
akgranernUboon2Age, ping - the articles you pulled this week are great! - Thanks and the you listed them are so easy to tweak!  THANKS!!!!02:56
zkriessehey akgraner02:56
akgranerzkriesse, hey!02:58
zkriesseakgraner: how's the household02:58
zkriesselast i knew you guys weren't doing so good02:59
akgraneroh we're doing well now :-)02:59
zkriesseGood to hear Ma'am03:00
akgranereveryone is home and doing well - I have a friend whom I haven't seen since '89 when we were stationed together at Ft. Huachuca AZ visiting this week03:00
akgranerHe's helping me write some summaries :-)  it's a fun time :-)03:00
zkriesseakgraner: Stationed?03:01
akgranerwe were in the Army together03:01
zkriesseYou a military woman?03:01
* zkriesse is working toward joining03:01
zkriesseActually I was gonna take the oath last year and then they denied me03:01
akgranerI loved it - I was only in for 4 years Pete was in for 1703:02
zkriessePete is who?03:02
nhandlerzkriesse: Pete Graner (her husband)03:03
akgranernhandler, thanks!03:03
nhandlerakgraner: See my question about the Upcoming Meetings Section from earlier (and my PMs) ?03:03
akgranerI did thank you!03:04
akgranerand it's "Nothing listed as of publication"03:05
nhandlerakgraner: Alright. I thought that was just for no agenda items.03:05
akgranereither works as long as we are consistent on all days03:06
akgranerI'll look the info in the PM once I get this published:-)  won't be that much longer just getting all the info in one place03:07
nhandlerakgraner: Alright. No rush on that stuff. It was more FYI than needing any action03:08
akgranerThanks!  :-)03:10
nUboon2Ageakgraner: oh, i'm glad that worked better. :)  I've been dealing w/ hardware problems and feel very depleted right now.03:14
akgranerI'm sorry  - That's how I felt earlier this week03:15
nUboon2Ageakgraner: yes i know you can relate.03:15
nUboon2Ageakgraner: q: how are we dealing with the whole blowup about concerns whether canonical contributes enough to Gnome story?03:17
akgranerIt will be included in General Community News03:18
akgranerI contacted Jono earlier to run through how I was going to post it03:19
nUboon2Agei saw a twitter item from matt assay where he pointed out the survey covered all history, not just say past year, so that Canonical could never catch up, and therefore the stat was not useful.  salient point imo.03:21
akgranerthere are a ton of myths that got stirred up there03:26
akgranernot with Matt Asay's article as I haven't read it yet03:27
akgranerjust the whole discussion all the way around03:27
nUboon2AgeMatt's thing (above) is just a quick twitter post.  this kind of thing seems to fit into preconceived notions re: Canonical and then people jump into their preconstructed foxholes.  But the really unfortunate thing is that the preconceived notions have grown as pervasive as they seem to have.  There are probably at least some reasons for them which it would be good for Canonical and Ubuntu to really make a large effort to03:31
nUboon2Agetry to extract itself from as well as mythbust in order to regain goodwill.03:31
nUboon2Ageotherwise its just seen as another arrogant corporate power, whether deservedly or not.03:32
nUboon2Ageare we going to cover Mark Shuttleworth's (belated) apology for unfortunate comments last fall which came out (i think) today? or will that be held for next week?03:33
nUboon2Ageakgraner: ^^^^03:33
akgranerwhat comments? - I haven't looked at anything from today03:34
akgranergot a link03:34
nUboon2Agei'll find one...03:34
akgraneris it on his blog03:34
akgraner1st what comments last fall - and which apology?03:34
nUboon2Agewhile i'm looking here's the link that i forgot before re: System76: http://netbook-expert.com/2010/07/system76-continues-linnux-netbook-line-with-second-gen-starling/03:35
akgranerI am going to have to cut something :-)03:35
akgranerit's getting way to long :-(03:35
nUboon2Ageakgraner: i understand and expected that. no worries.03:36
akgranernUboon2Age, hmmm the title has Linux spelled Linnux03:36
nUboon2Age:P   here's a reasonable coverage article of the apology: http://it.moldova.org/news/mark-shuttleworth-apologises-to-girls-211170-eng.html03:37
nUboon2Agethis one is more detailed: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/mark-shuttleworth-apologises-for.html03:38
akgraneroh THOSE comments03:40
nUboon2Agei read up on the whole thing.  major oops on MS's part.  too bad the apology took 11 months.03:40
akgranerNext week  it's dated today03:40
