
pittiGood morning07:00
nigelbvery good morning pitti :)07:00
pittihey nigelb, how are you?07:01
nigelbpitti: down with a bad cold and throat pain, but still so far a good day otherwise :)07:01
pittiuh, get well soon!07:02
nigelbthank you :)07:02
TheMusoHey pitti.07:27
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?07:29
pittibonjour baptistemm07:29
TheMusopitti: Quit well thanks, and yourself?07:30
TheMusoquite even'07:30
pittiI'm great, thanks07:30
pittiI'm back on platform this week for alpha-307:30
baptistemmsalut pitti07:36
didrocksgood morning07:38
pittibonjour didrocks, comment vas-tu?07:38
pittiback home?07:38
didrockspitti: ça va très bien, merci ;) yes, back home with a beautiful weather!07:39
pittiraining cats and dogs today07:39
didrockspitti: still little bit exhausted but feel well. Thanks :)07:40
didrockspitti: urgh :/07:40
pittibut at least the weekend was marvellous07:40
didrockspitti: and you? how are you?07:40
pittididrocks: I'm great, thanks! had a very lazy weekend, some bicycling and family visiting, and a lot of reading07:40
pittiLaney: hm, your tomboy merge isn't in bzr07:41
didrockspitti: great :)07:42
pittiRAOF: good morning07:48
pittiRAOF: I'm currently slaughtering some upstream changelogs to reclaim back some CD space07:48
RAOFpitti: Good afternoon!07:48
RAOFpitti: You'd like mesa's gone, I take it?07:48
pittiRAOF: x-x-v-{intel,ati,radon,nouveau} take 1 MB together (compressed), could we kill them?07:48
pittiRAOF: we already did mesa, it seems07:49
pittiRAOF: I'm happy to do the uploads, but I guess those pacakges are in git somewhere?07:49
RAOFAh, yeah.07:49
RAOFThey are in git, yeah.  debcheckout grabs the right thing, you need the “ubuntu” branch.07:49
and471morning all07:50
pittiRAOF: if I send you format-patch and upload, could you git am and push them?07:50
and471hey didrocks, are you the package maintainer for lernid?07:50
RAOFpitti: Yup.07:50
didrocksand471: I've made the upload on request in the past07:50
and471didrocks, ah ok cool :)07:51
didrocksand471: if there is a new upstream release, I can upload it to ubuntu07:51
didrocksand471: morning btw ;)07:51
and471didrocks, I made a debdiff for the new release, it fixes loads of bugs :)07:51
and471gimme a sec for the url..07:51
RAOFpitti: We'll need to rebuild them all soon anyway, for new Xserver, which should be ready tomorrow.07:52
and471didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lernid/+bug/54696807:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 546968 in lernid (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Inappropriately appears in Ubuntu Software Center "Developer Tools" > "Python" (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Low,Fix committed]07:52
and471didrocks, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52813519/lernid_0.7.debdiff07:52
pittiRAOF: ah, then I won't need the uploads today07:52
didrocksand471: great! I'll have a look at it today and keep you in touch :)07:52
and471thanks didrocks :)07:52
didrocksand471: thank to you :)07:53
and471sense, hey, I realised why I had that gtk thing on lucid - I have the appmenugtk ppa, so don't worry about it for all of lucid, it is just me :)07:59
senseand471: By the way, I asked the author of the patch and he said they would release a fix today.08:00
and471sense, cool :)08:00
pittiRAOF: intel and radeon format-patch on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/08:02
pittiRAOF: nouveau will fix itself on next build, it uses dh compat 7 and does not explicitly specify the changelog08:02
RAOFpitti: Ta muchly.08:02
pittiRAOF: thanks to you08:02
pitticcheney: would you mind to drop installing the upstream changelog from OO.o? (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/openoffice/3.2.1-maverick/annotate/head%3A/rules#L3877)08:10
pittiI can't commit to the branch08:10
pittibut we install the 1.2 MB thing in triplicate08:10
didrocksand471: hey, can you please propose another debdiff, with in the changelog the title of the bug fixed rather than just numbers?08:12
didrocksand471: that will help people interesting knowing what the new release fixes for them :)08:12
and471didrocks, sure gimme a few minutes :)08:12
didrocksand471: you should mention your change as well in debian/control08:14
and471hey mpt, Sorry but I think I have found an issue with that login dialog again ;p08:14
mptGood morning and47108:14
and471mpt, I think the best way for me to state this is first could you describe the behaviour when the 'remember password' checkbox is ticked? http://bit.ly/aF8ojd08:15
mptmvo, good morning -- I slipped up two weeks ago and didn't get to see the end-to-end buy-something demo. Do you have instructions handy that I could follow to run through it myself?08:16
mptand471, if it's checked, your Ubuntu SSO password should be stored in gnome-keyring. If it isn't, it isn't.08:18
mvompt: there is a ec2 demo instance now, give me a bit of time to update the code to it and it should be possible to test against this. this will save you the hazzle of setting up a local dev server (that is notoriously troublesome on maverick)08:18
mptthanks mvo08:18
and471mpt, the thing is, we don't actually remember the *password*, we remember a token for the Ubuntu SSO service that allows us the make requests in the future without having to know the email and password08:19
and471mpt, so when it says 'remember password' that isn't actually what we are doing08:19
mptand471, what do you think about "Remember sign-in details" instead?08:21
mptoh, make that "sign-on details"08:21
and471mpt, that is what I was thinking, or yesterday I was using facebook for something and the used 'Remember login'08:21
and471mpt, the string change is fine, but then I was worried about the behaviour afterwards08:21
and471mpt, say a user then logs in again in a future session, what do we show in the login dialog?08:22
