
sibbleI use DropBox, because with referrals I have 10GB free an dit works on My Mac, my Ubuntu laptopa and my client's windows machines. There are other rsync based opensource products that are java based that work in user space and are platform agnostic, Ubuntu needs to take direction from them to gain more acceptance than things like drop box.08:34
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duanedesigni have not bought this many songs so I can not test this. Has anyone come across this before? bug 61109109:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 611091 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "can not see first 5 pages of downloads (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61109109:48
aquariushaven't come across it, but it's a known bug. I'll try and find the duplicate10:06
duanedesignok, thanks aquarius.10:13
mvoaquarius: I'm playing with the oneconf stuff from didrocks currently, but my log keeps showing me ServerError: (502, '') - is my machine in some sort of blacklist?10:23
aquariusmvo, replication is disabled for a big block of users while we work on the scaling stuff10:24
aquariusthisfred knows the details, when he arrives (he's in the US)10:24
mvoaquarius: ok, thanks, I will ask him when he appears10:27
vdsping mandel10:35
mandelvds, pong10:35
mandelvds, morning!10:35
vdsmandel: good morning, I'm not here, you are not talking to me! :D I read your comment on the branch10:36
mandelvds, :P10:36
mandelvds, I just want a comment so that we remember that is all hehe10:36
vdsmandel: my comment is wrong I think I get what you mean10:36
vdsnow we can either merge that branch like it is and use it for tests10:37
vdsit should work I think10:37
vdsand I fix it later10:37
mkarnickiverterok: hey verterok ! unlink(volume, node); deletes the 'node' folder from U1, is that correct?10:37
vdsmandel: or I can fix it later today as it should not take too much10:37
mandelvds, as you think is best10:37
mandelvds, you are on holidays, so dont work!10:38
vdsmandel: that's not a big issue :)10:38
vdsmandel: is that problem blocking you? if so I can spare some time to fix it, np! :)10:38
mandelvds, I'm not block, dont worry10:38
mandelvds, I'm working on the python/c# interaction, so no issues10:39
mandelvds, I have plenty to have fun with ;)10:39
vdsmandel: how's going? :)10:39
mandelvds, fine, I'm now tyding the notification icon with service interaction, as soon as that is tested I'll move to twister10:40
mandelvds, I should be able to make it work with pipes as if it was reacting to changes in a file.. I need to test though10:40
mandelvds, lets say is a POC :P10:40
mandelI  need to sort out some paper work at the back, will be back asap11:35
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hotstewcan someone help me with Ubuntu one?11:58
hotstewwhat do I have to do to sync folders with Ubuntu One?11:59
ryehotstew, hi, what distribution and version are you running?12:00
hotstewUbuntu 10.0412:00
hotstewunder gnome12:00
ryehotstew, ok, so you will need to open Ubuntu One preferences from MeMenu (the menu with your nick), the browser will be opened to associate your machine with the service, you will have Ubuntu One folder created automatically and then synchronization daemon (ubuntuone-syncdaemon) will be started12:02
hotstewis the MeMenu the one in the panel?12:02
hotstewjust a sec12:04
hotstewI have to install Ubuntu one12:04
hotstewDo I have to put the folder into the Ubuntu One folder to sync? Or can I just sync it from it's original location?12:08
aquariushotstew, you can sync a folder from its original location (right click on the folder, Synchronise on Ubuntu One)12:14
hotstewhmm, but that option doesn't show up12:15
hotstewmaybe because it's an external hard drive12:15
aquariusah, yes. You can only sync folders in your home folder.12:16
hotstewstrange, I made a new folder in my home folder and want sync it12:21
hotstewbut all the files just a some kind of grey refresh symbol and it doesn't upload12:21
hotstewAh, it started.12:25
hotstewVery slowly. XD12:25
hotstewAlright, problem solved! Thanks a lot!12:25
hotstewThis is a pretty interesting service.12:26
hotstewA lot of the times this kind of service is made by dubious folks, hurray for Ubuntu :312:26
aquariushotstew, thanks :)12:27
