
jj_how do i manage parts in linux00:00
SoldOutwthpr0: your MAC never changes00:00
Wiesshundwthpr0 cancel the lease on the IP, if you are allowed that control00:00
ThomasB2kjj, what do you mean?00:00
wthpr0wisshund: no i'm not00:00
jj_as in like in windows u have diskmgmt.msc00:00
Wiesshundjj_ like resize etc? gparted00:00
jj_gparted tnx00:00
ThomasB2koh, partitions00:00
ThomasB2kat first i thought you meant ports00:00
wthpr0SoldOut: i know but i can change it so that the isps dhcp server think it's a new computer00:00
Wiesshundwthpr0 all you can do then wthpr0 is release the IP but no guarantees you dont get it right back00:01
SoldOutwthpr0: ok but why?00:01
john38Anybody here00:01
wthpr0Wisshund: no i tryed that00:01
Wiesshundwthpr0 the MAC address is a number burned into the NIC permanantly, like a serial number00:01
wthpr0soldout: becuse I want a difrent of the 5 ips (A)00:01
john38Is there a program i can use that supports secondary monitor through composite video , s-video00:02
Dr_Willistheres some commands that can change the mac.. buit ive never needed to use it.00:02
unclemikeubuntu 10.04 cant find where to change screen size00:02
headkase314jj_: You don't need Ubuntu Server to test on another partition.  Just install the serving-programs you are interested in in your current installation.  Server if I may be wrong also, doesn't even come with a graphical environment - it's all command line! (I very well could be wrong on that)00:02
Wiesshundwthpr0 so dont use DHCP, just hard set to one of the 5 ips?00:02
Dr_Willisjohn38:  my nvidia cards do that. same as if it was a normal monitor.00:02
Wiesshundheadkase314 you are correct00:02
chrissharp123headkase314: you are correct00:02
SoldOutwthpr0: not sure what you mean     every card has its own permant MAC address00:02
john38Dr_Willis, i got Ati card00:02
boscopDr_Willis, any idea how I can unlock the enclosing drive for the volume?00:02
AviMarcus_Ah ATI00:02
wthpr0Wiesshund: i don't know what they are, they are dynamic00:03
Dr_Willisjohn38:  you have my deepest sympathy.. :)00:03
SoldOutwthpr0: not sure what you mean     but* every card has its own permant MAC address00:03
AviMarcus_anyone able to get dual-screens on ATI radeon x1400?00:03
Dr_Willisboscop:  im not sure what you mean.00:03
john38Dr_Willis, damn00:03
Wiesshundwthpr0 they are private IPs yes? like
wthpr0SoldOut: yes i know but you can still change it ^^ atlest you can that under windows, haven't tryed under *nix00:03
john38Dr_Willis, which program do you use with your nvidia00:03
Wiesshundwthpr0 er 192......00:03
mostafacan any one help me to install network manager on backtrack400:03
AviMarcus_ugh. I'm not sure I like detatching.00:04
chrissharp123john38: assuming you've already tried System -> Preferences -> Monitors ?00:04
AviMarcus_I think I just want them all in one screen00:04
SoldOutwthpr0: why the need to change it ?00:04
Dr_Willisjohn38:  nvidia has the 'nvidia-settings' tool  to enable such things. the sviodeo out works same as any other  'output' as if it was a pc monitor.00:04
john38chrissharp123, yes00:04
MaRk-Imostafa: /join #backtrack-linux00:04
wthpr0Wiesshund: it's ips from my isp not from my own dhcp server00:04
boscopDr_Willis, it says "The enclosing drive for the volume is locked." so I need to unlock the enclosing drive for the volume somehow :)00:04
Dr_Willisjohn38: with this card i cant do 2 monitors + the svideo out however.  it can only do 2 total.00:04
Wiesshundwthpr0 Live or private IP's?00:04
john38Dr_Willis, so im outa luck00:05
wthpr0Wisshund: live00:05
Dr_Willisjohn38:  i dont use ati. so no idea.00:05
AviMarcusI had no trouble with monitor #1 on ati00:05
AviMarcusit's #2 that's giving me hell00:05
Wiesshundwthpr0 your sure bout that? usualy you get static when you buy live IP's00:05
AviMarcus(actually, it's not working.)00:05
jj_where does gparted install to after you do sudo apt-get install gparted00:05
headkase314jj_: You don't need Ubuntu Server to test on another partition.  Just install the serving-programs you are interested in in your current installation.  Server if I may be wrong also, doesn't even come with a graphical environment - it's all command line! (I very well could be wrong on that)00:05
blitzohow do i make xchat automatically ident my nick and log into #ubuntu?00:05
Wiesshundjj_ its in the start menu but i forget which tab00:05
john38AviMarcus, my tv only supports S-video and composite video00:05
Dr_Willisjj_:  it installs to the system in the proper directories where it belongs..00:05
wthpr0Wissman: yes but i got the without buying them :)00:06
Dr_Willisjj_:  if you cant find its icon. run it via terminal00:06
blitzoheadkase314, you are correct00:06
john38AviMarcus, as well my video supports s-video composite video00:06
jj_its not in system tab00:06
Dr_Willisblitzo:  xcchat has a 'on join' setting to run specific commands.00:06
john38AviMarcus, video card00:06
jj_or anyother tab00:06
SoldOutwthpr0: and even if you do change it  it still has to be valid00:06
Dr_Willisjj_:  run it from terminal. your menus havent refreshed most likely00:06
jj_i did00:06
jj_how ?00:06
headkase314jj_: Just want to make sure you know what gparted is for: It is for resizing your partitions.  How that gets you closer to your goal of installing from the disc image you can't burn right now I just don't see.00:07
wthpr0SoldOut: yes that's true00:07
Dr_Willisjj_:  'gksudo gparted'  it has to be ran as root anyway00:07
blitzoDr_Willis, and where would i find that setting?  i've scoured the menus00:07
Wiesshundwthpr0 reason i am asking is usualy dynamic IPs are private. if your computers ip is 192. or 10. etc its none live, whats ifconfig show for ip? 1st 3 digits00:07
Dr_Willisblitzo:  this is xchat or xchat gnome?00:07
jj_becuase when installed linux to get rid of windows i used whole drive00:07
jj_not i need to split it00:07
wthpr0but... do you think the isps dhcp server looks for only valide mac adresses ?00:07
SoldOutwthpr0: so why do you need to change it?00:07
AviMarcusI've installed a few packages that aren't showing up in the applications list. How do I find them..?00:07
Dr_Willisblitzo:  i dont even have xchat installed.. i know it can do it.. i used xchat for years and had it auto-identify00:07
blitzoDr_Willis, xchat gnome i assume00:07
headkase314jj_: So after you resize your partitions, what is the next step?00:08
Dr_Willisblitzo:  i dont use xchat-0gnome. so no idea.00:08
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  the ISP's dhcp server doesnt care about your system's MAC address00:08
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  if you're behind a router, it sees the router00:08
warren94who is an "expert" with wifi hear?00:08
Wiesshundwthpr0 the ISP cant see your mac addy, your router does00:08
jj_install server to cd then install on 2nd parttion00:08
wthpr0yes i know :P but the linux box is the router :P00:08
blitzoDr_Willis, i'll have to rtfm!  zounds!00:08
SoldOutEvilPhoenix: that was my point!00:08
headkase314jj_: You are aware that Ubuntu Server does not come with a graphical desktop - it is all command line?00:09
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  then the linux box should assign INTERNAL NETWORK IPs, such as 192.168.1.somethign to each system00:09
unclemikeubuntu 10.04 where do i find the xorg file to edit screen sise00:09
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  then each individual system has access to the ONE IP sent to your box00:09
EvilPhoenixer router box00:09
jj_yeh y ?00:09
wthpr0EvilPhenix: yes it dose ...00:09
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  in essence...00:09
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
headkase314jj_: And all the serving programs can be installed in your current installation which *does* have a graphical desktop!?00:09
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  your ISP NEVER SHOULD SEE the MAC address for the individual systems on your network00:09
blitzojj_ if you run without a gui you have to understand linux really well00:10
john38Dr_Willis, what is ati radeon x1900 equivalent to nvidia00:10
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  it will ONLY SEE the router box you have00:10
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  so the other 5 IPs you have need to be set by networking settings00:10
jj_thinks i dont know linux that well atm00:10
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  or by individual connections nto your ISP00:10
Dr_Willisjohn38:  no idea. I dont bother to even read about new nvidia cards. Check teh various video card revi3ew sites.00:10
Wiesshundwthpr0 you have an ISP router someplace00:10
wthpr0EvilPhenix: but i want to have another live ip and the i need to change the ip of my router and that is why i want to change the mac adress on the ubuntubox so that the isps dhcp server gives me a new ip00:10
blitzojj_ you need to be intimate with all the command line stuff00:10
AviMarcuswhich skype distro do I want? it said "ubuntu 10.10", which well, didn't work..00:10
SoldOutwthpr0: your router wont have a MAC00:10
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  you can't change the MAC address00:10
jj_i can run install make configure00:10
Dr_Willisjj_:  you may want to clarify your 'needs' and let us suggest what you should be doing.00:10
headkase314jj_: First steps, you can install the serving programs in your current install: what are you interested in?00:11
john38Anybody here know the ati radeon x1900 equivalent to nvidia00:11
blitzoAviMarcus, 32 or 64 bit?00:11
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  you PHYSICALLY CANNOT CHANGE the MAC address00:11
wthpr0EvilPhoenix: you sure ? you can under windows00:11
warren94ok their is 1475 people hear and not a one of you no anything about why my copmuter is doing this?00:11
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  you can try and SPOOF a different Mac address00:11
AviMarcusblitzo: 3200:11
Wiesshundwthpr0 what does ifconfig say on your PC ?00:11
EvilPhoenixwthpr0:  but you can't physically change the MAC address burned into the NIC00:11
jj_headkase314, i am looking for server hosting for clients to host webshosting and unrealircd also webhosting00:11
antonio_2hey everyone...00:11
Dr_WillisYou can change it in software.. but a reboot and its back to its old setting00:11
antonio_2can someone explain to me how to do a dual boot betweeen win7 and ubuntu?00:11
wthpr0no ofc not:P but you can change what the OS is sending :p00:11
blitzowthpr0, i change mac addy on my router all the time - what are you trying to accomplish?00:11
jj_withc i already have clients in windows sever00:11
jj_i would need to migrate00:12
canbraishi everybody00:12
wthpr0blitzo: to get a new ip from my isp00:12
headkase314jj_: Okay, I'm not helpful for that so we'll let anyone else guide you from here!  Hopefully we just saved a lot of frustration for you! ;)00:12
canbraisIm using ybuntu 1000:12
antonio_2my hd is only like 220 gigs...00:12
SoldOutwthpr0: what are you actually to acheive?00:12
Its-me-againcanbrais: just ask them00:12
aeon-ltdcanbrais: and...?00:12
Wiesshundwthpr0 would you answer the question?00:12
wthpr0soldout: to get a new ip00:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:12
canbraisubuntu 10 and when i want to use a certain program it gives me a error00:12
john38Anybody here know the ati radeon x1900 equivalent to nvidia00:12
Its-me-againcanbrais: i have an error with java. ................. then give error00:13
aeon-ltd!details | canbrais00:13
ubottucanbrais: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:13
blitzowthpr0, access your router - most of them have an option to change the mac.  do so, save it, and if you have cable you'll need to reboot your cable modem00:13
Its-me-againyes it is canbrais00:13
SoldOutwthpr0: on every reboot?00:13
mostafahi can u  help me to install network manger on backtrack  400:13
wthpr0bitzo: the router is a ubuntu computer00:13
jj_neways ttfn talk tomoz :)00:13
jj_nx for your help00:13
Wiesshundwthpr0 no its not, the ubuntu computer is plugged into a router00:13
LaggieI have a problem, I just activated viritiual name server on my server and that works great, have several sites now working under the www folder. But now I cannot access other folders under www which I shared, the permissions are the same but I cannot find the folders anymor via the browser, what ha happened?00:14
headkase314jj_:Welcome ;)00:14
wthpr0wisshund: on my ubuntu (router) it says my live ip and on my PC it says my internal ip00:14
blitzowthpr0 you are using your pc as a router??00:14
wthpr0blitzo: yes00:14
wthpr0blitzo: and some other stuff00:14
Wiesshundwthpr0 whats 1st 3 digits from ifconfig on eth0 on ubuntu box?00:14
blitzowthpr0, what do you mean by "other stuff" please be explicit00:15
wthpr0wisshund: 21300:15
domino14hi, I have a dance pad hooked up to my computer, that shows up as event5 in /dev/input, but every time i restart my computer i have to do sudo ln -s event5 js0, how do i make a script that will automatically do this00:15
john38Anybody here know the ati radeon x1900 equivalent to nvidia00:15
wthpr0wisshund: eth1: 19200:15
meowbuntu!paste | canbrais00:15
ubottucanbrais: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:15
LaggieI had mu mail working before also via domainname/mail but I cannot access it either.00:15
Wiesshundwthpr0 192 is NOT a live IP address is a private I address00:15
wthpr0and eth100:15
wthpr0wisshund: 21300:15
headkase314john38: An ati radeon x1900 is about an nVidia 880000:15
wthpr0it's 213 on eth0 and 192 on eth1 as i said00:16
john38headkase314, ok00:16
headkase314Not exact, I can dig up a link if you can wait a moment?00:16
Wiesshundwthpr0 oh, my bad, youve got the isp on eth100:16
blitzowthpr0, i know there is a way to do that - lemme do some digging00:17
wthpr0wisshund: look i'm not that stuped i know a difrens betwin a live and a local adress and btw 192.*.*.* can be a live adress but 192.160.*.* can not00:17
john38Dr_Willis, if i had nvidia i could do primary monitor DVI and secondary monitor S-video?00:17
SoldOutwthpr0: so why need to change your mac address?00:17
Wiesshundwthpr0 dumb question but why do you need to change the IP its getting?00:17
meowbuntucanbrais: www.imagebin.ca00:18
wthpr0wiesshund: want to download more from megaupload :P00:18
canbraist http://imagebin.ca/view/vEKBldTh.html00:18
Wiesshundwthpr0 and like i said before, just static IP the machine to an address under or over the one it keeps being handed00:18
canbraishere is the error?00:18
john38headkase314, i think thats about right00:18
canbraisplease have a look00:18
headkase314john38: ok then ;)00:18
blitzowthpr0, try this http://www.techvivid.com/2010/07/how-to-change-mac-address-in-ubuntu-10-04-lts/00:18
canbraisI can here the sound and see the picture but keep getting thi msg?00:18
SoldOutwthpr0: just use macchanger!00:19
wthpr0Wiessman: yes i tryed that but it gives me total random numbers, oneday it can be adn the next can be
antonio_2wthpr0: do you really need to change your ip address to download more from megaupload?00:19
blitzoWiesshund, i have need to change the ip my isp hands me with dhcp all the time - there are many reasons he might want that, why isn't relevent to how00:20
SoldOutwthpr0: machanger let you decide what mac you want00:20
meowbuntui have an error with java in ubuntu it seems to work ok but i get this error from tome to time http://imagebin.ca/view/vEKBldTh.html00:20
wthpr0soldout: ty mand :D00:20
SoldOutwthpr0: manchanger?00:21
Wiesshundwthpr0 theres a setting to change reported mac addy in my ubuntu install00:21
wthpr0antonio_2: yes after 2GB within a centent time00:21
Sir_Konradproprietary ATI Radeon 9800 Pro drivers for Linux?00:22
meowbuntuany ideas please00:22
meowbuntui need to get this java sorted out00:22
meowbuntuits for my studes00:23
SoldOutwthpr0: didnt understand that last one00:23
headkase314Sir_Konrad: You'll have to use the built-in open-source ones, proprietary doesn't support hardware that old anymore unless you install and go back to like ubuntu 700:23
Sir_Konradheadkase314: wow ok.00:23
blitzowhat is the best panel dock?  i have tried cairo-dock (crashes every 5 mins), docky (jerky animation, short on features) and awn (kinda buggy and a pain to add launchers)00:23
headkase314Sir_Konrad: It's because driver support was discontinued in the proprietary drivers and stuff like the X server has changed too much since those were current.00:24
blip-hi all, i installed 10.4 a couple of days ago.  I'm running the latest .24 kernel.   Often when the machine boots, it hanges on the screen showing the kubuntu logo with those dots not moving.   I had to restart the machine 6 times then it booted fine.  Installed on a new laptop.  any thoughts ?00:24
SoldOutwthpr0: try again!00:24
CountDuckulaI use awn - have no trouble with it here00:24
thelastnodeHey all, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 after a fresh Windows 7 install with Ubuntu on a 100GB drive and Win7 on a separate 500GB drive; Win7 worked when it was the only OS, but when I installed Ubuntu on the second drive, GRUB didn't automagically add Win7 (because it's on another drive maybe?). The partition is still there, how do I add it to GRUB (I'm not familiar with GRUB2)?00:24
meowbuntui have an error with java in ubuntu it seems to work ok but i get this error from tome to time http://imagebin.ca/view/vEKBldTh.html00:24
blitzoCountDuckula, i created 2 launchers and when i tried to set the icon it changed both of them to the same thing00:24
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
john38Dr_Willis, if i had nvidia i could do primary monitor DVI and secondary monitor S-video?00:25
blitzoCountDuckula, is there a way in awn for each launcher to have its own indivual icon?  or do all launchers have to have the same icon?00:26
hdtdiguys if i have a question about a router and networking and stuff like that is here the right spot or i have to search help elsewhee00:26
blitzohdtdi, just ask and find out00:26
AviMarcusblitzo: any sugs for the 32bit skype?00:27
blip-hdtdi: everytime you phrase a question, you learn to better describe it and sometimes find the solution yourself00:27
blitzoAviMarcus, sorry - got lost in asking & answering ques - hang on i have a url bookmarked on that00:27
CountDuckulablitzo: i just open up settings and from task manager section > click add button and it doe it fine for me00:28
saegeoffHello, does anyone know if it is possible for me to easily upgrade my Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit to 64-bit easily00:28
AviMarcusblip-: especially when the questions aren't about computers, but about life :)00:28
hdtdiso i hade a arcor (germany) router, and i switch to o2 and now i have Zyxel o2 router classic. but the thing is i cant port forward AND no wireless.. is there a way to connect the 2 routers .. so that i have wireless from the second router and i guess i cant forward the port00:29
=== corally is now known as wthpr0
meowbuntuhow to add repositries in ubuntu 10.0400:29
Sir_Konradhey guys, what is the APT-GET command to install XFCE on a Ubuntu system?00:29
CountDuckulablitzo: im using a PPA install of awn - no the default one from synaptic00:29
headkase314saegeoff: I think you would spend so much time sorting out the issues that if would just be easier to install clean 64-bit..00:29
meowbuntusudo add-apt-repository “deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner” <- this command is not correct00:29
blitzoCountDuckula, i can add an icon - but it changes all of my custom launchers to the same icon, and if i remove the icon from one custom launcher it removes the icon for all of them00:29
boscopwhy does mount.ntfs-3g consume 30% cpu??00:29
chrissharp123!repositories | meowbuntu00:30
ubottumeowbuntu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:30
MaRk-Imeowbuntu: it's apt-add-repository00:30
CountDuckulablitzo: yeah shoudn't do that - let me find the PPA link that I installed from00:30
saegeoffheadkase314:  That is what I figured, I just didn't know if anyone figured out an easy solution.00:30
headkase314saegeoff: How much memory does your system have, of all the factors that is the most important one to base a 64-bit decision on?00:31
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
chrissharp123boscop: depends on what you're using your external drive for (I'm assuming you have one)00:31
blitzoAviMarcus, i used these directions to install skype http://linux.dipin.info/2010/01/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu-1004.html - you can either add the repo or you can do it manually00:31
blitzoAviMarcus, what error do you get?00:32
blip-hdtdi: in case you don't get an answer here, you may want to try ##hardware and ##networking00:32
headkase314saegeoff: I've read the numbers that: on average 64-bit executables (not their data) are 9% bigger and give you a 3-4% performance increase.  But having 4GB or more memory in your system should be what makes the decision.00:32
boscopchrissharp123, I'm not doing anything with it (reading, writing etc) right now00:32
ricardoavelar96nobody portuguese where? :P00:32
AviMarcusjust that it was corrupted, blitzo00:32
boscopit just idles00:32
blitzoAviMarcus, can you be more specific what you did and what error you got?00:33
ricardoavelar96somebody tried to configure intel mobile 965 with ubuntu 10.04? :\ im trying since 2 days :\00:33
CountDuckulablitzo: try this link http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/awn-lucido-gets-its-own-ppa.html00:34
AviMarcusblitzo: I downloaded from the skype webisite, closest thing was "ubuntu 10.10 32bit" It's a .deb, it ran, and gdebi-gtk window pops up saysing "could not open.. the package might be corruped or you are not allowsed to open the file. Check the permission of the file."00:34
chrissharp123boscop: could be indexing... depending on the size of the data on there, the "locate" database may be updating and take a long time00:34
boscopchrissharp123, how can I stop locate from doing that? I never use it00:35
JoeMaverickSettSir_Konrad, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?00:35
chrissharp123boscop: don't know - I think it's a system cron job??00:35
CountDuckulablitzo: i think you have to remove current awn install before install this version00:35
Sir_KonradJoeMaverickSett: yeah, figured it out. thanks though. ;)00:35
AviMarcusblitzo: it's downloading exactly the same file again. well, maybe it was the dependencies.00:35
blitzoAviMarcus, do "sudo apt-get remove --purge skype" then follow the directions at http://linux.dipin.info/2010/05/install-skype-in-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx.html00:35
Sir_Konradit was that command.00:35
boscopchrissharp123, what if I kill it?00:36
chrissharp123boscop: (*if* that's the cause of your issue, of course)00:36
JoeMaverickSettSir_Konrad, alright, mate.00:36
chrissharp123boscop: do you see it running?00:36
unclemike? in ubuntu 10.04 what package do i use to change screen size00:36
boscopchrissharp123, nothing with 'locate' in the name00:36
Sir_KonradJoeMaverickSett: on Ubuntu on an older system (P4). AWFUL SLOW.00:36
blitzoCountDuckula, i have learned to always remove before reinstalling :)00:36
Sir_Konradso I think XFCE will work.00:36
chrissharp123in top it would be something like 'mlocate.db;00:36
JoeMaverickSettSir_Konrad, ooops! yup it might! =D00:37
ricardoavelar96ahh someone know how to configure intel mobile 965 on ubuntu pls? :\00:37
AviMarcusPackage skype is not installed, so not removed00:37
headkase314unclemike: System > Preferences > Monitors for the generic one or look for either an nVidia or Ati control applet if you are using those proprietary drivers.00:37
CountDuckulablitzo: ah good :)00:37
Sir_KonradJoeMaverickSett: LOL! Slow Ubuntu is better than fast XP though! LO00:37
Sir_Konrad* :P00:37
JoeMaverickSettSir_Konrad, haha! you a big fun of Linux/Ubuntu,eh?00:38
Tapoutcan i somehow play starcraft2 inside ubuntu?  will it work under wine or anything?00:38
ricardoavelar96My ubuntu is slower than windows vista =(00:38
zc456@Tapout I'd check WineHQ for that.00:38
ricardoavelar96its impossible =(00:39
JoeMaverickSettTapout, might this help? http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/07/howto-starcraft-2-on-linux-with-wine.html00:39
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headkase314Tapout: The latest version of Crossover Games http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxgames/ Supports Starcraft II.  It is a paid app with a 1 week trial to test it.00:39
Sir_KonradJoeMaverickSett: heh, kinda. ;)00:39
unclemikeheadkase314, nvidia dont have the size i want ....and i even edit..../ect/X11/xorg.conf...00:39
AviMarcuswell, blitzo it installed and is signing in now. I guess that's good :)00:40
ricardoavelar96nobody have a laptop with mobile intel 965? :(:(00:40
blitzoAviMarcus, good for you have fun00:40
AviMarcusheadkase314: any suggestions for ati radeon x1400 dual-screen?00:40
headkase314Tapout: I own Crossover Games and just ran it and Starcraft II is in the supported applications list00:40
headkase314unclemike, AviMarcus: for both you guys I don't have any answers off-hand so we'll see what others post..00:41
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ricardoavelar96damn =(00:41
unclemikeheadkase314, whats this mean ...your graphics driver does not suport the necessary extensions to use this tool00:42
ctcplinux sux00:42
Sir_Konradctcp: LOL00:42
ctcpwindowzs rulzz00:42
headkase314unclemike: Are you Ati or nVidia and have you installed any proprietary drivers?00:42
zc456@ctcp Byyyee...00:42
unclemikeheadkase314, nvidia00:42
ctcpwell, you cant even play new fps games!00:42
headkase314unclemike: Did you install proprietary drivers?  Like in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?00:43
ThomasB2ki play TF2 all the time on linus00:43
sassinoogiNeed assistance with getting printer to work; update caused something to go wrong now things won't print; printer recognized, but not able to run que00:43
unclemikeheadkase314, i have the nvidia 195 installed00:43
ctcpcrysis doesnt work00:43
ThomasB2kcrysis barely works on windows00:43
ctcpbut IT WORKS!00:43
headkase314unclemike: Ok then, there will be an nVidia control applet somewhere under the System menu, either in Preferences or Administration - I don't know which, I'm Ati - and once you find it it should let you control the resolution.00:44
tyler82can somebody help to me from where can i download fonts and scripts for conky??00:44
Sir_KonradThomasB2k: yup.00:44
ctcplinux suxx00:44
Sir_Konradctcp: then LEAVE.00:44
sassinoogi***Really need printer assistance***00:44
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ctcpi cant, im here to enlight you00:44
ricardoavelar96ctcp if you like so much OS Windows,this is the wrong channel for you :S00:44
Sir_Konradctcp: ##windows00:45
ricardoavelar96but i really need help with intel 96500:45
stercorMy netbook with 10.04 remix powers up without going through the login process.  I'm the only  user on it.00:45
ricardoavelar96:S:S someone=?00:45
ryoohkihow do i log power events?  i want to log when i unplug my laptop and when i plug it back in00:45
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marenostrumHello. Anybody using both Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic and xchat (any version)?00:45
AviMarcusthis is weird, but can I move the close/minimize to the right?00:46
ricardoavelar96marenostrum i have used before why?00:46
sassinoogi>:ohellllloooo>>>>>can anyone help me to understand why a printer won't print when the system recognizes it's there???00:46
unclemikeheadkase314, nvidia control has 1040x768 ...1152x864....1360x768.....i want 1240x1024.....i even added it in xorg.conf00:46
john38sassinoogi, try reintalling printer driver00:47
ricardoavelar96sassunoogi so, the printer is recognised right?00:47
headkase314unclemike: Sorry from here I just don't have the experience with Linux nVidia.  Let's see what others say?00:47
tyler82can somebody help to me from where can i download fonts and scripts for conky??00:47
marenostrumricardoavelar96, Not bebore, I need someone who is ısing at the moment. There's a problem with something under Karmic.00:47
sassinoogiI have already reinstalled the stupid driver three times00:47
Jordan_Usassinoogi: Please stop with the extraneous punctuation / characters.00:47
sassinoogiit will work for a while, then suddenly it goes back to not recognizing agian00:47
spydee32I used startup manager to tell grub to log into windows with 0 countdown. How do I access grub in bootup to go back into ubuntu00:48
headkase314spydee32: holding shift while booting will pop up the GRUB menu00:48
sassinoogiJordan_U: it got the attention I needed :)00:48
ricardoavelar96marenostrum i dont have ubuntu since 2 days lolol so what is the problem of xchat?00:48
spydee32headkase314: ohh thanks00:49
Jordan_Usassinoogi: No, it didn't. If you wait patiently and repeat yourself (but not too often) then you are likely to eventualy get an answer even if nobody responds initially.00:49
headkase314spydee32: You're welcome, you also may just have to keep repeatedly pressing shift really fast, I hold it on my machine.00:49
ricardoavelar96guys, someone with intel 965? nobody have this chipset on laptop?00:50
elitexrayIs ubuntu better than fedora?00:50
ricardoavelar96yes it is00:50
Sir_Konradelitexray: depends on how you look at it.00:50
mroileri'm trying to install using wubi but when i ldoublem click on it a get a error from windows saying : exception processing  messasge c0000013 parameters 75b6bf7c  75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c00:50
sassinoogiyeah, yeah...this girl has no patience; Ubuntu is confusing, but so worth it.  I just need to understand the basics of how to get some thing to do what I want it to.  I am thinking that an update may have caused this to go down00:50
YankDownUnderricardoavelar96, Wassup - driver issues?00:50
Jordan_Usassinoogi: What you did was make your comment harder to read quickly by the people like me who do try to read all comments, and cause people to not want to help you as much due to your lack of respect (indended or not).00:50
headkase314elitexray: that depends on your level of expertise with both and what your intent to use it for is.00:50
ricardoavelar96Sir_Konrad yeah you right xD00:51
elitexrayI want to do engineer work on my system00:51
Sir_Konradricardoavelar96: :P00:51
lightpriestHi I'm starting UNE but I only get a gnome session (panels, compiz, etc), anyone had this?00:51
elitexrayI just need to know which linux distro are more widely used by big gun companies00:51
mroileri'm trying to install using wubi but when i ldoublem click on it a get a error from windows saying : exception processing messasge c0000013 parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c00:51
headkase314elitexray: Ubuntu is billed as the OS that tries to keep it simple.  Any engineering programs, if they are on Linux to begin with, will probably be available for Ubuntu.00:52
dylantaylorWhat do gun companies have to do with UNIX?00:52
lightpriestelitexray: it depends00:52
Jordan_Umroiler: Have you tried redownloading wubi?00:52
YankDownUnderdylantaylor, It allows them to shoot straighter.00:52
sassinoogiSo, RICARDOAVELAR96 and JORDAN_U....what do you think would be the prob.  Last time it was my firewall--the command sudo/etc/init d/apparmor stop was my last attempt...what does that command do, exactly?00:52
mroilermany times00:52
tyler82can somebody help to me from where can i download fonts and scripts for conky??00:52
Dr_Willistyler82:  conky homepage for starters00:52
YankDownUnderricardoavelar96, Oyo...what's up with the Intel VGA you're using...?00:53
Dr_Willistyler82:  the gnome-look web site also has some.00:53
mroilerjordan_u:many times00:53
profxavierI have Ubuntu running under VMWare, if I share a drive with it, how can I access it ?00:54
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headkase314profxavier: Do you want to share into the host environment or create a share on the network for other computers?00:54
Jordan_Umroiler: Does the error also mention "No Disk"?00:55
Dmstrdjstill having problems with an ati radeon x1950 in 10.04, tried to install -f fglrx and that gave me issues once i tried to open00:55
Dr_Willisprofxavier:  a os in a virtual machine can be set to appear as a a regular machine on the lan.00:55
mroilerjordan_u: ya the title bar says Windows -No Disk00:55
Jordan_Umroiler: Are you using fat32 or ntfs?00:55
blip99i've got a new and fully updated install of kubuntu 10.4.   Openoffice doesn't run, it shows the splash screen then disappears.   any thoughts ?00:56
profxavierhead, using VMware, there is an option to share drives00:56
CocoabeanHello. I Installed Lucid Lynx but I am only getting sound output in VLC media player.00:56
sassinoogiSo, RICARDOAVELAR96 and JORDAN_U....what do you think would be the prob.  Last time it was my firewall--the command "sudo/etc/init d/apparmor stop" was my last attempt...what does that command do, exactly?  Or did I write this down incorrectly, perhaps?  I was told it is to remove the firewall, but it's still not printing.  Now the command "sudi da-complain cupsd" was the other I was told to try--what in the heck does that do?00:56
mroilerjordan_u: my c: is NTFS00:56
john38Cocoabean, try installing closed audio driver00:57
headkase314Dmstrdj: That hardware is not supported by the current proprietary drivers, and prop. dirvers that do support it are too out of date to use in 10.04.  The only solution with 10.04 is to use the built-in open-source Ati driver for that hardware.00:57
Jordan_Umroiler: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1183856 Suggests that "safely removing" empty card readers of similar devices may help.00:57
mroilerjordan_u: thanks.00:57
YankDownUndersassinoogi, sudo service cups restart00:57
profxavierfound a work around00:57
Jordan_Umroiler: You're welcome.00:57
profxavierthanks Dr_Willis00:57
Dmstrdjheadkase314: thats not working too good atm00:58
Cocoabeanjohn38: it doesnt tell me that any are available. Only proprietary drivers listed are for my nVidia card.00:58
sassinoogiyank: what will that do to my computer?00:58
sosaitedHey everyone00:58
YankDownUndersassinoogi, That will restart the CUPS spooler00:58
YankDownUndersassinoogi, yer welcome mate00:58
Dmstrdjheadkase314: so would an ealier OS be an answer?00:58
john38Cocoabean, you gotta search for proprietary drivers online for your audio card00:58
john38Anybody here know the pastebin link00:58
razz1some fonts in xchm viewer are missing, like --help comes up as ––help, any help?00:59
lakeI'm having an awful time with screencasting... does anyone screencast here? can you recommend quality screen casting software?00:59
headkase314Dmstrdj: At least now you know you need the open-source drivers.  If you have an install of the proprietary ones mucking with your system then execute: /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh to clear it out.00:59
sosaitedCan someone please tell me which command/program can loop through an NTFS mounted partition, writing the full location, filenames, Filesizes and type information to a txt file?00:59
FishieFooHello. Mom had problems with the audio in FireFox's streaming video ever since she updated Ubuntu to Lucid Lynx. FireFox plays video files with audio just find when I drag-drop into it just fine.00:59
headkase314Dmstrdj: That is only needed if they somehow installed and mucked with the system for the proprietary drivers.01:00
Dmstrdjheadkase314: no prop drivers, i had installed a closed source and not much help01:00
FishieFooI figured my problem might be Flash. its version 9, and I read that I can install version 10, but trying to it says it can't.01:00
headkase314Dmstrdj: Ok, from here I will refer you back to everyone as I lack the experience ;)01:00
Dmstrdjheadkase314: cool, thanks01:01
john38Cocoabean, then you'll probably have to end up compiling it01:01
headkase314Dmstrdj: You're welcome!01:01
texastwisterHaving trouble with an "alternate" install of Xubuntu 10.04 on a very old PC.  After going through the entire install, I get "error: unknown filesystem." and a grub rescue prompt.  Current partitioning is /dev/sda1 = 300 MB, bootable, ext3 (or 4) mounted at /boot, /dev/sda2 = 3G swap, /dev/sda3 = 70+GB ext4 mounted at /. Grub installed to /dev/sda.01:01
sassinoogiyank: It didn't work...now it simply stops my que completely.01:01
sosaitedCan someone please tell me which command/program can loop through an NTFS mounted partition, writing the full location, filenames, Filesizes and type information of each file to a txt file?01:01
lakesosaited: check out tree maybe01:01
laketree -f will get you the full location, sosaited01:02
YankDownUndertexastwister, Um....have to checked to make sure the drive (the CDROM/DVDROM) is clean and the disk you're using is clean?01:02
Cocoabeanjohn38: that's strange because ive used the same driver on another debian distro on this same computer01:02
Jordan_Utexastwister: Do you have more than one hard drive?01:02
FishieFootrying to install flash I get this: Package adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source01:02
texastwistersosaited: I believe find can be used to do that as well.01:02
sosaiteda simple > file.txt will write each line to the file if I use tree?01:03
progre55hi guys! really need help writing a script, please. would really appreciate it if anyone has some time to PM?01:03
Jordan_U!pm | progre5501:03
ubottuprogre55: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:03
texastwisterYankDownUnder: CD was used to install flawlessly on another system yesterday.  Drive was fully repartitioned and reformated, is there something else you recommend?01:03
progre55well, oki)01:03
texastwisterJordan_U: no, just one.01:03
MaRk-IFishieFoo: that means you need to add the repository01:04
headkase314Dmstrdj: Reading more carefully, you said "i had installed a closed source.."  What was that?  From Hardware Drivers?01:04
YankDownUndertexastwister, The reader. The CDROM drive itself. More than a few times I've run into the same crap, only to find that the CDROM drive itself was cactus and needed cleaning...after cleaning, installation went heaps better...just a thought01:04
sassinoogiyankdownumder: It didn't work...now it simply stops my que completely.01:04
Dmstrdjheadkase314: no i had searched and found a possiblity and it did instal fine  and would not open correctly01:05
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Delete whatever print jobs are in the queue. Then restart CUPS. See what happens01:05
Jordan_Utexastwister: Do you have any LiveCDs that your machine can comfortably boot from (or a Super GRUB2 Disk)? If you can use either of those (or the alternate CD, but it's harder with that) to run boot info script the output would be helpfull: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129128001:05
lakesosaited: tree -f -h M -p ~01:05
razz1some characters do not show up correctly when reading a chm file, like --help comes up as ––help, what fonts do I need to install to correct this.01:06
FishieFooMaRk-I: do I need to look for a specific respository, or just change a general setting for this?01:06
headkase314Dmstrdj: If that package was installed in any way it would probably be best to uninstall to get your system back to a known configuration.01:06
sassinoogiyankdownunder: do I renter the command you just gave me?01:06
blip99my ubuntu crashes. help01:06
Dmstrdjheadkase314: i did remove the package earlier01:06
john38Cocoabean, that depends if its a tarball or .deb file01:07
headkase314Dmstrdj: Ok then, we're good! ;)01:07
lakesosaited: youcan specify an output file with the -o options01:07
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Well, you'll have to go into SYSTEM/Administration/Printing => find the printer, delete the print jobs => then re-enter the command: sudo service cups restart01:07
MaRk-IFishieFoo: hhmm if this was an upgrade check in software sources, see if any are disabled and also make sure they say "lucid" instead of the older version01:08
sosaitedlake, Why would I need the -h operator buddy? I would rather prefer a plain txt file with each line containing one file information01:08
texastwisterJordan_U: I'll work on that -- will take a while...01:08
MBG1987I wonder how yo restart samba server on ubuntu server01:08
MBG1987I wonder how to restart samba server on ubuntu server01:08
Dr_WillisMBG1987:  sudo service servicename restart01:08
Dr_Willissamba name is 'smb' i think01:08
Dr_WillisMBG1987:  see /etc/init/ for what services are there.01:08
sassinoogiyankdownunder: nope; I am so sorry.  It didn't work.01:09
lakesosaited: that gives you the filesize in MB01:09
Dmstrdjheadkase314: well sort of lol, the drivers that come in 10.04 for that card are not running it right at all, glad the board has video output01:09
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Which part didn't work?01:09
lakesosaited: you'll probably want to use file if you don't want a tree-type output01:09
Dr_WillisMBG1987:  so the proper service name from looking in /etc/init is -->    sudo service smbd  restart01:09
lakedoh, "find" sosaited01:10
sassinoogithe actual printing01:10
Cocoabeanjohn38: I'm using the snd-intel8x0 module on two systems. On ubuntu with pulseaudio it doesnt seem to work. On Debian with the same snd-intel8x0 driver it works fine under alsa. However, VLC does output audio on ubuntu somehow.01:10
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Have you tried to delete the printer and re-install the printer?01:10
blitzoCountDuckula, it was necessary to not only do apt-get remove --purge (all the awn files) but to hunt down all the config files in my home dir and delete the archived debs01:10
sassinoogiyeah-that was what I had to do the last two times.  I just don't want to keep doing this01:10
Jordan_Utexastwister: If you are going to burn a boot CD I recommend Super GRUB2 Disk as it will likely allow you to boot into your installed system (and it's a small download).01:10
YankDownUndersassinoogi, If you don't succeed the first time, try try again! :)01:11
john38Cocoabean, dont know try asking channel for further help01:11
lakesosaited: find -ls01:11
sassinoogiyankdownunder: this is the kind of stuff that makes me want to switch back to windows *wink*01:11
texastwisterJordan_U: Hope to avoid burning another disk -- don't have one at hand right now -- but I have a likely solution..01:11
MBG1987dr_willis thanks, this message appeared when typing (service smbd restart) : "smbd start/running, process 969" what that mean01:12
YankDownUndersassinoogi, If I knew the entire story, it would be easier to diagnose the issue and come up with a resolution.01:12
headkase314Dmstrdj: have you tried to set up your xorg.conf file to use the "ati" driver explicitly?  An example is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9309010&postcount=2 but don't try anything out of that unless someone else also vouches for it.01:13
FishieFooMaRk-I: sorry for being a helpless idiot, but I'm not that familiar with Ubuntu. I can't find anything in the Software Sources settings that I can guess would be related to Adobe Flash. is it unsupported that I have to enable?01:13
MBG1987dr_willis thanks, this message appeared when typing (service smbd restart) : "smbd start/running, process 969" what that mean01:13
wthpr0MBG1987: that it workt01:13
wthpr0MBG1987: that it worked*01:13
hiexposassinoogi,  what kinda printer you useing01:13
blitzoany awn users here?01:14
MaRk-IFishieFoo: gimme a sec01:14
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Have you printed to this printer before? And was the printer automagically found when you installed Ubu?01:14
headkase314blitzo: I use AWN.01:14
MBG1987wthpr8 but in ubuntu desktop it first stop then start individually !01:14
MaRk-IFishieFoo: is this 32 o 64 bit OS?01:14
headkase314blitzo: Standard repo version, not from a PPA01:14
sosaitedlake: Thanks for both suggestions. Find command gives me too much information for my later parsing/comparing needs. I would prefer "File path|File name|File size"01:14
wthpr0MBG1987: restart is the same thing01:14
sassinoogiyankdownunder: the printer was not found, had to find it, and then yes it has been printing fine01:14
Jordan_UFishieFoo: Easiest way to install flash is to just search Adobe Flash in Applications > Ubuntu Software Center01:15
Dmstrdjheadkase314: i have not done anything with the xorg file01:15
blitzoheadkase314, i have loaded awn from the ppa so i have the latest.  when i want to add an applet it asks me what directory to find it in.  i have not a clue where they would be.  how can it list available applets and yet not know where they are?01:15
YankDownUnderAh. Right. So then something in the printer queue is killing the printer...?01:15
MBG1987wthpr8, dr_willis aha i see thanks01:15
sassinoogiyankdownunder: something always kills my printer queue01:15
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Have you check to make sure the printer is set to 'ONLINE' instead of 'OFFLINE' ?01:15
EvilPhoenixwhats the command to restart the sshd service?01:15
EvilPhoenixin CLI01:16
YankDownUnderEvilPhoenix, sudo service sshd restart01:16
nico_i need help remotely controlling another kde system. how do i set that up01:16
Dmstrdjheadkase314: im a bit of a noob, so any advice is appreciated01:16
headkase314blitzo: my AWN under the applets in preferences just has a button that opens a file-requester for installing applets.  I have never done so, just used the built-in applets above it01:16
EvilPhoenixYankDownUnder:  didnt work... :/01:16
sassinoogiyankdownunder: yes, it's online01:16
YankDownUnderEvilPhoenix, sudo service ssh restart01:17
i_is_brokeEvilPhoenix, try etc/rc.d/sshd restart01:17
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Is there a particular print job that is killing this queue?01:17
sassinoogiyankdownunder: I have even tried a "test page" and a regular text document and a graphic--nada01:17
MBG1987How to access samba shared files between 2 ubuntu os under terminal ?01:17
sosaitedlake: I tried tree as well. It is showing a weird symbol every now and then, plus I used -h K for file sizes in Kilobytes only, but it is showing in MB for larger files. And there is a lot of file permission tags at start. Any way to avoid all of this?01:18
blitzoheadkase314, i am confused - i have a list of available applets with icons and descriptions.  when i select one and click on install, it asks me what directory to install the applet from BUT it shows that the applet is installed BUT the applet isn't on the dock01:18
YankDownUndersassinoogi, So what, then, has either changed, been updated, been upgraded, been installed - since this last worked properly?01:18
texastwisterJordan_U: results in http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/cSS9f1Sd01:18
headkase314Dmstrdj:  Basically you would be interested in ONLY the "Device" section of that file, started with Section "Device" and ends with EndSection. You would put it in a file called: /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then restart the X server (reboot) to see if explicitly setting the driver worked.  While editing xorg.conf note what is already there, if anything, and if anything do a pastebin here so everyone can look at it.01:19
FishieFoo... hrm. ubuntu software center says adobe flash is version 10, but when I right-click about my flash window on youtube it says it's version 9. :( I also can't find any sound settings for Flash to fix this.01:19
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sassinoogiyankdownunder:that is a fantastic question.  I am not sure.  The only thing I do is allow the regular updates that pop up on occassion01:19
MBG1987How to access samba shared files between 2 ubuntu os under terminal ?01:20
headkase314blitzo: for the built-in applets you click once to select it then click the down-arrow-button to put it in your dock?01:20
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Have you tried "Hardware Drivers" to see if there is an updated driver for this printer? As well, have you tried to delete the printer and then re-install it?01:20
Jordan_Utexastwister: From that output it looks like your /boot/ doesn't contain a /grub at all. Can you confirm that?01:20
blitzoheadkase314, i just want a seperator between applets, which is installed as an applet - when i select this from the list of available applets, awn asks me what directory to get it from - how would i know?  i have not a clue01:20
dcyberanyone who can help me to set static LAN ip address ubuntu :(01:21
LaibschCan I invoke the graphical installer from a normal Ubuntu system?  I successfully booted one of my older machines (no CD, no boot from USB) via PXE and I'd like to install Ubuntu on the HD.01:21
texastwisterYes, looks like /boot is empty.01:21
sassinoogiyankdownunder: *sigh* no, I have not reinstalled the printer since this happened.  I wanted to avoid that01:21
mikelifeguardAnyone know how to show spaces in jedit as can be done in gedit? I cannot see when I have all-whitespace lines, or whitespace at EOL :(01:22
picard1421hey guys.. so i just made a config file... and i wanted to make sure that "openmp" support is not enabled... here is the pastebin.... http://pastebin.com/fjNyEx25           ........   how do i know from this if it enabled???01:22
bashHey guys01:22
picard1421line 13 ish....01:22
headkase314blitzo: You're PPA I'm standard, for the built-ins like the separator you should be able to put as many as you like into the dock, by clicking on the down-arrow-button for each then dragging the contents around to suit your taste.  Mine doesn't ask me for a directory when putting the built-ins into the dock - I just don't know without seeing your screen?01:22
nico_please can anyone help me. i am trying to help my mom who is in another state by taking over her computer to see what is going on.01:22
picard1421im about to run make but i want to make sure i have openMP support disabeled or what do i have to do in the ./config to disable that>>?>F>F>F>F>>????01:22
sassinoogiyankdownunder: so, how do we do this again...?01:22
YankDownUndersassinoogi, Um...this should have been one of the first things to try - however, that's all good - something yet to give a go at - cuz then YOU'LL KNOW for sure that you've re-installed the printer and that you have the right driver - etc etc etc...01:22
bashI did a clean install of ubuntu and I got a prob. I installed the drivers and turned on compiz but I can access any of my virtual desktops other then my main one01:23
FishieFoohrm. the addons section of firefox shows my flash player is old, but trying to update it through firefox's addon section brings me to a web page... that seems messy. should I just uninstall adobe flash and reinstall it?01:23
blitzoheadkase314, ok maybe i misunderstand - i'll play with it01:23
lakesosaited: ok01:23
MBG1987dcyber sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces01:23
lakefew minutes and i'll try to give you an answer, sosaited01:23
headkase314blitzo: post what happens when you figure it out!01:23
bashAnyone know how to fix this?01:24
Jordan_Utexastwister: Do any partitions contain a /grub or a /boot/grub?01:24
sosaitedlake: THanks a lot. I am looking at different commands too in the meantime01:24
texastwisterJordan_U: Hmmm... After unmounting and remounting, the expected contents of /boot are seen...01:24
soreaubash: If you do in fact have compiz running, look in ccsm>gen opts>desktop size01:24
bashI turned virtual desktop # to 4 (through both compiz and the panal preferences ) and it still wont work01:24
bashI tried that01:25
headkase314blitzo: give me a second to put a screenshot together01:25
Jordan_Utexastwister: I think there is something wrong with this filesystem. Can you check dmesg for any IO errors, and if there are none run fsck?01:25
caseyswhat is the command to copy a folder?01:25
hiexposimple ccsm01:25
bashsoreau, actually I didn't mess with that.01:25
hiexpoenable extras01:25
FishieFooMaRk-I: oops. I didn;t see your message. 32bit, I think. It's an old computer.01:25
bashsoreau, Its stuck on 101:25
bashI can't change it01:25
MaRk-IFishieFoo: it's ok, try reinstaling it01:26
YankDownUnderbash, Have you tried doing a ALT+R ARROW?01:26
bashYankDownUnder, yes01:26
soreaubash: Number of Desktops should always be one. You need to adjust the other two01:26
YankDownUnderbash, Sorry, it's CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW (or LEFT ARROW)01:26
headkase314blitzo: this is what mine looks like -> http://tweetphoto.com/36325370 You can see separator highlighted and my mouse over the down-arrow-button01:27
bashsoreau, I change those, its set to 4 and 101:27
bash4 horizontal and 1 verticle01:27
lakesosaited: i've gotten this far: find -printf "%p|%f|\n"01:27
hiexposystem > pref > visual effects  > custom01:27
bashya its set to that01:27
hiexposee if its still set to that bash01:27
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soreaubash: Are you sure compiz is running? ie what is the output of ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep ? Also, if you have desktop wall or cube enabled, does ctrl+alt+left/right arrow keys work?01:28
blitzoheadkase314, i misunderstood about the down-arrow button - i thought "install" meant to install it...  ok, so it's counterintuitive but not a bug.  however, i can't put a seperater between applets.  the sperator will only go on the end and it cannot be moved and an iconj cannot be placed on the other side - what am i overlooking here01:28
picard1421anyone help01:28
picard1421is the openmp support on line 13 disabeled??01:28
bashsoreau, yes I know I have it working the plugins are working01:28
FloodBot1picard1421: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
meh2What is this line called and how do I get rid of it in tcpdump?(marked with ***..), the command I use is tcpdumpm -vvvnlei: 02:21:38.027051 rule 1/(match) [uid 0, pid 5232] block in on xl0: > S [tcp sum ok] *****2767644241:2767644241(0)***** win 8192 <mss 1414,no...etc01:28
lakesoreau: how about this: find -printf "%p|%f|%s\n"01:28
bashI can see the wobbly effect01:28
lakesoreau: my bad! wrong person01:29
caseyswhat is the command to copy a folder?01:29
lakesosaited: how about this find -printf "%p|%f|%s\n"01:29
headkase314blitzo: In the "Active Applets" part, where they go to, you should be able to drag-and-drop reorder them?01:29
Jordan_Ucaseys: cp -r /path/to/original /path/to/copy01:29
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bashI fixed it01:30
bash /facepalm01:30
bashI didn't turn on rotate cube01:30
soreaubash: If rotate cube and desktop cube are enabled, the default ctrl+alt+r/l should work. You other option is wall, but you need at least one set or the other enabled01:30
avishi Flannel01:30
avisi like you01:30
bashsoreau, ya, I didn't turn on rotate cube01:30
hiexpowall must be disabled01:30
blitzoheadkase314, this is majorly counterintuitive sheesh.  ok i have made a launcher and i was to seperate it from my applets - you can't move a launcher to the active applets window so how do i get a seperator between my applets and my launchers01:31
YankDownUnderHard to rotate the cube when it's not quite turned on...unless you've got a crowbar...01:31
headkase314blitzo: give one second making a screenshot.01:32
progre55hi guys. I want to add a script in /etc/init.d/ to startup, but only after networking is up. so how do I update-rc.d it?01:32
YankDownUnderAmazing Fun Fact: AWN has it's own channel! W00t!01:32
progre55yeah it does, ##aws01:32
hiexpoyou need rotate cube deskto cube both enabled01:32
FishieFooARG!!! why does firefox say shockwave flash is version 9.0 but ubuntu software center says adobe flash is version 10??01:33
FishieFooI hate computers.01:33
* YankDownUnder has two monitors, two cubes, each with 8 sides! Lovely!01:33
trismFishieFoo: do you have gnash or swfdec installed?01:33
blitzoheadkase314, i tried deleting all my seperators and all my launchers, then add them back in the order i want them - the launchers get mixed with applets and seperator always goes on the end and can't move the seperator and can't move launchers to the right side of the seperator - i am all out of ideas01:34
silvertip257I'm trying to create users via commands.  I try the following, but when trying to log in I receive an "Authentication failure" message.  `sudo useradd -c Temp -U -G users,netdev -s /bin/bash -m -p temp123 temp`01:34
Jordan_UFishieFoo: Did you ever install flash manually (from Adobe's website rather than the package manager)?01:34
headkase314blitzo: Ok, here -> http://tweetphoto.com/36326422 You put the "Launcher/TaskManger" into the dock and can only have ONE of them.  Then in the Task Manager tab you drag shortcuts for the applications you want to appear in the dock.01:34
hiexpoFishFace,  because the one in thr repos is really only 9 dould the 10 deb from adobe01:34
sosaitedlake: That is perfect. There is a "./" at the beginning of every line, but that is not a problem. Just one more thing, it is listing some Folder sizes as 4096, and some 0.01:34
FishieFootrism: I don't know. the audio in streaming video was working fine before they updated Ubuntu's OS01:34
bashsilverraindog, I already got it working01:34
FishieFooJordan_U: I don't know how to manually install things.01:34
hiexpo^ download the 10 deb package01:34
YankDownUnderFishieFoo, It's not really an Ubuntu issue - it's more an Adobe issue - and they're slower than a herd of turtles crossing a plain of peanut butter on doing anything01:35
sosaitedlake: That won't be a problem if it could add another tag for folders only, or if it could extensions of files to differentiate from Folders.01:35
headkase314blitzo: Here's what my task-manger tab looks like -> http://tweetphoto.com/3632680901:35
FishieFoodeb package?01:35
lakesosaited: i have a feeling the 0 is a file since a folder will be 4096, not completely sure atm01:36
hiexpoFishieFoo,  oh you did a os upgrade?01:36
FishieFooI get ".deb package for Ubuntu 8" even though I'm on Lucid Lynx?01:36
anditomy sound does not work on ubuntu and a sony vaio. PLease help me.01:36
lakesosaited: man find can help you with the rest :)01:37
misha_есть кто живой?01:37
sosaitedlake: No I checked it from the File manager too, it shows some folders as 0 and some as 4KB. I think it is Linux/ntfs-3g related thing.01:37
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:37
FishieFooyes. an OS upgrade.01:38
texastwisterJordan_U:  Thanks for your help -- I think I'm going to give this disk a little check with spinrite before fighting it anymore.  I'm seeing real flaky results -- sometimes it mounts and contents are viewable, other times not...01:38
sosaitedlake: Yeah I am going to look into that now. Thanks a lot man.01:38
Suit_Of_SablesI'm running of a Live CD and I tried to chroot into a ubuntu filesystem partition on my internal drive that I have mounted at /mnt with $sudo chroot /mnt   but I get "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error"01:38
blitzoheadkase314, where is it getting all those extra applets from?  i didn't have those even before i got it from the ppa.  but still, i have followed all the directions and cannot figure out a way to get a seperator between applets and launchers - there just doesn't seem to be any possible way01:38
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:38
lakesosaited: it's either %y or %Y for a filetype (they appear differently)01:38
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headkase314blitzo: If you are using the lucindo? version then I know those effects are done by using multiple separators next to each other?01:38
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lakesosaited: no problem -- i learned all that just now! teach to teach yourself ftw!01:39
headkase314blitzo: within the launcher, that item can't have separators.01:39
FishieFoocan I install Flash for Ubuntu 8 on a later version of Ubuntu 10 Lucid Lynx?01:40
headkase314blitzo: launcher/task-manager applet01:40
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Are you using a 32 bit liveCD to try to chroot into a 64 bit install?01:40
tommy2Hey guys, my ubuntu 10.4 constantly crashes.  I suspect this is happening due to the standard display drivers.  Is there a way to increase the verbosity of the kernel without recompiling it so I could check what crashes exactly?01:40
hiexpoFishieFoo,  are you 32 or 64 bit01:40
FishieFoo32, I think. old PC01:40
sosaitedlake: Can I somehow use -size K as a replacement for %s? .01:41
hiexpoFishieFoo,  but did anos upgrade to 10.04 right01:41
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: both are 64bit I believe01:41
FishieFoohiexpo: anos?01:41
FishieFoohiexpo: Ubuntu is updated to 10.04, yes.01:42
hiexpoFishieFoo,  an operating system upgrade   > sorry01:42
lakesosaited: hm, not sure01:42
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Check with "uname -a".01:42
sosaitedlake: Never mind. the %y is perfect. I can convert the bytes to Kbytes later. Once again, thanks man. You saved me a lot of time :)01:43
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: lame.... they sent me a 32bit live CD....01:43
FishieFooman, I should just tell my mom to never update the computer. this is such a PITA.01:43
tommy2how can I debug a crashing ubuntu?01:43
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: And with your earlier question I highly recommend using pure GPT rather than GPT MBR hybrid with gptsync.01:43
Random832tommy2: crashing how?01:43
lakesosaited: no problem, happy to help01:43
Random832[describing the symptoms goes a long way towards figuring out what is crashing]01:43
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Unless you want to also boot windows.01:43
MonoPuffHi, Is there a way to have restricted drivers, primarily the broadcom wifi driver work from a live cd and include along with a base install.. Got a chicken and the egg problem with only having access to wifi and not being able to enable and download Internet from a new install.. I imagine this would include downloading the driver seperate and merging with the ISO?01:44
FishieFoodo I need to find a way to get Ubuntu to a lower version, assuming that's not insanely difficult?01:44
tommy2Random: hard to say.  happens anywhere now and then.  The gui crashes and I can only see partial tty terminal.  Nothing moves, can't change led status on keyboard, can't ssh - nothing01:44
hiexpoFishieFoo,  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/07/quickly-install-adobe-flash-player-10-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/01:44
YankDownUnderFishieFoo, Everything is insanely difficult if we have the perception that it is - it's all in perception... :)01:44
FishieFoomy perception is that I want this to work like it was before with as little time and effort as possible.01:45
hiexpoupgrade from one os to another   = big train wreck01:45
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: I'm on a macbook but have OSX on an external drive at the moment for firmware updates. I'd like to have the laptop be single boot ubuntu but my GRUB seems to be messed up. (stuck at grub rescue with the message "no such device")01:45
mroileri just installed ubuntu via wubi, but when i try to select ubuntu the screen is only available for a splt-second, then automaticly chooses windows. how do i get to ubuntu?01:45
Jordan_UMonoPuff: The firmware needed is in the directories /lib/firmware/b43 and /lib/firmware/b43legacy/, you can get the tar files for these directories from http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz and http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43legacy-firmware-lucid.tar.gz01:46
blitzoheadkase314, ok, there is a video on how to use it BUT *sigh* I have just reinstalled ubuntu and youtube won't play - any ideas?01:46
headkase314blitzo: Install ubuntu-restricted-extras ;)  For flash that is.01:46
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: and I imagine there is no nondestructive way to set the partition table to GPT01:46
blitzoheadkase314, did that01:46
mroileri just installed ubuntu via wubi, but when i try to select ubuntu the screen is only available for a splt-second, then automaticly chooses windows. how do i get to ubuntu?01:46
headkase314blitzo, you have no flash video?  Maybe I can dig up another video?01:47
FishieFoothanks, hiexpo. *checking now&*01:47
ROOTKIDHELLO how launch a file in python via console01:47
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Switch to pure GPT using the utility "gdisk" then reinstall grub following this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide01:47
ROOTKIDsombody tell my how lunch a file .py01:47
trismROOTKID: python filename.py01:47
MonoPuffJordan_U, thanks.. It will get me started in the right direction01:47
blitzoheadkase314, there is a flash10 on the ubuntu software center and it won't install says, there is no 64bit version available - if i can't use flash on 64bit ubuntu that would be a MAJOR problem... ppl should be warned01:47
hiexpoFishieFoo,  another thing you might want to check and see if you have the restricted extras installed forgot about that for flash01:48
mroileri just installed ubuntu via wubi, but when i try to select ubuntu the screen is only available for a splt-second, then automaticly chooses windows. how do i get to ubuntu?01:48
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Make sure you have good backups first though, not because converting to pure GPT is particularly dangerous but because the fact that you currently have overlapping partitions may mean that you already have filesystem damage (from two filesystems thinking they own the same part of the disk).01:48
headkase314blitzo: Installing extras should have installed a wrapper for the 32-bit Flash.  It does for me?!01:48
FishieFooyeah. I vaguely recalled something about that but couldnt distinguish what was what.01:48
hiexpoadobe no longer supports 64 bit i just read01:48
mroileri just installed ubuntu via wubi, but when i try to select ubuntu the screen is only available for a splt-second, then automaticly chooses windows. how do i get to ubuntu?01:49
blitzoheadkase314, how to troubleshoot?01:49
headkase314mroiler: try holding down shift while booting.01:49
Jordan_Umroiler: What version of windows?01:49
headkase314blitzo, give me a minute with google ;)01:49
mroilerjordan_u: xp media center 2004 or 200501:50
bashWhere do you install gtk engines?01:50
gmiernicki<hiexpo> adobe no longer supports 64 bit i just read01:50
gmiernickithey do plan to put it out01:50
FishieFoohiexpo: restricted extras are where? sofotware sources?01:50
Jordan_Umroiler: Edit the "timout" value in your boot.ini01:50
bashWhere do you install gtk engines?01:50
hiexpomroiler,  please don'tflood be patient if someone knows they will help you ask about every ten minuters   > thanx01:50
bashin 10.04?01:50
Jordan_Umroiler: Back up the original first though.01:50
FishieFoohiexpo: ah well. flash 10 is installing now, so I;ll try restricted extras if this doesn't work.01:50
hiexpoFishieFoo,  yes01:50
bashI got this theme and it installed to /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines but it isn't seeing it01:50
edjuMy router does not allow changing DNS, so I edited /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases and wicd to reflect the desired DNS server.  It works for a while,b ut it's not persistent.  It goes back to the router's - 192.etc.254.  I run dhclient wlan0 to get the new DNS, I get it and then it reverts back.  Any advice appreciated.01:51
bashI theme engine01:51
sosaitedCan someone please comment if the procedure described in http://ubuntuguide.net/install-fresh-ubuntu-10-04-on-ubuntu-9-10-only-machine-without-burning-cd will work fine?01:51
Jordan_Umroiler: You're welcome.01:51
ubuserhey, i know ubuntu 5.1 isnt supported really, but i have installed zsnes, and all of the dependencies, sdl, nasm, libpng, zlib, opengl, but for some reason its not showing the color red, just blue and green... i was wondering if there was another emulator for sega or snes that could run on 5.101:51
headkase314blitzo: http://is.gd/dXmH4 says install: flashplugin-installer for 64-bit01:52
sosaitedAnd btw I am on a dual-boot machine with Karmic and XP01:52
headkase314blitzo: with 32-bit flash01:52
Jordan_Uubuser: Why in the world are you running 5.10 in the first place?01:52
FishieFoohiexpo: I can't find anything with that name. just unsupported updates,01:52
ubuserit got mailed to me and the new cds havent came, and i dont have internet at my house -.-01:52
hiexpoFishieFoo,  one sec01:53
ubuseris there a version of gens (sega emu) that could run on ubuntu 5.1?? :(01:53
Jordan_Uubuser: And if it's at all connected to the internet you should know that there are known *serious* exploits in 5.10, if you insist on using 5.10 disconnect it from the internet (and don't ask for support for it here).01:53
nimbioticshello all. How do I install adobe reader? TIA!01:53
sosaitedCan someone please comment if the procedure described in http://ubuntuguide.net/install-fresh-ubuntu-10-04-on-ubuntu-9-10-only-machine-without-burning-cd will work fine on a dual-boot system?01:53
bashNo one knows how to install a GTK engine?01:54
liuweihuai like foxreader01:54
bashWhere do I install it?!01:54
headkase314nimbiotics: I find okular to be every way better than adobe reader..01:54
Usernamedhey can i get some help?01:54
FishieFoowell that didn't work. I wonder if I have to uninstall flash 9 for flash 10 to work.01:54
Usernamedanyone here know anything about windows?01:54
hiexpoFishieFoo,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:54
AndIrc__is there something like ctrl alt del for ubuntu for when it freezes?01:54
headkase314Usernamed: shoot and lets see ;)01:54
sosaitedUsernamed: Kinda.. What do you want  :)01:54
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: it looks like that Grub install guide requires me to chroot into my linux partition. something I won't be able to do unless I make myself a 64bit live CD correct? (this was my other problem as you may recall)01:54
IdleOneAndIrc__: alt-sysrq-k01:55
blitzoheadkase314, i have a huge gripe with that documentation: it is not dated and it doesn't necessarily tell you which version of ubuntu it's talking about01:55
UsernamedI defragged a freinds comp and it wouldnt restart01:55
ubuseri am on ubuntu 9.10, and being a qualified user i can be here. even if you dont support teh 5.101:55
Usernamedthe hd had viruses on it01:55
IdleOneUsernamed: try ##windows01:55
Usernamedand i removed them01:55
UsernamedI did01:55
headkase314blitzo: it says the "newer" part so I would hope that covers lucid.01:55
blitzoheadkase314, apparently i need to use the 32 bit firefox01:55
antonio_2can anyone take a few minutes..possibly in a pm to explain how to setup a dual boot (lucid with win7)01:55
sosaitedUsernamed: Do you get any error?01:55
IdleOneUsernamed: this channel is for Ubuntu support01:55
antonio_2damn computer01:55
FishieFoohiexpo: ack. it's already installed. T_T01:56
blitzoantonio_2, will wubi work for you?  that's the easiet01:56
Usernamedanyway the comp is having issues restarting and I cant reinstall windows because it cant select the proper partition01:56
headkase314blitzo: I don't know what happened on your system.  On my 64-bit system installed restricted-extras installed 32-bit flash AND the wrapper for it.  Firefox remained 64-bit so something fishy is going on in your config!01:56
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: If it's the same version of Ubuntu (number not architecture) then you can also just "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mountpoint /dev/sdX"01:56
UsernamedI had to install ubuntu01:56
antonio_2blitzo: I've heard thats not a true dual boot01:56
sosaitedTalking about this is Ubuntu channel, Can someone please comment if the procedure described in http://ubuntuguide.net/install-fresh-ubuntu-10-04-on-ubuntu-9-10-only-machine-without-burning-cd will work fine on a dual-boot system?01:56
liuweihuaamule have some sex01:56
ubuseranyone know how to get the colors fixed on zsnes ub9.101:56
ubuserits only showing blue and green01:56
IdleOneUsernamed: No, not anyway. ask for Windows help in ##windows. We do not support Windows in here. Thank you.01:56
liuweihuaamule have some sex01:57
blitzoheadkase314, just installed the 64bit today and a TON of extra packages, would have no idea what's hosed and how to troubleshoot01:57
headkase314blitzo: When it was available my biggest gripe with 64-bit flash was I could never get it to work!01:57
hiexpoantonio_2,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot01:57
headkase314blitzo: I'm afraid I'm getting out of my league too! :(01:57
blitzoheadkase314, that may be what's going on here01:57
nisstyre65Anyone know how to use chmod to deny read/write access for ONE user only? I have a samba share with rw access for every user, but I want to deny the httpd/apache user for security reasons.01:57
antonio_2can anyone take a few minutes..possibly in a pm to explain how to setup a dual boot (lucid with win7)01:57
Jordan_Unisstyre65: Not possible with chmod, you'd have to use ACLs or Apparmor.01:59
nisstyre65all right01:59
sosaitedOh please someone tell if that method to install Lucid from GRUB will work or not on a dual boot01:59
blitzoheadkase314, it says the flashplugin-installer is already installed01:59
FishieFoowell, I;ve been trying to fix audio in streaming video for too long, and I need to sleep. I can;'t believe a simple problem caused by updating the OS can be so difficult to fix.01:59
headkase314blitzo: mark for complete removal then reinstall?01:59
blitzoheadkase314, so what i need to find out is why it won't play01:59
headkase314blitzo: And that package wget's the latest prop. flash02:00
hiexpoupdated from one os to another = train wreck and    > headache02:00
FishieFooso is there any painless way to go back to an older version?02:00
progre55hi guys. I want to add a script in /etc/init.d/ to startup, but only after networking is up. so how do I update-rc.d it?02:00
hiexpoFishieFoo,  nope frsh install only02:01
hiexpo^ fresh02:01
KenShin133I have docky but it keeps beiing partialy covered up by my task bar. I would like to have them both living in harmony is there a way to move docky up X number of pixels?02:01
nimbioticsheadkase314: thanks02:01
FishieFooah well, thanks for trying to help.02:01
headkase314blitzo: I believe, but am not sure, you can also get Flash out of the partners repo..02:01
blitzoheadkase314, does installing flashpugin-installer automatically pull in flash or is there another step?02:01
headkase314nimbiotics: You're welcome, okular rocks.02:01
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
headkase314blitzo: It automatically pulls the latest version from Adobe.  Well, it wget's it from somewhere anyway.. ;)02:02
hiexpoFishieFoo,  no prob   backup all your stuff and reinstall       > i still am useing 9.10 10.04 stillhas bugs02:02
antonio_2can anyone talk to me in pm about dual booting lucid and win7?02:02
blitzoheadkase314, synaptic showed a flash plugin that was NOT installed02:02
headkase314blitzo: watch out for gnash or similar, they do not fully support Flash video.02:03
hiexpoantonio_2,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot02:03
AndIrc__Can I do anything about a frozen ubuntu?02:04
hiexpoantonio_2,  read it and google dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu    > google is your friend02:04
blitzoheadkase314, did all that and restarted firefox, youtube doesn't work however i did see a flash ad on a webpage that worked just fine - this is something specific to youtube02:05
hiexpoAndIrc__,  why did it freeze02:06
AndIrc__Flash video02:06
headkase314blitzo: try http://www.vimeo.com/ to see if flash video works there.02:07
blitzoheadkase314, actually flash is running - i can right click and get a menu - but the video won't play - it's not just youtube but also google video - however adverts display02:07
headkase314blitzo: I don't know what to suggest from here.02:08
blitzoheadkase314, yep that works02:08
ubuntu5where r u from?02:09
=== jay is now known as Guest68287
headkase314blitzo: I'm also on a 32-bit machine right now so I can't test 64-bit @ youtube either..02:09
Guest68287i am new to all this. what is this chat room?02:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:09
blitzoGuest68287, this is a support channel for ubuntu not a general purpose chat02:09
Guest68287ohhhhhh ok02:10
Guest68287thats awesome ubuntu has this available02:10
blitzoheadkase314, i just got a youtube to play!  hoo hah!  but google video still won't play02:10
ubuntu5guest68287 where r u from?02:11