mptand471, so what we really want to say is "Sign on automatically next time", I guess08:22
and471mpt, yeah pretty much08:22
mptand471, the point being to offer a choice between going through the dialog every time, and going through it just this once.08:22
and471mpt, which is okay, because if SC knows the token, it doesn't need to remember any forgotten passwords08:22
and471mpt, yup08:23
mptmvo, do/will/should we use different tokens for reviewing stuff vs. buying stuff?08:23
mvompt: no, those will be the same, just a ubuntu-sso oauth token08:24
mvompt: currently we just use a different one when talking to launchpad, but for the exposed functionality we do not actually have to talk to LP at all08:24
mptand471, ok, "Sign on automatically next time" please08:26
and471mpt, cool08:26
mptwiki.ubuntu.com says "Please use the interactive user interface to use action edit!" I don't know what that even means.08:28
and471mpt, sounds engrish08:29
mptThe worst thing is that it's causing me to seriously wonder whether "An upload will never overwrite an existing file ... Overwrite existing attachment of same name [checkbox]" is the dumbest thing in MoinMoin, or only the second dumbest thing.08:31
mptand471, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=407&rev1=40608:33
and471mpt, thanks08:34
and471didrocks, is this better? http://pastebin.com/iHLVCniq08:40
pittididrocks: do you know a bit about gir?08:42
pittiI was just looking at bug 600194, does anyone have an idea where to look for?08:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 600194 in gir-repository (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "gir-repository fails to build from source in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 122)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60019408:43
pitti/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --includedir=. Gtk-2.0.gir -o Gtk-2.0.typelib08:43
pittiGtk-2.0.gir: error: Type reference 'GModule' not found08:43
pittibonjour seb128, back home? how are you?08:43
seb128hey pitti08:43
didrocksand471: I would rather do that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472099/08:44
seb128I'm fine, I mostly got over the guadecflu I got on thirday08:44
didrocksmorning seb128 :)08:44
* pitti grabs bug 600189 now08:44
didrockspitti: looking08:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 600189 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "devhelp fails to build from source in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 108)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60018908:44
pittiseb128: oh, get well soon then!08:44
seb128pitti, no idea about this build error08:44
seb128pitti, chassing the ftbfs list for a3?08:44
pittiseb128: chasing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=status&field.milestone%3Alist=27561 :)08:45
pittiseb128: someone marked them all for a308:45
pittiI don't think it's that urgent, and I'll move a lot of them08:45
seb128someone being doko08:45
pittibut we should fix at laslt the basic libs08:45
pittiand stuff like those pointer conversion errors cause real crashes08:45
and471didrocks, ok do I put the debian/control thing in, even though it is an upstream fix? (they ship the debian/ dir)08:46
pittiseb128: I'm back on platform duty this week do steer alpha-308:46
pittiso far I did some CD size diet, and fixing all uninstallables except l-b-m08:46
didrocksand471: it's not really upstream, in any case, all changes in debian/ should be explictely written in the changelog08:47
seb128pitti, ok, nice to have you back, will you train the new rm, she starts today no?08:47
and471didrocks, ok, I shall redo that debdiff then, thanks for the help08:47
pittiseb128: I think she'll hang out with slangasek and cjwatson at debconf08:47
didrocksand471: yw, just ping me once you've done it and I'll sponsor. Thanks :)08:47
seb128pitti, ok08:48
and471didrocks, ping08:50
didrocksand471: already done? :)08:50
and471yup :)08:50
Laneypitti: oh yeah, bad me. I can't actually commit to bzr myself08:50
didrocksand471: sponsored, thanks a lot!08:57
and471didrocks, thankyou08:57
and471vish, lernid fix ^08:57
seb128pitti, did we have many rdepends on gdk-pixbuf la?09:00
seb128pitti, I had only 2 on my system when I checked last week09:00
seb128pitti, would have been nicer to rebuild the few rdepends rather no?09:00
pittiseb128: I know of empathy, and micahg reported some problems as well (he didn't mention pacakge names)09:00
seb128empathy doesn't have a lib09:01
Laneyhave you guys seen any reports of problems with the new sqlite3?09:01
seb128it was likely failing due to launchpad integration09:01
LaneyIt causes huge huge performance problems fro banshee09:01
pittiseb128: but it FTBFSed due to the missing gdk-pixbuf la09:01
seb128pitti, I think it's launchpad integration which needed a rebuild09:01
seb128grepping through .la on my system09:01
pittiseb128: ah, that has a .la which referenced pixbuf?09:01
pittiah, ok09:02
seb128anyway your change is fine as well I guess09:02
seb128we will drop it later on09:02
pittiwe can drop it in the next upload again then09:02
pittiif we rebuild lpi09:02
kiwinotemvo: I have updated lp:~kiwinote/software-center/getting-the-small-things-right and lp:~kiwinote/software-center/deb-files , so they are ready to merge (in that order)09:02
seb128right, will do that09:02
seb128pitti, seems you have been chassing changelogs ;-)09:03
* seb128 reads -changes backlog09:03
pittiseb128: yeah, they take some 20 MB09:04
pittiso, time to chop off some09:04
and471didrocks, yikes, that build completely failed :/09:04
didrocksis there any issue with dpkg-deb: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52866654/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.lernid_0.7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?09:05
seb128lut didrocks, bien rentré ?09:06
pittididrocks: you can give them back09:07