ryehotstew, well, I am also pretty confident with placing my own files to the service given the fact that the technology that is used here is known, so while it is a black box for end users, it is not that black really :)12:28
hotstewyeah, I'm not saying that Ubuntu One is dubious12:30
hotstewit's pretty interesting they've gone this way together with the music store12:31
hotstewguess it's like the second layer of user experience12:31
hotstewthough I still wonder how it's all financed o.O"12:32
hotstewI still have a cd with Ubuntu 4.10, it's certainly gone a long way12:34
ryehm, maybe we should implement 'undelete' for contacts/notes stored in couchdb?12:34
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ryehotstew, btw, were you able to associate your machine with the service?12:35
hotstewyes it's uploading the files right now12:35
hotstewI wonder why xbmc is not in the ubuntu repositories.12:37
hotstewIt's the most capable video player I found on Linux12:37
dutchiehi, i seem to be seeing duplication between ~/.ubuntuone and ~/.local/share/ubuntuone12:38
dutchieas in, the songs i bought from the u1ms are in both dirs12:38
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hotstewwhat exactly does the Ubuntu One folder in my home folder do?12:39
ryehotstew, it is the default "root" for synchronization. You can now use any folder within $HOME to be synced with ubuntu one but "Ubuntu One" folder is the one that will be always present.12:41
ryedutchie, ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One is a symlink to ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One. aquarius why is that btw?12:42
dutchieit's making everything show up twice in banshee :(12:42
aquariusrye, it's a symlink because the purchased-music folder is created on the server. The server can't know where your XDG folders are, so it creates the purchased-music folder in a known stable location (~/.ubuntuone), and then Rhythmbox adds the symlink (so you can get at the folder from your XDG folders, the logical place to find it).12:43
ryeaquarius, aha, so e.g. Banshee should not scan ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One folder, it should use ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/... symlink12:44
aquariusit should scan one or the other, but not both.12:45
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dutchiecheers then12:56
Chipacaif my network conditions continue like this, today's standup is via IRC13:27
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verterokmkarnicki: unlink only delete empty directories and files13:45
mkarnickiverterok: to delete a folder I should call that recursively for any non-empty folder?13:46
verterokmkarnicki: yes13:46
mkarnickiverterok: got it. thanks. I'll ping you soon on listShares() usage, I guess it's similar to listVolumes()13:47
verterokmkarnicki: listShares returns no-yet-accepted-shares13:48
mkarnickiverterok: oh.. so I use listVolumes to retrieve shared folders too? (I mean, UDF's)13:48
mkarnickitfu I'm confusing, sorry13:48
mkarnickiverterok: how do I retrieve UDFs ?13:48
mkarnickiverterok: I looked at the code, and processMessage was checking the type of message, .ROOT, .VOLUMES and .SHARES if I'm not mistaken13:50
verterokmkarnicki: UDF isn't a "shared" folder13:51
mkarnickiI know, I meant UDFs, sorry13:51
verterokmkarnicki: udfs are included in listVolumes13:51
mkarnicki.UDF instead of.SHARES I guess :D13:51
mkarnickioh, are they?13:51
verterokmkarnicki: listVolumes includes: root, UDFs, accepted Shares13:53
verterokmkarnicki: yes, listVolumes might have a bug or two13:53
mkarnickiverterok: no worries, I try to figure it out today/tomorrow13:54
mkarnickiverterok: I'm working on my service connectivity right now :)13:54
verterokmkarnicki: ok13:54
verterokmkarnicki: I saw your mail, but wasn't able to take a deep look at Java's socket stuff13:55
mkarnickiverterok: I should workaround that, I'll be receving 'disconnected' events from Android13:55
mkarnickiverterok: so maybe there won't be need to further investigate that broken pipe13:55
mkarnickiit's not a workaround actually.. it's the way I should implement that :)13:56
mkarnickiverterok: when I'll get such event, I'll explicitely call .disconnect() and that should clean up that lost connection13:56
