
dfarningneeraj_gupta, ping01:38
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neerajdfarning, yes01:39
dfarningneeraj_gupta, I moved the seeds to
dfarningyou can edit them by sshing into the build vm and going to /var/www/seeds/01:39
neerajdfarning, great.. :) Should i update the path in update.cfg.01:40
neerajdfarning, ok.01:41
dfarningneeraj, the next step will be to make and populate a dir named ubuntu-sugar-remix.maverick01:41
dfarningneeraj, yes we will need to update the path in update.cfg01:41
dfarningneeraj, do you have time to do ^^?01:46
neerajdfarning, http://typewith.me/RxBVidXL9501:47
dfarningneeraj, +1 and we no longer need the lines about the ppa.01:51
neerajdfarning, in archive_base/default field...?01:52
dfarningneeraj, yes.  We are finally rid of the ppa!01:53
neerajOk. Have not checked but we have usr-meta settings in ubuntu unvierse?01:53
neerajbut do*01:53
dfarningneeraj, not yet but we get around that by installing usr-meta as part of the build script.... for now.01:55
neerajdfarning, ok. Have u updated build script?.. I just downloaded a copy of it on my local  machine01:56
dfarningneeraj, seed files are not designed to handle ppa.  so it turn out to be easier to install the packages in the ppa via the usr-chroot.sh script.01:56
neerajdfarning, ok. :)01:56
dfarningneeraj, Yes I updated the build script this afternoon.01:57
neerajyes. just saw it.. :)01:57
dfarningneeraj, do you want to create the ubuntu-sugar-remix.maverick dir?01:58
neerajdfarning, Don't feel like creating right now. Didn't got time to read about seeds as I was struggling with sftp/scp.. :(02:00
neerajdfarning, i will crash nytime.. its 6.30am here :)02:00
dfarningok ping me tomorrow then.02:01
neerajdfarning, thanks :)02:01
dfarninghave you tried 'filezilla'?02:01
dfarningneeraj, it is a gui for doing ftp and sftp.  it is pretty handy02:02
neerajdfarning, I have tried file zilla for hosts with password only..02:02
dfarningneeraj, if you set the transfer type to sftp you can log on to remote sites via you ssh key.02:03
dfarningneeraj, I'll see you tomorrow:)02:04
neerajdfarning, ok. Just saw manual transfer..02:05
dfarningneeraj, go to connection manager -> General -> Server Type02:07
neerajdfarning, thanks :).. I am able to connect..02:12
dfarningneeraj, np.02:12
dfarningIan_Daniher, do you know the purpose of the preseed dir on a ISO?  I am rather confused about that:)02:51
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manusheelalsroot: Hi Aleksey.12:04
alsrootmanusheel: good day12:05
manusheelalsroot: Good morning.12:05
manusheelalsroot: Me and Neeraj wish to understand the technical details of the patch provided by for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/511225.12:07
manusheelneeraj: around?12:07
* alsroot looks12:07
manusheelalsroot: Neeraj was unable to reproduce the issue on his machine.12:07
alsrootmanusheel: issue can be reproduced only with using composite metacity12:08
alsrootplain metacity works well12:08
manusheelalsroot: Ok. I think we were using plain metacity.12:09
alsrootmanusheel: the patch just remove gconf setting, of course it works, but patch on bugs.sl.o resolve issue w/o removing gconf setting after every sugar start12:09
alsroots/the patch/51122 patch/12:09
neerajalsroot, ok. think that patch will also close this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/47917912:12
neerajmanusheel, I think we have already fixed this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/513786 in sugarteam ppa.12:14
alsrootneeraj: yup, all these bugs are the same as http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/154412:14
manusheelneeraj: Ok.12:15
neerajSo the latest iso on vm should not have this problem12:15
neerajmanusheel sir, If you remember, In my vm build documentation, I had mentioned that we have included lucid backports and lucid propose update.12:16
manusheelneeraj: Yes.12:16
neerajThe problem was with the gdm itself which was resolved in the latest version of it.12:16
manusheelI remember that.12:16
manusheelneeraj: Ok. So, three bugs assigned to you can be closed. Please add the message on closing the bug.12:17
manusheelKindly do so now.12:17
neerajI think, I don't have proper authorities to close this bug myself or do I?12:17
neerajSir, I think for closing the mouse bug, we have to wait until the the patch is released in maverick.12:18
neerajFor that lfaraone or any other person will first review the patch and then forward it to ubuntu-archives.12:19
manusheelneeraj: Right.12:19
neerajWe can add comment in the gdm bug that it has been fixed.12:19
neerajin the latest iso.12:20
manusheelneeraj: Please do that, and also mention what has been fixed in the latest iso.12:20
