
Jordan_Uctcp is trolling in #ubuntu00:46
IdleOneubuntu5 can I help you?02:49
Evangelistwhere is ubntu5?02:49
IdleOneEvangelist: you are the same person as ubuntu5 who just quit in #ubuntu. you are also heru who I just banned02:50
heruwho likes indonesia????02:50
Evangelistya,,,where are you from???02:51
heruI'm from Indonesia....02:51
IdleOnenhandler: these two clones are not here to resolve the ban I just set in #u02:51
IdleOneEvangelist: Do you have any reason for joining this channel?02:51
Evangelist@idleone, no,,,this is first time i use ubuntu502:52
heruubuntu5 is lucas from Indonesia to.....!!!!!02:53
IdleOneEvangelist: if you are not here to resolve a ban then please part the channel02:53
IdleOneheru: why are you in this channel?02:53
herui like it02:54
IdleOnePlease part. We have a no idling rule. This channel is for Ubuntu ops.02:54
heruomong oppo e.......02:54
Evangelistkiss my fucking ass muthafucka!02:55
IdleOneelky: same ip on heru02:55
elkyThen his friend can tell him to be sensible and he may have a chance to not get the whole network banned.02:56
heruhai elky02:56
elkyEnough of this.02:57
smkn3what this is02:57
smkn3what am i going to do02:57
elkyYou're going to learn to behave.02:58
smkn3 but ican do anything02:59
heruhaiiii cooooyyyy........????/?03:00
smkn3opo nyook03:00
heruapalane susis03:00
smkn3ojo nesu03:00
herukelakuan si keong racun..... selalu mencari sasaran...03:01
smkn3keong racun ki opo????03:01
herudasar kau keong racun,,, baru kenal ngajak tidur.....03:02
smkn3hey elky kowe wong ngendi???03:02
elkysmkn3, you need to speak English if you want me to understand.03:02
heruspeak java likes good03:03
smkn3hallo elky03:03
heruelky where do you come from??03:03
smkn3where r u03:03
elkyWhere I am is irrelevant to this discussion. This is not a social discussion.03:04
smkn3in java seko ngendi03:04
smkn3ngopowe mah nantang03:04
heruelky you like indonesian???03:04
smkn3im ubuntu lovers r u to03:05
smkn3ngopo melu melu03:05
herura ngurus,,,03:05
elkyEnough of this. Learn to behave right now, or you will be banned from here too.03:05
smkn3woo... sabar ki rasah melu melu03:05
heruamohng oph kweki ra dong aq mbakk..03:06
herungopo buz weki...yakobuz03:06
gendhisssmkn3 hoyy03:07
smkn3hey daviey03:07
heruhai gord03:07
IdleOneHow many does it take03:07
IdleOneClearly trolling and has no plan on stopping03:08
smkn3omong opo kwe ki ra donk aq..nak omong ki ngo boso jowo wae...03:08
smkn3ykngopo? rasah do rame03:08
heruwhere do you come from IdleOne03:08
smkn3idleone you ising03:09
gendhisstakoke kok mung kui2 wae tep03:09
smkn3ykrasah aeng aeng kalean03:09
smkn3ra ngurus03:09
gendhissahaaaaa......lets join up.03:09
herungopo yuk sok inggris wong mbantul we nggaya03:10
herugendhis rasah ngaya terus03:10
smkn3tip golekki sabar03:10
smkn3hay elky you ising and i am ngising03:11
elkyCongratulations, you're banned.03:11
IdleOneclones leave please03:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 463 bans)08:03
elkyYes, we had fun.08:52
ubottubrubelsabs called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:01
jpds10:02:45 < brubelsabs> jpds: I feel offended by Kwpolska 10:56 → why is this nick familiar?10:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 465 bans)12:10
bazhangjpds, shellium user (and one other) previous ban evader Kwpolska12:40
topylihrm. ubottu wants me to remove a ban i didn't set in the first place, it's just a @mark13:17
Tm_Mhe doesnt know the difference13:21
jpdsTm_M: she.13:23
Tm_Mand my winmo device tilts if I set date to today...13:31
bazhangtopyli, same here; got a notice about a ban I had set in -ot, which was odd as I don't have access there13:47
Picibazhang: Nothing wrong with what you suggested.14:12