ChipacaUbuntu One Desktop+ standup starting! say "me" to grab a spot14:00
Chipaca... this is going to be a short standup14:01
Chipacaalecu: CardinalFang: rmcbride: rodrigo_: thisfred: vds: ping14:03
alecuChipaca, irc?14:03
rodrigo_Chipaca, pong14:03
CardinalFangChipaca, hi hi.14:03
Chipacatoday, yes: network trouble monday :)14:03
rmcbrideChipaca: already logged in14:03
rmcbrideChipaca: me14:03
rmcbrideah so no mumble OK14:03
Chipacarmcbride: sorry :)14:04
rmcbrideChipaca: no worries.14:04
thisfredoh me14:05
Chipacanessita is not going to make it14:05
Chipacamandel: say "me" :)14:05
ChipacaCardinalFang: go!14:05
CardinalFangDONE: some work on ubuntu-sso-client network retries.14:06
CardinalFangTODO: figure out what's left and finish it.14:06
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None14:06
rmcbridehmm. tomboy dies on init again14:06
rmcbrideDONE: Day off14:06
rmcbrideTODO: Fix Nightlies14:06
rmcbrideBLOCKED: Don't believe so.14:06
rmcbridenext: rodrigo_14:07
rodrigo_DONE: lots of phone calls on Friday afternoon. Discussed ubuntu-sso API with alecu and nessita. More network detection code for nautilus plugin. Default to Read/write shares in Nautilus plugin14:07
rodrigo_TODO: more ubuntu-sso. Finish networking detection code14:08
rodrigo_not BLOCKED14:08
rodrigo_thisfred, go14:08
thisfredDONE: Got migration script working on staging TODO: change js dependencies in couchdb 1.0 for CAT so we don't pull in all of X | test full migration on staging | migrate production BLOCKED: mebbe: I don't really know how to package couch so that it depends on libmozjs rather than xulrunner, but I intend to find out. that is all.14:08
ChipacaCardinalFang: talk with rodrigo_ for figuring out14:08
Chipacarodrigo_: yay :) now I have to bug beuno about unification14:08
thisfredmandel: you!14:08
CardinalFangChipaca, roger.14:08
mandelDONE: implemented NotificationIconPresenter. POC with twistted and name pipes14:08
mandelTODO: increase AOP unit tests, auto generate docs, make sure twistted and named pipes is possible14:08
mandelBLOCKED: No, but I need reviews :D14:09
mandelalecu, go14:09
alecuDONE: while learning DBus, I found a problem with (and a possible solution to) the way we are sending Signals in Ubuntu-SSO.14:09
alecuTODO: agree on the solution with nessita and rodrigo. Code it.14:09
alecuBLOCKED: no14:09
Chipaca<nessita> me14:09
alecunessita: go14:09
Chipaca<nessita> DONE: Added "reset password" screen to SSO GUI. Reviewed alecu's branch with improved dbus API for SSO.14:09
Chipaca<nessita>  TODO: If dbus backend is ready, merge that with the GUI frontend. Extend ubuntuone-preferences so the first screen is the one from the design if user has no credentials.14:09
Chipaca<nessita>  BLOCKED: nopes14:09
Chipacathisfred: the finding out should involve other people, not just reading, right?14:10
Chipacaalecu: we're on Monday. If it's not a critical issue (affecting the definition of the feature), file a bug and get back to it after tomorrow :)14:11
rodrigo_thisfred, debian packages have something called 'provides' or something like that, so maybe the JS libs have the same 'provides' and thus you can just depend on what they provide, not on the specific JS lib implementation14:12
mandelChipaca, are we done, I need to restart to get back to work :P14:12
alecuChipaca, it's a problem in the api definition. We are currently sending all reply signals on the main DBus object. That means that if two apps ask for credentials at the same time, they won't be able to tell which signal is the return value for each app.14:13
alecuChipaca, so, it will work as it is now, but we'll have to change/break the api for beta. Does that sound reasonable?14:14
alecurodrigo_, ^^14:14
rodrigo_alecu, well, the signals should not really be a return from the method call, but a notification of what happened (UserRegistered, CredentialsRetrieved, etc)14:14
ChipacaEOM, btw :)14:14
mandelChipaca, I was waiting for that :D14:15
mandelbrb, rebooting to W14:15
Chipacamandel: I know, that's why I said it :)14:15
alecurodrigo_, right, but we are using them as return values anyway for blocking methods14:15
thisfredChipaca: I am starting with comparing the debian/control and patches, it may be really simple. If I have the slightest inkling that it;s not simple I will bug people for help14:15