pittididrocks: dpkg was uploaded yesterday, and i386 fell behind09:07
pittiso the -dev package didn't match the dpkg version09:07
pittiit hit my morning uploads as well09:07
didrocksseb128: bien bien, petit coup de speed car impossibe de m'enregistrer (merci btstravel de s'être trompé de numéro de vol…) et donc course pour arriver à embarquer après 40 min à l'enregistrement… mais bien09:08
didrocksseb128: et toi, ton rhume?09:08
didrockspitti: oh ok, thanks for the info :)09:08
seb128didrocks, ca va, presque passé là09:08
pittiargh argh09:08
pittididrocks: and the new dpkg segfaults09:08
didrockspitti: urgh…09:08
seb128that's going to be fun...09:08
didrocksyeah, just before an alpha is the perfect time for that… :/09:09
mvokiwinote: great, thanks!09:15
pittimvo: good morning09:19
mvohey pitti09:20
didrocksgood morning mvo09:26
mvohey didrocks09:26
mvodidrocks: still no luck syncing with desktopcouch :/ I need to talk to u1 it seems to get this resolved, maybe my machine is in some kind of balcklist09:29
didrocksmvo: yeah, some are blacklisted as there was some issue in those last weeks. Talking on #ubuntuone should help to at least know if you are on that list or not09:30
seb128mvo, the new apt broke the update-manager download estimation it seems, known issue?09:58
seb128the summary always says it needs to download 1k now09:59
seb128where I've rather some 90meg to download09:59
mvoseb128: not known yet, thanks for the info10:00
mvoseb128: I have a look10:00
mvoseb128: is it otherwise working well for you?10:00
seb128mvo, hey btw ;-) how are you?10:01
seb128mvo, I didn't notice other issues yet otherwise10:02
seb128so yeah, it's mostly working fine ;-)10:02
mvoseb128: I'm good, thanks. getting the new apt in was a bit of heavily lifting, quite a bit of churn and new goodness, but also extra-care to not break anything of course10:03
mvoseb128: so I'm happy that it seems to have worked well (pitti helped with buildd juggling :)10:03
seb128mvo, nice to see so active work on it ;-)10:03
seb128the changelog was quite impressive10:03
mvoyeah :)10:04
mvoseb128: how are you? easy trip back from guadec10:05
pittimvo: only remaining problem is the packagekit-gnome FTBFS, AFAICS10:05
seb128mvo, I'm alright, getting over guadaflu I got some days ago now10:06
mvopitti: yeah, that is unreleated it seems10:06
* mvo hugs seb12810:06
seb128the trip back was easy yes, 30 min train ride, 1 hour flight10:06
* seb128 hugs mvo10:06
* pitti uploads unbroken dpkg10:13
* seb128 hugs pitti10:17
seb128mvo, can you confirm the update-manager download estimation issue?10:18
mvoseb128: apt-get itself is fine, let me wait for u-m to startup (cairo *cough*)10:19
mvoseb128: yeah, looks broken too here10:20
mvoseb128: odd given that apt-get itself reports the right size10:20
seb128ok, at least it's not only me10:20
mvoseb128: I check it out10:20
seb128do you want a bug report?10:20
mvoseb128: yes please10:22
seb128mvo, bug #61232610:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 612326 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update manager display all updates size as 1kb in the main windows after updating to libept1 (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61232610:24
seb128I guess that's the same issue10:24
mvoseb128: thanks10:26
seb128mvo, hum, new apt complains about .save files in sources.list.d but those files are not thing I've added it comes from the dist-upgraders or something10:32
seb128well "complain", displays a N: Ignoring file..."10:32
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:34
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how was GUADEC?10:34
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:34
seb128quite nice, lot of catching up with people I didn't see in a while10:35
htorqueseb128, that's bug 61192510:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 611925 in apt (Ubuntu) "sources are not recognized (affects: 16) (dups: 1) (heat: 58)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61192510:35
seb128htorque, thanks10:36
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson10:37
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, did you have fun too?10:37
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah a lot, thanks! now trying to catchup :)10:37
andreasnseb128, so this French conspiracy...10:38
seb128andreasn, hey10:38
andreasnso many French speaking people at guadec10:38
seb128andreasn, yeah, you should really learn10:39
andreasnI know it already10:39
seb128if you want to be able to join the interesting discussions you need french as a skill10:39
chrisccoulsonheh :)10:39
andreasnyeah, I need to study really hard until next year10:40
andreasnit will be the Official Language of GNOME Development Discussions10:40
didrocksseb128: did you figure out for libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.la issue? I've (I hope) fixed the evolution ftbfs but I got the missing file now10:41
mvoseb128: yeah, I noticed that too, I have not fully made up my mind yet about it10:42
seb128didrocks, we needed a lpi rebuild but pitti added the la back rather for now10:42
didrocks/usr/lib/liblaunchpad-integration.la is depending on it10:42
seb128didrocks, in any case a rebuild should work10:42
pittiwell, we can/should still do an lpi rebuild then10:42
didrocksseb128: rebuild of libgdk_pixbuf-2.0, right?10:42
seb128pitti, will do once you fix the builders ;-)10:42
pittiseb128: you can upload10:42
pittiseb128: I set all buildds to manual10:43
seb128didrocks, no, that has been uploaded10:43
seb128pitti, ok10:43
seb128didrocks, you just need to give a retry to your builds when the new gdk-pixbuf is published if it's not yet10:43
pittino, it's not yet10:43
pittiI'm also waiting on it to retry empathy10:44
didrocksseb128: ok, I should miss it for now. Hope that it will work and that I really fixed the evo FTBFS, it's not a trivial backport :)10:44
