
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
IdleOnemaxh: what other benefits were you referring to?16:52
maxhEmail address and the like. It's odd, as I don't remember applying.16:52
Picimaxh: Are you an Ubuntu Member?16:52
IdleOneare you a part of any ubuntu teams?16:52
maxhI wasn't aware of being so, but either the blog post is wrong or I am.16:53
IdleOnethere are a few teams like UW and the accessability teams that got invited to the ubuntu font beta testing16:53
maxhOhh. Y'know, that might be it.16:53
PiciYou'd definitely remember becoming an Ubuntu Member if you were one.16:54
IdleOnethere you go. there should be instructions in the email or you can ask the team lead about how to get access to the PPA16:54
maxhI have access. I was just unsure how I got it. But the team explaination makes much more sense.16:54
IdleOneok. :)16:54
IdleOneenjoy the font16:55
IdleOne!membership | maxh16:55
ubottumaxh: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:55
maxhAh, thanks.16:55
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Tux43Is there a irc for sound or audio?22:06
moshe742Tux43, whats the problem?22:07
Tux43I have a problem with mic and every irc I go to says to go to a different one.22:08
erUSULTux43: #alsa ?22:09
Tux43Moshe742: what is that ?22:10
moshe742ok, i don't know if here is the one but i will try to help22:10
moshe742what is what?22:10
Tux43I appreciate that22:10
Tux43# alsa?22:10
Tux43I have been looking at the irc list for 2 days trying to find one that will help22:10
moshe742a room about alsa which is most likely the problematic package22:10
Tux43ok that is an irc channel?22:11
Tux43but is that associated with Ubuntu or no?22:11
moshe742i guess22:11
moshe742don't know it so i can't say if its related22:11
Tux43Thanks anyways22:11
Tux43have a great day22:12
=== easter_egg is now known as curso
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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