nUboon2Ageokay, that's good.03:41
nUboon2Ageokay i may be able to gather some energy and pitch in.  is there something i could help with right now?03:42
akgranernUboon2Age, I wish  - just organize it right now but if you are around in like an hour could you proof03:44
nUboon2Agesure, i'll try to check in now and again and see if you've pinged me akgraner.03:44
akgranernUboon2Age, thanks!!!03:48
zkriessewho needs proofing?03:53
zkriesseand of what?03:54
akgranerzkriesse, not yet but soon :-)03:57
akgranerISsue 20403:57
akgranerugh the wiki is so S-L-O-W tonight03:57
zkriesseit's not for me03:58
zkriesseThe wiki loves all the attention i give it though03:58
akgranercrap brb - grrrrr.......gotta luv technology04:39
akgranerhey all  in case you haven't read this - http://gregdekspeaks.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/old-wounds/04:50
akgranerI just tweeted and dented and FB'd it04:51
nUboon2Age(not thinking of this for newsletter, but just interest)  Microsoft Windows BSOD Caused Deepwater Horizon Disaster(?) http://techrights.org/2010/07/23/blue-screen-of-death-and-bp/04:52
akgranernUboon2Age, I would not include it - while it may be a valid point  - I am not inclined to include stuff like that04:54
nUboon2Ageno i was just passing it along to y'all for interest not for newsletter (as i said above) :)04:55
akgranersorry - let me go back to one thing at a time04:55
akgranernUboon2Age, I'm writing my the GCN stuff now - if you want to review what is there already on the wiki04:56
nUboon2Ageakgraner: okay i'll start looking at it.  :)04:58
nUboon2Ageakgraner: one question that i wasn't sure about when i was putting the articles in an am still wondering about is whether we have (or want) to have a way to indicate where quotes begin and end?05:20
akgranernah - all content in the newsletter is posted other places05:21
akgranerwe just need to make sure when possible we point out who wrote it and make sure we link back to it05:22
akgranerit make is way to hard when I am reformatting for other areas05:22
akgranerI tried using italics but then I have to remove them all05:22
akgranerI tried quotes - but you might as well put everything in quotes05:22
akgranerand sometimes we quote people quoting other people which looks really funny  - like ""this""05:23
akgranerall over the place05:23
akgranerso people who read the newletter know we are only consolidating what is out there05:23
nUboon2Ageokay, good enough05:24
nUboon2Ageakgraner: here's a point that's a bit awkward where we might want some editing:   (under Ubuntu Server makes gains at SUSE Linux' expense )    That said, Canonical Ltd.’...05:26
nUboon2Agebut i didn't put in the preceding part05:26
nUboon2Agewell i suppose when i read the sentence you put before that its not too awkward after all...05:27
akgranerI was going to fix that just haven't gotten there yet05:27
nUboon2Agei guess its just the transition from our summary sentence to the quote that feels a little odd...05:29
akgranernUboon2Age, just drop those 1st 2 paragraph's in05:33
nUboon2Agespelling: Loco Council:  .... inforaml05:34
akgranerwhere are you looking05:37
akgranerTeam Reports05:37
akgranerwe refer to the LoCo Council as just that05:37
akgranerthe "LoCo Council"05:38
nUboon2Ageakgraner: i think they meant 'informal' not 'inforaml', yes?05:48
akgraneroh I wasn't looking at that sorry05:48
nUboon2Agethat's what i was pointing out, not Loco/LoCO (my misspelling. :) )05:49
akgranerI though you were saying LoCo Council was informal for Local Community Council05:49
akgranernUboon2Age, typically we don't fix posts that are a direct quote but spelling errors I usually try to - btw it's fixed now05:50
nUboon2Agei dropped a paragraph into ietherpad...ideas to patch up that article (don't know if that's what you meant by drop, but the main wiki page isn't editable by me so ...05:51
akgranerb/c if we don't then - people think the news team misspelled it and not the original writer but I don't feel like adding [sip] in front of all spelling errors05:52
nUboon2Ageother than that i didn't notice anything else akgraner.05:52
akgranerthat's fine05:52
akgranerThank you!05:52
akgranerI'll add that to the wiki05:52
akgranersince I am in and out of it right now05:52
nUboon2Agelooks good.  Very informative.  i enjoyed reading about Xubuntu and Kubuntu in particular, having used both.05:53
akgranernUboon2Age, just an FYI for ya - you'll see in the wiki marks that look like ``05:54
akgranerthis to break the camelcase or Hotlinks were the works are in wiki format05:54
