
dholbachgood morning08:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
bdrungdholbach: edit patch doesn't seem to fit into sponsor-patch13:56
dholbachbdrung: I don't understand13:56
bdrungdholbach: sponsor-patch is the name for the script that i am writing for the reviewers team13:57
dholbachI'm sorry, I still don't understand13:58
dholbachwhat does "fit into" mean in this context13:59
bdrungsponsor-patch has to apply the downloaded patch, but edit-patch is designed for editing a patch13:59
dholbachah ok14:00
dholbachmaybe it needs some kind of option14:00
dholbachlike -n for "non-interactive" or something14:00
dholbachmvo would know better than I do if this makes sense14:00
dholbachmaybe you can have a chat with him?14:01
* dholbach hugs bdrung14:02
bdrungdholbach: sponsor-patch will be a eierlegende Wollmilchsau14:04
dholbachbdrung: really? doesn't it just have one task?14:34
bdrungdholbach: it can be used for sponsoring (SRUs, merge), too14:34
dholbachah ok14:34
bdrungdholbach: at least sponsoring SRUs works already14:35
bdrungdholbach: sponsor-patch has already 400 loc14:38
dholbachholy cow14:38
dholbachthanks for your work on this14:39

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