didrockspitti: ok10:44
pittididrocks: when I retry empathy (once it's ready), shall I retry evo as well?10:44
didrockspitti: no, I didn't upload it yet. I'm doing a local build first to ensure it's working. I'm just waiting to get the published  version of libgdk_pixbuf so10:44
seb128didrocks, you can easily workaround by creating an empathy libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.la10:45
seb128an empty libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.la10:45
seb128doh, autofinger typing ;-)10:45
pittihaha, autofingers :)10:45
didrocksseb128: empty one? ok thanks :)10:45
* pitti hugs seb12810:45
* seb128 hugs pitti10:45
seb128didrocks, or rm the liblaunchpad-integration one10:46
didrocksseb128: already touched, and building in progress. Fingers crossed I didn't forgot anything for all the deprecation stuff which landed with new gtk for evo10:47
didrockshum, touching it didn't worked `/usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.la' is not a valid libtool archive10:48
didrockswill remove the liblaunchpad one10:48
seb128right, I was just checking that10:49
seb128you can copy the gtk one otherwise to have a valid format and clean the depends10:49
didrocksseb128: right, but it's just for testing right now, so let's keep it that way for now10:51
didrocksseb128: thanks :)10:51
seb128let me know if you try the lpi cleaning one10:52
seb128I think I will just make it stop shipping the .la10:52
seb128nothing else depends on it10:52
didrocksseb128: it didn't fail with that (it failed later, but not because of that one)10:52
didrocksseb128: hum, this will be harder and harder to backport all deprecation thing for 2.30. I would suggest to move to 2.32 as they dep on either gtk2 or gtk3, and wait for 2.31.6 for it (so, upload post A3), do you agree?10:58
seb128what do you mean backport all deprecation thing?10:58
seb128just don't build using -DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED10:58
seb128that's the standard way to workaround those issues10:59
seb128tarballs should not set that10:59
didrocksseb128: ok, I wanted to make that better with patching from new version. ok, will do that so10:59
seb128not sure about 2.32 they didn't start porting to gsettings10:59
seb128they mentioned breaking everything for 2.32 to get on shape for next cycle on their channel after the GUADEC announce about the GNOME3 delay...11:00
didrocksseb128: right now, it's still using gconf in configure.ac11:00
seb128I would rather watch what they do and if they roll a 2.32 now or an another 2.30 tarball rather11:00
didrocksok, I will have a look where the -DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED comes from11:01
seb128better to just don't disable deprecated functions for now11:01
seb128it's likely in the configure11:01
didrocksgotcha, trying11:02
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
seb128mvo, can you add bug #611925 to your list as well?11:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 611925 in apt (Ubuntu) "sources are not recognized (affects: 17) (dups: 1) (heat: 62)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61192511:32
asacseb128: hey ;)11:40
asacseb128: done with guadec?11:40
pittichrisccoulson: do you want to keep bug 601009 on the alpha-3 list?11:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 601009 in swt-gtk (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "swt-gtk fails to build from source in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 125)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60100911:40
asacdo you need any MIR processed ;)? .... we need syncs from unstable for eina eet evas ecore efreet edje elementary edbus11:40
seb128asac, hey, yes11:41
pittihey asac11:41
pittiasac: bug 609992 would be nice, should be easy11:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 609992 in libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[MIR] libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60999211:41
asacseb128: anything important on gnome mobile at guadec?11:41
seb128asac, I can do the syncs11:41
* asac apt-get source libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl and open bugs11:41
asacseb128: thanks!!11:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - feel free to move that, i probably won't get to it before a311:41
seb128asac, no, there was not a lot of "mobile" this year11:41
asacso seems that effort is dying11:41
seb128asac, I guess that moved to the nokia summit rather11:41
asacif not now, then never11:41
asacah ... ok good be11:41
asaccould be11:41
asacseb128: nokia summit ... right. thats != meego summit. wondere what nokia would do still on gnome11:42
seb128GUADEC was rather focussed on GNOME3 this year11:42
asacpitti: interesting that there is no alternative for that in main already (e.g. perl + ssl + x509 feels like something more or less common -- even though perl is a dinosaur ;))11:44
davmor2seb128: including the news on releasing it next year go figure :)11:45
=== asac_ is now known as asac
didrocksseb128: did you have some time to look at oneconf packaging? I would understand that with your cold, you prefered sleeping on the plane :-)11:49
seb128right, I didn't work on the way back but doing that now11:50
seb128didrocks, lp:oneconf?11:50
seb128or do you have a different url for the packaging?11:50
didrocksseb128: yes, thanks :)11:50
didrocksseb128: no, right now, it's a native package11:50
seb128didrocks, 0.09 is a weird version11:53
seb128didrocks, shouldn't we use python-support nowadays?11:54
seb128I though that's what debian standardized on now11:54
didrocksseb128: I used the same thing that USC was using TBH :)11:54
seb128didrocks, the build-depends on lsb-release doesn't seem required11:54
didrocksseb128: on the phone, will be available in 20 minutes I guess11:54
didrocksseb128: it's for setup.py11:54
seb128I'm about to go to eat11:54