headkase314blitzo: So, now can return from the subroutine and get back to the video for AWN? ;)02:11
Guest68287pittsburgh PA, USA02:11
=== mroiler is now known as TFKfan
blitzothat one doesn't play.  you try it: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/awn-lucido-gets-its-own-ppa.html02:11
Guest68287i just learned how to integrade KDE enviroment with GNOME02:12
headkase314blitzo: that one doesn't play because it's been removed by the user.  Following the trail of the embedded code back to youtube gives that error message.02:13
blitzoheadkase314, LOLOLOL i've been beating my head on the wall for nothing02:13
headkase314blitzo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PD9WFDPcmk&feature=player_embedded That's that videos embedded code02:13
=== hasen_ is now known as hasen
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: I'm having a hard time figuring out the gdisk command to make /dev/sda a pure GPT partition table02:14
Guest68287alright guys i am outta here, just checking this out02:14
Guest68287take care02:14
blitzoheadkase314, any idea how i would get hold of the author?  do i need to download source and read the comments?02:15
blitzoheadkase314, which begs the question: how do i get the source...02:16
headkase314blitzo: I think perhaps just trying everything under the sun in AWN and seeing the results would be productive?  What do you think?02:16
asgy193Hi, i have a toshiba portege m800 and I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 but I can not make that the bluetooth functioning correctly02:16
blitzoheadkase314, pretty much there already02:16
asgy193do you have any ideas?02:16
headkase314blitzo:  Well, from my view, I love AWN so don't give up easily on it!! ;)02:17
tobymacfani just installed ubuntu via wubi on my xp computer. When i try to switch to ubuntu like it says on the guide the screen to select only shows for less than a second.02:17
blitzoheadkase314, i'm hooked on docks, that's for sure, and it least it doesn't crash every other min like cairo-dock02:17
headkase314blitzo: You too!! :D Cairo was the exact same crashing for me!  AWN never crashes in my experience! ;)02:18
backtrackhi guys02:18
blitzoheadkase314, cairo is wonderful eye candy but you have to run a cron job that kills and restarts it every min or it won't be there when you want it02:18
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: also I'm being told by grub-install that trying to install to a partition and not the MBR is a BAD idea02:19
meh2I have 2usb ports and 1 audioport on my monitor and a usb-b connector - to get the 2usb ports and the audio to work i have to plugin a regular (fr comp)usb->usb-b on monitor?02:19
headkase314blitzo: I move onto AWN long enough ago that I don't remember when and before that even was the Cairo frustration.  I give AWN a heartily thumbs up.  IMHO.02:19
blitzoheadkase314, bill, thx for spending so much time on this - i will pass it forward (whenever i come here for help i always spend 2x as much time giving help)02:20
headkase314blitzo: Awesome, I think it's time for a break.  Take care.02:20
jgodI have a question about ubuntu. Is this the right place to ask it?02:21
headkase314blitzo: You're welcome ;)02:21
hiexposee i like panels myself but to each own  :)02:22
rlankfojgod: yes02:23
YankDownUnderjgod, Um...I think this MIGHT be the place...unless you want to order a pizza...02:23
masoncloudjgod? what is your Ubutnu question?02:24
jgodrlankfo: While installing ubuntu I accidentally installed it to my 32gb sd card. Of course the SSD in my computer is also 32GB and i was able to reinstall it to my SDD02:24
jgodbut now the computer wont see the SD card and i cant even format it on my Windows machine02:24
AndIrc__Where can you get good. pizza?02:24
progre55hey guys, I'm starting a deamon using "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $SCRIPT_PID --startas $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS", but it doesnt record the pid in the specified file, so the "stop" option doesnt work. Any suggestions, please?02:24
rlankfojgod: format it under ubuntu02:24
jgodI dont see the SD under ubuntu02:24
tobymacfani just installed ubuntu via wubi on my xp computer. When i try to switch to ubuntu like it says on the guide the screen to select only shows for less than a second.02:25
thefatloverboycomo abro un cd en xubuntu02:25
YankDownUnderAndIrc__, Crust PIzza in Cronulla, NSW02:25
jgodI installed Gparted and it doesnt show the SDHC card at all02:25
thefatloverboypor que no puedo02:25
rlankfojgod: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29993902:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:25
thefatloverboygracias pero tan bien hablo ingles02:26
YankDownUnderthefatloverboy, De nada, amigo02:26
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thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu ?02:27
jgod  597.384439] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card02:27
jgodwhen i ran dmesg02:27
jgod  597.384439] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card02:27
prakritimy sata drives are all showing at PATA using ata_piix,  they are on a jmicron JMB362/JMB36302:27
prakritiany idea how to get them to load using ahci?02:28
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YankDownUnderthefatloverboy, You should be able to insert the CD and then it will come up on the desktop.02:28
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu cuz bay now a cant02:28
juanillobuenas noches02:28
juanillosaludos a todos los de la sala02:29
YankDownUnderBuenas DIAS...02:29
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thefatloverboycomo estas?02:29
YankDownUnder!es | juanillo02:29
ubottujuanillo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:29
juanilloes la primera vez que entra a este sitio pidiendo ayuda02:29
meh2I have 2usb ports and 1 audioport on my monitor and a usb-b connector - to get the 2usb ports and the audio to work i have to plugin a regular (fr comp)usb->usb-b on monitor?02:29
hiexpothefatloverboy,  pleaSE DON'T flood   > be patient   there are 1450 people here02:29
meh2so the usb will hande audio?02:29
tobymacfani just installed ubuntu via wubi on my xp computer. When i try to switch to ubuntu like it says on the guide the screen to select only shows for less than a second.02:29
YankDownUndertobymacfan, Did you hit "Escape"?02:30
jgodrlankfo: Do you know what error -110 whilst initializing SD card means?02:30
lyoshaHi.  How can I make Ubuntu automount USB drives read only?02:30
Niglopi was testing out different window managers etc and switching between the sessions, now when i switched back to my default i have like green bars around my windows :s?02:30
rlankfojgod: not sure02:31
tobymacfan Yankdownunder: no, as its booting or as its at that screen?02:31
hiexpolyosha,  you want your usb to have read onlt rights for everone02:32
jgodrlankfo: dmesg | tail02:32
jgod[  597.384235] sdhci: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x0000000002:32
jgod[  597.384249] sdhci: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x0000400702:32
jgod[  597.384264] sdhci: Timeout:  0x0000000a | Int stat: 0x0000000002:32
jgod[  597.384279] sdhci: Int enab: 0x02ff00cb | Sig enab: 0x02ff00cb02:32
FloodBot1jgod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
jgod[  597.384294] sdhci: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x0000000002:32
rlankfojgod: pastebin02:32
YankDownUndertobymacfan, Um...without knowing what you're saying, I'll say that when it's at the booting screen?02:32
hiexpo!flood | igod02:32
ubottuigod: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:32
lyoshahiexpo: I want to mount it read-only, so I can safely unplug it whenever I feel like.02:32
jgodsorry sorry wont happen again haha02:32
thefatloverboymy cd never comes up dont now why02:33
tobymacfanYankdownunder: i mean like before the slect screen or at the select screen.02:33
YankDownUnderthefatloverboy, Does it work on a different machine? Is the disk clean?02:33
YankDownUndertobymacfan, AT the select screen...should do ya...02:33
lyoshahiexpo: it's something to do with udev rules, and I don't know anything about those.02:33
thefatloverboyyes it does02:33
* YankDownUnder thinks it's time to go eat - cheers!02:34
tobymacfanYankdownunder: ok, ill try thanks.02:34
hiexpolyosha,  easy way instead  of changing permissions is to just right click it and hit remove drive safely  > no?02:34
gartralis there anyway to get flash working in ubuntu?02:34
gartralis there anyway to get shockwave* working in ubuntu?02:34
hiexpogartral,  they all work02:35
gartralhiexpo: how do i get shockwave?02:35
hiexpogartral,  one sec02:35
Niglopcan somebody help me ?02:35
gartral!help | Niglop02:36
ubottuNiglop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:36
Niglopi was testing out different window managers etc and switching between the sessions, now when i switched back to my default i have like green bars around my windows :s?02:36
hiexpogartral,  useing firefox?02:36
lyoshahiexpo: that's what I do.  I'd like to not have to do that.02:36
gartralhiexpo: chrome02:36
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hiexpolyosha,  ok than right click it and hit pref and change permissions02:38
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lyoshahiexpo: that doesn't answer my original question, does it?02:38
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hiexpolyosha,   your ? was how do i make my usb drive read only   ?02:39
lyoshahiexpo: the question was: what do I need to change so that USB drives get mounted readonly when I plug them in.02:40
undecim1How do I tell which package a file comes from?02:40
Josac47i need help turning my computer screen and mouse axis sideways so i can read ebooks or webpages sideways any help?02:40
Docteh_undecim1: look it up on packages.ubuntu.com02:41
Dr_Willisundecim1:  theres a program called aptfile i think that cvn let you do that easially02:41
asw3can i install ssl on wine02:41
Dr_Willis!info apt-file02:41
Josac47i know randr -o right works for the screen but how do i rotate the mouse axis02:41
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3 (lucid), package size 29 kB, installed size 184 kB02:41
majukJosac47! You're looking for the command 'xrandr'02:41
Jeatoni just installed the ubuntu server edition on my other box, now what do I need to have remote access from this box?02:41
Docteh_asw3: ssl?02:41
Jeatonshell access*02:41
Dr_WillisJeaton:  set up ssh and ssh in...02:41
majukJosac47! That should do both screen and mouse access02:41
undecim1Thanks, Dr_Willis02:41
Josac47it doesnt work with the mouse and when i try to go back to normal it messes up my screen and then i need to restart to fix it02:42
Docteh_Jeaton: ssh serversname.local02:42
asw3Docteh_,  Secure Sockets Layer02:43
majukJosac47! xrandr, not just randr. I believe they have different effects02:43
gartralhiexpo: find anything?02:43
Docteh_asw3: i'm not clear why you'd need to install it for wine02:43
heruwine kie opo????02:44
asw3Docteh_, some software that require that02:44
Josac47ok so im using xranr but its stll not working02:44
jgodDoes anyone know what "error -110 whilst initializing SD card" means?02:44
MrLaheyif I run ubuntu netbook edition from a USB, will it still perform ok on a regular laptop if I need to use it that way? and are there any major components missing from the netbook edition that I would probably want on a regular laptop02:44
heruhai josac where doyou come from???02:44
masoncloudjgod > have you tried Google.com?02:44
majukJosac47! So it rotates the screen but the mouse axis doesn't change?02:45
Docteh_MrLahey: you can apt-get anything you find missing02:45
jgodmasoncloud : yes i have. I find info about other error numbers but not 11002:45
Jeatonthanks Dr_Willis and Docteh_02:45
Josac47ya and when returning to normal screen it doesnt appere properly02:45
heruyou like Indonesia????02:45
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia02:45
majukJosac47! I don't know why that would be. :\ Sorry man.02:45
Josac47no like in Europe02:45
masoncloudjgod > I'm sorry. but I haven't seen that error myself.02:46
Josac47i like canda better i moved ther when i was 7602:46
Dr_WillisMrLahey:  i use the netbook on laptops and normal edition on netbooks.. both can do the same jobs.02:46
jgodmasoncloud : I accidentally installed ubuntu to it and now i cannot format nor mount it.02:46
Josac47ok thanks for the help anyways majuk02:46
Dr_WillisMrLahey:  you can have both on one machine if you wanted. :)02:46
heruanak kampang !02:46
MrLaheycool. ty02:46
masoncloudjgod > that's weird, have you ejected it and reinserted it?02:47
heruhey muthafucka! i will shot ya! in ya dick02:47
majukJosac47! Hey, this might help02:47
eliezeri whent to backup some apps with APTonCD and some show up that are not installed02:47
majukJosac47! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94329702:47
ubuntu5i`m indonesian,02:47
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
eliezerhow can i completly remove them02:47
majukJosac47! They added a line to xorg.conf to get it to play nice with xrandr02:47
heruhey muthafucka! i will shot ya! in ya dick!!!!102:47
jgodmasoncloud : yes i have. Ive also tried formatting it with a windows machine. The machine didnt even see that a card had been inserted.02:48
eliezersome apps are about 3 Mb02:48
eliezeri want that space for myself02:48
eliezeri already use sudo apt-get autoremove  and autoclean02:48
masoncloudjgod, again I wish I could help you but it seems as though the card is now corrupt now or something?02:49
Josac47k thanks02:49
majukJosac47! Anyway, I am late for a poker game. Good luck!02:49
eliezerstill showing on APTonCD02:49
jgodmasoncloud : its not a big deal. Im in no rush. Just thought id run through here to see if anyone knows or has heard of a similar issue.02:49
Dr_WillisI thought aptoncd just let you do the ones that are still in the cache.02:49
jgodmasoncloud: thanks for trying to help I appreciate it02:50
Niglopwhy did my default gtk+ theme change from they greyish color to a green?02:50
masoncloudjgod > have you tried using either 'disk utility' or fdsk?02:50
eliezeris i clean cache im not gona be alble to use APTonCD02:50
eliezernothing will come up on the list02:50
eliezerit happend to me before02:50
hackerswamijgod> did you try looking at it from the disk utility?  if the file table's corrupt, it might be able to restore it.02:50
eliezersome apps not installed02:50
eliezerand i check on Sypnatic02:51
jgodthe computer doesnt recognize anything in the SD slot. Ive tried the disk utlity and Gparted. Neither see anything but the drive ive installed ubuntu to.02:51
eliezerbut they show on APTonCD02:51
Dr_Willisjgod:  theres some laptops/card readers that  have issues reading in some cases.02:51
Dr_Willisjgod:  ive had to be sure the sd card is in the slot when i power up/bootup on some machuines02:52
Niglopi was testing out different window managers etc and switching between the sessions, now when i switched back to my default i have like green bars around my windows :s?02:52
Niglopwhy did my default gtk+ theme change from they greyish color to a green?02:52
jgodDr_Willis : ive had a previous version of ubuntu installed on this machine and the SD mounted fine.02:52
masoncloudjgod, try restarting your machine or reformat your SD with your other ubuntu install02:53
jgodmasoncloud : none of my machines recognize an SD has been inserted. Ive tried restarting many times.02:53
progre55anyone? I'm starting a deamon in a startup script in /etc/init.d/ using "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $SCRIPT_PID --startas $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS", but it doesnt record the pid in the specified file, so the "stop" option doesnt work. Any suggestions, please?02:54
iwamatsu_Is there the macbook user?02:56
Dr_Willisjgod:  several differnt machuines are having issues with the sd card? that is odd. Could be the card died. You could try 'zeroing' the card if you can figure otu what /dev/XXX it is..02:56
jgodDr_Willis L thanks for the suggestion. Ill give it a go. I gotta get going to work. Enjoy the rest of your day. Later room02:57
challmani had a HDD fail the other day. it was failing almost all the S.M.A.R.T. tests.. other symptoms were it would boot sometimes; other times it would show NON SYSTEM DISK. I replaced it and reinstalled. it's a dual boot Win7 system (Linux) but I didn't get around to installing Linux until today. One thing I noticed is that it will show NON SYSTEM DISK unless I boot up with a CD in the tray (Win7). If I remove the CD, it will not boot. 02:57
undecim1What service auto-mounts new media?02:58
kazym2hello. if a program freezes ubuntu by trying to allocate too much memory, how can I kill it?03:00
=== DarkJuju is now known as [J]
undecim1kazym2: Press alt+f2 and type "killall programname"03:00
undecim1kazym2: Though if your computer is running slow, you might have to press CTRL+ALT+F1, then log in there to get anywhere03:00
undecim1kazym2: From there, you can run that same command03:00
ablysskillall -9 <program name>03:01
hiexposorry i got booted03:02
undecim1kazym2: Oh yea, the -9 with it like ablyss mentioned should work if "killall programname" doesn't03:02
adelcampois there a gedit command that starts a new line like the vim "o" command?03:04
lansingRunning Ubuntu 10.04, trying to get afterstep set up and running, but it does not show in the session list after install. Any suggestions?03:05
=== hasen_ is now known as hasen
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
pookyGwibber frustrates me, so much. Anyone else know of a good social client?03:07
pookyfor like twitter, facebook, and other such things03:07
xanguayoono pooky03:08
xanguais a desktop client and also a firefox/chromium addon03:08
pookyI'll look into it, thanks03:09
xanguayou can also try abobe air apps like tweetdeck, not sure if seesmic also works for others besides twitter pooky03:09
maxredhi who are the chanel of ubuntu on spanish03:09
maxredi have a problem03:10
maxred=/ i like to install windows 7 on my computer03:10
maxredi have 2 hd03:10
hiexpo!es | maxred03:10
ubottumaxred: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:10
maxred=/ mi first sata are whit ubuntu03:10
maxredsome people can help me ?03:10
st__maxred, you need to have a supported partition on boot disk03:11
maxredbut i tell you03:11
challmani had a HDD fail the other day. it was failing almost all the S.M.A.R.T. tests.. other symptoms were it would boot sometimes; other times it would show NON SYSTEM DISK. I replaced it and reinstalled. it's a dual boot Win7 system (Linux) but I didn't get around to installing Linux until today. One thing I noticed is that it will show NON SYSTEM DISK unless I boot up with a CD in the tray (Win7). If I remove the CD, it will not boot. 03:11
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.03:11
st__maxred, if your bios allows, you can choose 2nd one as boot03:11
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maxredim test i take the ide and disconect =/03:11
maxredof one hd03:11
kishhi im wondering if ubunty iso's have been hybridized03:11
maxredand the grub =/ kaput03:12
maxreddont work03:12
kishin other words, can you dd ubuntu isos to usb sticks and boot from that03:12
maxredthe grube only works whit 2 hd03:12
maxredyou understand ?03:12
FloodBot1maxred: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
hiexpokish,  hybridized ?03:12
maxredif im disconect the hd =/ but grub dont work whit ubuntu03:12
maxredand im reconect hd03:12
elitexrayubuntu looks almost identical to fedora03:13
maxred=/ and work03:13
elitexrayI wonder if they both function the same as well03:13
maxredelitexray you are bot ?03:13
hackerswamikish: you could use Unetbooting for that03:13
elitexrayI wish i was a bot.03:13
maxredreally exist this tool03:13
st__where is your grub installed?03:13
maxredunetbooting ?03:13
maxredi told you03:14
maxredi have one hardrive whit ubuntu  and another whit windows xp03:14
maxredi like to change xp for windows 703:14
Josac47im having problems with switching from xrandr - o right to xrandr -o normal03:14
maxredyou understand i try to disconect the hd whit xp for dont fu.. the grobe of linux03:15
hiexposudo apt get install unetbooting03:15
Josac47it makes my screen all messed up03:15
superjoehow do you ensure that the system clock is synchronizing with the internet via command line?03:15
=== [J] is now known as juju2143
st__maxred, and what happens?03:15
=== juju2143 is now known as DarkJuju
vengermaxred, if the grub boot block is on the xp drive and you pull it is not going to boot unless you install grub on the other drive03:16
maxredif im unistall xp on my hardrive ?03:16
maxredi drestroy de grube ?03:16
vengermaxred, boot a livecd and install grub03:16
maxredi can make this ?03:16
maxredand i can change the grube ?03:17
st__how to use IMAP folders in Evolution for spam etc,?03:17
Josac47im having problems with switching from xrandr - o right to xrandr -o normal. it ends up making my screen all messed up.03:17
maxredfirst only whit ubuntu ?03:17
vengeryes see google about chroot grub install from livecd03:17
shane-laptopif I have something in my .profile folder, then when I log in via ssh remotely, seems like it starts it up???03:18
KyoHello guys, I have a little question03:18
melkorJosac47: why are you using xrandr?03:18
spinehi, could anyone here help me with a grub issue?03:18
KyoI want to learn how to add servers to xchat03:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:18
Kyook got it03:18
maxredyou have a link for change the grub ?03:19
maxreda web page ?03:19
shane-laptop?help | thefatloverboy03:19
IdleOneKyo: click Xchat > Network List > Add03:19
shane-laptop!help | thefatloverboy03:19
ubottuthefatloverboy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:19
hiexpomaxred,  googleis your friend03:19
hiexpo^ google is03:19
spinehi, could anyone here help me with a grub issue?03:20
spinemy issue is explained here03:20
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu03:20
IdleOne!grub2 > maxred03:20
ubottumaxred, please see my private message03:20
hiexpospine,  !ask03:20
thefatloverboycuz now i cant03:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:20
spinewell my issue is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154397903:21
spineit's difficult to explain03:21
spinei'm stuck at the grub console as soon as i start my computer03:21
hiexpoi tryed to spare you   <03:21
saido u have any idea how to get multiple desktops in jolicloud03:22
thefatloverboyhow  can i open a cd in xubuntu?03:22
un214eject /dev/cdrom03:22
saiunder which option can i get these03:23
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shane-laptopspine: you need to boot off a liveCD via usb, and then restore grub from there03:24
thefatloverboyit doesnt work03:24
Andre_Gondimhow may I install a network wireless card in ubuntu server?03:24
shane-laptopspine: give me a minute and stop I will have a link on restoring grub2 via liveCD03:24
spinei have a live cd03:25
st__how to use IMAP folders in Evolution for spam etc,?03:25
spinei tried to do just what you said, but it seemed to make my issue worse03:25
MaRk-Ispine:  says for 9.10 but works for lucid too... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470803:25
spinedoing that has left me stuck at the grub console03:26
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu cuz now i cant ?03:26
spinelet me explain what happens03:26
spineone sec03:26
shane-laptopspine: if worse comes to worse, you will need to re-install Ubuntu, and it will fix your issue03:26
spineyeah i may need to03:26
spinei have 3 operating systems though03:27
shane-laptopspine: on a liveCD you should be able to run update-grub2 and I think that does it, I can't remember, grub2 is still new to me.03:27
Doorman352How do I put the network icon back on the top panel?03:27
vengerbind mount /dev, chroot and run grub-install/update-grub again03:27
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xbuntu bay a terminal ?03:27
shane-laptopspine: the amount of OS is really irrelevant, grub2 and even grub1 for that matter can handle as many as you have space for.03:28
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: what do you mean by open the cd??  You want to see the contents?03:28
spinei know03:28
spinei don't have an install cd for windows though, so i'd prefer not reinstalling everything03:28
shane-laptopspine: re-installing Ubuntu 'shouldn't' affect your windows instal03:29
Doorman352How can I put the network icon back on the top menu bar?03:29
xanguaDoorman352: alt+f2 > nm-applet > enter03:29
spinealright, running update-grub2 says "error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)03:29
shane-laptop!pm | thefatloverboy03:29
ubottuthefatloverboy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:29
xanguaDoorman352: also make sure you have the notification area in the panel03:29
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: are you on xubuntu?03:29
Wiesshundspine i break and reinstall ubuntu on a regular basis, it never has harmed windows03:29
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: does xubuntu have nautilus?03:30
thefatloverboyi dont know03:30
thefatloverboyhow can i know ?03:30
Doorman352xangua: That did it, my icons are all moved around and I was trying to move them to a specific place.... and BOOM!03:30
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: I'm not really that familiar with Xubuntu03:30
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: I have used it, but it was a while ago03:31
vengerthefatloverboy, is the drive mounted?03:31
spinerunning update-grub2 says "error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)03:31
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: in the terminal it shouldn't be that hard, if you don't mind using the terminal03:31
raindog308Quick Q: is it possible to use software raid (RAID1 specifically) when setting up ubuntu 10.04 *desktop*?03:31
raindog308by software raid I mean mdadm03:32
shane-laptopspine: ohh, probably because you are running via liveCD and the hdd is not mounted.03:32
Doorman352Thank You03:32
shane-laptopspine: mount the hdd, do you know how to do that?03:32
eliezerhow can i make a folder private or mabe lock it ?03:32
thefatloverboyyes that ś what i mean03:32
eliezerany apps for that03:32
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: cd /media/cdrom03:32
challmanfyi......I just fixed my own NON SYSTEM DISK boot problem. While reading http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000229.htm I stopped to check the BIOS. Apparently after the first drive failed, the BIOS defaulted to boot from an add-on card first. I changed the boot order to be the HDD and it fixed my problem.03:33
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: ls   will show you the contents03:33
spinemount the entire hard drive?03:33
spinehow do i do that03:33
shane-laptopspine: hmm, I think that is the problem03:33
Teekineliezer, it depends a bit on what exactly you mean. Access to your stuff is usually done by making your whole home directory readable only to your own user.03:33
spinewell i think it was mounted at one point03:33
shane-laptopspine: sudo fdisk -l  to show you all the partitions03:33
spineyep, i did that03:33
Teekineliezer, do you mean so that you need a password every time you open it or something like that?03:33
ZykoticK9eliezer, do you mean by encryption or just permissions?03:33
spinethe output of that is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154397903:34
thefatloverboyit doest exist03:34
shane-laptopspine: after you see the parition you want to mount, you need to make a mount point03:34
thefatloverboyin the terminal03:34
eliezerjust make it private with a lock03:34
spinewell, which partition do i want to mount?03:34
spinei want to be able to boot to all 3 OS's03:34
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: type:  mount    and hit return, to see if the cdrom is mounted look through the results to see if you can see it in the list and where it is mounted03:34
eliezeranything ease that let me lock a folder so no one can see03:35
spinei appear to have 8 partitions03:35
shane-laptopspine: right, once we get it figured out, I would gamble that grub will pick-up all three OS and you will be fine03:35
spinewell, what do i need to mount?03:35
shane-laptopspine: let me google up something03:35
spinei've been googling all day, but trying various things seems to have just made the issue worse for me03:35
thefatloverboyno it is not03:35
vengerspine, you'd mount your ubuntu partition and something like this would fix your issue;;  boot livecd then open terminal; sudo -s; mkdir /mnt/a; mount --bind /dev /mnt/a/dev; mount -t proc none /mnt/a/proc; chroot /mnt/a /bin/bash; grub-install /dev/sdX; update-grub03:35
Teekineliezer, yes, there are ways to do that. Other users than your own should not be able to read anything in your home directory. That's how it's dealt with normally. You need to say so if you need something more than that, or be more specific.03:36
spineone sec03:36
ZykoticK9spine, to chroot see the grub2 help file03:36
spinemkdir /mnt/a ?03:36
ZykoticK9!grub2 | spine03:36
ubottuspine: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:36
ubuserhello everyone i know this is a stupid question... but i am using ubuntu 5.10 on my pc at the house, and it doesnt have internet... and i was wondering what i need to download to be able to unzip files.. :)03:36
thefatloverboyit is not mounted03:37
spineugh too much info03:37
spineok, so first i need to mount my ubuntu partition?03:37
ubuserwhat program unzips files for ubuntu03:37
Darkclaw66anyone upgraded to the latest version of tinyproxy? it seems like it only listens on tcp6 and not tcp4. Anyone know how to fix that?03:37
shane-laptopspine: google has the answer:  http://maketecheasier.com/restore-grub-2-as-the-main-bootloader/2010/05/0503:37
xanguaubuser: 5.10 is not supported anymore, why not get the new version¿03:37
elitexrayHey spine why dont you use fedora?03:37
ZykoticK9ubuser, see if there is an unzip.deb for 5.10 floating around the internet.  good luck.03:37
ubuserjust unzip? ty03:38
IdleOneubuser: you already know 5.10 is no longer supported. check Synaptic for 7zip03:38
ubuserfound zsnes, and it works03:38
eliezeri dont need to imput any password at boot to use my pc is automatic login,,dont need to decrypt home directory at boot is disable03:38
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ubuseryeah, i have to use launchpad.net03:38
eliezerwhat i want is something like a folder lock03:38
un214wish I knew how much interest there is in getting rid of plymouth -- it seems to me that most people who have problems with plymouth have soved the by leaving ubuntu03:38
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: did you find your cdrom in that list?03:38
spinemy partitions all seem to be named /dev/sdc instead of /dev/sda now03:38
spineis there a reason for that?03:39
IdleOne!who > thefatloverboy03:39
ubottuthefatloverboy, please see my private message03:39
eliezeri share pc some times but have no users account,,just me03:39
shane-laptopspine: not really sure, just use the sdc instead of the sda, you don't have any usb drives plugged in right?03:39
Teekineliezer, I see.03:39
eliezerneed to lock some folders for privacy03:39
shane-laptopspine: besides the one you are booted off?03:39
Teekineliezer: Do you know how to use a terminal?03:39
ubuserif the architecture is amd64, will it work on i686?... dont fully understand all this03:39
spinecorrect, the only usb drive plugged in03:39
spineis the one with the live cd03:39
eliezernot much03:39
spinewhich i am running off of now03:39
un214spine: no03:39
eliezerbut i can try my best03:40
eliezerim not scare of terminal03:40
ubuserjust a question -.- i cant find any i686 stuff and im downloading i386 :)03:40
Teekineliezer: Okay, begin by going to this website, and downloading 'gpgdir': http://www.cipherdyne.org/gpgdir/03:40
ZykoticK9ubuser, no amd64 stuff will NOT run on x86 OS!03:40
shane-laptopspine: ok, then follow that page I posted, except, you will have to use sdc instead.03:40
ZykoticK9ubuser, in ubuntu i686=i38603:40
ubuserits got a checkmark on i38603:40
ubuseroh ok thx03:41
boingintalling linux error ubuntu is running in low-graphic mode03:41
spinei am following that now03:41
eliezerwich one03:41
ubusercant believe i got snes workin without internet03:41
spinewell i did that03:41
eliezerwich is the easy to install03:41
ZykoticK9boing, tell everyone what graphics card you have.  "lspci | grep -i vga" in a terminal if you aren't sure.03:41
Teekineliezer: Either one. (I use .tar.bz2 because it's smaller but it doesn't matter)03:41
ubuseron ub 5.103:42
spinetyping update-grub2 still gives me "error: cannot find a device for /"03:42
Teekineliezer: They both require a bit of terminal work.03:42
spinei did grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX03:42
ubuserno supportation for teh working 5.103:42
spinewith sdc03:42
ubuserglad this room exists :D03:42
boingZykoticK9, fresh install03:42
shane-laptopspine: did you mount sdc?03:42
spineand mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt03:42
eliezeris done i placed on desktop03:43
shane-laptopspine: any errors with sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdc5 ??03:43
boingi had ubuntu installed before so I know it works but i have the nvdida 330ms laptop card03:43
thefatloverboyi cant dont know why03:43
thefatloverboyopen any cd03:43
Teekineliezer: Hmm, I just realized you need a PGP key to do that...03:43
eliezerok so delet that ?03:44
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: are you sure your cd is working?  either the cd or the cdrom?03:44
spineok, if i do it with /dev/sdc there are no errors03:44
Teekineliezer: Yes.03:44
spineif i do it with /dev/sdc503:44
shane-laptopspine: type shane and hit tab, so I can see your typing to me03:44
thefatloverboyit ś new03:44
spinei get the error "attempting to install grub to a partition instead of the mbr. this is a very bad idea."03:44
shane-laptopspine: tab will complete the anem03:44
spineshane-laptop: i get "attempting to install grub to a partition"03:44
eliezerok well let me check on software center if they have something like it03:44
Teekineliezer: I think I know a better idea anyway.03:44
spineshane-laptop: which is apparently a bad idea03:44
eliezerand i come back if im not succed03:45
Teekineliezer: Well, okay.03:45
spineshane-laptop: so i believe it wants me to do it just to /dev/sdc...which apparently isn't mounted03:45
shane-laptopspine: ok, we want grub installed to the mbr, let me check, I would think it would be sdc, but let me check that.03:45
thefatloverboyand i install with it03:45
Wiesshundshane-laptop for what its worth, went through this yesterday on my own machine. even bind mounting and then chrooting didnt work. not sure what grub was pissy about.03:45
Teekineliezer: Sounds like a good plan.03:45
shane-laptopWiesshund: I haven't played with grub2 much, I was pretty good with grub103:45
ubusercan you zip .zips?03:45
shane-laptopWiesshund: seems as though it would be straight forward, but I guess still a little problematic03:46
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spineshane-laptop: if i try to do "mount /dev/sdc /mnt" as opposed to "mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt" i'm told that "according to mtab /dev/sdc5 is already mounted on /mnt"03:46
shane-laptopspine: right, you already have sdc5 mounted on mnt03:46
shane-laptopspine: just one sec, let me dig something up03:46
ZykoticK9ubuser, yes, but it won't make them any smaller, so it's kinda a waste.  Tar can be used to group multiple files into one if you want.03:46
Wiesshundshane-laptop from what i could tell grub2 needed to know a module for the etx4fs, and id no clue what module that was.03:47
rdw200169ubuser: i second ZykoticK9 's response03:47
shane-laptopWiesshund: hmm, that is odd, perhaps grub1 was easier. :)03:47
st__how to use IMAP folders in Evolution for spam etc,?03:47
Wiesshundshane-laptop i agree there, but grub2 is still semi new i guess03:47
ubuseri was putting them on a cd, i have over 100 files, but its not 700 megs so itll be alright i guess03:48
guest432How do I get into the boot options menu?  I've tried pressing esc and all the f keys and ctr + alt03:48
TomT64|zzzanyone know the option in XChat to NOT auto-rejoin if someone kicks you?03:48
ubuserwell 100 folders.zips.. over 7000 files :D03:48
eliezercame across this on website on my search   http://sunpoint.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/folder-lock-in-ubuntu/03:48
Wiesshundguest shift?03:48
eliezerim not sure03:48
ZykoticK9guest432, if you are using grub2 - HOLD the SHIFT key as computer starts03:48
eliezerit looks like a front end app for locking folders03:48
guest432ok, I'll try that03:48
thefatloverboyhow  can i open a cd in xubuntu03:49
eliezercan some one chek that for me03:49
guest432I'm using the latest install03:49
Wiesshundspine since i missed beginning of convo, what made grub die?03:49
eliezerTeekin i came across this on my web search  http://sunpoint.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/folder-lock-in-ubuntu/03:49
ZykoticK9guest432, so long as that is a fresh lucid and not an upgrade, then you are using grub203:50
shane-laptopspine: ok, I think this is it:  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdc03:50
eliezerneed recomendation i want it to be a normal program that i can see,,not terminal03:50
cappicardthis is getting freaking frustrating.... video keeps crashing flash in ubuntu... adobe's getting on my damn nerves03:50
guest432worked thx03:50
spineshane-laptop: that's what i typed03:50
shane-laptopWiesshund: well, for me it is a matter of re-learning what I knew in grub1, however grub2 has a lot more scripts that I really like, and auto detects OS much better.03:50
spineshane-laptop: that's what i've been doing all along03:50
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in a terminal ?03:51
ZykoticK9thefatloverboy, audio cd you mean?03:51
Wiesshundshane-laptop i broke mine fussing with logos and login screens, i accidently removed a line LOL03:51
shane-laptopspine: leave off the trailing slash03:51
shane-laptopspine: trailing slashes03:51
spinei see03:51
spinei'll try that, sec03:51
thefatloverboyno no one03:52
thefatloverboyi cant open no one03:52
shane-laptopspine: and the last part should be sdc not sdc503:52
spinesame error03:52
spineshane-laptop: same error, if i try "update-grub2" it says cannot find a device for /03:52
ubuserseems like half the super nintendo games are japanese lol03:52
shane-laptopspine: copy and paste this:  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdc03:53
shane-laptopspine: just to make sure it is right03:53
George_eHow long on average does it take to build a package I submitted to my PPA?03:53
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spineshane-laptop: pasted exactly like that, same error03:53
spineshane-laptop: still "is /dev mounted?"03:54
xanguaubuser: for supernes, yes they were half japanese03:54
Teekineliezer: Cryptkeeper *is* a graphical program.03:54
shane-laptopspine: sudo umount /mnt03:54
eliezeri got it03:54
shane-laptopspine: then pastebin the results of this:  sudo fdisk -l03:54
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eliezeris cool i manage to start a encrypted folder03:54
spineshane-laptop: ok03:54
eliezerease to use too03:54
Teekineliezer: The instructions on that page are just for terminal, not the program itself. Go To System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager if you want to install it graphically.03:54
boingi partition my drive for ubuntu but it is not showing showing /dev/sdb1 fat32  500106mb unknown03:54
Teekineliezer: Awesome! :)03:54
eliezerthanks for ur time03:54
Teekineliezer: Welcome! Good luck!03:54
shane-laptopspine: I don't like the way that one page said to mount directly in /mnt, that is bad form.03:55
shane-laptopspine: we are going to redo it the correct way.03:55
spineshane-laptop: http://pastebin.com/FmHtHG9a03:55
spinepretty sure /dev/sdb1 is my flash drive with the live disk03:56
vengerspine, running update-grub from livecd outside of a chroot isn't going to work either, if the grub-install was successful then why not try to boot?03:56
shane-laptopspine: ok, sudo mkdir /mnt/drive03:57
alexander_what's the command to compile a filename.cpp in the terminal?03:57
hanasakido the same drives work for RTL8169 RTL8169s?  what is the diff between the chips?03:57
spineshane-laptop: should i try what venger said?03:57
shane-laptopvenger: it wasn't successfull with the install03:57
spineshane-laptop: it's successful with the install, just not the update03:57
SecretDreamsPorque meu gerenciador de pacotes não abre mais arquivos tar.gz ?03:57
vengershane-laptop, according to his update regarding /dev/sdc and not /dev/sdc5 - it was03:57
SecretDreamsquando executo ele me retorna esse erro03:57
SecretDreamsalgm sab?03:58
shane-laptopspine: ohh, the grub-install worked?03:58
spineshane-laptop: yes, it said "installation finished. no error reported."03:58
spineshane-laptop: just if i try to do update-grub or update-grub2 it says it's not mounted03:58
shane-laptopspine: oh, then you are probably good to go03:58
ubuserif i have 100's of zip files, is it better to extract them and put them in 1 zip, will that make it smaller i mean??03:58
spineshane-laptop: i have a feeling it's still gonna be broken, but i will try rebooting03:58
shane-laptopvenger: how did I miss that?03:58
spineshane-laptop: one second03:58
vengershane-laptop, <spine> ok, if i do it with /dev/sdc there are no errors03:58
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu03:58
shane-laptopvenger: lol, I missed that!03:59
Wiesshundthefatloverboy i would assume put a cd in, but might ask in #xubuntu03:59
xanguaubuser: better use 7zip bor better compression03:59
ubuserif i have 100 roms in there own zip file would it make them smaller if i put them in 1 zip03:59
Wiesshundthefatloverboy there wont normaly be an open cd drive button for an empty drive03:59
ubuserextracting them to a folder first then zipping the folder04:00
TeekinWow, a noob just pointed me out to an awesome program when I was trying to help him doing it....04:00
spineshane-laptop: k, booting now04:00
Teekin...cryptkeeper is pretty bloody fantastic.04:00
guest432I have an nvidia graphics card, is nomodeset the best driver to use?04:00
thefatloverboybut it is not empty04:00
shane-laptopspine: so that worked then04:00
guest432I'm getting a blank monitor04:00
thefatloverboyi cant open no one04:00
spineshane-laptop: nope, false alarm04:00
Wiesshundubuser yes, slightly smaller04:00
spineshane-laptop: it says "gave up waiting for root device"04:00
spineshane-laptop: and i'm now in busybox/initramfs04:00
shane-laptopspine: hmm, that is odd that your primary drive is sdc, I find that odd, none the less, let's re-hash this out again04:01
spineshane-laptop: and it says alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/lots of numbers does not exist04:01
Wiesshundthefatloverboy do you see the cd on your desktop? right click it and pick unmount or eject04:01
spineshane-laptop: go back to the live cd?04:01
shane-laptopspine: yep, lets boot back up in live cd04:01
thefatloverboyno i cant see it04:01
Wiesshundthefatloverboy and it doesnt appear in nautilus?04:02
thefatloverboybut if i play something i can see it04:02
shane-laptopthefatloverboy: have you tested the cd in a different computer or something, it should automount and ask what you want to open it with04:02
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vengershane-laptop, if he selected bios boot menu (F8 typically) to boot specific device it will typically rename the devices04:02
thefatloverboyand it ś ok04:02
geowanyHey People! Do you know a file manager, gtk like krusader?04:03
Wiesshundthefatloverboy do you see the cd in nautilus? and perhaps the drive on this pc in question is dirty or failing and not reading the cd04:03
shane-laptopvenger: really?  does that cause any issues for installing grub?04:03
geowanyexcept "gnome-commander"04:03
Loshkiubuser: in theory, you can get better compression by combining them into one big zip, but the difference would typically be small, and outweighed by the convenience (or lack of it) of having the files separate. If you have enough space, try it both ways and see which gives better results...04:03
spineshane-laptop: alright, in the live cd04:03
shane-laptopspine: I'm referencing this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1014708  fyi04:04
Wiesshundshane-laptop yes causes many issues, if you dont know what device.map for grub to load.04:04
vengershane-laptop, UID should work around it if its still enabled04:04
vengershane-laptop, then again he said he had uid errors04:04
thefatloverboyno  im trying with many cds04:04
thefatloverboyand no one04:04
shane-laptopvenger: I remember when UID came out, I hated it, I loved the simple sda5 stuff04:04
spineshane-laptop: ok04:05
Wiesshundthefatloverboy sounds like the cd drive you got there is going kaput?04:05
shane-laptopvenger: it was simpler, but I can see with the technology why they went to uid stuff04:05
Bersamhi every body :D i have some problem with my ubuntu ... i lost my partion /home and make another one and new user ... but my new user can't auto mounting my devices (like my ipodtouch)04:05
thefatloverboybut it is new04:05
Bersamnew user has administrator access04:05
spineshane-laptop: for some odd reason, all of my devices have changed back to /dev/sda as opposed to sdc04:05
spineshane-laptop: not sure what was up with that...guess we can try it with sda now though04:05
shane-laptopspine: ok,04:05
Wiesshundshane-laptop that was part of my issue, my bios reorders the hdds according to what boot order they are set up for, regardless of thier physical order.04:06
thefatloverboyi just got for 30 days04:06
thefatloverboyit is new04:06
st__how to use IMAP folders in Evolution for spam etc,?04:06
shane-laptopWiesshund: did you ever get it fixed?04:06
Bersami have it on my lsusb : Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05ac:1299 Apple, Inc. and now want to auto mounting this access again :)04:06
Bersamwhat should i do ?04:06
shane-laptopWiesshund: by all means chime in, you have wrestled this beast for a few days and seem a little more familiar with the issue.04:06
Wiesshundthefatloverboy new doesnt always mean non broke though. if cd reads in everything but that drive, its probably a bad drive. test drive on another pc?04:06
vengerspine, your livecd is lucid right?04:07
shane-laptopspine: can you re-pastebin the sudo fdisk -l04:07
thefatloverboyi did it04:07
spineshane-laptop: ok04:07
thefatloverboyand it ś ok04:07
thefatloverboybut no in this one04:07
KE1HAst__, http://wazem.blogspot.com/2007/10/hot-to-configure-imap-on-evolution-and.html04:07
Wiesshundshane-laptop unfortunately the best solution i can give though is helping him backup what he needs to save fromt he unbuntu partition, and letting the ubuntu liveCD install back into that existing partition without format.04:07
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:08
spinevenger: yes, it is lucid04:08
spinevenger: definitely the newest version04:08
thefatloverboyand in this one with ubuntu but no with xubuntu04:08
shane-laptopWiesshund: uugg.04:08
shane-laptopWiesshund: I get the idea, that he probably doesn't have a lot on the ubuntu part, but we will give it one more try04:08
Wiesshundshane-laptop actualy the reinstall took 10 minutes, and i pulled hair out for hours, and i found that i lost nothing except normal system updates04:08
spineshane-laptop: http://pastebin.com/hDyQkyRT04:09
spineshane-laptop: it seems it assigned my usb drive /dev/sdc and my hard drive /dev/sda04:09
KE1HAst__, also, google for Bogofilter and SpamAssassin.04:09
shane-laptopspine: I'm told that is due to boot order04:09
shane-laptopspine: sudo mkdir /mnt/drive04:09
shane-laptopspine: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/drive04:10
shane-laptopspine sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/drive /dev/sda04:10
spineshane-laptop: ok04:10
Qiangquick question. i am trying to mount a windows ntfs partition and getting error saying NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. however, the fdisk -l shows that /dev/sda1   *           1        9407    75561696    7  HPFS/NTFS    , any ideas?04:11
BitEncrypt file04:11
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
Wiesshundshane-laptop it seemed from trying to manualy boot the kernel from grub, and playing with grubs prober etc, that 1) I needed to know the drive.map that was created for grub during the initial install. (hell if i could find it) 2) I needed to know what module grub should load for the ext4fs (and hell if i knew which module that was either)04:11
un214I abandoned grub after discovering that grub is more unstable than lilo due to assuming fs uuids don't change04:11
BitEncryptwhat would i type into the terminal to search for a file04:11
spineshane-laptop: did that, says installation finished no errors04:11
vengershane-laptop, spine, i'd also do the chroot so you can run update-grub04:11
spinevenger: how do i do that?04:12
shane-laptopvenger: yes, that is what I was thinking04:12
Wiesshundun214 oh now you tell us. lol04:12
st__Qiang, fdisk shows only partition type, it doesn't detect filesystem04:12
KE1HABitEncrypt, try "find" .. http://content.hccfl.edu/pollock/unix/findcmd.htm04:12
Qiangst__:  what do you mean? it shows /dev/sda1   *           1        9407    75561696    7  HPFS/NTFS , that is NTFS right there..04:12
un214Wiesshund: I've had to remove all references to fs uuids from more than one system04:13
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shane-laptopspine: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/drive04:13
thefatloverboyany idea04:13
shane-laptopspine: oops, we already did that04:13
spineshane-laptop: yeah we did04:13
vengeruse what i posted earlier as a basis -> sudo -s; mkdir /mnt/a; mount --bind /dev /mnt/a/dev; mount -t proc none /mnt/a/proc; chroot /mnt/a /bin/bash; grub-install /dev/sdX; update-grub04:13
WiesshundQiang that is the partition type, but not the actual filesystem on it per say04:13
spineshane-laptop: question is how to chroot04:13
texastwisterQiang: What fstab shows is a partition label, that may (or may not) accurately indicate the FS on the partition04:13
spinevenger: er, if i already mounted04:13
spinevenger: should i unmount it or what?04:14
shane-laptopspine: next one:  sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/drive/dev04:14
texastwisterQiang: try blkid to see if it detects a fs on that partition.04:14
spineshane-laptop: alright04:14
shane-laptopspine: sudo mount -t proc none /mnt/driv/proc04:14
Qiangtexastwister: will try, thanks.04:14
shane-laptopspine: sudo chroot /mnt/drive /bin/bash04:14
Drak0zHiya guys. Anyone here with some experience in Xen and KVM? I'm having trouble mounting my old Xen image (And it's 05:15 and I'm getting frustrated ^^ )04:14
shane-laptopspine sudo update-grub204:14
texastwisterDrak0z: a little, fire away...04:15
st__that article doesn't answer my questions, I need to have Trash ans Spam folders to be on server04:15
shane-laptopspine: that should do it.04:15
Wiesshundspine youve got do /mount --bind /tmp/proc /proc same for /dev /sys before chrooting, atleast that is what i read on attempting a grub recovery04:15
spineshane-laptop: k, did all that...it found a bunch of linux images, then said "cannot find list of partitions" then said "done"04:15
shane-laptopvenger: I would think since the installation worked, we just need to update it04:16
spineshane-laptop: should i just try rebooting and seeing what happens?04:16
shane-laptopspine: can you paste bin the output?04:16
spineshane-laptop: yeah one sec04:16
vengeryes i just pasted that from earlier04:16
Drak0ztexastwister: My server was running CentOS+Xen, the images were LVM based. I reinstalled the thing because Xen was b0rking. Now I'm trying to get the old image(s) to work again but running into the wall called LVM04:16
shane-laptopvenger: ok04:16
Qiangtexastwister: blkid doesn't list sda1 there. what should I do next?04:16
shane-laptopvenger: I scipted out my chrooting so it is documented for me. :)04:16
KC_hey every104:17
Drak0ztexastwister: In short, how in the @#$ can I make the 'old' Xen image usable as KVM image (if possible at all)04:17
texastwisterDrak0z: are you still using xen?  Or KVM.  With Xen images I think you'll still have to use Xen unless there is a converter someone else knows about.04:17
spineshane-laptop: http://pastebin.com/KJisXUzN04:17
KC_why does it say ubuntu 64 bit version is not recommended for daily desktop usage?04:17
jinxzsi have so many question about ubuntu. just minutes ago i had it install04:17
guest432I want to use the nomodeset drivers, would I just type "nomodeset" in the command list from grub version 1.98-1ubuntu5 ?04:18
texastwisterQiang: back to you in a few...04:18
Qiangtexastwister: yea.. that's fine.04:18
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu ?04:18
Drak0ztexastwister: I'm not using Xen anymore.. I read somewhere that it was 'easy' to convert to KVM if you'd just install a normal kernel on the host images (so I installed the kernel, unmounted, backed up, installed ubuntu and thought I'd be done somewhere 12 hours ago)04:18
Wiesshundthefatloverboy we told you04:18
texastwisterDrak0z: I heard something about a xen to KVM converter in the works, but don't know if it is ready or where to get it.  I think it was fedora devs working on it.04:18
shane-laptopspine: try and reboot lets see, that is odd that it cannot find partitions, I'm not sure that is normal04:19
thefatloverboyno you all didnt04:19
spineshane-laptop: we'll find out i guess04:19
thefatloverboyi still have the problem04:19
Drak0ztexastwister: I'll see what I can find, it's at least a new set of keywords for google which I haven't used before :)04:19
poopsmithdo not fear the poopsmith is herre04:19
Wiesshundthefatloverboy something is probably wrong with the drive then if you cant mount it04:20
jinxzshelp how to make my resolution smaller04:20
shane-laptopspine: if it doesn't work, Wiesshund says he re-installed, and didn't format the root partition and it fixed everything in about 20min, that would probably be the easiest route if this doesn't work,04:20
alexander_I'm trying to run a "hello world" java program and I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/472049/04:20
Culeropoopsmith: I feel safer knowing you're here04:20
redvilis there a backup app in ubuntu that can also restore installed softwares like the one they have for Mint 9?04:20
shane-laptopspine: of course, backup your info first as always.04:20
KC_why does it say ubuntu 64bit is not recommend for daily desktop usage??04:20
vengershane-laptop, he may need to pull up the drive from livecd in gparted to see if it complains04:20
shane-laptopspine: it shouldn't touch your Windows7 stuff, just like the original install04:20
texastwisterQiang: was there supposed to be data already there?  Or are you preparing the partition for use?04:20
spineshane-laptop: mm well04:20
spineshane-laptop: i got the same problem, except windows 7 is no longer listed in grub04:20
Wiesshundspine since your chrooted, you can simply move anything you want to save into /home. installation wont touch /home what so ever04:20
thefatloverboywell im  going to bay a new one04:21
jinxzsplease help me04:21
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thefatloverboythanks to all of you04:21
shane-laptopvenger: like perhaps there are drive errors, or partition errors?04:21
texastwisterKC_: Probably mostly a legacy recommendation from when 64 bit had some glitches.  I've been living in 64 bit for more than a year with no probs.04:21
=== poopsmith is now known as ZePoopsmith
KC_thanks texas04:22
vengershane-laptop, yes expecially if an resizing and partitioning had occured just prior04:22
shane-laptopvenger: seems odd to me that it shows sda1 as unknown, unless it is a hidden restoration partition04:22
texastwisterjinxzs: what's your need?04:22
Guest60249hey, anyone dual-booted OS X and ubuntu?04:22
thefatloverboysee you04:22
WiesshundKC i ran 64, it ran absolutely fine. only problem i had is i idnt have the ram to run many apps at the same time. aside from that i thought it was flawless04:22
KC_im thinking of grabbing ubuntu im win7 user and sick of security issues, does ubuntu have security issues?04:22
spineshane-laptop: i think i better just reinstall everything04:22
shane-laptopspine: what was the 3rd os you installed?04:22
* ZePoopsmith scratches his gentitals04:22
jinxzs@texastwister i got soooo big resolution. i hate it.04:22
Qiangtexastwister: i am on a dual win/linux system.. under win, there are two partition (C and D) now i can see the D drive but not the C.  sda1 should be the C, I suspect.04:22
tikKC_: just local exploits mostly.. you can configure the firewall to block everything04:23
guest432to use the nomodeset drivers, can I type "nomodeset" in the command menu on grub2?04:23
vengershane-laptop, i've seen them on dell laptops04:23
KC_what about hard drives, i have many hard drives fail over the years with win7, experience this much with ubuntu04:23
shane-laptopvenger: I'm no good at partition table restoratoin, I have messed with that before.04:23
spineshane-laptop: i installed windows 7 first, then ubuntu, then backtrack04:23
Guest60249trying to figure out whether to boot os x + ubuntu both from chameleon, or both from grub04:23
WiesshundKC if it has an end user and it isnt an old world apple, said enuser can create thier own security issues. but its way way way harder on linux to do that. hehe04:23
tikKC_: win7 hasnt been out for years04:23
ZePoopsmithis there a mac os x type dock available for ubuntu? similiar to rocketdock for win?04:23
texastwisterjinxzs: Do you mean your resolution is really large (details are small) or the resolution is low (everything is big)?04:24
KC_i mean windows in general haha04:24
shane-laptopspine: backtrack??? what is it?  a Linux distro?04:24
spineshane-laptop: when installing backtrack it wasn't letting me resize my partitions, saying sda5 was in use04:24
spineshane-laptop: backtrack is a linux distro yes04:24
vengershane-laptop, my idea of restoration would be to blow it away.  i think he would at least spot check for going and reinstalling on the current scheme04:24
redvilis there a backup app in ubuntu that can also restore installed softwares like the one they have for Mint 9?04:24
Guest60249@ZePoopsmith try Cairo Dock04:24
tikshane-laptop: its for lamers who want to crack WEP04:24
shane-laptopspine: ahh, there is the issue there, seems as though your partition tables are not quite right04:24
jinxzs@texastwister it says something nvidia problem04:24
xanguaZePoopsmith: docky 2, avant, cairo dock04:24
jinxzsand i dont know how to do it04:24
esjI really need some help getting my grub resetup04:25
shane-laptoptik: no wonder I have never heard of it, I have heard and tried a lot of distros out there.04:25
texastwisterQiang: Have you booted to the Win installation recently?  I'm concerned that you may have lost data... If blkid doesn't see it...04:25
Guest60249@jinxzs what04:25
Guest60249is the error message04:25
spinetik: i just wanted to run some security tests on my home network04:25
ZePoopsmithxangua, thanks how about something to put gadgets on desktop?04:25
xanguagdesklets ZePoopsmith04:25
un214I was told back in march that removing plymouth was simply a longer way to pain when I got bit by some early bugs that made it not work right (no failover for no fbcon).04:25
un214Well I had to remove it in the end anyway and now anybody else who needed it has left04:25
un214so I can't get real support for removing the abomination anyway.04:25
PeterDrophello, some p2p programa to suggest, iam looking something like ares for win04:25
Wiesshundspine well ubuntu is secure, it locked you right the heck out ;)04:25
shane-laptopspine: I think backtrack really botched your install, and partition tables, I'm not sure04:25
esjreinstalled windows but none of the instructions will work04:26
texastwisterjinxzs: Can you go to System|Admin| Hardware drivers?04:26
ZePoopsmithxangua, thanks.. looks like ubuntu will be alot easier to clone osx look than windows.04:26
spineshane-laptop: yeah, i'm pretty sure it did04:26
esjinstructions for grub reinstall that is04:26
texastwisterjinxzs: Do you see an nvidia driver activated?04:26
spineshane-laptop: this isn't so bad actually, i wanted to try ubuntu netbook edition anyway04:26
Wiesshundun214 you dont like plymouth?04:26
un214it doesn't bloody work04:26
un214that enough for you?04:26
=== esj is now known as lampliter
shane-laptopspine: yeah, it has some screen optimizations, it is nice04:26
jinxzs@texastwister it has NVIDIA Xserver settings04:26
Wiesshundun214 er define doesnt work? cause mine does04:27
spineshane-laptop: so, should i delete my current linux partitions or what?04:27
Wiesshundspine if you dont want to save anything feel free to kill them off04:27
spineshane-laptop: if my windows 7 one is lost it's not a big deal...it came with it and i haven't even used it, but i kind of wanted to keep it in case i had a future compatability issue04:27
ZePoopsmithcan i get ubuntu in 16-bit version???04:27
un214I'll bet you don't have driver issues that require ripping out fbcon04:27
spineyeah wiesshund i only had a few text files i wanted to save, there's nothing valuable on this hard drive at all. i just got this netbook about 5 days ago.04:27
shane-laptopspine: I'm not 100% sure, but if your partition tables are really messed up, you may lose windows 7 too, I'm not sure04:28
texastwisterjinxzs: That's not what I asked.  In the Hardware drivers tool, is the driver activated?04:28
un214the fallback mode has some nasty bugs of its own04:28
st__how to use GMAIL IMAP folders in Evolution for spam and Trash?04:28
ZePoopsmithcan i get ubuntu in 16-bit version???04:28
lampliterhow do I fix my grub configuration if I can not boot a live cd?04:28
un214and mountall tries to fsck two partitons of the same disk at the same time04:28
shane-laptopspine: 5 days ago, you didn't mess around, 5 days, 3 OS and botched partition tables, not bad!04:28
spineshane-laptop: haha yep04:28
spineshane-laptop: i'm completely new to linux04:28
shane-laptopspine: I bought a dell mini with Ubuntu installed, but I knew what I was getting into, I have used Linux for quite a while now.04:29
xanguast__: you can configure what folders do you want to sync in gmail configuration04:29
spineshane-laptop: sad that dell apparently has discontinued ubuntu04:29
ZePoopsmithcan i get ubuntu in 16-bit version???04:29
spineshane-laptop: linux is so much nicer than windows, except for games anyway04:29
shane-laptopspine: well, I have botched so many installs in isn't funny, but that was with grub104:29
texastwisterZePoopsmith: no, are you serious?  Last 16 bit computer in common use was what, the 286?04:29
Qiangtexastwister: i doubt it though. I just installed ubuntu lucid recently and from the beginning I can only see the D drive but not the C drive. and I used win system two days ago.04:29
Wiesshundun214 your right ive had no issues with uvesafb04:29
shane-laptopspine: certainly faster04:29
spineshane-laptop: yeah04:29
jinxzs@texastwister i think its not. i cant view the whole window of it its so big it cant fit in my monitor04:29
Qiangtexastwister: any other things I should check?04:29
ZePoopsmithtexastwister, yeah I have an oldd 286 i want 2 put ubuntu on it04:30
texastwisterspine: misinformation -- I work at dell and can confirm it's not discontinued.04:30
Culerolinux has been quite the relentless bitch, especially if you're learning like I am04:30
shane-laptopspine: simple, but additctive fun linux game, bzflag04:30
shane-laptopspine: drive tanks around with other people and shoot-em  greatest thing, real players, now computers.04:30
st__what? I have two spam and trash folders, and ones special from Evolution are nonfunctional04:30
Wiesshundtexastwister how come they took it off the order pages?04:30
lamplitera bigger bitch is dealing with grub.04:30
shane-laptopspine: not*04:30
spineshane-laptop: i've played bzflag in school on linux actually, when our computer course had us all linux as an end of year project. we only had about 5 days to use it though and didn't learn much beyond basic commands04:30
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:31
Culerospine: Hedgewars is also fun, just like Worms04:31
texastwisterQiang: I'm at a loss... No other ideas...04:31
ZePoopsmithtexastwister, does dell still offer the xps 700 mobo replacement04:31
shane-laptopspine: simple, but fun, I'm not into those intense learn the game for 3 weeks04:31
hackerswamidoes ubuntu even work on 286?04:31
jinxzs@texastwister if i go to hardware driver there is 3 options 173,96 and recommended one. but i cant see the button below04:31
Qiangtexastwister:  ok, thank you.04:31
texastwisterjinxzs: green ball by the recommended one?04:32
spineshane-laptop: alright, i think i just want to wipe my entire hard drive and start from scratch, what do you recommend?04:32
un214Wiesshund: what got on my nerves was the developers claiming corner cases to my issues when it turned out that any install other than single partiton had serious bugs.04:32
Wiesshundhackerswami no modern linux works on an 80286 they dont have the ability to address the memory areas required for one04:32
shane-laptopspine: try to keep windows7 if you want, wipe everything else04:33
un214I now have reason to beleve the developers of upstart/mountall/plymouth do not understand unix04:33
Drak0ztexastwister: Too bad you're right about the xen -> kvm still being in development04:33
Wiesshundun214 :( that sucks, shame. i made custom boot and login screens etc04:33
shane-laptopspine: perhaps only your extended partitions were messed up.04:33
spineshane-laptop: alright. should i use gparted?04:33
Wiesshundhackerswami best you can do on a 286 is look for an old copy of minix or sqIrle04:33
un214Wiesshund: all its ever been to me is pain so its gone now04:33
guest432How do I get the nomodeset drivers to run, I'm in the command menu on grub204:34
un214I pulled sysvinit from debian04:34
texastwisterWiesshund: Can't speak authoritatively for Dell, but I've heard it was kind of an issue where "the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing"... Not intentional.  Will look for a link for you...04:34
shane-laptopspine: someone recommened that, perhaps it would tell you if the partition tables are messed up, I'm not really sure04:34
hackerswamiyes.  I thought so too... btw, the actual question was from ZePoopsmith04:34
Wiesshundspine you just going to wipe and do a new install?04:34
texastwisterDrak0z: There's a kvm channel here, did you ask there?04:34
vengerspine, or pastebin sfdisk -l04:34
spinewiesshund: yes, but i'd like to keep my windows 7 partition if possible04:34
Drak0ztexastwister: I'm in there too, but it's earily quiet over there.. I can hear the crickets chirp04:35
Wiesshundspine its a netbook, no cd drive right?04:35
KE1HAhackerswami, Have a look here: http://elks.sourceforge.net/introduction.html04:35
spinewiesshund: correct, but i have 2 usb drives which i can use to burn OS's04:35
spinewiesshund: except windows 7 of course04:35
Wiesshundspine there are 2 partitions on it, should have odd lables, dont touch them. thats your win7 disk and emergency boot partition04:36
shane-laptopvenger: wow, sfdisk is like fdisk on steroids. :)04:36
spineshane-laptop: yeah i seem to have 3 ntfs partitions04:36
hackerswamithanks KE1HA.  good info04:36
spineer, wiesshund04:36
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vengerDrak0z, i'd use kvm if those iommu emulation patches ever make it in04:36
texastwisterFor those who were asking about Ubuntu and dell: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs   You can always find that page at http://www.dell.com/ubuntu04:36
spineshane-laptop: my ntfs partitions are labeled "system" "[hard drive model name, numbers/letters]" and "HDDRECOVERY"04:37
Wiesshundspine the biggest ntfs partition is win7 installation. the 2 smallers ones are a emergency boot partition, and the ISO of the win7 dvd04:37
shane-laptopspine: I'm pretty sure that your sda1 partition is a win7 restoration partition04:37
spineyeah you're right wiesshund04:37
spineshane-laptop: sda1 is labeled system, sda2 is the biggest and has windows 7 i believe, and sda3 is hddrecovery, probably put on there by toshiba04:38
spineshane-laptop: i think sda1 contains the windows mbr or something, it has a flag called "boot"04:38
Wiesshundspine what size is sda104:38
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shane-laptopspine: ohh, that could be, I'm out of the windows loop, I have windows vista on this laptop, but don't remember the last time it was booted04:38
spinewiesshund: sda1 has 500 mb/1.46 gb04:39
Drak0zvenger: I'm trying to use KVM because Xen has a few showstopping bugs04:39
texastwisterjinxzs: Can you get to a command prompt?04:39
vengerDrak0z, such as high cpu/load hangs? :)04:40
spineshane-laptop: alright, so should i just delete every extended partition i have?04:40
nodethenickHello, My system is a Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Gnome edition version.04:40
nodethenickI made  the mistake of use the following command on the binarie below:04:40
Drak0zvenger: Aye, and randomly changing macaddresses which kill the network of my guests on reboots04:40
nodethenick  $ sudo chmod -v -u user -g user -rxXt /sbin/shutdown04:40
shane-laptopspine: I would and if you want to keep win7, just keep those paritions04:40
nodethenickNow, the shutdown command isn't recognized by the shell invocation... is there anyway to fix it?04:40
nodethenickThanks very much in advance04:40
FloodBot1nodethenick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
Wiesshundspine i believe, that sda1 is the recovery OS, sda3 is of course the win7 iso. you can mount sda1 and look at it to get a clue before you install04:40
jinxzs@texastwister do you mean in the terminal?04:40
texastwisterjinxzs: if so, try sudo nvidia-settings -r04:41
texastwisterjinxzs: yes04:41
Drak0zvenger: I've been using a KVM setup on a different server and it's much more stable (still a few bugs, but it's actually usable)04:41
spineshane-laptop: it says i need to unmount the partitions first04:41
spineshane-laptop: is there an easy way to umount everything at once?04:41
vengerDrak0z, changing even when hard specifying it?04:41
Drak0zvenger: Now I'm trying to get my old Xen images to run on KVM and I think I'm going to cry in a few04:41
guest432I'm stuck, I just installed Lucid Lynx and it won't boot up04:41
shane-laptopspine: oh, we are still in live cd, just run: sudo unmount /mnt/drive04:41
Drak0zvenger: Yup, Xen appears to forget those hard settings every so often.. Not évery reboot, that's what makes it hard and frustrating04:42
texastwisterDrak0z: you know you can still run xen if you need to?04:42
shane-laptopspine: ohh, wait, we were chrooted, I think we have to unmount proc and dev04:42
Wiesshundspine im basing that off of the normal routine for dell/toshiba/sony/gateway/compaq/etc when they dont ship actualy cd's and or cd drives with a given machine. there is usualy a diagnostic partition, and an OS restoration image in a partition04:42
jinxzs@texastwister nothings happen if i type that in to terminal04:42
shane-laptopspine: sudo unmount /mnt/drive/proc && unmount /mnt/drive/dev && unmount /mnt/drive04:42
spineshane-laptop: ok04:42
Drak0ztexastwister: I'm afraid I must then.. I'd rather be using KVM because of the bugs in Xen, but I've been trying to get that crap working the whole weekend04:42
shane-laptopspine: I think you were in root, so just drop that sudo04:43
spineshane-laptop: is it umount or unmount?04:43
vengerDrak0z, then i suppose you are using xenstore instead of the regular text .cfg for configuration?04:43
spineshane-laptop: i think it's umount04:43
shane-laptopspine: umount, my bad04:43
texastwisterjinxzs: What if you run sudo nvidia-settings?04:43
shane-laptopspine: getting late for me.04:43
spineshane-laptop: ok04:43
Wiesshundshane-laptop thats ok know how many times i type unmount in the console?04:43
shane-laptopWiesshund: lol, been there done that!04:44
Wiesshundlooking at prompt thinking wth yoo mean you dont know the command unmount !@!#%!04:44
jinxzs@texastwister it says No command 'run' found, did you mean:04:45
jinxzs Command 'zrun' from package 'moreutils' (universe)04:45
jinxzs Command 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-heavy' (main)04:45
jinxzs Command 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-light' (main)04:45
jinxzs Command 'runq' from package 'sendmail-bin' (universe)04:45
jinxzs Command 'grun' from package 'grun' (universe)04:45
FloodBot1jinxzs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:45
shane-laptopWiesshund: someone should link unmount to umount on all *Buntu systems.04:45
texastwisterjinxzs: No, just : "sudo nvidia-settings"04:45
Wiesshundjinxzs by run he meant type sudo blah blah and hit enter04:45
jinxzs@texastwister it open the window of Nvidia x server settings04:47
Wiesshundshane-laptop or atleast have the error message be comical, like "Hell no umount it"04:47
sorta-noobI have a problem with 8.10 and an IBM space saver keyboard... It's starting sessions with numlock on, and the numlock key won't turn it off. This is an issue because then 1/2 the letters are now numbers so I can't do much of anything. I need an idea for getting it turned off from console (editing a session config file maybe?).04:47
Drak0zvenger: I'm using plain textfile actually, Xen just appears to ignore that every so often04:47
linksysusb300nhopefully i can get some help04:47
shane-laptopWiesshund: if that is an iso partition, in all technicality, he could make that a bootable usb to have and install win704:47
texastwisterjinxzs: can you use that to change your resolution?04:47
linksysusb300nneed the driver04:47
spine[23:44] mr1004: i literally walked through the door 40 minutes ago and haven't even checked my email yet..04:48
spine[23:44] mr1004: i'll get back to you guys when i get some time04:48
spinewhoops, wrong paste04:48
jinxzs@texastwister i dont know how to set it up. can you guide me04:48
vengerDrak0z, i haven't seen that on 4.0+04:48
spineshane-laptop: it won't let me delete my swap partitions apparently04:48
Wiesshundshane-laptop its not a normal win7 ISO though, its an ISO of the installed FS. a mirror of the new HDD04:48
shane-laptopWiesshund: but still it would be a complete restore usb04:48
linksysusb300nall i need now is a driver  that nswrapper can work with for the linksys04:49
Drak0zvenger: Did you experience random network timeouts then?04:49
shane-laptopspine: hmm, shouldn't be a problem04:49
vengerspine, sudo swapoff04:49
texastwisterjinxzs: On the left side, see an entry for "X Server Display Configuration"?04:49
Wiesshundshane-laptop all the recovery does is remake the partition scheme it shipped with, format it, and extract the iso to it, no actual installation04:49
Drak0zvenger: My guestnetwork also sometimes just dies, after ifconfigging it looks like the mac changed -while running- (And no, I did not define more than one macaddress or something silly like that :) )04:49
jeeves_Mosshow can I fix this error?  http://pastebin.com/vy7A2YSZ04:49
shane-laptopWiesshund: ahh, ok.04:49
jinxzs@texastwister yea i can see it04:50
spinevenger: i still get "refusing to delete a protected partition" i am using the ubuntu disk utility, btw04:50
Wiesshundshane-laptop yea kind of dumb, but they dont give real OS cd's if they can help it. perhaps thier license doesnt allow it, unsure04:50
vengerDrak0z, not that i am aware of but i've only been using xen in a dev capacity for a number of months.  i too have a few bugs that have kept me from putting it in a regular use capacity04:50
linksysusb300nanyone know a driver for the  marvel 88w 8360 topdog usb ?04:50
Wiesshundspine youve rebooted off a liveUSB or somethign correct?04:50
shane-laptopWiesshund: right, they got pretty tight about the cd stuff, back in XP days04:50
texastwisterjinxzs: click that, and look at the right side of the window, see a square window with a resolution and monitor name?04:51
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: the question is what did you do to get such an error?  what package did you manually install?04:51
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: or remove?04:51
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, I just did a package update04:51
linksysusb300nanyone ?04:52
