
well_laid_lawnbut you have to kill X first00:00
twig_lemme pull that log up, i know ive looked but i cat remember now00:00
twig_i was hoping i wouldnt have to kill X, i saw that option but im real new with linux, i wouldnt bother with this except my monitor is small and i was trying to hook up a old crt so i could have the man and howto pages open while i worked00:05
well_laid_lawnif you want X to use another config it will need a restart - or you use randr from the cli00:07
well_laid_lawnwith the monitor plugged in and on does it show in xrandr00:07
Sysiarandr is graphical fronted for that00:07
well_laid_lawndid not know about arandr thnx Sysi00:08
twig_i had tried grandr but that showed showed a default and didnt give me ne way of adding an output00:09
twig_Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)   am i missing a pkg maybe?00:11
twig_arandr is same as grandr, it shows a output marked default and nothing else00:12
well_laid_lawnhow many outputs show up in xrandr then?00:14
well_laid_lawnat the top of http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 they show an example with four outputs00:15
twig_yeah i dont have that00:15
well_laid_lawnhow many outputs show up in xrandr then?00:16
Sysipastebin your xrandr output?00:16
twig_hold on one sec double checking making sure im reading it right00:17
twig_okay i think im showing one00:17
well_laid_lawnif there's more on the card the log will show 'em00:18
well_laid_lawnThe old days where you had to restart X when plugging a new monitor are gone. With RandR 1.2, you can plug/unplug monitors whenever you want. Running the following line will query all outputs and enable them with their default mode00:20
well_laid_lawnxrandr --auto00:21
twig_i tried that...  the term paused for a second and then gave me a new prompt00:21
well_laid_lawnare you trying to run onboard and a agp card at the same time?00:23
twig_apparently the onboard is either the agp or mislabeled because the second card is a old pci slot00:24
Sysitwo differen graphics card at the same time is something i wouldn't try00:25
twig_its a compaq p6700n onboard card with a matrox mill2 pci card00:25
well_laid_lawnit at least needs a diff approach00:25
twig_so rather than xinerama i should look into the seprate sessions deal so linux treats them as two diff desktops?00:27
well_laid_lawnI would look for two vid cards sharing X00:29
well_laid_lawnxinerama is for two outputs on the one card afaik00:30
twig_oh the pages i was looking at were sounding like xinerama didnt care as long as it could see two, they were about a year old though00:31
twig_the only things i had found was xin and twinview00:32
well_laid_lawntry   http://superuser.com/questions/117239/how-can-i-get-multiple-video-cards-to-work-on-linux00:32
twig_but i havnt been online in a long time00:32
well_laid_lawndoes   lspci | grep VGA   return two lines?00:34
twig_hold on a sec i was still reading it over00:35
well_laid_lawnk :]00:35
twig_got to much stuff open00:35
twig_2 VGA compatible controllers00:38
twig_so if i write the xorg.conf it will force evrything else to follow?00:39
well_laid_lawnexcellent - so in the xorg.conf you need two driver sections each showing the relevant bus id00:39
twig_i have a page witha  sample one fully written, with the info from this superuser.com link i should be able to re-write it00:41
well_laid_lawnand two monitor sections each one nemaed in the relevant driver section00:41
well_laid_lawnok great :]00:41
twig_when i first looked at that and then went to xorg.conf it was empty so i was still looking for a configuration file that had something in it00:41
twig_actually i think it was Xorg.conf00:42
twig_i checked them both to be sure00:42
well_laid_lawnit should be little x xorg.conf for the filename00:42
twig_i was checking everything i could find, looked up wildcard usage so i could search for every conf file, config, etc00:43
well_laid_lawnsome know google-fu some don't yet :]00:45
twig_so i make my backup and then the ubuntu forums has a howto (i already checked) on accessing files using chroot from the live cd, that should work to replace the blank conf file so that it will be were it is now correct?00:46
twig_yeah my search skills are crap, havnt had aconnect in years so ive been looking at googleguide and some other stuff like that00:46
texastwisterHaving trouble with an "alternate" install of Xubuntu 10.04 on a very old PC.  After going through the entire install, I get "error: unknown filesystem." and a grub rescue prompt.  Current partitioning is /dev/sda1 = 300 MB, bootable, ext3 (or 4) mounted at /boot, /dev/sda2 = 3G swap, /dev/sda3 = 70+GB ext4 mounted at /. Grub installed to /dev/sda.00:46
