
BUGabundoanyone having trouble in youtube with chromium ?  I get a message saying video format not available, when using html500:10
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA) Coming to Maverick after Alpha 3 | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Next Meeting: TBD
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA [amd64|lpia]) Coming to Maverick after Alpha 3 | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Next Meeting: TBD
czrmicahg, cool, I'll keep on using the "other" PPA until maverick then06:31
fta2there're kidding me, right?08:57
fta2"created on 2010-07-31" "Start 2010-08-05"08:58
fta2micahg, ^^08:58
eagles0513875|2morning fta209:13
* fta2 feels like stopping all the dailies for good this time, ppa are unreliable for that usage09:18
BUGabundo_remotefta2: codecs borked in chromium09:59
fta2BUGabundo_remote, ?10:19
BUGabundo_remotehtml5 videos won't work in youtube10:20
BUGabundo_remote(2010-08-02 00:10:10) freenode: anyone having trouble in youtube with chromium ?  I get a message saying video format not available, when using html510:20
eagles0513875|2BUGabundo_remote: question not related to chromium10:29
eagles0513875|2woudl u recommend against embedding a video with the html5 video tag10:30
eagles0513875|2and if so what would you recommend instead10:30
BUGabundo_remoteeagles0513875|2: no10:30
BUGabundo_remotebut depends on your target audience10:30
BUGabundo_remotehow many browsers support it already?10:30
BUGabundo_remotehow many users have browsers capable of using it?10:30
eagles0513875|2i hear ya i am trying to figureo ut something as i need to embed a video in the website im doing10:31
micahgczr: what "other" PPA?10:38
micahgBUGabundo_remote: eagles0513875|2: HTML5 is supported by everything except IE ATM, the question is which codec, after Firefox 4.0 is released, WebM seems the way to go10:39
micahgeagles0513875|2: VP810:40
eagles0513875|2micahg: any good websites about webM10:40
BUGabundo_remotemicahg: +110:45
BUGabundo_remoteeagles0513875|2: videojs.com I think10:45
eagles0513875|2thanks BUGabundo_remote10:45
micahgeagles0513875|2: http://www.webmproject.org/10:46
eagles0513875|2thanks micahg10:46
* micahg seems to have forgotten a patch for TB3.1...10:52
czrmicahg, ticotz has one which carries TB3.1 for 32 and 64.10:57
czrricotz, sry.10:57
czrmicahg, newer versions of lightning require TB3.1, and sunbird isn't developmed anymore. so it's kind of catch-22.10:58
micahgczr: I addressed that in my post to the team mailing list11:01
czrmicahg, do you have url handy? I don't follow the ML directly11:01
* micahg probably should've waited for it to build before sending out the mail though :-/11:02
micahgczr: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam/2010-August/001185.html11:02
micahgfta2: do you have a libvpx backport?  do you build with yasm?11:02
czrmicahg, thanks11:03
eagles0513875|2ha figured out hwo to get a video on website11:11
eagles0513875|2seems like you can do it with the img tag11:11
eagles0513875|2and set movie that way11:11
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micahgfta2: if you get a chance, can you respin Tb3.1 in umd?12:21
* gnomefreak cant get shit to work right12:29
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micahgchrisccoulson: it's going to be a busy month :)13:03
fta2micahg, yep, i have backports of libvpx from debian, with yasm13:21
fta2in ucd13:21
fta2i auto-backport it13:21
fta2micahg, ^^, here is my script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472172/13:22
* fta2 likes shell scripts..13:31
fta2micahg, umd respin: done13:32
micahgfta2: thanks, I think I'll backport yasm to umd then for hardy/jaunty, I have to talk to Mozilla about using system libvpx for xulrunner-2.014:22
fta2micahg, you can probably just copy everything from ucd14:23
micahgfta2: that would work also, I requested a yasm update in debian which might improve chromium and firefox builds14:24
fta2micahg, what kind of update?14:25
micahgfta2: yasm is 0.8 in debian and 1.0.1 is out14:25
micahgthat's what Mozilla is building with14:25
fta2oh, i see. is there a big difference, perf wise?14:26
micahgfta2: idk, my guess is a little bit of improvement, but every little bit helps in the browser14:27
