
davmor2ev: I'm going to try and fit in a wubi test latter I'll let you know how I get on11:00
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r4184 maverick-redesign/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-timezone.py: Add the tzdb list of cities to the autocomplete for the timezone entry box.14:59
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r4185 maverick-redesign/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-timezone.py: Remove some debugging statements.15:01
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
CIA-5ubiquity: cjwatson * r4144 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog ubiquity.templates): merge lp:~bilalakhtar/ubiquity/fix-492825-216:06
CIA-5ubiquity: cjwatson * r4145 ubiquity/debian/real-po/ (78 files): debconf-updatepo16:08
CIA-5debian-installer: cjwatson * r1338 ubuntu/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Move to 2.6.35-14 kernels.16:14
CIA-5debian-installer: cjwatson * r1339 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu1716:15
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r4186 maverick-redesign/ (87 files in 6 dirs): Merge with trunk.19:51
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r4187 maverick-redesign/ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Cleanup20:21
* ev ducks20:24
CIA-5ubiquity: evand * r4146 ubiquity/ (72 files in 19 dirs):20:24
CIA-5ubiquity: * Fix packaging to install the new pieces introduced for the overhaul.20:24
CIA-5ubiquity: * Merge maverick-redesign branch. Fingers crossed.20:24
superm1ruh roh20:25
evso it's not entirely there yet, but it should work.  The biggest missing item is setting the bootloader.  I'd like to shove that on the bottom of the advanced partitioning page.20:25
evdylan mccall is working on implementing the slideshow end of things (as mentioned in the spec https://docs.google.com/View?id=dfkkjjcj_101gnkrpg5v )20:27
superm1how'd you finally fix that bottom of the page showing up the wrong color?20:28
evI've disabled the use of GreyableBin on the keyboard page for now as it does has some cute side effects on other pages (weird rendering of drop down boxes)20:28
evI haven't yet, but I have a plan (!)20:28
superm1ah, i was just looking at those screenshots, and i was perplexed20:29
evso we'll set an XAtom on ubiquity when we get to a page where it needs to be dark (when progress is showing), and we'll patch metacity to understand that and do the right thing20:29
evannoyingly client side decorations would equally solve this problem, but we're not getting it again20:29
superm1and for unity installs, metacity is still used during ubiquity-dm then rather than mutter right?20:30
evI've gotten slightly stuck on what the API should look like from the metacity side20:30
superm1or would that need to be patched in mutter too?20:30
evas it lets you define drawing operations20:30
evhm, what else, what else20:31
superm1how's oem-config handle all of this, tried yet?20:31
evthere's a slight bug on the automatic partitioning page where the buttons are not made active when they should be20:31
evhopefully well, but I haven't tried it yet20:32
evI intend on playing with that and KDE tonight-ish20:32
evI'm endeavoring to leave for vacation (Friday) with this largely working20:33
evwell, change endeavoring to trying damn hard20:33
evlooks like we'll have to defer the picture taking stuff20:33
evI imported the cheese python bindings into the ubiquity source tree (as they're off in 3.0 hand-wavy land)20:34
superm1there are some bigger problems that i've noticed lately with cheese and HD cameras anyhow20:34
evbut it will require some more work to add enough bindings and supporting code to create a widget in the ubiquity window, rather than having a dialog window20:34
evah, duly noted20:34
superm1so it might be premature to be introducing that if there are issues with a bunch of HW still20:35
evI'm waiting on IS to land the geonames service20:35
evthey were waiting on me for a sphinxsearch-python package, but I gave that to them late on friday20:35
evoh yeah, the progress bar is slightly broken after the separation of install.py and plugininstall.py20:37
evI haven't gotten to the bottom of that one yet20:37
superm1noticeably ?20:37
evah, I should clarify20:38
evbroken in that it resets to 020:38
evotherwise it works fine20:38
superm1what of that wireless manager?  it's hooked up to NM solely it looks.  i've still heard murmurs that connman might be in UNE by default..20:38
superm1ah i see20:38
evyeah, connman would be nice20:40
evand that was the primary motivator for creating yet-another-dbus-service20:40
evbut I simply haven't had time yet20:41
evit's structured to only show when nm is available, so it should fail gracefully on UNE if connman gets in there20:41
superm1ah okay20:41
evalso on the wireless, the installer session panel is missing system tray support, so no NM icon yet20:42
evwaiting to hear back from Canonical legal on what text we need for the "please offer me non-free software" option, and until then I wont hook that to installing ubuntu-restricted-addons (to be created by stripping the multiverse bits out of ubuntu-restricted-extras, then making that depend on it)20:45
evpitti did upload a new version of jockey with my --auto-install patch, I just haven't had a chance to implement the call to it on the prepare page20:46
superm1oh i didn't see the auto-install patch, what's it do?20:46
superm1basically install the recommended version of every driver available?20:46
evjust wireless for now (STA, in this case), but yeah20:47
superm1okay cool20:47
evso roughly, prepare page, enable STA, wireless page, timezone page with geonames lookup20:48
superm1so it will compile on the fly when you go through prepare then?20:48
evI sure hope so.  I haven't wired it up yet, so I'm not sure how much a blocking operation will hurt us here20:49
evthough I have moved the wireless page to before timezone, so it comes after partitioning20:49
superm1so it will be happening while files are copying then at least20:49
evso we could not block on it and hope for the best20:49
superm1if nothing else you'll be stress testing aufs then too :)20:50
evyeah, that's the other thing20:50
evit's a tad slow in kvm20:50
evno idea what it's like on real hardware, but we may find ourselves looking for some quick optimizations20:50
evas we're now copying files, downloading updates (which works, yay!), and talking to debconf via the pages all at once20:50
superm1wow, that is a lot to handle at once20:51
evI'm waiting for michaelforrest to deliver the operating system icons for the partitioning page20:52
michaelforrestev: *icon20:53
evI really want to keep hacking on this well into next week, but I have a wedding to go to :(20:53
everr yes20:53
evgood evening :)20:53
michaelforrestgood evening20:53
michaelforrestafternoon even20:54
superm1ev, think it might be worthwhile to kick this over to the archive tonight, just so you can get a larger sampling of people testing it?20:54
superm1with the intention to do another upload later in the week to clean up the fall through20:54
evyeah, though I'd like to mark the non-free option as disabled for nwo20:55
superm1yeah just mark it unsensitive or so for now20:55
evand do something with the alpha warning message (it makes the window huge)20:55
evmy thought on the alpha warning was to move it back to its own page20:55
superm1okay so tomorrowish then to get more people looking at it then :)20:56
evhahaha, thanks!20:56
evI'll tackle that tonight when I get back from whatever it is new york has to offer this evening20:56
evbut yeah, we should definitely start getting this tested20:56
evI think it's finally at the point where, aside from the bootloader option, people won't complain about missing features or call it ugly.20:57
evat least I hope so20:58
superm1well gj have fun at the wedding20:58
evsan francisco, should be a blast20:59
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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