twig_i went through an hour and ahlaf of alt xubuntu last night got to grub install and failed00:47
texastwisterI've tried several other partition configs, but nothing seems to work.00:47
well_laid_lawntwig_: to get the xorg.conf file into /etc/X11 I would just do   sudo cp -v ./xorg.con /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then log out00:48
twig_its not as clean but theres a way to install ubuntu, then the xubuntu desktop and then remove most of the ubuntu install stuff that doesnt match up00:48
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »00:48
twig_thats the one ubottu00:50
twig_oh bot, duh00:50
texastwisterUsed the same disk on another system (not as old) with no problem...00:51
twig_texas: other than my optical drive continually trying to commit suicide the ubuntu install works really well00:51
twig_i dont know enough to help you ne more than that00:52
well_laid_lawntexastwister: anything in the bios about partition size limits?00:52
texastwisterwell_laid_lawn: Possibly -- but I thought I addressed that by creating the small /boot partition00:53
well_laid_lawntexastwister: it is trying to boot to the 70+GB partition00:54
well_laid_lawntry a 10GB / and the rest /home00:54
well_laid_lawnyou'll need an extended partition to do that00:55
well_laid_lawncan't have more than 4 primaries afaik00:55
texastwisterwell_laid_lawn: Should be booting just the kernel and the initrd from /boot, no?  And then the kernel should be able to address the rest of the disk... or so I thought...00:55
RJ_F1you need to set the root partition to load from, i believe00:56
Sysiyou can have every single folder in own partition00:56
texastwisterSysi: not quite true... several directories are required to be on the root partition for proper function.  But I know that many folders can be on dedicated partitions.00:57
RJ_F1I have a problem with the shutdown options00:59
RJ_F1the "save session" is not checked, yet when I reboot, what I had up comes back up anyway. Any way to fix that?01:00
well_laid_lawnat login select xfce session not last session iirc01:01
RJ_F1i believe it is auto set to "xubuntu session" should i still try xfce?01:01
well_laid_lawnis there no last session option?01:02
well_laid_lawnit might be the xubuntu one01:02
RJ_F1i do not think so. ,let me check.01:02
Sysitexastwister: afaik everything can be on differet partition, it's about unix-structure01:03
Sysitexastwister: of course you need to have fstab right then01:03
RJ_F1there is Xterm, Xfce, and Xubuntu session ( xubuntu session in italics)01:03
well_laid_lawnRJ_F1: I would try the xfce one01:04
Sysistay here long enough that i can tell solution -.-01:04
SysiRJ_F1: rm -rf .cache/sessions/01:04
RJ_F1sorry, it froze.01:05
RJ_F1should I run that as sudo?01:05
RJ_F1command completed with no messages.01:05
Sysiand then check tap for saving epty session01:05
RJ_F1sorry, i didnt get that01:06
Sysior well, it doesn't matter01:06
RJ_F1so it should be ok now?01:06
RJ_F1ok thanks.01:07
Sysii need to go to bed →01:07
RJ_F1goodnight, then, i guess01:07
twig_Xorg -configure02:18
dbdii407Where can I download the theme used in the current release?02:49
dbdii407My sister is bothered by this system's default look and is dying to have the old theme back02:50
tenachIs there a way to make xfce remember window locations?  It is the only gripe I have with this wm, and one would think that it'd do this by default.02:56
tenachI've been searching through documentation and google to no avail.02:57
icarushello, does anyone have experience with creating ntfs partitions?03:04
icarusi cant seem to get my windows 7 cd to accept the ntfs partition ive made from within linux03:04
xubuntu659anyone in here ?03:54
xubuntu659no none03:57
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu?04:01
thefatloverboyhow can i open a cd in xubuntu?04:05
mranimaquestion how do I install themes?04:33
=== sagarc is now known as sagarchalise
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Guest12135Would be possible to enable single click on desktop?08:31
TheSheepnot yet08:34
Guest12135is it something to do with GTK+?08:34
Guest12135is it reserved for gnome users only?08:37
TheSheepit's because of how the xfdesktop component of xfce is written08:39
TheSheepit will be rewritten to enable that option, but it takes time08:40
Guest12135right, thanks for information.08:40
sagarchaliseIs it possible to change default file manager to pcmanfm08:59
TheSheepjust start using that other file manager09:03
TheSheepthere is nothing that makes thunar special09:04
roniaSeems like Xubuntu fetches the wrong time from the network. Where are the settings for changing time zones/ time?10:27
