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sebi`hi, how would I delete/remove a project registered by me?05:54
thumpersebi`: ask a question on Launchpad is the easiest trackable way06:02
thumpersebi`: which project?06:03
sebi`on launchpad? what do you mean?06:03
thumpersebi`: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion06:03
thumpersebi`: but if you tell me which, I could help06:03
sebi`launchpad.net/frey is the project in question, I've discontinued it awhile ago (it's developed under a different name now and on a different site)06:03
sebi`I've set the owner to the launchpad internals (so I believe...), that means, I can't really access anything there anymore :/06:04
sebi`anyway, since the project site isn't needed anymore, I thought I could as well get rid of it06:05
thumpersebi`: done06:06
sebi`oh, thank you06:06
sebi`also, out of curiousity, is Launchpad ever planning to support Git?06:07
sebi`.. I guess not? :(06:18
thumpersebi`: sorry, was distracted06:19
thumpersebi`: at this stage there are no plans for native git support06:20
sebi`thumper: oh, but you say native? does that mean there is some sort of a bazar<->git bridge?06:34
thumpersebi`: yes there is06:34
thumpersebi`: you can have a foreign mirror of git branches in bzr format06:34
sebi`when I decided to abandon frey, I actually tried to maintain both the bazaar repository and the git repository, but that didn't work out so well (bzr kept appending .git* files, and other uncomfortable things)06:35
sebi`nice, do you have a link or something similar with additional information?06:35
thumpersebi`: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports06:36
sebi`ah, thank you06:36
thumperalthough reading that I can see it isn't entirely up to date06:37
sebi`oh :(06:37
thumperbut in a good way06:37
sebi`I think I'll just play around with my local bazaar/git servers, and try to figure out how the bridging-stuff works06:39
thumpersebi`: well if you have a git branch hosted publicly06:40
thumpersebi`: you can request a git import easily on the lp project06:40
thumpersebi`: and just give the git location06:40
thumpersebi`: and LP does the rest06:40
thumpersebi`: it uses the bzr-git plugin06:40
sebi`neat, in that case I might consider registering the newly named project at launchpad then06:41
sebi`thank you, thumper06:41
thumpersebi`: np06:41
sebi`thumper: project registered and import requested. that was much easier than expected :D06:51
sebi`the importlog shows an error traceback, though06:55
bebo_mzcan any one help me in this W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 449F83829320B41C07:53
bilalakhtarbebo_mz: run the command07:59
bilalakhtarjust a minute07:59
bilalakhtarsudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True08:00
bilalakhtarrun this command ^^08:00
bebo_mzwhat is my proplem08:00
wgrantThat's not the issue.08:01
wgrantbebo_mz: How did you add the repository?08:01
bebo_mzadd what08:02
wgrantThe PPA.08:02
bebo_mzsome times by .deb08:02
bebo_mz bilalakhtar : that still the same08:03
bebo_mzW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 449F83829320B41C08:04
bilalakhtarbebo_mz: Make sure you have the key in the apt keyring08:05
bebo_mzhow that08:06
bilalakhtarbebo_mz: open software source08:06
bebo_mzi open it now08:06
bebo_mzand check in authentication08:07
bebo_mzbut i think there no pub key for lucid08:07
bebo_mzi had fix it08:12
bebo_mzi hope all of you enjoy it08:13
bebo_mzand thanks for all08:13
bebo_mzi have to go now08:13
sebi`okay, apparently the import failed and I've received a Mail about this. How would I change the git location then?08:44
sebi`also, the log doesn't really imply that the location is wrong, but rather that bzr-git isn't able to parse it properly08:45
maxbsebi`: which import?08:49
sebi`import of a git repository into my project08:49
thumpersebi`: if you put the url into a browser, you can see it doesn't exist08:51
thumpersebi`: I can easily update it if you give me the right link08:51
thumpermaxb: hi08:51
sebi`thumper: that#s because github is expecting a git client, not a webbrowser08:52
sebi`the refs url in the logs however works just fine08:53
sebi`and it's the URL from the readonly HTTP git acces, so it *should* work08:53
sebi`access, even08:53
sebi`thumper: you're able to access the refs url, right?08:55
thumperyes that works08:55
thumpersebi`: jelmer should be along shortly, and he wrote bzr-git08:56
sebi`the readonly url is just the repository URL with ".git" appended08:56
thumpersebi`: so when you see him, ask away08:56
sebi`I will08:57
maxbThere is a more practical solution - just import over the git protocol. Which should be faster anyway08:57
sebi`might be a try worth08:57
* maxb edits url08:57
sebi`to git://github.com/nebukadnezzar/mars.git08:58
sebi`thanks in advance, hehe :P08:58
maxbRight, that works09:00
maxbSomething rather odd is going on that http did not09:01
sebi`nice, yeah that worked09:01
* thumper remembers09:01
thumperthere is a bug with our version of bzr-git right now09:01
thumperjelmer has landed a fix09:01
sebi`the trunkpage still thinks that there is no repository for mars, though... :(09:01
thumperto be rolled out at the next release09:01
sebi`ooh nevermind, I forgot to link the branch09:03
sebi`I presume bzr-git will automatically mirror all changes?09:05