thisfredrodrigo_: ^14:15
Chipacathisfred: there are a lot of people that have gone through that transition, at least per discussion at uds, which is why I said talk with people14:16
Chipacathisfred: just not on our immediate team14:16
thisfredChipaca: yeah, but we had it working in couchdb 0.10 for hardy14:16
alecurodrigo_, so I believe we should add a first step that means getting an instance of the login processor, then asking for the methods and receiving the signals on *that* object14:16
thisfredChipaca: so I just want to look for a few minutes if it's really simple14:17
thisfredch if not, I will ask for help, I won't get stuck in it14:17
Chipacathisfred: oh, ok14:17
* Chipaca should change his nick to "ch"14:17
thisfredChipaca: and I think I may have solved it14:20
Chipacathisfred: y-ay14:21
rodrigo_alecu, again, we should not use the signals as real reply handlers, but about notifications, so we can signal when a user is registered including the user name, so that apps can just check if that's the user they started the registration for14:49
mkarnickiCardinalFang: have you ever registered BroadcastReceiver from the code?15:35
CardinalFangmkarnicki, Hrm.  Not sure.  Give me some context for what you're asking.15:36
mkarnickiCardinalFang: this is my onCreate for the service: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472223/15:37
mkarnickiCardinalFang: NetworkObserver extends BroadcastReceiver15:37
mkarnickiand «this» is the Service implementing INetworkListener (just few callbacks that the BroadcastReceiver is supposed to call on network events)15:38
mkarnickiCardinalFang: I also tried more basic constructor registerReceiver(mNetworkObserver, intentFilter);15:38
CardinalFang(You and your fancy guilemmots!)15:38
mkarnickiCardinalFang: I don't want to take your time.15:39
mkarnickiCardinalFang: it's just that I did use receiver, but from the manifest file. that one from the code doesn't seem to catch those events15:39
CardinalFangmkarnicki, Ah. I've only set up receivers from the Manifest too.  I'd instrument the hell out of it and watch the logs first, FWIW.15:41
mkarnickiCardinalFang: gotta leave for 20 min. ah ok, good idea. I'll add more output.15:42
mkarnickilater! :)15:42
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mvothisfred: hi, is there a way to figure out if coucdb sync are currently disabled for me? I'm testing oneconf (the software-center integration bits) on maverick and it seems to not sync, I keep seeing502 in the logs15:55
thisfredmvo: I think there is, let me look15:56
hotstewUbuntu guys are the best XD15:56
hotstewI was saved from reinstalling Ubuntu15:56
mvothisfred: my login is michael.vogt(at)ubuntu.com (if that helps :)15:57
hotstewI wanted to ask, how do I delete a folder on Ubuntu One?15:57
hotstewoh, are you German? :315:57
hotstewAnd btw, are certain files forbidden to be uploaded on Ubuntu One?15:59
thisfredaquarius: can the ubuntuone-couchdb-query tool be used to find out one's user account id?16:01
duanedesignhello hotstew16:02
thisfredaquarius: second sub-question: does it work at all, currently? :)16:02
hotstewhello :316:02
thisfredaquarius: for me it gives either unauthorized immediately, or it seems to hang forever. Maybe I'm calling it wrong16:03
aquariusthisfred, no, it can't (well, it can if you yank the code out of it that hits /api/account)16:03
dobeyhotstew: depending on what you mean by "certain files" the answer is maybe. read the terms of service, and the various laws you must abide by across the planet :)16:03
thisfredaquarius: so it won't respond with say the full url of a db ever?16:03
aquariusthisfred, pass --http-signature-method=PLAINTEXT and then it either works or hangs forever. I have this on my list to talk to you about.16:03
dobeyhotstew: and if you're still not sure, ask your lawyer i guess :)16:04
aquarius(the hang-forever seems to be ssl weirdness. I thought it was only happening to me.)16:04
ryehotstew, there is a list of file patterns that client does not upload, mostly temporary files, other than that no restriction is imposed by the software16:04
thisfredaquarius: I think you mentioned it. Yet web_api_tool works for me always, and I think that uses H-SMACK16:04
thisfredah no it does not by default16:05