didrocksseb128: enjoy so, we can discuss about it then!11:54
seb128the description needs a review from an english speaker ;-)11:55
seb128but "have a command" -> has at least11:55
seb128and some "the" before usc and diff I guess11:56
* and471 just discovered bzr shred repositories....11:59
* and471 just discovered bzr shared repositories....11:59
asacseb128: do you need a mail with the list of packages i pasted above? or do you have that on your list now?12:08
asacwould be good to get that synched so we have still time to stabilize a bit for a312:09
micahgseb128: I wanted to ask you about the gjs version in sid, a version bump was done w/out a release, is this something we want to sync?12:13
didrocksseb128: ok, available now, changing the description and I'll have some review there too12:13
didrocksseb128: if you look at setup.py you will see why lsb-release is needed (stolen from USC ;))12:14
pittidpkg confirmed fixed, buildds back12:14
pittiplease retry builds of your stuff that you uploaded this morning12:14
didrockspitti: great!12:14
* didrocks hugs pitti12:15
micahgpitti: should I retry the package that failed on the gdk-pixbuf.la or save it till the alpha3 stuff is clear?12:15
pittimicahg: you need to wait another hour12:15
micahgpitti: k12:15
pittimicahg: actually, 1:4512:15
pittimicahg: I just built the fixed gdk-pixbuf on amd64, and another arch is missing12:16
pittimicahg: got stalled due to the dpkg debacle12:16
micahgpitti: ok, are all the retries linked or can I try the successful arches now?12:16
pittimicahg: no, retries are per-arch on the web ui12:17
pittimicahg: but the ubuntu-build script works on all arches by default12:17
pittimicahg: I suggest to just run ubuntu-build in 1:4512:17
micahgpitti: oh, I was just going to use the webui, I haven't tried the ubuntu-build script yet12:17
pittimicahg: that's fine; but as I said, amd64 was just built, and needs to publish first12:18
pittisparc is building, and I bumped powerpc build score12:18
micahgpitti: ok, thanks12:18
pittigood time to grab lunch, bbl12:19
didrockspitti: enjoy12:19
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128pitti, you still have two a3 work items on the list, the language selector spec with be postpone but what about the gpu freeze one?12:47
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, you still have some workitems for a3, how are those going?12:49
seb128chrisccoulson, did you add the provides in the control? that seems trivial12:49
seb128chrisccoulson, what about the translations permissions and pyxpcom ones?12:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, the provides will be added when i do the next upload12:50
seb128didrocks, how is the banshee remaining work item going?12:50
seb128didrocks, will that land today or tomorrow?12:50
chrisccoulsoni started packaging pyxpcom, but got sidetracked (and that's a low priority issue anyway)12:50
didrocksseb128: still waiting for upstream to merge in trunk, was planned for previous week but not done yet. Won't make it for A3 I guess12:50
seb128didrocks, can you change it to beta?12:51
didrocksseb128: sure, will do it in few minutes12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, can you move the pyxpcom to beta then?12:51
* micahg can do it, in the middle of an edit12:52
chrisccoulsonoops, just did it ;)12:53
micahgseb128: what's the status in  a blueprint for no longer necessary12:53
chrisccoulsoni wish LP would warn about that12:53
seb128micahg, I don't think there is one12:54
micahgseb128: can I just leave it blank?12:54
seb128ie delete the line or set it to done with a note12:54
seb128pitti, ^right?12:54
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, that's annoying sometimes12:55
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i thought my laptop had frozen there, but actually, my keyboard batteries have run flat ;)12:57
micahgseb128: did you see my question about the gjs merge from Debian above?12:59
pittiseb128: gpu freeze> I don't think I'll get to that, sorry12:59
seb128pitti, that's ok, moving to beta then12:59
pittimicahg: you mean a WI status or a BP status? empty status means "todo"12:59
seb128micahg, I didn't understand it I think13:00
pittiif the WI is no longer necessary, set it to "done" or remove it entirely13:00
seb128micahg, you mean they set the version to one not matching the upstream tarball one?13:00
micahgseb128: ok, I'm not sure if the maintainer did the version bump by accident or not since there doesn't seem to be an upstream tag AFAICT13:00
micahgseb128: yes13:01
seb128it's on http://download.gnome.org/sources/gjs/0.713:01
seb128doing the upgrade would be nice13:01
micahgseb128: ok, I guess there's no issue, then, I"ll try to do it before FF then13:02
seb128thank you13:02
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dpmhi didrocks, I'm not sure I should ask you or ted, but would it be possible to set a higher priority than Wishlist on bug 579134, also as per pitti's comment? Having a locale-aware clock should be a basic feature rather than a wishlist.14:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 579134 in indicator-datetime "Indicator Applet - Time Settings no 24h (affects: 8) (heat: 36)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57913414:03
pitti"wishlist" is definitively not appropriate14:03
pittiit's a real problem, not an enhancement14:03
seb128dpm, hasn't that been fixed with the version uploaded during the sprint?14:03
pittiit is NOT 3 o'clock here14:04
seb128pitti, having an option is a wishlist14:04
didrocksseb128: there is no ui to change the behavior, only gsettings key, right?14:04
dpmseb128, unless I'm missing the upload where it's been fixed, it is still 3:04 on my system, where I'd expect 15:04, the same as the calendar applet14:05
seb128dpm, did it got translated into spanish yet?14:05
pittiseb128: ah, is there another report about the actual bug then?14:05