akgraneralso b/c we are in and out of the document saving it a million times over we always use trivial change and remove trailing white space box as well05:55
akgranerother wise people like dholbach will get a million emails in his inbox every sunday05:56
nUboon2Ageakgraner: where do i look to see those marks?05:59
akgranerclook at the drop down menu06:02
akgranerand click on raw data06:02
akgranerand you'll see them on the various words06:02
akgranerdon't click edit right now as I am in the wiki06:03
nUboon2Ageoh, okay i see them.  now it makes sense.06:04
nUboon2Agewill Lubuntu start being covered when after they become official (10.10 i guess)?  i've been hearing them interviewed a lot on various podcasts.06:06
akgranerLet's talk about all that tomorrow or the next got a few more things to add - and I've forgotten about my swamp at the moment :-)06:07
nUboon2Agethere was an article that brought out that point about Matt Asay's tweet which seems important to me... let me see if i can find it.  it was fairly balanced i thought...06:10
nUboon2AgeCanonical's Disconnect with Linux Developer Community, http://www.itworld.com/open-source/115819/canonicals-disconnect-linux-developer-community06:12
nUboon2Agei think that would be good to add to the list of articles.06:12
nUboon2Ageit actually comes down pretty much positive towards Canonical by the end (not that i think only positive things should be reported -- i don't) but i thought that one covered the whole debate pretty well and brought out some important points the other articles on the list missed.06:14
nUboon2Ageakgraner: ^^^06:15
akgranerI don't want to add more to that - as Greg ended up apologizing  - but I'll look at it06:15
nUboon2Ageyeah, i'd put it before Greg's apology note.06:16
akgranerNormally it wouldn't matter b/c UWN would have been published hours ago - but I'm not back on my schedule yet06:16
nUboon2Ageyup, and then this kurfuffle comes up to complicate things.  :/06:18
akgranerjust one of those things  - :-)06:25
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:09:32
YoBoYhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204#Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team << this title don't have the right level i think09:48
akgranerYoBoY, thanks it's fixed now :-)10:03
akgranerThanks for another awesome week you all! Everything thing has been posted and we are ready for a new week in Ubuntu News - Thanks agian!10:08
akgranerHere are the links for working on next weeks issue:10:08
akgraneretherpad for adding summaries -  http://ietherpad.com/UWN10:08
akgraneretherpad for adding links and titles only - http://ietherpad.com/UWN-Ideas10:08
akgranergoogledoc - https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en10:08
akgranerwiki page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20510:08
YoBoYstupid question, why the Translation Stats Lucid always show the same langages ?10:12
akgranerYoBoY, it the languages with the most activity10:45
akgranerwe can't include them all - I wish we could10:45
akgranerGrr - I have to leave my house in 1.5 hours to take my daughter to band camp  - and so ends my summer :-)10:47
YoBoYi'm asking that because 2 things bother me on this "Translation Stats", first one is seeing the english in the first place, we are translating from english strings, not the opposite, second one is this freezed list who never change, not really usefull to see every week the same list.11:11
akgranersorry about that - :-/ my computer just shut down for no reason - hmmmm11:21
akgranerYoBoY, I am open to suggestions :-)11:21
YoBoYwell... i don't know how do you have this list ^^"11:22
YoBoYbut my first suggestion is to delete the english entry :p11:23
akgranerYoBoY, take a look where we pull the information from -https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/ - I have to take my daughter to band camp soon - but I will be back later today - but feel free to email suggestions - I'll also talk to dpm about it and see what suggestions he has11:31
YoBoYyes i have seen this page, but this don't help me understand how the stats work ^^ i'll try to write a mail about it11:34
akgranerYoBoY, I'm sorry I don't have time to get explain it right this second :-(  when I get back home  - I'll see if you are around ok?11:39
YoBoYno problem :) we have time to talk about this11:40
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse

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