aquariusthisfred, exactly; this is why I want to talk to you about it :) But I've been loath to pull you away from your current work16:05
dobeyhotstew: and there are plenty of files that aren't necessarily forbidden from being uploaded, but which i wouldn't recommend putting there16:05
hotstewhmm, so uploading my naked pictures is not good? :(16:06
thisfredaquarius: ah, it does return the full db name16:07
hotstewno actually I was just wondering if I could back up my music16:07
hotstewwhich seems to be the case16:07
thisfredmvo:, please download this script: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Troubleshooting?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntuone-couchdb-query16:07
hotstewand by my music I mean the music I made16:07
thisfredmvo, and then run it like so:16:07
thisfred./ubuntuone-couchdb-query --oauth-signature-method=PLAINTEXT contacts16:07
hotstewyeah, and the second question was how to delete uploaded folders16:08
thisfredmvo, this will return a json string, and in that you will see a 'db_name': something16:08
thisfredmvo: you might have to run it a few times though16:09
thisfredwe currently have quite severely limited the number of incoming connections16:09
thisfredmvo, also if you can't get it to work at all, that means you're not one of the lucky ones.16:10
hotstewummm, in the web interface a "synched folder" shows up16:15
hotstewthing is I deleted it and the web interface doesn't show me the option of deleting the uploaded files16:15
hotstewbut it does for the files I put in the Ubuntu One folder16:16
mvothisfred: long wait, 502 then :/16:17
thisfredmvo: it should return pretty fast when you're allowed through, so ctrl-C it when it doesn't return instantly and try a few more times.16:18
hotstewif anybody from the Ubuntu One folks listens:16:18
hotstewUbuntu One doesn't give me the option of deleting synced folders and I also can't upload folders or more than one files over the web interface.16:19
thisfredmvo: I'm not 100% sure, but I think it returns a 503 when your account is not opened up yet16:19
duanedesignhotstew: you could delete user designated folders from the command line with the u1sdtool.16:21
hotstewoh, it's beta?16:22
duanedesignhotstew: to get a list of the folders run the command: u1sdtool --list-folders16:22
mvothisfred: ha! now I got a result16:22
duanedesignhotstew: you will need the ID number of the folder you want to delete from the server16:23
thisfredmvo: depending on what that result is, I think you probably are in the lucky category16:23
mvothisfred: I see a db name now (after some attempts). so I'm a luck yone?16:23
mvothisfred: makes me wonder why my oneconf sync seems to not work16:23
hotstewbut I already deleted that folder16:24
thisfredmvo: we're working hard to increase the limits16:24
hotstewis it the same I make a new folder in the same place with the same name?16:24
mvothisfred: aha, ok. thanks16:24
duanedesignhotstew: so it doesnt show up when you run u1sdtool --list-folders?16:24
hotstewu1sdtool --list-folders16:25
hotstewFolder list:16:25
hotstew  id=b29ec016-36da-4907-85be-b325e111eb1a subscribed= path=/home/simi/sync16:25
duanedesignhotstew: and that is the folder you wish to delete?16:25
duanedesignhotstew: if it is run the command:   u1sdtool --delete-folder=b29ec016-36da-4907-85be-b325e111eb1a16:26
hotstewbecause I found that the Ubuntu One folder autosyncs XD16:26
hotstewdoes u1 stand for Ubuntu One?16:26
duanedesignhotstew: it will remain on your HD, just removed from one.ubuntu.com/files16:26
duanedesignhotstew: yes. Some people try to run ulsdtool instead of u1ssdtool :)16:27
hotstewit worked, you must be some kind of wizard16:28
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hotstewthe GUI Ubuntu One program still shows the old size though16:29
hotstewnot that it matters much16:29
duanedesignhotstew: does it if you close the Preferences window and then open it again?16:30
hotstewnow it shows the right size16:31
hotstewas I said you're a wizard16:31
hotstewI'm like a caveman and you zip aroud me with a Segway16:32
hotstewtell me great one, is there a way to upload folders or multiple files over the web interface?16:33
hotstewapparently not16:35
duanedesignhotstew: this is the bug report on the free space value not updating until you reopen the preferences16:36