maxbeverything on the HEAD branch09:08
thopiekarthank you for setting up more i386 builders!09:48
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alkisgTuxpaint and tuxtype were demoted from main to universe in the Lucid cycle. As a result, the translations are missing, because they were stripped, supposedly to go to langpacks.11:32
alkisgI think LP should somehow force a reupload of the packages being demoted, to prevent that problem. Should I file a bug against LP for this? Or just try to apply for an SRU for the affected packages?11:32
alkisg(Bugs #572994 and #512285)11:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 572994 in tuxpaint (Ubuntu) "Unable to change the language in Tuxpaint (dup-of: 503919)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57299411:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 503919 in Baltix "Translations missing in tuxpaint-data Ubuntu 10.04 package (affected: 10, heat: 43)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50391911:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 512285 in tuxtype (Ubuntu) "Cannot change language (affected: 1, heat: 20)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51228511:35
alkisgOr at least the developers should be notified that each demotion should be accompanied by a dummy version bump?11:37
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wgrantalkisg: What do you mean by 'a reupload'?11:58
wgrantIt requires a full rebuild.11:59
alkisgwgrant: my terminology might need improving, I mean that no source code needs to be changed, just a version bump + rebuild11:59
alkisgI filed bug #612909 for soyuz, I hope that was the right thing to do.12:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 612909 in Soyuz "Packages demoted from main to universe lack the translations (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61290912:01
dpmalkisg, in the meantime, do you think you could file a bug for each of the affected packages in Ubuntu, so that this could be fixed in a Stable Release Upload (SRU)? Here's an example of the same bug for ekiga -> bug 57706712:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 577067 in Ubuntu Translations "ekiga is in English (not localized / translated) in non-English system (affected: 5, heat: 30)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57706712:03
alkisgdpm, is a separate bug required? (a bug already exist for each of those packages). If so, sure, I'd be glad to.12:04
alkisg(see above for the bug links)12:04
dpmalkisg, no separate bug needed if there already is one for each of the packages12:04
alkisgNice. So I should just subscribe ubuntu-sru team?12:04
* alkisg reads https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates ...12:04
dpmalkisg, yes, but I'd also reword the bug description to be more in line with the guidelines on that wiki page12:06
alkisgThank you, will do that now.12:06
dpmthank you!12:07
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alkisghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates mentions that I should upload the fixed package to lucid-proposed. Should I really go ahead and do that? (it's pretty safe as no source code is changed, just a version bump). Is it OK that my name will be there in the changelog (unless I somehow upload it unsigned?)12:37
shadeslayeralkisg: not really the place to ask imo12:37
wgrantalkisg: How else will the package get into the archive?12:38
alkisg(it's a little out of topic now, but since it's just a yes/no question and I already have all the "history" above...)12:38
alkisgshadeslayer: heh I was just writing that12:38
wgrantBut yes, #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu is more appropriate.12:38
shadeslayer^ was about to say that :P12:38
wgrantSomeone has to upload it to lucid-proposed. It might as well be used.12:38
wgrantBe *you*.12:38
alkisgwgrant: it's the first time I'm doing this, sorry for asking simple questions :)12:38
alkisgOK, thanks, /me reads about uploading to -proposed...12:38
geserdoes somebody know if those 290 i386 jobs in the "official" build queue will get build eventually? As I see sometimes all 3 i386 buildds idling while there are still jobs in the queue and new uploads seem to get a higher build priority12:47
bigjoolsgeser: the page has a bug12:48
bigjoolsthey're translations jobs that should be in the PPA queue12:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 609904 in Soyuz "BuilderSet.getBuildQueueSizes needs to consider virtualized=NULL as false (affected: 1, heat: 19)" [High,Triaged]12:48
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ams_cshi all, I'm trying to work out why I'm not getting email notification from Launchpad. Does anybody know how to tell if email is being sent to a group address?14:22
ams_csI want https://launchpad.net/~codesourcery-linaro-list to recieve merge notifications from https://code.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro and send them to the CS mailing list, but it's not working. Any ideas?14:27
cody-somervilleams_cs, You probably need to modify the team's subscription14:29
cody-somervilleams_cs, its probably set up not to send any mail at all right now14:29
cody-somervilleams_cs, or the mails are getting held up in moderation14:29
ams_csI can't check, because I don't own the group, but I believe lool set it up to do that14:30
