
Adremelechcan anyone recommend a wireless pci card that works out of the box?01:44
tonyyarussointel stuff01:51
Adremelechcool, thanks01:52
Adremelechactually, i might want to specify that its for a desktop01:53
Adremelechor maybe newegg just doesnt have desktop pci cards from intel?01:53
tonyyarussoguess not01:55
tonyyarussocould try http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683311403101:56
Adremelechi think  i'll just search the forums a bit, since an almost $30 wireless card is an expensive gamble01:57
TakyojiOoo, Linux Foundation has a more interest t-shirt available now07:33
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* Obsidian1723 brb20:54

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