duanedesignbug 55418516:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 554185 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One Preferences app field values should update periodically (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55418516:36
duanedesignhotstew: if you have a second could you click on the ' This bug affects 3 people. Does this bug affect you?'16:36
duanedesignlets the developers have an idea of the nnumer of people affected. :)16:37
hotstewwhere do I find that?16:37
duanedesignhotstew: currently on the web interface you can not upload multiple files and folders16:37
duanedesignhotstew: it is at the top left16:37
hotstewyeah, but where can I find the "This bug affects 3 people...16:37
duanedesignhotstew: its the top of the page right under the title of the bug16:38
hotstewsorry I normally don't do bug reports16:39
hotstewso I have to go to Launchpad16:40
duanedesignhotstew: it is at the top of this page:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/55418516:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 554185 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One Preferences app field values should update periodically (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:40
hotstewnow I've got it16:43
hotstewyeah, but I don't even have a Launchpad account16:45
hotstewwhat is Launchpad anyway?16:45
hotstewa lot of external repositories come from there oO16:45
hotstewsee you guys later16:49
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mkarnickiaquarius: nessita has been really helpful, I've got what I need for browserless authentication.18:28
mkarnickiaquarius: you know achuni?18:28
aquariusI do18:29
mkarnickiaquarius: does he/she appear on irc? how can I contact that person?18:29
mkarnickiaquarius: ahh, nessita told me he appears on IRC18:30
aquariushe, and I don't know if he hangs out on freenode, but I imagine he does18:30
aquarius(he's online now, in fact)18:30
mkarnickibrb phone call18:30
mkarnickiaquarius: right :) I've been only looking at #ubuntuone and #ubuntu-dev for him. thanks18:40
mkarnickiaquarius: cool, talked to achuni. got another pointer. I'll get my late lunch now. later!18:49
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simplr!join #linuxoutlaws20:02
ubot4simplr: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:02
beunosimplr, also, please don't spam20:03
mkarnickihi beuno20:04
beunohiya mkarnicki20:05
mkarnickibeuno: I talked to aquarius, nessita and achuni, and collected material and hints for using new auth API20:06
nessitamkarnicki: yey@20:06
beunomkarnicki, great news. How's it looking?20:06
mkarnickibeuno: looks interesting :) however, I'll have to either find Java wadl client to use, or port part of lazr.restful to Java.20:07
mkarnickibeuno: hmm.. I'll also need those WADL files. probably I'll find them under lazr project20:07
mkarnickibeuno: did aq poke you about approach to auth on Android <2.0 ? we won't be able to use AccountManager there.20:08
beunomkarnicki, he did20:09
mkarnickibeuno: any news/opinions?20:09
beunomkarnicki, he proposed something20:09
beunostoring it in an all-user accesible folder20:09
beunofor previous versions20:10
mkarnickiI think there's even a better way20:10
mkarnickisince the app developer will have to declare sso activity in the manifest20:10
mkarnickisso itself will be able to hold the token in the application preferences20:11
mkarnickiso that it's not exposed20:11
mkarnicki1 sec20:11
mkarnickibeuno: I'm back20:12
beunomkarnicki, I don't follow20:12
mkarnickilet me rephrase20:12
beunohow would other applications get the roken then?20:12
mkarnickibeuno: every app would include the sso jar20:12
mkarnickibeuno: and on <2.0 Android they would call an activity from the jar20:13
mkarnickibeuno: then, that activity would return as a result a bundle with token and secret20:13
beunomkarnicki, and how would they share tokens so people don't have to specify their credentials on each one?20:13
mkarnickibeuno: oh dang. i missed that. right, we're back to world-readable file heh20:14
mkarnickiI'm kinda sleepy, sorry.20:14
mkarnickiyou're right. so yeah, we're using AccountManager and20:14
mkarnickion <2.0 we use a world readable file20:14
beunoI'm glad we're having this conversation before anything is implemented!20:14
mkarnickiyeah! hehehe20:14