FloodBot1abhijit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
spinewiesshund: yes04:52
jinxzs@texastwister yea i can see it it has only  auto .640/48 and 320/24004:52
Wiesshundspine you have rebooted the machine from the USB right? dont have nothing chrooted etc any more?04:52
KC_linux mint vs ubuntu ? which should i install?04:52
spineshane-laptop: ok, i've deleted all the logical partitions within my extended partition. should i also delete the entire extended partition?04:52
sorta-noobI have a problem with 8.10 and an IBM space saver keyboard... It's starting sessions with numlock on, and the numlock key won't turn it off. This is an issue because then 1/2 the letters are now numbers so I can't do much of anything. I need an idea for getting it turned off from console (editing a session config file maybe?). Normally I'd have done a lot of web searching before coming here, but04:52
sorta-noobtrying to google with lynx in an 80x25 console is a pain, and I really can't do anything in the gui until this is fixed...04:52
texastwisterjinxzs: does it show a monitor name?04:52
spinewiesshund: correct. i was able to delete the swap partitions now.04:52
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: run: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update04:53
abhijitKC_, see distrowatch04:53
vengerspine, i'd delete everything then reboot before creating04:53
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, tried that.  same error04:53
Wiesshundspine ok cool. you can delete everything but the system and recovery partitions, rest of the drive is fair game.04:53
texastwisterKC_: Not enough info... there is no perfect distro for all purposes...04:53
Wiesshundspine those save for if you ever need win7 for any reason like sellign the laptop etc04:53
jinxzs@texastwister model name is CRT-0 (CRT-0 on GPU-0)04:53
texastwisterjinxzs: see a button for detect displays?04:54
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: the only time I get those kind of errors are when I go manually deleteing stuff, and messing with removing programs the way they are not inteneded to be removed.04:54
linksysusb300nJUST WANT TO GET ONLINE !!! need help with wifii  !! hello ?04:54
jinxzs@texastwister yea there is04:54
spineshane-laptop: do you know if one can use the ubuntu netbook edition disk as a live cd like i'm using now?04:54
texastwisterclick it and see if you get more options...04:54
spineshane-laptop: if so i plan on just rewriting it with that04:54
Wiesshundspine yes you can04:54
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, I know.  I usally get that.  I did the automated GUI update, and then it popped up with the broken package error04:55
seatownrockshas anyone with radeon hd card got boxee to work on 32-bit ubuntu 10.04?04:55
Guest60249if i04:55
texastwisterjinxzs: see my prev post (forgot to call out your handle.)04:55
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: try: sudo apt-get purge iced(tab)04:55
spinek thanks wiesshund04:55
Wiesshundjeeves_Moss have you tried using the broken package too in synaptic?04:55
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, ok, one sec04:55
jinxzs@texastwister no more options.04:55
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: seems as if icedtea is the problem04:56
spineshane-laptop: now let's just hope i can reinstall everything..04:56
Wiesshundseatownrocks ive got the card but no idea what boxeee is04:56
seatownrocksit is like xbmc on crack04:56
texastwisterjinxzs: So under "Resolution" you only have those two options?04:56
linksysusb300nthis suck !04:56
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, yep, I know,but I can't get it to tab for me04:56
shane-laptopspine: well for 5 days in, and 3 installs, you will be fine04:56
jinxzs@texastwister yes04:56
seatownrocksit worked in 9.whatever but not in 10.0404:56
spineshane-laptop: true, but i just hope i don't screw up my partitions in the same way04:56
seatownrocksat least not for me04:56
rbedi99if i want to triple-boot ubuntu, xp, and os x, which should go furthest to the left in the partition table?04:56
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: sudo apt-get purge icedtea6-plugin04:57
linksysusb300nbad example for ubuntu spprot04:57
Wiesshundspine for future reff, you can also use unetbootin to install any linus version from its iso with out making a flashdrive etc04:57
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, tried it already04:57
spinewiesshund unetbootin is exactly what i've been using, thankfully04:57
Wiesshundrbedi99 XP then linux but i dont know about the OSX04:57
shane-laptopspine: well, I have never heard of backtrack, so I think that was the problem, or the installer has problems04:57
spineit's been very helpful04:57
Wiesshundspine great tool isnt it?04:57
rbedi99@Wiesshund got it, thanks. i know os x should be last, was trying to decide between xp and ubuntu04:58
spineshane-laptop: yeah it's not used much...i have various other compatability problems with it, but it's great for security testing04:58
linksysusb300nps -ef | grep spine04:58
shane-laptopjeeves_Moss: did you try: sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin04:58
texastwisterjinxzs: On the left side, is there an entry for GPU0?  If so, what is the name in the ()?04:58
jeeves_Mossshane-laptop, ok man, I'm going to work on this in the morning.  The fiance is getting on my nerves right now04:58
Wiesshundspine if you need to run backtrack, i would suggest installing it 1st on its own partition, THEN ubuntu04:58
spinek, i think i will Wiesshund04:58
Wiesshundspine i dont even know if backtrak is grub2 which could be an issue04:59
spinethere's supposedly a way to get them to dual boot04:59
Wiesshundspine if you install ubuntu last, it usualy will pick up everything and let you boot any os you have04:59
hackerswamiWeisshund: I think bt is  ubuntu based now.  should not have issues with grub04:59
Wiesshundspine but if you install it 1st then another dist installs and drops grub1 and another one lilo or something similar, it seems to botch the works05:00
_Snarkquick, only tengentially-related-to-ubuntu question, but! Anyone know if linux softraid can work with multiple controllers, or do all member disks need to be on the same controller?05:01
Wiesshundspine but the nice thing is ubuntu reinstalls rather nice in that it wont touch anything not part of the actual install, if you dont format. it wont remove apps you compiles or hand downloaded nor touch your home folders etc.05:01
spinewiesshund apparently backtrack uses grub 1. should installing grub 2 afterwards make things easier?05:01
syivanahello, I need help installing limewire deb on 10.04. It says it cant find java or icedtea deps but I installed default-jre.. so what is the deal?05:02
Wiesshundspine installing grub1 ontop of grub2 with out uninstalling grub2 according to grub manul will bust things05:02
redvili need help in backing up installed softwares..is there a backup app in ubuntu that can also restore installed softwares like the one they have for Mint 9?05:02
spinewiesshund: what if you install a grub2 os on top of a grub1 os though?05:02
KeypelGreetings, how do I install grub or grub2 onto my usb stick (sdb1)05:02
vengerspine, does it not allow you to *not* install a boot loader? and don't forget that you had partition issues which was the bigger issue05:02
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spinevenger: well i've deleted everything and am starting from scratch now05:03
Wiesshundspine that doesnt seem to be a prob because the brub2 os's installer knows how to handle the upgrade05:03
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: You shouldn't install to a partition, you should install to the mbr.05:03
prince_jammysredvil: find the name of that app, and see if it's available for ubuntu05:03
spinevenger: right now i'm installing the distro with grub 1, then i'm going to install ubuntu netbook edition after05:03
Wiesshundspine but the grub1's os installer of course hasnt a clue how to down grade05:03
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rbedi99im installing ubuntu, and im in the advanced options to set the bootloader to install to the ubuntu partition, rather than the MBR. but when i set the device for boot loader installation to "/dev/sda3", which is where ubuntu is being installed, the "OK" button is grayed out05:04
Jordan_Urbedi99: Why are you installing to a partition?05:04
rbedi99Jordan_U: because i want to use chameleon to dual boot os x and ubuntu05:04
syivanaI need help installing limewire on 10.04. The deb from limewire site says it cant find java or icedtea deps but I installed default-jre.. so what is the deal?05:04
sorta-noobOne last try for an idea where to look for the session num-lock status before I give up and boot Windows to try and solve the problem... The issue is: the sessions start with numlock on, and don't recognize the numlock key. The numpad is part of the letter keys, so when on I cannot do anything. I'm currently logged into a 80x25 console so the numlock is off (until I start a gui session). I need to05:05
sorta-noobfind the session file that controls the numlock behavior so I can edit it and stop it from starting sessions with numlock on.05:05
Wiesshundspine grub 1 and 2 write similar things to the boot, but they arent worded the same etc.05:05
Wiesshundthats what busted things up for you, mine was a typo05:05
redvilprince_jammys: there's none like it in the software centre..do you know of any that's like it for ubuntu?05:05
rbedi99Jordan_U: any ideas?05:05
Wiesshundspine if you want a laugh, i broke mine because i accidently deleted the line that tells grub to actualy look for things to boot05:06
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st__why flash player for linux takes 160 MB?05:06
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xanguasyivana: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed¿05:06
Wiesshundst__ say what?05:06
Jordan_Urbedi99: grub2 can boot OSX directly, and can also load chameleon. I recommend (in order of preference, all fairly good setups) you either install grub2 to the mbr (and boot OSX directly from that), install grub2 to the mbr and load chameleon via multiboot rather than chainloading, or install chameleon to the mbr and load grub2 using multiboot rather than chainloading.05:07
xanguast__: flash sucks in linux05:07
st__Wiesshund, ??05:07
syivanaxangua: No.05:07
syivanaxangua: I will try installing it now05:07
Wiesshundst__ id have to look but i dont remember flash being 160mb05:07
aljosais there a way to boost system-wide sound > 100%? something like vlc player does?05:07
Jordan_Urbedi99: Installing a bootloader to a partition requires the use of blocklists, which are unreliable, and is therefore not recommended.05:07
rbedi99Jordan_U: so i can make grub boot OSX without using rEFIt, or any of that stuff?05:07
Jordan_Urbedi99: Correct.05:07
st__synaptic: 161 BM will be used, WTF?05:07
Wiesshundaljosa int he sound mixer you can05:07
kmystanybody know why lucid is now mounting removable drives by uuid and not labels? or how to fix??05:08
rbedi99Jordan_U: do i just add it to my menu.lst file?05:08
Jordan_Urbedi99: "update-grub" will detect OSX and add an entry for it automagically.05:08
rbedi99Jordan_U: haha okay, just run "update-grub" in terminal?05:08
Jordan_Urbedi99: Correct.05:08
rbedi99Jordan_U: great, thanks. will i have to get rid of chameleon?05:08
aljosaWiesshund: alsamixer or anything else is already at 100%, i would like to push it > 120%.05:09
Wiesshundkmyst dont know how to fix offhand. something new they added05:09
Jordan_Urbedi99: No, you can keep chameleon around if you want to, it doesn't conflict with grub (as long as you don't overwrite the mbr with chameleon of course).05:09
Wiesshundaljosa my normal sound mixer goes to like 130%05:10
kmystWiesshund: i figured, just sick of disks mounting as /media/UUID instead of /media/disk or /media/label05:10
rbedi99Jordan_U: how do i make sure it doesn't overwrite chameleon? various sources indicate that it does, by default05:10
Wiesshundkmyst you install or cd boot?05:10
aljosaWiesshund: do you use alsamixer or something else?05:10
rbedi99Jordan_U: ah never mind, i misread what you wrote05:10
Jordan_Urbedi99: grub2 will overwrite the mbr, but can load chameleon as a file from the filesystem using multiboot.05:10
RaptorsRandom question is there a way to see how many packages are in the repo?05:10
Wiesshundkmyst full install should show you the lable, but the liveCD shows you /media/asbe98skjhsd8705:10
kmystWiesshund: i have determined that /dev/disk/by-label isn't being generated05:11
rbedi99Jordan_U: yup, ok. thanks!05:11
kmystWiesshund: full install05:11
Jordan_Urbedi99: You're welcome.05:11
Wiesshundaljosa i use the normal mixer unbuntu installs05:11
Jordan_Ukmyst: Are you sure you have partitions / filesystems with labels? The directory /dev/disk/by-label/ only exists when it's non-empty.05:12
syivanaxangua: It did not help anything. Look, I still cannot install limewire http://pastebin.com/hqbZYMb505:12
syivanaI need help installing limewire on 10.04. The deb from limewire site says it cant find java or icedtea deps but I installed default-jre.. so what is the deal?05:12
Wiesshundkmyst hrm odd. i know off the cd or frugal install, it mounts them like that, but after install it mounts my ntfs drives by lable05:12
Jordan_U!frostwire | syivana05:13
ubottusyivana: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:13
syivanaJordan_U, Lime. Wire.05:13
syivanaNot frost wire05:13
kmystJordan_U: uhhh pretty sure....purposely gave the disk a label of Backup and wrote some custom scripts which expect the drive to be mounted as /media/Backup...05:13
syivanaFrom limewire.com, I downloaded the deb package but the dependencies are screwed up05:13
syivanafor 10.0405:14
sorta-noobWell thanks for that massive outpouring of help. Not even a single response. I guess what file controls a session's numlock status on startup is too difficult a question to ask here. Bye.05:14
jinxzs@texastwister can i add you as a friend..05:14
kmystWiesshund: don't know, just ever since the upgrade to lucid all my drives whether they have labels or not are being mounted via UUID05:14
Wiesshundkmyst did you look at the disk in disk manager, just to double check it has a lable?05:14
collabrasyivana: have you tried gdebi?... like, in a terminal type 'sudo gdebi 'whatever'.deb   ?05:15
kmystWiesshund: nope, if it isn't being generated by udev in /dev/disk what would the point be? :)05:15
Wiesshundkmyst ah. might have something to do with upgrading versus an install and import05:15
brandoneyGreetings all05:16
syivanacollabra: No, I will try it now05:17
syivanacollabra: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk05:17
Wiesshundkmyst updates work fine, by i try to stick away from revision upgrades. some reason they dont always go as planned and give problems i can never figure out.05:17
jinxzsi need help i cant watch video on youtube05:17
kmystWiesshund: i thought that...i know at least on intrepid live cd (which is the last disc i burned live cd wise) it will mount properly05:17
jinxzsplease help me05:17
syivanaand none of these packages are in 10.04 repos05:17
syivanabecause everything is renamed from 9.1005:17
brandoneyI have a question about moving my linux install, if anyone would like to point me in the right direction.05:18
collabrasyivana: you know,... frostwire is available in the repository,... it's very similar to limewire,... have you even looked at it?05:18
syivana! flash | jinxzs05:18
ubottujinxzs: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:18
Wiesshundsyivana you can add the 9.10 repositories, but that could cause problems05:18
xanguajinxzs: have you alreadu installed adobe flash plugin¿ did you install also others plugins like swfdec or gnash¿05:18
kmystWiesshund: heh i know what you mean but i've always been able to fix any quirks that crop up....been dist upgrading since breezy05:18
syivanacollabra, Its named frostwire because it freezes up all the time and I yes I have tried it. I want limewire05:18
xanguacollabra: no, it's not; you probably got it from getdeb05:18
syivanaWiesshund, No, I wont mix repos05:19
Jordan_Ujinxzs: I personally prefer watching youtube videos in Applications > Movie Player (which has a built in youtube browsing plugin) than via the browser with buggy flash, though it's starting to get better in the browser with html5 and webm.05:19
Wiesshundsyivana run win32 limewire? its an option for now05:19
jinxzshow to install it? just like in windows? download and install?05:20
collabraxangua: you're right,... musta been another distro.05:20
Jordan_Ujinxzs: Install software (including flash) via Applications > Ubuntu Software Center.05:20
kmystWiesshund: hey figure this out, insert a dvd that has a label and it works05:20
syivanaWiesshund: I will build limewire from source before that happens05:20
WiesshundJordan_U what? no ~/Movies/youtube_movie.flv ?05:20
collabraxangua: in fact it was linux mint..... lol.05:20
jinxzsokay i will do it thanks jordan05:21
HinHinjinxzs and Jordan_U an easier way05:21
kmystWiesshund: plug up a usb stick or external drive with labels and it chokes and falls back to UUID05:21
HinHininstall ubuntu-restricted-extras05:21
Wiesshundkmyst that is odd05:21
kmystWiesshund: you're telling me05:21
Jordan_Ujinxzs: You're welcome.05:22
Wiesshundkmyst if automount, assume fs=iso9660 lol05:22
HinHinjinxzs and Jordan_U it will not only install flash, it'll install other restricted stuff as well like codecs, etc05:22
kmystWiesshund: almost seems like its a udev rule, which i can't recall if i'm missing rules or not05:22
kmystWiesshund: yeah really05:22
Jordan_UHinHin: That's what I personally *don't* like about restricted-extras :)05:22
jinxzs@HinHin how?05:22
brandoneyI installed Lucid Lynx from windows 7 and now I would like to delete win7 and format the disk with ext and put my current install and files back on the disk.  What is the best way to do that?05:22
Wiesshundkmyst cant say there, ive never had much reason to set rules for udev on my own pc's05:23
HinHinjinxzs, goto terminal type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:23
HinHinand enter your password05:23
xanguabrandoney: copy your home to save your settings and files05:23
HinHinJordan_U, :P I like being able to watch DVDs, and common video formats05:24
xanguato restore apps i don't know, some one¿¿ tell brandoney please ;)05:24
jinxzs@HinHin is it okay to to type that while the flash is installing?05:24
Wiesshundbrandoney copy /home to a USB or CD etc05:24
HinHinjinxzs, you can't install it while flash is being installed05:24
Jordan_UHinHin: Restricted-extras won't get you libdvdcss for DRM'D DVDs though.05:24
kmystWiesshund: i've had a few occasions i needed to...but i meant i can't recall whethere i had more than 4 rules which i think back a few dist updgrades i did have a good number of them meaning they got nuked05:24
Wiesshundxangua restore apps?, probably just as easy to regrab them from the software manager05:24
Jordan_Ujinxzs: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, search for "restricted extras" and click install. It will install most audio and vidio codecs plus some other things like flash and java.05:25
rbedi99Jordan_U: i ran update-grub, but booting into os x hangs on "using 5242 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers"05:25
jinxzsokay thanks..after installing the flash i will work into that05:25
jinxzsok flash is done05:25
WiesshundI dont believe you can flat out Xfer a wubi install to a real one, theres alot of differences between the 205:26
jinxzsis there is something like notepad here to jotdown what i learned? i dont like tomboy note05:27
rbedi99jinxzs: gedit05:28
Jordan_Urbedi99: Then you can load chameleon from your OSX partition by adding a menu entry like this to the end of /etc/grub.d/40_custom http://pastebin.com/nkKEpgiQ05:28
rbedi99Jordan_U: but installing grub overwrote chameleon..05:29
jinxzsafter flash installed i cant still watch youtube. i just w8 until the restricted extras is finisehd05:29
Jordan_Urbedi99: No, it overwrote the portion of chameleon that was in the mbr, it's still there in the filesystem.05:29
rbedi99Jordan_U: got it. trying that now.05:29
Jordan_Urbedi99: You can find the UUID of your OSX partition with "sudo grub-probe -t fs_uuid -d /dev/sdXY"05:30
rbedi99okay, do i need to replace the XY with anything?05:31
syivanaI did --force-depends and limewire works at least but where are the skins? hadn't used this program in years05:31
Jordan_Urbedi99: Yes, with the drive letter and partition number, so if your OSX partition is the first partition on the first drive it would be "/dev/sda1".05:31
Jordan_Urbedi99: You'll then need to replace "UUID" in the menu entry I linked to with the output from grub-probe.05:32
Jordan_Urbedi99: I need to leave for about half an hour.05:32
=== CorpX is now known as Tim
rbedi99Jordan_U: okay, i'll PM you if it doesn't work05:32
rbedi99Jordan_U: should it be a ~15 char. alphanumeric string?05:33
elitexrayI've just installed ubuntu but I'm unable to connect wireless05:33
spineelitexray, do you see your wireless interface in ifconfig and iwconfig?05:34
elitexrayNo I don't05:34
Wiesshundelitexray what wifi adapter? asking because there are some not supported05:34
elitexrayI have 2wire wireless05:35
=== Tim is now known as CorpX
spineis it pci, or usb or whaT?05:36
Wiesshundelitexray youd have to check it on the hardware compatibility list, if its not there, you could check its compatibility with ndiswrapper05:36
elitexrayIs this information on my router? I'm not sure05:36
Wiesshundelitexray can you see it via running lsusb or lspci in terminal?05:36
elitexrayi typed it ipconfig to get "no command ipconfig'05:37
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
MarcusCan someone please help me, I've just installed ppa edgers including the updated kernel 2.6.34 and I keep getting low graphics mode on startup. I have a Radeon HD 4600, how can I get it to recognize my graphics card?05:37
IdleOneelitexray: try ifconfig05:37
elitexrayOk, now i have lots of data05:37
Wiesshundelitexray its ifconfig05:37
rdw200169elitexray: ipconfig is on windows, ifconfig is the linux one05:37
elitexrayI have  eth0 Link encap:Ethernet05:38
Wiesshundelitexray is your wifi adapter PCI or USB?05:39
elitexrayI dont think its USB05:39
StiqHi all! new to Ubuntu, wondering if i should trade in my Radeon 2600 xt for an Nvidia card, as im not going back to windows hopefully ever. id love to stick with ATi though.05:39
Wiesshundelitexray is this a laptop?05:39
xanguaStiq: nvidia has better linux support05:40
MarcusCan someone please help me, I've just installed ppa edgers including the updated kernel 2.6.34 and I keep getting low graphics mode on startup. I have a Radeon HD 4600, how can I get it to recognize my graphics card?05:40
Wiesshundelitexray ok pci then. your on the laptop now with a wired adapter?05:40
elitexraymy laptop isn't wired to my router, I usually go on wireless05:40
Wiesshundelitexray your showing an eth0 with an address though?05:41
Wiesshundelitexray or did i get confused05:41
liang_Is anyone speak Chinese?05:41
MaRk-I!cn | liang_05:42
ubottuliang_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:42
elitexrayThere are 5 sets of 2 digit numbers05:42
elitexraynext to ethos05:42
Blue11thanks MaRk-I05:42
elitexraysorry i mean 6 sets of 2 digits05:42
Wiesshundelitexray look in your msg window a sec05:42
Stiqxangua: Thanks i thoguht thats what i had read wasnt sure, are all the newer Nvidia cards supported? and ill be runnign steam games in wine as well as native linux games. I hope Adobe goes linux...05:43
ThiagoMedeirosThe are anyone user that's realized the UCP certification?05:43
MarcusMaRk-I: The other day someone from this channel showed me how to update my system to the latest kernel and then to ppa-edgers, as they said it would be better for my video card. I did it, but I keep getting a low-graphics mode bootup and it doesn't recognize my video card, can you give me any advice?05:43
MaRk-I!es | francisco05:44
ubottufrancisco: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:44
MaRk-IMarcus: hmm no idea about the PPA did you reconfigure xorg?05:44
Wiesshundelitexray does your output resemble that?05:44
MarcusMaRk-I: how do I recondigure xorg?05:45
elitexrayResemble which?05:45
Wiesshundelitexray in your message window05:45
elitexraysorry I did not get a message05:45
AviMarcusI'm still searching for a solution... can ubunut support the ATI Radeon x1400 doing dual screens? Worked great in windows...05:46
MarcusMaRk-I: I was warned not to have an xorg.conf when I was upgrading, so I renamed it xorg.conf.dist, would that have something to do with it?05:46
elitexrayIt does not resemble such05:46
elitexrayIs there a package that I need to download in order to detect wireless in range?05:47
AviMarcusshouldn't be, elitexray05:47
AviMarcusjust the driver05:47
elitexrayUnder my icon, it saids "device not ready" under wireless network05:48
MaRk-IMarcus: you could try:  sudo X -configure   or    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:48
elitexrayAnd wired network "disconnected"05:49
bullkramany workarounds for netflix streaming yet? other than vbox?05:49
Blue11bullkram: i gave up on that - YMMV05:50
MarcusMaRk-I: Your first suggestion produces an error: Server already active for display 0, and the second command doesn't do anything.05:50
Wiesshundelitexray now you get text?05:50
Wiesshund(224.9 KB)05:51
bullkrami think gates paid netflix off05:51
Blue11bullkram: i quit netflix because I am hard of hearing, and need the captioning, which the stripped off --05:51
tucemiuxelitexray, my wireless acts quite flaky as well, I have to kill networkmanager first, then it works, what is the precise problem you are having with your wireless, all on one line pelase05:51
MaRk-IMarcus: you have to stop X  first you can try this instructions just dont do the renderaccel one if your card has more than 32mb  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Window corruption with older ATI graphics cards05:52
elitexrayI am unable to connect to the internet05:52
Blue11tucemiux: netbook?05:52
Tatrakahi all05:52
tucemiuxBlue11, youre having the problem with wireless?05:52
Tatrakai am05:52
Blue11tucemiux: I did with ubuntu 9.1005:53
tucemiux!hello | Tatraka05:53
ubottuTatraka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:53
bullkrami had probs with usb wireless card.. had to blacklist05:53
Blue11tucemiux: backporting however, DID fix my problem05:53
MaRk-IMarcus: if it's resolution problems try this:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:53
Tatrakabacktrap 4 dont reconise my wifi05:53
AviMarcusMaRk-I: it has 256, so you mean I should:  Option "RenderAccel" "off" ?05:53
bullkramwhat kind of network card?05:53
tucemiuxBlue11, on a netbook I found I had to manually install the wireless drivers, I had to go to "hardware" applet and ubuntu remix automatically detected my wireless05:53
Diverdudegood day.What program do you recommend for mountin iso files in10.04 ?05:53
AviMarcusmore that it won't work with the second monitor at all05:54
Blue11tucemiux: do you know what kind of card?05:54
MaRk-IAviMarcus: huh.. no I said dont if your card has more than05:54
elitexrayDo I manually add wireless connection to my ubuntu under network connections?05:54
bullkrami had no prob with netbook.. i think they secretly made the atom to take advantage of linux.. runs so much smoother than any windoze05:54
AviMarcusit sees it, offers the right resolution, just it goes all fuzzy on this monitor and won't work at all on that one05:54
tucemiuxBlue11, on the particular notebook that I triedit on? I cant remember the card, it's a dell notebook, I do know that it works though05:54
Blue11yup I have an ahtheros card --05:54
Blue119,10 was uber flakey05:55
bobertdosI'm not a big fan of using a static IP just to make port forwarding easier for my SSH connection. Is there a safer way to go about this that I'm just not thinking about?05:55
travis_ok, i have a problem with multiple browsers, they all use webkit, whenever i load any javascript heavy site, like acid3 test, they all crash.05:55
Tatrakaatheros ar5006ex05:55
tikanyone knowanything about fuppes?05:55
Wiesshundelitexray no, the adapter should appear if its being seen and installed by the OS05:55
Blue11Tatraka: let me see what I had05:55
travis_i use Konqueror( with webkit), Arora, and rekonq05:55
Blue11Tatraka: atheros ar 9xxx05:56
elitexrayIs there a way to obtain the required driver in order to get this to work?05:56
Blue11elitexray: what version of ubuntu ru running?05:56
elitexrayIt's 10.4 the latest one I Just downloaded05:56
AviMarcusthanks, I gotta run, I'll try reading all those pages05:56
Tatrakabacktrak 405:56
Wiesshundelitexray you can click system > admin > hardware and see if there is a driver for it to load05:57
bullkramwhy did they postphone 10.04.1?05:57
Blue11elitexray: sounds like an old card...05:57
travis_anyone having the same problem?05:57
RealOptyanyone any good with the 'find' command?05:57
Blue11RealOpty: no that's why I cheat and use locate05:57
RealOptyid like to use it to search all the files in a folder for a string.05:57
Diverdudegood day.What program do you recommend for mountin iso files in10.04 ?05:57
elitexrayI get the message "downloading package indexes failed, please check network status. Most drivers will not be available"05:57
RealOptyBlue11, for sure.05:57
jshmoe24hello could someone tell me how much ram i should set my guest virtualbox xp sp 2 pro machine to, if my host is ubuntu 10.04 x86 with 2 gigs of ram? what would be recommended? No gaming on it or anything.05:57
elitexrayIts just strange because the internet connection worked on fedora before I installed ubuntu over it05:58
RealOptyjshmoe24, just use 512mb or less05:58
Tatrakai tried to install madwifi but i got an error05:58
travis_i cannot find a solution for crashes with webkit browsers, it might be qtwebkit's problem05:58
tucemiuxjshmoe24, you can probably get away with 256 but I would use at a minimum 512, if youre using just one virtual machine and you have 2 gigs of RAM i would give it 1024 megs,  that's 1 gig of memory05:59
Wiesshundelitexray does this laptop have a wired ethernet adapter in it also?05:59
DiverdudeWhat program do you recommend for mounting iso files in ubuntu 10.04 ?05:59
Wiesshundelite ok thats your eth005:59
tucemiuxtravis_, you might have to find someone who uses the software with ubuntu if you want help with that one, most likely the problem is not with ubuntu though05:59
lostdataHave a simple networking question if anyone has a sec?05:59
sirninjaHow can I get ubuntu to start a dummy xserver on startup instead of gdm?06:00
elitexraySo how do I use this information06:00
Wiesshundelitexray in terminal type lspci see if you can locate the wireless adapter in the output06:00
Blue11lostdata: go ahead06:00
travis_tucemiux, if i can find someone, theres not much information about it06:00
lostdataI have 2 computers computers running linux 10.4 one the client version and one the netbook version, i have installed samba on both but when checking the other computer i have a share on I only see printers06:01
tucemiuxDiverdude, archive manager?  It all depends on what you want to do with the ISO?  you want to actually mount the ISO?06:01
lostdatanone of the share folders i setup06:01
elitexrayI see 802.11g wireless lan controller06:01
travis_i filed a bug, but all im getting is marked duplicates, which have nothing on them either06:01
Blue11lostdata: first thing to do - can each machine ping the other machine?06:01
elitexrayAlso i see ethernet controller : realtek semiconductor co06:01
lostdataya pings are good06:01
Wiesshundelitexray it says no further info on its exact type?06:01
Tatrakaany i know how can i resolve linux-image-2.6.34_2.6.34-10.00.custom-bt8_i386.deb06:01
TatrakaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:01
elitexrayit lists a lot of information06:02
lostdatait sees the other computer but only see the print$ folder06:02
elitexrayI see PCI's06:02
Blue11lostdata: not what I asked - can you ping the other machine from each computer?06:02
travis_does anyone know why a ehole bunch of sites arent displayed correctly in konqueror using khtml? mainly youtube and yahoo mail06:02
tucemiuxlostdata, sorry to take this off topic but I just want to know what you are trying to accomplish with samba and your two machines, there might be an easier way of doing things, what are trying to do with your 2 machines and samba?06:03
Blue11lostdata: let me find something brb06:03
Wiesshundelitexray no, only the line pertaining to the wireless card06:03
randy_hello,I have a question06:03
randy_The Ubuntu said it can't open fil://06:03
randy_The Ubuntu said it can't open file://06:04
elitexrayI believe its 802.11g wireless lan controller06:04
lostdatai'm just trying to do basic file sharing between two ubuntu machines06:04
Blue11lostdata: there's a link here:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=309  that simplifes the process06:04
randy_like this 无法打开位置“file:///home/randy/%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD”06:04
MaRk-Itravis_: khtml was replaced by webkit, and you can use "user agent" to fool the sites you're using newer firefox/IE versions06:04
Wiesshundelitexray i looked up your card, it will require using ndiswrapper and the windows drivers (xp or 2k)06:04
Tatrakaany 1 know how can i correct linux-image-2.6.34_2.6.34-10.00.custom-bt8_i386.deb06:05
TatrakaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:05
travis_MaRk-I, ive done that, but they're still rendered incorrectly06:05
elitexraySo once I have this, I should be able to detect wireless in range?06:05
Wiesshundelitexray its old and doesnt appear to be supported directly in ubuntu anymore06:05
travis_it seems to me that KHTML isnt that standards compliant as everyone says06:05
Wiesshundelitexray should be able to yes, you will need to look up and read on ndiswrapper06:05
lostdatathnx for the link06:06
tucemiuxlostdata, if all you want to do is something like creating a folder on your desktop and have that folder on your laptop and have that folder updated on both machines then I highly recommend you use ssh,  that is what I did when I first began researching, I have an ssh server on my desktop, I can update my files locally or over the internet ***securely***06:06
elitexrayAnd I would need windows drivers on ubuntu?06:06
MaRk-Itravis_: tried with rekonq also?06:06
Diverdudetucemiux, i just wanna look at its contents06:07
brandoneyArggg, where is my root?!?06:07
brandoneyI installed Lucid Lynx from win7.  I'm looking in gparted but I only see one partition with win7 on it.  Where did ubuntu get installed?06:07
lostdataok thnx06:07
bullkrami love running ubuntu from flash drive on other ppl's computers..lol06:07
travis_MaRk-I, it crashes when loading any site, just like arora and konqueror(using webkit), and i cant find a solution to fix it06:08
collabrabrandoney: It's located on your windowspartition06:08
randy_brandoney:can you send screnn to me06:08
travis_konqueror using khtml works06:08
brandoneyThat's what I figured.06:08
brandoneyIs a folder?06:08
brandoneyin a folder?06:08
randy_brandoney, you install from wubi06:08
tucemiuxDiverdude, youre right clicking at the ISO and you dont have an option to open it??  You should see various options, something like "Open with brasero", "Open with archive manager",  I use archive manager06:08
Wiesshundelitexray yes ndiswrapper requires the windows drivers to work. its helpful if you type part of my name and hit hit tab, easier to see someone is talking to me :)06:08
collabrabrandoney: i don't remember.... it's been so long since i used wubi.06:09
elitexrayah yeah sorry06:09
brandoneyCan I just grab that install and move it to another disk, then reformat and move it back then reinistall grub?06:09
Wiesshundbrandoney its not in a partition its in something like c:\program files\ubuntu\something.img06:09
travis_everything using webkit crashes06:09
randy_brainproxy, you just run on windows partition06:10
randy_so you can't not see linux partition06:10
Wiesshundbrandoney wubi isnt a true install, its a compressed imag on your windows file system06:10
brandoneyI'm trying to get rid of win7 and reclaim space and move to jfs or ext06:10
Diverdudetucemiux, yeah i tried that also, but when i try to open it with archive manager, it opens a folder allright, but all the files and folders inside are just called ___06:10
collabrabrandoney: i dont' think it works that way .... you either install it fresh, dual boot, or it goes on your windows partition06:10
brandoneyI just got everything installed the way I want it.06:11
elitexrayWiesshund I've transferred ndiswrapper from this laptop onto ubuntu06:11
tucemiuxDiverdude, what ISO are you trying to open??06:11
charley__is there any way to save a song from web streaming with rhythmbox?06:11
Wiesshundbrandoney you will need to copy /home to a cd or usb drive. then do a full HD install of linux, then copy home back06:11
Blue11charley__: I know how to do that with youtube...06:11
Diverdudetucemiux, ultima Collection iso file06:11
brandoneybummer.  I was hoping to avoid reinstall.06:11
brandoneythanks guys./06:11
travis_anyone have trouble with webkit crashing? i think qtwebkit?06:11
charley__Blue11, yes but youtube's quality sucks much06:12
Blue11charley__: they are okay...06:12
igor-explorer_12hi. I installed ubuntu (Gnome). Now i installed xfce via synaptic. How to force linux to load xfce instead of Gnome?06:12
charley__i have the song url, and its playing on rhythmbox, but cant save it to my hd :(06:12
Wiesshundelitexray install the ndiswrapper, and get your windows driver files handy, need the infs and dlls06:12
randy_igor-explorer_12, sudo dpkg -r xfec06:12
MaRk-Iigor-explorer_12: at login window select xfce it'll ask you if you want that by default06:13
elitexrayWhat specifically are those windows drivers?06:13
travis_igor-explorer_12, when you click your name on login, there should be a menu that says gnome, click on it and select xfce or xubuntu06:13
collabraigor-explorer_12 : you can choose xfce at the login screen.06:13
travis_on bottom of screen06:13
randy_i means dpkg-reconfigure06:13
igor-explorer_12so i need reboot? i don't remember that this choice is present06:13
Wiesshundelitexray what or where? you will probably have to download them if you dont have them on a disk06:13
randy_igor-explorer_12, you should reboot06:14
igor-explorer_12ok i'll try06:14
travis_igor-explorer_12, you shouldnt have to, i didnt hve to06:14
igor-explorer_12thank you all06:14
elitexrayits really strange that I would need windows drivers for my ubuntu setup -_-06:14
randy_igor-explorer_12, Another way,in system menu06:14
collabraigor-explorer_12 : it's at the bottom of the login screen. look for a menu.06:14
nisstyre65igor-explorer_12: kill xorg, edit ~/.xinitrc and add an option to start xfce instead of gnome06:15
randy_igor-explorer_12, sysytem->sysytem and setting ->login srceen06:15
nisstyre65and then run startx06:15
nisstyre65or use the gui06:15
Wiesshundelitexray the wireless adapter you have is old, builtin support for it was probably dropped a while ago, i see people having issues with in in posts dated 200506:15
igor-explorer_12how to kill X? ctrl+alt+xxxxx?06:15
randy_igor-explorer_12, yes06:16
dfrankhello All. I have netbook HP Mini 2133 with resolution 1280x600. X-window works fine, but at text console still wrong resolution. i can't find correct mode number, i have searched in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers  , but there's no my resolution. tell me please, where should i look for?06:16
Wiesshundelitexray the wireless is built in to the laptop?06:16
=== BrendenB is now known as Guest10971
Wiesshundelitexray what model laptop?06:17
elitexrayFedora could easily detect my wireless. It's surprising that it couldnt on ubuntu -- it's a hp pavillion dv5224nr06:18
Wiesshundelitexray its not surprising, ubuntu cycles out "out dated" hardware when they upgrade kernels etc.06:19
charley__nevermind, firefox did the trick ;)06:19
Wiesshundelitexray an older distro would probably still run it.06:19
=== mason is now known as masoncloud
RaptorsHey guys06:20
=== james is now known as Guest76834
Wiesshundelitexray http://boxysystems.com/?p=3706:20
Raptorsis there any repo with the lastest version of libavcodec?06:20
Raptorsand libavutil06:20
Blue11elitexray: I've had decent luck trying to run SuSE on older hardware -- I DID manage to get ubuntu 10.04 to work on a 10 year old compaq deskpro - after I learned the magic incanatations06:20
WiesshundBlue11 that the incantation that starts or you mothe....................06:21
Blue11Wiesshund: hang just a sec06:21
Wiesshundelitexray http://boxysystems.com/?p=3706:21
elitexrayYes I'm reading that article, It's really similiar to my situation06:21
elitexraysame 2wire router as well06:21
Wiesshundelitexray sorry man i hit uparrow06:21
elitexrayNo worries06:22
Blue11Wiesshund: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=32506:22
Wiesshundarticle has link to download the driver files you need as well06:22
elitexrayI think that article has outdated version of ndiswrapper06:23
elitexrayas the one I have is 1.56 and the one in the article is 1.4206:23
Blue11Wiesshund: that required 4 reloads of linux + updates to figure out06:23
WiesshundBlue11 kind of reminds me of trying to run linux on old compaq p166 laptops and make everything actualy work06:23
Wiesshundstacks of redhat and slackware floppies seeing which distro might not puke06:24
randy_Hello,a have a problem,when I click on menu->place->home ,it siad "can not open file:///home/randy”06:24
elitexrayI am following the first line of instruction to install ndiswrapper  however the command isn't working06:24
Wiesshundelitexray 1 sec06:24
meep_quick question: how do I fix this:Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services06:24
ezzieyguywufmeep_: you need to register your nick06:24
meep_and good evening all06:25
IdleOne!register | meep_06:25
ubottumeep_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:25
Blue11Wiesshund: this has a 733 mhz process - not quite powerful enough to run youtube -- it did get an old pci video card didn't help that much - but still a good learning exercise06:25
Wiesshundelite this one ? sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:25
Wiesshundelitexray you can disregard the section on blacklisting as you havent installed any wrong things yet06:26
elitexrayYeah I skipped that and on #206:27
Wiesshundelitexray youve installed the ndiswrapper package already, yes?06:27
elitexrayI haven't been able to get pass that step yet06:27
Wiesshundelitexray you hand copied ndiswrapper correct? if so what is the package name?06:28
spineshane-laptop: well06:29
Wiesshundspine hi how did it go?06:29
spineit didn't work06:29
Wiesshundspine ?06:29
elitexrayOne sec. I had to restart my laptop06:29
spinei'm getting the exact same problem06:29
spinedespite deleting the partitions and reinstalling both from scratch06:29
spinei have no clue how06:29
spine"gave up waiting for root device"06:30
Wiesshundspine did you try just installign ubuntu alone?06:30
spinewiesshund this time i installed backtrack then ubuntu06:30
elitexraywiesshund the package name is ndiswrapper-1.56.tar.gz06:30
spinebacktrack will boot, ubuntu will not06:30
Wiesshundelitexray can you plug that laptop into the net via its wired adapter?06:31
Wiesshundspine, you may try using multiboot? did you try just ubuntu alone?06:31
elitexrayOh, you mean plug my ubuntu laptop with ethernet cable?06:31
spinewell, ubuntu worked fine when i had it alone originally. the goal here is to multiboot obviously.06:31
Wiesshundelitexray yes06:32
elitexrayIs this a test or you know for sure it'll work?06:32
Wiesshundelitexray im asking have you any way to temporarily connect the laptop to the internet by wire?06:32
elitexrayI have to relocate my workstation as my router is not in the viciinity06:32
elitexrayOh no06:32
elitexrayI haven't06:32
Docteh_not everyone has a spare 300 foot patch cord in the closet ;)06:33
cipherssonShuttleWorth.. professes root is mad at root..06:33
elitexrayI can go try but that would make it'll take me longer to repond06:33
randy_Hello,a have a problem,when I click on menu->place->home ,it siad "can not open file:///home/randy”06:33
elitexrayOk, brb, Let me try06:34
Wiesshundelitexray http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9/download06:34
Wiesshundelitexray you want the .deb package so you can 1 click install it06:35
elitexrayGreat! thanks06:35
ActionParsnipelitexray: if you need deps, run: sudo apt-get -f install ,and it may help06:35
Wiesshundspine you can try to use LILO instead06:37
elitexray@Wiesshund -- I seem to have encountered some error installing that .deb package.06:37
WiesshundActionParsnip he has no net connect06:38
spinei think i better, wiesshund06:38
spinei have no idea why this isn't working06:38
ActionParsnipWiesshund: ah, that'll make it extra fun06:38
spinei can boot into it from the recovery console06:38
elitexray"Error: dependency is not satisfiable:ndiswrapper-common"06:38
spinebut i only get the CLI there06:38
ActionParsnipelitexray: then you need the deb for that too06:39
spineif i try to boot normally i just get "gave up waiting for root device" and then busybox/initramfs comes up06:39
spinewith alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/lots of hex does not exist06:39
ActionParsnipspine: is the / in /etc/fstab defined correctly?06:39
Wiesshundspine hence other people hating uuid's06:39
spinedon't know what you mean actionparsnip06:40
ActionParsnipspine: if you run: sudo blkid ,you can see if those letters match the outputted ones, you may need to boot to livecd to check / make alterations06:40
spineparsnip i can boot to my other linux distro06:40
spinei just worked through this same problem hours ago, they told me to just delete all my partitions and reinstall...i did, and now i'm having almost the same issue06:41
Wiesshundspine you might give Action a quick rundown of whats going on, he might have an idea06:41
Raptorsconfigure: WARNING: Library libgoom2 needed for goom was not found06:41
spineexcept now at least i can boot into one of them, but not ubuntu06:41
RaptorsI cant find libgoom2 in ubuntu repo06:41
Raptorsdoes anyone know where I can find it?06:41
ActionParsnipspine: if your fstab file uuids don't match the ones outputted by blkid then that's why you aren't getting a boot. You can also use old school /dev entries instead of uuids06:41
ActionParsnip!find goom06:42
ubottuFile goom found in freej, goo, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-dbg, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc (and 2 others)06:42
spineactionparsnip: so how can i fix this?06:42
WiesshundActionParsnip are you saying if you mounts the partition and edits fstab and ditches the uuid it will boot?06:42
ActionParsnipspine: boot to livecd or other distro and run blkid using sudo. Then open fstab on the OS with no boot and compare06:42
ActionParsnipWiesshund: if the uuid doesn't match then it can mount it to boot06:43
ke1ha_gotta love uuid's ;-)06:43
spineactionparsnip: i ran blkid in the busybox prompt06:43
spineshould i run it in another distro?06:43
Wiesshundspine my fstab looks like this UUID=e89073e0-031a-47d8-a33b-da1c82a2b554 /06:44
ActionParsnipspine: good enough, not necessary. Does it mount the code you get in the error?06:44
ritztech_anyonw know of a good phpshell (like connects to a active shell with limited CMDS06:44
spinewell, sda7 has the same UUID as what' sin the error06:44
spineand i believe sda7 is what i'm trying to boot to06:44
Wiesshundspine i think action is saying make it read /dev/sda1 / ?06:44
ActionParsnipspine: i'd use the ubuntu desktop cd to test. You can also mount the partition with the bad fstab on to make changes if needed06:45
Wiesshundor what ever sdaY is correct06:45
Wiesshundspine you got 7 partitions?06:45
syivanaHi, is there a way to change the gdm background image?06:45
elitexrayI think I Finally got ndiswrapper to install =)06:45
ActionParsnipspine: if its the same then you can use /dev/sda7 instead of uuid=blahblah but if you do change stuff backup the old one first06:46
Wiesshundsyivana the login screen?06:46
spineactionparsnip this is a fresh install, so no need to backup anything06:46
spinei just reinstalled everything in an attempt to fix it06:46
jinxzshow to install yahoo messenger06:46
syivanaWiesshund: I found gdmsetup, will see if it does what I need it to06:46
ActionParsnipspine: I would. Gives you a rollback path06:46
jinxzsplease help me i want to install yahoo messenger is it possible?06:47
tikquestion.. what is the NOPASSWD otin is sudeors look like on the livecd? I want to use it for my system. right now I have tik     ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL and it doesnt work06:47
spinehow do i back it up exactly?06:47
Wiesshundsyivana which screen are you calling gdm?06:47
ActionParsnipsyivana: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1306:47
Wiesshundspine cp fstab fstab-bak06:47
syivanaWiesshund: The only screen, where gdm shows anything (yes the login screen, what other screen for gdm is there that you can change a bg image?)06:48
ActionParsnipspine: its just a text file so copy it to a new name like Wiesshund says. Make sure you don't copy it to the livecd environment as the file will be lost06:48
spinesays "cannot stat fstab: no such file or directory"06:48
Wiesshundlogin screen you can change with the app splash screen, people call every screen in the boot sequence gdm so i gotta ask06:48
Wiesshundspine you cd /etc ?06:49
ActionParsnipspine: use the places menu in livecd to mount it, or read online or man mount ,on how to mount it06:49
spineer no06:49
spinehang on06:49
Wiesshundspine or /mnt/etc where ever its mounted at06:49
spinelet's start over...what directory is this in06:49
spinewhat partition?06:50
spinemy ubuntu one, or my other linux distro, or the live cd or what?06:50
Wiesshundspine what partition you installed ubuntu in06:50
cipherssonihave hung around this vanh off an on  for far too long its time for me to shre my mash up (edit in linux) for the dream of the shuttle worth as is mine  FREEEEEee dom  yea06:50
Wiesshundspine mount /dev/sdXY /mnt06:50
cipherssono yea06:50
spineit seems it's already mounted06:50
spinesince it's in the file browser06:50
cipherssonbash sudo06:51
Wiesshundspine ok go to /etc and edit fstab06:51
cipherssonwe will win!06:51
Wiesshundciphersson eh what are you saying?06:51
spinek, in it wiesshund06:51
cipherssonyour awasome as am I... not much more06:52
Wiesshundspine sudo gedit fstab06:52
spinei'm in it06:52
Wiesshund!ot | ciphersson06:52
ubottuciphersson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:52
spineit says errors=remount-ro under pass for the ubuntu uuid06:52
tikwhere is the chat channel?06:53
Wiesshundspine yes leave that06:53
bazhangtik, #ubuntu-offtopic06:53
spinewhat do you want me to do with it?06:53
spinecopy it?06:53
Wiesshundbut change the UUID to /dev/sdXY06:53
Wiesshundbut 1st make a copy06:53
mar10Trying to find a virtual keyboard app. Any suggestions?06:53
spinei see06:53
cipherssonerror 8bit opp06:53
WiesshundSpine do same for swap entry i think too06:54
Wiesshundmar10 eh virtual? like onscreen?06:54
jinxzshelp how to install gyachi or is there other nice like ym .06:54
mar10Yes. For a tablet PC running ubuntu06:54
Wiesshundmar10 ubuntu's accessibility features has one already06:54
tikjinxzs: you have to add the PPA06:55
jinxzs@tik im not so good at this, i just installed ubuntu this morning and i dont know how to install PPA06:55
mar10I saw that one.  I'm looking for something bigger06:56
tikjinxzs: google will show you the light.. gyachi +PPA +lucid06:56
xanguathe ppa for gyachi has no package aviable for lucid tik jinxzs06:56
Wiesshundmar10 ah, sorry. only one i know of off hand, which doesnt mean much06:56
=== kroten is now known as krowten
kim27so I am trying to get a bootmanager to start up an ubuntu install on a usb drive, however it has a kernel panic instead. How can I configure the grub so that the kernel doesn't panic when starting up?06:57
tikyes it does06:57
jinxzswhere to start?06:57
mar10Thanks Wiesshund06:57
jinxzsi mean i dont any have idea how to install that gyachi06:57
IdleOnejinwang: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loell/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gyachi06:58
tikjinxzs: i jus told you how06:58
tikor that06:58
IdleOnejinxzs: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loell/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gyachi06:58
xanguatik: oh!! now it does, the last time i checked it doesn't06:58
spinewiesshund: ok, so they should say UUID=/dev/sda7 and UUID=/dev/sda8?06:58
mar10The on screen keyboard does work in a pinch06:58
Fontora>> http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&safe=off&q=how+to+install+gyachi&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=ad1f3608a5501ab606:58
Wiesshundmar10 theres a tablet ubuntu in the works, i dont know of any release date etc though06:59
koshari1kim27 is it a live session (casper) or uncompressed install with basic file structure?06:59
Wiesshundspine no, no UUID i dont believe, just /dev/sdXY double check that with action06:59
Wiesshundspine hold 1 sec06:59
kim27koshari1,  I booted up the live off of a usb stick and installed it to another usb stick. I installed grub onto the usb stick as well.07:00
spineyeah action left07:00
Fudgei have an imac with built in webcam, what program can i install in lucid to take a photo with it?07:00
Wiesshundspine this format /dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1 format07:00
IdleOneFudge: install cheese07:00
i5noc!webcam | Fudge07:01
ubottuFudge: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:01
Fudgethats what i thought, but then thought it was an osx program07:01
Wiesshundspine format hehenot verbetim07:01
spinewiesshund: hda2? or should it be sda?07:01
kim27koshari1, I can get into grub, and I fear when I moved the usb stick to another machine that the grub settings aren't valid any more.07:01
spineright now it's listed as ext4 also07:01
i5nocspine, sudo fdisk -l07:01
i5nocshould be sda 99.99999%07:01
mar10Wiesshund i would love to try a beta of this tablet version... is there a code name for it?07:01
Wiesshundspine i said format only. thats not a line by line of yours :)07:01
i5nocdont spit that here spine, its too many lines, but it will show, or df -h if something is already mounted07:02
Wiesshundmar10 no sorry just a jun article on it07:02
tikIdleOne:  gyachi: Depends: gyachi-data (= 1.2.9-0.1~lucid1) but it is not installable07:02
spineyeah it's sda07:02
tikE: Broken packages07:02
tikguess they don't07:02
koshari1kim27 possable, i havnt tried to install to a usb drive but sgould be the same, also i havnt had a lot of experiance in grub207:02
Wiesshundmar10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23640507:02
Hilikusso i modified /etc/resolv.conf but after rebooting it when back to the old values. what could be overwriting it at boot?07:02
cipherssonI got a million names  kids07:02
Wiesshund!ot >> ciphersson07:03
spinewiesshund: so if mine says ext4 i should leave it as ext4?07:03
cipherssonI could hide on ubuntu  but why lol07:03
mar10Wiesshund. Thanks for the article07:03
Wiesshundspine yes, ONLY thing you change is UUID=baaaaaaaaaaaaahhh to /dev/sdXY07:03
IdleOnetik: I don't use gyachi. the ppa should have the depends it needs.07:04
IdleOnetik: report a bug perhaps07:04
Jordan_Ukim27: This isn't a grub problem, it's most likely a problem with the kernel and that machines particular USB hardware.07:04
spinewiesshund: oh...so i shouldn't have changed anything else?07:04
kim27Jordan_U, I do believe the USB Drive is 1.1, does the default kernel support that?07:05
pedroalguien habla aqui espaniol07:05
Wiesshundspine no :( why.....07:05
spinewell i undo'd it07:05
spineshould be okay07:05
pedroalguien habla aqui espaniol07:05
pedroalguien habla aqui espaniol07:05
Wiesshundyou made a backup right?07:05
spinedidn't save the file yet or anything07:05
spinei'm still editing it, it's fine07:05
Wiesshundlong as you got a backup to grab incase of typo your good07:05
ibrahimA new kernel has been released !07:05
elitexrayGrr.. Wiesshund. That was unsuccessful07:06
spinek this should be good07:06
spineso, just try restarting after i do that?07:06
Wiesshundelitexray you got ndiswrapper installed?07:06
Wiesshundspine yes07:06
Jordan_Ukim27: Yes, the kernel supports 1.1 (and all other versions of USB, including USB 3.0). I mean that there is likely a compatability problem with the drivers for your particular USB controller or (less likely) a quirk with that particular drive / enclosure.07:06
=== fabio is now known as fabio__
Wiesshundelitexray and did you have it load windows drivers?07:06
elitexrayI also tried to install networkmanager but it wouldnt let me as it stated it already has the latest driver07:06
fabio__Hi everyone... can someone help me? i can get ubuntu to boot :(07:07
Jordan_U!details | fabio__07:07
ubottufabio__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:07
jigalhow can i purge all php related packages07:07
fabio__ubottu ok, i will try that07:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:07
Wiesshundelitexray did you have ndiswrapper load the windows drivers for the wifi?07:07
ibrahimHow to download the new kernel guys ? I can't see it in the update manager07:07
kim27Jordan_U thanks for the help07:08
Wiesshundibrahim might not be ready or might not be a release build yet07:08
elitexrayI'm not sure how to do that @wiesshund07:08
xanguaibrahim: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ manualy07:08
ibrahimWiesshund: http://www.linux.com/news/software/linux-kernel/337604-the-2635-kernel-is-out07:08
Jordan_Ukim27: What is the particular error message when you get the kernel panic? I thought at first that you had said that it was an error about not finding the root device but re-reading you never actually said that.07:08
Wiesshundelitexray youve got to run ndiswrapper and load the win drivers in, or no it wont do anything07:09
fabio__I have a problem booting Ubuntu. Im running ubuntu version 10.04 and on grub it show 2 of them, .00 and .20 i think (the othre numbers i dont remember, but i can restart if you need it). When i start any of them, it goes to a black screen and the keyboard turns off.07:09
Wiesshundibrahim eh ill load it when its older hehe07:09
elitexrayI see. Should ndiswrapper be under applications menu?07:09
elitexrayOr do i run it through terminal?07:10
jigali have the same error as here http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9181819 it's required to purge all php related packages. How do i do that?07:10
fabio__the only thing i can do is restart the computer. sometimes it returns some error messages related to CPU_INIT... many of them related to that... and the only thing i can do is restart the computer07:10
Jordan_Ufabio__: Have you tried booting into recovery mode? Did this install boot before on this machine?07:10
kim27Jordan_U, it says Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)07:10
fabio__Jordan_U i have tried it, yes.. i also tried installing ubuntu with the cd and i got the same problem07:10
MaRk-Ifabio__:  find out what video card you have and try this:   http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/07:10
fabio__the funny thing is i used ubuntu several times after installing.. and just now i got this error07:11
Jordan_Ufabio__: Have you tried running memtest?07:11
MaRk-Ifabio__: hhmm then that link is not for you... something else07:11
Wiesshundelitexray https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html07:11
ibrahimWiesshund: hahaha that would be better07:12
fabio__MaRk-I i tried the nomodeset and it didnt work07:12
fabio__my video is geforce 7600GS07:12
MaRk-Ifabio__: if you say it worked before then that's another thing07:12
znakeHi I needd help!07:13
fabio__yes... have you read what i said about many error messages with cpu_init on them ?07:13
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-zzz
vivek40Hii what is the path to the python interpreter in Lucid .. I was expecting it to be here 'usr/local/bin' but no that is not the path07:13
ibrahim!ask | znake07:13
ubottuznake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:13
znakeok thank you07:13
algolwhich python07:13
fabio__Jordan_U i have run it once... but there is nothing wrong with my memory i think... what can i get with memtest ?07:13
Wiesshundelitexray here this GUI will make it easier for you to set up http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/ndisgtk/download07:14
spinewiesshund: sigh, tried that, exact same error07:14
spinewiesshund: just says /dev/disk/by-uuid/the uuid does not exist07:15
elitexrayWait am I supposed to download all those URLS?07:15
znakethis happened just minutes ago, when i came back from work, i booted my laptop and instead of booting to the XP partition it boots to a GRUB menu with no entries07:15
Wiesshundspine im stumped, im not sure what the other OS would be doing that kills off ubuntu07:15
algolvivek40: you should run which python, and you will get the path07:15
spinei know people have definitely dual booted them successfully07:15
CoCo_kid594I have a terabyte drive I can mount it fine to ubuntu when I try and mount it to my other server using mount //ip/share /mnt/point I get a Cannot allocate memory.  i have never seen this before.07:15
Jordan_Ufabio__: It's just that problems that pop up seemingly without explanation are often due to bad RAM. If you've already run memtest for a while without problems then that's probably not the issue.07:15
vivek40thanks algol got it07:15
Wiesshundspine it might require some odd setup, theres an endless amoutn of those07:16
znakeI cant boot to XP partition, and now im using Lubuntu from a USB07:16
Wiesshundspine you may try one of the other boot loaders07:16
fabio__Jordan_U: i run memtest a while ago, and im running for a year windows 7 on the same computer... i use dualboot ubuntu + win707:16
znakeeverytime i boot, it automatically boots to a GRUB menu07:16
CoCo_kid594one is ubuntu one is gentoo.. is ut because it of vfat type partation?07:16
spinewiesshund: i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98724307:17
spinedo you know how i'd be able to do this?07:17
spinecould this also be done in fstab?07:17
Imagineit's the first time i use Xchat, can someone tell me how to go to anoother chat?07:17
fabio__Jordan_U doesnt "cpu_init" related errors say anything to you?07:18
IdleOneImagine: /join #channel07:18
Imagineok thx :)07:18
CoCo_kid594anyone have a usb terabyte drive? I have left the vfat type partition it has always ran fine. can you mount to both boxes?07:18
IdleOneImagine: you should read the FAQ @ xchat.org07:18
Wiesshundspine you can try it. not in fstab though07:19
ImagineIdleone: I should yes but don't really want to :D07:19
Wiesshundfstab doesnt send kernel args07:19
spineok, hmm07:19
spinehow can i access the grub console07:19
spineis there a way to do it from busybox?07:19
hax0r1what's the easy way to change your keyboard to diff lang in gnome?07:19
IdleOneImagine: it will save you a lot of easily answered questions07:19
Wiesshundspine hold shift at boot to get grub menu07:19
Wiesshundspine then C brings grub to console, normal exits console07:20
elitexrayWiesshund how many network drivers are there supposed to be?07:20
* scriptwarlock says hello to all07:20
ImagineIdleone: yep ok gonna read that07:20
Wiesshundelitexray can you rephrase question? not sure what you mean?07:21
fabio__Can someone help me? i use ubuntu 10.04 but its not booting anymore... i tried recovery mode but it returns some errors related to 'cpu_unit'. I use dual boot and i am now on win707:21
Wiesshundspine youd add that arg in /etc/default/grub, after you get it booting07:21
jigali have the same error as here http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9181819 it's required to purge all php related packages. How do i do that?07:21
Wiesshundfabio__ you may have to write down the exact errors for someone to be able to help07:23
fabio__Wiesshund: i dont know if the screen show all of them... they ocupy all screen and keyboard goes down07:23
fabio__Wiesshund i tried using the boot cd and installing but i get the SAME error :o07:24
Wiesshundfabio__ im sure theres a dump file they are recorded in, youd need to boot a liveCD to get to it. but im not the guy who can tell you offhand where those errors get logged at07:25
elitexrayWiesshund I plugged the ethernet cable into the ubuntu and connection was established07:25
tikjigal: sudo apt-get remove php5* ?07:25
elitexrayCan I from this point download all the necesary updates?07:25
jigaltik: not remove, purge07:25
Wiesshundelitexray yes you sure can07:25
elitexrayGreat. So i dont need to worry about all those instructions on installing networkmanager?07:26
scriptwarlockfabio__: is it possible to relate what steps you did before everything hapened on your cpu?07:26
fabio__scriptwarlock i can say that happened after i did some upgrades, but i didnt use ubuntu for a month or two.. so i cant say what updates i have done07:27
spinewiesshund: well, good news and bad news07:27
Wiesshundelitexray spine gimme the bad 1st?07:27
joebobjoebsd > *nix07:27
scriptwarlockfabio__: is the safe mode still accessible?07:28
spinewiesshund: bad news is that it takes about 6 minutes to boot07:28
spinegood news is that it boots07:28
=== Raman_ is now known as Raman
scriptwarlockfabio__: i mean recovery mode07:28
bullgard4man ssh-add: "adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent." What is an RSA identity?07:29
elitexrayHuh @ Wiesshund?07:29
fabio__scriptwarlock: nope. i try to use it and it returns some errors related to 'cpu_init'. when i try normal it just goes to a black screen, like when the monitor is off... and the keyboard on both ways goes off.07:29
elitexrayWiesshund @ the autoupdate on ubuntu should have networkmanager right?07:29
Wiesshundelitexray mistype, im looking for drivers you can actualy download to use with ndiswrapper07:29
Wiesshundelitexray youve already probably got the newest net manager07:30
fabio__scriptwarlock the last error is "f810141e0 chilp_rip+0x0/0x20" i googled it but nothing resulted from that07:30
Hilikusis there any way to make dhclient ignore a nameserve given by the dhcp server? i have configured in my router to use the server as DNS, but the same router is giving the server a DNS ip of the router as a nameserve, so it creates a loop07:30
scriptwarlockfabio__: can you still run the live cd?07:30
elitexrayIf i had that, i should be able to see a range of wireless connections07:30
fabio__scriptwarlock: no i cant.. it runs but i tried to reinstall and it goes directly to the same error when i click on 'install'07:30
Wiesshundelitexray http://www.2wire.com/pages/drvrs/twwgpci_2.3.1.3.exe thats the winXP drivers07:30
scriptwarlockfabio__: can you make a bootable usb?07:30
Wiesshundspine how long a delay did you add?07:30
elitexrayWould this file open on linux?07:30
elitexraySince it's .exe07:31
Wiesshundelitexray it should open with the archive manager07:31
fabio__scriptwarlock: well, i have an mp3 here.. dont know if it can handle :P you tell me lol07:31
spinewiesshund: i added 130, but it sure seemed far longer than 130 seconds07:31
Wiesshundspine try 6507:31
scriptwarlockfabio__: mp3 player? lolz07:31
Wiesshundspine, then you can look into why its needed07:31
fabio__scriptwarlock: yeah.. i use as 1gb hard disk lol:D07:32
elitexraythis is the last file i'll need?07:32
scriptwarlockfabio__: why not try it with unetbootin07:32
Wiesshundelitexray youve got the gui for ndis wrapper right?07:33
elitexrayI'm not sure what that even means to be honest07:33
Wiesshundelitexray uh its one of the file links i gave you07:33
elitexrayI installed ndiswrapper that's for sure07:33
fabio__scriptwarlock: man, i can say i am a windows user trying to use ubuntu.. so i am beginning with ubuntu... what is unetbootin and why should i use it ?07:33
scriptwarlockfabio__: if you have an iso of lucid try it with unetbootin07:33
nurvhow can i get my desktop panel back, i accidently deleted it07:34
scriptwarlockfabio__: oh, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/07:34
MaRk-I!panels | nurv07:34
ubottunurv: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:34
fabio__scriptwarlock: so basically i run ubuntu from windows ?07:34
scriptwarlockfabio__: if you mean wubi07:35
mm2000hi there, I am having some problems with my internet connection. For some reason some webpages loads very fast and som very slow (or not at all) Any ideas what the problem can be? I have make sure ipv6 is off and I have the same problem in both firefox and chrome.07:35
scriptwarlockfabio__: yes07:35
Wiesshundelitexray http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/ndisgtk/download07:35
scriptwarlockmm2000: could that depends on the site you are visiting?07:35
Wiesshundelitexray that is the GUI for ndiswrapper07:35
fabio__scriptwarlock so what should i do when using ubuntu with unetbootin ?07:36
elitexrayYeah, I installed that07:36
mm2000scriptwarlock, I dont think so, on my iphone everything runs good and its the same wifi.07:36
Wiesshundelitexray ->> instructions for using it https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html07:36
mm2000btw i am using 10.0407:36
scriptwarlockfabio__: download the unetbootin to your windows box and run it then preapare your lucid iso to put inside your mp3 player as we call it07:37
hey_boyHow do I change the duration of "administrative privilege" after entering the password.07:37
scriptwarlockmm2000: is this regarding a laptop/netbook and wifi?07:37
hey_boyHow do I change the duration of availability of "administrative privilege" after entering the password once.07:37
Wiesshundelitexray the files you want from the archine are in the directory /ndis51/07:38
mm2000scriptwarlock, Yes07:38
st__can I customise gnome toolbar?07:38
elitexrayANd that is the final step07:38
Blue11st__: like?07:38
hotstewhey guys07:38
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hotstewToday I've got a serious issue about Ubuntu07:39
fabio__scriptwarlock: okay... what if i get the same error? if i dont, what can i do once ubuntu is loaded? it is not going to load the previous one i installed, correct ?07:39
st__like add remove buttons07:39
Blue11st__: yeah you should be able to do that.07:39
Wiesshundst__ add/remove them from where exactly?07:40
rbedi99anyone good with grub and hackintoshes? i'm having a lot of trouble getting grub to boot up os x07:40
Blue11st__: right click on the item or an empty space, and go for it.07:40
st__nautilus toolbar07:40
st__or is it dolphin? which is gnome file manager?07:40
Blue11st__: that I don't know07:40
Blue11st__: nautilus07:40
hotstewAfter a few hours I don't receive data over wlan anymore even though it is shown as connected and during shutdowns it won't fully shut down07:40
Wiesshundst_ i dont think you can easily edit the nautilus tool bar07:41
bullgard4man ssh-add: "adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent." What is an RSA identity?07:41
hotstewI think those two issues might be related07:41
Blue11hotstew: what kind of lan card?07:41
xanguadefault nautilus has no that option; elementary nautilus does https://launchpad.net/~am-monkeyd/%2Barchive/nautilus-elementary-ppa07:41
Wiesshundelitexray got drivers loaded?07:41
hotstewNetgear WG311v3, I use ndiswrapper for it07:41
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scriptwarlockfabio__: we check if the errors are really the hardware if possible describe the error on that machine so we can analyse if its a hardware failure or what07:41
hey_boyHow do I change the duration of "administrative privilege" after entering the password once.07:41
scriptwarlockmm2000: same with google chrome?07:42
vincenthi, I need to verify that restricted software restrictions do not apply in my country of legal residence07:42
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Wiesshundhey_boy theres a icon to click to drop the permission immediately, im not sure on the default timer07:42
i5nocgood luck07:42
Blue11bullgard4: rsa is a public key encryption an rsa identity just identifies the host07:43
WiesshundGuest75530 uh youd have to look up your country on google07:43
Blue11bullgard4: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=25207:44
WiesshundGuest75530 what country do you live in?07:44
Guest75530so that restricted software is from the restricted repo?07:44
Guest75530I live in the Netherlands Wiesshund07:44
mm2000scriptwarlock, Yes and any other browser07:44
WiesshundGuest75530 oh those? just media decoders. they are restricted because they arent open source07:44
Guest75530so do the restrictions not apply in the Netherlands?07:45
WiesshundGuest75530 mp4 mp4 divx avi etc types of codecs07:45
Guest75530they are all ok?07:45
elitexray@Wiesshund , no, not yet. Ubuntu is currently installing updates.07:45
WiesshundIm not sure there are restrictions per country on a codec itself07:45
hey_boyWiesshund: I am not having any such (keys) icon appearing in my system tray. Do I need to enable it?07:45
Guest75530can I confirm, Wiesshund?07:46
Wiesshundhey_boy i font believe so, it just shows up in the alert panel, and says something to the effect of drop all elevated privleges07:46
Guest75530so I can't confirm?07:47
WiesshundVincent yea far as i know there is nothing country restricted about them07:47
Wiesshundits just that they are not open source, the codecs belong to people like sony etc who dont do open source, so ubuntu cant put them in any official package07:47
WiesshundVincent, virtualy ALL windows installations come with all those codecs, simply cause uncle bill can afford to buy them07:48
thune3hey_boy: are you talking about extending the password "timeout" of sudo?07:48
hotstewCan't uncle Mark buy them for us too? :(07:49
blitzohow do i boot into text mode?07:49
i5nocsingle user mode, should be the second instance of the same kernel version, and marked recovery iirc07:50
blitzoi5noc, by single-user mode what do you mean exactly?  with upstart we are getting away from sysv conventions07:51
tikanyone kno hwo to add "delete" toothe menu?07:51
hey_boythune3: yes07:51
Wiesshundhey_boy it seems the key icon only pops up is root permission remains longer than a few seconds aside from the app youve already opened with it07:51
angelo #I`Love`Naples07:51
Blue11tik: delete what to what menu?07:52
Wiesshundtik the start menu? right click it07:52
thune3hey_boy: instruction here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudoTimeout07:52
Thoptermy computer is set to turn off the screen after 10 idle minutes.  is there a bash script command I can use to turn it back on?07:52
i5nocblitzo, if you read the whole sentance it should be clear07:52
hey_boylet me check07:52
i5noc>>>>should be the second instance of the same kernel version, and marked recovery iirc<<<<07:52
Blue11Thopter: usually just moving the mouse will put the screen back on -07:52
WiesshundThopter you could turn off the power management?07:52
Blue11Thopter: or hitting a key07:52
st__whrere can I set the gnome icon size?07:52
tiknm  I found a link07:53
ThopterBlue11: it's for an alarm-clock, so I need it automated07:53
Blue11Wiesshund: or that07:53
blitzoi5noc, i wasn't sure you were talking to me, first of all, and second, there is no fallback on a brand new system, and third, how do i make text mode the default07:53
Blue11Thopter: gnome-typing-monitor?07:53
i5nocblitzo, there is07:53
i5nocwhen booting hold shift if you dont see any menus07:53
ThopterI want the screen to turn off after 10 minutes, but I also want it to turn back on at a specific time07:53
mm2000hi there, I am having some problems with my internet connection. For some reason some webpages loads very fast and som very slow (or not at all) Any ideas what the problem can be? I have make sure ipv6 is off and I have the same problem in both firefox and chrome.07:53
Blue11Thopter: you could do a cronjob07:53
i5nocthere SHOULD be two kernel lines for each kernel version as stated, install suspect otherwise07:53
i5nocanyway gtg for a sec07:54
Karen_mwhat do you use for an irc client on ubuntu?07:54
ThopterBlue11: looking for the command to put in the cronjob ^_^07:54
blitzoi5noc, i presume that gives a grub2 menu?  is text mode an option or do i have to feed is a param?07:54
ThopterKaren_m: XChat works good07:54
Blue11Thopter: that I can't help you with sorry -- I just move the mouse and it's all good -07:54