cody-somervilleams_cs, all e-mail sent to that group will be sent to gnu-linaro-tools@codesourcery.com14:31
ams_cscody-somerville: right, but I'm not seeing it, so either it's being swallowed elsewhere, or never sent in the first place14:32
cody-somervilleoh right, you're not a member of the team so you can't see the how the subscription is configured14:33
cody-somervilleyou'll have to ping lool14:33
ams_cscody-somerville: yeah, I did that, but he's travelling, and suggested that somebody here would be able to determine the problem14:33
MTecknologyAny chance I can get a review of this? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jailkit/jailkit/debian14:40
MTecknologyThis one is better :) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jailkit/jailkit/trunk14:45
jelmerMTecknology, done14:51
micahglifeless: I have an editstatus oops if you want it15:07
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MTecknologyjelmer: thanks :D15:29
mxpxpodhow do I get both backports and proposed as dependencies for my PPA?15:43
micahgmxpxpod: on the PPA home page there should be an edit dependencies for something like that15:45
mxpxpodmicahg: right, but it looks like I can only select proposed or backports15:45
mxpxpodnot both15:45
bigjoolsmxpxpod: you can't :(15:45
bigjoolsfile a bug about it, it's not too hard to fix15:46
mxpxpodDoes the "backports" option include all of the options above it?15:48
loolams_cs, cody-somerville: I just checked, and the team is sub-ed to "Email about all changes" for "Code review Level", on both branches15:49
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loolams_cs: I really think you ought to check the mail server on the other side, I can provide you with approximate dates at which they reached my server15:49
ams_cslool: sure, but I don't have access, and the guy who does is unlikely to be out of bed yet, and is overworked anyway15:50
loolams_cs: Still, it's the likely the problem is on this side, since I get emails, and we confirmed the email address of the team15:51
loolI can certainly see Launchpad send emails out15:51
ams_cslool: right, and have the same emails in my personal inbox15:51
ams_cslool: it's just the list copy that's missing15:52
loolIt certainly sounds like a mailing-list manager issue, not a Launchpad issue15:52
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MTecknologyIsn't estimated wait time for builds supposed to down instead of up? From 6hr to 22hr to 1day seems kinda backward. :P16:16
MTecknologyIt'd be coolk if we could donate resources for building. :)16:16
micahgMTecknology: builders disappeared again16:20
MTecknologymicahg: oh, it's sad when that happens16:23
dai not good english beei16:37
micahglifeless: I have another distrotask timeout and I have the oops code, should I update my bug with the neew code?16:54
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ftamicahg, yep, saw that too, that's sad. i'm now building my stuff on my own hardware as the ppas are no longer reliable. i'll tell the complaining users there's nothing i can do for them anymore and that they should suffer endlessly with agonizing ppas17:36
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MTecknologygrr... I built a package in launchpad, it's published - but I can't install it18:11
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MTecknologyand now I see why..18:18
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ari-tczewis launchpad got a bug in assigning?20:41
deryckari-tczew, are you trying to assign a bug to someone other than yourself?20:43
micahgari-tczew: no, only bug supervisors can assign to others, or one can assign to onesself20:43
ari-tczewderyck, micahg: I want to assign someone else than me20:44
micahgari-tczew: you can't do that20:45
ari-tczewonce I could do it. now it doesn't work20:45
micahgari-tczew: see the link that deryck posted20:45
deryckari-tczew, is this your project on Launchpad?20:45
ari-tczewderyck: no20:45
deryckhi micahg.  :-)20:45
ari-tczewhmmm, maybe it's good idea.20:46
deryckari-tczew, yeah, so you no longer can do this.  See the blog post20:46
micahghi deryck :)20:46
ari-tczewit's prevent bug from newbies20:46
deryckari-tczew, plus, you really shouldn't assign a bug to someone to get their attention.  You're committing them to work on a bug that they may not be able to work on.20:47
deryckthis is open to abuse20:47
ari-tczewI myself once did mistakes like assign to latest uploader for merge. I've been didn't familiar with procedures :P20:47
micahgwhich is why you fixed it deryck :)20:47
deryckexactly :-)20:47
micahgari-tczew: you shouldn't be assigning to uploaders20:48
micahgyou can subscribe someone if you think they have an interest in the bug20:48
ari-tczewmicahg: it's history!~20:48
lifelessmicahg: yes please21:47
micahglifeless: I trusted my gut and filed it :)21:48
micahglifeless: BTW, I updated my old bug, and now distrotask seems to be unusable in stable bug 60901221:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 609012 in Launchpad Bugs "+distrotask timeout (affected: 1, heat: 21)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60901221:49
ari-tczewlast time +related-software gives timeout22:12
micahglifeless: ^^22:14
ari-tczewmicahg: hmm?22:15
micahgari-tczew: he's on a performance kick at the moment22:15