TheSheepronia: system -> time and date10:30
redwyrmwhy does the verve command line not ever have focus?10:38
redwyrmeven when I click on it?10:38
redwyrm(I'm running 10.4)10:38
zaibhelp cant install new software10:42
TheSheepwhat is the error message?10:43
zaibPrevious installation hasn't been completed10:43
zaibThe installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software.10:43
TheSheepthat's pretty self-explanatory10:43
zaibthe above is the error10:44
zaibi m using ubuntu software centre10:44
TheSheepthe message already explains what happened and what you need to do, how can I help you further?10:45
zaibthis is my first day with any linux plz explan10:45
zaibwhat should i do10:46
knomezaib, we will help you, but there's no reason to lie (you've been asking for help here before, so it's not your first day)10:47
TheSheepzaib: can you go to applications->system->synaptic package manager and see if you get any error there?10:47
zaibAn error occurred  The following details are provided:10:48
zaibE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.10:49
knome!pastebin | zaib10:49
ubottuzaib: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
TheSheepok, can you try that command it recommends in terminal?10:49
zaibwhat is pastebin10:50
zaibhow can i take screen shot10:54
zaibhelp !10:59
roniaTheSheep, thx!10:59
schlaftierzaib: Note that you have misspelled "configure" there11:00
schlaftierand also omitted a space11:01
zaibhttp://imagebin.org/107770 now what11:03
schlaftierzaib: It's --configure -a (there's a space in between)11:04
zaibthe confiure -a also dont work11:07
schlaftiersudo dpkg --configure -a11:07
schlaftierzaib: Make sure to get every single character right, please.11:08
zaibconfigure sorry my ''G'' doest sometime work11:08
schlaftieryou might want to copy-paste that into your terminal11:08
zaibcan you tell me where space is and where not11:09
schlaftierzaib: just copy-paste it11:10
zaibhow can u copy paste on a terminal ?11:11
schlaftierzaib: right-click, or via the edit menu11:11
roniazaib, if you use the gui terminal, its also ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v11:12
zaibthanks all problem solved :)11:16
zaiband there is another problem ,vlc player show different line of colours like red ,green etc when i play dvd11:18
zaibhttp://imagebin.org/107776 problem not solved still cant install software11:28
zaibplz anyone help11:29
zaibsome one help11:31
schlaftierzaib: relax and have patience, this will not help. Eventually, somebody will be there to help11:36
schlaftierzaib: Try clicking on "Details"11:36
zaibdetails say :E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the fgfs-base package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch):11:45
schlaftierzaib: As it's pretty quiet here and it doesn't seem to be Xubuntu-specific, you might be better off asking in #ubuntu11:53
zaibthanks me going and thinking of removing xubuntu and installing xp11:56
zaibxp or xubuntu which is better11:58
Sysii hate xp so much11:58
schlaftierso do I11:59
schlaftierIf it must be Windows, then Vista or 712:00
Sysivista isn't really usable if you don't have 2-4GB ram12:01
zaibcan u name any other os that i can run on 192 mb RAM computer12:02
Sysi7 is almost okay but i'm not supportin piracy or expensive software12:02
Sysixp with 192mb sounds great, it's slow even with 51212:02
Sysiwin 98?12:02
zaibno not windows any linux12:03
SysiDSL, lubuntu, puppy12:03
schlaftierI suggest you keep Xubuntu and get rid of the problems you're having now12:04
zaibis xubuntu more heavy than lubuntu12:04
schlaftieroh, wait, only 192 MB... maybe Lubuntu is a better choice12:05
schlaftierBut then again, all these are only variants of Ubuntu which are different only because of the desktop environment and default software12:06
zaibis lubuntu faster than xp12:07
Sysishould be, lot12:07
Sysischlaftier: those are biggest you can do for memory footprint12:08
schlaftierSysi: Yes, I was just implying that zaib does not need to reinstall everything for "switching" from Xubuntu to Lubuntu12:09
zaibhow faster than xp (lubuntu)12:10
zaib42 ?12:10
Sysithat's right12:11
zaib42 ?12:11
zaibwhats right12:11
TheSheepok, maybe 41.7312:11
zaibwhat is 42 , 41.7312:11
Sysi"Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe and Everything"12:12
zaibtell me how are u comparin12:12
TheSheepwell, you should tell us in your question, because otherwise it doesn't make any sense12:12
Sysiand it's hard to tell exact difference12:13
zaibok  !12:13
Sysiand windows is after half of year a lot slower than after installing :P12:13
