
pittigood morning07:02
ttxServer CD oversized again. I suggest dropping "hplip" in the print-server seed10:23
ttxcjwatson, pitti, slangasek: comments from release team welcome ^10:26
pittittx: currently busy with unbreaking dpkg, will look later10:28
pittittx: but sure, please go ahead10:29
charlie-tcaI need someone to kick the server for the Xubuntu daily images13:23
ttxCurrent server ISO fails after formatting with "Kernel override 'linux-server' not present"13:23
charlie-tcaHow do we fix it?13:24
ttxFound kernels: ''13:24
ttxcharlie-tca: it's a separate issue13:24
ttx(was not meant as an answer to you, sorry :)13:24
charlie-tcaOh, okay13:25
charlie-tcaMy error is - W: Failed to fetch file:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp-universe/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch13:25
ttxhmm, looks like my issue comes from uninstallable lvm213:37
ttxhm, or not.13:37
ttxno, that's a separate issue13:38
cjwatsonpitti: what's wrong with dpkg?13:40
pitticjwatson: it's fixed now13:40
cjwatsonpitti: yes, but I uploaded dpkg so I'm interested13:40
pitticjwatson: dpkg-builddeb crashed, which caused everything to FTBFS13:40
pitticjwatson: bug 61245713:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 612457 in dpkg (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) " regression: dpkg-deb segfaults (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61245713:40
pittiI had it in the #devel topic, but removed it again13:40
cjwatsonodd, I did test it with a double-build I'm sure :-/13:41
pitticjwatson: it used an sprintf() to fill an exactly allocated buffer without accounting for the extra NUL byte that sprintf() writes13:41
pittithat triggered the stack protector13:41
cjwatsonI assume I can drop the workaround patches on the next merge13:41
pitticjwatson: right, you can13:41
pitticjwatson: I just needed it to get _that_ new dpkg built13:41
pittii. e. it's the PATH setting in debian/rules13:41
pitticjwatson: landed safely in NY?13:42
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: I've kicked a rebuild (without looking very hard)13:42
cjwatsonttx: full log?13:42
cjwatsonpitti: yep, actually was training across from IL13:43
pitticjwatson: train? over the Atlantic?13:43
cjwatsonIL - i.e. Chicago13:43
pittiah, Illinois, not Ireland, sorry :)13:43
cjwatsonpitti: thanks for fixing that dpkg bug13:44
pitticjwatson: you're welcome; was a fun morning :)13:44
ttxcjwatson: I wonder how best I can capture that13:44
pittirelease-wise, I got the uninstallables on i386/amd64 all fixed except for lbm, but we got a new abi anyway13:44
charlie-tcacjwatson: thank you13:45
pittistill fighting against CD overflows, and we have almost no langpack to chop off any more13:46
ttxcjwatson: pastebinning full log...13:48
ttxcjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/472183/13:50
ttxcjwatson: I can rerun it in English if need be.13:50
ttxthere are a few translated messages in there, but they don't seem to apply to the issue directly.13:51
cjwatsonapt-cdrom is unhappy; I'll have a look when I get to the venue and can update my images14:06
ttxcjwatson: ok, let me know if you want a bug about it, and if yes, under which package I should file it.14:08
pittiok, I found three main culprits for the CD size explosion since alpha-214:29
pittiwe started to ship git (+6.3 MB), checkbox now copies example-contents data (+6 MB), and ttf-unfonts-core balooned from 12.4 to 20 MB14:29
pittiso let's wade through that14:29
pittisbeattie: do you have commit access to checkbox?14:50
pitticr3 seems offline14:50
pittisbeattie: I'd like to throw out the 6 MB of duplicated data files and instead add an example-contents dependency14:50
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
pittittf-unfonts and git (via gettext) sorted out16:02
pittiso if someone feels like it, he can trigger a CD respin in about an hour, to see where we are16:02
pitti(I need to leave in about 15 mins)16:03
pittiotherwise tomorrow's dailies should be fine16:08
cjwatsonapw: how did your investigations with VT handoff and plymouth go?16:14
cjwatsonpitti: I think best hold off on respins for a bit, since we're mid-kernel-ABI yet again16:16
pitticjwatson: I won't do respins, I need to leave now16:16
pitticjwatson: right now we are still consistently at -13 I think16:16
pitticjwatson: I pinged apw about whether -14 is for a3; if so, we need lmb and meta (and then of course seeds and di)16:17
apwcjwatson, i committed the kernel bits.  i didn't bottom out on how to fix plymouth starting up too early16:17
* pitti waves good bye then, see you tomorrow16:17
apwpitti, yep -14 is meant for a3, and i am assuming ogasawara will upload those shortly (today)16:17
cjwatsonpitti: I just switched d-i to -1416:17
cjwatsonand seeds16:17
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks16:17
cjwatsonapw: I didn't think plymouth starting up early was a problem; I thought we agreed it should be running across the KMS switch, and redraw?16:18
cjwatsonapw: any progress on getting the bootloader/kernel bit of the interface upstream?  I don't want to put it in grub until that16:19
apwnot as yet, i was tied up last week finding and fixing some major races in framebuffer setup, which was preventing the new code from being testalbe16:21
apwcjwatson, as for plymouth redrawing, yes it should, and with all the patches in we can now survive it occuring, but plymouth isn't doing anything about the switch as yet16:22
cjwatsonis there an event it can spot now?  I guess the uevent for the new framebuffer appearing?16:23
apwyeah there is a new frambuffer appearing message16:23