Blue11Thopter: so you are wanting to use your computer for an alarm clock?07:55
i5nocjust choose the second param or edit it and see for yourself how its made ok brb07:55
Karen_mi installed google chrome and the weird thing is, it did not pop into Applications->Internet.  Where do things usually get installed to?07:55
blitzothopter what do you mean by screen turn off/turn on?07:55
ThopterBlue11: yes, actually a sunrise-simulator... I have a script set up to slowly brighten the screen, I just need it to turn on first07:55
Blue11Karen_m: do a which chrome and it should tell you07:55
hotstewHmm, still need a solution why my WLAN stops receiving data after a few hours and shut down has problems after that07:55
Blue11Thopter: interesting - but sorry I don't know how to do that...07:55
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xanguaKaren_m: better use chromium, is already in fx repository and it's open source07:56
Blue11hotstew: what type of card?07:56
st__whrere can I set the gnome icon size?07:56
Thopterblitzo: gnome-power-manager will turn off the monitor after so many idle minutes, completely off... I want to turn it back on at a specific time07:56
Karen_mfx repository?07:56
hotstewNetgear WG311v3 and I use the XP driver over ndiswrappe07:56
xanguaubuntu* Karen_m07:56
blitzothopter disable that, and set your screen saver to blank screen no password on startup07:57
Blue11hotstew: beyond my knowledge level sorry07:57
hotstewokay thx :S07:57
teknohanhello guys I `ve got a serious problem I can`t connect to web pages I can download some programs from software center but I never connect to a webpage  anyidea ?07:58
Blue11teknohan: sounds like a dns problem07:58
Thopterblitzo: so the screen will reactivate once my script is activated?07:58
blitzothopter try it and see - i don't knpw - that's my best guess07:58
Wiesshundteknohan try to ping www.google.com07:58
teknohanBlue11: I tried  already07:59
blitzoteknohan what happpens when you try to connect to a web page?07:59
Thopterteknohan: sounds like you might have the proxy settings set up wrong07:59
teknohanblitzo: connection has been  cutted it said07:59
Wiesshundelitexray hows it going?07:59
blitzoteknohan, that is not a standard error.  please tell me exactly what it says07:59
teknohanThopter:  I just start using ubuntu and I never touch any setting08:00
blitzoWiesshund, that's his interpretation - we need to know the exact error08:00
thune3Thopter: gnome-screensaver-command command could be used in scripts/cron for deactivating screensaver (not sure about locked though). see manpage for options08:00
teknohanWiesshund: let me tell you I think it was proxy but I never touch any setting08:00
teknohanI just start ubuntu and that is it08:01
bullgard4Blue11: I need more time to understand the article which you recommended to read.08:01
teknohanI am living turkey08:01
Wiesshundteknohan if you cant ping www.google.com but can ping then its a dns issue08:01
blitzoteknohan, we need to know the exact error in order to help you08:01
teknohanif ubuntu`s proxy is not alowed here I can`t connect08:01
Blue11bullgard4: it's complex but tried to make the recipe as simple as possible - don't know if that's what you are trying to do.08:01
blitzoteknohan, if you aren't going to answer me then good luck!  can't help without info08:02
Thopterusing the screensaver won't work for me.  it appears black, yes, but the backlight is on still08:02
Wiesshundteknohan ubuntu doesnt use any proxy unless you tell it to08:02
teknohanblitzo:  sorry08:02
eliezerhow can i open the brouser as root08:02
teknohanblitzo: it says time promlem08:02
Blue11eliezer: you should NEVER do that...08:03
teknohanblitzo: I have no idea what does it mean08:03
Wiesshundeliezer sudo firefox ? but why??08:03
Thopterso I still need to have gnome-power-manager turn off the screen, and I need some command to turn it back on08:03
blitzoeliezer, really bad idea08:03
Thopterteknohan: connection timeout?08:03
teknohanThopter:  yes08:03
Wiesshundteknohan copy and paste exact error from firefox screen08:03
eliezeri mean the computer brouser08:03
teknohanThopter:  it said that08:03
Blue11eliezer: nautilus?08:03
blitzoWiesshund, tell him how to use pastebin pls, i don't know how to set that up08:04
teknohanWiesshund:  connection time out I can`t do that now08:04
Thoptereliezer: sudo nautilus08:04
teknohanI use other system08:04
eliezeri need to move some pictures to use with DVD styler to use as backgrond08:04
eliezerbut i get a error08:04
eliezerneed to be root08:04
Wiesshund!pastebin | teknohan08:04
ubottuteknohan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:04
blitzoeliezer, nooooo08:04
Wiesshundeliezer sudo nautilus08:04
eliezerwhy not08:04
eliezerist in not safe08:04
xangua!gksu | Wiesshund08:05
ubottuWiesshund: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:05
eliezeri did before to delete lefto over by softwares08:05
xanguaand also eliezer *08:05
teknohanWiesshund:  I can`t paste cos I don`t have error message now  sorry but it is server time out08:05
blitzoeliezer, explain in different words what you need to do - you have pictures on dvd?  is that correct?  what are you doing with them?08:05
Thopterteknohan: every webpage, or just one site?08:05
teknohanThopter: all08:05
Wiesshundblitzo he wants to copy pics from dvd to the background folder i think08:05
blitzoWiesshund, don't need a browser for that...08:06
teknohanThopter: plus I download other web browser one of them works basic one08:06
Thopterteknohan: firefox? chrome? opera?08:06
picard1421why compile error am i getting??08:06
Blue11teknohan: if all you are trying to do is change the background image, copy to your home directory, and then point it there.08:06
Karen_moh my god!  Stellarium is amazing08:07
Wiesshundblitzo people hate sudo cp lol08:07
ThopterKaren_m: yup, it is ^_^08:07
teknohanBlue11:  bg pic . ?08:07
ThopterBlue11: I think you mean eliezer, not teknohan08:07
Karen_mnow i think i understand why they say 'orions belt' ... the 3 stars there right in his belt08:07
Blue11teknohan: you are want to changed the background picture?08:07
blitzoWiesshund, system->preferences->appearance->background and click the add button - nautilus opens08:07
eliezerno,no,no,  pal i want to add some backgrounds to DVDDtyler folder in fylesystem/user/share/dvdstyler08:07
ThopterKaren_m: exactly08:07
teknohanBlue11:  no sorry08:07
Wiesshundblitzo yea but that wont share among all users08:07
blitzoWiesshund, i have lost track who posted that ques - does he want all users to have them?08:08
Blue11teknohan: sorry08:08
Wiesshundblitzo im just guessing thats what he wants to do?08:08
Karen_mwhat's the best html editor or css/php editor, whatever kind of editor that I should be using?  I'm looking for something that colorizes and has many features08:08
eliezeri figure i dont know how to do in terminal08:08
st__whrere can I set the gnome icon size?08:08
eliezerthere is a brouser u run as root08:08
teknohananyone has idea about dns wi08:08
eliezeri can manage to use that08:08
Thoptereliezer: gksudo nautilus08:08
Blue11Karen_m: I'm old skewl - I use gedit08:08
Suit_Of_SablesrEFIt tells me I have overlapping partition tables (MBR and GPT). I have tried running gdisk to convert the partition table to pure GPT but upon booting from rEFIt boot disk I am told I still have overlapping MBR and GPT tables. what should my gdisk command look like? $sudo gdisk /dev/sda  ?08:08
TiKnot brouser08:09
teknohananyone has idea about dns which is not alowed in turkey ???08:09
blitzoeliezer, i need more information what you are trying to do08:09
blitzoBlue11, old skewl is vi lololol08:09
blitzoBlue11, in a terminal08:09
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Blue11blitzo: true that - I never learned vi, but I am a whiz in nano08:09
Wiesshundeliezer sudo cp /path/to/dvd/images/image-name /usr/share/backgrounds08:10
Karen_malt+f2; gksudo nautilus08:10
bullgard4Blue11: In http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=252: "The first line »Host« identifies the domain, and the machine in that domain I which to reach." I do not understand the role of »machine« there. I would like to automate my command '~$ ssh d00m.org'. So do I have to put a »machine« in my config file?08:10
WiesshundBlue11 i hate vi :/ hehe08:10
eliezerall i want is to add some backgrounds to the a folder in fylesystem/usr/share/dvdstyler08:10
ThopterKaren_m: gedit colorizes, once the file is saved and it knows what type of file it's working with08:10
eliezerbut need to be as root08:10
blitzoBlue11, true old skewl is 'ed' the precursor to vi08:10
Karen_mi use nano, but i wanted something more like Notepad++, where when you're editing php or css, or html.. it automatically colors it for you08:10
eliezeri figure because is in fylesystem where the folder is08:10
Blue11bullgard4: pm okay?08:10
thune3Thopter: xset dpms force on/off seems to work: sleep 1 && xset dpms force off && sleep 10 && xset dpms force on08:10
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
spinek wiesshund, i tested it. if i do any time lower than 120 i get the same error08:10
Thoptereliezer: gksudo nautilus08:10
bullgard4Blue11: yes.08:10
Wiesshundteknohan ive no idea what kinf of sites turkey blocks08:11
spinewiesshund: however, interestingly, there seems to be a very long boot time difference between 90 and 120 for some reason08:11
blitzohow do i start a pm?08:11
spinei assume that the 120 seconds is just enough for it to begin to bootstrap or something08:11
teknohanWiesshund:  youtube , google servisess ................................. alotttt08:11
eliezerso if i use the sudo nautilus i can manage to do that very simple08:11
SwedeMikeKaren_m: there are several editors that do that, but they're probably not going to be as easy for you to start with as nano/notepad is. vim is one.08:11
Wiesshundspine ok well thats got you working for now, atleast you can run the system while researching a reason08:11
xanguaeliezer: do you even READ what we tell you¿¿08:11
xangua(02:11:09) Thopter: eliezer: gksudo nautilus08:11
spinei googled it and found an interesting article on it08:12
TiKget an IDE08:12
xangua!gksu > eliezer08:12
eliezeri did08:12
ubottueliezer, please see my private message08:12
spineapparently it's some sort of kernel bug08:12
Thopterthune3: awesome, thanks ^_^08:12
Wiesshundteknohan can you load a local government or media site? like local turkish newspaper or tv station?08:12
blitzoxangua english is not his language and there is too much chatter here08:12
jurohi, how can I find out whether Ubuntu is using the correct swap?08:12
Wiesshundeliezer as mentioned us gksudo nautilus instead08:12
TiKjuro: df ?08:12
Karen_meliezer, alt+f2 and then gksudo nautilus works for me08:13
teknohanWiesshund:  nothing I think ubuntu has a dns is not allowed in turkey so I can`t connect and software center does not use any so I can download08:13
mm2000hi there, I am having some problems with my internet connection. For some reason some webpages loads very fast and som very slow (or not at all) Any ideas what the problem can be? I have make sure ipv6 is off and I have the same problem in both firefox and chrome.08:13
Wiesshundteknohan it doesnt work that way08:13
TiKmm2000: how do you disable ipv6?08:13
HackeMatehello, i installed an ubuntu intrepid, what need I change in sources.list to get the lastest version?08:13
HackeMatedo I change 'intrepid' for karmic?08:13
xanguaHackeMate: better do a fresh install08:14
Karen_mi have just installed ubuntu, what should I look at doing that is awesome?  is there a way to make gnome look amazing?  something fun?  I have installed chromium and stellarium (amazing)08:14
mm2000TiK, I have tried that but still have the same problem.08:14
juroTiK, thank you08:14
TiKno mm2000 im aking you how08:14
teknohanWiesshund:  I really wanna learn something about bunutu connection center how works something like that do you have any webpage ? if you have it I may find out what is problem08:14
TiKI want t do the same08:14
Wiesshundteknohan it sounds like your dns is not right08:14
HackeMatecan I do it with no cd? I don't have cd support (it's broken)08:14
fr0stbytewhats the unix command to print a file when ur in Terminal?08:14
TiKHackeMate: do you have a usb card?08:14
xanguaKaren_m: http://gnome-look.org/08:14
ThopterKaren_m: compiz?08:15
fr0stbytethe text08:15
mm2000TiK, editing /etc/sysctl.conf08:15
Wiesshundteknohan put this in your browser
HackeMateI could get one I guess - netinstall?08:15
koshari1Karen_m compiz is the go for wow effects08:15
Thopterfr0stbyte: printf?08:15
teknohanWiesshund: ok I`ll try it08:15
teknohanWiesshund: but I use other system cos I couldn`t find irc in ubuntu08:15
Wiesshundteknohan software center, install Xchat08:16
fr0stbyteits "cat" lol forgot08:16
elitexrayWiesshund, my ubuntu just finished updating itself. Now I am have to install those two files08:16
teknohanWiesshund: oh~ ok thanks alot08:16
koshari1HackeMate can you boot a usb thumb drive?08:16
Wiesshundelitexray ok :)08:16
elitexrayHowever, i could'n't open the exe without getting an error.08:16
Wiesshundteknohan did that work?08:16
blitzofr0stbyte, you said "print" not "display" - if you want to send a file to a printer use lpr - if you want to splay use less08:16
teknohanWiesshund: I have said I need to change system first08:17
Bridge|Anyone know if Ubuntu will every Work with Logitech BT keyboards/Mice, MX550 & MX5000 & Dinovo & Dinovo Mini and I'm sure others...... This problem has been extremely frustrating, and while there are some workarounds, nothing works 100% while the kb/mouse are still BT, their have been workarounds in past releases they get the KB/Mouse working almost 100% but in failback usb emulation mode(which is not what anybody wants who own these devices), Anytime you 08:17
HackeMatekoshari1: I think I can run computer via usb, do you mean to boot a install via the usb?08:17
suberimakurihey everyone... looking for a bit of help with xubuntu 10.4... was working happy and then now during boot it's failing after Running /scripts/init-bottom ... Done.08:17
koshari1HackeMate: yes08:17
Bridge|this problem has been presistent since atleast 8.04 (when i first started using Ubuntu) if not even before08:17
suberimakuriany ideas would be much appreciated, haven't found much via google yet :)08:17
picard1421anyone helppp1111???08:17
Wiesshundelitexray right click exe pick open with archive manager08:18
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sixofouris there a way to get shockwave in firefox on ubuntu?08:18
sixofourshockwave player08:18
eliezerim creating a launcher and now i have another option that said LOCATION08:18
masterBIGwillyhow do i register an account?08:18
eliezerwhat is that for08:18
ubottuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave08:18
rkvirani_Anyone gotten the latest VMWare player working in 10.04?08:18
eliezerto open a folder or something08:19
WiesshundBridge| ive got a logitec mx500 game mouse here, it works yes08:19
Bridge|sorry i ment MX550008:19
Bridge|its a kb/mouse combo08:19
eliezerdidnt have that before08:19
masterBIGwillyrkvirani_, no, a great alternative(much better i think) is vbox -- sudo apt-get install virtualbox08:19
Bridge|i had mx5000 before and same probs with ubuntu08:19
elitexrayWiesshund does it matter which order I install. 1) twwgpci 2) ndigtk08:19
rkvirani_masterBIGwilly: there is a reason I want vmware08:20
Wiesshundelitexray you need to install ndigtk 1st its the GUI for ndiswrapper08:20
TiKpicard1421: why are you compiling ffmpeg wen you can just get it from the repos08:20
HackeMatekoshari1: can you tell me where to get a usb installer? I found one at ubuntu.com but looks as a live08:20
suberimakurimight have been after apt-get upgrade08:21
Bridge|and Wiesshund MX500 mouse looks like a corded usb mouse, i'm refering to Bluetooth mouse/keyboards08:21
picard1421whats the repo?08:21
picard1421can you get OpenCV from the repos also TiK08:21
TiKHackeMate: geunetbootin and the iso image08:21
picard1421im compiling openCV08:21
masterBIGwillyrkvirani_, it won't work; maybe if you use the lastest version, it will work.....08:21
HackeMateok thanks08:21
TiKlemme check08:21
Wiesshundelitexray and i said you need to EXTRACT the twwgpci with archive manager08:21
picard1421but yea if you can give me repo links to both.. that' be swell THanks TiK08:21
masterBIGwillyHow do i register my account with chanserv????08:21
TiKpicard1421: 1 sec08:21
elitexrayYeah , I missed that.08:21
rkvirani_masterBIGwilly: the latest version does not work08:21
WiesshundBridge| sorry then i misread you :( both my mice, the 500 and the 6500 are corded08:21
koshari1HackeMate the live iso is the same as a usb bootable image, you just need a util like unetbootin to prepare the image on the thimpdrive.08:22
Bridge|hehe :)08:22
HackeMateyes, I found it, thanks08:22
masterBIGwillyrkvirani_, i know 9.04/10 works... iw ould downgrade... it won't work intill vmware gets on it's shiz....08:22
Bridge|masterBIGwilley  #freenode for chnaserv help, but it'd guess /chanserv help08:22
theo_hi folks08:22
eliezerwhen creating a launcher i have 3 options under TYPE,,, aplication,,,aplication in terminal,,, Location08:22
eliezerwhats the location one for ??08:22
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TiKpicard1421: https://launchpad.net/~gijzelaar/+archive/opencv208:22
TiKBridge|: you dah man08:23
rkvirani_masterBIGwilly: figured it was a vmware problem08:23
rkvirani_funny thing though 3.01 works in 10.0408:23
rkvirani_but not 3.108:23
Wiesshundeliezer you dont normaly need the location08:23
TiKrkvirani_: virtualbox has better performance08:23
Rakuenmac > ubuntu08:23
eliezerwhat is it for ?08:23
KenAnyway got any idea on how to connect to a wireless internet, on 9.04?08:23
picard1421TiK i do not understand... what that package is?08:24
Hilikushow do i stop fluxbox to stop trying to set a wallpaper. it always shows an error about not having an app to set the wallaper, but i don't want to have a wallpaper at all08:24
TiKpicard1421: you have to dd the ppa08:24
picard1421add the respo..08:24
picard1421oen sec.08:24
TiKpicard1421: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gijzelaar/opencv208:24
jasonwryaneliezer: a directory...08:24
TiKyou are on lucid right?08:24
Ken Pretty Lost..08:25
Bridge|Thanks TiK, but i must have missed what ur refering to, hehe, why am i the man?08:25
eliezerand can i make a launcher that runs more than 1 app08:25
TiKpicard1421: did yu even read that page? :)08:25
TiKBridge|: cause you are in #boston08:25
eliezerlike a set of apps for work at one click08:25
koshari1eliezer: with a script you can08:25
Wiesshundeliezer simpler to look at one already made from /usr/share/applications08:25
picard1421Tik yea i see add the thing..08:25
jasonwryaneliezer: app1 && app2?08:25
TiKpicard1421: that is for lucid08:25
Wiesshundeliezer yes, with a simple script08:25
picard1421yeahup (;08:25
TiKcompiling sucks ;)08:26
suberimakurithanks guys... i got the shits with it and reinstalling with debian now :)08:26
Bridge|thought ur nick looked familiar when i saw it08:26
eliezerwhat would like the script08:26
koshari1TiK beats programming in machine code...08:26
eliezeris it hard to do ?08:26
picard1421TiK how would you now install this08:26
picard1421i added it to the repo's08:26
picard1421or DL it i guess08:26
elitexrayWiesshund -- I noticed after I installed ndigtk, theres a new icon on taskbar which signifies to "install driver" I went ahead and installed it. I think that may be the wireless driver.08:27
TiKpicard1421: uhm cap-cache search opencv08:27
TiKpicard1421: after you do apt-get update08:27
Wiesshundkoshari1 myself i prefer to write text files in binary lol08:27
TiKer sudo that08:27
picard1421not found08:27
* Bridge| invents, sudo make logitech-bt work08:28
picard1421im running the update now..08:28
Wiesshundelitexray what driver did it say it was installing?08:28
TiKpicard1421: you have to update then do an apt-cache search opencv08:28
Bridge|if only so easy08:28
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TiKBridge|: wh e you trying to do man08:28
rkvirani_TiK: can what is the migration path to any one of the 3 ESX clusters ?08:28
TiKwhat are*08:28
elitexrayBroadcom B43 wireless driver08:28
KenCan't find my driver for wireless?08:28
TiKrkvirani_: why are you asking me?08:28
Wiesshundelitexray hmm well see if it runs on that08:28
kurniawan_junaidlook, Wild08:29
Bridge|TiK, logitech BT hubs with kb/mice dont work very well in ubtubtu, u have to repair on every boot08:29
Wiesshundeliezer sounds wrong by name but that means nothing since 2wire doesnt actualy build their wireless stuff08:29
TiKBridge|: setup an init.d script to execute on boot?08:29
Bridge|and if u dont have an extra wired kb/mouse hanging around its very frustrating08:29
TiKso the fix i atomated08:29
TiKis atomated08:29
Bridge|yea thats one of the owrk arounds08:29
Wiesshundelitexray so whats it doing now?08:30
TiKBridge|: thats te best I go man08:30
eliezerdont get it08:30
eliezerbut is ok08:30
Bridge|but rather not have it on failback usb emulation mode, so i can till use the BT hub foir other devices08:30
elitexrayI'm restarting the ubuntu to make sure it takes effect on start up08:30
eliezerwhere can i go to get som info abiut scripts and how to build08:30
Wiesshundelitexray if its workign you should be able to see it in network connections under system > preferences08:30
syivanaSo are all the versions of vbox on vbox.org the nonfree with usb support?08:30
elitexrayI really hope.08:30
TiKsyivana: you want virtual box 3.1 not3.208:31
syivanaTiK: For what?08:31
eliezeryes script08:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:31
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:31
TiKsyivana: 3.1 is fast ad has usb support08:31
syivanaTiK: What of 3.2 then?08:32
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:32
Wiesshundelitexray if it doesnt work, run the ndis wrapper tool thats now in your start menu, and install the driver you downloaded and extracted08:32
elitexrayWiesshund :)08:32
elitexrayIt worked.08:32
TiKsyivana: i tried i out today with winXP and it took 1 min to load th start menu08:32
* Wiesshund does the happy dance08:32
Wiesshundelitexray woot your done!08:32
Utkarshhow would I go about finding what programs are using my RAM? top and 'ps aux' don't show all the usage.08:32
elitexrayShould i discard the twwgci file then?08:32
syivanaTiK: Ouch. I think I will take my risks with it and 7 :P08:32
TiKsyivana: in 3.1 it taks seconds08:32
Bridge|man i'm loving irssi, should have tried it out long ago instead of mIRC via wine08:32
Wiesshundelitexray no, save it in your home dir incase you ever reinstall08:33
elitexrayOk ok08:33
collabraright on elitexray!!!08:33
adelcampois there a gedit command that starts a new line like the vim "o" command?08:33
elitexrayYes! i feel great , Good work Wiesshund!08:33
Wiesshundelitexray along with the other packages you hand downloaded08:33
TiKBridge|: yeah I use irssi in going to make an alias /b to /join #boston :) so I don't have to remember numbers08:33
Bridge|yea i got boston on windows#208:34
picard1421Tik Thanks worked great!\08:34
i5nocfark that noise. remember dont pm ppl if you dont ask first.08:34
Bridge|i keep my fav chans near the front and less active ones in the 10+ range08:34
karen_mis irssi better than xchat?08:34
picard1421question thuogh.. one more quick one.. im looking for a packeg.. its qt4.5 i have no idea where to find it?08:34
Wiesshundelitexray is always good to save any special things you need to set up, and any text file youd like to include, just incase08:34
othelloSPAMY SPAMMY SPAM!08:34
picard1421its according to this guide08:34
syivanaI have amd64 but I installed ubuntu x86 32bit. Do I want to download all additional debs for 32bit too?08:34
i5nockaren_m, there's tradeoffs for anything08:34
TiKpicard1421: np and time you want to install something first google for program name +PA +lucid :)08:34
i5nocbut irssi + vm = very cheap >>>>>> bnc08:34
Wiesshundsyivana if ubuntu is 32bit you will use 32bit debs08:35
Bridge|irssi alias08:35
i5nocyou can code for xchat too08:35
Bridge|hehe wrong window08:35
i5nocarbitrary anything :P08:35
syivanaThat is, if I am running 32bit ubuntu on amd64, I still want 32bit debs when choosing to download software, yes?08:35
elitexrayWiesshund -- I'll keep that noted08:35
i5noccorrect syivana08:35
syivanaWiesshund: ok08:35
syivanai5noc: thanks08:35
i5nocx86 == 32bit :)08:35
eliezeri want ro read some about scips and google send me to hollywood to make a movie,,aint that something,,,,where can i get some info about building scripts08:35
TiKWiesshund: yes it will08:36
Wiesshundsyivana unless you add repositories through synaptic it wont accidently show you 64bit08:36
AdvoWorkhi there, i was running 8.04, and an application through wine, this worked fine. I upgraded to 10.04 and the program still worked, ive tried just, and it wont open, and returns: err:module:attach_process_dlls "opengl32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting   any suggestions please?08:36
syivanaWiesshund: Indeed, but I am referring to addon packages like limewire and vbox nonfree, for example08:37
eliezerreinstall wine08:37
WiesshundAdvoWork what application? http://appdb.winhq.com08:37
xanguaor update wine https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/%2Barchive/ppa08:37
syko789wuts ubuntu08:37
syivanaWiesshund: Where you have to choose 32 or 64. It seems I have been doing the right thing so far by dling 32bit debs for the 32bit OS08:37
picard1421TiK i found this... https://launchpad.net/~ximion/+archive/ppa   but im not sure how to add this guys repo?08:37
syivanaJust wanted to make sure :)08:37
xanguapicard1421: sudo add-apt-repository 'ppa's name'08:38
AdvoWorkWiesshund, its dreamweaver08:38
Wiesshundsyivana yea hand downloads gotta babysit yourself.08:38
karen_mI am going to try and drop ever using windows 7 again.  Other than games, is there any reason to go back.. well maybe adobe photoshop?08:38
WiesshundAdvoWork is Wine updated? and have you checked wines appdb on it?08:38
TiKsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ximion/ppa && sudo apt-get update08:38
TiKer picard142108:38
picard1421kk ill try that08:39
Wiesshundkaren_m gimp has alot of plug ins now08:39
picard1421says not found?08:39
AdvoWorkWiesshund, ive checked for bugs, cannot find anything. and wine is 1.1.42 version08:39
Wiesshundi dont dislike win7 though i prefer xp08:40
TiKpicard1421: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ximion/ppa08:40
=== PS is now known as GFW
TiKpicard1421: sudo apt-get update08:40
picard1421i tried the first one said HTTP 404 : not found08:40
koshari1karen_m: depending on what you need, rather than run everything in wine, i just keep a windows virtual machine handy for win stuff08:40
WiesshundAdvoWork might try googling the exact error message08:40
karen_mwhen installing 'wine', should I always try and update through the Ubuntu Software Centre or should I go to winehq.org or whatever it is?08:41
picard1421nm now its woorking08:41
karen_mkoshari1, how do you run a windows vm machine?08:41
TiKkaren_m: either one08:41
AdvoWorkWiesshund, yeah i have been, i just dont understand what its got to do with opengl?08:41
xanguakaren_m: you can get the latest wine from it's ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/%2Barchive/ppa08:41
WiesshundAdvoWork or may need to rerun dreamweaver install, sometimes windows apps are goofy like that, not very portable08:41
TiKkaren_m: you can either g virtualbox o VMWare08:41
koshari1 karen_m i use virtualbox puel on ubuntu 10.0408:41
karen_mis it free?08:42
WiesshundAdvoWork doesnt dreamweaver draw some 3d stuff?08:42
TiKI use virtualbox 3.1 and yesit's free08:42
picard1421TiK ok i did the add thing.. but when i do sudo apt-get install "pp package name"08:42
TiKpicard1421: apt-cache search first what ae you trying to get?08:42
AdvoWorkWiesshund, but as said, it was working after multiple reboots after i'd upgraded which is weird.  can i tell if i have the opengl32 drivers?08:43
karen_mso if I install virtualbox, it will run windows 7 in a window in gnome just as if i was on win7?08:43
`bozhi all08:44
abhijeetfrom where i can download the telnetd dep for ubuntu 9.10.. one of my machine is behind the firewall which does not have internet connectivity08:44
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Wiesshunddreamweaver uses openGL, not sure exactly what for since i dont have dreamweaver08:45
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juroTiK, it seems my swap is not mounted ...08:45
`bozi've just installed an application and can't find it anywhere in the applications menu how do i start it?08:45
TiKpicard1421: anyluck? :)08:46
jurowhy is my swap (which is on /dev/sdb1) not mounted? http://pastebin.com/5Gzdbpsh08:46
TiKjuro: why not it should automount08:46
karen_mwith virtualbox, i am confused.. is it one machine running 2 versions of an OS at the sametime, or does it connect remotely to another windows box bringing it local?08:46
Wiesshund`boz what application?08:46
TiKkaren_m: it "emulates" a computer08:46
Wiesshundkaren_m it boots the other OS inside a virtual environment running in the boted OS08:47
`bozWiesshund KVpnc08:47
juroTiK, I don't know why it doesn't mount :(08:47
karen_mtik, so I can be running ubuntu, install win7, run win7, play games in win7 all while being in ubuntu?08:47
TiKjuro: did you just install?08:47
Wiesshundkaren_m why not play the games in ubuntu?08:47
TiKkaren_m: i recommend getting xp08:47
ke1ha_karen_m, Info on VirtualBox: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch01.html#id260610508:48
TiKkaren_m: its les of a memory hog08:48
juroTiK, no. this is 9.04 and I moved the standard "install on one harddrive" swap to another harddrive08:48
Suit_Of_Sablesugh... the #macosx channel is no help at all when trying to put linux on your mac... they just tell you it will kill the CPU but the only place I have ever heard that is in that channel!! why isn't that addressed in the countless site dedicated to running linux on macs?08:48
karen_mWiesshund, i am unsure if you can get starcraft 2 and company of heroes running under ubuntu.  Hey, at least it is not wow right lol08:48
AdvoWorkWiesshund, im wondering if its wine thats updated and caused the problem, you're supposed tobe able to highlight the app in synaptic and do force version, yet its greyed out for wine, any suggestions? My opengl drivers are there, I just can't see why they would initialise?08:48
TiKjuro sfa1 is a primary partition ithink you did something wrong08:49
TiKer sda108:49
Prosper_Hello, I am looking for SheDevil. Has anyone here seen her?08:49
Wiesshundkaren_m check the appdb, i am pretty sure starcraft2 works08:49
TiKkaren_m: starcraft2 does work under the latest wine. ys08:49
TiKkaren_m: I dont know about the other one visit wineHQ.com08:49
juroTiK, well this was working a while ago :(08:50
Wiesshundkaren_m only games i have that dont work well under wine are old games that are actualy not programmed well to start with08:50
`bozis there a command i can use in a terminal to launch an application?08:50
TiKjuro: my swap is 10 igs and sda508:50
* KLBK2005USER3274 Hi!08:50
TiKer gigs08:50
Prosper_I met SheDevil on Diablo 1. I duped some good items for her, and we used the rings i duped to get married. She said sexual things. But the point is, i haven't seen her since when Diablo 1 was popular. I use to spend weeks hosting games hoping another SheDevil would join.08:50
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jpds!ot | Prosper_08:50
ubottuProsper_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:50
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juroTiK, not sure why that information is important to my question ...08:51
ke1ha_karen_m, Some have reported that Starcraft works well under Playonlinux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87805108:51
TiKjuro: bc you mad a whole hdrive swap and didn't partitin correctly08:51
WiesshundAdvoWork winehq.com download an older version maybe08:51
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TiKswap doesn' show uder df anyway08:52
Wiesshund`boz /usr/bin/kvpnc08:52
juroTiK, why would you say that?08:52
TiKit shows under fee -m08:52
ke1ha_However, wine is a bot of a trick to get some games working with. only one I use / play is COD.08:52
* OtHeLLoO Hi108:52
* OtHeLLoO Hi!08:52
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=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
jpds!ot | OtHeLLoO08:53
ubottuOtHeLLoO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:53
OtHeLLoOwhat is this ot jpds08:53
OtHeLLoOI'am new08:54
st__you're a troll, gtfo08:54
AdvoWorkWiesshund, and do you know if i can use an older version without having to reinstall dreamweaver?08:55
WiesshundAdvoWork i cant answer that sorry08:55
Wiesshundkaren_m what version of company of heroes? it is lited as working well under wine08:55
juroTiK, the UUID is the unique identifier for a partition and yes, I am using a complete partition as my swap drive08:55
Naznazhi, i got some old kernel versions (.21 and so on) that all appear in grub. How can I remove them from the boot menu? Is deleting the appropriate files from /boot/ and re-running grub-update enough?08:55
TiKjuro: pastebin fre -m08:56
TiKi going to bed in 4mins :P08:56
picard1421Tik http://pastebin.com/Wh8W9JPT08:56
picard1421do i need to get another ppa?08:56
juroTiK, http://pastebin.com/hqNH6mmK08:57
TiKpicard1421: idk im not a coder08:57
WiesshundNaznaz uninstall them in synaptic package manager08:57
TiKjuro: your swap is active08:57
NaznazWiesshund, okay, thanks08:57
TiKSwap:        19994        373      1962108:57
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WiesshundNaznaz thats the best way, cleans up everythign and fixes grub08:58
syivanaI am trying to install 7 in vbox but I get some message about I/O cache and ext4 then it does not load the cd in vbox but says 'FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.'08:58
juroTiK, seems so .. but why doesn't it show anywhere else?08:58
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syivanaWhat is the best thing to do?08:58
TiKjuro it will never show in df08:58
eliezeri cant remember the command line to run imagemagic08:58
syivanaor is it possible to install 7 in vbox on ext4?08:58
eliezerso i can see the program08:58
juroTiK, why?08:58
eliezerany one knows08:58
TiKjuro: dunno08:58
ubottugrip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number08:58
TiKits not a "filesystem"08:58
juroTiK, ok, thank you - sleep tight08:58
Wiesshundsyivana eh not sure, windows cant read etx4, but dunno under VM08:59
Kartagis!info grip08:59
ubottuPackage grip does not exist in lucid08:59
AdvoWorkWiesshund, any idea what Start with a fresh wine prefix. means?09:00
redhotspsHey y'all, got a quick quesion: I'm configuring a network of about 10 Xubuntu machines to use a Samba share for shared documents, but whenever I mount the share from any  PC on the network (besides the actual server) it deletes the entire contents of the share. Any ideas?09:00
Wiesshundok im out of here, bout to drop off to sleep on my desk09:00
lxsyseliezer: wasn't it imagemagick ??09:00
Kartagiswhat package can I use for ripping audio CD?09:01
ke1ha_syivana, you can install Win-7 in VirtualBox, nut it needs it's own partition, NTFS, not ext4, so no Win-7 can't read ext4.09:01
xflaxhey all09:01
eliezerneed to run the software co i can see09:01
karen_mso how do you install software for wine?  for example, I want to try installing full tilt poker09:02
syivanake1ha_: Im looking for official confirmation I cannot install 7 in vbox on ext409:02
lxsyseliezer: you mean open a graphical interface for imagemagick?09:02
syivanake1ha_: I know it can work on ext3..09:02
xflaxis it possible to restart a single vhost? without restarting the whole apache service?09:02
eliezeri did before jus cant remember the command line i used on terminal so the program display09:02
st__karen_m, you define a dos device and install there09:02
Vinlaelli seen an -O option when making an ext4 partition that windows can read09:02
eliezeronce i get tha command i can make a launcher09:02
Vinlaellfor ext4 i mean lol09:02
Vinlaelloh duh i said it alrdy my bad09:03
jigaldoes anyone know about problems with installing php mysql with pdo on 10.04?09:03
AdvoWorkhow can i find out what video driver I need?09:03
Vinlaellfind out what video card you got, and for what OS you need it to work on first09:04
xflaxmhh sounds strange. i am a beginner in this things ;) may you can exactly tell me how?09:04
lxsyseliezer: as far as i'm aware, imagemagick doesn't have a gui, it would have been an additional package installed.09:04
redhotspsAny ideas?09:04
AdvoWorkVinlaell, how can i find that out? (the graphics card i mean)09:05
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Vinlaellif you had windows it'd probly be easy, in device manager09:05
eliezeri have done it before,,is a big wizard on the screen and a bunch of options09:05
AdvoWorkVinlaell, i know when i upgraded to 10.04 it said: This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. A version of this driver that works with your hardware is not available in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  but i need to get it working09:05
eliezeri jus cant remember09:05
lxsyseliezer: my bad, it does, try "imdisplay"09:05
ke1ha_syivana, maybe I misunderstood what your after, do you want win-7 to be able to just read an Ext-4 partition or you want to run win-7 from an Ext-4 partition?09:06
thune3redhotsps: you are sure files are being deleted? is it somehow possible another mountpoint is being created on the same directory, that is then empty? (no good ideas here actually)09:06
st__AdvoWork, the don't upgrade or buy new videocard09:07
redhotspsthune3: I'd thought of that, but the files are definitely being deleted09:07
st__AdvoWork, opensource driver is bullcrap09:07
Vinlaelli know nothing bout ati radeon tbh lol, far as i rmember through history, nvidia / intel has far better support09:07
st__AdvoWork, it's probably redeon you're using now09:08
jigaldoes anyone know about problems with installing php mysql with pdo on 10.04?09:08
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
Vinlaellapache/mysql/php should work on any linux/windows os without problems09:09
AdvoWorkst__, its: RV370 [Radeon X300SE]09:09
lxsyseliezer: ok, it should be "display" :)09:09
AdvoWork [Radeon X300 (PCIE)]09:09
syivanake1ha_: install 7 to vbox on ubuntu 10.04 that is using ext409:09
lapionI am having problem with a stretched desktop, when the secondary screen is 1280x1024 and the primary screen is 1024x768 on i855 chipset09:10
eliezerthere u go09:10
eliezerur the men09:10
eliezernow i can make a launcher09:10
Krupteinhey, I did sudo apt-get update today and all the ppa.launchpad repos failed09:10
eliezerso easey i cant remenber09:10
eliezeru see09:10
st__AdvoWork, use Windows if you able to get a hold of it09:10
sunilHi, is there short form for  grep -r usr * | grep  -v 'Makefile' | grep -v 'Binary'09:10
eliezeraint that something09:10
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
Krupteinanyone else having problems with launchpad repos?09:11
redhotspssunil: try using the alias command or something09:11
Krupteinalias should be fine09:11
ke1ha_syivana, here's a way to have win-7 read Ext-4, but I dont think the OS can run from Ext-4: http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/09:11
lapionsunil try grep -v 'Makefile' -v 'Binary' -r usr *09:11
Vinlaellmabey i'm retard but i preffer vista/7 for desktop os, and use linux(slackware) for servers, so makes my problems all so simple09:12
sunilredhotsps, I am not looking for an alias09:12
Krupteinhello, am I the only one where ubuntu fails in fetching launchpad ppa's?09:12
sunilI was hoping some regex could do the job better09:12
redhotspsKruptein: looks like it, I've not experienced any problems as far as I know09:13
sunillapion, it didn't work :(09:13
Krupteinredhotsps: I'm getting this output for apt-get update and aptitude update:  http://dpaste.com/224146/09:13
KrupteinNegeer = Ignore, Getroffen = Hit, Haal = Fetch  (in case you don't understand dutch ;) )09:14
karen_mwow, getting full tilt running under wine was so easy, beautiful09:15
AdvoWorkam i able to roll back to 8.04 now that ive upgraded to 10.04?09:16
syivanake1ha_: What part of vbox didnt you understand?09:17
KwpolskaAdvoWork: no.09:17
bibizz44xI have a bunch of files in a directory that are named "blahblah (1).mp3", ..., "blahblah (14).mp3" and so forth. I'd like to add a leading zero so that they get sorted properly. How would you go about doing it?09:18
ke1ha_syivana, I guess not any of it, I only run about 25 of them or so. You ask if Win-7 could read Ext-4, and so it is possible.09:19
karen_mis pidgin the best client for MSN and others?  Yes I still use icq once in a while09:19
NitzchONotHello guys, is there a way to check my ALSA Driver's version? lol. :P09:19
DASPRiDkaren_m, depends on the definition of best09:19
DASPRiDthere is just the one which best suites 'your' needs09:19
karen_mok, which do you use?09:20
bibizz44xkaren_m, pidgin is bad but the rest is worse09:20
karen_mwhich should I use?09:20
fabio__karen_m i used "emesene" on ubuntu and loved it :D09:20
hotstewWhat's happening to Sun now, anyway?09:21
bibizz44xkaren_m, the tradition on linux is to install all 50 different clients, tweak each for hours and then realize that none of them do what you do and write your own, which will also be bad09:21
lapionsorry sunil of course it wouldn't work.. my mistake.09:21
hotstewCan they still support the open source stuff after go bought by Oracle?09:21
karen_mknow how you can winkey+left or winkey+right and get 2 applications side by side, is there a way to do that on ubuntu?09:22
NitzchONotAlso, anyone knows why i loose my 5.1 sound, back to stereo when i listen to a music ? This happens when i change song (manual or automatic) or when i stop the playback and start again.09:22
fabio__NitzchONot can it be something with the player's configuration ?09:24
collabrakaren_m: KDE does it,... i don't think GNOME does.09:24
pradeephi everyone09:25
fabio__hi :D09:25
NitzchONotfabio__, this happens with ALL the players. Totem, Rhythmbox, Exail. I dont think thats a players issue (Also, i use Lucid Lynx)09:25
karen_mis KDE better than gnome?09:25
sienjI had so much problems with KDE that I _had_ to switch back to Gnome09:26
collabrait's preference.... I love KDE now that 4.4.4 came out09:26
bibizz44xkaren_m, they're both bad for different reasons, you just have to try them and see which you prefer09:26
masterBIGwillykde.... hmmm09:26
bibizz44xkaren_m, there's videos on youtube if you want an idea of how they work09:26
karen_mwhy does ubuntu default to gnome?09:26
jpdskaren_m: Stable 6 month release cycle.09:27
karen_mubuntu is amazing09:27
=== Kwpolska is now known as radian
collabrathere are different 'flavors' of ubuntu.... xbuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu,..... etc.09:28
=== radian is now known as Kwpolska
=== Suit_Of_Sables is now known as Colonel_Panic
karen_mif i switch to KDE, will it be easy to go back to Gnome?09:29
hateballkaren_m: You can install both DE's and choose on login09:29
Niglophow do i change the color of the text in my taskbar?09:29
collabrapersonally,... i love KDE because of the configurability09:30
collabrayou can get lost in all the options.09:30
collabrait's fun to play09:30
abhijeethow can i activate telnet on ubuntu 10.409:31
FishFaceDesktop. Icons. Unusually large. How to make smaller?09:31
karen_mwhat is DE ?09:31
Kartagiscan you help me with sound-juicer?09:31
karen_mdesktop edition?09:31
abhijeeti have tried a lot of thinks but it is showing connection refused..09:31
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hateballkaren_m: desktop environment09:31
Kwpolskakaren_m: desktop environment09:31
abhijeetI have install xinetd and telnetd09:31
Kwpolskagnome/kde/xfce/lxde/other shit09:31
bullgard4mc 4.7.0 shows 2 files in black. What does black mean?09:32
karen_mis it wrong to try and disable that password prompt for everything?  after I login, I don't want to put the password in every few minutes09:32
KartagisI'd like to be able to specify path names like artist-song.mp3 instead of artist - song.mp309:32
abhijeetplease anyone give some pointers to activate telnet in ubuntu desktop09:32
Kwpolskakaren_m: you'll change it later09:32
Kwpolskaabhijeet: telneting to your ubuntu or from?09:32
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abhijeetto ubuntu09:32
Kwpolskaabhijeet: do not use telnet09:33
Kwpolskafor linuxes, there are ssh09:33
pradeephello everyone09:33
abhijeetKwpolska: i know it is not secure but it is within in my intranet..09:33
Kwpolskaabhijeet: it's hard and nobody does that09:33
Kwpolskause ssh09:33
Kwpolskawhat's the problem09:33
abhijeetKwpolska: ok.. then how can i activate ssh on ubuntu09:33
Kwpolskayou can use it with windoze09:33
abhijeetKwpolska: i have installed the xinetd.09:34
llutzabhijeet: install openssh-server09:34
pradeepplease what can i use to join to .avi files together to be one complete movie09:34
bullgard4karen_m: I t is not advisable to try to disable the password prompt. It is a very important security concept.09:34
Kwpolskaabhijeet: if i recall correctly, sudo aptitude install openssh-server09:34
collabrasudo apt-get install ssh,... right?!?09:34
Kwpolskacollabra: no09:34
abhijeetKwpolska: then how do i configure it.09:34
Kwpolskaabhijeet: sudo aptitude install openssh-server09:34
Kwpolskaand configure by /etc/ssh/sshd-config09:34
llutzabhijeet: read "man sshd_config"09:35
Kwpolskaor something similar09:35
collabrawow,... i was way off09:35
abhijeetllutz: ok..09:35
Kwpolskacollabra: do not help if you don't know how to09:35
collabrainsults arn't nesessary09:36
joschipradeep: avimerge, ffmpeg, transcode, mencoder...09:36
ke1ha_abhijeet, is you installed the standard desktop, is should already be there, just type ssh -V and you should see somethign like OpenSSH 5.3 or there abouts return. If not then install openssh-server.09:36
Kwpolskakaren_m: no!09:36
Kwpolskake1ha_: ubuntu removed it in 10.0409:36
abhijeetke1ha_: yes it is showing.. but what about the server09:37
Kwpolskaabhijeet: install the openssh-server09:37
erUSULpradeep: i found a nice how to on the net. two steps 1) cat file1.avi file2.avi ... fieln.avi > file_total.avi  2) mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy file_total.avi -o file_definitive.avi 3) removed uneeded files09:37
abhijeetKwpolska: ok09:37
scriptwarlockcollagra its not an insult its a suggestions since many newbies are learning09:37
ke1ha_abhijeet, there server / service isn't there by default, but SSH is, if you need the service, then install as Kwpolska stated.09:38
abhijeetke1ha_: ok09:38
Kwpolskake1ha_: he does. search the logs.09:38
AdvoWorkStill stuck with this wine problem and 10.04, Upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04. Whilst upgrading, got: This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. A version of this driver that works with your hardware is not available in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.   which i accepted, i read something before hand which made me thing it'd be ok, which its not. I use wine, to run dreamweaver, and it worked fine after the upgrade, but today ive tried to ope09:38
AdvoWorkn it, and it shows: err:module:attach_process_dlls "opengl32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting   any suggestions please, been looking round for ages with no avail.09:38
Kwpolskaabhijeet: find a better driver and don't use dreamweaver09:39
abhijeetKwpolska: what do u mean09:39
Kwpolskaabhijeet: you need ssh server, rite?09:39
abhijeetKwpolska: yes.. i m insstalling it.09:40
Kwpolskaabhijeet: good.09:40
abhijeetKwpolska: i have installed it. (openssh server_09:43
Colonel_Panicany idea how I can get RW permission on an external? $sudo mount shows it to be hfsplus but GParted shows "unknown file system". I have both hfsprogs and hfsutils installed. I tried $sudo chown -R user:user /mount/point and running nautilus as root but I still can't RW09:43
Kwpolskaabhijeet: if you need to configure it, check out /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:43
collabrai looked it up,... and i was also right,... ssh is a meta package that installs both the client and the server....09:44
collabrai'll take those apologies...lol09:45
itsux2bui am a windows vista user.. i have a 4gb usb drive i'm going to install ubuntu on.. fat/fat32/ntfs/exFat? and what cluster size?09:45
itsux2buany suggestions?09:45
itsux2bui'm about to format the usb drive09:46
abhijeetKwpolska: thanks man.. it is working.. but it is bit slow09:46
abhijeetKwpolska: so for ssh there is no need of xinetd right?09:46
Kwpolskassh may be slow09:46
etyrnalanyone know how this is done?09:46
KwpolskaI'm working with ssh nowadays09:46
jpdsssh under xinetd.... god I hope not.09:46
etyrnal(ssh is driving me nuts on one of my machines)09:47
Kwpolskaetyrnal: #blender09:47
avatar_how r u09:47
etyrnalKwpolska, whoops sorry09:47
avatar_its ok09:47
etyrnalwhat logs can i look at to find out why ssh stops responding after a while?09:48
etyrnalthe machine still responds to pings tho09:48
abhijeetcan i access my ubuntu desktop (gnome fronend) from another machine using reflection X09:48
thune3itsux2bu: is this liveusb install or full install?09:49
Kwpolskaabhijeet: X forwarding in ssh?09:50
abhijeetKwpolska: i just want to use my remote ubuntu system front end on my windows machine.. if possible using ssh09:50
Kwpolskaabhijeet: get putty09:51
Kwpolskaput it on your windblows machine09:51
Kwpolskaconfigure it09:51
thune3itsux2bu: there is "usb startup disk creator" on livecd, which puts a version of livecd on a usb, and has a persistence file for changes. it is livecd on usb, but saving changes are possible.09:51
abhijeetKwpolska: i have ... but i just i want to know if it is possible or not....09:52
koshari1 thune3 i beleive the standard one in ubu doie09:52
Kwpolskaabhijeet: it is.09:52
Kwpolskait has something to forward x09:52
abhijeetKwpolska: is there any doc for it..09:52
Kwpolskaabhijeet: no?09:53
itsux2buthune3, can i PM you? its busy in here09:53
thune3itsux2bu: k09:53
abhijeetKwpolska: opps.09:53
Kwpolskaabhijeet: edit the sshd_config to allow forwarding x09:53
Kwpolskarestart sshd09:53
brubelsabsHi, my thunderbird (from official repos) 3.0.6 doesn't startup (segfault). Is something known about it?09:54
abhijeetKwpolska: it is already activated.09:54
brubelsabsremoving .thunderbird* doesn't helped09:54
ke1ha_X-Fowarding on UB: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Displaying_Ubuntu_Linux_Applications_Remotely_%28X11_Forwarding%2909:54
brubelsabspurging the package also doesn't helped09:54
Kwpolskabrubelsabs: use something else09:55
Kwpolskaabhijeet: restart sshd and download putty09:55
abhijeetke1ha_: i will check that..09:55
brubelsabsKwpolska: go use some other channel09:56
abhijeetKwpolska: done09:56
NitzchONotHow can i check whats my latest ALSA Drivers ? I mean the version09:56
Kwpolskabrubelsabs: get the fo off09:56
Kwpolskaabhijeet: I recommend putty tray09:56
abhijeetKwpolska: are talking about the putty on ubuntu or putty on linux09:56
Kwpolskabrubelsabs: are you a kiddie who always asks for ops?09:56
Kwpolskaabhijeet: on windows09:56
abhijeetKwpolska: i have already it.09:56
ArtiPzhi to all,i have one photomate mini GPS model 887 lite,does someone knows some softwer to work in ubuntu,i tried with mtkbabel but it dosent work,can some one help me for some solution09:56
Kwpolskaabhijeet: http://haanstra.eu/putty/download/putty.exe09:57
brubelsabsKwpolska: plonk!09:57
Kwpolskabrubelsabs: i don't care.09:57
abhijeetKwpolska: downloaded it.09:57
Kwpolskaabhijeet: okay.09:57
ke1ha_But that wont solve forwarding an applicaiton, as Windows would need an x-server to allow that to happen. If it's commandline only, putty is a gret WinDoze tool for the job.09:57
Kwpolskaopen it (on windows) and go to Connecrtion -> SSH -> X11 -> Enable X11 forwarding09:58
LifePrototypehi people i need help,... how can i run google earth on my netbook (1024x600) google earth  needs 1024x768, anybody knows a comand to add for the shortcut????09:58
abhijeetKwpolska: done.09:58
paco_hola me pueden ayudar09:58
karen_mwhat's an application that monitors the network bandwidth and overall graphsing?09:59
Kwpolskakaren_m: conky does it good09:59
Kwpolska!es | paco_09:59
ubottupaco_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:59
llutzkaren_m: ntop09:59
=== administrator is now known as Guest85190
LifePrototypeHola alguno de ustedes me puede ayudar a correr google earth en una netbook?09:59
LifePrototypeResolucion 1024x600 ( google earth me pide 1024x768 ) hay algun comando para agregarle al lanzador que indique que se ejecute en tal resolucion?09:59
Kwpolska!es | LifePrototype10:00
ubottuLifePrototype: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:00
abhijeetKwpolska:  what should i do next??10:00
ArtiPzkaren_m   check this site http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html10:00
LifePrototypeyeh but i need help and they are not helpers10:00
Kwpolskaabhijeet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsHuZJ5gORE10:00
KwpolskaLifePrototype: ask in english, please10:00
abhijeetKwpolska: ok..10:01
ArtiPzhi to all,i have one photomate mini GPS model 887 lite,does someone knows some softwer to work in ubuntu,i tried with mtkbabel but it dosent work,can some one help me for some solution10:01
ke1ha_Kwpolska, how is he gonign to get X running on the windows box though, isn't that required ?10:01
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!10:01
LifePrototypedoes anybody knows how to run an aplication in specific resolution? with a command at the shorcut or something like that?10:01
jpdsbrubelsabs: Hello.10:02
llutzke1ha_: it is, he needs a x-server running on win10:02
brubelsabsjpds: I feel offended by Kwpolska10:02
itsux2bu http://blog.stochasticbytes.com/2010/05/installing-ubuntu-1004-server-on-usb.html   see the paragraph called Logical Sector Size of USB Stick? does the 512 sector size still matter? i'm about to format my 4gb usb flash drive.. should i use fat/fat32/ntfs/exFat?10:02
bullgard4mc 4.7.0 shows 2 files in black. What does black mean?10:03
brubelsabsjpds: 10:5610:03
SandGorgonanyone using btrfs on their laptops ? how has the performance been ?10:03
Kwpolskahe acts as a kiddie.10:03
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Kwpolskabullgard4: depends.10:03
brubelsabsKwpolska: so I say you do10:04
bullgard4Kwpolska: On what?10:04
erUSULLifePrototype: see the man page of the program. but from what i gather from internet. googleearth does not have any command line options10:04
Kwpolskabullgard4: settings. search man10:04
karen_mand everyone else10:04
bullgard4Kwpolska: I beg your pardon?10:04
Kwpolskabullgard4: eh?10:04
bullgard4Kwpolska: Stop trolling.10:05
ArtiPzi have one mini GPS "photormate model 887 lite" can someone tell me does it works in ubuntu10:05
KwpolskaArtiPz: what do you mean by "works in ubuntu"?10:06
llutzbullgard4: look at the skin files /usr/share/mc/....   theres the color-definition10:06
ArtiPzKwpolska do u know some softwer for that10:06
KwpolskaArtiPz: no. google finds nothing. google says nothing = it doesn't exist.10:07
llutzArtiPz: what is that, a gps-logger? have you tried gpsbabel?10:07
bullgard4llutz: I will do.10:07
ArtiPzllutz i tried with mtkbabel but nothing10:08
AdvoWorkis there no way I can downgrade from 10.04 to 9.04? without reinstallation?10:08
llutzAdvoWork: no10:08
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.10:08
ArtiPzllutz i am trying now with gpsbabel10:09
ArtiPzllutz and yes it is gps loger10:09
jigalcan someone tell me how to install php and mysql with pdo10:11
Krupteini have two monitors and I want to have one workspace on each, is this possible?10:11
joschijigal: `sudo tasksel install lamp-server`10:12
jigaljoschi: apache is already installed10:12
joschijigal: and read the ubuntu server guide's article on lamp servers10:12
LifePrototypeand sudo taskel install phpmyadmin10:12
Beelsebobwhat's the path to the GUI utilities included in ubuntu?  I want to fire up Synaptic over ssh -X10:13
markitoxscan anyobdy help me to set up evolution with my exchange calendar?10:13
bullgard4llutz: Does the entry /usr/share/mc/skins/default.ini > [filehighlight] special=black answer my question?10:13
hsmI use multiple workspaces in 10.04. Is it possible to have a taskbar for each workspace?10:13
erUSULbullgard4: probably.10:13
giovaWhat is the fix for this:  GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 35DA01C261E4622710:13
itsux2budoes ubuntu format the hard drive its being installed on?10:13
llutzbullgard4: i doubt that :)10:14
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »10:14
llutzbullgard4: but "special file" would be the correct answer10:14
erUSULitsux2bu: the whole drive ? depends on how you choose to install it10:14
Kruptein have two monitors and I want to have one workspace on each, is this possible?10:14
bullgard4erUSUL, llutz: Thank you very much for your help.10:15
hsmhsm: I'll answer it myself and share it with you: Right click where the taskbar starts, it should be two sets of vertical, dotted lines. Go to preferences and click "show windows from current workspace".10:16
erUSULbullgard4: by special files i would say that they refer to sockets and named pipes10:16
bullgard4erUSUL: Indeed the two files in question are sockets.10:17
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ke1ha_Here's the tricky part: "An understanding of the Linux networking stack is necessary."  That can get very confusing :-)10:18
jigaljoschi: i didn't install the ubuntu server edition10:18
Beelsebobwhy do Synaptic's proxy settings not actually work?10:19
joschijigal: so?10:19
BeelsebobI've set up my http proxy, but still get a load of "not a bzip2 file" errors10:19
ke1ha_Opps sri folks, posted in the wrong channel.10:20
Beelsebob$http_proxy is set up too, but no dice with apt-get10:20
Krupteinso nobody knows a program for splitting the workspaces over multiple monitors?10:20
giovaerUSUL: How does one "Find the GPG keyword for the "  ppa.launchpad.net lucid repository"?10:20
erUSULgiova: the error message tells you what key is missing ...10:20
koshari1Kruptein: the standard nvidia drivers do that when you select twinview10:21
erUSULgiova: NO_PUBKEY 35DA01C261E46227 <<< this key ios the one missing10:21
blitzoKruptein, i believe there's a way to do it - lemme do some digging10:21
blitzoKruptein, ya that's where i saw it - in the nvidia settings10:21
Krupteinokay thanks10:21
Krupteinand where can I find the nvidia settings err?10:22
koshari1Kruptein: have you got an nvidia gpu?10:22
blitzoKruptein, system->administration10:22
cipherssonreally  fs10:23
blitzoKruptein, of course you have to have an nvidia graphics card10:23
cipherssono khers a tip ..intatall and use you freeking BRAIN!10:23
giovaerUSUL: so, I substitute the string starting  35D.. where it says "<key>" from  ! gpgerr ?10:24
falconGalwayIs Eclipse Helios available for ubuntu? Should it be showing in package manager?10:24
mailami potete aiutate10:24
cipherssonor google rtfm.......10:24
blitzowe seem to have a drunk on the channel10:25
erUSULgiova: correct10:25
cipherssonwhat's that dude from canocial say10:25
fabio__.. hic!10:25
mailaqual'è il server in italiano10:25
fabio__maila acho que nao existe10:26
Professor_Gmorning everyone10:26
Krupteinkoshari1 blitzo  I'm not sure but I think I don't have nvidia10:26
=== Kwpolska is now known as noobkwpolska
Kruptein* graphical card10:26
=== noobkwpolska is now known as Kwpolska
koshari1Kruptein: your hardware will need to support twinview to use it10:27
sYskkwhy doesn't this bring my script to the background? ./test&10:27
cipherssonok ???? who dose metasploit in  the ubuntu  frane work10:27
koshari1Kruptein i think there is an amd eqiv as well10:27
KrupteinsYskk: ./test &10:27
KrupteinsYskk: space before the &10:27
cipherssonbut bt4 is  now buitlt off  bt410:27
cipherssonor something like dat10:28
ciphersson o wo I just had the greastest idea for a refined distro10:28
sYskkKruptein: doesn't work10:29
scriptwarlockciphersson: ho your talking to?10:29
KrupteinsYskk: it should though,  what does it do?10:29
erUSULsYskk: it does not ? why do you say that?10:29
thune3sYskk: it probably is in the backround, but stdout and stderr are still being printed to terminal.10:29
sYskkerUSUL: some text is displayed in the terminal and i get prompted for input... maybe im getting the background concept wrong?10:29
foureight84what's a good dock should i use?10:29
KrupteinsYskk: thune310:29
sYskkwhat is a "background" job then?10:29
foureight84oops i mean can you guys recommend a good dock program?10:30
foureight84awn or cairo dock10:30
scriptwarlockciphersson: stop it dude10:30
KrupteinsYskk if you don't run it from terminal you never see output10:30
erUSULsYskk: well the script still can output to standar output unless you redirect that and if it promts it will be in standar input too10:30
KrupteinsYskk: if you run it from terminal it will give output, but you can still use the terminal for other things10:30
sYskkKruptein: what do you mean "run it from terminal". is there another way to run it?10:31
MaRk-I!it | maila10:31
ubottumaila: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:31
KrupteinsYskk: yes ofcourse, go with nautilus to the folder of the program and double click on it?10:31
KrupteinsYskk: or when an other program calls it10:32
blitzoKruptein, most everything i can find with google is about nvidia.  search on "multihead monitors 10.04" (or lucid)10:32
Krupteinblitzo: thanks!10:32
itsux2buhow many different ways are there to install unbuntu server 10.04?10:32
Krupteinblitzo, koshari1:  I have: 256MB ATI Radeon X1400 graphics chip10:33
sYskkKruptein: ah I see... but I'm not on a GUI, using SSH10:33
KrupteinsYskk: ah that explains it :p10:33
blitzoKruptein, ok google "multihead monitors radeon 10.04" - if there is anything that will flush it out10:33
KrupteinsYskk: the benefit of background is that you can use other programs in mean while,  if you don't use the '&'  you have to wait untill the program is finished10:33
Kruptein* in terminal10:34
sYskkKruptein: Ok, thanks.10:34
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sYskk./test &> /dev/null <--- this made the trick for now10:34
ke1ha_syivana, "Do_Something > /dev/null 2>&1: put the output to a black hole.10:35
ubuntulivei've downloaded ubuntu netbook remix 10.4 how can I disable UNR interface and enable desktop mode?10:35
ubuntulivefrom the live stick?10:35
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ke1ha_"Do_Somethign > /dev/null 2>&1"   <<- with Do-Somethign being your script.10:36
MaRk-IsYskk: ./test  < /dev/null >& /dev/null &10:36
syivanaHow can I use an iso as an installation media for vbox?10:36
giovaerUSUL: I'm behind a proxy server, which blocks many ports. "recv-keys" failed with "gpgkeys: key 35DA01C261E46227 not found on keyserver10:36
llutzke1ha_:  "foo &> /dev/null " and  "foo > /dev/null 2>&1" is the same (using bash)10:36
ke1ha_rr. tnx10:36
giovaerUSUL: Is there a way I can get the key directly?10:36
MaRk-Isyivana: when starting the new vbox machine point the installation cd to the .iso image10:36
erUSULgiova: try with another keyserver? pgp.mit.edu10:37
enzotibmaila: /join #ubuntu-it10:37
Bridge|hehe MIT a 20minute wake from my house10:37
scriptwarlockany of you guys knows how to shut this ciphersson? its really annoying on pm10:40
llutzscriptwarlock: use /ignore10:40
ubuntulivehow can I switch to desktop mode from netbook remix? (10.4)10:40
giovaerUSUL: replacing keyserver.ubuntu.com with pgp.mit.edu  still gives same error:  gpg: requesting key 61E46227 from hkp server pgp.mit.edu   gpgkeys: key 35DA01C261E46227 not found on keyserver gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.  -  Suggestions?10:41
Vinlaelldoes /ignore work on absolutely ANY IRC client?10:41
abhijeetKwpolska: thanks a lot .. now i am able to open the applications from ubuntu...10:41
gerbilschoolsurely you can just install the ubuntu-desktop package?10:41
scriptwarlockllutz: yeah i did right click the ignore and it keeps popping10:41
MaRk-Iubuntulive: logout and in menu select desktop or gnome10:41
abhijeetKwpolska: is there any way i can completely access the login screen10:41
abhijeetKwpolska: i want to use my ubuntu desktop on my windows machine10:42
ubuntuliveMaRk-I: ah i didn't notice it10:42
Suit_Of_SablesI have a ubuntu file system on a partition I currently can't boot into (on a mac with damaged EFI header) what would you suggest to use for cloning the file system to an external before reformatting my drive?10:42
Vinlaelli thoight ignore capability was client side10:42
MaRk-Iubuntulive: that's if you have both desktops installed10:42
erUSULgiova: :( no if the key is not there... nothing else to do...10:42
MaRk-Ii mean ubuntu-desktop and unr10:42
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Vinlaelli'd use any linux  bootable cd and copy the root directory to some removeable hard drive10:43
Vinlaellor slave10:43
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koshari1Suit_Of_Sables gparted live10:43
Vinlaellor just copy the needed files tbh10:43
Vinlaellif its a desktop its simple as shit10:44
ubuntuliveMaRk-I: ok so if i dont have i install ubuntu-desktop first10:44
Kwpolskawhy not install them side-by-side?10:45
Kwpolskaubuntulive: can you change your nick?10:45
MaRk-Iubuntulive: yes , you need to install "ubuntu-desktop"10:45
Suit_Of_Sablesah ok, so do I create a partition on the external to house the copied root partition first?10:45
Karen_mI installed kubuntu, and when i rebooted.. it automatically logged me into gnome, how do I test out KDE?10:46
ubuntuliveKwpolska: i'm going10:46
ubuntulivethanks bye10:46
Suit_Of_SablesKaren_m: log out, you can choose KDE or Gnome at the bottom of the user login screen10:46
MaRk-IKaren_m: you mean "kubuntu-desktop" or kubuntu entirely on another partition?10:46
KwpolskaKaren_m: check out the session menu on the screen10:46
giovaerUSUL: OK, I just ran the gpg recv-keys command on another box, which I am ssh'd into, not behind a prox, & received the key there..  Now, how can I get the key from there to my current box, through that ssh connection?10:48
erUSULgiova: you can use gpg to export it to a text file copy the file over import it10:49
giovaerUSUL: thanks10:49
Karen_mI must have installed something wrong lol10:49
Karen_mbut i see my Applications->*  menu is polluted with KDE stuff10:49
MaRk-IKaren_m: you have auto login on?10:50
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Karen_myes, but even when I logout, i see "username" and other, and no options for KDE10:50
Karen_mnot even at the bottom10:50
amir``hey, any1 has a config for proftpd? im trying to install it and im having problems , i just need simple config or tutorial or recommend on diffrent ftp server app10:51
llutzKaren_m: no "session" opion?10:51
MaRk-IKaren_m: how did you install "kubuntu"?10:51
MaRk-Iit was supposed to be "kubuntu-desktop"10:51
abhijeetKwpolska: yes...10:51
Karen_mi went to ubuntu software centre, searched for kubuntu (i think one said something about graphical..)  I go look and I have kubuntu-desktop installed10:51
Karen_mllutz, no session option :(10:52
MaRk-IKaren_m: then that should be it, at login there should be a sessions menu, gnome, kde something like that10:52
Karen_mwithout signing out this session, can I get to the login and try ?10:53
MaRk-Ictrl+alt+f1  ??10:54
madridHi, What is the safest anti-fraud tools and reliable for ubuntu?10:55
Kwpolskame2resh: anti-fraud tools?10:56
Karen_mhttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde   I followed this and I do not have a sessions menu there10:56
frandieguezHi all, do someone know if there are some issues with krb related with likewise-open with ubuntu lucid?10:56
frandieguezI'm trying to join a Ubuntu 10.04 client to Windows Server 2003 but I can't... One computer in the same network and the same network configuration but with Ubuntu 9.04 joins and works perfectly10:56
madridkwpolsa yes ,to avoid being deceived by false bank pages10:57
KwpolskaKaren_m: get back to gdm, select you user account and change GNOME to KDE on the bottom. [solved].10:57
MaRk-IKaren_m: well as you see there there's a KDE menu10:57
Kwpolskamadrid: a good web browser?10:57
llutzmadrid: /dev/brain ;)10:58
madridkwpolska not enough i have it  tested10:59
Karen_mwhat is gdm?10:59
madridiluz , what ?????10:59
KwpolskaKaren_m: your login screen10:59
amir``hey, any1 has a config for proftpd? im trying to install it and im having problems , i just need simple config or tutorial or recommend on diffrent ftp server app10:59
Kwpolskaamir``: do it yourself10:59
madridiluz bwetter than brain a tool anti-fraud11:00
Karen_mSystem->Administration->Login Screen (i fixed it here, be right back)11:00
TuxSaxamir``: do you have GUI or only command line?11:01
Professor_Ghow do i record my webcam and microphone at the same time11:01
abhijeetKwpolska: do u have any idea how can i do that???11:01
MaRk-Imadrid: how many banks do you have?11:01
Professor_Ganyone know11:01
TuxSaxamir``: gadmin-proftpd is a nice tool11:02
Kwpolskaabhijeet: install ubuntu on your desktop [solved]11:02
MaRk-IProf_BiG_BanG: with cheese11:02
madridmanny , too much11:02
abhijeetKwpolska: already done :)11:02
amir``yeah but its buggy11:02
Kwpolskaabhijeet: use it. [solved]11:02
madridmark manny , too much11:02
abhijeetKwpolska: i want to share my desktop..11:02
abhijeetKwpolska: with others11:02
MaRk-Imadrid: ok go to all your "many" real banks and bookmark their pages that way you wont go to a fake one11:02
Kwpolskaabhijeet: use software made fir this11:03
Professor_GMaRk-I, thats not what G stands for . anyway enough offtopic11:03
MaRk-IProf_BiG_BanG: say again?11:04
st__how can I reboot without root password?11:04
Prof_BiG_BanGMaRk-I: what?11:04
Professor_Gcheese says no device found11:04
MaRk-IProf_BiG_BanG: it's in the MENU11:04
Professor_Gwhat menu11:05
MaRk-IProf_BiG_BanG: then your system doesnt recognize your webcam11:05
* MaRk-I and who cares what g stands for...11:05
Professor_Gok so what do i do to make it work11:05
i5nocha ctrl+alt+del on tty will reboot system even if not logged in.11:05
i5noc!webcam | Professor_G11:06
ubottuProfessor_G: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:06
* Professor_G G stands for Garfield 11:06
madridmark , but imagine that a non-expert access to a mail fraud and is an antivirus or tool that protects you against fraud using linux11:06
rekhi i intalled some softwared like alien arena envy ng ... they don't work...enven xawtv,the progress bar in ubuntu center maybe wasn't at 100% what can i do?11:07
amir``how do i make a single page cache of a site (only page and scripts/images etc... without downloading the whole site?)11:07
madridmark  but imagine that a non-expert access to a mail fraud and hasnt an antivirus or tool that protects you against fraud using linux11:07
dhanuuyo yo11:07
MaRk-Imadrid: I dont care I told you bookmark your pages11:11
madridMark ,but imagine that a non-expert access to a mail fraud and is an antivirus or tool that protects you against fraud using linux, in windows there are many anti-fraud tools, because you have antivirus windows but in linux ....11:11
Professor_Gall of those methouds fail11:11
llutzmadrid: if someone is dumb enough to click to a bank-url from an email, you cannot help him with any kind of software11:11
madridand hast an antivirus...11:12
MaRk-Imadrid: install anti-spam like bogofilter in your email program11:12
Professor_Gi just want to get my webcam and mic working11:12
MaRk-Imadrid: if you're concerned install anti virus like clamav or use windows if you feel "safer"11:12
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koshari1MaRk-I: clam av will oly scan windows files11:14
Professor_Gi cant get the damn thing to work11:14
madridmark clamav hasnt tool anti-fraud...11:14
MaRk-Ikoshari1: I told him to install a spam filter, spamassassin or bogofilter in his email client11:14
rekllutz, any help11:15
llutzmadrid: there is no such pointless software for linux period11:15
koshari1llutz i agree, education is the only think to help these poor fellows11:15
MaRk-Ipoor fellow is one thing... a troll is annoying11:16
madridmark,  I speak of anti-fraud security while surfing,11:16
MisterioMaRk-I: bogofilter is difficult to maintain if you're newby user, you have to add rules manually to its config11:16
Misteriomadrid: firefox has it11:17
Misteriomadrid: and it's enabled by default11:17
MaRk-IMisterio: this is gettin off topic.... evolution has a plugin for both if he can read basic stuff then he needs to pay for a professional help11:18
reki have an ati radeon what can i install11:18
MisterioMaRk-I: I'm sorry, but evolution loads bogofilter, which *you* have to configure11:19
madridmisterio , firefox is not enough, i have it tested with many fraud-page11:19
Misteriomadrid: Did you enable both options? fishing and atacking sites?11:19
Professor_Gno divice found11:19
madridyes all11:20
madridi have it tested11:20
MaRk-IMisterio: http://img.flashtux.org/img132b6c21dca9xf8950013.png    no configuration period11:21
Misteriomadrid: And why do you need those stuffs? I think it's obvius when a site is a fraud or when not11:21
Professor_GMaRk-I,  that sounded wrong11:21
vbnmwhich is the best irc chat client11:21
madridmisterio in windows i use this tool anti-fraud and is very good but in linux i need a similar :http://www.websecurityguard.com/default.aspx11:22
MisterioMaRk-I: Oh, I thought that was evolution's own antispam, not bogofilter11:22
llutz!best > vbnm irssi, xchat, konversation, weechat, wahtever11:22
ubottuvbnm, please see my private message11:22
sYskkhow can i find out my version of ubuntu11:23
sYskketsy, hardy etc.11:23
MaRk-IMisterio: and if you see it has both... spamassasin and bogofilter11:23
llutzmadrid: so ask the authors to port their stuff to linux11:23
llutzsYskk: lsb_release -a11:23
vbnmwhat is wee chat11:23
Suit_Of_Sablescan anyone suggest a convertible tablet? And do any distros have build for touch screen capability? or is android one of the few options if you don't want to use windows?11:23
joschivbnm: a console IRC client11:23
madridwell with ubuntu you havent virus but i havent toolantifraud ...11:24
madridtools -antifraud11:24
MaRk-Imadrid: please pastebin the output of your dmesg11:25
Misteriomadrid: You should know when a site is trying to fraud you, just don't send personal info if you get an email telling you "I'm <insert bank here> president, we have lost our data, please, resend your pass and credit number"11:26
ghironi'd like to format new ub untu with ext4 w/o journal11:26
ghironthe UI dont show that option and there's no manual choice possibility11:26
SwedeMikeghiron: why?11:26
ghirondo i need another install media like alternate?11:26
ghironSwedeMike, it's good for slow small SSDs11:26
Misterioghiron: Make a security copy, format it, reinstall (it will does with ext4 by default) and done11:27
ghironMisterio, i havent installed yet. i guess i can just format it using gparted or whatever, then boot using ubuntu live and telling it to use the existing partition11:27
SwedeMikeghiron: look at "man mount" for ext4 section and see if there isn't a mount option that does what you want instead.11:28
reki have an ati card what can i install11:28
ghironSwedeMike, the option is ^has_journal and is part of the mkfs action11:28
ghironrek, HD series: use proprietary. else use opensource (should be installed already)11:29
rekhd series whatis it?11:29
madridmisterio, I have visited pages very well done fake banks, which are not detected by the browser, yes,  by antivirus on windows11:29
Misterioghiron: Yes, but you'll lost data11:29
vbnmbest media player11:29
rekif i use compiz and i maximize a window it turns black11:30
ghironMisterio, i dont have data i already need to format :)11:30
llutz!best > vbnm11:30
ubottuvbnm, please see my private message11:30
Misterioghiron: Then use gparted :-)11:30
koshari1vbnm for music or video?11:31
ghironmount option noload can mount a jorunaled FS without touching journal, but the journal space is still there11:31
ghironso gparted ftw11:31
MaRk-Imadrid: can you pastebin the output of your "lsb_release -a", lspci and dmesg?11:32
madridmisterio  this is an example of fraud :      Estimado cliente,11:32
madridDebido a los numerosos intentos de defraudar el sistema de seguridad, CAJA MADRID puso en marcha un programa de seguridad para los bases de datos. Su seguridad es nuestra prioridad principal.11:32
