
h00kUnity is turning out pretty cool00:20
h00kaaaaaaand it just thrashed to it's death00:20
h00kand it's bank.00:20
yofelhm, shouldn't file roller have an application menu entry? it does seem to have a .desktop file, but I don't see it in the Applications menu here in kde00:22
yofel(the debian menu entry is there)00:23
Daekdroomyofel, isn't there a menu editor program in which you can disable those entries?00:25
PiciI think its hidden by default.00:29
yofelhm, what's the name of the gnome menu editor? I can't find it anywhere in the kde menu editor00:30
bjsniderBUGabundo, did you find out what the story is with the html5 chromium issue?00:33
BUGabundolet me restest00:34
BUGabundoand now it works00:34
BUGabundolong live dailys00:34
yofelDaekdroom, Pici, thanks for the help, seems like the kde menu doesn't like hidden entries...00:55
BUGabundobjsnider: spoke to soon01:00
BUGabundohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDp1MGlfGQ8 won't open01:00
phillwHi good people, whilst I'm sure I have seen this before, is there still usb 1.1 support in the new kernel?02:02
h00kphillw: I would assume, yeah02:19
h00kphillw: I don't know for sure, but I'd think so.02:19
phillwhmm, yeah it does appear to, but a 1.1 hard drive (external device) is failing as  ehci_hcd (the usb 2?) is not allowing the ohci (1.1 ?) to have a try :-\02:21
DanaGArgh, brightness control doesn't work on Intel OR fglrx on Maverick!02:22
DanaGthat's on fglrx.02:22
DanaGIt randomly starts saying "no hardware support"02:24
h00kDanaG: it works here on mavericks :(02:24
h00kThe notify-osd indicator isn't correct, however02:24
PiciWorks with my ati open drivers here.02:25
DanaGHmm, for me, brightness has NEVER worked with the open drivers.02:25
DanaGNo xrandr brightness support.02:25
DanaG - executing /usr/sbin/gnome-power-backlight-helper --get-brightness retval: 0 - failed to set using xrandr, falling back to HAL - no hardware support02:27
DanaGWait, how the heck is "helper" "using HAL"?02:27
DanaGOr rather, xrandr?02:27
DanaGHelper doesn't use xrandr.... that's bogus.  the xrandr module uses xrandr.02:28
DanaGHelper uses /sys/class/backlight directly!02:28
Gumby``hi all.  I cant get to #ubuntu because I am banned for some reason (I think I said something that was supposedly inappropriate about a month ago and I am still banned) so I'll ask here in hopes that someone knows the answer.02:31
Gumby``Does anyone know why empathy wont connect to MSN most of the time?02:32
Volkodavbecause they both suck02:33
DanaGmy own issue: bug 53467702:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534677 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "[lucid] Broken backlight control with Radeon open-source drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53467702:33
DanaGsTUPID brightness control.02:40
DanaGIt works a few times, then randomly decides to quit working.02:40
LoverBoyVwell at least the release a fix for compiz02:40
DanaGstupid touchpad scroll.02:42
DanaGAnd stupid g-p-m.02:42
DanaGIt uses the gpm backlight helper (that uses hardcoded paths in /sys/class/backlight, and by the way, happens to miss "samsung")... and then complains that "setting brightness using xrandr failed".02:42
DanaGThat makes no sense... how can setting via xrandr fail, when that's not even what it's trying to use?02:42
DanaGThat's like saying "failed to find ice cream in the freezer" when you walked over to the cabinets and pulled out a box of cereal.02:43
DanaGOr something like that.02:44
DanaGOr rather, it's like complaining about "ice cream" in "freezer" when you look for, and don't find, the cereal.02:45
DanaGgreat, now I'm craving ice cream.02:46
DanaGOkay, now it's even weirder: it seems the brightness controls only break exactly when I hit minimum or maximum brightness.03:01
KukuNutis kubuntu-netbook iso dead?  last update was 7/703:24
JontheEchidnaKukuNut: it has been incorporated into the regular iso, and will automatically configure a Kubuntu Netbook install if it detects you are on a netbook. You can change this after the install by changing the workspace type in the Workspace module of System Settings03:36
KukuNutJontheEchidna: thanks.03:39
DanaGBleargh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/61259106:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612591 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Kernel treats 3-button touchpad as 1-button ClickPad" [Undecided,New]06:18