dpmseb128, my system is Catalan, but there is no translatable template available (a separate bug I'm about to report)14:06
pittiI don't think we really need an option here, FWIW14:06
dpmI don't think so either14:06
pittiwe should just ask the locale about the preferred time format, and then use %H or %I depending on that14:06
seb128"#. TRANSLATORS: This string is used to determine the default14:06
seb128#. clock style for your locale.  If it is the string '12' then14:06
seb128#. the default will be a 12-hour clock using AM/PM string. "14:06
seb128#: ../src/indicator-datetime.c:82314:06
seb128msgid "12"14:06
seb128msgstr ""14:06
seb128#: ../src/indicator-datetime.c:83714:06
pittithis is wrong..14:06
seb128msgid "%l:%M:%S %p"14:06
seb128msgstr ""14:06
seb128I'm not sure why the first one14:07
seb128he does use strftime() with translatable format options14:07
seb128which I think is the standard way to do that14:07
dpmseb128, then it is just a matter of making the indicator-datetime src pkg create a template on build and let translators specify it14:07
dpmlet me file that one14:07
pittiseb128: no, that's totally redundant; the locale already defines the time format14:07
pittiit shouldn't be in a per-project .po file14:08
seb128dpm, oh, it doesn't have a template?14:08
pittidpm: no no no, please not14:08
pittithis is hackish, and EBW14:08
dpmpitti, got you14:08
seb128pitti, wait, we need a translation template, there are actual strings useful to translate14:08
dpmin any case, the package still needs to generate a template14:08
seb128pitti, that's orthogonal to how we get the time to display14:09
pittiseb128: right, but not for the 12/24 hours thing14:09
dpmyeah, the "Time & Date Settings..." one, for example14:09
seb128pitti, well the translation things is required if you want to get a 12,24 hours option you can select14:12
dpmseb128, re: the template, here's bug 612540. Most bugs seem to be reported in the upstream project, but I figured out that this has to do with packaging, so I reported it against the package14:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 612540 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "indicator-datetime needs to generate a POT template on build (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61254014:15
seb128dpm, thanks14:16
seb128will fix that in a bit14:16
pittimicahg: gdk-pixbuf published, feel free to retry now14:19
* pitti retries empathy14:19
kenvandinepitti, thx... i just hit that FTBFS locally :)14:23
pittikenvandine: with the broken dpkg? dist-upgrade again then :)14:23
kenvandineno, building empathy14:24
kenvandineyay... empathy builds again :)14:25
kenvandinethx pitti14:25
pittikenvandine: yep, just gave it back on the buildds14:25
micahgpitti: thanks14:25
pitticheckbox (Δ 5.9 MB - 0.10: 0.1 MB   0.10.1: 6.0 MB)14:26
pittibah, what happened to checkbox14:26
pittiah, I think it started to copy all the files from example-content14:26
pittittf-unfonts-core (Δ 12.4 MB - 1.0.1-7ubuntu1: 7.6 MB   1.0.2-080608-3: 20.0 MB)14:26
pittiand another net +7 MB from removed/added packages (i.e . libraries)14:28
pitti== Added packages ==14:29
pittigit (6.3 MB)14:29
* pitti gets out his package diet whip again14:30
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seb128pitti, you "drop autopoint recommends" might break builds14:57
pittiseb128: it can't14:57
pittiseb128: sbuild doesn't install recommends as build deps14:58
seb128can't it?14:58
seb128hum, k, so maybe the previous change was already breaking builds14:58
pittiseb128: also, it didn't depend on autopoint until after alpha-214:58
seb128I had a build failing today because autopoint was not installed14:58
seb128well autopoint was in gettext before no?14:58
pittiand autopoint is a developer/build tool (like git), it shouldn't be a runtime dependency14:58
pittiseb128: I think that was reorganized a bit, yes14:59
pittidebian split it off14:59
seb128I didn't say it's a runtime thing14:59
seb128gettext isn't a runtime things either14:59
seb128ok, I was just pointing that the change broke builds there14:59
pittiquite some shell scripts use it, though14:59
seb128autoreconf run are bailing out14:59
pittiseb128: well, if it does, I'm sorry14:59
pittibut I would have thought this would have broken with the gettext merge, not the recommends change15:00
seb128that's fine, we can change dh-autoreconf to depends on it if required15:00
seb128pitti, it did15:00
pittithat'd probably make sense, yes15:00
seb128as said I had issues this morning15:00
pittiah, ok15:00
seb128ie before your upload15:00
pitti*phew* :)15:00
seb128I'm just commenting now because I see you go further that direction15:00
seb128I didn't know sbuild ignored recommends15:00
pittiit deliberately does, I think, to ensure that depends are used correctly15:01
seb128I though the recommends would still pull it in buildds and that the issue was a local one there15:01
seb128I guess we will just need to make autoreconf depends on it if it's really required15:01
mvohey tremolux, good morning15:03
tremoluxhiya mvo15:04
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LaneyWho (if anyone) maintains OOo in Ubuntu these days?15:23
sensechrisccoulson: Where can I find the latest version of your quilt-autotools.sh script?15:27
seb128Laney, nobody15:28
chrisccoulsonsense - i think there's only one. did i ever host that somewhere publicly then?15:28
chrisccoulsonoh, yeah, i see it now ;)15:28
seb128Laney, or rather it's not actively being worked15:28
seb128chrisccoulson, sense: use edit-patch ;-)15:28
sensechrisccoulson: Not that I am aware of, I received one of you once. Was just curious if there was a newer version  since I last used it.15:29
senseseb128: Alright, I'll try that. :)15:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 / sense, yeah, i wrote the patch before edit-patch existed15:29
senseah, I see15:29