madridEste programa de seguridad es gratuito. Que ventajas me ofrece el programa de seguridad para los bases de datos?11:32
madridDate: 07/31/201011:32
FloodBot1madrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
madridSubject: 1. Usted puede hacer transacciones seguras desde su cuenta de forma rapida y segura. 2. Usted estara perfectamente protegidas contra el fraude de su cuenta. 3. Usted recibira un servicio mas rapido y mas seguro. 4. Juntos podemos disfrutar de un excelente sistema bancario. Como me inscribo en el programa de seguridad para los bases de datos?11:32
fabioi want to hae different shadows for menu and windows with compiz.... is it possible?11:34
vbnm i want to hae different shadows for menu and windows with compiz.... is it possible?11:35
vbnm* pinnen has quit (Read error: Operation timed out11:35
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fabioand even the shadow should shange with focus... do you know some improuvement?11:35
vbnm Andrew9 (~andrew9@ has joined #ubuntu11:35
vbnm* emc has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)11:35
vbnm* Cassapanco (~giulio@host82-207-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #ubuntu11:35
vbnm* Cassapanco (~giulio@host82-207-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has left #ubuntu11:35
vbnm<MaRk-I> madrid: can you pastebin the output of your "lsb_release -a", lspci and dmesg?11:35
FloodBot1vbnm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
vbnm* der-eremit has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)11:35
elyobAm looking to back up a folder which is a live apache /var/www ... it's 10GB .. any suggestions on best way to do this without upsetting the server? :)11:37
Taevhey when creating a new launcher for an application, how do I set it up so that the application is launched via a terminal when i click the launcher?11:37
erUSULTaev: the launch creation dialog has a tick box for that iirc11:38
livingdaylightGreetings of ooboontoo land!!!11:38
madridthis is a site of fraud-bank and with linux  i havent deffenses : http://www.isp-net.cz/self/seguridad/oi.cajamadrid.es=JPS96/CajaMadrid/oi/pt_oi/Login/login.htm11:38
Taevno it doesn't.11:38
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Taevyou are correct erUSUL. My apologies.11:39
erUSULTaev: no problem11:39
sieWhere should I put gdm themes?11:39
livingdaylightmadrid, put all your money in my paypal account. It is safe there11:40
pitipitiHi I'm looking for a way to set up ubuntu so that different screen (Ctrl + Alt + Fx) serves different desktop manager in particular gdm and ldm. Can someone point me in the right direction?11:40
Blues-Manhi guys11:40
Blues-Mani cannot crosscompile kernel in lucid11:41
Blues-Mani got always package ... not in control info11:41
livingdaylightBlues-Man, hey, I cant either, lol11:41
Blues-Mani'm using make-kpkg11:41
Blues-Manlivingdaylight, damn! :)11:41
Blues-Manhow to workaround?11:41
rekwhat can i isnatll for my 9200 ati11:41
fabiorek, do you mean the driver?11:42
Vinlaelllol @ livingdaylight11:42
fabioradeon is your only option11:42
newbie|2i would some help with a server kinda of thing ... can anyone help?11:43
erUSUL!ask | newbie|211:43
ubottunewbie|2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:43
Taevthe 3rd Party Proprietary Drivers for ATI on 10.04 work great.11:43
rekwhere how....11:43
TaevIve used them on my ATI HD4200, and my ATI Raedon X160011:43
tom][vhi, is there a keyboard command to execute the last line of output? so that when i get "To install that package use:\nsudo apt-get install xxx" I can just execute that line  instead of copy & pasting it.11:43
Taevthey work beautifully11:43
AviMarcusuh. how can I be on irc but not be able to open up webpages?11:43
fabiothere is no fglrx support for the 9200 ati11:43
Taevthe open driver they use instead is awful11:43
madridlivingday light , with linusx is easier to be a victim of fraud with windows if you're not an expert, becase windows have antivirus with anti-fraud11:43
MaRk-Itom][v: just press the UP arrow11:43
erUSULTaev: the propietary driver wont support old hardware11:44
Taevsomething as simple as GL-Billiard ran like crap before I installed the 3rd Party Drivers11:44
rekati 920011:44
rekcan't use compiz11:44
AviMarcusI'm having trouble with getting the ATI x1400 to run a second screen11:44
fabioati 9200 is an old card11:44
fabioyes you can11:44
rekit's fast11:44
AviMarcusboth worked in windows xp11:44
rekno i can't now11:44
TaevI understand that, but its nice that you can choose it for your new card11:44
rekwhat can i istall11:44
AviMarcusbut right now.. why can't I load gmail :x11:44
fabiorek: you can use compiz or metacity composite11:44
Taevso you can actually use programs with Open GL, graphics acceleration, and or anti aliasing11:44
reki want a driver11:44
fabiorek: anyway install the radeon driver11:45
Taevif you pay me enough rek. I'll drive you anywhere you need to go.11:45
AviMarcusffs yahoo opens up11:45
rekname f the package11:45
fabiorek, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon11:45
tom][vMaRk-I: that gets me the last line of input, not output11:45
fabioand make sure you have a decent xorg.conf11:45
AviMarcusis there a way to flush my dns or something?11:45
newbie|2can anyone help me with a ubunto server issue ???11:45
MaRk-Itom][v: ah nvm then I misread you11:46
rekgià alla versione più recente11:46
AviMarcusbing & yahoo open, but not google11:46
AviMarcusso.. dns issue? how do I flush it?11:46
thune3AviMarcus: unless you installed a dns caching program, ubuntu doesn't have one. Individual application may keep a cache however.11:47
erUSULnewbie|2: we have to guess the problem? read it in a crystall ball ? just ask11:47
fabiorek, are you Italian... join #ubuntu-it11:47
tom][vMaRk-I: say I type: clojure; and i get "The program 'clojure' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: \nsudo apt-get install clojure"11:47
newbie|2i have a desktop that i want to turn into a home server and would like to use ubuntu cuz i have played around with it a little and its ez for me to use but the iso i but the ISO i burned will not boot it acts like its going to but all i get is a flashing curser in the top left ... it would let you input anything or boot just sits there...11:47
Gatekeepercan anyone help need some support for a graphics card.11:47
rekif i enlarge a windows everything is black even the desktop what can i do11:47
Taevis there a way I can transfer a program from one Linux machine to another? while still running. For instance I run BitchX in a terminal, and I move to my other desktop in the other room. Can I transfer it with out closing it and having to reconnect and all that?11:47
kisukeis there any way to have a dialog box pop up at start up?11:47
kisukenewbie|2: is you bios enabled to boot from CD?11:48
AviMarcusyey, gmail randomly decided it was time to open11:48
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Gatekeeperneed help installing ati 9600 RV350 - ubuntu 10.04 LTS  : pls pm if anyone is willing to help. thanx.11:48
MaRk-Itom][v: hhmm no, no idea11:48
kisukenewbie|2: are you sure the .ISO burned to disk correctly?11:49
tom][vMaRk-I: ok thx anyway11:49
newbie|2yes ...11:49
erUSULTaev: no; you can use screen to run the program dettach from it. then go to the other pc connect via ssh to the first pc and attach again to the screen session but the program will be executting in the first pc11:49
kisuke!help | rek11:49
ubotturek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:49
CrackGuyhow do I make my monitor not to turn off after every 5 minutes of being in idle11:50
kisukenewbie|2: the only thing s that can cause that aer your bios is not set up to boot from CD or a bad burn, sorry11:50
MaRk-ICrackGuy: check power management or screensaver settings11:50
erUSULCrackGuy: system>preferences>power management11:50
CrackGuythank you, i was trying power management but it's under screensaver..11:51
Gatekeeperneed help installing ati driver for 9600 RV350 - ubuntu 10.04 LTS  : pls pm if anyone is willing to help. thanx.11:51
thune3kisuke: you could use zenity and add a command to System->Preferences->Startup Application. zenity --info --text "Hello"11:51
newbie|2it boots from othere discs and it acts like its loading but just sits there and you can hear the disc spining and after about 20min still nothing11:52
kisukethune3: zenity is installed by default or will i have to track down a .deb, or god forbid source?11:52
kisukenewbie|2: that definatly sounds like a bad burn, what program did you use to burn the disk?11:53
MaRk-Inewbie|2: do you see the grub screen and after that just goes black?11:53
kisukeGatekeeper: have you tried system>admistration>hardware drivers?11:54
anthony_what's the issue at hand11:54
thune3kisuke: its installed by metacity, so you should have it on any ubuntu install.11:54
kisukethune3: thank you.11:55
AviMarcusdid someone get the ATI radeon x1400 working with dual monitors?11:55
sYskkI installed a package using apt-get... now id like to build it manually from source.. is there a way to know which config options apt used to build the package?11:55
kisuke!dualscreen | AviMarcus11:55
Gatekeeperkisuke hardware drivers are empty.11:56
AviMarcuswas that supposed to trigger some helpful message?11:56
madridIn linux why I can not install in firefox an anti-fraud security bar like this? :      http://www.websecurityguard.com/default.aspx11:56
kisukeAviMarcus: there is a tutorial to do it, give me a minute to track it down.11:56
MaRk-I!compile | sYskk11:56
ubottusYskk: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:56
AviMarcusthe gui in lucid lynx lets you do it, but well, it doesn't work. I tried with 2 screens that I've used with this card in windows.11:56
kisukeGatekeeper: have you enabled all software sources in system>administration>software sources?11:57
hotstewI have some trouble with Ubuntu one11:57
hotstewis it still in beta or something?11:57
Gatekeeperkisuke yes ive enabled all sources.11:57
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone11:57
hotstewthe web interface doesn't let me upload folders or multiple files :S11:57
mgjI'm looking for a linux equivilent to PsTools. More precisely psexec. I want to be able to start and stop processes remotely. Ideas anyone?11:58
kisukeGatekeeper: try running "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal to make sure your package lists are up to date.11:58
erUSUL!info pstools11:58
ubottuPackage pstools does not exist in lucid11:58
Gatekeeperkisuke have done apt-update11:58
kisukeand there is nothing?11:58
Blues-Manlivingdaylight, i found a patch which is working: http://osdir.com/ml/debian-bugs-dist/2010-07/msg01941.html :D11:58
mgjerUSUL, from what i can tell, pstools is for windows clients only11:58
kisukeGatekeeper: and there is nothing?11:59
Gatekeeperkisuke yep nothing , nada, zip, zilch11:59
erUSULmgj: use ssh11:59
erUSULmgj: and the normal tools on the remote machine11:59
Gatekeepermgj: putty11:59
kisukeGatekeeper: you said you had an ATI GPU?12:00
supergorillahiya ... hi everyone...Long time no see!! :)12:00
kisukehey supergorilla12:00
Gatekeeperkisuke yes lspci | grep VGA12:00
Gatekeeper01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]12:00
kisukeAviMarcus: nvida or ATI GPU?12:01
AviMarcusati radeon x140012:01
Taevhey can some one hook me up with a URL for an Ubuntu 10.04 Software Repository? I'm trying to get the newest version of ClamAV but my install of 8.04's synaptic only has an older version.12:01
mgjerUSUL, Hmm. Is it possible to automaticly execute commands after logging in with ssh? I know you can add user/pass to the commandline, but there is noone physicly present at the client. Need to be able to do everything from the "server" automaticly12:01
TaevI'm going to try installing the version thats available through 10.0412:01
kisukeGatekeeper: try http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx12:01
Gatekeeperkisuke have tried that. that's why im here12:02
kisukeTaev: try googleing clamAV apt12:02
MaRk-ITaev: I dont think you can do that12:02
Taevthere has to be a site on the internet that has the packages available for download12:02
mgjGatekeeper, i think i wasnt being clear. I want what pstools does on windows, but in linux. I dont want anything windows-relanted12:02
kisukeGatekeeper: well im out of ideas then sorry.12:02
erUSULmgj: then why not set up something in the server itself ? a cron job ? anywhy when you login shell init scripts are executed ~/.profile for example12:02
Gatekeeperkisuke lool mee to haha12:03
kisukeTaev: you might end up having to compile them yourself12:03
erUSULmgj: but still do not know exactly what you want to do or exactly when ....12:03
pkkmUbuntu doesn't start since last update. There is just a splash screen that is displayed forever. When I boot without "quiet splash", there is "[  1.447949] usb 4-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice", about 10min delay and BusyBox. I run Ubuntu on ASUS A6F laptop.12:03
Taevwhats the name of 10.04?12:03
TaevLucid Lynx?12:03
erUSULTaev: yes12:03
pkkmTaev, yes12:03
kisuke!10.04 | Taev12:03
ubottuTaev: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100412:03
ibrahimwhat is better for my laptop hp dv6 1045 core2due ubuntu notebook edition or the desktop edition ?12:04
erUSULmgj: maybe if you explain exactly how you used that psexec command we can advise better12:04
kisukeibrahim: how big is the screen?12:05
TaevOk so where is the FTP for the packages available for 10.0412:05
ibrahimkisuke: 16.112:05
AviMarcuskisuke: any luck?12:05
Taevall I want is the Clamav package thats for 10.0412:05
mgjerUSUL, set up something on the server? I'm not following you. Basicly what i need is this: Im physically at the server. I need to be able make an application, which can launch applications on the clients. I dont think init scripts are a good solution, as i only want the applications to be spawned when the server says so. Also, i need to be able to, from the server, to select what commands are being run on the client.12:05
ibrahimkisuke:  screen size is 16.112:05
kisukeAviMarcus: yes but its old12:05
mgjerUSUL, hope that is a bit more clear, dont hesitate to ask if its not12:05
aguitelibrahim, use dektop12:05
kisukeAviMarcus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo12:05
ibrahimaguitel: thank you i was confused about it12:06
TangoTooLjust a quick question12:06
supergorilla /msg Gorilla had returned  to his former love FLUXBOX12:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ibrahim!ask | TangoToo12:06
ubottuTangoToo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:06
aguitelibrahim, for this laptop ubuntu 10.04 desktop gnome or kde is great12:07
erUSUL!info clusterssh | mgj12:07
ubottumgj: clusterssh (source: clusterssh): administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.00.01-1 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 232 kB12:07
TaevI know this isn't exactly an Ubuntu question per se, but it was run under Ubuntu, Has anyone here tried Linux From Scratch? where you build your own distro.12:07
mgjerUSUL, will take a look, thanks!12:07
TangoTooLI installed ubuntu on my gaming system (ATI) and this system in nvidia a much weaker system. why is it that this can run all compiz on max to where my ATI system is crap. Lol12:07
TaevI've tried a few times but I get about half way through and it fails, I was thinking maybe L.F.S. doesn't like Ubuntu as a host system maybe?12:07
kisuke!ot | teav12:07
ubottuteav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:07
TaevI wish you would have waited until I finished.12:08
TaevDo you think maybe its a compatibility problem L.F.S. has operating under Ubuntu?12:08
kisukeTangoTooL: ATI has not been the best about releasing drivers or specs to the FOOS comunity, so we have little or nothing to work with.12:08
ibrahimaguitel: I am more comfortable with gnome ;) thnx again12:08
erUSULkisuke: you meant nvidia i'm sure12:09
TangoTooLThats what I thought. I have been looking around and such. Sad thing I bought a 5970. :|12:09
kisukeerUSUL: i *thought* it was ATI, but i could have the 2 mixed.12:09
Taevwhats this Maverick whatever distro I saw on the FTP12:10
erUSULkisuke: becouse ATI *does* release docs and pay developer to develop free drivers ( radeon )12:10
Taevrelease, not distro12:10
Taevis that the new Ubuntu?12:10
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:10
kisukeerUSUL: i got them crossed then, not the first time, wont be the last12:10
erUSULkisuke: :)12:11
=== PHANTOM is now known as Guest60548
TaevKisuke use the 3rd party proprietary drivers for your ATI card12:11
Taevyou'll be much happier.12:11
Taevthey really out perform the standard open driver and allow you to open ATI's Catalyst Control Center12:12
kisukeTaev: unjfourtunatly i have an _intel_ card12:12
* MengXingHun is away: ****努力工作,赚钱娶老婆....****12:12
Taevoh wow that does suck kisuke12:12
jpds!away > MengXingHun12:12
ubottuMengXingHun, please see my private message12:12
TaevYou're not planning on doing any heavy gaming or heavy graphical work are you?12:12
TangoTooLAnyone want to trade a nvid 295 for a ati 5970? ;)12:13
* MengXingHun is back (gone 00:01:05)12:13
TaevSee I was using 8.04LTD for ages and their 3rd Party Drivers for ATI stunk, crashed everytime. So I couldn't even play GL-Billiards, now with 10.04 they work perfectly and I'm able to actually get some nice graphical performance12:13
* MengXingHun is away: ****努力工作,赚钱娶老婆....****12:13
blip-hi, I can't find Sun JDK in the 10.4 64-bit repos... is there no 64 bit version ?12:16
blip-i'm trying to run openoffice and it won't work with openjdk12:16
erUSULblip-: is in partner repositorie12:16
erUSUL!java | blip-12:16
ubottublip-: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:16
blip-erUSUL: hmm I see.  it's strange that openoffice installed fine, it just crashes on startup after splash screen12:17
mgjerUSUL, sorry to bother you again. clusterssh looks pretty cool, but it suffers from the same problem as normal ssh: It requires manual input for actually running the commands. I need something i can program against. Something like: User clicks on Button1: Start command1 on client1. Not sure if this question is more suited for a programming channel, but its fairly linux specific (ubuntu server and clients) so i figured i'd give it a try i12:17
=== _ng is now known as _NG
TaevI have an older version of ClamAV i installed on my Ubuntu 8.04 install, it doesn't offer the new version via synaptic. I installed Clamav and Klamav the front end from Synaptic, my question is, if I compile the new version of ClamAV from a source tarball in my home directory, can I also install Klamav in my home directory so it only works with the home directory clamav, and not the clamav installed system wide?12:18
bullgard4'~$ ssh-copy-id name@server' added successfully a public key to the authorized keys in the remote machine. But the program added an advice: "Please check if you did not inadvertently add a key too much on the remote machine" (or similar). I made a mistake, and the advice has gone. How can I reproduce this ssh-copy-id advice?12:18
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »12:18
Taevalso if i "make install" a source tar ball, is there any tracking of where all of its packages were installed to if I want to remove it?12:19
Taevif I make install the newest version of ClamAV on my system and it turns out it doesn't work, do I have to track down every directory it created and delete them, or will simply reinstalling the older version via Synaptic Package Manager do the trick?12:19
koshari1Taev use checkinstall12:20
koshari1just uninstall the checkinstall package12:20
blip-erUSUL: thanks12:20
MaRk-ITaev: "make uninstall" in the same folder will uninstall it, but anyways if it fails I doubt it'll go past "make"12:21
Taevdoes a program that you downloaded as a source tarball then ./configure, make, and make install run faster than a program you downloaded as a .deb and installed that way?12:21
aeon-ltdTaev: m12:21
aeon-ltdTaev: no, not without the use of flags to specify your architechtue12:22
TiKill take a deb over ompiling any day12:22
aeon-ltddamn can't spell12:22
TiKhey aeon :P12:22
aeon-ltdTaev: if you really want speed, use distros tailored to your processor, e.g. 64bit, i686 etc12:23
nisstyre65Taev: if you want a source based way then Ubuntu isn't for you. Consider Gentoo.12:25
icerootTaev: yes, running faster, no you dont see the speed-difference12:25
aeon-ltdskumara: hi12:26
=== neeraj is now known as neeraj_afk
qu4nthey guys, just burned xubuntu to cd, tried to boot into it, at the login screen it asks for user and password - what to type? i already tried "ubuntu" and just hitting enter, does not help..12:27
blitzohi - anyone tell me how to configure sshd?  the server is running, i can connect to it on localhost, netstat says it is listening, but i can't connect to it on the lan12:28
aeon-ltdqu4nt: try xubuntu, user or root12:28
TiKblitzo: are you beind a router?12:28
aeon-ltdqu4nt: or nothing12:28
* TiK waits12:29
pkkmUbuntu doesn't start since last update. There is just a splash screen that is displayed forever. When I boot without "quiet splash", there is "[  1.447949] usb 4-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice", about 10min delay and BusyBox. I run Ubuntu on ASUS A6F laptop.12:29
llutzblitzo: iptables rules active?12:30
TiKpffm: sucks man12:30
TiKllutz: i think heisbeind a router and didn't forward te port :P12:30
qu4ntaeon-ltd, nothing of that works..12:30
TiKwhere did you get xubuntu from?12:30
llutztik "on the lan" so no forwarding needed12:30
TiKer qu4nt12:30
TiKhe said it works on the lan12:31
MaRk-Iqu4nt: there shouldn't be a password livecd's go straight to desktop, ask in #xubuntu chan12:31
qu4ntTiK, TUChemnitz, came from xubuntu.com12:31
jeatoni just installed the LAMP package that came with the ubuntu server edition12:31
llutztik read what he said again, " .. but i can't connect to it on the lan"12:31
thune3pkkm: can you get the grub menu (hold shift) and select/boot a previous kernel?12:31
keastesok how do i force ubuntu 10.04 into framebuffer mode when i shows me a keyboard and the human icon then promptly send ass output to /dev/null?12:31
blitzollutz Tik i am working behind a router and iptables is enabled12:31
TiKllutz: o sorry12:31
qu4ntMaRk-I, ok will try that12:31
jeatoneverytime I tpe in "apache2" it tells me bad username password12:31
bcurtiswxhow do I find an image header using GIMP?12:31
llutzblitzo: anything blocking 22 "sudo iptables -L -v"12:32
TiKjeaton: why are ou typing in apache2 and where? :P12:32
rekllutz, when i use compiz if i enlarge something it tuns black... window,wallpaper ecc driver issue damn, qhat can i install for my ati 9200 and how ?12:32
llutzrek no idea, not using compiz nor ati12:32
pkkmthune3, I'll try12:32
rekwhat could i install dudes12:32
blitzollutz that was it - how do i make a rule to allow port 2212:32
llutzblitzo: man iptables12:33
jeatonTiK- i mean, it tells me bad user name $Apache run user12:33
TiKrek: nothing on System>Adminstration>hardware ?12:33
jeatonI was starting it up12:33
rekhw drivers12:33
rekTiK,  no prop drv in use12:33
TiKjeaton: it should start on boot and youstart/stop it though init.d12:33
llutzblitzo: something like "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT"12:34
TiKjeaton: try sudo/etc/init.d/apache2 start or reload or restart or stop ...12:34
jeatonTiK - i checked it under init.d and it said failed, so I was reinstalling it12:34
TiKjeaton: try to start it through init.d and pastebin the error12:34
jeatonand even when i apt-get purge apache2, it tells me the samething when I type in apache212:34
TiKjeaton: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart12:35
jeatonstrange, it restarted fine thuis time12:36
bullgard4'~$ ssh-copy-id name@server' advices: "Check in .ssh/authorized keys to make sure you we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting." I can see there 3 rather cryptic ssh-RSA keys. How can I check that they I have produced them?12:36
TiKtik@tik-laptop:~$ apache212:36
TiKapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}12:36
TiKthat error?12:36
FloodBot1TiK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
TiKjeaton: you ween't restarting it correctly12:37
jeatonTiK - no, it was telling me FAIL when I tried restarting it12:37
jeatonwhere it normally says OK12:37
TiKall good12:38
jeatonit's working now though12:38
dohzDoes anyone know of software that will allow me to view my HDD's raw (ASCII, hex) data? Like a file recovery program?12:38
jeatonbut yes, that was the error I was getting, reason why I was just typing apache212:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:38
jeatonis because I was seeing if it was telling me if i had it started or not12:38
jeatonTiK but yes, that was the error I was getting, reason why I was just typing apache212:39
jeatonis because I was seeing if it was telling me if i had it started or not12:39
majukAnyone have a new model G15 keyboard, using G15daemon and experience the LCD display changing seemingly at random? Even does so while I'm not typing at all.12:41
pkkmthune3, there is only current kernel, rescue mode with current kernel and memtest in GRUB menu.12:41
RObvini would need some help to restore my hdd! they are @unknows12:41
RObvini followed a guide http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/ubuntu-freeze-no-resume-image/12:41
majukIt's cycling through the time display modes (military, AM/PM, w/ & w/o date) as I'm sitting here.12:42
RObvinand now the ubuntu partition is broken hat should i do?12:42
RObvinsorry anyone?12:43
=== lynx is now known as Guest95239
=== tyler is now known as Guest30855
bullgard4!ask | sYskk12:45
ubottusYskk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:45
=== thyri0n is now known as zz_thyri0n
bullgard4RObvin: Boot a Ubuntu live CD and use GParted.12:46
thune3pkkm: did you clean old kernels out?12:48
pkkmthune3, I installed Ubuntu few weeks ago12:50
scriptwarlockRobvin: start to backup the files in your partition.. how did you brke it?12:50
bullgard4'~$ ssh-copy-id name@server' advices: "Check in .ssh/authorized keys to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting." I can see there 3 rather cryptic ssh-RSA keys. How can I check that I have produced them?12:51
=== zz_thyri0n is now known as thyri0n
pkkmthune3, it got beroken a week or two after install, after update12:51
=== root is now known as Guest13427
DiploCatbullgard4, if you haven't specially added any keys yourself, then you can just clear the .ssh/authorized file and re-add the keys when you next connect12:54
* Blues-Man good blues bye12:55
bullgard4DiploCat: I know for certain that I personally added one of the 3 keys. So my case is different form your scenario.12:58
abhijit!hi | Guest1342713:01
ubottuGuest13427: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:01
=== Deko is now known as _Deko_
TuxSaxwhat the heck happened?13:03
_Deko_qual canal ubuntu brasil13:03
bazhang_Deko_, #ubuntu-br13:04
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:04
TuxSax!br > _Deko_13:04
ubottu_Deko_, please see my private message13:04
PsyTrancewhere can i get vhost on freenode?13:07
PiciPsyTrance: Try #freenode13:07
bazhang!cloak > PsyTrance13:07
ubottuPsyTrance, please see my private message13:07
PsyTrancethank you13:08
GrimmVarghey guys, I need IE once a day on my ubuntu machine.. any tricks that would make this trooper sing of joy? :)13:10
GrimmVargwithout using vmware*13:10
joschiGrimmVarg: wine could work13:12
joschiGrimmVarg: but using vmware or virtualbox is probably less hassle13:12
GrimmVargyeah, thats what Im realizing :/13:12
GrimmVargwell well, a vm hasn't hurt anyone13:13
joschiGrimmVarg: and it can be restored quite easily ;)13:13
laudrupis this a correct cron job for a file on local maching ?13:14
laudrup15 14 * * * c:/path/to/command.php ?13:14
antonio_2hey everyone13:15
Picilaudrup: Yes, if you expect it to run at 2:15pm, except that we don't use drive letters in Linux.13:15
ShapeShifter499can someone explain why my VOIP software(two so far, Ekiga and Twinkle) keep freezing in my system after placing one call?13:16
laudrupPici, how can I specify the path of the file ?13:16
=== AshiToy is now known as Chewtoy
Picilaudrup: Well, where is the file located?13:17
dolmenWhere can I contact lauchpad admins? I have a login problem ("Your account has been deactivated")13:18
Picidolmen: #launchpad13:18
=== LjL is now known as Guest6017
dolmenPici: thanks13:18
=== Guest6017 is now known as LjL
jagosixGood morning people13:19
jagosixI'm tryint to record audio playback from a web page... any suggestions?13:20
jagosixoops trying13:20
CJCHi guys, does anyone here know if there is a decent equiv. for WSUS, in ubuntu? I want to have a central server for my LAN?13:21
rekhi, envy ng doesn't work, why ?13:21
=== neeraj_afk is now known as neeraj
On-The-FlyHello folks; I have a problem installing the latest kernel headers (linux-headers- It seems as if those would depend on themself.13:23
On-The-Flyif anyone could help me installing the kernel-headers for my currently used kernel, I'd be very happy…13:29
xoverukhi guys13:30
xoveruki am trying to download a file from a website and it keeps failing before it completes. what could be the issue?13:30
PiciOn-The-Fly: Are you running Maverick?13:30
gogetacrappy website13:31
On-The-FlyPici: 10.04, so no13:31
On-The-Flyxoveruk: corrupt file on the server13:31
kisukeok, is there any reason a live CD will refuse to stayconnected to a display? i get so far then it seems to send all display data to /dev/null any sugestions?13:31
gogetaslow server so it timesout13:31
PiciOn-The-Fly: Well 2.6.35 is the version in 10.10. 10.04 is using 2.6.3213:31
xoverukit is from a music company, they create a zip file from the music that i bought. I get three attempts to download then i get blocked.13:31
xoverukIs it definitely an issue at their end?13:31
On-The-FlyPici:I got this kernel-version through ppa:suraia/ppa13:32
jaypurwhat the hell was that news, about canonical not contributing to codes and community and all things releated?????13:32
Pici!ot | jaypur13:33
ubottujaypur: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:33
gogetajaypur: i never herd of that and being i can get the ubuntu sourcecode right this second its also untrue13:33
PiciOn-The-Fly: Then you'll need to contact that developer about issues with their PPA.13:33
jaypuri'll go to off topic excuse me....13:33
On-The-FlyPici: Thought so, thanks anyway. I just hoped there was another way, because I cannot contact the developer without a launchpad-account13:33
PiciOn-The-Fly: Create a launchpad account then.13:34
StaRetjiFolks, I need help, I'm getting following error in my Ubuntu Live usb stick: EXT2-fs error (device loop1): ext2_lookup: deleted inode referenced:13:34
On-The-FlyPici: Didn't the Ubuntu One Account work on several sites beside the Ubuntu One page itself? And if yes, was Launchpad included?13:34
PiciOn-The-Fly: It should.13:35
StaRetjitried running dosfsck -a -v /dev/sda1, but still I see those errors. Any help would be highly appreciated.13:35
On-The-FlyPici: Cool, you were right, so I don't need to create a new account. At least one good message13:36
kisukeany ideas on why vidoe output would go awol on a live CD? runningan older ncida GeForce here13:37
SlartWhat is the recommended way of setting LC_TIME for a user on latest ubuntu?13:37
On-The-FlyPici: What, I logged in to see that the developer has no public E-Mail address provided? Launchpad should've telled me that before logging in ._.13:37
Guest13427no driver13:37
rekwhat package can i install to use my ati radeon 920013:37
Guest13427linux command is very power13:38
thune3StaRetji: i think you need to fsck the persistence file on the livesub stick. i forget what the name of that file is atm.13:38
StaRetjithune3: casper-rw13:39
StaRetjiI should to e2fsck?13:39
kisukeany ideas on why video output would go awol on a live CD? running an older nvida GeForce 8400 GS here13:40
Gneakisuke: for starters, it's a live cd, it's using the nv driver13:41
thune3StaRetji: i believe so. just don't force it, it should throw error if it is wron.g13:42
kisukeGnea: ok, so. i swith to vesa how? and it works just fine for about 25 seconds workth of terminal output, then dies.13:43
VarazirHello I can't get syslinux to work in my ubuntu lucid , when I check the USB drive after it's not bootible13:43
Gneakisuke: maybe it's not the drivers fault, maybe it's the way the video card is talking with the motherboard13:43
kisukeGnea: or what would you suggest?13:43
blitzohi - i installed 'apf-firewall' from ubuntu software and i can't find it on any menu and i don't know the name of the executable13:44
Gneakisuke: like making sure memory segments line up correctly,13:44
Gneaspread spectrum vs. no spread spectrum13:45
blitzohi - i installed 'apf-firewall' from ubuntu software centre and i can't find it on any menu and i don't know the name of the executable13:45
ubuntuwow guys, I've got a serious problem13:45
kisukeGnea: and i goofed, its a live USB, liveCD just gives me a picture of a keyboard a = and a human icon.13:45
Gneakisuke: it's all the same thing13:45
ubuntuI can't log into gnome anymore13:45
kisukeGnea: memtest?13:45
Gneakisuke: worth a shot13:45
coz_blitzo,  I believe that is a console apt13:45
kisuke wish me luck13:45
coz_blitzo,   http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/apf.1.html13:46
Gneablitzo: it's not apf-firewall?13:46
ubuntuit's not that the password is wrong but after I log in I'm sent back to the login screen13:46
ubuntuI've checked with gparted and memtest but there's nothing wrong with the partition13:46
StaRetjithune3: e2fsck /cdrom/casper-rw did the trick ;) Thx man!13:47
blitzocoz_ Gnea what's an easy gui configurator - i just need to add a rule to allow port 22 - don't wanna have to learn everything there is to know about iptables13:47
ubuntuit's strange also because I had the login screen turned off by default13:47
gogetablitzo: your forgetting ubuntu aruldy has a easy mode for iptables13:49
ubuntuhelp please :<13:49
gogetablitzo: ufw13:49
krismantoi have a grub error 1713:50
krismantoi have ubuntu 10.04 server edition..can u tell me how to fix my grub?13:50
coz_ubuntu,  would you start from the beginning?  you downloaded the cd  and....13:50
kisukegnea: ok running memtest now, i doubt its a memory problem seeing as its running windows XP atm (TGF multiple PCs)13:50
kisuke!grub | krismanto13:50
ubottukrismanto: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:50
kisuke!grub2 | krismanto13:50
ubottukrismanto: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:50
coz_krismanto,  you might want to go to the #grub channel if no one knows here13:50
gogetakrismanto: well if you removed a os that should be the only time you get roor 1713:50
abhijithello all13:51
krismantogogeta:so i should reinstall my linux13:51
krismantothanks :)13:51
coz_krismanto,   did you run   sudo update-grub13:51
abhijitany help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239113:51
ubuntucoz, it wasn't a brand new install13:51
gogetakrismanto: you should be able to start the live cd and su sudo grub-update /dev/sda13:51
ubuntuit happened after I had some issue with slowdown, so I rebooted13:52
gogetakrismanto: so it updates the menu to the changes13:52
VarazirI have problem to make my USB bootible13:52
krismantogogeta:but my cd doesnt have any grub-update command13:52
coz_ubuntu,  ok... were there updates just before this happened...or did you manually install anything just before?13:52
gogetakrismanto: do it from a console13:52
ubuntuI did not install anything13:53
krismantogogeta:already at console right now13:53
gogetakrismanto: or update-gtup one of the 213:53
ubuntuI think some files were being transferred through Ubuntu One13:53
coz_ubuntu,  ok so how long ago did you install this13:53
ubuntualso XBMC was open and Chromium I guess13:53
krismantogogeta:neither works13:53
krismantogogeta:only grub-installer13:53
ubuntuthree days ago13:54
gogetakrismanto: should be a update command to13:54
coz_ubuntu,  ok and you did this from a live cd?13:54
ubuntuI'm on a live cd right now13:54
ubuntuor more like live usb13:54
Taevhey can I use chroot to set up a virtual jail to run Firefox out of when browsing suspicious sites?13:55
krismantoi try to type grub-installer /dev/sda1 it prints an error wrong number of args.mapdefs (path)13:55
krismantoany solution...?13:55
gogetaor update-grub213:55
coz_ubuntu,  ah ok.... well do this first...reboot into the live cd and choose from the menu  "check cd"  option... let that run and see if any errors are produced...if there are you may have to re-download the cd  and burn it at the slowest speed...also check the md5sum of the downloded iso13:55
gogetaif your using the newer one13:56
krismantogogeta: both of them doesnt work13:56
ubuntubut the system worked 24 7, weird13:56
coz_ubuntu,   until you rebooted...yes?13:57
ubuntuyeah, but this wasn't by far my first reboot13:57
coz_ubuntu,  when you boot into the sytstem now ...what is the error again? or what happens?13:57
Taevhey can I use chroot to set up a virtual jail to run Firefox out of when browsing suspicious sites?13:57
gogetakrismanto: even a server install should have that script being it will need it at some point13:58
ubuntuthe login screen pops up which it shouldn't because it was  deactivated, then when I enter the correct name and password, I brings me back to the log in screen13:58
ubuntuIt goes black for a second and then I'm back13:58
coz_ubuntu,  back to what?  the login screen?13:59
ubuntuback to the very beginning of the login screen13:59
coz_ubuntu,  ok try this... boot normally...when you get to the login screen hit  ctrl+alt+F1....log in there  then run   sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade... when that is done  run  sudo restart  gdm  or if kde  sudo restart kdm14:00
coz_ubuntu,  if that doesnt work  come back here via the live cd14:01
ubuntuokay, I'll try that14:01
simmelHow do I restore the original /etc/init/mysql.conf from that I accidently removed?14:01
simmels/from //14:01
lagWhere should I go for graphics type questions? (nvidia, x11)14:02
icerootlag: if they are related to ubuntu, try here14:02
livingdaylightsomeone know what is vcd format and how to play them in ubuntu?14:03
simmelpurging mysql-server-5.1 and installing mysql-server-5.1 again doesn't restore files that are removed manually.14:03
coz_livingdaylight,  you could vlc  player for that but let me check14:03
abhijit!multimedia | livingdaylight14:03
ubottulivingdaylight: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:03
icerootlivingdaylight: have a look at wikipedia what vcd is, you can play them e.g. with vlc, totem or mplayer14:03
coz_livingdaylight,  also check to see if you have  ubuntu-restricted-extras  installed  although that also brings down icedtea14:04
lagI have an Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE, a DVI LCD monitor and an RGB LCD monitor plugged in. It insists on making the RGB port the master port - I don't want this. I want my panels to be on the DVI monitor.14:04
livingdaylightwhich is superior vlc or smplayer?14:04
mrechi, does anyone know about /etc/passwd (and passwords inside)? I think following is MD5 encoded14:05
mrecI just wonder how can I reset this14:05
livingdaylightcoz_, i installed the components of ubuntu-restricted-extras individually so as to avoid icedtea(preferring sun-java)14:05
nisstyre65mrec: passwords aren't stored in /etc/passwd14:05
coz_livingdaylight,  well out of the two I would go vlc  and  if you do   Open your VLC Player Go to Media---> Open Disc---> Select SVCD/VCD option14:05
mrecnisstyre65: it's more or less an embedded system14:05
mrecit has passwords in /etc/passwd14:05
nisstyre65the hashes are stored in /etc/shadow on ubuntu at least14:05
livingdaylightcoz_, thx14:05
mrecnisstyre65: ya not with this system14:05
Picimrec: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  Try #linux14:05
nisstyre65mrec: is it ubuntu?14:05
Picimrec: Sorry, ##linux14:05
nisstyre65also mrec that isn't an md5 hash14:06
nisstyre65I believe it's DES but correct me if I'm wrong14:06
nisstyre65most likely salted DES14:06
coz_livingdaylight,  that was wise  for the restricted  you could have also just ticked the restricted and then untick the icedtea and open java stuff :)14:06
mrecnisstyre65: md5 crypt probably14:06
nisstyre65mrec: it's not md514:06
rodhowdy! Has anyone gotten SCII working under WINE?14:06
livingdaylightcoz_, ahh... will consider that next time, thx for the heads up14:06
kisuke!wine | rod14:07
ubotturod: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:07
kisuke!appdb | rod14:07
ubotturod: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:07
coz_livingdaylight,  did you run this command       sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh14:07
coz_livingdaylight,  you may want to book mark this link for later use as well   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:08
rodkisuke fair enough. Did YOU get it working under wine, or are you referring me to anonymous posts from people on the internets who have no real investment in the question?14:08
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ubottukisuke: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:08
dublinchorehi.  i can't wake up my computer from a hibernate because it fails on the loading of the PCI-b43 bridge. i have installed the b43 drivers and it boots up from an OFF state okay. what do i need to do to enable hibernation?14:08
livingdaylightcoz_, I did follow a 'what to do after installing ubuntu' howto page and covered libdvdread4 not sure about the css.sh14:08
coz_livingdaylight,  that command is for playing dvd's  so it should be run regardless :)14:09
john__I'm tying to install Tor, but when I apt-get I get "E: Package tor has no intallation candidate"14:09
bazhangrod, the channel for wine support is #winehq after checking the appdb14:09
john__nor tor-geoipdb14:09
rodbazhang but I'm not looking for wine support. I'm looking for wine affirmation14:10
llutzjohn__: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.de14:10
livingdaylightcoz_, sweet, I 've run it anyway, to be on the safe side :)14:10
llutzjohn__: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html14:10
bazhangrod, which is available in the appdb and #winehq14:10
coz_livingdaylight,  very cool14:10
kisukerod: as im not running *nix (ergo wine), and and i am going to pic up my copy today i am tring to point you to someone who would be better suited to answer that.14:10
john__why doesn't apt-get work?\14:10
llutzjohn__: its not in the repos14:11
fabiois it possible to have different shadows for the menu and the windows with compiz?14:11
john__llutz - that's cool and all, but what do I do?14:11
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rodbazhang bah, you must be a man, you never listen. kisuke--thanks for the info. Good luck with the install.14:11
Merlinahello all14:11
llutzjohn__: follow the link i gave you, read14:11
john__llutz: I want option one, as it is best seeming one14:12
john__what repos should I add?14:12
star3amhallo everyone14:13
Merlinai'm following a tutorial to install drivers for my DVB USB stick and i'm supposed to download and install the kernel source and headers equal to the ones I am using14:13
MerlinaI have kernel 2.6.32-24-generic14:13
star3amcan someone help getting a stable ver. of firefox and thunderbird on my 64bit laptop 10.414:13
coz_Merlina,   you could  sudo apt-get instal linux-source14:13
Merlinai'll try it :)14:14
john__g2g, brb14:14
check3rhow to install libgtk?14:15
abhijitany help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239114:15
kisukecheck3r: you should have libgtk already, what version of ubuntu are you running?14:15
laudrupHow can I write to a file from a crone task ?14:15
FabParmahow to auto-mount at boot an ext3 drive?14:16
check3rkisuke: 10.0414:16
kisukeFabParma: you need to add it to /etc/fstab14:16
kisukecheck3r: gnome?14:16
qjcglaudrup: say "Come on you old crone, write to my file!"14:17
check3rkisuke: yes14:17
kisukecheck3r: you have it installed14:17
FabParmakisuke: yes, thanks, do you know thje string?14:17
kisukeFabParma: no, a guick google should tell you though14:18
Iceman_B|lnxI just connected a PATA drive to an already installed 10.04 system on a SATA drive, but it doesnt become visisble and I cant mount it14:19
Iceman_B|lnxit says " according to mtab, its already mounted on /"14:19
Iceman_B|lnxwhich is incorrect14:19
Iceman_B|lnxhow do I fix this?14:19
kisukek08r4: try /join #ubuntu-rs14:19
hotstewhi, I'm the guy who called himself ubuntu before14:23
hotstewI still can't log in over the graphical interface14:23
coz_hotstew,  ah  ok14:23
coz_hotstew,  mmm   well not sure what else to suggest to you14:24
hotstewI logged in under the text interface just fine and entered sudo restart gdm14:24
laudrupok, How do I make the output of a crone task to be written in a file ?14:24
[diablo]afternoon all14:24
coz_hotstew,   did you run the live cd "check cd "  option to be sure the cd it self is not corrupted?14:24
hotstewbut it didn't really help14:24
[diablo]guys, anyone know a translation widget for gnome please?14:24
coz_hotstew,  did you run the update and dist-upgrade commands I suggested?14:25
hotstewwell I use a usb stick14:25
hotstewand I already formatted it inbetween14:25
hotstewyeah well, there was nothing to upgrade :S14:25
coz_hotstew,  ok14:26
coz_hotstew,  you have this running from a usb stick?14:26
hotstewcan I log in over text and then start gnome?14:27
hotstewno, I installed it on the HDD three days ago14:27
coz_hotstew,  ok  well I already said how to start gnome from text console but you said it did not work14:27
coz_hotstew,  when you get to the login screen hit ctrl+alt+F1   log in... type  sudo restart gdm14:28
hotstewyeah, but when I restart it, it brings me to the login screen -.-"14:28
coz_hotstew,  or   log in  then type  sudo -i   ... type password  then type   restart gdm14:28
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Guest13427what are you doing now14:28
hotstewsudo -i password?14:29
coz_hotstew,  ok  well it is broken for sure.... do you have things on that install that need saved?14:29
Iceman_B|lnxany idea how I make a PATA drive visible?14:29
hotstewno, that stuff's on a hard drive14:29
Iceman_B|lnxthe Disk Utility sees the drive connected but fstab doesnt14:29
coz_hotstew,  sudo -i  brings you to root  which you would then have to type your password again14:29
hotstewexternal I mean14:29
hotstewwell, I'll try that14:30
coz_hotstew,  ok  then if you have the live cd... reboot into that  but   choose the   "check cd" option to see if the disk itself is not corrupted14:30
coz_hotstew,  then if not    reinstall14:30
Iceman_B|lnxmeh, I'll try something14:30
hotstewok :S14:30
Guest13427what are you doing now14:31
bazhangGuest13427, this is ubuntu support. did you have a support question?14:31
furhadtesting ubuntu xchat14:31
kisukeGnea: ping14:32
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hotstewbtw I don't seem to be the only one getting this error14:32
Guest13427i have not chinese language packet14:32
bazhangGuest13427, chinese language support?14:33
bazhangGuest13427, install from synaptic package manager14:33
Guest13427i down't know14:33
mutantei had before: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS" , i followed the instructions labeled "Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS". Result is i have: "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.10"  and the LTS disappeared. I am repeating  do-release-upgrade --proposed now. But i am afraid the "LTS" will be gone anyways..14:33
coz_hotstew,  I would still ...check the cd for erors first....if any show up you will have to re-download the cd and burn it at the SLOWEST speed  1x preferred14:33
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91014:34
bazhangGuest13427, chinese irc support in #ubuntu-cn14:34
FoolsRunHi, I've been trying to work with ebox with little luck and now I seem to have a half-installed copy of ebox and a half-installed copy of ldap. Can anyone tell me how to completely remove ldap and all of its databases? When I've tried to remove it so far, and re-set up ebox, ebox doesn't populate ldap because it says it's already populated.14:34
ssureshotapt-get purge openldap ?14:34
ssureshotapt-get remove14:34
FoolsRunssureshot: both of those? I've tried purge14:35
mutantethere is:  apt-get remove --purge14:35
Guest13427chinese language packet14:35
AnxiousNutHelp my indicator applet got contaminated! The last time i used it, it was normal! BUT now it has the "file/edit/etc" menus in it :'( How can i get my old applet back?14:35
NjhHey, in synaptic, ifi have my own repo. is there anyway to change the name of server of where the file is located14:35
FoolsRunmutante: is that different from just apt-get purge ?14:35
mutanteFoolsRun: i dont know, i only knew the long version, and thought the latter doesnt exist14:36
ssureshotI usually remove then purge but it never does remove everything  so I am curious about the remove --purge14:36
AnxiousNutAnd fyi, im running UNR 10.04 on my netbook14:36
bazhangGuest13427, you are using backtrack?14:37
mutantewhat are the steps to get the "LTS" appear in DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION14:37
coz_mutante,   interesting... I am not sure...14:38
mutantei followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%208.04%20LTS%20to%2010.04%20LTS14:39
coz_mutante,  sorry14:39
coz_mutante,   try in terminal    lsb_release -a14:39
mutanteUpgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS   ->  edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts   ahaa14:39
mutantecoz_: that gives me  Description:    Ubuntu 8.1014:40
coz_mutante,  ooo14:40
mutantecoz_: it says: "Upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 LTS" = set Prompt=normal     AND  "Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS"  = set Prompt=lts14:41
mutantethat confused me, because why set Prompt=normal if you want LTS, and then the other way around..14:41
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coz_mutante,  ok you stumped me on this one :)14:42
caseywhat config file should i edit to change my sound device from 0 to 114:44
FoolsRunwhat's a good distinguished name for an ldap config?14:45
FoolsRunshould it be my hostname, or would "home" be better?14:46
Espen-_-You want a domain name?14:46
plitterhey, hotmail has for some reason switched over to mobile view and it doesnt work to sign out, restart firefox or restart ubuntu... anyone know how to change it back to usual mode?14:46
guthihi, i just installed lucid on my comp and it doent detect windows XP installed on the computer to try to dual boot, please help :(14:46
FoolsRunI guess. Some part of setting up ldap is asking me. The example is dc=example,dc=net14:47
FoolsRunJust curious what it's looking for14:47
FoolsRunI could just make something up, right? dc=your,dc=mom14:47
sreejuwhich is the best download manager?14:48
laudrupwhat's the full url for Desktop in Ubuntu14:48
Slartlaudrup: for the desktop install iso? or url to see the files on your desktop in nautilus?14:49
guthihi, i just installed lucid on my comp and it doent detect windows XP installed on the computer to try to dual boot, please help :(14:49
blitzowhat is the name of the applet that puts a gnome applications menu (like the one on the panel at top left) on the desktop?14:50
sreejuplease reply me14:50
Slartblitzo: right click on a panel and select "Add to panel".. look in that list.. I don't remember the exact name14:50
Slart!best | sreeju14:50
ubottusreeju: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:50
laudrupSlart, I want to open a file on the desktop, and I dont know how to get into from my code.14:51
Slartlaudrup: ~/Desktop works if ~ expands to your home folder14:51
blitzoslart, i can add apps but i need to know their names - i can't figure a way to find out14:51
Slartlaudrup: if it doesn't you'll have to find out what the home folder is.. something like /home/<username>14:52
subspiderwhen use sudo login in cli i don't have outocomplete how can i have that??14:52
Slartblitzo: it's called "Main Menu"14:52
Slartlaudrup: you might want to check the $HOME enviroment variable14:53
mutantesubspider: you might want to add a "-" when switching the user to keep environment variables14:53
blitzoslart, alt-f2 and type "main menu" says there aint no such beast14:53
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laudrupthis dosnt work, myname/home/Desktop/testFile.txt14:53
blitzoguthi when you installed ubunti did you do a side-by-side installation?14:54
subspidermutante, can you give me an example14:54
avismerger between microsoft will happen 2 days14:54
daglees__I'm trying to perform a low level format on a faulty HDD using Ubuntu 10.04 live cd but how'd I go about mounting this partition in the first place? It has no filesystem14:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:54
daglees__I don't mind erasing the entire HDD14:54
om26erwhich package provide pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy14:54
mutantesubspider: give me an example of what you type14:55
blitzodaglees__, what do you mean by "faulty"?14:55
guthiblitzo, no, i did a custom partion14:55
AnxiousNuthow can i get the [file/edit/etc] menus off of the applet indicator of my netbook(running UNE 10.04)!14:55
daglees__blitzo, I think it has a bad sector14:55
mutantesubspider: for example:  "sudo su -" instead of "sudo su"14:55
blitzodaglees__, then buy a new one14:55
om26erAnxiousNut, ^^14:55
subspiderok mutante thnks14:55
om26erAnxiousNut, which menu?14:56
daglees__I will14:56
daglees__There's no way to mount /dev/sda if it has no filesystem?14:56
blitzoguthi can you fdisk it and still see the windows partition?14:56
blitzodaglees__, you don't mount it in order to format it14:56
llutzdaglees__: since you mount filesystems, not partitions: no14:56
Imaginedoes anyone have a tutorial to use xchat for me?14:57
blitzoImagine, google it you will find info14:57
guthiblitzo, ya, i got it mounted, and i can see all the files in the partition, only problem is i dont see a option for it boot into windows14:57
blitzodaglees__, what are you trying to accomplish with a dead harddisk?14:57
AnxiousNutom26er, hey there om26er! It's weird, suddenly the mac like menus popped up in my indicator applet on the gnome panel of my netbook! I want the regular indicator applet, without the ugly menu thingie!14:58
blitzoguthi you will have to edit grub which i can't tell you how to do BUT i do have it bookmarked, hang on14:58
mutantesree: DownThemAll Firefox extension seemed decent to me.. but "what is the best X"-questions are always hard14:58
daglees__blitzo,  it's not dead; I was hoping a low level format would use a spare sector and hide the bad sector. the system runs fine  but will freeze sometimes14:58
om26erAnxiousNut, right click on it and remove..14:58
om26erAnxiousNut, package name is indicator-applet-appmenu if you want to remove it14:59
AnxiousNutom26er, <.< then it would remove the whole indicator applet! As for the package, i didnt install that!14:59
guthiblitzo, ya, i have been trying to mess around with grub for sometime but cant do anything. tried putting a chain loader but it doesnt seem to help, but maybe your bookmark ill help14:59
om26erAnxiousNut, no it wont15:00
AnxiousNutom26er, tried it~15:00
jo_hi, i have a question regarding the encrypted home partition.. it will automount when i login as my users today. it means basically that if you have root-access you can change the password of the user and get it mounted15:00
jo_how do i mount i manualla with a unique password on login to gnome?15:00
laudrupSlart, is there a command which tells me the full path of a file in command line ?15:01
jo_i dont want it to mount when i login with my user15:01
blitzoguthi http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html15:01
jo_are the password for mounting the encrypted home partition saved anywhere?15:01
laudrupI get this error15:02
laudrup'PHP Error 2: fopen(~/home/Desktop/testFile.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory.15:02
jo_laudrup: pwd?15:02
nisstyre65laudrup: whereis15:02
guthiblitzo, thanks, i will see if that helps, do u know somewhere i can talk to someone who might know more about grub2?15:02
nisstyre65ex: whereis python15:02
sreemutante: I didn't asked anything !15:02
blitzodaglees__, low level format is (or was) done by the disk controller no by linux - and i don't know how you kick it off.  it's been 15 years since i needed to low level a harddisk15:03
jo_16:00 < jo_> hi, i have a question regarding the encrypted home partition.. it will automount when i login as my users today. it means  basically that if you have root-access you can change the password of the user and get it mounted15:03
jo_i want to mount it manually15:03
gryllidahow do I unzip in bash?15:03
jo_gryllida: apt-get install unzip15:03
blitzoguthi this is the place - what you do is ask your question every 5 mins - ppl are coming in and out all the time15:03
gryllidaI don't have apt-get access15:03
Steve973Hello.  Anyone have a recommendation for a web front end for uploading files via https?15:04
guthiblitzo, aah, ok, thanks a lot, i will keep trying my luck15:04
DarkNemesis!seen bodhi15:04
ubottuI have no seen command15:04
Picigryllida: unzip file.zip15:04
gryllidajo_. unzip is installed here though, thanks for the keyword!15:04
jo_i, i have a question regarding the encrypted home partition.. it will automount when i login as my users today. it  means  basically that if you have root-access you can change the password of the user and get it mounted15:04
jo_16:03 < jo_> i want to mount it manually15:04
blitzocan anyone tell me what the name command name is of the applet that displays the main menu on the top left panel?  i need to be able to invoke it from the command line15:04
hotstewhey guys15:05
AnxiousNutI seriously dont know how the package got installed on my netbook! However, purging it solved the problem!! Thanks for telling me the name of the magical package :)15:05
blitzoguthi i have done it with original grub, it's not real comp,licated15:05
AnxiousNutom26er that was for you15:05
hotstewI managed to get through the graphical login after I deinstalled gdm15:05
om26erAnxiousNut, ;)15:05
hotstewthen I got into xterm, reinstalled gdm and opened gnome-manager15:06
hotstewwhich is pretty basic though15:06
hotstewwhat do I do from here?15:06
hotstewI'm like an earthworm worming his way through XD15:06
blitzoSteve973, what do you mean by a web front end?15:07
blitzocan anyone tell me what the name command name is of the applet that displays the main menu on the top left panel?  i need to be able to invoke it from the command line15:07
guthiblitzo, do u mean grub legacy (the one before this crappy version2) or do u mean grub 2?15:07
hotstewbasically I need to get normal gnome system back so I can log into that15:07
Piciblitzo: They aren't applications that can be run on their own, they are applets./15:08
blitzoguthi read the link i gave you - i think there is enough info to do what you want15:08
nisstyre65hotstew: have you tried running startx?15:08
guthiblitzo, thanks man15:08
blitzopici - what i am doing is running x remotely, not a full desktop, just indidual apps, and it would be nice if i get a menu15:09
hotstewit says it's already active15:09
hotstewwhich makes sense because I'm in gnome15:09
Piciblitzo: Then run gnome-panel and add that applet.15:09
hotstewonly I got there through xterm15:09
blitzopici i try that - thx!15:09
hotstewand I don't see my normal panels and stuff15:09
blitzohotstew what happened that you doing this?15:10
hotstewthe graphical login screen repeated itself after each login15:10
hotstewso I got advice to restart gdm but that didn't help15:10
blitzohotstew you couldn't login, so how did you get an xterm?15:10
hotstewso I deinstalled gdm, logged in through xterm, reinstalled gdm and started gnome-session15:11
hotstewthe graphical login works fine now15:11
blitzoxterm is an x application and your couldn't use x so how did you start an xterm15:11
hotstewbut I still can't get into gnome directly15:11
hotstewum x always worked15:12
MTecknologyIs it possible to lock down what apps a user can start? Like a whitelist that says they can run bash, cat, less, vim, ssh, etc.15:12
hotstewI just couldn't get farther than the login screen15:12
hotstewwhen I filled the graphical login screen out, it brought me back to the login screen15:12
blitzohotstew i am NOT an expert but what you MIGHT try is backing up your entire home directory, completely uninstall gnome and reinstall from scratch15:12
laudrupis this a correct desktop path  $ourFileName = "/home/drup/Deskto/testFile.txt";15:12
hotstewanything's better than reinstalling ubuntu15:13
hotstewcan you please tell me what the main package for gnome is?15:13
blitzohotstew, then when it works (if it works) you put your home dir back - and hopefully what's screwed up isn't in a config file there15:13
sudiptai have currently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-24-generic(lucid),but still the initrd.img and vmlinuz are marked as old.How can i upgrade those??15:13
blitzohotstew, i would do that from a console15:13
hotstewyeah, but what is the main gnome package I have to reinstall?15:14
hotstewis it gnome-session?15:14
blitzohotstew, and there is a lot of stuff to remove and put back - i don't know the names of the packages and you won't have synaptic there to tell you - it might be easier to reload ubuntu15:14
h00khotstew: maybe you're looking for ubuntu-desktop15:14
hotstewback in a bit15:15
jaeshi, i'm looking for a repository in "rolling release" for mozilla's software (especially thunderbird)15:15
blitzoh00k, hotstew that will be a meta package - you could try going into synaptic and marking it for re-install15:15
jaesdoes someone has something like this ?15:15
Picijaes: The ubuntu mozillateam has a ppa.15:15
blitzoah he's gone too bad15:16
jaesPici ah thanks, ppa, i forgot the name15:17
Slartblitzo: sorry.. had to take care of some other stuff.. applets for the gnome panel aren't regular binary programs.. you can't run them from Alt+F2 or a terminal15:17
Slartlaudrup: there are several programs.. "locate" and "which" are two.. they are a little different but both gives you paths to files15:18
Daniel____can anyone help me with my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=966882615:22
craigbass1976Where does wifi radar keeps it's info?  It won't start, and I want to wipe out any caches it might have lurking about15:22
Daniel____I'm getting these big [  xxx.xxxxxx] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } errors15:22
sudiptai have currently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-24-generic(lucid),but still the initrd.img and vmlinuz are marked as old.How can i upgrade those?? can anyone help me.....please15:23
craigbass1976Oh, duh.  /etc15:23
SlartDaniel____: I would start looking for a new hard drive.. I don't think those errors are due to file system errors15:24
SlartDaniel____: I assume you've tried the regular things.. ie shutting down the system, letting it cool off and such.. running fsck from a live cd, making sure motherboard is ok, power supply and such15:25
Daniel____Slart: Really?  Its been working fine for several months, and brand new15:25
bareegomost hard drives have a spare section of blocks to replace bad blocks15:26
Daniel____Slart: I've done the stuff up to fsck from a live CD, it gave a "/bin/sh: fsck: not found" when I used the "Ubuntu Server 10.4 Install CD"15:26
SlartDaniel____: you could also try a clean install .. see if the errors appear again15:26
bareegoso at first if you have bad blocks you won't even notice15:27
bareegobut when it runs out of spare ones you will15:27
SlartDaniel____: you could also have a look at the s.m.a.r.t info .. see if it tells you anything15:27
Daniel____Slart: I don't know how to check the motherboard/power supply15:27
Daniel____Slart: I'll try the smart thing15:28
SlartDaniel____: if you run from a live cd there is a neat little utility to see the smart info.. system, administration, disk utility I think15:28
Steve973blitzo, just a web page/app/whatever that will allow uploads to a specified directory.  I can run it on https.  It will alleviate the need for an scp or ftp client.15:28
ricardoavelar90please, since 3 days im trying to configure intel mobile 965 on ubuntu 10.04 :S15:28
ricardoavelar90someone know how to do it please?15:28
SlartDaniel____: from that utility you can run some extra tests.. those take anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours to run.. but it's a good way to test the drive15:28
Daniel____Slart: I don't really want to try to do a complete reinstall as the errors could just start up again - I don't know what's caused them15:29
poisonborzHola... could someone help me? I've installed ubuntu server with gnome and gdm to log in, but when I run gdmsetup, these errors are displayed.... http://pastebin.com/SGDgqs6k15:29
Daniel____Slart: where should I get a live CD from? (iso)15:29
SlartDaniel____: then give the sm.a.r.t utility a try.. hang on.. let me find the url for you15:29
SlartDaniel____: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download15:29
=== i-am_ur-PALLADIU is now known as a3ropunch
paulw__Hello. Does anyone know how to use Empathy for IRC? I do not have the option to add an IRC account. Thanks15:31
blitzoSteve973, there is a way to do that with http put commands and .htaccess to ask for a password but it would not be terribly secure.15:32
blitzoSteve973, can you be more specific why you don't want to use ssh or ftp?15:33
Guest30667i hate the nickserver... it keeps dead almost 30% of the time15:33
ricardoavelar9please someone with intel mobile 965 chipset?15:34
JTJhi everyone i would just like your opinion windows server vs linux server ?15:34
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Guest30667how can i stop ubuntu to keep stealing my focus?15:35
Guest30667that's pretty annoying! and highly RISKY!15:35
qjcgJTJ: troll...15:35
bazhang!ot | JTJ15:35
ubottuJTJ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:35
ricardoavelar9JTJ its completely diferent OS15:35
SlartJTJ: wrong channel.. this is for support only.. try in #ubuntu-offtopic15:35
Guest30667i was working in one app, then suddenly synaptics thwrow a windos i clic or type in it, say it to do any -just the hell will know what- command...15:36
SlartGuest30667: stealing focus from what? there are some focus settings in compizconfigsettingsmanager15:36
ricardoavelar9thats funny xD try to compare windows server with ubuntu server omg :X15:36
Guest30667compiz... mmm let me try slart :(15:36
SlartGuest30667: that's the only place I've seen any settings for focus15:37
ricardoavelar9I want my ubuntu back :'( no one have a intel 965 chipset on a laptop? :(15:37
Guest30667ammm but... i don't mean optical focus15:37
blitzoslart, running gnome-panel from remote doesn't work too well :( any other ideas how to creat a menu other than a shell script?15:37
kevinSJDoes anyone know if it's possible to get a Aliminum apple keyboard to work on Ubuntu?15:38
Slartblitzo: hmm.. let me look around a bit.. there has to be a way to add a panel applet from a command line15:38
kevinSJBecause I cant do the "<" ">"-characters and so fourth.15:38
Guest30667what i mean is, for example, i set some applicatrion to do some work, like downloading or synchronizing via ftp, then i start to do anything else, code, an email or something else... suddenly, my current window got replaced with the other windows just cause that throwed an event, of course i end typing or clicking in the wrong window!!15:38
SlartGuest30667: neither do I.. there are some settings for focus stealing.. in the general section, I think15:38
Daniel____Slart: currently "smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda", will update after its completed15:38
hotstewguys, I found the solution15:38
WiesshundSlart if you write the desktop file correctly it will auto add itself15:39
SlartDaniel____: ah.. that's the one15:39
hotstew and my desktop is back to normal with nearly zero configuration15:39
Guest30667ah, slart, i filtered it and didn't found them... mmm15:39
Bisu[Shield]was thinking of buying a large 50 inch but then thought why do that why not just get a projector for $300? good idea or bad idea? wondering what the pluses and minuses are.15:39
hotstewI just had to install gnome-core15:39
SlartWiesshund: ah.. talk to blitzo, he/she is the one that's trying to add the applet15:39
paulw__Hello. Does anyone know how to use Empathy for IRC? I do not have the option to add an IRC account. Thanks15:39
blitzohotstew, that solved your prob?15:39
forceflowor setup a local tracker and connect fake peers ...15:39
SlartBisu[Shield]: wrong channel.. try ##hardware perhaps15:40
hotstewprobably it got deinstalled with gdm or something15:40
bazhangBisu[Shield], thats offtopic for ubuntu support15:40
hotstewat least now it works15:40
Bisu[Shield]no one in hardware15:40
hotstewand all my old settings are back as well15:40
hotstewas I did not purge ;)15:40
blitzoWiesshund, i'm running x apps remotely - there is no desktop - i would like to have a graphical menu15:40
bazhangBisu[Shield], try #ubuntu-offtopic then15:40
hotstewphew, okay that was enough console for me today15:40
Guest30667Slart: did you used them? it's not too clear what "focus prevention level" means... high is to avoid or to allow? :(15:40
hotstewso glad I didn't have to lose my entire system15:41
blitzohotstew, do you make backups?15:41
SlartGuest30667: I think high tries to prevent windows from stealing the focus when they pop up15:41
blitzohotstew, i have been learning about these things lately15:41
=== DarkNemesis is now known as switchgirl
hotstewnaw, my important stuff is on an external hard drive15:41
Wiesshundblitzo youve no x session?15:41
nidxblitzo: remote using ssh ? try -X option..15:41
IledenHi! I have made a full backup of my HD by using dd. Is there a way to mount this backup directly, without restoring? How do I do this when the disk image contains multiple partitions?15:41
hotstewand now I'm gonna use Ubuntu One to secure my really important stuff15:42
hotstewlike text and photos15:42
poisonborzHola... could someone help me? I've installed ubuntu server with gnome and gdm to log in, but when I run gdmsetup, I get these errors... http://pastebin.com/SGDgqs6k15:42
blitzoWiesshund, nidx i am running x apps remotely via ssh - works like a charm - but it would be nice to have a graphical menu15:42
olejoHi everyone.15:42
IledenThe thing is, I didn't dd /dev/hda1 but /dev/hda that contains the partition table that defines /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda5...15:43
Guest30667thanks slart15:43
olejoAny tips for UK Hardware suppliers for a new build?15:43
qjcg[no matches in 103 files]15:43
SlartGuest30667: you're welcome15:43
nidxblitzo: try connect using -X. e.g, ssh -X marioozawa.pervert.net15:43
=== switchgirl is now known as boobz
Guest30667i was reading... and that's interesting... while some people really want for the focus to be stealed some other didn't!15:43
Piciolejo: Try ##hardware or maybe ##ubuntu-uk15:43
Wiesshundblitzo connect with -X option, er nm nidx said it lol15:43
=== boobz is now known as DarkNemesis
nidxblitzo: if those server allowing X forwarding, then you can use X environment..15:43
blitzonidx that part works just fine.  now i would like to have a graphical menu rather than have to type commands at the shell prompt - which we can do, and i could write a menu in bach script but... a graphical menu would be nice15:44
thune3poisonborz: i'm not expert (never run gdmsetup before), but all those messages are listed as WARINING: or DEBUG:, nothing is listed as an error.15:44
Guest30667i'm on the "please don't steal my focus, believe me, i was working on thjat window, please show respect" while others are in the "hey raise that window now! i want to see it"15:44
Wiesshundblitzo Oh i got ya15:44
blitzoWiesshund, please read what i already wrote15:44
Wiesshundblitzo you want a local menu to launch the remotes15:44
olejo:) Pici15:44
Guest30667hehe, i'm starting to understand why things like the ipad are not multitask :P15:44
blitzoWiesshund, i tried running gnome panel and adding a main menu to it but the panel misbehaves15:44
PiciGuest30667: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? If not, random chatter is in #ubuntu-offtopic15:45
gnusivain ubuntu terminal other languages were rendered as broken... Especially tamil15:45
Guest30667Pici... were you reading my question? and were you seeing that i got some support?15:45
blitzoWiesshund, this is an acient laptop with no harddisk - i run it off a livecd and sshe to a server15:45
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj
gnusivahow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:46
PiciGuest30667: I was reffering to the other random things you were saying after your question was answered.15:46
gnusivahow to fix the rendering issues in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:46
MerlinaGuys, I'm trying to install my USB DVB-T Tuner in Ubuntu. I was following this tutorial and I have to edit the makefile.15:47
Merlina#the precompiled kernel headers15:47
MerlinaKDIR = /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.30-1-68615:47
Merlina#the unpacked kernel source15:47
FloodBot1Merlina: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
MerlinaKSRC = /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.3015:47
Guest30667blitzo: what is your issue?15:47
Wiesshundblitzo eh unconfuse me a sec then, do you want a local menu, or are you wanting a menu to exist in your ssh session?15:47
=== zamba_ is now known as zamba
blitzoWiesshund, i want it in the x session15:47
blitzoWiesshund, if this is too complicated i'll write a bash script15:47
gnusivahow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:47
gnusivahow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languageshow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languageshow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:47
gnusivahow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:47
FloodBot1gnusiva: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
gnusivahow to fix the rendering in ubuntu terminal for other languages15:47
paulw__Hello. Does anyone know how to use Empathy for IRC? I do not have the option to add an IRC account. Thanks15:48
Merlina!pastebin http://pastebin.com/hST80YXG15:48
kevinSJDoes anyone know if it's possible to get a Aliminum apple keyboard to work on Ubuntu?15:48
kevinSJBecause I cant do the "<" ">"-characters and so fourth.15:48
Merlinacan someone please have a look at my pastebin?15:48
bareegopaulw__, I don't , mind just install it to find out15:48
nidxblitzo: i think, when you use the -X option on ssh, you already get all the GUI, am I wrong ? i should sit and watch as others help you. maybe i can learn a bit or two :)15:49
paulw__bareego, i have it installed, there is no option for IRC accounts15:49
bareegoI'll go have a look15:49
Misteriopaulw__: Just add a new account, select IRC and continue steps15:49
blitzonidx what you get is a shell prompt.  then you run an x app on the remote computer and the output appears on your local15:49
paulw__no selection for irc15:49
Wiesshundblitzo hmm, i know how to add things to your gnome menu, globaly. but you are sayiung when you ssh -x you dont get an actual desktop ?15:50
bareegoyup, looks like it has no IRC15:50
blitzoWiesshund, when you use the -X option to ssh it sets up for tunneling x, however what you get on the other end is a command line.  when you type the name of an x app to the command line, that app runs, and ssh forwards its video output across the link to your local machine15:51
IledenHi! I have made a full backup of my HD by using dd. The HD had multiple partitions - is there a way to mount this backup directly, without restoring? If I had copied e.g. /dev/hda1 I could just mount that file directly, but since I've copied the entire disk, /dev/hda, is it possible to somehow read partition table from there, and mount the partition I want?15:51
nidxpaulw__: use pidgin.. pidgin rox !15:51
=== TannerF-zzz is now known as TannerF
BoromirMerlina: If I'm not mistaken, it seem like the guide is for 64 bir version, but you're installing on a 32 bit version. I'm a Ubuntu newbie myself, tough, so not sure15:52
Wiesshundblitzo startx15:52
blitzoWiesshund, you do not get a desktop doing it this way15:52
=== Guest30667 is now known as cablop
blitzoWiesshund, tried that15:52
Wiesshundblitzo it does not run or? (sorry i got in convo a bit late)15:53