SandGorgonI just read a (old) blog post on sun about how dynamic linking isnt all that its touted to be : http://blogs.sun.com/rvs/entry/what_does_dynamic_linking_and . Kinda interesting if you ship all dependencies with the software (self contained in a directory) - no more messing around with dependencies06:40
demopigDo a lot of you run ubuntu server?07:47
mespejelhello which are the major differences between ubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu 10.1008:38
SwedeMikeyou probably have to google for different articles regarding that, http://news.downloadatoz.com/ubuntu-10-10-will-apply-default-programs-20100515.html is one of them08:40
mespejeli guess i will stick to the LTS08:44
mespejeli dont see a mjor difference08:44
SwedeMikeI'd some people will move in order to get the 2.6.35 kernel for hardware support08:45
eranew font is so tight10:18
erathunderbird has never looks so sexy.10:18
BUGabundo_remotethis gtk bug has never been worse :(10:58
Ian_corneanyone know where I could find and fix this?11:21
Ian_corneand I don't really see anything that shouldn't be there11:22
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Ian_corneI manually removed those lines from the file(s)13:07
Ian_corneand it seems to be working now13:07
Ian_cornelooks like an interrupted update13:07
BUGabundo_remoteIan_corne: I got that too13:10
BUGabundo_remoteblame oracle :P13:10
BUGabundo_remotelike they did with their sign keys13:10
BUGabundo_remoteI also had to manually delete the lines from the file, and then it worked fine13:10
JoshuaLAnyone else having the issue where the sound gets muted after an reboot?13:30
JoshuaLAnd if not, what package should be reported when creating a bug report?13:31
TommyThaGunI just got a bunch of these "N: Ignoring file 'google-chrome.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension" when I rean gn update14:09
TommyThaGunthey were all for different files14:09
TommyThaGunI ran a purge and a clean and they are still there14:09
TommyThaGunshould I just go in there and delete those files manually?14:10
yofelTommyThaGun: see bug 61192514:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611925 in apt (Ubuntu) "sources are not recognized " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61192514:22
bblazehey, this is my first time testing and i'm a bit confused by the output after when running dist-upgrade - http://nopaste.info/4564a7b527.html14:28
bblazeI do understand what it says, just wondering if anyone could explain to me why that happens.14:28
Picibblaze: Its just the current state of the archives. Usually in cases like that I just hit 'n' until it gives me a solution that leaves all affected packages unupgraded.14:31
PiciWhich in this case would end up upgrading nothing.14:31
charlie-tcaNot all packages get updated at the same time, when you are using the development version.14:31
napsy_Hello. Can I install the system onto a btrfs filesystem from the alternate installer?14:33
bblazeAh, i see. That's what I figured at first, but the thought that maybe there's some lumping together of packages or renaming going on crept into my mind as well14:33
bblazealright, thanks then!14:33
head_victimAnd depends how up to date the mirror is as well14:33
TommyThaGunyofel, thanks. So basically, it can just be ignored it sounds like.14:34
TommyThaGunnothing has broken at least14:34
TommyThaGunmy system is not going to fall apart because of this14:35
charlie-tcanapsy_: yes, but I think you need a separate non-btrfs boot partition for grub14:35
yofelnope, it's just that apt started warning about this now14:35
napsy_oh ok14:35
BUGabundo_remoteis there a metacity app/plugin to tile selectable windows?14:56
BUGabundo_remotefound x-tile15:07
BUGabundo_remoteanyone wants to package it ?15:08
BUGabundo_remoteonly does 4 way split15:37
BUGabundo_remoteI need at least 815:37
* charlie-tca thinks BUGabundo_remote is getting greedy now15:40
BUGabundo_remotecharlie-tca: really big screen15:53
BUGabundo_remoteneed  to split my chat windows15:53
BUGabundo_remoteIf builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.15:54
charlie-tcaI really like the "if it doesn't, it does NOT" phrase15:54
BUGabundo_remotethat one is nice15:55
funkyHatGetting this over and over while updating: (gtk-update-icon-cache:10051): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory18:12
dupondjealot of AppArmor warnings :P18:30
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DrHalani am looking for gnome-db in maverick20:43
DrHalandoes only to exsist in gutsy..20:43
yofelmergeant existed until karmic20:44