chrisccoulsonit made life easy when doing autotools updates with quilt15:29
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senseseb128: I get complaints by edit-patch that it is not in a valid Debian directory (even though it really is), do you know any good documentation for it?15:32
senseIt was a wrapper for both quilt and dpatch, right?15:32
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seb128sense, just "edit-patch name"15:35
seb128where name is the name of the patch file you want to edit15:35
senseI tried that. :S15:35
senseAh, now it seems to be working.15:39
senseseb128: A German example? ;) I thought you were French!15:47
seb128sense, right, but french is less verbose than german in that case15:48
senseSo even a better example!15:48
* didrocks adds that to the example list when we say that seb128 is German :)15:49
seb128didrocks, trying to get revanche for what I said last weeks? ;-)15:50
didrocksseb128: exactly, and it's only the beginning :-)15:50
seb128session restart, brb15:51
didrocksseb128: more seriously, apart from the python-central (moved to python-support now) and from the description that will be changed, the rest of oneconf packaging seems ok for you?15:51
sensedidrocks: He's offline!15:52
didrockssense: I know, one second too late :)15:52
didrocksseb128: some issue during session restart?16:08
senseHe must have been driven away by your insults.16:09
seb128didrocks, no, just decided to test some extra changes and not restart IRC in between16:09
seb128I'm back now16:10
seb128did I miss anything?16:10
didrocksseb128: (yeah, just before you disconnected) more seriously, apart from the python-central (moved to python-support now) and from the description that will be changed, the rest of oneconf packaging seems ok for you? can I upload?16:10
didrockseven if the "more seriously" is out of context now :-)16:10
seb128didrocks, I think it was, let me check, did you ask mvo about python-support? thinking about it now I'm unsure if it should use the same system than s-c16:12
didrocksmvo: did you use python-central on purpose rather than python-support for USC? which one do you advise?16:13
seb128didrocks, "using the command line to allow" is weird ;-)16:13
didrocksseb128: well, it's not that important, the switch is really easy with dh7 in any case. I have no strong opinion (we use python-support in quickly)16:14
didrocksseb128: I would blame tremolux for that :-) ^16:14
seb128      data_files=[16:15
seb128                  ('share/oneconf/data/ui/',16:15
seb128oh, it's destination, source16:15
seb128didrocks, seems fine to me, you can uploae16:16
didrocksseb128: yeah, I got catched everytime, (destination, source) is so uncommon :/16:16
didrocksseb128: thanks, I'll check for the description16:16
didrocksand then upload16:16
didrocksseb128: thanks for the review :)16:17
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didrocksseb128: It integrates nicely with the Ubuntu Software Center and the command line tool can be used to allow you to compare…16:20
seb128didrocks, nice ;-)16:20
didrocks(sorry, I hate when copy on hilight doesn't work)16:20
seb128you could as well drop the "to allow you" I guess16:21
didrocksoh yes, works well this way16:21
and471mpt, with the login dialog, do you want a measure to be put in place to stop people entering blank usernames and passwords?16:23
tremoluxdidrocks, seb128: better  :)16:23
and471mpt, i.e. diable the continue button until both are typed in, or if they don't type anything, flag up a message when they click continue16:23
didrocksseb128: uploaded16:24
didrockstremolux: seb128: thanks! ;)16:24
seb128hey tremolux16:24
seb128didrocks, thanks16:24
sensechrisccoulson: I think I've found out why the 'child-added' signal didn't work: it was only triggered when you insert a menu item into a GtkMenuShell, but I think gtk_menu_add_submenu() is a separate function.16:34
sensecorrection: gtk_menu_item_set_submenu()16:36
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sensechrisccoulson: Whoops, wrong addressant.16:37
mptand471, your attention to detail is impressive. :-) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=409&rev1=40816:39
mvodidrocks: (phonecall, sorry)16:39
and471mpt, most people just call it anal-retentive :D16:40
didrocksno worry :)16:40
vishseb128: hi ,since gnome 3 got postponed , are we gonna get gnome 2.32 or still only patching stuff?16:50
seb128getting 2.3216:50
seb128but it might not be what you think it will be16:51
seb128ie the nautilus changes will not be in 2.3216:51
vishhmm , ok. :)16:51
seb128some maintainer will just roll a new 2.30 tarball for it16:51
mvodidrocks: python-cenral vs python-support> I don't mind16:53
didrocksmvo: ok, let's go python-support for now for oneconf so :)16:54
mvofine with me16:54
vishseb128: nice call on gnome 3 btw :)16:54
didrocksseb128: if you can NEW it in a spare cycle16:54
and471vish, what are the nautilus changes? (curious)16:58
vishand471: there have been a lot of minor changes.. lot of bug fixes too16:59
and471ok thx16:59
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vishdidrocks: when you are doing the next pidgin update , could you upload this too Bug #259793 , there is a branch with a merge17:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 259793 in pidgin (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Pidgin description in Add/Remove Applications is overly geeky (affects: 4) (heat: 32)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25979317:10
vishoops! meant to say seb128 ^^17:10
vishdidrocks: accidentally pinged you! force of habit :)17:11
seb128can do17:11
didrocksvish: heh, no worry :)17:11
vishseb128: thanks . :)17:11
seb128asac, your sync are done, sorry I forgot about it after lunch17:15
seb128didrocks, reviewing oneconf now17:16
didrocksseb128: thanks!17:17
