
=== lyz_ is now known as lyz
lyzhmm, webchat is not so bad00:14
lyzjust added it to our forum thread on meetings: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9666634&postcount=2500:14
dakerlyz, qwebirc ?00:15
lyzI'm hoping to get more folks coming to meetings, and the webchat makes it so much easier00:15
lyzgone are the days of yucky java clients, it seems :)00:15
dakerit easy, you don't have to install anything00:16
lyzyeah, and it's not actually a horrible interface, very simple00:16
* daker likes xchat00:17
lyzthe colors could be improved to make it more obvious that the channel names are buttons at the top, but I think most people using this for a single meeting won't need to worry about it00:17
lyzirssi for me, but I'd be crazy if I thought that was a good option for folks who are shy about using IRC ;)00:18
lyzlooks like configuration options here do allow for some theming00:19
lyzmight be good to create an ubuntu-women.org/chat or something to simplify joining00:19
lyzok, done playing00:20
rwwpleia2: you can specify color schemes (i think) and destination channel (i know) in URLs too, which is nice for linking new people.02:41
pleia2rww: yeah, we use the destination channels for classroom, which got me thinking about this02:44
nigelbpleia2: lyz looks like a better nickname :D03:05
pleia2nigelb: I can't change now!03:06
pleia2am considering changing my account id to it though03:06
pleia2and updating my mask03:06
nigelbpleia2: wait, why can't you change?03:07
pleia2everyone knows pleia2 :)03:07
pleia2it's been my nick for like 12 years03:07
pleia2anyway, dinner!03:07
nigelbeveryone knows pleia2 is lyz :D03:07
rwwwelcome to why I'm not robertwall. I tried it for a couple of days. I actually got PMs asking me to switch back :S03:22
elkyrww, I occasionally still get people telling me to switch back to "elkbuntu"03:30
elkyBut, the "what is elkbuntu, is this another distro" was much more common, hence this nick wins.03:30
svaksharww: yeah. i had only added and extra alphabet 'm' to my nick and got pm's saying this nick was better. heh05:05
nigelbelky: this is shorter though you'll have to deal with tab error with elly06:10
nigelbI was nigel_nb, nigelbabu, and now settled on nigelb :)06:11
elkynigelb, I'd have to settle for namespace issues with elly even if I was elkbuntu. people tend to only bother with the first 2 letters.06:12
nigelbelky: ah, true :D06:14
czajkowskipleia2: when you're about later gives a shout will you please re poll, thanks13:07
=== DarkNemesis is now known as switchgirl
=== switchgirl is now known as boobz
=== boobz is now known as DarkNemesis
pleia2czajkowski: hey16:58
czajkowskipleia2: howdy21:17
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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