ari-tczewmicahg: who?22:16
micahgari-tczew: lifeless.22:16
lifelessmicahg: hi, sorry, morning email blitz22:17
micahglifeless: ari-tczew is having a timeout issue with +related-software22:17
* micahg doesn't know where that belongs22:17
ari-tczewmicahg: ah! you mean about user. I thought that you're commenting situation22:18
lifelessari-tczew: when you get a timeout22:18
lifelessari-tczew: please file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug and include the OOPS code22:18
ari-tczewlifeless: when I'm on a user's profil and click on Related software and packages22:19
ari-tczewwhat's the OOPS?22:19
lifelessari-tczew: theres a long story behind this, but doing that gives our process a real thing to hook into and fix22:19
lifelessari-tczew: it should be in the text of the error page22:19
micahglifeless: BTW, I updated my old bug, and now distrotask seems to be unusable in stable bug 609012 <--- from above as well22:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 609012 in Launchpad Bugs "+distrotask timeout (affected: 1, heat: 21)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60901222:20
lifelessmicahg: for your distrotask thing - you can see stuarts comment, the page needs to be tuned22:20
micahglifeless: I know, but I'm adding urgency since stable is currently unusable :)22:20
lifelessmicahg: what do you mean by stable ?22:20
micahglifeless: lp.net, not edge22:21
lifelessso, lp.net has a higher timeout limit. And *more timeouts*22:21
lifelessso, if edge doesn't work, its very unlikely lp.net will22:21
micahglifeless: well, most things I get working if I disable edge, didn't help for +distrotask22:21
lifelessmicahg: I've got graphs for this ;)22:22
lifelessproduction has about 10 times the timeouts edge does22:22
micahglifeless: I believe you, I'm just telling you my experience with using edge primarily22:22
lifelessits also slower - compare https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug vs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug :)22:22
lifelessmicahg: sure, I appreciate that.22:23
lifelessari-tczew: could you take a screen shot of the error page you get ?22:23
ari-tczewlifeless: no problem, give me 5 minutes22:23
lifelessari-tczew: I know LP is slow, sorry! :P22:23
micahglifeless: any performance improvents with next week's rollout?22:24
ari-tczewlifeless: haha, I mean that I need to finish something :P22:24
lifelessmicahg: yeah22:24
micahgthat's good22:24
lifelessmicahg: in particular filebug22:24
micahgyeah, that's a nasty one for people because back doesn't work as opposed to +distrotask22:24
lifelessmicahg: which has been my pet project, but I've seen other timeout fixes go through22:24
micahgI was trying to keep an eye on fixes for a while, but I don't have time anymore, I just scan the titles for stuff that affects me now22:25
lifelessheh, yeah - and I hope we'll make it harder still (by doing more stuff :))22:29
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josh_kwho do I hassle to get private branches on my fancy $$PAID$$ LP Project?22:39
lifelessI think any losa can do that, though I'm not totally sure.22:39
lifelessbac: I know you've handed this off - but can you confirm process : once the project has a voucher, losas can do the rest ?22:40
josh_kany way I can easily tell who;s a losa?22:40
baclifeless: that should be the case.  it's really better to ask mrevell or me, instead of a losa22:41
bacjosh_k: what project ?22:41
josh_kbac: thanks! https://edge.launchpad.net/project-082322:41
ari-tczewlifeless: where you would see uploaded screenshot?22:45
wgrantlamont: Around?22:45
lifelessari-tczew: anywhere you like22:47
lifelessari-tczew: e.g. http://imagebin.org/22:47
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ari-tczewlifeless: what do you want to see in image? only web browser?22:49
ari-tczewfull desktop items22:49
lifelessjust the error page you get22:49
ari-tczewlifeless: http://imagebin.org/10800422:52
lifelessari-tczew: see where it says Error ID:22:52
lifelessari-tczew: after that is the OOPS code22:52
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ari-tczewlifeless: it's black magic for me22:53
lifelessin your case it is OOPS-1676D194622:53
lifelessari-tczew: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bhavi/+related-software may work better, the page has been improved in the next release22:55
ari-tczewlifeless: when will be next release?22:59
lifeless12th august23:00
ari-tczewlifeless: so do you propose use edge version?23:08
lifelessari-tczew: it may work better for you23:08
ari-tczewlifeless: are you sure that this issue will be fixed in next release?23:10
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josh_kbac: btw, looks like I'm all private now23:13
josh_kthanks! :)23:13
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lifelessari-tczew: no I'm not23:14
lifelessari-tczew: if you try the edge page and it works then that is a good sign that it may be fixed.23:14
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mwhudsonooo my recipe build might actually build today!23:32
wgrantmwhudson: Have you applied the 2-3x buildd-manager inefficiency factor?23:34
mwhudsonwgrant: not so specifically23:34
mwhudsonwgrant: but it said 17 hours 24 hours ago and says 3 hours now23:34
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