seb128"can be used to compare the set of installed software on your current computer to that of another."17:18
seb128is weird also17:18
seb128(I'm not better at writting description don't worry, I think we should have a board reviewing those and doing suggestions or writting those ;-)17:19
didrocksyeah, I was finding that strange too, but I was thinking that it was some kind of expression "to that of another" I didn't knew17:23
didrocksprobably not so :)17:23
and471seb128, I am a antive english speaker if you want :)17:23
seb128didrocks, did you mean "to the one of another" there?17:24
seb128and471, well then you are welcome to make suggestions for better oneconf description if you want ;-)17:24
seb128I'm sure you will make didrocks happy17:24
* didrocks looks before tremolux's suggestion :)17:24
didrocksoh yeah, I'll be happy!17:24
and471seb128, didrocks, sorry to interrupt, but would"can be used to compare installed software between computers" be okay?17:25
seb128and471, seems great to me at least17:25
seb128and no interruption don't worry ;-)17:25
didrocksand471: sounds good, thanks :)17:26
and471seb128, didrocks, no need to thanks, your english is far better than my french :)17:26
* didrocks seb128 bon, c'était pas de moi ce "to that of another" après un bzr diff :)17:26
didrocksupsss /me /msg17:26
didrockssorry for interrupting with French :)17:26
didrocksand471: you should practice :-)17:27
and471de rien17:27
didrocksand471: let me pastebin the full description, one sec17:28
and471didrocks, I know, I am doing it for A Level, but I have managed to forget it all in the summer holidays :D17:28
didrocksand471: take some holidays in France, and it will be back soon enough :-)17:28
and471didrocks, the shameful thing is I have french cousins and belgian grandparents XD17:29
and471I guess as an english speaker I am spoiled17:29
didrocksand471: how does this sound: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472263/ ?17:30
didrocksand471: heh, right :)17:30
and471didrocks, replace 'the set of installed software' with 'sets of of installed software' and it is lovely jubbly :)17:31
tremoluxdidrocks, and471: but it's both the integration with software center *and* the command line tool that allow the comparison, isn't that true?17:32
didrockstremolux: right, that should be changed to be more explicit (you can use the one or the other)17:33
tremoluxdidrocks, and471: two methods of performing the comparison?17:33
and471tremolux, I'll hand over the torch to you, I have to eat :)17:34
tremoluxand471: haha  :)17:35
didrockstremolux: and471: "It integrates nicely with the Ubuntu Software Center to compare sets of installed software between computers. A command line tool also provides for the same functionnality."17:35
* didrocks finds the description harder than the integration itself ;)17:35
tremoluxand471: bon appetit17:36
tremoluxdidrocks: I think that works - just a typo -- theres a single "n" in functionality17:37
didrocksand471: enjoy!17:37
didrockstremolux: I was unsure! Great, I'll use that one so17:37
didrocksand471: tremolux: thanks a lot!17:37
tremoluxdidrocks: haha, should be easier than all that, eh??  ah well17:38
didrockstremolux: ok, not *that* easier :p17:38
tremoluxdidrocks: I suggest a more simple approach:  "OneConf rocks and you need it."17:38
* didrocks agrees with tremolux's last proposal :-)17:39
didrocksclear explanation and statement17:39
tremoluxdidrocks: the plain truth, state plainly17:39
tremoluxdidrocks: :D17:39
tremolux*stated* plainly17:39
didrockstremolux: heh :-)17:39
didrocksseb128: can you reject the upload? I'll upload again with the right description17:40
seb128didrocks, no, it's already accepted, fix it in the next upload17:40
seb128didrocks, no hurry it's only the description ;-)17:41
didrocksseb128: sure, I'll just push that to trunk so :-) thanks again!17:41
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asacseb128: np. thanks. lets hope not everything is broken for ogra.18:03
and471didrocks, yw18:04
seb128cassidy, hey18:08
seb128cassidy, did you get bugs about online notifications being broken with 2.31.5?18:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - how often does the publisher run?18:11
seb128chrisccoulson, every hour18:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks. i was going to run my mozilla crash symbols uploader at the same rate18:12
seb128chrisccoulson, is that based on ddeb or the ubuntu publisher?18:13
seb128I think the ddeb are updated less often, like every 6 hours or something18:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's based on the ubuntu publisher18:13
Tux43Hello, I have an Acer Aspire 3810TZ and my microphone doesn't work on 10.4 or 10.10.18:22
and471see ya everyone18:31
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senseWhat is the usual compile time for GTK+2.0?19:19
Laneybuild logs will tell you19:19
sense:) of course19:20
senseAh, 30 minutes.19:22
chrisccoulsonb'ah, my bot doesn't work on chinstrap because the python version is older than mine :(19:31
vishseb128: for those bugs i mentioned waiting for review/upload , shall i mail you the list?20:27
vishmentioned *last week..20:27
vishor can I set the Ubuntu release milestone , instead of tags ;)20:28
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* pitti tries to sort out the compiz uninstallability mess23:14
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TheMusoGood morning.23:17
pittihello TheMuso23:17
* pitti summons Robert23:18
pitticompiz-fusion-bcop needs an update to 0.8.623:19
TheMusoRobert is not usually around till 9 or so, and even then he may still be in travel recovery mode23:19
pittihm, so how could compiz-fusion-plugins-main ever build23:20
pittiah, compiz-fusion-bcop needs to go back to main23:21
pittiok, I hope I sorted it out now23:25
* pitti uploads and goes to bed23:26
pittinight everyone!23:27

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