TheSheepusually doing very cpu-intensive things will be similar, because operating system tends to keep away from the program then12:14
zaibxubuntu is very slow than xp i think ?12:14
TheSheepbut things like starting up, starting an application, etc. will be faster, how much -- depends on the hardware and the application itself12:14
TheSheepzaib: no, it's much faster, at least on my computer12:15
Sysixubuntu works better with 256mb than xp, propably 512 too12:15
zaibso i should upgrade my RAM12:16
zaibwhat will u choose XP or XUBUNTU12:17
zaibok i m going bye12:17
TheSheepconsidering how my last windows was win95 and I'm pretty much lost in modern windows, I'd choose any linux distro12:18
Sysii can use win7, but i haven't found any reason yet12:18
TheSheepI'm mostly doing development, and windows is a hostile development environment for me12:20
Sysii'm just brosing internet and IRC, and doing schoolwork12:21
Sysiso i do not want search what antivirus would be okay, and scan from viruses and search through entire internet to get some program12:23
Sysiand xfce has very nice features12:24
qu4nthey - downloaded xubuntu but im stuck at the login screen - how is the default login? already tried admin, user, root, nothing ..... does not work12:33
Sysiyou're trying to install?12:34
qu4nti downloaded the xubuntu image and burned it to cd, but wanted to copy some files to an usb stick before installing so tried to just boot into it from cd.12:35
Sysitru ubuntu with empty passwd12:36
qu4ntdid that12:36
qu4ntalso xubuntu12:36
qu4ntthe image is from the mirror of the TU CHemnitz12:37
qu4ntshould work imho12:37
Takeasyi lost my panel in desktop12:37
Sysi!panels | Takeasy12:37
ubottuTakeasy: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/12:37
Sysiqu4nt: did you check the disc?12:38
Takeasyis it a FAQ?12:38
qu4ntSysi, what to you mean by that? it boots correctly, it just always says "Fehler bei der Authentifizierung"12:39
Takeasyrecently ? or has been keep asking?12:39
qu4ntSysi, i did not do a md5 check, could that be a cause for such an error12:42
Sysiqu4nt: there is option for checking in the first menu, you should try that12:43
Sysijust rebooting worth a try too12:43
SysiTakeasy: i've seen it many time since 8.04 when i started using xubuntu12:44
qu4ntSysi, ok i will try that. if it does not help, i will burn another iso from another mirror. thanks, bb12:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:48
Sysido you have script for that hi or do you write it by hand every time? :P13:49
bazhangSysi, its a !factoid13:49
Sysibazhang: yeah i know13:49
bazhangah sorry Sysi you meant slow-motion and the hi13:50
slow-motionhi bazhang13:52
bazhangslow-motion, hi!13:52
zaib_hi i have a old laptop http://paste.ubuntu.com/472258/ plz tell me that will lubuntu run faster xp on my laptop17:32
Sysithis channel isn't about either, lubuntu or xp17:33
zaib_but still help will be great17:33
charlie-tcaDon't really know. I use Xubuntu. perhaps you could ask that in #lubuntu17:33
zaib_i have also asked on #lubuntu but no one is answering17:34
charlie-tcaHmm, I don't think Xubuntu will be able to tell you if "lubuntu" will be better for you, honestly.17:35
zaib_i have read some reviews ,saying that xubuntu is little more heavy than even ubuntu17:35
charlie-tcaThere will always be some bad reviews. Have you read the ones that say it is not more heavy?17:36
th0ra better idea would be to try them both and decide for yourself17:36
zaib_but honestly is xubuntu heavy than ubuntu ?17:37
zaib_i dont have lot of net speed (256 kb speed) to download all the distributions17:38
charlie-tcaread that report. They are a trusted testing group17:38
zaib_ok i have read that report, i see not much difference in XFCE and LXDE but still noticeable difference17:51
zaib_thanks i have my answer (xp) now i wont be bothering you guys anymore :)17:55
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:56
charlie-tcagood luck17:56
zaib_ya i will need it as sometimes my cd-ROM dont work :)17:57
zaib_bye bye and thanks for ur great hospitality17:58
rwwCan I set the Xfce Menu to open when I press Alt-F1, like the menus in Ubuntu and Kubuntu do?19:30
charlie-tcasure - define a shortcut in settings -> keyboard19:31
rwwcharlie-tca: for xfce4-popup-menu?19:31
charlie-tcafor the applications menu19:32
charlie-tcaYou can also get the menu in Xubuntu by right-clicking the desktop and choosing applications with the moust19:33
malikeye|123how does one choose the default audio device?20:38
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
redwyrmwhy does the verve command line not ever have focus, even when I click on it? (I'm running 10.4)20:54

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