bazhangPici, going to winehq and checking appdb?14:14
Picibazhang: yep14:14
bazhangerr #winehq14:14
bazhangPici, thanks14:14
bazhangPici, was the ban warning (ie list filling up ) something to do with exemptions?14:15
Picibazhang: Perhaps.  I'll take a look.14:15
Picibazhang: Probably not, there aren't that many exemptions listed.14:15
bazhangPici, thanks much14:16
bazhangiceroot, hi, how can we help you14:18
icerootbazhang: problem solved some days ago, i just forgot the /wc14:24
topylihrm, this is getting annoying. is there any way to tell ubottu i never banned that person, so i don't want to review the ban? :)15:15
elkyI thought it was only supposed to remind you once?15:21
elkyIf it's reminding you more than once, someone has gotten a little too excited and needs ice water thrown over them.15:22
topylii've added a mark and then an update after talking to the guy15:31
topylii'll probably be okay for a while now, until ubottu realizes later that the "bans" still exist15:32
elkyI was led to believe it didn't do anything beyond the first reminder. If it does, it sucks and needs to die.15:38
elky(*first reminder per action)15:38
topylioh i can live with one per item15:44
bazhangturkbuntu? google does not know it16:02
Piciask for a link maybe.16:03
bazhangokay trolling16:03
bazhangthat's a nasty flash link16:03
Piciban him then16:06
Piciyou have the powa16:06
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 468 bans)16:41
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 468 bans)19:20
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
webguest_Zykotici few moments ago in #ubuntu I (ZykoticK9) was banned, by "idoru" - i can no longer connect to Freenode from my IP which is static.  Can someone assist me here?20:56
ZykoticK9either thank you to someone, or it's working again.  ;)  Could someone explain what happened?  idoru doesn't even appear to be an ubuntu admin?20:59
gnomefreaki dont know that name but are you sure it was him?21:00
IdleOneidoru is freenode bot21:00
gnomefreakah why is it banning people?21:01
IdleOneZykoticK9: you probably got caught by the bot by accident21:01
IdleOnegnomefreak: it monitors for spam and such on the network and k-lines21:01
ZykoticK9IdleOne, you are correct, i got an email reply and i was unbanned on their end.  thanks anyways.21:01
IdleOneno worries21:02
salamHello , is it legal to join ubuntu channel with another nickname while my username is banned ?22:55
Tm_Trsalam: no, it is called "ban-dodging" and considered usually as very bad action to do22:57
Tm_Trsalam: instead, it's better to have the ban sorted (:22:57
salambut it is long time maybe 2 month it is banned22:58
salamand it is not removed yet22:58
Tm_Trbans won't be removed automatically22:58
salamTm_T so what ? my username is Alabd22:59
Tm_Trsalam: let me see, one moment please22:59
Tm_Trsalam: do you remember why you were banned?23:01
salamTm_T yes flood23:02
Tm_Trand crossposting, if ban comments serve me right23:02
Tm_Tryou understand why this is bad think?23:03
Tm_Troh, crossposting is old case, that's sorted already23:04
Tm_Trsalam: you understand why flooding is bad thing to do?23:05
salamsure , that time i(humble) was not aware well23:06
Tm_Tr!guidelines > salam23:06
ubottusalam, please see my private message23:06
Tm_Trplease remember those (:23:07
Tm_Trsalam: your ban is now removed, remember the rules and the spirit behind of them: "be nice"23:10
Tm_Trwelcome back to #ubuntu and have fun (:23:11
salamTm_Tr thanks23:11
salamGod bless you23:12
Tm_Tr...I'm so rusty23:12
Tm_Trdeopped my another self, all this cloumsy irc talk etc...23:13
Tm_Talso, I hate DDoS23:17

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