blitzoWiesshund, complains about not being able to authorize the user - i don't understand x security so that's a lost cause15:53
paulw__does pidgin work with the menu bar settings and notifications?15:53
blitzoWiesshund, i haven't been able to figure out how to do a startx from remote15:54
bareegodon't you just have to export the session ?15:54
blitzoWiesshund, and i don't need to any, there are only a few apps i need.  i'm just gonna write a sh script and be done with it.  :)15:54
Wiesshundblitzo stupid question but you said you can start the gnome task bar?15:55
blitzoevery time i get on here to ask a question i end up spending an hour answering them :)15:55
blitzoWiesshund, yes i can start it but it misbehaves15:55
nidxpaulw__: i dont think so.. sory..15:55
blitzopaulw__, emparthy does everything pidgin does and then some - but i think pidgin is easier to use15:56
nidxblitzo: i cant imagine task bar on shell session..15:56
urlwallaceI love you wubi!15:57
BeastWarsi'm encountering problems installing TurkBuntu64 on my Dell Optiplex server15:57
paulw__empathy should work for irc but there is something that i need to do to get irc working. I know if I add pidgin then empathy allows me to add IRC15:57
blitzonidx Wiesshund  this is how you do it http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Displaying_Ubuntu_Linux_Applications_Remotely_%28X11_Forwarding%2915:58
bazhangBeastWars, turkbuntu?15:58
BeastWarsis there a separate channel for that?15:58
blitzopaulw__, try xchat?15:58
Wiesshundblitzo yea im just wondering why you cant startX, thats what mine does.15:58
bazhangBeastWars, dl'd from where?15:58
Wiesshundblitzo looking at the security setup15:59
rbedi99hi, i'm using  ubuntu 10.04 on an hp mini 110, and the wifi doesnt work -- it's a known issue, however. to fix it, i need to install certain broadcom drivers (bcmwl-kernel-source), which wants me to put in my ubuntu cd in "drive /cdrom/". problem is that i installed from usb, and dont have a cd drive. ideas?15:59
blitzoWiesshund, really?  maybe the user needs to be in a group or something15:59
BeastWarsBeastWars: the TurkBuntu project repository15:59
BeastWarsi only download distros from the official source15:59
paulw__i have xchat now..but i would like something that ties to the menu bar and all that ubuntu goodness15:59
BeastWarsi don't think my ISO is the issue16:00
BeastWarsbazhang: ^16:00
blitzorbedi99, you can get install them with synaptic i think16:00
rbedi99blitzo: it still prompts for the CD16:00
BeastWarsi'm thinking maybe the 32bit build might work?16:00
Boromirrbedi99: Strange.. I belive I did that 2 weeks ago myself16:01
blitzorbedi99, then you will have to find out how to enable the appropriate repository and here i'm getting in over my head16:01
Reshekeli tooted16:01
rbedi99Boromir: did you get prompted for any CD?16:01
rbedi99Boromir: huh... Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop?16:01
BeastWarsyes hello16:01
BeastWarsTurkBuntu64 help neede16:01
blitzorbedi99, it should not be asking for a cd, it wouldn't be on the cd16:01
BoromirOnly reason it wasn't preinstalled, is because it's a propriatry driver16:01
Boromirlemme check version16:01
rbedi99blitzo: Boromir i think its one of its dependencies that wants a cd, not it itself16:02
sam898889* Does anyone know the name of the official Ubuntu font (IE the one used in the Ubuntu Logo???) Thanks!16:02
blitzorbedi99, lemme see what google turns up - hang on16:02
Picisam898889: Its not yet released to the public.16:02
Wiesshundblitzo when your remoting is it as your admin user?16:03
BeastWarsbazhang: it got it from http://www.igottheknot.com16:03
kitcheBeastWars turkbuntu is not a ubuntu distro might have to ask them for support unless you mean ubuntu-tr?16:03
sam898889pici  are they planning on releasing it? do u know?  0.016:03
blitzoWiesshund, no16:03
hotstewdid someone talk to me? oO16:03
JodaZhow do i disable any font anti aliasing, sub pixel rendering and anything like that ?16:03
rbedi99sam898889: try synaptic ttf-ubuntu-title16:03
Wiesshundblitzo just for a test, can you remote in as a user with admin privs and try to run a desktop?16:03
nidxhotstew: whats ur issue ?16:04
=== Kasjopaja12 is now known as Kasjopaja
thune3Ileden: i've never done it, losetup and kpartx are the tools (apparently). http://brainextender.blogspot.com/2009/03/ubuntu-mount-partition-of-raw-harddrive.html16:04
bazhangBeastWars, thats not a valid link; there is not  a turkbuntu16:04
blitzorbedi99, what do you think of this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1390979 - yes it involves compiling but does it apply to your situation?16:04
blitzoWiesshund, i try that16:05
sam898889rbedi99,   thnks!16:05
BeastWarsbazhang: http://igottheknot.com works here?16:05
hotstewnidx: I just wondered if someone talked to me because there was this sign16:05
bazhangBeastWars, stop pasting that here16:05
Boromirrbedi99: It only says Broadcom STA Wireless Driver. Not sure how to get more detailed driver version16:05
hotstewbut it seems xchat does that with any new message16:05
hotstewotherwise no thx :)16:05
BeastWarsbazhang: why?16:06
rbedi99blitzo: hmm i could try that.. i think my hp mini uses the b43 driver.16:06
nidxhotstew: oic.. :P16:06
rbedi99Boromir: okay.. did you have to install any dependencies first?16:06
BoromirNo, it pretty much just worked on the fly once I figured out what I needed to install16:06
BeastWars16:06 -!- bazhang is away: I'm busy16:06
BeastWars16:06 -!- [pratchett.freenode.net] bazhang You must log in with services to message this user16:06
=== The_Wanderer is now known as guthi
nidxrbedi99: mine also use b43.. the system install it for me automatically (actually i do click once or two)16:07
guthihi, i just installed lucid and grub 2 doesnt show my win xp in the boot menu, please help!16:07
BoromirHere it is: Installed version:
rbedi99blitzo: i also tried using hardware drivers, and it says "system error: failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock16:08
rbedi99Boromir: where'd u install from?16:08
Boromirsynaptics package manager16:08
nidxrbedi99: close the synaptic first ?16:08
rbedi99Boromir: yeah thats the version im using\16:08
rbedi99nidx: i did16:08
blitzorbedi99, that means a package manager is running16:08
rbedi99blitzo: but it isn't :)16:09
blitzorbedi99, hang on16:09
rbedi99blitzo: ohhh apt-get was still working, does that count?16:09
Wiesshundguthi i'll be forst to ask the stupid question, but you didnt allow ubuntu to reformat and erase windows right?16:09
blitzoWiesshund, something started but it wasn't sending output down the ssh tunnel, dunno where it went16:09
blitzorbedi99, apt-get is a package manager16:09
nidxrbedi99: yes it is, i think :P16:09
rbedi99blitzo: haha okay, my bad :P16:09
BoromirThe package is called bcmwl-kernel-source, and there's also a package called bcmwl-modaliases installed16:10
blitzorbedi99, in previous versions there was no lock and they would barf all over everything :(16:10
markie-Can anybody help me remove compiz completely from terminal, i forgot what the package names were?16:10
Boromirunder Synaptics package manager, that is16:10
csgeekdoes ubuntu have the option for scripted setup.. something like RH's kick start?16:11
blitzomarkie-, go into synaptic and remove it that way - do a quick serach on compiz and it will list all pkgs names containing that string, then mark for "complete removal"16:11
rbedi99blitzo: okay its trying to install now. hanging at the end, but perhaps its just slow16:11
guthiWiesshund, no, i can mount the windows drive and i see the files and can access it. so the partition is still there (i understand the need to ask that question, so no probs ;) )16:11
BluesKajmarkie , look in the package manager for the them, and use it to "completely remove" the packages16:11
rbedi99guthi: run "update-grub" from terminal?16:11
Picicsgeek: There are a number of methods that Ubuntu can be installed, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for details.16:12
markie-blitzo: Yea i would of done that, but the thing is i have no access to it, only the terminal i have access to, no X16:12
Wiesshundguthi if you run "sudo update-grub" in the terminal, see if it suddenly finds windows16:12
guthirbedi99, did that, several times, os-prober doesnt detect the os (win xp) installed16:12
blitzomarkie-, what is your situation?16:12
guthiWiesshund, , did that, several times, os-prober doesnt detect the os (win xp) installed16:12
DoraBotHello DoraBot! Welcome to #ubuntu.16:12
DoraBotHello moayad__! Welcome to #ubuntu.16:12
csgeekthanks Pici16:13
Wiesshundguthi ok, where is xp installed?16:13
Sp3rm4Quien habla español aca?16:13
Pici!es | Sp3rm416:13
ubottuSp3rm4: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:13
markie-blitzo: after installing the drivers for compiz, it just boots me into terminal on start up. It works sometimes, but most times it doesn't16:13
guthiWiesshund, do u want to see the boot info results?16:13
Wiesshundguthi sure you can /msg them to me so not to spam the channel16:14
BluesKajmarkie-, btw , why are you remving compiz , do you think it's responsible for no X ? because your video driver may be responsible16:14
UberN00bhello world 8)16:14
cablopi need the kade core base or whatever it is called to be able to sun some kde apps, i don't want to install kubuntu-desktop, cause i don't need things like koffice and related, just the basics, what can i do?16:15
markie-BluesKaj: Yea i figured if removed compiz it might work, also i have burn effect using fusion plugins, and forgot the shortcut to turn it off, so i can't click anything, because fire shows up16:15
rdw200169markie-: yeah, compiz won't trash your X, if i'm not mistaken, if compiz fails, it just falls back to the gnome defaults16:15
mgjHow do i get a list of all harddrives and their partitions on a system? Mounted and not-mounted ones16:16
blitzoguthi, you need to manually edit /boot/grup/grub.cfg and add an entry for the windows partition - i do not know the params16:16
xavi_fdisk -l16:16
BluesKajrdw200169, exactly ...I think it's a graphics card problem16:16
rdw200169markie-: if you can, is it possible to run "gtk-window-decorator --replace" from within an X session?16:17
blitzomgj - gparted will give you that list, or fisk if you're handy with a command line16:17
BluesKajrdw200169,` he has no X available16:17
domjohnsonCan anyone tell me the best compression type (I.e .zip, .bz2 etc) to use for getting the smallest file?16:17
blitzomgj that's fdisk16:17
guthiWiesshund, http://www.textdump.com/v/?k=NzI1OQ==16:17
blitzodomjohnson, it depends on the content - try the file with all of them and compare file sizes16:18
abhijithello all!16:18
rdw200169BluesKaj: markie- so wait, let me get this straight, even gdm (the graphical login) won't work?  if gdm works, X is working.  thus, in order to bypass compiz, you just run a different gdm session16:18
guthiblitzo, yup, tried doing that but it just says "no such partition" when i try to boot from it or just puts a blinkor in the top left corner and just sits there16:18
blitzofolks i'm out of here, hope i helped anyone towayd16:18
abhijithi abhijeet can you help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239116:18
=== Kasjopaja12 is now known as Kasjopaja
blitzoguthi i have to run off to the dentist, good luck16:19
markie-No, i can't seem to do that16:19
Kwpolskacan someone say me, which dock is the best?16:19
Wiesshundguthi i sent you a msg for an example you could try to edit as needed and add to 40_custom16:19
abhijitblitzo, no you ddnt helped. me. wanna try out?16:19
abhijitblitzo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239116:19
guthiblitzo, ouch good luck to you16:19
bazhang!best > Kwpolska16:19
ubottuKwpolska, please see my private message16:19
KwpolskaI require: animations, autohide (!), good look...16:19
abhijitKwpolska, cairo dock16:19
domjohnsonblitzo - mainly video. I don't want to spend loads of time and space finding out...My Ubuntu partition is running out of space, and can't resize my Windows one because GParted only lets you resize it with about 3 gigs left on the one you're making smaller...16:20
markie-maybe if somebody can give me the name of the compiz fusion package, so i can remove burn effect? perhaps16:20
domjohnson(If that made sense)16:20
blitzoguthi, final thought - the boot block for windows might be hosed16:20
blitzodomjohnson, i have to go now, perhaps someone else can help16:20
bareegoreboot and repair from a winders CD might fix that16:20
domjohnsonthanks anyway :)16:21
guthiblitzo, what do i do about that? thats what i have been fearing16:21
bareegoif it does go back and reinstall grub16:21
BluesKaj!who | markie-,16:21
ubottumarkie-,: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:21
ibrahimI Love ubuntu16:21
researcher1I have blackberry mobile n want to coneect to UBUNTU16:21
ibrahimubuntu loves me16:21
rdw200169markie-: if you don't even get a graphical login, your problems are *not* with compiz.  compiz is only a window decorator for gnome.  it has nothing to do with X.org; it is also not a 'driver' in a hardware sense.  instead of considering your problem to be with compiz, it would save you time to jump straight into suspecting your video drivers/X.org configuration16:21
DmitrysI had a sex with ubuntu. Liked it.16:22
domjohnson!who | bareego16:22
ubottubareego: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:22
PiciDmitrys: This is a family friendly channel, please try to keep it that way.16:22
markie-rdw200169: ok can you help me with that?16:22
DmitrysPici my pardon.16:22
SamualIt seems like Nautilus listview seems to be very slow for me with large folders/folders with lots of files, yet all other views are perfectly fine. I have assistive technologies turned off and i'm on Ubuntu 10.04 but still have this issue.16:22
SamualEr, double use of seems... lol... But well.. anyone have any idea?16:23
SamualLike, it will _really_ hang in list view some times, but there are absolutely no issues in e.g. compact or icon view16:23
thune3domjohnson: video does not compress well. just a couple of percent will be achievable. it is unlikely worth the hassle.16:23
guthiWiesshund, i sent u a block of text that i currently put in the 40_custom file. the problem i m having is i dont know what (hdX,Y) i think should be correct one to put. can you help me with that looking at the boot info output?16:23
rdw200169markie-: reluctantly, i can't (i have to drive someone to the airport... and go to the doctor) but i'm sure there are lots of people here who can help troubleshoot video card issues with you16:23
markie-rdw200169: alright, thanks anyway16:24
ibrahimDmitrys: Cool thing dude hahaha16:24
=== Misterio is now known as Misterio_
=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio
domjohnsonok, thanks, thune316:24
testi_How can I mass rename m4a files so that their filenames match to their tags?16:25
bjhaidhello, i am a newbie to ubuntu, i have installed the drivers for my wifi, yet i dont know how to access wireless network can anyone please help me, my pc spec is HP 6735s16:26
Wiesshundgunthi see msg window16:26
pyghassenhi i just wanna  use ubuntu source list of 10.04 in 9.10, can  i do that?16:27
ibrahimbjhaid: you will receive a notification when there is any "wireless network available"16:27
guthiWiesshund, i sent u a block of text that i currently put in the 40_custom file. the problem i m having is i dont know what (hdX,Y) i think should be correct one to put. can you help me with that looking at the boot info output?16:27
bazhangpyghassen, no16:27
Wiesshundgunthi see msg window16:27
Picipyghassen: We don't support that.  Why don't you just upgrade to 10.04?16:27
abhijit!wifi | bjhaid16:27
ubottubjhaid: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:27
Wiesshundpyghassen that will probbly bust 9.1016:28
pyghassenI didn't like the 10.04 it's unstable16:28
pyghasseni just wanna upgrade some softwares16:28
piksiwould anyone know how to get gnome to automagically enable usb microphones as inputs when they are plugged in? the microphones appear in the input list in sound settings but are not enabled by default (i need to click the list item to enable them). also gnome forgets their amplification settings every time. is this the default behaviour and can i override it easily?16:28
guthiWiesshund, yes, i saw the example, but can u tell me which values can be got from where?16:28
abhijitabhijeet, ping16:28
bjhaidibrahim: there are wireless networks available but i cannot see anyone coming up16:28
Wiesshundpyghassen it doesnt quite work that way16:28
Wiesshundpyghassen you can try it at your own rick by adding the repositories16:29
ibrahimbjhaid: click on the networking icon near the clock dude16:29
blitzoguthi, one last thing i can think of - you are specifying the wrong partition16:29
=== verpepter is now known as verpeppter
pyghassenso I can't upgrade ubuntu one for example, I don't wanna the 10.04 it crappy16:29
Wiesshundgunthi i answered you in the msg window16:29
bjhaidibrahim thanks16:29
=== RickyWh is now known as FalsAlarm
ibrahimbjhaid: anytime ;)16:30
blitzoguthi, grub starts counting from 0, fdisk starts at 1.  read that link i gave you.  and now i do have to go good luck16:30
Wiesshundpyghassen 10.04 is stable and runs well. it just may not be suitable if youve got older hardware16:30
ibrahimbjhaid: are we okay now dude ?16:31
pyghassenno my laptop is new actually, 200916:31
pyghassenbut i always got a problem with the intel hardware like vedio card16:31
pyghassenWiesshund so no chance to do stuff my way?16:33
Wiesshundguthi you every going to answer your message window16:33
bazhangpyghassen, no16:33
Wiesshundpyghassen yes but its liable to bust your 9.10 installation, so isnt supported in #ubuntu16:33
pyghassenWiesshund why just let people do what they suit them, this is not an open source culture16:34
Picipyghassen: Then do it, but don't ask for support for it here.16:34
=== Kasjopaja12 is now known as Kasjopaja
guthiWiesshund, hi, i dont see anything in my message window, did u send the message to me?16:34
Wiesshundpyghassen you can do what ever you like, but this channel only supports normal things. this channel is free no one here gets paid16:34
ibrahim /16:34
grzesagHi can anyone advice what would be the best choice on IRC client working under Ubuntu - I used KVirc but had some problems? Thanks16:35
amidelalunehi, can some one please look at her/his browser and tell me the fingerprint for mail.google.com certificate?16:35
Wiesshundguthi yes i did guthi are you closing the window?16:35
DummyModehi there16:35
ibrahimDummyMode: hi16:35
bazhanggrzesag, no best, try some out and decide: irssi weechat xchat konversation quassel16:35
{GuNNeR}grzesag - have you tried xchat?16:35
amidelalunehi, can some one please look at her/his browser and tell me the fingerprint for mail.google.com certificate?16:35
EvilPhoenixamidelalune:  why do you need that?16:36
guthiin the message window i see a sample piece of code u sent for putting in the 40_custom folder16:36
piksiso, anyone with experience on usb microphone hotplugging problems?16:36
grzesagOk thanks for the help I will select one thanks16:36
DummyModewhile trying to start mysql I've get  use the service(8), I'm using ubuntu 10.4 server, but service mysql start says it's not a valid service16:36
DummyModeany idea?16:36
amidelaluneEvilPhoenix, because I believe my government is evesdropping on us16:36
bazhanggrzesag, welcome16:36
DummyModemysql under init.d points to - mysql -> /lib/init/upstart-job16:37
Error404NotFoundI keep getting windows viruses due to using wine. Problem is ClamAV only reports the infected files, it doesn't fix them, deletion isn't really something i want in most cases. Any solution?16:37
guthiWiesshund, is there anything else u sent to me, i just messaged u16:37
Wiesshundguthi says its says your ignoring me16:37
bareegoinstall a windows virus scanner in wine ?16:37
ibrahimError404NotFound: I hate wine don't use it dude16:38
=== marcuy_ is now known as marcuy
EvilPhoenixamidelalune:  if the government were spying on you, you wouldnt figure that out with the fingerprint on the security certificate for mail.google.com16:38
Error404NotFoundibrahim, i need it, for some CAD applications...16:38
Error404NotFoundbareego, that could be a solution yes...16:38
abhijitnow this is 3rd day. nuuuuuu onnnnnnnnn hels meeeeeeeee!!!!    :'(16:38
guthiWiesshund, i dont see u on my ignore list, i will try to relog in into irc, hold on16:38
Pici!here | abhijit16:39
ubottuabhijit: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com16:39
Error404NotFoundbareego, but files are infected even outside the WINEENV e.g. ~/.wine directory.16:39
Cyber_AkumaWhat would be the best way to chainload Ubuntu after installing it?16:39
Wiesshundguthi i cant msg anything to you, your client says its ignoring me for flooding16:39
ibrahimError404NotFound: change the program source them use another setup file and make sure it's a virus free , or you can use virtual box to install a virtual os16:39
DmitrysWhat is the best and powerfull laptop for Ubuntu?16:39
Pici!ot | Dmitrys16:39
ubottuDmitrys: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:39
amidelaluneEvilPhoenix, why? if i ask someone outside this network for the fingerprint, I  will be sure it is not fake16:39
Error404NotFoundibrahim, a fully loaded windows vm takes hell lot of more resources than wine.16:40
guthiWiesshund, i m back and i sent you a message, did u get it?16:40
Wiesshundguthi but anyways grub hd0,0 = sda1, hd3,5 = sdd6 etc16:40
Piciamidelalune: This really isn't Ubuntu related, #ubuntu-offtopic would be better place to ask.16:40
=== pteague_ is now known as pteague_work
EvilPhoenixwhat Pici said16:40
ibrahimError404NotFound: the only solution is that you make sure that the setup file is virus free.16:40
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239116:40
abhijitPlease Help!!!!!!!!!16:41
ibrahim!ask | abhijit16:41
ubottuabhijit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:41
Wiesshundguthi i got your msg but i cant reply to you, i get an auto reply that your ignoring me for flooding16:41
abhijitibrahim, yes you are right. i ddnt ask my question. sorry. :|16:41
=== RRKMDW is now known as randyrkelly
Cyber_AkumaI want to triple boot a system, problem is one of the linux distros I want to use still uses legacy grub, so I figured the best way to get past this would be to just giveo each distro it's own bootloader and chainload them16:42
ibrahimabhijit: actually you did :$ sorry.16:42
abhijitibrahim, :D16:42
guthiWiesshund, i m really sorry, i didnt do that!! my windows is in sda5 so what would be the (hdX, Y) for that?16:42
DummyModecan someone point me to a url which explains what changed in ubuntu 10.4 related to init.d scripts? cannot start lots or services and telling me to use service utility16:42
ibrahimabhijit: you are kind of a programmer right ?16:42
guthiWiesshund, i got your message saying hmm ;)16:42
abhijitibrahim, how you know? have we talked before?16:42
ibrahimabhijit: no we havnt , but you are talking about databases mysql and postgree16:43
abhijitibrahim, oh yah. good guess. :)16:43
randyrkellyhello i have debian and wanna know how  to install google chrome/16:43
Picirandyrkelly: Then you should be asking in #debian16:43
bazhangrandyrkelly, try #debian16:43
ibrahimabhijit: :) can i ask you something please ?16:44
randyrkellyi did no one there16:44
bazhangrandyrkelly, then be patient16:44
abhijitibrahim, yes. if its not related to channel then pm16:44
=== Kasjopaja12 is now known as Kasjopaja
lynneI have a question about video memory  ! any one16:45
randyrkellyyeah ok thanks16:45
duiuAnyone know of why CUPS printers will randomly stop getting exported to Samba every few-ish power ons and then I have to delete the printer and re add (load printers = yes is enabled in smb.conf)16:45
bareego!ask | lynne16:46
ubottulynne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:46
lynneI bought a Video Card with Large amount of memory for video inside of Windows inside of Virtual Box16:47
craigbass1976I've got a new linksys wireless card in my desktop; doesn't show up in the network connections, but I can see my wireless network in wifi-radar16:47
lynneand it ( Virtual Box ) does not see it16:47
bareegolynne, once you go into a virtual box the memory in your video card won't make a difference16:47
bareegoonly it's speed, to a degree16:48
Ramonehey all.. can anyone verify that a shell script in /etc/cron.daily will run every day?  am I doing that right?  it runs fine when I run it manually from that dir...16:48
bareegowhy do you need to watch a video in a virtual machine ?16:48
lynneOh so its kinda stuck at 128 megs ?16:48
craigbass1976Ramone, have you set it to run every day and it won't?16:48
lynneNo I use Pinnacle studio 14 and it uses a lot of memory16:48
camdentI need help accessing my linksys router from Ubuntu so I can secure my wireless network.16:48
bareegobut why do you run it in a virtual machine, why not native16:49
Ramonecraigbass1976: I can't verify without waiting a day :)  I'm just wondering if I did it right before then16:49
lynneI make the videos inside of Pinnacle Studio16:49
craigbass1976camdent, what's the ip of the router?  should be or 0.1, or sometimes 2.116:49
=== _NG is now known as _ng
craigbass1976Ramone, have it run in five minutes.16:49
lynneWindblows likes to crash a lot and I am tired of re loading it eveery 3 or 4 months16:49
camdentCraigbass, how do I figure that out?  Sorry...just started using Ubuntu a few days ago.  Haven't had time to learn much yet.16:50
maxhI seem to have gotten access to the Ubuntu font beta, which is apparently only for Members.16:50
craigbass1976lynne, I feel for you.  It was during windows 98 that I finally quit16:50
maxhHow do I claim the other benefits?16:50
craigbass1976camdent, type ifconfig in a terminal16:50
lynnethanks craigbass16:50
Ramonecraigbass1976: running it manually works... I've got it in /etc/cron.daily too... is that it for daily?16:50
erUSULmaxh: the cloak you can ask in #ubuntu-irc the rest i dunno16:50
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239116:50
bareegothat's video editing stuff right ?16:50
Picimaxh: 'other benefits'?16:50
daedaluzis there something like aerosnap for GNOME? also, what about Oxygen theme (from KDE) lookalikes?16:51
bareegodo yourself a favour and do it natively16:51
IdleOnemaxh: join #ubuntu-irc please16:51
lynnemaybe I should see the people at Virtual Box and ask them questions16:51
bareegoyou want all the memory and cpu speed you can get16:51
craigbass1976Ramone, I haven't set up cron jobs in a dog's age.  You could run an at job; if that works, cron should be fine.  Did you google around for proper line format in cron?16:51
camdentA HA!!! like command prompt! Can i just throw that ip into firefox and go from there?16:51
Ramonecraigbass1976: cron.daily is what google told me to use... no syntax necessary16:52
craigbass1976camdent, yes, but thew router's last number is probably 116:52
lynnesure do when running heavy Graphics in movies16:52
Ramoneanyone else used /etc/cron.daily ?16:52
camdentcraigbass.  So it should be
piyushmishrahi anyone has used the usb mopdem for BSNL india on ubuntu?16:53
lynneWell I guess I will go see the people at Virtual Box16:53
lynnebye people16:53
sipiorRamone: sure.16:54
thune3duiu: aparrantly this is a problem with cups/samba startup ordering. There are a couple workarounds buried in the discussion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/upstart/+bug/49414116:54
JJJJhi there does any one have teamviwer and know how to do ndis wrapper as the gui  version of wireless is not working properly keep disconnecting me i wondered if somone would mind setting it up for me16:54
craigbass1976camdent, no, the router should be  And you might not be able to access it wirelessly16:54
craigbass1976camdent, some routers allow you to shut off wireless access to the admin16:54
craigbass1976I've got a new linksys wireless card in my desktop; doesn't show up in the network connections, but I can see my wireless network in wifi-radar16:54
Ramonesipior: just drop the script in, and I''m good?16:54
camdentthe connection between my desktop (ubuntu) and the router is ethernet, so that's no problem.  It worked, but now it wants a password, but I've never set one up, so I have no idea what it is.16:55
bareegocamdent, it might have reset to defaults16:56
JJJJcamdent, it will be wriiten ont he label of your router16:56
sipiorRamone: if you want to test it, just run "/bin/run-parts" on the directory manually. (have a look at the man page as well)16:56
bareegoadmin/admin or summink16:56
bareegoshould be written on the router or in the instructions that came with it16:56
piyushmishraits on any browser and user pass is admin/admin16:56
stanley_robertsohi abhijeet16:57
craigbass1976camdent, if you've never set it, there might not be one.  try admin as user and admin as pass16:57
Ramonesipior: ha thanks... so it's not in the list of stuff that would run... am I missing something?16:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:57
craigbass1976camdent, what's the model number of the router?16:57
camdentYIpee!  Perfect! Exactly what I needed.  Now, to find an ubuntu manual so I can figure this stuff out on my own next time... :)16:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:58
sipiorRamone: if you look at /etc/crontab, you'll see what's really going on (i.e., cron.daily is just an argument to run-parts, which is invoked once a day, in this case)16:58
piyushmishracan anyone help me configure the usb router config? for DSL ?16:58
camdentThanks everyone.16:58
piyushmishraI think I have the RPM and source of the driver I need16:59
Ramonesipior: /etc/crontab just mentions /etc/cron.daily ... it doesn't have anything that explicitly states what in it should run16:59
sipiorRamone: that's what run-parts is for. look at the man page.17:00
Ramoneand yet /bin/run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily  shows everything except my script17:00
chat64708hi girls17:00
sipiorRamone: is it executable?17:00
Ramonealready ran it locally17:00
cannonballI got a odd problem17:00
llutzRamone: whats the filename of your script, it shouldn't have an extension iirrc17:01
sipiorRamone: what does --list show?17:01
Doonzhey guys im using sshfs to mount a remote directory on my local server. Is there a way to make this mount a constant connection because sometimes it disconnnects and then i have to manually remout it17:01
Trashihi guys. i hope there are some people who can help with my little pureftpd problem. im using pure-ftpd with mysql support, so all users come from a mysql database (virtualusers) ... in pureftpd.conf i set a MYSQLDefaultUID/GID (pure,ftp) for all virtual users... root is _not_ able to login ... if i connect to ftp with a virtualuser there a three processes ... first process: pure-ftpd (SERVER) user root (my standalone pure ftpd server) ... second 17:01
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Ramoneyeah blah.sh ... lemme rename and retry...1 secx17:01
Ramoneerrrrrrr sec17:01
cannonballcant get my internet working.. I'm using a wireless, and it connect just fine, but firefox, update, ect.. doesnt work17:01
sipiorRamone: look at the second paragraph of the man page, beginning with "If neither the..."17:02
Ramonesipior: that's got it!  thanks man17:02
duiuthune3: thanks, but could you clarify if I'm editing /etc/init/smbd.conf should this line have parentheses or not? Line is as follows: start on (local-filesystems and stopped rc)17:02
cannonballanyone else have problem using wireless17:02
llutzRamone: the "." dot was the problem :)17:02
bareegocannonball, can you ping things on the net ?17:02
bareegocannonball, like ping www.yahoo.com or such17:02
Ramoneyep :\17:03
sipiorllutz: it was indeed. well-spotted :-)17:03
boscophow can I pipe some output into the clipboard?17:03
bareegocannonball, can you ping inet IPs ?17:03
bareegocannonball, like
cannonballdidnt try that.. give me a few things to try and I'll go do that17:03
duiuboscop: add >> somefile.txt at the end of the command, it'll send the output into a text file17:03
bareegojust to see if your DNS setting works17:04
boscopduiu, I know -.-17:04
boscopduiu, but I want it to pipe into the clipboard17:04
boscopis that possible?17:04
duiuboscop: no idea17:04
cannonballok lets say my dns isnt working17:04
bareegoyou need to put a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf17:05
IdleOneboscop: why do you want the output to go to the clipboard?17:05
boscopjust wanted to know whether it's possible at all. I don't need it to survive17:05
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239117:05
bareegodid the IP ping work ?17:05
IdleOneboscop: ah well there is the package pastebinit that will send the output to pastebin17:06
cannonballi'll have to switch over to ubuntu..17:06
duiuboscop: you have to use something called xclip, and it seems kind of rough17:06
cannonballwhat is a nameserver17:06
bareegoif IP ping works your need to put nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf17:06
craigbass1976I've got a new linksys wireless card in my desktop; doesn't show up in the network connections, but I can see my wireless network in wifi-radar.  If I didn't see my network in wifi-radar, I think I should go the ndiswrapper route, but that seems unnecessary.  Anyone?17:06
duiucannonball: it is a server that determines what ip address goes to what website17:07
bareegoit's a computer at your ISP that translates URLs into IPs17:07
bareegolike www.yahoo.com into numbers17:07
duiucannonball: say for example you type in google.com., it figures out the IP17:07
cannonballok brb17:07
bareegoso if you can ping IPs but not URLs your nameserver setting is not working17:08
cannonballlemme check17:08
MaT-dgDoes anyone have the .so file for 64bit flash? forgot to backup...17:09
hotstewI heard that Chrome send back data for advertisement to Google, is it the same with Chromium?17:10
thune3duiu: looks like it should have parens: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50822127/smb.conf.diff17:10
th0rMaT-dg: reinstall flash17:10
bareegoyes, chrome is the same as chrome17:10
MaT-dgth0r: no, I need the 64 bit version but adobe has pulled it from their site. Installing flash via apt-get installs 32bits17:11
duiuthune3: thanks17:11
KrisDouglaswhy doesn't ubuntu have a 64bit repo? or does it :s17:12
th0rMaT-dg: if you installed it from a deb the first time, the deb should still be on your computer.17:12
hotstewhmm it's weird that there's no word about Google when you click on About in Chromium17:12
MaT-dgth0r: I have a fresh install17:13
PiciKrisDouglas: It does.17:13
daedaluzKrisDouglas: if your distro is 64bit installation you're automatically using 64bit versions of everything17:13
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abhijit!64 | KrisDouglas17:15
ubottuKrisDouglas: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.17:15
DX099hello all !17:15
DX099can someone tell how can i get rid of nouveau forever ?17:15
DX099i blacklisted it17:16
DX099but still it will load at every startup17:16
ZummiG777Question:  I'm trying to do something somewhat complex with Ubuntu networking, but it isn't working.  I have 4 nics in my server, 0 and 1 are set to link aggregation together, 2 and 3 are set to link aggregation together.  I want to have these link aggregation interfaces bond0 and bond1 to be bridged.  However, it isn't working at all - any ideas if this is actually possible?17:16
DX099any suggestion ?17:17
wishyhi guys, i was wondering if anyone can help, i'm using dual monitors (have been for a few years now) but my last upgrade to lucid seems to have broken my ability to have a single wallpaper display over both monitors, any ideas?17:18
abhijithello all17:18
adriancarrioHi, do you know if there's a way to control ubuntu's windows via C programming?17:19
abhijiti just got alert from adobe to install some update and now it is asking for html library location. any help?17:19
kpettitQuestion:  Anybody tell me how to get my sound volume icon back?  Not sure what I did but it's gone and I can't see it in the avaiable applets17:19
trismkpettit: add the indicator applet back to your panel (in 10.04)17:19
IdleOnekpettit: it is in Indicator Applet17:19
kpettitok thanks.  checking...17:20
phixxorHey everyone here is a question: I have one of those "boot ubuntu from usb" things, but my dad's laptop can't boot from USB. Is there a CD I can boot from that will let me run Ubuntu from USB?17:20
abhijitadriancarrio, what you actualy want to do? do you mean programming linux gui?17:20
kinygoshi all, on ubuntu server, meaning no windowing system, anyone have any idea how i can capture all of the i/o for an interactive Python session?17:20
kpettittrism, IdleOne I added it and I see the power off icon but no sound icon for volumn17:20
trismkpettit: power off is in indicator applet session, volume is just in indicator applet17:21
trismkpettit: their names are confusing17:21
kpettitah ok.  checking..17:21
kpettitthere we go.  Thanks17:22
cannonballok back.. whom was helping me17:22
adriancarrioi want to set focus on certain ubuntu's windows via programming17:23
cannonballanywho.. I did the pings for ya..17:23
MrJonesI don't know whether this is considered severe enough to fix it, but it caused me days of headache and misunderstandings (also it took very long to find some hacker who was eventually skilled enough to find out what went wrong):17:24
cannonballok I can ping and whois, but I can not ping yahoo.com, ect..17:25
MrJonesif I attempt to load a fedora .so file on ubuntu (compiled on fedora 13) WITHOUT -fno-stack-protector (which means it requires a newer glibc than ubuntu 8.04 lts has)17:25
samba_hello boyz,girls and nerds I've my laptop with no sound sound chip is ICH9 I've tryed every google link, anybody can help me try some solution ?17:25
MrJonesthen ubuntu 8.04 lts spits out something about "ELF file OS ABI invalid"17:25
MrJones(when attempting to dlopen() it)17:25
MrJonesthat person who finally found out the cause of this told me this error message was most likely wrong and should be improved17:25
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cannonballso it seems my nameserver isnt worki9ng what do I do17:26
MrJonesalso most people I told about it were just helpless and not saying anything more useful than "meh you cannot run fedora-compiled things on ubuntu"17:26
* abhijit has an observation that the channel is less helpfull these days................17:26
MrJones(which isn't true if you make sure you don't use newer glibc features)17:26
MrJonesshould I file a bug report about this? is it a known issue? is it going to be changed anyway?17:26
MrJonesor is this intended and I just ran into the wrong people of which noone was able to read that error properly17:26
thune3adriancarrio: the command is wmctrl -a, look there17:27
abhijit!pm | adriancarrio17:27
ubottuadriancarrio: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:27
samba_so nobody have a soundcard with no sound . like me?17:27
skritehey all, i don't know what i did, been using fluxbox for a while, running gnome now but it puts an icon on my desktop for everything in my home folder.17:27
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia17:27
sipiorMrJones: doesn't sounds like an ubuntu-specific problem. have you tried the reverse, linking to an ubuntu-supplied library under fedora?17:28
MrJonessipior: it IS a glibc problem, since that .so was NOT compiled with -fno-stack-protector and therefore relies on some newer one (you can check that in the symbols) and after adding -fno-stack-protector it works just fine17:28
cannonballso nobody knows how to help.. ugh.. where is taht guy from a sec ago17:29
MrJonessipior: therefore I'd be pretty surprised if you wanted to tell me it's not simply a glibc versioning issue17:29
picard1421can anyone helPP17:29
MrJonesthe error message rather reflects some kernel ABI thing though17:29
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MrJonesand that's what's rather confusing17:29
samba_cannonball,  paste your /etc/resolv.conf17:29
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erUSULcannonball: what does /etc/resolv.conf looks like ?17:29
sipiorMrJones: odd that you didn't answer my question. i take it the answer is "no"?17:29
MrJonessipior: wait a second, I'll reread it17:29
cannonballit has nameserver set to my dns and 2nd dns..
DX099how can i remove the "nouveau" driver assuming that the blacklist won't work ?17:30
MrJonessipior: I tried running ubuntu applications on fedora which cannot load any of the fedora libs with the same error (most likely due to glibc problems again). I did not try to load an ubuntu .so under fedora though, no17:30
th0rsipior: it would be more fun to use suse to try to link an ubuntu file within fedora. With a little effort we could include all the major distros in one fell swoop17:30
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do i get rid of the gnome panel in the default ubuntu install?  It's greyed out....17:30
erUSULcannonball: and can you ping that nameserver?17:30
sipiorth0r: indeed :-)17:30
samba_cannonball,  so this nameserver sucks17:31
cannonballlol, but it works fine in windows17:31
samba_try with first nameserver as
cannonballleave 2nd alone?17:32
yessirofficerWho wants to join a 4man game? Its really fun.  http://team.forsvarsmakten.se/english/#/private/dp3wu7ywmK17:32
oCean_yessirofficer: don't paste that here17:32
Pici!ot | yessirofficer17:32
ubottuyessirofficer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:32
samba_cannonball,  pleas paste me your resolv.conf17:32
samba_then set as fist nameserver
cannonballI cant paste it, i;'m in windows...17:33
sipiorMrJones: also, have you tried running this on a modern ubuntu?17:33
leagrisHello, what is the official acceptable policy about promoting and providing other support chat services for ubuntu? I joined a jabber.org channel that was created by an individual. Would it be appropriate to spread word about it and have it documented somewhere in community wiki?17:33
samba_picard1421,  do u have all deps/libs installed for installing ovencv?17:34
picard1421i thnk?17:34
samba_so, looking for the deps for opencv17:35
MrJonessipior: not yet. I guess if the glibc it uses is new enough it won't be a problem. I'm just wondering whether that "ELF OS ABI invalid" error shouldn't be changed to something more verbose17:35
MrJonesalthough I have no idea if that's possible17:35
samba_I think picard1421 you  have lost something17:35
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239117:36
abhijitleagris, try in #ubuntu-docs17:36
leagristhanks abhijit will ask there17:37
abhijitleagris, try in #ubuntu-doc <-17:37
sipiorMrJones: i'm not sure it's worth the trouble, frankly, but you could certainly take it up with the glibc folks.17:37
sipiorMrJones: the problem, of course, is that to a glibc hacker, that probably is a pretty verbose message :-)17:38
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do i get rid of the gnome panel in the default ubuntu install?  It's greyed out....17:39
MrJonessipior: yea, but I ran into pretty unfriendly people17:39
sipiorMrJones: par for the course, i'm afraid.17:40
MrJonessipior: when I tried to get help in fedora I nearly got kickbanned because it was "not a fedora-related"17:40
MrJoneswhen I asked here, I got no help either since I compiled on fedora17:40
MrJoneson linuxquestions.org, nobody had even a slight idea what that means17:40
glphvgacsatterer.net is down, any idea?17:40
MrJonesin the end I was lucky enough to eventually meet a person that had enough readelf skills to examine the difference and track down what the actual difference of the ubuntu-compiled and fedora-compiled .so file was17:40
picard1421samba_ what do  you mean?17:40
MrJonesand why the latter wouldn't work17:40
picard1421samba_i thought i had everything installed?17:40
rodionhi folks. i'm rolling a livecd following the instructions in the wiki. how do i set the default keyboard layout for gnome for the livecd?17:40
Trashihi guys. i hope there are some people who can help with my little pureftpd problem. im using pure-ftpd with mysql support, so all users come from a mysql database (virtualusers) ... in pureftpd.conf i set a MYSQLDefaultUID/GID (pure,ftp) for all virtual users... root is _not_ able to login ... if i connect to ftp with a virtualuser there a three processes ... first process: pure-ftpd (SERVER) user root (my standalone pure ftpd server) ... second 17:41
samba_picard1421,  http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/Ubuntu_Packages17:42
Njhdoes anyone know about setting up repositories for apt or know a chat to go to17:43
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=== theeskimo is now known as TheEskimo
samba_Njh,  what u need ?17:44
samba_hola carlos_17:44
Njhsamba_: i have a repository, but i want to change the name in synaptic ... like it syays what server its from, but i want to be able to change that17:44
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samba_ok, Njh how did u have insert the repos ?17:46
Njhsamba_: ? ... i used reprepro to make the repository17:47
samba_very bad so you dont know how to add a repos manually ?17:48
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:48
Njhis there a chat for apt?17:48
wedwoNjh, goto system >>admin >> software sources and either add a new one or edit the existing one17:49
samba_Njh,  you are looking for this file : /etc/apt/sources.list17:49
Njhsamba_: no, i know how to add it to apt, i dk how to have it change the server name that pops up, like the debs i made are on (SERVER) when looking for different versions17:50
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samba_Njh,   try the wedwo solution17:51
Njhlike, click anything on synaptic and get the properties17:51
Njhthen look at versions17:51
Njhand most will have like (lucid) .. or what version of linux you are on, and im wondering how to change that17:52
samba_ah, maybe I've undestand Njh ..17:52
samba_In version tab there  are the lucid version for this pkg17:53
calamaripasswd keeps rejecting my new passwords.. is there a replacement passwd that I can tell to just change my password whether it thinks it's a bad password or not?17:53
samba_if u are using lucid there are only lucid pkg proposed17:53
Njhsamba_: right, and my repo has the name of the server in it17:53
edbiancalamari, the passwd file holds the users.  /etc/shadow actually has the passwords but they're encrypted.17:53
Njhsamba_: i want to be able to change that name .. is that possible?17:54
edbiancalamari, If you could change passwords without knowing the old ones that would be a security flaw.17:54
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do i get rid of the gnome panel in the default ubuntu install?  It's greyed out....17:54
samba_u have to change the ubuntu name version17:54
samba_u have to change the name lucid17:54
calamariedbian, what?  I know my password.. passwd keeps saying my new password isn't complicated enough,etc.. it's bs and I just don't care17:54
calamariI guess I can download the source package and fix it that way17:55
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edbiancalamari, Are you talking about passwd the command or passwd the file?17:55
Njhsamba_: ok, but i created a repo and put it on my server, and my server is called SERVER, so when i look at version numbers it has 0.12(SERVER), how do i change that17:55
calamariedbian, the command17:55
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TheEskimocalamari: One moment17:56
TheEskimocalamari: The solution is in this thread I believe17:56
edbiancalamari, Oohhh!!!  I don't see anything in the man page.  I guess editing the source is your only option.17:56
edbianI've never had that problem and my passwords are nothing special.17:56
cannonfodderhey youguys, i installed compiz manager on ubuntu 10.04 and i noticed it doesnt have as much animations as i seen it on previous versions...for example, the burn animation is gone....is there a way to get more animation? or install the full compiz...seems like i got a half assed version17:58
xanguacannonfodder: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported17:59
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do i get rid of the gnome panel in the default ubuntu install?  It's greyed out....18:02
picard1421why wont it let me talk in the c++ channel?18:02
Picipicard1421: you aren't registered/identified18:02
Pici!register > picard142118:02
ubottupicard1421, please see my private message18:02
Wiesshundpicard1421 +v ?18:02
xanguapicard1421: register your nick¿18:02
samba_econdudeawesome,  can u explain slowly what u need?18:02
calamariTheEskimo, thanks, sudo worked18:03
TheEskimocalamari: Glad to hear it18:04
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Tec0how do i run "create a wireless network" with sudo as it will not let me create a ah-hoc network from GUI18:05
econdudeawesomesamba_ I want to remove gnome-panels but keep alt+f2 functionality. The gnome panel that comes with the menus (applications, system, etc.) cannot be deleted--the option is greyed out. Note I'm not trying to get rid of gnome-panels entirely, just that specific panel18:05
WiesshundTec0 you use gksudo if your trying to root run a desktop app18:06
econdudeawesomesamba_ the best I can do is shrink it, hide it in the top corner18:06
Tec0i heard that there is a issue with the NetworkManager dialog but i dont know how to get around it18:06
econdudeawesomesamba_ but then I have this ugly little arrow sticking out. I'd really just like to be rid of entirely :-)18:06
kryptykecondudeawesome - you can use gconf-editor to hide it and then set the unhide time to something uber high so you don't unhide it when you mouse near it18:06
samba_econdudeawesome,  so u need to keep gnome, but without the gnome-panel?18:07
Wiesshundecondudeawesome autohide18:07
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imphasingI've been pouring over forum posts for a while, but haven't found a good solution yet: Does anyone have any patches/fixes for 10.04's Hibernate/suspend problem? This seems to be a pretty prevelent bug, so I'm hoping someone has ID'd the cause.18:07
econdudeawesomesamba_ preferably. Wiesshund doesn't work very well. Kryptyk thats a good idea. How many milliseconds do you reckon? 40000?18:07
samba_You can disable the gnome panel by going to Sessions-->Current Session and remove gnome panel from the list of running applications.18:08
imphasingJust in case you guys don't know, Lucid has a problem where suspend won't resume, and requires a manual restart.18:08
Tec0Wiesshund, thanks! what is the application name of "create a wireless network"18:08
samba_Then go to Session Options and click on the Remember button..18:08
Besogonecondudeawesome, logicaly you shoud have a work with gconftool-218:08
econdudeawesomesamba_ that causes me to lose alt+f2 functionality18:08
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Wiesshundimphasing not sure cause luckily mine works18:08
econdudeawesomeBesogon ?? haven't heard of othat one, only gconf-editor18:08
kryptykecondudeawesome - that would probably work. Trial and error may be needed to find a good timing. If you ever need the panel back, just adjust the time so you can unhide it normally18:08
imphasingWiesshund: It seems to happen most on laptops, from what I've seen.18:09
Tec0Wiesshund, are u running 10.4 ? and your able to create ad-hoc networks ?18:09
adamramadhani think i found a bug18:09
Wiesshundimphasing, ah. only laptop i have boots via boot prom18:09
imphasingAh, ok18:09
samba_econdudeawesome,  this feature is in gnome-panel so u have to choose : do u want gnome panel or not ?18:09
adamramadhananyway its ok18:09
imphasingIt seems like earlier kernel versions didn't have this bug, as well.18:09
WiesshundTec0 i dont use wireless so i cant check18:09
Besogonecondudeawesome, that is a utility wich works with gnome-reestr from command line18:09
adamramadhandoes anyone knows how to connect my ubuntu to my windows on \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx18:10
Tec0is anyone having a issue creating a ad-hoc network under 10.4 ?18:10
samba_although you can start at boot the fbrun18:10
adamramadhanon windows we just can press \\ipaddress18:10
samba_is like gnome-run but is perfect for fluxbox18:10
erUSULadamramadhan: Places>connect to Server18:10
Wiesshundecondudeawesome i just removed gnome menu from panel18:10
Tec0adamramadhan, how do you want to connect to your box ? over smb ?18:10
erUSULadamramadhan: or Places>Network>Windows Network18:10
adamramadhanwindows sare ?18:10
econdudeawesomesamba_ fair enough. I want gnome-panel. I don't want that specific panel. If there isn't a direct way I'll try kryptyk's workaround. Any idea where to find the timing for gnome-panel in gconf-editor?18:11
l3Hello All: on my system the process "bootchart" is starting in an infinite loop (ps aux | grep bootchart shows a new PID every time).  Is this normal?  Last reboot it was at 100% cpu, right now it is not, but I wonder why it is starting in a loop.18:11
adamramadhanno, ive just shared my windows folder with user guest18:11
Atlantic777Hi! I've got a problem with wifi. Driver is ath5k, and network manager is wicd. Sometimes I can't discover WiFi network, but this classroom is definetely covered with the signal.18:11
Atlantic777Any ideas how to solve this?18:11
econdudeawesomeWiesshund how do you do that18:11
j800rguys, i'm having some trouble with Ubuntu One. It seems to be automatically syncing my Music folder. I've tried right-clicking and choosing Stop syncing with Ubuntu One but when i browse my cloud storage on the website the Music folder is still there, and when i right click the Music Folder on my PC again, the stop syncing option is greyed out :|18:11
kryptykecondudeawesome: apps>panel>toplevels18:11
Besogonecondudeawesome, And it's very meaningful from which user you work with it. It's very complicated. But it's definitly the way in wich you have to inquire18:11
Guest49244i have a problem with Arora(webkit), Konqueror(using webkit), and rekonq(webkit). All of these browsers crash when loading sites. I installed the qtwebkit, and this is what happened. anything that uses webkit crashes, except epiphany(i think it uses webkit). Is there a specific reason it does this? for example, they all crash when loading acid3 test, except konqueror when using KHTML.18:11
Wiesshundecondudeawesome i right clicked the ubuntu logo to left of it and picked remove from panel18:12
xanguaAtlantic777: never had problems with gnome-network-manager18:12
samba_econdudeawesome,  /apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel18:12
kryptykecondudawesome: samba's location may work as well. I always set it at the location I provided though18:12
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adamramadhanthere is some password18:13
abhijit!hi | abhishek18:13
ubottuabhishek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:13
adamramadhani dont remember inserting any password for18:13
abhishekhow to configure IPv6 in Network Manager applet. I have selected "Automatically" but its not workin18:13
kryptykecondudeawesome: under toplevlels, select the panel and then value is unhide_delay (or something like that)18:13
abhijit!ipv6 | abhishek18:13
ubottuabhishek: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:13
Guest49244anyone have this problem?18:13
samba_ok econdudeawesome , u have the tool now just try :)18:14
* samba_ is away: not here right now18:14
abhishekyes i want to know my mc through ipv6 on Lan18:14
Daekdroom!away | samba_18:14
ubottusamba_: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:14
econdudeawesomekryptyk I tried that. For whatever reason it's still being drawn, but considered hidden18:15
burg__hey guys18:15
econdudeawesomereally weird18:15
Guest49244anyone have webkit browsers?18:15
dAnjouhi, where is the java cache in ubuntu 10.04? and where is it, when i run the java programm as root?18:15
abhishektx ubottu18:15
kryptykecondudeawesome: you have to adjust the hidden size18:15
Guest49244you shouldnt run programs as root, ive heard18:15
burg__got a *very* annoying problem: I updated my ubuntu system (10.04) today, and now my mouse wheel doesn't work anymore for scrolling...18:15
burg__yet clicking the mousewheel does work18:16
econdudeawesomewhere is that?18:16
kryptykecondudeawesome: the value (in the same location) is auto_hide_size. Set this to 0 or -1 and you should not see it anymore when it is hidden.18:16
burg__I noticed some changes with hw detection in 10.04, but this is quite sucking18:16
MaT-dgDoes anyone have the .so file for 64bit flash?18:16
Guest49244so no one has had problems with webkit?18:16
cheater99i have a laptop with an ide drive. can i clone the drive to a sata drive and just put that drive in a new laptop and then it'll work?18:17
adamramadhananyone ?18:17
adamramadhani still cant connect my windows shared18:17
wrigleyHey Guys,I#m new to irc.Can anyone tell why its not possible to run windows games over 1 extra xserver with wine??standard games which are installed are working!18:17
adamramadhani have not use any password nor workgroups18:17
imphasingcheater99: Only if the new laptop has the exact same hardware. You'll probably see some issues, so I would just do a clean install.18:17
adamramadhancant we just enter //ipadress or something18:17
cheater99i don't want to do a clean install18:18
cheater99why would it have to have the exact same hardware?18:18
cheater99wouldn't it be just like if i had upgraded my hardware?18:18
burg__so, nobody came in with a simple PS2 mouse wheel problem after updating?18:18
cheater99new gfx card etc18:18
imphasingcheater99: That would break stuff too, possibly18:18
econdudeawesomekryptyk still not going away....18:18
econdudeawesomewe'll see on a reboot18:18
adamramadhanwindows share ? is that corrent ?>18:19
Guest49244does anyone have webkit problems?????18:19
cheater99imphasing: are you saying it is not possible to upgrade hardware in ubuntu?18:19
adamramadhanit keep on say " HOMEGROUP " thing18:19
imphasingcheater99: Do what you want, but cloning a different system to a new system is just asking for problems. You're not deploying to identical servers here, I'm assuming.18:19
imphasingcheater99: You just would have to install all the new drivers and such18:19
imphasingIt would just be easier to do a clean install, since there could be LOTS of hidden issues.18:19
cheater99no, my laptop is not a server18:19
kryptykecondudeawesome: is it still drawing the whole panel? or just a piece of it when it is hidden?18:20
icerootadamramadhan: \\ipadress not //ipadress18:20
cheater99installing new drivers doesn't sound so bad!18:20
adamramadhanyes i mean that iceroot:18:20
adamramadhanhow can i connect to windows from this ubuntu18:20
adamramadhanany good way?18:20
imphasingLike I said, do what you want. It's probably going to be a big hassle anyway though, and you'll end up doing a clean install :P18:20
JodaZwhy doesn't the ubuntu vpn manager accept .p12 files for openvpn ?18:20
thune3Guest49244: is your problem only with acid3 test? if so, that's more of a development issue than a practical problem.18:20
cheater99imphasing: what sort of hidden issues are you talking about?18:21
Guest49244thune3, no its not only acid3, that was only an example, i think it crashes on javascript-heavy sites18:21
icerootadamramadhan: normally \\ipadress in nautlis should work, its using the smbclient at background18:21
imphasingcheater99: Probably kernel panic, since the modules that are being loaded aren't going to work with the different system.18:21
abhijit!pm | abhishek18:21
ubottuabhishek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:21
JodaZcheater99, ignore him, just dd it over, you might wana regenerate keys or something...18:21
letashello everyone - is there a way to implement a file locking system where a file can only be opened once regardless of the editor being used!?18:22
imphasingJodaZ: ... really dude?18:22
Guest49244ive had it working before in ubuntu, but i uninstalled and installed Xubuntu, then installed kde, then installed qtwebkit, then i have these problems18:22
adamramadhaniceroot: nope it doent work. it says not found18:22
JodaZimphasing, since when is this windows where there are drivers n shit18:22
imphasingLook, do what you guys want. I'm just trying to make it easier for you.18:22
cheater99JodaZ: yeah, i was just trying to drag him on18:22
abhishekok ubottu got it :)18:22
PiciJodaZ: Please mind your language here, this is a family friendly channel.18:22
cheater99JodaZ: keys?18:22
icerootadamramadhan: and the ip is correct and windows has shares?18:22
imphasingJodaZ: ...18:22
calamariletas, something like that might already exist, I don't know... however you should be able to implement that using FUSE18:22
imphasingJodaZ: Every bit of hardware needs a driver to work, dude.18:23
JodaZcheater99, like ssh priv keys18:23
cheater99JodaZ: ok18:23
JodaZimphasing, yes, and all is detected on boot18:23
cheater99JodaZ: that doesn't sound as back18:23
imphasingJodaZ: Whatever dude. Have fun misleading people.18:23
Guest49244thune3, i installed it from synaptics, would a complete reinstall of system fix it?18:23
jayeolahey chaps. can any one recommend a webacm to use on a laptop?18:23
cheater99JodaZ: btw, do you know if i would have to install a different kernel if upgrading from pentium 3 to core i7?18:23
ddilingerSo, i'm a bit of an old school debian person, not familiar with alot of the developments of the last 6-8 years ... are there any pages describing why use aptitude over apt-get ?18:23
letasthanks calamari - I will keep looking i think I tried using FUSE but didn't get it to work properly maybe an ID10T error :(18:24
jayeolaby the way - i _have_ seen the hardware compatability list ;-)18:24
JodaZcheater99, unlikely, the default kernel will propably be a i36818:24
cheater99JodaZ: i don't know if ubuntu has a special kernel for different processors or if it just selects the right thing18:24
calamariletas, doubtful.. FUSE is tricky to get right18:24
JodaZcheater99, check with uname -a18:24
abhishekhi i want to join to do the development in c++ networking. can any one help . . where to head for first project18:24
cheater99it certainly is now18:24
cheater99but i don't know about the i718:24
cheater99since it's SMP18:24
cannonfodderhey you guys i install compiz-extras   or something like that...anyways  how do i turn them on?  my setting manager shows nothign new when i look for the extra animations18:25
adamramadhanstill cant find a way to connect my shared folder ( windows ) on an ip ( witout no password etc )18:25
econdudeawesomekryptyk worked fine. I set the positions and size all over the place off the screen18:25
adamramadhananyone ?18:25
cheater99makes me wonder, is it possible to upgrade ubuntu from 32 to 64 bit?18:25
Besogonletas, man update-alternatives ?18:25
jayeolaecondudeawesome: places/ connect to server18:25
JodaZcheater99, i suggest backing up your home folder and installing fresh18:25
econdudeawesomekryptyk there doesn't seem to be any way to get rid of the panel otherwise without disabling gnome-panel, which I did not want to do18:25
calamariletas, I know there are existing fuse implementations of fat32, ext2, etc.. perhaps you can use one of those and pass the option to disallow multiple tasks18:25
Guest49244thune3, they also crash when clicking on videos in youtube.18:25
econdudeawesomejayeola whats that?18:25
Besogonletas, but I don't sure18:26
JodaZcheater99, i mean thats what the idea is all about, usually copying whole sys over isn't a good idea18:26
imphasingJodaZ: Like I was saying.18:26
jayeolathat's from teh gnome menu. use that to connect to a doze/samba share?18:26
JodaZimphasing, for the absofloutely wrong reasons tho18:26
abhishekhi i want to join development in c++ networking. can any one help . . where to head for first project18:26
letasBesogon let me look for it - I never thought of it18:26
kryptykecondudeawesome: that has been my experience. Gnome will make you keep at least one panel. I generally don't need any since I use a dock for apps and window management18:26
jayeolaxfce4 on a desktop and fluxbox on a laptop for me ;-)18:27
slidinghornabhishek, ##c++18:27
imphasingJodaZ: I'm sure.18:27
adamramadhanhelloo anyone ?18:27
slidinghorn!patience | adamramadhan18:27
ubottuadamramadhan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:27
abhisheki didn't get u slidnghorn18:27
cheater99JodaZ: what idea?18:27
letascalamari mm let's see this - I am googling now18:27
slidinghornabhishek, that's the channel you should ask your question in.  type /join ##c++18:27
LetsGo67How do I use Ubuntu 10.04 on an iMac G3?18:27
erUSUL!ppc | LetsGo6718:28
ubottuLetsGo67: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:28
calamariletas, I'm trying to find the option.. it's not an -o option so I always struggle with it18:28
abhishekohhh thx slidinghorn18:28
jayeolaLetsGo67: install refit and dual boot, google that18:28
JodaZcheater99, of the home folder18:28
LetsGo67jayeola: but it's all blank screen!18:28
adamramadhanumm ok.18:28
Besogonletas, Other way (may be more good for you) is to make some programs files belong to a group. And get them right to implement if a user a belongs to the group18:28
slidinghorn!samba > adamramadhan18:28
ubottuadamramadhan, please see my private message18:28
cheater99oh ok18:29
picard1421can anyone help with this compile problem?18:29
picard1421there isthe code18:29
adamramadhani mean that maybe18:29
picard1421compile error18:29
jayeolawhen i installed refit i had to "reset mbr" or something like that from the initial boot up screen. that worked for me18:29
letasbesogon only problem with that I have to support windows / mac users and their *&^%$ dreamweaver18:29
airtonixletas, why18:30
LetsGo67jayeola: How do I get past the black screen?18:30
letassome of them connect as nobody / nouser18:30
jayeolawhen your mbp boots go for the refit menu.18:31
jayeolasomething to do with efi and partititions.18:31
letasairtonix dreamweaver for example, I have never gotten to login using a regular user... it always picks nobody / nogroup18:31
adamramadhani just dont get samda thing18:31
airtonixletas, what ?18:31
Piciadamramadhan: What exactly is your problem?18:31
adamramadhanis the smd:// thing worrking?18:31
Wiesshundblitzo hey i was wondering... your laptops nic didnt have a boot prom?18:32
Piciadamramadhan: its 'smb'18:32
jayeolahttp://refit.sourceforge.net/doc/c1s1_install.html "works for me"18:32
ogexsmb ?18:32
adamramadhani want to connect my folder at my other windows pc18:32
adamramadhanthat i have shared18:32
ogexadamramadhan: smb://18:32
adamramadhanwithout password, etc.18:32
Piciadamramadhan: What happens when you go to Places>Connect to Server18:32
letasairtonix?? Maybe I am confused with what you asked18:32
airtonixadamramadhan, you need to turn on simple file sharing then18:32
adamramadhanhow to do that?18:32
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adamramadhanconnect to server then pick which one Pici: ?18:33
airtonixadamramadhan, on windows : tools > folder view (whatever), scrol scrol scroll, enable simple file sharing (tick)18:33
adamramadhanthen on this notebook ? how can i get that file from here?18:33
Piciadamramadhan: Windows Share, and then fill in the rest with what windows computer you want to connect to18:34
Besogonletas, let them be not the 'nogroup' but any other group you like18:34
adamramadhanPici:the problem is the domain18:34
adamramadhanPici: what is that thing anyway ?18:34
airtonixadamramadhan, open home folder from desktop, press ctrl + L, type smb://ip-address-of-your-windows-machine-here , after connection open a share folder, then book mark it18:34
Piciadamramadhan: Put in the name of the computer that you're connecting to there.18:34
adamramadhanAirtonix:it fails18:34
adamramadhanfail to retreve shared folders18:35
manu24531guys i need some help installing lucid lynx im getting a blank screen at installation18:35
manu24531been searching forums for days cant find any solution18:35
airtonixadamramadhan, did you actually put the ip address of the windows machine there or did you just type what i wrote word for word ?18:35
airtonixadamramadhan, yes what ?18:35
adamramadhanthat is my 2nd pc ip18:36
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adamramadhanwhen im useing Pici: way18:36
airtonixadamramadhan, check there is no firewall running on the windows machine18:36
adamramadhanit requred password and domain18:36
adamramadhanwhen im on windows there is no such thing as passwords and workgroup.18:37
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=== litel is now known as litel-away
adamramadhanlet me check18:37
Besogonadamramadhan, Are you using domain?18:37
adamramadhanim not useing any domain?18:38
adamramadhananyway ive disabled my firewall on my windows pc18:38
adamramadhanthen ?18:38
dirk_can anyone recommend a USB Bluetooth v2 class118:38
Besogonadamramadhan, Do you use securety user or guest on windows machine?18:38
adamramadhani shared my folder with guest18:39
MamboKinghello all18:39
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adamramadhani share that with my root ( power user ) on my windows.18:39
ogexadamramadhan: u user gnome or kde ?18:39
Besogonadamramadhan, That don't mean that you securety is 'guest'.18:39
letasbesogon the prob is not the files permissions, but how dreamweaver connects to the server18:39
adamramadhani mean gnome18:39
MamboKinghow can you tell what mode your network bond is running in? I think I'm using the default but I ifconfig doesn't really say18:40
jigalhow can i find out which version of xdebug i have installed?18:40
ogextry "place > connect to server"18:40
adamramadhanogex: which one ?18:40
adamramadhanogex: windows share ?18:40
ogexchoice windows-share18:40
adamramadhanogex: ok what do i put on domain?18:40
Besogonletas, I don't know how I can help you as I'm not a administrator18:40
adamramadhanjust put the ip on server?18:41
Tux43Hello, I have an Acer Aspire 3810TZ. My microphone does not work on Ubuntu 10.10 and my video player won't play mov videos.18:41
Tux43or 10.418:41
trismjigal: apt-cache policy php5-xdebug;18:41
manu24531anyone ever bumped into the blank screen when installing 10.4?18:41
adamramadhanogex:Failed to retrieve share list from server18:41
letasBesogon it is cool man - I know we're all here trying to help the community - I do appreciate your help and concern18:41
airtonixmanu24531, many times at various places18:42
airtonixmanu24531, mostly when i turn the monitor off18:42
manu24531airtonix, did you find any way around it?18:42
airtonixmanu24531, yeah i turn it back on18:42
leagrisMamboKing: may be ethtools18:42
adamramadhanok im near to giveup :|18:42
manu24531but this is a laptop18:42
airtonixmanu24531, point is, you didn't give much info18:42
Besogonadamramadhan, let me ask you again. You have windows machin, right? (XP or W7 I don't care)  So. Have you windows securety 'user' or 'guest'?18:43
manu24531ok info, i boot the live cd and any option i choose takes me to a blank screen with a cursor and nothing happens18:43
airtonixBesogon, this is a question that doesn't mean anything unless you're editing the smb.conf18:43
adamramadhanim a user of windows. what do you mean by have you windows security ?18:43
airtonix(and i doubt adamramadhan is editing the smb.conf)18:43
Besogonairtonix, yes. he have to do that I think any way.18:44
VesperoI have a problem: I run Gnome, but I use the KDE program Kolourpaint. After I use it, all of my bars and icons get this altered appearence. Opening "Appearence" fixes the bars, but Nautilus is still beige and blocky. Restarting Nautilus does not help. Any suggestions?18:44
adamramadhanthis is a fresh install mate :|18:44
airtonixBesogon, .... no18:44
manu24531this is the laptop specs http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01817215&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&dlc=he&cc=il&lang=he&product=400037018:44
jigaltrism: tnx no version of xdebug was installed ;-)18:44
airtonixBesogon, english is not your first language i take it...18:44
Besogonairtonix, )18:44
adamramadhani a php developer that dont know ubuntu18:44
airtonixadamramadhan, did you turn on simple file sharing yet in windows ?18:45
adamramadhannope. let me try18:45
adamramadhanon option advance right ?18:45
adamramadhanwait a sec18:45
airtonixadamramadhan, you wont get anywhere until you do18:45
Besogonadamramadhan, it seems you don't know Windows too. but ok. If you haven't change the windows then your windows securety should be 'user'18:45
airtonixadamramadhan, http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/xp/filesharing.htm18:46
batshwahi, everybody18:46
batshwai've got an annoying problem with my xubuntu18:46
airtonix!ask | batshwa18:46
ubottubatshwa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:46
wildc4rdevenin' all18:47
manu24531is it posible that lucid lynx is just not compatible with the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650?18:47
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airtonixother way round18:47
batshwaafter an upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 my system freezes from time to time -- i've noticed this happens whenever man-db or mandb run18:47
Besogonadamramadhan, you should definetly install 'system-config-samba'18:47
adamramadhani did that :)18:47
adamramadhanis samba easy ?18:48
Tux43Manu24531: Are you using a usb boot or a cd?18:48
airtonixadamramadhan, you followed that page i linked ?18:48
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manu24531a cd tux18:48
aeon-ltdbatshwa: sounds like a bug, you should report it, does cpu spike or does it just feeze?18:48
adamramadhani did that do my drive C D and E18:48
manu24531i have burned two already18:48
adamramadhaneven F18:48
manu24531both at slowest speed18:48
airtonixadamramadhan, now restart windows and try that connection again from ubuntu18:48
manu24531both give me same results18:48
batshwaafter waiting about 3-5 mins everything works again fine18:48
airtonix!enter | manu2453118:48
ubottumanu24531: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:48
batshwawha does "spike" mean?18:48
Tux43Manu24531:  Did you burn the cd or did you request the cd?18:48
adamramadhanup to my room again. :|18:48
aeon-ltdbatshwa: when the cpu suddenly reaches 100%18:49
manu24531sorry i will keep one line from now on, i burned the cd tux18:49
aeon-ltdbatshwa: or near 100%18:49
Besogonadamramadhan, then you shoud know what user is used for connecting to windows share18:49
batshwano, conky shows almost no activity18:49
batshwathe cpu is constantly at 3-5 %18:49
Besogonadamramadhan, user and password18:49
dirk_gday, can anyone recommend a USB Bluetooth v2 class118:49
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airtonixBesogon, obviously, but you're missing key elements in windows networking...18:50
Tux43Manu24531: try reburning the cd keep it on the lowest speed. I have noticed that many times. I had to adjust the speed to the higest before I got it to work.18:50
batshwaplus, at the upgrade process two packages failed to upgrade: libavahi_core and autoconf18:50
Besogonairtonix, what elements I have missed18:50
airtonixadamramadhan, so windows machine has been restarted ? and you have desired folder shared ?18:50
manu24531in burned 2 cds already both at slowest speeds , both same result18:50
batshwaaeon-ltd, do you think i should report it as a bug?18:51
aeon-ltdbatshwa: try updating again, if it doesn't work report a bug18:51
Tux43manu24531: what did you use to burn the disk?18:51
batshwamaybe it's something to do with my pc?18:51
Besogonairtonix, what autentification W7 uses lanman or lanman2 or something else?18:51
batshwaaeon-ltd, update what?18:51
airtonixBesogon, 1) that a windows user who has not touched linux before will have no concept of the terms "user" or "guest" network security mode. 2) that unless you turn simple file sharing on in windows you need to have identical user accounts on both machines to even get username password authentication to work18:51
batshwasynaptic does not run, i cannot run apt-get at all18:52
aeon-ltdbatshwa: packages (sudo apt-get update)18:52
manu24531the first one i burned it on vista with the burner that the ubuntu site recommends, the second i burned it with brasero on the karmic i have installed on my desktop18:52
batshwaaeon-ltd, apt-get returns a "Bus eror"18:52
adamramadhananyway how can we delate a bookmarked on places ?18:52
adamramadhanit still cant work18:52
airtonixadamramadhan, try connecting to the windows machine again from ubuntu. 1) left click on the desktop 2) press control and L 3) type : smb://