mkarnickiI'm sorry, I'm a bit sloppy today20:15
beunoit's called "Monday"20:15
mkarnickibeuno: since that file will be really small, I think we could save it in the promary, internal storage20:15
mkarnickiyea ;)20:15
mkarnickiwe don't want to loose the tokens with the user plugged the phone with a USB cable and sd card is mounted onto PC (can't access from the phone, if I'm not mistaken)20:16
beunoI agree, primary storage is best for this20:16
mkarnickiso, we would put that in the internal storage.20:16
mkarnickiplus, I still think that apps (on <2.0) should ask the sso activity for the tokens20:17
mkarnickibecause, if there's connectivity, the sso will instantly verify if they're still valid, and then forward them to the app20:17
mkarnickibeuno: *or* we can say that20:17
beunomkarnicki, that would work as well20:18
mkarnickiif the application happens to receive invalid tokens, it must call sso activity with some EXTRA_ set so that it knows20:18
mkarnickiit should retrieve new tokens20:18
mkarnickithat's actually how AccountManager works20:18
* beuno nods20:18
mkarnickiapplications should notify it if the tokens are bad.20:18
beunowhatever is easier, really20:18
mkarnickiand that's it.20:18
mkarnickifor starteds I think I'll write the version with the browser, and when that's working, I'll work on the new API20:19
mkarnickithe browser would initially show up both on <2.0 and 2.0+, just for time being20:20
mkarnickithen I'll change that to work with new API (captcha, etc)20:20
beunosounds great20:20
beunotry to keep it simple and slowly make it more complex20:21
mkarnickiexactly, that's what I'll aim for.20:21
mkarnickiincremental improvements.20:21
mkarnickisimple solution is always the best20:21
mkarnickibeuno: what are you guys using in ubuntuone-android-client currently for auth?20:22
mkarnickibeuno: has it been released yet? I think not, right?20:22
beunomkarnicki, no, we don't hve a lot of code yet20:23
beunoor almost any at all20:23
beunoit's all sketching and discussing atm20:23
mkarnickioh. I thought I saw a screenshot, it looked pretty cool (or was that a dream :D? hehe)20:23
mkarnickiI see. anyway, if I can be of any help, let me know.20:24
beunoa dream  :)20:24
mkarnickino way.. *googles*20:25
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mkarnickibeuno: I'm definitely working too much :O hehehe20:26
* mkarnicki is sure he saw a screenshot with nice, huge button saying 'Sync contacts' or something along that line20:26
beunomkarnicki, ah20:27
beunobut that's the existing iphone app, I think20:27
mkarnickimaybe it was iphone.. right!20:27
mkarnickiit might have been20:27
mkarnickioh man.. you got me scared :D hehe20:27
beunoyou're seeing zombie apps!20:28
mkarnickiubuntu on Nexus One heh ;) http://goo.gl/MxBQ20:29
mkarnickibeuno: yea, it was iPhone indeed :) looks really nice, simple and clean20:30
duffywonder how well it runs.20:32
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ajmitchmkarnicki: oh, what info did you get on browserless auth? it sounds interesting21:49
mkarnickiajmitch: developers will be able to use REST API, present the user with captcha (+verification mail) and not use the browser for that :)21:50
ajmitchso it'll still require some graphical display21:50
mkarnickiajmitch: yes, it does to present the captcha21:51
* ajmitch is wanting something that will allow using U1 file sync on a headless box21:51
ajmitchsince there's no cli-only support at the moment :)21:51
mkarnickiajmitch: yes, that would be nice :)21:52
mkarnickiajmitch: you can always enter the oauth tokens by hand on the headless box, if you want U1 file sync there :)21:53
mkarnickiajmitch: gotta go now, I'll be back soon21:53
mkarnickiajmitch: although I don't feel I'm the best person to address that interesting issue :)21:54
ajmitchstill useful to know :)21:54
mkarnickiajmitch: (you'd need to put them in the keyring, I don't know if you need some other setup)21:55
mkarnickiajmitch: probably some guys are laughing at what crazy stuff I'm writing, but hey, you can always try :) ok, gotta leave for a while. bye!21:55
ajmitchwhich will require having some keyring components there21:55
hotstewA file won't synchronize even after a while even though the rest was uploaded22:00
hotstewSeems like a bug. o.O22:01
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