fta2micahg, i've discussed the use of ffvp8 in chromium with upstream, they said they will use it if it really proves faster, but not before it's on par with libvpx on the various arm arches needed by chrom*os14:28
fta2micahg, (wrt http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/?p=499)14:29
micahgfta2: cool, Mozilla has issues with that since it's LGPL14:31
micahgchrisccoulson: don't you need commas between Provides entries?14:31
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oops ;)14:32
chrisccoulsonwell spotted14:32
micahgchrisccoulson: so, I managed to get kmozillahelper renamed to firefox-kde-support, but now we have kmozillahelper in Lucid and firefox-kde-support in Maverick+, so do I do Suggests: firefox-kde-support | kmozillahelper so that the PPAs work or should I create a control.in file and add the appropriate one in rules?14:35
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the first solution should work ok14:36
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll get that in later this week then14:37
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chrisccoulsonasac - if i want to get the latest binaries for arm, i should get them from http://ports.ubuntu.com/ shouldn't i?20:50
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asacchrisccoulson_: yes21:33
ftaasac, hey21:35
micahgfta: builders are back :)21:35
ftareally?  http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html21:36
micahgfta: just were restored, if they don't disappear again, they should be caught up by tomottow21:36
asacfta: hi!21:38
ftamicahg, the build-farm really makes me want to quit for good, seriously21:41
micahgfta: it's hard to complain about a free service21:41
ftamicahg, sure, but my contribution is also free21:42
micahgfta: true, I see your point now, you fix an FTBFS and can't even get the builds to finish21:43
ftamicahg, also, the non-daily ppas all contain hot security fixes, yet no valid builds in days21:44
ftaso i can only conclude that PPAs are not suitable for shipping browsers21:44
ftanot reliable21:45
micahgfta: well, not suited for immediate release21:45
micahgfta: you're in a tight spot since there's no lead time on the chromium builds, we usually get 3 weeks, even for emergency builds, we usually get a couple hours notice21:46
ftait always the same story, no resources for dailies, and not suitable for timely releases. so for me, it's useless as a service for the wide community of browser users21:48
micahgfta: I think once the administrative hurdles are out of the way, you might be able to get a native PPA that chrisccoulson could upload for you to for stable releases21:48
ftamicahg, that won't work if it's not automated. i'd better give the whole thing to someone else and spend my time on something else21:49
micahgfta: idk what to say, asac or chrisccoulson_ any ideas?21:50
ftaimho, only someone from canonical can do that, as we outsiders don't have access to enough resources21:52
chrisccoulson_i'm not sure. ultimately, the updates will go through -security (which i can upload to the PPA for), and the builds for those are scored quite high21:52
ftastable resources i mean21:52
chrisccoulson_so, some of the current issues will go away then, as the builds will generally move through the queue much faster21:53
ftachrisccoulson_, so you just confirmed that dailies are not welcome21:53
chrisccoulson_fta - no, dailies are welcome21:53
micahgfta: no, there's a whole campaign this cycle for dailies21:53
ftachrisccoulson_, clearly not when it's impossible to get a build in a week21:54
chrisccoulson_fta - welcome and possible are 2 different things though. they are certainly welcome, but i'm not sure why the PPA's are so slow atm21:54
micahgchrisccoulson_: the problem is the PPA builders get hijacked for  internal Canonical tasks (mirrors, test machines...)21:55
chrisccoulson_micahg - ah, ok21:55
chrisccoulson_and we have resource issues with the native builders at the moment too21:55
ftaok, i stop complaining, i'll build my own stuff somewhere else and let the ppas agonize21:56
chrisccoulson_fta - there's quite a few people currently asking for more buildd capacity atm, so people are aware that the current situation is sub-optimal21:59
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ftasorry, been disconnected22:00
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