pedro_boas povo18:53
Tux43manu24531: All you had to do in karmic is right click on the iso and click write to disk.18:53
pedro_sou novo por estas bandas do linux18:53
adamramadhanL3 ?18:53
Besogonairtonix, So tell him that Linux have to have 2 user and password data base for LAN18:53
adamramadhanpress L3 ?18:53
airtonixBesogon, what ?18:53
airtonixadamramadhan, the letter L18:53
pedro_como é q instalo o open office??18:53
xangua!pt > pedro_18:53
ubottupedro_, please see my private message18:53
pixelpusheri just switched to linx, and i put blender, but i tried to render a horse, so i went to filter, mesh, render, horse, but it made a monkey18:53
airtonixadamramadhan, L for LOCATION18:53
xanguapedro_: openoffice comes preinstalled in ubuntu18:54
xanguaand kubuntu i believe18:54
Besogonairtonix, One data base with users for linux account and the second data base for samba accounts.18:54
manu24531tux: Well yeah I am new to ubuntu, still the brasero did the work, the cd starts well its after i press install ubuntu (or any other option from the menu) that I get a blank screen and cant go forward18:54
OldCode101is there a better way to RDP into ubuntu from a windows PC, trying to get into my personal server from the office18:54
airtonixBesogon, no... i would not even bother trying to educate them on that ...18:54
Tux43manu24531: Try burning the way I said and it will work.18:54
xanguamanu24531: have you tried use a usb stick instead of cd¿¿18:55
Tux43OLdcode101: Go to teamviewer.com18:55
adamramadhanbtw how can i stop this irc to scroll down18:55
adamramadhani cant see my text18:55
batshwaaeon-ltd, if it helps i can show you a post containing more etails on ubuntuforums -- unfortunately i did not get any answer so far18:55
pixelpusherhow do i render a horse?18:55
xangua!unetbootin > manu2453118:55
ubottumanu24531, please see my private message18:55
adamramadhanit scrools down when enybody types a word18:55
airtonixadamramadhan, righ click on the channel entry, choose settings > hide join part messages18:55
aeon-ltdbatshwa: ok18:55
manu24531xangua: I actually havent tried that,18:55
xanguaadamramadhan:disable join/leaves18:55
pixelpusheri just switched to linx, and i put blender, but i tried to render a horse, so i went to filter, mesh, render, horse, but it made a monkey18:55
adamramadhandisable join/leave18:55
batshwaaeon-ltd, here you are: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152412418:55
OldCode101Tux43: thanks18:55
Tux43oldcode101: Anytime18:56
airtonix!who | adamramadhan18:56
ubottuadamramadhan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:56
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:56
Besogonairtonix, then I think he should change securety on Windows and write securety in smb.conf as 'guest' and all will be good. (may be if the won't be any troubles with ysers permissions on linux )18:56
adamramadhansecurety ?18:57
adamramadhansecurity ?18:57
adamramadhanor securety ?18:57
manu24531ok guys I am gonna try installing through a usb stick, hopefully it will work18:57
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airtonixadamramadhan, i wouldn;t bother... its just going to complicate your experience18:57
adamramadhanok thanks. :|18:57
adamramadhanbtw how can we delate the bookmark on Places18:58
airtonixadamramadhan, so did you connect to the windows machine ?18:58
adamramadhani give up men18:58
adamramadhani use a usb insted18:58
FloodBot1adamramadhan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
adamramadhanyeah sorry bot or what ever18:58
xanguaadamramadhan: edit the bookmarks with nautilus18:59
brontoeeeadamramadhan, in nautilus ....18:59
aeon-ltdbatshwa:  according to this guy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2070840 you should delete the cached packages then run apt-get update/upgrade again18:59
airtonixadamramadhan, you know what nautilus is ?18:59
manu24531hold on, the tutorial you guys gave me says its for installing 9.10 with an usb stick, should it be the same for 10.4? maybe its a stupid question, just making sure18:59
adamramadhanim a novice linux but not a idiot one, im a php developer18:59
Besogonadamramadhan, "how can we delate the bookmark on Places" look in ~/.gtk-bookmarks18:59
airtonixadamramadhan, honestly, that doesn't mean anything19:00
batshwaaeon-ltd, thanks a lot, i will try this now19:00
Tux43adamramadhan: Are you trying to connect to a windows machine?19:00
adamramadhanyes tex19:00
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:00
airtonixBesogon, why do you keep offering the most obtuse methods to novices ?19:00
lars_good bye19:00
adamramadhanok delated19:00
adamramadhanwell i do can share with ftp ( setup with windows ftp server ) but thats to nerdy19:01
Besogonairtonix, As I do it so. ;)19:01
adamramadhanand hard19:01
airtonixBesogon, maybe you should suggest how to use nmap to see if the windows machine is actually showing the ports for smb19:01
Tux43adamramadhan: Go to places click connect to server. Select Windows Share and put in your ip address for your windows machine. Check the book mark button on the bottom and give it a name. Then you're done.19:02
letasadamramdhan - srry to join so late - but can u a least ping between the machines?19:02
airtonixadamramadhan, "nerdy" says the "php developer"19:02
adamramadhanletas: good idea19:02
adamramadhanttl 128 1<s19:02
airtonixadamramadhan, thats fine but it doesn't mean your smb ports on the windows machine are open19:03
manu24531https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick should this procedure work on lucid?19:03
Tux43adamramadhan: Did it work?19:03
jigaldoes this mean http://pastebin.com/uwLD39WN that xdebug is not installed?19:03
adamramadhanairtonix: i dont even know whats smb port are19:03
batshwaaeon-ltd, will try to run apt-get now -- if I don't answer in two minutes then my system has freezed ;) i will come back to you in a moment19:03
adamramadhanbtw my firewall is off19:03
adamramadhantotally off19:03
aeon-ltdbatshwa: ok19:03
adamramadhanoh wait my antivirus.19:03
Tux43Manu24531: Yes, it should work19:03
manu24531cool tux thanks19:03
letasadamramadhan please try this in nautilus in the location bar type: smb://ip_address_ubuntu_machine19:03
airtonixadamramadhan, antivirus should not be controlling availability of ports19:03
Besogonairtonix, I do not know anything of nmap. Because as I said I wasn't a administrator but an engineer19:04
josuarerst mal testen hallo19:04
letasbesogon have you heard they say: "Don't use a bazooka to kill a fly" nmap is the bazooka in this case19:05
adamramadhanlets see19:05
airtonixletas, i disagree19:05
adamramadhandamn still failing19:05
airtonixletas, how else will you work out if ports are open ?19:05
adamramadhanits not about the firewall then19:05
adamramadhanhow do i check if the ports are open19:06
brontoeeeadamramadhan, by ip or name?19:06
airtonixadamramadhan, windows hostnames don't work at the commandline unless you use the smb tools.19:06
helloworldi just installed ubuntu 64 bit this morning and i installed my nvidia drivers, but 1080p video on youtube lags a lot19:06
adamramadhani ping , turn off firewall.19:06
adamramadhansmb tools ?19:06
airtonixadamramadhan, open a terminal and type smbtree19:06
brontoeeehelloworld, flash video doesnt get any vdpau as far as i know19:07
airtonix(it should list all available windows shares on the connected lan)19:07
adamramadhanfaild negrot:ERRnonmen19:07
batshwaaeon-ltd, apt-get now works, thank you a lot!  i have not done apt-get update/upgrade yet, since i want to try first update-manager19:07
airtonixadamramadhan, then it means you've done something funky with your windows network sharing setup19:07
adamramadhanwhat language its ERRnomem :|19:07
aeon-ltdbatshwa: ok your welcome :)19:07
adamramadhanhahaha loling spelling it19:07
adamramadhanfungky ?19:08
adamramadhanlike what?19:08
Besogonairtonix, smbclient -L localhost works better then smbtree19:08
Besogonfor me at least19:08
letasadamramadhan - maybe I jumped to quickly but you are sharing from windows to Linux or viceversa!?19:08
airtonixBesogon, what ?19:08
airtonixletas, trying to connect to a shared folder on a windows machine19:08
Besogonairtonix, I've just commented your suggestion19:09
airtonixletas, already turned simple file sharing on (with windows)19:09
adamramadhan+kudos to airtonix :|19:09
adamramadhanbtw windows719:09
helloworldbrontoeee: thanks19:09
adamramadhanthere is no such thing is simple file shareing19:09
airtonixBesogon, you know that your suggestion only lists shares on the localhost right ?19:09
adamramadhanbut i doo add more users to the permisions19:10
letasadamramadhan windows is a pain in sharing, what version are u using?19:10
airtonixadamramadhan, you might have said something when you read the guide I listed when the screenshots shows windows XP ??19:10
adamramadhanwindows 719:10
adamramadhanits xp19:10
FloodBot1adamramadhan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
Besogonairtonix, not only on localhost but all the comuters those in the group19:10
adamramadhanmine is 719:10
adamramadhanall there is19:10
jon_hi, when I press restart or shutdown in ubuntu the mouse + screen turn off but the computer still stays on and doesnt restart. Any ideas?19:10
adamramadhanis advance shareing and the other one19:10
letasadamramadhan let's try this set up a share in ubuntu and try to access from windows19:10
adamramadhanthe otherone ( inserting users permisions )19:11
JackStonerjon_: try sudo restart19:11
adamramadhandont tell me the samdada thing19:11
jon_JackStoner, ok but how can I fix this so it doesn't do it anymore19:11
stalcupAre there any guides on installing ubuntu on a macbook pro version 7.1?19:11
airtonixBesogon, nope it actually only lists shares from the current machine.19:12
airtonixBesogon, (it doesnt even list other samba machines)19:12
JackStonerjon_: i think you have to edit the menu ( i rarely use the menu) let me check if there's an option to edit those buttons19:12
jon_JackStoner: alrighty thanks19:12
adamramadhanmen i just love unbuntu linux powers , but men its so failing when it comes to share windows.19:12
Tux43Hello, I have an Acer Aspire 3810TZ. My microphone does not work on Ubuntu 10.10 and my video player won't play mov videos. (I already installed the codex)19:13
skumarais there any software that can benchmark cpu in ubuntu?19:13
JackStonerjon_: dont see the buttons...which menu are u using?? custom or the gnome one??19:13
JodaZx86_64 means i got 64bit kernel ?19:13
Tux43skumara: Have you tried system manager then system monitor.19:13
brontoeeeTux43, vlc and mplayer based players should play mov i think19:13
jon_JackStoner: This is a brand spankin new ubuntu install. So gnome.19:14
KittyBootsHello.  I do not seem to be able to figure out how to assign different backgrounds to different desktops without using desktopcube.  How can I make that happen?19:14
letasadamramadhan please let me know if you know how to set up the share in Ubunut - it should be one of the easiest things to do19:14
Tux43brontoeee: I tried vlc won't install and mplayer won't play the video just the sound.19:14
musteloon our lab machines, users authenticated over kerberos cannot login through gnome, only on the console, how can I debug this?19:14
skumaratux43 system manager? where is it?19:14
JackStonerjon_:does the menu display "application ..." or just an icon??19:14
w3ccvHoly Crap!  I just upgraded to 10.4 LTS and kinda wish I didn't.  Hardware = MSI Wind u120. A couple problems: 1 I now have a white on black "screen intensity" notice in the upper right that is flashing along with the intensity - very hard to read the screen. 2 I have a 'menu' bar in the top with a few icons in it - speaker volume, battery/AC indicator, time , and login name. I want it on the bottom, and a panel with icons I put19:15
w3ccvthere, and the option to build 3 'desktops'  How do I get back to the good tried and true UI?19:15
xanguaKittyBoots: you can configure diferent desktops backgrounds with compiz but you will loose the ability to have icons in the desktop19:15
Tux43Skumara: go to system on the top of the screen. Administration then system monitor.19:15
KittyBootsxangua; sure, that is great, how do I do it?19:15
jon_JackStoner: its the menu in the top right (the power icon) then I click that then press restart. Like I said earlier this is a brand new install nothing is customized or anything.19:15
Besogonairtonix, http://pastebin/KAWf9njb19:15
brontoeeeTux43, the usual research is 1. mediainfo file.mov 2. google for specific video codec to see how to play19:15
Besogonadamramadhan, Not harry19:16
Tux43brontoeee: Thanks, but I am using 10.10.19:16
adamramadhanharry potter?19:16
JackStonerjon_: oh ok...try and right click your panel and add custom menu to panel...try using that (when u add it it will display an icon only and u can click for the menu)19:17
airtonixadamramadhan, i wouldn't confuse your own in ability to concentrate and focus with paitence with ubuntu failing19:17
jon_JackStoner: k thanks19:17
adamramadhanyeah windows = money spending ubuntu = time spending19:17
JackStonerjon_: tell me if it works19:17
airtonixadamramadhan, true story, because by default all you do is turn on simple file sharing in windows xp... then done.19:17
hotstewcome on adam19:17
adamramadhanits windows 7 :|19:18
malikeye|123anybody running 10.04 on a dell mini 10" 1020?19:18
hotstewother distros need much more attention19:18
jon_JackStoner: I have to finish installing chromium, skype etc... I'll check in a minute19:18
brontoeeeTux43, i just did : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:c-korn/vlc && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc19:18
imphasingmalikeye|123: My GF is running it on mini 9. Having suspend issues?19:18
brontoeeeon lucid, should work on 10.10 as well19:18
JackStonerjon_: k, goodluck19:18
Besogonadamramadhan, make a cap of tee or coffi may be it won't be unuseful if you buy a bottle of wine... :)19:18
airtonixadamramadhan, then you need to learn how to use windows 7 properly19:18
malikeye|123imphasing, just ordered one last night19:18
malikeye|123just wondering if peoples have been having problems with this model19:18
airtonixadamramadhan, or move back to windows xp19:18
malikeye|123forums seem kinda clean19:19
adamramadhanairtonix: hahaha19:19
brontoeeeTux43, should get you version 1.1.2 of vlc19:19
adamramadhanairtonix: men i have used windows from windows7 i never use that xp thing19:19
imphasingmalikeye|123: It works well, but there seems to be a suspend issue with 10.04. It could be due to the automatic partitioning being bad, since it makes a swap smaller than RAM, but that should only be an issue for hibernate.19:19
adamramadhani got one free copy from my univeristy19:19
airtonixadamramadhan, i just setup 30 windows 7 computers to connect to and from a ubuntu server... it didn't take this long19:19
hotstewI have idea and I don't even know if it's possible19:19
malikeye|123imphasing, cool, I'll take a look into that19:19
adamramadhananyway i just open my 3rd computer and its shares nicely19:20
malikeye|123my GF needs MS Word, so I gotta try to see why she "needs" it and try to get her to OO19:20
brontoeeeairtonix, samba or ssh or ...?19:20
malikeye|123cause I really don't wanna be running windows on a small laptop like that19:20
airtonixbrontoeee, obviously samba.19:20
imphasingmalikeye|123: It seems like the version previous to lucid works perfectly.19:20
adamramadhanmaybe there is holywar between windows and ubuntus these days19:20
airtonixadamramadhan, what makes you think that ?19:20
batshwaaeon-ltd, i ran update-manager and marked the distribution upgrade packages, libavahi_core and autoconf, after which the system froze for a few minutes while "processing man triggers" -- something seems to be wrong with the man(-)db processes, what do you think?19:20
adamramadhanjust guessing.19:20
daedaluzmalikeye|123: install Wine 1.2, install Word, be happy19:20
airtonixadamramadhan, by the way did you bother to try sharing a folder from ubuntu and try connecting to it from windows ?19:21
malikeye|123Office 2k7 is supposedly buggy daedaluz19:21
Besogonadamramadhan, OK. I tell you. Did you install system-confog-samba package? If you do then this program, open settings19:21
aeon-ltdbatshwa: try reinstalling mandb and its dependencies it may help19:21
malikeye|123which I'm looking into now as well19:21
airtonixadamramadhan, make a folder on the ubuntu desktop, right click it, select sharing, share it with guest permissions...19:21
adamramadhanbecouse i need to get my backup files19:21
malikeye|123buggy with wine that is :P19:21
daedaluzmalikeye|123: not in 1.219:21
manu24531ok so i made a usb stick bootable ubuntu instalation but still i am getting only a black screen with a cursor blinking so it wasnt a problem of the way i burned the cds19:21
soul9please, can anyone tellm e how i can boot into recovery mode with / mounted read-only?19:21
malikeye|123hmm, I'll look again then...19:21
hotstewbut it would be pretty rad if you could create your own version of an Ubuntu CD where you choose programs via a web interface and it shows how much space is left and stuff19:22
batshwaaeon-ltd, i will do that now, thanks19:22
adamramadhanthen drag my windows files from my windows pc to the folder that we have just make from samda ?19:22
soul9i'm trying recovery mode but / is mounted read-write and syslogd is started  so i can't remount it read-only19:22
adamramadhanits that correct ?19:22
Besogonadamramadhan, open securety tab and change autentifications to 'share'19:22
Tux43malikeye|123:  All you have to do is go to tools then options then go to load/save and select general then select always save as select microsoft office 200719:22
* cossier is away: Ara estic ocupat19:22
imphasinghotstew: That would be badass.19:22
monraHello, I don't know if you know the xlock program. I was wondering how can this program authenticate users as it's run by a user (not root) and neither does it has root setuid? So how does it take my user's hash password? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated19:22
adamramadhanBesogon: where is that ?19:22
hotstewand the that iso is created on the server on the fly19:22
oCean_!afk > cossier19:22
ubottucossier, please see my private message19:22
imphasinghotstew: Put together a custom ISO for you :D19:22
airtonixhotstew, you can.19:23
Besogonadamramadhan, What definetly is there?19:23
malikeye|123Tux43, does MS Word read that format ok on the other end? I hardly ever use MS office formats... in my experience they didn't translate well between OO and MS19:23
adamramadhani can see ubuntu logo19:23
hotstewyeah because I totally don't need some of the programs and others aren't there19:23
adamramadhanplaces etc19:23
malikeye|123guess I could experiment a bit19:23
FloodBot1adamramadhan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
hotstewI unterstand you can deinstall and install later19:23
imphasingairtonix: Is there a nice slick weeb interface? :D19:23
airtoniximphasing, yes, suse studio copied it.19:24
Besogonadamramadhan, administration19:24
imphasingairtonix: Ah, sweet.19:24
Tux43malikeye|123: They were being saved as odf instead of Microsoft Office format. The read very clear.19:24
malikeye|123don't even have any word docs, lol19:24
Besogonadamramadhan, its called Samba for me19:24
adamramadhanthen ?19:24
adamramadhani havent installed samda19:24
imphasingmalikeye|123: OO reads all the word formats pretty well, last I checked.19:24
soul9can anyone please enlighten me as to how i can boot into read-only mode in the new 10.04 ubuntu?19:24
Besogonadamramadhan, system-config-samba package did you install that?19:24
airtonixadamramadhan, if you just followed what i said before you'd have a folder shared.19:24
malikeye|123I'm worried about the other way arond though imphasing19:25
abhijitsamda = lambda lol19:25
imphasingmalikeye|123: Never had any problems reading .docs created in different word versions in OO myself.19:25
malikeye|123she needs to use the docs at work19:25
JamesWstubbs91Hello, A bit of a problem, I'm working on an iPhone port of Karmic, I've gotten touchscreen up and running but after rotating to landscape I can touch the top part of the screen, anyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool for evdev19:25
manu24531ok so i will present my problem again, i cant seem to install lucid lynx on this pc http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01817215&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&dlc=he&cc=il&lang=he&product=4000370 i tried burning two cds at slowest speeds and then made a usb stick and still i get a black screen with a flashing cursor, i think its a problem with the graphic cards19:25
Besogonadamramadhan, do that19:25
adamramadhanyes but i have to finish my update19:25
JamesWstubbs91Any ideas?19:25
Tux43malikeye|123: There are no issues with imphasing when saved in Doc or Docx format.19:25
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:26
malikeye|123cool, I'll grab my resume and see what it looks like now-a-days in OO... lots of bullets and stuffs19:26
JamesWstubbs91Anyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool for evdev driver19:26
scriptwarlockmanu24531: have you tried to use safe graphic mode during boot?19:26
JamesWstubbs91For an iPhone port19:26
adamramadhanbtw install what again ? i mean apt-get install samda ?19:26
letasadamramadhan use synaptic - it will be easier for u19:27
adamramadhanmen this things just keeps on upupupup downownown, people chat, or maybe i should shutup my self19:27
Besogonadamramadhan, apt-get install system-config-samba19:27
manu24531I have tried using nomodeset, xforcevesa, delete quiet splash and i think the noapic and couple more @ scriptwarlock19:27
scriptwarlockmanu24531: are you running 32 or 64bit19:27
letasyeh I can't even keep up with what I say or it is said to me :(19:27
jon_JackStoner: No luck with the button or the sudo command. Even if I do "sudo shutdown -r 0" It goes to restart but freezes on the shutdown/restart splash screen.19:27
abhijitafter removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:27
manu2453132 bits @scritpwarlock19:28
JamesWstubbs91I'd use evtouch, tslib or mutouch but they don't pick up the iPhone's mutitouch screen, I've been left HAVING to use evdev, does anyone know of a calibration tool for touchscreens?19:28
JamesWstubbs91USing the evdev driver19:28
JackStonerjon_: the command is: sudo shutdown -h +019:28
batshwaaeon-ltd, it says "/usr/bin/mandb: can't read from /var/cache/man/index.db: Input/output error" -- dmesg also said numerous times there were i/o errors19:28
scriptwarlockmanu24531: it seems we have no problem on your specs19:29
JackStoneror change the "-h"  to "-r"19:29
JackStonerfor reboot19:29
batshwaaeon-ltd, and it took him pretty much time again19:29
Besogonadamramadhan, write my when you ready19:29
adamramadhanok bos Besogon:19:30
abhijithello stanley_robertso can you help me?19:30
adamramadhanim still waiting for my updates19:30
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:30
manu24531script: for more info, I have tried installing lucid on another laptop i have (also with an ati radeon card) and i had the same problem, I ended up installing karmic, but I really wanna have lucid, i cant contemplate that there's not a workaround19:30
jon_JackStoner: -h is halt after shutdown though? I put -r because its reboot after shutdown.19:30
abhijitstanley_robertso, after removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:30
LetsGo67How do I get Ubuntu 10.04 running on an iMac G3?  I only get a black screen when I start up!19:30
ShapeShifter499I would like to put getlibs and a "modified" version of wine onto my PPA(as a start) but I have NO CLUE as to what I do first.... what do I do?19:30
JackStonerjon_: yes -h is for halt19:30
aeon-ltdbatshwa: try and rebuild the db via 'sudo mandb'19:30
jon_JackStoner: im trying to restart.19:30
JackStonerwhat happens when u type "sudo reboot" ???19:30
manu24531letsgo: do you get a black screen with a flashing cursor?19:31
jon_JackStoner: nothing invalid parims19:31
batshwaaeon-ltd, will do this now19:31
scriptwarlockmanu24531: of course there is always a work around tried an alternate cd?19:31
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:31
Hammerheadok I give, why is there now NO menu items at the top of the window for gnome-terminal and many other apps, BUT it appears in the task bar ?!?!??!19:31
w3ccvusing the new 10.4 LTS - how do I get 2 "Panels" on the bottom, (none on the top) and a workspace switcher ??19:31
manu24531script: i tried two cds burned at slowest speeds and then someone here told me to use a usb stick and i got the same result19:31
HammerheadYeah, FIle, efit, view, all in the task bar but not on the windows??!?!?!19:32
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:32
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:32
Hammerheadarg 10.04, our friendship is starting out rocky19:32
soul9can anyone please tell me how i boot into read-only rescue mode?19:32
FloodBot1soul9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:32
w3ccvAnd get rid of the dammed Windows 7 look19:32
||arifaXsoul9: use an install cd, boot from it and choose: Recover a broken system19:32
erUSULsoul9: there is no such thing as "read-only rescue mode"; you will have to explain what you want19:32
scriptwarlockmanu24531: the alternate installer19:32
soul9erth64ne1: i did a few hundred lines further19:33
soul9i just want a read-only /19:33
HammerheadIf you reboot there is a failsafe mode....is that what you mean?19:33
soul9which is doable via grub in most distributions19:33
manu24531script: what is the alternate installer ??? :o19:33
jon_JackStoner: No matter what command I use to restart I am freezing on the ubuntu splash screen.19:33
soul9yes but the failsafe mode isn't read-only19:33
scriptwarlockmanu24531: a text based installer19:33
oCean_soul9: hold shift when booting, the rescue mode is in the grub menu. Or is it not mounted readonly then?19:33
HammerheadWhy do you need read only?19:33
erUSULsoul9: grub has a recovery mode option in the menu but it is not " read only "19:33
||arifaXsoul9: then remount it read only19:33
manu24531script: I read about that somehwere, might be my salvation, where can i download it from?19:34
oCean_soul9: mount -o ro / should remount it19:34
Hammerheadboot from a cd and mount the drives manually19:34
soul9you can't because by that time there is a bunch of programs that are using /19:34
scriptwarlockmanu24531: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download19:34
soul9no, it doesn't19:34
JackStonerjon_: go to /etc/default/ and edit the file "grub" with sudo and any text editor19:34
manu24531Script: thanks dude, i will try and report back19:34
JackStonerjon_: in the line with "quiet splash" ....remove that line and do sudo update-grub19:35
JackStonerjon_: dont forget to backup that file first :)19:35
HammerheadThe xchat menu is appearing in the tack bar?!??!19:35
JackStonerthen try and do a reboot19:35
HammerheadNo one has seen this?19:35
soul9man o man bye ewbantew19:35
stanley_robertsohi all19:35
abhijitstanley_robertso, hello19:35
stanley_robertsoiam back19:35
Roasted_I just booted up, and anything I click on is as if Im holding down the left mouse button.19:35
abhijitstanley_robertso, after removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:35
malikeye|123looks like open office does read MS docs pretty much identically19:35
stanley_robertsohi abhijit19:35
batshwaaeon-ltd, now it says "gdbm fatal: read error"19:35
abhijitstanley_robertso, i pasted my msg above. see ^^^19:36
JamesWstubbs91Anyone know of a tool to calibrate touchscreens using the evdev driver, need it for a iphone port19:36
imphasingmalikeye|123: Yeah, I've been using it and interopping with Word users here at work, and I haven't seen any problems.19:36
imphasingYou should be good.19:36
stanley_robertsoabhijit, can u paste it in my PM ?19:36
Roasted_nevermind, it was wireless mouse19:36
abhijitstanley_robertso, after removing kde i followed istruction here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome then i started to get pgadmin3 and coldeltie relocation error. all details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239119:36
abhijitstanley_robertso, can you read that now?19:36
stanley_robertsoyes abhijit .. reading it19:37
malikeye|123imphasing, Tux43 thanks for the info19:37
aeon-ltdbatshwa: what applications did you install prior to this problem?19:37
batshwaaeon-ltd, i can't recall, nothing of importance as far as i remember...19:37
batshwaaeon-ltd, it was the upgrade process from 9.10 to 10.04 i think19:38
guitar-maniacHey! Am i missing some codecs cause Avidemux dont play any sounds after saving the file? And it also won't chance the format,just says that failed when i try to run the job19:38
jon_JackStoner: Remove the whole line or just the "quiet splash" bit19:38
aeon-ltdbatshwa: so far i've found that autopackage causes problems like this19:38
Tux43malikeye|123: It works?19:38
batshwaaeon-ltd, should i remove this package?19:38
JackStonerjon_: just the part....and please backup the file before u do so19:38
malikeye|123Tux43, just in general, thanks :) it opens docs fine... just need to see how it saves them19:38
JackStonerjon_: after you make changes run: sudo update-grub19:39
abhijit_pg_, are you UberTaco?19:39
aeon-ltdbatshwa: no apparantly its fixed with just the command "export MANPATH="19:39
malikeye|123I think she is just doing straight text... like a couple paragraphs per doc, so she should be ok I think19:39
jon_JackStoner: leave quotes or no?19:39
batshwaaeon-ltd, is "autopackage" a package?19:39
_pg_abhijit: i dont think so?19:39
abhijit_pg_, ok. leave it.19:39
batshwaaeon-ltd, should i give it a try?19:39
aeon-ltdbatshwa: yes19:39
aeon-ltdbatshwa: the command? yes19:39
JackStonerjon_: leave the quotes19:39
batshwaaeon-ltd, all right, will do it now19:40
dragenov1how could I active my  western digital  digital meter on ubuntu???????????????19:40
abhijitstanley_robertso, any solution?19:40
stanley_robertsoabhijit, no .. iam just thinking and planning to reproduce the scenario19:40
batshwaaeon-ltd, done, will try to install now a new package and see whether the "processing man triggers"-phase produces an error19:40
jon_JackStoner: Ok, Made a backup of the grub file, edited the original, then ran sudo update-grub. Thats it?19:40
abhijitstanley_robertso, reproduce? DONT. it will destroy your system.19:41
aeon-ltdbatshwa: ok19:41
stanley_robertsoabhijit, dont worry :) ... iam using my ubuntu on VMware .. so no problem :)19:41
JackStonerjon_: try sudo reboot now if it doesnt work...force a restart (cut power) login then try sudo reboot19:41
Tux43malikeye|123: you have to go to tools options load\save general then change odf to Microsoft Windows 200719:41
abhijitstanley_robertso, ok19:41
malikeye|123it lets me save as that document type though... I'll check that option19:42
stanley_robertsoabhijit, you tried it on Lucid ?19:42
abhijitstanley_robertso, yes.19:42
malikeye|123ahh, that's for the default save, I gotcha19:42
jon_JackStoner: It still froze, but this time two of the dots on the splash screen lit up, then it froze.19:44
jmazaredois there a way to use g729 codec on ubuntu workstation?19:44
dragenov1how could I active my  western digital  digital meter on ubuntu?????????????19:45
JackStonerjon_: no error message?? did u shutdown and tried to reboot??19:45
jon_no should I try reboot again19:45
mori64where is "/dev/usb/" ?19:45
blekoshello, could you tell me how I can check and SD for problems?19:45
batshwaaeon-ltd, same error as before: /usr/bin/mandb: can't read from /var/cache/man/index.db: Input/output error19:46
batshwaaeon-ltd, this seems to be a pretty hard case19:47
scriptwarlockdragenov1: what is western digital digital meter?19:47
JackStonerjon_: any luck??19:47
cognitiaclaevesOn Lucid, I currently need to specify complete.domain.name in order to resolve foo.complete.domain.name .  Is there a way to configure the network so that it tries complete.domain.name when it can't find foo by itself?19:48
jon_JackStoner: sorry I seen what you meant. I retried sudo reboot after the initial power cut. No splash this time (ofcourse) it ran through normal reboot type things and then finally it said Restarting system and just sat there and froze.19:48
jon_JackStoner: so it's still freezing.19:48
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JackStonerjon_: :( sorry im out of ideas...for now19:49
JackStonerjon_: did u always have this problem with old versions?19:49
jon_JackStoner: nope.19:49
AxzGuys i need a tool that could convert mkv files to VOS (dvd)19:49
JackStonerjon_: try running a live cd and do a reboot to see how it would work19:50
JackStonerjon_: was the installation smooth??19:50
ZykoticK9Axz, VOB you mean?  check out if devede can do what you want (make a DVD video disk).19:50
AxzVOB sorry19:50
AxzZykoticK9, its a movie from my webcam hd (familie related) and want to convert it to DVD disk19:51
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jon_JackStoner: Come to think I remember when the install said it finished and it asked me to reboot out of the live cd and I pressed OK and it did what its doing now. So it was doing it on the livecd aswell.19:51
headkase314Axz: devede does make DVD's so that is something to check like ZykoticK9 said, it's just whether or not it accepts MKV as an input19:51
xanguaAxz: have you tried Ariste¿¿ is in software center19:51
ZykoticK9Axz, devede is probably your easiest/best bet.  good luck.19:51
scriptwarlockAxz: can miksoft do the trick?19:51
scribawffirefox 3.6 refuses to start on ubuntu10.04 what's my problem?19:51
aeon-ltdbatshwa: running dry of ideas, try reinstalling autopackage if you have it installed19:51
batshwaaeon-ltd, i could not find it in synaptic before, when you first mentioned it19:52
letasscribawf do u have any details19:52
xanguascribawf: more delails would help19:52
JackStonerjon_: then i think this issue might be related to the version u installed19:52
batshwaaeon-ltd, let me try again19:52
Axzscriptwarlock, xangua and ZykoticK9 got any urls?19:52
AxzOr is it in application manager?19:52
ZykoticK9Axz, "sudo apt-get install devede" or use Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center19:52
scriptwarlockAxz: http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm19:52
batshwaaeon-ltd, no, i can't find it using synaptic19:52
scribawfthe install (Clean) ubuntu 10.04 on an acer aspire - all the other browsers (seamonkey run just fine)19:53
brontoeeeAxz, maybe handbrake19:53
batshwaaeon-ltd, does that imply i do not have that package installed on my system?19:53
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: Have you tried adding search domains to /etc/resolv.conf ?19:53
jon_JackStoner: its an acpi issue from what I read online. It says if your able to see the message "system will reboot now" but it hangs there without further error then its acpi19:53
aeon-ltdbatshwa: yes it does,19:53
Axzthanks ZykoticK9 will try that it convert movies files?19:53
mrCould anyone here help me with a smalllll problem19:53
tibbeAnyone has NVIDIA NVS 3100m working on Lucid?19:53
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Nope.  Didn't even know what terminology I was looking for.19:54
batshwaaeon-ltd, sounds bad...19:54
mrIts to do with Ubuntu Wireless, and its driving me mental19:54
JackStonerjon_: is there ways to fix it? coz im clueless with acpi :P19:54
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: I'll give that a shot now.19:54
headkase314!ask | mr19:54
ZykoticK9Axz, video files to DVD videos ;)19:54
ubottumr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:54
scribawfletas, xangua ; original clean install on Acer of Ubuntu 10.04 w/bundled pkg of firefox 3,6 (I think?)19:54
mrAhh ok ubottu, cheers mate19:54
jon_JackStoner: not sure reading up on it now19:54
headkase314mr: ubottu is a bot ;)19:54
mr..I knew that19:54
AxzZykoticK9, also MKV?19:54
ZykoticK9Axz, not "sure", it "should"19:55
sandkingdoes anyone run netbook  remix on 1001p?19:55
batshwaaeon-ltd, well that means i am going to format the whole disc and reinstall ubuntu, maybe install a minimal system as described on help.ubuntu.com19:55
sandkingeee i meant19:55
sandkingi found this for wifi http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/linville/wireless-next-2.6.git;a=commit;h=5ffaf8a361b4c9025963959a744f21d8173c7669 but i don't know how to use it19:55
sandkingto get wifi working19:55
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mrAnyway, the problem is, I am using a dell Wireless 10, ubuntu working with the dell, no problem. The thing is, I got the ubuntu so it picks up wireless signals, but It wont connect to them if its using a WPA/WPA2 key. I looked on the forums but there is no solutions, anyone help me please?19:55
jon_JackStoner: Yep there is an easy fix. It says to add reboot=b to /boot/grub/menu.lst file then it will pass it to the bios to reboot completely skipping what ever is acting retarded acpi wise.19:56
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: so on my /etc/resolv.conf it starts with "search heroes.local", so when I ping spiderman, it actually attempts to ping spiderman.heroes.local19:56
aeon-ltdbatshwa: wait, remind me what happens when you try to reinstall mandb?19:56
JackStonerjon_: well...hope it works...and if u want your splash screen back...replace the /etc/default/grub file with the backup and do a sudo upgrade-grub19:57
batshwaaeon-ltd, nothing, it just hangs when processing some triggers, as far as i remember19:57
Guest89532How can I get my neigbors wifi?19:57
batshwaaeon-ltd, the usual procedure19:57
jon_JackStoner: btw where are the acpi bios settings located?19:57
batshwaaeon-ltd, as with any package i have installed so far19:57
letasscribawf try this on a terminal if you can firefox --profilemanager and create a new profile and try starting it19:57
headkase314Guest89532: That would very likely be illegal unless you have an agreement with your neighbor.19:57
scriptwarlockGuest89532: if it is free then you can get it freely dont ask to hack19:57
scribawfletas;  OK thank you, it's firefox 3.5,btw19:58
mrAnyone at all help me please?19:58
Guest89532Oh ok19:58
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Ok.  So that .local terminology is useless.  So I guess I comment out the .local lines and use the actual domain here.... but I see something like: search heroes.local heroes ... what is the ' heroes' for, or is does that just mean that spiderman.heroes will resolve the same as spiderman.heros.local ?19:58
aeon-ltdbatshwa: before you reinstall completely, do you know how to build packages?19:59
batshwaaeon-ltd, from source? i don't think so.  i just know how to use make...19:59
mrErmm, could anyone help me at all with my problem or..?19:59
FidelixHey guys, can you please help me setting a VNC server on my vps via ssh?19:59
mris it just one of those things19:59
headkase314mr: So your "Dell Wireless 10" has it's driver installed and you just need help connecting to WPA/WPA2 networks?  There is configuration to be done on your computer AND possibly configuration to do on that wireless access point it is connecting to.  I don't have many answers other than trying to set up the access point using different settings perhaps?  That may make is easier for your Dell to connect to it.19:59
scriptwarlockmr: should be no problem connecting it with wep?20:00
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Do I need to restart anything for the new resolutions?20:00
aeon-ltdbatshwa: good, does ./configure make make install sound familiar?20:00
batshwaaeon-ltd, yes it does20:00
mrScript, I can only try with WEP220:00
letasscribawf it is ok - that works with every version of firefox (I think) - also try checking the logs and if there is another instance of firefox running20:00
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: no, it normally works immediately20:00
mrAnd headkase I am not sure how I would do that20:00
aeon-ltdbatshwa: you could try building mandb(rather than reinstall through apt) and see if it helps20:00
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Also, it says "generated by network manager" ... do I need to configure this in network manager so that it isn't overwritten?20:01
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: heroes.local was my example. The example on the ubuntu documentation shows "search example.com sales.example.com dev.example.com20:01
scribawfletas;  ok just about to create my profile, and yes it does work for this version of firefox 3.6, tu again20:01
scriptwarlockmr: you have proper password on it?20:01
batshwaaeon-ltd, i will give it a try later. unfortunately i have to go this instant.  are you frequently in this chat room?  because we could make some arrangement as to when you're there20:01
ZykoticK9mr what is the output of "lspci | grep Wireless" in a terminal, notice the CaPiTaL W.  if that fails exchange Wireless for Ethernet.20:01
mrYeah script20:01
mrI checked it a good 5 times20:01
maxwave3yes, sorry I am on Ubuntu server, you must do this via network manager for it to stick20:02
||arifaXI have an acer 1810t - everything works wonderful but I want to have more speaker volume. there must be more output. any ideas its an intel 82801I audio controller20:02
Guest89532I can connect to it but the wifi keeps not letting me go onto Internet and stuff20:02
mrIt picks up the wireless signal, but WILL NOT connect to it.20:02
tsziklayis there a way to see what process is running on a specific port number so that I know which process to kill?20:02
aeon-ltdbatshwa: i'm here usually around the day (in gmt)20:02
headkase314mr: I'm not sure either - usually there is a web-interface you can connect to to let you control your router settings.  It is different for each one - do you have a manual that came with the wireless router?20:02
erUSULtsziklay: sudo lsof -i :port20:02
Guest89532No it connects but I cant use it20:02
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: ok.  Stupid question -- where is network manager?20:02
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves:  yes, sorry I am on Ubuntu server, you must do this via20:02
maxwave3                     network manager for it to stick20:02
tsziklayerUSUL: port = the port number in question right?20:03
mrHeadkase, when I installed it it gave me no options to use with the wireless unfortunatly20:03
blitzowith upstart how do i configure what starts and what doesn't?20:03
batshwaaeon-ltd, all right, i will come back later today. if you're not there, we'll talk again tomorrow, all right?20:03
erUSULtsziklay: correct20:03
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: upper right-hand in gnome20:03
tsziklayok thank you20:03
aeon-ltdbatshwa: ok20:03
mrSorry mate20:03
xanguaGuest89532: then pay your own service20:03
batshwaaeon-ltd, thanks a lot for your help!20:03
scribawfletas;  wanted to tell you,  that made it work ok, must have the original default profile corrupted or something thanks again, appreciate your help20:03
scriptwarlockGuest89532: is this ubuntu you are using?20:03
Kingsyhas anyone in here ever install tightvnc on ubuntu? there is a unix version20:03
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: my shows two arrows up and done20:03
aeon-ltdbatshwa: bye20:03
Kingsybut its just source files.. I have no idea what I am doin20:03
Guest89532Yeah it should work but it doesn't ... Maybe its because me serial number is really wired20:03
blitzowith upstart how do i configure what starts at boot and what doesn't?20:04
erUSULKingsy: what's wrong with the vnc provided in repositories ?20:04
imphasingKingsy: Did you check synaptic for tightvnc?20:04
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Ok.  That's what I thought it was.  Not sure where to configure that in there... Maybe I'll look for the default.20:04
erUSULblitzo: check /etc/init/ directory20:04
ZykoticK9blitzo, using disabling GDM from starting as an example "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled"20:04
carlosgaldinoHi, I wanna know where is located the sound config file. My computer makes a sound like a crack when it's start the sound so I wanna check that file. Does someone know where is it located?20:05
Guest89532xangua: Haha I do now and it works but it still confuzes me20:05
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: right-click > Edit Connections > Highlight your network card > Choose Editt.. > IPv4 Settings > Search domains20:05
mrUbuntu is prettttyyyy hard to use T.T20:05
JackStonerjon_: any luck?20:06
imphasingmr: Try gentoo ;)20:06
blitzozykeo erUSUL are you telling me i have to manually read each and every script - and if i don't want it to run do i have to delete it from that directory?  if that's a replacement for run levels it's stillborn20:06
Kingsyimphasing - no, i didnt realise it was there20:06
aeon-ltdmr: not really. for basic use anyway20:06
headkase314mr: usually in a WIRED connection to get your router you would put: or to get to it's web interface.  However you will most likely need a username and password from there - that is what you need the routers manual for.  Once you can get into the routers settings then you can try the different modes of securing your wireless network.  What we should try first - and depending20:06
headkase314 on others here, not me - is try to configure your computer first to access the router.  Since you have not configured the router you probably don't have a password to put into your computer if it's wireless is secured.  So you need to get into your router to set its options and password to then put into your computer.  Like I said, someone else will likely have to help you with it - I'm not good with wireless.20:06
sandkinganyone knows what can i do with this to use in my UNR http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/linville/wireless-next-2.6.git;a=commit;h=5ffaf8a361b4c9025963959a744f21d8173c7669 ?20:06
sandkingi really need wifi :]20:06
KingsyerUSUL - I cant use it .. the machine I am connecting to has tightvnc installed20:06
erUSULblitzo: well deleting it is not a gfood idea but basically yes20:06
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: That's good up until "search domains" , which is grayed out...20:06
scriptwarlockmr: i dont think we have problem on connecting with wep and wpa on ubuntu wiht a proper passkey onit20:07
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Spikeshey ubuntu. anyone installed 10.04 on hp mini 311?20:07
mrAccordingly it is a problem with the Dell, but nobody can fgure out how to fix it, thats why I am here...20:07
blitzoerUSUL, there is no configuration utility???  there is a chkconfig a la fedora but it only works with run levels.  so are we using run levels or not?20:07
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Oh, I have to specify "Auto (DHCP) addresses only" ?  Will that pick up DNS?20:07
mrAnd headkase, I have a working password, and am using win 7 with wireless connection to type this20:07
xangua!anyone > Spikes20:07
ubottuSpikes, please see my private message20:07
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: bummer, you are using DHCP, i didn't think of that. This means your search domain is being provided by your DHCP server. If you are at home, this is probably your router.20:07
shane2perudoes anyone know if chromium browser is really 64bit?  I heard that FF was going to be 64bit in version 4, thoughts?20:07
ZykoticK9!runlevels > blitzo20:08
ubottublitzo, please see my private message20:08
FidelixPlease guys, help me with this. I need to set a VNC server through SSH on my VPS server.20:08
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa20:08
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: It's not being specified automatically, because nothing here would specify .local, to my knowledge.20:08
Spikesok. no sound after fresh install + updates install20:08
headkase314mr: having the password is good, in addition if you can get into your router you may be able to set a different security mode - one that will work with 7 and Ubuntu.20:08
kpshi i have just read the book "Linux Kernel in a NUTSHELL" and i intend to build my own kernel, is there something i should know that is specific to ubuntu kernels ?20:08
ZykoticK9blitzo, no runlevel is ubuntu "really".  I just don't think tools have been written yet which deal with Upstart yet - it's all pretty manual at this point.20:08
erUSULblitzo: not all services have been ported over to upstart so some things are still using /etc/init.d/20:09
erUSULblitzo: upstart has a comp mode to handle them20:09
scriptwarlockmr: pastebin your specs see if we have work around or something20:09
blitzoerUSUL, what is a "comp mode"20:09
mrScript, by specs you mee wireless card and everything20:09
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: sorry, .local is what I use at home. Don't refer to that anymore. So, do you have access to the DHCP server, if at home it would be your router20:09
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Nope, not at home.20:10
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: I'm pretty sure that .local is not being provided, though.  The os is taking what is and appending .local to it.20:10
erUSULblitzo: a mode compatible with  SySV init scripts ( the ones used till now )20:10
kpshi i have just read the book "Linux Kernel in a NUTSHELL" and i intend to build my own kernel, is there something i should know that is specific to ubuntu kernels ?20:10
mrAnd head, I can try to access the router controls, but its insralled to another computer thats downstairs and we never use so it would take me a while20:10
erUSULblitzo: there is a #upstart channel20:10
paolo hi. when I launch timidity (sudo /etc/init.d/timidity restart) I obtain this error:   ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1010:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave20:10
paolo[21:08] <paolo> what can I do?20:10
Guest89532What's a dhcp server do20:10
paolo(on 10.04)20:10
headkase314mr: it is easier to keep track of you if you type a persons full name. Script will not hilight scriptwarlock's chat line from you.  Saying "scriptwarlock" will.20:11
DrDamnitlspci sees my wireless nic. iwconfig sees wlan0, but I cannot get connected to any networks. How do I fix this?20:11
scriptwarlockmr: you said its a dell so we cat have much info only just naming a dell could be laptop or dekstop20:11
ZykoticK9!kernel | kps20:11
ubottukps: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:11
carlosgaldinoMy computer emits a sound like a crack when Ubuntu is started. Does someone know why and how to disable this?20:11
kpsthanks ubottu20:11
kpswill try out the links u just showed20:11
blitzomr i am new to this convo, tell me what you are trying to accomplish20:11
Guest89532I think its because your wireless is messed up20:12
mrblitzo, i am trying to get wireless to work with a dell mini 10, because it picks signals up but will not connect to those signals20:12
mrand let me get the stats for you on the computer20:12
blitzomr when you say "it picks up", which "it" are you talking about?  please be explicit20:12
mrDell mini 10 using Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card and Broadcom b43 wireless driver20:12
mrBlito it picks wireless signals up but will not connect to those wirleess signals20:13
ZykoticK9mr what is the output of "lspci | grep Wireless" in a terminal, notice the CaPiTaL W.  if that fails exchange Wireless for Ethernet. (second/final time asking)20:13
scriptwarlockmr: there you go we have infos now20:13
Guest89532That's cause the signal is iether not sting enough or interrupted that's my guess20:13
blitzomr how do you lnow your ubuntu is picking up signals20:13
octetwhats with evolution ? i delete some emails the when i check for new mail the deleted ones apears again20:13
mrZyko I will need to start ubuntu up, as I have no wired connection optionnat the moment, sorry20:13
mrSo its not really possable just get20:13
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: I'm trying to think how you can override the list of search domains. If you are at work, you would have to have IT give you a static IP address that will not change. You can manually edit /etc/resolv.conf but Network-Manager will overwrite every time you reboot or edit from Network manager20:13
ZykoticK9mr sorry i see it.20:13
blitzooctet it does that :(20:13
ZykoticK9!tab > mr20:14
ubottumr, please see my private message20:14
mrBLitzo they show up in the "Wireless connection managers"20:14
imphasingoctet: Probably not deleting from server.20:14
imphasingoctet: I would guess there's an option for that.20:14
octetso any chance to make it delete from server?20:14
octetwhere is the option ?20:14
imphasingoctet: Google would probably be a friend for you here ;)20:14
blitzomr and what happens when you select the ssid?20:14
imphasingI don't use Evolution myself.20:14
mrIt keeps trying to connect, in a loop, but fails20:14
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: That's not going to work.  It will be too much of a PITA to request a static IP.20:14
mrI entered it manually and it still did not work.20:14
durbleSo I was torrenting a couple things when Ubuntu tells me I'm running out of space.  This can't be right, so I open disc usage analyzer and it tells me I have used 57/80GB.  A scan of the file system adds up to ~8gb, and even hovering over the "/" core in the ring chart says only 8gb.  of course disc usage analyzer still says im using 60gb at the top...20:15
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: I'd sooner run a script to modify the /etc/resolv.conf on bootup.20:15
DrDamnitlspci sees my wireless nic. iwconfig sees wlan0, but I cannot get connected to any networks. How do I fix this?20:15
brontoeeemr hopefully you are talking about your wireless network and not the one from you neigbours ?20:15
octetcrap, why does they made evolution as default  ? thunderbird still better, but i cant integrate it with indicator applet20:15
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: are there many computer names that you are trying to access? If not, you can add them to your /etc/hosts  file20:15
mrYes my wireless network20:15
RealOptyos[Linux 2.6.32-24-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[1 x AMD Sempron(tm) Processor LE-1250 (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.21GHz] mem[Physical: 3.0GB, 79.6% free] disk[Total: 915.9GB, 92.5% free] video[nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 220]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]20:15
durbleSo, why is the filesystem saying I have used more space then I actually have?  How can I fix this?20:15
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: It's not the "right" solution, though -- the domain search is a static value.  There should be a way to configure it so that it doesn't trump DHCP.20:16
=== _NG is now known as _ng
xanguaoctet: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/how-to-add-thunderbird-to-messaging.html20:16
headkase314!ru |milen820420:16
ubottumilen8204: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:16
scriptwarlockmr: does it asks a password when you connects?20:16
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Yes.  And more being added all the time.20:16
mrYes script20:16
mrI enter it in 100% correctly as well20:17
durbleSo I was torrenting a couple things when Ubuntu tells me I'm running out of space.  This can't be right, so I open disc usage analyzer and it tells me I have used 57/80GB.  A scan of the file system adds up to ~8gb, and even hovering over the "/" core in the ring chart says only 8gb.  of course disc usage analyzer still says im using 60gb at the top...20:17
scribawffirefox 3.6 not starting in ubuntu 10.04, what's my problem?20:17
blitzomr spell out the person's full name when you reply.  on some irc clients you can do that by typing the first couple letters and press <tab>20:17
milen8204ubottu, я Булгарски20:17
mrAhh ok blitzo20:17
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: I think .local has something to do with something called 'zeroconfig' ... which is just a stupid name for it, because I've seen it cause configuration issues all over the place... I was hoping that Lucid had addressed the issue and had an easy fix.20:18
blitzomr, so it is asking for a passowrd, you type it in, and never connect?20:18
mrNo it goes into a loop where it keeps trying to connect20:18
ZykoticK9mr be sure you have looked through https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/83850 the "answer" was to use wicd as a network manager (something i don't personally know anything about)20:18
kpswhat is the best book for kernel beginners that teaches how a linux kernel works ?20:18
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:19
bastid_raZorubottu: tell kps about kernel20:19
ubottukps, please see my private message20:19
MaT-dgDoes anyone have the .so file for 64bit flash?20:19
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: no, seriously, my domain (windows domain) in my home office is heroes.local. :-) My computers are named after superheroes. :-)20:19
durbleSo, why is the filesystem saying I have used more space then I actually have?  How can I fix this?20:19
ZykoticK9MaT-dg, using 64bit flash opens you to a serious security hole FYI20:19
scriptwarlockmr: but on wep it connects?20:19
mrWithout a wireless password it connects fine20:19
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Ok... so why did you choose .local?20:19
mrIf there is no security20:19
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MaT-dgZykoticK9: I know, but it's the only version that works without problems20:20
brontoeeedurble, try sudo find / -type f -size +100000k20:20
duffyMaT-dg, if you are aware of the security flaw.. https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash20:20
blitzowho can tell me how to send a file to pastebin?20:20
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brontoeeedurble, i had a case of borken trashcan once20:20
blitzomr i need to see something from a system log but i don't know how to get it20:20
mrWhat do you need?20:20
headkase314!pastebin ?20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
bastid_raZorblitzo: install pastebinit  then in a terminal type: pastebinit /path/to/file20:21
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: I can manage DNS without worrying that a computer may resolve an address with a real public domain. For example, if I used heroes.com a node on the network may actually try to resolve a public IP address20:21
jim2From sources.list: "## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED"   What does N.B. mean?20:21
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: Ok.  Maybe that's just a standard networking practice, then.20:22
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: I have to go for a bit, be back later20:22
blitzomr go to command line and type "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"20:22
headkase314mr, are you booted into Windows 7 or Ubuntu 10.04 at the moment?20:22
blitzobastid_raZor, does patebinit return a url?20:23
jim2Isn't aptitude supposed to be favored over apt-get for a long time now?  I only ask because I almost never see anyone use it besides me.20:23
bastid_raZorblitzo: yes.20:23
mrBlitzo, its going to take me 10 mins to go to ubuntu and do that, copy the results and come back20:23
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blitzomr hang on20:23
mrIs there any other way I can get them without closing down windows mate20:23
durblebrontoeee: Did it.  A bunch of ecryptfs files came up as well as a movie or two.20:23
blitzomr private chat20:23
sweetpi!pm | blitzo, mr20:24
SubCoolCould someone help me? my Ubuntu headless box refuses VNC clients.. its a fresh install of ubuntu, so i dont belive there is a firewall?20:24
ubottublitzo, mr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:24
blitzosweetpi i do not know how to start a pm in xchat20:24
mrclick on my name20:24
jim2SubCool: nmap the port locally first; if open, nmap it from an outside box; if still open, the problem lies in the application.20:24
ironfoot495HI is thre someone who can help me to correct some mistakes while install postfix??20:24
oCean_blitzo: right click the nick, choose open dialog window20:24
sweetpiblitzo: the point was to not pm20:24
oCean_sweetpi: if both agree, it's not a problem at all20:24
jim2ironfoot495: perhaps, but #postfix is better20:25
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mrblitzo I sent you a pm20:25
ZykoticK9jim2, did you get an answer about "N.B."?20:25
jon_JackStoner: Hey got it working. Just thought id let you know I fixed it by adding "noacpi" to grub file then updating it. Thanks for your help though. You pointed me in the right direction.20:25
sweetpioCean_: yes, I wasnt saying it was. just letting them know that others might benefit from the conversation20:25
jim2ZykoticK9: negative20:25
ironfoot495jim2: I've install postfix but i get thios erro and I was hoping you could help me solve problems!20:26
jim2ironfoot495: at this rate, probably not20:26
oCean_jim2: nb = nota bene, see http://vdict.com/nota%20bene,7,0,0.html20:26
ironfoot495ok here is the problem ->atal: /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 82: field "wakeup_time": bad value: "--"20:27
JackStonerjon_: no probs...20:27
jim2oCean_: I see.  I prefer "Note: " heh20:28
ZykoticK9oCean_, IdleOne thanks guys20:28
SubCooljim2, wow- how do i use that?20:28
RayzrShrpanybody tell me why after removing mysql i get this error when typing man mysql: man: can't resolve /usr/share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz: No such file or directory20:28
jim2SubCool: nmap localhost -p1234 # check port 1234 for tcp20:28
RayzrShrpdo i need to some how have man reindex its database or something?20:28
jim2SubCool: if that works, vnc is listening at least.20:28
ResQueI have created a gimp image, but the page size is to small, and now i will to incresse the size so i can fit more on, how can i do this with out starting again20:29
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  the 'alternatives' system has not removed the  link to the manpage perhaps.20:29
RayzrShrpDr_Willis: is there a way to resolve this?20:29
SubCooljim2, PORT     STATE  SERVICE20:29
SubCool1234/tcp closed hotline20:29
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  proberly. but why is it really an issue. theres proberly a link in /etc/alternatives tahts wrong20:29
ResQuei dont need to resize the image, just the document size20:29
sweetpiResQue: Image > Canvas size iirc20:29
jim2SubCool: scan the port in question, not 1234.20:29
brontoeeeResQue, in photoshop that is called 'canvas size'20:30
ResQueyes canvas thats the word i am looking for20:30
RayzrShrpDr_Willis: im just anal. i dont like how when i remove something it leaves broken stuff behind20:30
siteswapperHow can I install the latest version of empathy via synaptic?20:30
ResQuei want to increase the size of the canvas20:30
jim2RayzrShrp: there is a mysql-doc package, try that20:30
RayzrShrpjim2: try what? i removed mysql20:30
ResQuei can probable google it now i just couldnt think how to word it :-D20:30
jim2RayzrShrp: I thought you want to view `man mysql`20:30
wedwoResque, Image Canvass size20:31
SubCooljim2 says its closed20:31
brontoeeeResQue, same in gimp, just checked20:31
jim2SubCool: then your vnc server isn't listening, so not a firewall issue.20:31
RayzrShrpjim2: no i removed mysql and instead of the no man page error i get some unable to resolve message20:31
ResQuebrontoeee: thanks i am such a pleb sometimes :-D20:31
scriptwarlocksiteswapper: why isnt empathy updated on lucid?20:31
ResQuei went through every menu, clearly not very well20:31
jim2RayzrShrp: ah, gotcha now.  how did you remove mysql?20:31
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RayzrShrpjim2: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql20:31
jim2RayzrShrp: looks good, dunno.20:32
jim2RayzrShrp: dpkg --get-selections | grep mysql # Any stragglers?20:32
RayzrShrpi also get this for apache2: man: can't resolve /usr/share/man/man8/apache2.8.gz: No such file or directory20:32
RayzrShrpNo manual entry for apache220:32
jim2RayzrShrp: kinda sounds normal but more verbose than usual.20:32
jim2Could just be a setting20:32
RayzrShrpjim2: yeah libmysqlclient16, mysql-commin and mysql-server-5.120:33
jim2what does `man kjsdsdhfkjjhsdh` give?20:33
RayzrShrpjim2: all flagged as deinstall20:33
manu24531ok i present my problem yet once more, i am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on this pc http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01817215&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&dlc=he&cc=il&lang=he&product=4000370 i tried burning two cd's at slowest speed, use the normal and alternative installations through a usb stick and all i get after pressing install ubuntu is a blank screen with a cursor blinking20:33
blitzook mr is going to connect his ubuntu to the router with an ethernet cable then we can have a look at his syslog20:33
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  look in /etc/alternatives20:33
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RayzrShrpjim2: yeah thats what i figured20:34
dragenov1Gentlemen.    I Just want to active my digital meter on My Book Elite http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=754 could U tell me how?20:34
RayzrShrpDr_Willis: ok what am i looking for20:34
oCean_RayzrShrp: there are some bugs in launchpad that refer to bug in mandb. This one for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/man-db/+bug/411520 says re-creating the mandb (mandb -c) solves the problem20:34
wedwomanu24531, did you use a CDRW or CDR?20:34
siteswapperscriptwarlock: The latest version of empathy in synaptic under lucid is 2.30.2, but there is a version 2.31 around.20:34
jim2RayzrShrp: if `man ksjdsdhfkjjhshdkfjjh` gives similar output, I think everything's fine, just verbose for some reason.20:34
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp: it has links to teh manopages and so forth. thats how the 'alternative' system works.20:34
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  those links are proberly bad now.20:34
mono_i declare mind-insolvency by myself :)  whatever the 'mysterious task' is/ was - anybody can take over. Simply spread that.... I go for a new mindset :)20:34
manu24531wedwo i used one cdr and one cdrw and also i used a usb stick20:34
RayzrShrpDr_Willis: i dont see any links for mysql at all in there20:35
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  the file  /etc/alternative/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz20:35
jim2manu24531: anything notable in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?  Sounds simply like you don't have usable video hardware without installing some drivers.20:35
wedwomanu24531, should work with the CD-R20:35
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  is a link to the default terminal manpage. its possible removing the packages dident remove the links20:35
scriptwarlocksiteswapper: see the empathy ppa20:35
MaT-dgduffy: thx, it works :)20:35
SubCooljim2, ok- that answers that right? thanks.. ok. so- then why the heck would my server not be listening? thats stupid20:36
RayzrShrpDr_Willis: this is for mysql not terminal20:36
jim2manu24531: sorry didn't read your question right.20:36
siteswapperscriptwarlock: What does that mean?20:36
duffyMaT-dg, just be careful where you point it...20:36
manu24531Well it didnt work with anything, all i can get to is the first screen of the livecd and anything i choose from there goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor20:36
jim2SubCool: maybe it's not running20:36
Dr_WillisRayzrShrp:  the idea is the same...20:36
cjaehoe do I put a newer version of k3b on my system20:36
scriptwarlocksiteswapper: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ppa20:36
oCean_RayzrShrp: Dr_Willis see my previous reply. Bug in mandb. Rebuild it20:36
RayzrShrpoCean_: i tried rebuilding it20:36
Dr_WillisoCean_:  ok. if you say so. :)  some cache/database outdated eh?20:36
SubCooljim2 should be, i have a script to make it run at boot20:37
RayzrShrpoCean_: hmm seems to be doing something20:37
oCean_Dr_Willis: several bugs in launchpad (with this output) refer to bug(s) in mandb20:37
RayzrShrpoCean_: that seems to have done it20:37
manu24531it happened before with another laptop which common denominator is the ati radeon card, i had to install karmic there, but i really wanna have lucid this time, i dont contemplate not being able to do anything to fix this20:37
scriptwarlocksiteswapper: whats new with empathy? i think oyu are refering for maverick?20:37
oCean_RayzrShrp: should now say 'no manual entry for ...'20:38
SubCooljim2 would it be a service?20:38
jim2SubCool: well, check if it is20:38
wedwomanu24531, hit F4 while loading to get alternate boot options20:38
scriptwarlockmanu24531: no luck on text base installer?20:38
RayzrShrpoCean_: yeah it does, nice20:38
manu24531no luck on the text installer, i tried it and same results20:38
oCean_RayzrShrp: cheers! now, have to go...20:38
siteswapperscriptwarlock: PPA is short for something, isn't it?  What does it mean?20:38
RayzrShrpoCean_: there are some messages about dangling manpages20:38
ZykoticK9!ppa | siteswapper20:39
ubottusiteswapper: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.20:39
scriptwarlock!ppa | siteswapper20:39
blendmaster1024!ppa | siteswapper20:39
=== cellofellow is now known as celoflw
=== celoflw is now known as cellofellow
FloodBot1kps: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
scriptwarlockmanu24531: is your machine 32 or 64bit20:41
manu2453132 bits20:41
kpsi was typing somewhere else20:41
scriptwarlockmanu24531: and the installer you use a 64bit?20:41
manu24531its 32 bits20:41
kpsgot typed in the irc window by mistake20:41
Jorophoseis it just me or is visualboyadvance broken in ubuntu? i couldn't get it to show video output in either 9.10 or 10.04...20:41
tweepcat_hello, I require some help: is it possible to restore an ubuntu partition for free if it was deleted by a windows install?20:41
albertoi've got kernel panic error20:41
brontoeeemanu24531, tried disabling other boot options in bios (other than cd or usb20:42
korst3nhi. i need itunes substitute that'll let me put videos on my iphone. any ideas?20:42
erUSULtweepcat_: deleted and formated and written on ?20:42
manu24531yes i did disable all other options besides cd or usb20:42
Mrblitzo I am back, and using ubuntu20:42
Fauzihow can i get a script 4 protect channel?20:42
tweepcat_just blanked the partition so that it is free space20:42
tweepcat_it comes up as free space - can this be recovered?20:43
brontoeeemanu24531, i would try to disable all other unusual hardware that might be there as well20:43
cjaeHi, I have a version of k3b installed that wont recongnize blurays and need a newer version of it installed, how may I accomplish this?20:43
manu24531bronto: There's not much more in there to disable20:43
scriptwarlockmanu24531: are we talking about your desktop not laptops eh?20:43
MrRight, can anyone help me with my problem now please? My dell mini 10 picks up the wireless but will not connect to the signals (Asked before, 10 mins ago, back now using ubuntu and a wired connection)20:44
manu24531Its a laptop scriptwar http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01817215&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&dlc=he&cc=il&lang=he&product=400037020:44
blendmaster1024yeb yeb DING DING DING [loses mind]20:44
blendmaster1024whoops, wrong channel20:44
wedwoalberto, to little RAM20:44
Jorophoseok so i can't even get output using mednafen... is it a problem with video drivers?! it used to work perfectly!20:45
MrAnyone D=?20:45
scriptwarlockMr: no luck with blitzo?20:45
tweepcat_so, can i recover a deleted partition if it is just free space?20:45
MrScript, Hes gone20:45
manu24531This laptop im trying to install lucid on is my girlfriend's, she took it to another country and came back giving an error message that the OS got wiped off, it had vista before. Now I wanna install ubuntu on it.20:46
MrScript, I can use the terminal now as I am in Ubuntu itself using a wired connection20:46
MrDo not know if that would help scriptwarlock20:46
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: Apparently, "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" allows you to assign the Search Domains but you must also assign DNS Servers manually.20:46
scriptwarlockMr: if no security can it connects?20:47
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Mrscriptwarlock, I have to go for 1 minute to let the dog outside, brb20:47
maxwave3cognitiaclaeves: That should be a more viable solution as long as your IT department isn't always adding or removing DNS servers.20:47
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: That seems to be the case.  so... I was looking at this: http://superuser.com/questions/110808/how-can-i-add-aditional-search-domains-to-the-resolv-conf-created-by-dhclient-in20:48
korst3nflash is lagging on my browsers. any ideas?20:48
jim2korst3n: flash does that20:48
korst3njim2, it doesn't do that on windows so there should be a fix for it20:49
brontoeeemr http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/ubuntu-on-dell-10-wireless-wont-connect-739243/20:49
Jorophoseahh nestea, i found out how to fix it, it's due to save types! change it to flash 128k in the menu...20:49
manu24531I tried using nomodeset, xforcevesa, vga=771 to try to get the installer to move on but no luck, is it possible that there's no solution for this issue?20:49
scriptwarlockmanu24531: even if you use the bootable usb?20:51
manu24531yes script even if i use the bootable usb20:52
brontoeeemr & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136869920:52
wedwomanu24531, I'm all outa suggestions20:53
scriptwarlockbrontoeee: dont let him dig too much on hardware since it connects without security enabled on his wifi router20:53
hawodiSuddenly I can't connect to a ubuntu sys I was connecting to few mins ago. I pinged it and I did not get any packet. I pinged my sys from it and it could ping my sys. What could be wrong pls?20:53
cognitiaclaevesmaxwave3: gtg.  Have a good one! :)20:53
Fauzihow can i get a script 4 protect channel?20:53
Mrbrontoeee, looking at the link now20:54
Fauzican u gv me link20:54
Mrand not sure Fauzi20:54
manu24531I wanna say something however, when I tried installing lucid on another laptop, in which i ran with the same issue, i did find a solution to get through the installer ( on a site which now I cant find). The thing was that after it was installed i ran across the same issue when I was booting from grub, so then i gave up and installed karmic. Both laptops which had the same problem have the common denominator of ati radeon cards20:54
Suit_Of_Sablesis there a way to use the 'pv' or similar command to monitor the progress of a 'mv /dir1 /dir2' type command?20:54
Fauziwhere u from?20:55
wedwomanu24531, does it have to be ubuntu?20:55
manu24531well its for my gf wedwo and she likes the ubuntu i have on my desktop20:55
hawodiboth system are ubuntu. I have restarted both sys without any luck!20:55
Mrbrontoeee, I looked at your link and you misread my question20:56
LoshkiSuit_Of_Sables: dunno what "pv" is, but you can just do "ls" or "du -h" on the directories to get an idea of progress. Or use rsync --progress to do the copy instead...20:56
MrThe drivers are there and working, and picking up wireless connections20:56
MrBUT the system can not connect to these connections, instead going in a loop20:56
liquidI'm having a problem with lucid after resuming from suspend.  Snort goes to 100% on one of my cores.  How and what file do I use to code in /etc/apci a script to sleep for network devices to wake backup and run /etc/init.d/snort restart automatically?  Any help would be appreciated.20:56
Roasted_so, flash sucks with firefox. I need to right + left click to exit ads on youtube videos, etc. Is there anything I can do? This happens on different hardware too, laptops, desktops, etc. Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit on all systems.20:56
scriptwarlockMr: i suggest if you can reconfigure your wifi router and change the password for it20:56
Dr_Willishas anyone noticed a web site that summariezes what intel chipsets are having issues these days in Ubuntu/Linux? Looking at a new laptop with the  4500M chipset. Im just wantint to make sure that chipset is decently well supported at this time.20:56
