
Sarvattthey're the same thing01:22
LLStarkssarvatt, glasen's approach is piecemeal and kms-based. chris' solution is ums-based.01:49
RAOFLLStarks: Glasen's approach is to fold in a patch that fixes (almost all?) i855 GTT coherency problems, right?  That doesn't resolve the problems for !i855 chips, which have similar issues.02:28
LLStarksi see, raof. thanks. but could the i855 patches go into the main archives and make the chip not need the legacy driver?02:45
RAOFLLStarks: Once they're in the mainline kernel, sure.02:48
RAOFLLStarks: It's unlikely to be backported (by us) because it's quite a large patch full of crazy (to work around crazy hardware).02:48
LLStarksraof, will this driver be like the legacy 2.5 driver that i saw in ppas?03:53
RAOFIt'll be later - circa 2.7, I believe.03:53
LLStarksso, xserver-xorg-video-intel-810 like it was a few years ago?04:11
RAOFNo, later than that.04:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cndRAOF, any news on when xserver 1.9 will be merged?16:07
alf__Hi all! What are the plans on ms17:14
alf__mesa demos now that upstream has them in a separate tree/package?17:16
JamesWstubbs91Hello, I asked this question in #Ubuntu and wasn't able to get a response, I guess it's kind of relevant for development, I'm doing an iPhone port of  Karmic, I have X11 fully up and running with wifi and a ssh connection, I can use the touchscreen using the "evdev" driver which works perfectly in a 19:34
JamesWstubbs91 landscape orientation, I' working on making it landscape for screen space, I've swapped the axes ansd invert the y axis so that the touchscreen behaves  correctly19:34
JamesWstubbs91But now I can't access the top portion of the screen19:34
JamesWstubbs91Is there a touchscreen calibration tool for the evdev driver?19:34
JamesWstubbs91Sorry I meant portrait19:35
JamesWstubbs91Any ideas19:37
* Ng spies with his little eye that 2.6.35 has a commit in it for hardware h.264 decoding on intel >=G4521:27
Ngdo we know what userspace stuff supports that, if anything?21:27
Sarvattnewest libva, libdrm 2.4.21, intel 2.1221:32
Sarvattand that commit is causing some pretty nasty suspend/resume problems21:32
Sarvattits not >=G45 either, its only intel HD21:33
Sarvattoutside of libva maverick supports it, not sure if libva is updated in maverick to support it though21:34
SarvattNg: ^ was in response to you in case you wanted the ping :)21:36
NgSarvatt: cool thanks :)21:37
johanbris the decoding done with shaders?21:40
johanbror do intel chips have dedicated decoding hardware?21:40
Ngpretty sure my laptop is a 4500HD, I'm just curious if I'll get the shiny decoding, but i guess it'll be a while longer before it hits gstreamer and whatnot21:40
SarvattNg: hmm there's a libva release in git you can use thats not uploaded in debian yet - http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/libva.git;a=summary22:10
NgI should get my laptop running maverick I guess22:11
NgI've been rather enjoying having it be lucid and not really changing ;)22:11
Sarvatti *would* put the requirements in x-updates but libdrm is a bit tricky22:12
Sarvattfor lucid22:12
Sarvattlibdrm-nouveau in newer releases dont work with the kernel in lucid, and that newer libdrm is required for x-x-v-intel and libva :(22:13
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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