manusheelalsroot: Can you review the patch?12:20
neerajRegarding the fourth, it is request which asks to package moon activity and release it in maverick.12:20
alsrootmanusheel: 51122 one?12:21
neerajmanusheel sir, I will update this after coming back. I have to go somewhere. I will come back within half or 1 hour.12:22
neerajalsroot, I applied your patch https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/51122512:23
neerajI just changed the required field in sugar-session file and created the debdiff file.12:24
manusheelalsroot: Bug#511225 - Mouse bug12:24
manusheelneeraj: Ok.12:24
manusheelneeraj: In the moon activity package, you'll be guiding Ishan. He should be able to package it with your help.12:25
manusheelI think its tarball is available.12:25
neerajmanusheel, sure. I will help him out in that.12:25
neerajhave to go now. will be back within half or one hr.12:25
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manusheelneeraj: Sure.12:27
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manusheeldfarning: Good morning.17:24
neeraj__dfarning, Good Morning17:43
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dfarningneeraj, good morning18:05
manusheelneeraj: Hi Neeraj.18:06
neerajdfarning, how should I start with creating seeds for maverick.18:07
dfarningneeraj, I would start by copying the netbook.maverick dir to ubutnu-sugar-remix.maverick.18:10
dfarningneeraj, then changing all of the references to netbook to ubuntu-sugar-remix.18:11
manusheeldfarning: Thanks for the pointers.18:11
manusheelneeraj: Did you understand this part?18:12
dfarningneeraj, all of the files will be the same except the netbook/ubuntu-sugar-remix one.  That one we will have to look at in more detail.18:12
neerajdfarning, Ok. I have copied netbook.maverick to ubuntu-sugar-remix.maverick18:14
dfarningneeraj, +118:14
neerajok. Now I think I can copy the ubuntu-sugar-remix file from usr.lucid to usr.maverick18:15
neerajThen we can make changes in files of usr.maverick as per our need18:15
neerajok. I think I was wrong18:17
neerajWe have to replace the netbook file in usr.maverick with ubuntu-sugar-remix file18:18
neerajdfarning, Please tell me where I am wrong. I am listing the steps which I followed.18:22
neeraj1. Copied netbook.maverick to ubuntu-sugar-remix.maverick18:23
neeraj2. Renamed netbook file to ubuntu-sugar-remix18:23
neeraj3. sed -i 's/netbook/ubuntu-sugar-remix/g' ubuntu-sugar-remix18:25
dfarningneeraj, seems fine so far18:28
neerajdfarning, making changes in ubuntu-sugar-remix.
manusheelneeraj: Neat.18:29
neerajNow what changes I make in ubuntu-sugar-remix files18:36
dfarningneeraj, looking18:41
dfarningneeraj, soory for being so slow.  the u-s-r file just need to have the unnecessary packages striped out to prevent bloat.18:52
neerajlike open-office as you told?18:52
dfarningneeraj, +118:53
neerajdfarning, let me know which packages I should remove?18:53
dfarningneeraj, can you make one of those typewithme editors? we can work on it together.18:54
manusheelneeraj, yes.18:54
manusheelThat would be great.18:55
manusheeldfarning: +118:55
neerajdfarning, sure. Lemme download the file18:55
neerajdfarning, so I should upload this file?19:04
dfarningneeraj, one moment19:05
neerajdfarning, ok19:05
dfarningneeraj, I think it is ready now.19:06
neerajdfarning, i have uploaded the file.19:17
dfarningneeraj, great19:21
dfarningneeraj, we can delete the netbook file in
dfarningneeraj, in STRUCTURE we want to replace netbook with ubuntu-sugar-remix19:23
dfarningin live s/Ubuntu Netbook/Ubuntu Sugar Remix/19:25
dfarningneeraj, I think everything should work so we can test it by running update in the -meta package.19:28
neerajdfarning, how to do that?19:29
dfarningneeraj, just go into the the dir containing the update script of the -meta package and run ./update19:30
dfarningneeraj, ^^ on you local machine.19:30
neerajdfarning, exec: 13: germinate-update-metapackage: not found19:32
dfarningneeraj, I am also running it locally19:35
neerajdo I need to change update.cfg? I have already idp/seeds in it19:36
dfarningneeraj, I think we need to install the package germinate19:36
neerajdone. Running update19:37
neerajdfarning, after running this do I need to change anything?19:38
neerajOr just upload it to sugarteam ppa?19:39
neerajI will drop s-activity as dep and will add sucrose-0.8819:39
dfarningneeraj, did you get a 404 error?19:39
neerajnot yet*19:39
dfarningneeraj, yes drop s-activity and add sucrose-0.8819:40
neerajdfarning, apart from that do I need to do anything?19:41
dfarningneeraj, I think you will have to update the changelog to reflect that this is a maverick package.19:42
