? :/19:58
IdleOneRealEyes: you don't need root. Lesson 1 complete.19:58
paultag+1 IdleOne19:59
IdleOneRealEyes: yes, Ubuntu locks the root account19:59
RealEyesLesson 2? :D19:59
paultagRealEyes: yes, for sure, you say you want to secure your install, don't give access to everything down to the kernel level by enabling root19:59
IdleOneyou don't need it, when you do need root privs you issue commands with sudo19:59
paultagRealEyes: re-learn lesson #1 after messing up :)19:59
paultag+1 IdleOne19:59
IdleOneRealEyes: That was lesson two.20:00
RealEyes#? :D20:00
IdleOnethe rest will come in time :)20:00
RealEyes3*? :D20:00
zkriesseRealEyes: what sudo does is grant you a temporary pass to be GOD on the system20:00
RealEyesi realize.20:00
RealEyesdo i need to configure sudo?20:00
paultagrather then being god :P20:00
paultagRealEyes: it should be enabled for users in the @admin group20:00
RealEyeshttp://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/sudoers.html ?20:00
zkriesseHello imgarysmith20:00
IdleOneRealEyes: no need to configure sudo20:00
paultag%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL20:00
paultagyeah, it's set up for admin group by default20:01
IdleOneRealEyes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:01
imgarysmithheya zkriesse20:01
IdleOnepaultag: if I had a nickel for every time someone asked about root....20:02
* zkriesse gives paultag some tea... Sugar?20:02
zkriesseIdleOne: +120:02
paultagIdleOne: darn skippy20:02
paultagzkriesse: quite alright, no need to ruin good tea20:03
RealEyesI'm having tea :S20:03
zkriesseGreen tea is the bomb!20:03
imgarysmitheww tea20:04
zkriesseimgarysmith: tea is better than coffee20:04
imgarysmithpaultag theres no sure thing as good tea20:04
imgarysmithzkriesse coffee rules20:04
RealEyeswhere did you guys learn more about the bash shell?20:05
IdleOnetea may be better for you but I believe that is exactly what makes coffee better20:05
ubot2The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:05
zkriessehaha IdleOne gotcha20:05
ubot2The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:05
imgarysmithcan i ask a question?20:06
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
IdleOneimgarysmith: only 120:06
imgarysmithidleone then i have already used it up :(20:06
zkriesseimgarysmith: Ask away..don't listen to IdleOne he's cranky20:06
* zkriesse pokes IdleOne 20:06
imgarysmithis there a place to download the default ubuntu theme so i can edit it20:06
IdleOneYou can put in a request with the IRCC and see if they will allow another20:07
ubot2Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:07
IdleOneimgarysmith: packages.ubuntu.com will have the source20:07
IdleOnenot sure what the name is though20:07
imgarysmithi want to make my own theme but i want to keep the default as a basis20:08
RealEyeshow quaint20:09
imgarysmithcant find it in packages20:10
zkriessehello satamusic20:21
morrii ahve got a nice theme looks a bit like basic windows 9520:29
morriwas in the default package in the options i think20:30
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
kohlershello, got no more youtube playback in totem player. anyone may help ?20:51
satamusichello zkriesse21:01
kohlersso there's nobody here who could help?21:05
IdleOnekohlers: without more info on what you may have changed (updates,apps installed) it will be hard to help21:06
Silver_Fox_kohlers,  What is the query?21:07
satamusicgotta go-21:15
kohlers"there has been an error"21:21
Silver_Fox_Where, when, how did you get that error?21:21
kohlerswithin totem i tried to playback a video from youtube21:23
kohlersthe search results display an image allright but to have the video playback "i lag permission"21:24
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
kohlersit's a german version so i don't know if you can handle the output...21:31
kohlersDer Ort konnte nicht geöffnet werden; möglicherweise besitzen Sie nicht die notwendigen Zugriffsrechte, um die Datei zu öffnen.21:31
kohlersthat's what it says...sorry i come here but the german channel is a bit busy right now...21:32
kohlersgoogle gave me this: Bug 43015921:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 430159 in totem (Ubuntu) "when I try to watch youtube, I don't have the rights to do that?? (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43015921:36
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=== lolrus_attack is now known as Hungry_Dragon
kohlers:) so how do i get that fix done? just perform an update ? (am i really THAT retarded?)21:41
IdleOnekohlers: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:43
=== Hungry_Dragon is now known as Malfoy
=== Malfoy is now known as uRock
kohlersokay...thx for first...I got to check out some more things here....cya21:53
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* Silver_Fox_ is away: I am still watching22:40
* Silver_Fox_ is back (gone 00:32:50)23:12
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=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn

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