slangasekttx: hplip> really?  why would you drop support for HP printers?  If you're going to drop printing support, wouldn't you prefer to drop it all?16:27
ttxslangasek: why would we ship only HP drivers ?16:27
slangasekttx: what do you mean, "only"?16:28
ttxI think hplip can be installed after the print server, *if* you happen to have an HP printer16:28
slangasekttx: all the other packages in that seed are /also/ drivers16:28
slangasekso HP printers will be the only ones /not/ working out of the box, AFAICS16:28
ttxslangasek: hmm, you mean, the HP printers that require hplip16:29
ttxslangasek: but dropping it all might make sense as well16:29
ttxit's just that hplip pulls really crappy stuff on the server CD, like sane-backends or libgphoto216:30
ttxbecause you get much more than a printer driver...16:30
slangasekyes, sane-backends doesn't seem like a... sane thing to pull in via the printer seed16:31
ttxslangasek: but i'm open to all suggestions. I don't care so much either way :)16:31
slangasekso I understand why you would want to trim the seed, I just think doing it this way disadvantages HP printers16:31
ttxslangasek: most of the others end up being pulled by cups recommends16:32
ttx(like hpijs)16:32
ttxhplip notably deosn't, which makes it an easier removal.16:32
slangasekinteresting, perhaps I should try removing hplip and testing whether printing still works16:32
ttxwe could have a longer discussion on the pertinence of the print-server task16:32
slangasek(but can't do this week, because my printer is 3500 miles away and I won't be able to confirm whether paper was spit out ;)16:33
ttxslangasek: for A2 hplip was also the reason why the server CD was oversized, through some abusive depends16:33
ttxso I figured I could just get rid of the troublemaker :P16:34
slangasekno, java is the reason the CD was oversized, but I guess you don't want to cull that ;P16:34
slangasek(hplip was there first! ;)16:34
ttxslangasek: you as in me, or you as in the server team ?16:34
* ttx wonders if hplip is on the desktop ISO16:35
ttxI seem to remember it showed up in the server packages because we were the only one to seed it16:36
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
slangasekTask: ubuntu-desktop, print-server, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-netbook, edubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-netbook16:38
ttxanother bug in http://ubuntuserverpkgsetreview.appspot.com/?offset=260 then16:39
slangasekwell, I'm looking at lucid; perhaps it's changed in maverick, though that would be odd16:41
slangasekttx: no, that page lists it as being in the desktop-common seed :)16:41
ttxslangasek: that page is supposed to ignore stuff that is seeded otherwise :)16:42
ttxor maybe it's just ignored when it's seeded in standard/minimal16:42
ogasawaraapw, cjwatson: hrm, seems I don't have the permissions to upload linux-backports-modules-2.6.3516:43
ttxslangasek: anyway, feel free to restore hplip in the seed if you find a better way to recover 5Mb16:43
ogasawaraapw: I've got the package on zinc, could you try re-signing and uploading?16:43
slangasekttx: if the drivers are all in hpijs, perhaps we don't need hplip at all; I'll do some testing next week to follow up16:44
ttxslangasek: fyi the server ISO is uninstallable right now, see my discussion with cjwatson ~3 hours ago16:44
slangasekttx: apt-cdrom - ack16:47
slangasekI'll keep cjwatson supplied with coffee until it's fixed16:47
ogasawaraapw: tgardner is uploading lbm for me16:52
cjwatsonogasawara: you should have permissions now17:02
ogasawaracjwatson: thanks17:02
cjwatsonttx: currently looking like an apt bug, but I'm still investigating17:33
cjwatsonapt-cdrom finds the right directories but then apparently drops them17:33
ogasawarawhen an archive admin has a moment, could I get the linux (armel) and linux-backports-modules-2.6.35 (i386 and amd64) accepted from the New queue17:50
Riddellogasawara: doing now17:58
Riddellrunning kernel-overrides will take an hour though17:58
cjwatsonI'm already running kernel-overrides18:00
cjwatsonso you can save some time by ctrl-c'ing it ;-)18:00
cjwatsonit's up to irda-modules here18:00
Riddellcjwatson: is kernel-overrides still needed?  seems like everything is in main18:23
cjwatsonwell, it is now because I just ran it :)18:25
cjwatsonit all gets dumped into universe by default18:25
cjwatsonaccepted linux, anyway18:25
Riddellyes but in general it's a very slow way of putting the binaries into main, it's faster to copy and paste the binary package names and put them into a single queue override command18:26
cjwatsonsure; although the slowness is a Launchpad bug ...18:26
RiddellI wonder if there's an actual bug open for that18:27
cjwatsonI filed one several years ago, I think18:27
* Riddell accepts linux-backports-modules18:28
charlie-tcano kernel found in defined APT sources - xubuntu alternate 38619:19
charlie-tcaThat's bad, right?19:19
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: bug 61266519:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 612665 in apt (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "apt-cdrom architecture match always fails (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61266519:44
cjwatsonttx: ^- that's yours too19:44
charlie-tcathank you19:44
pittiah, seems the kernel abi transition is done, wonderful19:57
pittiI'll build a new set of ubuntu alternates to see where we are size-wise19:59
ScottKNo publisher run this hour?21:05
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
sbeattiecan one of the archive admins please take care of the phpbb3 package that's in binary NEW? It's been there since last week.23:11

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