dfarningneeraj, other than that it will be ready to upload once update has completed.19:43
dfarningneeraj, the 404 was just a network error on my end.19:43
neerajdfarning, that script updated changelog it self.19:46
dfarningneeraj, +1 it update the change log to reflect the new dependancy chain that germinate calculated based on the new seed files we just updated.19:47
dfarningneeraj, cool I did not realize that it also updated the changelog header.... I have never updated between releases before.19:49
dfarningneeraj, it looks good and should be ready to upload to the ppa.19:50
neerajdfarning,ubuntu-sugar-remix-default-settings - 0.0.1ubuntu3.19:53
neerajdfarning, any reason why it is taking so much time for build of this package in maverick19:54
manusheeldfarning: Great.19:54
manusheelneeraj: No idea.19:57
dfarningneeraj, the build system just slows slows down sometimes.19:58
manusheeldfarning: Did you get a chance to figure out the issue with the size of ISO?19:58
manusheeldfarning: It is 345 MB, which means, there is something missing over there.19:59
dfarningneeraj, I think the build system is base on a elastic cloud.  So if something else needs the computation resource it get it.  build for a ppa is very low.19:59
manusheeldfarning: The earlier ISOs had 600+ MB of size.20:00
dfarningneeraj, I would guess the build system is doing a complete rebuild of maverick for the next alpha release.20:00
dfarningmanusheel, neeraj and I updated the seed files and -meta package to see if it would fix the problem.20:01
manusheeldfarning: Ok.20:02
dfarningmanusheel, I think that will fix the problem....20:03
manusheeldfarning: Yes, it should.20:03
manusheelneeraj: Let us document the steps followed by us briefly tomorrow. Important for syncing up with the future Ubuntu releases.20:04
neerajmanusheel, ok20:04
manusheelneeraj: I would like you to take some rest today, and stay productive over the week. Important.20:05
manusheelneeraj: However, let us complete this part.20:05
manusheelISO is needed for the testing of bugs.20:05
manusheeldfarning: We arrived at a good conclusion on 3 bugs today.20:06
manusheelI'll be updating the third one too.20:06
neerajmanusheel sir, initial upload was rejected. I have made some changes and dput the *changes file again.20:06
neerajWaiting for mail from LP now20:06
dfarningmanusheel, neeraj we will also need to repeate this every couple of week as maverick goes through the develop cycle.20:06
dfarningbut like everything else it is much easier (and faster) to do the second time:)20:07
neerajdfarning, we now we just need to run update script on meta package and run the build script on remote vm.. right?20:07
dfarningmanusheel, that is good news about the bugs.20:08
neerajbtw, now my package got accepted when I added +maverick after the package name.(after seeing previous changelog file of maverick on ppa.). Waiting for build now.20:08
neerajdfarning, https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=maverick20:09
neerajlast package.20:09
dfarningneeraj, yes.  might also want to scan the seed files for any changes every couple of weeks.  now we can just run diff against the netbook.mavrick dir on the build vm and the upstream netbook.maverick20:10
neerajdfarning, ok.20:11
neerajbut then we will have to again follow the same process?20:12
dfarningneeraj, looks good.  as soon as it builds.  We can do a USR test build.20:12
manusheeldfarning: Sorry. Lost the connection.20:13
manusheeldfarning: I'll download the USR today.20:13
manusheelneeraj: Will give it to you tomorrow morning.20:14
neerajmanusheel sir ok.20:14
dfarningneeraj, instead of copying netbook.maverick to u-s-r.maverick we can just run diff to make sure nothing changed.20:14
neerajdfarning, Ok. :)20:14
manusheeldfarning: That is speedy.20:14
neerajdfarning, but both usr-default settings and usr-meta are waiting for build. https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=maverick20:16
dfarningneeraj, yes:( we just have to wait for the package builds to compete before rebuilding USR.20:17
neerajdfarning, ok. Now I will am going to bed. Its 00.45 here. :)20:18
neerajmanusheel sir, good night :)20:18
dfarningneeraj, good night.20:18
neerajdfarning, one doubt.. can we build the package by uploading the source file and deb file(if needed) on remote vm and change the build script accordingly?20:21
dfarningneeraj, I am not sure what you are asking20:22
neerajdfarning, hmm leave it.. :)20:23
neerajdfarning, see you tomorrow.20:23
dfarningneeraj, ses you later.20:24
manusheelneeraj: Yes, that can be done.20:25
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