wedwomanu24531,  try Mint or PCLinux - she'll like them too if you can get them to load. Otherwise try Damn Small Linux and you can configure it to look and behave pretty much like ubuntu20:56
MrScriptwarlock, do you meen password type or password?20:57
scriptwarlockMr: oh well for your wpa20:57
manu24531if i cant get lucid to work i will install karmic, but the issue is that i cant fathom lucid not working on this machine, i searched for a solution all over the net, i wanna find out the solution20:57
MrOk, gimme a min20:57
scriptwarlockMr: we cut down the trouble to your wifi router since we have no problem connecting it without security being enable on your router20:58
Mrscriptwarlock, How would I change th wifi settings, the computer that we have the router on primarily has no program for it21:00
Mrit was just one you plug in and use21:00
liquidRoasted_: http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu has a beta of flash that works great on 64bit systems21:00
=== __ubuntu_ is now known as Ubuntu_newb
scriptwarlockMr: ha? is it
liquidRoasted_: go on ubuntuforums and search about sevenmachines and flash21:01
Ubuntu_newbwow it's working on my laptop, thanks guys for all your help21:01
liquidif you can't find it I can maybe dig it back up for you21:01
scriptwarlockMr: change your wifi routers security settings like the pasword thing21:01
Mrscriptwarlock,  I use the wired connection on here like I do with my normal computer, get the ethernet cable and plug it in21:01
Roasted_liquid, I got it from that link. trying it now.21:01
Mrit has no program for changing the wireless passwords or anything, I am sorry for all these things scriptwarlock21:02
scriptwarlockMr: what brand of wifi router is that? cant open it on browser using the
brontoeeemr routers usually have some sort of via-the-browser settings manager21:02
Suit_Of_SablesI'm trying to right to an external drive from a livecd. I chown'd the drive for the live session(nautilus' permissions tab reflects this) and 'sudo mount' shows the drive as rw yet I get "Read-only file system" when I try and 'touch' a file. what might be causing this?21:03
MrI am sorry what does that meen?21:03
manu24531ok i guess i will install karmic on the laptop but im really pissed at canonical for these bugs, searching the net it seems i am not the only one, i really wanted to have lucid lynx, anyways thanks for all your help guys im off to work21:03
Roasted_liquid, works here. Nice! Thanks!21:03
liquidI'm having a problem with lucid after resuming from suspend.  Snort goes to 100% on one of my cores.  How and what file do I use to code in /etc/apci a script to sleep for network devices to wake backup and run /etc/init.d/snort restart automatically?  Any help would be appreciated.21:03
sweetpiMr: If you dont know how to change the routers passwords, why are you trying to use a password for wpa on your laptop?21:03
Roasted_liquid, who exactly is "sevenmachines" ???21:03
scriptwarlockmanu24531: yeah install karmic then if you like the idea of uprading to 10.04 after you install the 9.1021:04
MrSweetpi, the password is automatic21:04
MrIts just there for the wireless connection.21:04
manu24531i dont think upgrading from karmic would work but i might try it21:04
MrIts wrote on the side of the router along with the encryption type21:04
manu24531thanks for all script21:04
liquidI'm not sure Roasted21:05
liquidsomeone with access to the beta or something21:05
liquidit works great though solved all my flash issues21:05
scriptwarlockmanu24531: gudluck for it and have always patience21:05
sweetpiMr: thats my point, if you can connect without any encryption, then obviously wpa is not enabled on your router21:05
BluesKajMr: mdoes the router actually have abuilt in modem or does it connect to a separate modem device ?21:05
Ubuntu_newbit certainly was a challenge to get this laptop working wirelessly, but it seems to work now, and suprisingly enough from the live cd21:05
manu24531@ script: i will, ubuntu is worth the patience , bye21:06
MrI am not connecting without encryption sweetpi, I have TRIED to se a connection thats unsecured and it worked21:06
scriptwarlockmanu24531: :)21:06
Abnixsay I wanted to find oout what package provides a given lib file, how would I go about that?  (eg: 'yum provides */file.foo' for RH based distro...)21:06
MrAnd BluesKaj  excuse me?21:06
sweetpiMr: ok, sorry. I thought you said you connected to your router without encryption.21:07
Mrno sweetpi, another modem21:07
scriptwarlockMr: if its your router then we have no problem lurking on your routers settings21:07
liquidDoes anyone know what script in /etc/apci is used after wakeup from suspend.  I read previous threads about resume.d or something but the structure has changed21:08
MrOk then scriptwarlock, great21:08
rizttechwuz up21:08
BluesKajMr: most routers are configurable , but the questions you weren asking implied that it wasn't: hence my question21:09
Mrscriptwarlock, how would I do it without a program specifically designed to do it?21:09
MrBluesKaj,  I am so sorry, I just do not know much about this stuff at all21:09
scriptwarlockMr: can we have the brand of your wifi router21:09
guntbertrizttech:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:09
rizttech@mr what stuff21:09
chrissharp123Abnix: looks like apt-file search [filename] - source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/%20RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora21:09
Mrscriptwarlock, All I know is its a netgear modem, it has no other details wrote on it (and as I say this I feel more and more stupid)21:10
Abnixchrissharp123: thanks21:10
scriptwarlockMr: hmm actually this is not now ubuntus problem as you mentioned earlier so are you doing this just to try your wpa?21:10
BluesKajMr:  no need to be sorry , we all have to mlearn this stuff sooner or later :)21:10
sweetpiMr: try going to or in a browser to access your routers settings21:11
Mrsweetpi, doing it now21:11
MrSweet its worked =D21:11
MrGive me 2 mins to enter the details21:11
MrSweetpi, it lets me get there, i enter the details correctly, and it just wants me to put them in again and again21:13
Mrsweetpi then if i press cancel it THEN says details incorrect21:13
sweetpiMr: then you do not have the correct username/password for your router21:14
Mrsweetpi, would the username and password be the SSID and Network key21:14
scriptwarlockMr: sweet21:14
sweetpiMr: try username: admin password: admin or password21:14
duffydefault wifi pass on netgear is no password.. user/pass default is admin/password21:14
servietskyhow should I set my wifi on ubuntu so that my android phone can see it and connect to it ?21:15
Mrok sweetpi 2 mins21:15
duffybugs me about netgear, coming with wifi enabled and no auth.21:15
servietskyknowing that ad hoc mode doesn't work with android21:15
=== MrJones_ is now known as MrJones
sweetpiduffy: thats what I thought, but Mr insists it has a wpa password21:15
brontoeeeservietsky, bluetooth?21:15
Bubba2895hello everyone!21:16
servietskybrontoeee, can i share the internet of my laptop with android through bluetooth ?21:16
Mrsweetpi its still not letting me into the wireless router settings, I tried using admin then password, admin then admin21:17
duffyusually the ip address, user/pass and mac are printed on the back of a netgear21:17
MrAnd my sister really needs to use the internet now, so I will be back in about 20 minutes, will you still be here one of you21:17
MrAnd duffy yes all of them are printed there but when i enter them it asks me to put them in again and again21:17
MrI put in my SSID then my Network Key21:17
sweetpiMr: im sure one of 1590 people will be here :)21:17
Mrsweetpi, thanks man, Its just nice to have someone who knows whats going on21:18
duffyMr,  there is usually a small hole for you to stick something in to reset to defaults...that`ll get you on.21:18
scriptwarlockMr: time to reset your wifi router21:18
MrOk duffy, i will be back in 20 mins as my sister is literally kicking me lol, i will continue this then, and thanks for all your help by the way21:18
MrBut my last question, if it works in WIn 7, Why does it not work in ubuntu?21:18
duffyMr are you sure it has wpa enabled and you need a password?21:19
Mrduffy, it uses a WPA encryption key, and the password is my network key21:19
Mrand i will be back in 20 mins, bye21:19
scriptwarlockduffy: he says it prompts for a password on wpa when conneting21:20
sweetpiI bet hes manually specifying wpa on ubuntu21:20
scriptwarlockduffy: but got no problem with no auth enabled21:20
duffyscriptwarlock, oh..  the 'password and encryption' application pass or router pass21:20
duffyscriptwarlock, probably something like its using tkip instead of aes or vice versa... I have mine all setup in interfaces, quicker.21:21
duffydepends what router it is and if its wpa1 or wpa221:22
scriptwarlockduffy: well as he said he got no problem on open and wpa21:23
pradeephey everyone21:23
scriptwarlockduffy: i mean wep21:23
pradeepplease how do i edit my application menu on ubuntu 10.0421:24
scriptwarlockpradeep: right click on it21:24
pradeepi get no response when i click on edit menu21:25
duffyI havent been following it, just the last couple of lines.  i`ll wait till he comes back21:25
pradeeptry it on yours21:25
scriptwarlockpradeep: got no problems here21:25
duffypradeep, system, prefs, main menu21:25
pradeepwow it did not work for me21:25
scriptwarlockpradeep: wew21:25
donnerpradeep u get that?21:26
duffyalt+f2 type alacarte21:26
scriptwarlockpradeep: oh yeah or on the terminal sudo alacarte21:27
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
scriptwarlockpradeep: oops sorry dont sudo21:28
kerebrusI set up a network share last night and since I rebooted my windows box can see my ubuntu box but cannot setup a network share. what could be wrong with samba?21:28
scriptwarlockkerebus: i dont think theres wrong with samba its only how we configure21:30
scriptwarlockkerebrus: i dont think theres wrong with samba its only how we configure21:30
donnerneed help with xorg.conf, i loose svideo to tv on login21:30
kerebrusscriptwarlock ok well how can I fix it?21:30
scriptwarlockkerebrus: tell us first how you did share21:30
pradeepscriptwarlock, i get errors when i alacarte21:31
kerebrusscriptwarlock I just right clicked a folder and went to sharing options, that prompted a synaptic install of samba, it finished and shared the folder fine.21:31
rekwhy the hell youtube-dl doesn't work??21:31
mrBut I am not on ubuntu anymore, I am using Win7 and wireless connection untill i can use wired again21:31
G_GHi Folks21:32
pradeepduffy system, pref, main menu did not work21:32
G_Gi am having some trouble getting my mysqld to run21:32
G_Gcan anyone give me some tips to troubleshoot this issue?21:32
duffymr, and is your win7 setup to use wpa password21:32
rekhei can you try youtube-dl for me?21:32
yfkwhy does the wine package on ubuntu install version 1.2  and not 1.3 with wineHQ repo enabled?21:32
mrYeah duffy21:32
scriptwarlockkerebrus: got to see if we have the same method http://www.youtube.com/user/scriptwarlock#p/a/u/0/rVSK_Mun9UM21:33
ResQuedoes anybody know a simple solution to apply alternative row colours to tables in OpenOffice Writter?21:33
mrBut that password does not work in ubuntu, it just keeps tryin to connect.21:33
duffymr,  were you using network manager in ubuntu?21:33
mrNetwork manager?21:33
freddy_hello is this channel can be used to submit some problem with gcc or a better channel exists to do that ? Thanks for your asnwer21:33
duffymr, the applet in top right21:33
pradeepcan anyone help me here21:33
mrI am using win 7 atm duffy21:33
mrBut I dont think it was running to my memory no21:33
ResQuefreddy_: i am sure there is a ubuntu dev channel, i forgot the name21:34
pradeepi installed packet tracer i cant find it on my menu21:34
duffymr, i know, but were you setting up the connection using network manager, the applet located in the top right menu]21:34
pradeepi.e application menu21:34
mrYes i had set the connection up using thar21:34
scriptwarlockpradeep: what is the error says21:34
ResQueAny one know the Ubuntu Dev IRC channel?21:34
duffymr, like, you click it and choose "connect to wireless network" etc21:34
uRockpradeep, it should be in the Internet menu21:34
mrYeah duffy, the connection I am using shows up on it21:35
mrAnd I deffinatly used it to connect to the sky connection21:35
ResQuefreddy_: i use gcc but i am that that great, whats the problem?21:35
duffymr, ok, well ive heard of network manager problems before..  you can try using wicd and just setup an interfaces file.21:35
uRockpradeep, you may have to log out and back in for it to show up21:35
chrissharp123ResQue: freddy_: #ubuntu-devel21:35
ResQuechrissharp123: thanks21:35
mrAhh, and how would I do that duffy please21:35
duffymr, does it ask for a password for the keyring as well when you try connect?21:35
donnerpradeep u git that21:35
uRockpradeep, can you run it from terminal?21:35
scriptwarlockhahha lol yes hi git it21:36
mrAnd yeah duffy it does21:36
mrI think...21:36
duffymr, and you enter the right pass for that?21:36
pradeepuRock, i ran PacketTracer21:36
duffywr, is it wpa1 or wpa221:37
rekfor all the community look this!!!!! http://freshmeat.net/projects/youtube-dl/?branch_id=65785&release_id=260442   i told you21:37
mrI enter the network key,21:37
mrwhitch works for win 721:37
pradeepuRock, did not return anything21:37
mrAnd WPA221:37
KE1HAG_G, Have a look here, follow the whole thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147931021:37
freddy_thank you Resque and chrissharp123 I go on that channel21:37
duffymr, no the keyring pass is your login pass usually, or if it asks upon first use and you set it to blank, then its blank21:37
kerebrusscriptwarlock yes thats what i did21:37
mrIf the keyring pass is the login pass then I know it21:37
scriptwarlockkerebrus: and then what happened21:38
mrBecause I would have to use it for windows 7 right?21:38
duffymr, probably just easier to setup the interfaces file....21:38
Wiesshundrek i missed it, what did you tell us? ive always been able to download youtube right from firefox21:38
uRockpradeep, try logging out and back in21:38
mrOk then duffy, and btw, thanks a lot for helping me21:38
bastid_raZorubottu: tell rek about youtube-dl21:38
boogzIve got an Asus eeeBox PC b202 and the wired nic does not work on ubuntu 10.04 server - im finding info on wireless on google, but not wired, any help?21:38
kerebrusscriptwarlock all that worked fine yesterday but since ive rebooted my windows box can no longer access the folder21:38
duffymr, the keyring app in ubuntu pops up when you create a new connection for it to store it encrypted...21:38
uRockpradeep, are you using 32bit or 64bit?21:38
pradeepuRock, ok let me restart my system brb21:38
mrAnd yes duffy, I know what you meen now21:39
progre55hi people!  I'm starting a deamon using "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $SCRIPT_PID --startas $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS", but it doesnt record the pid in the specified file, so the "stop" option doesnt work. Any suggestions, please?21:39
duffymr, what wifi chipset are you using21:39
mrAnd yeah i entered the network password in there, ad checked it 3 times21:39
mr*embarrased* what does that meen sorry duffy?21:39
scriptwarlockkerebrus: and how about mapping the network21:39
boogzubottu: tell boogz eeebox21:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
duffymr, what wifi card is it21:39
adriancarriocould anyone help me compiling xsendkey.c? I dont know how to link with X11 in Ubuntu21:40
bastid_raZor!info youtube-dl > rek21:40
igrohello, what do i have to edit to change the dir terminal is opened in?21:40
Solow1I wanted to share a thought :p I'm missing something in ubuntu that windows does have. Being notepad.21:40
kerebrusscriptwarlock im trying to map the network drive, windows sees my comp, but doesnt see the folder to let me map it.21:40
=== uRock is now known as lolrus_attack
rekbastid_raZor,  what info21:40
mrAhh, that I know, a  Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card duffy21:40
duffymr, similar to mine then.. broadcom chip21:40
mrAnd I use  Broadcom b43 wireless driver21:40
bastid_raZor!info youtube-dl21:40
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.04.04-1 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB21:40
mrso yeah its a broadcom21:40
erUSULigro: terminal open in your home21:40
slackerSolow1 why is notepd important21:41
boogz!info eeepc21:41
bastid_raZorSolow1: tomboy notes or gedit21:41
ubottuPackage eeepc does not exist in lucid21:41
igroerUSUL: but how do i change that?21:41
=== lolrus_attack is now known as Hungry_Dragon
Fidelixhas anyone successfuly setup Freenx server under ubuntu 10.04?21:41
duffymr, right if you are using wpa2 and broadcom I can help you set it up in the interfaces file (bypasses network manager, in fact network manager doesnt run when you use the file)21:41
erUSULigro: why do you want to do that?21:41
igroerUSUL: for some reason its now opening in /21:41
Solow1slacker, Because I like the speed of it, being just a tet editor. bastid_raZor, nope, to slow.21:41
mrDuffy, will I need to be using ubuntu whilst I am doing this21:41
th0rSolow1: try mousepad21:41
mrBecause I cant use a wired connection for 20 mins or so so yeah D=21:42
erUSULigro: what does "echo $HOME" says ?21:42
scriptwarlockkerebrus: do you have any machines with ubuntu on it?21:42
duffymr, well it would be best as you need to get the long hex version of your wifi password21:42
duffymr, I dont know how to do that in windows.21:42
boogzIve got an Asus eeeBox PC b202 and the wired nic does not work on ubuntu 10.04 server - im finding info on wireless on google, but not wired, any help?21:42
mrAre you going to be here in 20 mins duffy21:42
igroerUSUL: $HOME is pointing to my home dir21:42
Fidelixhas anyone successfuly setup Freenx server under ubuntu 10.04?21:42
duffymr, probably21:42
bastid_raZorSolow1: install wine. it has notepad21:42
slackerSolow1: try nano its got more feature then notepad and even faster but all in terminal21:42
igroerUSUL: /home/igro21:42
Solow1th0r: Done. thanks, that does it.21:42
reki said there's a problem on the ubuntu repositories21:42
mrWould it be best if we talked then duffy21:42
erUSULigro: did you added any command to ~/.bashrc ? or ~/.profile ?21:43
scriptwarlockkerebrus: sorry i forgot to troubleshoot it with windows box :) only with ubuntu21:43
chrissharp123!anyone | Fidelix21:43
ubottuFidelix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:43
Solow1slacker: nope, because that's terminal, missing the key features of notepad.21:43
duffymr, whenever21:43
mrbecause I would have access to ubuntu then21:43
igroerUSUL: yes, just some aliases21:43
bastid_raZorrek: change the mirror.  System > Adminstration > Software Sources21:43
=== Hungry_Dragon is now known as Malfoy
erUSULigro: could be you misstyped them ?21:43
Solow1I like mousepad :) this kinda looks like notepad. yay! :D21:43
duffymr, is your router set to hidden?21:43
mrAnd no I can see it in normal connections in ubuntu21:43
erUSULigro: can you show them? pastebin21:43
slackercouuld have been worse i could have suggested VI21:43
erUSUL!paste | igro21:44
ubottuigro: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:44
duffymr, so its broadcasting the name of it21:44
rekbastid_raZor, what could i choose21:44
WiesshundSolow1 notepad comes with wine if you really got to have it21:44
=== Malfoy is now known as uRock
kerebrusscriptwarlock I wish all the machines in my office ran some sort of linux distro but alas i have no such luck, some pain in the butt stranglers cant let go of microsoft ....21:44
bastid_raZorrek: let it choose the best server for you.21:44
KE1HASolow1, gedit is as good, and in my opinion much better than notepad, but if you really want notepad, do as bastid_raZor said, just install wine.21:44
Fidelixnxsetup binary is not present. So i cant config freenx server21:44
Solow1Wiesshund: Nah, just something like this'll do. besides, wine'll slow it down again.21:44
slackeralthough notepad in wine wouldnt be as fast21:44
Suit_Of_Sableswah, I can't get write permissions on this drive! I have tried chowning as root, then chmod 777. both while mounted and to the mount point when unmounted. The drive is hfs+ but journaling is disabled and I have hfsprogs and hfsutils installed. what could be the problem here?21:44
=== disturbe1mime is now known as disturbedmime
mrYeah duffy21:44
mrits broadcasting the name21:44
boogzIve got an Asus eeeBox PC b202 and the wired nic does not work on ubuntu 10.04 server - im finding info on wireless on google, but not wired, any help?21:44
Solow1KE1HA: It's a me thing. I just loved LOVED notepad. :) But mousepad is good enough. so thanks all21:45
rekbastid_raZor,  i downloaded youtbe-dl from the website.... how can i use that now ?21:45
duffymr, ok.. well its usually a good idea to not have it broadcast :)21:45
mrwhy not duffy?21:45
Wiesshundboogz you got server on an eeepc?21:45
bastid_raZorrek: install it from the repository and you'll be able to type in a terminal: man youtube-dl   :to get a manpage on how to use it21:45
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, did you pass the option -R for both chmod and chown?21:45
Solow1It's actually funny, I'm not using ubuntu but jolicloud, still I go here for help... :)21:45
boogzWiesshund:  uh yeah why21:46
scriptwarlockkerebrus: use the cmd for it to connect21:46
Fidelixzomg its impossible to talk here. 9k people speaking at the same time21:46
boogzWiesshund:  what difference does it make, they wouldnt take out hardware support, its the same thing21:46
KE1HASolow1, rr understand, I used Notepad++ in WinDoze, it's hard to change old habbits :-)21:46
kerebrusscriptwarlock how?21:46
rekbastid_raZor, and with the little file what can i do?21:46
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, -R is recursive and does all files inside said dir/drive21:46
Solow1KE1HA: Exactly. Like getting used to netbeans.... gh....21:46
albertoalguna idea?21:46
duffymr, so nobody else sees it and tries it21:47
scriptwarlockkerebrus: well give me a minute if i can recall my windows powers :(21:47
mrDuffy, I live next to a 80 year old woman and a holiday home, and thats the only people within about 100yards lol21:47
bastid_raZorrek: what little file? if you install it from the repository then you can do as i said and type: man youtube-dl21:47
duffymr, well in some os and software it comes up anyway as 'uknown' but still...21:47
mrSo yeah, I could PROBS go without wireless scecurity and be ok, but why risk it21:47
duffymr, ok nevermind.. we`ll sort it out later21:47
adriancarriojoin #ubuntu-es21:47
igroerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472362/21:47
mrDuffy, I am gonna go now, and be back in half a hour or so using ubuntu21:48
boogzhere my google string right now: eeebox b202 ubuntu NIC not working -wireless -remote -pxe -windows21:48
boogzim not finding SHIT21:48
rekbastid_raZor, they fixed something recently i downloaded it from the link i gave u21:48
mrIf you are here, we will talk then, if not, thanks for the help anyway matre21:48
boogzthe nic literally is not on or seen by ubuntu, i cannot be the only person with this problem21:48
mrYou have gave me a better idea of what to do21:48
boogzsomeone else MUST have tried this21:48
bastid_raZorrek: read on that page for how to install and use it.21:48
duffymr, i`ll be here.21:48
Wiesshundboogz eh LT doesnt see some of the hardware on the craptop ive got here but netbook does, go figure.21:48
mrOk duffy, thanks man =D21:48
boogzthis isnt a laptop dude21:48
boogzWiesshund:  its an eeebox PC.21:49
Wiesshundboogz oh my mistake sorry21:49
boogzno problem21:49
boogzi guess i need to find out what NIC is in here21:49
Wiesshundboogz i missed the box part21:49
Suit_Of_Sablesruhtranayr: I did indeed use the recursive flag. but It tells me it is 'read-only' after each file it attempts to change permissions on as it scrolls through the contents of the dir21:49
boogzand why the hell it doesnt work21:49
G_Ghow do i log into an ubuntu machine from another ubuntu machine21:49
duffymr,  did you install the STA driver or the b43 driver from hardware drivers21:49
corpsegrindrHey, does anyone know if its possible to put music on an ipod from lucid server?21:49
Wiesshundboogz try lspci, should see nic listed in there21:49
KE1HASolow1, btw3 once you install wine, notepad is under Applications >> Wine >> Programs >> Accessories >> notepad21:49
Solow1KE1HA: I know, and wine'll slow things down :)21:50
boogzWiesshund:  its listed: Jmicron21:50
boogzLOL wtf is that21:50
Solow1KE1HA: So I won't be using notepad, but mousepad. Which actually looks better21:50
BluesKaj!ipod | corpsegrindr21:50
ubottucorpsegrindr: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:51
prakritiso lifelike21:51
KE1HASolow1, There's lots of much better alternatives. You could also try Crimson or Notepadd++ under Wine,  they are both really good apps.21:52
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, i'm betting your /etc/fstab is set to mount your drive readonly21:52
Wiesshundboogz they got linux drivers for download21:52
BluesKajG_G, there are several ways , open ssh or with smbclient thru the network optoon in nautilus is what I use21:52
Solow1KE1HA: I know, They're all great editors. I just like being able to pop something open, type, and save the file within 10 seconds in stead of waiting for it to load. Really, mousepad is fine :)21:53
KE1HASolow1, here's a Notepad++ How-To0: http://bur.st/~gunny/winehowto.html21:53
Suit_Of_Sablesruhtranayr: but I'm manually mounting with the -w flag :*(21:53
KE1HASolow1, I've not used mousepad, will have to look at that one.21:53
boogzWiesshund:  yeah copying to thumb drive now, i dont know if i have gcc and such, if i dont im screwed21:53
Solow1KE1HA: I know notepad++. I personally prefer nusphere PhpEd for windows :)21:53
aukeanyone know if scott james remnant hangs out in here/anywhere?21:54
pradeepuRock, did not work21:55
komputerthere is sound in virtualbox -XP but ubuntu has no sound i couldnt do it a little help please21:55
scriptwarlockkerebrus: sorry cant help much on windows box cmd21:55
pradeepscriptwarlock, did not work21:55
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:55
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, hmm weird...well if your fstab is set up right, you should just be ablle to do 'sudo mount -a' ...can you pastebin your fstab?21:55
unclemikegparted wont let me resize my .../home21:55
KE1HASolow1, if ever there were downside to Linux, it would be too many choices :-) ...21:56
scriptwarlockpradeep: what do you mean did not work?21:56
kerebrusscriptwarlock its fine, I figured it out, decided it was time I dusted off my windows box section of my brain21:56
bastid_raZorunclemike: you would probably need to do that from a liveCD or a gpartedCD since you can not resize a mounted partition21:56
scriptwarlockkerebrus: lolz21:56
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP21:56
pradeepscriptwarlock, alacarte had errors21:56
Merlinawhat is the difference between patch -p0 en patch -p01?21:56
Jordan_Uboogz: So "ifconfig" doesn't list an eth0 at all?21:56
pradeepi want edit my menu application21:57
scriptwarlockpradeep: well pastebin the errors21:57
Solow1KE1HA: Well, I do not fully agree. I love linux, I really do, but it feels a bit to... tight. Like, it's harder to navigate trough. perhaps because I've used windows for 18 years and linux only one.21:57
pradeepurl to pastebin21:57
unclemikebastid_raZor, i remember in other distro's you could resize while in the distro21:57
bastid_raZorunclemike: gparted does not allow resizing a mounted partition. there is no way around that.21:58
reki need something similar to youtube-dl what can i download21:58
pradeepscriptwarlock, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/uPtA0QuU21:58
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, mount -o force /dev/sdx /mnt/blabla21:58
ruhtranayr^ Suit_Of_Sables21:58
hiexporek,  why not use youtube-dl ?21:59
rekit's broken22:00
Jordan_Uunclemike: You can only rezize a mounted partition if it's ext3 and you're enlarging it rather than shrinking it.22:00
scriptwarlockpradeep: hmm could there be a corrupted file22:00
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, do you have hfsplus installed? sudo apt-get install hfsplus (silly question i know :P)22:00
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Check dmesg, there may be a problem with the filesystem that is causing it to be mounted read only to prevent further damage.22:01
Suit_Of_Sableshere is the fstab. It's very small as I'm on a LiveCD http://pastebin.com/yzUBrbWx22:02
Suit_Of_Sablesruhtranayr: ^22:02
pradeepscriptwarlock, any clue22:02
caraelcan t configure ekiga work for voipdiscount22:02
PsychoMarioDoes anybody know where the openoffice.org dictionary is stored?22:02
caraeldoesn somebody know ?22:03
scriptwarlockpradeep: some similar problems take a peek http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148593522:03
openick_I need to unpack libgpg-erro.,tar.gz where is this to be unpacked?22:03
openick_and what is the syntax22:03
pradeepscriptwarlock, on it let me check it out22:03
hiexpo!compile > openick_22:03
ubottuopenick_, please see my private message22:03
Ubuntu_newbi'm on a live cd, will my wireless internet settings be lost if i reboot?22:04
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hiexpoUbuntu_newb,  yes22:04
Ubuntu_newbanyway to copy that info to a disc?22:04
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: You are correct sir. "Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, running fsck.hfsplus is recommended. mounting read-only"22:05
Ubuntu_newbhiexpo, like a flash drive? or to the local hd22:05
Pigok on this old laptop im running ubuntu 8.04 and im trying to updat to 10.04 do i have to update to 9 first or is there any way to skip that?22:05
hiexpoUbuntu_newb,  what do you want to copy ?22:05
jim2Pig: have to follow the upgrade path22:06
boogzway to plan ahead guys22:06
blackstar256sounds like Ubuntu_newb wants to copy his wifi password22:06
boogzGCC doesnt come iwth ubuntu22:06
boogzhow am i supposed to compile my NETWORK DRIVERS.....22:06
boogz seems a bit short sided lo22:06
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, hmm...is it possible to edit the fstab file and save it? i mean since its a live cd, doesnt that mean its read-only? i have little to none experience with live distros :\22:06
hiexpoPig,  better to do a fresh install22:06
Ubuntu_newbhiexpo, wireless settings that allow me to connect to internet, was really hard to setup, anyway to copy them to disc?22:06
elias__ok so how do i know if i have a 64 bit?22:07
fabjoa_mwozhi, i gotta a problem with my apache2 server, a problem related to htaccess and addtype, would somebody know about that?22:07
Piggot it i was trying an install disc... and some weird stuff was happening but i will try again... thanks22:07
ruhtranayrSuit_Of_Sables, did you try the force ?22:07
openick_what is the path to install libgpg-error22:07
Suit_Of_Sablesruhtranayr: I'm not to sure how it works but I think as long as you have RAM left you can 'write'22:07
openick_where is it typically installed22:07
hiexpoUbuntu_newb,  whay wasit hard to set up22:07
dragenov1help help         I Just want to active my digital meter on My Book Elite http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=754 could U tell me how?22:07
openick_I have downloaded the tar file to downloads directory22:08
scriptwarlockPig: somehow may giv you some ideas http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/05/how-to-quickly-upgrade-from-ubuntu-8-04-hardy-to-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/22:08
openick_where do I unpack the libgpg-error tar file22:08
hiexpoopenick_,  in home dir22:08
Pigsweet i will check that out22:08
boogzgcc is on the Cd22:09
openick_this appears to be a program to verify something22:09
oooozehello, does anyone know where I can get some help packaging/launchpad a java application?  Ive been looking around but Im really not sure on some of the file placement22:09
openick_should i install it in home?22:09
dajhornUbuntu_newb: The `seahorse` program can show you the saved network password.  Copying the entire network configuration to another computer is difficult because NetworkManager uses the GNOME registry.22:09
openick_or somewhere like var, opt or bin???22:09
prakritiI've been using fat32 to share a partition between windows and ubuntu.   Has ntfs support gotten to the point where it would work better for this?22:09
hiexpoopenick_,  move the file to your home folder and untarit there but than you have to compile it22:10
prakritiI see they support symlinks now,  and it supports larger files than fat32.22:10
openick_thanks hiexpo22:10
openick_will try now22:10
Suit_Of_Sablesphew, upon running fdck.hfsplus on the drive it now mounts rw as it should!22:10
dajhornUbuntu_newb: You can view the NetworkManager settings by running the `gconfeditor` program and going to System -> Networking.22:10
fabjoa_mwozhi, i gotta a problem with my apache2 server, a problem related to htaccess and addtype, would somebody know about that?22:11
pradeepscriptwarlock, i noticed the is no file in my menus folder22:11
Jordan_Uprakriti: The only downside to using ntfs is that there is no chkdsk equivelent for linux, which means that if it's unmounted uncleanly you may have to use windows to repair it before it will mount again in linux.22:11
Ubuntu_newbdajhorn thank you for the help22:12
Pig<scriptwarlock>: Thanks for the link very helpful22:12
dajhornUbuntu_newb: Welcome.22:12
hiexpoopenick_,  than cd "untared folder name"22:12
Suit_Of_SablesI was told it is not possible to monitor the progress of a 'mv /dir1 /dir2' command with 'pv'. Is that true? and/or if so, is there another means you might suggest for moving a fairly large amount of data and monitoring it's progress?22:12
hiexpothan ./configure22:12
scriptwarlockPig: no probs22:12
prakritiSuit_Of_Sables, you can copy using pv then delete the source22:13
hiexpothan make than sudo make install22:13
Jordan_USuit_Of_Sables: Use rsync.22:13
hakzsamhi all22:14
hakzsamI downloaded the latest version of gtk+ here http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/gtk+/2.90/22:14
hakzsambut I have a problem when I run tthe ./configure script22:14
hakzsamlooks the error here http://pastebin.com/hPEimdqu22:14
hakzsamI need some help, please :)22:14
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openick_hiexpo i have moved the tar.gz file to /home22:14
openick_hiexpo now I am at /home22:14
scriptwarlockpradeep: wew my time is up gonna go now but keep on digging on some irregularities of your previous app installation since could be the culprit22:15
hiexpoopenick_,  terminal is always home22:15
pradeepscriptwarlock, thank you22:15
openick_hiexpo i have moved it to the path /home22:15
openick_not /22:15
rek python /path/to/youtube-dl -t 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShTm8MnUAjo'  this is the answer  if anybody had the same issue i had!!!!  download the script in the website and use it in that way !22:15
openick_terminal is at /22:16
vv_hi my machine is stuck and mouse is also not moving.Please tell me what to do.Im really new to linux.Please help me out22:16
openick_Or the terminal is at /home ??22:16
hiexpoopen home folder right click tar file and click extract here22:16
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AndyGraybealhow do i make it so that a group ownership of a folder always keeps files in the folder owned by that group?22:17
vv_Please help me22:18
guntbertfabjoa_mwoz: try asking in #ubuntu-server22:18
scriptwarlockvv_: does it suddenly stuck?22:18
openick_hiexpo, thanks22:18
openick_I have done that22:18
vv_yeah. It was rendering a output and i was working in other software22:18
AndyGraybeali've recursivly set group ownership to 'tech' in the Tech folder, how do i get it so that every file made under that folder is owned by 'tech'?22:18
ubuntusalut tout le monde22:19
jesseAnyone get a window creation error when try to play SL?22:19
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scriptwarlockvv_: can you describe the error by using pastebin?22:19
hiexpook now right click untared folder and clicl prop and copy top line folder name22:19
pradeepscreen keeps on flickering at intervals of 5min a dell insiprion 144022:19
pradeepany clues22:20
vv_no there is no error.It stuck and i really cant do anything.Im typing this from laptop22:20
scriptwarlockvv_: is it a desktop or laptop or notebook22:20
guntbert!fr | ubuntu22:20
ubottuubuntu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:20
vv_now im in windows laptop.The machine was a linux desktop22:21
scriptwarlockvv_: what application you use before it stuck22:21
vv_i used houdini and nuke22:21
RWolfis USB flash installation suitable for everyday's work? I've searched for "Ubuntu on USB stick" manuals, and such an installation is positioned as a rescue disk. Are there some problems that are going to happen while using it as a workstation?22:22
Guest57325I am trying to play SL but I get this error.22:22
Guest573252010-08-02T00:07:11Z WARNING: createContext: createContext: window creation failure. SDL: Couldn't find matching GLX visual22:22
hiexpoRWolf,  you mean install from an usb drive?22:23
guntbertGuest57325: what is SL?22:23
Guest57325Second Life22:23
Tux43rwolf: There aren't any issues when you install from a usb drive.22:23
* dddw goodnight all22:23
scriptwarlockvv_: this happen only when using houdini and nuke?22:23
RWolfhiexpo: I mean boot from USB stick22:23
vv_no this is the first time it happened22:23
openick_hiexpo, I have unpacked it in the home directory, and cd'd to /libgpg-error-1.9 and issued the commands ./configure and make and make install it proceeded fine22:24
Tux43rwolf: no, it works the same if you booted from a cd22:24
caraelcan t configure ekiga work for voipdiscount22:24
caraeldoesn somebody know ?22:24
hiexpoopenick_,  kool22:24
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RWolfTux43: there's a persistence feature22:24
pradeepscreen keeps on flickering at intervals of 5min a dell insiprion 1440 does it happen to anyone here22:24
openick_Need to install libassuan as well, follow the same process, Thanks hiexpo22:24
hiexpoopenick_,  no prob22:25
Guest57325When trying to play second life, I get this error "2010-08-02T00:07:11Z WARNING: createContext: createContext: window creation failure. SDL: Couldn't find matching GLX visual". Anyone know what the problem is? it's not color depth I checked.22:25
Tux43RWolf: It would run the same way on your laptop or desktop even if you use the persistance feature.22:26
scriptwarlockvv_: restart ubuntu and observe it without using first houdini see if its still stuck22:26
antibodyHello, apt-get dist-upgrade -  "Calculating upgrade..."22:27
antibodytakes...forever 3 hours and count22:27
armenb_I have a packaging question:  suppose I download a *.deb file to install.  this deb file has dependencies.  How can I get dpkg/apt to install this package and automatically do dependency installation?22:27
Tux43rwolf: This is what it does (persistance feature) Ubuntu's persistent feature is that you can save your personal settings, files and changes back to the stick.22:27
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PigI am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 and i hit install and i get the message create_floppy_devices[229]: specified group 'floppy' unknown22:28
Pigwhat does that mean?22:28
RWolfTux43: yes, but will it work as good as if the OS were installed on a hard disk?22:28
guntbertRWolf: much slower22:29
Tux43rwolf: Yes22:29
RWolfI use Puppy Linux now, on a diskless station, and I'd like to move to a more common distro22:30
Suit_Of_SablesJordan_U: rsync is intimidating! O_o I'm tempted to drag and drop in nautilus but I want to learn :D lets see... "rsync -v --progress --stats -r -t -p --delete-after /copy/this/dir /to/here" does that look right?22:31
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PigI am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 and i hit install and i get the message create_floppy_devices[229]: specified group 'floppy' unknow does any one know what is going on?22:31
hiexpoRWolf,  hard disk is faster and more persistant than usb drive22:31
An_Ony_Mooseis it possible to fix an NTFS partition with a damaged header?22:32
KE1HARWolf, if you want Diskless: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto22:32
KE1HAbut I's also agree with hiexpo HD is the wat to go for overall performance.22:32
Tux43rwolf: it would run much faster because it's not a spinning hard disk.22:32
uRockPig, boot the LiveCD al the way,  then install22:33
adriancarriohow can I run a program with a C instruction in Ubuntu?22:33
KE1HAOr you could buy an SSD which would be real fast.22:33
pradeephttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/587935?comments=all i have this issue22:33
erUSULSuit_Of_Sables: grsync is a nice front end to rsync22:34
yosh_coucou la gang22:34
guntbertTux43: thats simply not true - the access times on usb drives are much slower22:34
Suit_Of_SableserUSUL: thanks! I'll check it out. Though I would like to know how it's done on the command line as well. did that command look acceptable?22:35
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KE1HASuit_Of_Sables, http://www.samba.org/rsync/documentation.html22:36
hiexpousb drives were not made to operate they were made to be as a backup drive is all22:36
Algabehi all22:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:37
PiguRock: when i boot the live i get a rectangle that looks sorta like a keyboard equals human in a circle22:37
KE1HAerUSUL, off hand, do you know if  grsync app supports SSH / rsa keys?22:39
VitorPamplonaHey guys, is there a way to set the "Paste as Unformatted text" the default paste option for the whole system?22:39
guntbertPig: always my first question with such problems: did you md5sum check the iso before burning?22:39
hiexpousb thumb = backup and storage device not a operating drive22:40
kanoutashello everybody! Can please someone help me?22:40
guntbert!ask | kanoutas22:40
ubottukanoutas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:40
klaxiandoes anyone know why my ubuntu seems to be stuttering/skipping during many tasks?  ie. audio, web browser javascript, video playback, etc.?22:40
Tux43kanoutas: Whats the wrong?22:40
erUSULKE1HA: if rsync supports it grsync will. it only contructs a rsync command line from the dialog box22:40
brimestonehey guys... i just upgrade to Server 10.x and im getting some issue with sshd... "Connection reset by peer" then a "port 22: Connection refused" then trying to reconnect...22:41
Pigguntbert: yes but not afterwords22:41
brimestoneif i let a good 5 mins goes by.. then i can connect to it just fine22:41
KE1HAerUSUL, rr, makes sense. tnx.22:41
kanoutasI upgraded to ubuntu 10.04. I can't start windows vista now. The windows cd doesn't run. The ubuntu live cd cannot run properly.22:41
fabjoa_mwoz@klaxian i got the same thing happening, related to RAM mostly22:41
guntbertPig: then please select "check CD" from the menu22:41
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: what is the fix?22:41
Tux43kanoutas: Did you do a dual boot?22:42
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: it doesn't seem to happen in windows?22:42
kreeperis there a way to create an IRC server with ubuntu 10.04?22:42
meerais this chat alway so busy and fast?22:42
aeon-ltdmeera: yes22:42
fabjoa_mwozusing the same computer (processor, ram, etc)?22:42
Tux43meera: usually22:42
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: yes22:42
hiexpomeera,  yes22:42
daedaluznautilus loves to crash during large file transfer operations, and sound is skipping regularly because pulseaudio is bolted on GNOME. this is supposed to be LTS?22:42
guntbertmeera: you can tell your client to ignore the join/part messages - that reduces scrolling22:42
aeon-ltddaedaluz: ubuntus requirements have gotten steeper over the releases22:43
kanoutasTux43>i had the previous version of ubuntu. It was running normaly. I just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 online. (without cd)22:43
klaxianyah i was first blaming my skipping on pulse but it seems that my whole system is affected22:43
daedaluzaeon-ltd: what do you mean?22:43
mmcjihowdee, i am looking for an application that will allow me to have a monitor that automatically cycles through a list of URL's.  Say something like 2minutes per URL and then swith to another one.  Anyone know of an application that does this?22:43
fabjoa_mwoz@mmcji curl, maybe22:43
aeon-ltddaedaluz: stock ubuntu is a lot harsher on hardware than most other distros22:43
daedaluzklaxian: tried rooting out ALSA and replacing it with OSS? it's my next step before resuming Suse22:44
SubCoolhey- i am following some instructions, and they dont really say where to put the file. although the script says a location would that be the location?22:44
Pigguntbert: im not getting a menu? it just gives me the copy right thingy then this picture22:44
daedaluzaeon-ltd: bad excuse. this is tri-core system with 4GB DDR3 and GPU that runs Crysis.22:44
klaxiandaedaluz: well i'd hate to have to manually set up a key part of the system.  that's why i use ubuntu in the first place22:44
kanoutasTux43 I used to have grub working properly but now it doesn't. I can only boot ubuntu now.22:44
klaxianplus i want multiple apps to be able to play sounds at once, OSS can't do that22:45
klaxianin addition, the skipping/stuttering isn't limited to audio for me22:45
aeon-ltddaedaluz: ok, we have some problems then, ati card?22:45
fabjoa_mwozyope, linux ubuntu has some flaws, sorry klaxian, I, on my behalf, wont be able to help, can you do some troubleshooting?22:45
guntbertPig: when you boot with the live CD?22:45
daedaluzaeon-ltd: no, nvidia and proper drivers.22:45
kreeperok sorry, my comp froze up so i have to ask again, is there any way to create an IRC server on ubuntu 10.04 lts?22:45
aeon-ltddaedaluz: sounds like bugs then, what else causes these slow-downs?22:46
daedaluzklaxian: well OSS can do that for me... in KDE with Phonon22:46
Pigguntbert: yeah... do i hit like f2 or f12 or something?22:46
meeratoo fast good night.22:46
KE1HAkreeper, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/irc-server.html22:46
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: i have been troubleshooting for some time, but i am happy to do more.  i get these messages in my log: pulseaudio[1622]: ratelimit.c: 1381 events suppressed22:46
kreeperok thx ke1ha22:46
daedaluzaeon-ltd: nothing. I'm merrily copying ~100GB of files through CLI, so GNOME is botched22:47
guntbertPig: usually not - what version are you trying to install?22:47
fabjoa_mwozcan you disable the other sound servers?22:47
KE1HAkreeper, Also see FAQ: http://www.irc.org/tech_docs/ircnet/faq.html22:47
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: how would i do that?22:47
Pigguntbert: im trying to install 10.04 on a 8.04 machine22:47
aeon-ltddaedaluz: whats a 100gb that needs copying, just wondering22:47
hiexpowhen is 9.10 support over?22:47
daedaluzaeon-ltd: files22:47
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:48
VitorPamplonaAgain: is there a way to set the "Paste as Unformatted text" the default paste option for the whole system?22:48
klaxianalso stuff like this: kernel: [    9.972481] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.22:48
aeon-ltddaedaluz: "files" heh heh heh22:48
daedaluzaeon-ltd: sufficient description, unless Ubuntu ditched the whole basic UNIX filesystem concept while at it22:49
fabjoa_mwozwhat is the music software u use?22:49
guntbertPig: (I still suspect a bad disk) with what speed did you burn it?22:49
paulmainI'm still on Gutsy.  Looks liek I can upgrade to Hardy, then to Lucid, but in the meantime (not sure if I want to do six hours worth of downloading, or just fresh install lucid another day) I want to connect to a wireless network automatically.  Anyone know how?22:49
klaxianfabjoa_mwoz: i have tries totem, audacious, mplayer, etc.  all have the same result22:49
daedaluzklaxian: ffmpeg in 10.04 isn't working properly either. try VLC and see what happens22:50
NiglopThere is a problem I have with xchat, when x it, It goes to tray for a brief second and then totally closes..? *I have the option set to tray always on*. Does anyone know the fix to this?22:50
klaxiandaedaluz: not much in 10.04 is working properly is seems.  i can't believe this is LTS22:50
ChrisWeisI'm trying to migrate a functioning Lucid Lynx install from VMWare Workstation to ESX. For some reason, the ESX instance does not recognize the emulated network. I have no eth0. lspci -k does list an Intel gigabit ethernet controller. I'm new to Ubuntu, is there some command to re-scan the network hardware?22:50
daedaluzklaxian: yea22:51
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invisiblegorillatheres alot of crap on the beach22:51
Suit_Of_Sablesit looks like one can monitor the progress of a mv/cp command:http://duck.noduck.net/20091010/progress-cp-mv  though I'm afraid there isn't enough info there for a newb like myself to recreate it22:51
SubCooljim2, it kinda works :-)22:51
Pigguntbert: i dont remeber sorry should i just reburn and md5 sum check it?22:51
fabjoa_mwozklaxian: so ur issue is media skipping while playing, right? video, audio? can u be more detaily about the javascript issues u were talking about?22:51
klaxiani wish the ubuntu folks would actually make a release without somewhat severe issues in it.  every release, there are different, annoying, widespread issues22:51
aeon-ltdklaxian: personally i think rolling release is more stable than lts22:51
fabjoa_mwozyope, 10.4 is ok but not outstanding22:52
klaxianaeon-ltd: none have been without pretty large issues for me22:52
aeon-ltdklaxian: you can't really blame them though, they are devs who work for free22:52
fabjoa_mwozHardy Heron was the best though22:52
klaxianaeon-ltd: i'm not blaming upstream, i blame ubuntu (canonical)22:52
fabjoa_mwozor maybe im just nostalgic22:52
daedaluzaeon-ltd: isn't exactly stopping Debian people from making a decent system22:52
klaxianubuntu folks choose what goes in22:52
hiexpoerUSUL,  thats not what i wanted what i want to know is there gonna be a day that i will no longer be able to update my 9.10 ?22:52
paulmainklaxian, could be worse.  I remember paying for buggy OS...22:53
xuulI've been having a problem with synaptic package manager and update manager the last few days. Synaptic just hangs for a long time, and eventually crashes to desktop. Update manager hangs, then spits out this error "Could not initialize the package information.... An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing package information. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message: 'E:Read error - read (5:Inpu22:53
klaxianpaulmain: very true ;)22:53
guntbertPig: you could try 1) md5sum check the image once again, 2) burn with the lowest possible speed OR install a virtualization software on your old system and mount the iso as a virtual CD there22:53
guntbertinvisiblegorilla:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:53
zortechow do you fix the problem where you cannot retrieve packages using the update manager?22:53
zortecI have been trying to update for a couple days but keep getting the same error22:53
Pigguntbert: ok i will try those thank you :D22:54
KE1HAhiexpo, the real answer would be yes, but when that would be, is yet to be determined.22:54
duffyCant you juse kill -USR1 pid  the process to get its status22:54
aeon-ltdi'm not knocking ubuntu, but it seriously has become bloat; yeah you could blame gnome22:54
fabjoa_mwozzortec: update manager does not work from shell?22:54
guntbertPig: Good luck :-)22:54
zortecI was using the graphical end fabjoa_mwoz22:54
sandkinghow to update grub? grub-update doesn't work22:54
Pigguntbert: thanks :D22:54
Jordan_U!upgrade | Pig22:54
ubottuPig: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:54
hiexpoKE1HA,  ok22:54
invisiblegorillayeah guntbert : is there a gui for "tc(man)" and "iptables(man)" in ubuntu?22:54
duffysandking, update-grub22:54
fabjoa_mwozzortec: and from shell?22:54
Hammerheadis it global menu?22:55
sandkingduffy,  thx22:55
zortecfabjoa_mwoz: what is the command from shell just to update the packages that you need?22:55
Jordan_UPig: I personally don't think you should re-install (unless you want to), and you can upgrade directly to 10.04 from 8.04 as they are both LTS releases.22:55
guntbert!firewall | invisiblegorilla22:55
ubottuinvisiblegorilla: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:55
PigJordan_U: this computer is having some wifi isues22:56
zortecfailed to fetch packages22:56
zortecis the update server down?22:56
Dr_Willisinvisiblegorilla:  be a bit more verbose and concise in what you mean.22:56
Dr_Williszortec:  dosent seem to be for me.22:56
zortecFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/telepathy-butterfly/telepathy-butterfly_0.5.9-0ubuntu1_all.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:56
SubCoolCould somone help me with understand this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers - the KRFB section says to create a script, but where do i put it?22:56
zortecthat is one of the error messages Dr_Willis22:56
invisiblegorillaDr. i cant .. i'm drunk and stoned22:57
Dr_Williszortec:  could be theres some updates going on.22:57
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:57
fabjoa_mwozzortec: try update-manager -h22:57
sandkingi'm really lost - i'm trying to get wifi on eee 1001p to work but with no luck22:57
sandkingdoes anyone use wifi on "p" eee?22:57
zortecfabjoa_mwoz: not sure how that is going to help22:58
hiexposandking,  what is "p" eee22:58
zortectrying to find out why apt-get can't get the packages from the server22:58
sandkinghiexpo, eee that has p in the name - it's shortcut for name of the cpu i think22:59
fabjoa_mwozzortec: and using ubuntu software center? (sorry, i didn't follow the all discussion)22:59
hiexpozortec, have you read the errors why  > it will tell you22:59
Dr_Williszortec:  do other files work?22:59
zortechiexpo: the error is just that it failed to fetch... Not Found22:59
sandkingand i think that in this series is atheros chipset that i'm having trouble with22:59
zortechttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/main libgail-common 2.20.1-0ubuntu122:59
zortec  404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:59
Jordan_UPig: That image is supposed to be keyboard = accessability, i.e. press any key to get a menu with accessability options.23:00
hiexpozortec,  from whom ?23:00
zortecDr_Willis: can't get any of themt o update23:00
Dr_Williszortec:  the files not on the server for some reason. It could bhe getting updated.23:00
Dr_Williszortec:  the server may be getting some updates or down for some reason23:00
fabjoa_mwozDr_Willis: that seems unlikely, don't u think?23:00
hiexpoor  another synaptic open23:00
zortecwell this has been happening for a couple days23:01
KE1HADr_Willis, just curious, is there a Update-Server Status page that you know of?23:01
fabjoa_mwozhiexpo: another synpatic open would give a lock error$23:01
zortecevery time I try to update, get the same error message23:01
picard1421hey guys how do i install a GDM greeter theme?23:01
picard1421is there a manual way to do it because i dont think i have a GUI application?23:01
Dr_Willis5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  is working here23:01
Serephis there a way to make gnome terminal respond to the visual bell?23:01
Dr_Willispicard1421:  gdm2 dosent use the old gdm themes..23:02
KE1HADr_Willis, workign hree also.23:02
zortecshould I change the update server?23:02
KE1HAoops working here :-)23:02
picard1421how do install theme though?23:02
rousingi'm using laptop and trying to connect an exter,al monitor to it, well it works but wont give me the correct resolution23:02
Dr_Willispicard1421:  if its a GDM 1 theme.. you dont. it wont work with GDM2.23:02
rousingi've used xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_50.00"  120.21  1680 1776 1952 2224  1050 1051 1054 1081  -HSync +Vsyn23:02
hiexpoprobally jacked his > her repos  ^23:03
Hammerheadyeah it was gnome-globalmenu if you like your sanity......do not install this.23:03
r15hi, is the default runlevel 2 ok? normally we use runlevl 3.23:03
Dr_Willispicard1421:  for other gnome theme parts you can drag/drop them onto the 'appearance settings' window and it should install them to your .themes dir.23:03
rousingto add 1680x1050 but got this error, http://pastebin.com/qBLfykTd23:03
zortechiexpo: how do you fix that?23:03
rousingif any can check it please23:03
picard1421i just want to change the GDM theme23:03
Dr_Willisr15:  ubuntu dosent use runlevels like the older disrtos do.23:03
batshwaaeon-ltd: hi, just came back23:03
dries_does anyone know how to get CS2D working?23:03
Dr_Willis!runlevel | r1523:03
ubottur15: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.23:03
picard1421i downloaded a GDM theme and i just want that one to change im not sure where i go.. i am currently in the GNome desktop .. but am somewhat lost lol23:03
Dr_Willispicard1421:  check out the program 'epidermis' and perhaps 'gdm2setup'23:03
lwizardlanyone here use ever setup a ipcop firewall ?23:04
Hammerheadtake a look at firehol23:04
ChrisWeislwizardl: I ran one for years.23:04
zortecchanged from the main server to the server for the united states23:04
Dr_Willispicard1421:  if you downloaded a GDM1 theme. it wont work with the newer GDM. Thats the bottom line.23:04
batshwaaeon-ltd: can you tell me where i can find the source files of mandb?23:04
r15Dr_Willis: ok who -r giving me run-level 2, is it ok?  or shall i change it to run-level 3?23:04
Dr_Willispicard1421:  unless you want to downgrade  to the older gdm23:04
hiexpozortec,  go into sys > adm > software sources and check all23:04
Dr_Willisr15:  whio is this even an issue? ive never had to mess with the runlevels under normal operatiion.23:04
pradeepscreen keeps on flickering at intervals of 5min a dell insiprion 1440 does it happen to anyone here23:05
Dr_Willisr15:  runlevel 3 and 2 are identical.23:05
lwizardlChrisWeis, cool can i send you a pm? i have a feq questions i would like to ask23:05
r15ok, thanks Dr_willis23:05
aeon-ltdbatshwa: what ubuntu version are you using?23:05
ChrisWeislwizardl: Sure.23:05
KE1HAActually, 2 thru 5 are identical I got schooled on that last week :-)23:05
lwizardlChrisWeis, thank you23:06
batshwaaeon-ltd: i am using xubuntu 10.04, but with fluxbox as window manager23:06
r15err 2 & 5 are same?23:06
dries_does anyone know how to get CS 2D working?23:06
aeon-ltdbatshwa: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/man-db23:06
zortechiexpo: it is all checked except for source code23:06
_Hokan_Ubuntu -- Details of package man-db in lucid23:06
Dr_Willis!runlevel | r1523:06
aeon-ltdbatshwa: wait a better one http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/man-db23:06
_Hokan_Ubuntu -- Details of source package man-db in lucid23:06
Dr_Willis runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal23:06
picard1421Dr_WIllis all i did was do from command line23:07
picard1421apt-get install gdm23:07
picard1421that was it im not sure which version im running but its looking really ugyl23:07
zortecwould it make a difference if I change from the main server to the server from the united states?23:07
picard1421i think its the old one.. but unless im mistaken..23:07
aeon-ltdzortec: if you lived in the states yes23:07
picard1421i downlaoded a GDM background folder... i just need to know where to change the config file to point to it instead of its ugly beige thinggy23:08
hiexpozortec,  did you check all folders > updates > and other software?23:08
batshwaaeon-ltd: is there anything that can go wrong when i try to compile mandb?  (meaning, i won't lose any data during a routine job like this one, will i?)23:08
zortechiexpo: where?23:08
duffywhere is "mr"23:09
aeon-ltdbatshwa: no, 99% sure/hopefully something won't go wrong23:09
hiexpozortec,  in  software sources23:09
batshwaaeon-ltd: do i need the .dsc and both .tar.gz files?23:10
zortechmm, it is working when I changed from the main server to server from us23:10
zortecwhere is the main server located? could it be down?23:10
aeon-ltdbatshwa: no just the tar.gz23:10
hiexpozortec,  possible23:11
batshwaaeon-ltd: but both tar.gz's, right?23:11
fabjoa_mwozzortec: i dont think the server would be down, there would some kinda announcement about it23:11
zortecfabjoa_mwoz: how do you explain it?23:11
zortecit's downloading the files without a hitch now23:11
hiexpoi use get deb and they go down occasionally23:11
fabjoa_mwozdns issues, maybe23:12
fabjoa_mwozno actually i dont think so23:12
zortec225 files to download...23:13
sandkingwhat;s "erst table not found" error at bootup?23:13
hiexpozortec,  see relax take a Valium  < smoke a doob23:13
zortecValium never did it for me :P23:14
sandkingdamn i did this http://mindboosternoori.blogspot.com/2010/03/howto-have-wireless-working-on-asus-eee.html and wifi still doesn't work23:14
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aeon-ltdbatshwa: no just one of them23:15
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hiexposandking,  sorry to be the one to say something but we all have children here  and this is a family friendly site so please use darn in replace for damm ok     > nothing personal    > just respect is all      / thanks23:17
fabjoa_mwozhiexpo: do you think there are children in the channel?23:17
hiexpofabjoa_mwoz,  absolutely23:18
fabjoa_mwozok ill watch out then23:18
Dr_WillisMy 2 yr old grandson likes to climb in my lap and bang the keyboard while im in this channel. :)23:18
sandkinghiexpo, ok, sorry if i've offended someone (actually didn't know if it's a really swear word in english)23:18
ashleystarIt's a mild one but it counts. ;-)23:18
fabjoa_mwozim french, i have the tendency to be rather vulgar, hence the expression "pardon my french" so ill watch out :)23:19
batshwaaeon-ltd: all right, i'm onto the readme file now23:19
SubCoolCould somone help me with understand this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers - the KRFB section says to create a script, but where do i put it?23:19
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Dr_WillisSubCool:  whats the script suipposed to do? You can proberly put it anywhere in your $PATH23:20
batshwaaeon-ltd: i do not have to touch the existing installation of mandb before proceeding with ./configure and make, do i?23:20
SubCoolits supposed to be a python script to initiate KRFB on start up23:20
fabjoa_mwozdr_willis: "My 2 yr old grandson"? always nice to meet a linux vet </off-subject>23:21
aeon-ltdbatshwa: no, just cd into the package and build and install it will replace mandb23:21
Dr_WillisSubCool:  if the user needs to run it... anywhere in your $PATh, make a /home/username/bin dir. and put it in there.23:21
picard1421ok i have no way to customize themes...23:21
hiexpowe teach children here Linux and use this channel for them   so they learn from others   :)23:21
picard1421i dont have a "login window" option in my system administration23:21
SubCoolwhat about if i wanted it to start at login?23:21
picard1421my theme says it is not fully able because GTK+ Clear something is not installed?23:21
TheNerdALPicard, that means that you didn't install the theme correctly If I am correct.23:22
Dr_Willispicard1421:  gnome themes can use theme 'engines' to do the work.  thats proberly what you need.23:22
Dr_Willispicard1421:  and i find that often theemes are useable without the engines they warn about23:22
Brazzerhiexpo: did you say you teach children how to use linux?23:22
picard1421do i need to get someting23:22
picard1421my question is how do i install the themes i have no program to physically install them23:22
hiexpoBrazzer,  yes23:23
Dr_Willispicard1421:  does the theme look ok? if so - dont worry about it.. use opacakge maanger and look for other theme engines if you want23:23
picard1421i did a server install23:23
picard1421and di apt-get install gdm23:23
Dr_Willispicard1421:  for GNOME 'desktop' theme parts, you drag/drop them onto the appearence window. or extract them into .themes23:23
picard1421im missing the login windows program.. physically23:23
Dr_Willispicard1421:  GDM themes are different..23:23
picard1421yea all i want is GDM themes//23:23
picard1421basically im looking to change my login screen idc about my normal screen23:23
Dr_Willisthen your mention of a 'theme engine' is illrevant.. thjose are for the desktop.23:23
picard1421yea dont care about that23:24
Brazzerhiexpo: well im 13 and im trying to learn how to use the linux terminal and learn how to use linux in more depth i also would love to learn how to program in linux :)23:24
picard1421only care about login screen.. and i dont have a thing that says login window in system > admin23:24
Dr_Willispicard1421:  theres some guides out on downgrading to the normal gdm1,  i jhave no idea what gdm you are using.23:24
picard1421is there a package i need to install to get that23:24
Dr_Willispicard1421:  you could check out the 'epidermis' program. it lets you change gdm2 themes around a little.23:24
hiexpoBrazzer,  kool thats great23:25
fabjoa_mwozpicard21, go on system settings > login screens23:25
Karen_mI am looking for a perl ide for ubuntu.  Any recommendations?  I know terminal+perl -d is usually what I use but I want to see if there is something more productive23:25
Brazzerhiexpa: would you be able to teach me some stuff?23:25
Dr_Willispicard1421:  why did you install gdm on a server anyway? why not just use a desktop install to begin with23:25
hiexpoBrazzer,  depends where youlive ?23:25
fabjoa_mwozBrazzer: we all ex-rookies here, welcome to linux shell23:25
NiglopThere is a problem I have with xchat, when x it, It goes to tray for a brief second and then totally closes..? *I have the option set to tray always on*. Does anyone know the fix to this?23:26
SubCoolDr_Willis, i dont have a .bin or a bin folder in my home/usr/ directory23:26
NFischerHi all! how to remotely check file-modified-timestamp from files on a webserver??23:26
Brazzerhiexpa: well i live in the U.k in Manchester in a small town called walkden23:26
samyin your home? ...23:26
hiexpoNiglop,  sure you do it's hidden is all23:27
Dr_WillisSubCool:  so.. logically the anaswer is.. MAKE ONE . :)23:27
PiciBrazzer: If you're looking for community help, #ubuntu-uk might be able to point you towards a resource.23:27
SubCool.bin or bin23:27
batshwaaeon-ltd: there's a lot of reading to be done if i want every step to be absolutely correct -- i think i will skip this reading, what do you think?23:27
Dr_WillisSubCool i said 'bin' earlier.23:27
Dr_Willis'bin' in the users home dir. gets added to the default PATH if it exists.23:28
Dr_WillisOld skool stuff. :)23:28
hiexpoall . folders are hidden23:28
SubCooli wish something would stya the same23:28
picard1421Dr _ Willis i do not need the full ubuntu desktop i only want to change the GDM themes.. is there a folder i can change them out etc..?23:28
Dr_Willisbin has been the 'same' for years.23:28
picard1421GDM is not loging into23:28
hiexpoDr_Willis,  yup23:29
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Dr_Willispicard1421:  gdm 1 has config files you change. Check the varuious gdm dirs in /etc/   if you are using GDM2 see the epidermis program.23:29
Dr_WillisI dont bend over too far backwards for 'gdm' any more.23:29
Dr_Willispicard1421:  so for staters you need to determine which GDM you are using.23:29
Dr_Willispicard1421:  there are alternatives to GDM also.23:29
picard1421which i woul do by?23:29
Dr_WillisBye all.. bbl.23:29
batshwaaeon-ltd: the first error has just occurred: "configure: error: Fatal: no supported database library/header found"23:30
NFischerHi all! how to remotely read file-properties from files on a webserver??23:31
mrwizeguy1983has anyone had nvidia issues after updating to the latest automatic updated kernel in ubuntu 10.04?23:31
j_a_v_i_e_rsomeone run successfully the dolphin emulator in linux?23:31
KE1HANFischer, SSH to the server and ls -al23:32
NFischerKE1HA, no, i dont have ssh-access23:32
KE1HANFischer, or, use a web-bassed file-manager that's on the server.23:32
kim27So, I'm trying to boot ubuntu, and I am getting the error "ureadahead process killed by KILL signal" Any ideas?23:33
[thor]j_a_v_i_e_r: you mean the kde file manager?23:33
hiexpoyo prove a point go into home folder and right click  in it and create new folder name it .retard  and close folder than reopen it see if you see it    > not than reopen home and  click view than hidden folders than deleate it      :023:33
NFischerKE1HA, where are file-properties stored? in the file itself i assume?23:33
KE1HAHow do you access your web-Server ?23:33
NFischerKE1HA, http23:34
PiciNFischer: http doesn't expose any of that.23:34
KE1HANFischer, that's for rendering contest, do you not have an Admin Account for the web-site / server23:34
NFischerKE1HA, i do not23:35
NFischerPici, where are file-properties stored? in the file itself?23:35
KE1HANFischer, How do you get your contest to the web-site, FTP?23:35
KE1HAWhoops, content, not contest.23:35
PiciNFischer: What are you trying to do?23:36
NFischerKE1HA, it is not mine, its a remote server on which regularly files are uploaded, and i wanted to know, at what time this happens, so i do not have to try several times a day23:36
KE1HAtrying to read the fil permission on a web-site, but no SSH access or cPanel equl.23:37
NFischerKE1HA, i only want to know atz waht time its been uplaoded23:37
KE1HANFischer, what tells the site to update ?23:38
NFischerKE1HA, waht?23:38
erUSULNFischer: make the upload process leave an empty file named with the date an hour23:38
KE1HASomething tessl the site to get contest. that script or function will determine the frequency.23:38
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KE1HASRI, I've got KB issues here, somethign is tellign the site to refresh it's content, that's wehre the timming is comming from.23:39
KE1HANFischer, but that wasn't the original quesiton, it was file permissions, nevertheless, looking at the date time stamp will give you both, but how you acess it is the problem.23:40
NFischeris it that hard to understand?! I do want to know at what time files are created on an remote webserver which is periodically feeded by its administrator.. i only have reading access; and want to know at what time these files are uploaded so i do not have to visit the site over and over again23:40
blendmaster1024http://i.imgur.com/uOM2n.jpg <<< awesome test. what do you guys think?23:40
sandkingwhat's the shortcut to kill selected app?23:41
KE1HAsudo kill [app] or killall23:41
sandkingKE1HA, I meant in visual way23:41
KE1HAyoucan kill the app itself, or the PID23:41
sandkingthere;s a little app where you could mark with a mouseclick app to kill23:42
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batshwasandking: you may achieve this with xkill23:42
aeon-ltdbatshwa: damn, ok mandb is seriously screwed23:42
sandkingbatshwa, thx23:43
batshwaaeon-ltd: is there any way to fix it?23:43
sandkingwhy my power button in the corner turned red? ;]23:43
batshwasandking: you're welcome23:43
andres_hi guys23:43
UnknownWhats an EEPROM?23:44
KE1HAElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory23:44
pradeepAn interesting fact about AUGUST 2010. This August has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays & 5 Tuesdays, all in 1 month. It happens once in 800 years!!!23:44
dumonthow can I find out which process is eating away a ton of CPU? in console mode23:44
fabjoa_mwozpradeep: mmmh, nice fact23:45
pradeepdumont install htop23:45
UnknownKEIHA: thank you23:45
batshwadumont: you can try top or htop23:45
* duffy wishes he still had his Elvis23:45
77CAA00FNhow do i disable the LOUD annoying beep that happens if i hit backspace in a field where therses nothing to delete?23:45
aeon-ltdbatshwa: i'm not really sure, since apt won't work or compiling as they both require a working mandb this is kinda a infinite loop23:45
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fabjoa_mwoz77CAA00FN: in your alert volumes23:45
Kris_Quick question (hopefully).  I installed NTP--and it's working.. but I need to change the offset, so instead of devices having to be set to -7, they can be set to 0 and still get the correct local time (not GMT).23:45
fabjoa_mwozin sound preferences23:46
batshwaaeon-ltd: can't i tell them to skip the part where they require the man database?23:46
ArteHey guys!23:46
ArteI have a 64 bit system with an intel cpu!23:46
batshwaaeon-ltd: i mean, can't i uninstall the whole man system?23:46
ArteShould I sintall Ubuntu 64bit or 32x?23:46
fabjoa_mwozArte: 6423:46
Kris_arte: 64.23:46
pradeep32 off cos23:46
ArteI tried out 32x today. I liked it. Is there any chance that 64x would cause problems?23:47
An_Ony_Moose64, don't listen to pradeep23:47
An_Ony_Moosesome libs are harder to install23:47
An_Ony_Moosebut other than that 64 is better23:47
Artealrighty...64x it is then23:47
arooni-mobilefabjoa_mwoz, i dont see it in system => pref => sound23:47
ArteHarder to install, how so?23:47
KE1HAArte, depends, if you dont need the exted instructions, then 32-Bit if fine.23:47
An_Ony_Mooseand it's x32 or x64 ;)23:47
pradeepAn_Ony_Moose,  pls explain why23:47
fan64bit architect. is for 64bit apps and 64b CPU23:47
An_Ony_MooseArte, flash needs a little work23:47
pradeepintel cpu23:47
fabjoa_mwozarooni-mobile: mmmh, by any chance, do you use cairo?23:48
ArteAh. flash. bleh23:48
aeon-ltdbatshwa: i'm not sure i've never encountered a problem that involves the core of the system like mandb23:48
arooni-mobilefabjoa_mwoz, dont know what that is23:48
ArteI'll go with 32bit for now, since I'm only planning on using Ubuntu for web development.23:48
An_Ony_Moosepradeep, 64-bit ubuntu is native to his CPU so it's a better choice23:48
fan64 bit is the future ;D23:48
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fabjoa_mwozok, do you have a sound icon in one of your panels?23:48
Arteno processor-intensive stuff23:48
aeon-ltdanyone here know how to reinstall mandb if apt requires a working mandb?23:48
batshwaaeon-ltd: do you think i shouzld format and reinstall the whole system?23:48
duffyflash64 is available via a ppa, but beware the security flaw23:49
pradeepbut most system support but 64 and 32 bits23:49
fabjoa_mwozduffy: ppa has security flaws?23:49
ArteCan't I install everything using repositories?23:49
duffyfabjoa_mwoz, no, the flash does23:49
aeon-ltdbatshwa: not just yet i'd wait until tomorrow unless you want a working system now and have backed up everything you need23:49
fabjoa_mwozduffy: ah, ok23:49
duffyfabjoa_mwoz, but its still available IF you want it23:49
batshwaaeon-ltd: that's not the case with me23:50
KE1HAArte, you'll also find more diver support issues with 64-Bit, particularly with sound and WiFI NIC Cards.23:50
fanarte almost everything23:50
* duffy uses 64bit fine.23:51
fansometimes you want to install something without repo and then you do it - and you got a pleasre23:51
batshwaaeon-ltd: i wonder, can i set the system the way it does not run man(-)db regularly?23:52
rathka81anybody knows how to run scripts early at the bootup process?23:52
rathka81I need to run a script before fsck23:52
aeon-ltdbatshwa: it references it for almost every package related process, i think or at least it seems that way23:53
KE1HAI think rc.local is post boot scripts, you'd want them in the rc.d init folder, then put a low number on them for priority.23:53
batshwaaeon-ltd: all right23:54
aeon-ltdbatshwa: i'd google anyway just to be sure23:54
rathka81I have tried to run it from rcS.d with S00somescript, it still too late :(23:54
batshwaaeon-ltd: it seems not as easy as to be solved by a complete novice like me23:55
KE1HAYou can also try using the Boot-Manager for your requirments.23:55
batshwaaeon-ltd: i will do so tomorrow23:55
arooni-mobilehow do i disable loud visual beep ?  uubntu 10.0423:55
duffyrathka81, you dont fsck that much, so why bother23:55
KE1HAAKA = BUM :-)23:55
rathka81my fan is defect and don't run unless I force it from a script, system sometimes overheat during fsck of home partition23:57
KE1HAthe CPU fan is defunked ?  You need to find the real reason for that issue, else, you may not have a box to work with.23:58
arooni-mobileis there a way to turn off the annoying sound that 10.04 ubuntu makes when i try to delete text in a field (in any app) where theres nothing left to delete?23:59

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