DrHalanwhat happened with it?20:45
yofelnot sure, it was removed from debian too, maybe unmaintained20:45
DrHalanpostgre-sql is broken atm20:45
DrHalanso i don'T really have a way to manage my database20:46
Picidebian #56136620:47
ubottuDebian bug 561366 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mergeant -- ROM; unmaintained, obsolete; depends on libgnomedb3" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/56136620:47
DrHalanthanks Pici20:47
DrHalanis there another gui tool for postgre in ubuntu?20:47
Pici!info pgadmin320:55
ubottupgadmin3 (source: pgadmin3): graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.3-1 (maverick), package size 2010 kB, installed size 6808 kB20:55
PiciDrHalan: Perhaps that? I just found it with apt-cache search20:55
DrHalanthats the one that is broken in maverick atm20:56
DrHalanbecause it depens on wxwidgets and the packages changed a little20:56
DrHalanill try to debian packages20:57
PiciWait for a fix? You shouldn't be using Maverick on production machines anyway.20:57
DrHalanwell the bug is reported for some tme20:57
DrHalani like using unstable systems.20:57
Ian_corneanyone got fglrx working yet?21:04
DrHalanusing nvidia sorry21:04
JoshuaLisnt fglrx always a pain? :)21:05
Ian_corneIt is21:06
DrHalanwhy not use the os drivers?21:06
Ian_corneI do now21:06
Ian_cornebut they're not good enough if I want to play a 3D game21:06
JoshuaLIan_corne, ati always releases an driver for ubuntu just before release21:08
JoshuaLthats what i always experienced when i had ati21:08
JoshuaLthats why i switched to nvidia :)21:08
DrHalanat least they support open source drivers21:09
JoshuaLQuestion, what is the best way to update your system in ubuntu+1, via the update-manager (which seems to eat a lot of cpu when starting lately) or via apt-get update?21:09
mvoJoshuaL: the startup problem is a cairo bug/problem21:10
yofelJoshuaL: doesn't matter, all should work21:10
mvoif you switch your theme it should go away (or at least get massively better)21:10
JoshuaLyofel, and what if it asks for partial upgrade?21:10
yofelJoshuaL: errr, BAD, there's a forum thread with a good explenation about that, let me look for it21:11
Ian_corneJoshuaL: I stick with ati, they OS driver is miles better21:11
DrHalanJoshuaL: you have to use apt-get dist-upgrade21:11
JoshuaLyofel, i usually ignore it and wait a day lol21:11
Ian_corneand the hardware/cost is better21:11
DrHalanbut it really is up to you how you update your system..21:11
DaekdroomI use safe-upgrade untill they fix the package wreckage21:12
yofelJoshuaL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147914621:13
JoshuaLyofel, ty21:14
Ian_cornesafe-upgrade sometimes doesn't dare to remove package0 to replace with pacakge121:14
pvandewyngaerdeanyone else having dbus errors when upgrading ?21:34
pvandewyngaerdeError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 121:34
cjohnstonI'm getting these messages after doing an apt-get update.. is there a way to fix things? http://paste.ubuntu.com/472797/21:35
yofelcjohnston: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/61192521:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611925 in apt (Ubuntu) "sources are not recognized " [Undecided,Confirmed]21:36
cjohnstonthanks yofel21:37
pvandewyngaerdei had this too a few days ago,  but i removed the .save files because i dont need them21:41
Daekdroompvandewyngaerde, what do those do?21:41
pvandewyngaerdei dont know21:42
cjohnstonpvandewyngaerde: did that fix it?21:42
cjohnstonor did that cause more problems?21:42
DaekdroomI removed them and my system looks fine.21:43
DaekdroomI did that yesterday, did a few upgrades since.21:43
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funkyHat:/ a couple of times I've not been able to escape the fade-out to screensaver22:27
funkyHatWiggle the mouse and hit stuff but it just keeps fading ⢁(22:28
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Phxdroughtdoes anyone know if there has been a comparison chart of putting putting files in the U1 folder ver. linking. Im trying a few files both ways and trying which way is convenient if thats the correct word to use. Im sure something will come together after using it for awhile23:09
PhxdroughtI guess if your linking a bunch of files you'd better keep a record of them cause they could be scattered all over in your docs. where as putting them in U1 folder they are all gathered together for easier find23:13

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