
ScottLcrimsun, jussi persia stochastic TheMuso : i would like to get your opinions on the network-admin bug #57082802:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570828 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "gnome-network-admin on UbuntuStudio doesnt allow to configure either wired networks or wireless" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57082802:25
ScottLbasically, the UI has been removed that allows network configuration because network-manager was implemented and they wanted only one place to make the configuration02:26
ScottLi have not had much luck in either fixing the problem or getting someone already involved to fix it02:26
ScottLso i was thinking that perhaps we should drop in network-manager as a replacement for network-admin in the last alpha and test it02:27
ScottLif we don't see too many adverse effects perhaps we might consider using network-manager as default02:27
crimsunhmm. That's a tough one. I think replacing g-n-a with n-m is the way to go.02:33
crimsunIn the end, if the issues lie in the kernel and in n-m, they need to be fixed for everyone.02:33
TheMusocrimsun: Agreed. We already ship nm-applet, not hard to move it to desktop.02:38
TheMusocrimsun: BTW, do you have a pointer to your ossproxy packaging anywhere? Would like to test/get it into maverick.02:38
scott-workit looks like the qjackctl ports-rename SRU is marked as "fix released"...yay13:13
scott-workthank you again crimsun for you help doing that :)13:13
scott-workit feels good to substantially improve the quality of the release for a LTS version13:13
scott-workTheMuso: did you know that phonon is installed on the ubuntu studio ISO?14:01
falktxhm, scott-work, really?14:02
falktxphonon is a qt/kde thing14:02
scott-worklol falktx i just posted in OSM to you14:02
falktxhehe, cool14:02
scott-workyeah, /pool/main/p/phonon/libphonon4_4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb /pool/main/p/phonon/phonon-backend-xine_4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb /pool/main/p/phonon/phonon_4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb14:03
scott-workor in readable human english14:03
falktxoh, and xine as well I suppose14:03
falktxscott-work: look for xine too14:03
scott-workhmmm, libxine1-bin_1.1.18.1-4ubuntu3_i386.deb libxine1-console_1.1.18.1-4ubuntu3_i386.deb libxine1-misc-plugins_1.1.18.1-4ubuntu3_i386.deb libxine1-x_1.1.18.1-4ubuntu3_i386.deb libxine1_1.1.18.1-4ubuntu3_i386.deb14:04
falktxthat's too bad for a gnome distro14:07
falktxwhich app is pulling those?14:07
scott-worki don't know and not sure how to find it other than hunt and peck14:08
falktxscott-work: any "kde" packages ?14:09
falktxkdelibs5 for example?14:09
scott-workfalktx: no kde other than "disKDEfines"14:09
scott-worki'm guessing totem might be pulling xine in?14:10
falktxyep, i'm looking at the list now14:10
falktxtotem has both gstreamer and xine backends14:10
falktxi'm sure it's not totem14:11
falktxprobably qt libs instead14:11
falktxscott-work: do you have a recent install of ubuntustudio?14:11
scott-worki'm at work so not at the moment14:12
falktxyou can easily check there which package is pulling the xine/phonon thing...14:12
falktxi can install it now to test14:12
falktxdownloading the latest iso, I'll install it on virtualbox and check this for you14:13
scott-worksweet :)14:16
falktxenterprise internet is awesome!14:16
falktx1m to complete download14:16
falktxhehe, 7.0Mb/s14:17
falktxdone, installing it now14:18
scott-workare you going to use 'rdepends' to find this?14:19
falktxgui is better14:20
falktxscott-work: the installation failed, cannot find kernel15:01
falktxi'll try to install even without kernel, but that will cause issues of course15:02
falktxshould be enough for this xine/phonon thing too15:02
scott-workhmmm, interesting that the kernel failed :(15:03
falktxanother error about aptitude15:03
falktx"Can't exec 'aptitude': No such file or..."15:04
falktxafaik, aptitude was removed from default ubuntu installs15:04
falktxwhy does ubuntustudio still needs it?15:05
falktxinstallation failed! I'll try reinstall15:06
falktxscott-work: ubuntustudio is uninstallable15:15
falktx1st error - cannot find kernel15:15
falktx2nd error - trying to use aptitude while it's not installed anymore, gives errors after setting user password15:15
falktxthe 2nd error is the worse, the installation just stops15:16
falktxI'll install the "command-line only" option, then checking the ubuntustudio packages to see what pushes phonon15:17
falktxscott-work: it seems like all ubuntu alternate cds are now broken... :((15:22
falktx(maverick only, lucid is still fine)15:23
scott-workfalktx: most disturbing, i wonder if the server ISO is broken also, i will download a daily of both server-alternate and ubuntustudio for maverick tonight and see15:29
falktxi think it's because of the aptitude removal15:30
falktxthe kernel not found i'm not sure15:31
scott-workthis might be slightly bad since we are scheduled to release the next alpha ISO this Friday i think15:39
scott-worki wonder if this is a problem with installing in VM or just a problem holistically15:43
falktxthe aptitude error is bad, i'm sure it will happen to everyone15:43
scott-worki wonder if this is a transitory problem, it would surprise me if no one thought about this being a problem at Canonical or with one of the core-devs involved15:44
falktxprobably ubuntu changed the aptitude thing on their alternate cds15:47
falktxfor what i can tell, scripts are ran when installing from an alternate cd15:48
falktxone of those scripts has "aptitude" in line 215:48
falktxsince aptitude is no longer in ubuntu-minimal package (installed before the kernel),15:49
falktxeverything else will fail for those who depends on aptitude15:49
scott-workfalktx: you downloaded from the daily?16:56
falktxscott-work: yes, daily/current16:58
* abogani_ waves21:57
scott-workhi abogani  :)22:26
* holstein started using abogani 's kernel PPA22:32
scott-workhi holstein  :)22:33
scott-workbye holstein  :)22:33
TheMusoScottL: Yes, kde apps pull it in.22:53

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